#i should've figured - it's my most written fandom
crackers4jenn · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
(inside the cut to spare you)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 43. Some of them contain multiple fics, though. I might be pushing 50 if they were all out on their own.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 408,702
3. What fandoms do you write for? On ao3, I've written for: Supernatural, Community, Rhett & Link, The Office, New Girl, Stranger Things. I also wrote a 'characters who were never the slayer' fic with characters from Glee, Parks and Rec, Miranda, himym, etc etc. I orphaned some Rookie Blue fics that I posted over there just because I got an anon message asking me if I could unlock them from lj.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? All destiel fics:
sink - "Where to?" A 9.06 coda. (To be fair on this, I think there was a weird ao3 glitch that really skyrocketed the hits.)
Mr. and Mr. Winchester - "No pet names, I popped the question, and you're the girl." (Or, Dean and Castiel: fake-married. Set in a hypothetical s9.)
here's a map, here's a shovel, here's my achilles heel - Post-15x19. Turns out, Dean doesn't have to ask to get Cas back.
a way not steep - Dean's twenty-six and his roommate's a guy who cries during E.T.
wedding guy - "I'm Castiel. I wanted to let you know I've been noticing you all night, and I wanted to leave this with you, before I left." (aka Cas slips Dean his number at a wedding, and a friendship/relationship takes off from there.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Not always, which is v. lame of me. I do try to, but it feels overwhelming to think up different ways to say "thanks for reading" without it coming off as perfunctory because it's my tenth "thanks" in a row.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmmm, maybe lights down low. 40k words of time traveling destiel just to bring Dean and Cas back to the purgatory portal where Cas doesn't follow Dean out. But, listen. I was proud of the twist ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? sky full of stars, maybe? Rhett and Link boning in a tent, with a sweet lil flashback to end things.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Nah.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. Yes, I do. The kind where they bone.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not all that often, but I've written some wild ones. A Supernatural/Community tale where circa s5 Dean and Cas show up to Greendale, lured by Abed's Jesus movie. A himym/Community crossover where Barney enrolled at Greendale to bag some community college hotties. I wrote a Rhett and Link/spn fusion, where they were hunters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I haven't.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had people ask. If they ever did anything with that, I never got tagged or it was posted off ao3. Someone did a pod-fic of one of them once, though, that was pretty cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have, I have. Long ago, @milkshakemicrowave and I were writing a Community fic together. I think I wrote the first chapter, then convinced her to write with me. We bailed after maaaaybe getting into chapter 3? I've also co-written a couple J2 fics with my Cas/Misha/destiel-hating bestie. Under a pseudonym, obvs.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I mean, I've got lots of those. Depends on the day. But when it comes to reading, it's Dean/Cas hands down. There's an abundance of riches and I'm grateful every day for the free serotonin.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I never posted it to ao3, but I have like 20k words written of a Dean/Cas (of course) fic I started writing between seasons 7 and 8, with Dean and Cas in purgatory before we knew anythinggg about purgatory. I got to the point where I needed to figure out how they were getting out.
16. What are your writing strengths? One of my favorite bits of feedback that I get most often is that I write dialogue how people actually talk, which is nice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. It's not that I don't have big, plotty ideas, I just don't know how to string plot along in a coherent way. I'm always so impressed by plot-heavy stories that STAY plot-heavy.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I wouldn't personally, but more power to anyone taking on that challenge.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I want to say it was Buffy.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? It's certainly not the best fic I've ever written, but I recently reread like only a best friend could and liked it enough I've been puttering away at a sequel.
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my hsmtmts hot takes:
(im going to be stoned for this i know it)
i did not care about rina in the slightest until season 4
seblos (as a ship/couple) is just sort of...there for me. i have no big feelings towards or against them. they're definitely cute, they just don't stay on my mind
though i loved the fashion upgrade that came with it, i hated the way kourtney was written in season 4
i don't care about madlyn that much (i also don't like call it what you want all that much)
season 4's hsm3 songs were not done well (save for can i have this dance, high school musical (the finale) and dani's high school musical, and now or never (auditions) the mixing was bad, they had dara sing too high for i want it all and the singing itself just wasn't that good
^i loved most of the original songs tho
they should've never brought in any of the original hsm actors (save for kaycee and lucas in s1) they made a corbin a twisted version of himself in s3 and the rest of the actors in s4 were so overhyped just for them to barely be there
i actually liked portwell together. they both seemed so happy and i will never forgive the writers for building them up just to ruin them in s3
^speaking of s3 portwell, i will also never forgive this fandom for treating ej like he was some old man preying on a child and treating him like the villain (this is a rant by itself so we'll tackle that some other time)
i've never liked nini (or rini)
the rina hat only works because they got together in the end. imagine if a friend put a secret love confession in a gift for you and you find it after both of you get with someone else. i just find it weird to do that sort of thing when you don't even know if there's mutual feelings
i was on ricky's side during most of the rini discourse (save for him going behind nini's back and getting her a part when she didn't want one and deleting the insta comment)
while i love both jennzzara and jetney, both of them were quickly thrown together at the end with hints that there were crushes in the air for both of them
i will forever hate that they chose frozen as s3's musical. the only songs i liked were what do you know about love and love is an open door
for a show about students putting on a musical, they really just did not show a lot of the musicals
^for s2, i've been giving them a pass because it was during the first year of covid so they were probably limiting how long people could be dancing around without masks (but i was still robbed of belle's yellow dress on ashlyn and ej and biggie playing gaston and lefou)
and finally, this show pairs people up so fast with no real development for either the people or the couple itself. the show really could've benefited from growing their characters without a relationship being the driving force and then worked on building romantic relationships once they figured out what to do with each character
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
Always Be Prepared
Poe Dameron x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 21 Prompt: "Just in case this doesn't work."
Summary: Poe and his SO are supposed to be completing a simple, subtle reconnaissance mission, but a complication might make the 'subtle' part challenging.
Word Count: 1,073
Category: Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"This is... not good."
My boyfriend, Poe Dameron, and I stood shoulder to shoulder, tucked into our hiding spot as we watched First Order troops crawl all over the ship we were supposed to be escaping on. We'd come to this world on an intelligence gathering mission. Unfortunately for us, we apparently hadn't gone completely unnoticed.
Poe shrugged, nudging his shoulder against mine. "I don't know, it could be worse. We could've been in the ship when they swarmed it."
I huffed a laugh. "I guess that's true. So what do we do now?"
"Hmm. Did you see any other ships around here that we could take off with instead?"
"Not unless you count the ships the First Order came in on. And somehow I don't think we're gonna have much luck taking one of those."
"Then we need a distraction. Something big enough to draw them away from our ship, so big that we actually have half a shot at getting past those troopers."
Poe and I hummed in thought, each scanning our surroundings and staring off into space to try to get some inspiration. We'd spent enough time studying maps of this place and actually combing through it in the past few hours that if there was anything to be done, we should've been able to figure it out.
My eyes wandered over the door we'd just come from, leading to the heart of the building, including its power core.
A crazy, stupid, terrible idea hit me like lightning. I turned to Poe and found him staring back, the same spark of insanity I'd fallen in love with glimmering behind his eyes.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked, a manic grin growing slowly on his face. I shook my head.
"I kind of hate to say this, but yeah, I think I am."
"Well then, what are we waiting for?"
A better, less dangerous idea, I thought, but didn't say it out loud. Poe and I had done and survived all kinds of crazy things in our time with the Resistance, both together and apart. If we'd made it this far, then odds were good that we'd keep making it. Right?
As one, we turned and headed in the opposite direction from our ship, back into the heart of the facility we'd stolen information from. With the discovery of our ship, security had surely been tightened, but we still made it to our target.
The building's energy core hummed before us like a giant glowing weak point. If someone were to blow it up, they'd certainly cause a distraction worthy of attention from a bunch of First Order stormtroopers.
"You know, I feel like it's concerning that we're so in sync about stuff like this," I said as Poe and I moved around the room, quickly identifying weak points where we could do the most damage with just a few charges.
"I think we should be more concerned about why you bring explosive charges with you every time we go on a mission."
I shrugged. "It's working out for us so far, isn't it? You never know when a fast and easy sabotage method might come in handy in our line of work."
"I... guess I can't argue with that," said Poe with a chuckle. We worked together to place the charges, then I hooked up a remote detonator while Poe watched the door. Once everything was set, I gave him a thumbs up and went to meet him by the door. We ducked and dodged through the ever-increasing security measures, thankfully, finally making it back to our hiding spot in front of our ship.
It seemed like another group or two of storm troopers had made their way over, and I knew it was only a matter of time until they started expanding their search radius. It wouldn't take them long to find Poe and I if we didn't do something soon.
"Alright, should we go for it?" I asked, holding the detonator up in question to Poe. Suddenly, this plan felt a lot riskier than before we'd actually been ready to implement it.
"Hold on, one more thing first."
With that, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. He kissed me, hard, and after a second's surprise I melted into him, kissing him back just as hard. After a few long, savored moments, Poe pulled away, leaving me a little breathless as I subconsciously trailed after him. He grinned.
"Just in case this doesn't work," he said by way of explanation. I just smiled and shook my head.
"Get ready to run to the ship and go like hell, Flyboy. Once I press this button, it's mostly on you to get us out of here. I'll watch our backs."
