#i say lost bc i'm still angry about it and i'm afraid of doing it again and not saving the thing
midnightfrappe · 9 months
tfw you forget that you're made of metal and your coworker it's a weak human with a breakable head
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plot twist he is actually trying to flirt
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duriens · 3 months
i know everybody has their opinions on why armand 'couldnt/could prevent it' and it is very interesting to read the various interpretations. the way i see it, there are three possibilities (and i'm for the third, spoiler alert):
one, armand couldnt prevent it because, even as a centuries-old vampire, he genuinely doesn't have the power to stop 13 vampires from eventually coming after him/him+louis if he didn't accept their ultimatum. he can make them faint, he can freeze time, he can sway the mind of the audience (with some difficulty...? true or false?) but how long can he keep these powers up and can he do it forever, for however long vampires' grudges last? he might have thought it was possible for him and louis to run away, but that eventually the coven would've found a way to manage to kill him. there's power in numbers? how powerful are centuries-old vampires, exactly? is the combined power of 13 angry vampires enough? armand himself says at some point 'they might've killed me' or smth along the line, meaning he at least believes them capable of trying to kill him. is he that afraid of confronting the coven, of doing battle with them, of failing and dying? (this is the blandest possibility)
second, armand couldnt prevent it because he didnt want to prevent it. armand is a master manipulator and he likes to manipulate others into destroying the things he's bored of/he's lost control over (the children of darkness, the theatre des vampires... his relationship with louis?) cause he doesn't want to take on the responsibilities that come with that destruction, and the eventual guilt/sorrow. armand is minimizing his role in deceiving louis and claudia and is portraying himself as helpless, a centuries-old vampire with limits to his powers, so much so that even the act of making the audience say one thing over the other takes a toll on him, cause it was so hard to just do that one thing, owwie, of course he saved it to when it came to louis' turn for the sentencing.
this is the armand we think of when we see the memes about his inaction, thinking he's smirking to himself bc he knows he could end it with a snap of his fingers.
now we all know that armand is manipulative and that he likes to be in control even when he cedes control, but is he always and in constant awareness of the degrees of his own manipulation and scheming? is he in control of all that, all the time?? does he do it purposefully, with evil intent, consciously selling out louis and claudia and agreeing to a plan involving lestat to get rid of the coven/santiago and consciously pretending to be weaker than he is to get rid of claudia? so this leads inevitably to
third, armand couldnt prevent it because he convinced himself long ago that he is completely helpless and no word or action of his could ever, ever, change a thing. this state of mind he's fallen into has obvious ties to his past, his slavery, his submissive tendencies, his inability to act and decide for himself. he's created this image of himself of someone weaker and powerless that he fully believes to be true, he manipulates others the same way he manipulates himself. his many expressions of grief, of sorrow, of guilt throughout the episodes are genuine because, at some level, he genuinely believes he 'could not prevent it', because he decided long ago he's the kind of person who simply can't on his own--that can't ever, ever be accused of serious stuff because in this narrative he created for himself he can never be a hundred percent at fault, he doesn't bear all the responsibilities. (he's still a manipulative and controlling individual here, just not as shrewd and consciously cunning as in option 2). in this light, the memes about armand doing nothing when he has the power to act become tragic in their own way, because it's tragic that he truly thinks of himself, a centuries-old vampire leader of the paris coven, as powerless and helpless as he had been when he was still alive.
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
HI I ABSOLUTELY LOVED UR COLLECTOR HEADCANONS. He’s such a sweetheart heart inside but is spoiled just overlooked. Could you do jealous head-canons on how he’d react if other person or perhaps creature that was taking up his mother figures time. (If you can you can add hunter as well)
Hi, My Requests are Closed bc of My mental health(long story short, i have a breakdown and kind of burn out, i'm better now, but still) but you're LUCKY that i have a Soft spot for The Owl House 😭
I'm not doing Headcanons thoug.
I feel that if The Collector felt that his mother/father figure was not paying enough attention to him he would simply say it, he is a VERY direct child and he really has no shame, so if he feels that you are doing something wrong, he will tell you without much effort. touch (unless you teach him what touch is).
He doesn't really get angry with his mother/father figure in those types of cases, as long as he gives him pampering and attention everything is fine👍✨
Now, if it were a person who distracted attention from him, we must take into account which Collector we are talking about.
the Collector during the series would probably turn him into a puppet and take his mother/father figure away to play, without really feeling sorry because he feels that person deserves it for "wanting to steal his baba"
If their father/mother figure asks them VERY VERY well, they will remove the spell, but not without pouting.
The Collector matures a little after the series, but he is more discouraged than anything else, he acts more like a child waiting for his parents to stop talking to his friends on the phone. although as soon as they stop talking to that person, he becomes especially clingy with them and seeks reassurance that they love him.
not jealous per se, but he's definitely a little afraid of his mother/father figure moving away from him.
Hunter is a similar case, we need to know which version we are referring to.
Hunter Goldguard definitely uses his position to his advantage to take the "attention thief" away from his mother/father figure and then takes them away for "matters of utmost importance" which is just him ranting about that person and how insufferable they are.
Hunter doesn't really intervene when his mother/father figure is distracted by something, because he doesn't want to upset them (thanks Belos). but when it's a person it's a different story, and it's always jealousy/anger directed towards that person, not their mother/father figure.
"Normal" Hunter is more than anything a little capricious with the attention of his mother/father figure, saying certain comments that show his discontent, but not really hostile. Similarly to Collie, he will wait for his mother/father figure to finish speaking, but angrier.
Then (ask pretty please) he will demand that the mother/father figure teach him something new to make up for the lost time (if they want).
Hunter at the end of the series would not really feel jealous that the attention is not on him, maybe he will try to enter the conversation and such, try to socialize as his mother/father figure wants✨
They are just spoiled but loving kids✨❣️
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angel-fics · 1 year
Hi! Just wanna say love all these little headcannons you make for the boys, but I was wondering how would they be with a sibling reader? I'm a girl but you can make it like a younger sibling in general. Ok thanks byeeeee
omg, hi, thank you so much!?? and yeah, i can totally deliver on that, just let me work my magic
The Lost Boys Head Canon: What They Are Like as Older Brothers
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*Y’know Roderick from “Diary of A Wimpy Kid”? Yeah, that’s David as a big brother. He would spend all of his time brooding around and terrorizing you
*He has his moments tho, like, he won’t ever let anyone pick on you, ever. For example, if a Surf Nazi ever tried something with you, you could expect to find their mutilated body out out on display for everyone to find
*He doesn’t really like to spend a lot of quality time with you, but he’ll always do little things for you, like getting your favorite snacks or picking out movies you like for movie nights
*If you ever bring it up, he will vandalize something and blame it on you so that you get in trouble with Max. David is such a shit, he probably has a binder filled with detailed plans on his to fuck up your day if you ever reveal to anyone that he actually loves you
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*He’s so cool, he’s definitely the older brother that you brag to your friends about and will invite to group hangouts. Your friends love him too bc he will help y’all get away with rebellious crap and adults wouldn’t be okay with
*If he ever catches you sneaking out or making out with someone, he’ll tease you about it for weeks but he’ll also cover for you so that no one ever finds out
*He’s also not afraid to let you know that you can always count on him and that he loves you, he’s not embarrassed about it or anything. His main priority as an older brother is that you know you can always count on him for anything and everything
*Even if he’s helping you do something that’s against the rules, you can always trust him to help you out if things go sideways and you need to bail. Marko will always have your back and do what’s best for you
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*A lot like Marko, he’s the fun-loving older brother that’s always down for some mischief. Unfortunately, it’s usually at your expense. Like, if he gets bored, he’ll start drama to get you in trouble, just for kicks. Bc he has nothing else to do
*He can also be pretty annoying around your friends. They all have crushes on him bc he flirts with them constantly. Paul doesn’t actually have a genuine interest in any of them, he just knows it annoys you.
