#i saw people making valentines sonas so i made one
moderncryptid · 1 year
So I saw @itrin do this from wisteria-logde’s post and it made me want to eat a pound of sand with a fork so naturally i had to do one about the pathetic little man Damien Bright Sessions also. 
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order? Normal drink: this man loves hot chocolate and will never tell anyone. Wants people to think he’s drinking coffee so they do. His favorite alcoholic drink is scotch. He keeps trying to convince himself that he likes beer but he’s never gotten more than a few sips in before going this sucks actually and not touching it again for a few months. Until he wants to seem cool again and orders another beer for the cycle to repeat itself.
2. What is their grooming routine? It depends. If it’s just him? Bare minimum. He showers so he doesn’t feel gross and never shaves every day and usually has messy hair or hair that’s grown out for too long from one of his diy hotel bathroom mirror cuts that he keeps meaning to give himself again but it’s a pain in the ass so.... But. If he’s around people like a Mark situation he gets kind of self-consious and puts in way too much effort while also trying to look like he doesn’t give a shit. Like he’ll shower in the morning and at night and he tries to make his hair look mostly okay and has this shitty eyeliner that he either thinks looks cool or dumb he really can’t decide but overall he can’t pick a middle ground.
3. What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? Books baybe. When he has an actual job he builds one hell of a floor library because he doesn’t invest in actual shelves.
4. Do they have any scars of tattoos? Thinks a tattoo would be cool but if he’s in pain and doesn’t want to be the artist won’t touch him even if he knows it’s kind of a requirement but abilities are complicated so. Yeah. Has quite a few scars though. Mostly on his hands from having to learn to do a lot of things himself and doing them very badly at the start. 
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? Oh boy Damien is kind of an emotional dude as much as he loathes that fact. He’s the kind of person who can’t feel anything too strongly without tearing up. Happiness (which doesn’t really happen rip), sadness, anger- all of it starts making his throat tight once he gets too worked up and he can feel it and he hates it so he tries to remain very detatched in the Damien-sona. Like who cares, you know? 
6. Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? Only child. His parents were considering having another but decided against it and he has no idea if it had anything to do with how he turned out.
7. Describe the shoes they’re wearing. Classic black converse that are beat to hell. He thinks they look cooler that way.
8.Describe the place where they sleep. He can sleep just about anywhere but after leaving Ithica he doesn’t like to sleep in a quiet room or one that’s completley dark. He likes to have a light on somewhere he can see it and either has the tv playing super low or plays music on his phone. 
9. What is their favorite holiday? He loves the idea of Christmas. Like there’s a reason he cannonically gets drunk on that day and tries to talk to people as himself. But he doesn’t like the reality which is being made very, VERY aware of how alone he is. He’s also one of those people who rolls their eyes and scoffs at the Valentine’s day thing and will not shut up about how lame it is but does actually kind of hope he’ll be able to participate just once because it’s stupid and dumb but maybe someone loving you isn’t totally stupid and dumb. (This is information you could not get out of him at gunpoint). 
10. What objects do they always carry around with them?  A black pen/sharpie because he is a menace and likes to write things in the books he’s reading/adds to graffiti when he finds it. Both feel like talking to someone in a roundabout way.
