#i should be asleep as i have work early in the morning tomorrow but here i am instead :)
palabraasinnecesarias · 10 months
ranma/akane 634 words maybe they're meant to be, maybe not
The way his lips pressed against hers burnt in many ways she couldn’t describe. There was a tingling sensation at her bottom lips, mimicking the pit of her stomach, as her lungs strained at the oxygen-deprived they felt. Still, she didn’t pull away.  
Ranma’s hands wrapped themselves around her back, pulling her in as she straddled his hips. Her half-lidded eyes only opened to make sure she was still kissing him, and they fully shut when he pushed himself towards her.  
Her slender fingers cupped his cheeks, pressing her fingertips into his skin to remind herself that she was with him, kissing him. His teeth nibbled gently on her skin, and she wished he was closer, welding together by the mere heat that their bodies offered.  
And then he was pecking her jawline, gnawing his way down her throat and stopping at the fold. And Akane shivered, her lips curving into a playful grin, allowing her arms to reach back over his shoulders, enfolding him in her hold.  
Just for a few more moments, she thought to herself, not bothering to find any strength to pull away. Not when he was kissing her, and touching her, and holding her the way that he was. She was in bliss, and if she pushed everything else away, she’d merrily stay a fool if it meant he’d hold her forever.  
Without a second thought she began undressing by removing her top, leaving her in just her bra. It was laced and white with detailed rosy embroidery at the elastic band. And she would have taken it off, had he not stopped her.  
Her fingers had begun unhooking the garment at its back when Ranma pulled away, instantly making her miss the heat of his breath at the crook of her neck.  
“W-wait,” he huffed, his lips red and puffy, trying to knock himself out of a daze as he took in a deep breath, “I can’t stay long.”  
“It’s just,” Ranma sighed, regretting every word he was beginning to speak but unable to stop himself, “she’s expecting me early tonight.”  
God, she was such an idiot.  
“Ya’ know, ma’s coming over for dinner, and she’s expecting me to be home before she arrives.”  
Fucking stab her chest.  
“N-no, I get it,” Akane stopped him before he said anything else that made her want to die. Her hands pressed flat against his chest, helping her stay balanced as he searched for her face. She could feel his hands now lazily holding her waist, his thumbs on each side rubbing circles against her skin, still scorching hot at the touch.  
“Hey, ‘Kane,” he called, and she made the mistake of meeting his eyes, the cobalt blue keeping her spellbound to him just as they were, as he said, “one day.”  
And she made the choice of believing him, nodding, agreeing that one day this would be every day, at every hour for every second.  
“One day,” she said back, her voice low and sounding almost hoarse, accepting the way Ranma pecked her lips once more. This time it was rushed, as she felt that he had kissed more at the corner of her lips instead of fully taking her mouth.  
“Ya’ know,” he cleared his throat, and she listened intensely, enthralled at even the simplest things he had to say, “I got a long weekend coming up for the conference I'm taking outta’ town,” he was now grinning like a child trying to contain some secret as he kissed her cheek, “why don’t ya’ come with?”  
“And I get to have you for the whole weekend?”  
“I’m all yours.”  
And that was enough at this time. She nodded enthusiastically, reaching down to kiss him fully.  
“All mine,” she repeated, even if she was lying right through her teeth.  
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pedrospatch · 2 years
not a thing l part ii
Post Outbreak! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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part i
summary: You fess up and tell Joel about how Ellie overheard the two of you during the private moment you two had in the woods; Ellie confronts Joel about you while you’re asleep in the truck.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. IMPLIED AGED GAP (no specific age mentioned for reader, Joel is canon age) Joel is kind of an asshole, Ellie is a wiseass, mentions of Tess.
word count: 4.7k
a/n: decided to write a second part to the first Joel fic that i ever wrote! i am so, so stunned that one fic turned into more and that people actually want to read my stuff for Joel/TLOU. thank you all sm for everything and for interacting with me and my content. it means a ton!
“Think this might be a good time to stop?” Joel asked you, quietly.
You hummed, glancing back over at Ellie through the rearview mirror.
Even through the darkness inside the small cab of the pickup truck, it was almost too painfully obvious as to how fucking exhausted the girl was and how much this journey had already taken out of her after only just a few days on the road. Although she was on the smaller side and had an ample amount of space to stretch out her limbs, lay down, and get a decent night’s sleep in the backseat of the truck while you and Joel both took turns driving through the night, Ellie had expressed to you on more than one occasion that she’d rather stop to make temporary camp somewhere for a few hours and continue the drive in the morning once everyone had the chance to take a break. You honestly couldn’t blame her, not even if you tried—it was taking its toll on you too, a lot more than you let on to both Joel and especially to Ellie.
Being the adult, you kept your complaints to yourself, but the truth of the matter was that at the end of each day, you were also getting sick and tired, so damn sick and tired, of the ungodly amount of time that you were spending cooped up in the pickup, just sitting on your ass.
Sure, it may have been a little bit of extra work and it was keeping the three of you from reaching Wyoming as fast as Joel would have liked given the nature of the smartass, teenaged cargo you two had on your hands—but you also preferred to stop and make camp for the night.
After realizing that Joel was still waiting for a response, you nodded.
“Yeah, we should probably call it for the night,” You told him, glancing down at the map of the country in your hands. The three of you made it to the state of Indiana; Missouri was your next planned stop to find gas to siphon and refuel, and even though it was just a little less than six hours away, you figured an early morning wakeup call could have you all there by tomorrow afternoon. “Only problem about a state like Indiana is that it’s flat as fuck. There’s nothing but wide, open grassy fields around here.” You peered out of the window, then turned back to Joel, frowning. “Think we’ll find a safe enough spot?”
“We’re just gonna have to make do with what we got,” Joel stated as he carefully veered the vehicle off of the highway and to the left, onto the aforementioned grassy field. “You think about a mile out from the highway is decent enough? Mile and a half, maybe?”
“Let’s make it two,” You suggested. You neatly folded up the map and stuck it into the glove compartment in front of you. “I doubt we’ll run into anyone or anything out here in the middle of nowhere, but might be best not to risk being too close to the highway, just in case.”
He looked over at you, nodding his head in agreement. “Two it is.”
“Aww, teamwork,” Ellie teased from the backseat. “How fucking cute.”
“It’d be real cute if you’d shut up,” Joel quipped. Once he pulled the truck about a couple of miles out onto the field, he came to a stop and then cut the engine. “We’re gonna take a breather for a few hours,” he said to Ellie over his shoulder. “But only for a few hours, and not a minute more. Come sunrise, we need to get movin’ again, understood?”
She saluted him. “Aye aye, Captain. Whatever you say.”
The second that you hopped out of the pickup, you started shivering. The chilly evening breeze nipped at any patch of exposed skin it could find. The days had been pretty decent, but at night, the temperatures would drop drastically—it couldn’t have been warmer than forty or so degrees. Instinctively, you reached into the top of your pack, pulling a second jacket you carried for yourself out of it. You handed it over to Ellie and instructed her, “Put this on. Cordyceps infection might not have taken you out, but hypothermia will.”
She took it from you, shooting you a tiny, grateful smile. “Thanks.”
Joel eyed the interaction, his lips pursed together in displeasure.
He didn’t want you and Ellie getting attached to one another, but he feared it was too late. The girl had taken an instant liking to you and you seemed to have taken a liking to her too. “Here.” He tossed Ellie her blue sleeping bag. “Go lay down on the other side of the truck.”
“I’m already so fucking itchy just thinking we have to sleep here.” Ellie wrinkled her nose down at the grass under her shoes. Lifting her head, she took a glance around before turning her attention to you. It was written all over her face, evident in the way she started to shuffle nervously from foot to foot; she was afraid. “I feel so exposed. Are we really going to be safe? There’s fucking nothing out here, not even a single tree. What if someone finds us while we’re all sleeping?”
Before you could reassure her, Joel stepped in.
“No one is goin’ to find us out here,” he grouched. “We’ll be safe. Now quit your complainin’ and go get settled for the night. And don’t even think of askin’ me for a fire in the middle of a goddamn field. Got it?”
Ellie rolled her eyes at him. “Oh, it’s fine. You know, I’m actually kinda starting to get used to freezing my fucking ass off anyway.”
You lifted a hand to your mouth, trying to hide your snort of laughter.
She was too fucking quick for her own good.
Joel glared at you. “What? You think she’s funny?”
“Actually, I think she’s fucking hilarious,” You shrugged, causing him to let out an exasperated sigh. “What? It’s true! She’s made me laugh more in the last week than I have in the last two fucking decades.”
Ellie beamed at you. “At least someone still has a sense of humor.”
“Alright, that’s enough,” he snapped, irritably. “Both of you.”
She leaned over towards you, muttering the question right under her breath, “Jesus, has he always been this fucking crabby?” She nudged your shoulder with hers. “You must have the patience of a fucking saint to be able to deal with this on the daily. I would have killed him by now and then offed myself too with that fucking attitude.”
He stepped towards her. “What’d you just say—”
“Ellie.” Although you tried your hardest to reprimand her, instead, you found yourself fighting back another laugh. “Come on, let’s go before he strangles us both.” Taking her arm, you started leading her around to the other side of the truck. Dropping her arm, you reached for your own sleeping bag from the bed of it and started rolling it out. Though you were still fighting back a fit of giggles, you found it in you to offer her some words of advice. “Ellie, I know Joel is not the easiest person to deal with, but you really have to stop giving him so much shit, kid. The man has enough gray hair as it is. Take it easy on him, will you?”
“But I need to keep myself entertained somehow,” she replied with a small, innocent shrug of her shoulders. She unrolled her own sleeping bag, laying it out right beside where you had laid out yours; you saw a pensive look cross her face and after a second, she moved it closer to yours, leaving about a one inch gap of space between the two. For as scared shitless as you had been to take someone like her under yours and Joel’s care, the mere fact that Ellie seemed to feel safer being so close to you must have meant you were doing something right.
“Jacket,” You reminded her.
“I know, I know.” Ellie tugged on the spare jacket that you’d given her just minutes ago, zipping it up to her chin. She yawned, crawling into her sleeping bag. Before rolling over onto her side, she stopped and a tiny, tired smirk tugged at her lips as she looked up at you. “Wait. You and Joel aren’t going to bone each other tonight, are you? Because I might actually have to suffocate myself in this thing if you do.”
You sighed heavily. “And here I thought you were actually going to do me the favor of never bringing it up ever again.”
“What can I say? Giving you shit is almost as fun as giving it to Joel.”
You nudged her lightly with the toe of you worn, brown leather boot, chuckling as you told her, “Go to sleep, you little jerk.”
“Remember. Protection.” Ellie yawned again, rolling over. “G’night.”
“Goodnight, Ellie.”
The minute that you heard her soft snores coming from inside of the bag and you were certain she was asleep, you made your way back to the other side of the truck where you found Joel busy loading up and checking his rifle. Thankfully, hadn’t seemed to have heard what Ellie had just said to you. “I’ll take watch tonight,” You offered, holding out your hands and beckoning for the weapon. You instantly noticed the all too familiar look of protest on his face. “Joel, you were the last one to drive today and you’re fucking exhausted. Just let me take watch.”
“The whole damn point of me drivin’ all the way out here was so we can all get some rest without worryin’ about anyone findin’ us,” Joel reminded you. “And besides, I wasn’t plannin’ on standin’ watch. I was just makin’ sure this was ready to go, in case of an emergency.”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head. “Joel, please. I know you like I know the back of my own goddamn hand and I already know that I’m going to wake up in the middle of the night and I’m going to find you standing watch, regardless of how safe you say we are in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.” You continued holding your hands out for the rifle. “Look, my arms are getting tired here. Can you just give me the fucking gun please?”
“You need sleep—”
“We can swap places in a couple hours,” You compromised. “Deal?”
Knowing that you could be just as stubborn as he was, Joel grumbled something incoherently under his breath before finally shoving it into your waiting hands.
“Thank you. Now, was that really so hard?”
Joel scoffed, shoving past you. He reached into the bed of the truck and grabbed his own sleeping bag. “You really need to stop talkin’ to the kid so much. She’s startin’ to rub off on you and I don’t like it.”
“Sweet dreams, Joel,” You replied, watching as he stalked around to the other side of the Chevy where Ellie was fast asleep.
An hour later, you found yourself leaning against the cab of the truck, the sound of chirping crickets your only companion. You held the rifle gently, but still firmly in your grasp, your index finger gingerly resting on the trigger. You tilted your head backwards, gazing up at the stars in the velvet night sky—you tried not to let your mind wander off very far, but you couldn’t help thinking of what Ellie had said to you earlier that morning back in the woods.
He’s a guy who doesn’t seem to give a shit about too many things or too many people. But I know he does give a shit about you. He cares about you.
She was wrong. She had to be wrong. She was fourteen, she was just a kid, after all. Besides, what the fuck could she possibly know about you and Joel, especially after only having been with the two of you for about a week?
Ellie was sorely mistaken.
Joel only kept you around for his benefit.
And the meaningless sex wasn’t the benefit you were referring to.
Joel had always been the brawn, but both you and Tess had been the brains of the operation. That’s how it had always been, at least for the better part of the last few years. You might have been on the younger side in comparison to your smuggling partners, but for some reason, Tess had seen something in you—what it had been, you never had the opportunity to find out, but it made her take a chance on you.
Against Joel’s wishes, she decided that she would take you under her wing; at eighteen years old, you’d been closer to being a child than an adult, but that only meant your mind was still pliable, and she could work with it. By the time you reached your twenties, it was apparent that Tess had all but molded you into a miniature clone of herself—she’d shown you how to think outside the box, taught you how to be persuasive, how to keep trades or deals from going south, and most importantly, what to do if they somehow did go south.
Now that she was gone, you were all that Joel had left. You were what he was stuck with. After Tess died, there was a part of you that had to wonder if Joel felt the wrong person had been infected and killed. It’s not that you thought that Joel would rather it was you who were dead but the reality was that if he’d been given the choice between having you or Tess at his side for this, you were certain it wouldn’t be you.
But he hadn’t gotten a choice. 
It was you he ended up with, and you were his only shot at getting to Tommy and getting Ellie to where she needed to be. He needed help, and now that Tess was no longer here, you were the next best thing.
That was it.
A rustling sound nearby pulled you out of your train of thought. You immediately lifted your head and pushed yourself away from the cab, readying your weapon. You took quiet, careful steps and then sharply turned the corner around the bed of the truck, aiming the rifle at the figure in front of you with your finger still on the trigger.
“Fuckin’ relax!” Joel hissed at you, holding his hands up. “It’s me!”
“Jesus Christ!” You exhaled a sharp breath, lowering the gun. You narrowed your eyes at him. “You scared the fucking shit out of me, Joel! I just about shot your head off of your shoulders!”
“Your aim ain’t all that good, darlin’,” Joel stated as he walked up to you, a slight hint of amusement in his Southern drawl. “You keepin’ watch or zonin’ out over here?”
You ignored his teasing remarks. “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
Your heart squeezed tightly in your chest as Joel fell into step in front of you, an all too familiar lustful glimmer in his eyes.
“Couldn’t really sleep,” he stated with a shrug of his is shoulder. “Had somethin’ on my mind. But from the looks if it, I ain’t the only one lost in thought.” He peered down at you. “What were you thinkin’ about, anyhow?”
“Nothing,” You fibbed. “Just, uh, just how fucking cold it is.”
Joel reached for the rifle, taking it out of your hands. He leaned over and placed it in the bed of the truck behind you. “And you tell me that I’m a shitty liar?” he asked with a small scoff. “Let’s pretend that for a minute that I actually believe that’s what you were really thinkin’ about.” With every word that he spoke, his voice became lower, huskier. “If the cold is what’s on your mind, I know a couple different ways I can help get your mind off of it.”
“C’mere.” He hooked his index fingers through two of the front belt loops of your blue jeans, yanking you forward until you came crashing against his chest. He dipped his head, his lips eagerly meeting an exposed patch of skin on your neck. As he kissed and nipped at the delicate flesh, he started to move his hands from the belt loops of your jeans over to the buttons instead.
“Joel, wait,” You mumbled weakly, cursing how your body just always seemed to melt right in his fucking hands. “Joel, stop.” You’d said it so softly into his failing right ear that he hadn’t heard you.
Joel’s mouth left your neck, finding your own mouth instead in a way that made every single nerve in your body light on fire. He started to walk you backwards until your back hit the bed of the pickup, a soft thud noise filling the air around you. He pinned you tightly between it and himself as he kissed you fiercely, hungrily. The physically intimate moments that you two shared over the years had always been relatively short due to never having the time nor the place, but maybe that’s why he kissed you the way that he did—with such urgency, with such desperation, as if his fucking life depended on it. Because it never lasted as long as he would have liked and he never knew when he would be able to get his hands on you again.
Breaking away from you slightly, Joel placed his hand on your hip, his index finger grazing the soft skin right above the waist of your jeans as he murmured breathlessly against your lips, “I want you. I gotta have you. Right fuckin’ now.”
It took just about every last ounce of strength that you had inside you to place both of your hands on his chest and gently push him back. “I don’t think we should do this, Joel. Not with Ellie being so close by.”
“She’s asleep.” He frowned, taking your hands off of his chest as he took several steps back from you looking dejected. “Unless you just don’t want—”
You were quick to stop him. “Of course I want you.” You swallowed, your throat having gone dry. “It’s just that—see, the thing is that—”
“Fuckin’ spit it out.”
So you do.
“Ellie knows, Joel.”
“What?” Even in the darkness, you could see the color draining from his face. “How?”
“Look, I really didn’t want to tell you about this. But last night in the woods when we were—” You trailed off, shifting your weight from one foot to the other almost anxiously.
“She saw us?”
“She heard us,” You corrected him. “She confronted me about it this morning before we left. I pretty much made her promise to keep her mouth shut because I didn’t want her saying anything to you about it. I didn’t want her giving you grief like she did to me.”
Joel ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “That little fucking shit—”
“It’s not her fault, Joel. And you know that. We shouldn’t have done it with her being so close by.”
You watched as he dropped his hand from his head, his jaw clenched.
“Joel, come on. Please don’t be mad about this.”
Joel fixed his eyes on the ground and tightly shook his head. “Go get some sleep. I’ll take over watch.”
“But Joel—”
“Just drop it,” he said, rigidly, his gaze refusing to meet yours. “Go.”
Knowing better than to push it, you simply nodded. “Okay.”
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The moment you crawled into your sleeping bag next to Ellie, you’d tried your absolute hardest to get some shut eye, but what happened with Joel had you much too worried, and rightly so. Still, you prayed for sleep to come, but it never did and the rest of the night dragged on for what felt like a fucking eternity.
Hours later, when sunrise finally came around, you got up to find Joel had already been packing up the pickup truck, getting it ready for the long drive ahead. The second he saw you approaching him, he simply told you to wake Ellie because the three of you needed to get a move on sooner rather than later. After that, he’d hardly said another word to you.
He couldn’t even fucking look at you.