*He’s a good brother tho, if you do him favors, he’ll help you get out of trouble with Max or give you all the cheat codes on how to sneak around and steal stuff from convenience stores
*You can have small sentimental moments with him too, especially one on one. He’s the older brother where you can just sit and watch a movie with him in silence and be totally at peace. But he’ll also have you cracking up like a choking seal in a split second, just depends on his mood
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*He’s a lot more like a father than an older brother. If you’ve forgotten something at home, he’ll drive his motorcycle to you and give your items to you while lecturing you on responsibility. It’s so annoying and embarrassing
*Dwayne has even been mistaken for your dad on numerous occasions and he almost never corrects anyone, you have to do it. He’ll just smile awkwardly and continue on like nothing happened
*Still, if you ever need someone to talk to or someone to give you advice, he’s always there, ready to talk or just to listen. If you’re feeling irrationally angry, he’s hyping you up and feeding your delusions (you all know you have those moments, don’t even lie)
*If you’re a girl, and you need menstrual products, he’s the first one up and out the door and will go out of his way to deliver whatever you need or want without hesitation. The others might balk at the question, but not Dwayne. He’s Mr. Dependable-with-a-bottomless-bag
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martianbugsbunny · 1 year
Locked In This Embrace (An Espionage Husbands Fic)
*Shapeshifts from being a filing cabinet* So funny story, this started out as like, a good old fashioned scene rewrite fic where I just thieved the dialogue from the show itself and added some inner monologue and of course my own twist at the end bc otherwise what's the point? and OF COURSE the scene I picked was the forehead touch scene between Nick and Talos, I'm obsessed with it. It was supposed to be basically just that scene plus a romantic end, real short and sweet.
It kind of got away from me and consumed several hours of my life. I analyzed the scene itself so a lot of the gestures Talos makes in the fic are actually what he was doing onscreen. His inner monologue is matched to the canon gestures/facial expressions and I swear on the ship it works so well he could actually be thinking that stuff in canon. At this point half or less of the fic is the actual scene rewrite, that's how much of my own material I added.
...and yes, the title is derived from a post I made earlier about this exact scene. It's maybe not the best title but that's my weak spot so that's how it is.
Here's my offering to the blorbo gods and the Espionage Husbands fandom, read on and enjoy!
“I am so sorry,” Fury said.
“Me too,” Talos replied, his voice low. He savored the feeling of Furys forehead pressed against his, sharing space, breathing the same air; he had lost one love, but the other lived, and the fact that Fury cared enough to meet him with a Skrull embrace rather than a Human one returned a bit of the warmth to his heart that he had lost when Soren died. “Soren loved you,” he said. It felt right to remind Fury of that—Fury, who had cared for her almost as much as Talos had.
“But she worried, mate,” he went on (he was never quite sure if he was using that word in the Human context of "friend" or in the Skrull one of "partner"), “That it would take something like this to bring you back to Earth.”
Fury pulled away to look Talos in the eyes. “I guess she was right,” Talos finished.
For a moment, Fury said nothing. Talos wondered if he knew that the word ‘Earth’ was never the one that he or Soren had used when worrying over Fury’s absence from their lives. Talos remembered her saying, only a few days before she died, “I’m afraid of what it will take to bring him back to us.”
But Fury didn’t know that.
He cupped his hands around Talos’s face for a brief moment; far too little time, yet so precious, and then let go and sighed heavily. “Tell me about Gravik,” he said, and Talos tried not to let it show in his face how horribly heartbroken he was that Fury could move on from such a personal moment so quickly. Fury was back for Earth, not for…well, now it was just him. Even if he did feel for Talos the way Talos did for him, which Talos had never been able to decipher or been bold enough to ask, there were more important things to do than trying to determine where the two of them stood.
And still…Talos was never one to let things go. “Let’s just talk about you first,” he suggested. “We’ve been helping you for all these years, to ensure that you kept your promise. But after the Blip…you were different.” Life during those five years had been a nightmare for Talos, even though he had survived. It was terribly complicated, being grateful that his wife and daughter had been spared, and yet grieving the loss of Nick like the loss of his soul. If he hadn’t had Soren to lean on, Talos hated to think of how completely the darkness would have enveloped him.
“You disappeared.” That was the final pang. After all the agony of the Blip, Fury had been returned to life and Talos had, for a moment, hoped he could finally ask, once and for all, where their relationship truly stood. And then—he was gone. Settled in space, almost as lost to Talos as he had been when he was dead.
“Carol Danvers disappeared,” Talos said. She, like Fury, was supposed to be helping the Skrulls find a home. He was less angry at her, though, because she wasn’t Fury. She didn’t occupy that same space in his heart. “And—so did G’iah.”
Fury turned to him. “Your daughter disappeared? To where?”
“She was young. Angry that our people still don’t have a home.” G’iah was the one person he loved more than Fury, and Talos didn’t hesitate to defend her to him, even though he was utterly disappointed in her decisions. But like he said, G’iah wasn’t evil. A lot of rebel Skrulls weren’t. Just angry.
“Many of them were upset. I got kicked off the Council, pushed into exile, but Gravik—Gravik, mate, he took your abandonment—” Talos couldn’t quite look Fury in the eyes where he said that word—“that much harder.”
When they went back downstairs so Maria Hill could brief Fury on the rebel Skrulls, Talos tried not to read too much into it that Fury sat next to her, on the complete opposite end of the table from himself. She was, after all, the closest friend Fury had.
He also hated that, as the only Skrull at the table, it was his job to break the news to Fury just how precarious the Gravik situation was. “We brought you here for a reason,” he said. A far heftier one than my broken heart, he reminded himself, realizing that it was probably about to get a lot more cracked. “If he succeeds…your species will cease to exist.”
Fury stood up abruptly, pushing his chair back from the table. “Shit,” he muttered. “I’m going for a walk.”
“You’re going for a walk—in Moscow, at night?—You’re gonna stand out.” Even if he couldn’t meet Fury’s gaze, Talos couldn’t resist the urge to warn him off from getting hurt.
And then just like that he was gone.
Talos stared at Maria across the table. He didn’t care that his expression was probably giving away how he was feeling—he wasn’t even sure what label to put on it, so why should he bother to hide it?
“He loves you, you know,” she said, after a drawn-out moment of silence. “When I told him I was calling at your request…well, his tone changed awful quickly.”
That was the call where not only had Fury been summoned back to Earth, he had also learned of Soren’s death. Talos had insisted Maria tell him; the wound was too fresh, and he hadn’t wanted the first time he saw Nick after all those years to be a moment for breaking bad news.
“I’m not so sure,” Talos answered. He got up to look through the fridge—he didn’t truly like a lot of human food, but there were some fruits that tasted nearly identical to Skrull produce, and he kept a stock of them whenever possible. He pulled out a half-eaten can of lychees and a fork from the silverware drawer. “He left.”
Maria followed him to the kitchen area, leaning against the small counter. “The Blip hurt everyone, Talos. The rest of the world may not think so, but you and I know that he’s only human. He needed the time away.”
“He could have spent it with us.” “Why are you so hung up on that? I know you missed him—”
“Missed him?” Talos shoved the can to the side and turned towards Maria. “If you can say that lungs would ‘miss’ oxygen or that veins would ‘miss’ blood, then yeah. I missed him.” He buried his head in his hands. “It wasn’t just those five years, Maria. For decades I’ve wondered if he loved me, always too afraid to hear that answer was no to even ask, always sure that if he felt so, he would tell me.”
“You could have told him how you felt,” Maria reminded him.
“I could have. And he could have. We wasted all that time and I just—I can’t help but believe that if he had been down here with us, like he should’ve been, maybe he could have done what I couldn’t. Maybe Soren would still be alive.”
He abandoned us, Talos wanted to say. It was what most Skrulls believed about Nick Fury, although Talos could’ve told them they had no idea what it was to be abandoned by him.
Soren had never made a secret of her affection for Fury; all those years locked away from her husband in Mar-Vell’s lab had taught her how precious love was, and how freely it should be expressed. Talos, on the other hand, feared rejection. Loneliness. Ages of being hunted by the Kree, mistrusted and reviled by other species, had taught him that. And yet…with Soren by his side, it was always clear that Fury had a home with them if he wanted it. And Fury had accepted that offer and lived with them from time to time, his nearness and his close relationship with Soren driving Talos mad.
Why did he give up that home when they needed so badly to see him alive and well after his death?
Suddenly Talos remembered something else Soren had said. They had been washing dishes together, while Fury was in the living room admiring some drawings that G’iah had made.
“You’re a stubborn man, Talos. And I love you for it. Anyone else might have given up on finding us again.” She handed him a plate to dry. “But…I wonder what it would take for you to take a leap of faith.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” (He did.)
“Hand him your heart, Talos, and trust him not to break it.”
Soren had been able to do it all that time, and it had never cost her. Yet even now, when he was finally reunited with Fury, Talos had only been able to give him Soren’s love, and not his own.
It was on him as much as it was on Fury that they had never determined what they were to each other. And it was his inability to protect Soren, not Fury’s absence from them, that had cost Soren her life, Talos decided.
