#i see bakugo and midoriya as brothersšŸ˜­
spacebunniesmha Ā· 1 year
Is anyone actually mad about chapter 403 of MHA?? Because i keep hearing people say that izuocha shippers are mad abt it because it's a 'bkdk chapter' but I don't see anyone complaining šŸ˜­
The chapter isn't romantic, or implied to be, so i don't get why people would be mad over it??
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haruka-norikoyo Ā· 3 months
Monoma x reader who is Mirioā€™s younger sibling
Okay, yaā€™ll know how Mirio out-of-pocketly told Eri that Monoma is the bad part of UA? Like bro was being insane but damnā€” Eri was scared of him for a while cause of that šŸ˜­
So like, what if he kept that energy up cause reader, his younger sibling, is dating Monoma? He would be hilarious as a passive aggressively protective older brother. Poor Neito, LMFAO
Part 1/?
Other parts:
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Itā€™s bedtime for the students of class 1-B. Most of the students in the dorm are sound asleep, or at least, in their rooms getting ready for bed. But for Monoma, this hour is his only opportunity to sneak into the common room window now that everyone lives in dorms to meet with his significant other. Why the secrecy? Well, you so happened to have been put into 1-A after you both graduated middle school.
ā€œI might not be able to bring you back until the dorms, but I could at least walk you halfway, you know?ā€ Monoma says was he rests his arm out the window, his fingers threading against your up-stretched hand. ā€œI wouldnā€™t want you walking on your own.ā€ ā€œWell, you could always be the one to visit me,ā€ you tease, knowing he would never be caught dead within the premises of your classā€™ dorm. He scoffs, squeezing your hand as he looks away. ā€œI would if your stupid classmates didnā€™t have godforsaken sleep schedulesā€¦ā€
Unlike his classmates at 1-B, Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima, Hagakure and Sero wake up in the most random hours, or stay in the common room and play uno until the devilā€™s hour. Tokoyami is basically nocturnal. Aoyama sometimes goes out of his room for a midnight cheese. Koda has a pet rabbit, so he sometimes wakes up to get food in the kitchen for it. Bakugo sleeps at 8:00pm on the dot, but he, Iida, Midoriya, and YaoMomo are early risers, which too, throws a wrench in your star crossed lovers charade. Technically there is a curfew, but Aizawa himself cherishes his few of hours of sleep, so he doesnā€™t bother badgering them to go to sleep. If they end up coming to class sleepy, wellā€¦
Your only solace is the 1-B dorm, where everyone goes to bed at a reasonable time, with the nigh nocturnal students like Kuroiro at least staying at their rooms. ā€œI guess thatā€™s trueā€¦ā€ you smile wryly. ā€œBut you know, we could always make our relationshipā€¦ known..?ā€ You look up at him a little hopefully. The two of you got together near the end of middle school, so you never got the chance to announce it to anyone, especially here at UA with the class rivalry going on. Monoma rests his chin on his hand. ā€œā€¦you know Iā€™d look like the biggest idiot if after all Iā€™ve said, I turned out to be dating someone from 1-A.ā€
ā€œYeah, but youā€™re my idiot,ā€ you smile sweetly, standing on your tiptoes to lean in and peck his cheek. ā€œMwah.ā€
ā€œGee thanks,ā€ He rolls his eyes, pink dusting his cheeks. He pauses a second, moving your hand up to plant a delicate kiss on your knuckles. ā€œā€¦Iā€™ll think about it.ā€
You smile. ā€œThank you, Neito.ā€ As you withdrew your hand, his fingers follow yours for another second of your fleeting touch. You squeeze his hand one more time, and let go, using it to wave. ā€œSee you again tomorrow.ā€
Monoma sighs, and smiles. ā€œSee you again.ā€ He waves. You retreat back to your dorm, and his hand which was holding yours remained reaching longingly. Maybe the humiliation he imagines would be worthwhile if he gets to spend another moment with you. But, heā€™ll think about that another time.
He yawns, heading back to his room. The lights are all off, but he manages with the flashlight on his phone. The dorm hallway is nothing eerie. At least, as long as he doesnā€™t notice the pair of eyes watching him. Monoma reaches his room. Heā€™d already brushed his teeth and changed to his sleepwear previous to meeting with you, so all thatā€™s left to do is go to bed. He reaches for the covers.
ā€œWhā€” eahhh!!!ā€ Monoma screams, tripping on his own feet as he drew back from the face within his pillows. Wait a second, where is the body?!
He calms down, taking deep breaths as he stared at the face peeking out. The face stares back. He stays staring.
ā€œWhatā€™re your intentions with my younger sibling?ā€
ā€œHuh?ā€ Monoma blinks. Bitch who the fuck? He doesnā€™t know anyone in particular whoā€™s a younger sibling that he mightā€™ve wronged. He doesnā€™t think a villain would get into UAā€” is this just 1-A messing with him? ā€œWho even are you?ā€
ā€œMy name is Togata Mirio, nice to finally meet you,ā€ he responds, still with only his face peeking out of the pillows. ā€œTogata..? You donā€™t happen to beā€¦ (y/n)ā€™sā€¦ older brother..?ā€
ā€œAh jeez, youā€™re already in first name basis?ā€
Monoma stares at the face poking out of his pillows. (Y/n) did mention having an older brother whoā€™s in the hero courseā€¦ but they look nothing alike!