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ravenwolfie97 · 2 years
2022 Art Summary
it is that time of the year again, folks. this year has felt like forever and so short simultaneously. it’s felt like nothing and everything was happening. it was a weird year for me, probably because for the most part it was rather monotonous. but there were some good things to look back on, and as per usual i’m here to round it up here for you all to look at and enjoy :3
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i’ll be honest. i was really worried about the art summary this year at first because these first few months were so sparse. i even considered just condensing the whole thing into quarters since this one was so lacking. but as the year went on, the more things i had to share, so for sake of brevity i will be putting the first three months up all at once
included in this quarter are assorted Cosmic Legacy character sketches, a Genshin Impact sona to continue the trend i had wanted to set at the end of 2021 (which i did not continue afterward), a lil valentine’s day present to my girlfriend, and a shiny form for my sona that was just part of a inside bandwagon. not much to say otherwise :/
the one major thing that happened in the first few months of 2022 was that i FINALLY. GOT MY HANDS. ON A NINTENDO SWITCH. I CAN NO LONGER MEME ABOUT BEING SWITCHLESS
so that was pretty exciting :>
the release of Pokemon Legends: Arceus is what broke me, but before i played that i started off with a blind nuzlocke of Pokemon Shield, which is what the lil digital doodle in March is about; i had just caught a Stunky i named Wasabi and i was indifferent to Stunky up until catching him where i just fell in love with it
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so, AI art, huh? this was when it was burgeoning, and still fun and popular to make. so when i saw some people using a 3d pokemon generator i made a whole bunch and gave it a go. i generated about 30 of them and hadn’t quite gotten to around a third of that, but the few i did were really fun to draw!
(the lil gremlin one at the top corner is uncolored here bc when i did try to color it my brain fully glitched and screwed up royally so i opted out of showing my failure here lol)
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so my friend Cake started streaming a game called Your Turn to Die with me and our partner Stacey during the spring starting in late March, and it was such an incredible time that i miss being a part of (if you wanna watch our full playthrough, the vods are saved on her channel here)
so towards the end of our playthrough i decided to try my hand at drawing some stuff because my brain could not simply hold all of my feelings for them
i am definitely not biased because i played both Keiji and Rio Ranger in the stream, but i sure did like them a lot, and it was really fun to draw them :>
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had a lot of cosmic drawings this month, most likely due to celebrating the One Year Anniversary of the concept at the beginning of the month! we celebrated with a cute little collab. i happened to continue the cosmic train on my end by coming up with a funny meme video idea (that we will get back to multiple times later on) and i also worked on a couple pieces in preparation for an upcoming event in the next month...
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it was a really fun event but i did not anticipate how late i would start my entries and how much time it would take to do them well, so i only got a few out, but i’m really proud of them! it was awesome to see all these brain children of random people from all around, and to get a couple responses back of my own as well! i’m excited to give it another go next year :3
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i did not get a whole lot of art things done this month because MY GIRLFRIEND (and her roommate) CAME FROM OVERSEAS TO VISIT!!
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it was such a great time being with them, and we had so much going on i didn’t get much opportunity to do much, but that was fine. one thing, related to my partner actually, is my pokemon gym trainer sona here! Stacey had been thinking about a fakemon region and wanted her friends as gym leaders, so i offered myself as a ground-type trainer, since it’s one of my favorite types and is rather underrated
a little more work got done on the cosmic meme video, and a couple other lil doodles. not much else artwise, but an awesome month regardless :3
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idk why this month was so lacking, cuz this is pretty much all i had lol
the one decent sketch of my sona being angy was inspired by a post i found on here that was like... if you were a villain in a movie, what song would be playing at the point you would snap
and the choice i made was Faint by Linkin Park cuz it seemed applicable. and then my brain decided to listen to it on repeat and i ended up drawing that sketch. so that was cool :0
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as per usual i do at least attempt to do an october art challenge, and this time i wanted to try this year’s annual list from Thomas Sanders, and it was pretty fun! i was really into it the first week, but then i got behind and after that point many of the prompts didn’t hold my attention, so... i trailed off. again
but! i do really like these ones in particular. didn’t really have much else after that so i’m glad i had fun with those
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again this is p much all i had - november was a pretty nice time actually, with lots of gaming stuff going on with me n friends, but not so much art stuff was going on then
after having completed playing pkmn shield back in june, i tried my hand at pkmn legends pretty much right after that... and it didn’t quite click with me, though i did really like it. and then over the next few months i got back into pkmn go and that’s when i realized That’s more like what legends is about - it just screwed me up coming from a regular pkmn game. so, this month, i picked it up again and i’ve gotten much farther and much more attached!