Poe winked at me, and I smiled back at him. I took a deep breath, trying to steel myself as best I could, then pushed the button on the detonator.
A moment later, an explosion rocked the building. All the stormtroopers in front of us dropped what they were doing to look up in shock, and as the chain reaction of the explosion continued, they started shouting and rushing towards the building to try to do something. As a result, our ship was left almost completely unguarded.
In perfect sync, Poe and I took off running. I let him get a bit ahead of me, then turned as I ran, ready to shoot at anyone who tried to stop our escape.
Lucky for us, the distraction had worked even better than planned. With a First Order facility literally going up in smoke, even the few people left on the other ships in the yard were too distracted to notice Poe and I taking off until it was basically too late to stop us.
Once we made it to Hyperspace headed back for Resistance HQ, I let myself relax all the way. I put a hand on Poe's shoulder and kissed him on the cheek, then flopped back in my seat to watch the stars streak by.
"Nice work," I sighed. "We should start giving classes on pulling off insane shit like that."
"I hate to break it to you, but we're not out of the woods yet, sweetheart."
I frowned. "What do you mean?"
"One of us still has to explain the mess we left behind us to General Organa."
"Not it!"
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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disasterbuck · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @jesuiscenseedormir 😘
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
256 😬 but most of those are collabs with my beloved Veronae 💜 works written on my own I think total 23?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
oh damn how do I find that ah. okay. um. 560,589
3. What fandoms do you write for?
nowadays it's pretty much just 9-1-1
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
you are really teaching me how to use the stats page on ao3 lol
The Parent to Contact - Buck gets a call from Christopher's school and learns that he's listed on the boy's forms as 'the parent to contact on Tuesdays'.
that drunk buck chat - Buck gets drunk and texts Eddie something he wasn't meant to read. Text fic!
that first kiss chat - Eddie texts Buck with some news, and it goes on from there. All texting!
Buddie, You're Hot - Buck is helping Eddie get ready for a date when he ends up outing himself as bi – something he thought Eddie already knew. Wasn't it obvious?
that drunk eddie chat - Wherein Eddie is a drunk mess and Buck needs to protec
5. Do you respond to comments?
on my own/solo fics, yes absolutely every time. but comments on the buddie text fics I usually leave for Veronae to reply to, unless it's specifically addressed to me or I just feel like replying
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
knee deep in sinking sand Buck has a nightmare about losing Eddie.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of what I write has a happy ending 😅 um I'm gonna go with You Should've Just Kissed Me Set after the Poker Date Night, Buck overhears Eddie talking about being set up on a date and wonders aloud why Eddie doesn't just explain that he's already in a relationship - with Buck.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully not much, but there was one person who left hate on the buddie text fics :(( I do my best to ignore it though 😌
9. Do you write smut?
nah I'm not really comfortable with it. sometimes a fic will get a bit steamy but I usually try to fade to black when I can.
10. Craziest crossover?
does lone star count? cause we've done text fics with TK and Carlos:
that matchmaker crossover chat Buck talks to TK. Carlos talks to Eddie. They're in love, but they won't tell each other. TK enlists Carlos' help to try and change that. Text fic!! that anniversary day chat When Eddie cancels plans with Buck to go on a date, they end up in a fight without fully understanding how it happened. Eddie reaches out to Christopher, while Buck reaches out to his good ol' buddy TK for support ... but they can only go so long before facing each other. that bothered and bewildered chat After being kissed by Tommy, Buck reaches out to an old acquaintance for help sorting out his feelings.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! a while back, in a different fandom and under a different name.
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
as you've probably figured out, yes I have. I collab with my bestie Veronae for all out buddie text fics, and we've also written an actual prose fic together as well:
A Jealous Kiss “You’re going out with your mechanic?” Buck asked. Then his face fell into deliberate blankness. “You mean, you’re dating your mechanic?”Eddie was going on a date with someone else. And Buck would be left behind.Again.
14. All time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will
ohhhh good question. hm probably my buddie wip where Chimney dares Buck not to use Eddie's name for a week and so Buck starts using pet names for him. it's cute and I like the idea but I don't think I'm ever gonna have enough motivation to write the whole thing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hm. I think I'm pretty good at writing fluff? and having a good balance of prose and dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
too many ideas, not enough motivation. I've got easily like 50 wips or something uggghhhhhh
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language
ummm sure? why not? I once wrote a fic for a previous fandom where one character spoke french the whole way through, and I got a french friend to check it over for me so it could be accurate, plus I then added translations at the end for people.
19. First fandom you wrote for
20. Favorite fic you've written
Friends Don't ✨💕
Eddie and Buck have always been closer than most best friends and it's never bothered them, but lately they've been starting to wonder if there might be more than just friendship between them.
After all, it's becoming clear that there are a lot of things they do that 'just friends' don't.
Pressing his face into his pillow, Buck giggled before mumbling, "Whoops."
"Whoops?" Eddie repeated. "We've been on the phone for almost four hours and all you have to say is 'whoops'?"
"It's been a great four hours," Buck said, the words tumbling out before he had time to consider whether he should be admitting them or not.
"Yeah," Eddie confirmed softly, making Buck's heart squeeze affectionately in his chest. "It has."
Tagging: @idealuk @estheticpotaeto @bklynbiguy ✨
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kimistorm · 1 year
Grrr: Law of Total Madness [Stray Kids x Reader || Chapter 10]
Fly Away my Love: Chapter 10
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: OT8 x GN!reader (Please let me know if I accidentally slip up!)
Warnings: A little spooky
‘BEWARE’ ‘It’s coming’ ‘Love you’ ‘Watch out’ ‘You’re in danger’ ‘LEAVE’ ‘Everything is okay’ ‘Peril’ were all the messages written out on the sticky notes.
“I think that one freaks me out the most,” Lee Know said as he pointed to the message reading ‘love you.’
“These two just feel different,” you mentioned as you pulled aside the messages reading ‘everything is okay’ and ‘love you.’ You saw out of the corner of your eye the other guys nodding in agreeance. 
“We’ll ask the rest when they get back,” Chan rubbed his face as if there was an oncoming headache. Honestly, for you, the once cheery and welcoming room suddenly felt cold and foreboding. Apparently nowhere was safe.
“Where did you find yours?” it was Han who asked as he bit his lip and worriedly looked at the small pieces of paper, as if something would pop out of them suddenly.
“I found mine in my pillow,” Hyunjin mentioned.
“A real prince,” Han cracked a small joke in reference to the story of the Princess and the Pea and swooned. 
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at the comment, “I heard it wrinkling under my ear. I think Seungmin found his in his shoe.”
“In my clothes.” You added, “not sure if I’m relieved or not to hear it wasn’t you guys rifling through my stuff.”
You heard the sound of tearing and looked to see Chan tearing a corner of the sticky note, “it doesn’t seem magically made.” He confirmed after he closely examined the raw edge.
“We’d need Seungmin to check for that.” Han frowned as he held his arms around him in a hug.
“I don’t think his ability spans even that,” Lee Know protested.
“It looks like paper though,” Hyunjin added his own two cents as he took the piece that Chan tore and looked at it closely as well.
If it was paper and not magic, that means somebody really was rifling through your home undetected, and they got in deep. “Are you trying to make us feel better or worse?” you looked at the two with a worried furrow in your brow.
“Yes.” Hyunjin smiled and you rolled your eyes at him.
There was a soft thump coming from the entrance of the room and you spun around in fear, the other members surrounding the table jumped as well and Hyunjin materialized his bow and arrow immediately. Seungmin, IN, and Felix stared back at you all in shock. “I take it we missed something important.” It was Seungmin who spoke up as Hyunjin waved away his bow and arrow.
“Sorry, just on edge.” Hyunjin apologized.
“Hold on, where’s Changbin?” Chan asked as he did a head count to find one member totally lost.
“We didn’t leave with him.” IN offered with a smile but that quickly morphed into a frown when he saw everyone else's faces drop. "Okay what happened?"
"No, where's Changbin." Chan commanded as he quickly went back into the hall to see if he was just sleeping in his room.
Felix was quick to take action as well as he started walking around and shouting "Binnie?!" Han and Lee Know also left the room together to try and find him.
Seungmin's eyes began to glow red again and he looked around the room. His eyes darting around as he saw through the drywall and buildings. "Care to explain?" IN looked at you as you stared at the movement around you, it wasn't like you could do anything. Your ability wasn't going to help in the situation, and if people were going missing, it was definitely better to stay put.
"We found more of these sticky notes." You explained and gestured to the yellow pieces of paper on the table.
"Found him!" Seungmin yelled, "he's just working out downstairs." There was faint yelling from outside and you guessed it was the message being passed through the stairwells and broken walls.
"I guess we should've figured." Hyunjin shrugged from the table and you couldn’t help but agree. At first you thought Changbin wanted to work out just so he could be more fit and strong to survive the apocalyptic world you lived in (especially given the fact that he was training with random blocks of concrete), but there had to be some part of him who did it because he found it fun. 
“Nobody is doing anything on their own anymore!” the shout from Chan caused all three of you to jump, and even Han who was just at the entryway nearly jumped backwards to fall on top of Lee Know. “And nobody is leaving until they let at least two other people know where they’re going!”