When Fury finally returned from his walk (and a kidnapping, Talos was alarmed to hear) he informed them that he had set up a bug in an associate’s house and was expecting to get new intel on Gravik’s plans soon. Maria took charge of setting up their end of the surveillance equipment, and Talos determined to take his chance and do what Soren had advised him to do years ago.
“Fury, can I talk to you for a moment?” he asked. He noticed Maria smirking and wanted to sigh. “It’s….” Not information on which the fate of Earth or Humanity hung, but still….“Important.”
To Talos's surprise, Fury’s irritation with him had entirely dissipated, no doubt in light of the new information they were about to get. They went back up to the roof and stood looking out at the city together, the silence amiable.
Talos reached over and took Fury’s hand. His fingers were cold. “I’ve always loved you,” he said, staring straight ahead. “And I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.”
Fury smiled. “I had guessed. Figured you would say it when you were ready—didn’t quite expect that to take three decades.” He pulled Talos close and repeated the Skrull forehead touch they had done earlier, their fingers still intertwined. A single tear slipped down Talos’s face. “I love you too.”
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
I love young strangers but I'm caught up and I've read all your other stuff, do you have any fic recs? I love your fics so much :)
thank you!! if you haven't already read all of her stuff, i recommend everything written by my friend sarah @steveharrington!! her ao3 is birthdaycandles and literally everything she's ever written is an absolute banger. if you like my stuff you will Love her and if you've read all of my fics but not hers i think that is a travesty and you better get on that immediately.
some great under-appreciated fics of hers: run for your children, for your sisters and brothers (steve lucas and robin. that is literally all i have to say it's about STEVE LUCAS AND ROBIN why haven't you clicked yet), strung through the tether (THEE stobin platonic soulmate fic), & seriously slipping out of control (steve and robin beg eddie to give them impulsive trauma tattoos immediately after starcourt).
idk what ships/characters ur most into so i'm just gonna focus on recs that are gen/ship-lite and oneshots bc i feel like that's what most of my fics are? so if you like my fics hopefully you'll like these bc i think they are all wayyy better than my fics but with similar vibes dkvjfjcn.
windowsill is a story focusing on max's recovery after s4. steddie is there, but the story itself is really about max and her healing and finding herself in the wake of trauma, and i think everybody should read it because it's gorgeous.
similarly, no, i'm not afraid to disappear explores erica's trauma in the wake of s4, how it sets her apart from her friends, and how she uses D&D to work through some of that trauma. there is NOT enough erica-centric fic out there and this one really gives her all of the love and complexity and attention she deserves.
you can put it all on me, you can laugh and you can bleed is a classic Steve Harrington Gets The Care And Love He Needs After Getting The Living Shit Kicked Out Of Him fic, and it has multiple perspectives (including officer callahan who is a hoot) that create a rich picture and make it all feel real. it isn't just about steve, it's also about all of the kids, their fears and trauma in the immediate aftermath of s2, and it's so fucking precious. literally the cutest shit ever.
strange (but not a stranger) is a mike-centric fic set after s4 that like. single-handedly saved mike's character for me. like s1-2 mike was my BABY and s3 i was kinda eh about him and in s4 i felt like i barely recognized him but this fic reached right into my heart and said You Will Love Mike Wheeler Again He Is Still Your Baby. mike is so messy and angry and lost in this fic and he feels like a flesh and blood teenager who's been through a lot and i think this fic deserves So much more attention.
don't imagine you're too familiar is a s4 aftermath fic focused on robin, steve, dustin, and eddie. this fic Gets steve and robin they are soooo platonic soulmates coded in this (as they should be) and i love it. also some steddie. as a treat.
unlike the others on here, adventures in babysitting a psionic isn't a oneshot, it's 59k words and SO WORTH READING. it's about steve babysitting el in the space between s2 and s3. it's definitely canon divergent but it's not a huge Plot Deal it's mostly about el and steve building an incredibly sweet friendship, and they both get a lot of complexity, care, and emotional development that i love. their relationships with the other characters are also given attention and it's just like... so cozy and sweet. it's simply precious.
so that's it for now! sorry if the formatting of this was weird i'm on mobile dkcjdjc i hope you haven't already read all of these and thank you again for being so kind ab my fics!!
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god every time I think of the twins and meeting MC's family i wanna drag them to mine. we don't talk to most of the extended family but my parents have already emotionally adopted my best friend and refer to them as their third child. they'd easily absorb two more sad boys. i wanna do family game/movie nights and drag them to dinners where we've cooked wayyyy more food than we actually need and then make root beer floats (and argue over whether the soda or the ice cream goes in first). i want to introduce them to my pets and see if they pass The Cat Test (a very important test I'm sure they'll pass bc they're good boys....... tho saeyoung might take a few tries).
ik it would take time for them to feel fully at ease with a family, but i want to get to the point where they feel like they ARE family. they deserve it
I respect that. Those boys deserve to have a family welcome them with open arms like this. It's not at all different from the way they feel when they're with the RFA. That's a family already, but this is a little different just in the sense that it's your family. It's your family beyond the reaches of the RFA. I can see Saeran and Saeyoung feeling lost in a typical family unit if only because what they're used to isn't like what others are. To see a happy set of parents together, interacting as if it's the most normal thing in the world, that already feels like a sense of major whiplash. That's one of those things that the two of them would wordlessly look at each other and think to themselves how strange it is that there is a world out there like this they could never have imagined as children. It's not something they're angry about, but it is something that they're curious about.
The strangest interactions come from any sort of gentle affection and attention from your parents. It isn't a stretch to say that the first time they've been introduced to kindness from a parental figure might very well be the situation. It's even stranger because there's no pity or sympathy since your parents wouldn't know all the details of the things that they've gone through. In a way, it's a good thing, and in another way, it's strange. Saeyoung is the one that would be waiting for the floor to cave in. He's used to preparing for something to go wrong. He would expect the rug to fall out from underneath him... Don't look too hard at the way his shoulders stiffen when your mother compliments him about something, or when your father genuinely wants to hear him explain something.
Depending on the Saeran you're around, GE or SE, that makes a huge difference in how he interacts with others. GE Saeran would be swept away by how normal everything seems. But it would only be when he's alone with you later that he would sit down, cry a little, and smile because he's so grateful at the realization that you've had a good upbringing and that he gets to be a part of all of this. Don't get him wrong, he's happy for the life he's lived, but for the reality that you're able to share this with him... Well, that's what gets him.
Whereas, SE Saeran would be incredibly tense the entire time because this is too much for him. Even if he said it was okay at first, begrudgingly, the fact is he's... lost. It feels fake. Everything around him feels fake. The kindness of the people around him still feels like sympathy even if they have no idea who he is. He's not going to pitch a fit at them, but you will see that he is afraid. He's always been afraid of tenderness. He tries to avoid your parents like the plague. Especially your mother. They might get the wrong idea about him but as long as they understand why he's uncomfortable, even vaguely, that'll make things a little easier.
But, no matter what time line you're working with, it will work out in the end if you are persistent and compassionate.
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
I don't know you and your blog but I saw some of your post on the Jikook tag and Im with you on seven. I'm a jikooker and I'm ot7 but I'm not about to be a hypocrite and pretend that seven is not the first and only release being fully supported by the industry. I find the song mid and the whole situation totally unfair so it lost my support. I hate when ppl say that's solo behaviour BC being angry and upset in face of gross unfairness is just a normal reaction for any empathetic human. I still believe in Jikook and don't think jk did any of that maliciously tho🤷
well now you know feel free to follow 😜
it's not supported by the industry just Scooter, Bang Pd, Hybe and BH. Everytime you don't agree with armies or disagree with some jikook content or theories you're seen as the bad guy, the solo, the anti and honestly I'm fine with being labelled as such because one thing I will not do is to keep quiet and act like nothing's wrong. They are being ignorant rn on twitter about that Forbes article published, speaking badly about jimin while supporting jk smh. Praising scooter the same man who's shown his evident hate on jimin times more than once.
I do want to give jk the benefit of the doubt because I know and I believe he loves jimin but we don't know nor see everything so... But honestly for him partnering with scooter for his debut was a bad idea I don't want to lie and I said partner because scooter 90% the reason why seven had such a debut besides the payola and all he wrote and produced the song too. Artists like Rihanna, Ariana, Taylor and many more have spoken up against scooter so I'm afraid he's starting his solo career on a bad foot people will look and think of him as a puppet than an artist which he's not but everyone knows scooter is bad news and authentic and organic artists stay away from him so I'm afraid that may affect him negatively on his future endeavours.
