#i should actually draw the charas from there sometime
voidedjuice · 5 months
Hi!! I’m sure you’ve posted about it before, but would you care to share like, a beginners guide/basic explanation of your doll lore stuff? All your art of it is super cool & I’d love to know more!! (Also, are Ilta and Cecily from that same universe?)
The doll lore stuff is a little something i've got on the side here
Basically, the backstory is that the world is going through a slow apocalyptic event, that causes the systems governing whatever's after death to not work properly, resulting in A Lot of ghosts. To manage this problem, ghosts are put inside doll bodies to keep them from wandering around in confusion and becoming hostile to people.
A lot of stuff is done with living dolls instead of humans, because for whatever prooobably unrelated reason birthrates have been plummeting unnaturally & so there just arent many people to go around.
The dollmaker's guild trains and certifies professional ghost wranglers/doll makers, Sharon and Aalis were trainees with them until Things Happened. Afterwards Sharon got a special permit to work as a dollmaker despite now being a living doll herself, while Aalis fled somewhere to escape prosecution for her dollmaking crimes. They've got a tense relationship when they meet now, but looking at them its obvious they once cared deeply for each other... that kind of yuri.
Airi is an older poltergeist Sharon took with her to help her out with her work. Some centuries ago she died tragically very young and had become a ghost the old fashioned way, through her lingering regrets/rage at her fate/etc. was a big problem in her home for a long while, but in the end Sharon ended up picking her up and employing her.
As for more soecific doll lore i've made a bunch of posts in the tag #oc lore, unfortunately it's kind of really messy in there so sorry about that 😣
Ilta & Cecily either arent from there, or are from wayyy earlier in the timeline. I Could connect their worlds pretty easily but idk if i really want to yet. Stuff to consider for sure
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moe-broey · 9 months
Alfonse's faith in Ratatoskr and the fucking dynamic is so fucking insane though. Like. I'm in fucking awe. She knows EVERYTHING about him. Way too much about him. He knows next to nothing about her. All he knows is the first impression (saddest wettest poorest little thang in the whole wide world) and that she was sent to kill him. Lightning fast judgement and assessment of her character and he fucking. Decides. I'm going to put my life on the line for you because I trust that you trust me. That you know me enough to trust me. Even though you're a stranger to me. Even though it's been previously established that I have one million interpersonal issues and trouble letting people in. Dude what the FUCK
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silly-comics · 2 months
I got a question or more, sorry if they is dumb it probably is, anyway
Anything New About The Comic That You Got Done Yet? Not Rushing
And that last ask got me wondering sorry if this is the dumbest question, but why do you ship killer x cross and Horror x dust? If you don't mind me asking
I have no problem with the ships they just seem off to me but that's my opinion so I just wanted to know why or your opinion on why you ship them?
Sorry if it's dumb I just wanna know
Back to the question this is the last one
What ships do you find gross or disturbing? I just want your look on things
Ik this is long I'm sorry-
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been going through one of my depressive episodes and I typically fall out of drawing for months when those happen. So I haven’t really made any progress on the comic, which is what I know yall don’t wanna hear. School should be starting back up again sometime soon though and I’ll be forced to draw so I’ll probs get back into then.
For your second question:
I ship Killer X Cross because I think their dynamic would be interesting and a bit goofy. Killer being the bastard he is goes well with Cross who would balance him out and perhaps make less bad choices. On the other hand, Killer could teach Cross how to loosen up a bit and live a little. They can also both relate on the “I was once sharing a body with Chara” thing lol. Plus, I think Cross could maybe have the same end effect that Color would have on Killer in that if they were to realize that maybe being under Nightmares power isn’t so healthy, Cross could help steer Killer towards the path of freedom?
Horror x Dust is a little more tricky to explain. I feel it came more from a place of necessity rather than genuine love for each other? They got together to stabilize each other while under Nightmare, it was a way to cope. It’s a bit toxic with Horror’s constant paranoia/distrustfulness/anger issues and Dust’s apathy/indifference and the tendency to dissociate as well as major move swings. I like to think there’s a time where they eventually work this stuff out and can actually be together, I don’t think it’s realistic. At least without another outsiders help, like shipping Horror with Farm and Dust with Fell. If it was more of a poly, the other two could help stabilize Horror and Dust I feel.
I love angst and stuff but at the same time it makes my heart ache so much 😭 so these aren’t like the only pairings I like with the group. I like the idea of it being a poly of all of them, including Nightmare, with varying levels of closeness.
For the ships I find gross/disturbing: I feel like the obvious ones do not need to be named, so just the proship ones. I’m not usually the type to go on a rant about proshipping and stuff, so I’ll leave it at that.
If you’re asking what type of ships I personally dislike though, that answer is also a little boring as I don’t really mind what other people think as long as it’s not weird. Like, I’ll occasionally see something like Nightmare X Fresh and the most I’ll do is question where that idea came from. Good art is good art so you’ll get a like from me no matter the subject (besides the obvious boundaries).
Also, guys, you gotta stop apologizing cause I love ranting and answering your questions 🥺 you guys have been very kind
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stepswordsen · 4 months
【KagePro】 KuroEne 🖤💛💙
Happy 6/9! Happy HaruTaka/KonoEne/KuroEne day!!! 💛💙 I want to draw HaruTaka and KonoEne too eventually, but I haven't gotten the chance to draw them yet. So for now I'll post my recent Kuroha and KuroEne doodle log 🖤💙
My fave KagePro meow meow mf unhinged evil snek x my cheeky cute energetic wife!!!
KuroEne doodles
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These WIPs are really messy so I'll refine them sometime in the future!
I'll post the rest of my KuroEne doodles, and rambles about my KuroEne AUs, and thoughts, under the cut!
Inspired by the Outer Science MV and Kagerou Daze LN 7 cover -from the darkness- illustrated by Sidu
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Kuroha x Envy Baby (Song by Kanaria and illustrated by LAM)
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KuroEne doodles
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I was imagining Ene sitting on a desk or elevated ledge for the last one
My character trait is just scribbling whatever until I get to refine and clean up the sketches. So these are very scribbly for now
Kuroha is my fave KagePro chara. Murderous mad man! I'm a villain enjoyer~ And Ene is my wife~
I have folks following me for all sorts of fandoms so I'll try to explain a bit of context first so those curious can follow along with my rambles if they'd like!
Technically Kuroha is just referred to with ?? or XX in merch, but 6/9 and 9/6 (KonoEne Day) are convenient days to draw Ene and her Haruka lookalike harem~~
KuroEne AUs 🖤💙
I have 3 main types of KuroEne AUs, and my sub AUs tend to fall into one of these:
1) Canon-verse AU where Kuroha pretends to be Konoha, so Ene thinks he's Konoha with Haruka's memories. Takes place in an AU setting that's closest to canon and very angst heavy.
2) Canon-verse AU where Ene can manifest in the real world and even becomes intimate with Kuroha. Kuroha/Saeru remembers previous routes, so he's done this before and remembers their moments of intimacy in all the past timelines. Also very angst heavy.
After all the time loop resets, Kuroha/Saeru figured out a way to transfer to a humanoid android body for certain durations of time so she can interact with the real world (inspired by the CopyBots and Iris from BN6)
3) Fluffy lighthearted AU with fanon Kuroha with a much more fluffy, lighthearted, and tamer setting. Just me coming up with cute little scenario ideas. I love fluff!
Other KuroEne AU ideas:
Royals AU KuroEne (Prince and Princess/Cinderella)
KuroEne dancing in a ballroom together in formal clothes (though this could also work in KuroEne AU No. 2)
KuroEne making snow sculptures together. Kuroha makes a giant snake snow sculpture and Kuroha helps Ene make a giant chibi version of herself. Snakes tend to feel lethargic during the winter. Ene throws snowballs at him.
