#i started translating in june 2017
skyekurisu · 6 months
how did i end up here
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Based on a original drawing by @boffix on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Boffix_/status/1770790051703664769
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
The Surucuá community in the state of Pará is the first to receive an Amazonian Creative Laboratory, a compact mobile biofactory designed to help kick-start the Amazon’s bioeconomy.
Instead of simply harvesting forest-grown crops, traditional communities in the Amazon Rainforest can use the biofactories to process, package and sell bean-to-bar chocolate and similar products at premium prices.
Having a livelihood coming directly from the forest encourages communities to stay there and protect it rather than engaging in harmful economic activities in the Amazon.
The project is in its early stages, but it demonstrates what the Amazon’s bioeconomy could look like: an economic engine that experts estimate could generate at least $8 billion per year.
In a tent in the Surucuá community in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Pará, Jhanne Franco teaches 15 local adults how to make chocolate from scratch using small-scale machines instead of grinding the cacao beans by hand. As a chocolatier from another Amazonian state, Rondônia, Franco isn’t just an expert in cocoa production, but proof that the bean-to-bar concept can work in the Amazon Rainforest.
“[Here] is where we develop students’ ideas,” she says, gesturing to the classroom set up in a clearing in the world’s greatest rainforest. “I’m not here to give them a prescription. I want to teach them why things happen in chocolate making, so they can create their own recipes,” Franco tells Mongabay.
The training program is part of a concept developed by the nonprofit Amazônia 4.0 Institute, designed to protect the Amazon Rainforest. It was conceived in 2017 when two Brazilian scientists, brothers Carlos and Ismael Nobre, started thinking of ways to prevent the Amazon from reaching its impending “tipping point,” when deforestation turns the rainforest into a dry savanna.
Their solution is to build a decentralized bioeconomy rather than seeing the Amazon as a commodity provider for industries elsewhere. Investments would be made in sustainable, forest-grown crops such as cacao, cupuaçu and açaí, rather than cattle and soy, for which vast swaths of the forest have already been cleared. The profits would stay within local communities.
A study by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the New Climate Economy, published in June 2023, analyzed 13 primary products from the Amazon, including cacao and cupuaçu, and concluded that even this small sample of products could grow the bioeconomy’s GDP by at least $8 billion per year.
To add value to these forest-grown raw materials requires some industrialization, leading to the creation of the Amazonian Creative Laboratories (LCA). These are compact, mobile and sustainable biofactories that incorporate industrial automation and artificial intelligence into the chocolate production process, allowing traditional communities to not only harvest crops, but also process, package and sell the finished products at premium prices.
The logic is simple: without an attractive income, people may be forced to sell or use their land for cattle ranching, soy plantations, or mining. On the other hand, if they can make a living from the forest, they have an incentive to stay there and protect it, becoming the Amazon’s guardians.
“The idea is to translate this biological and cultural wealth into economic activity that’s not exploitative or harmful,” Ismael Nobre tells Mongabay."
-via Mongabay News, January 2, 2024
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thehaniverse · 4 months
HYBE vs Min Hee Jin - The Full Timeline
[Last updates: June 1st 2024]
Hi guys, Han here, and LORD, this has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but I hope this is helpful to all those who are trying to follow this mess in its entirety.
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Important notes:
I've included the pre-audit timeline to help you understand the history and context of everything that's happened
I will be updating periodically with new information
I will try to keep entries to the point, and highlight the main points given by each side without adding too much of my own opinion - so make your own conclusions!
Credits to TMIKpop on Twitter for most of the translated news articles as I'm far too lazy, busy (and dyslexic) to read all those Korean articles myself.
I tried to include sources as much as possible in the more recent news, but honestly, I'm going to be a little lazy with this as I don't have enough free time to go back and find sources for things that happened way in the past or are already well-known up to this point. Feel free to send me sources in my ask box though!
Green text indicates the latest updates for those following!
Also for reference, here are the key involved characters (and name abbreviations that will be used throughout this post.)
Bang PD (Bang Shihyuk, HYBE Chairman & BigHit CEO)
PJW (Park Jiwon, HYBE CEO, ex-CEO of NEXON Games)
MHJ (Min Hee Jin, ADOR CEO, ex-SM employee)
VP L (Lee Sangwoo, VP of ADOR, ex-financial division at HYBE)
VP S (Shin ??, VP of ADOR)
NJs (NewJeans), LS (Le Sserafim), IL (ILLIT), GFRIEND & BTS
BHM (BigHit Music), SouMu (Source Music), BELIFT & ADOR
Items with * are accusations by either ADOR or HYBE, but that haven't been 100% verified as true or false. Things that have been verified won't have any *.
Similarly, (RUMORS) that seem to have some basis in reality based on existing evidence but have not been explicitly stated by either side are also included. Also disclaimer: I am not pro-HYBE nor pro-MHJ, I have my personal opinion but I've tried to keep this as impartial and unbiased as possible. I've just presented the news that has been released, if it tills one way, that's just how it is.
Without further ado(r LOL), let's begin!
MHJ joins BigHit Ent as Chief Branding Officer for all labels - this is in preparation for Bighit Ent becoming HYBE.
*Between then and 2021, MHJ suggests making a girl group to Bang PD, and they agree to make the group under SouMu rather than BHM. However, MHJ is never officially employed at SouMu.
*Bang PD promises that MHJ's group will be HYBE's first girl group.
All NJs members join SouMu (Minji joined in 2017 / Hani 2019 / Haerin & Danielle 2020 / Hyein 2021)
*NJs' debut is pushed back initially because of COVID, then again due to contract issues, resulting in LS being ready to debut first and PJW telling MHJ that NJs will no longer be the first gg from HYBE. MHJ claims the reason for NJs' debut delay is because they didn't like her creative vision though.