About the song it is good just not my kind of jam. I personally thought the MV doesn't go with the lyrics and the lyrics don't match the beat but they put it together so well and jk makes everything sound good so...and I felt very discouraged to stream I'm ashamed to say that I didn't stream seven yesterday and I still don't feel the need to because it looks like scooter is taking care of everything and we're just puppets to his show
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chaossequence · 1 month
Earlier there was a scorpion that I had to take care of for my roomate (who's dealy afraid of that stuff) since it was next to her bed then I went to a night class,, they pick me up since its a bit far and they needed to print something anyways, then tell me " hey... Oyster had another scorpion on her bed and ended flinging it onto your bed so you'll have to deal with that"
1. I'm also very scared of bugs especially ones that sting
2. I did not put the scorpion in my bed, why should I, who already dealt with the earlier one out of necessity, be the one to deal with it
3. I didn't care that much. I was drawing and I didn't really fully believe them. I said that this is the exact kind of thing you would formulate before coming to meet me just to mess with me
4. Long story short we walk home and I have to walk up to the house thinking wow they can't even have some kindness for me they KNOW I can't even deal with bugspray bc of my asthma and sensitivity to aerosols in general they KNWO I hate bugs esp that sting I'm already pissed and they then tell me before I walk all the way up that it's a prank there is no scorpion
5. Even if there was a scorpion I still lost some trust in them for just putting me in this situation, I often feel like no one has my back at all
6. The fact that this was a prank just hurts me more in that I never pull this shit off with them. I don't make pranks I don't try to put people in those situations bc i know I'd hate going through it myself. I annoy them a lot on purpose like earlier I'd been throwing tiny leaves at Cigarette for a good way towards class, pretty mild I would say.
7. For years I've known that I just do t like getting messed with. I don't like people making a fool out of me. Lying to me. Making me believe in something just to reveal it's wrong and then ridicule me for it after wards,, this just feel like that
8. I feel like this is bc i didn't have their childhoods or even current relationships. I never had siblings or cousins I was close to. I never had terribly close friends. When people try to mess with me now I get angry and fussy if you try talking to me and cry if it's worse.
9. Earlier that day I told Cigarette "do not do that to me, don't tell me that" when she said awwww are you crying? To me sniffing or rubbing my nose bc if allergies. She's done that a lot bc especially when I scratch me eye (I have a dry spot there so throughout the day I'm scratching off some dead skin) and she'll say omg don't cry bbg ~ in a very infantalizing voice that I've already told her not to use with me and it's just messing with me a lot.
10. Last year Oyster played a "prank" on me while I was sick at home. one of our friends (Electric) messaged me that she hates Oyster and Iguana and didnt want to be friends with them anymore and giving more details of course (I even live blogged that occasion on here lol) but the problem was that THIS WAS COMPLETELY believable. Like Electric was going through a rough patch with us at the time and has expressed such things about them and another girl like I was just saying hey you need to tell them this don't come and shit talk about them to me. I even told my mom about this and she agreed that yeah.. it felt like they were testing me and what I'd say about those two behind their backs like I haven't forgiven Oyster about this thing at all and she just continues life not knowing that to this day I call this the "Electric situation"
11. After that, on a camping trip I tol Cigarette who was my travel buddy at the time and best friend I hate these people turning on their flasha light when they don't have to bc it's really hurting my eyes. I even had her walk me though the guided trial so I could keep my eye closed for a while. Then at the night campfire the fire was very bright, hurting my eyes then people were turning on bright LED flash lights for no reason and I in frustration said "god just fucking don't turn on your lights you aren't using then at all" then cigarette who was next to me immediately turns on her light directly into my eyes. I got really hurt by this emotionally and physically bc she literally flashed a sudden bright light one foot away from my face. She regretted it the instant I changed my face nad shut my eyes with my hand even tighter and dad "sorry sorry I tend to do thing when people tell me not to I'm so sorry" like ok then I cried for the whole campfire to the point our chaperones (our close teachers) asked me if I was ok. I needed turning the opposite direction of the fire into the dark and closed my eyes still bc the shadows were flickering
12 I try my best so much to respect their boundaries like I don't call Cigarette annoying bc she has this issue ith it deeply so j just try no to use that word . So why can't she try for me
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soft4gguk · 2 months
I don’t think JK has thought this beach house weekend all the way through. Like what is his plan? Treat her like the nanny the entire time then crawl into her bed at night? I’m a little angry at him for even putting her in this situation. I think his thoughts are mostly marred with Soori’s happiness. It makes me wonder if he’s in love with the idea of Soori finding comfort in OC but can’t think of his growing affection of OC outside of Soori’s connection with OC.
I also caught on Lucy’s “he’s bringing the kid” comment. He hasn’t taken her out on an actual date if my memory serves me well. I believe he cooked for her in his home, but I don’t recall if they’ve ever been out out on a public date. I think he lost what it means to take it slow. He wants all the things associated with a relationship ASAP but is going at a snail’s pace at facing his demons head on.
With JK’s oblivious nature when it comes to flirtatious women , I guarantee you that a woman as beautiful as Ira must’ve felt so insecure. All a woman wants is what Rihanna sings about “make me feel like the only girl in the world”… I’m afraid JK may have lost in that department and he’s going down that same path again. I wonder if Ira decided to leave as a test to see if he would chase after her — perhaps even call her a million times. I don’t blame him for the “no contact” but I wonder if a part of her was expecting him to beg so she can come back home.
bestie is it u???????????? I feel like its u!!!! if its not u ilu sorry for mistaking u for someone else <3
oof. so much to unpack. let me start from the beginning!
yeah, you're right. I don't think he thought things through and it's probably because he's not seeing it... he's not getting it. I mean, to him, everything's fine. they're on their regular schedule - maybe a little busier than usual bc of this deal thing but nonetheless, in his mind everything is fine. so yeah, he probably does think that lol. also what you said about his thoughts being marred to Soori's happiness is so smart, I can't. (that's what made me think it was u lol) and honestly, I don't know what to respond to that... are they? not even out of not giving spoilers, I think I genuinely have to explore this before I can bring it into the story. thank you for that, tbh. that's such an interesting point to elaborate on.
omg!!! yeah, you're right! he has not taken her on a date yet, that's insane. I mean... that's not even justifiable over the fact they haven't been together for that long. OMG HE'S DOING EVERYTHING WRONG! and yes, I get so much is complicated but a date???? shouldn't that be easy???? idk. and yeah, I mean, his last relationship bared an actual child, so I get if he's a bit out of the loop on how the pace of things should be but still... :/
okay so, I loved your insight on ira and any insecurities they might've faced, and I can't believe I'm saying this but this is wrong! and that's why I wanted to include that bit of oc googling her during the last chapter, because their relationship was genuinely picture perfect. that's why in a way, jungkook was so incredulous and confused when she left. even if things hadn't been doing so well with her becoming a mom and all of that. he genuinely believed they were gonna work through it. they loved each other a lot 😭 also!!! I know I am depicting him in an awful light but he is a good man. he's not a fuckboy!!! like yeah he's been with his fair share of girls when he was younger but he's a nice, respectful boy I promise 😭 just a little dumb LMAO. also!!! I feel like I wouldn't say he has a flirtatious nature because he's a flirt, more so because he's charming. hehe.
omg, you never miss. I love answering these. ilu <3
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alaskarcenciel · 1 year
...And freeze !
words : 1406
ep 14 bis? reconciliation?
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13th of July, 2023
(up there a plan of the part of the living-room/kitchen, it's not the whole room bc I was lazy, so I did only the part where the scene happened, you have to imagine that the room is bigger, I didn't draw the wall on the left or right...)
Sam spent the morning training with Clint, and after the lunch she decided to rest on the couch, in the living room next to the kitchen. In fact, the kitchen and the living room were only one room, there wasn't really a wall with a door between the two spaces. At first, yeah, it was a full wall and 2 doors to come in each room, but when the Avengers moved in, they broke the wall so it would be the same and only room. They didn't fully destroy the wall, it was still a part of it behind the fridge and the workplan, but it didn't bother anyone so they let it here. There were two couches, a TV and a little table, on which one Sam usually laid her feet. When they do a movie night, they even put snacks and drinks on this little table. It's been a while since the last movie night. We should do one when Wanda comes back, I miss it, it was fun, she thought.
She ate with Clint and Bucky at lunch, they did the dishes together, then the two men went to their own room, Sam, alone in the room, sat on the couch and found a series to watch on the TV. She watched the first episode, but before starting the 2nd, she decided she wanted some snacks to eat while watching it. So she stood up and went into the kitchen to find something in the cupboards.