Snake and Bunny theme (Ene's twintails could look like bunny ears)
I think I need to name my KuroEne AUs eventually to differentiate them lmao
KuroEne AU: No. 1
I also like thinking of KuroEne in canon-verse angst AUs where Kuroha messes around in the routes (timelines). In AU no. 1, he pretends to be Konoha, decides to actually bond and get to know and befriend the Mekakushi Dan members before k*lling them this time, and Ene projects her feelings for Haruka and Konoha, onto Kuroha (who she thinks is Konoha…)
Kuroha decides to mess around in the Routes and befriend the Mekakushi Dan members. I feel like Kuroha should experiment that way cuz he doesn't want the "fun" to be over so soon yet. And also because he's curious how things will play out, and see what will be the same and different compared to previous routes.
In the present day, 2 years later, when she meets Kuroha, she recognizes his appearance, and thinks he's Konoha. After seeing Kuroha, who she thinks is Konoha, she's surprised to see "Konoha" in the flesh...
In my KuroEne AU, Ene thinks that Kuroha is Konoha with Haruka's memories, because Kuroha/Saeru remembers previous routes (timelines) and thus knows her true name (Takane) and context.
I'm insane LMAO. I love angst! KuroEne's angst potential is so high.
I love how KagePro ships are all super heavy and tinged with angst and tragedy.
I love that aspect of them, but ofc, I will delve into light-hearted AUs with them too that take place outside of canon~ I want to write/draw KuroEne in a much more fluffy and lighthearted setting too.
KuroEne AU: No. 2
Canon-verse AU where Ene can manifest in the real world (since I'm taking creative liberties here for the sake of my ship) and even becomes intimate with Kuroha. Very angst heavy.
Takes place in an AU setting close to canon, except the only difference is that Ene can manifest in the real world (unlike in canon where she can only interact with the digital world in devices)
Especially with all the time loop resets, you could see this as an AU where Kuroha/Saeru finally manages to figure out how to make Ene able to manifest in the real world as well.
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It was inspired by the Copybots from MMBN/EXE (Battle Network: 6) where Iris, a NetNavi (Network Navigator, companion digital AI, a digital cyber girl), interacts with the protagonist, Netto, by transferring into a Copybot (Android body) to be able to move around in the real world.
The CopyBots take the form of the NetNavi currently in it. They are battery charged, so NetNavis (MMBN/EXE's digital AIs) can only stay in them for certain periods of time.
I imagine this is the case for my KuroEne AU too
Due to Kuroha's knowledge of previous routes, I imagined that since Kuroha keeps memories of previous routes, at some point, he starts to play around in the routes and experiment with different possibilities. He eventually gets to know and bond and spend time with Ene.
Though eventually, Kuroha proceeds with the "Plan" on August 15th to kill everyone in the Mekakushi Dan and force Marry to rewind the world. Thus, repeating the "never ending tragedy."
I imagine Kuroha eventually found a way for Ene to be able to transfer into an android body so she'd no longer have to be stuck in electronic devices like in canon…
Ene tops and hate fucks Kuroha/Saeru (when she finds out about his real identity). Kuroha obliges in letting her top him when she wants to "play" with him. I think the smug personality he has would really rile up Ene and make her competitive side come out. They're playing a "game" with each other.
Kuroha has been intimate with Ene before and keeps memories of previous routes. He knows about the context of the Mekakushi Dan, therefore, knows about Ene's past as Takane (and her relationships with Haruka and Konoha)
And, due to the time loops, he makes improvements to the Android bodies (CopyBot-like models that I need a name for eventually), for his encounters with Ene, throughout the routes, like improving the battery life and durability and such
It'd honestly be pretty funny if tsun tsun Ene tries to justify her trysts or intimate encounters with Kuroha like this
Ene: They're not trysts!!! I'm just doing this with you so that I can finally defeat you!!! Hmph!!! (//>3<//) Kuroha: And yet, you seem to enjoy our little... encounters.
Trying to convince yourself you're fucking a guy (your most hated enemy) only to defeat him, sounds hilarious ngl 😭
Cuz technically, they are playing a "game" of some kind, so the competitive side of her comes out here~~
I think KuroEne has a very unique context that makes their relationship dynamic sooo interesting to think about because of HaruTaka and KonoEne's context.
I love conflict and tension in ships, and KuroEne has sm of it cuz it's with the series' big bad villain/antagonist who's the main source of conflict and tension in KagePro.
How I got into KagePro
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Kuroha/Saeru and Konoha, and Ene hanafuda arts by Sidu
I first got into KagePro when I was 12, so Kuroha was my 12 year old self's big fave~ KagePro was my kid self's first fandom interest.
12 ~ 16 y/o me was OBSESSED with this mf and the KuroEne ship 😭 Ene my wife… 🥺💙 I think the KuroEne ship has such great angst fuel. I love fluff and angst~
The Kuroha liker in me coming out with the unhinged anime man / meow meow mf core taste, HAHA.
Sen's unhinged anime man (insane meow meow mf) pipeline
Kuroha (2013) -> Saeran (2016) -> Judar (2022)
Kuroha (KagePro), Saeran (MysMes), Judar (Magi) pipeline
Black/white haired meow meow mfs with monochrome/black/white design aesthetics are my ultimate fixation
Obviously I have so many faves like this, like Douman (FGO) and Idate (WATGBS AU), but those 3 kinda have similarities in terms of their basics and design vibes/aesthetics tbh
I love smug evil bitches with black/white design aesthetics 🐈‍⬛ I love his expressions ✌️ And Kuroha has a great song and MV too~
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Also I’m gonna admit that seeing this thumbnail got me into KagePro
I first got into KagePro after watching the Outer Science MV and kid me immediately went like "I NEED TO KNOW WHO THIS MF IS" and then became obsessed with Kuroha and KagePro
The first song I ever listened to was Headphone Actor, and Outer Science showed up in my recommended soon after, and when I saw the thumbnail (this exact thumbnail), kid me was just like “I NEED TO KNOW WHO THIS MF IS”
And then I fell into the KagePro/Kuroha/KuroEne obsession.
Kuroha BITCH
You are my favourite KagePro character <3
I'm laughing so hard at how obvious my character taste has been since FOREVER. Glad to know that my character/ship tastes are as ancient as time!
Kuroha is mad entertaining it's not surprising why kid me would be obsessed with him
KuroEne rambles
KuroEne relapse… KuroEne reload. After 10+ years I'm still not over them ADKSKLDKLSLK
I was so obsessed with them, I think it's because it was the first ship I was really obsessed with and made AUs for
Also I'm REALLY not surprised why kid me was so obsessed with them... It's literally a ship between my wife x meow meow mf (of the series)
My fave ships are usually between my fave (usually the meow meow mf chara) and my other fave charas, which is exactly the case here
I swear they made up at least 80% of the KagePro art I drew omfg
Takane was 157 cm (5'1") and Konoha is 182 cm (6'0"), and Ene is 640 px tall and weighs 2 MB. Portable wifey…
KuroEne Art Ideas
Things I wanna draw eventually...
KuroEne doodle with Maid outfit Kuroha wearing spiked high heels while he has a bloody mop (maybe it's just red paint instead???), and slips a finger into Ene's thigh highs while he kisses her cheek. Ene's entire face gets all red and she just goes like "WORST MAID EVER!!!"