The silence and fear in the room was stifling. You felt like that if you just breathed the wrong way Chan was going to snap. You had never seen him get angry like this. Of course, you’ve seen him get upset before, but it was always quiet. His movements would be a bit sharper and tenser, and his eyes would take on a steely glint that nearly glowed red like Seungmin. Although, you had yet to see his ability, something told you that it wasn’t the same as Seungmin’s. 
There was a teasing grin on Lee Know’s face that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “That’s great and all, but at least let Changbin get up here before you start chewing him out.” Obviously, it was Lee Know who would dare to say anything after the silence. As the second oldest in the group, he’d help make a lot of decisions and help keep everything together. That, plus he liked to mess with Chan and knew he could get away without too many consequences. “You wanna put on some gloves?” the second question was softer, it was genuine, but if anything that caused the tension to skyrocket in the room once again.
He let out a groan of defeat, “do we even have any?” 
“Nothing nice, I’ve got a couple of plastic bags though.”
And that was why Changbin immediately burst into a laugh when he came into the room to see Chan glaring at him disapprovingly with two different colored plastic bags covering his hands. “Shut up, you know why I’m doing it.” Chan grumbled as he crossed his arms. The bags crinkled unceremoniously and you were impressed by Changbin’s ability to immediately stop laughing.
“Yeah, I get it. It’s serious. What’s up?”
Chan motioned to the handful of terror laying on the dining room table. “So everyone’s been getting these sticky notes.” 
“Except for Lee Know.” Hyunjin mentioned which caused Changbin to zero in on said person and give him a quirked brow. 
Lee Know immediately put his hands up in surrender, “I swear it wasn’t me.”
“And I’m guessing they’re all in weird spots as well?” he quietly asked as he picked one of them up.
“Han found one in his sheets, IN on his phone charger, (s/n) had one in (pronoun) clothes, Hyunjin found it in his pillow, Seungmin’s shoe, and as you know, I found mine in my laptop, and Felix found one in the pantry.”
“Where was yours?” Hyunjin asked as he mentally checked off the information.
There was a frown on Changbin’s face and his brows furrowed, “downstairs where I work out.” 
“And this was all…after the bloody hair incident?” Seungmin looked around for confirmation.
“They could’ve been around for ages before then and we didn’t realize.” Han tried to justify.
“You mean you don’t use your bed every night?” Hyunjin was dubious in his biting response and Han didn’t have a response to that.
“So that’s that,” Chan took control of the conversation, “nobody is owning up to it and I’m sure if you did do it, you’d fess up by this point. Right?” He took turns staring everyone down and spent a good few extra seconds on you. You could’ve sworn you felt the air crackle around you as he stared at you, and it was like he was seeing through your very soul. You couldn’t keep a secret from that stern face. “We’re obviously not safe here because someone was able to get in. Seungmin,” said person jumped as his name was called out, “can you look at these and see if there’s a hint of magic interlaced with it?”
The room waited in silence as Seungmin’s eyes glowed red and he carefully looked at each piece of paper. He picked them up, held it from all different angles, but finally shook his head. “I don’t know if it’s just because you’re all in here that the contrast is just not showing up, but right now they look normal.” He tried to stack them up into a neat pile, “I can take a look at them later when I’m more alone.”
“Speaking of, nobody is going anywhere alone. Not even in this building alone.” Chan gave a very pointed glare to Changbin. “This main area is fine to move around alone,” he gestured to the centrally located base, “but nobody is going to be left alone in this main area, nobody is going to work out on their own, nobody is going to patrol the building on their own.” He paused to let his words sink in. He was no longer yelling, but the intensity of his tone, stance, and the way he looked at everyone clearly stated that he was dead serious. “And you’re not going to go anywhere unless you let two other people know where you will be.”
Everyone nodded to let him know they understood. “I don’t want to suggest this,” Felix was quiet as he broke the silence and everyone turned to look at him, “but should we move? We’re clearly not safe.”
Chan let out a big breath, “the problem is there is nowhere else we could go to.”
“Another city?” 
“I’d love to move, get out of this wretched, haunted place, but we have never found civilization other than this decaying town.” Chan’s tone was clipped. The stress was mounting and decisions needed to made without enough information. Everybody’s lives were in danger and if he made the wrong decision he could be the one who ultimately leads everyone to their death. “But unless somebody has super speed, or can fly,” you stiffened at his comment, “and tell us there’s a better place to go! We. Stay. Here.”
“Got it.” The crack in Felix’s normally smooth voice was obvious to everyone in the room.
“Lee Know, Changbin” he jerked his head to tell the two of them to follow him, “let’s think.” He ripped off the plastic bags from his hands and shoved them into his pockets as the two followed him to his room. The six of you still in the dining room though, were still in a sort of shell-shocked state.
“Anybody want to come with me and take a look at these?” Seungmin feebly waved around the sticky notes. 
“Uh, I’ll go with you.” IN offered.
“I’ll come with you guys,” Hyunjin quickly spoke up, “I’m feeling spooked and I don’t want it to just be the two of you.” He got up and the three of them quietly left the room. 
“Soooooo,” you turned to Han and Felix and couldn’t help but ask something that was nagging your mind during the whole conversation, “does Chan read minds with his hands?”
Taglist: @elizabeth11moreno @twilightnightshade @italianventi
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disappearinginq · 1 month
Ooh for the fic-I-associate-with-you game: Once Bitten.
(also I absolutely love that fic!! It deals with the serious ramifications of Juliet's actions - which should've been addressed in the show! - and it is so fantastically written!)
I would say "this fic was inspired by rage" but that is not exactly a secret - I think I even said it in the notes on both the beginning and the end. :-) SO different factoid/secret about it....
So it's no secret I don't like Higgins for like...99% of the series. I hate people like her in the series when they exist in real life, the ones who think that their trauma trumps all others, no one has ever been hurt like they've been hurt, and that gives them a free pass to be dicks to everyone around them. From a veteran standpoint, that is some fucking bullshit.
I was at a veteran's retreat - women only - this weekend, and when I confessed that I didn't feel like I really belonged in the same group as these women - who had seen combat, who had lost dozens and more of their brothers and sisters, who lost their 'tribe' when they left the service and couldn't connect to people, and that feeling of alienation was why I never went to veterans' programs or events - one of them, without missing a beat, said "trauma is trauma. Who the fuck cares how you got it?" and it was one of the most inclusive things she could've ever said to me.
But that feeling of never having anything in common with other service members was probably why I wrote so much in Magnum fandom, because I could force that on Thomas and the guys - they were POWs. There's been like...16 in the entire 20+ years of War on Terror (aka 3 Ring Shit Show of the Middle East) and most of them died. They only have each other for someone who might even remotely understand what the other has been through. And it's why I really harp on Higgins and her stick-up-her-ass attitude towards Thomas and the Nest property for most of the series - she's supposed to be the 007 level spy, and she couldn't figure out basic dumb shit like "don't be a twat to you fellow house guest". I'd been told my whole military and post military life that I didn't have it that bad, that I was exaggerating, etc, about how terrible it was. No one believed me. And I wanted someone like Rick to stick up for me like he sticks up for Thomas here.
Also - I don't know if anyone drew the parallels here - but Rick gets really on his case about his arm and the dog bite because of what happens Bad Things Happen with Rick and the dog in Afghanistan. So Rick is working through his own trauma there.
Thank you for the opportunity to revisit the guys! (I miss them so)
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Lake Laogai
It's not even remotely a secret that I'm incapable of being unbiased or objective about this episode. I love Jet, & I think killing him off was a huge mistake & a waste. I wrote a post explaining in more detail why I specifically think that Jet's death was a writing mistake HERE.
This re-watch has been interesting because it's really nice to re-watch a fave show & re-evaluate my opinions after spending a lot of time engaging with the fandom. I don't know, maybe it's just my annoyance with the fandom's pushing for a Katara/Aang/Zuko love triangle but this re-watch has made me take a firm stance that Jet should've lived, & become part of the Gaang, & dated Katara. "But Rose, don't you prefer Katara with girls?" I mean yeah, I like to write that more, but I'm talking about what I think should've happened in the actual show, which is entirely separate.
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[ID: two pictures from different angles of Katara & Jet in the streets of Ba Sing Se]
Katara & Jet have the whole contentious complicated past & I'm always gonna be a sucker for the dynamic where the girl is violently angry & the guy is just like "I'm so sorry I've changed please accept me" like, I'm just being honest that's a good dynamic. Jet's already pretty strong redemption arc could've been concreted & we could've had a new, needed perspective in the Gaang from someone who was a victim of colonization in a similar way to Katara & Sokka but with a very different experience & reaction.
I will try not to spend this whole post being salty though, that's why I made a separate post. The brainwashing under Lake Laogai is very creepy, & it is one of the aspects of the show that stuck with me the most upon first viewing & for good reason. All the Joo Dees speaking in unison is genuinely terrifying. Long Feng is also a well-written villain. He's sly, manipulative, & just creeps me out.