ā€œI bet youā€™re thinking that we donā€™t look anything alike, huh?ā€
Can he read my mind?! Monoma shakes his head. This is his first time meeting his partnerā€™s family, heā€™s gotta pull himself together. Standing up, he dusts himself off. ā€œI assume that youā€™re here to see if Iā€™m worthy of (y/n).ā€
Mirio stays silent, his unreadable smile remaining on his face
Monoma takes a deep breath. ā€œI intend to cherish (y/n), and treat them with all the respect they deserve. Iā€™ll continue striving to be a hero by their side so that I may be the one to protect them when theyā€™re too focused of protecting others. I intend to spend the rest of my life with (y/n).ā€ He sweats. Mirioā€™s expression did not change at all in the time heā€™d said all that. ā€œI see. Those are very big claims,ā€ Mirio says. ā€œI donā€™t doubt (y/n)ā€™s judgement. Theyā€™re a capable kid. Howeverā€¦ā€
Monoma gulps.
ā€œTo be frank, I do not like you, or anyone with the chance of breaking my little siblingā€™s heart for that matter. If you ever hurt (y/n), Iā€™ll pummel you till your mama donā€™t know ya.ā€
Huh? ā€œHold on a second, that phraseā€¦ā€ He smiles wryly, his formalities going out the window at this revalation. Itā€™s the phrase heā€™d been teaching the abroad student, Tsunotori, while Kendo wasnā€™t looking.
ā€œYep, thatā€™s right Monoma Neito. Iā€™m in your walls. Haha, literally.ā€
With one eye twitching as he smiles, he asks, ā€œThatā€™s a breech of privacy, is it not, Onii-san? Why would you tell me this as an aspiring hero?ā€
ā€œBecause no one,ā€ he could see the evil intent in those round blue eyes. ā€œwill ever believe you.ā€
ā€œYou evil bastardā€”ā€
ā€œMonoma!ā€ yells Awase, whoā€™s in the room beside his. ā€œThe walls are thin! Stop talking to yourself! Itā€™s 12:00 am, go to bed!ā€
He turns. ā€œIā€™m not talking to myself Iā€” waitā€¦ā€ Monoma turns back to his pillows, and the face is gone. He snaps his head around his room. ā€œHoly crap heā€™s in my wallsā€¦ā€
ā€œAre you going insane?ā€ Monoma shakes his head after looking around one more time. He shuts off the lights and tucks himself under his bedsheets. He stares at the ceiling, half expectingly to see Mirioā€™s face appear to stare down at him, but it seems like heā€™s left. Or did he?
He may never know.
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bibibbon Ā· 6 months
MHA chapter 419 rant
What the actual hell is this chapter ?!?!?!? What is going on horikoshi?!?!??
So suprise AFO IS BACKšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘ŽšŸ‘Ž seriously what the hell I knew he was gonna come back but he is so boring and I hate him as a villain like wdym you only pulling up with a plan that failed multiple times cos you have thing for your brother like!?!? The doctor and the hero comission could of been better villains. My point still stands AFO being the main bad guy even though this mf was killed and injured by everyone is lame and stupid šŸ˜­. Like can AFO just disappear out of existence already like?!?! Also I really doubt that dfo is true considering this guy just loves to act like a season 1 bakugo and call Izuku useless every breathing moment he gets. Also at this point afo out here using shigaraki like a wet human suit thing and that's it
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Shigaraki is dead?!?!!!? Vile. Y'all telling me that shigaraki is basically dead this guy basically killed himself after a little fight (it wasn't little that's a hyperbole it was huge he deserves better than this disservice) sigh so shigaraki died with all his memories and the truth of his own origin which is completely sad and wow the amount of retconning for this is insane. Wdym to tell me that AFO needed someone emotionally weak to take advantage of so he chose kotaro, befriended the guy and manipulated him into having Tenko and then used Tenko as his little thing to make the perfect vessel!?!???!? DAM SHIGARAKI IAM SORRRY HORI DID YOU LIKE THIS
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Izuku lost two arms and is getting the worst end of the stick as always. As an izuku Stan this isn't it for me like what are you telling me that HE LOST TWO ARMS AND THEN PEOPLE DO COME BUT I AINT SEEING NONE TRYNA HELP THIS GUY. ALSO IZUKU IS NOW ARMLESS AND QUIRKLESS WHATS GOOD ON HERE??!?????!?!? Also looks like izuku out here being the only one who doesn't actually get a full heart to heart with their villain at least ochako and toga were treated better and got that little sob scene where they called eachothers names out and what not but izuku and shigaraki gotta be sentenced to pure suffering for no reason šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. Also the whole page is Hella and I mean Hella creepy and off like wth is this it's too gory (I know that's not valid criticism but this is my opinion) Izuku out here being the only one who can't be a proper hero like the guy couldn't even stand up to AFO unlike bk this is just mountains and mountains of disrespect and disservice . SOMEONE CHECK UP ON POOR INKO AND IZUKU
