#i should make a tag for this au. smth like TPCCS or smth idk
dearestsilhouette · 9 months
hey guys. kinda an elaboration post on this AU concept I made but.
not 100% sure what this is exactly, but I wanted to make it, sooo. hehe!!! :3
Hacker: The hacker is very swift and can easily confuse people, being able to glitch (teleport) around. They are also very smart and quick strategizers.
Wicked: The wicked is very destructive and deceiving. They are willing to damage, alter and destroy things just to get their way. They are also very independent compared to other roles.
Keeper: The keeper is, usually, very caring person, wanting to restore what’s been broken despite not being able to create. They prefer everything to be at least relatively orderly, making it their objective to keep everything organized.
Joker: The joker is, well, the joker. Their whole role’s definition is to joke around and just be an asshat, though some find a way to make their deceiving qualities useful.
Drifter: The drifter is usually a very causal and easy-going person. They’re chill going solo, yet can pair with a team pretty well. They’d be a good addition to a party or group.
Patron: The patron is a creator, being very determined to restore things, sort of like the keeper. The patron is different, though, as they can actually create things, often working with the keeper to keep (no pun intended) things orderly.
Archon: The archon is probably the most confusing role. The archon is hard to understand and unpredictable, being able to create two-way portals that others may access and use. The creation of these portals and where they end up, however, is quite hard to master.
Spectre: The spectre is a rare type of role to see, as it takes a lot of time (similar to the Archon) to master. Though not too confusing, the ways someone may use these powers can be difficult to navigate at times.
Thief: The thief is a mischievous role similar to the joker; their whole role was made to steal and, overall, be a relative menace. Just like the joker, though, they can find a way to turn their deceiving qualities useful.
Heretic: The heretic is an independent-yet-good-for-teaming-up role (similar to the drifter). They often curse things into their own favor in some way, yet complaining when they get cursed.
Chameleon: The chameleon is a combination of all of the roles shown above; just in fragments. Not much is really known about this role due to the lack of documentation and people who are familiar with the role itself.
Muggle: The muggle is…a normal person. Muggles just have a faster than average running speed and higher jump height. There also isn’t much about this role due to its lack of documentation. There also isn’t really much to say about them in general.
aaand that’s it!! :3
I’m pretty proud of this tbh.
please give me some feedback on this, I’ve never actually created an AU before and I’m not 100% sure what I’m doing. feedback helps me improve! /nf of course.
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