#i seriously need to decide on the order i do these tags in smh
honeydew-sillies · 2 years
Hello there, hope your having a great day. Would it be okay if you were to write headcanons of Mari and Hero tickling their respective little brother’s, I think that’d be really adorable. (By that, I mean Hero tickling Sunny and Mari tickling Kel, I think the latter’s friendship is very underrated.)
Wahhh thank you!! I hope you're having an awesome day too!! And YES YES this prompt is so cute !! I agree I hardly see anyone talk about Mari and Kel as a pair. I took inspiration for some of these ideas from a similar one that @kanene-yaaay wrote abt Mari and Hero swapping brothers :D
Also erm. I kindddd of got carried away,,,, this is like 2k words HSJDBDJSH
-Ok so. The idea of Mari tickling Kel while Hero tickles Sunny next to her is SO SO cute because like. Both of their little brothers will be giggling in their laps, and as much as Kel wants to protest he really isn't fully trying to get away so he's definitely having fun (Sunny couldn't try to get away if he wants his body like shuts down when he's being tickled and all he can do is sorta squirm around and curl into himself but they know he’s def having fun too)
-And ofc the two of them have different tickling styles and know exactly how to get their younger siblings bc. Siblings things
-Some more context hcs, I imagine Sunny's worst spots are (in order): neck/collar bones and BEHIND HIS EARS DUDE, the place where his lower ribs meet his back, and knee/underneath his knee
-For Kel it goes armpits, hips (he shares this with Hero teehee), and then specifically the pads of his feet
-Mari is naturally a pretty gentle but merciless tickler
-Like. First of all her fingernails aren't super long but they're very well taken care of bc piano and she likes painting them
-Second, her fingers are NIMBLE like she literally plays the piano on ur body it's actually so weird bc it's unpredictable to the lee but she's following her own little pattern
-Also her fingers are actually somewhat calloused from over-practicing which makes gentle tickles a bit more effective (bc I said so)
-Also x2 she is an expert in gentle tickling and squeezing, which makes her the perfect ler for Sunny
-Don't get me started on her teasing. Shivering in my boots rn.
-As for Hero!! He is definitely not as elegant or nimble, a bit more sloppy
-Also bc he's Hero his fingers are actually not calloused at all… stupid pretty boy /aff
-He's def better at slightly rougher tickles, mainly bc he grew up tickling Kel and that kid has far too much stamina like u gotta work hard to tire him out
-Dw he can also be gentle and teasy Sunny is in good hands
-Mari has a different teasing style for Sunny vs Kel, and Hero kind of does too
-For Sunny she's still playful but like. A little gentler, like she doesn't make fun of him it's more so "What's wrong, does it tickle little brother? Hehe!" stuff and "I forgot how much you love this spot! So cute!"
-For Kel however, she's def a little more "teasy" in a poking fun sense, saying stuff like "If you're not ticklish, then why are you laughing so much! Did I say something funny, hm?" and "Keep squirming so much and the Tickle Monster's gonna get angry~"
-As for Hero, he's not much of a teaser tbh he likes laughing w his lee and it just makes him smile tickling some1 he is SO silly
-Kel is like the only exception he can be so mean and teasy w Kel he loves to build anticipation with him and use those silly nursery rhymes and stuff that embarrass Kel so much but successfully make him gigglier so
-W Sunny he's how he normally is tho, he's def the most gentle w Sunny since the boys have known Mari and Sunny the longest and Hero sorta sees him as another little brother
-While Hero doesn't tease, he does like praising
-He'll say stuff like "Wow Sunny, you're doing so good! You're hardly squirming." or "It's okay, you can hide your face if you need." w his warm smile and he is so !!!! I love this man.
-SO. Brother exchange time
-This game usually happens when Kel and Sunny end up getting into some shenanigans (Sunny is usually dragged along but it's okay bc he has fun)
-For example: Kel convinces Sunny to help him mess with Hero while Sunny and Mari are over
-So Kel starts taking things from Hero's side of the room when he's downstairs with Mari, like pens, a cookbook, his pillow, etc.