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The quirks the backstory the things?!?!. So basically overhaul had the oh quirk or whoever the guy in the picture manga panel thingy which looks like OVERHAUL. This guy had an op quirk like he had the power of destruction and reconstruction but then afo takes that away and then has the doctor somehow somehow genetically modify it ( istg i still dont know how that works or how he could do that) and then TOOK SHIGARAKIS OG QUIRK WHICH (what was his og quirk we arent ever told) and then proceedes to set this child who wanted to be a hero for pure failure. Also what is going on with AFO and kotaros relationship and why does the description of kotaro being mentally/emotionally weak heavily remind me of inko midoriya. Also the RETCON LIKE OH AFO IS LIKE HAVE A KID FOR ME OR SOME BS AND HE HAS A KID AND THEN KOTARO APPARENTLY FULLY LOVES HIS FAMILY HOWEVER IT LOOKS LIKE KOTARO LOVES AFO More THAN HIS FAMILY
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Eraserhead making a comeback and finally apologising (or not). I mean at least Eraserhead is back and apologising to his student for failing to be a teacher to him which ok cool cliffhanger I guess. Also where is mic I don't think I can take it if mic is secretly off screened especially cos Eraserhead is crying why is the guy crying like is he crying for izuku which dam as he should your student is dying but he was legit shouting left and right for bakugo šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. Also Eraserhead has a lot of apologies for izuku considering how he treated the poor dude. ALSO DOES THIS MEAN OBORO IS BACK TO THE PLOT SOMEHOW ( I love oboro) but how does this work how did it happen how did he break free Iam so confused did much due for oboro or something.
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Sato, ojirou and sero out here coming in clutch. but none y'all running to see if izuku ain't gonna die from blood loss or something. Cool entry I guess everyone can take a good fight with AFO but Izuku because hori doesn't like izuku and izuku just sucks!!!. I get it 1A is too big so hori out here needing to give everyone their little moments but like?!?! This just makes afo seem so weak it first went from only all might being the one to even fouch and defeat afo and now its everyone thats not the ofa users which great (sarcasm if you couldn't tell). ALSO THIS MOMENT DONT WORK BECAUSE IZUKU LACKS DEVELOPMENT AND SO DOES 1A and their whole dynamic?!?!?!!!!!???!
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In conclusion, I hope both izuku and shigaraki die and izuku to be remembered as the greatest hero and that's it honestly!!
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shifterae Ā· 2 months
changes in my mha drs
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okay so first and foremost, my dr is very much NOT the canon. pretty much all of the little details are changed but i think it helps it from feeling like a "and bumblebee" type of dr :)
ALSOOO sorry if there are a bunch of typos šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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so first! in my student drs, the classes are made of 24 students rather than 20.
i never liked the idea of taking someone out of 1a bc im just attached to them (looking at everyone but mineta) and so i opted to make the class bigger since i also wanted a few other canon characters to be in my class :)
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added students, my minimight dr is the only dr where i scripted who specifically would fill those extra spots
with me, we only need 3 more students and i chose for Hitoshi Shinso, Inasa Yoarashi, and Himiko Toga, to fill those spots.
Shinso was able to make it into the hero course bc i scripted that he is Eraserheads nephew who is in his care and has already been trained by him (i luv shinso)
Togaaa! I scripted her in by changing the way her quirk affected her and the way she used it, she is a lot different than her canon self but im okay with that bc i just wanna see her be happy (i luv togachako) (their relationship isn't scripted but i have hope that it will occur on its ownšŸ™šŸ™šŸ™) (i adore them)
the Inasa one can be explained by the next change
(basically he doesn't have bad interactions w endeavor and shoto)
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so basically the only reason Inasa didn't go to UA is bc he thought endeavor and shoto were both like, pretentious and mean or something (i lowkey forgot bc it doesn't register to me that he isn't at UA in canonšŸ˜­) and i scripted sooo much change for the todo family guys.
i luv the todorokis :(((
okay so first of all, OBVIOUS change, enji is not toxically obsessed with all might! they're actually friends!!!
their dynamic is inspired by mirio and midoriyas bc i think it's just so cute like the idea of enji just being so amazed and inspired by AM
enji tho is still reaching for #1 it's just not toxic and doesn't cause him to become abusive and neglectful...
rei and enji fall in love organically!
touyas quirk is not as self destructive! and he becomes a hero and goes by Dabi
since enji isn't toxic and abusive, natsuo, shoto, fuyumi, and touya, all get along well and over all they have a good (normal) family dynamic!
with AM and Enji being close, i grew up with them and they have become my family!!!!! like touya and natsuo are my big brothers, fuyumi my sister, and as for sho, he's genuinely my bestest friend ever
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Moving on from people, i scripted that junior hero academies exist!
they range from hero prep school and just kids of heroes schools!