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Q1 (Exact Timing Unknown)
Bang PD starts developing LS with SouMu as he wants to create a group featuring known members, Chaewon and Sakura from Iz*one.
*NJs' debut is pushed back initially because of COVID, then again due to contract issues, resulting in LS being ready to debut first
PJW tells MHJ that NJs will no longer be the first gg from HYBE.
*MHJ is upset that another gg is being developed under Source and claims that it's because Bang PD didn't like the direction she was taking NJs and abandoned her to work on LS instead.
MHJ later agrees to the new debut schedule, with LS debuting just 2 months before NJs, and decides that is enough time for her to promote NJs.
HYBE is officially established as a company with Bang PD as CEO.
PJW is announced as the new CEO of HYBE.
Bang PD continues as CEO of only BGM but only the chairman of HYBE. This means he has no say in the daily operations of HYBE, but can make big decisions that go to the Board of Directors (BOD). Note: Each label under HYBE has its own individual CEO.
GFRIEND is officially disbanded without any notice from SouMu.
*MHJ is accused (by HYBE staff) of taking almost all of the SouMu staff to ADOR resulting in SouMu not having enough staff to manage GFRIEND and LS. SouMu also had a lot of debt from the training of NJs that they would no longer see a return on as the profits would go to ADOR so they needed to take dramatic measures. (RUMOR) SouMu had already sunk a lot of money into LS (and NJs) and expected LS to be more popular as they were debuting under HYBE, so they decided to terminate GFRIEND at the end of their contracts without warning.
ADOR is officially established so that MHJ can have full control over her group's image and development, rather than answering to SouMu CEO and Bang PD.
HYBE gives 16.1B won investment for the establishment of ADOR
Bang PD gives MHJ 2B won to buy 2.8B won worth of ADOR stocks (amounting to 20%, 2% of which she later shared out to her two VPS.) He also gave her 2.9B of HYBE stocks as part of her official recruitment package as CEO of ADOR at only 23% of the actual share value (aka she got a 77% discount). However, MHJ sold 1,000 shares in mid-Nov and another 1000 shares on 8 Dec 2022, earning 760M, and walked away with an additional 120M in cash just 15 days after her investment. // Source: Silsa Journal
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LS debuts from SouMu
*HYBE claims they shortened their promotional period in order to give MHJ enough time to promote NJs ahead of their debut, but MHJ shows Kakao messages of PJW specifying that NJs should not be promoted ahead of LS' debut so they can benefit from the speculation of them being MHJ's group.
LS' debut is overshadowed by the Garam scandal.
(RUMOR) While Garam was later found to be innocent and misrepresented in the media (ie she was protecting a friend from a bully, not actively bullying someone), many believe MHJ was the one who leaked the information to the press to jeopardize LS' debut. This comes from the statements from HYBE that they have evidence of her collecting and leaking artists' private information.
NJs debuts with ZERO pre-debut promotion, instead dropping an incredible amount of content for the debut promotions. Note: While MHJ claims HYBE tried to stop her promoting at all before their debut, she has not provided any evidence. It is the responsibility of each individual label to plan and execute their artist's promotions.
End of Year
Thanks to NJs' successful debut, ADOR has paid off a majority of their debt to HYBE, and now only owes 4B won.
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Dec // Source: Donga Ilbo
Bang PD lends MHJ money to buy cheap stock options (intentionally discounted by HYBE for her to buy) and MHJ uses the loan to buy a 20% stake in ADOR. This means she gets paid her shares on top of her 1M USD annual salary as CEO. Note: I couldn't confirm this, but it's believed she is the only CEO of any HYBE label that has stocks in her company. BHM is private so there are no stocks and it is owned completely by Bang PD, while the other labels' stocks are owned 100% by HYBE.
MHJ buys the shares on the following conditions: + If she decides to quit, HYBE is obliged to buy the stocks back and pay MHJ 13 times [ADOR's profit from the last 2 years x her % of shares] + She can quit from Nov 2024 and has a non-compete clause for 2 years where she must maintain a 4.5% stake in ADOR. Note: This means as a stakeholder she can not establish her own company or work for a company that will directly compete with ADOR for those 2 years, as she can not do work that can potentially devalue her shares. This is standard in many industries.
MHJ later shares 2% of her shares to executives of ADOR: VP S and VP L. Note: It is unclear if she sold them or gifted them.
Q4 (Exact Timing Unknown)
VP L leaves their position in HYBE's financial team and starts to work at ADOR under MHJ.
*HYBE accuses VP L of downloading a bunch of HYBE's private financial data that he should no longer have access to, and giving it to MHJ to later use to try and blackmail HYBE into selling their ADOR stocks with the investors she is colluding with. This would mean the majority of ADOR stocks would be controlled by people who support MHJ's decisions.
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Feb // Source: Donga Ilbo
MHJ tries to negotiate the terms of her contract with HYBE. She requests the following: + The 13x valuation of her shares be increased to 30x. Taking their value from approximately 100B won to 270B won. (This would be 5.5x the amount of profit she actually made with ADOR in 2023.) + The complete removal of the non-compete clause, allowing her to cash out all of her stocks and start/work for a competitor company immediately after leaving the company.
Additionally, she asks for the ability to make decisions regarding outside investors by herself as the CEO without HYBE's input.
HYBE rejects all of her requests because they would be complete financial losses and risks to HYBE. Negotiations stop as neither side will budge.
It is also around this time that HYBE gets the tips that MHJ is planning a management takeover with outside investors.
