#i should propably make a tag for this stuff
im-smart-i-swear · 2 years
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familiar face...
[insane ramblings under the cut]
these guys are(top to bottom) Taks and Buddy! theyre a part of my overcomplicated vld au 
the basic premise is that after the events of ‘the black paladins’ six shiro clones and a galran kid find themselves stranded on a unhabited planet, having to rely on eachother for survival. found family and shenanigans ensue!
Taks(its a placeholder name, i havent come up with anything good enough yet) is a smart and snarky 11(?) year old. she loves animals and can also be very a little competitive. shes also trans!(it takes her a while to figure it all out tho)
Buddy is..... a lot. he tries his best to distance himself both from the others and from his past as the black paladin of voltron - he didnt tell the others about the whole we’re-clones-of-takashi-shirogane thing for a long time.... at least not on purpose. he thinks hes sooo subtle and mysterious but really hes just kinda pathetic. (i WILL get more into him[and the other guys too!!] eventually, but right now im just butting down the basics)
taks has something of a one-sided rivalry with buddy - she doesnt like him(at least at first) and thinks hes annoying. and also shes bored. theres not a lot to do most of the time, so bullying a loser youre stuck with seems entertaining enough
buddy is too busy going trough all five stages of grief simultaneously to really notice her attempts tho
he also avoids her beacuse she reminds him of keith too much :/
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^cinematic paralles
buddy and taks actually have a lot in common - theyre both stubborn and can be quite dramatic - maybe thats the reason they butt heads so much...
they do love each other tho! buddy often takes the role of a weird uncle or an annoying older brother, and over time their rivalry slowly evolves into light-hearted teasing. they looove to team up and cause mayhem(to their family’s disdain)
buddy was actually the first person taks told about her struggles with gender!(buddy was NOT prepared to deal with that, but he supported her the best way a traumatised shell of a man can!)
who knows, maybe ill make a sideblog just for this story? theres just so much of this shit in my head i need to let it out somehow or itll consume me.
(english is not my first language so sorry if this is incoprehensibe i propably made a shit ton of grammar mistakes)
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fake-destiel-news · 1 year
On a website with a PREDOMINANTLY autistic user base, the fact that you're not just making these fake news memes but flat out do NOT care and have said you intend to continue and likely find it funny is bordering bullying/predatory in some ways.
I’m doing literally everything I can think of to make it clear they’re fake. Because while I do find it funny (to come up with stuff and make the memes) I care a lot that no one gets hurt.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was under the impression that even autistic people would be smart enough to see one of like a bunch of warn signals. (All of this is not meant to bash autistic people I’m just trying to point out the weird logic here. Because I’m assuming they’re smarter than to believe something that’s clearly fake.) Let me spell it out for you:
First of all, my name should give you A LITTLE BIT OF AN INDICATION. idk if maybe an autistic person wouldnt know the meaning of the word fake.
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Also as far as I’m aware all the memes I make now have something going on that makes it different from the normal destiel meme. Like putting Dean on top and cas on the image below or just putting a completely different person there. Which would at least give you (or the autistic people) a moment of “huh. That’s different than usual.”
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Also it might not be so bad to look at the tags for like two seconds. Maybe autistic people can’t click the read more I mean that’s very difficult.
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Even if you don’t read the tags, if you have a problem with just believing things whenever you read them on a random meme, you should maybe, and that’s just a suggestion, block #unreality. Or if it’s about this blog in particular then just block ME or the tag #fake-destiel-news. That’s why the option is there in the settings you know.
(Autistic people, if you don’t know how to block tags, let a trusted allistic adult help you!)
And if you see any kind of news from a meme, you would propably visit the blog of the OP right? Just to see if they’re not idk, a bot? Or nazi? Or someone who is known for spreading misinformation? Who might have ulterior motives with something like this? Maybe you’d want to follow them but first look at their other posts at least? I mean this one’s not required but if you did it you would immediately see this:
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Oh wow now that seems like a blog that would say something that’s not real.
And even if you don’t see any of that, you would at least try to fact check something you read in one(1) meme on the internet? And the easiest way to do that is if the source to it is right there and you just have to click it.
