#i stan gwyneth
lainalit · 5 months
Valkyries Stans knowing that their faves are staying relevant to the plot while Antis faves are being sidelined
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stargirlfeyre · 5 months
“Don’t get mad at us for Emerie not getting as much attention as Gwyn, get mad at Sjm for it because she’s the one who put more focus on Gwyn than Emerie”
Okay we can be mad at the both of you. Trust there is a lot to say about Sjm’s treatment of her poc characters and how Emerie being a woman of color who is also part of the Lgbtq + community is why she’s an afterthought for both this fandom and it’s author however that does not change that her self proclaimed fans do play a part in her erasure compared to her white counterparts.
I’m not going to deny that Sjm gave Gwyn more focus than Emerie because that literally proves our point. Though Emerie should be on equal standing as Gwyn, she is done a disservice by both “her” fandom and her author. I don’t know if Sarah fell into the “trio curse” when writing Acosf but each member of the Valkyries are not given the same level of importance even though they should be. Emerie should have as many important scenes with Nesta as Gwyn. Emerie should have paragraphs about her beauty the way Nesta or Gwyn do. Emerie should be given so much credit for how strong she’s had to be before she met the Valkyries and after. But for some reason she rarely is and it makes you wonder what is it about her that causes Sjm to do her such a disservice *cough cough*.
And onto the way her fandom treats her. You cannot deny that she is often pushed aside when it comes to the Valkyrie trio and trying to blame Sjm for all of it is crazy. Sarah isn’t the one forcing y’all to give an Illyrian plot that would fit Emerie to her white besties, Sarah isn’t the one forcing y’all to white wash her, Sarah isn’t the one forcing y’all to theorize that she’ll end up with a man simply because you don’t like the woman that she’s shown interest in, Sarah isn’t the one forcing y’all to treat Emerie as an after thought.
Compare how much Valkyrie fans talk about Nesta or Gwyn individually to how much they talk about Emerie individually…now I’m not going to sit here and tell you what to post on your account or that you have to like all the Valkyries equally but I’m also not going to sit here and let y’all play in people’s faces when they say “hmm it’s a little weird that the only woman of color in the group isn’t treated as important as her friends”.
You can sit here and call us “token fans” but all that does is tell everyone that you have no actual argument to justify the blatant Emerie erasure. If anything it’s us “token fans” that are actually concerned with how much she’s pushed aside when it should be you. But no you’re just too busy giving storylines that would fit her to the white women.
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romanticatheartt · 1 month
You know when someone is only here to argue their repetitive anti shit while commenting on your "pro" post...
Did I asked for your opinion?
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stargirlie25 · 4 months
Gwynriels when people insult Gwyn:
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SOME Gwynriels when people insult Elain
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I love Gwynriel and my fellow gwynriels but not these kinds.........anyways every side of the fandom has its bad.
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starberry-cupcake · 6 months
I come here with further updates on my gideon the ninth read as per the favorable responses in my previous shares . You asked for it, so you're gonna have to hear it (@lady-harrowhark maybe you'll have fun with this one)
previously, in gideon the ninth:
this happened
currently, having just finished chapter 29:
gideon had tea with the eighth
actually no, scratch that, gideon sat in a chair while mayonnaise uncle's hair got braided, they never got to the tea part
false advertising
mayonnaise uncle gave half info, as people seem to like doing here
duracell bunny nephew stepped up and called him out
good for him, actually
you go, duracell bunny nephew!
it's gonna end terribly for him, but we stan
gideon left that Situation and found teacher saying ominous things
gideon left that Other Situation and found regina george twin being intense with swords
chad came in and she bit him
I see a trend alert with these third necromancers and the biting
gideon left that Yet Another Situation and went to the ninth room
gideon proceeded to open the closet
gideon got brad pitt-ed in the movie seven, but instead of gwyneth paltrow's head it was protesilaus'
it's not gideon's best day
now, hear me out
I know how this will sound, but hear me out
I haven't read past this scene, I haven't started chapter 30, all I know is she found the box
but hear me out here
just, just listen
hear me out
I still blame dulcinea
no, no, come back, I have a theory
I don't trust her, she's shady, she's too suspiciously fake kind, she's desperate and she has mentioned wanting gideon as a cavalier
I think it was back when gideon was turned into a blood sprinkler during the whole temple run key second trial thingy
or maybe later, after jeannemary left the mortal plain, but she said it at some point
and gideon has told harrow she wants her to free her to be dulcinea's cavalier
which, over my dead body
or maybe not, people here are dropping like flies, but anyway
dulcinea knows things others don't seem to know
she says things that gideon doesn't follow up on because she's horny and dense (affectionately)
I don't trust dulcinea
in case that wasn't clear
so what if
hear me out
seriously, I swear I have a point
what if harrow was set up?????
