#i said i wasn't answering now but i simply lied so afshdjf hope you enjoy
daggryet · 4 years
I've seen theories where Tommy was trying to visit Dream and telling him not to resurrect Wilbur so that he would. What do you think? I know your initial theory wasn't that, but I was curious if you'd changed your mind.
i agree that the way c!tommy kept talking about him not wanting c!wilbur resurrected wasn't the smartest move, but he wasn't just adamant about it - he was desperate for c!wilbur to not get resurrected.
1) c!tommy promised c!dream that if he promised to not resurrect c!wilbur, they'd become friends again. c!tommy would leave everything, everything, that c!dream had done to him in the past, and be his friend. like in exile.
now you can say that he was bluffing or challenging him, but c!tommy was not in the state of mind where he would bluff about such a thing. to understand why; you need only rewatch the exile arc. being c!dream's 'friend' almost drove him to suicide and has left with him lasting trauma he still feels the effects of that very second (lava, c!dream in general). he was willing to sacrifice everything to prevent c!wilbur from getting resurrected: his life, control over said life, his friends, his hotel, probably his discs. and i really hope for c!tommy that he has more self preservation and want for life than to risk it by telling c!dream he'd be his friend again. especially when c!dream has made it clear what kind of relationship he thinks they have; a co-dependent relationship where one can't exist without the other.
2) from the conversation we got between c!wilbur and c!tommy, we can't deduce a lot other than it seemed calm. we can deduce that c!wilbur knows how c!tommy is triggered - and keeps talking about that subject, about them two are to blame for all problems on the server, how good it is that they're dead. he's telling a child, a 16 year old, how good it is that he's dead.
also c!wilbur saying “and you know why I’m glad, tommy, you know why i’m glad? because me and you were never good for that server. [...] you can look at the whole history of the server, and it all falls in our laps, the problems.” sounds an awful lot like something the c!wilbur we knew from pogtopia would say. "tommy, are we the bad guys?" and "let's be the bad guys" (one of c!tommy's current triggers) both sound similar to what c!wilbur said in the void. though it seems to come from a place of self hatred rather than paranoia, he is continuing the tradition of dragging c!tommy down with him - or at least saying they're the same. and they're not.
3) the stream also ended with c!dream being very clear he was going to resurrect c!wilbur; had it been c!tommy's plan all along, there would have been the slightest indication of him succeeding and being pleased at it. there wasn't. he seemed despondent, scared, not like his secret plan had succeeded.
4) it also just makes more sense with how c!tommy has reacted to any mention of c!wilbur the past few months. c!tommy has also split c!wilbur into two different people at the end: the Real Wilbur who he built l'manberg with, and the wilbur he was at the end when he blew everything up. there's obviously been unsolved trauma, and he was never sure of whether he wanted him back or not. and again, from the conversation we got: it didn't seem like it'd gotten better.
5) c!wilbur didn't want to get resurrected. not on the day of the disc saga finale, and not during the conversation they had in the afterlife during this stream. he wanted to be dead, he thought everything was better like this. all the plans c!tommy is talking about, c!wilbur could very well have been making some up to rile c!tommy up the way he did when he asked "how's l'manberg? how's l'manberg?" during the conversation on the day of the disc saga finale. they don't have to be true for c!tommy to have taken them as such, especially not in the mindset he was in.
of course: i know just as little as the next person about what's going to happen. but i don't think that c!tommy was trying to fool c!dream into resurrecting c!wilbur.
plus, this is obviously looking at it from c!tommy's perspective and his relationship to c!wilbur, as i've mentioned before we as the audience know the full story of c!wilbur's downfall; c!tommy does not. he knows more than most, but he feels betrayed, and he's been afraid of becoming like c!wilbur since he began to tempt c!tommy into being a bad guy.
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