#i regret nothingggggg
TOO many words and too much editing...... i need to lay down
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wilddogz · 1 year
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thank you kind stranger! i don't know what a smooch is but i appreciate it very much :)
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gayspock · 15 days
la la la
whatever im being a sour git again. ifeel like its just getting harder and harder every day not to be a jaded, bitter fucking asshole over eveyrthing and i feel sick with myself or whatever. and wah wah wahhhh its not fair. who give a fuck. i dont know. like its just cuz even if u try rlly hard not to be what is even the point in the end. whats the difference any more when youre so insignificat nobodys ever going to notice.like itslike even if u try not to be its just hard. fighting back just fucking being angry and upset all the fuckingtime because it just comes at you so fucking fast over nothingggggg. and trying to stop it . just maes yourself more miserable and exhausted as u reppress it all into some deep fucking hole inside of you .
and its sort of funny and ironic cuz u knowwwww it'd be more of a reason for people to say oh this is why youre alone and no one likes you cuz u dont try hard enough when trying hard never gets anyhting .etc. etc. just another reason for people to not come near you but like thatslike the crux of it rght. like wah wah wah woe is me itwould be so much easier to jsut try if any of it mattered when i but it never means anything so what IS the difference. alone and fucking exhausted or alone and fucking resented whats the point anymore in any of it . i tried to enjoy myself over the weekend but i jsut kept spiralling more often than i wasnt and sort of regret the wholefucking thing because its just a lot of wasted money . and yes i feel worse and fucking lonelier half the time out there. and man i wish hanging yourself was like actually easy to do effectively amen or whatever
wherewas i. hm. speakingof being a bitterjaded asshole this week. i just know people mean well by it but do you ever wanna scratch someones fucking eyeballs out every time they open the can opener on fucking mass produced platitude of the week to make everyone with sometihing tolive for feel better. i dont know. i thinkagain just. somethingsomething i odnt fucking care about trying with that any more my god the patronising way people fucking look down on you when you dont fucking submit to what they say immediately and have a different genuine fucking reaction that isnt what they want because no . no if that was something that meant somehting to me or mattered to me then yes i wouldhappily care but it doesnt. does anyone feel wrongin the head but like not in a sickk evil twisteddd way justin a god im not fucking worth it as a person and i wish iw as deadbecause i wish i could fuckingrespond to this in a way that wasnt with fucking existential fucking dread but no matterhow many fucking tiems i choke on it i m telling you its never going to fucking mean anything to me why do i have to pretendjust to be taken seriously when thsts not even taking me seriously at all i feel so fucking angry and upset osmetimes cuz i dont know like
just like the end truth or whateverthat yeah dying is just the right thingfor me it always is always gonna be and theres never been anything anyone can actually say tothat . not really . but you cant even have that you know . im spirallingagain imagining the fucking years stuck in thishouse doing this fucking timeloop for forever i always on about this the fuckingneverending cycle of fucking mental breakdown thats never resolved and stacks on top thepiles of other shit never anyhting fuckingother than the fucking downward trajectory ofbullshti with no fucking hope of getting out. "oh theres always a way!" says the cunt and if you like analogies so much lets look at me down the bottom of a hole with no ladder, smooth walls, and no one in a 500 mile radius . yesss my positive outlook will save me . i keep imagining slitting my wrists in a funny way like can i open it upad stick a fortune cracker slip in there . i'd probs pass out before i get the chance but maybe the mere suggrstion?
the anywaysburger . lastthing . something soething ive been so detached from reality for fuckingyears at this point sorry i always feel like a fucking cunt blagging about it i feel like everyone made disassociation into uch a funny fucking bit at some point i just feel humiliated to even fucking . whinge about it cuz its probs not even realistc and im jsut falling on my fucking ass trying to come up with shit to spin to justify im like a fucking braindead rpick i don t know i feellike i cant even conceptualise my surroundings any more itslike whenever i get high its obviously so much worse but its like. i realise its like a constant, keyed down version of that that i dfont rememebr ever not having i keep waking up in the dead of night and forgettingwhere i am i go to work i come out its like ntohing else ever existed andthis isnt exisitngrigh tnwo and the second i tune in im gonna throw up and fucking try to chuck myself down the sdtairs in 3, 2 1
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big-ass-magnet · 5 years
I've been thinking a lot about how the Hawke family only juuuust misses the Hero of Ferelden. 
Walk with me down this path. 
Imagine Carver or Bethany doesn't die, but everyone thinks they did. They wake up alone and badly injured. They are surrounded by charred darkspawn, and Wesley, blighted and dead. Would it be too far off for them to assume everyone else was dragged off by Darkspawn? 
They can't go back to Lothering. They have no idea how to go forward, or where to go. We know the twins are very susceptible to the blight, so they are wandering, alone, hurt, waiting for whatever death might come, be it bleeding out or becoming a ghoul or torn apart by darkspawn. 