HYBE received a tip that MHJ is planning to try and make ADOR independent by gathering investors who support MHJ to buy up the majority of ADOR shares.
[23rd~29th] MHJ and VP L share messages about selling ADOR after 'emptying it like a shell', how to make ADOR independent, and how they should blackmail HYBE and ruin HYBE's reputation. *HYBE believes the 'empty shell' comment means terminating NJs' contracts with the majority shareholder power from the investors MHJ was meeting. Note: MHJ has confirmed the existence of these messages but insists they were just jokes between disgruntled employees. HYBE retorts that these plans are too specific and detailed, and they found additional evidence to prove they were more than just empty words.
[25th] ILLIT debuts with 'Magnetic'
[3rd] MHJ submits an internal complaint to HYBE and BELIFT that IL's concept is copyright infringement of NJs and that HYBE has the obligation to protect them. She requests they respond by April 23rd or 24th (not clear.)
MHJ also complains to the parents of NJs that HYBE is trying to sideline NJs with IL.
[22nd] HYBE and BELIFT submit a 6-page response to MHJ. Note: She later claims that she didn't receive any response, but HYBE provides proof that she received it, so she changed that they replied last minute so she couldn't prepare for the audit, but the response doesn't mention the audit because they are separate issues. However, MHJ believes the audit is all because of the IL situation.
HYBE carries out and publically announces the ADOR audit. This results in an 8% drop in HYBE stocks. (Whistleblower will be revealed later!) *They claim to find evidence of her plans, the illegally obtained company and artist information, and more.
[23rd] MHJ holds a 2.5 hour press conference in retaliation. *She doubles down that she believes this is all because of the complaint she filed and that HYBE (and particularly Bang PD) has hated her and NJs from the beginning. Conference Transcript Here:
[24th] This was also the deadline for which all company devices needed to be returned for the audit but MHJ refused to return her work laptop (and still hasn't as far as I know.) *MHJ claims the timing of the audit was intentional to jeopardize NJs' comeback, however, HYBE provided copied devices to all the employees. She has since not given any justification for not returning her laptop and NJs comeback is continuing as scheduled.
[26th] While HYBE initially stated they wouldn't respond on the day of the conference, they later released a full statement addressing the key points of MHJ's argument. HYBE's full response in English:
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NJs's fans (Bunnies) sent trucks to HYBE requesting that MHJ stop using NJs and their parents to protect herself and that NJs stay within HYBE.
NJ's parents refuse to accept calls from HYBE but express their support through newspaper interviews.
Both NJs and BTS RM announce their comebacks set for May 24th. (HYBE's stocks recover thanks to this.) MHJ paints this as HYBE trying to crush NJs with their biggest group because NJs surpassed BTS - HYBE retorts that BHM picked the date first and advised her to change the date, but she insisted on having NJs' comeback on the same day.
[30th] HYBE calls an extraordinary general meeting with the BODs, but the ADOR executives and MHJ do not attend, meaning they have to file a legal suit requiring the MHJ, VP S and VP L to attend the ADOR BODs extraordinary general meeting on May 31st instead.
Other things of note that happened between the 22nd to 30th:
News reports broke that a petition for re-investigation regarding a 2017 allegation against BTS for Sagaeji was passed to the KFTC & Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism. Days later the organizations responded by clearing the charges and asking that all musicians be as honest and forthcoming as BTS. It was later discovered at the hearing that MHJ was behind this situation, and ordered her VPs to create a buzz around the issue to distract attention from her. // Sources: Link / Yonhap News
Similarly, following the accusation from HYBE that MHJ was talking to her 'shaman friend', a rumor broke that BTS were members of a cult that the chairman of their university (Cyber Global University) is rumored to be part of. The Chairman denied being part of a cult, and HYBE/BHM released statements denying the allegations too.
(RUMOR) "K-ARMYs" sent trucks and funeral wreaths to HYBE dissing the company and pleading allegiance only to BTS until May 7th. The following day, these were replaced by trucks from "Bunnies" showing support for MHJ - contradicting the prior trucks sent criticising her. The suspicious timing, the unusually fast fundraising, the contradictory message, the hiring of bodyguards to protect the wreaths, and other strange coincidences cast doubt on if any of these trucks are actually from fans. Many believe MHJ is funding these herself to paint the image that fans are on her side, or at least hate HYBE, justifying her own discontent with HYBE.
May // Source: Biz Chosun
[7th] MHJ files an injunction to Seoul District Court to block HYBE from using their 80% share of ADOR to vote her out (fire her.)
[10th] ADOR BOD agreed to HYBE's request to hold the extraordinary general meeting to discuss the dismissal of MHj (and the two VPs.)
*The same day, prior to the BOD announcement, MHJ's side said a styling team leader was subject to improper coercion during the audit. // Source: Lee Daily HYBE later retaliated explaining how the audit was conducted and that when the staff wanted to stop, they respected her wishes. Furthermore, HYBE said they found evidence of embezzlement and improper payment receipts for ADOR staff. // Source: Newsen ADOR denied that the payment methods were normal and legal, but definitely they are not. // Source: Newsis However, the staff did come forward to say she felt pressured and blackmailed with the embezzlement claims if she didn't comply with the audit. // Source: Ilgan Sports
[12th] An email from "NJs Parents" to HYBE is released to a newspaper, the contents of the email describing how Bang PD did not greet the girls in the elevator, and how they are their parents were upset by it. HYBE retorted that this was not true, and that the email was fabricated by VP L and MHJ and they had proof of this. // Source: YTN A parent of NJs later gave an interview with Ilgan Sports revealing the email was in fact written by MHJ, based on conversations she had with the parents. She also claimed PJW had said the girls would take a break for 1.5 years in order to find a Grammy worthy producer for NJs and that the parents were worried about their careers. // Source: Ilgan Sports HYBE denies any such statement and that they plan to continue NJs schedules as planned. //Source: Seoul Newspaper
[13th] YTN reports HYBE has selected a new CEO for ADOR to replace MHJ once she's voted out, and that they will reveal all of the results of the audit at the court hearing.
