#i see the endocrinologist (AFTER WAITING FOR SIX MONTHS) today at 2
britneyshakespeare · 9 months
I slipped in the backyard real bad last night and fucked up my knee. I think I should go to urgent care because there's a good chance I pulled or sprained or tore something important but I already. have. a doctor's appointment. today.
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Name change - starting T
So, things got wild in one week of a time.
I was kinda bummed lately because everything was so long, 4 months to get an appointment, several appointments before starting T, my name was not legally changed. But between february 23 and march 2nd it all rushed.
I sent a request late january to legally change my name to Maxence, Désiré, Camille but the lady told me that it would take more than a month so I was like, yeah, forever. But then february 23 I came back home and found the letter saying that my name was officially changed since february 15! I still can’t believe it, it still doesn’t feel real.
3 days later I was suppose to see an endocrinologist, but people told me that she was doing it the old fashioned way -yknow, the way that is supposed to discourage you-, like, one appointment, two months wait, hormon blockers, six months wait, and then maybe you can start T. So I was telling myself, if she pisses me off, I’ll go see Dr.RIFF (a nice doc that gives you T quick, but not an endocrinologist so I wasn’t sure it was a good idea).
So yeah I check in at the hospital, find the service (man that hospital looked like old asylum in movies) and what is the secretary saying to me? “oooh yeah no, the appointment was pushed back, then cancelled, didn’t you get the letter? maybe you can have a new date in like 2 months”. Nah. As soon as I was out of the hospital I called Riff, thinking that I would have an appointment in like two weeks but when I hung up I had a date for the next day.
The next day, the lad just talked with me, demanded that I do some blood tests the day after and that I come back friday 02.03. Did the blood tests the day after, came back friday, left with my prescription, 3 hours later my shot was done.
So, as of today, I’m 6 days on T. SHOOKED.
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starktson · 4 years
How I got on T at 17
How I got on hormones is a very unconventional story and absolutely hope no one has to go through what I went through. So this is more a warning story more than anything. Firstly, my mom after the initial “AH YOU’RE TRANS?!?!” year or so she has been my biggest supporter. I would not be here if it was not for her. 
So at 16, my primary care physician referred me to a children’s endocrinologist about 2 hours away. I went to that appointment and I didn’t get on hormones. I don’t remember the appointment honestly. I remember taking a photo out the big window in the office and the really tight blood pressure cuff but that was about it. My mom at the time was still very wary of me going on hormones and I was really trying to more get on blockers because my “time of month” aka Tom, was horrid. I was scared to go on birth control because I did not want to put more female hormones in my body. I did end up going on birth control though because Tom was so bad. 
After that endocrinologist appointment, I kind of just gave up and thought I wouldn’t get on hormones until I was 18. I had recently lost my insurance (thanks asshole of a father) so I was going to this healthcare clinic that had everything under the sun there. It had Adult Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentist, OBGYN, Pharmacy, Eyedoctor...etc. I went there for an eye exam because I needed new glasses. I sitting in an exam room with my mom  and the nurse was asking just normal questions. We brought up I was trans because I went by a different name. My mom happens to ask if a doctor there dealt with trans people and the nurse said yes. So we made an appointment with Dr Jones. 
I remember this day vividly, I was my final day of junior year and I was so excited. (Little did I know it would be hell for two years). My mom picked me up after school and we went to the clinic. I signed in and they called me back. We sat in the exam room for almost an hour without seeing anyone. Finally after my mom complained a nurse came in saying, “You’re still 17 so you need to go to pediatrics downstairs.” We explained we were here to see Dr Jones because he dealt with trans people. So we waited again in the exam room for another hour. Finally we had enough and went to complain to management. No one had been in to help us. As we were complaining, an awkward and tall man came in and apologized. So we went back and Dr Jones said that he would prescribe me hormones as long as I got a therapist’s letter. He gave me an organization about an hour away that could help with that. I am not even sure what he said but he wanted me to come back tomorrow to meet the pediatric guy downstairs because I guess he was “an ally.”