KuroEne wearing hanfu
KuroEne wearing Việt Phục
Pokemon AU KuroEne where Kuroha is a Dark/Poison type trainer with snake/serpent-like/serpentine body Pokemon (ie. Arbok, Seviper, Rayquaza), and Ene is an Electric type trainer (ie. Rotom), and Konoha is a Normal/Grass/Fighting type trainer (ie. Serperior, Bewear)
Imagining Ene's blushy pouty face (//>~<//) is cute~
KonoEne/KuroEne Shitpost
Kinda wanna make a joke/shitpost meme like
Ene: (<- Would fuck a snake)
(<- Having an existential Crisis)
(Applies to both Kuroha and Konoha)
Humanoid snek…
Outer Science (MV) (Illustrated by Sidu) (Fan-translation by vgperson) Kagerou Daze LN 7 -from the darkness- (Illustrated by Sidu)
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Inspired by the Outer Science MV, and my fave Kagerou Daze (LN) cover: Vol. 7 -from the darkness-
It's based on the classic "Welcome to my womb" line in the Outer Science MV and my fave Kagerou Daze LN cover 🤭✨
Sidu's gorgeous Kagerou Daze VII (7) cover with Kuroha on the cover 🖤💛 This will always be my favourite cover. Sidu's art style is IMPECCABLE I love their aesthetics sm… The pose and blood splatters and expressions... AHHH IT SLAPS SO HARD
I thought of a sketch concept where all the "Keep out" tapes bind around him just like in the LN cover.
I'm still amazed by Sidu's MVs. Outer Science is still my fave KagePro song and MV. Sidu's art style is so nice and their MVs are gorgeous. Sidu really appealed to my aesthetic tastes when I first saw this MV in 2013 as a 12 year old, I was immediately enamoured with it. They have such great aesthetic sense.
The colours and chosen visuals… The insane attention to detail...
Outer Science my beloved~~
Sidu you will always be famous!!!
Sidu's MVs just hold up SO WELL
The art, visuals, text and animation effects are so good...
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ranposgirlboss · 1 year
THIS IS MULTIFANDOM!! also most of these are either slander or made for being a silly joke <333 so please don't take this seriously
fandoms: genshin impact, bungou stray dogs, and honkai impact
genre: fluff, slander, and sillies (it progressively gets less and less serious)
enjoy my shitty hcs from like a year ago <333 (they are actually older lol) ALSO ARE EXTREMELY SHORT SINCE IM LITERALLY JUST TAKING WHAT I WROTE WITHOUT CHANGING IT AND PUTTING IT OVER ON HERE LMAOASBHJAS (there's only so much space on paper </3)
chara list!!: albedo, kazuha, xiao, diluc, heizou, fu hua (sentience), scaramouche, aponia, dazai, ranpo, poe, ANDDD nikolai!!
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-"its all for an experiment" he says
-lil bitch ok sure
-probably gonna study what this feeling is when he holds your hand and "why he feels so warm on the inside"
-acts like he doesnt care that much but bros probably gonna draw yall holding hands like a 13 year old drawing in her diary 💀
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-i love him but
-probably would make a poem about how your hand feels 😭
-he would be so cute tho ngl
-i mean just as always but also like
-please hold his hand he just loves you so much and along with words of affirmation physical contact seems to be his thing
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-"wow y/n when you hold my hand the voices cease their calls for me to go to taco bell, thank you y/n."
-TAKE ME HIGHH AND ILL SINGGGG YOU MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY OHKAY OHKAY OHKAY (if you know that song here's your free kiss <33)
-and then you get married the end
-W H Y D I D I W R I T E T H I S B Y E -
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-could give less of a shit
-but for the sake of being a gentleman he says thank you and then continues bat manning sillily.
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-"y/n holding hands is cool but i think we should start an investigation of how fast we could make it to my place ;)"
-KILL YOURSELF. (please dont lead the way my silly detective <33)
-this gif makes me want to impulsively eat vanilla cake.
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-*holds hand* look at the beautiful sight ahead of us Y/N! no i did not make that fire-"
-fu hua arsonist era
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-"y/n holding hands is great but why don't we open our arms and eyes to god"
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-"i can always hold more then your hand~"
-a flirty bitch, but yall got chuuya knocking on your door asking you to "control your dog"
-ironic how chuuya is the one who says that
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-will hold your hand for payments
-affection?? candy??? candys nuts fit in your mouth because they sure are about to <33 (i want to erase what i write sometimes)
-gets so happy omg
-not only does he have candy, you, but NOW he gets to hold your hand too>!1/!?!?
-wow he might as well steal from a candy store at this point
-might as well
-he swears it was an accident
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-poe held your hand with such sweetness, care, tenderness, love, and affection
-karl pulls up in his Mazarati, ready to throw hands once and for all, how DARE someone get more attention then karl
-poe has some explaining to do
-(i wonder how high i was when i wrote these)
-(i think i was 5'5)
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-so you go to hold his hand in y/n fashion
-suddenly you almost get hit by a bus
-"shit my bad wrong item"
-you stare in utter confusion at the bus as it suddenly vanishes like a fucking mob from minecraft or some shit
-nikolai god arc confirmed real
-so anyways you suddenly feel warmth on your hand on you see another fucking hand gripping yours but its literally just the hand detached from the body
-you are extremely scared and concerned why there's another hand gripping yours out of nowhere but with nikolai anything is possible so you just accept it and hold his hand back
-he giggles and nikolais away with the hand still holding yours
the voices
alos my reqs are always open
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kroosluvr · 1 month
hihihi! don't know if you read these but i so frequently enjoy your art that it felt like i should say something about it, it's so so pretty and maybe i'm biased because i'm badly obsessed with the royal trio (like, constantly on my mind, building an ita bag about it types of obsessed) but when something you care so much about gets barely represented and you see somebody put so much time and effort and skill into it it's not just nice it's like feeling seen y'know? i appreciate the art you put out there so so much :3
especially when it's like, sumi centric seeing as i think she sometimes gets kind of lost or delegated to a third wheel to the other two when i think she deserves the world actually. :D i hope you are having such a good day
OH MY GODDD ANON THANK U SO MUCH!!! IM SO GLAD U ENJOY MY ROYAL TRIO STUFF!!!!! i totally totally understand you which is why im drawing so much of them lately!!!! i feel like although they're pretty "popular" (and each character is really popular on their own) their inbetween connections/dynamic is not that explored? which fueled my brainworms and im so glad i started sharing my ideas and drawing royaltrio lots more bc everyones been so kind and its been so fun for me!!!! and i keep getting so many kind messages LIKE FRM YOU and it makes me so unbelievably happy ///w///
(BTW ITABAG OMGFGGG ID LOVE TO SEE IT WHEN UR DONE?!??! anons can send in images so.. eheh.. only if u want ofc but. omg id die to have a royaltrio itabag but im very disorganized irl so i dont have Much merch bc i. i be losing shit)
and sumi centric FOR SURE!!! she's my favorite character :') ive said this before but i got into p5 for joker but i stayed for sumire............ idk smth abt her just pulls my heartstrings just right. i love her so much eeEEEE so im glad to give her some share of the spotlight that she deserves... //w// ive been a fan of p5 since 2018ish and royal since its release but.... my art wasn't all that back then so i (very frustratingly) wasnt able to draw the sumire/royaltrio/etc content that i wanted to see but.... now i have the time and the ability (SORTA!!!! still working on my art i know its also still not all that) to draw it so i will KEEP WORKING HARD EHEHHEHE
i think often sumire is outcasted from the other thieves which well. given that shes a dlc chara basically. makes sense but it also gives me a lot of room to think about her and spin some new ideas :3 double edged sword!!! but yeah YEAHYYEAH im really happy to hear that people like how i characterize her!!! i like to give her some edges and bitterness and frustration that canon didn't give her......