Controversy about NJs new song 'Bubble Gum' being plagiarised from a 1982 song called 'Easier Said Than Done' by British Rock Band ShakaTak. // Source: Biz Chosun
[14th] HYBE filed a complaint with the FSS due to insider trading carried out thanks to a tip from MHJ's side about the upcoming public scandal. Note: It's complicated and is about additional people not mentioned until now, so I will link the thread explaining it. It is relevant however, as it backs HYBE's claim that MHJ had planned to ruin their company image as part of her management takeover plan even before the audit. LINK
[17th] The hearing for MHJ's injunction takes place. Each side has 30 minutes to present their arguments and evidence. The below tweets summarize the main points.
HYBE's Side:
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ADOR's Side:
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Although MHJ requested her Kakao messages not to be shared publically (despite her already showing some), a reporter did recreate the messages. (He copied them word for word but recreated the image so it doesn't break the rules.) The messages show her hatred for women in general, particularly a female employee who was reported assaulted by one of the VPs. Messages Translation: LINK Message Source: LINK LINK
[17th] NJs members and their parents all submitted petitions to oppose the dismissal of MHJ and request that MHJ and NJs continue to stay under HYBE - these petitions were submitted before the hearing where MHJ's disparaging comments against NJs were revealed. // Source: Hankook Ilbo
A petition signed by 10,000 NJs' fans, and various petitions from ADOR staff members was also submitted to the court in favor of MHJ.
Various staff from HYBE (Pdogg (BTS producer), CEO Han Seongsoo (Pledis founder and producer of Seventeen), CEO So Seongjin (Source Music), Son Seongduk (BigHit performance director), Kim Seonghyun (BTS and Le Sserafim’s creative director), and Slow Rabbit (TXT producer)) filed petitions in favor of HYBE showing strong loyalty from various labels and artists. //Source: News 1
[17th] HYBE's Q1 results were released and showcased how NJs/ADOR is not as valuable an asset as MHJ is painting them out to be. This goes against MHJ's argument that HYBE is trying to crush her because NJs are getting 'too big'. LINK
[17th] The whistleblower who tipped HYBE off to make them do the audit is revealed. Long story short it was one of the associates of the investors MHJ had been trying to get to buy shares of ADOR who reached out to HYBE. MHJ has claimed during her conference she never met any investors and that HYBE should prove who they are. Now that they've been named, she's still deflecting because it was VP L who met with the investors rather than MHJ herself. // Source: LINK / Biz Chosun
[17th - yeah, a lot happened this day] MHJ accuses HYBE of trying to make her commit 'Albun Pushing', as well as complaining about the distribution deal with UMG - HYBE retaliates denying the allegations and provides evidence of MHJ doing the exact thing she accused them of, and also explains how the UMG benefits all artists and has already benefit NJs. // Source: LINK Note: This is NOT Sajaegi, but it is still a tactic to inflate sales. The difference is Sajaegi is the company buying the albums themselves, whereas this album pushing is forcing distributors to preorder more stock and then hold events (like fansigns) to help them sell out after.
[22nd] BELIFT also filed an official defamation suit against MHJ. // Source: Hangkook Finance // Note: In Korea, you can sued for defamation even if what you said is proven true if it is deemed not beneficial to the general public and detrimental to the person/entity who was defamed. If found guilty, this would be grounds for MHJ's injunction to be canceled.
[24th] This day is the deadline by which both sides can submit additional evidence before the courts make their decision on whether to pass MHJ's injunction (stopping HYBE from voting her out) or not. // Source: YNA
[24th~19th] Various text messages, supposedly from HYBE's legal argument are leaked to the public. They contain damning messages that show that MHJ was planning (in detail) the takeover of ADOR/NJs prior to the debut of ILLIT. As the messages are 'leaked' it is hard to prove their validity, but MHJ later states (on the 30th] that the messages were taken out of context (not that they were lies/edited.) // Source: KBS
KakaoTalk Message Translations are available here: PannKpop
[25th] PJW met with 3/5 NJs' mothers and guaranteed that they would be able to carry out their Tokyo Dome performance plans regardless of MHJ's status after the injunction - despite MHJ refusing to share the files/information related to the concert plans. // Source: Ilgan Sports
[30th] The court rules in favor of Min Hee Jin. They admit that while she did plan a management takeover and take action that could be harmful/disadvantageous to HYBE, she did not do anything that would be detrimental to ADOR which is her prime responsibility, and that the loss of MHJ to ADOR could be harmful. // Source: Hankook Ilbo
This injunction temporarily stops HYBE from firing MHJ unless they can prove she is bad for ADOR or that she has committed some sort of criminal offense against HYBE. // Source: Kyunghyang Newspaper
HYBE says they will respect the court's decision and act accordingly (likely file an appeal.) MHJ announces she will do a press conference the following day. She also claims that the dismissal of her two VPs will be against the court's decision, but technically they aren't covered by the injunction. // Source: Seoul Newspaper
[31st] The ADOR extraordinary general meeting takes place.
HYBE fires the two VPs who worked under MHJ and replace them with with three Hybe officers. Kim Joo-young, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), Lee Jae-sang, Chief Strategy Office (CSO), and Lee Kyung-joon, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) were appointed at the EGM. //Note: The CHRO is a woman, which is interesting due to MHJ's disparaging comments about working with women according to the messages allegedly leaked by HYBE. // Source: Yeonhap News
This new BoD line-up for ADOR means MHJ is outnumbered 3:1 in any decision and is seen as a way for HYBE to keep her in check.