I came back the next day even though it still felt really weird and anxiety provoking. This man, Dr H was an extremely creepy man. He immediately started calling himself LGBT but then said he was not gay or anything just an ally. I honestly do not remember the timeline exactly because this whole thing was very traumatic but basically the organization that Dr Jones referred me to could not write me a letter and Dr H ended up becoming my therapist for 3 very uncomfortable and inappropriate sessions. 
Upon hearing his last name, I immediately looked up Dr H. The last name was my stepmom and she was in social work too. Her last name come to find out was from her previous husband and Dr H were not related but they did know each other and were friends on Facebook. So the first time meeting him in his actual office for a therapy appointment, I went by myself and there was a weird lady there too. I do not remember why she was there but I remember her telling me before he came to his office that she was on Testosterone at one point for some reason and when she was “her clit got bigger. Did I want that to happen to me? That’s so weird hehehe” 
First of all, what the actual fuck? I met you five minutes ago and you’re asking me about my genitals. I love how people think that is an appropriate question when finding out I am trans. Anywho, she left and Dr H and I talked asking normal questions and at the end I did bring up my stepmom. He just said “oh you’re *deadbeat dad’s name* kid” yeah sadly.He said he believed I was trans and would write me the letter. I shook his hand and his response was “your hands are so soft. to be a man you need callous’s. go rub your hand on some concrete.” and we left. 
I saw him before my first appointment upstairs to get my prescription for T. Then the following week, the final appointment with Dr H, I saw him before my check up with Dr Jones upstairs. This is where shit hits the fan. My mom came with me because I was uncomfortable. He without my mom in the room yet, told me he had a crush on my stepmom and how she always called him for advice. (Found out later my stepmom hated him and he was not a very good doctor and in general just a creep). My mom came in the room and I was fuming from that. How do I react? She was saying how I thought it was weird my stepmom and him knew each other and he then tells her what he just told me. He then starts making up shit about how I don’t have any trans friends. I then I reminded him of my friend that I was jealous of at the time because he was younger than me and on hormones but I felt bad for him because his mom still called him his birth name. He then asks me “What’s his birth name?” Um IDK. He then tries to get me to tell him this other trans guys birth name. I honestly have no clue nor do I care. Dr H then tells me, “I don’t know you by your *chosen name* I see your chart under *birth name* and that’s your name.” My mom sees how upset I am starting to get and I finally break. I called him an asshole and how much he reminded of my abusive father. He got weirdly calm and asked me to step out so he could talk to my mom privately.
Do I think that was the appropriate response now? Probably not but if that hadn’t happened to me I would not be who I am today. I was just learning that I can fight for myself then and that’s what I was going to do. I was not going to be manipulated any more. He told my mom that I needed to apologize and set up an appointment for the following week. I told my mom I was not going to go to that appointment. We go upstairs for the check up appointment and we have to wait a stupid long time like always and we tell Dr Jones what happened because they are friends. He steps outside and we hear him flip a table outside. A nurse comes in and says he will be a few minutes. So he had a temper tantrum and when he came back said I did not have to see him anymore.
That is the Dr H story but the Dr Jones story is not much better. When I had to come back the next day to initially meet Dr H. He introduced me to another one of his patients, an older trans woman. Come to find out Dr Jones had only really ever dealt with older trans women and I was his first trans man. I am saying this very loudly YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO EDUCATE A DOCTOR ABOUT YOUR CONDITIONS!!! So here is a list of inappropriate things he did:
-Immediately after giving me my T prescription, “Now it’s time to get yourself a strap-on” (I had literally never had a conversation about literally anything with this man and he thinks I am sex crazed or something)
-His staff always would ask would I like a pap smear done every time I came into the office.
-The blood work lady would repeatedly sing my birth name because it was pretty and every time I tried to say that I don’t go by that she would say “well that’s what is on my paper work”
-Tried to hug me and/or weird bro handshake thing every time (I am not a touchy person)
-Gave me a ninja turtle McDonald’s toy because “You’re a boy now” 
-One hurricane we had he laughed and said “oh it’s hurricane you” (i mean yeah it sounded like my name but it was spelled wrong) (not really inappropriate but like serious spell people’s name correctly)
I always felt uncomfortable going to see him and I continued to see him for a year because “yay I was on Testosterone.” He kept telling me that I needed to be more social or he would take my testosterone away. Hello I grew up in a household that I was punished for even asking to go to the store with my father. How the hell do you think I am just casually going to go to LGBT events you keep shoving down my throat. Even then I was not very comfortable being out. He wanted me to be this “flaming queer” and I just wanted to be a teenage boy worried about getting his license. When I graduated it turned into “Do you have a job yet?” And don’t get me started with how upset he was that I was taking a gap year. 