no, no, come back, listen, listen
gideon said something like the box wasn't well hidden
and I doubt very very very much that if harrowhark harrowldine harrowmina nonagesimus would have ended a bitch, she would have half-assed anything, much less the hiding
like, she'd either kill in plain sight and make a show of it or make it disappear and nobody would know
harrowhark harroweena harrowline nonagesimus pulled an edward and alphonse on her parents and only 3 people know she did
the entire system of these houses is unaware of that fact, as far as I know
so, if she wanted to hide a murder, I think, I hope, she would do better than this
also, keeping a head in a box doesn't seem her style, that's very haunted mansion and she's more halloween horror nights
what if she's been set up????
and gideon has like 3 brain cells working right now so she might fall for it??? hopefully not but maybe????
and side with my mortal enemy dulcinea instead?????
am I crazy????
am I too latina for this and seeing things???
is dulcinea the soraya montenegro of this story??? or is it me??? am I the drama???
this might all be absolute nonsense and in like 1 chapter I might be proven wrong but I don't trust dulcinea del toboso the seventh and I never will
if you pictured the always sunny meme while reading, that's the right energy I'm trying to share here
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venusin-aries · 1 year
Anti’s coming into the Gwyneth Berdara tag and accusing Gwynriel’s of the mischaracterization of Gwyn or only liking Gwyn because of Gwynriel is fucking LAUGHABLE. 
All I've seen are posts singing praises about Gwyn (just Gwyn!) and I have NOT ONCE seen a Gwynriel shipper characterize Gwyn wrongly.
What are we mischaracterizing her for? 
Being brave as fuck for choosing to train to be a Valkyrie? Nesta’s admiration and fondness of her? For saying she’s resilient for being able to enjoy herself and laugh with her friends after experiencing some fucked up shit? THAT SHE'S LIKABLE?? Being strategic and patient FOR DAYS and spying on the Illaryian males before sending the beasts after them ruthlessly? Being smart and witty? Her interests in sex and smut and stating she doesn’t want to be coddled? Her willingness to sacrifice herself on the bridge? Her determination to finish the blood rite even though she was injured as fuck? Her unwavering loyalty toward Nesta and Emerie? That Nesta thinks her beauty is comparable to Mor and Merrill?
The fact that she’s not judgemental and she immediately accepted Nesta when they were sharing their stories? Her own struggle with guilt and self hate? Her immediately witnessing what Azriel is capable of when they first met? Azriel’s shadows reacting POSITIVELY towards her and yeah, the thought of her joy glowing in his chest? That she teases him and challenges him? That she hasn't seen him torture someone yet but she's seen worse shit soooo why would she be fazed??
She's canonly more suitable for Azriel than anybody else in the series and THAT'S why people dislike her as a character even though on her own she's a great character.
Those are only SOME of her positives we got in ONE book. Notice, some of those positives include Azriel, but most don’t 🤷🏻‍♀️. 
Allllllll of those points have textual evidence to support them. And these are allllllll the points Gwynriel shippers love to make about her. 
The only charactization of her anti’s will accept is if she goes back to the library, stays there and is never seen or heard of in canon again. Or if she’s evil which she’s likely not going to be. Stop being so petty. If anything SJM has her set up for a HEALING journey. 
However some people obviously like to see a female character STAY broken and let her trauma define her.
Getting mad when she's so obviously such a fun character? She has fun and laughs and teases her friends and Cassian and Azriel and enjoys herself but there's something wrong with that and you think its annoying????
Fanon Gwyn and Canon Gwyn are basically the same. If you don’t like fanon Gwyn, you probably don’t like canon Gwyn and that’s fine, whatever, I think you have totally shit taste but whatever just STAY OUT OF THE GWYNETH BERDARA TAG.