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Damn that’s weird the link must be broken or something, I just get sent to a gif of the pen pineapple apple pen guy with the tags “the meme that lead you here is not real and purely made up”. Must be a typical tumblr error!
If you look at the blog where the gif is from you would again see my blog name (with the word fake in it) and again that there are not real memes.
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And like, even if you don’t see all of these things and don’t have unreality blocked and don’t visit the source. Then you would, before you’d idk tell other people about it, at least do one(1) google search to see if it’s true. I mean just knowing “the nestle CEO got poisoned cause he drank water in flint” doesn’t tell you what kind of poisoning, will he be ok, how did that happen… if you’re interested enough in any of these questions you propably would search for more info.
And like, if you don’t? What will happen? You believe that the Nestle CEO got poisoned until you see some proof that it hasn’t happened, or you’d just forget after a while when you don’t see more on it. So if it doesn’t matter to you enough to research it, you propably won’t think about it again much because it’s not interesting to you. So like what’s the big deal there.
Even if a meme gets reblogged it would still have my name and the source there, and you could get to my blog easily. Also if the op is tagged unreality it would still get blocked.
Idk if I’m just vastly overestimating the autistic people on this website but idk how you can miss all of these things.
This got long but If you have any suggestions how I could improve (for all the autistic people here) then please give em to me because I’m at a loss.jpg.
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Live Wire Part 2 (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
Disclamer: okay so this is part 2 and I’m actually considering to continue this story a bit more. let me know what you think.
Warnings: swearing, 18+, smut, underage drinking, cheating
tagged: @winter-captain-01
Billy’s POV
„Hello? Is anybody home?“
Actually Billy would have prefered to stay in the car and not have another meet-the-parents-experience but since Vicki didn’t come outside at 8 like she said she would, he had had no other choice than to go looking for her. She was propably busy doing her hair again.
He was already heading towards Vicki’s room as he heard loud banging noises coming from the basement. He followed the sound, quickly making his way down the wodden stairs. What he then saw was more than he could have ever excpected.
Y/n was sitting behind a drumset playing along to Mötley Crüe’s „Live Wire“. She was brutally hitting the drums, making it hard to hear the actual record which was playing over the speakers, while mouthing the words or maybe even singing along. Her y/h/c hair was falling in her face. Billy stood in silence, watching her for a while until she finally moved her head towards the stairs, meeting his gaze, which caused her to stop playing immediately.
„Wrong floor, thought you’d knew that by now.“, were the words she greeted him with as she got up and turned down the stereo behind her, barely bothering to look at him. „Vicki isn’t here.“
„Where is she then?“ „I don’t know and I don’t care.“ „She told me to pick her up at 8.“ „Well sorry bout that. But I hope you can understand that my compassion is limited to a minimum in this case. It was you who chose to voluntary spend time with her after all.“, y/n scoffed as she walked over to a trunk in the back of the room and bent over to grab a can of beer out of it. She was wearing a pair of red gym shorts that barely covered her ass, making it very hard for Billy not to stare at her. „So you’re not going to Tina’s party, huh?“, he changed the topic while leaning over the banister he was firmly grabbing onto with both of his hands, licking over his lips. „I never do.“, still no eye-contact. „And why’s that?“ „I don’t get invited and other than that I have better things to do.“
„Yeah I can see that.“ Billy noted with a smirk as he precisely watched y/n take a seat behind the drumset again, running her fingers through the messy hair that was sticking to her face. Cheeks flustered. One could only imagine how she would look like in other sweat-inducing activties, “Hey, how abou-?“
„Billy! What are you doing down here?“, Vicki’s voice suddenly interrupted him, „I’ve been waiting for you in my room! Hurry up! We’re going to be late for the party!“.
Billy rolled his eyes before walking up the stairs, pushing past her to make his way to the car. Vicki stopped him by grabbing his arm and basically throwing herself at the curly haired boy. „I missed you so much. Such a shame that you didn’t come upstairs right away.“
„Get a room! And please not this one. I haven’t got that many left to choose from.“, y/n groaned from downstairs.