sorry i talk so much but genuinely your comments make me so happy to hear!!! ///w/// i will continue dishing out royaltrio content.... i mean it when i say i have so many ideas and i really dont know when ill run out............. infintie serotonin & inspiration works
edit: I HOPE UR HAVING A GOOD DAY/NIGHT TOO ANON!!! i just went out ot get coffee and pastries nad stuff so im straight up BALLING
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fainthedcherry · 6 months
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7.3.24 there was a deadline for a DTIYS my IRL friend, kobra_the_artist , hosted back around February!! I had like...3 days to finish the sketch I started back in February. It's...A pain being late to EVERYTHING with a deadline, but at least deadlines help me push finish a drawing, I otherwise would let rot in my WIP folder for almost a year (hell, some sketches are like 3 years old that are rotting in there now, that I'm self-aware about, yet still keep forgetting. ._." )
I don'ttt have too much to say on this one? Since it was a DTIYS, I recommend checking out the insta post simply, I'm not about to take my friend's artwork and cross-post it to somewhere else, I feel, that'd be scummy to do. :T SO LINK TO THE OG CONTEST POST! HUZZAH! plusssss, I think I yapped enough on my own insta post. :v
I just rlly wanted to draw Kobra, as I love her sona's design. I adore demon-anything, can u blame me LMAO. I need excuses to draw ppl's OCs willingly and gladly more. It's so hard to motivate myself to draw something at all for people anymore AUUUUGH
Somehow I won 1st place??? Don't ask em HOW, as I found other people's entries much better than mine ngl, butttt I'll never understand, that my art is actually enjoyed by some people anyway, ngl. Even years later, I still sometimes feel, like I don't deserve to call myself an artist LMFAO
I also added a little funne below, we both wanted to draw for fun, once we were in a call just rambling and stuff. On the right, has been drawn by Kobra!! (You can open the green, first link above, to her insta itself! She doesn't have Tumblr. No one in my friend group does, but I love Tumblr tbh. :"))
You should try ceramic pans. They are the best flavour. /lh
ANOTHER POST THERE IS! WHERE ART IS! I might post character concept-refs next. I'm running out of "good-looking things" to post, that won't make me look like a total amateur from the 2010s DA era. I've only uploaded these in my scraps on DA back then, so maybe you'll get weekly posts, as I draw concept refs basically weekly, to keep my chara-base up to date for comms and art exchange!
I wanna do a DTIYS myself some day!! But maybe in 4 years, where I dream of having paid off all my art-debt finally I've been working so hard to pay off on lately...
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chiisana-lion · 2 years
Izuleo 👁️ subakoga 👁️ midoyuzu 👁️
cracking my knuckles rn i Will answer for each character so im putting this under a read more (also i answered for yuzuru here!!)
favorite thing about them he likes shrimp hes just like me for real also the fact his hobby is bullying his underclassmen but he really does have a desire to help and guide them properly and Does do that in the end!!
least favorite thing about them kidnapping :( (serious note though i do find his relationship w makoto really interesting)
favorite line his "sooo annoying" catchphrase <3
brOTP everyone in knights!!
OTP izuleo the everythings. giving each other a 2nd chance to try again.,..., also they are literally living together so
nOTP izumako akjdsgkjashsjkhg
random headcanon saw he liked to knit and i think he'd make nice matching sweaters for everyone in knights at some point
unpopular opinion none here either!
song i associate with them that's why i gave up on music by yorushika is really izuleocore
favorite picture of them ur comic reminded me of this card and he looks like hes enjoying himself a lot picking out keychains for everyone hjksdghkjgsd
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favorite thing about them he's a silly guy!! just really loves composing and sena and knights and he's been through. so much what the hell was checkmate head in hands
least favorite thing about them nothing tbh
favorite line his little lover's quarrel with izumi in sudden death jgwhjkghkjds
brOTP madaleo is rly sweet to me and in dark night's passing.. augh
OTP izuleo!!
nOTP instead of saying none here maybe i should just remove this part entirely but i rly dont have many notps whkjwhjksdg
random headcanon he brings izumi over to his family's house so often that they actually get rather surprised when he comes back on his own
unpopular opinion none really come to mind 😔
song i associate with them ^ same as the one in izumi's
favorite picture of them this sticker <3
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favorite thing about them he's obviously very protagonist coded with the typical happy and sunny personality but like!! he is also kind of a jerk sometimes!! hes actually fairly observant of people!! and he does work so hard and the fact he was shunned for it early in his yumenosaki years </3 but rly he has a lot of love in his heart and shows it and i rly like charas like that
least favorite thing about them understand the initial discomfort w arashi but the transphobic comments sometimes 😔
favorite line im sorry its been ages since i last read stories none come to mind rn orz
brOTP him and midori wkjsjgdkjhksd junior he likes to tease fr. also anzu!!
OTP poly trickstar is always fun!! also sbhk i esp like and you already know subakoga i have a soft spot for
nOTP him and anzu specifically, they're more besties to me
random headcanon trickstar sleepovers. thats it
unpopular opinion not gonna lie i actually quite liked him in meteor impact, yeah he said what he needed to say and albeit harsh chiaki Was being not the best! at that very moment and probably needed that
song i associate with them STARDOM! from ai/katsu stars gives me a kinda trickstar vibe (<planned to draw them in said dresses related to such but never got to it)
favorite picture of them i like him in the starpro photoshoot a lot!!
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favorite thing about them hate UNDEAD all they do is shout go dogboy go (koga probably) i really like his voice!! yuki ono slays each time
least favorite thing about them i think he can stand to calm down a bit sometimes. but then again i guess thats his charm
favorite line [i need to brush up on stories for real] but his halloween line about leon and daikichi's matching costumes was cute djkgshkhjsdg
brOTP adonis and koga!!! love their friendship and how hes one of the people he can rly open up to in UNDEAD. also his and ritsu's dynamic is so so funny too wyd when the guy u admire more than anything else's little brother calls u corgi and makes u spoil him. also the aoi twins.,,.... i love the light music club
OTP only sbkg as of rn but im fairly open to others skdjghjksdhg havent thought much of that i just think those two specifically were nice
nOTP none!
favorite picture of them he looks really nice in this one :) just having fun w his love of dogs and they love him!!
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favorite thing about them mascot lover so true!! also his growth is soo <3 he really didnt wanna be there but grew to love everyone in ryuseitai and being an idol and how hes definitely trying harder now compared to ! era augh
least favorite thing about them ik he doesnt really mean it most of the time when he says he wants to die but it still hurts a bit like </3 dont say that
favorite line Climax makes me so...,,... when he talks about how he felt bad for essentially wasting Chiaki's efforts in raising him as an idol in the end after a whole year like... aughgj..........................
brOTP EVERYONE IN RYUSEITAI they love each other. so so much
OTP *gesturing @ everything* i like midoyuzu a perfectly normal amount (lying)
nOTP hmmm none really.,,... i guess i cant rly see chia/mido in a romantic way if anything?
random headcanon he saves yuzuru's art on his phone and look back at them as a pick-me-up during training or work sometimes!
song i associate with them i mean what else it really does fit him to a T imo
favorite picture of them 7th anni homescreen art gets me each time hes just. hes so damn starstruck it obliterates me
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bijou-dame · 2 years
Alr I'ma be honest I have been slacking bc the only thing I get on Tumblr to do is... scroll soooo
Here is a UT au that has been on my mind for a while, it's my own btw
Ok so let's start with the basics, in this au (I'm not all to sure what I'm calling it) most everyone is combined like for example Frisk and Chara into one making a completely new character I call them Faira they were the first human to fall and are 7-9 years old and have a bit of a combo outfit they wear a heart locket and a eco flower and heart pin in their hair, they go by they/them pronouns
I'm also going to say that most people that combine with those of opposite genders will sometimes be mixed like asgore and toriel being both mother and father, king and queen, it just depends on who you ask. also her name is Ashin
Now in this au Asriel is not dead (he did not leave) he is instead the mildly royal guard obsessed Prince as he is fused with M.K. his name is M.D. he uses he/him pronouns and is about 6-8 years old (will be a year younger than Faira) he has 4 horns and a tail like mk
Another thing that's changed is Alphys and Undyn (?) She is a scientist (not the lead) and the captain of the royal guard and an axolotl she wears glasses but because of a scar on one eye... she just cover's it up with her hair, idk bout the name man (I will take suggestions please) also she's a lesbian crushing on a pop idol, loves anime
Now on to the bestie sans and papyrus are combined he is the head of the royal scientist's and a loyal member of the royal guard him and alphine (?) Are science buds, coworkers, besties, and work out bros and he actually created the mtt of this world. now he does have a name but he prefers eclipse (only alphine knows his real name) likes to watch anime with the bestie, also pan man can I get a yes sir
And speaking of Mtt I introduce MMt (placeholder) the hybrid combo of Mtt and mad mew mew, all she wants to do is be the most popular pop idol in the underground and eclipse helped her achieve that also genderswap bc she/her pronouns also cat girl. this is the person who's alphines crush is on but the thing she doesn't know is it's reciprocated.