The hero prep schools are competitive to get into and generally, the classes are small and made of just the kids of elite heroes
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whoops we're going back to people...
okay so first sorry tokoyami, im interning w hawks šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶
shotos with touya!
bakugo is with MIRKO bc hello that is an iconic duo waiting to happen
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as for school life,
we do a lot more of joint training with 1b!! (I adore them)
and we do media days like they do for athletes!!
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that's all i wanna type for now bc my phone is genuinely lagging so much soooo
byeee, rae
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epickiya722 Ā· 9 days
kiris////Shima stans are always saying that bkdk shippers hate on him because he "gets in the way of the way" lmfao, when 90% of bkdk fanfics I've read have always featured kiri being bakugo's best friend/support system/one of the people that bakugo trusts a lot.
Meanwhile I can't say the same about izuku who in many kr///bk fics is someone who bakugo hates and kiri has to convince him to be nice to izu/bakugo's bratty brother who teases him about kiri/never included in any of the stuff bakugo chooses to do with the "bakusquad" ( who are the closest people to him)/ only brought up as the "President of the kr//bk fanclub or whatever).
The thing is I love bakugo and deku' s relationship platonically as well and it kind of hurts when their canon developing relationship gets trashed on in non-bkdk fics.
Being a Kirishima fan and someone who does ship KiriBaku (it was one of my first ships, I'm just not as "active" nowadays... more so because one ship on my mind is BurnBunny... leave me alone šŸ˜­), that HURTS.
Like, no??? Get in the way of a ship? Yeah, suuuure BkDks definitely think that way of Kirishima. Suuuuure.
Oh, give me a break!
How can Kirishima get in the way of a relationship, however you see it, that already was there? Bakugou and Midoriya have always been in each other's lives! Kirishima existing isn't changing that fact.
And it's not like in canon Midoriya ever saw Kirishima as the bad guy or anything. In fact, whether people actually see it, he acknowledges that Bakugou formed a bond with him. And to be honest, Midoriya never seemed jealous to me, that given he formed his own bonds with other people. Saddened by the period of time him and Bakugou were distant, sure. But jealous? Yeah... no. But that's just me.
Okay, the "this character gets in the way of my ship" have always been bullshit to me. Excuse my language.
Like... that character's existence is stopping you from making the decision to ship your ship? Yeah, no. Maybe it's because I will ever ship characters who barely or none interaction at all, but I won't hate on a character for simply existing and view them as some "obstacle".
I feel like, just in general really for any ship, when it comes to hating on BakuDeku, people come up with anything to "justify" their hatred and sometimes said hatred leads to them attacking people and they just want to hate.
I get feeling frustrated and wanting to release said frustration. However, some people genuinely just want to attack people.
If you hate the ship, okay? You don't have to come up with false statements to "prove" it.
Again, coming from a Kirishima fan here, using the "BakuDekus hate him because he gets in the way of their ship" seems... unfair to Kirishima.
I say that because it's like they're reducing Kirishima to simply a makeshift obstacle/excuse to say "I don't like BakuDeku". Are you that pressed people don't talk about your ship or whatever?
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seiwas Ā· 10 months
Sel how long is your tbr list ? And which fic(s) are looking forward to read the most ?
nonie hello!!! šŸ„¹ my tbr rn is at ~150 šŸ„²šŸ˜­ (i put them in my drafts!! and i have huge backlog bc i just recently got off a reading ban while writing 'these traces of love, they outline you' šŸ„¹)
listing some hehe this is gonna be long so i'll put it under the cut!!! (in no particular order of preference but it's categorised by anime & character)
am sure there are so many more i'm probably missing/weren't able to see yet tho!!
for jjk
intrinsic warmth by thatdesklamp (series, ongoing, gojo satoru) been wanting to read this for a while but just trying to find the time to!
godmaker by @firein-thesky (series, ongoing, gojo satoru) has been in my tbr for the longest time and every time i see cielo talk abt it i get itching to read it hsajhdfbj
[untitled 'halloween' fic] by @stellamancer (one-shot, gojo satoru) not yet out but niku's been working really hard on this and am so excited hehehe
and i'm asking you to hold me just like the morning paper by @selarina (one-shot, gojo satoru) older brother's best friend gojo; am such a sucker for long titles and older brother's bsf tropes! i also love rina v much!
bfb by @em1e (series, ongoing, kamo choso) best friends's older brother choso; emmie shared the idea and some scenes with me when she was conceptualising it and it was the final push that tipped me over to being a choso fucker
chaos theory by @/hawnks (one-shot, nanami kento) strangers to lovers nanami; op wrote one of my favourite gojo fics ever, cantorā€™s paradox!!
as it should have been by @k9nto (one-shot, nanami kento) friends to lovers nanami; tallulah always talks about how much fun she had writing this so i'm excited to get to this too!
let me out, i'm starving by @princess-okkotsu (one-shot, okkotsu yuuta) fwb!yuuta; aleks tipped me over to being a yuuta fucker and the idea of an fwb!yuuta with the way aleks characterises him is just soo ouuuuGHH
all of @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat's new fics!! i have so many of ari's fics to catch up on!! but characterisation is always on point and the writing always feels like a movie!! (there are gojo, megumi, and yuuta ones afair!!)