I remember walking up those step each time feeling like my heart was going to fall out of my body. I literally have PTSD from this place. He did sign a letter saying “my body had changed enough and was not going to go back” so I could get my gender marker changed. I had an appointment the day after my name got changed and I was so excited. He literally could not give a shit. I brought my court order and they supposedly changed everything in their system (they didn’t). 
So next time I saw him was six months after that appointment and that would be the last time I saw him. I came in, my name wasn’t changed, I was pissed. I showed my changed license, social, insurance, everything and they STILL DID NOT CHANGE IT. (I still get mail from them in my birth name). This was the first appointment I had to drive separately from my mom. I still made her come with me because I hated that place so very much and was so anxious every time I had to go there. 
So we wait a long time like always and go back. He was finally like “oh you got your name changed” nah really? I had no clue At this time I did have a job and he was like “cool where?” I knew I need to keep some sort of something to myself. So I responded, “The mall.” I mean it’s technically not wrong. He said, “No what store?” I said, “It *in city that’s 30 minutes away*” and he asked a few more times what store and I kept saying it was at the mall. He finally asked, “Why won’t you tell me?” I said, “I don’t have to tell you. I am allowed to keep somethings to myself.” He got weirdly quiet calm too and said go get your blood work done. So my mom and I went and sat waiting for the weird blood lady like always and I feel proud of myself. I stood up for myself. My mom is uncomfortable and Dr Jones walks in and asks my mom (not me MY MOM) am I seeing a therapist. And I wasn’t and he said, “He needs to work on his attitude issues before he sees me again. He needs a therapist before his next appointment or no more Testosterone.” 
I finally felt like my own fucking person. My mom and I waited 5ish more minutes for the weird blood lady. We had talked for months and several occasions of how uncomfortable he made me and how I wanted to find another doctor. I turned to her and said, “I don’t want to come back so why do I have to get my blood drawn?” So we walked down the stairs and for once my anxiety was slipping away. We parked close to each other but I turned around and screamed “FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!” at the building and my voice went numb and it was one of those out of body experiences that just NEEDED to happen. 
I have never felt so liberated doing that. Driving home in separate cars with my mom was really awkward because I knew she was upset with how I handled that but as more and more time goes on from these events I feel better. I am very grateful I am on Testosterone but I would not wish this experience onto anyone. Maybe it was just me mixed with my already existing trauma that made it so bad. I was doing my best and the more I was being forced the more I pushed back. Everyone has their own timeline for milestones and just because you aren’t “normal” doesn’t mean anyone should force you into a normal box. 
Please even if you are going on hormones or anything your sanity is not worth the trauma please find a doctor that understands and doesn’t manipulate you.  I feel bad because “others have it worse” or “you got on T” it is still trauma.  You don’t control what is traumatic to your brain. Just please be careful and if you are uncomfortable, you are allowed to find another doctor
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jesseneufeld · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
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The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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milenasanchezmk · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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watsonrodriquezie · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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cristinajourdanqp · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
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cynthiamwashington · 6 years
Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life
It’s Monday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Monday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!
I am so excited to share my story with you, and I hope you enjoy reading it! I have always been the health researcher, fitness enthusiast and nutrition-focused one in my family. My whole life I followed the “healthy diet”—low fat, whole grain, lots of fruit, etc. I did research in nutrition as an undergraduate at the University of Maryland, and published a paper in dental school on the dangers of BPA. I have always been investigative and wanting to know the truth behind what is told.