That's all the characters I know for sure (for now) and the storyline is pretty simple (lies) the underground is split into two the "light" and the "dark" there has been rising conflict between the two side they're basically split into two different undergrounds with how bad it is, like 'light' separate movies and channels basically it's discrimination. However royal official's aren't on either sides instead wearing symbols for both, this however doesn't do much they're still judged by which side they were born on wether that be discoveries, if you're right or not, or coworkers. Friendships between sides is almost unheard of however with eclipse from the 'dark' and alphine from the 'light' it isn't impossible. I should also say the the 'dark' gets discriminated against much more. That is until,Faira falls.
Anyways that's all I got so far I can still probably think of more to add and all that I'll also maybe draw them but I can't really draw monsters so some may or may not get the 'human' treatment hopefully you guys don't mind or anything (please) might make a comic too if I remember so, yeah you guys like it so I can make more.
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ozzzzzie · 2 years
1, 4, 5, 16
1. Art programs you have but don't use:
i have an adobe creative cloud license thanks to my uni but i hate using photoshop. like. for photo editing and collage im sure its great! but for illustration it just feels so dogshit. idk. ive been using csp since i was ~13 and im super used to it... i am trying to get a little familiar with ps bc i feel like i should/ have to... but it sux really
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw:
hm... i struggle with fanart a lot bc sometimes the source material is just so good that my fanart feels empty or unnecessary if that makes sense...? or idk. theres nothing specific i find consistently difficult to draw... really depends on my mood. WAIT actually nvm i struggle to draw boutarou from golden kamuy.. hes one of my fav charas but i struggle with drawing his giantness
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself:
probably like 40% i post 60% i keep to myself.... i used to post like everything i drew pretty much immediately after doing it but these days its a combo of i do not draw nearly as much as i used to, and stuff i do draw i feel isnt good enough to post/ no one will be interested in it. i dont finish a lot of stuff too so most of my drawings are just sketches... 90% of the stuff i draw doesnt even get exported into pngs/ scanned in lol
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing:
drawing more realistically/ with detail i guess. i often prefer simpler/ more abstract solutions. idk
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vonkarma2 · 2 years
4 + 14 + 23 + 27 + 34?!
4. How did you find the name for a certain character?
I have the same process pretty much all the time I feel bad bc this is such a fun question or it would be 😞 no ones named after anyone or like has their name chosen based on the meaning actively I just like look up names for the place and time period and pick whichever I think fit the character or I already have a name in mind when I make them. I’m like wondering if there were any exceptions. Oh I did want my character Adam’s name to sound like a pseudonym instead of a regular name right bc he’s an SCP agent type like mysterious or whatever. So I used a stage name generator to find out his last name (Adam I just liked how it sounded + the fact that it was biblical). I also like the last name King bc he is also in a position of authority over the other characters at times so it makes sense I guess. 
14.Which OC/s do you relate to the most?
Kind of embarrassing to answer lol like this has to be at least a little personal. I like actively try to make OCs different from myself so I’m not just projecting onto them yk. Like that would be first of all embarrassing LMAO but second of all it it wouldn’t be very interesting to explore I feel like. In my opinion it’s better to start with something you can understand, but like have layers of complexity that you don’t relate to at all or whatever. I don’t really know. But to answer the question I think I relate to like the 3 main OCs of Rocio Angel and Cirillo the most :P maybe Lucia as well. 
23. Have you ever seen something/someone that looks like one of your characters IRL? What was it like?
I actually haven’t that I can remember like not particularly. I have seen some people sometime where I was like ok I should draw a character’s hair or eyes or etc more like them. Like bc I was trying to draw them a certain way but wasn’t 100 sure how but I’d see someone who looked like them irl and I was like ok ok like that. Ofc Ive seen people with some shared traits, but no one who really looked exactly the same, no one where like I was like omg it’s like seeing them irl yk. 
In terms of seeing people irl that remind me of them though like vibes wise what I have seen is people whose clothing really reminded me of like certain characters. Like not that they would actually wear the same thing because I don’t live in a fantasy world in the 1940s but like that remind me of their personality like that they would wear it yk. One time I was like walking around in a city and saw like 10 people with really nice outfits trying to memorize them all to write them down and draw ocs in them later. I ended up doing one of them but I didn’t like how it turned out 😔
27. What's the nicest thing someone has ever said about an OC/OCs?
This question is so embarrassing I have to admit I remember specific nice things people have said about OCs. I do remember specific nice things people have said though. It is hard to pick like 1 nicest thing. You saying Rocio had autism swag is up there. My irl cousin said a bunch of REALLY nice stuff a while ago she likes reading so it was nice to see her reaction. But like every time anyone has said anything like they like a character’s personality or design or storyline or anything it’s really nice I definitely appreciate it and I will remember it forever <3 
34. What scene that you've written/imagined is your favorite?
That’s a good question. I literally don’t know at all. Bc I don’t have like all the details down for most of the scenes I’m thinking so all the ones I’ve like thought abt vividly just have a cool visual to go with them and that’s abt it. That makes it sound shallow it’s not that it’s just like I like the emotion of the scene and the idea behind it but not really any of the specifics you know. So I feel like if I tried to pick one it wouldn’t be like a nuanced pick it wouldn’t be like because it develops the character in this way yk it’d be like bc it’s the climactic scene where this character almost dies and it’s so cool or something like that. Does that even make sense. 
Ok time to actually answer the question. I wish I had thought of more scenes that like show the dynamics between characters that I like bc my plan with that was to write it in wherever it felt intuitive yk. Like check up on the chastcters’ emotional states to see how they’re reacting to plot events. I just realized as writing this I think I want to have Tiago live for longer. Ok ignore that thats not important ummm I think the only scene I’ve really thought much about along those lines is the one where Cirillo and Laura meet again after a long time. I like the conflict there I like the characters a lot and I think it has the potential to be a very satisfying scene <3. Also maybe like denouement stuff where Rocio is like hi getting back from thr underworld was so annoying anyway sorry for almost ruining your lives and getting you killed. As you can see I haven’t really developed that part of the story yet but I think it’d be cool to see as well
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askfallenroyalty · 3 years
How do you create character designs especially on how you make their clothes??
(They just look so darn good)
(By them- I mean, every character on the askblog)
alsdkfasd i try to keep to a variety of body shapes and sizes, so that helps in defining characters and their silhouettes.
for instance, Raine is very simple. they're a ballerina -so i gave them swan feathers to match Swan Lake. Their body is lean (ballerinas usually are) and their goal is to become the next ruling royal. so i gave them a more sophisticated fashion sense and (frankly a bit snooty) above you attitude. both a kid playing king and also an actual serious successor to the throne. this serious side is not as apparent, but they do take this role seriously! they're studying and actually preparing for the future.