I see the shit ya'll tag and then delete.
I’m a Gwyn stan first and foremost but I have not seen one single other Gwynriel shipper mischaracterize her. 
Fanon is fun until it melts your brain and you start believing ONLY fanon and wrongly remembering canon and then attacking others for using canon to support their points. 
It’s crazy to me that anti’s can dislike a fictional character so much that the idea of potentially seeing more of said character in the canon universe and getting more fandom love honestly upsets them.
Like holy shit, I don’t like E/riel, but I have enough tact not to take that out on either Elain OR Azriel. And I don’t go looking to start shit with shippers because I'm not pathetic. Too bad some people can’t extend that same class to Gwyn. 
Also, I feel like some people forget about this fucking scene. 
Gwyn studied Ramiel's craggy, unforgiving slope. Not much snow graced its sides. Like the wind had whipped it all away. Or the storms had avoided its peak entirely. “Is it living, though? To take the safe road?”
“You’re the one who's been living in a library for two years,” Emerie said.
Gwyn didn't flinch. “I have. And I am tired of it.” She surveyed the blood-soaked leather along her thigh. “I don't want to take the safe road.” She pointed to the mountain, to the slender path upward. “I want to take that road.” Her voice thickened. “I want to take the road that no one dares travel, and I want to travel it with you two. No matter what may befall us. Not as Illyrians, not for their titles, but as something new. To prove to them, to everyone, that something new and different might triumph over their rules and restrictions.”
A cold wind blew off Ramiel's sides. 
Whispering, murmuring.
“They call this climb the Breaking for a reason,”Emerie countered gravely.
Nesta added, “Wehaven't eaten in days. We're down to the last of our water. To climb that mountain-“
“I have been broken once before,” Gwyn said, her voice clear. “I survived it. And I will not be broken again- not even by this mountain.”
Look at me and tell me this is a character we’ll never hear from again. Go right a fucking head. 
You can't come into the Gwyneth Berdara tag claiming we mischaracterize her. We take her as is. No need to pick her apart or give her little unnecessary traits to fit her better with any one.
It's not possible to make her out to be something she's not when every little thing we love about her is canon.
You can be salty over us comparing Bryce/Hunt and Azriel/Gwyn but oh wait! SJM uses similar language to describe them ON PURPOSE in canon as fucking well!!!
On purpose.
In fucking canon.
But we’re reaching.
Do not come into the Gwyneth Berdara tag and say Gwynriel’s make it hard to like her but oh, you do like her you do! And then go on to say she’s nothing more special than a Valkyrie or Nesta’s friend. Yeah, I fucking saw that shit.
People are weirdly jealous over a ship/inspiring character a lot of people relate to.
Gwyn is not stealing Azriel from any one because there’s NO ONE to steal him from.
These character's are fake but the hate and vitriol ya'll are spewing at people who like her are very real.
Just stay out of the Gwyneth Berdara tag if you don't like her.
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1800naveen · 4 months
Nesta Archeron: Queen Rhaenyra I Targaryen
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I have to give one of the best characters to the Queen herself. Nesta is a Rhaenyra stan, canon. (I'm SJM and I approve of this message). Viserys got up from his deathbed to defend his daughter one last time. Papa Archeron was riding the Nesta to fight for his daughters one last time. And both aren't the best dads out there so there's that🤷🏾‍♀️. The things some people can say about either of them is strange (Y'all be showing your true colors at times).
Emerie and Gwyneth Berdara: Princess Rhaenys Targaryen and Lord Corlys Velaryon
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For Emerie: Faces significant challenges due to the patriarchal society she lives in, including oppression as an Illyrian female. Rhaenys lost her claim to the Iron Throne because of her gender and it was given to her cousin, Viserys I Targaryen. Both have great roles with the protagonist; Rhaenys being a loyal supporter of Rhaenyra and Emerie fighting besides Nesta and being both her best friend and sister, restoring the Valkyries together alongside Gwyn.
For Gwyn: I'm being honest, I don't have a lot for my girl but I'll try. House Velaryon is one of the houses that survived the Doom of Valyria. They're associated with the sea and ocean; Corlys' nickname is the "Sea Snake". Gwyn is half River nymph so with that side of her, I associated it with the house that has ties to the sea.