Halfway to Missouri, during a quick pitstop, Ellie had noticed the odd tension in the air between you and Joel. She’d also noticed how tired you looked. She offered to trade places and sit in as Joel’s copilot for the rest of the day, at least until you reached Kansas City.
“I think he’d actually prefer you as his copilot,” You’d muttered to her in reply, hopping into the backseat. Between the motion of the truck, the soft country music playing from another tape Ellie found, and the open windows bringing in fresh, crisp air, you’d curled up into a little ball in the backseat and passed out within minutes.
Ellie glanced over her shoulder at you, making sure you were actually asleep before turning to Joel. “She told you, didn’t she?”
“Zip it,” Joel ordered. “Ain’t none of your business.”
Ellie hummed. “Well, seeing as I had the absolute delightful pleasure of having to hear the two of you go at it like a couple of cats the other night, I think it actually is kind of my business now.” She paused. She could physically feel the way he was wincing beside her, though what was causing him to be so uncomfortable was left to be determined. Ellie would imagine that it was getting caught in the act itself, but for some reason, she sensed there was a lot more to this mess than met the eye and she wanted to get to the bottom of it. “She told me that you guys aren’t a thing—”
“We’re not a thing. We’re nothin’ at all, alright?”
Ellie blew a raspberry. “Yeah, alright. I see you’re both sticking to that story. That you’re not a thing.” She raised her fingers in quotations.
“It ain’t a story, it’s the truth. We’re nothin’ more than just a couple of smuggling partners tryin’ to get you to where the you need to be.” He glanced at her briefly, then turned back towards the road. “And if you want to make it there unscathed, I suggest you shut your mouth and focus on that map in your hands instead stickin’ your nose where it doesn’t belong.”
“I think I at least deserve an explanation after you two put me and my innocent little virgin ears through the wringer.”
“Ellie,” he warned.
It was almost kind of scary how she was already used him saying her name in that tone already. “You’ve been treating her shitty as fuck today, you know.”
Joel frowned. Even though he knew he didn’t need to defend himself to a fucking teenager, he found himself doing it anyway. “The hell are you talkin’ about? I haven’t said a single fuckin’ word to her today.”
“Exactly.” Ellie pointed her index finger at him. “It’s bothering her.”
“She’s a big girl, Ellie. If somethin’ is botherin’ her, then she can come and talk to me about it. She doesn’t need some kid helpin’ her out.”
“That’s the thing. She can’t talk to you about it.”
“Beg your pardon?”
“Well, you’re not exactly the most approachable guy, dude.”
Joel gripped the steering wheel tightly. “Why the fuck do you care so much, anyway? You have other things to worry about. Like findin’ the fuckin’ Fireflies and helpin’ them create a vaccine that’s supposed to save the goddamn world.”
“Because,” Ellie said, refusing to allow him to change the subject, not when she felt like she was finally getting somewhere. “I like her. She’s a good person.”
Joel glanced up at the rearview mirror and looked at you as you slept soundly. He couldn’t deny that. Even in this shit world, even after the things you’d seen and all the people you’ve lost, you really were still a good person. You still hadn’t lost touch with your sense of humanity—that was one thing Tess never managed to change about you, the one thing that kept you from being identical to her, identical to Joel. You somehow hadn’t let this world turn you into stone, and maybe that is why you meshed well with them from the start. You brought this odd kind of balance that they hadn’t even known they needed.
That Joel didn’t know he needed.
“She likes you.” Ellie’s voice caused him to snap back to reality. “Lord fucking knows why.”
“The hell’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, did I offend?” Ellie quirked an eyebrow, feeling a teeny smirk tug at the corners of her mouth. “Listen. All I’m saying is that she’s really young. And she’s really pretty. She’s nice, and smart as fuck, too. I bet she could probably have any guy that she fucking wants.” Her smirk only grew noticing how her words had gotten a rise out of Joel. Ellie could tell by the way his fingers had the steering wheel in a death grip, his knuckles ghost white. “And yet for some reason, she chooses to stick with you, you old fucker.”
“Listen here you little shit—”
She quickly held her hands up. “I’m just saying. She’s a good one, Joel.”
The words left his mouth before he could stop them. “I know she is.”
Bingo! Ellie thought to herself. Now we’re making progress.
“So, then why not treat her the way she deserves? Why just—what’s that saying? Hit it and quit it?”
Joel tossed a glare at her. “Don’t ever say that again.”
“I’m not wrong though. That’s what it is, isn’t it?” Ellie prompted.
“But just a minute ago you said you two were nothing. So if you two are boning, but you’re nothing, that’s like a hit it and quit it, isn’t it? Or is it a fuck it and chuck it? Hump it and dump it?” She scratched her head, wracking her brain as she tried to figure it out. Beside her, Joel was about ready to implode. “Wait a minute, that can’t be right because you guys do it all the time. You’re not actually quitting it. So, it’s hooking up, right?”
“I swear to Christ I’m gonna make you fuckin’ walk to Wyoming if you don’t shut—how the fuck do you know all that? That what they teach you kids in FEDRA school?”
“Don’t change the subject.” Ellie grinned, crossing her arms over her chest. “Level with me, old man. Do you like her or not?”
Joel’s teeth were gritted together, his sights fixed on the road ahead.
“Or do you love her?” She practically sang.
“Ellie.” He said her name warningly once again, his eyes flickering to the rearview mirror. The last thing he needed was for you to wake up and hear this conversation; thankfully you were still out cold.
Ellie waved a hand at him. “Oh relax, the woman’s sleeping like a bear in hibernation. Now, answer the fucking question.”
Joel didn’t respond. He couldn’t respond.
He willed himself to open his mouth and say something—anything.
But he just couldn’t. He’d been stumped by a fucking fourteen year old who was too damn smart for her own good.
“Interesting,” Ellie mused after a minute of silence, curiously rubbing her chin. “How you can’t even deny it. Very, very, interesting.”
Before Joel could even think, the sound of you moving around in the backseat caused him to jump, the internal panic flooding him in one single wave. As soon as he was certain you were still fast asleep, he let out a breath of relief and turned to Ellie. “Now, you listen here—”
“Ah, ah, ah.” She held up her finger to her lips. “Let’s not wake Sleeping Beauty back there.” She dropped her hand down into her lap and glanced out the window, grinning to herself. “Besides, I have the answer I was looking for anyway.”
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zegrasdrysdale · 7 months
[ photograph ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) decides to fly out to Philly for Valentine’s Day after watching Jamie say in an interview that he’ll probably be spending the day alone
warning(s) : just some tooth rotting fluff with no angst for once, a heavy makeout
author’s note : this is just a (not so) lil fluff filled thing bc i wanted to write something for belated valentine’s day. sorry or you’re welcome (idk)
“Yeah, uh, I don’t actually have any plans tomorrow,” he explains to a reporter through the screen on her phone. “Everyone I know here does have plans and everyone else I know is across the country so I’ll most likely spend the day putting together furniture in my new apartment.”
That was the moment she decided that she was getting on the first flight she possibly could to Philly so Jamie didn’t spend Valentine’s Day alone. No one should have to spend the day alone. She doesn’t have any plans and she’s off from work for about two weeks because they’re doing renovations so a little trip to Philadelphia doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world.
Last year he spent the day with Trevor on the couch and watched movies in their shared apartment. This year, he is in Philly and Trevor actually has a girlfriend. Not very ideal for Jamie.
She isn’t Jamie’s girlfriend, but she is one of his best friends and could never let him be alone on Valentine’s Day. Especially not after hearing what his actual plans are for tomorrow. She’s going to at least help him put furniture together in his apartment.
A flight out of LAX is scheduled for 10 that night. It’s six so she has about two hours to pack for a week long trip to Philly. She even buys a ticket for Saturday’s game at MetLife since she wants to see Jamie play a game while she’s in Philly.
By eight, she’s out the door with a suitcase that’s packed full of clothes and non-liquid toiletries. The jersey Jamie sent her about a week after the trade is neatly folded with the rest of her clothes. She orders an Uber to drive her to the airport.
While in the Uber, she debates texting Jamie and telling him that she’ll be at his new apartment early tomorrow morning since she’ll be landing a little before six in the morning. It’ll probably take about 45 minutes after she lands before she’s on Jamie’s doorstep.
Maybe a surprise wouldn’t be the worst thing so she puts her phone away until she has to pull out her plane ticket.
Getting on the plane takes an hour between getting past TSA and buying snacks for the nearly five hour flight. She boards the plane twenty minutes before it takes off so she has time to get comfortable.
She’s asleep before the plane even leaves the ground.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
All the snacks she bought before the flight are going to be the snacks she eats while she’s in Philly because she slept for the entire flight. It didn’t feel like she slept for 5 hours but she did.
By six, she’s at baggage claim and grabbing her suitcase. She orders an Uber to Voorhees while she waits for her things. The car is waiting for her when she get outside.
It’s a lot colder out than she thought it was going to be. All she has on is a Ducks hoodie that Jamie gave to her the year before and a pair of leggings with Uggs on her feet. Her feet are warm. The rest of her is not. She shakes as she puts her things in the trunk of the car.
She gives the driver Jamie’s new address and she’s off to surprise her best friend.
The closer she gets to Jamie’s, the more nervous she gets. What if he found someone after moving to the Philly area? What if the whole putting furniture together comment was a lie so he didn’t announce to the entire world he was in a relationship? What if he doesn’t want her there in general?
Maybe a spontaneous trip across the country without at least letting Jamie know she was coming wasn’t the best idea she’s ever had.
A call comes through from Trevor. Confused, she answers the phone. “Good morning?”
“Are you in Philly?” he asks.
“Maybe,” she slowly replies as she watches the Philly skyline pass. “Why? It’s like three in the morning.”
“Not for you apparently,” he retorts. “I looked to see where you were because Mason said you weren’t replying to his texts so I wanted to make sure you were okay and I see that you flew across the country.”
She smiles and shakes her head. The way Trevor would find out she’s in Philly is by checking her location. He and Jamie are the only ones that have her location because she’s closest with them.
“Just wanted to surprise Jamie,” she tells Trevor. “That’s all. Tell Mason I’ll call him later because I’m about ten minutes away from Jamie’s apartment.”
“You gonna tell him you love him?” Trevor questions. She opens her mouth to object but he keeps talking. “It’s so freaking obvious so don’t even lie to me.”
A nervous laugh passes her lips. “We’ll see,” she replies. “I’ll talk to you later, Z.”
“Tell me how he’s really doing,” he tells her. “I worry about him sometimes.”
“Will do,” she says as the driver pulls up to Jamie’s place. “Talk soon.”
The line goes dead and she looks out the window at the apartment building. Jamie’s somewhere in there asleep and she’s about two minutes away from calling him to come let her into the building.
She gets her things out of the trunk and thanks the driver before he drives off to pick someone else up. She sighs and pulls up Jamie’s contact.
When she presses the ‘call’ button, it rings about four times before Jamie answers. The entire time, her hands are shaking and she isn’t sure if it’s because of the cold or if she’s nervous to see Jamie for the first time since the trade.
“It’s like four in the morning,” he croaks when he picks up. “Are you okay?”
She smiles at the sound of his morning voice. “Actually it’s almost seven in the morning and I’m currently freezing my ass off outside your apartment building so if you could come let me in, that would be great,” she says.
It sounds like Jamie falls out of bed when she says that she’s outside of the building. If he broke anything then she’s going to have to explain to Torts why Jamie will be out for six weeks.
He isn’t holding any body parts when he swings the door open and blankly stares at her from the top of the steps of the building. He blinks a few times like he’s trying to decide if he’s still dreaming or if he’s awake. She waves and a barefoot Jamie runs down the stairs to hug her.
A laugh passes her lips and she wraps her arms around his torso. “You’re actually here,” he says against her ear. “I thought you were lying to me.”
“Nope,” she replies. “I’m here. I didn’t have anything else to do so I thought I’d come surprise you. Help you put together some furniture for Valentine’s Day.”
Jamie pulls back from the hug just enough to look at her. “You saw that interview?” he asks.
With a nod and a smile, she replies, “It sounded like a very boring way to spend Valentine’s Day so I thought I’d come keep you company. Maybe watch you play at the outdoor game this weekend. I have another week off from work and spending it in the Philly area with my best friend didn’t sound like the worst idea.”
“You are actually insane for buying a plane ticket without knowing if I’d be here or not,” he tells her. “I could’ve left for Toronto before you got here since we play them tomorrow.”
“Yeah I know how your travel schedule works,” she retorts. “That’s how I knew you’d be here.”
He shakes his head and grabs her suitcase. “You have some of the best timing because I took a maintenance day today so I have a day off from practice, but I leave tomorrow morning for Toronto,” he says to her as they walk into the building together.
“Listen, I’m spending a week in the area,” she replies. “I get to watch you play at the outdoor game on Saturday when I wasn’t planning on being on the east coast at all. If you’re gone for a day or two then it’s fine.”
The smile that forms on Jamie’s face makes her heart do somersaults in her stomach.
She can tell how excited he is that she decided to visit him. She knows how much he has been missing Anaheim so she brought Anaheim to him for a week.
When Jamie opens the door to the apartment, she is very surprised by how decorated it is and how much of the stuff he had in his Anaheim apartment has made its way to this one. It still needs some work done, but that is why she’s here. She’s here to help him finish putting it all together.
“I need to build some shelves,” Jamie tells her. “And put together the guest bedroom. The frame still needs to be built for the guest bed too. This is what my plans were for the day.”
She turns her head to look at him as he closes the door behind them. “So it wasn’t come ruse so you didn’t have to admit to the world that you had a secret girlfriend?” she questions.
If she should expect Jamie to have a girl over then she might as well get the girlfriend question out of the way early on in her visit.
“Uh, no,” he replies. “No secret girlfriend. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had any time to find a girlfriend. Yorky has tried but he’s not the best wingman.”
She can’t help but laugh. Jamie smiles and rolls her suitcase to the unfinished bedroom.
She decides to make some coffee for the two of them so they can get started on the day’s plans. They have to put together the guest room and build some shelves. It can’t be very hard to do either of those things. Right?
It turns out that Jamie can’t follow simple instructions to save his life. She has had to refrain from throwing whatever is in her hand at him so many times because he can’t read a piece of paper.
“Jamie, what am I supposed to do with this screw?” she asks as she holds up an extra screw. “Do I have to put it in your head so you can use your brain or something? You missing one in there? Do I need to get Trevor on the first flight out of LAX to come help you figure out how to read the instructions?”
Jamie looks up from his spot on the floor and throws the instructions at her. “Here, you try to read this and tell me if it makes any sense,” he retorts. “It’s all confusing. My parents helped me build shelves when they came to visit a few weeks ago. I didn’t have to do this. Maybe it’s just an extra.”
She grabs the pamphlet and reads the directions. The screw was supposed to be put in when putting the shelves in place. A shelf is missing a screw.
“You dumbass,” she says. “It’s not an extra screw. It was supposed to be put in on the bottom shelf to make sure it is secure and even. You now have an unsecure shelf in your guest room.”
Jamie flattens out on his back on the carpeted floor with a groan. “This is why I’m a hockey player and don’t work in home improvement,” he says as he rubs his eyes. She laughs and tries to keep her eyes on his face instead of on the sliver of skin that peeks out between what is a new Flyers t-shirt and pajama pants. “This is so dumb. I am not about to take that whole thing apart to put one screw in.”
She walks over and slaps the pamphlet on his stomach. He gasps and sits up with the paper in his hands. “Then get it together, Drysdale,” she tells him. “We have a bed frame to build.”
“Fuck the bed frame,” he sighs as she grabs the box in the corner and drags it into the center of the room. “You don’t need a bed to sleep in tonight.”
With a light laugh, she teases, “If we don’t get it set up then I’m gonna be sleeping in your bed until we get it put together.”
Jamie mutters something that sounds like “would be okay with me” but she pretends she doesn’t hear it. She can’t hear it or else she will just say “fuck it” and sleep in Jamie’s bed the entire time she’s here instead of putting the bed together.
The mattress is sitting up against the wall next to where the box with the bed frame was. He has everything he needs to put this bed together and he hasn’t done it yet. Not even over the All Star break when he had a few days off before going to Mexico with the Flyers.
Putting the bed together takes less time and a lot less arguing back and forth. Within an hour, the mattress is on top of the bed frame. Five-foot-eleven 185 pound Jamie flops on the mattress to make sure it’s secure and won’t fall apart if someone were to jump on it.
They do not need to have another shelf problem with the bed that she will most likely be sleeping on while she’s in the area. If it is like the shelf and it’s not safe to sleep on then the couch is in the living room for a reason.
The two of them stand in the doorway and look at their work when they decide the bed is secure. “We make an amazing team,” she comments. “Aside from the shelf.”
Jamie groans and walks down the hallway to his own room. “Shelves are stupid anyway,” he replies. “Who is actually going to use them in this room aside from me just putting a handful of books and pictures on them?” She laughs and goes to unpack her stuff now that it’s safe to do so without stepping on wood, metal or a screw on the floor.
The Flyers jersey that he sent her gets hung up in the closet along with her shirts, hoodies, and nicer pants. She’ll pull bras, panties, and socks out of the suitcase as needed. The beanie she brought to wear on Saturday is put on the bedside table.
Then she pulls out the gift that she brought for Jamie. It isn’t much but she’s hoping that it means as much to him as it does to her. The pictures she brought were taken at such important moments in Jamie’s career and she hopes that he doesn’t mind having a few pictures of his best friend around the apartment.
She walks down to Jamie’s bedroom and knocks gently on the door. There are footsteps behind it before the door swings open. “I, um, had these printed and framed in case I ever came to visit you,” she tells him as she holds out the three picture frames. “Thought you might need some décor.”
Jamie looks down at the pictures and shifts through them.
One of them was taken on Jamie’s Draft Day. He has on a Ducks jersey and she has on his Ducks hat. He looks so happy. He has an arm around her shoulders while he holds up six fingers and is smiling at the camera. She has a smile on his face and is looking up at him with a proud look on her face. Messy ponytail and all.
The second one was taken the day Jamie made his NHL debut and scored his first goal. It’s a selfie she took of her, Jamie, and Trevor at dinner that same night. They’re both holding their pucks because they went right from the arena to a restaurant to eat.
The third one was taken during the 2021 World Juniors tournament where Canada placed second. She’s putting the silver medal back around his neck after he had given it to her. “Silver just means you lost” is what he had said to her a moment before this was captured. She had told him that she was a winner to him and put the medal back around his neck. There is heavy eye contact between the two of them in their matching jerseys.
It was as the third picture was being taken she realized that she loved Jamie. The first two pictures, she knew she had feelings for him, but the third was when she realized that she wanted to be there for him as more than just a friend.
“I had no idea you had any of these,” he says after he’s done looking through them. Jamie looks up at her. “All at different points of my career.”
“Been with you since day one,” she replies with a smile on her face. “You didn’t think that I wouldn’t be here with you while you succeed in a whole new city, did you?”
Jamie laughs and shakes his head. “Absolutely not,” he tells her. “You always make sure you’re a presence in my life.” He pauses and looks right at her. “It’s one of the things I love most about having you in my life.”