I gave them more of a diamond shaped face, and they wear glamorous makeup to accentuate their diamond (though wider shaped) eyes. i was thinking like, old hollywood movie star glamor kinda look.
then you got franky, who's a tech wizard and dnd kinda geek. devoted to raine they're kinda like their lacky. so for contrast, they're much more down to earth and wear like, shorts and colorful jackets. personality wise they are kinda a lacky too, kinda like a disney side kick -which i guess is why i made them like micky mouse lol. that or i just ended up designing them that way and it stuck. sometimes character design isn't that purposeful, it can happen organically through drawing and trial and error. the characters will often speak through you.
fashion should reflect the character, try to look up different forms of fashion and character archetypes. while I have issues with TVTropes (not really getting into it here) they're an excellent resource for analyzing media in a non-judgmental way. i love how accessible and easy it is to see tropes being applied to different medias without it being like, biased or cruel to the media it's applied to. (aka, very much NOT cinemasins like)
there's also pintrest which I find a morally awful website -most stuff is stolen and not always responsibly credited and it perpetuates a culture of disrespect to the original artist. BUT that said, damn if it ain't a good resource for learning about fashion or visual aesthetics. use it with caution and with critique.
but also on that note -fashion can be more than just expressing the character archetype. for instance, chara is supposed to be a highschool ditching teen who's too cool for school. not a Ferris Bueller -not literally the coolest kid, but more like, a depressed slacker who doesn't want to get out of bed. but they're more than that of course.
they're also a gardener and a knife connoisseur, a goofy kid who's growing into a more stressed out adult. they're nonbinary and are trying out fashions in a more casual way, picking cool hats or ear-rings and trying out punk looks and gender nonconformity. but not in a way that's going out of their way -they typically just throw clothes on from their drawers. but again, they take their time painting their nails and braiding their hair.
you can show some hidden depth through fashion/designing, you could throw symbolism and duality in there too. like, with Yun they got this serious butch body guard look but underneath the glasses they're a softy with expressive over-the-top emotive faces. a work-a-holic and a goober duality.
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capricioussun · 3 years
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[ID: a comment from @thewanderersrespite that reads “I have a pretty big sweet tooth so I'll take a sweetswap explanation!” /End ID]
Sweetswap! It’s an aesthetic based Underswap AU that was actually kind of inspired by Heartfell, except instead of Lovecore, it’s cutecore or kawaiicore or whatever the term would be! It’s all pastels and softness, all of the characters are nicer and/or sillier, and that’s! Pretty much it agshsjdjfj
I really really want to get some ideas down for how I’m seeing it, the locations and especially the characters, because I’d really like to go into it with a lot of details and just have fun with it!! I think I have a note with some ideas written down, let me see if I can find it…
“Hmmmm thinkin about sweetswap and I think. Clover should have a bear honey bottle hoodie. Clover with a honey bear bottle hoodie that has little bumblebee tassels, the strings are braided, hood has little bear ears and visible thick stitch lines. And maybe green basketball shorts? But like, the shorter kind! And like, clover green, with white stripes on the side that have green accent stitching. A creme colored turtleneck sweater tank top under his hoodie, with little strawberries embroidered on it. Oh, and he wears tons of bracelets!! Bead ones, the little rubber ones, braided ones, literally just whatever ya give him, he’ll wear it! He uses them as fidget toys =<]
Always has lollipops ranging in type and flavor, sometimes even has one of those big swirly ones?? He also usually has a handheld gaming system in a pastel color. Loves letting Chara draw rainbows or stars or whatever on his face, usually cheeks, and he has freckles!! He’s a total sweetheart, but he does still have Depression™️ anxiety and memory issues, and he is still a judge!! A lot of people think he’s kinda weird because of this repressed darker side, and for his strange taste for spicy sweets, like gingerbread or chili pepper hot cocoa.
Berry’s design is still super up in the air, but his battle body could be light light pink with blue accents, matching blue shorts, and a pastel yellow undershirt, with pink and yellow sneakers that have rainbows on the heels and toes, perhaps… And blue socks with little yellow stars all over them, and light pink gloves with blue accents… Definitely has a tooth gap. He’s also an absolute sweet heart! Though he has a dastardly sense of humor most people don’t know about, barring of course Papyrus and Alphys.
He’s very active but he also loves baking, people often joke about him putting Muffet out of business because of how much he bakes when he isn’t training to be in the guard! Always has his notebook with him, and it’s usually covered in stickers from his brother and townsfolk
Aaaaand. I’m sure I’ll think of more. I have faint ideas for the others, and I’m thinking Chara (Caramel?) is like. This super soft spoken, shy, sad kid, who just. Doesnt. Know what to do??? They panic and are quick to cry, get easily overwhelmed =^( but with the help of the others, they come out of their shell a lot and become much much happier!!! They’re very sweet, they love to draw and write, maybe they’d love to be a teacher some day! Or maybe a publishing editor agsjsja”
Mostly just stuff about the brothers lol but you get the vibes!! I really want to draw them ;;;;;;
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sugako · 4 years
Can i request doing the clothes swap trend with Kenma Bokuto Ushijima Oikawa and Kageyama(idk your character limit. It wasnt in your rules) i hope this isnt too much for you. Have a good day
i lowkey did not know what this trend even was 😳 but this is cute (also i don’t really have a chara limit currently within reason)
sum: clothing swap trend w/ gn!reader x kenma, bokuto, ushi, oikawa, and kags
cw: clothing switches (no sizing indicators really), mostly fluff, kinda slightly suggestive content (for bokuto), timeskip spoilers!
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does not get it or why you would want to
you already wear his hoodies/sweatpants all the time so that’s the same thing he thinks
but he does it anyone because it’s going to make you happy
you get into it teasing him abt habits he has while he streams/in meetings
he doesn’t act super different but still imitates you a little
secretly loves having your soft sweater on because it smells like you
“you’re wearing my clothes right now.” he says bluntly, motioning to the old, too loose hoodie and fresh pair of boxers of his you have on.
“you know what i mean. i know you watch tiktoks even you pretend you don’t. you gotta wear my clothes.” you say, already reaching behind you to grab the set you pulled out for him.
for just another moment longer he hesitates before he finally snatches them from your hand. you close your eyes, waiting for him to change, and when he’s done he taps your shoulder.
“c’mon, my followers will like it.” he sighs.
he suggests it as soon as he sees one video of people doing it
drags you away from whatever you’re doing to ask
already loves seeing you in his jerseys and t-shirts
idc if you have big tiddies so does he and his shirts would fit anyone
he would love to squeeze into your shorts or skirts with his massive ass and thighs
you just hope he doesn’t pull any seams, but even if he does it’s just funny and cute
“hey, baby...?” he draws out the word, pulling you away from your laptop screen. you shut it, already sensing that he wants to do something.
“what’s up?” you ask, pulling him into your arms, running your fingers through his hair.
“wanna do the couples outfit swap thing with me?”
“of course!” as you agree, he’s dragging you to your shared bedroom when he tosses his clean MSBY uniform at you, helping to drag the clothes you’re wearing off.
he shimmies on your clothes and sets his phone up to record. you hold back a wheeze as he awkwardly steps in front of the screen as the music starts up, gently mocking some of your habits. nearly in tears, you step out when it’s your turn holding onto a volleyball and trying to imitate his chest receive, but laughing so hard it barely bounces across the room to him.
“hey!” he comes stumbling back into view of the camera, laughing as he picks up the ball.
“you do that a lot, you’re very good at it with these.” you say, cupping his chest. on reflex, he tightens his muscles under your hold, firming up the soft flesh. the music fades off and the phone finishes recording.
“they’re good for a lot more than that,” he purrs, leaning in as though to kiss you, but bouncing the ball between your chests at the last second.
another one that just doesn’t get it
doesn’t have tiktok so he doesn’t know what you mean at first
agrees immediately because you seem excited
he’s worried about fitting in your clothes though no matter your size
doesn’t know what to do so he just stands there (askjlsfj i’m sorry i just think he would)
“so, this is all.” he asks, looking down at himself before his eyes refocus on you.
“yep.” you answer plainly, buttoning the last button of his crisp, white dress shirt he pulled for you. while he didn’t totally get it, the way your eyes lit up when he was in your clothes and you in his made his heart warm and he couldn’t say no.
“i don’t do anything or...?”
“you can act like me if you want. promise i won’t be offended.” you joke, clicking the phone on and nodding at him. he’s a little stiff, but he does his best.
when it’s your turn, you hop up to him with your arms stretched over your head, spiking a mini foam volleyball that was sitting on your bedside table with a straight expression.
with his phone you snatched minutes ago you pretend to scroll through it with an oddly intense look that he gets when he concentrates. to anyone else, he might look angry, but you know he’s just focusing.