Note: I haven't included notes from MHJ's conference yet as I haven't watched it for myself yet! I also don't know what parts will be relevant to the main timeline later, so I will update again a bit later.
This is all the information so far, I've skipped some of the common knowledge things like the details of the IL plagiarism or cult accusations because I think they just muddle the whole timeline and are very inconsequential.
I will continue to update this page as things continue to happen. And I want to show out TMIKPOP from Twitter one more time as I wouldn't have been able to put this together without their tweets.
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remy2fang · 2 months
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This was actually from the official Japanese Street Fighter V website. I used Google translate for this lol. F.A.N.G had a greater presence on the official Japanese SFV website than on the English one. During the first half of 2016, F.A.N.G would make some entertaining comments on certain Member Bulletin posts. He was the only character to do this at the time. These are really fun to read and they’re so cute. Also, you’ll notice that F.A.N.G has the “Nishishi” laugh that his protégé’ A.K.I. is known for. F.A.N.G actually started this laugh back in 2016, but it’s mostly in text format. The only time you’ll hear him laughing like this is through his V-Shift in SFV, which was implemented somewhere in February 2021. So now you know that A.K.I.’s iconic laugh is actually from F.A.N.G (like so many other wonderful things she’s learned from him) 💜💜.
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And…he still laughs like that in SF6, at least in the Japanese text ( にっしっしっし。).
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A.K.I. learned from the best! 💜💜
In around June 2016, Rashid and Azam started to appear on the Member Bulletins posts. Other characters like Guile, R. Mika, Nadeshiko, Balrog (Boxer), and Vega (Claw) joined in on the fun too. Rashid and Azam essentially took over F.A.N.G’s spot as the main commentator, perhaps to reflect on the events of General Story mode where Shadaloo fell. But FANG still made some comments here and there, even as late as October 31, 2017. In some ways, I think this was a hint by Capcom that F.A.N.G was still alive since he continued to have a say. This was the time when TOXICITY was not published yet (February 16, 2018).
Anyway, I listed all the posts that has F.A.N.G’s commentary. I use Google translate so I could read these lol. If you want to read the others, go here and make sure to switch the website’s language to Japanese: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/list/all/8
March 31, 2016: INTRO: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/100932
Company Tournament: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/100933
Ryu vs Akuma Novel: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/100968
April 8, 2016: AOP Idol Group 1: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/112362
April 13, 2016: AOP Idol Group 2: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/112416
April 15, 2016: Granblue Fantasy collab: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/112465
April 19, 2016: Guile dlc: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/112470
E-Sports RAGE: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/112469
May 31, 2016: Ibuki DLC: https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/126074
June 10, 2016: General Story Mode (talking to a
Shadaloo worker) : https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/129899
June 28, 2016: Balrog DLC (Balrog and Vega is in this): https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/130180
July 2, 2016: RAGE Grand Finals (has Balrog) : https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/130223
August 31, 2016: Double Fight Money Event (Balrog and Vega included) : https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/130691
October 6, 2016: RAGE E-Sports & Dining Storia (with R. Mika!) : https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/130757
October 31, 2017: U x Treasure Collab (Rashid, Azam, and Kiki the monkey?!) : https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/news/132045
I wouldn’t be surprised if F.A.N.G’s added involvement on the Japanese website was one of the reasons that made him more appreciated over there than the rest of the world. At least that’s how I see it.
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fallloverfic · 1 year
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Nimona, the 2011-14 webcomic by ND Stevenson, turned into a graphic novel published on May 12, 2015, and adapted into a full cast audiobook on October 4, 2016, has been adapted into an animated movie!
The movie premiered at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France on June 14, 2023. Netflix released a teaser trailer on May 18, 2023, a clip on June 8, 2023, a full trailer on June 14, 2023, another big clip on June 21, 2023, more footage on June 22, 2023, and another big clip on June 27, 2023. The movie released in select theaters starting on June 23.
The movie released on June 30, 2023 on Netflix for streaming! You can also view the movie for free, legally, on YouTube, until February 26th, 2024. Netflix also released a free-to-read digital-only multimedia 358-page artbook for the movie.
For simplified background, Disney cancelled the movie in 2021, but on April 11, 2022, it was announced that Annapurna would produce the movie, DNEG would animate it, and Netflix would distribute it for streaming sometime in 2023. I'm seeing a lot of confusion out there, so I'll make a summary of what else we know. I also keep the Nimona movie fanwiki page up to date with more info as it releases. Other good places to get news: ND Stevenson's twitter, his Tumblr, his personal site, the savenimona twitter, and the movie page on Netflix. While managing the fanwiki I found that Wikipedia's reference articles for the movie were kind of terrible and often quoted things not being said in the articles being quoted, even in their archive versions, so I would stick with first-hand accounts where possible, particularly what's coming from folks working on the movie and the companies making it. Below is a more detailed summary of info.
Nimona by ND Stevenson began life as a school project while Nate was in college. He was a tumblrite and posted the first pages on Tumblr on December 14, 2011. On June 19, 2012, he began publishing the webcomic in full on its own site. Sometime before November 2012, it was contracted for publication as a graphic novel after completion. The webcomic ended on September 30, 2014, and was released as a single graphic novel in entirety on May 12, 2015. It has currently been translated into 16 languages. Nate adapted it into a full cast audiobook that released on October 4, 2016 (you can hear a preview and purchase it via the link above). The graphic novel and audiobook are still available for purchase.