And this is the timeline where the Hero of Fereldan didn't survive the joining, and it's just Morrigan and Alistair. And Alistair is a kind soul with a good heart and maybe he has enough arch demon blood left in his supplies that he can muster up a quick-and-dirty joining. So the world rights itself. Now there are two Wardens again, and we all know Alistair prefers to follow. So Warden Hawke does what Hawkes do: they step up. They shoulder the burden. They do what needs to be done. When they hear about the truth behind the fall of Ostagar and the death of the king...
Carver wants justice for the comrades he fought beside, for his lost family, for Lothering. But Bethany? Bethany is Sunshine sweet, all soft smiles and gentle laughter and kindness. Surely she could never have the kind of drive it takes to lead a revolution, to decide the fate of kingdoms.  
But if you've ever taken her to the deep roads and made her a warden, you know that there is anger in her, a deep and bitter wellspring waiting to be tapped. Warden Bethany Hawke is a woman who will destroy Loghain Mac Tir with her own hands.
[Despite the very bad decision we can all admit it is, they let Zevran stay. It might be because he is useful and skilled and clever. It might be because he reminds them of a lost sibling who always had a quick joke and a clever smile on hand when trouble came to call.]
The story unfolds, slightly different but the outline stays the same, and the archdemon is slain and the blight is ended, and Warden Hawke is the Hero of Ferelden. 
Nobody ever seems to refer to the Hero of Ferelden by name. Maybe the name never quite reaches Hawke's ears. Or there are just so many rumors, who knows which ones are true?  Hawke becomes Champion, but Kirkwall is so far away, and by then, Warden Commander Hawke has stepped down and taken up a quest of the utmost importance. 
Then the chantry explodes, the rebellion begins, and the world turns its eyes to Kirkwall. To the Champion. And oh, when Leliana hears the Champion's name, hears that at least one member of her dear friend's family still draws breath...
Warden Hawke cannot lead the Inquisition. They have their own mission to attend to. Cassandra can't know that they're there. (And let's face it, Cassandra is kind of the worst at interrogation; Leliana suspects she's not going to get Hawke's location.) 
See things from Varric's point of view, briefly. The Seeker has left, and he's alone in a far-too-big and far-too-empty mansion, surrounded by ghosts. He's lost in thought when he hears the door open again, and he thinks with a tired sigh, here we go again. 
But it's not the Seeker who appears in the doorway, ready to throw something at him again. It's a Grey Warden, aged beyond their years, ancient eyes in a face that hasn't even reached thirty. 
A face that looks...familiar. 
"I'm guessing you have questions too."  
"Yes," says the Warden, drawing up a chair and sitting down. They look exhausted, and their clothes are still thick with the dust of travel. He can smell them from several feet away. 
"You should talk to the Seeker. She already asked me lots of questions." 
"I would, but I think you're going to give me very different answers." 
Varric raises an eyebrow to hide his growing nervousness. Cassandra hadn't given him more than superficial bruising, but Grey Wardens...they could be ruthless in their pursuit. What would the Wardens want from Hawke? Unless they wanted Anders...
"And why's that?" 
"Because I'm going to ask in a different way." The warden leans forward, and meets his eyes with an intensity that makes Varric shrink back. "I am the Hero of Ferelden. I am Warden Hawke. Where is my family?"
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zaraegis · 6 years
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“Wait what do you mean you can turn other people into toons?”
“Oh yeah, like this”
Don’t you hate it when the guy you’re working with has a hot toonsona and now you can’t unsee it?
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beyond-the-storm · 3 years
[ @thehordemultimuse || Found a match.]
"I mean, it's not that bad!" Bluebell started to defend the place before pausing. "Okay, yeah, it's shit."
Bluebell sighed, leaning on Tempest. Could be worse, could be better. Would be better on fire.
Tempest couldn’t believe it was still standing... Maybe, once upon a time, this had been a rather... Fun... Establishment... But now, decrepit, paint peeling, one of the signs on the ground, and the lights somehow still on... It really looked like a death trap. She nodded her head, faintly.
“The owner really let this place go.” Tempest would have been more seriously considering burning it to the ground, were it not for the fact that there were employees inside. She was pretty sure she’d develop ten different diseases just stepping in the front door, anyway... What was their resistance to infection like? “We should move on before the building tries to attack us.” It was an attempt at a joke, albeit a very flat one.
She made no mention of Bluebell leaning on her.- Although she did notice all the same.
Tempest had only come to town for some stuff Tails and Amy wanted. The fox had asked her to pick up some tools (he claimed to be too busy to get them himself), and Amy had asked for a very specific meal... From this place.
“Do you think Amy would kill me if I substituted for another location?” Or had she just misheard the actual name of the place? She really hoped it was that, because otherwise... Well, no. Not even Amy’s anger could make her go into that building.