-And he hides em somewhere like under his bed
-When Hero comes upstairs to get them and notices half his shit is missing he's like. "KEL!! Where are you!!" And he searches around but can't find him or Sunny
-(They are hiding in Kel's parents room behind the bed and Kel is trying not to giggle which in turn causes Sunny to bite back small snickers)
-Mari hears the commotion and comes upstairs, Hero explaining what happened, and now Mari is feeling playful which is rubbing off on Hero
-She goes "Boyyyyys! We know you're around here!" bc they would've seen them go downstairs so
-The older two search the upstairs, calling out the younger two's names in teasy sing-song voices
-Until they make it to the parents room. And they know they've gotta be in there somewhere, plus there's not many places to hide
-So Hero slowwwwly opens the door, him and Mari walking in quietly
-He gets down to check under the bed, and sees the legs of the other two who are hiding behind the other side of the bed, and he silently motions there to Mari and she nods her head, grinning
-Mari goes "Awww man Hero, we can't find them anywhere! Where could they have gone?" all dramatic, causing the younger boys to muffle more tittering because she's being silly!!!
-Hero goes "Gosh, I don't know Mari! And they have a friend here to visit them too!"
-The two hiding perk up, and Mari catches on, going "Oh, and who might this friend be? I wonder if I know him!"
-"You definitely do! He's Kel and Sunny's favorite friend. His name is the Tickle Monster!"
-The trap has been set. Without thinking, Kel shouts "The tickle monster is NOT my favorite friend!!" Before slapping his hands over his mouth and making eye contact with a wide-eyed Sunny
-But it's too late, and Kel peeks over the bed to see the two older siblings shooting them menacing grins
-However the door behind them is still open, and Kel is pretty fast so...
-He grabs Sunny's hand and tugs him up with him, shouting "Run for it Sunny!!" And attempting to bolt out the door with him
-Except they were expecting this, and Mari catches Kel around the waist and scoops him up making him let go of Sunny's hand
-Sunny def can't run as fast, and he shrinks back when he drops Kels hand and looks up to see Hero playfully smiling down at him, wiggling his fingers like "claws"
-All Sunny can do it let out a quiet "Ah-! as Hero reaches forward and picks him up around the waist too
-Mari giggles as Kel tries to thrash around in her arms, going "Put me down put me down put me dowwwwn!! I don't WANNA see the tickle monster!!" (<- lying he literally provoked them bc he was bored)
-She goes "Aww, but he wants to see you, Kel!" and squeezes one of his ribs slightly to get a snicker out of him
-They are carried to Hero and Kel's room, the older two sitting on the floor with each other's brother in their lap
-Sunny is already sorta curling in on himself w Hero's hands around his waist, and Kel is once again squirming up a storm as Mari has a firm grasp on him (she is stronger than she looks)
-Now shenanigans begin MWAHAHAHA
-Mari looks at Hero and goes "Hmmm, your brother is looking a little different today. Are you sure you've got the right one?" In a silly acting voice
-Hero replies "Of course I do! I would know my ticklish brother anywhere!" (Kel is giggling from the antics and he goes "HERO!! Shut up!!" While Sunny is smiling softly but excitedly)
-Mari goes "If you say so!" And starts wiggling the tips of her fingers into Kel's ribs, using a tad more force than she would with Sunny
-Kel yelps and falls into his high pitched boyish laughter. It's all giggly and filled with empty protests as he squirms around, kicking his feet and throwing his head back onto Mari's chest as he laughs
-Meanwhile Hero sneaks his hands under Sunny's t shirt and starts dragging his fingers around his lower ribs, causing the younger boy to gasp and puff out his cheeks like he usually does, curling in and squirming side to side while his shoulders bounce lightly from the giddy laughter that won't quite come out
-Mari moves to Kel's stomach, squeezing the little bit of pudge that's there and above his hips, sending ticklish shocks that cause his laughter to transition into louder cackles and snorting
-She goes "Now wait a minute, I don't remember Sunny's stomach being this ticklish…"
-That actually draws a few giggles out of Sunny, and Kel goes "Mahari!! I'm Kehel!!"