Apologies for maybe getting studio names wrong, some have changed over time. Anyway: the movie rights for Nimona were acquired by 20th Century Fox Animation in June 2015, to be produced by Blue Sky Studios. In June 2017, Fox scheduled the movie to be released on February 14, 2020. Patrick Osbourne was brought on as director, and it was planned to have the movie in the style of Paperman (Osbourne was animation supervisor of Paperman (2012), and went on to direct Feast (2015), which used the same style). After Disney acquired 20th Century Animation (as it was later called), the movie was delayed to March 5, 2021. There was reportedly pushback for queer stuff in the movie. Blue Sky is publicly stated to have shutdown due to the pandemic and money issues, which isn't relevant here, and I would be careful spreading rumors it was for other reasons. A lot of "successful" US companies shut down studios and departments en masse for other very dumb reasons, particularly in recent years, sometimes just because they aren't making as much money as their parent/shareholders wants them to and cutting salaries makes your profits look better to shareholders. The important part is: Blue Sky was being shut down, and Disney officially cancelled the movie in February 2021.
At some point around the cancellation, a video compilation of early release footage and sculpts seemingly from someone involved in the movie's production was released online. It was later taken down, but put back up by iO9 after the Annapurna, DNEG, Netflix production was announced.
After Disney shuttered Blue Sky, according to Variety, the Nimona crew, "led by former Blue Sky co-presidents Andrew Millstein and Robert Baird, shopped the animatic around town. The film caught the attention of Annapurna CEO Megan Ellison, who was familiar with the film and had been tracking the project. “I think anyone who has ever felt misunderstood or like an outsider will connect with N.D. Stevenson’s story like I did,” she said in press material for the film. “When I watched the storyboard reels I immediately fell in love with it. Nothing about it felt conventional or built off market research. It’s bold and mischievous and full of love. Nimona has such a powerful voice.”
Annapurna stepped in and signed up Millstein and Baird as executive producers. They created Shapeshifter Films so the team could finish “Nimona,” and subsequently joined the company, forming Annapurna Animation.
DNEG Animation was hired in the spring of 2021 to help with the animation, becoming collaborators on the film."
On April 11, 2022, it was announced that the film would be produced by Annapurna, animated by DNEG, and distributed by Netflix. Netflix also shared the first summary:
"A Knight is framed for a crime he didn't commit and the only person who can help him prove his innocence is Nimona, a shape-shifting teen who might also be a monster he's sworn to kill. Set in a techno-medieval world unlike anything animation has tackled before, this is a story about the labels we assign to people and the shapeshifter who refuses to be defined by anyone."
Between Netflix's posts and DNEG's Nimona page, as well as folks involved with the film talking about it, and new info released after the Annecy Film Festival announcement, we knew it would release in Summer 2023. Netflix released a primary cast article with images of what the characters look like from Netflix (be warned, both are very spoilery).
What is also interesting about the cast listings is that Ballister's last name was changed from Blackheart to Boldheart.
Sources for Business Insider said that Blue Sky's work would be incorporated into the film somehow. The second production seemingly wasn't started from scratch, and members of the Blue Sky production stayed on to work on the project. This makes sense, given the art was quite similar to what was in that footage released around the film's cancellation in 2021. DNEG crew have stated repeatedly, though, that although they did have a lot of material from the Blue Sky production, they had to make a lot of things from the ground up.
Quane released an official shot from the film on January 4, 2023:
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It was announced that the movie would premiere on June 14, 2023, at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France. (Post on Annecy's site, post on DNEG's site)
Two new stills were also released on April 25, 2023, with the Annecy Film Festival announcement:
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On May 10, 2023, Netflix posted a new image for the movie:
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The May 10 article also had a new movie summary:
"When Ballister Boldheart (Riz Ahmed), a knight in a futuristic medieval world, is framed for a crime he didn’t commit, the only one who can help him prove his innocence is Nimona (Chloë Grace Moretz), a mischievous teen with a taste for mayhem — who also happens to be a shape-shifting creature Ballister has been trained to destroy. But with the entire kingdom out to get him, Nimona’s the best (or technically the only) sidekick Ballister can hope for. And as the lines between heroes, villains and monsters start to blur, the two of them set out to wreak serious havoc — for Ballister to clear his name once and for all, and for Nimona to… just wreak serious havoc.   
Directed by Nick Bruno and Troy Quane, Nimona is an epic tale about finding friendship in the most surprising situations and accepting yourself and others for who they are."
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Netflix released another still on May 17, 2023. On May 18, they released their teaser, the movie's first poster, and the announcement of the June 30, 2023 general streaming release date!
Netflix also added a new preview image to the Nimona page on the app, featuring Ballister and Ambrosius facing off behind Nimona.
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And Netflix started selling Nimona plushies! Amazon (and possibly other vendors) are also selling shirts/jackets with official movie art!
Netflix released more footage of the movie on May 24, 2023! (it's around 6:31 in the video).
Empire magazine released another still for the movie on June 7, 2023, as well as an article in their June 8, 2023 issue.
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Variety released a new still on June 11, 2023.
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Netflix released a new poster on Jun 13, 2023!
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More stills were released in an Entertainment Weekly article on June 14, 2023. And Netflix released even more. More teasers were put up on the Netflix app (though these are quite spoilery, so I'd advise avoiding them). The cast and crew did press tours throughout June 2023.
Again, the Nimona movie fanwiki page has more detailed info on all this.
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monotonous-minutia · 3 months
Operablr Pride Month 2024 Week #3 (June 15-21)
Can't believe we're already halfway through the month!!