Natasha stepped into the living-room, quietly, like the spy she was, while Sam was facing the cupboard to find something to eat. Satisfied by what she found, Sam finally closed the cupboard and turned on herself to go back to the living room.
First she didn't see Romanoff, who was hidden by the wall. But when she passed the half wall, she found out the Russian spy was here.
Jumping and dropping her snacks, Sam backed away. Natasha got closer to Sam, who stood back, again and again, until she hurt the wall behind her.
Natasha raised both her arms, taking advantage of the wall behind Sam to support her body. Sam's head was now surrounded by Natasha's arms, even if there were 10 cm between her head and the spy's arms, the young woman wasn't at ease. Sam swallowed, hardly, and looked Natasha in her eyes, switching one eye to the other one.
Sam: W-what are you doing?
Natasha: I just wanna talk with you.
Sam: Go away.
She waited a few seconds.
Sam: Please. Go away.
Natasha didn't move an inch.
Natasha: I just want to talk with-
Sam pushed her to make her step away, then ran to the kitchen and took a knife she held with all her strength, between her and Romanoff, to make her stay away.
Natasha looked at the knife, then at Sam. Her head tilted on the right while she frowned her eyebrows, looking Sam in the eyes. The Russian woman was able to see something in the frenchie's eyes. A feeling she had never seen in these eyes before. Fear.
Natasha, softly: Hey.
Sam: Don't come closer.
Natasha: I'm not here to fight or anything. I just wanna talk.
Sam saw her raise her arms to her head, like a thief caught by the cops, but she didn't put the knife on the table though.
Natasha: You're not angry. If you'd have been, you'd have hurt me. You're scared.
She felt kinda sad saying this. Kinda sad and kinda lost. Why would Sam be afraid of her? She was her friend before becoming anything else. Even if she hadn't been nice to her when she came back, 3 months ago, she was still caring pretty much about the young woman, and would never do anything that could hurt her or put her in danger.
Natasha: Why are you scared of me?
Sam flinched. She kept staring at the ginger spy, trying to control her breathing, not to look scared.
Natasha: All this time, I thought you hated me, but you were just... Afraid? Why? What have I done to scare you?
Romanoff backed down, and sat on the couch, trying to show Sam she was a threat to her.
Sam: What do you want from me? Why do you care that much of what the hell I can think about you? I thought you never cared about other people's opinion.
Natasha: You're not any other people.
Sam: Oh sure I am.
Natasha: No, you're not. You're way much more than just a random person to me. You're a friend, my friend.
Sam: That's not true, you never were my friend, you faked it, you faked everything.
She wasn't angry saying that. Well, she was, but not only angry. There was sadness in her voice. A lot of sadness. The kind of sadness that fills your heart when it suddenly gets empty by the trusted-one's betrayal. She was angry, but more than that, she was sad, and hurt. She was afraid of Romanoff because she had the power to hurt her, more than Hydra's men. Because words cut more than knives. Because knives were only cutting her skin, and skin can heal. Words... cut your heart. Words can put your brain upside-down and drive you crazy. Heart and brain can't heal as easily as the body. Romanoff could hurt her physically, like during the training, but if it would pass, the pain would go away... However, when they fought three months ago, she hurt her deeper than nobody ever did. And the pain never went away.
Natasha's face faded, her shoulders downed.
Natasha: I didn't fake anything, Sam. I truly care about you, I always cared.
Sam: That's not true. I remember it. I remember when you said you cared about me, that you were here for me because you were my friend. I remember all the time you said we were a family, and that you'd never failed me or let me down. And I remember when you said you should have agreed with Stark, that I was childish and didn't belong here. I remember when you said I was lazy and useless, as much on the field than at the compound. I remember when you said I didn't have any sense of responsibility. I remember when you said I didn't deserve y'all to care about me.
Her voice broke more and more in each sentence. She whispered while saying the last one. A tear dropped off her right eye. She sniffled. Romanoff closed her eyes. She seemed ravaged. How could have she even said that?
Natasha: Sam...
Sam: See? I remember it all too well. But it's my fault I guess. Maybe I asked for too much.
Natasha: No, sweetheart, you didn't ask for too much. We told you about family, having your back, and we failed you. I was horrible with you, I shouldn't have said all that, it wasn't even true.
Sam sniffled again, and wiped her tears away. She shrugged, and looked at the spy.
Sam, whispering: Well, there was obviously a part of reality, otherwise you wouldn't have said that. These sentences weren't lies, unlike all the oaths you made me about family and trust...
She seemed pissed again, the fear had totally disappeared on her face, in her eyes.
Nat: Sam, I'm sorry, really really sorry, I- I lost it and I said things I never thought, I was just trying to hurt you, I didn't mean these sentences.
Sam: Well, it worked.
Natasha: What?
Sam: You did hurt me, congratulations, you did it!
She did a little dance, mocking the spy, trying to forget how much she suffered because of what the spy told her that day.
Natasha smiled a bit. Her face really looked tired. Not tired because she needed to sleep. Tired mentally. Tired of fighting against the people she loved. Tired of fighting with Sam especially. She didn't want to fight with her, she really wanted to be her friend again. But apparently Sam didn't see it the same way.
The blond woman finally went to put her snacks, laying on the floor a few meters forward, and left the room to go to her bedroom.
In less than time she took to think about it, Natasha was alone in the room.
So casually cruel in the name of being honest. (ATW10MVTVFTV)
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bunmurdock · 1 year
matt comforts reader with loss of purpose just some good ol' hurt/comfort bc life is hard <3
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you stare at the blank screen in front of you, the cursor blinking tauntingly as if mocking your lack of inspiration. your fingers hover over the keyboard, hesitating before they can even start typing. it's been days, maybe even weeks, since you last felt the rush of creativity that used to drive you. the sense of purpose that once fueled your every action feels like a distant memory.
lost in your thoughts, you barely notice the soft creak of the door as it opens and matt comes home. even though he can't see your face, his heightened senses detect the tension in your posture, the subtle shifts in your breathing. he crosses the room and sits on the edge of your desk, a gentle touch on your shoulder pulling you out of your reverie.
"hey," he says softly, concern lacing his voice. "everything okay?"
you give a half-hearted smile. "hey. yeah, i'm fine. just a bit tired, that's all."
he studies you for a moment, his lips forming a thoughtful line. "you don't seem fine," he counters gently, fingers still resting on your arm. you shook your head, a reflexive denial. "really, it's nothing. just a rough day."
matt's lips twitch into a half-smile, a mixture of amusement and skepticism. he knew your deflections all too well. "come on," he says, voice coaxing. “i can tell when something’s bothering you."
you look down, fiddling with a pen on your desk. a sense of vulnerability grips you, and you struggle to find the words to explain the turmoil inside. "i don't know, matt. lately, i've been feeling… lost, i guess. like i don't really know who i am or what i'm doing. i used to be so sure about everything when i was younger, but now i just feel like a shell of who i once was."
he nods with a soft hum. with a gentle touch, he closes the laptop, effectively ending your futile writing session. "come on," he said, his voice soft but resolute, hand patting your shoulder.
reluctantly, you set the pen down and follow him to the couch. with practiced ease, he settles you on his lap, wrapping his arms around you, where you felt safe and vulnerable all at once.
"you know," he begins, his voice thoughtful, "i've been in a place where i felt like i'd lost my purpose, too. a few times actually." you turned to him, surprised. matt had always been so composed, so confident.
he nods, his fingers tracing soothing circles on your back. "after midland circle, i went through a period where i felt like i had my purpose taken from me. along with two people who’d meant a lot to me. it was hard, trying to find my place without my abilities—without daredevil. and after everything that happened with fisk, i was angry. i thought i'd beaten him, but he still had a hold on me. and then there was the whole ordeal with poindexter. i battled my own demons, and faced my own darkness. it’s not easy."
your eyelids brim with hot tears, overwhelmed by both your own turmoil and his—you couldn't imagine how dark of a time that must have been for him. "how did you get through it?”
"well, i couldn’t have done it without the people around me—foggy, karen, and our other friends. accepting help… and then finding the strength from within to rise above the fear and doubt.” he pauses, as if reminiscing. “and i always remember something my dad told me: ‘it's not how you hit the mat, it's how you get up.’”
you close your eyes, a tear soaking into his shirt, as you manage a wet affirmation.
matt continues, "remember, it's okay to ask for help. and it's okay to feel lost sometimes. what matters is how you find your way back." your voice falters. "but how do i find my way back?"
matt's hand cups your cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. "start by acknowledging your feelings. be kind to yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for help. surround yourself with people who support and love you, and remember that your worth isn't defined by your productivity or achievements."
you take a deep breath, his advice sinking in. "i guess i've been putting too much pressure on myself."
he chuckles softly. "you're only human. embrace your journey, even the uncertain parts. it's all part of becoming who you're meant to be."
as you sit in his comforting embrace, you realize that perhaps you're not as lost as you thought. with matt's support, you can begin to rediscover yourself and find your way back to the path that's uniquely yours.
after about a minute of comfortable silence, your spirits finally begin to lift and you raise your head. "thank you, matt."
he brushes some hair out of your eyes. “where’s my giggly girl?”
you bury your face in his chest in mock defiance, smile already forming, but then fingers brush at your ribs, pulling a gleeful squeal out of you. “matt!”