She could almost cry when he says that.
There have been so many times over the years where she thought she was annoying or that he wanted her out of his life. She followed him to California when he started playing with the Gulls then the Ducks. He asked her to come with him, but she thought for months it was out of pity.
He has erased years of insecurity with one comment.
“Thanks for keeping me in your life,” she replies after a brief moment of silence.
“You’re like Trevor,” he teases. “You’re always around. It would be hard for me to get rid of you.”
She smiles up at him. “Except he would never fly across the country to see you,” she retorts. “Especially without at least telling you he was coming to see you.”
Jamie laughs. “No, he wouldn’t.”
They look at each other for a second before he walks past her. He has the picture frames in his hand as he walks into the living room. She follows him even though she is confused with what he’s doing.
He puts the picture of himself, Trevor, and (Y/N) on the coffee table under the lamp next to the couch. It’s the most public place in the entire place so it makes sense that that’s the picture that is put in the living room.
The picture of the two of them on Draft Day goes on a little table that leads to the hallway with both bedrooms and bathrooms. The table is under a little mirror that’s been hung up. A little less public but it also joins the other pictures that were taken that day. It looks like it belongs.
Jamie glances at her and walks back into his bedroom. She follows right behind him and stands in the doorway of his room. Her eyes are on the picture of the two of them at the 2021 World Juniors as it’s placed on Jamie’s bedside table.
“This one means the most to me so it deserves a little more privacy than the others,” Jamie tells her without a look in her direction. “You were there for me and picked me up when I was down. I didn’t want anyone else there but you. You were the one that convinced me silver was okay. The team worked hard to get to that moment. The medal was very well deserved because we did everything we could to make it to that game. I did everything I could to get the team to that game. We just came up a little bit short.”
She pouts and walks further into the room. He finally looks over at her. “I didn’t know you felt that way,” she softly says to him. “I didn’t know that I was the person that convinced you it was okay to wear silver around your neck.”
“I needed silver because my gold medal was you,” Jamie shakily admits. His voice is soft. “You’re my gold medal.”
His words have her speechless. Her jaw drops in surprise. She has no idea why he’s saying this to her now.
He reaches out to her and brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She takes a step forward and feels her heart race in her chest as she looks up at him. Her body shakes as she realizes that their relationship is changing.
A line that she never expected to cross is about to be crossed. She can see it in Jamie’s eyes as they examine her face, landing on her lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
She nods because she doesn’t trust herself to speak. She is afraid that she’s going to admit how long she’s been in love with him if she says a single words.
So she nods, and Jamie leans down to capture her lips in a soft, hesitant kiss. He’s testing the waters to see if she’ll push him away.
She’ll never push him away.
Not when she finally has him like this. Not when she finally knows what it feels like to kiss Jamie Drysdale.
When she feels him begin to pull away, she wraps her arms around his neck and leans more into him to deepen the kiss instead of Jamie breaking it. Her fingers find a home in his hair.
She is scared he will regret it if the kiss breaks, and she doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want to see that look. It might break her if he looks at her like that if the kiss breaks.
Jamie cups her cheek and brushes his thumbs over her cheekbone. She melts against him with a sigh.
“(Y/N),” he mumbles after a second. “I need to breathe.”
That’s when she lets him pull away. The sight of his red, swollen lips and unruly hair is almost too much for her. There’s a hint of a smile on his face and something overcomes her.
“I love you,” she tells him. “I’ve loved you since that was taken.” She points in the direction of the picture on his bedside table. “It’s always been you, Jamie. That’s why I flew across the country on Valentine’s Day. I wanted to be with you today because I miss you and I love you.”
Jamie smiles and brushes his thumb over her own lips that are as red and swollen as his are. “I love you too,” he says. “I think I’ve been in love with you since I saw you at my first NHL game in my jersey. I’m very happy you came to the east coast to watch me play in the Stadium Series game this weekend. I was going to probably fly you out anyway.”
She laughs and shakes her head before burying her face in his chest. They’ve been in love with each other for years and are only now saying something about it after Jamie was traded to Philly and she’s stuck in Anaheim for right now.
“Only took me bringing you pictures to finally kiss me,” she teases.
He rolls his eyes. “Shut up and come here.”
Their lips meet in a heated kiss. Everything they’ve been feeling is coming out in the kiss. Jamie tugs her until she is sitting on his lap while he’s sitting on the mattress. She drapes her arms over his shoulders.
It’s that moment when she realizes they put together a whole bed for no reason because there is now no way she is getting in that bed now.
She pushes him down until Jamie is lying flat on his back and their chests are flush against each other. Her hair creates a curtain around their faces despite his fingers curling in her locks.
“Wait, hold on,” Jamie says. She pulls back from the kiss. “Have something to ask you before we get distracted.”
“Will you come to family skate on Friday before the game at MetLife?” he asks. “As my girlfriend?”
The biggest smile forms on her lips. “You’re going to have to give me skating lessons because despite watching you play hockey for years, I have no idea how to skate,” she tells him.
“I will give you skating lessons,” Jamie laughs. “You’ll come though?”
She nods and kisses him. “I’ll come.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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liked by jamie.drysdale, philadelphiaflyers, and 193,872 others
yourusername life recently w my 🤍
view all 15,982 comments
masonmctavish23 ig i forgive you for not answering my texts last week
yourusername we can hang out when i get back into cali on wednesday
masonmctavish23 good. i’m mad that jamie stole you from us
fan2 oh my god. this is so cute
fan3 you were at metlife ??? i think i walked past you at one point
yourusername i had on the drysdale jersey
trevorzegras oh this is all i’m gonna hear about when she gets back
leocarlssoon it’s about time. i was praying this would happen bc the way jamie talked about you was insane
jamie.drysdale let me live !!
philadelphiaflyers Thanks for coming out
jamie.drysdale skating w my girlfriend for the first time was the best feeling 🩵
yourusername being your girlfriend is the best feeling
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taglist : @fanboysfangirl @dasiysthings @equallyshaw @dancerbailey3 @goldihocksrocks @love4lando @sweetinsatiable @mangoluver
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whousestypewriters · 2 months
moments with you - g.h x reader
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pairing: grayson hawthorne x fem!reader
warnings: none! (my 12am writing skills)
a/n: heheh enjoy some gray fluff my lovelies <33 (another grayson fics coming tomorrow hehe)
taglist: @nqds, @lxvebelle, @reminiscentreader, @ecliphttlunar, @ravenclawdirectioner,
@tornqdowarnings, @catapparently, @zenikswaffleshop, @off-to-th-r4aces, @emila07, [if your url is white it means i couldn't tag you]
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sunlight seeped through the curtains of your room - well technically it isn't your room, but you did just wake up in it, feeling safe and cozy. courtesy of the warm body pressed against yours. the peace of the room broken by a loud alarm that you're quick to hit snooze on.
the warm body that usually is already up and into the day by now. his blond hair resting atop his pillow and his arm wrapped firmly around your waist. its rare that you wake up and grayson is still in bed with you, let alone still asleep. you've both missed each other this past week not spending much time together, aside from when grayson slipped into bed late and you left early for work.
so seizing this moment you snuggle deeper into his hold feeling his grip tighten ever so slightly. you know you have a job to get to in and hour but you couldn't be bothered to ruin this moment. who cares if a bunch of entitled adults miss out on coffee for the first time in their life?
just as you close your eyes again you hear the loud blaring of your alarm set off. come on. your eyes open and you twist around trying to find your phone to throw it across the room. which in retrospect doesn't sound like the best idea but its the one you went with - the loud crash waking grayson up unbeknownst to you.
sighing you move to stand up knowing you should start to get ready for work but a tug on your waist is all it takes to have you sprawling back into the arms of a now awake grayson hawthorne.
"oh hello you," you giggle.
"stay," he mumbles.
"i have work in an hour gray," you inform him.
"i don't care, stay."
"i'll get fired," you laugh - ignoring the fact that about ten minutes earlier you were fully prepared to stay.
"i'll buy the damn cafe for you, just stay a while with me," gray's soft voice says as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
sighing you relent, "good morning gray."
"good morning sweetheart."
you both lie there for a moment just enjoying the peacefulness of the sunlight room, holding one another.
"these are my favorite moments of the week," grayson whispers.
"what, having me fired?" you joke.
"no, this right now, us. moments with you just lying here together are my favorite." you melt slightly at his sleepy timbre.
"me too," you sigh. "i'll tell you what, clear your schedule for tomorrow, you and i are having a date day."
that brings a smile to grayson's face - and grayson is devastatingly handsome normally, he's heart stoppingly beautiful when he smiles. joy washing over his features, almost childlike. you love that you bring it out in him, the only one who brings it out in him.
"sounds perfect," he says pressing an achingly tender kiss to your forehead. "can't wait sweetheart."
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191 notes · View notes
yurinaa-world · 2 months
Hello! Can I request Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, and Sunday with a s/o who is a lawyer?
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, and Sunday x Gender-neutral reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with a s/o who is a lawyer
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝒜𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓊𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑒 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝑒𝓃𝒾𝑜𝓇 𝑀𝒶𝓃𝒶𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝐼𝒫𝒞 𝒮𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒𝑔𝒾𝒸 𝐼𝓃𝓋𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝒟𝑒𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉"
Whenever you have a day off or off the clock you aren’t allowed to even think and say anything about it. He says even thoughts will just start stressing you out and you start overthinking until your mood is ruined for the day.
He finds you serious and strictly attractive but for yourself and everyone else, you should relax (you even better wear home clothes, just your pants riding down a little showing off skin with messy hair and tired expression).
Your office is a total mess (by his standards), with stacks of paper everywhere, on everything and anything that wasn’t on the ground. 
Just looking around your office makes him sick, he avoids doing work yet here you are killing dozens of trees with that much paper.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Come to bed with me.”
“I’m busy,” you brush Aventurine off—who was behind you and had his arms wrapped around your shoulders while wearing his pyjamas, really trying to “entice” you into bed with him, yet that fails to work on you—how can you blame him? It gets cold without you. 
“With this much paperwork, they want to work you to death.” 
His hand goes to one of many stacks of paper on your desk, flipping through it yet not really to read. “You shouldn’t touch the papers of my clients.”
“It’s not an interesting read anyway,”
“Won’t come and join me in bed, being in this room while doing overtime without even pay must be tiring, you can pick it up when you start work tomorrow.”
“Not yet.”
He just frowns at this answer. He came to this room to get in bed with him and he isn't leaving without you.
“Are you so sure about that?” His hands just go to caress your shoulder before he leans down to place his chin on your shoulder; presses his cheek against yours to bother you while whispering in your ear.
You only last ten minutes like this.
 “Fine, I'll come to bed with you.” 
You just completely give up when it comes to wanting something from you, Even something as small as this.
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𝒱𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓈 𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜 "𝑀𝑒𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐼𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈𝒾𝒶 𝒢𝓊𝒾𝓁𝒹"
He's a smart man with a smart lover. He kisses the floor you stand on in general, he finds all the hard work you do the most praiseworthy. 
 Yet that doesn’t mean he enjoys you overworking yourself to the bone on personal time because some clients are rich and shoddy.
Why not just let it all go when you’re home with him? Instead, you should read a book together that backfires when you accidentally fall asleep on him.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
You can't keep your eyes open for the life of you. Every blink slower, the words on the page are just a mess to even look at—as if someone slapped ink on a page and called it a day—your brain definitely can’t think like this.
You were holding your book as straight as possible, as you tried to read. Veritas wanted to read with you like always and you don’t mind even in this tired state.
“You've been on the same page for 10 minutes now.”
“Huh?…” looking to the side like a child hearing a stranger talk to them for the first time. He just takes the book from your hand and sets it to the side, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you against him to lay on. 
“Just close your eyes.’
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𝒮𝓊𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓎 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒪𝒶𝓀 𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎"
Very skillful, nothing less he expects from you of course. Working so hard and diligently just helps with the law after all that schooling.
He likes to see you off in the morning since you love getting up early just to go to work, he’ll just join in this routine as well, the only time he gets to see you in the morning and under the excuse that the family head should be up early. 
Let him do your tie for you instead of the servants, why? Why not? He doesn’t mind doing it for you.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Why are you up so early?”
“The same could be said for you.” He takes the tie from your hands—you have been trying for the last six minutes yet you always fail to tie it all together. 
“I wanted to see you off today, before going to work myself.” You silently listen to him as his hand meticulously does your tie for you, gently tightening it to the collar. 
“You didn’t need to.”
“don’t worry, I wanted to.” He gently pats down your clothes as if to get off any type of dust. As you go to wear the jacket of your suit, Sunday already has your bag in his hand before handing it to you.
“There’s something right by your lips, let me clean it off.” He takes your hand, cups your chin, his thumb on the side of your lips before surprising you, his forehead pressed against yours before leaning in to peck you on the lips.
“Have a good day at work.”
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fandomwritingbit · 11 months
William Afton x fem reader
A/N: This is a second stab at the babysitter trope because it’s just delightfully filthy, it’s not at all connected to the go I had before (which you can find - here). Also this is my first time writing somnophilia so I hope it’s good. 
Synop: Reader is a regular babysitter for William, one night she stays the night as he is working a late shift. He comes home annoyed and the sight of her asleep is just too tempting.
Warnings: smut, non/dub con, somnophilia, age gap, inappropriate relationship.
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You pull the duvet cover up over one of the children you’re babysitting, her voice catching your attention with its whiny tone. “I can’t believe you’re making us go to bed this early.” 
You smile at her and shake your head. “Lizzie, it’s half nine on a school night. You know the rules.” She pouts looking at you with pleading eyes. You know that she just wants to stay up and spend some time with you, it’s not surprising, with two brothers it’s no wonder she wants some time with another girl. She looks up to you and as sweet as it is, you know better than to delay her bed time. 
“Pleease, y/n.” She tries again and you chuckle as you turn on her nightlight then her big light off, coming back over to prop her pillows up. 
“Nope.” You say through a grin, “Now lie down if you want tucking in.” She does, though her dissatisfied expression doesn’t shift. And so, bringing the duvet up under her chin you tuck it tight at her sides, just how she likes, knowing that despite the whinging she’ll be asleep in 10 minutes tops. You stand up and head for her door, stopping just before you leave, “Night night, Lizzie. Remember the quicker you get to sleep the sooner we can make breakfast in the morning.” The little lass smiles and you notice the sleepiness of it even in the low light of the room. 
Elizabeth is asleep before you can gather your stuff and lock up downstairs, just as you thought. So you go about checking on Evan asleep in his room as of an hour or so ago, happy to find him still settled. They’re good kids, never any trouble really. You’ve babysat for the Afton kids many times, as a local young lass with a liking for extra pocket money it was a handy job. You would pick the two youngest up from school, take them home and cook dinner, help with homework, all the good stuff. Their dad worked long shifts at his restaurant, so usually you’d stay and put the children to bed, getting yourself home once he’d come back. But tonight was different, Mr Afton had told you he won’t be back til the middle of the night and offered you to spend the night in the spare room; which you took him up on. 
The room is probably the smallest one in the house, not that you mind, it is a double bed with an end table and a chest of drawers. You put your bag on top of it, taking out your wash bag and heading to the bathroom, where you then ready yourself for bed. As it’s only one night you didn’t bring any pjs, only your clothes for the morning, so you strip down to your panties, take off your bra and keep the shirt you’ve been wearing today on, thinking that that should be good enough to sleep in. Yes, it’s revealing but if you need to tend to the kids you can always put your trousers back on. 
You don’t notice your discarded bra, abandoned on the bathroom floor.
Once in bed you set your alarm for seven in the morning, knowing you’ll have to help Mr Afton with the school run tomorrow. Again you don’t mind and you’re paid well for your time. And you like Mr Afton. God, how can you not? Such a handsome bloke, lean and sharp. Smart as anything too, you’ve listened to him talk on the phone, all business, shrewd and confident. Yeah, you like him alright. 
William gets home in the early hours, some time after 3am and the happy silence of his home isn’t enough to quell his silent anger. An incident at the restaurant has left him with paperwork up to his nose and a tonne of wasted stock, and with rent and utility on the way he was stressed to all hell. Even after staying nearly all night, there was still some much to do when he went back in tomorrow afternoon, and lord knows Henry won’t be helping much. 
He moves through his house as quiet as he can, careful not to wake anyone up even with his terrible mood. Poking his head in on his children, he smiles in satisfaction at your work. You’re such a good little lass, looking after them so well, you’re more than worth what he pays you. Honestly, the kids love you, even Michael isn’t annoyed by your presence and he couldn’t ask for a prettier thing to be milling around his house. He chuckles at that thought, you’re a damned tease even if you don’t realise it. What with all your tight jeans and shirts that pull away when you bend down, it’s hard for him not to look at you, but so far that’s all he’s done. That and a bit of harmless flirting. 
He pops into the bathroom to wash his face, hoping that will help clear away the stress of the day, except he doesn’t make it as far as the sink. Stopping still at the sight of your bra left on the floor. It’s a surprise to say the least, you’ve never struck him as the black lacy type, least of all when looking after his kids. And especially so given you’re not a careless individual. He grins as he picks it up, rubbing his thumb over the peak of the cup where your nipple would harden at such an action. The image goes straight to his cock, he’d wager you are much too inexperienced to wear such an article.
It would be a shame to just leave it there all night, so he keeps it in his clasp as he leaves the room, a naughty idea crossing his mind. 
But as he passes the spare room that he notices you’ve left the door cracked open. He’s not delusional, he knows it’ll be to hear the kids if they need you, but a very persuasive part of him wonders if you could have left it open for him. After leaving your bra in the bathroom it doesn’t seem outlandish, rather like you’ve left him a trail to follow and he wouldn’t dream of denying that invitation. 
The light from the hall cuts through the room as he cracks it open, his eyes quickly finding your sleeping frame laid on the bed and an almost sinister smirk creeps across his face. Such a lovely girl just laid there, having no clue that he was taking in the sight of you. Whether you did do this on purpose or not is irrelevant to him, there is only so much teasing a man can take.
He stands there in the doorway for a moment listening to the tickly feeling in his chest of doing something he knows he shouldn’t, his silhouette casting a large shadow into the room. It’s a familiar feeling but one that just never dulls. 
Still careful to be silent, William slowly enters the room, reaching behind himself to close the door, the room remaining dimly lit due to a lamppost outside the window. His hands move automatically to the buttons of his shirt, still unsure of what he was going to do even as he took it off, dropping it down to the floor. His belt was harder to take off without the suspect clinking noise but he manages it and his trousers follow suit. Standing over you there with his cock rock hard behind his boxers, he feels like some all powerful monster and it’s just delicious. 
The bed dips as he gets in beside you, lifting the duvet up and scooching in until his chest is pressed against your back, your warmth utterly intoxicating. You stir, a soft sleepy moan leaving your lips that makes his dick twitch. This is wrong in so many ways but he doesn't care, especially when his cold hand finds your leg, tracing up to the soft skin of your thigh and groaning when he feels the fabric of your panties. Though he skims over them for now, eager to feel more of you. It’s so easy for him to reach up under that shirt, trailing up over your stomach whilst softly grinding his stiffness into your behind, the knowledge of no bra making precum coat the tip of his cock. 