Erismena (Cavalli/Aureli)  Keywords: Baroque opera, trouser roles, sapphic, GNC character, genderbending, Italian opera
The Hours (Puts/Pierce) Keywords: Opera in English, historical opera, lesbians, queer characters
Lucio Silla (Mozart/Gamerra) Keywords: Italian opera, trouser roles, sapphic, MLM, poly, opera seria
Summaries, libretti, recommended productions, and more under the line! (Disclaimer: I have not necessarily seen all the productions recommended here. Most of them are those that have been recommended to me.)
Libretto: (Another obscure one I can't find!) Summary: Starts on page 7 of this PDF Productions: Aix 2017 (English subs) Opera on Video search link: Erismena Cavalli - Opera on Video Bonus: We have a lot of Cavalli this year! Some info on "the most important Italian composer of opera in the mid-17th century." And here! Francesco Cavalli | Opera World (opera-world.net)
The Hours
Libretto: (too new. Not having luck with libretti this year lol) Summary: Metropolitan Opera | The Hours (metopera.org) Productions: Can find on Met on Demand or on VK Bonus: 2024 performance program!
Lucio Silla
Libretto: Lucio Silla Libretto | Mozart | Opera-Arias.com (Italian-translate enabled) Summary: Lucio Silla - Wikipedia Productions: Salzburg 2006 (English subs) Part 1 Part 2 Opera on Video search link: Lucio Silla Mozart - Opera on Video Bonus: Not as clement as our fave Tito perhaps but this guy sure led an interesting life: Sulla - Wikipedia
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tokuvivor · 11 months
Thanks for the tag on this one, @shychick-52! (Update: And @writebackatya.)
how many fics do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what are your top five fics by kudos?
The Power of Three
Bridging the Gap
We Could Bring You a Hamburger…
One Night Ultimate Duck (Or Hummingbird, or Parrot)
Duckverse June 2023 Prompts (yes, it’s a story collection, but it still counts)
what fandoms do you write for?
DuckTales 2017, mostly, a bit for Super Sentai, did one for the Netflix show Dash & Lily, and I have a couple ideas of fics relating to other shows.
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
Yes! Someone took time out of their day to read my stuff and leave their input on it, and the least I could do is show my appreciation for it in return, and elaborate on any questions they may have.
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Shit, I’m really not good with ending stories on a down note; I try to make the endings as satisfying as possible. But I’d say the closest thing to that is for my 6th Webby Week story, Am I Good Enough? (An Internal Battle). It’s basically just Webby wrestling over being chosen by the Papyrus in her mind. Even though it doesn’t end on an outright fairy tale note, she does recognize that it’s okay to not have something that big figured out immediately, and that it’s good to talk about it with other people if you have trouble processing it.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That’s a tough one. There are probably certain stories I’ll discuss in later answers, so for this one, I’ll go with We Could Bring You a Hamburger…. I mean, it’s just a sweet, simple story about something that absolutely should’ve been shown in canon (Webby getting her first hamburger). It’s just a good, satisfying, slice of life kinda thing.
do you get hate on your fics?
Well, on the second chapter of The Power of Three, I got somebody telling me that Huey shouldn’t be guilty over going against his general Woodchuck instinct and leaving Violet behind, and that he should be jealous and upset with Violet and Lena for insulting him and making him feel miserable. Jesus.
do you write smut?
No. I honestly don’t think I’d be good at it. Especially regarding a show like DuckTales. If I were to, it’d probably be wayyyyy down the road.
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've ever written?
Not actively; if I write something with multiple fandom tags on AO3, it’s mostly because minor elements of one thing are peppered into my DT story.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Thank god.
have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that’d be interesting.
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes; I started working with @sisiwritesfanfics on her Super Sentai Couples One-Shot Collection beginning with the second story. We’re currently trying to work on the third.
what's your all time favorite ship?
I don’t know, probably Fendra? But I generally prefer fanworks of them more, especially when stories go more in-depth regarding their relationship than we got in canon. There are others in DuckTales, and other pieces of media, that I really enjoy, though.
what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
At the moment, none. But there are a couple idea that I have that I don’t know if I’d ever start.
what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, especially between two characters, and being able to really get into characters’ minds.
what are your writing weaknesses?
Writing full-on angst. I can incorporate bits of angst into stories, especially when it’s introspective, but a full story of it just wouldn’t be my thing (so, way longer than Am I Good Enough?). Also, losing motivation at certain points in time.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I’ve done bits of gratuitous Spanish or Latin in my stories before, but no full-on dialogue. But I did provide the translated Spanish dialogue between Fenton, Gosalyn, and Webby in @writebackatya’s story Let’s All Go to the Movies!.
first fandom you wrote for?
Technically speaking, I did a piece based on Wreck-It Ralph back in high school for my creative writing class. So that, I guess.
favorite fic you've ever written?
Massive toss-up for me here. The Power of Three is special because it was my first fic, and it focuses on the budding dynamic between Huey, Violet, and Boyd, which absolutely should have been explored in the show. But my other major early idea for a DuckTales story turned into Bridging the Gap. Gandra isn’t written nearly as often alongside Huey, and we only really got a resolution of her relationship with Fenton (amongst main and major recurring characters) in the show, so I wanted to build on the pieces we got between Gandra and Huey in her episodes, which culminated in what I still think is my absolute favorite scene I’ve written. I think the overall edge goes to Power, but Bridging isn’t far behind in my heart.
Tagging @godfrey-the-chaos-duck and @sparklingspidey
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stariified · 10 months
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⋆ ׅ ،  ࣪ STARCRUSH is a fictional seven member co-ed group under Melody Media. Starcrush debuted in 2019 after the formation of their pre-debut group, IN-SYNC. Below are the profiles of the current members of STARCRUSH.