in addition, later in the month my friends and i got back into playing stardew valley after nearly a year’s hiatus, and we made our characters based on the main trio in Cosmic Legacy, and so i drew Lalun with a parsnip. it was funny
and speaking of cosmic and video game things, Sonic Frontiers came out and i... did not get that one (though i will one day cuz it looks rad) BUT one of my friends got super into it and got me hooked on one of the songs, and then the part of my brain that associates fandom stuff with songs (a rarely triggered part of my brain) started to tie that to [REDACTED] here, as inspiration for their character. maybe. idk but the song gave me vibes that they could definitely have and i thought it was cool and i made a cool art with it too so yay
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and here we are, at the end of the year! the sonic hype train was still rolling so i thought about giving them another go and they turned out pretty good! and i pumped out some more pokemon content at the very end to inflate this month’s art stuff a lil bit more
OH YEAH and that cosmic meme got finished just in time for crimmis! here is the link to that since i would not post it here
all in all it’s been. a year, to say the least. i am definitely looking forward to new things in the new year, but this one had been pretty alright. lots of fun and memorable things that hopefully i can continue doing similarly in the future :3
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misamxsa · 4 years
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whoa look it’s me
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kda-chat · 4 years
Valentine's Day
[NSFW warning, somewhat long post]
Evelynn always like dressing her best. In an outfit that hugs her hips and shows enough skin to make Akali's mouth water. She wears the perfume that Akali likes and sprays a generous amount. Akali will try to compliment Evelynn's outfit, maybe be color matching.
Dinner is simple, they cooked it themselves (surprisingly). However, dinner is anything but eating. It's more for Evelynn to play footsies with Akali, teasing her as she tries to eat. Akali tries to ignore, but she 'makes room' for Evelynn to continue her fun. Sometimes, Akali will get bold and fight back. It only drives Evelynn up more.
Evelynn always have the first taste the moment they enter the bedroom. She pushes Akali against the wall, kissing her as if her life depended on it. But Akali won't back down, she's hiked Evelynn dress up, groping and feeling every inch of skin that's available. Her fingers find Evelynn sweet spot, making her moan into Akali's mouth.
Evelynn rocks her hips to Akali's fingers, making it easier for the younger woman to rub and pinch a clit that lay hidden behind crimson lingerie. Evelynn's hands grab the collar of Akali's outfit. Sharp eyes that are hot and heavy, she drags Akali to the bed to finish their battle there. She wonders if she should let Akali have her fun or just dive in with her own fantasy for the night. The ache between her legs says otherwise.
Kai'sa rented out a nice cabin out in the wilderness, alone and away from the public. Plus, Sivir likes the outdoors so it works for them both. What’s nice about having privacy and being alone in the middle of the forest? You don’t have to wear clothes. Yes, Sivir can have her Kai’sa in only an apron, cooking her dinner fantasy. And that is exactly what Kai’sa does.
But what they both want to try out is something much more exhilarating than wearing less clothing. Their cabin has a big balcony on the second floor, perfect for star gazing. The two of them set up a comfy makeshift bed on this balcony, decorated with fake candles and lights with plenty of blankets to keep them warm through the cold night.
Kai’sa and Sivir embrace each other as they find their favorite position underneath the stars. Kai’sa on her back with Sivir possessively on top of her, kissing along her body, worshiping every inch of skin that her lips touch. It’s perfect for Kai’sa. She not only can look up at Sivir but also look at the stars behind her, how they illuminate Sivir’s beauty and give her a goddess glow. Out in the open, outside, making love to the stars, she’ll let Sivir experience this feeling after she’s been well ‘satisfied’.
Irelia isn’t the type to want to do something expensive or lavish, but she’s no stranger to romance. She can put in the effort. Being at Sona’s place, there was plenty of materials to work with so she whips up a meal that she learned from her mother and grandmother. It’s not “romantic” food but it’s a hearty meal and it was made with love. Sona didn’t seem to mind, she ate it happily, enjoying how it taste. She even let Irelia feed her to make the mood more ‘lovey-dovey’.