A cold hand grabs your breast, gently squeezing your flesh before taking your nipple between his fingers and tugging it lightly, it hardens instantly which makes him grin wolfishly. You again stir, arching your back into him, your behind rubbing against his erection. Your body subconsciously leans into the touch so he can’t help but give you what you want, largely because it’s what he needs.
So he shifts position, lifting your leg forwards to gain access to the part of you that was calling for him. He traces over your clothed pussy, brushing over your clit a few times and feeling your body tense with the slight stimulation.  
“Is that what you like, sweetheart huh?” He whispers, his breath spreading goosebumps along your skin, it doesn’t wake you but it’s close to. The throbbing of his cock makes him want you to notice. From there he slides his fingers under the fabric, immediately finding your core slick and gooey, he glides them through your folds, gradually becoming more risky with how he grinds his hips into you. The stimulation makes you moan, your eyes fluttering open and body instinctively trying to pull away, but he holds you firm, his other arms sliding under you to clamp over your mouth, disguising the sounds that tear from your throat. 
He shushes you repeatedly, his voice low in your ear, “Shush, sweetheart. It’s alright.” You’re ravaged by confusion, unable to tell if this was real, the fingers coated in your slick teasing your entrance and rubbing your clit felt achingly so, but how could this happen- it couldn't possibly be happening. 
You groan something into his hand and he briefly pulls it away enough to hear you, prompting you to say it again with a hum. Your brows are knitted as you speak, still trying to pull yourself away from him and the growing feeling building in your core. “...Mr Afton?” He grins into the back of your neck when you say his name like that.
“Yes, lovely.” 
You moan as his fingers find a perfect rhythm on your clit rubbing it vigorously and making the coil in your stomach tighter by the minute. “What… what are you doing?” It’s hard to speak, you’re so shocked that he’s doing this, that you’re living through it right now and that it feels so good. 
He doesn’t answer you, just chuckles into your skin, you aren’t riving away from him anymore but rather grabbing at the quilt now sticking to your sweaty skin, unable to decide if you want all this to stop or if you need him to continue. Your lower stomach is riddled with knots that are just begging to snap, the sensation completely overwhelming. You’re moaning pathetically, causing him to shush you again, you sound so good right now he’s dying to relieve himself somehow and just rubbing against you isn’t enough anymore, not when he knows how sweet and wet you are for him. And just, just as you’re screwing your eyes up ready to slam into your climax he stops, leaving your pussy twitching on the brink of your end. 
“Mr Aftonnn.” You whine, devastated that ecstasy was ripped from your tongue and desperate to feel it again. He moves behind you, pulling down his boxers enough to let his cock out, hissing as he strokes himself. You feel him pressing against your behind, then the stickiness of his precum smearing on your skin. 
“You gonna let me fuck that sweet little pussy?” The sound of his voice is so insanely dirty it has your head spinning, you nod, not remembering that he can’t see you. “Huh?” He prompts again, sliding his cock between your legs, the head notching against your entrance in such a way that it almost makes you jump.  
“Yes. Please.” You manage your voice hazy with tiredness and arousal, he doesn’t wait a moment, pressing himself inside the size of him stretching you to accommodate him. You whimper before he even gets to the hilt, your hands balled up in the sheets. 
He groans, sniggering slightly at how good you feel around him and unable to resist he starts fucking you. It’s an earth-shatteringly slow pace that has his tip pressing flush into your sweet spot, each time feeling like he was stealing the air from your lungs. The bed creaks with the movement, though he only just notices over the pretty sounds you’re making. You can’t help it, your orgasm is raising its head almost immediately and you want it so bad that you’re begging incoherently, grabbing at his hand which has found itself squeezing your breasts. And despite trying to keep the noise down his pace grows faster and more needy, the lewd sound of your wet cunt taking him in becoming more frequent. He’s muttering the dirtiest of things in your ear, mixed in with praise for how good you feel and how well you’re doing.  And it’s too much. Shuddering you hit your climax hard, muscles tensing as your wall clamp down around him and fluttering in the most perfect way. 
He grunts, fucking you more selfishly as your tightness begs him to cum. His pace wavers before he does shoving himself as deep as possible as he bursts inside you, filling you up without thinking. You gasp a little, still reeling from your orgasm but still aware enough to feel the sensation of his cum leaking out of you as he pulls out, leaving your cunt twitching. 
“Such a good girl.” 
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scara-meow-che · 2 years
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then they were roommates ┃ sweet deception with thoma
CW. NSFW (MDNI), afab! reader with no set of pronouns, roommate! thoma, use of sedatives, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it!), pervert! thoma, noncon, he takes pics of you, male masturbation, pervert and a bit ooc thoma ♥︎
AN. another reposted work. i promise that i'd be posting new ones soon <3 just a little more from my part on actually editing the drafts that i have here but anyway, enjoy our ooc pervert, roomie thoma!
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thoma is the sweetest roommate you’d ever ask for!
besides the fact that he constantly reminds you of the tasks you have absentmindedly forgotten or prepares breakfast in the morning, he also helps you with your projects whenever he has some time to spare.
you also want to take note of the tea he always makes!
“hey thoma! you haven’t told me what brand this tea is.”
the weekend had just arrived and you were left sprawled in the comforts of your blankets while watching another rom-com with thoma. he was laid adjacent to your side, the two loveseats occupied by your tired bodies.
“silly, how many times do i need to tell you that i handmade this! you can help me pick up the ingredients tomorrow morning if you want,” thoma offers with a smile. he can see how you immediately perked up in interest, nodding your head in agreement. “well, just make sure that you sleep early now since i often leave around 5.”
and he hears you grunt afterward.
“come on now, you wouldn’t miss an opportunity like this, yeah?” he encourages you, standing up from his seat. he eyes you, taking a huge sip of your tea before dropping down the cup on the nearby table. he shudders, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips before he reaches out both his hands to help you stand up.
as you do, you can feel your body slipping into a relaxed state, almost stumbling and falling back into the seat. but thoma was fast and had an arm wrapped around your body, gently cradling you in his warmth.
“easy now,” he mumbles. it felt quite nice to be wrapped in his embrace as the nature of his being caring seeps through while he guides you to your room. “getting sleepy now, aren’t you?”
you hummed, feeling the softness of your blanket caressing your skin as thoma gently lays you down on your bed. as each second passes by, you find your eyes can barely keep themselves open. and before you were consumed by sleep, you can hear the faint whisper from your roommate, a sweet smile etched on his face.
“sweet dreams f/n.”
it was truly sweet, thoma had always been like this every day and you barely notice the patterns. he is someone so kind, dependable, selfless, and caring so you trust him. there’s never a reason to doubt him, not when he had you gullible just as he wanted to.
don’t get him wrong but thoma genuinely cares for you. he likes you, a lot. but the intensity of his emotions quickly becomes too much for him to handle. you were so pretty, so perfect in his eyes that he can’t help but give you what he thinks you’d want, what you’d like, what you’d find worthy of your affection.
but he thinks that fucking you when you’re asleep is something you wouldn’t approve of.
when he sees the steady motion of your chest, lungs pumping air in and out of your relaxed and vulnerable state, he’s quick to adjust your body, letting you lie flat on your back and your legs pressed on each side. you’ve always looked beautiful to him, no matter what you wear, no matter how unkempt your hair was.
and he finds you most beautiful spread out like this for him to take. an angel you are in his eyes.
he groans when he feels his cock ache inside his tight pants. you’re just that perfect, fuck, he’s so damn lucky that he’s the one who gets to share this apartment space with you and not just a random bastard who wouldn’t treat you like he does.
he just hope you wouldn’t find out the debauched person he can be.
thoma wants to put all the blame on you. you should be held accountable for how adorable you are, and how your beaming eyes always had him hooked whenever you tell him what happened in uni. you should know that he’s utterly smitten from how much you cling to him, trusting him to the point where you don’t even notice that the tea he makes was the very reason why he had you pressed down like this.
of course, he wouldn’t dare hurt you. he’s not an asshole who just takes advantage of you like this and ends up hurting you in any way or form. thoma would spend the time preparing you, holding you, and pleasing you before he could even please himself.
as he had your legs spread open, he would gently remove your pants, revealing you in your underwear. he finds it cute how you wear this particular pair every weekend, the soft pastel red cotton undies he always love!
then he would notice how you’d shiver, feeling the cold gust of wind welcoming your flushed skin. thoma would cover you up with the blanket he made for you, smiling as he remembers how you were elated to receive this from him.
as he provides you a source of warmth, he would continue and leave kisses on your thighs, his large hands pressing down to spread your legs wider. he dares not leave any hickeys, as much as his mind tells him to mark you already. he can do that later when you’re finally sober enough to know what the hell he’s doing.
after leaving feather-like kisses on both your thighs, thoma would press two of his fingers between your clothed cunt, sliding up and down your slit. he can hear the gentle hums of satisfaction escaping your lips.
“even when you’re in deep sleep, you’ve always loved being pleasured like this, huh?” he whispers, putting in some pressure that the tip of his finger glides down your clit. “we wouldn’t want to mess this though,” he adds before he hooks two of his fingers to the band of your underwear and slowly pulls it off your body.
with your lower half exposed for his eyes to feast on, thoma almost came at the sight of your cunt slightly shimmering from your slick. he curses under his breath, impatient because he just wants to shove his cock but had put an immense focus so to mentally stops himself.
before he even loses control, he moves his head down and has his lips close in your cunt. he hums, satisfied, tasting you as his tongue laps up and down your clit. he can finally taste you, so sweet against the sensitive flesh of his mouth. you were addicting, thoma can’t help but give your pussy lips a kiss before he had his whole mouth sucking on your poor cunt.
he felt your thighs occassionally close back from the sensation, your eyebrows furrowing that your sleep-induced state tries to focus on the pleasurable feeling you’re receiving between your legs.
“you’re so damn cute,” thoma mutters before he goes back on assaulting your sensitive clit. he wants to hear you moan, to hear you whimper about how good he’s treating you, how good he was on eating you out, on pleasing you but that can wait.
after flicking his tongue on your sensitive nub, he had two fingers slowly pumping in and out of your hole. you were so wet, so ready for him to take but he wants to make you cum first. thoma goes back on sucking on your clit as his fingers smoothly go in and out of your hole, adjusting it to reach the most sensitive spot inside that he knew by heart. you were so warm, so tight around two of his digits.
the pleasure he gets from fucking you like this had him rutting his hips down the bed, cock itching to shove itself inside your warmth and have your tight walls snuggle it closer. his pants' already ruined from his pre. he groans as he does so, eyes peering up to witness how your back softly arched from the vibrations he had let go on your clit. thoma can feel how close you are, your warm walls sucking him in with fervor.
“that’s it f/n. go on, cum for me,” he says even if you won’t even hear him or know that it was him pleasuring you like this. your walls clamped on his fingers, your hole gushing out so much slick as thoma didn’t stop sliding his digits in and out to ride your high.
your body was still shaking a bit from the aftermath of your orgasm when thoma swiftly moved up and pulled his hard and aching cock out of his already-ruined pants. he hissed as the warmth of his hands made contact with his skin, quickly rubbing the bulbous head on your cunt to relieve himself from the pain.
“‘want you so badly, f/n, just let me—” slowly, he pushes himself inside your walls, grunting at the sudden tightness engulfing him. he eyes your body, those emerald hues watching every twitch of your eyebrow and how your chest lets go of a shaky breath as he finally pushes all the way in. “fuck, you feel so good around me.”
thoma’s head was spinning at the view he’s getting of you even more when he looks down to where you’re both connected. his long girth feels just perfect to be inside you, smoothly sliding in and out. hell, he wanted to roughly bend you in half and shove himself as deep as he could but you might wake up. he doesn’t want that but fuck, you’re making it so hard for him.
in seconds, he rocks his hips against your body, his thighs softly smacking against your butt as he slowly ruts himself in your core. thoma bites down on his lips, focusing on being gentle while getting the most out of your cunt. he closes his eyes, savoring how your walls sucks him in, tightening every time he bottoms out. he was so big yet he had managed to have you adjust to his size perfectly, molding you to have his cock alone.
he was close, the pleasure so intense on bis lower half he had somehow let go of his focus and started a rather quick pace in fucking you. he hears you whimpering, his mind thinking that you’re awake and was ushering him to go faster, that you’re close too, that you want him to make a mess out of you.
“anything for you, f/n. fuck, i’d do anything for you,” he utters with a moan, sweat glistening on his forehead, his balls slapping oh so loudly against your thighs covered with your slick. and he pulls out, groaning as his cold hands started to jerk on his sensitive cock before he lets out his thick cum just right outside your hole.
thoma could barely keep in his moans, shivering at how he coats your pussy lips with his load that you looked so damn messy but fuck, you’re just so beautiful in his eyes.
“i love you,” he whispers but gained back his focus in seconds when he hears you humming. his eyes darted back to your face only to see that you’re still fast asleep.
thoma sighs, shaking his head, and went back down to look at your cum-stained cunt. he could just jerk again at the sight but doesn’t want to wake you sooner than he’d think he might. but, before he puts your legs back down and it let relax, he pulls out his phone from his pocket and quickly took pictures of your body, more on how he ruined you below, angling it where he can see how he had claimed you to be his.
with this sweet smile on his face, he bends down and slowly left a kiss on your forehead.
“sweet dreams, angel. i hope that we can spend more time soon.”
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⠀⠀scara-meow-che © 2023 ┃ do not copy, modify, or repost ANY of my content
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maidenborn · 30 days
Detective Love-struck! a new lead
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part three of Detective Love-struck! , Part two here! Shoto x reader in which fem!Reader discovers a second clue towards uncovering her secret admirer!
Word count: 3,467
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Todoroki Shoto didn't stay in your dorm room long, claiming he wanted to 'go to bed early' because of 'training tomorrow.' A sensible idea you thought. Much unlike your own sleeping habits, you'd often get so wound up in your own thoughts, that you end up falling asleep in the early hours of the morning. You soon came to realise tonight was no different.
You had just turned over onto your other side for the umpteenth time in the past half hour. It was currently midnight, to your dismay. You dread how you would feel in the morning. Your legs were restless and you could not, for the life of you, get comfortable in any position you rolled into. You growled into your pillow, giving up hope on sleeping at all. You sluggishly reached over to grab your phone, seething at the sudden flash bang, working your finger desperately to lower the brightness.
*one unread message*
Sho ᐢᗜᐢ : Good luck with tomorrow, I hope you and Midoriya have a pleasant time. 21:02
That's a little strange, you never told Shoto about your and Izuku's plans. Thinking about it a little longer, you come to the conclusion that Midoriya was probably the one to tell him. You hum, pleased by Shoto's message to you, at least now your mind was at ease. Shoto doesn't seem upset at all. He's real dry in his texts, but you assume that he didn't mean to sound the tiiiiniest bit passive aggressive. Not that he has any reason to be. You scoff at your own stupidness.
Hearting the message, 'cause you're too lazy to actually reply in text, you roll over with your phone in hand, clutched to your chest, trying one last time to sleep, before you actually give up on rest. Your heart feels as heavy as your eyelids as you finally fall to sleep.
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The morning rolls around way too soon for your liking, you slide out of bed rubbing at your eyes, dragging your hand across your face. You groan at the feeling of a headache forming. That's what you get for sleeping late. You'd only slept for a total of six hours, and it was showing. Getting ready and fixing up your hair before you leave for the day, you glance in the mirror briefly, tongue in cheek, you wonder if Shoto is awake yet. You're curious if he'll like your hair today. The thought of Shoto sends a mellow feeling budding through your chest, you sheepishly eye yourself in the mirror. "Pull yourself together!" You squawk. Rushing out the door, huffing.
You're met with the sight of two girls walking by, arms interlinked with one another. You recognise them as Uraraka and Mina. "Oh good-morning Yn!" Their girl with pink cheeks chirps.
"Hey girl!" The girl with pink skin shoots a quick wave at you, before stopping, turning on her heel to face you.
"Morning Mina, Uraraka! You mind if I walk with you guys?" Uraraka shakes her head smiling sweetly, contrast to Mina's more aggressive, animated display, hopping over to you linking her arms with yours.
"Have you heard?" Your twitch your head to the side, questioning.
"Some of the guys and girls in our class are going out after class tomorrow! We're gonna visit a super cute cafe!" Uraraka walks up to your other side, unoccupied by Mina, holding on to your free arm.
"There's a cute Photo Booth in that area! And a crepe stand that's reaaal popular! You should totally come with!" Mina leans her head on your shoulder, squeezing your arm affectionally.
"Well we're all going there to study actually, but who can turn down a sweet treat?" Uraraka tilts her head forward at you to garner your attention. Holding onto your arm a little tighter, closes her eyes, enveloped in a dreamland filled with desserts and good food. "I definitely can't." She sighs flopping her head down onto yours.
"Oh" You stutter, slightly taken aback by the sudden affection. You had no idea about your classmates plans,"Who will be there? I mean-I can totally go." You explain slightly wide eyed due to your fumbling of words.
Mina snickers, leaning her head forward to make eye contact with the girl with brown hair. She squints her eyes and holds her hand over her mouth in a weak attempt to stifle a chuckle. "Don'tttt worry girlie, Todoroki-kun will be there!" She takes her finger poking at your ribs, as you try to swat her hand away.
You feel your face heat up, embarrassed, "That's not wha- um, that's great! Any other guys coming?" Nice recovery.
Mina deadpans as you whip your head around to see Uraraka making an attempt to mimic pinkie's face, only she looks a lot more amused, her lips wobbling, and her eyes glazing over with tears as she zones out, trying her hardest not to burst with laughter. "Ummm guys?? What's funny??" You prod. You feel a weak wave of humiliation wash over you. Trying to hide your face by pressing your chin down. You end up looking stupid, smooshing your chin into your neck.
"Nothingggg" she drags, " You guys are like besties right?"
At that you raise your head to look at her. Nodding, "Yeah, ever since we met in elementary school."
"Exactlyyy," She drags on. Silent for a moment," Kirirshima, Tokoyami, Kaminari and a couple others are coming, even Bakugo was convinced to show up." She snickers. "Can you believe that? Thought he'd be too good for a casual outing to grace us with his presence.." Mina mocks, lowering her voice in an impression of your blonde classmate.
Uraraka nods in approval," Deku's coming too, and Iida. As for the girls.. pretty much all of them are gonna go!" She places her index on her lip, as a gesture of thought.
oooh okay, you think, "Sounds like it'll be fun." Both of the girls agree on that, nodding on queue, still holding onto you as they walk. They've successfully assimilated you into their posse.
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Training whisks by faster than you thought it would. Your tiredness had worn off, or rather, you had forced yourself out of exhaustion and into liveliness out of pure fear. Bakugo Katsuki was currently barreling towards you, deathly grin on his face. He was out for blood. The last sparring match of today's training session. You verses a literal death sentence. He swipes at you with his right arm, igniting his quirk right as his open palm passes your face. You grimace, swinging your head back. The overwhelming heat from his power causes you to throw yourself backward, violently trying to evade his attack.