“there she is.”
with a newfound warmth in your heart, you find yourself smirking up at him. "does this mean i can add superhero therapist to your list of talents?"
matt chuckles, his fingers playfully tracing patterns on your arm. "i don’t know. did i do a good job?”
you lean into him, savoring the closeness. "hmm, not bad, though i’d prefer a cape next time you're on therapy duty."
"a cape? do i look like doctor strange to you?" he teases, feigning outrage.
you giggle. "might need to work on the facial hair."
matt pretends to ponder it. "perhaps a goatee will give me that mysterious, mystical aura."
you shake your head, still chuckling. "as if you’re not mysterious enough."
he pulls you in for a gentle kiss, his lips lingering against yours. "you know, i don't need a superhero identity to be your rock." his words send a pleasant shiver down your spine. you nuzzle closer to him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. "i know, matt. and i'm grateful for you every day."
he grins. "good, because i'm not going anywhere."
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italoniponic · 2 years
Congratulations for the event! May I request hcs of Leona and Floyd (seperated pls '^^) with a s/o who's significantly shorter than them but is still bold? Like their s/o is 150cm but doesn't give a shit and still annoys the hell out of them and threatens them even tho they don't stand a chance against them.
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 - 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
| Notes: Hi, dear! This made me remember a Brazilian expression about short people that have little to no patience for things (the exact word for that doesn't translate to english). It’s like saying “oh, that angry shortie, right?” That’s the feeling I’m looking for here lol  And I changed Leona and Floyd’s nicknames just for the sake of adding a bit of personality to this reader, so instead of herbivore and shrimpy, we have “meerkat” and “flounder”. A-ha title reference just bc~ Thanks for the request <3 |
Leona Kingscholar, Floyd Leech x g!n short reader / headcanons / fluff & comedy / teasing / reader has 150cm and is feral / movies references / use of “you” pronouns
Cherry’s Harvesting event 🍒 Masterlist
Fighting High and Low
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“Enjoying the Sun, little meerkat? Or am I doing a shadow for you?” You snorted at those words, turning to face Leona Kingscholar who was resting his arm on your head. But you wouldn't let him just take advantage of you like that. You elbowed his rib and stuck out your tongue. This was a typical scene for you two;
As Leona met you more and more throughout your early days in the NRC, he gradually became interested in you. Not only because of the situations you got into sometimes, but also because of the way you faced everything so bravely even though you are the height of a child. He thought you were a very special source of entertainment at first;
Teasing you has become one of the peaks of Leona's day. Studying could suck, being bothered by annoying herbivores even more so, but seeing your angry face and your attempts to fight back with him always improved his mood. Your courage — and a bit of senselessness — sets you apart from the rest and Leona gets to respect that;
That's why he nicknamed you “meerkat”. There is a little tale for children in Afterglow Savannah that the most clumsy of the meerkats managed to be friends with a large wild boar and was brave enough to find a safer place for his flock. They said he was kind of crazy and Leona remembered laughing a lot at this story when he was little;
When you nudge him out of your way, step on his foot, or call him an “furry electric pole”, Leona remembers this classic character from his land. Would you dare to throw yourself in front of a lion like him and say what you think, without being afraid to die? Absolutely. You already called him “lazy cat”, wringing a delicious laugh out of him;
And to your worst bad luck: you liked to see Leona laugh. Sometimes not laughing in a smug way, but genuinely. Because, as time went on, you came to realize that this is how he laughed during the provocations between you. His smile, wide but light, showed a joy never seen before. You once even literally tried to climb Leona to see his smile more closely;
Having a smaller height in relation to that multitude of jungle trees that you called colleagues was a problem at times, but you didn’t let yourself be felled by it. And there were other short guys full of rage and courage out there, so you didn't feel alone in your problems. You were one of the few people who made Leona pay attention to something and not necessarily annoy him in the process;
Before, when you were still really annoyed by his attitudes, you would pull him by the tail to get his attention. “I'm sorry, with my height, I can't reach your shoulder,” you'd comment, making a cute but mocking pout. To which Leona would lift you up by your arms and reply, “Now you have my attention, annoying meerkat.” But this was in the past;
Not that you have lost the ability to call him creatively. You literally jumped near him, managing to reach his shoulder and announce your presence. Leona would give you a little look, seeing your hands sliding down his arm without letting go, and grin. You two are a pretty weird pair;
No matter the situation or environment, Leona likes to lean on you and defend himself without concern from your punches to his torso and your kicks to his shin. You lose complete track of time or what people are talking about but it's so fun that it's worth it;
When you eventually confessed your feelings, it was time for your first kiss. You laughed, asking if the most dignified lion could squat down for you to reach him and in response, Leona held on by the waist, so that you ended up even taller than him. “Is the view from the pride rock beautiful?,” Leona asked. “Um, the Lion King over here is more.”
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“Hey, little flounder… smooth? What's that face?” Why do light breezes always carry a tsunami with them? You sighed as you felt a big, tall presence leaning against you. Floyd Leech had another one of those big, toothy smiles on his face, his eyes staring at you with a mysterious glow. You tried to step on his foot and run from there;
From the very first moment, Floyd felt that you would be an interesting person to get along with. You must have been one of the shortest people he has ever met — in general, everyone is already short to him — but, there is something in your gaze and in your stubbornness to accept yourself as a prey in that ocean of dangers that awakens unexpected feelings in Floyd;
Therefore, he likes to observe you and talk with you, observing your reactions and the way you act. Floyd would joke that this is “tasting the food” but in reality, it's a very detailed study of you as a person. This is what helps Floyd in any quarrel. He knows exactly what to say or do to disarm you and hit your nerves just right;
Proportionally, you ended up getting his way of acting. At first, you responded to Floyd's taunts in the same way. When he asked where you were because he didn't see you, you said you were right below him, ready to punch his balls. You also have this thing where Floyd would lift you up by the collar and you'd try in vain to kick him in the stomach;
But, now more experienced, you found a way to cut Floyd’s animation before it stretched any further than it should. It was only when you started complimenting the fact that he was tall that everything would lose its grace. However, sometimes you would give such an ironic and backhanded compliment that a smile would quickly return to Floyd's face. Did you really think you would get rid of him so easily?;
Your affectionate nickname as “flounder” is a joke about the favorite type of fish of a famous mermaid in the Coral Sea. She was friends with an especially fearful flounder, but at the right moments, he swallowed his fears and even managed to hit an eel with his tail. Floyd can see these same characteristics in you;
It makes Floyd even imagine what you would be like if you were underwater because his original form of eel is immense and if you were really a flounder — or a shrimp, whatever — you would remain a cute little thing that he would like to bite and tease. And you would have the same amusing folly of trying to hit him with your short tail;
Certain times, when you were in a bad mood and Floyd appeared, you would run up to him to hang yourself in his arms as if he was a large tree branch at your disposal. Floyd didn't care because it was kind of funny. “Do you think my arm is a plank?,” he laughed. “Forgive me for stealing the joke, but honestly, I'm short-tempered today,” you'd reply, frowning;
Without you two being able to stop it, something else came up between you. The pranks and jokes were getting less serious and ended up becoming a cool dynamic banter. Floyd liked to mess your hair up and give your head a strong caress, which you responded to by holding his back tight and sometimes climbing on him like he was your seahorse. Imagine the chaos in the hallways;
Falling in love with a tall person has its advantages. Floyd also sees this in your case as well. With you next to him, he could just hold you in front of someone and let your cute little face melt the person's heart. To which he ends up blurting out that this effect would be short-lived because you’re a little gremlin — as if he weren’t some ninety-one foot tall Godzilla;
When you had called Floyd to go in the yard that day, he thought it was funny that you had climbed up on the bench and stared at him from up there. “Will you try to dive on me, little flounder?,” he asked, amused and curious. “Only if I'm going to kiss you, stupid!” And it was in that moment that Floyd was sure you were the one.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
hi, sorry if this is bothersome but i'm feeling really shitty and have questions and don't know who else to turn to. i recently made a post about how my friends talk in a very condescending way about men and how in general people complaining about men being trash in front of me makes me feel bad and like they think i'm inferior (i'm a trans man). i got a reply that accused me of wanting women to be uncomfortable around me and being misogynistic on order to be accepted by cis men. and that i should be thankful that women are comfortable complaining about men around me bcs that means they see me as non-threatening. it made me think - should i just suck it up? this is a reoccurring theme in my life that evolved into a microtrauma - i hate when people shit on men around me, i both take it personally and sometimes i see it just as being a shitty person when those women aren't complaining about something that men did to them, just saying how weak and stupid men are. i have lost 2 friends because they kept making fun of men and then of me for being a man. and i'm just wondering, if i really should just empathize with them and ignore my feelings - if that's the right thing to to - or if i'm allowed to feel what i feel (hurt, angry, sad, like they think i'm inferior, that they're being unfair and mean) and maybe even call them out or just express my feelings in a non-threatening way. because i feel shitty as hell - i feel inferior and also misgendered somehow. but what if i'm ignoring women's issues and being misogynistic? what if i just need to be more considerate?