“do i really look that mad all the time?” his eyebrow just barely quirks up, and you can hear the tiniest hint of amusement in his voice.
“aww, you’re just a big, kind of sometimes serious guy with the prettiest eyes i’ve ever seen.” you cup his face in your hands, bringing it close so you can peck the tip of his nose. “but, uhh yes, a little bit.”
another one that suggests it to you
has you in a plain shirt and athletic shorts in seconds
peruses all of your clothes to find the ones he thinks will suit him best
finally finds something that’s his favorite shade of blue and gets it on
he gets very much into it, overexaggerating your mannerisms, etc.
“i do not do that!” you call, holding back a crooked smile. finally, you push him out from in front of the phone.
before he can stop you, you start making flirty faces at the camera, pretending to take selfies with your tongue stuck out and eyebrows furrowed.
“excuse me?” he chuckles, coming back into frame. “i don’t do that.”
“oh, should i be poutykawa then?” you counter, crossing your arms and sticking out your bottom lip with a sullen look on your face. “i miss my bestie in japan and shoyo so much, but at least i’ll see them when i crush them at the olympics.” you taunt, throwing your head back.
“hey,” he whines, “did iwa tell you to call me those awful names? you know i just want you to call me tooru.”
you giggle as he lets out a long, dramatic sigh.
“i’m y/n and i’m so in love with tooru oikawa, san juan setter and his pretty hair and hands even though i pretend i’m all tough.” he throws back at you, grabbing your wrists and playfully started to wrestle with you. at onces, you’re glad he proposed this silly idea even as you’re about to be strong-armed onto the ground.
another clueless king like ushi
but also does it because you seem excited
...and he likes seeing you in his clothes
if you give him something complicated (like that laces up, skirt, dress, etc.) he needs your help
looks very good in whatever clothes you put him in
even if you’re the same height/barely shorter than him, he’s gonna make fun of you for being short
you gotta hold back your laughing tears even before you start up
you let him go first, and he stiffly mocks some things you do, in step with the music. when you have to go, you’re already on the edge of losing it, you think you’re joke is too good.
first, you take a deep breath, and use your hands to part you hair, just like you’ve seen hinata do during his kageyama impressions. you barely get out the words “...power curry...” before you feel him roll his eyes and you let out a shuddering laugh.
“is that supposed to be me?” he asks as you pretend to quickly stuff you mouth with nothing.
“what?” you chuckle, “there’s nothing wrong with being a big eater, you’re a big guy.” you say, voice raising up a couple octaves.
“uh-huh, and the power curry commercial?” he questions.
“was a, uh, very important thing that you did and now some people know you from it.” you coughed out, acutely aware of the sinister smirk growing on his features.
suddenly, he drops down to both his knees. “hmm, is this how you see things?” he says flatly, looking around the room.
“tobio, i’m not even-”
“nuh-uh, i think this is a much better impression than i did earlier.” he stops you, still looking around. “i could see below a volleyball net from here, that’s pretty amazing.”
“yeah, well you’re a big, tall...big guy.” you weakly try to counter. his flat face drops for a just a second as a smile breaks through and he nods.
“i’m actually 188cm so i think you need to get on a chair or two.”
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sukumen · 4 years
sorry if this is a loaded question, ofc you don’t need to answer! what’s your take on the argument that dark content is harmful to reality, and that it romanticises traumas? personally i like reading some dc, but when i see posts about how it’s harmful to both survivors and readers (smth to do with psychologically normalising it) it kinda makes me feel guilty, like i’m doing something wrong? when i know i can distinguish between fiction and reality?
hey! so i’m going to keep this under a read more to avoid upsetting anyone - also because this is literally - and i mean, literally - an essay LMAO. i had a lot to say!
any anon hate will be deleted and blocked, but you’re free to engage me off anon (and kindly on anon) if you want to! anon, you’re also free to come chat with me in dms if you want to speak more freely about this :) 
warning for rape mentions, murder / mass murder mentions, dub / noncon mentions.
so, i want to preface this by saying that i don’t think that anyone is obligated to like or be comfortable with dark content. it truly is your prerogative not to be interested in it and you are valid if it makes you feel uncomfortable. so nothing i’m saying here is to convince people that anyone should like it or is wrong for not liking it.
but i don’t agree with the argument that people should be shamed for liking or writing it, that it romanticizes trauma, etc. i understand why people feel that way 100%, but i don’t agree.
sometimes, it feels arbitrary. “dark content” has become a pseudonym for dub/non-con fic, but is the the only type of dark content there is? dark stories can include murder, horror, gore, etc. yet, despite us knowing that murder (for example) is a crime and morally wrong, most people don’t bat an eye when a chara in a fic does it and is still protrayed as attractive or is the reader’s lover. we go crazy for mafia aus where characters kill and show power --- we love those characters, those scenes where they kill and go take their lover all covered in blood. i mean, even in the jjk fandom, one of the most popular characters is a cursed spirit whose first words in the series are about massacring women and children. and we love him. more than that, we love the gory, arguably dark world he comes from - we hypothesize about these characters, we sympathize with them, and we lust over them.
so it’s hard to reconcile that with telling fans who write dub/noncon that they are impacting people’s sense of reality. we’re all experiencing this series together - if written fan fiction is what desensitizes morality, what about the images from the anime and manga? would we make the same argument for banning it? would we say that the people who like sukuna are romanticizing mass violence or that gege is normalizing it for us psychologically by making the character who does it hot and engaging or showing/referencing it so much in the manga?
i just don’t think we would. i think we all understand that those things are wrong and like him knowing that, and can readily say he’s a villain or that the things we’re seeing is wrong. so, i don’t think there’s a black-and-white argument that seeing x in media will make you think y is a-okay or make you more comfortable with it in real life.
i do get that there’s a difference here: a big part of this argument is the sexual aspect of non/dubcon - it’s hard to feel like it’s not normalizing rape when people find a scenario like that hot (whereas no one is like...lewding a mass murder scene, haha). but i think that, at the end of the day, brains do what brains do and people just have dark fantasies. like it’s really as simple as that. rape fantasies in particular are common and talked about by psychologists all the time and i have never been able to find a common thread of them condemning people having them or even writing about them. what they DO talk about is the fact that consent is actually key to the fantasy - that the person fantasizing is the person controlling the situation, that the fantasy, despite being “dub/noncon”, is inherently exactly what they want because THEY are creating the situation, and that, in the end, it’s the absence of actual danger that makes it. ultimately: there is a difference between real life rape and an imagined fantasy or roleplay. so much so that it might not even be fair to call them “rape” fantasies at all.
“It’s crucial to recognize that real-life rape is anything but erotic for a woman. Being at the mercy of someone who’s so outrageously violating your will, holding you down, threatening you with bodily harm (or even death), and physically forcing himself upon you induces arousal all right. But not that of sexuality, but of utterly petrifying anxiety and panic. Contrast this to most imagined rape scenes, which are so electrifying precisely because they’re expressly designed by their female creator to stimulate the illusion of danger—which can, in fact, be positively arousing.”
>  from this article.
to me, this is ultimately what dub/noncon fic is. people writing out those fantasies for people who share those fantasies to process those fantasies.
you can make the argument that that it’s harmful to survivors, but that has its own issues when doctors have reported that some survivors have rape fantasies or find comfort in acting out those rape fantasies (and writing, in my opinion, is a form of acting that out). like are they not valid victims because they are contextualizing their trauma into something that they can control and can process on their own terms? i think the issue there is that the argument uses survivors as a monolith to make an argument on their behalf; but every individual survivor is valid in what they think about this because no two survivors process what happened to them in the same way.
i myself am a survivor and have no real issue with dark content (obviously). i don’t read it often and only write it now because of sukuna; but when i do read it, i draw the line at certain things because i personally cannot stomach it. but would i demand that person delete it from existence because of that? no, i wouldn’t. because again, at the end of the day, that’s the entire basis of the fantasy. i control what i’m fantasizing about, and if something that i do not want to happen to “me” as the reader occurs, i do not read it. i don’t consent to that experience or that fantasy, so i stay away. but at the same time, that other person’s fantasy isn’t mine to control or infringe on and it doesn’t make me a better person than them for not sharing the fantasy.