Mor: Queen/Lady Alicent Hightower
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For Mor: Que the lyric "She likes a boy, she likes a boy, she likes a boy, she likes a boy. And I'm not a boy, I'm not a boy, I'm not a-". Both are obsessed with the protagonist (Don't blame them, I too am obsessed with Rhaenyra and Nesta). They both have shitty dads which messed them up. They also have a knight/warrior that's in love with them (insert Criston and Azriel).
The thing is Show and Book Alicent is a much more interesting character than Mor. Book Alicent was cunning as fuck and went after what she wanted and I gotta respect that.
Cassian: Prince Aemond Targaryen
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For Cassian: Aemond and Alys' relationship reminds me of Cassian's and Nesta's relationship (I dislike both). Both are momma's boys and got dads who don't care about them. Cassian destroyed a village and Aemond burned the Riverlands.
Azriel: Ser Criston Cole
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For Azriel: Both are loyal to a woman that isn't in love with them. Both are fighters. And both had a connection to the protagonist but Azriel never became salty with Nesta and cares for her. Criston said "let's go sell oranges" and Rhaenyra said no because why would a royal give up their luxury life? Man became salty and her opp. AZRIEL ON TOP, EVEN THOUGH HE CAN GET ON MY NERVES!
Rhysand: King Aegon II Targaryen
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For Rhysand: I'm not going into detail because it will be too damn long so TLDR: Imagine Aegon as a faerie and you got Rhysand.
Amren: Lord Otto Hightower
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For Amren: Otto is old, Amren is old. Otto wants his grandson to be king, Amren wants Rhys to be king. (Funny since both Aegon and Rhys said they didn't want to be king but one succeeded in their plan and it isn't Amren).
(All are just jokes, don't take it seriously! Trying to cut the heads so I could put it on the pictures was a pain.)
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starlightjasminsblog · 7 months
I'll try to make this post short.
I keep seeing how Gwyn or Elain can't be with Azriel because of ridiculous reasons.
First, which one of them can give Azriel some fun time in the bedroom. Using Gwyn's SA trauma for why she can't be with Azriel is disgusting. And if you thought for one second Gwyneth Berdara can't be in a healthy relationship with someone without having sex, you are wrong. She deserves healing and time. By pointing out this, you're reducing Elain's character to something Azriel can have fun with.
Secondly, this theory about who can and who can't give Azriel babies is sickening. Imagine a woman, who can't have children, reading this and thinking that she can't be with someone because she won't be able to give him a child. Again, you're reducing Gwyn's character to a baby machine.
Gwynriel and Elriel stans, please use your heads when you're writing those posts and comments. Don't forget that REAL people find themselves in those fictional characters.
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arcturustarlight · 1 year
I am a Gwynriel fan. I stan Gwynriel. I ship Gwyneth Berdara with Azriel the Shadowsinger and Spymaster.
But if someone tells me Azris will never become canon i will cry and mourn the awesome story they could've have.
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gwyns · 8 months
Elain : canon that she doesn’t like violence
E/riel’s : aesthetic, fanart and headcanons of her dressed in Illyrian leathers, or wielding a sword, or covered in blood, or is secretly a spy for the Night Court.
I saw someone say that Elain would clean the blood off of Azriel after he comes home from a mission. Or that they want a scene in the next ACOTAR book of Azriel beating someone up, covered in blood, and Elain bites her lip and is like “that’s hot” ?? It’s canon that she doesn’t like violence. Didn’t she vomit after the battle in ACOWAR? And her being a spy doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t fit her character in canon. Wouldn’t we have got something of that in Az’s bonus chapter if she was training to be a spy or if she had spy like qualities?
If SJM holds a live stream interview where questions are allowed, I lowkey want someone to ask her if she’s ever thought about making Elain a spy or how she feels about blood and violence. Idk if SJM would say anything but *shrugs shoulders*
E/riel’s complain that Gwynriel’s put down Elain for being feminine, for her love of baking and gardening, but I’ve seen countless fanart of Elain as a warrior/spy and headcanons of Elain liking violence/blood. Not to say there aren’t some Gwynriel’s who’ve said that (I personally haven’t seen any) but it seems like E/riel’s are the ones reaching. Making their view of Elain different from canon.