every time @augustinewrites drops smth!! the fushigojos live in my mind but augustine's doing an anniversary event rn themed after taylor swift lyrics!! and the line-up looks so good!!
inez's @itadorey masterlist still have yet to do a sweep of inez's masterlist but i always find myself smiling reading her stuff!! (lot of gojo!!)
lin's @threadbaresweater older stuff while going thru lin's masterlist i saw a gojo fic and nanami fic i'm excited to read!! lin always writes with a certain kind of vulnerability that digs deep!!
for bnha
something just like this by @/ofmermaids (series, complete, midoriya izuku) i've been wanting to get to this for so so long. op wrote some of my favourite bakugo fics, surrender (whenever you're ready) + on my way (to you); this almost feels like a reward i'm saving for when i really have the time tbh
you had only to look at me by @willowser (series, complete, bakugo katsuki) childhood bff!bakugo; i read this a long time ago but willow reposted it and i am!! so excited to read it again!!!
nitroglycerine by @/alrightberries (one-shot, bakugo katsuki) kind of fwb!bakugo; the description/summary got to me omg and am such a sucker for fwb to lovers and the weird in-between
like real people do by @shibaraki (one-shot, todoroki shouto) strangers to friends to lovers; this has been in my tbr for so long too and can't wait to get to it bc i love the way monty writes shouto!!
the glass delusion by @shibaraki (series, on-going, todoroki shouto) touch-starved shouto; i read the first installment and am such a sucker for explorations of intimacy!! so am so excited for this one too!!
i'll find my way (back to you) - homecoming by @bluebird-in-the-breeze (side story of a series, complete, todoroki shouto) chef!reader; read the entire series and loved it!! i love birdie's writing and was so happy that she recently released this for the series's 1 year anniversary!!
i think i'm in love with my coworker (update) by @todorosie (one-shot, todoroki shouto) coworker shouto; the title alone had me so curious omg and i love the tone of sorin's spidey!gojo series so am excited to get to this too!!
fill my little world (right up) by @shibaraki (one-shot, aizawa shouta) single dad au; such a sucker for this au!! and am also really selective with the aizawa stuff i read but always love monty's!!!
the kids are gonna be alright by @shibaraki (one-shot, aizawa shouta) coworkers to lovers; i love the premise of this so much!! i love these kinds of explorations and idk!! again!! i am a shibaraki stan!! i love everything monty writes hjsdbgjfs i've been really wanting to go through monty's entire masterlist too!! (there's a lot of writing to feast on and no matter who it is i think monty always writes em well)
andie's @andypantsx3 entire masterlist!! andie has soooo many stuff i want to read i can't even single one out omg i never feel the length when i read andie's stuff!!
for hq!!
the burden of being by @sashimiyas (one-shot, miya osamu) amnesia au; this has been in my drafts for so long too bc i'm still afraid of reading it but reina writes some of my fave hq fics so am excited to sink my teeth into this!! honestly am also excited to go thru reina's entire masterlist + osamu masterlist!!
get him back by @noosayog (one-shot, miya osamu) fake dating osamu; fake dating is one of my fave tropes and i also love noos's writing!! osamu is also my comfort character... so all of this just speaks to me
cross check by @kagelun (series, on-going, iwaizumi hajime) hockey player!iwaizumi; my god i'll read anything iwa anyway but to have him be an athlete for a completely different sport... just does smth to my brain... also kit has the most insane iwa thoughts i'm excited for this
seasons by @mintmatcha (one-shot, hanamaki takahiro) friends to lovers; love mint's stuff and am trying to get into makki more lately so i can fully immerse into seijoh4!! also really love a friends to lovers any day
one, two, and... (onlyfans) by @mintmatcha (one-shot, hanamaki takahiro + matsukawa issei) was sooo excited for this when mint announced they were working on it omfg literally vibrating w excitement to get to this
for multi
leah's @missmeinyourbones new stuff not sure if they're new or just being resurfaced but i see leah rb some of her stuff and am so excited to get to each one asbfj so i might actually just do a masterlist sweep atp... (she's one of my fave writers fr)
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snaxle Ā· 1 month
My little brother is big into my hero and what Iā€™ve gathered from hearing clips of fights in the background was that the show would be much more interesting if Bakugo was the main character
see midoriya isnt a bad protagonist, but for me personally throughout the entire beginning of the series up until i think they start their internships he was just so boring to me, which is why i enjoyed bakugou way more when i was a fan šŸ˜­ tbh overall i just liked the villains way more than all the other characters and thought they were way more interesting, although in regards to the heroes i did really like kirishima, tamaki, mirio and nejire.
