#i spent the next thirty minutes in bed reading and re-reading what you've said
taexual · 4 years
Oh man so much has happened since my last comments and phew is it a RIDE. Ok so this lengthy commentary is for parts 14-16 since I dropped the ball and am late to the game. First of all, I love that their relationship is like evolving… but like back in time when they were comfortable around each other. I especially liked the scene where they get ice cream after dinner w/ his parents. “Neither of us is getting diabetes… absentmindedly extending his hand to wipe the chocolate from your lips and then sucking his thumb into his mouth.” JK does it so casually, it’s a true testament to how relaxed he is around her now. Secondly, the way you’ve built up this tension is so sexy. Like… everyone must’ve seen that some time in the future, their relationship would’ve upgraded from platonic to romantic. Since it was stopped prematurely, I feel like it’s starting to run its course again? Almost like the hands of time were paused and when re-started, continued its predestined path. One of my favorite parts is the scene in his room where she dares him to show her his “mysterious nightstand” haha and I half expected idk… condoms and dildos and sex toys or something, but come to find out he’s been keeping mementos of their friendship 🥺 they’ve lost so many years and that makes my heart hurt. Ok, and I HAVE to do it, I HAVE to talk about that kiss! “Truth or dare?... You can’t pick truth twice in a row… Fine, you dick… Dare, then. Kiss me.” I love that even tho he’s the one who’s asking for the kiss, he leaves it up to her to initiate it. You can really feel the years of pent up yearning in that kiss. Ch 14 was SUCH a turning point, and one of my fave chapters thus far!!! And the opening scene of ch 15 had me chortling!!! The way she confides in Inna is such classic, sleepover worthy content! I love how Inna is over the moon happy for her while she’s thinking their friendship is ruined haha “Sometimes you need to blow things up in order to build new ones” and “The only reason why your foundation is rocky is because you’ve been building a friendship when you should have been building a relationship” and “There’s no precedent for being in love. Every love is different.” Inna really shined as a beacon of wisdom in this scene and I cherish her!! Every girl needs an Inna!! Mc’s insecurities and doubts were portrayed really well with the dialogue and I can sympathize with her predicament. Jk hurt her before and walked away, who’s to say he won’t do it again? And this time her heart would be on the line. Ok, but when JK brought up “what happened on Sunday night” my heart was IN MY THROAT. I thought this is the moment they DTR?? At a company board meeting?? Thirdly, I looooove getting to see both their POVs. Like in the beginning of ch 16 where JK’s driving her home and is daydreaming about their kiss and how it could have progressed?? You can really tell it was important to him, he’s just a lil emotionally constipated atm haha and their banter!! It’s so lively and so them that you really get the feeling that they’ve known each other their whole lives! “We can both be in control… If we do, I hope it will be as epic as Harry versus Voldemort… I take it you’re Voldemort?” HAHHA this lil piece of dialogue had me cackling!! And the scene with Namjoon at the company bbq was a welcomed surprise! I really loved seeing her defend him against Namjoon’s judgy comments!! Especially since the Jeons aren’t around to hear it, you know she’s not just playing the part, she means what she says. But the end of ch 16 tho when Yoongi calls her looking for JK… the way he knows that JK wouldn’t have cared about the picture, unless she took someone as her plus one. The way he reacted to just the THOUGHT of her with someone else 🥺 what a way to end with a cliffhanger!! Loving how the plot is progressing so far and how the characters are developing!! ILYTSBTSI is such a fun read, I could totally see it as a movie/tv show!! I hope you’re well, I’m sorry this got to be so long, and I hope you accept all my love!❤️❤️
i’ve lived for over two decades and have been writing for more than 15 years in one way or another, and no one’s ever given me a review this deep and personal before. you couldn’t begin to count the times i’ve re-read your message, love 😭🥺 i can’t thank you enough for noticing every detail i’ve spent hours agonizing over, and for letting me know your thoughts on specific parts of the story that stood out to you!! the only way i could thank you properly, is if i mailed myself to you and spent the rest of my life hugging you every three seconds to express my love and appreciation ❤️ thank you a million times, my love, you have made every second of writing this story worth it. i love you to the moon and back, and i am so incredibly lucky that you chose to read my fic! ❤️❤️
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