Reader POV:
Before finally leaving the basement Vicki turned her attention towards you with an annoyed look on her face, „Also, calm down with the the drumming, freak! You’re not Nikki Lee.“
„It’s Tommy.“, you corrected her with a sigh. „Whatever. You’re neither of them. Just a sad loser that spends her friday nights in her parents basement.“, Vicki snapped at you before turning on her heels and walking away with a satisfied smirk.
Wow, what a burn. Wonder how long it took her to come up with that one. „Better than some dumb bitch who’s highlight of the week it is to show off her new boytoy to a bunch of boring Highschool kids.“ you muttered under your breath while picking up your sticks again, quickly spinning one of them between your fingers.
„What was that?“ „Nothing. Have fun at the party!“, you chirped sarcastically before turning towards Billy once again, “Do me a favor and try not to fuck out whatever is left of her brains.“
Vicki opened her mouth to protest but you had already turned the stereo back up, while smashing the snare and stomping your foot on the base-drum to the rhythm of „Take Me To The Top“, while sticking your tongue out at her.
From of the corner of your eye you could see Billy laughing to himself which earned him a deadly stare from Vicki before she grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room.
I want you, I need you I want you to be mine tonight You need me, you tease me Use you up, throw you away
You’re fire, taking me higher Don’t burn me, don’t let me down You need me now, I’ll teach you how Come on, let’s go all the way
You were lying on the couch in your parents basement, spinning your drumstick between your fingers while listening to the stereo. Okay maybe you had to admit that playing the same Mötley Crüe record over and over again while drinking by yourself wasn’t the best friday night you ever had. But at least you had finally been able to play the drums again without any of your family members complaining. Your parents were out of town, visiting some friends and you weren’t sure when Vicki and Billy would return from the party. Maybe they already did.
"Y/n?”,the husky voice coming from the top of the stairs made you jump a little,causing you to drop the drumstick to the ground, before you quickly sat up.
“Did I scare you?”
“Nothing scares me.”
„What are you still doing down here?“
„Well I live here, what’s your excuse?.“ you greeted Billy who was slowly making his way down the stairs, “Did Vicki kick you out?“
„No, she’s just completely shitfaced and fell asleep right away.“ „Well damn, all that stupid partying for nothing.“ you scoffed.
“Are you always this-?”
Your last comment caused Billy to laugh and shake his head as he sat down on the couch next to you, „So y/n what are you doing down here? I thought you had a room.“ „I do but the walls are thin as paper and let’s just say… Vicki and I have an agreement about that.“ „An agreement?“ „Yeah. I stay down here whenever she’s busy faking orgasms or she’ll tell our parents that I went to a Mötley Crüe gig in Chicago last summer without them knowing, hide booze down here and get send to detention a lot more often than they think I do.“
„That’s pretty harsh.“ Billy muttered. It was only now that you realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath his leather jacket and caught yourself staring at his chest a little bit too long. Luckily Billy hadn’t realized that, or at least pretended not to, as he simply continued the conversation by adding,“If the stuff she does really is faking it I wouldn’t wanna know how boring the real deal is to be honest.“, under his breath.
Wow did he really just? Okay somebody clearly wasn’t sober. But if Billy’s drunk-persona consistet of him talking shit about Vicki you might actually could stand his presence just a bit longer.
“Well you know, Vicki always gets what she wants. And as long as it makes our little princess happy it will be my pleasure to give her the illsuion that I don’t exist from time to time.”, you explained sarcastically while making a dramatic gesture with your hand, ”Especially if this adds a little sense of purpose to her dull life.”
Billy chuckled as he ran his hand across his face, moving his messy curls to the side, “Well she should be happy to have a sister that’s got the balls to sneak out of the house to go see Mötley Crüe. That’s pretty impressive if you ask me.”
“That wasn’t even the most impressive thing I did that night to be honest.”, you chuckled.
“It that so?”, Billy replied with a smirk.
“It is.”
“Well guess I chose the wrong sister to hang out with.”
“Oh don’t worry everybody does.”, you replied dry causing Billy to laugh again.