It was during my second year in dental school when my good friend and colleague, Jake, introduced me to CrossFit and the paleo lifestyle. After a workout he said, “OK I’m off to eat half a dozen eggs!” He recalls the look I shot him was one of disbelief and disgust. Shocked was an understatement. “EAT SIX EGG YOLKS!?!?! Have you lost your mind, Jake, seriously, all that cholesterol!” I am sure he tried to reason with me, but I was so skeptical. So that night, I’m sitting in my apartment studying, and Jake sends me a link to www.marksdailyapple.com. It was the first paleo blog I ever read, and is still my go-to today. I remember that I got so caught up reading that I got less studying done, but it was one of those monumental life shifts for which I will always be grateful.
However, I did not immediately jump to 100% strict paleo in 2010. I chose to eat mostly whole foods, but would eat gluten and wheat a few times a week, which I considered balanced. I had graduated from dental school, and I was practicing dentistry in a small boutique, traditional dental office. I was placing and removing significant amounts of amalgam fillings. I had also gotten married, moved in with my husband, and we had bought a house. The emotional, financial, and physical stress I could handle had surpassed my threshold, and in 2015 I became very sick.
After months of bloody stools, running to the bathroom for the tenth time in one day, I finally got over my denial and went to a GI doctor. A colonoscopy confirmed that at age 27, I had ulcerative colitis. My doctor proceeded to recommend that I start six medications. One of them had a chance of landing me in the hospital for months from internal organ swelling. He also said that I had an 80% chance of needing surgery in my lifetime. I looked at him, and said, “Well, wait, what if I change my diet?” His response, “No, changing your diet won’t do anything. All your large intestine does is reabsorb water.” I just stared at him in disbelief. I worked at the opposite end of the body, but even I knew that your gut housed your immune system, and did WAY more than just absorb water!
I refused to let a bunch of drugs and surgery be my fate. I was not going to let anybody put me in a box. I was determined to find another way. And I did. I went 100% paleo, even focused on AIP for a few months. Within 2 weeks of transitioning to a whole-food, gluten-free diet, I came out of my terrible flare and have not had one since.
Getting a grip on my UC symptoms was a miracle, but I still had a long way to go with my healing. I was still sick, malnourished, fatigued all the time, had amenorrhea, couldn’t exercise, always wanted to rest, became socially anxious, etc. I saw multiple doctors from 2015-2016, even getting into National Institute for Health in Bethesda, MD. The top endocrinologists and fertility specialists in the world looked at tens of thousands of dollars of tests, and told me I was the “healthiest unhealthy person we have ever met” and “they didn’t know what was wrong with me” and to “just go back on birth control to make sure you don’t develop osteoporosis.” I refused. I was determined to get to the root cause of my health problems.
I finally found Jessica Flanigan. I did not understand why my Candida antibodies were so high, since I was not eating sugar. I asked Jessica this during one of our appointments, and she said, “Well you know, Mercury feeds off of Candida.” The lectures at dental school had reported that amalgam was safe, and that the mercury becomes “inactivated” once you burnish it. Jessica proceeded to give me information on biologic dentistry through the IAOMT and IABDM. I felt like a precious secret had just been revealed to me, one that I knew was going to change my life forever. I discovered that conventional dentistry was not safe. In fact, mercury is one of the most dangerous neurotoxins on this planet. I still wonder if mercury was the environmental trigger for the UC diagnosis. On Mark’s Daily Apple, you talk about the dangers of amalgam fillings. My functional medicine doctor, as well as Chris Shade from Quicksilver Scientific, confirmed my mercury poisoning. In addition, my functional doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism, HPA-axis dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, chronic infection, certain genetic snps, and more.
I felt terribly guilty that I had placed amalgam and unsafely removed amalgam fillings in patients. As a doctor you take an oath to do no harm. It was impossible for me to continue working in a conventional office after seeing how damaging mercury was to my health and to my patients’ health. As quickly as possible, I moved from a conventional office to a biologic dental office. In 2016 I pursued additional degrees, graduating from American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry with certifications in Integrative Biologic Dental Medicine (IBDM), and as a naturopathic physician (NMD) in 2017. Since working with my functional practitioners, and getting into a safer working environment I am well on my way to being healed from a long list of diagnoses.