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namjoon-koya Ā· 2 years
Hey, do you take headcannon? I love your Deku and sister reader how about deku x sister reader who is (pretty much his twin) who's Quirk is similar to Natsumi Kyouno from date alive? (her powers allows her to transform herself and her sorrounding into anything in her imagination, such as turning anything offensive at her into harmless object and such as such as shapeshifting into others within two kilometers, send others into her 'personal dimension' leaving them into unconcious and can copy other powers but in inferior scale but the drawback is that she have to concentrate or else everything she transforms will return back into normal and this can be nullify if she sneezes or unconcious)
Being Midoriyaā€™s twin sister pt 2
a/n: so Iā€™ve never seen that anime, but thanks for describing it a little for me. Sorry if I donā€™t get everything accurate thoughšŸ˜­
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If you donā€™t know how to use or control your power that much, U.A + Midoriya will help you out. Midoriya feels like itā€™s a big brotherā€™s job to help their sibling, plus he just really finds your quirk interesting. He always assumed you wouldā€™ve gotten your momā€™s quirk, but the universe had different plans.
Midoriya is definitely the protective brother type, he isnā€™t like bakugo who would shove it off as ā€œwe shouldnā€™t let people walk over us, so stop cowering and stand up for yourself.ā€ Heā€™s more like ā€œdonā€™t fuck with my siblingā€ type of person, heā€™s always watched out for you even if you two were the same age.
As kids you two would always share things together, even secrets so when Midoriya had to keep a secret from you on how he got his powers from All Might he was a bit upset. He would even express to All Might about it, saying he wished he could tell you about it. Dad might has a soft spot for Midoriya, so he tells him itā€™s fine.
When it comes to the sports festival you both can either work with each other at times, or be really competitive. Yet you two never seem to bicker on who did better, if you lose later on during the sports festival youā€™ll cheer Midoriya on. Midoriya will literally tell you that heā€™ll win for the both of you (wholesome brother right there)
After the whole camping incident and seeing how one of the members from the pussy cats got their quirk taken away by AFO, Midoriya will probably be a little paranoid for you. He knows AFO is in jail, but heā€™ll always tell you to be careful and by the serious look on his face you just nod. Midoriya knows your quirk is unique, even he found it interesting. So just be careful okay? He can only take so much stress.
If Midoriya finds out someone has a crush on you, heā€™ll be protective, but also not that much like bakugo would. He knows you can make your own decisions, but that doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t look out for you right? If he knows someone has bad intentions with you, heā€™ll definitely give them the side eye. He isnā€™t quick to judge someone, but he can definitely tell when someone feels off to him.
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maxzinn Ā· 2 years
warnings: age gap (itā€™s not that big, youā€™re older by 3 years than shoto), fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff
Ok just hear me out.
what if ok? what if shoto was younger than reader and he started to have feelings for ā€œonee-sanā€ and he knew he just HAVE to act before some bastard who doesnā€™t even deserve you takes you away from him.
so it started when it was halloween, five years old shoto dressed in a white cloak and has a pumpkin head for a helmet (if ya guys know what i mean). after putting his costume on and his mother gushing and taking pictures of just how cute he is, midoriya and bakugo came to his house to pick him up for trick or treat.
midoriya suggested that they start it their neighbourhood since him and kacchan knew people who would gladly give them lots of candies, and so they did. they roamed the neighbourhood, passing by the kind old lady who gave them candies and red bean paste or free, before finally stopping by your house.
midoriya immediately rang the bell and waited for you to come out when you finally opened the door and saw three little gremlins standing by your front door in their little halloween costumes. shoto was starstruck. he couldnā€™t stop staring at you as you smiled sweetly and kindly while putting candies in their own baskets. you took notice of his bright eyes staring at you with his mouth slightly gape and you chuckled, pinches his cheek and gives him candy.
and when it was time to finally leave, you gave them a kiss on the cheek before they leave for another candy hunt. shoto blushed as you pressed your lips on his soft chubby cheeks and from that day, he just knew he wanted to see that kind big sister in izucchan and kacchanā€™s neighbourhood.
cuz of that, he started to force his mother to take him to his favourite neighbourhood under the pretense of ā€œwanting to play with his friendsā€.
Bitch, he even fought his mother for it
Rei, eventually gives up and brings him to the neighborhood every time he asked. She then found out about his little crush because heā€™s so damn obvious and Rei was like ā€œohh :oā€
And she came to realize that her son is a little sh-
Rei found it cute though, shotoā€™s face goes bright red and his eyes sparkles everytime he stares at you. But ofc, she didnā€™t take a kidā€™s crush too seriously. I mean, all of us eventually have crushes as a kid so why tf not? She thought ā€œyea, itā€™s normalā€ and thought that it will pass and disappear once he gets older.
But oh boi is she wrong. It didnā€™t disappear.
He enrolled the same school as you and even forced his friends to come with him like ā€œboi if you little shits donā€™t come with me, I swear to god Iā€™ll kick your assesā€ā€”
Long story short, they ended up entering the same high school as you šŸ’€
You being their ā€œsenpaiā€ ofc ā˜ŗļø
(Youā€™re 3 years older btw)
This dude tried all that he could to get your attention without you seeing him as a ā€œbaby brotherā€, but eventually, he failed.
How could you be so cruel? šŸ˜­šŸ˜”
It came to the point that he, eventually, couldnā€™t take it anymore and went for drastic measures.
So he approached you, grabs your arm and KABEDON.