You land right on your ass, bouncing on the padded floor with an oof . You almost think that he'll attack you again as he lingers over you, arm raised, scowling. You hold your breath in anticipation only sighing with relief when Aizawa sensei calls off the 'battle'. Bakugo looks at you out of the side of his eye, peering at you with what you can only describe as pure disdain. He scoffs, "Weak." Before turning his back to you hoofing off.
A few faint 'whoop"s and claps of sportsmanship - or pity, probably pity, fill the silence left by your teachers orders. Now you have to live with the embarrassment of today for the rest of your life, annnd, a sore bottom for the next half hour. You grip your back as you stand up, feeling as though you just aged sixty years in two minutes. You straighten up catching Shoto's eyes on you. Oh god. A lump in your throat as you jaunt over to him.
"How embarrassing was that." You widen your eyes and throw a thumb over your shoulder. Like you just witnessed something that would garner secondhand embarrassment. As if you didn't just make a pathetic spectacle of yourself in-front of your entire class.
"You need to work on your combat techniques." He suggests.
"You need to work my foot up your ass- What was I supposed to do?!" Throwing your hands up, instantly regretting it as you look around, noticing Bakugo staring you down with that same hatful look on his face. You shrink into yourself, shoulders deflating in defeat.
"We all have weak spots within our abilities, Yn. Yours must be close quarter combat."
"Okay Mr. Perfect. That's soooo easy for you to say y'know." You poke at his chest. "You are practically invincible, what's your weakness? A undeniable constant-craving for soba?" You pick up the pace in your prodding, "If I dangle a bowl in front of you will 'ya wag your tail??"
Shoto exhales sharply at his, feigning annoyance in favour of amusement. He shakes his head in disagreement, "I excel in power when I use my ice quirk, however I do in fact have a weakness." Pausing he looks to the side for a moment before turning his attention back to you, his eyes stutter to your lips for a moment before continuing, "I have an aversion to using my other quirk, my fire. But, I am working on it. I'll be invincible soon though." Dropping the irritated act, a sly smirk creeps onto the boys face, obviously proud at his quip. Sooo not charming.
Before you can reply, Shoto falls in line with the students slowly filtering out of the training room. You drift over behind him, making your way out the door, you feel a silly sure, but for some reason, you find yourself stuck on Shoto's words, his fire . Still deep in thought you shake the suspicion out of your head, deciding to just forget about it for now. Instead choosing to narrow your eyes at the back of his neck, channeling your secret super telepathy: I know what you are. Cough if you're guilty. Nothing. You roll your eyes clearly not convinced. I'm onto you boy. You can't fool me, Im gonn-
You crash into Todoroki as he suddenly stops. You blink rapidly reverting your eyes as to not look absolutely insane. He hums at the contact before turning to you, " Want to go get soba?"
" Yeah okay." Shrugging.
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Lunch with Shoto was usually filled with silence and quick glances at one another, your spilt hair friend focused on his bowl for the majority of your meals together, only ever replying to conversation whenever he was spoken to. But for some reason, today was different.
"Any new leads, Yn?" Shoto stops slurping his soba, turning his attention to you fully. Dual hue eyes leading to yours and flicking over your face as he waits for a response.
His sudden directness startles you,"Huh? Oh, right. " For a moment you'd almost forgotten what he meant, " No actually, nothing at all." You shrug. Deku perks up at this, He looks almost surprised. You turn your head as Froppy speaks up.
"What are you guys talking about, ribbit?" Tsu tilts her head. This draws the awareness of Iida and Uraraka, suddenly you have an audience. You itch at the feeling of eyes on you.
"Ohhh its nothing really- Um I got a letter. " Waving your hands, "From someone..! Only I don't know who its from..." You trail off and purse your lips. You take a moment to look at every one at the table individually.
"Ooooh! What kind of letter?!" Uraraka places both hands on the table lifting herself and leaning towards you, eager to get closer.
Iida hastily chops his hands at her, "You mustn't ask such invasive questions! And sit down!" He orders.
Midoriya shovels a spoonful of rice into his mouth, humming merrily, oblivious. "Oh it's a love letter!"
Again Deku?! Seriously?
Ochako freezes before latching onto you, squealing as she purposely ignores the plethora of commands from Iida. "Really? Oh wow!" She shakes you, " How romantic!"
"Well I certainly ribbit wasn't expecting that." Finger on mouth, Tsu quips. Wow backhanded much.
"It's whatever guys! Not a big deal I swear!" You try to focus on your meal but you can feel your face grow more and more red in real time. You eye Shoto in a silent plead for help. He notices your predicament and smiles. Is he dense?! Wow thanks a lllot for all the help. - You hate him.
The teasing from Uraraka was constant throughout the rest of your lunch, Iida right behind her chastising her every move. Deku apologies sheepishly and you turn away from him huffing with your arms crossed. You obviously weren't that mad, but you still wanted him to feel bad. Maybe he'll learn his lesson this time.
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Your last period of class had just ended, you make your way out of your classroom, remembering, Deku had mentioned he'd be waiting by the lockers so you could walk back to the dorms together. As expected, he was there waiting, along with Todoroki and Iida. You wave as you approach them, Shoto notices and raises a hand to you. He looks pleased at your sudden appearance, per usual, he always has a smile on his face when you show up. He beckons you over. You spot Midoriya wave a goodbye to Iida, turning to you. Once you reach them you huff and release the tension in your shoulders, as if to express the wear of the day. Deku hums and nods in acknowledgement.
"Just need to get my stuff from my locker, then we can get going." You sling your bag over your arm and swivel round to face your locker, inputting the code and opening the door with a crack. As the door opens, you notice a small slip of paper float out onto the floor. Shoto sees it too and bends down to reach for it. "Thanks Sho." You reckon it must be a loose sheet of paper from your notebook. At closer inspection Shoto comes to a conclusion.
"It's another letter." He looks up at you and hands it over, his hand brushing over yours. He's so warm.
"From the same person?" Deku gets in closer, now both of the boys are huddled around you, leaning in to see the new letter.
"No idea." You unfold the paper, briefly scanning over it. You slam the Locker door shut with your hip, leading the boys in the direction of the dorm building. You nose is still buried in the paper as the two boys trail on either side of you.
"Yn, would it be okay if I joined you and Midoriya?" The boy nudges you slightly, brushing his arm agains yours. You lean into his touch and continue walking.
"Yeah Sho, 'course you can. Right Deku?" You smile up at him, cheeks rounding into apples. You turn to Midoriya, for a split second, you think you see a confused expression on his face, he's looking right at Shoto. It doesn't last long as he looks back at you, shaking his head in an overly-eager manner.
"Yeah! I-it's not like it's up to me anyways." He scratches the back of his neck, chuckling with his eyes closed. You think you see a drop of sweat drizzle down the side of his temple. weird.
"Then it's settled! Tonight we'll crack the case! I can feel it!" You raise both your arms, with a newfound determination. Your heart is beating rapidly, you can't believe you'd almost forgot how fun this could be. The way you felt at this moment was reminiscent of the 'good old days'. The days in which you could mess around with your best-friend all day, play pretending, so entranced in each others company within your imaginations.
You glanced back at Shoto one last time before exiting the school building, his face matched yours, lips curved upright, staring into you, silent like deep water. In this moment you knew that he was feeling everything you were.
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You, Midoriya and Shoto were sat in a circle on the floor of your dorm room, in the middle of the circle was the two notes you received so far.
"So I'll start by reading out both letters, then we can work from there." You look up at both of the boys opposite you, checking to see if they were on the same page. Izuku is sitting with a notepad in hand, pen in other, eagerness in his eyes. You shift over to look at Shoto, he's sitting with his legs crossed, hands on his knees unmoving. He nods at you, ready.
You start with the first letter, clearing your throat:
Dear Ln Yn, I'm writing the letter to you, as I feel as though it will be easier then telling you this in person. Over the time we have spent together, I have found that I enjoy your company much more than anyone else's. To put this as plainly as I can, I have developed feelings for you, as a friend, and as something more. When ever I see you, I feel as though my whole world comes to a stop, It becomes difficult to notice anything else other than you. Like tunnel vision or something similar. So I suppose this counts as a confession and I don't have much else to say other then how I'll set your heart alight.
You pause before looking up at them again, "Should I keep going or..?" Deku is scribbling away at his notes, quickly looking up and signaling at to carry on. Shoto hasn't moved at all.
You exhale, picking up the second note:
Dear Ln Yn, I hope this letter receives you well, I've thought about my first attempt and decided that my approach was perhaps a little creepy, you have to understand I lack experience in this sort of thing. Ive only just realised that you would be more open to my advances upon you, if you knew more about me. For example, my favourite fruit is strawberries, My family is quite well of in terms of money, and I fair very well in both the practical sense and academically , so if it comes to it -and our relationship progresses to the point, I will be able to support you financially.
You pause at that, looking up with wide eyes, "That escalated fast?!
"So bold!" Midoriya chimes in. Locking eyes with him, sharing stunned look with the freckled boy.
You gape in awe and utter disbelief. "This guy is serious." You frown back down at the paper reading on.
Other then that, during my free time, I like to watch variety of television shows, off the top of my head, Criminal minds,- well, comes to mind. Forgive me if this is a little lacklustre, if you couldn't tell already, I can be a little clueless. Again, I hope you are well, and that this letter will provoke some semblance of a positive reaction from you.
Farewell Yn.
You sigh, stretching your back and looking up. "That's it." At that deku finishes writing on his notepad, you look around trying to gather any impressions, Shoto, neutral face, bland as ever. Although you catch him fiddling with the fabric on his trousers.
"Ive gathered every-thing they mention about themselves," He tosses the notebook to you, "And everything that might be true about them, things that might not be said outright, but hinted at."
You glance at the writing on the notepad, its slightly intelligible, handwriting scribbled erratically:
• The culprit is male • Well off finically • The culprit likes strawberries • The culprit is academically proven to be skilled • The culprit is practically skilled, hero course??? • Culprit watches tv- Murder mysteries??
You scan your eyes over the page, well that narrows it down. You hum in a questioning tone," How'd you figure out he's a guy?" You raise an eyebrow and peer up at Izuku who's fiddling with his fingers, he looks a little nervous.
"Well, he mentions supporting you, financially. And commonly- well- you know, within families, the husband is usually the one to take care of money. In the sense tha-"
"Ohh right! Makes sense!" You nod, now understanding where the boy was coming from.
"Annnd, usually girls are more enthusiastic I guess??" He chuckles, pleased to find you appreciate his explanation.
Right.. as if you aren't You muse in your head. You hand back the book to Midoriya, who takes it from you with a smile.
"Oh, and add that they might have a quirk related to fire!"
Midoriya freezes in place, body rigid all of a sudden. You quirk an eyebrow up at him, and he responds by nodding, "Right okay!" Quickly scratching at the paper with his pen. "Okay then now we can start to-"
There's a knock at the door, followed by a "Dinner!"
"Oh!" You stand up, "come on guys, we can finish up later,"
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final part
only one part left until the end of this mini-series guyyyyyzzzz (✿´‿`)
I feel like this part is a little corny, especially the letter part lol, plz forgive me, idk if its obvious or not but I'm making up this story as I go, without any plan or anything,so I apologise if the plot is a little silly or flat. ♡
Series taglist:
: ̗̀➛ If you would like to be added to thisseries taglist, any upcoming series tag lists, or a taglist for all of my writing works, feel free to let me know. I would be happy to add anyone, it feels great seeing people enjoy my works! ♡
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mins-fins · 6 months
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HI BABY!! okay um before you purge me and murder my entire family i'm sorry for not calling you yesterday.. it was after the first show and i was exhausted but anyway, how was the concert? did you enjoy it? do you think i did well? do you—[a small shout is heard from behind him] I AM NOT "WHIPPED" SHUT UP! ignore chenle he doesn't know what he's talking about, is it bad that i love my dear partner so much? he's just sad and lonely—AM NOT!— ARE TOO! STOP YELLING AT ME!! you're gonna come tomorrow right? if work doesn't keep you in that is, god i hate your job, and i miss you, i miss you so bad, it's going to be hard to do this when international tour dates start, all we have connecting us is some stupid phone..[another shout is heard from behind him] OKAY FINE! it's too late, we have to wake up early tomorrow, alright bye i love you! sleep well!
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NOVEMBER 23, 22:45 PM
haechan totally tried to trip me on stage today, that little shit..anyway, hi baby!! sorry for the like— two calls every week but it's been so hard to find alone time for myself these days, i really like japan though, we should come here sometime for a trip! just me and you, maybe on one of my breaks, if i can even get one. i miss you, having jeno as company is beginning to get boring, i mean, i love jeno obviously but i see him every single day!! i'm literally about to go insane without you here, i'm about to pay for your flight here and make up some excuse to your manager about a family issue or something.. will they even believe that? i don't care, it's been a while since we went anywhere together, just the two of us, also, did i tell you your mom called me? apparently she really liked our performance, she called me to tell me about it!! anyway um, i have no time left, hope you have a good night, i love you!!
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NOVEMBER 26, 02:09 AM
jeno snores way too loudly, so no sleep for me, and he also complains so much about everything so now i have to whisper for this, but anyway, i know you're probably asleep as well so it doesn't matter if i send this cause you'll see it in the morning but i don't care! whoops, right, whispering. i can't believe that you can't come to the shows, it's all sooooo boring without you. i always search for you in the audience but then i don't see you and i get upset, you being in the crowd would make everything much better, hopefully you can at find time to get here before the final japanese show this year.. is this corny? i don't think so, i just— i miss you, i say that all the time but i do, a lot. um yeah that's all, i should probably sleep now, i love you!
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DECEMBER 2, 21:37 PM
I KNEW YOU HAD SOME STUPID PLAN! i can't believe i didn't even notice you sneaking up on me that was….. i can't start, i'll go on and on forever. how did you even get backstage? did you talk to mark or something? i don't know i guess i'm just— i'm just very surprised, you didn't even tell me anything! i'm not going to lie.. it was such a smart plan, i'm glad you were able to make it, seeing you again was so nice i almost cried having to let go of you, and yeah i tried to contain myself in front of the members but i couldn't, they had to get it though! because when you're partner is right there you can't just stand there and be normal, i did mean to trap you in that hug! god being able to wrap my arms around you again was so nice, you give such good hugs you know? i know you won't be here for long but let's make the most of our time together okay? i'm happy you're here, alright i have to go now, good night, i love you.
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DECEMBER 10, 09:30 AM
hi hi!! happy to say that i will be back soon! don't be surprised if i just randomly show up in your house one day, world famous idol na jaemin in your kitchen, making himself some coffee, you might have a heart attack, i hope i don't scare you again, not like that one time after hot sauce promotions ended.. your face was hilarious, i'm sorry for that one baby, i was really just trying to surprise you.. anyway, tour picks back up in february, so we have time to be idiots and go on stupid dates, get chased down by the staff.. okay maybe not that, the last time they almost caught us was funny though. alright um— just wanted to tell you i'll be back soon! i'll make sure to pass by a convenience store and get you ice cream, and yes i'll remember to get cookie dough this time, still not sure what you have against strawberry..alright that's it! i'll see you soon, i love you!!
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beaker1636 · 6 months
Sweet Dreams - Noah Sebastian Smut
AN: Not a lot to say here... smut part is in his point of view. Italiacs are part of the dream. Enjoy this weird brain thought I had the other night!
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Noah lets out a sigh as he goes through the photos on his phone of you, debating if he should take the risk of hoping that you are still awake but he isn’t sure what time it is back home.  He knows you work early mornings and he would feel bad if he woke you up so he continues scrolling, a little disappointed.  He knows he should probably just go to sleep but he isn’t in the mood honestly, eventually deciding to just throw on a movie on his phone quietly, so he won’t disrupt and bother Nicholas, but hopefully it would be enough to distract him, allow you to fall asleep.  
He misses getting to see you, hold you… admittedly he is pretty horny at this point, missing having those times with you whenever he wants to while you let him do as he wishes.  Letting him get you off over and over again, forgetting everything around you.  His mind keeps wandering back to you, finding that he is getting hard just at the thoughts of what he could do to you but he isn’t in the mood to go jerk one out in the bathroom of the hotel so he just deals with it, trying to focus back on the movie some more.
Unfortunately he can’t get into the movie, winds up still just thinking about you.  Wondering if you miss him as much as he does, if you are thinking of him, his touch.  Eventually he gets tired enough that he just falls asleep, the movie still quietly going on his phone and being just what he needed at this point.  Hopefully sleep will take these thoughts away from him and tomorrow during your scheduled call time maybe he will be able to sneak away for a little bit, get what he needs.
She pushes me down in the chair that is in my home studio, both of us naked as she stands in front of me, a leg on either side of mine. I honestly don’t remember how we reached that point, where my clothing was thrown behind us along with her dress and panties, but I also can’t complain about having this moment.
I brush a strand of hair behind her ear as I watch her closely, wondering what she has planned right now while she stands like this in front of me.  Normally she doesn’t try to take charge and I will gladly let her have this time to do as she pleases.
The woman I can never stop thinking about, the most beautiful, most sexy sight I have ever seen stood before me, watching me. 
Her eyes tell me that right now she wants this almost as much as I do.
Her body is beautiful, her soft skin running along it makes me enjoy running my fingers along her waist, the one that I have my hands currently wrapped around.  The curve of her tits, that I always love leaning forward to kiss and lick.  Her skin smells so sweet.  
I take my time to slowly trail my hands down her body, taking time feeling each spot, listening to how her breathing changes before my hand settles on her ass with a light smack, wanting to pull her closer to me, continuing with the makeout session that leads to this moment. “You’re beautiful, everytime I see you I swear you get more beautiful.”
Her hands run from my bare shoulders, tracing my tattoos before they eventually settle in my hair. “You’re not too bad yourself Mr. Sebastian.”
“Princess, I must ask,” I reached out to grasp her chin, making her look at me. “You have me hard as hell, just sitting here.  What exactly are you planning to do with me?”
She looks at me with a smile before moving to slowly straddle my lap, settling herself over my erection before lightly moving her hips in a circle, making sure to rub against my entire length as we continue the eye contact before she stops, making me let out a groan.
“I need more princess, it’s not enough,” I say, my hands settling on her hips as I try to guide her how I want her to move, but it doesn’t seem to work.
“You’ll get more, promise but maybe I should see how patient you can be.  How much I can get to you before you give in and take over? I bet it won’t take much, I bet you can’t handle letting me toy with you,” she teases, leaning forward to give me a light kiss before circling her hips against me again.
I have patience, I can wait for almost anything if I need to do so, but with her? With her I have no patience.  I will never make any promises about patience with her.
I lean forward, taking one of her nipples into my mouth, hoping to encourage her on, continue to move against me while I try to angle her hips slightly to grind against me closer, how I need her to right now. 
“But if you let me have my way, think how many orgasms you could have tonight, just how much pleasure I can bring you?” I ask her, growing frustrated she won’t quite give in to me and give me what I need right now.  Maybe teasing her would slowly bring me more of what I am craving right now. 