why do they think elain would be ok around blood like that? even feyre, someone who has seen proper battle and killed people, doesn't like it. feyre doesn't like being around torture either but somehow elain would?? hey e/riels... BE REAL, please, for one second
and like??? elain would never, ever, in a million, BILLION years find az beating someone up "hot". not when she practically begged her sisters to leave graysen alone. hell, sjm has never really done that in general, clearly she doesn't like it either lmfao
oh god please i would love for sjm to shut down their little spy theories. anyone remember a couple of years ago how they were so confident that e/riel would be a sleeping beauty retelling but then in an interview sjm said she doesn't like that movie or even let her son watch it and suddenly they pivoted to something else?? i have never laughed so hard
ok let's look at this way: if elain has to change so much, literally a complete overhaul of her canon character, to fit with az... why wouldn't sjm just write a new, more well suited character? that'd be less of a headache... oh but wait! she did!! miss gwyneth berdara would like a word. for a fandom that claims to love and respect elain when others don't, they sure do try to turn her into someone else and then project that onto gwyn stans, claiming we're self inserting and wanting her to be elain when i have never, not once, seen a gwyn stan want gwyn to be any different
i have unfortunately seen some weird and toxic gwynriels but weird and toxic e/riels far out number them. oh and for the record, i've never seen or heard of gwynriels stealing art, doxing people, harassing sjm's irl friends and publisher, faking cancer, or telling sjm they'd harm her child if they didn't get their way so... really it's like comparing apples to oranges
anyway (most) e/riels suck and gwynriels, alongside eluciens, are literally the glue that holds this fandom together. i love you all even if this fandom is a cesspit most of the time, thank you for making this a fun space <3
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freyjas-musings · 8 months
ok you can totally ignore this but I want to know how Bryce and Azriel shippers fairing lol I don't want to be deep in the drama at all but I'm just curious. and even though I haven't read the spoilers I don't need to know that they are doomed even before the book comes out but now that is confirmed and they can see it, I need to know if they're being a total loser about it or not hehe :D
Lol, before I answer a small disclaimer- This post isn't implying people can't ship whoever they like ... They can ... It is merely a criticism towards people who adamantly ignore all Canon information and insist something baseless will happen.
Now, as to how Bryce and Az shippers are going? I can't speak for the rest of the fandom, but I have had a fair few comments from the Bryce and Az shippers on my posts on Instagram.... they ranged from
• Beautiful art ( Gwynriel) but if I hadn't read the caption I would have thought it was Azriel and Bryce....  Because you know Bryce has copper hair , fair skin , is lean and lithe and most certainly has Ribbons in her hair 😅
• Then we had, Az and Bryce's chemistry will be scorching hot - Can everyone please stop being so thirsty for Az 😅😅😅... I understand he is super hot but maybe try not reducing him to just that?
• Aren't Bryce and Az mates ( To which I corrected them and said Hunt is Bryce's mate) The answer .... Didn't SJM say people could have 2 mates ( Good Grief!!!) ... This is where I did feel insulted as an Azriel stan , can people stop making him someone's second/Tertiary mate? SJM clearly intends to give him a mate , someone who is amazing, full of love and is drop dead gorgeous too 😍 Yes, i am talking about Gwyneth Berdara.
• The last one was , Bryce and Az are going to get really steamy .... I mean dont these guys  understand Bryce has a brother and a mate getting tortured, also, Az doesn't trust Amren after 500 years but sure he is going to get all steamy with an Alien WTf? Listen I understand Az is really good looking and no female has been able to not make a comment about his looks so far ( Cough Cough except Gwyn ...Even Em commented on how perfect they were 😅... And Gwyn clearly is interested in knowing who he is beyond the way he looks... queen behaviour 👑- He likes being alone? Does he sleep with a dagger? Does he sing ... You know my girl is it for him) but Az being single and hot doesn't automatically make him sjm universes bachelor 😬
All of these were in the last 4 days , so I am going to say some of them are still hopeful which is fine I guess , some people will always prefer sinking with their ship which is perfectly reasonable.... is it not?