You had to admit that he wasn’t as much of a jerk as you had thought at first. However, this assumption had been strongly influenced by the fact that he was with Vicki the first time you met him. You had never seen him laugh with her and therefore just assumed that he was some sort of a buzzkill.
Still, you just couldn’t seem to get a certain thought out of your mind. It had been sitting in the back of your head for quite a while now and basically shifted into this big question mark burning in your brain within the last few days.
„Can I ask you something?“, you finally brought it up. Lowering your voice as if there were people watching you. „Sure. Go ahead.“, the curly haired boy replied in his low, husky voice while resting his left arm right next to you on the back of the couch, moving a bit closer towards you. His icy blue eyes almost seemed to be glued to your face with anticipation.
„So don’t get me wrong it’s pretty obvious that a guy like you would go for the hot cheerleader type of girl. But Vicki is just…Vicki is one of the most boring and shallow people I know, all of her friends are idiots and she isn’t even particulary nice to you. She just likes to show you off.“
You raised your eyes to check if you had somehow rubbed Billy the wrong way. It was his girlfriend you were talking about after all. But he didn’t seem to care too much about your words and more about what else you’d might have to say.
„You however,“ you continued,“You actually seem kinda cool. At least from what I can tell. And most definitely compared to the jocks she usually brings home.“
„So you’re trying to tell me I’m too badass for your sister?“ „No. Well yes. But what I’m actually trying to say is… you guys have absolutely nothing in common and yes she’s hot and popular but you could have also screwed and never called her again. Yet you chose to date her. Why?“
„What why?“ „Why do you like my sister?“, your voice was barely a whisper.
„I never said I liked her.“ Billy hummed, eyes still fixed to yours with a piercing stare. „Then why do you still come here every other day?“ „Maybe I do because I wanna see somebody else. Someone who actually is badass and nice-“
There was barely an inch left between your faces and before your brain could fully comprehend what he’d just said, Billy had already pressed his lips onto yours, brushing his fingers across your cheek and burying them in your hair. The kiss was soft at first but quickly grew more passionate as you leaned in aswell.
A soft gasp escaped your lips as he quickly grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his lap, making sure not to break the kiss.
„You think I never realized the way you parade around the house whenever I was here?“ Billy muttered in a low tone while trailing kisses down your neck, “How good your ass looks in those shorts and the way your nipples always peek through your shirt? I couldn’t keep my eyes off you since I first saw you y/n.“ He buried his teeth into your skin right above your collar bone as he grabbed your ass with both hands and slapped it quickly afterwards, causing you to hiss with pleasure, „Whenever I got home I always couldn’t stop thinking about all the things I’d like to do to you.“
He placed another sharp slap on your ass.
„You like that?“
„Yes.“ you hummed before cupping his face and kissing him again while running your fingers through his messy curls. Billy immediately responded by playfully biting your lower lip.
You quickly moved back for a split second only to remove your shirt and throw it to the corner of the room. Billy licked across his lips as he ran his hands over your bare chest before finally getting rid of his leather jacket and pulling you closer again. Your kisses grew messier with each second, both of you wanting more. The curly haired boy hissed as you buried your teeth into his lip until you could taste blood.
With one of his hands still grabbing your ass he quickly moved your shorts to the side with the other, a dirty grin flashing across his face at the realization that you weren’t wearing any panties. He moved his thumb across your clit before pushing one of his fingers inside you, curling it almost painfully slow. His actions caused you to whimper into his mouth. “Jesus, y/n who got you this wet?”
Billy quickly unbuckled his belt and slid down his jeans just enough for his errection to spring free, before pushing you off his lap and onto the couch. „Good that I didn’t get to use this earlier, right?“ he muttered with a cocky grin on his face as he took a condom from the pocket of his jeans before taking them off completely. You quickly folowed his example, stripping out of your shorts while Billy was putting the condom over his throbbing cock.
Within a heartbeat he was on top of you again, his tongue playfully teasing yours as he forcfully grabbed your hip with one hand and softly choked you with the other.
You gasped with excitement as he finally pushed inside of you, almost immediately slamming his hips into yours at an unforgiving pace, making it almost impossible for you to keep quiet.