“Hmm one, maybe two?” She asks with a smirk, knowing that underestimating me will annoy me, continue to rile me up and it is definitely working.
Rather than answering she continues to tease me, barely brushing herself against my aching cock, the rare brush of herself against me sending shockwaves through my body, making me need her more and more with each passing second. Enough to make me want to explode on the spot.
She settles herself a little lower, allowing me to just barely sink into her, enough to give me just a taste, a tease, or how wet and tight she feels before she backs up again.  I can tell her resolve is starting to break as well based on the exhale she lets out before she stops her movements.
“If it’s this good already I can’t imagine how amazing it will be when I have all of you,” she gasps out, starting to feel the pleasure of the moment with me, starting to give in to this more and more.
“Oh baby, if you let me I can make you scream as you come undone on me.”
“Hmm I doubt Nicholas, who is sleeping next door would enjoy that,” she says with a giggle, shifting herself again.
I settle my hands on her hips, trying to pull her back down on top of me, wanting her to just give in and ride me until we both finish.  Not even caring about showing off right now, getting here there multiple times like I usually would, right now all I care about is finishing, needing it more than I have ever needed it before.
I stop caring about her teasing at this point, I stop caring about the fact that she is right and my friend who is next door at the moment might not appreciate this, all I care about is getting the two of us off hopefully sooner rather than later.
I can tell she is starting to give in with how easy it is to currently get her to move against me, brushing up against my length as she rocks her hips slightly.
“Please, ride me baby.  It’s been far too long,” I whisper, before grabbing the back of her neck to pull her lips to mine.  Both of us kissing as she lets out a groan, finally giving in and lining herself up before sinking down on me, slowly taking me all the way with a gasp.  
I lean forward, pulling my lips from hers before letting them settle in the soft spot of her neck as she begins rocking against me, fucking herself on me as she slowly builds both of us up towards her high.  So tight and wet she hugs my cock perfectly, knowing I won’t last long at all so I make sure to move a hand, wanting to make sure I brush my fingers along her clit to encourage her to come for me, on top of me as she continues, feeling her start to clench around me as she draws closer and closer.
“Fuck Noah, I’m, I’m close,” she gasps, starting to ride me faster as she chases that high, my fingers still circling her clit while my other hand closes around her neck, pulling her back into another kiss to try and keep her quiet so Nicholas doesn’t hear too much.
The second she comes undone on top of me, milks my cock with how much she's starting to tighten and pulse around me I’m finding my own release, filling her as both our chests heave, coming down from the high that we both just had together.
Noah stirs awake in his hotel bed as Nicholas tries to wake him up, letting him know that his alarm is going off and he’ll need to wake up if he wants time for a shower before they have to leave to get going on their activities for the day, making the taller man stir awake in his bed.
Once he is coherent, more awake he quickly realizes that it was all just a dream and when he goes to move, he realizes that it wasn’t just a dream it was one of those dreams… and he definitely needs his shower now.  He tries to wait until Nicholas has his back turned, isn’t paying attention before rushing to the shower, not wanting to get caught with the situation at hand.
“Oh y/n, ride me baby,” Nicholas calls with a laugh from the main part of the hotel room as soon as the bathroom door closes, making Noah let out a groan.  Realizing he must have talked in his sleep again… and woken Nicholas up while doing so.  He isn’t going to live that one down for awhile, he just knows it.
Sighing he turns the hot water on to try and get his mind off of everything, wanting to forget that he just woke up a mess, that he is missing you, that he was caught like that by his friend and bandmate. When he steps out of the shower he quickly changes, getting ready for them to head towards the venue for the new show when he gets a message from you.
“I heard you miss me a lot more than I realized.”  All the color drains from his face when he realizes that Nicholas spilled what happened to you… even more so when the second message comes in.
“New material for you to get off to,” with a photo of you in some new lingerie you have been holding out on him from seeing.  He can clearly tell what you are insinuating he does with the photo and it makes him let out a groan, making everyone glance over at him.  He sends you one quick reply, knowing it will get the point across.
“When I get home you aren’t going to be able to walk the next day.”
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yothangie · 3 months
Missing Their Kids event
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HJ ver, SH ver, YH ver, YS ver, SN ver, MG ver, WY ver, JH ver
Pairing: Dad! Wooyoung, Ballet student daughter (6 years old) Fem Mom reader
WRD count: 911
Genre: Idol Wooyoung, angst, a hit of fluff, Wooyoung cries, i can't write anything but angst Im so sorry
Ateez Dad Masterlist Join the Taglist
It was comeback season, during the time the group had different schedules such as music shows and interviews
For months your daughter has been telling wooyoung about her ballet recital and how she has a small solo in the dance
Of course wooyoung was excited for her and promised her he would be there
But the schedule has him at a variety show the whole day.. The same day his daughter has her recital he was devastated.
How is he gonna tell you he can’t make it, matter of fact how is he gonna tell his little girl he can’t make it??
He had all that in his mind during the day, once he got home he was a little sad on how he was gonna break the news
“How was work my love” you said
“It was good,” he sighed.
Wooyoung plopped down on the couch and let down a deep sigh
“Is everything okay” you sat down next to him
“We have a schedule the day of her recital” he confessed
“You can’t reschedule” you asked
“No I tried talking to hongjoong about it but it was already set and i can’t change it”
“Well you should try talking to her, she’s still awake” you suggested
He was debating if he should break the news to her now or not.
It took a lot of courage for him to be standing in front of her room, he quietly knocked on her door
He hears the little footsteps coming towards the door opening it a little.
“Hi appa” her eyes lit up seeing the sight of her dad
“Hi pumpkin” wooyoung steps into the room, he sits himself next to her bed on the floor.
He grabs the little girl bringing her to his lap, he hates having to break such news to her.
“You know how you have your recital on saturday” he starts
“Yes, appa promised he would go and watch me dance” she smiles
“Well pumpkin appa might have to break that promise” he says
A little pout begins to form on the girl she looked down not wanting to make eye contact
“But appa you promised”
“I know but i have work” he tried pulling the girl in a hug only for her to push him away.
“Appa likes work more than me” she cried
It broke wooyoung having to hear those words coming from her own daughter.
“Dont say that pumpkin”
She got up and ran out of her bedroom sniffing and crying
Wooyoung sighed and got up heading to your guy's shared room, seeing the little girl curled up next to you asleep
“She came in crying saying you don't love her anymore” you said
“I tried to have the schedule changed i really did” he sighed
“You shouldn’t feel bad, you have no control over that”
“But ever since she was born i told her i would never break her promise and i did that” he said
“She needs to understand you won’t always be here because of your job” you said
Wooyoung sighs and sits on the bed seeing the girls back facing him.
“I’ll talk to her again tomorrow she probably doesn’t want to see me” Wooyoung pouts
“Don’t say that”
“She pushed me away when i tried to hug her”
You got up carrying your daughter and took her to her room for her to sleep, you went back to your shared room seeing wooyoung in the bathroom.
You felt bad that wooyoung had to witness his daughter saying harsh things to him, wooyoung has a day off tomorrow so you’ll definitely have a talk with her about it.
The next day rolls around, you wake up to see your husband out of bed, you got up doing your morning routine, hoping he is in the kitchen which thank god he is.
“You’re up early” you mumbled
“I want to prepare something so that hopefully she isn’t sad anymore,” he said.
A few moments passed by you both hear little footsteps coming to the kitchen
“good morning mama” the little girl raises her arms to be carried
you went ahead and carried for daughter making your way next to wooyoung who’s preparing the plates
“say ‘good morning appa’ “ you said
your daughter quickly whipped her head into your neck not wanting to look at her dad.
Wooyoung gave you a look, a look of ‘see she hates me’
“what’s wrong” you say nudging her a bit
“he’s not going” she pouts
“that’s because appa needs to work”
“he always works” she grumps
“if he doesn’t work then you can’t do ballet” you said
The little girl slowly looks over at her dad and pouts
A tear sheds from wooyoung, he feels like he disappointed the girl he treasures the most
“I’m sorry I can’t go my love but please don’t be mad” Wooyoung chokes
Your daughter started to crying in your shirt, you look over at wooyoung signaling him to grab his child, which he did
He held his child tight, afraid to let her go, both crying.
Wooyoung pulled his daughter back wiping away her tears
"appa please come" she cries
"you know i want to go but i can't"
Wooyoung continues to wipe the tears away from his daughtr as they continue to spill
"promise me you will do good at your recital" he holds out his pinky
the little girl nodded intertwining her little pinky to his.
Taglist: @reooreo @starhwahwa @nnnarchives @enbymingi @nvdhrzn @strawberry-cube @tinyelfperson @soso59love-blog @pai-fe @Kkumiikumii @blackb3ll @marvelfanatic4life @n3neni @everythingboutkpop @taz-97 @jjoongstar
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ham-st4r · 10 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓽. 5 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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📞Pairing: heeseung + fem reader!
Warnings: mentions of mutual masturbation, dirty talk, pet names, mature jokes.
Genre: PSO (phone sex operator) heeseung
Note: just a lil filler chap hope you enjoy!!!
Number of words: will add later
Find your way around!
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It was early in the morning by the time you and Ethan had finished your little mutual masturbation session, and you were both tired and exhausted after sharing multiple orgasms back to back, but that didn't stop you guys from texting each other back and forth till sunrise he wanted to talk to you on the phone some more, but you were too shy after everything you did with him so you decided texting would be better.
Heeseung: So I feel like we rushed into this a little fast, so maybe if it's okay with you, we could talk and get to know each other better.
Your heart jumps at the thought of him actually wanting to get to know you. When you first called him that night, you never even thought of something like this happening, but you weren't complaining either.
You: Sure, I'd love to
He smiles, fingers dancing across his keypad to reply
Heeseung: So, I guess I should get this out of the way first. My real name is actually heeseung and not Ethan.
You cup your mouth in shock while reading his text.
You: There's no way.
Heeseung: Why? Do you not like it? You can still call me Ethan if you want. I just thought I'd let you know.
You: No, I do like it, but I just moaned your fake name for the past hour. Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Heeseung: Sorry, angel, but I do have to admit I love the way you call me Ethan.
You: But what if I called you by your real name?
Heeseung: Fuck don't say that now. I'm gonna get hard all over again just thinking about it.
You: Not saying it 😬
Heeseung: So, are there any secrets you're hiding from me or things I should know before we start talking?
You: What, no, why would I?
Heeseung: I'm playing Angel, so tell me more about yourself. You had me intrigued since day 1
You blushed, kicking your feet excitedly as you went on to tell him more about yourself. Some trivial things and, surprisingly, a lot of personal things that normally you found hard to open up about, but with him, it was so easy, especially cause he opened up to you about a lot of things as well.
The sun was up while the two of you texted away with each other, talking about an array of various topics until you both had to go to sleep. Finally, you had school in the morning, and he had worked at a sandwich shop he had told you about earlier.
Heeseung: Angel, I'm so sorry. I gotta go now. I have school and then work tomorrow, but if it's okay, I'd like to talk some more.
Your heart flutters, still not able to comprehend the fact that you were actually talking to the guy you met on a phone sex site, and on top of that, he was actually interested in getting to know you.
You: I'd love to. I'll be home by three my time.
Heeseung: Okay, I work part-time in the afternoon, so I'll call a bit later, okay, Angel?
You: Okay, goodnight etha- I mean heeseung
You tease.
He chuckled at the text, eyes burning from staying up and talking to you for so long, but it was so worth it.
Heeseung: Goodnight angel
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Heeseung: Morning
Heeseung texted you first thing. He knew you'd probably still be asleep after staying up so late, but he knew you'd see his text at some point today.
He was right cause you woke up hours later and saw his text responding to him immediately.
You: Morning Ethan
Heeseung: Look who finally decided to show I was so lonely without you. 🥺
You: Please as if 🙄
Heeseung: Wow, here I am, trying to be cute, and you just diss me. That's cold, especially after I sent nudes. 😔
You: Aww 😀
Heeseung: Rude
Heeseung: So anyway, are you still at school? Was it fun? How is your day going so far?
You smile at your screen, getting all giddy because he's actually taking an interest in what you're doing.
You: I'm walking home now, but yeah it was fun but also kinda boring if that makes sense.
Heeseung: It totally does, angel, and I'm happy you're finished. You deserve a break.
You: Thank you
Heeseung: Wait, you don't mind if I call you angel, right?
You: Of course not. I love it when you call me that.
Heeseung: Good girl.
You: *blush*
Heeseung: Cutie, so I was thinking maybe once I get off work, if you'd like to chat for a while, are you still up for that?
You: Hmmm, sure, I'd like that.
Heeseung: I get off at five, is that okay?
You: Works for me.
You: But wait, aren't you supposed to do your other job?
You ask after finding out he worked two jobs along with school.
Heeseung: Shh, haha, yeah, but like, of course, I'm gonna skip it for you duh🙄
You: Heeseung, don't do that.
You reply, letting him know that you shouldn't be his priority over working.
Heeseung: It's whatever, just something I do for quick cash cause I'm good at it. Besides, missing one night isn't going to break the bank.
You: If you say so.
Heeseung: I do say so. I'm gonna get back to work before my manager scolds me for being on the clock while on my phone. Expect to hear from me later, though, okay?
You: Okay! Have a good rest of your shift. I look forward to hearing your voice again😉
You add, attempting to flirt a little.
Heeseung: Keep talking like that and watch the way I walk off the job so I can go home and call you.
You: 😬
"So, angel, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" You were both home relaxing on your beds while you FaceTime each other, except he was the only one showing his face.
You go on to tell him where you're from, and as soon as the words leave your mouth, his face falls completely flat.
"You're joking? Like, please tell me you're joking."
"That's hours away from here," he pouts. "Like thousands of miles."
"So?" You shrug.
"So? I was thinking about meeting you, obviously not this soon, but like maybe later down the road once we get closer, but I guess that's probably not gonna ever happen."
"That's what FaceTime is for," you chuckled, trying to hide your happiness. You couldn't believe he had actually thought about meeting you.
"I can't touch you through the phone," he deadpans as your giggling comes to a stop.
"O-oh," you whisper shyly.
"What? Something wrong?"
"Nothing, just trying to get used to your forwardness."
"I can tone it down a bit since we haven't known each other that long, you know? I just thought since we already you know it'd be okay, but if not I'll stop."
He rambles on and on.
"No, it's fine. I like it, and I feel really close to you already, like two peas in a pod." You smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"Yeah, we covered a lot of ground last night," you laughed.
"We sure did," he smirked, and by that look, you already knew he was about to say something. "So, how about you let me put my pea in your pod?"
"Stop it." You covered your face, cupping your cheeks that were burning from embarrassment.
"You're so easy to tease," he giggles. "So is it like cold where you are then?
He asked instead of teasing you some more.
"Yes, and it's a bit past midnight already," you groan.
"Midnight? So, should I let you go now?"
"I think that would be best, yeah."
He popped his mouth. "Dang it, well, okay. I can call you again tomorrow if you want at the same time?"
"Same time. Goodnight, Ethan."
He rolls his eyes jokingly. "Night night angel"
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback! -🐹
Permanent taglist @hee-pster @hoyeonheeseung @furious-eagle @heehoonsnemo
Just a call away taglist " @heeseungshim @rayofsunshineeee @fakeuwus @heesquared @skzenhalove @wildflowermooon @get-a-guitar bold can’t be tagged
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aviawrites · 2 years
maybe i need help. (r.c)
𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘳𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘥’𝘴 *𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵*, 𝘙𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘶𝘮𝘣 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘯, 𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴. 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘷𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦…(2.2𝘬)
𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦, 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘱𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯/𝘵𝘰𝘹𝘪𝘤!𝘳𝘢𝘧𝘦, 𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘨
𝘢/𝘯: 𝘩𝘪!! 𝘴𝘢𝘥𝘭𝘺, 𝘪 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘈𝘝𝘈𝘛𝘈𝘙 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯 (𝘪 𝘳𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦), 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪’𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘴! 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘰 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 ‘𝘰𝘣𝘹 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘴𝘵.’ 𝘪 𝘳𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚3 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘨𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩, 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘮! 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘢𝘺, 𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴, 𝘶𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥, 𝘪𝘭𝘺<3
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You zip your book bag as quietly as you can, attempting not to wake Rafe. He softly snores, sleeping in until 12pm for the 4th morning in a row.
You tried not to judge him. He lost Ward only three weeks ago and you understood how that would change him, he’d never be the same man again.
But he was.
The same day that Sarah broke the news to him, he was on the balcony of Tanneyhill snorting a line. It hurt your heart to see him revert back to the Rafe he was before he met you. He had worked so hard to get out of that.
And everyday since then he’s fallen deeper. Drinking at the country club until early hours of the morning, leaving bags and residue of white powders all around his empty house, mouthing off the most vile things to you like it’s nothing.
All of that mixed with his lack of affection the last few months brought you to a breaking point. You can only try to better him for so long before realizing he doesn’t want to get better. If he changes, he’ll have to figure it out on his own.
You swing your bag full of stuff over your shoulder and take a deep breath, preparing for how this conversation might go.
“Rafe…” You mutter, half considering turning and walking out without warning.
But you know he’d only show up at your front door tomorrow.
He stirs in the bed, pulling the white duvet higher over his sun kissed biceps. You sigh, already hesitant on this decision.
“Rafe.” You say again, louder this time.
He lays on his stomach, faced away from you.
“Hm?” He utters.
Good enough.
“I’m leaving.”
“Okay.” He slurs, still very asleep.
“I’m leaving for good.” You urge. The clearer you are now, the lesser the chance of him claiming you never told him about it.
You stare at him a little longer, not knowing if you should properly wake him or not. You contemplate it, but quickly realize that it’d only end in a fight. Rafe would never take this lightly, and you couldn’t take the arguing right now.
Your mind now made up, you grab your phone from the dresser and walk out. You softly shut the door behind you, looking out over the vast residence that is Tanneyhill.
Sarah hasn’t been back here since she lost Ward and Wheezie and Rose have been MIA. You and Rafe thought it’d be a good idea to stay in Tanneyhill, you were excited to have your own house. But it’s been the most trapped you’ve ever felt. You and him in your own isolated purgatory for three weeks with no lifeline. Walking out of these doors will be like returning from hell.
You’ve only just made it to the bottom step when you hear the door behind you open. You’d be stupid to think it’s anyone else.
“Wait, Y/N.” You hear that anger inflicting voice call behind you.
You reluctantly look back. Rafe stumbles out of his room, throwing a light pink polo over his frame. The rays from the dozens of windows tone his body like a greek god.
“Where the fuck are you going?” He shakes his head, looking down from the top stair as he examines your packed bag.
“I told you already.” You mumble, losing the little confidence you had back in his room.
“Yes, I know that.” He sneers, already irritated. “But I was unconscious so if you’d do me the courtesy of saying it again that’d be great.”
You don’t even have the energy to roll your eyes at him. The attitude is constant and you shouldn’t have to get used to his disrespect.
You lower your head, strategizing the easiest way to end this conversation.
“I’m going home, Rafe.” You flat out say. He just stares at you, waiting for more. “Me and you aren’t going to work, don’t act like you don’t see that. We don’t need to fight, alright. I have my stuff, this can just be over with.”