Also, let's all remember this is a Crescent City book and let's not take away from that story 😉
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holdthegirlboss · 10 months
watching doccy who for the first time
1x03 - the unquiet dead
icl until i saw the theme i thought i’d clicked on the wrong show
how big IS the tardis why are there so many doors???
charles dickens would’ve loved stan twitter
‘i think it’s going a bit wrong’ every doccy who episode in a nutshell
was not expecting the gelth to be evil icl 😭
why is doccy who so SAD omfg poor gwyneth ???
i don’t know much about charles dickens but fictional charles dickens is a lovely man i got a bit emotional when watching him find out his books lasted forever wish him all the best fr fr
i think if i wasn’t so tired i would have something more profound to say but i’m going to be thinking about gwyneth for at least a week like,, thinking your dead mother has sent angels to sing for you, letting them kill you thinking you are freeing an almost extinct race just for them to turn out to be evil and after world domination?? and then sacrificing yourself in order to save the world even though you know no one will EVER know or remember you for it?? gwyneth’s a better person than me i would never
love how the doctor’s blunt realism contrasts so much with rose’s idealism/empathy. i think they have a lot to learn from each other and i hope i get to see them both grow alongside each other xx
thought this was gonna just be fun and camp but actually i’m so invested in every character & i love that this episode actually posed some really important ethical questions especially with whether gwyneth should’ve been used as the bridge lol
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thena0315 · 29 days
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It would have been even more impressive if they had also taken individual shots of everyone to be even more like a class year book photo they were taking.
And then put all of the photos in an actual book, listing the actor and their character's name with what movies they're in.
That would have been nice and many fans would have bought that Marvel Yearbook, I know I would have!
(Robert, Gwyneth, Jon, Paul, Samuel and Stan Lee being the ultimate seniors of the entire cast!)
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my-fan-side · 1 year
Just in case someone is looking for some Nessian to read. I’d like to recommend below fanfiction because I love it so much and have been rereading it numerous times for the past two days. hahaha If you’re a Nesta-stan, you’ll love it too. Not sure though if the author has a tumblr 😅 But thank you TheFreakPanda for sharing this amazing fic! 🥹🙌🏼💕
<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/46219165"><strong>A Court of Love and Devotion</strong></a> (20800 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/TheFreakPanda"><strong>TheFreakPanda</strong></a><br />Chapters: 13/13<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/A%20Court%20of%20Thorns%20and%20Roses%20Series%20-%20Sarah%20J*d*%20Maas">A Court of Thorns and Roses Series - Sarah J. Maas</a><br />Rating: Not Rated<br />Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings<br />Characters: Nyx, Aria - Character, Catrin - Character, Nesta Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Gwyneth Berdara, Cassian (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Original Rhysand Child(ren) (A Court of Thorns and Roses)<br />Summary: <p>It’s been over 25 years since the events of ACOSF. Prythian is at peace, the members of the Inner Circle have settled down and all seems well.<br />That is until Callum, Azriel’s son, overhears the monsters of the middle talking about going back to the past and killing Nesta Archeron before she can kill Koschei.<br />We follow the journey of Nyx, Aria and Catrin as they accidentally step through a time portal, sending them at the worst time of Nesta’s life.<br />Our heroes will soon find out that their parents weren’t always who they thought they were.</p><p> </p><p>The Families<br />Rhys and Feyre have two children. Nyx (25) and Valeria (20)<br />Nesta and Cassian have four daughters : Aria (23), Elia (20), Hazel (18) and Sage (12)<br />Azriel and Gwyn have twins : Callum and Catrin (21)<br />Mor and Emerie have three dogs : Lucy (f. pitbull), Drake (m. husky), Roxy (f. golden retriever)<br />Amren and Varian have each other and they’re very happy as is.</p><p>*This is my love letter to Nesta Archeron*</p>
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 years
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Dinnertime for the Rick stans. Yummy yum. I love fanservice, yummy yum yum.
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Another great episode for season six. This has really been Rick's season so far, huh? Season five leaned that way (he even got an entire episode to himself, which was unheard of at the time), but season six is just like "Yeah, Rick stans, we're just going to give you what you want."
I suspected that this episode wouldn't have a B-plot because I'm not sure how much excitement the writers could wring out of the Smiths going to the zoo, lol. I think that would've detracted from the main plot. Also, it's nice to have a "straightforward" episode once in a while instead of one that bounces back and forth between different characters. This episode makes the most out of twenty minutes.
Still, I hope the next episode focuses on Rick and Morty because this season is in dire need of their dynamic. When I watched the end credits scene, I thought "Finally, Morty has something to do." He and Rick are great characters on their own, but the show doesn't click without both of them.