The other thing that I wanted to ponder on with this episode is Zuko saving Appa, & Zuko & Iroh's discussion. I want to make it clear that I think Zuko's redemption arc is incredibly well-written overall. I only criticize Avatar because I love it so much & have thought about it so much. There are a lot of popular Avatar hot takes on Tumblr about how Zuko's redemption arc is poorly written, nonexistent, or whatever, & I simply strongly disagree. I have to get that out of the way & be clear about it or I'll worry I'm being misinterpreted. I also like Iroh, although I feel like I don't always understand what's going on with him & this episode is an example. That's another thing I wanted to clarify because I don't want to come across as anti-Iroh. I don't know, maybe I worry too much about how I come across lol but anyway -
Iroh: And then what!? You never think these things through! [Points at him.] This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole! You had him, and then you had nowhere to go!
Zuko: I would have figured something out!
Iroh: No! If his friends hadn't found you, you would have frozen to death! Zuko I know my own destiny, Uncle! Iroh Is it your own destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you? Zuko Stop it, Uncle! I have to do this!
This scene specifically & the entire framing of Zuko's unhappiness about the teashop is very interesting. I have said before that I dislike Zuko as Firelord in the end, but that's not necessarily a firm stance...I guess I just dislike the inconsistency with how it was built up. Others who are willing to be much harsher than I am have often pointed out that Zuko went from following his father's orders & vision to following Iroh's vision of his destiny, & I think there's some truth to that. But what bothers me more than that, is that we don't actually get firm foreshadowing on what Iroh's vision for Zuko's destiny even is.
This is the first time we see Iroh really yell at Zuko & go off on him but it's unclear what he wants from Zuko. I mean, okay, he wants Zuko to be happy serving tea. I guess that's fine, but it doesn't quite work knowing that later, Iroh completely does a 180 on this stance & it's sorta like...What happened? Ya know? It's just inconsistent. And characters can be inconsistent, people change their minds, but we're not really given much information about Iroh's internal struggle concerning what he wants from his nephew so it just comes across as confusing to me.
Zuko's character arc is all about discovering what it is that he wants & acting on it. I've said before that my issue with Zuko's ending on the show is that Zuko always wanted to be Firelord & then he....becomes Firelord. That's not really a change? This scene between Zuko & Iroh feels like it was building to something larger with Zuko's arc, but it really....isn't.
That said, I do love Appa's return! Aang & Appa's reunion & Appa getting to be a badass is just amazing.
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[ID: two pictures of Aang & Appa hugging, one from up close & one from a bit of a distance.]
I definitely enjoyed Appa's reunion with the Gaang the most out of all the parts of this episode.
Well, I enjoyed Jet's parts up until his death too. I also wanted to point out that Sokka teases Katara about her thing with Jet, but doesn't seem that angry at Jet himself & is quite willing to give him another chance. And it's Aang who breaks Jet out of his brainwashing by reminding him that they are friends. So, Katara is not the only one in the Gaang with any connection with Jet. Again, they should've addressed --- ah, whatever, I'm done.
That's all I have for this episode.
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okiria · 6 months
*holds up mic 🎤* hey astoria!! this is super random but i just read your recent posts and it made me curious about something; are there any differences/interesting things about sougo's portrayal in jpn vs eng fandoms? or is about the same?
okay this got long (as per usual) BUT the TLDR is i think sougo is seen as a lot more of a pretty boy in the jpn fandom and a lot more of a "dom" in the eng fandom. it's probably either due to what archetypes we are more familiar with/connect him to, or just how fanon spreads in different languages!
okay so first funny story/disclaimer— during my time living abroad my friends kept trying to get me into ginta.ma and i didn't until i got back to the states. but now every time i say "god i wish i had a sougo figure :/" my bf says "should've gotten into it sooner :/"
so that being said i didn't really interact with the irl gint.ama jpn fandom, but i always think of this story my bf told me where he was shopping for hiji merch and a girl next to him audibly gasped and gently, tenderly picked up a sougo badge. she gets me. more on that later.
anyway, a character like sougo is interesting bc i feel like every person has their own interpretation of his traits, but this is what i've gathered from what i have interacted with online and through doujins/fan comics (gross generalization ahead):
i think often in the eng fandom he is portrayed a lot more with his "do-s side", and i think a lot of interpretations i come across have him as pretty mean/aggressive (obviously he has his moments, but they're usually just mischievous and opportunistic (and 90% of the time directed at hiji)). in short, he's mostly written like this:
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from what i've consumed from the jpn fandom, he's depicted a lot more as his "flat" self. i feel like what's more exaggerated is the "uncaring" attitude. (i wonder if it's because that's what his speaking style conveys, but that exaggeration is lost to an english audience?) i see him written more like this:
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and obviously both interpretations are rooted in canon! that's why i was able to have screenshots of both attitudes he shows! but it's interesting with a character like sougo seeing what aspects people choose to focus on :) ofc this is, as i said, a generalization, and based on my limited personal experience with both sides of the fandom, but it's what i see most popular in those languages!
i brought up that example earlier of the other sougo fan who tenderly picked up the badge because i feel like a lot of sougo fans over here aren't as interested in those "gentle" aspects of him. all x readers i have found have been people who desire him for his do-s/dom traits (which is fine if that's what they're interested in!), but i'd say more sougo fans in the jpn fandom find him cute/moe.
(i think it's also interesting that sougo was written to be the bishounen/androgynous character, but i don't hear much about him being a "pretty boy" in the eng fandom. this is an interesting case since usually EA men are feminized in western fandoms, and in this case it's the opposite, but i won't get into that (i just wrote about it for my graduate thesis so i have thoughts on it LOL))
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solradguy · 1 year
I have a headache and today's been stressful so I'm going to say something true and beautiful.
Kinnie meme. Template at the end since the source blog deleted. This is a long post.
1). What is your fictotype? Are you a specific character, a nonhuman species, or both?
You know.
2). Do you experience dysphoria? How so?
Not really. Sometimes I get embarrassed about being 'kin but I just suck it up and deal with it like I am right now.
3). Who are you open about it with?
Anyone that looks at my blog header and pinned post FAQ. I only really get open about it with a handful of very close friends though. And I guess anyone that reads this the whole way through.
4). Do you participate in the fandom of your source? How do you do so?
Damn, should've saved the "you know" for this one lol. I translate and scan books and have written a little fanfiction. Among other things...
5). Do you fictionflicker?
Had to search this so here's the definition for others: A Kintype that isn't permanent. It seems to "flicker" in and out of existence if you lose interest in that fandom.
Before Guilty Gear I probably did, but I had a hard time in general figuring myself out until relatively recently.
6). When did you realise you were fictionkin? How long have you been in the community.
It'll have been a year in late August. Some of my friends are fictionkin but I wouldn't say I really interact with the wider community at all.
7). What was your introduction to fictionkin?
Lmao... Probably seeing kids talk about it on DeviantArt back in '05 or '06. I've known about it for a long time. Though... I have to admit my views towards it back then used to be negative.... My second "introduction" was in the end of last year when I finally sat down and looked stuff up about it.
8). Are you similar to your fictotype in personality? How so?
That's how this all started. Friends kept making jokes about me being a Sol kinnie even though I was like this BEFORE Guilty Gear and eventually I just went and researched it and, well, here we are. People on sites I'm not open about this on have compared me to Sol before too and I just laugh about it. They don't know, but they know.
9). Are you similar to your fictotype in appearance? How so?
Not really. I guess we both have brown hair that wants to be vertical real bad and I've got a crazy shoulder/waist/hips ratio but that's about it. Oh, default expression like this -> T_T
10). Link to/tag your favourite fictionkin Tumblr.
11). Have you ever met other fictionkin? In real life or online?
I've met therians and non-fiction otherkin in real life but have only seen other fictionkin online.
12). Have you ever met canonmates? In real life or online?
13). Have you ever met doubles? In real life or online? How did it go?
Yeah, there are a few other Sols out there. It's gone fine, I don't really care about doubles and all that jazz and it didn't seem like they cared either. It'd be fun getting all the Sols together for a BBQ and shitty beer. We can play cornhole.
14). What are shifts like?
Bad. Makes me stay up late reblogging Jack-O' images :/
Jk lmao I ended up searching this term to make sure I was understanding it right because I was going to say "no" to this question but I guess I "dream shift" often and get "phantom shifts" (phantom limb sensations for non-human appendages) sometimes. For the phantom shifts it seems to be for wings the most frequently with claws and meat-tearing teeth less frequently.
The wing feeling is weird, I don't like it. It doesn't feel like the whole wing, just sort of where they would connect to my back but either the rest of the wing never existed or was never formed in a way that had nerve endings, or my brain forgot what the rest of the wing would be like. Usually I only get this feeling right after I wake up and it goes away quickly but sometimes it happens when I'm fully awake. The claws/teeth happen whenever.
I often wonder how related these feelings are to having synesthesia and being trans.
15). How do you deal with kin for fun?
I don't. It can be a little annoying sometimes when trying to find people or studies/essays that are serious about otherkinity, but more often than not the KFF people are just teens goofin off. I don't care. They are, as the name suggests, just doing it for fun and exploring their identities through characters they relate to. Introspection is always good.
16). What are your thoughts on symbols, flags, etc.?
Indifferent. The 7-pointed star's pretty neat though.
17). Does fictionkinity connect to spirituality for you?
18). Does fictionkinity connect to neurodivergence for you?