I have been so moved and transformed by my journey, that I am launching my business as a functional dental and holistic health practitioner consulting with patients who have not been able to find healing through conventional medicine. I focus on using the latest research and scientific protocols to help my clients heal autoimmune conditions, adrenal dysfunction, diving in deep to the microbiome, and the oral-systemic connection at www.beyondpearlywhites.com. The gut is the largest organ with multiple common insults that can lead to dysfunction. Normalization of the gut results in the most effective clinical outcomes across all disease states, which is why I am focusing on the gut, head to tail. Focusing on my gut health has transformed my life, and I am back to my energetic bubbly self, sharing my knowledge, helping my friends and family, exercising, socializing, and enjoying every moment of our beautiful world.
I often think back to that day that Jake introduced me to paleo, and how God blessed me with information on where to go for the truth. My sickness and my journey have been an absolute gift, for I would not be where I am without these difficult experiences. My mission is to help as many people as possible overcome what appears to be impossible, as I have overcome it. Thank you, Mark and Mark’s Daily Apple for being a cornerstone in my journey, providing life-saving information, and for creating delicious whole food products that keep us all living, loving, and enjoying life. I am so hopeful and excited to see what our futures hold in shaping the lives of our readers!
The readers featured in our success stories share their experiences in their own words. The Primal Blueprint and Keto Reset diets are not intended as medical intervention or diagnosis. Nor are they replacements for working with a qualified healthcare practitioner. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any new dietary or lifestyle program, and please consult your physician before making any changes to medication or treatment protocols. Each individual’s results may vary.
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The post Focusing On My Gut Health Has Transformed My Life appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
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Living with Cancer AND Diabetes
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/living-with-cancer-and-diabetes/
Living with Cancer AND Diabetes
This upcoming Sunday is National Cancer Survivors Day, a worldwide observance the first Sunday in June, dedicated to "showing the world that life after a cancer diagnosis can be meaningful and productive."
We almost hate to mention it, but there is some question about a possible link between cancer and diabetes — and there are many people out there dealing with both. There's no real proof that one causes the other, yet there are a lot of studies linking the two. Results suggest that anywhere from 8 to 18% of people with cancer also have diabetes. One recent study published in Diabetes Care showed that 16 out of every 100 men with diabetes and 17 out of every 100 women with diabetes said they had cancer, compared to just 7 out of 100 men and 10 out of 100 women without diabetes. So maybe there is some connection...?
We're not pointing this out to scare anybody, but rather to pay homage to the folks who are dealing with both illnesses. Despite the stats cited, there's hardly any available literature on treating this combination. One of the few things we found was a 2006 Diabetes Spectrum article by Helen Psarakis, a diabetes nurse practitioner at Yale New Haven Hospital. She states that cancer patients who are on glucocorticoids — a steroid used in short term, high-dose chemo treatments — often suffer with high blood sugar. In fact, patients at risk for diabetes who begin taking glucocorticoids during cancer treatment are often quickly diagnosed with diabetes too. Insulin is recommended to treat steroid-induced blood sugar, as patients "may require two to three times their usual dose(s) of insulin." Woah.
Helen points out a few key things: For diabetics with cancer, insulin is nearly always more useful than oral meds, because dosing can be based on what a patient is able to eat. Chemo almost always causes nausea and vomiting, which can result in low blood sugar if a patient can't keep food down. So she suggests giving meal-time doses after eating, matched to the precise amount of carbohydrate the patient took in.
But the truth is that most articles about diabetes and cancer focus on the mutual causes of the two, not necessarily on how to live with both at the same time. So we're honored today to introduce Barbara Campbell, a 48-year-old woman with LADA, recently also diagnosed with breast cancer, who was willing to share her story with us here at the 'Mine:
A Guest Post by Barbara Campbell
By the time I arrived at work, I'd already received three voicemails from the imaging center. The previous day, I had presented myself for the annual mammogram. Admittedly, I was six months late, but I hadn't noticed any changes and thought this would be like every other mammogram. I was wrong.