-(They are being ignored)
-Hero plays along, going "Hmmm, I don't remember Kel's neck being so ticklish either..." as he skitters his nails lightly around Sunny's neck, making him scrunch up and let out a proper "haHA-!" Laugh b4 falling into silent giggling again
-"And look! Sunny's armpits weren't this ticklish either!" Mari says, and she has to raise her voice slightly bc Kel's laughter turns into louder cackles as she massages her thumbs into the spots right below his armpits which is so bad for him, like he literally just throws his head back and babbles out nonsense as his arms glue to his sides and he kicks his legs frantically
-Meanwhile again, Hero has moved to flipping Sunny around so his face is buried in his chest, Hero gently tickling the spot where Sunny's lower ribs and sides meet his back, making him snort quietly and fall into soft, hiccupy silent laughter
-"But if that's not Sunny, then who could it be!?" Hero says dramatically, watching as Mari gives Kel a break to catch his breath
-Kel is still in a fit of giggling, but he goes "Ihihi'm Kel!!"
-Mari gasps dramatically, and Hero continues "If you're Kel, then where is Sunny!?"
-Sunny snorts into Hero's chest again, gripping into his shirt as he mumbles "Hehero, Ihi'm right here!"
-Hero moves back to tickling around the back of Sunny's neck now and behind his ears after giving him a small break too, while Mari starts squeezing Kel's ribs again but softer this time
-Mari goes "Oh man! It looks like we accidentally exchanged brothers... how silly of us!"
-Hero nods and goes "Let's switch back!" and the two stop their tickling while the younger ones relax and let out the last of their giggling
-Mari and Hero gently swap the boys in their laps, and both rub soothing shapes into their brother's backs, watching their breathing slow as the adrenaline wears off and the sleepiness hits them
-The older two glance at each other and smile softly, standing up and carrying the two to Kel's bed, laying them down next to each other and pulling the sheets over them as Hero ruffles both of their hair gently
-The boys are quick to fall asleep from all that tickling and Mari quickly runs downstairs to get two little apple juice boxes to leave at the bedside table for them
-Hero and Mari then walk over and sit on Hero's bed, Hero pausing before smacking his forehead and going "I forgot to ask where he hid my stuff!"
-Mari starts laughing, before interlacing their fingers (which causes Hero's heart to skip a beat... or two) and going "Don't worry, we can ask when they wake up."
-Hero's cheeks are still pink as he reaches over and grabs one of the things from his desk Kel didn't hide, that being one of the Captain Spaceboy comics he had lying around.
-The two start reading through it together for fun, pointing things out and laughing quietly and talking about anything while their younger siblings sleep soundly in the bed across the room
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life-of-lizbet · 7 years
sorry I suck at blogging
When your first two days back at work are a 10-6 followed by a 10-7, you really don’t have much time (or energy or whatever) to blog. So here’s a brief recap/rehash of my first two days back:
Day 1- I worked with two “new” kids. They’re both high schoolers and just started this summer. I hadn’t yet worked with them, so they’re “new” to me by default. Let’s call the bagger John. What a freaking nutcase he is. Looks like one of those frat boys, for gods sake. Like, the hair that’s short on the sides but more on top- just trust me when I say he looks like a frat boy. He comes into work yesterday at 3pm wearing a bro-tank. Looks like he just spent a day at the beach playing beach volleyball, according to my mom. So he calls his parents and asks them to bring in a regular t-shirt. (New since last summer- a ridiculous amount of rules and policies, including no tanks or camis, must wear closed toed shoes (I still can’t believe they had to put that in writing), no food OR drink at the registers, including a closed water bottle. I’m still not going to get over that last one.)