It seems so. Like I said in one of the above questions, I used to have a hard time figuring myself out and when I was young I'd try to see things through the lens of a character that I related to. This likely wasn't otherkinity, but I think it maybe evolved into it. There weren't many masculine 6'5" women for me to relate to as a kid, I didn't know how I was supposed to be and gender didn't make any sense. There's definitely a relationship between being trans and otherkin for me.
19). Do other people notice your similarity to a character or species?
It seems so.
20). How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
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21). What's something about the fictionkind community you wish was different?
Don't see many essays and stuff from fictionkin as I do from other kinds of 'kin, which is a shame. It's probably because the rest of the otherkin community and the internet in general are unkind towards fictionkin.
22). What's something about the fictionkind community that you appreciate?
Someone's gonna laugh and say I'm just not seeing it, but if there's drama in the GG fictionkind community it never makes its way onto my feed. Hope it stays that way. Leave me out of it.
23). How do you approach consuming your source? Analytically, obsessively, casually, reluctantly, etc...
I bite a hole in the bottom of it and chug the whole thing like a beer can.
24). What's the worst anti-fickin take you've seen?
The most common one because it's annoying: "You're not actually a fictional character." No shit.
25). What's the best anti-fickin take you've seen? Respond to it.
That even if it really is only a passing phase, or that it turns out someone actually isn't 'kin of what they thought they were, that they still learned something about themselves.
26). What are some songs that remind you of your fictotype or source?
I've been working on a playlist that I wanna copy onto cassette but it's still 30 minutes short (needs to be 90 to fill the tape). Here are three songs from it:
I Will Find You - Whitechapel
Summit of Dragons - Sold Soul
Imaginary Fire - Carpenter Brut
27). What are some other characters/species that remind you of your fictotype?
The other day I compared Sol to an Italian mastiff. Dragons, obviously. Ifrit from FFXVI and Dante's Sin Devil Trigger from DMC5 share a vibe with his Dragon Install too.
28). Do you have a favourite piece of fanart?
Every Sol that Ume, Sutegoro, Hungry Clicker, and Nainsoo draw is golden.
29). Do you have activities that connect you to your source? (Food, hobbies, interests, etc.)
I spent 6 months working on a 3D printer to make a 1:1 scale Outrage MK.II, code, and have six Queen records. What else is there.
30). Talk about what it's like to be your fictotype.
I don't know. Some things make more sense, some things don't. It doesn't bother me as much as it did at first but finally having an explanation for what my brain is doing—and that it happens to other adults too—has been comforting. Though, I suppose it's on-theme for Sol to have complex identity feelings and a struggle to accept them.
1). What is your fictotype? Are you a specific character, a nonhuman species, or both?
2). Do you experience dysphoria? How so?
3). Who are you open about it with?
4). Do you participate in the fandom of your source? How do you do so?
5). Do you fictionflicker?
6). When did you realise you were fictionkin? How long have you been in the community.
7). What was your introduction to fictionkin?
8). Are you similar to your fictotype in personality? How so?
9). Are you similar to your fictotype in appearance? How so?
10). Link to/tag your favourite fictionkin Tumblr.
11). Have you ever met other fictionkin? In real life or online?
12). Have you ever met canonmates? In real life or online?
13). Have you ever met doubles? In real life or online? How did it go?
14). What are shifts like?
15). How do you deal with kin for fun?
16). What are your thoughts on symbols, flags, etc.?
17). Does fictionkinity connect to spirituality for you?
18). Does fictionkinity connect to neurodivergence for you?
19). Do other people notice your similarity to a character or species?
20). How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
21). What's something about the fictionkind community you wish was different?
22). What's something about the fictionkind community that you appreciate?
23). How do you approach consuming your source? Analytically, obsessively, casually, reluctantly, etc...
24). What's the worst anti-fickin take you've seen?
25). What's the best anti-fickin take you've seen? Respond to it.
26). What are some songs that remind you of your fictotype or source?
27). What are some other characters/species that remind you of your fictotype?
28). Do you have a favourite piece of fanart?
29). Do you have activities that connect you to your source? (Food, hobbies, interests, etc.)
30). Talk about what it's like to be your fictotype.
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camcakes · 2 years
Hey Cam! Has dating a British influencer changed your opinion/thoughts on discussing/gossiping a public figure's private life at all?
no, because i have always felt sketchy about having a gossip podcast. i've written and spoken about this exhaustively. i have always felt some guilt about it. i justify the pod and blog by trying to do more good than harm.
i set boundaries and rules and try to teach readers and listeners the importance of maintaining those boundaries and rules, i use my platform to raise awareness and money for good causes and charity, and i foster a positive queer community that helps queer people, particularly queer women accept themselves, heal homophobic scars, and feel at home.
i'm under no illusion that celebs like spaces like mine, i know they don't. but celebs are very well compensated for the public being intrigued by their private lives and furthermore, they have full teams of publicists to support them through dealing with gossip and speculation.
taylor in particular got rich and famous begging the public to speculate about her personal life. she publicly trashed her exes and hid secret messages in her art. for example the liner note on the song "should've said no" is SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM SAM. a public address to her high school ex sam armstrong who she claimed cheating on her. she has done this dozens if not hundreds of times- invited the public to speculate on her personal life to promote her music and projects.
now i have trouble imagining 16-year-old sam armstrong really deserved to get publicly dragged like that over a high school relationship (should've said no is a scathing song) but that's taylor's life and i guess she can comment on it however she wants, even as she burns down a 16 year old kid.
but she does this for other people's personal lives as well. she outed scooter braun's affair in her song mad woman and his marriage subsequently ended. when it did everyone knew taylor had spilled the tea on him cheating on his wife. now, scooter braun is truly a terrible person and he probably deserved it. i'm not sure that his wife did though and i'm CERTAIN his children didn't. there's no way his kids deserved to have their family's dirty laundry aired to literally billions of people and that was likely traumatizing and humiliating for them... but hey taylor wanted to sell some records and it's her artistic expression like sometimes to make an omelet you have to break a few eggs (or break up a family in taylor's case).
so if taylor can gossip about people solely for profit and her own gain... why can't i gossip about taylor to foster a queer community and safe space that legitimately makes a positive difference in people lives? for example, we have raised money for several different queer women in need. most recently we did a drive in the discord to purchase birthday and christmas presents for the child of a queer domestic abuse victim.
gabbie, on the other hand, has not made a career out of creating art that specifically encourages speculation around her dating life like taylor has, though i'm sure she'd agree that some speculation around her personal life, while it may not make her day, simply comes with the territory of being a public figure (albeit a tiny one compared to taylor). she doesn't want to have to see it in her comments but one of my community rules is we should never EVER take these speculations to a celeb's comments or ask them about it to their face. it's a fandom activity that should stay 100% in a fandom space.
so all that said if you can't tell, i've spent a lot of time thinking about the effect my space has on people both positive and negative. i feel some guilt and shame over the negative but i always have so dating a minor public figure hasn't changed that.
at the end of the day, my community isn't really about ultra-privileged billionaire taylor swift (who, if you'll remember, talks her own fair amount of shit) and it's certainly not FOR her in any way. it is for and about the vulnerable queer community that calls it home and finds a place to heal from a life filled with homophobic beatings through having conversations about what it means to be queer, what it means to be closeted, and what it means to recognize that identity in other people. taylor's oeuvre and public persona just provide the perfect jumping-off point to foster that conversation and brings in the community.
this will be the last pod-related question i'll answer on this blog i've asked people to ask pod-related questions on @whatiwillsay so let's please do that.
i've written more about this topic(is what i do ethical or not) here and here and spoken about it on the pod here and here. i'm happy to have more dialogue about this topic but please read all my previous thoughts on the matter.
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demonsfate · 3 months
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munday meme // accepting // anonymous asked . . . What about your muse are you most proud of?
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I'm just REALLY proud of my canon-divergence-y! Especially when it comes to Devil. It's funny how much I loathe the Tek6 story, but I really love my take on it. At least, with Devil! I feel it just really fleshes out Devil, hence why it's a verse I tend to use more than the other (talking about ones that AREN'T main verse / TK8 lol!) Just because it feels like it really fleshes out Devil's character. Pre-TK6, Devil was just kinda an unhinged monster. But in TK6, he has to face a lot of obstacles that really challenges his character, he's also put into a lot of new situations he's unused to. Such as, he has to deal with being the one who's always in control opposed to Jin, he has to deal with Jin no longer being there and having a quiet "mindscape," the tables have turned and he found out HE'S the tool all along, and he has to deal with that, and then the stress of the war being harder than he initially believed, as well as Jin eventually slowly "resurfacing" and AGAIN, the tables are turned because now Devil has to handle Jin being the one to haunt him in his dreams.
Like he's no longer just an unhinged monster, but a monster that's facing problems. Not only that, but he's a monster that's gaining more and more sentience, but is also confused by his existence. Devil may act like he knows what he wants, but he doesn't really. He wants to wipe out humanity, but why? Because he hates them. But why does he hate them? Because they're weak, they're bad? Why does he think that? Like with his developing sentience, as well as Azazel's planting all these "instincts" in Devil (to be violent, to be hateful, etc) it just creates a very confusing, and MESSY existence for Devil, and it's really interesting to play that out in threads.