But throughout the night, Sona gives her these eyes that says, ‘I can’t wait to eat you tonight’. It was hard to deny the arousal that trickled down her core. What Irelia was not expecting was Sona to take the ‘eat you’ portion somewhat literally. It confused her when she saw Sona bring in a bottle of whipped cream into the bedroom.
It all made sense, after a session of make-outs and some groping, when Sona sprayed two white dots on Irelia’s nipples. At first, Irelia felt kinda ridiculous with two white caps on her chest, but her mood changed when she saw Sona lean in, her pink tongue lapping up the white cream. A small smile on Sona’s lips as she lapped up the whipped cream before giving it a little bite. She gave Irelia a “Oops, I thought it was part of my dessert” look. 
As payback, Irelia took the bottle and placed a small drop on Sona’s lips. Then she dived in, lapping up the whipped cream and giving Sona’s lips a little bite. She could see Sona’s eyes light up as she was pushed back down onto the bed. The whipped cream bottle back in her eyes.
Ahri held a special Valentine’s Day event where fans can come and have a personalized picture and video with her [also to sell her new perfume launch]. Couples, singles, family, children, they all came to see Ahri and get a few minutes of her time. She made sure that everyone got to talk to her, had a GOOD picture to take home [she retook photos if they didn’t look right], and made every message personal for each fan. Fans expressed how Ahri’s music had helped them through dark times, or helped them find their loved one, or how much they enjoy her work. To Ahri, this is what she loved the most with her job. She loved the impact she had on these people, she loved seeing their smiling faces, and K/DA made this happen. Years ago, she wasn’t allowed to meet with fans as much and often pulled away from them because she had to maintain an image. That only made her feel more isolated and lonely. But K/DA...changed her life. Ahri felt happy and loved. As she looked at her phone, Evelynn texting if she wanted to video call later with the girls, it made her more excited that she finally found her place in this world.
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yasugapped · 7 years
Tagged by @superjojolimon , considering how vague the “rules” are i have Rebelliously Interpreted the questions as changeable so i just like swerved whatever seemed 2 plain for my tastes. also a lot of these just seem repeated/too similar?
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you wanna get to know better
gender: female
star sign: sag rising, libra sun, taurus moon ;^)
height: 5′3″ but can and will kill you 
mood: a dimly lit image of a possum eating oreos. munchin crunchin havin a good night
favorite bands: death grips ..... i’d say more but i’ll let u all think on that one for awhile .... 
song stuck in my head: like. the ending credits to spongebob
favorite animal: trick question its All of Them.
last movie I watched: i watch NOTHING ......... i have. never watched shit or fuck in my entire life?? ?. .. i actually cant remember i Really dont watch movies, the only ones i really like are perks of being a wallflower, internal sunshine of the spotless mind, and donnie darko
last text u sent: ok i screenshot this picture of funny valentine and his stand like “couple goals” ... .. . .. .
when did I create my blog: i dont know or care but when i made it i hadnt even read part 8 ??? i literally was committing to yasugap before i even really knew what it was like ............ im such an authentic fan,.. also, the only other part i’ve read is 4, which i read solely because i saw a picture of josuke and loved him with my Life .. i literally only read it for josuke content and didnt care much (and still dont) for the real story of it. i enjoy part 8, story wise, way more but also i love josuke2.0 a lot and i just.. . love josuke And josuke bitch whathe thefculk1!!!
fear fear fear fear fear: i am extremely hesitant to invest in any potentially horrific or goretastic display because i have like. the worst paranoia. in january youtube kept playing when my sister and i fell asleep and when i woke up it was on a video of markiplier playing an scp game and it Shook me so much. i have literally never been the same. theres an scp thats just shadows on the wall and now i cant stop hyperfixating on the shadow on my bedroom door at night... it iis !! the worst!!!! bitch!!!! :^(
another strange fear is that, i sometimes get this extreme paranoia im not alone in the bathroom and i will typically pull back the shower curtain to make sure nothing’s hiding. i’ve also legitimately checked under my bed and in my closet, but the bathroom fear is a lot stronger than those for some reason.