He squints his eyes and shakes his head at you as if you’re speaking seven different languages.
“…What- What are you-“
You don’t bother waiting on him to finish before turning and heading toward the front door. Your hand quickens to unlock the door when you hear Rafe’s footsteps hurdling down the stairs. The door is barely open before he reaches his arm over your head and shuts it.
“What do you mean over with? What the hell are you talking about?” He towers over you, far too close for comfort.
You turn to face him, sighing as you know the bags under his eyes aren’t just from fatigue.
“Rafe, just stop. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“No. No, I really-“ He squeezes his eyes shut, using his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. “I really fuckin’ don’t, Y/N. I actually don’t know anything that you’re saying.”
“I’m saying that we need to break up.”
His red eyes bore into yours and he removes his hand from the door. He tilts his head, looking at you completely confused.
“Break up. Wh- Why would we do that?”
Just the way he’s talking to you so hungover and still high makes your blood boil. He knows what he’s doing to himself and likes it this way.
“Break up. Why would we-“ He walks away from you, bringing his hands to his eyes as if he’s desperately trying to stay awake for this conversation. “Why the fuck would we break up, Y/N. What are you talking about?”
He’s so zoned out it’s scary.
“Rafe, be honest with yourself.” You say as he begins pacing the atrium of the mansion. “We have no reason to stay together. You know this-“
“No, I don’t fucking know this!” His shout echoes as he points a finger at you from across the room. “Stop talking to me like I’m crazy or some shit. You’re not making any fucking sense.” He groans, rubbing his hands over his face.
“When’s the last time we had a conversation that wasn’t an argument, huh?” You ask. “When’s the last time I didn’t go to bed alone? Or you didn’t come home drunk?”
He shakes his head, “What, so you wanna leave me because I have a few drinks here and there?”
You look away from him, not believing that’s all he heard come out of your mouth.
“I just lost my dad, Y/N, give me a fuckin’ break!”
“I know that you lost your dad, Rafe. And I’m sorry-”
“No.” He cuts you off, “You’re not sorry. Someone who’s sorry wouldn’t be trying to up and leave and run from me because I’m going through some shit.”
You can’t help but laugh in astonishment. He can’t truly believe that this is you abandoning him.
“Are you kidding me?” You scoff, “All I’ve done is try to help you. I’ve offered up plans, I’ve found you people to talk to, I’ve always been there for you. I was the one, the only one, willing to help Rafe Cameron get better. No one else. I was here, Rafe. And you told me to fuck off.”
He rolls his eyes, “I didn’t-“
“You did, don’t fucking lie.” You point at him. “That’s all you do is lie, and drink, and get high at 4am when you could be home, with me. Getting better.”
“I’m sorry I drink, okay? I’ll do it less often. You happy?” He puts his arms up.
You stare at him. You genuinely can’t tell if he’s so intoxicated that he can only see things as two dimensional or if this is just who he is now. But either way, this is a perfect example of why you can’t stay with him anymore. You can only try to help someone so much before you begin hurting yourself.
“You don’t get it.” You murmur, turning and opening the door.
“No, no, no, no.” Rafe sprints behind you, closing the door once again.
You don’t turn back to him this time, staying faced toward the door.
“Rafe, please.” You beg, just wanting this to be over with.
“I’ll change, okay?” His voice completely switches as he swiftly turns the lock on the door before dropping his arm. “I’ll do better. I’ll stop drinking and getting high, I’ll stop all of that shit. I just…“ He pauses. “I just need you to stay with me.”
If you didn’t know any better you’d think that Rafe Cameron is standing behind you crying. You know that the minute you turn around and see his face turned red and eyes glossy, you’d stay out of pity. You can’t let yourself do that.
“I just wanna go home.” You stare at your feet. “Just let me go home.”
“Baby, please…” He begs, his voice hitching. You curse yourself as you feel your eyes filling with water.
Rafe’s hand creeps up to your shoulders, slipping your back pack off of you and onto the floor. You shut your eyes tight, letting a tear fall as you predict how this is going to go. The way it always does when you try to leave.
He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his head in your neck, allowing his own tears to fall onto you.
“I can’t do it without you.” He whispers. “I won’t be able to do any of this without you. I’ll do better, I swear to god. Just one more chance.”
You take a deep breath, your shoulders dropping in defeat. The hardened shell that you had up has now disintegrated with Rafe’s touch as you let yourself cry. You stay there, both of you a sobbing mess.
“What are we doing, Rafe?” You ask, barely audible.
He pulls away from your neck and puts pressure on your sides, turning you to face him. You still don’t look at him, only looking at his now tear stained polo.
He doesn’t answer you, simply reaching to cradle your face before pulling you into the softest kiss he’s ever given you. You can’t focus on anything as you taste the salt from both of your tears interlaced into your kiss. A trillion thoughts fill your head, yet you can’t focus on a single one.
This isn’t healthy. This isn’t how this should’ve gone, that you know.
But he’s just so…
He’s broken. And he needs help. Who else is going to keep trying for him if not you?
“I just want to love you…” He says in between sloppy kisses. He momentarily pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. “Stay and show me how.”
You finally lock eyes with him. For only one second, all of your doubts go away. All you can see is a boy who’s shattered inside. A boy who needs love, care, and patience.
The same boy who lay in your lap crying about his father so many times. The same boy who brought you flowers every Friday night when you started dating.
You can’t think about the fact that it’s the same boy who leaves holes in your walls. The same boy who says evil things to you when he’s angry. The same boy who you fear will consume your life one day.
That’s not who he is right now. Right now he’s your Rafe. The Rafe who needs help. The Rafe who wants to love you. He finally wants to love you.
You nod, sniffling.
“Okay…” You whisper.
He smiles, chuckling through his tears.
You can’t hold back your grin, “Yea.”
He pulls you back into a kiss, hooking his arms under your thighs and wrapping them around his waist. You squeal like you’re a naive teenager as he turns toward the stairs, leaving your packed bag at the door while you wrap your arms around his neck. He walks the two of you up the stairs, not breaking away from this now giggle filled kiss.
You make it back into his bedroom where he lays you down onto the white comforter. You laugh, high on Rafe Cameron as he begins unbuttoning your jeans.
He pulls them off of your legs before returning to your lips, sliding down to your neck. You run your hands over his buzzed head, throwing your head back as you revel in this feeling that you haven’t felt in a long time.
Suddenly, you feel him bite your neck, not as gently as he usually does.
“Ow.” You flinch, raising a hand up to the spot.
He comes back up, staring you in the face as you look at your fingers to see specs of blood from your neck.
You don’t recall feeling this small underneath him as you stare at each other, his eyes boring into yours.
“Don’t ever think about leaving me again.” He sneers.
Your dopamine is quickly replaced with fear surging through your body, as he doesn’t have an ounce of lightness to him at that moment. You're frozen, completely whip lashed by the stark change in attitude.
He lingers a bit longer before dipping back down to your neck, continuing like nothing happened.
You don’t put your hands back on his head. You just stare up at the ceiling, now regretting ever taking him back.
You knew this would happen. It always does. It’s insane the way you continue to let him do this to you. It almost makes you think that you’re as sick as he is. Maybe you need help.
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Hi ! can you make a chuuya x reader. Reader is studying late at night cramping for her exam which is in the morning and chuuya is at work and accidently calls the reader instead of his worker because the worker did something wrong and some other men reported it to chuuya and when reader picks it up she hears chuuya scoulding and then she tells he dialed the wrong no. And chuuya apologizes and asks why she is late awake and she tells the reasons and while chuuya is talking to her he tells his men to go out because he doesn't want to be seen all soft in front of them and then tells reader to not stay awake late and she should be asleep when he comes home .Sorry for any grammatical mistake.thanks and have a good day/night!
Sleep or Study -Chuuya Nakahara
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Oneshot: Where Chuuya accidently dials you in the middle of the night. Genre: Fluff A/N: OML SUCH A GOOD IDEA 10/10 LOVED IT!! →Masterlist
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The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of a desk lamp, casting long shadows across the pages of textbooks and notes sprawled out in front of you.You were very tired and weary, studying late into the night, cramping for an exam that was scheduled for the early hours of the morning. Outside, the world was quiet, save for the occasional passing car and the distant hum of the city.
Unexpectedly, your phone's ringtone was heard across the room which statled you a little, before you shove the piles of paper and notes here and there to find your phone.
It was Chuuya calling you. You recieve the phone before putting up on speaker, the dim litted room silient at night.
Chuuya's voice crackled through the phone, sharp and scolding. "I told you idiots to be careful! Do I have to do everything myself?" His frustration was evident, and you couldn't help but feel a sympathy for whoever was suppose to be on the other end of the line.
Just as he launched into another verbal attack, you interrupted, trying to keep your voice steady despite being taken off guard. "Uh, Chuuya? I think you dialed the wrong number."
There was a brief pause before you hear Chuuya's sharp inhale. "Ah, damn it. Sorry about that," he muttered, his tone softening slightly. "I'm dealing with some work issues. What are you doing up so late?"
You sighed, rubbing your temples as you glanced at your textbooks scattered across the table. "I have an exam tomorrow, well today um……and I'm trying to cram as much as I can. I'll be honest; it's not going well."
Chuuya's voice softened even more, a rare gentleness spread through his usual hothead personality. "You shouldn't be up this late, especially with an exam tomorrow. You need rest," he scolded, concern lacing his words.
You could hear muffled voices and footsteps in the background, and Chuuya, realizing he was still on duty, barked at his men, eying each one of them, "Get out, all of you. I don't need an audience for this."
After a few moments of shuffling and grumbling, the background noise faded away, leaving just Chuuya's voice and a sense of privacy. "Look, I know exams are important, but your health matters too. Promise me you'll get some rest after this call. I don't want you falling asleep over your books."
His caring words warmed your heart, and you couldn't help but smile, even though he couldn't see it. "I promise, Chuuya. I'll go to bed soon. You should come home soon you know? Its late for you too. But you should get back to your work now. I don't want to distract you."
There was a soft huff on the other end of the line. "Don't worry about me. I can handle my idiots here. Just take care of yourself, okay? I'll be home as soon as I can."
You nodded, though he couldn't see it. "I will. Good luck with your work, Chuuya. And thanks for caring."
A rare, genuine chuckle escaped him. "Someone has to make sure you're taking care of yourself, right? Now, get some rest. I'll talk to you soon."
After a moment of silence, Chuuya spoke again, his voice filled with genuine care. "Goodnight. Sleep well love, I'll see you soon."
"Goodnight," you said, hanging up the phone and feeling a sense of comfort wash over yourself. Chuuya's unexpected call had momentarily lifted your spirits, and you couldnt help but smile at the conversation you had with him in the past minute.
You looked at your books before a debating question filled your mind, should you sleep or study?
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Taglist: @averagehisoilluenjoyer, @high-on-dazai @ruru-kiss Join or remove your user here.
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celestialprincesse · 6 months
hey!!! I just wanted to say I really love your work, and this is my first time asking for a request so sorry if it’s not very specific or doesn’t make sense 😭💕
I was wondering if you could do a john price x fem!reader where Laswell and price are at base and Laswell’s wife and prices wife (reader) are hanging out because it’s what they usually do when their partners are deployed. Laswell’s wife and reader are just sending them some cutesy vlogs or photos of what they’re doing, maybe of them like curled up watching like movies or maybe like little videos to them and Price and Laswell are watching the videos together and js like FLUFFY AND CUTEE
Anyways no worries if that’s not something you’re comfortable doing, again just wanted to say I really love your work, and feel free to change anything 💕
Anon??!! I'm so honoured that you'd send your first ever request to lil old me! Laswell is my favourite tired lesbian and I want to have her babies
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"I wonder how they're getting on." Snaps you from your Legally Blonde induced reverie, the soft drawl of Madeline Laswell, your long time best friend, breaking the torpor under which you'd both been settled all morning.
The two of you have been curled on your fluffy couch since this morning, only having moved to retrieve your takeaway orders from the doorstep or acquire more snacks to fuel your ongoing movie marathon. You'd successfully managed to scare Maddie out of her mind this morning, calling in the early hours of the morning, voice thick with tears as you babbled incoherently about John. Of course, her first thought, still delirious and half-asleep, was that her best friend had just been left a widow. This, however, she'd proven wrong, ringing Kate's emergency line in the hopes of confirming the status of your husband for your peace of mind.
Maddie, having calmed your panic (one that she knows all too well), turned up on your doorstep not even an hour later, a bar of chocolate the size of her head in one hand, and a supermarket bag stuffed with all of your favourite crisps and dips in the other. A bottle of wine and three romcoms in, your earlier crisis is all but gone.
"I miss them." You hum absently back, voice a little muffled around the handful of your favourite fizzy sweets you'd just shoved into your mouth. "Does John have a work number?" Maddie probes, not looking up from where she currently paints her fingernails a pretty, pearlescent shade of blue. "Yeah. I try not to text him on it unless there's an emergency though. Or if he says he has time to talk." "Kate has one too. You think they're busy?" "I mean - she called you back this morning, no? They only ever call or text when they're inactive."
The look on Maddie's face is one you know all too well. You've seen it countless times over the years you've been friends, and it always spells disaster. Before you know it, she's got her phone in hand, camera open and pointed at where the two of you are piled together amongst chocolate wrappers and blankets.
"Hey, Katie! and John - you guys should watch this together." She chats brightly to the camera in that wonderfully animated chirp of hers. "We're just here watching romcoms because someone" You laugh softly, blushing as she pans the camera to where you sit drowning in one of John's old hoodies. "- was getting all up in her own head panicking. Don't worry John, I'm looking after her."
Kate's phone pings as she and John sit around a table in a dingy bar in some cold, far off city. Of course, she can't tell either you, or her own wife, that they're coming home tomorrow - just incase the signal gets intercepted. It won't, but she can't try her luck and risk leaving two of her favourite women without their partners.
"It's Maddie." She muses, one dirty blonde eyebrow raised in confusion as she swipes open the video attachment her wife had sent. John looks up at her over the condensed rim of his beer bottle, his own eyebrows furrowing.
"The girls are together." Kate continues, relief painting her tone as she places her phone on the table between them, allowing John to see the grainy video too. "- because someone was getting all up in her own head panicking. Don't worry John, I'm looking after her." Price chuffs at Maddie's words, but the way his eyes soften when he sees your blushing pink face, the way his hoodie drapes over you, is almost impossible to miss. "Anyways! We'll see you soon! Be safe - we love you!"
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Writing this made me lowk a lil bit 🥲🥹 Laswell and Price are just like the softest when it comes to their spouses💕
N e ways! Thank you for ur cute request!!! It was lovely!!! A nice lil break from getting all emo or posting my shitty memes!!! Love u love u love u!!
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this is part two of this angsty post about Baby Bradley (you might wanna read it first, just to make sense of this part) - Slider POV
It’s late, too late, when he hears the front opening. He is instantly on alert — Shay’s been sleeping for two hours now, conked out by a whole day at work and cooking up a baby inside her — because it’s too late for visitors.
He almost hits Baby Goose with a baseball bat.
Bradley is taking his shoes off, the spare key they have in the flower pot at the front stairs lying near his backpack. His hands are covered in dirt and he’s looking at Ron with his doe eyes wide.
Everyone says he’s Goose’s mirror image but when he stands there, curly hair getting too long again and messy, with those innocent big eyes and head tilted back, all Ron sees is Carole.
It always makes him melt into a puddle, too.
“Do your folks know you’re here?” Ron will take the dead silence as a no. “How did you even get here?”
Bradley is allowed to take the bus on his own, now that they live in one, stable place and Mav had gone on the three major routes with him — the bus to school, to Ron and Sarah’s house, and to the base.
Ice still insists on driving him around everywhere, just because he is such a control freak.
Bradley’s voice is barely hearable and he isn’t meeting Ron’s eyes as he admits, “I walked.”
They don’t leave that far away — less than two miles — but an eleven-year-old should not be walking around alone on the streets past nine.
Ron takes a deep breath. “Look, I’m going to call Ice—”
“He’s at work,” Bradley interrupts, because of course he does — he always has an answer, growing into the mini Maverick that he is.
“Then I’ll call Mav,” Ron counters.
“He’s asleep.”
“Then you shoulda thought about that before you walked here at one in the morning,” Ron points out before he steps back into the kitchen to grab the phone off the wall.
Midway through the kitchen floor, still in the dark since he forgot to turn on the light, Ron feels a weight hanging onto his pajama sleeve. “Do you have to call him?”
“Buddy,” Ron says because he’s so weak against those big brown eyes but can’t just let Bradley get away with everything. What he did was dangerous. He could have gotten hit by a car, kidnapped, or lost, or—Ron doesn’t even want to think about all the things that could’ve happened.
“I promise I’ll go back home before Mav wakes up,” Bradley pleads.
That’s really not the problematic part in the whole situation. “And what about when Ice comes home and goes to check on you and you’re not there?”
Bradley turns his head away and mumbles under his breath, “He won’t.”
“He won’t what?”
“He won’t do that,” he says, eyes on the floor.
And Ron doesn’t know what it is but there’s just something in his voice, in the way it cracks despite being so quiet, and in his posture, the way he raises his shoulders like a guard — and it’s make something under skin crawl.
“Bradley, what’s going on?”
“Nothing,” he mumbles, turning away from him.
Ron is weak. He is getting bigger and bigger but he is still so tiny it feels like Ron could fit him in the palms of his hands. He looks even smaller, now, coiled up against Ron’s leg like he wants to turn invisible.
“Okay, you can stay the night—”
Ron would scold himself for falling for it, again, but Bradley’s eyes, even with the excitement in his voice, don’t lose the sad tinge completely.
“But only on the condition that I’ll call Mav anyway and tell him where you are,” Ron says, kind of proud of himself for not giving in completely. “And you have to get up bright and early tomorrow—today, so we can take you to school on time.”
He waves his hand, just so those doe eyes go away before he caves in completely. 
“Go get your jammies and make those pearly whites—”
“You’re talking to me like I’m five again,” Bradley says and Ron holds back a smile.
“You gotta deal with it, kid,” he says, shushing him upstairs. “Go, I’ll call Mav.”
Ice’s house (and Mav’s, no that he’d call it that, ever, Maverick will never be his brother-in-law, even if they actually get married someday, he's going to be at best a menace-in-law) is on their speed dial as number one.
He’s expected to wait a few minutes on the line, until Mav wakes up and strides huffing and puffing into the kitchen to pick up the phone, but he barely gets the second tone and hears, “Hello?”
“Slider, this isn’t a good time, Bradley is—”
“—here,” Ron finishes for him. “He’s here, Mav, showed up about ten minutes ago. Says he walked here.”
“What?” Mav spits out. “I was about to call the goddamn police! Ice, I was about to call Ice!”
Ron’ll never admit it but he agrees that Ice probably would throw a bigger manhunt than the police if he found out Bradley was missing.
“Look, he doesn’t want to go home—”
“Oh, hell no, he’s coming home now, I’m getting my keys—”
“I already promised him he can stay the night,” Ron cuts in, feeling a headache coming.