I think my Devil also just fits in the themes with the story, too. Lars has amnesia, Alisa is unaware of her true purpose, and Devil trying to find out what he is or what he wants (or what he believes he wants). It's all about everyone trying to find themselves, figure themselves out, y'know? Then the Bloodline Rebellion fits too, because Devil actively rebels against his creator (without his creator realizing that, though) and rebels against his purpose. (Whilst still technically carrying it out, he still plans on betraying Azazel, and becoming the God)
Now regarding Jin... I can't say there's anything as specific that I'm proud about regarding my portrayal of him? But I still say I am just proud of being able to humanize him more than the games, being able to undo the damages that TK6 (and other games during that era) did to him. Yes, whilst it doesn't affect ACTUAL canon, or the majority of the fandom, it's still so nice to get to write him how I think he should've been written, y'know? And I think for the most part, I do a decent job at that!
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thebooktopus · 3 years
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@sweet-s0rr0w and I had a hilarious conversation about the difficulty of making banners for people, and @maesterchill certainly came up. ice cubes. chill. get it? sigh.
MC is such a huge presence in the drarry fandom. she's always reblogging and commenting here on tumblr with so much positivity. plus, she's one of the mods for arguably one of the most popular fests in the fandom, HD-Wireless, which had its 85 author spots claimed within a few hours this year. I cannot imagine modding a fest on that scale and think that she and her fellow mod team deserve a huge round of applause for the feat!
random superlatives and recs:
prenatal class meet-cute for the win: My heart was far too glad // E // 22K // Drarry // double the mpreg, double the fun!!
squirting. choccy. knob: Eat Me // E // 11K // Drarry // MC masterfully writes Harry fellating a chocolate penis. at work. that he soon recognizes is modeled after Draco's dick. I... I'm giving this a standing ovation.
the imagery of Harry gawping at Draco's CK underwear ad in Piccadilly Square will stay with me all day: Every Day is Leg Day // E // 2K // Drarry // I should've known after reading her hand kink fic in January that I needed to seek out all other body part kink fics MC had written... my goodness. model Draco with legs for the days rocked my world.
my god the artwork on this is blew my mind: oxygen // T // 4K & art //@onbeinganangel created an embroidery rec for this one and you're going to have to go read it because i exist only as a puddle on the floor after reading this fic.
no, seriously though, her art: Do you have a warrant? // M // Drarry // the chandelier. I love the drugs just casually in the background in this work, but Draco's red eyes and teal pants are fire.
MC, I'm such a big fan! I've been loving your feedback on these posts, so a big thank you for that. I hope you're having a great day. 💚
for more info on mutuals march and/or to figure out why the hell I just wrote an ode to you, check out this post.
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iridescentis · 3 years
It is currently 1am and I have Rilaya brain rot and so even though the Girl Meets World fandom is hanging on by a thread and I haven’t posted in a year here we go. 
Both the Josh and Lucas 'crushes' are the most typical sign of comphet; Josh is too old for Maya and Lucas was pre-established as having a thing with Riley, meaning both unattainable.
Following on from this, Maya goes through an entire arc trying to determine how she likes Lucas and is incredibly stiff when trying to make it work. Also her 'crush' on Josh is unusually enthusiastic and she only decides she likes him when she figures out she doesn't like Lucas LITERALLY FORCING HERSELF TO LIKE ONE OF THE TWO BECAUSE SHE THINKS SHE HAS TO.
The ski lodge episode was poorly written - the whole 'she wanted to protect Riley so she felt what she felt' made no sense whatsoever, and completely erased her own character growth. The only reason the writers implemented that episode was to get both a resolution to the triangle and a throwback to Boy Meets World done in the same episode. The fact that Riley stayed up talking with Lauren's son and it resulted in nothing showed that it was just for reference purposes.
Josh completely took advantage of Maya and willingly admitted to LIKING A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD FRESHMAN GIRL AS AN EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD MAN IN COLLEGE.
Throughout the entire triangle plotline, Maya was confused. She never even SAID she had definite feelings for Lucas, Riley assumed she did and it went from there. It was the most clear sign that she was doing what she thought she was meant to - Riley was going out and liking boys like everyone else and Maya only ever 'liked' boys she couldn't have. 
"I don't know what I like anymore" The usage of 'what' and not 'if I like him'; she was definitely questioning her sexuality here why else would she be that vague. (+Riley saying "Woah" thought I'd point that out)
Maya 100% has feelings for Riley. It's not even a question. 
Unrelated but Maya and Riley are much more like Jack and Eric than Cory and Shawn, especially Riley - she is not as much of Cory and Topanga as the show forces, she is pure Eric Matthews. 
Upon seeing Riley get a crush on the new guy, Maya IMMEDIATELY resorted to making fun of him and being abundantly clear that she doesn't think of him as a threat ("[be scared] of ranger rick? sure honey you be as scared as you want") 
"I just want it to stop it's bad enough I've been keeping this from her all this time"
That sentence is the most Denial™ line I have ever heard since "he's just my roommate"
We were robbed of a Rilaya country dancing scene
Riley is consistently uncomfortable around Lucas: It may have just been Disney's censored writing style but the fact that the two dated twice, and yet their 'romantic' advances were the most awkward things to watch. The lip peck on the train was the closest they got to being comfortable around each other, all the other hand holding and stuff was stiff and forced. Kind of a stretch because that's up to the actors, director and Disney but still, the relationship was unbelievably forced.
HOW I WOULD'VE WRITTEN A RILAYA PLOTLINE (this is in the case that GMW got more seasons)
A social studies teacher introduced, teaching a lesson on LGBTQ+ identities; this would lead to Maya doing her own research and becoming comfortable in her identity. (done in a way that avoids stereotypical coming out plotlines written by cishet people)
The whole group but more specifically Rilaya should've heard the story of Eric, Jack and Rachel. (In this plotline Jeric becomes canon and gets married because its my ideal and I make the decisions)
Maya has a long pining arc because she deserves real character development that didn't resolve itself in the span of 10 episodes.
Its already way to established that Riley works slowly and very much isn't the weekly relationships type but Maya should be. Especially during her pining arc because that is a perfect level of angst and portrays unhealthy coping mechanisms perfectly. 
RILEY TAKES A LONG TIME TO REALISE SHE LIKES GIRLS. Riley very clearly grew up privileged and blissfully ignorant, so its not going to be an immediate thing. Maya's understanding should be more fast paced than Riley's to maintain their contrast because its such an integral part of their relationship.
They get together during college. Their dorm/apartment has a bay window. They kiss in it. No important reason. It would just be very cute. 
Eric is the first person to realise there's something going on between Rilaya. I need more idiot genius in my life. 
THE FRIENDSHIP RINGS BECOME PROMISE RINGS. Not engagement rings because that's a stretch but a cute awkward scene where they have to figure out what to do with the rings now that they're dating would be perfect.
And that is all. Thank you. 
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alpona · 2 years
Self-awareness of BSD narrative:
...or something like that, I'm not even sure of the title. Ahem.
A story with a concept like incorporating real life literary figures as character names, and reference their works, is already meta enough, but it's also topped with more in-story materials too!
I'm probably 10 years too late to talk about this stuff, but, well, I'll just post this anyway.
*possible spoilers for the manga*
This one is pretty obvious , the book with power to re-write reality is a nod to, the bungou stray dogs script itself.
This whole thing is a self aware fiction within fiction 😌.
Every plot point that feels like plot convenience, the 'story like consistency', are because, they're exactly that! Atsushi is special because, yah, he was written as MC! He's got plot armour, because he does ! All the things that sometimes makes us think 'huh, ok, so that happened now', everything that actually does sound storylike, is because, they are!  If anything feels like it came out of nowhere, maybe it's because they did, like the sky casino for example.
This story is knowingly following the story-like consistency. (Stuff that we don't question and became part and parcel of supernatural anime-ness, but doesn't make sense in real context.)
"bound by the book" is also like how sometimes we, the audience/reader get trapped by the story narrative and don't see things from different perspectives. (After years of watching different shows, many of us saw this happening, right?) And then there are the audience who break free and enjoy a story from their own neutral perspective.
The hunting dogs, authorities can't see the detective agency is innocent because they're 'bound by the book's rule' to not believe them, and sometimes it's hard for the readers to see these antagonist's point of view either cuz we're bound by this story's narrative 😏. Again, there are one's who break free!
(Have you ever read/watched something and in the middle of the story, felt with a jolt that you've literally broken out of what the Narrative is saying? Kinda like Tachihara. I had this strange experience)
This is one of the storytelling issues I often ponder about, How brilliantly addressed! "painted as a villain by the narrative'' - Our MCs, detective agency literally faced this. and in turn, some readers might also be getting annoyed at the current antagonists, it's sometimes easy to forget that in their eyes, the ADA members are evil criminals.
What a take on the theme of villainifying (is this a word?) charactes!
Sigma. Just sigma. Yes.
Literally a character who just landed in this universe,  who's "story starts from the middle". In a way, Isn't that true for most fictional characters we get to know? And sometimes he's the clueless, only normal one, perfect as audience avatar 😂
Random theory, The final main villain will be Asagiri Kafka 😉 lol
Random theory 2 : A character we know actually wrote the entire state of BSD universe that we're seeing now 😶. What we're seeing now is an already altered reality.
Maybe the 'book' was already used to change many things, alter most character's memories. Maybe by Natsume Souseki. Or even Dazai! (Kinda like Beast, he was responsible for beast...? I should've read Beast fully before posting this!)