„Come on y/n, don’t hold back. Show me how much you enjoy this.“, his hot breath brushed against your ear, making you shiver.
„Fuck, you feel so good.“,you moaned loudly, very thankful for the fact that the stereo was still blasting music.
„You’re such a dirty girl. Fucking your sisters boyfriend while she’s sleeping upstairs.“ The curly haired boy growled.
„Fuck yes! Tell me I’m better than her.“ you managed to gasp in between moaning and whimpering. Your whole body was shaking and you had the feeling that Billy was making you see stars.
„She’s got nothing on you. Don’t act like you don’t know that.“,he hummed while making eye contact with you. The dirty blonde curls were sticking to his face and his pupils almost completely swallowed the blue of his eyes. Billy moved his head back down to kiss you, his tongue teasing you painfully slow while he pulled out of you, only to thrust back into you seconds later. He sped up his pace once again, chocking you as you buried your fingernails into his back.
„Fuck. Don’t stop! I’m gonna-“, you couldn’t even finish your sentence before your orgasm rushed over you, your whole body twitching and tightening underneath Billy’s weight. The curly haired boy hissed at the sensation quickly reaching his high aswell, his back muscles tightening as he buried his teeth in your neck one final time.
„That was fun, drummer girl.“, he gasped with a grin, breathing heavily, before slowly getting up and grabbing his jeans from the floor.
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casassin · 6 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @woollenpharaohs to list my 10 favorite ships. I still can't belive people actually know I exist on this site. Seriously. Thanks so much for tagging me!
Now this is gonna be quite hard because I just have way too many ships to function, but I'm gonna try anyway. The order won't actually mean anything really since I'm the kind of person to jump from ship to ship.
(this is actually my second try doing this since my computer crashed in the middle of doing this. Thanks a bunch computer)
1.Dean Winchester/Castiel-Supernatural
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Do you wanna have your heart broken and ripped to shreds? Then buckle up because I have the right ship for you!
These two have ruined me. Just like the show this ship is of great emotional value to me and I love it dearly. At this point the show is basically the most painful slow burn fic in the disguise of a TV show and I honestly can't complain. Each hug is fuel for my soul and gets me through another day.
2. Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham-Hannibal
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Tbh this ship actually shares the first place with Destiel because I discovered them both at the same time where I didn't feel great at all and they both helped me through really tough times.
When it comes to Hannigram I'll always remember that one post that said that Hannibal lives in his own wonderland amongst pigs, who'll never be able to understand him and his wonderland, until he stumbles upon Will who sees and understands.
And in the end we are all just searching for someone who understands us, aren't we?
Beautifully dark relationship that tugs on your heartstrings more than it should.
3. Alana Bloom/Margot Verger-Hannibal
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What would the murder husbands be without their counterpart murder wives?
Two beautiful women that kill their abuser via drowning and leave him to be eaten by his giant pet moray eel. Who then get married and have a beautiful son together. Bryan Fuller I truly thank you for this gift, for those beautiful ladies brighten my shadowy days.
4. Sam Winchester/Eileen Leahy-Supernatural
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Even though I've always been a huge sucker for Sam/Gabriel, these two took me over by storm. They've had such great chemistry and I instantly fell in love with the idea of them being together since she's been first introduced. Such a shame the writers don't like their own characters to have an ounce of happiness. Hello denial thanks for showing me all those fix it fics.
5.Trevor Philips/Michael De Santa-GTA V
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(not really a lot of gifs to use for that one)
Oh boy... Complete dumpster fire of a ship and guilty pleasure. I've actually shipshamed myself so long for this. But after playing the game multiple times, you just can't help but realize, that this ship sails itself.
Sometimes I wonder how I went from shipping girly anime looking guys to ship whatever these men are.
But this ship has some real emotional baggage and when you look behind the kinda disgusting surface, you see a relationship more flawed and real than most fanfiction offers. And oh man has this ship some really great fics!
6.Geralt of Rivia/Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy- The Witcher 3
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I present to you: my current obsession
Even though my only knowledge of their relationship comes from the Blood and Wine DLC (because I've bought the books just now so I haven't read them) I still fell hard for this. Very hard.