Each message was the same, "We need you to return to the imaging center as soon as possible this morning. The radiologist is requesting additional views and possibly an ultrasound. There is something suspicious in your mammogram." I took a deep breath, tried to calm myself and left the office for the afternoon. By the end of the day, I had six additional mammogram films and an ultrasound of my left breast and lymph nodes. The radiologist came in to tell me that I needed to see a surgeon immediately.
I was referred to a surgeon who worked me in to his schedule right away. He examined me, reviewed the reports and the films, and drew a deep breath. "I need you to wrap your head around the fact that you have breast cancer," he said. It is kind of a punch in the gut when you hear that you have cancer.
More tests were ordered: a biopsy, breast MRI, and BRAC genetic testing. My mother and I were diagnosed the exact same week! The week before, she felt a lump in her breast, while I did not, and she and I just happened to have our mammograms on the same day. That's why we had the BRAC test, to find out if it was a genetic cancer. However, her cancer is completely different. Hers is responsive to hormone medication, and it's shrinking just from that so she doesn't need chemotherapy.
A weight has been lifted knowing she just has to take a pill every day, rather than having to run to her treatment hours and taking care of her, and then having my own treatment.
I didn't have a big melt-down until about three weeks into it, when I was waiting for the BRAC results. I was afraid that it was genetic, because if it were then I may have passed this on to my own daughters. But thankfully, it isn't.
Once all the results were gathered, we again met with the surgeon and our worst fears were realized. The surgeon went into great detail, showing me diagrams, photos and charts. I have Invasive Ductile Carcinoma, Stage 2b, Grade 3. It is aggressive and it is spreading.
Oh yeah... and I also have Type 1 (LADA) Diabetes.
We spoke several times with the surgeon about treatment plans and had to make adjustments due to diabetes management. Generally, he would suggest a left mastectomy and remove the lymph nodes, followed by chemotherapy and radiation. This regimen, however, posed issues for me, because people with diabetes sometimes heal slower from surgery. This would then push my chemotherapy program out further than is generally recommended. So we decided to start with chemotherapy, and follow-up with surgery and radiation. I've only had a few times when I feel lousy and feel sorry for myself, but I'm mostly high-spirited and in "work mode", ready to battle it and find out what we need to do "
I am now undergoing chemotherapy and was initially worried about how this treatment would affect my diabetes self-management. My oncologist has made every effort to plan my chemotherapy program without steroids, which is what usually causes blood glucose levels to soar. The regimen we are using is usually administered every three weeks. However, due to the aggressive nature of this cancer, the doctor has ordered my treatment every other week. This has been quite difficult as I am denied the extra week to recover from each treatment.
However, the only issue I've had with regard to diabetes is that I have more low blood glucose readings. Chemo hasn't directly affected my blood sugar numbers, but the nausea and upset stomach from the chemo makes it difficult to eat enough to keep my glucose levels within normal range. On treatment day and for the following few days, I drink Gatorade or Vitamin Water to keep my numbers up and treat lows. I've not had to use glucagon... Knock on wood. We're currently reviewing my basal rates with my endocrinologist to manage these low blood sugar episodes.
I'm happy to report, that after three treatments, the tumor is shrinking. I will have another five treatments, surgery and then radiation. My husband has been a great support and has really stepped in to help manage my diabetes. The day of chemo is the worst for me. The nausea is so awful and the oral meds that I take that day keep me sleeping most of the day. My husband wakes me every two hours, gives me the next dose, makes sure I eat something and checks my blood sugar.
One of the meds I'm taking, Ativan, really knocks me out and keeps me from recognizing a low blood sugar during the night. My husband gets up every two hours to test my blood sugar to make sure I'm not crashing. I have just been approved for a Dexcom CGM, but I'm still working through the paperwork for that. I could never manage all this without my husband and I'm eternally grateful to him!
I know I can get through this. I know I'll have big cryfest when we get that all-clear signal. I know this year will continue to be a challenge, but when we reach the end of this journey, there will be quite a celebration!
Talk about a "You Can Do This!" attitude, wow. We wish you nothing but the best, Barb. You all can show your support for Barb by visiting her blog or by following her on Twitter at @babssoup.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Diet Diabetes Destroyer Reviews Original Article
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