.... And many more I'm not writing or haven't noticed.
Wouldn't be surprised if the 4th wall is completely broken at some point, haha!  Ok, I don't think this will be blatantly addressed, but still, the meta references, how various storytelling trope is being played with, even an alternate universe storyline, everything is already brilliant! I'm absolutely loving this meta-ness!
So, these were my.... thoughts? Some theories? Mostly rant? Basically what I find most intriguing about BSD. This aspect of storytelling is usually my jam, I think of meta references everywhere anyway, so this series is a feast for me!
Excuse my messy writing, my lack of vocabulary in any language to express everything that's been on my mind, me being new in the fandom and not reading the novels yet... And I'm starting to sound like Atsushi.
Let me know if anyone feels the same! And sorry if you hate meta references.
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mikeellee · 2 years
Been thinking a lot about the whole entrance exam thing and something doesn't sit right. Izuku is way smarter and analytical, strategic, observant than most in canon. EVEN much better than that overhyped trash called Bakugou. Yet he barely passed the written exam?. I just don't understand this. I also think he should've been able to figure out how to use OFA sooner than in canon like during the exam or during the weeks leading to the start of UA. I mean he studied and analysed quirks, Heroes and everything about these from a young age, yet he couldn't really understand how to use OFA?. I get Hori wanted his Protagonist to start from zero but a lot of the hurdles given to him as well as reducing him to being just a fanboy imo were unnecessary.
Hi my dude, welome to my inbox. Here we talk the truth about this god awful canon and the majority of the fandom. It sucks, it really sucks.
As for your question...I agree but I want to give my two cents.
1) We don´t know what was asked in those writting exam, you know. Nor if the scoring was fair. Actually, we don´t know how the score was made in the first place. Did they just score based on the answers or they take a look on the quirks? bc...I´m on the opinion UA SUCKS.
Mind you, not saying Isu is not smart...HE IS WICKEDLY SMART but if the system is against him...
2)BK should have stay in Isu´s past and nothing more. Isu never needed the abuser in his life. And the abuse plotline does nothing for Isu, but BK get away with this-and the fandom eat this shit up.
3) Not sure if you saw naruto, but, there´s a part where Naruto goes to the chunnin exam and there´s an written test...except the test was a ruse(not confuding with Aizawa, bc that ruse did make sense in the world of naruto) so...what if the written exam is pointless too?
4) Yeah, I do think the fandom eat the shit "creepy fanboy/creepy stalker" for isu too easy. Like, BK is the canonical stalker, he can´t fucntion without making his issues Isu´s problem, he can´t exist without having to butt in whatever Isu is doing, you know HIS VICTIM... and we also have Nighteye...WHO IS A CREEPY FAN.
I would have like to see Isu giving away some of the AM´s merch for kids, not bc "then he stops to being creepy" but more in the lines of him growing as a hero, and bc kids deserve to play with AM´s dolls.
Hori is 100% biased against his own MC...he bends the plot, characters and everything to make sure BK looks good...and if you ask me why.
I say...HE IS BK´S HOE
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prodbionic · 3 years
A Turbulent Horizon
Summary: A long day of tedious investigations and alibi checks ends with a high note. Very high. 15000 feet up in the sky to be exact. Then it goes south, real fast.
Written for the "Falling from a great height" prompt on my @badthingshappenbingo card
Fandom: Prodigal Son (TV Show)
Characters featured in the prompt fill: Malcolm Bright, JT Tarmel.
Chapters: 4 Word Count: 17k
Status: Complete
Read on AO3
Read the prompt fill scene under the cut
Other bthb card fills: x
Keeping his eyes closed, Malcolm hopes to filter out the dizzying sight of the open plane door, but the pressure behind his eardrums makes his efforts in vain, the vertigo persists. Feeling as if his brain is swimming inside his skull, every sound registers as if coming from beyond a barrier, making for a weird feeling of otherness. Like he's watching and hearing through someone else's eyes and ears.
He responds to his partner through the haze anyway.
"You go, JT. I uhh… I'll figure s-something out."
The profiler hears the huff of exasperation.
"Dude! I will not leave you behind."
Malcolm opens his eyes to find a look of dismay at his offer reflected in JT's eyes. And dare he say, an unwavering conviction in his ability to save both of them.
In all honesty, Malcolm won't 'figure something out', he knows he won't. JT seems to know it as well.
He just wants JT to save himself if he can and leave Malcolm to his fate. It's all the profiler's fault.
"I rigged something up."
At Malcolm's squint at the straps JT's pointing at, he continues, "don't worry, it'll work!"
He's got his breath under better control, now that the initial shock abated, of how he managed to be the cause of someone's death. Not one, but two people... at once. Never mind that Dave is, (was, the ever-present voice in his head corrects him) most certainly a serial killer. But Kyle… he should've at least been able to save Kyle.
Now that the certainty of Malcolm's impending doom is settled in his rattling bones, he clenches his trembling jaw and swallows, and tries to banish the image of Kyle's devastated face from his mind as he responds to his current companion.
"JT, I'm not doubting you. I'm doubting the physics of nature. And myself. This must be a one-person parachute, it won't take both our weights. You need to save yourself, think about Tally and your baby."
How he managed to stitch all of these words together is beyond him, but he trudges along with a shake of his head and confesses through gritted teeth and a throat threatening to lock up at any second.
"My muscles are... locked up. I'm terrified. I know I won't be able to make myself jump into...", he swallows in a vain attempt to wet his parched mouth, "... the fucking clouds."
Saying the words out loud is enough to paint a vivid picture in his brain of his body falling weightless, endlessly through a hungry void that swallows him and spits his shattered bones inside skin splattered on the ground, like a watermelon that took a long hard plummet onto the asphalt.
It's enough to send him through a spiral once again, his breathing uneven, his open eyes unseeing.
His friend drags him out of his head when he suddenly stands from his crouched position in front of Malcolm and moves close.
Too close.
He bends and extends his hands towards Malcolm's seat belt, forcibly removes Malcolm's white-knuckled grip, and unclips the buckle while Malcolm eyes him with more than a little trepidation.
"JT what a-are you doing?"
He doesn't get an answer. Instead, he gets gently shoved forward. Malcolm winces at a twinge he feels in his side but gets distracted when JT settles behind him and proceeds to strap him against his torso.
"JT stop."
Around his chest just under his armpits, the first rope loops, and a knot tightens.
"Let me go, JT"
Around each shoulder is next. JT just manhandles his body, raises his stiff uncooperative legs one by one to loop the rope around his thighs, tightens a knot.
All the while ignoring Malcolm's pleas.
Malcolm feels he's descending headfirst into a deep pit of hysteria.
When the next loop goes around his stomach, Malcolm gasps as sharp pain flares low in his side, above his left hip. Instantly JT removes his hands and puts them up and away.
They both see it at the same time. Blood coating the detective's fingers.
"Why didn't you say something, Bright?!"
JT's concern was hidden behind a wall of stoic steady voice and a clenched jaw.
Malcolm was baffled himself.
"I… hadn't noticed."
Dave must've gotten him with that small blade during their scuffle. Now that he's aware of it, he can't help but recognize the flare of pain and the wet spreading warmth.
"We'll take care of it when we land." The calm, almost detached voice of his partner responds while he resumes making another loop, raising it higher than the bloody gash to rest under his pecs.
"I don't wanna do this, JT". Malcolm's voice is barely a whisper, almost swallowed by the shrieking wind swirling inside through the open door and the roar of the engine. "Don't make me do this."
"I'm not asking you to do anything. I'll do the doing. You just hang in there. Up with me." JT stands up slowly, supporting Malcolm by practically hugging him from his position behind him.
"I don't want you… to die… because of me."
Malcolm says haltingly while trying to get his legs steady under him to make JT's job easier. It takes a few seconds before he manages it, mainly because he has a wall of a man behind to lean on, who doesn't respond to Malcolm's statement.
JT then puts his hand flat on Malcolm's chest in a soothing gesture that fails spectacularly against his heart trying to beat a way out through his sternum.
JT urges him to take a step, and another. The door is only two tiny steps away and Malcolm's breathing is so out of control he's taking in short bursts of air that don’t push enough oxygen into his lungs. And it's so cold. So cold he's freezing, his extremities are numb and his panting breaths are making puffs of white clouds that are ripped away as soon as they form, courtesy of the wind blowing through the door.
The door through which he's looking into a part of the sky no one should be looking at, not without a barrier. He's practically hugging the clouds. In a few seconds, he'll be falling through them.
His legs falter. If it weren't for JT's grip on him and how they're tethered together chest to back, he would've slumped to the ground from how weak his legs feel, how his muscles tremble from head to toe. This questionable tether is doing a good job now, but out there… down there… Malcolm has the fleeting vivid image of him ripping away from JT.
"I'm sorry, Bright. I'll apologize for the next year if necessary but I won't forgive myself if I leave you here. Take a deep breath."
As soon as Malcolm complies with the order as best he could, he’s pushed the remaining distance.
Suddenly there's no ground beneath his feet.
Time slows down.
So much so that for the first few milliseconds he thinks he's dreaming.
He's falling weightless in a nightmare and jerks in fear, expecting to wake up in bed, putting an end to the horrible feeling of plummeting.