last thing I googled: oh my god its “funny valentine” ... w-what a shock!! wh..o wouldve guessed. ... .. have i mentioned i havent read part 7,
sipp: i actually cannot live ... without coke ... uhm ..., i prefer coke entirely flat but also cold. i pour them out into a cup and set them in the fridge to fizz out. literally. also i cant stand ice in drinks. 
hmmm one of those uh GET THE BOOK NEAREST 2 U AND READ THE 69TH WORD OF THE 420TH PAGE: ok so this book is house of leaves. it is my favorite book and has been for a few years but i’ve never finished reading it ;^) 
i think the technical 69th word was ‘in,’ but here’s the whole lil paragraph there: “Near the centre, in crisp focus, squats Delial, bone dangling in her tawny almost inhuman fingers, her lips a crawl of insects, her eyes swollen with sand. Illness and hunger are on her but Death is still a few paces behind, perched on a rocky mound, talons fully extended, black eyes focused on Famine’s daughter.” this book has a writing style i extremely admire. it is filled with senseless, mindnumbing extents of detail and confusion, it feels almost like a modernized version of poe’s style???? also neat about this book is the looks - if you’re interested, try looking up just pages from house of leaves.
last thing u devoured viciously: we went 2 this mexican restaurant i’ve been to a bunch, i always get the same thing, but this time i got this taco salad. it was disappointing. like it literally wasnt good and i was upset, 
NAME???? i just realized this question isnt here like how are u going to get to know me without THIS ...: like,, i dabble a ton in original content & characters, and my ... sonas are always named maizzey starr, and “maizzey starr” is like my BRAND so i go by maizzey a lot but as far as my real literal name ITS KAMRYN !!!!!!! like im so unique and good ..... ... ... starts crying
password style: i have only had like four different passwords in my Life. this makes it supremely easy to figure one out on a really old account or website.... i dont understand people who ...... make up different passwords for everything,, i also never initially use capital letters unless prompted. i do use numbers in like one of them.
favorite colors: i usually like colder colors more than warm, but in general i prefer bright and colorful things. rainbow rainbow rainbow rainb
average sleeping hours: oh my god ........... this is wild. i don’t have any kind of sleeping schedule whatsoever. my schedule will do fucking FLIPS 3 times a week - i recently got melatonin gummies to try and get myself on a schedule but i legitimately think i have like a sleeping issue :^(
what am I wearing: d-dont ask questions u arent prepared 2 hear the answers to.............
dream u can remember: my last dream sequence went like this. i lurking forums for club penguin. people were discussing a penguin who was kin with napoleon. like kin as in the THIS IS ME not kin as in family. and other people - .. penguins....- were also starting to be napoleon kin and it was a trend and the original napoleon penguin was angry? this vision entirely dissolved and i was in my room at night, in my bed, and i looked over to my closet as an unknown, fleshy figure leaped for me. this is literally the most terrifying dream i’ve had in my entire life. oh my god
last meme u made: FUCK .... also this
how do u have pizza: I PREFER PEPPERONI ... im ok with plain cheese especially like when its cold??? i odnt like hot cheese pizza idk why ,, .. im not very adventurous with my pizza.... i really want a dessert pizza 
weirdest thing u’ve Actually put in ur mouth: nail polish...... i saw one of those my strange addiction episode with a girl who ate nail polish. i think i tried like three different colors - they burn slightly, the taste isn’t totally disgusting but its also not like.... appealing?? OMFEJFSDJJDGDHJFDJFDSGFD 
also one time i thought. we had a those huge bricks of baker’s chocolate BUT IT WAS WAX CUBES so ive tried cinnamon wax cubes too oops!!!!!!! i mean they tasted like cinnamon so..., .h-heh , , ,..kvkfkj
any pets: YES BITCH .  .,, . i have.. THREE (3) entire whole living dogs. and also ! three guinea pigs. i love dogs more than i love anything. .. ,, . .. . 
also im 2tired 2 tag so i mean u kno goodnight 
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