You were like šŸ˜³šŸ§šŸ˜ƒā“ā“ā€¼ļø
ā€œShoto, what are you-ā€œ
But before you could finish, he leans to your ear and whisperedā€”
ā€œNee-chan~ā€ šŸ˜©šŸ˜šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø
He really knows how to test your patience, this motherfucker- šŸ«£
HAHAHA itā€™s been on my mind alright? I just need to share it ig
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familyofpaladins Ā· 3 years
Random things from World Heroes Mission
(Spoilers ahead)
Action packed right from the very start
Also.. pretty dark beginning. Not gonna lie. A lot of innocent people die in brutal ways literally in the first 5 minutes
.... they wear them for like. 10 minutes. I'm so sad
Horikoshi sir. Please bring them back again. Pls
Also they never get called the musketeers at all, and I'm sad and lowkey mad about it
Ppgffhkcykxkhc WHEN WE GOT TO THE WHOLE "Deku is a wanted Mass Murderer" half the theater LAUGHED, even though it was framed very dramatically, because we all know it's just complete bullsh1t that deku would murder anyone, let alone innocent civilians
We get to see soem of his class react to the news and they all immediately go "No way!!! Midoriya would Never!!!!"
And I know a made a joke post a while back about, what if the class was just like. "Well hey if midoriya DID kill people I'm sure it was deserved". But the fact that they all just. IMMEDIATELY defended him, saying there was no way it was true, without knowing anything about what happened?? I'm just šŸ„ŗ. They have so much faith and trust in each other šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜­ I love it
PpfFLDJSOWNSJAK PART THAT KILLED ME THO- Todo is literally on the phone with deku asking what happened to him (they got separated chasing down robbers)
Deku explains what happened. TV immediately does the Mass Murderer report
And todo goes "Midoriya. What did you actually do??"
Ppffohfkgxgjxgkf TODO DONT YOU TRUST YOUR FRIEND?!?! I'm sorry it just killed me šŸ¤£
also Parkour KING
Hes able to dodge Deku, who has Full Cowling AND Blackwhip!!!!
Someone PLEASE take the "Parkour. PARKOUR. Parkour!" Vine and dub it over his scenes , because that's all I was thinking about
I dont think I've had a favorite quirk before. But I sure as heck so now, and it belongs to one of the villains (bow hand lady)
WHUMP. Soooooo much whump. Theres also a lot of blood. Too much blood. How tf are you guys a live by the end of this movie honestly???
Deku gets hit by an arrow at one point, and very Nice piece of whump. But the whump lover in me wishes they had done a little more with it, but oh well
I DO wish we'd gotten to see Todo and Baku react to finding out he'd been hit. But oh well. It still might not have been all that dramatic. They might have just gone "well you're still breathing and we have a job to do so suck it up!!!" that'd probably be bakugos reaction anyway lol
Bakugo, multiple times: DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!! >:O *does it anyway*
The tuskhfjgsugfohcfud scene of shouto hearing from deku and bakugo just walking into the room, but todo immediately grabbing his arm like "come now. We're going to find midoriya" and just draggin him out of the room. I love it
Todo: Midoriya, didnt you learn anythign from hosu?! You're codes are shit!!
He didnt say "shit" but he might as well have. The audience died laughing
.... does bakugo know about hosu????
We actually got to see some pretty cool new moves from todo and baku that we really haven't seen in the show
So like. Thank you for giving todo more moves than just. Ice Wall and Wall of Flames
He shot out flames from his fingers and it was hot enough to melt through metal/the wall šŸ‘€
Big Bad Villain: I'm rubber and you're glue! What ever you do bounces off of me and sticks to you!!
That's basically his quirk. And force or contact deku tries to make gets sent back at him. So he basically gets hit with his Own Smashes
So what's he do??
I mean.... I guess it ended up working. (Parallel to All Might beating the nomu at the USJ)
Super Sayian Deku makes a reappearance
Halfway through the movie: deku, hey rody what's you're quirk? We dont get to hear what he says
The girls sitting next to me in the theater *whispering*: ????!?? So what's the quirk??!?! WHATS THE QUIRK?!?
Near the end of the movie: Pino expresses his actual thoughts/emotions
I want to rewatch this and pay more attention to how pi o reacts to things
Oh dang. Now I'm thinking about the scene where Rody tries to turn over the briefcase behind dekus back. But pino was yelling at him
He was arguing with himself!!! He knew he shouldnt do it!!! He really didnt want to!!! Pino woke up deku to stop him!!!! Aaaaaaaaaa I'm Emotional now šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢šŸ˜­
Also at the end when rody and deku are saying good bye, and Rody's all like "yeah stay in your own country, you cause so much trouble šŸ™„"
But pino is all šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢šŸ„ŗ
Also before all that happens, right after they save the day, they sit there and start laughing a little hysterically. Me: that's the blood loss laughing. Seriously boys GO GET SOME HELP
Todo, Baku and Deku each get a big fight scene near the end and was very cool, but I wish they would have worked TOGETHER more
Bakugo ends up fighting his battle right outside the entrance to the bad guy headquarters and basically Collapses the entrance way on the bad guys
Me: Well I Sure Hope theres a back entrance, cause otherwise you just buried your friends alive my dude.....