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But yeah, the crew knew exactly what they were doing with that suit, lol. I half-expected it to be a thirty-second gag and was pleasantly surprised when he wore it for most of the episode (lmao why do I care so much? I'm a lesbian. But he looks so cute in it!) It's to the point that his suit jacket magically reappeared in the next scene after he dropped it on the floor during the fight. (Well, I guess he could have picked it up.)
Honestly, I also raised an eyebrow at the fight scene. One second in particular gave me "Look at how his lithe body twists 😏" vibes, especially with the angle. Also, how tall was that bodyguard? He was taller than Rick!
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Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but eh...I don't think I am. I get the impression that Rick fuckers have entered the writers' room.
Anyway, I was hoping we'd get to see how Rick and Jerry's dynamic has changed after Rick said in Bethic Twinstinct that he got drunk with Jerry one night, gave him the "pillbug protocol" that he wanted and got matching tattoos. This episode was the perfect follow-up.
It was surreal to watch Rick being nice to Jerry. He wasn't even THAT cold and distant with him. Did Rick even really have a reason to help him? He could've let Jerry just have sex with his mom and then mocked him for the rest of his life. Seasons 1-4 Rick would've cracked his shit up at that.
Once, Rick berated and humiliated Jerry at every turn. Now, he carries him through the air duct with a tentacle even though Jerry literally could have just climbed the ladder behind him. He sighs and rolls his eyes sometimes but helps Jerry throughout the episode without pitching a fit. No "Oh my God, Jerry, I'm only saving your stupid ass because my daughter inexplicably likes you!"
This COULD be out of character, but I don't think it was. It's another demonstration of how much Rick's growing and changing. The episode even explained the "human shield" gag from the trailer, which I assumed was the usual joke about how Rick hates Jerry so much that he's willing to let him die. He just did that because Jerry was immortal at the time.
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And of course, just like Solaricks, Rick tries to put on his mask again at the end and act that he doesn't care about Jerry. He even slaps him as a last resort. But he can't keep up the act. Not anymore.
This sounds a little corny, but I liked how we saw a good combination of men, women and POC the board room. OK, I know that sounds like I'm trying to insert "wokeness" in a series that's not known for being "woke," but so many shows portray corporations as a bunch of white dudes and one token white woman to "keep the girlies from bitching about it."
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Similarly, I liked the Gwyneth Paltrow/Elizabeth Holmes girlboss character. She was evil but not obnoxiously, gratingly evil. I didn't care for the hillbilly guy--he almost seemed like a character from a different show.
Also, random, but I love how the artists draw scenery. It sounds silly, but Panda Express actually looks like Panda Express. The zoo gift shop looks exactly like a zoo gift shop. The artists and animators create vibrant, lifelike scenery instead of generic stores and restaurants that make the world feel "real" and lived-in.
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I'm guessing that none of them jumped on the Panda Express counter and demanded Szechaun sauce.
Speaking of the artwork, the art and animation in the last fight scene were incredible. I wonder if the animators were referencing the Run the Jewels "Oh Mama" music video, especially since Rick's wearing the same outfit. The lighting and design were similar.
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This isn't a problem with the episode itself, but I do miss the surreal, brightly colored alien worlds from the first five seasons. Rick needs to fix his portal gun already, lmao. I love watching the show push its boundaries, but I don't want it to lose the adventurous, sci-fi aspect that makes it fascinating and entertaining to watch.
Overall, I think season five was the end of "old" Rick and Morty. Some say that it ended with season three, but seasons four and five still had similar tones, humor, plotlines and characterization. Season six is new territory. "Rickmurai Jack" was the transition point--the reveals irrevocably changed the show, and it can't go back now.
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skullsmuldon · 1 year
I normally lurk on here and stay quiet. But as an animal lover I can’t let this one pass. Can we just take a moment to discuss GA letting Stella chew on an aluminum can? And the pop tab!! That baby could have swallowed that!!! WTF??!!
I don’t think you are alone with that sentiment. I’m over GA and her wannabe Gwyneth Paltrow act. Promote your sugar water which ever way you want without doing that with your dog. And I’m sure that if it wasn’t GA her stans would scream animal abuse in a heartbeat.
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