“You can’t promise him stuff like that!”
Ron might be a dad-to-be only, but he can understand why Mav is pissed off. He certainly would prefer if his kid that he thought was missing came back home so he could at least see that he is safe and in one piece and maybe so he can ground his ass but Bradley—there’s just something off.
“What, do you want me to send him home so he runs off again to some unknown place in the middle of the night?”
“Oh, he can try,” Mav says. “Even if he somehow managed to sneak out again, I’ll now know where he is. I’m going to take my chances.”
“I don’t think he’ll come back here again, not knowing I sold him out to you and let you take him back home,” Ron says. He can hear Mav groan into the phone in frustration and he gets it, he really does, but— “He looks upset, Mav, okay, I don’t know what happened but he wouldn’t have sneaked out on a whim, you know that.”
It takes him fifteen minutes and about a dozen promises to talk Mav into letting Bradley stay the night — he knows Mav probably won’t sleep a blink anyway — but finally, Ron settles on making them some tea so they can have a talk about safety and not giving his parents a heart attack.
And about whatever made Bradley act out like that.
He comes back downstairs and the ginger tea is already lukewarm enough to drink — they only have ginger tea now because Sarah is still nauseous despite being well out of the first trimester. Bradley sits down with him at the table, his Spiderman pajamas on, takes a sip and promptly grimaces.
“That’s yacky,” Bradley says.
“Believe me, I know, kid. It was two against one,” he says, feeling sleepy out of a sudden. “Your aunt would bite my head off if I said anything, anyway.”
Bradley still drinks more because he’s a good kid that never complains. Or maybe because he doesn’t want to talk to Ron.
“You want to tell me why you left home so late?” he prompts. “Did you have a nightmare?”
Bradley crosses his legs on the chair — Ice would’ve told him to sit properly but he’s not here so Ron lets it slide. Bradley shakes his head, wordlessly.
“Did you argue with Mav?” Ron tries again. Bradley looks away, at their fridge and the family photos and their collection of sonograms, and shakes his head, eyes not present. It scares the shit out of Ron. “Bud? Did someone say something? Do something, to you?”
“No,” he says, finally, barely hearable. “I don’t want to talk about it.” 
Ron weighs his options. Bradley's always been a kid with lots and lots of emotions but usually, he wouldn't mind displaying them raw — he could push but he isn't sure whether that would help or harm the situation more. He doesn't want to pressure him but he also doesn't want him to feel like he's alone with whatever made him act like this.
“You want to sleep in your room? Or do you wanna sleep with us, today?”
"Could I—" he begins and then closes his mouth. Ron lets him think through whatever is going over in his head, waiting, until Bradley asks quietly, "Could I sleep with you?"
"Of course you can," Ron says straight away, still feeling unsettled, like he's missing something. "Just try not to wake up your aunt, she's really grumpy in the morning lately. Don't tell her that I said that, either."
Bradley’s been—quiet.
The night visits became frequent. Frequent enough that after the fourth time Ice, like the insomniac he is, woke up and went to check on Bradley to find him missing, Mav and Ice bought him a bike. It was safer if he had lights and a helmet on, and the trip to Ron and Sarah’s house took him less time that way. It still isn’t safe but Bradley hasn’t even tried to wake any of them to take him to Ron in a car, like they promised they would, so any alternative was better.
Ron can’t exactly pinpoint what changed aside from how Bradley’s no longer bubbling a mile a minute and how he seems both clingy and unusually detached from them. He’s been staying vaguely around them but never close enough to touch, like he used to.
Today’s been especially strange. Bradley hasn’t even let Sarah cuddle with him after dinner. He helped her prepare the food, quiet and way too focused on tasks for the bouncy eleven-year-old he is, just asking her what to do next and not even humming along to the radio in the kitchen.
Ron, if this was any other kid, would say he is jittery about the parent-teacher meeting and what his folks would hear while talking to his teacher but in all honesty, Bradley doesn’t have anything to worry about — he has perfect grades, and aside from that fight he’d gotten into a couple weeks ago Ice and Mav already know about, he is a sweet, a bit shy kid who isn't much trouble.
Ice and Mav show up to pick him up at half-past eight. Sarah’s already gone for a nap that will turn into nine hours of sleep and Ron and Bradley are quietly sitting in the living room, each reading their own book. Their faces are turned into a grimace from the minute they step in to greet Ron and Mav is observing the kid like a hawk.
Bradley curls his legs closer and gives Ron a very short look, the big doe eyes telling Ron he is about to ask if he can stay the night. Ron shakes his head before he does it long enough he’ll give in.
“Go say bye to your aunt, buddy,” Ice tells Bradley which is a code for an adults-only conversation.
Ron doesn’t like it.
“She’s asleep,” Bradley points out.
It’s the truth, but Mav still hasn’t said anything, just staring at Bradley, so Ron says, “You can wake her up for a minute, she’ll probably want to know you’re going and will give you a kiss goodbye.”
Bradley hesitates, looking between Ron and Ice like they're tricking him into something. He and Sarah didn't have the greatest of starts — she moved to California not long after Carole got diagnosed and was the least familiar face during that hard time, often completely omitted when Bradley sought out adult comfort. It's been getting better and better the more time they spent together, and Bradley's been especially warming up since they told him about the baby — Sarah would talk to Bradley about the pregnancy often, explaining different things, taking him to shop for baby clothes, letting him think of baby names, letting him touch the baby bump. Ron has thought that maybe Bradley finally felt included enough by her to include her in his little trusted family.
Ron sometimes wonders if it's because Bradley knows he'd almost become his stepdad before he and Carole called it quits — they never told him they were together, tried to test it out before Bradley became attached but maybe they hadn't done a good job of it. Maybe when they broke up when it kept on feeling weird with Goose's memory still in both their heads, they should've explained it to him. Maybe he felt like Sarah took Ron away from him and his mom when he started dating her not long after she moved to San Diego.
"You go, bud, you're probably the only person that won't make her grumpy," Ron encourages.
Bradley jumps off the couch and meticulously puts his bookmark in his book and closes it, careful not to crease the pages or the spine — in a mirror image of Ice, because of course — and walks away to the corridor.
They listen until the bedroom door closes behind him, Ice picks up Bradley’s book and puts it in his jacket’s inside pocket, and Ron turns back to the adults-only conversation with a heavy heart. 
“He’s apparently been asking about adoption,” Maverick finally says, barely audible.
“I thought you already adopted him. The guardianship was switched to custody after a year, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, he, uhm—”
He doesn't continue and it's scaring the shit out of Ron. He looks like a wreck of a person.
“He’s been asking whether we can give him up,” Ice supplies, voice perfectly leveled, his hands tucked into his jean pockets. Just, expressionless, really.
“For adoption?” Ron asks. Ice nods. “Jesus Christ.”
Even with how withdrawn Bradley's been, he'd have never gone into that territory with his theories.
No wonder Bradley didn't want to say a goddamn word about what was bothering him.
Ice takes a deep breath and says, voice urgent, "Look, he comes to you a lot when he's upset, did he say anything? Anything that could explain where all those questions came from?"
“No,” he denies instantly. “Do you think someone at school could, you know, be a bit too nosy again?”
They had that problem before, in Lemoore, straight after Carole's death and before they moved, when some concerned parents had started asking too many questions about who Mav was and how he was managing Bradley's childcare and who was Ice and why was Ice so involved. It was the whole reason CPS has even bothered to look at Mav's custody agreement and put Bradley in foster care for so long.
“Bradley barely talks to the other kids, still, even if someone’s parents—” Mav stops and his gaze gets all wet and it doesn't go away even when Ice grips his hand. "I don't know."
"Come on, you know it's not—You're doing everything the right way, Mav, he's been through a lot but you could see he is dealing with it now and he's been happy, it's not—"
Ron doesn't know what he wants to say.
"Just talk to him," he says in the end. "He's your kid, just make sure he knows that."
When he looks at Ice, he doesn't know how to react — he's never seen him looking so lost.
"Where's he anyway? He should be back by now—" he grumbles. Maybe actually having Bradley within their range of sight, unharmed and present and not at some strangers house god knows where would make them feel better. "I'll go get him."
Ron walks to their bedroom like a robot, trying to school his expression by to calm so his helplessness doesn't show.
"Buddy, what's taking so long, did you fall asleep too—"
He stops talking at the view he gets when he opens the door — Bradley is curled up around Sarah’s baby bump, his hand under her t-shirt, and Sarah is dozing off again with her fingers in his curls, blinking sleepily at Ron.
"The baby is kicking," he says and he's whispering like anything louder would spook the baby into hiding again.
“I’ll come back in five minutes, buddy,” Ron says, keeping his voice low.
Ron's been baby-proofing the house for what feels like weeks now and Sarah is still insisting it's not enough, finding new boops and beeps to improve. And Ron loves her, really, but he also still works about fifty hours a week and the kid is not going to even be moving much for at least six or seven months after they pop out.
They're certainly not going to let the kid out alone on the terrace for longer than that, he's sure, but he's also sure if he told that he's nine months pregnant wife, he'd be sleeping on the couch. 
So he's modifying the terrace, so they have baby doors to the steps and the spaces in the little fence around the elevation is baby-proofed with a bouncy mesh net that their baby can smash their face all they want and not fall off.
It's almost eight already and Ron is still going at it, knowing he won't have the time later in the week but also running on about five hours of sleep, when he hears Bradley's bike rattle on the gravel on their driveway.
"Hey, kid," he says, not turning around from the task and trusting that Bradley is not going to run over Sarah's pansies again. Ron really doesn't want to find her planting new ones while nine months pregnant and he knows she would. "You here for anything in particular or just passing by?"
Bradley stops the bike, getting off and carefully avoiding the flower rows, thankfully. He is walking the thing now, to leave it next to their ugly garden shed.
"I was sick the whole week and now I don't understand my science homework," he tells him. "Mr. Kraig said I should come to the extra classes but we have a test before that."
Ron doesn't look from where he's measuring the stupid tiny fence. "Isn't this something you usually do with Mav and Ice?"
“I didn’t want to bother them.”
“So you thought you’d bother me?”
It’s just a joke — if Ron was a little less tired, he’d have remembered that Bradley’s already been feeling fragile around all the adults in his life and not having the greatest of times in general. He’d have been less snarky or maybe he’d have said nothing or maybe he’d prodded a little bit about why Bradley doesn’t want Ice’s or Mav’s help with homework anymore.
It’s just a joke but he doesn’t even manage to turn around and he hears the bike’s chain rattle as the kid starts biking off god knows where, not looking back.
He stands up to go over him but the stupid baby doors are in place and he trips when he tries to jump over them, knocking down the roll with the mesh net. It unrolls on the grass and by the time he's untangled from it all, he can't see Bradley on either end of the street.
"Sarah—" he calls out as soon as he's back in the house. "Call Ice and tell them to call us if Bradley turns up back home."
"What? Ronnie, where are you going?"
He's grabbing his car keys because like hell he's just going to sit and wait.
Bradley didn't say a single thing, just ran out. He's not coming back to them, he knows, and he's not sure how long it'll be before he caves in and goes back home.
He doesn't like it. He doesn't like it all.
He keeps on driving around in circles between theirs and Ice's house, looking out for Bradley's bike anywhere on the road, turning up back to check with Sarah that Ice hasn't called every twenty minutes or so.
It's getting dark when he notices Bradley's bike on Ice's porch.
"I'm going to call Sarah, tell her you're here already," Mav says and he dips into the kitchen.
Instantly, Ron's eyes search for Bradley and he's there, in one piece, in their living room, still getting scolded by Ice.
When he notices Ron and their eyes meet, he looks away, stepping to the side enough that he's well hidden behind Ice's legs.
Ice turns around. "Slider—"
Maybe he's too big, too old, for that, but never for Ron — he grabs Bradley under his arms and hugs him, one hand on his back, another under his thighs. It's as easy as it's always been despite what everyone says.
"Jesus Christ, kid," he blurts out. "You scared the living shit out of me."
"I’m sorry,” Bradley says and his voice is hoarse.
“No, I am sorry, kid,” he says, adjusting Bradley in his arms so he can flatten his cheek on Ron’s shoulder. “I didn’t mean it like that, I swear, you’ll never — never, all right? — bother us, I just—It was a bad joke, okay?”
“I know,” Bradley mumbles into his collarbone. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing, kid,” Ron insists.
He maneuvers him in his arms, detaches Bradley’s hands from around his shoulders so he looks at him and his eyes are shiny and red, and god, Ron just wants to take it all back, take it all away.
He doesn’t know what is going on with Bradley lately and he isn’t telling them but he wants them to have a safe place in them, he wants him to keep coming to them until he finally lets them help with whatever is happening.
“Promise me you know that, promise me you know you’ll never ever bother us, no matter what.”
Bradley doesn’t reply anything to that, instead saying, “Can you put me down? I’m not five.”
“Bradley,” Ice reprimands and Ron doesn’t care if he has a tone when he speaks to him, he just cares that—
“Promise me you know,” he repeats.
“I know, I promise,” he says.
He’s still not looking at him or at Ice, and he still seems so small, like he’s trying to take the least space he can, but he’s—he’s promising and Ron has to let go off him at some point, as heartbreaking as it feels.
He sets him back down on the carpet and Bradley curls into himself even more.
Ice opens his mouth, probably to continue the scolding and use Ron’s worry as a leverage, but Ron catches his eyes before he says anything. He shakes his head.
Juliette Nicole Kazansky Kerner was born on Friday, just a few minutes after three in the morning, after about twelve hours in labor and delivery.
They've decided early on that it was just going to be the three of them in the delivery suite and then for another twenty-four hours. Ron's mama was coming from Minnesota in about a week and that left just Ice and his little family.
They know the plan so they come in on Saturday, after breakfast, after Sarah slept off the exhaustion and is finally ready for visitors.
There are congratulations and hugs and then Julie crying and asking for food. There is the moment Maverick gets to hold her when she doesn't want to burp and gets her to do just so like it's the most natural thing and the moment after when Ice is looking at him with that smitten expression that Ron used to make fun of, before it became almost constant on him whenever Maverick is around.
There's a moment when finally, Bradley gets a very close look at Julie and stares at her with his mouth open and eyes wide and Sarah asks him, "Do you want to hold her?"
And then he's listening like his life depends on it when Sarah and Mav explain to him how to hold a baby and how he needs to be very careful with her head and not make too many movements not to drop her.
“She’s so tiny,” Bradley says and Ron is pretty sure he's repeated it at least three times now.
“That’s why you have to be really careful with her, buddy,” Ice says, adjusting Bradley's arm so it's holding their little Julie closer to Bradley's chest.
They're safely sitting in a big armchair with a pillow underneath just in case, but Bradley seems to have taken the cautions to heart and is holding Julie's limp head up and coconing her with his arms like it's a mission.
“She looked bigger in Aunt Sarah’s belly,” he says, still sounding awed.
Sarah laughs because truly, Bradley was the only one who could indirectly call her big and not unleash a hormonal wrath.
Maybe he said it too soon because Sarah starts crying instead, her lips are trembling when she looks at the two of them from where she's lying in bed still and next thing Ron knows, there's a waterfall.
She's smiling so he isn't too worried. He gets a whiplash because in less thirty seconds, Ice is crying to, still hovering over Bradley like the control freak he is, and if Ice is crying, that means Mav is not far behind.
Bradley lifts his head from where he was gazing at Julie and okay, Ron is a bit teary-eyed, too, by the time Bradley asks innocently, “Why is everyone crying?”
Those big doe eyes just make him weak. He's just praying he'll have more restraint with his own kids.
The nurse comes in to check on both Sarah and Julie, telling them she's probably going to be discharged tomorrow morning if their obs keep on being so good.
"We probably should grab something to eat," Ron supplies. "There's a buffet nearby."
Sarah had refused hospital food. And he's not going to be refusing her some good food when she's just popped a whole human into the world.
Bradley, realizing that standing up would mean letting go of Julie, asks, “Do I have to go with you?”
“No, but remember Mav is going to be picking your food if you stay and you know how he feels about vegetables,” Ice says.
“It’s fine,” Bradley decides and wow, the kid is really smitten, too. “Can I stay?”
They switch Bradley from the armchair to sitting next to Sarah in bed, just in case, and he's pouting the whole two minutes he doesn't have Julie in his arms.
"That was adorable," Ron says as soon as they leave the room. "I didn't think he'd take so well to her."
“I kinda wish we could have another kid just so he could be a big brother,” Mav says and he sounds like he's still melting inside.
“Yeah,” Ice agrees absently and he sounds so dreamy Ron snorts. “What?”
“Tom ‘I Don’t Like Kids’ Kazansky wanting more kids is never not going to be amusing,”
“It’s different when it’s your kids,” he protests, not ashamed at all.
And Slider supposes it is, at least for Ice because Ice is so good with Bradley, loves him so much, that he sometimes wonders if Ice's aversion to kids was just some way to protect him from heartbreak when having kids seemed impossible, given who Ice tended to love.
"Our three-month check up is on Friday, do you think you will be able to go with us? It's at six."
He's unpacking groceries in the kitchen, late after getting back from work, and Sarah is sitting in her rocking chair, nursing Julie for the last time before they put her to sleep for the night — she's going to wake up at least twice, but she seemed to have faded into tiredness as soon as Ron got to hold her for five minutes.
He's pretty sure he's only got paperwork to do on Friday so he should be fine, but—
“Thought it was going to be on Saturday?”
“Tom mentioned Bradley’s match is on Saturday, I thought you’d probably like to be there, too, so I made the switch,” Sarah says.
“He didn’t say anything about a match,” Ron notes. “Baby Goose, I mean.”
“We missed his last two so I thought we should probably start going to them again,” Sarah explains gently, her voice going quieter as Julie starts to fall asleep mid-feeding again. “He’s apparently banned Ice and Mav from coming because he’s embarrassed when they come, you know Tom is a bit of a soccer mom and—Ronnie?”
He—He feels it again, the feeling that something is wrong, but he can't really explain what is wrong with Bradley's behavior — kids do grow, get embarrassed by parents and uncles and want more independence. It just doesn't sit right with him.
“He didn’t tell me about his matches,” he realizes. It’s baseball season, it’s been for weeks. “He hasn’t slept over in four months, Shay.”
“He’s almost a teenager, he’s bound to start thinking you’re uncool,” Sarah says and it doesn't—
She isn't saying anything that doesn't ring true, Ron himself had those thoughts when he was much younger than Bradley. But it doesn't sit well with him. Bradley's been so off before Julie was born, for months, and now suddenly he seems to be not only fine, but fine without any of their support.
Sarah bumps Julie's nose, putting her shirt back over her arm and grabs the towel to put over her shoulder—
“At least you’ll have this one thinking you can save the world for a few more years," she says. "Can’t imagine how Mav and Ice are feeling right now.”
some people requested tagging so here you go hons: @callsign-hummingbird, @happypopcornprincess, @nearlynadin, @strangelove97, @pollyna, @heartthyshark
i know it's been a long time so let me know if you don't want me to tag you for the next part
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