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erzbethluna · 2 years
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Discord, oh Discord, the things you make me do 💖😈 I regret nothingggggg!!!😜
We were having a great convo and @thewriterxj suggested how Baz could totally pull out this amazing pink cape robe open chest thingie 😈 and yes he totally would! Couldn't sleep until I prove it!! This one is for you 💕
Imagine all Carry On the same, but Baz 'open sesame' his way like this. Poor Simon, my boy 🙈 He would GAG 🥵
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higherpowershelpme · 6 years
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I'm really fucking with lucios aesthetic cx
I regret nothing
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💋: to kiss them ~ Nerissa to Abyss (Seabovnd) I regret nothingggggg
Abyss gazed at Nerissa affectionately. "I will never get over how silly you are and how happy you make me feel~" The Towering Titaness closed her eye and gently pressed the space where her mouth would be if she had one against Nerissa's.
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theultimatesandwich · 6 years
Haha it’s 3:30am now, and I just finished watching Love, Simon. Again.
I regret nothingggggg
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empty-movement · 7 years
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Two great tastes that taste great together!
tabgha’s original comment:
Previous audio post, song by Tatarigoke
Original gif post, tabgha
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a9o · 8 years
Rules: once tagged, you’re supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose however many people you want to tag!
thenks @alfredsolomons for tegging me ;^)
 [1] drink: water [2] phone call: mom [3] text message: my mom lulz 
[4] song you listened to: parking lot - blink 182 
[5] time you cried: i dont remember it was maybe a month ago idk
 [6] dated someone twice: no [7] been cheated on: no 
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: yes [9] lost someone special: yes 
[10] been depressed: yes. 
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: no
 [12] brown 
[13] white 
[15] made new friends: ye 
[16] fallen out of love: no 
[17] laughed until you cried: YA DOOD  [18] found out someone was talking about you: nah 
[19] met someone who changed you: noop lol [20] found out who your true friends are: ya i guess 
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: no i dont use fb
[22] how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life: 1 (i unfollowed everyone else oops) 
[23] do you have any pets: yes! my bby dogge [24] do you want to change your name: kinda but only because people cannot pronounce it 
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: nothing, staying in my room, ordered thai food for myself, might have cried a lil 
[26] what time did you wake up: 8am  [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: maybe asleep? in bed for sure 
[28] name something you cannot wait for: death (haha gonna keep ur answer) [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: almost 2 weeks ago 
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: be more responsible and stop being so regretful about stupid shit [31] what are you listening to right now: the sound of my building (which is a dull hum of air/nothing) 
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: i dont think so 
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: myself [35] elementary: wut [36] high school: who [37] college: why 
[38] hair colour: brown 
[39] long or short hair: looong 
[40] do you have a crush on someone: no i kinda wis i did tho [41] what do you like about yourself?: my current nails [42] piercings: only my ears [43] blood type: o poz ;) [44] nickname: nii 
[45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: picses  [47] pronouns: she/her 
[48] fav tv show: the office 
[49] tattoos: i wish 
[50] right or left handed: LEFT HANDED !!! (me too gorl)
[51] surgery: noop 
[52] piercing: my ears 
[53] best friend: not worth mentioning 
[55] vacation: i’ve never really taken a real vacation 
[56] pair of trainers: sorry wot
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: regret doing this because i have a lab due tomorrow 
[60] listening to: nothingggggg [61] waiting for: this semester to end 
[62] want: a lotta money 
[63] get married: i would if i had a rich man, big ring, a pretty dress 
[64] career: can u repeat the question
 [65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes 
[67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: older 
[69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic 
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms
[71] sensitive or loud: sensitive ???
[72] hook up or relationship: well i dont want relationship rn……. 
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 
[74] kissed a stranger? i think? 
[75] drank hard liquor? ya [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? noop 
[77] turned someone down: yes oops 
[78] sex on first date? Ya 
[79] broken someone’s heart? dont think so 
[80] had your own heart broken? not really 
[81] been arrested? noooop 
[82] cried when someone died? yes [83] fallen for a friend: not really?? 
[84] yourself? luz noop 
[85] miracles? sure 
[86] love at first sight? nah 
[87] santa claus? no 
[88] kiss on the first date? what’s there to believe in?  [89] angels? sure, why not
[90] current best friends’ names: ki, rathie (basically my only friends anyways) 
[91] eye colour: brown [92] favourite movie: spirited away
if you read this, i tag youuu <3
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nekomatta · 8 years
Peace and lou sang
Me: i didn't get enough yee sang this year
Me: it's blasphemous
Daryl: sure your fault
Daryl: like stay at home tak keluar bervisiting
Me: this is true
Me: but all the peace
Me: i traded yee sang for peace of mind
Daryl: i think i can live with my lack of sympathy
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crusader-of-time · 9 years
Basically that song by Naughty Boy ft Beyonce and Arrow Benjamin gives me all the shipping feels. B)
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merytmut · 11 years
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avengetheannie · 11 years
okay stydia spam over
im sorry
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