He acts like a moron. At one point during my shift, he questioned the fact that I will be a senior in college. Look, I get it, I don’t look like I should be a senior in college, but seriously? Dude, what the hell. He then returns back to what he was doing, yapping with one of the other cashiers about who knows what. Then he asks me, a short time later, how old I am. He actually could not believe me when I said I was 21. Like, could NOT believe me, whatsoever. He proceeds to tell me that I look like I’m 16. While I was putting away a hand basket I said (rather snarkily, but I’m unsure whether he got the snark because he as too dumbfounded by the fact that I’m actually 21), “I’ve only had my driver’s license for five years now.” Moron.
He couldn’t get enough of it for whatever reason. SMH. So then he asks me something along the lines of going to a bar and getting ID’d. I haven’t actually been to a bar yet, but I have ordered drinks at restaurants and bought booze and alcohol from stores, and people have questioned my age when they asked for my ID. But c’mon dude, cut it OUT! Ay caramba. 
Day 2-
I mentioned I worked with two “new” kids on my first day back. Well, today I worked with two additional “new” kids, one of whom I overheard complain more than a few times about having to work two 10-7 shifts next week. Well, I’m thinking, suck it up buttercup, I have one day off next week and I’m working 47.5 hours, so just shut it. (I’m not complaining about the fact that I’ll be getting overtime pay, I’m just saying it would be nice to have more than one day off next week. On the bright side, I have Senior Tuesday off!)
Said-complainer arrives to work for her 1pm shift to take over for someone who was leaving at 1pm. So, naturally, if you are coming in to work when someone is leaving, you’re probably going to end up on their register. It must have taken her a few minutes to realize which register she was supposed to be ringing on. For the record, there are three regular cash registers, and two express registers. One of the express registers always has a manager’s drawer, for when they need to ring. So, in theory, there are four possible registers for her to ring on. The fact that there is only one open register suggests that she will be on that one, but what the hell do I know. I’ve only been working there for five summers now. YIKES.
I had three older customers ask me in my first three hours at work today for their senior discount. As mentioned above, Senior Tuesday is the day of the week where older folks (aged 55 and older) receive 10% off their total bill, excluding tobacco and alcohol and lottery tickets. The first lady was serious: “You took off my discount, right?” Um, today is Thursday, Tuesday is when you can get your discount. “Oh, haha, I didn’t realize that.”
Next customer; this one is a local and a nutcase. His wife is an alcoholic and buys small boxed wine, sticks it in her pocketbook as soon as the cashier has scanned it, and never wants her receipt. She’s in nearly every day to buy a small box of wine. But I digress, this dude I am actually talking about is whacked. He always creates a scene when he comes into the store. He comes through my line, starts yapping to the cashier on another register, finally decides to come through my register. Asks for his “Old geezer discount,” I told him it’s the wrong day, and that he’s actually not the first person to ask for that today, to which he said “REALLY?” Um, yeah, I wasn’t kidding, dude. (Seen below- small boxed wine the alcoholic woman purchases almost daily.)
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Third customer to ask for a non-existent senior discount- my 7th grade social studies teacher, who has since retired. He’s got a full head of WHITE hair- not gray, but white as all get-out. He asks, “Did you get my discount?” I said, “Today’s Thursday, discount is on Tuesday,” or something like that. He said “Oh, gosh, I didn’t realize that!” Whenever he comes in on Tuesdays, my mom says to him, “Must be Tuesday!” because he’s in there shopping and getting his discount. (Her other favorite one-liner directed at him is “Must be Sunday!” when he comes in to shop after his church service with his name tag from church still on.)
Welcome to Wolfeboro, folks. I’m working 10-7 tomorrow (Friday) and 1-9 on Saturday, so I’ll have plenty of work shenanigans for y’all. I don’t work with the moron whom I’m calling John until Saturday, so god help me when Saturday rolls around. 
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Above- me, probably, either after tomorrow’s work shift, or definitely after Saturday's work shift. God help me. 
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