A higher vampire killing his own blood brother, a bond much stronger than a human could ever imagine, to save his dudebro and thus becoming hated and hunted amongst his own kind for all eternity. This ship might be the definition of : there is no hetero explanation for this. You can't fool me CD Projekt Red. These two were clearly in love.
7. Mac/Dennis-iasip
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What do I love more.
The meme that evolved from this scene or the ship?
Another one of those rough gems and my former obsession . With people so deeply flawed that it's more realistic than the most stuff you see on television these days. There is something about their dynamic that is so interesting to witness. Another one of those ships with some seriously great fanfics just like the one from the lovely person that tagged me.
8.Joseph Oda/Sebastian Castellanos-The Evil Within
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Just by looking at this one can imagine that this is anything but a happy ship. Just take all the angst you can imagine and put it in a ship. There we go. Now you've got Joseb.
Another one of those games where you can't help but notice the chemistry and ask yourself if there was something more. I always revisit this one when I feel the urge to get some angst into my system.
9.Johnny Rayflo/Charles J. Chrishunds-Vassalord
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My whole life was dedicated to this manga during my teenage years. Just looking at this gif still makes my heart swell in my chest. It's propably the reason why I have such a soft spot for vampires and I still have a special place for these two in my heart. Looks like I've got to reread this soon.
10. Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier-X-Men
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I think we all have a special love for that one ship that introduced us to shipping and just fandoms in general. This one is mine.
I still have folders of crappy fanart of them, when I first tried drawing. And one of my first fics was also dedicated to them. I don't know if they either destroyed me or showed me the way into my safe space. And even if my obsession has slowly faded, I still consider this one of my most favorite ships.
That was a ride. My god
Even though I have a lot more I think I'm quite satisfied with how this turned out.
Like always I'm gonna tag (and bother) two of my favorite ladies @kira-hayashi and @natari-55
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tamahoshi · 7 years
Get to know me!
tagged by @je0nghans a while ago ty!!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better
Name: Gráinne
Height: *sigh* i never know my height i rly should get on that....i’m rly short anyways
Ultimate bias: in svt it’s Woozi, in all of kpop it’s propably still Tao ajsdkasdlaksj
Nicknames: banni, granban, Grá (means love in irish)
Zodiac sign: aries
Favourite fruit: melon
Favourite season: winter
Favourite colour: don’t have one but maybe pink
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?: tea
Favourite animals: cats, owls
Last TV show I watched: dirk gently’s holistic detective agency
Last movie I watched: The Addams Family
Dream Trip: big trip around asia tbh
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 or 2!
Song stuck in my head: Rollin’ - Twice
What kind of stuff do I post?: it’s alllllll seventeen here lads
Last thing I googled: how to un capslock mac lmao
Side-blog: ooooooh buddy here we go: @spookiihyun (monsta x), @jinjinwooz (astro), @taeyonghost (nct), @k4ngdaniel (wanna one sideblog), @seungsikk (victon sideblog) , @tequilayoongi (multi kpop), @yuyuuri (non-kpop) i’m only v active on like 2 or 3 of them
Following: 342 i literally just went and unfollowed a bunch of inactive blogs
Follower count: 1,784
When did you make this blog: august 2015
Do you get asks regularly: not on this blog
Why did you choose your url: my usual url (woozisbutt) i chose bc someone was giving away saved urls and i had only just got into svt and biased woozi so it was a good excuse to start a side-blog!! now it’s woozisghost for halloween
Average hours of sleep: lately it’s been about 6 or 7 my sleep schedule is wrekt beyond repair
tagging @jun-kyard, @megaalyanandira, @mingyuwu, @wongyuhan, @jeonwoooo
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kiddosnightmare · 8 years
rules || answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better!