a continuation of that ask about being uncomfortable when people shit on men: i just remembered i wanted to express this too. again, sorry of you don't want people venting into your inbox. from all the transandrophobia on the internet, i developed this microtrauma that is manifesting in fear of women and women focused lgbt spaces. i'm not afraid of all women, this is specifically only on the internet and it's not on a big scale. also mostly on tumblr. what happens is that i see posts specifically about, like, girls being absolutely amazing, or like, trans women specifically needing help. and i get this whiplash of like, fear that something against men or trans men will follow. it usually doesn't and i might even reblog that post. but there's still this fear that there are so many women on the internet that hate men and trans men specifically and will look down on me and will harrass me and it could be anyone. and anything that even remotely reminds me of anti-trans-men posts will make me feel scared just for a few seconds. like those posts that go "support trans people, especially trans women!" or even absolutely innocent posts. and i feel pretty guilty for that, i mean feeling bad bcs of a post that supports women (trans or cis) sounds like (trans)misogyny. but i rationally don't have anything against that, i mean i'm a feminist and i'm all for trans women's rights and happiness. i support trans (and cis) women. it's just the trauma, bcs anti-transmascs often support trans (and cis) women and compare us with them. i'm just scared that those women will hate me. idk i just wanted to tell someone and be heard. i'm so tired and i know i should go off the internet, i'm gonna do that now. thank you so much for reading.
For lack of a less stereotypical phrase, your feelings are valid.
A lot of the "men are bad" stuff comes from genuine experiences with misogynstic men. Venting about that is not bad, but "venting about your oppression is good" does not mean that "venting can never be done in a hurtful way". If you were to talk condescendingly about women constantly because of how you've been hurt by women around your woman friends, it would be kind of a dick move. The same goes for cis women. Venting about how you've been hurt by men isn't bad, but that doesn't mean you have free range to say whatever you want with no thought for how it impacts people because "I'm venting about my oppression!" Your ex-friends should've listened to how they made you feel, because it's not right to excuse you hurting your friend. Especially when you are a trans man and already experience shame and hatred for being a man. Hurting other people and continuing to do to it when they tell you they've been hurt isn't excusable.
Obviously, you shouldn't let this let you become irrationally suspicious or negative towards women. But you also are not a bad person for reacting to constant stress and discrimination. When you constantly deal with sudden discrimination and harassment from people, it's natural to start getting suspicious or upset when you see things that remind you of that. I get the same way! Seeing posts and being hit with the worry of "would this person be normal about me? Would they harass me? Is this post innocent or an underhanded way of hurting me?" It's upsetting to have that reaction, because you want to just be happy and supportive. But the microtrauma of having those posts be connected to transandrophobia again and again takes it's toll, and it doesn't make you a bad person for having a reaction to that. The fact that transmascs have this microtrauma in general is a sign that there is something wrong with the online community and how it treats transmascs.
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jemmo · 3 years
I need us as a society to talk more about ohm's amazing acting choices for pat and I love all the posts I read this week and in particular the complexity he added to him. THE LAYERS. but you know the layer I love the most? His softness. Because oh god do I love getting lost in that amazing part of pat. The way he acts, the way he speaks and his mannerism in those moments are chef's kiss. You always talk about how pat is pure like he was never touched by the horrible world around him and that's such a perfect description. But he is also soft as hell. And isn't afraid to show it too. I was just watching the bus stop scene and the guitar one in ep3 and you can see I'm going through it. I love everything ohm gave to pat. That man is brilliant.
*rolls up sleeves* oh dear precious anon you have given me the chance to rant and rant i will. strap in.
ohm is something else. seriously. i cannot even begin to go about expressing how much adoration i have for this man and what he gave to us through pat. its astounding. im gonna reference what ohm said in the ep 12 reaction on jennie's yt channel just bc its fresh in my mind and bc it perfectly captures the things i wanna praise ohm for. he spoke about how pat is very much like him, we've heard him say this a billion times, and its very obvious they are similar types of people in the way they behave; playful, silly, tactile, but also very frank and honest and serious when its called for, when important things are happening or being discussed, or when they're sharing their emotions. but ohm also said two things i wanna focus in on; how pat can act like this given the background he has, a background very different to ohm's, and how ohm can make people think the person on screen is pat, not ohm. and its funny, bc i think these things feed into each other and made him successful in both.
i feel like pat's background is something ohm dug into a lot and really studied and considered and built up to deliver his performance. he wanted that through line so he could deliver a fully realised pat, he needed to figure out why, despite his upbringing and family situation and his father and the feud and so on, pat could be so cheerful and goofy and care-free on the surface. im not exactly sure what that through line is, but whats important is that i see it. i see that pat is not a bunch of separate people or personalities. there isn't the pat with pran, the pat with his friends and the pat with his father; they're all pat. yes his behaviour shifts but all his personality traits mix and affect each other. nothing is is simple, nothing is by the book, nothing is just as it seems on the cover. everything has this air of something else underlying it, bubbling under the surface. im not even sure how to perfectly describe it, its just there (i hope you know i actually just sat and cried for 5 mins bc i was just thinking about pat too much and it broke me but we continue).
you can see that pat is not just a one dimensional set of descriptors pilled into a body. he is a person, a living breathing human. you can see what his core personality traits are and how they have been altered by his childhood and his current environment, by the people he's known and knows now, and how they manifest differently in certain situations and around certain characters. its like... when he's with pran, hes adorable and smiley but that pang of pain and loneliness and hatred for the world and press of expectations never fully goes away. and even when he's at his saddest or angriest, that innate kindness and care and goodness in his heart is still present. sometimes you look at him and just see a kid that wanted a friend, but instead was moulded into something he didnt want to be, and yet he still holds on to the warmth and want for happiness thats so integral to him. and i think its so incredible that we see him in so many ways, in so many different lights; happy, sad, angry, cheeky, horny, hurt, jealous, excited, in love etc, and they're all pat. none of them are shocking, none of the ways he acts when feeling these emotions feel un-pat-like. i rlly dont know how he does it, but its just like pat will do something, react a certain way in a new situation and i'll just be like 'yeah, ofc he'd act like that, he's pat, thats what pat would do'. nothing is out of character, everything makes sense!! its so well thought out and crafted, but you can tell all that work was done beforehand so it could be ingrained into the performance, which allowed ohm to act so naturally and impulsively, bc he was living that character. he wasnt thinking 'what would pat do?' bc he already knew. he is pat and this is what pat does. its just AMAZING.
and as for his softness, i rlly rllyyyyy RLLLYYYYY adore this aspect of pat. it would've been so easy, given the kind of role he's fulfilling, to make pat very trope-ey. he could've been a jock/boy's boy/hot-head that is only softened by love, who only reveals that side to his lover, bc its his lover that brings it out of him. very much a man's man that will only act cute with his boyfriend much to his own embarrassment and at the sacrifice of manliness. but pat is so so soooooo far from this. his cute and soft demeanour is just pat. yes he's like it the most around pran, but you see him be goofy and sweet and kind with pa and his mom, he's like it when he goes home in ep 12 much to the annoyance of his father. he's dumb and playful with his friends in similar ways he is with pran and it shows us that this is pat, not just pat with pran, it’s who he always is, it’s just he shines brightest with pran. and i love that this softness is so integral and central to a character who is also very manly. i spoke before about how I don’t pats ‘manly’ aspects are just present bc of his fathers expectations, I think that rlly is pat, and I love that he can be all those typically manly things while also being so cute and adorable, and also while being caring and thoughtful and emotional and open. toxic masculinity is all about men feeling like they can’t open up, can’t be vulnerable, can’t be soft, they must be strong and stable 24/7. pat shows us that that’s just not true.