SO ALL OF THIS TO SAAAY: i don’t think you should feel bad for enjoying dark content. i don’t think the argument about whether or not you’ll know how wrong it is in real life anymore really applies because you could make the claim that any type of fiction runs the risk of distorting people’s perception of reality and making them desensitized to something. and i don’t think that’s what people’s struggle with this is. 
what it boils down to, to me, is that people can’t understand why anyone would find dub/noncon arousing, and think that they condone rape because of it. which, again, is understandable. rape is a horrible fucking thing to experience - it isn’t sexy, it isn’t hot, it isn’t arousing and it’s hard to see any nuance when you see “noncon” and “wow this was so hot” in one post. but based on the way psychologists talk about “rape” fantasies, i think the two things (the fantasy and the real life act of violence) can typically be distinct for people, even survivors, and it just comes down to whether or not it’s a fantasy you share. if you don’t, completely your right! block the tags, block the writers, do whatever you have to do to protect your peace and your limits! but the discourse about it always seems to go into the realm of shame or arguments about someone’s moral compass, which i think is unfair. 
hopefully this helps and wasn't an annoying thing to read! like i said, don’t mind talking about it more if need be!
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chorusnihili · 3 years
Plot Ideas
This post will grow, but for now I’m just making it to give myself a kick in the rear. 
If you want to plot one of these, just let me know!
OR--feel free to just leave the spiel in my inbox and I’ll just jump straight to writing a starter for you!
Original Form
For muses that can explore space-time, encountering him before his accident.  Or if you want to go further back, before Chara and Asriel die.
Or if you want to go really far back, while he’s still on the surface.
Through some experiment/glitch in space, he ends up in a different timeline.  
Muses that visit other timelines also have the ability to visit timelines where things...... progressed differently.  For better or for worse.  
Muses that are old enough can interact with him while he was on the surface.  He’d be a teenager or child.
Muses that are old enough could interact with him before Chara and Asriel died.  You’d get to see the one time in his life he was genuinely happy.
Canonically speaking, no one ever knew that Gaster killed Asgore.  But, I’m more than happy ( >:) ) to explore a potential timeline of someone finding out or him telling someone.  
I’m also happy to explore timelines where the “accident” was different, or where the accident didn’t happen.  
Unbound Form
For human muses, accepting his “offer” to absorb his soul.  Usually this results in the muse getting most of his powers, as well as a vaguely naggy dad-Gaster voice in the back of their head.
If you’re into horror plots, Gaster can fit the role sometimes.  It varies strongly by muse so we’d have to discuss what it is he wants from your muse.
Your muse somehow getting lost in the Void and encountering him.
I’m open to other muses helping him become Refused Form.  It depends on the muse, but Alphys, or other science-heavy or magic muses, or maybe Frisk / Chara / Flowey / Asriel can do something.
Deltarune muses can encounter him as the God of their universe, if that’s something you’re into.  
Or if you want to explore some other ‘constructed reality’ plot.  
Refused Form
Exploring / experiencing his Determination / Void issues.
Your muse following the ‘conspiracy theory’ of Gaster and eventually following the rumors to his lab...and actually encountering him.
He needs friends.  Be his friend.
He can visit your muse’s timeline.  He does that a lot.  
Your muse ends up in an alternate timeline and Gaster goes to retrieve them...but doesn’t have the power to pull them back so they need to figure out how to do so.
This can also involve Original Gaster.  I’m willing to write them both at once.  
Gaster is experimenting with Determination even though it’s illegal to do so, feel free to confront him.
Gaster intends to try to fix the Amalgamates as well as revert Flowey back to Asriel.  Will he succeed ... ?  Remains to be seen.  
He’s level 9, despite not fighting in the war.  Maybe someone should confront him about that.
Gaster accidentally launches both himself and your muse into an alternate timeline, likely in response to a threat.  Where are they?  Will they figure out how to get home?
Gaster is dusted after he jumps in front of an attack meant for your muse.  Of course, he’ll come back after a few days...but does your muse know that?  Just what kind of monstrosity is Gaster?
Humans have captured Gaster for study and your muse has found and freed him.  But why hasn’t he freed himself?
He accidentally teleports himself through your muse’s table / roof / whatever.  One hell of a way (but a fun one) to start an interaction.  
Pokémon Verse
Scientific / curious muses studying Gaster / the Gamumu line.  
Plots where Gaster is reverting between pokemon and human form and needs help figuring out what’s going on.  
The Gamumu showing up somewhere they shouldn’t, like the thieves they are.  
Mermaid Verse
He’s a friendly sea monster, it’s OK.
AU where he’s existed in the Underground since before the monsters arrived and the activity is drawing him to the shallower waters of Waterfall.  
Little Mer G has escaped evil biologists that are trying to study him and encounters your muse.  The scientists are not far behind, though.
Your muse finds Little Mer G in their bathtub.  Or bed.  Or car.  Or anywhere he logically shouldn’t be but somehow is.  
Scifi Verse
He’s also capable of accidentally skipping across timelines.
He crash lands on your muse’s planet.
The more important question here is... what does YOUR MUSE want from him?
Other Verses
A Fell!Gaster, Swap!Gaster, Human!Gaster and AmalGaster all have tentative backstories and are available for plotting.
Lord Gaster AU -- Timeline where he has killed all humans on the surface, but only really gave the monsters something else to fear.
King Gaster AU -- Timeline (usually a Fell verse) where Gaster has murdered Asgore and took the throne.
Professor Gaster AU -- Timeline post-pacifist where Gaster (regrettably) finds himself teaching humans Science because god their education system is fucking awful. 
Other Plots / Misc
These were originally intended to be Dungeon Master style Plots where I don’t necessarily tell you everything that’s going on, but I’m more than happy to actually plot them out with you, as well!
Another Skeleton in Town:  Gaster claims he has always lived here, in this quaint little house in this strange corridor in Waterfall.  The problem is, he’s not lying.  So why is he here, how did he get here and why doesn’t he remember anything?
Indepth Reversion:  Your muse wakes up one day to realize that the world is nothing like they remember.  And yet, no one seems to realize anything is wrong.  What could have possibly happened, and what does a soft-spoken Professor named Gaster have to do with it?
Null Terminator:  It started simple--with sections of the Underground simply...disappearing.  With nothing but an empty blackness to take its place.  Then strange wolf-like creatures, incoherent and staticy began to emerge, the darkness grew, and the entire timeline is in danger.  Can your muse and Gaster fix it, or are they doomed to be the only survivors?
Civil War:  Life on the surface is far from peaceful, but things have gotten even worse after a series of attacks on monsters.  Analysis show traces of magic at the scene, implying that the culprits were other monsters.  But why are monsters attacking other monsters...or is something much more sinister at play?
Cooperation:  Under growing pressures by humanity to release the technologies he’s invented, Gaster is growing more and more aggressive towards the surface world.  Maybe your muse can talk him down...or provoke him into starting another war.
Ascension:  Growing more dissatisfied with Asgore’s submission to humanity, Toriel’s reclaiming of the throne, and monster-human relations, Gaster begins a secession from the monster kingdom, using space-warping abilities to make a surface, monster-only sanctuary for any monster that doesn’t wish to be in touch with humanity.  Will Gaster’s erratic behaviors doom the possibility of peace?  Can your muse get through to him?
Egregious Hatred:  On the surface, several high-profile anti-monster activists have suddenly gone missing.  Given the odd nature of the crimes, Gaster is the prime suspect.  But did he do it?
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