Except, the first few milliseconds pass, and he's still falling… and falling.
Time starts to catch up to him. Or he starts to catch up to real-time
The breath he sucked before falling seizes in his chest and he stops breathing completely, so overcome by fear and the sensations flooding his systems.
Wind slapping at his face, blowing at his arms which feel like they could've been ripped away if it weren't for being flimsily attached at his shoulders.
His insides are plummeting, ahead of him. Or being sucked away from him, it feels, and he just can't catch up.
And he still can't breathe.
Seconds pass, or minutes, or hours. He just doesn't know.
Thoughts are frozen in his brain.
Breath is arrested in his lungs.
Blood is suspended in his veins.
It is so. damn. cold.
And his heart is in overdrive in his chest.
Strong arms enfold his chest from behind, and he's suddenly yanked sideways in a swirling, dizzying motion that stops as soon as it starts but it leaves him reeling.
He doesn't know exactly what happened except he's now falling on his back resting on JT's front.
And it is worlds different.
It's so different he could cry with how grateful he feels.
He's still falling, but the assault on his body lessens significantly.
Bellowing voice enveloped with a warm breath shouts near his ear, "Breathe, Malcolm!"
The command accompanied by a tug on his unmoving chest for emphasis breaks the spell.
The invisible band loosens its hold on his lungs. He sucks in a breath, one of a drowning man breaking the surface. Followed by another… and another… and another. Until he forgets for a second that he's falling through the sky, all that he thinks of is the air finally filling his lungs, feeding his body with the oxygen it's sorely lacking.
"Good! Keep breathing!" JT yells again and continues,
"I'll count before I flip us back to deploy the chute. Then I will have to remove my arms. Don't panic. I got you, Bright! Okay?"
Malcolm gives a jerky nod. He doesn't think he can speak right now.
JT seems confident. He appears to be experienced with jumping.
It must've been a skill he got from the army. How many times could he have jumped from planes to be this level-headed with a freaking out mess of a person in his arms? Could this experience be triggering for the veteran? Dredging up old unwanted memories? Or had he already made peace with them?
Malcolm feels a tiny bit bad about following this line of thought and using his profiling brain to fill in blanks about his friend, to assume knowledge about him that he did not willingly share.
But he needs to get out of his own head, and this helps.
Until the countdown starts in his ear, just as JT promised.
Malcolm braces himself as best he can. Mentally. There's nothing he could do to brace himself physically. Except involuntarily clench his muscles which are already rigid.
JT does the yanking move again and it goes smoother this time. Smoother doesn't mean anything in the face of the slapping wind punching the breath out of him again, but he tries to breathe anyway.
Because people do this all the time... for fun. It's statistically more likely to die from a bolt of lightning than from skydiving. He ought to be able to have better control of himself.
But… they're lacking the proper equipment to be included in this statistic. Fuck, he's spiralling again. Stop thinking, Bright.
He succeeds in pulling tiny regular breaths and counts it a win. Malcolm feels that passing out from the sheer disorientation and the pressure behind his ears would be bliss if it happened.
Now comes the next step of the plan. The loss of JT's arms feels like a gut punch and he struggles to stem the trickling panic before it floods him.
He doesn't get much time to dwell on it, because merely seconds after JT removes his arms from around Malcolm's chest, the parachute opens.
Suddenly and violently he's pulled up and sideways. It's a whiplash. His lungs arrest and his throat closes.
Every rope around him becomes so taught to the point of being suffocating, and it hurts. But his shoulders! His right shoulder explodes with pain so excruciating he screams.
And they're still being pulled up, and up. They're being flung this way and that way until he stops making sense of direction.
There's only the agonizing pain in his shoulder that has depleted his oxygen with the scream. And there's a vortex in his skull that's trying to take away his consciousness, from all the tumbling like they're inside the world's largest dryer machine.
He has no idea what's happening. Except that it shouldn't be like this if it's working.
It shouldn't be like this if they're going to make it.
There's no reason the both of them should die.
Malcolm doesn't want to be the reason JT dies.
If he could cut his bindings he would. But he can't even feel his fingers anymore.
And he still can't breathe.
Distantly, he hears JT shouting angrily.
"Damn it! Shit shit shit!"
And they're now free-falling again instead of being pulled sideways. His stomach plummets and his insides tingle vigorously.
JT yells at him,
"Brace yourself!"
It's a jolt to his senses.
He hears a loud flapping sound and concludes with the last dredges of his coherent thoughts that JT must've gotten rid of the main parachute.
Malcolm extends his left arm trying to support his right arm somehow, to spare his screaming shoulder from another assault.
He doesn't get much purchase before the backup parachute opens.
Once again they're violently catapulted upwards.
Once again Malcolm can't hold back his scream.
His right shoulder feels like it's being split open, his arm severed from it.
The pain blinds him to anything else. His world is a black sea of agony, he’s drowning in it.
Finally, the black consumes him.
JT is in a tug of war over the toggles against the wind. Trying to stabilize a chute with extra weight against the forces of nature this high up, is making him tap into reserves of expertise that have been collecting dust for so long.
Malcolm is limp against him, seemingly passed out. Must be a blessing for the guy and JT's glad. His shoulder got hurt pretty bad when JT deployed the main. The drag force must've pulled on a knot in the rope that wrenched his arm and dislocated his shoulder aggressively.
Unfortunately, the wind knocked them off and flung them over until the chute ropes twisted around to the point of being unsalvageable, so JT had to let it go to deploy the reserve. That was the KO for Bright.
His shoulder must be mangled now and he's going to be in so much pain when he wakes up.
But he's alive. JT can live with that.
What he couldn't live with, is leaving him for dead.
And Malcolm thought that bringing up his wife and kid would, what? Make JT scurry away? Tally and his kid are a big reason why he wouldn't leave Bright behind. How would he look his family in the eyes, knowing he'd just left his teammate for dead without even trying?
That's not the code he lived his life by, and he wasn't gonna start today.
It's absurd that Malcolm the profiler extraordinaire thought for a second that JT would agree to that ridiculous offer in the first place.
Especially not when all of this is JT's fault. He really shouldn't have agreed to take that flight. He may have gotten used to going along with the harebrained plans of their resident profiler because more often than not, said profiler was right and his plans got them quicker results that ultimately saved more people.
He'll have to find a way to desensitize himself against this acquired habit and fall back more on his own instincts and training.
First, he has to get them back alive. Preferably in one piece each.
He surveys the terrain below with the fading light on the horizon after the sunset. This high up he can still see plenty, so it's his only chance to choose the safest place to land them. Once they get to the ground there'll be next to no light.
Down there is a wooden area. A little ways ahead there's a stream. He has no clue where they are and whether they crossed the state line. JT decides not to think too much about it, let it be a problem for later.
The closer he gets to the ground, a trail cutting through the trees becomes clearer. It's more convenient for landing. He stirs the chute towards it.
JT pulls hard on the toggles to flare the canopy preparing to land as softly as possible, at the same time he levers Bright's legs with his own so they can touch down sitting and sliding on their bums. He will not cause Malcolm any more injuries if he can help it.
His core muscles are clenched so tight they're practically trembling from how much strain it's taking to keep his position in the air, lifting his legs up in front of him, plus the added effort of holding Malcolm's limp ones in the same manner. The muscles of his arms, chest, shoulders, and back are all exhausted from maneuvering the parachute. If it wasn't for the adrenaline pumping his muscles with extra energy he'd keel over from fatigue. It still might happen once they're on the ground, which is finally so close to meeting them.
JT's plan works perfectly. They land exactly as he intends and Malcolm begins to stir from his slumber a little while they're sliding on the soft ground. Once they stop, JT quickly unlatches all the buckles attaching him to the billowing canopy behind, then starts on the knots of rope around Malcolm whose eyes are fluttering open.
He's extra careful around his right shoulder, which looks horribly disarranged even through the many layers of Malcolm's attire.
Thankfully, the younger man is still not fully online, so while JT's at it, he removes the suit jacket as well and feels the area with his fingers to get an idea of what they're dealing with. The head is clean off the socket, but more concerningly are the muscles that are already swollen and inflamed. And they're only going to get worse without a proper muscle relaxant and icing.
Malcolm whimpers softly, his eyes glassy, roaming, and unfocused.
JT haphazardly folds the jacket one-handed and lowers Malcolm's upper body slowly so that his injured shoulder is supported by the makeshift cushion.
Unfortunately, It's a moonless night, but he tries to take a look at the cut low on Malcolm's side anyway. With how the darkness of the night is bathing everything in black, he can't see much. He can at least feel that it's not gushing blood, so that's something.
Bright's awareness starts to trickle in. With it, the pain begins to register, as evident by the frantic short gasps. JT needs to distract him.
"Hey, hey Bright! We made it man, we landed. Look around."
He looks around with just his eyes. JT assumes it would be painful to move his neck. There's not much to see anyway, except some distant twinkling stars casting shadows through the trees.
"Wow." Malcolm's shredded voice is soaked with disbelieving wonder, the hand of his uninjured arm moving in the ground, grabbing a handful of dirt. Looks like the knowledge that he's now safe on solid land is helping him settle the emotional turmoil. He clears his throat a little. "Landed where?"
(continue on ao3)
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