you are not any more of a man bc you hold your feelings in. christ, pat’s whole thing is that he can’t sit with his emotions, he has to be open and honest, it’s like a compulsion. and he doesn’t see being vulnerable and honest as a weakness or a sacrifice, he sees as something he needs in order to live fully. he truly wears his heart on his sleeve, but in a way where he’s almost adamant that he will feel and think and live how he wants. all his emotions are right there and he will feel them and share them bc otherwise he feels like he’s living half a life, and as someone who probably had to hide so much as a child, I can so see where that desire and will comes from. and that kind of resilience matched with his cuteness is perfection. bc it’s like his softness is defiant, his adorableness is an unconscious statement that he will live every moment with pure joy. he will not hide, he will not restrict, he will not pretend. that does not make him the man he is. he will play stupid games and pull cute faces and say his cheesy one liners bc for him, being a man is about sharing the kindness and happiness in his heart with the world, creating a warmer and brighter place for the people around him, and I just find that so admirable.
we go on and on about pat being best boy, but it’s so overwhelmingly true, bc i sincerely believe he’s such a great role model for how to just live. live happy and and honest and whole. and i think if we all just lived a little bit more like pat the world would be such a kinder place, and that’s something i can’t thank ohm enough for.
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mokutone · 3 years
tags from @kakashihasibs on this post
#ive been thinking about this post all afternoon and evening and night lol #i dont think we see yamato outwardly express anger ever (at least in the episodes we see) #like the closets he gets is when he's annoyed at naruto and even then that seems more playful or frustrated than properly angry #even when he is yelling at Bee and Naruto he doesn't seem ACTUALLY angry #but like how could he not be angry? #like everything that's happened to him? to people he loves? it's gotta be in there #you can't face the evils he's faced and not come out the other end at least a little angry #yam is too nice for his own good #sometimes #I think the biggest reason he represses his anger so thoroughly is bc i think a part of root is specifically repressing 'negative' emotions #i feel like i can remember a line from danzō about how emotions can lead to hate #but also focusing so much on the 'negative' emotions might be to keep root agents from turning that anger and resentment towards #Danzō and root itself #like another way of keeping kids in line is teaching them anger (especially justified anger) is a dangerous emotion #and with the extra focus on that perhaps that still something yamato isn't able to express properly #but also yam cares a good deal for naruto and probably for Bee too #he might not WANT to be angry at them #maybe he keeps it repressed so he doesnt lash out at someone he loves? #hmmmmmmmmm #i love him #someone needs to needle him until he snaps #get that anger out my guy #at least in the episodes that I'VE** seen #i did not mean to say we #whoops
enthusiastically points at these tags. enthusiastically points at these tags. enthusiastically points at these t-
im going to chatter abt them below the cut specifically i think about. why he might be afraid of allowing himself to be angry + im gonna talk a lil bit about danzō + root's role in all this i think.
image descriptions for all images are in alt text
these tags are so very right...we do see him get frustrated, or have that knee jerk kind of "no!!! you're horrible!!!" reaction at Naruto + Killer Bee when they scare him shitless, but ur right...that's not a serious anger that's a "You scared me!!! don't do that I was worried!!!!" and annoyance at most. frustration. it comes and it passes easily...
alas that kakashi is VERY good at needling him (admittedly in a friendly and affirming way), but yamato probably would want to be mad at kakashi least of all!
i think you're right that he probably doesn't want to lash out at the people he loves, or risk hurting them especially with an emotion he doesn't or won't let himself understand well
but also. i think he might feel a lot of guilt tied up in his anger as well...so it's not just an "I don't want to hurt the people I care about" thing, but also kind of a,
"What right do I have to be this mad?" "Do I feel I'm deserving of better treatment? Better circumstances? I am and have been incredibly lucky. What a selfish thought."
type of deal. which is. ough.
LIKE. the way he might see it...he was the Only one of the 60 mokuton kids in the lab to survive (how lucky)
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and then when he did survive danzō was like. "if things had gone even slightly differently, your life would've only been that of an experiment, but he lost interest in you, and I picked you up." (how lucky)
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and then, amongst all the Root shinobi, danzō, the leader of root, decides to train him personally, indicating a particular favoritism or attention towards him (how lucky 🤮)
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this one particularly i want to point at.
because if Danzō singles Kinoe out as a favorite, all of these other Root shinobi, especially the other kids who are completely emotionally neglected...would likely feel jealous of the attention and favor that Kinoe receives, perhaps especially because he's young, perhaps especially if he is not the strongest (what has he done to deserve such special attention? etc etc)—which would isolate Kinoe even within the already isolating experience of being in Root.
its technically a position of privilege, but the privileged is of being the closest in proximity to the worst man in Konoha, instead of waiting to the side, trying to draw his attention and approval. And the "benefits" might include the jealousy and judgmental eye of Kinoe's fellow agents.
(no wonder he latched onto Kakashi so fast, if that was the situation. Kakashi has his own problems with Being Nice and everything, but if Kinoe is hearing "you aren't worthy of the abuse you're receiving" the fact that Kakashi thinks that Tenzō is not just worthy of sparing but. worthy of rescuing. even when Kakashi's recovering from Kinoe's attempt on his life. is. well. How could he even begin to process that?)
but ah. but still...when Tenzō departs Root for the final time, he thanks Danzō for everything he's done for (to) him.
(And, in the Tsukkuyomi, Yamato expresses a want to take over team Kakashi, and then an immediate guilt and horror at his own selfishness, for wanting the spot which Kakashi occupies, when he had a position at Anbu he was supposed to return to. Who is he, to want something like that? Who is he, to want what Kakashi has?)
Does he understand that he doesn't have to be grateful all the time, for everything, for the slightest scraps? I worry so much! Does he know that he doesn't have to thank people for not having been worse to him? Yamato, you're allowed to ask for more! You're allowed to want things!
I think that working alongside Sai has to be both extremely good and fairly painful for him in this regard. I'm sure Yamato could find a way to forgive or excuse Danzō's actions towards himself—especially if he thinks he was in some way lucky to have that situation.
But Sai? Sai is a different person. Sai isn't him, doesn't have his baggage—maybe he can see in Sai, what he cannot in himself! A kid who didn't deserve any of that, and is struggling in the aftermath. I like to think that, even if Yamato could forgive Danzō at the time for how he was treated, he could not ever forgive Danzō for how Sai has been treated.
I think he gives Sai a lot of leeway in expressing himself and picking fights with his teammates that he might not if he wasn't aware of Sai's situation, because I think he knows how important it is to let Sai uhhhh. hm. To let sai be completely fucking unhinged, for a bit. A line has to be drawn sometimes, but.
Yamato voice: I think he should be allowed to be a little malevolent. As a treat. Get it out of his system.
anyway. god. this reminded me of a comic i'd started Literally About This Concept that I absolutely forgot I was trying to work on
#honestly my desperation to see yamato absolutely lose his mind in fury is definitely a key theme of this blog#BE MAD YAMATO! YOURE ALLOWED TO! YOU DON'T HAVE TO REPRESS EVERYTHING!!!!#RISE. RISE. RISE. Where is your anger? Where is your fucking rage?#it kills me. you know that if he said aloud. to any of his friends ''i...don't want to go back to anbu.'' if he let himself acknowledge#that desire out loud. they would do anything in their power to make that happen for him bc his friends love him and want him to b happy#but he clearly can't even bring himself to ask. augh. it kills me. yamato you're not ungrateful for wanting. you're human.#let yourself be human for christs fucking sake...#i admit sometimes. i. well. you see the immense pleasure he seems to feel even when he thinks kakashi is being somewhat insincere#when kakashi calls yamato ''a true equal'' like. the joy and pride he does seem to take in that.#but at the same time he absolutely refuses to accept it! he insists that kakashi is his senpai even though time after time#kakashi insists that theyre equals now + that yamato ought to stop calling addressing him as a superior#sometimes i think this may be one of those ''yamato wants this very badly. but refuses to ask for it'' situations#but perhaps he wants it so badly that he refuses to even be allowed it. yamato...what would happen if you indulged yourself...#yamato why would that be a problem...why is it wrong 2 take affection which is freely given? solely because its you who takes it?#yamato...yamato.....yamato..........................#anyway im nutz ive been thinking abt this for the past 24 hours maybe. i have to work on that comic
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