tagged by @t-kristen Thank you for tagging me! =)
name || Kiddo’s Nightmare (I never bother with the apostrophe...) Or did you want my real one? I’m kinda paranoid with stuff like that, so I will keep that one to myself. nicknames || Usually Kiddo. A real one would be Hanna
zodiac sign || Pisces height || about 1,75 m (not really true, but nobody seems to be able to come to an agreement about that. Each hospital or doctor i’ve been to has come up with a different number. But 1,75 is what my ID says anyway) orientation || bi.. I think... which probably qualifies me as “confused and trying to figure it out as I go along” nationality || German favorite fruit II I have no idea... I love strawberries and kakies and blueberries and mangos and.. you know what... I do not like kiwies.. and bananas. let’s leave it at that
favorite season || Autumn and Spring... I can’t stand the heat and I get cold really easily, so the middleground it is
favorite book || ...that question... that question is really really unfair. There are so many and they are constantly changing! But I suppose I’ve got a few alltime-favourites. 
”The Scorpio Races” by Maggie Stiefvater is wonderful.
I adore  the “Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn” - Trilogy  by Tad Williams.
Steve Augarde’s “Touchstone”-Trilogy is a work of art.
... I could go on, but yeah. Those are my possible top three.
favorite flower || Tulips.. propably they signal that spring has well and truly arrived. And Lavender, because I love the scent. favorite scent || Ahem... Lavender (Heeey, who would have guessed?) among other things. I also love the scent of cut grass, fresh bread, rain (not in the city though.. wet asphalt smells not paticularly good), newly printed  books and cats...(wow.. that last one sounds kinda weird. But I stand by it) favorite color || GREEN favorite animal || Cats, Wolves, Horses, Caracals, Foxes .. that should cover the top five coffee, tea, or hot cocoa || why do I have to choose? I mean.. Coffeine! Tea!! CHOCOLATE!!! ... But if I had to, I guess I would go for the tea. Tea is always good, no matter the situation.  average sleep hours || that depends entirely on my insomnia.  cat or dog person ||  I love both, but I am more of a cat person favorite fictional character ||Please don’t make me choose!? there are way to many and I can’t possibly rank them and they are all so wonderful and.. A lot. 
number of blankets you sleep with || at least two and as many pillows as I can find (and can fit my bed) dream trip || Mhm.. good question.. I just really enjoy seeing new places so... give me something to explore and I am happy. blog created ||'16 number of followers || A solid 12 ;)
And since I can’t get the 20 full anyway I elect to forgo the tagging. If you want to join in on the fun, consider yourself tagged and feel free to do so.
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gingerella-ella · 5 years
super personal rant below the cut, I’m going to put cw’s in the tags just to be safe
So here it goes: I have been struggeling with bulimia and binge/purge type eating disorders for about 11 years. I have done counselling but no real therapy. There have been good and bad times, but the last 4 years have not been good and it wasn’t until I started working in mental health myself last year that I have made active strides toward recovery. Like, I am able to eat stuff when I’m actually hungry now as opposed to when I schedule meals, having a treat does not put me into binge mode and sometimes I can even eat a big meal without wondering how long I neeed to fast or how much I need to restrict the next day. Hooray for me.
I rarely if ever talk about this, so why am I bringing this up now in front of a bunch of (mostly) strangers and the void?
I have a very close friend who has been obese all her life and she plans on having children in about 2 years so she has started a weightloss programm in preparation now. While I am fully supportive of her, she has not been able to talk abot anything else for about a month and she has been doing and saying stuff that reminds me of me during my worst days such as literally weighing bread crumbs, stressing about miniscule variations in her marcros and so on. We’re going to a festival this weekend and events like this have always been difficult for me but she bombards me with questions about how to keep her super slim pudding fresh and if she should waste points on alcohol and it’s literally the only thing she talks about.
I’m losing my fucking mind over here. This triggered me and I do not use that word lightly. I have been going way, way under budget for about 3 weeks now and I can’t bring myself to eat properly, I’m checking my ribs in the mirror and I know that the weekend is going to be absolute hell.
More importantly: I feel like an utter piece of shit for having that reaction toward a friend who is just trying to be healtier and who has been negatively affected bei her weight in ways I propably can’t even comprehend and yet here I am making this all about me. I honestly don’t know what to do, I’m trying to help her as best I can without compromising my recovery but I’m just not there yet.
Pls help.
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