#i sacrfice myself and someone i love survives
neptuniant · 10 months
zombie apocalypse is the worst saddest just straight up worst not it thing to happen in sci fi movie. if that happened irl bye. BYE. either my loved ones make it through it WITH me or like it is done cause if i am the only one who is surviving?? because of whatever reason if im the only one surviving?? what is the point what is the fucking point
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linkspooky · 5 years
top 5 jujutsu kaisen characters 🥳
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1. Gojou Satoru - I Am The Strongest 
The most interesting thing about Gojou is how unique and overpowering a character Gojou is. I don’t just mean in the sense that he has physical strength, but that he’s also what they call a ‘force of personality’. Gojou is incredibly up front about who he is, and what he wants. He never hides a single thought in his head, he never is discreet, compromises to other people and backs off in any way. Gojou is the most self centered character in the manga. 
What makes his character unique is that Gojou’s self-centeredness is not necessarily portrayed as a bad thing. It’s neither good nor bad, Gojou is allowed to be who he is by the narrative. Gojou is a selfish prick, but he’s also self determined. He is someone who knows what he wants and does everything to the best of his abilities to work for what he wants. 
Gojou is so busy looking at the infinity other people might as well not exist. He’s someone who sees himself as fundamentally above other people. However, when you look past that in his actions you see that while Gojou has so much strength, he’s using almost all of that strength not for the sake of himself but others. What Gojou wants is a better world, and he’s mature enough to realize he can’t just get it by smashing everything with his own hands even if he’s powerful enough to do that. 
You get the sense that Gojou while distant from others is still trying to understand their feelings, and communicate his own feelings in his own way. 
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2. Getou Suguru - You will obey me, you monkeys. 
Getou is so interesting because all of the traits that have driven him to extremism are traditionally heroic traits. Getou is empathic, he’s incredibly considerate of others and wants to save them, he believes in justice. Getou humanizes the people that he personally gets to know so much, cares so deeply, that when he loses them it’s like one of his own organs gets ripped out. It’s the same as losing an arm or a leg. 
It shows that individuals within the system are not necessarily the problem, because the reason Getou fell so far because he wanted to be human and care about human lives in a system like the Jujutsu sorcerers system that was so uttterly dehumanizing. 
Getou’s so empathic if he were to see everyone as human his brain would just break. So, he divides the world into humans, people he can save, and monkeys who he no longer cares whether they live or die. If anything, Getou would be a better person if he was a little less kind, a little less caring. Gojou is actually much more mentally healthy because he’s less selfless than Getou is.
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3. Kokichi Muta
In a series where every character is trying to get strong, Kokichi already has all the power he needs and he hates it. I like how he’s allowed to be ugly and genuinely resentful for his circumstances in life. 
Nobody really empathizes with Mechamaru. Even Panda who might come close to understanding it, essentially tells him to just get over it and stop causing problems for others. It’s understandable why Mechamaru was driven into enough of a corner that he betrayed sorcery high school. Kokichi just can’t swallow down his resentment. He never wanted to be born, he never wanted to be a jujutsu sorcerer, but Jujutsu society uses him anyway, he’s not a puppeteer he’s more like a doll of an inherently broken system.
Yet, there’s something genuine in Kokichi. He really wants to love his friends and be able to stand on equal terms with them. Despite how much hatred he carries in his heart, he’s genuinely touched by just the smallest amount of kindness Miwa showed to him. At the end of the day what he feels is an inferiortiy and unworthiness.. He feels like he’s not good enough to stand with others because he was born this way, and feels like he needs to be fixed. When really Miwa would have accepted him for who he was all along and wanted to see the real him. 
It’s another demonstration of how much a failure of empathy an drive these characters to desperate circumstances. What Kokichi needed wasn’t to be told to stop making a fuss, it was to be accepted for who he was, the ugly, the unpleasant and to have someone notice that even though he’s technically doing bad things Kokichi is also deep down still a suffering child. 
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4. Maki Zenin - “I would have hated myself”
Maki is fun because she was treated like a disposable extra for her family, and rather than craving acknowledgement from that family, or a place to belong she just went ‘Neat, I’m gonna burn down the whole family tree then.” 
Maki’s ambitions, her resentment towards others, her desire to pursue strength are all things that are validated about her character. She is someone who gets to choose the way she wants to live, and is fighting against her entire family for that right even if it means she has to destroy that family in the end. Maki is allowed to be as self determined as Gojou.
At the same time though, Maki’s choice to put strength above all else does not make her a person who is only ever strong and never vulnerable because she would be just as flat as a character. Maki’s choice has consequences, because by choosing to live for her own personal strength she also doesn’t choose Mai the one person who ever genuinely saw her as family. 
Their conflict reminds me a lot of Gamorra and Nebula which is one of my favorite conflicts of all time, because neither of their feelings are wrong. Maki is not wrong for wanting to choose her own survival. Mai is not wrong for feeling like her sister broke their promise and abandoned her. However at the same time their choices have consequences, Maki choosing herself means she can’t choose Mai and she’s sacrficing their connection. It’s one of the most beautifully illsutrated conflicts in the manga. 
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5. Nanami Kento - “Growing up is the accumulation of little despairs”
I like Nanami because he’s the one reasonable adult in a world of mad people? That doesn’t sound like much saying he’s ‘the guy with common sense’ but in his arc he gets a lot of depth to his personality. 
Basically he wants to help other people, but he’s also mature enough to realize that helping others is going to be a net loss. That if he tries to help everyone the same way Itadori does, he’s going to lose over and over again. What’s so interesting about Nanami is he’s not so much someone completely selfless, as someone who is too decent of a person for his own good. Which causes him to continually choose to help others, not because he’s motivated by some great quest to save the world but because he can’t look away from trouble. 
Nanami’s salaryman-like serious persona becomes more and more of an act as you dwell on his character. It’s like he’s putting on a show that he’s not as mad as everybody else, that he’s still reasonable in this world. It’s done mostly for his own sake because Nanami is striving to remain a good person, in a world he’s well aware is not so good. You get the sense that deep down he’s a much kinder person, but he always forces himself to be strict because he believes he has to.
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