Also I think he might have actually killed those villains šŸ˜³. I'm not sure. They could have survived, but also..... literal tons of rocks fell on them
Bakugo and Deku lost So Much. SO MUCH BLOOD!!! How are you alive!!?!??!?! And Todo fell off a WATERFALL. How did they even manage to find him?!?
Oh is bakugo getting healing kissed by recovery girl and being mad about it just gonna be a thing now in the movies? I can accept that lol
Also.... did .... Recovery girl just. Fly halfway around the world to specifically heal Them?? Was she all ready there??? I have questions. Recovery girl has favorites
Ya know... they never specifically showed Deku being cleared of the Murder Charges (its assumed, because we see the evil police guy (who is the one we assume set up the framing) being arrested, that hey obviously this guy was trying to stop the heroes and framed a kid to stop them).
But like..... what if they didnt really make an announcement to the public to be like "hey btw that Japanese hero actually isnt a mass murderer, he was just framed by the corrupt police"
And the next time Dkeu comes to visit, he still gets looks of "wait shit. Didnt he murder people???"
And poor deku has to be like "No!!! I was framed and set up!!! I helped save the world!!!!"
I just think it'd be funny
Also I dont know if actual people died, and deku was framed for it, or if they just. Completely made it up. They dont say when or where these people were supposedly murdered
Idk this has been a lot I'll shut up for now (in this post anyway)
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haleigh-sloth Ā· 2 years
how do you feel about this chapter? i liked seeing monoma & aizawa's reactions, and skeptic's little cameoā€”but i'm most excited to see how the todofam plot will play out!
now that the cliffhangers for the past 3 fights have been somewhat clarified, it feels like we might get to see what the others are up to, so maybe the togachako front is next?
The chapter was good imo.
It was definitely more of a transition style chapterā€”where we get a lot of information in a short time.
Iā€™ll just compile all my thoughts below based off spoilers:
I do like that the Touya cliffhanger and the AFO cliffhanger were followed up on. More on Touyaā€™s move later.
I love that we FINALLY are getting to the ā€œshit hits the fanā€ stage of the war, as inā€”all the civilians tucked away in the shelter arenā€™t safe anymore. Iā€™ve been waiting for that to happen because it means the wheels should start turning faster now.
Literally could not care less about Bakugo death scare. Iā€™m sorry. Heā€™ll be fine and I canā€™t spend more energy than that on it lol.
Wish we got answers to WHAT is going on with Bakugo, but whatever it can wait.
On Touyaā€™s move: he copied Shouto šŸ„ŗ. Idk how to explain the feelings that gives me. He spent the last 7/8 years copying his dadā€™s moves. His dadā€™s moves. And then the first real move Shouto uses against him, that he created from his heart both literally and figuratively, Touya copies it. Itā€™s just such a reversal on the brother roles. Little brother usually wants to be like big brotherā€”->but here Touya is like ā€œhm, let me try thatā€ LOL. I love it. A lot. Especially because Touya created that same X over his own heart. Itā€™s a icy hot heart to heart between two brothers and I love every bit of it.
Touya immediately asking Skeptic for his dadā€™s location tells me that: heā€™s desperate to get to Endeavor, and his murderous rage is no longer hard focused on Shouto like it was during their fight. Idk what the follow up on that will be, or when we will get it, but it gives me a lot of good feelings.
ShigAFO is getting worse, and may possibly be really unrecognizable but the time he and Midoriya meet. Whether itā€™s monstrous looking or if itā€™s literally his facial features changing, idk. But heā€™s losing his looks too, both in face and body.
I fully expect the locations of these 3 battles to be scrambled and shaken up. I expect the Todorokis to all end up together with Hawks there. As for the others idk, but OG AFO wants to get to ShigAFO.
I hope Midoriya and AFO find each other first because I see lots potential for psychological warfare there.
AFO face reveal: God Bless. Idk how long Iā€™ve been screaming that I expected him to get an insane power up along with a face reveal. I wish I could find the first post I made about it, but it was a WHILE back. Iā€™m really hype that weā€™re finally at that point, I canā€™t believe it. On his looks: I mean, he looks exactly as he should. As I expected based off the snippets of the lower half of his face weā€™ve gotten before. Heā€™s not bad looking, but I would never approach him for anything, ever.
I hope AFO can materialize clothes.
Touya burned his clothes off, which is fine. Thatā€™s fine.
Touya being all burnt up and his bones being exposedā€”his bones have been exposed before so honestly itā€™s whatever. But Iā€™m not worried. I really think heā€™ll be fine.
I still want answers on how Touya has survived, because obviously there IS an unstated reason (his convo with Ujiko suggests as much). So I anticipate that still.
Lastly: Shouto calling Touya ā€œbig brotherā€ inside his head, because thatā€™s just what he is to him at this point šŸ„ŗšŸ˜­
Thatā€™s all I have I think.
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spacebunniesmha Ā· 10 months
I hate when people say ā€œBest friends/Siblings!!ā€ on a post that's CLEARLY romanticšŸ˜­ There's definitely videos about the characters that are meant to be platonic, go comment on those.
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