#i say despite putting off making riv’s doc.
bespokd-bye · 4 years
ngl i love seeing my mutuals use my doc templates . . . i should. probably make some new ones yikes.
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besetzung-rp · 7 years
@angel-rust ((Opener/Closed Rp))
The knock at the door went unnoticed for Emil was rather engrossed in finishing his current sentence on his report. It wasn't until the hesitant second knock that he realised someone was trying to gain access to his office. “Come in.” He said peeking up over his glasses to see who it was.
“Doc? Oh good, you’re here.” Detective Forbs, one of the homicide detectives, made his way into the office. “Uh…” he looked around at the mostly dark office, confused why the blinds were shut and Emil seemed to be working by only his desk lamp despite it being the middle of the day. “Did I uh… interrupt something?”
“No, no.” Emil said with a laugh and reaching over to flick on light. “Sorry I just concentrate better in the dark.” He took off his glasses and just smiled pleasant up at the Detective. “Is there something I can help you with, Detective?”
“Right yeah, Rivs sent me in here, he thinks we’re going to need you on this case that just got hot potato-ed to us.” That would be Detective Riviera, Forbs’s partner. “The suspect isn’t talking and the whole case is a mess. We think he did it but you know… the whole not talking bit is throwing us off.”
Emil looked up at Forbs confused. “You do realise that most people accused of a crime do not really like to openly talk about it…?”
“No, Doc, I mean /literally/ not talking. Like he can’t or something? Ain’t looking like a physical thing, he has a mouth you know? So Rivs thinks it’s something psychological and told me to come fetch you.”
“Interesting…” Emil said rising from his seat. “Alright then Detective… fill me in?” he collected his suit jacket from the back of his chair as Forbs opened a case file that he had been holding under his arm.
“Right so… it’s a homicide if me and Rivs didn’t give that way already. Victim is an early thirties male found deceased in his own home.” Forbs was flipping over papers as they walked. “M.E. says the cause of the death is a cervical fracture, but there are marks around his neck indicating the man was manually strangled. Looks like he was strangled with enough force that it broke his neck.”
“Interesting. And does the suspect look strong enough to do that?” Emil inquired, looking over at the Detective.
“Not really. He’s tall, but he’s lanky as hell. I mean anything’s possible, but I wouldn’t put my money on it.”
“Huh, then what has you so convinced?”
“The report really. There’s no eye witnesses but the neighbours say that he’s the only one they’ve seen in that house besides the victim. No one has been in or out of the house besides both of them in a while. Also there’s just… something about him. He’s… twitchy.” Forbs goes. “I don’t know Doc, I just feel like he has something to do with it. He’s the only lead we got.”
Emil paused right outside the interrogation room and Forbs handed him the case file he was holding. Fishing out his glasses again, Emil looked over the case report briefly before going. “... This is from Pennsylvania? The hell we get it from Pennsylvania for?”
“Look it beats me, honestly. It was just thrown on our laps along with a direct transport from some out in the boonies couple of cops. Rivs thinks it’s a court screw up, but honestly maybe they just wanted to throw it at you Doc. That’s my running theory anyway.”
“But that’s… over 5 hours to get up here?” Emil just looked confused. “Philly… hell /New York/ is closer. Why drive him all the way up to Krimson City?” though as soon as he said it, Emil had a sinking feeling maybe it had to do with Beacon. It was always something with that damn hospital.
“Like I said, the whole case is a mess. If we can figure something out maybe we can put it to rest and we don’t have to worry about why some random Pennsylvania judge decided Maine was the best state to kick this case to.”
“Right, right…” Emil peered back over the file, absorbing some details and looking curiously at the crime scene photos. After he caught himself up his eyes alight on the interrogation room.
Detective Riviera was inside attempting to communicate with their suspect and completely failing. The suspect was--at best guess--a late twenties to early thirties year old male. Forbs’s “wouldn’t put my money on it” guess really hit home, he looked meek and ‘innocent’. Not someone you would think would break the neck of a man around their age. As Emil’s eyes glanced over him from the other side of the one way mirror, the whole ‘off’ comment made sense too. The man was twitchy and often moved his head towards where Riviera was pacing too as the man attempted to ask questions.
“You have a notebook, Forbs?” Emil asked absentmindedly as he saw their suspect seem to gesture with frustration.
“Uh… yeah, here.” A small spiral notebook was placed into his hands. “Should I uh… pull Rivs out of there?”
Emil didn’t look at him--his eyes were still fixed on their suspect, trying his best read his behaviour--but he nodded. This prompted Forbs to rap his knuckles on the glass which in turn caused Riviera to look right at the mirror with an expression that could have only meant “finally!”.
“It took you long enough.” Riviera said as he exited the room, Emil /still/ hadn’t moved from his observation position. “Uh… Doc?” no reaction. “Hey… Emil?.” that caused Emil to break away and look at the other Detective.
“Oh sorry. Yes, yes I’m ready. But I need both of you to wait out here. He might be overwhelmed by more than one of us in there at a time. Is that alright?” he looked mostly to Riviera.
“Yeah, just be careful in there Doc.” Riviera replied with a small smile.
“With you two out here? Couldn’t be safer.” was his joking reply before he went inside the room.
Once inside Emil paused at the door, giving a polite smile as he looked at the man in the room with him. “Hello there.” he said, pleasantly. “I’m Dr. Faust, a resident psychologist here at the KCPD.” he let the door shut behind him and took a few steps until he was in front of the other man. “But you can call me Emil.” he took a seat on the other side of the table, doing his best to not only make his actions looked nonchalant and relaxed, but also to look as non-intimidating as possible. “I heard that you seem to have trouble communicating with the Detectives.” he continued in the same pleasant voice. “So I brought in something that might help us.” he placed the notebook open in between them along with one of his pens. “Are you able to write your responses?” He left one finger remaining on the notebook as he pushed it towards him, his eyes catching the suspects hoping to gauge his intellectual level from his ability to understand everything he had just spewed at him. Mental competence was incredibly important in cases like this, especially when it came to making sure their Miranda Rights were covered. Sure, this wasn’t the point of the interview now, but the earlier they realised the Defense could use against them the better.
Count Emil intrigued though, he had never, ever had a case where the suspect was mute before.
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