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𖤐 ˖   ࣪ I WANNA BE, HIGH ALL THE TIME ── wang shanyuan
Wang Shanyuan, more commonly known by his stage name, Yuan, is the leader of starcrush. Born in Hangzhou, China, it was always somewhat of a struggle for Yuan growing up. The only reason they were living in Hangzhou, was because he had other family members there, who had offered to support his family, when in need. Yuan was only fluent in Mandarin and didn’t have much knowledge about any other languages in the world which was a struggle when he moved to Korea later on in his life.
Despite his home life, Yuan was extremely popular at school, due to his likeable personality and supposedly ‘good looks’ that were said to be charming to many students. This was the opposite for his sister, Wang Liling, who was constantly bullied for being the worst ‘Wang Sibling’. Yuan chose to ignore his sister’s wishes for help, not wanting to bruise his reputation until she ended up in hospital because of a damaging incident. This was what soured the relationship between the two and caused them to grow distant, Yuan still attempting to fix the relationship from time to time with no success or progress.
March of 2017, was the last time Yuan saw China, as a few days later, he moved to Korea for undisclosed reasons. During his stay, he ended up making a few friends, without knowing much of the language. He quickly started to learn the language, in hopes of being a translator in the future when he stumbled across being an Idol as a career. Yuan had never thought about it before, but he had always excelled in music during high school and he also happened to be a good dancer. So when he heard Melody Media were holding auditions close to his home, he took the opportunity and landed a spot in the pre-debut group IN-SYNC.
IN-SYNC soon disbanded as a pre-debut group in perpetration for the confirmed group’s initial debut. After many altercations and changes to the lineup, Yuan debuted with STARCRUSH on April 12th, 2019 with the viral song ‘In My Dreams’. He is currently the group’s leader, sub vocalist & lead dancer.
Stage Name - Yuan.
Birth name - Wang Shanyuan ( 王善源 ).
Born - June 8th, 1998 / Hangzhou, China.
Ethnicity - Chinese.
Height - 179cm ( 5’10 ).
Position - Leader, Sub Vocalist, Lead Dancer.
Years Active - 2019 / present.
Label - Melody Media.
Faceclaim - Dong Sicheng ( Winwin ).
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𖤐 ˖   ࣪ HOPE YOU DON’T REGRET IT ── kang haesoo
Kang Haesoo, more famously known by her pseudonym, Star, was born in Changwon, South-Korea to two wealthy parents. Haesoo was an only child and was constantly given money and attention by her parents since they had no other children. This would make Haesoo seem spoiled and ungrateful to the other students that attended her middle & high school so they gave her the nickname of 'Kang Princess' to both make fun of, as well as annoy her. Haesoo attempted to ignore the constant teasing by her classmates, but it was extremely hard for her, especially when she knew what they were saying was true, she just didn't want to accept it.
When she was younger, Haesoo had already been heavily involved in child acting, her parents thrusting her into the spotlight at an early age with commercials and a few roles in tv shows and movies. This continued until she quit acting in Early 2015. She often spent time alone, being wealthy was one thing, but having zero friends was another problem. Nobody wanted to be friends with a 'spoiled rich girl' and because of this, Haesoo stayed home most days, never going out like normal teens her age would.
Spending all her time locked away in her room, studying, writing rap lyrics, or doing absolutely nothing, is what caused Haesoo to become increasingly more interested in the idol industry, and when she did, she was very eager to be apart of it. Previously, she had heard and watched many idols perform, but she didn't think about what it would be like if she was up on stage, always on camera. But when she finally did, it seemed to become a huge dream for her and she would not stop mentioning it to her parents. However, Haesoo struggled to find an entertainment that accepted her. Some offered to let her in without an audition, due to her parents wealth, but she insisted on passing with her own talents to do things without always involving money.
The last company she auditioned for, was Melody Media, and it was her last hope. If the audition didn't go well, Haesoo decided that she would just have to quit her dream and continue focusing on studying every other week. Fortunately, she passed her audition and started her life as a trainee in the middle of 2016. Shortly after, she was added to the lineup for the pre-debut group, IN-SYNC, and started training with the rest of the group until she debuted in STARCRUSH as the group's main rapper and sub vocalist.
Stage Name - Star ( 별 ).
Birth Name - Kang Haesoo ( 강해수 ).
Born - August 11th, 1999 / Changwon, South-Korea.
Position - Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist.
Years active - 2019 / present.
Label - Melody Media.
Faceclaim - Lim Dayoung.
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𖤐 ˖   ࣪ WISH I DIDN’T DOUBT IT ── cho michae
Born in 2000, Cho Michae was born in Perth, Australia along with three other siblings. From a young age, it was clear Michae was going to have a career in music. She had always dreamed of playing an instrument and was exceptional at both singing and dancing. This is what led Michae to start playing the violin as well as the guitar throughout Elementary and Middle school. Nearing the start of High School, she still stuck to the violin and dropped guitar once she realized that she was struggling to keep up with both, and she had just recently joined the school’s choir. Michae then transferred to the Australian Performing Arts Grammar School, in Glebe, Australia, for better education opportunities for her to pursue a musical career.
During her High School days, she was part of a popular band named ‘DAYDRUM’ where she was the lead guitarist and occasionally featured in the vocalist role, but since she had stopped playing the guitar a while ago, it was difficult for her to learn how to play again. A few years after the band was created, Michae realized that it just wasn’t for her and officially quit, still pursuing other interests and instruments in her spare time. This was around the time where she was emailed by Melody Media after they watched her final performance together with the band when it went viral after its upload on youtube, with it being plastered on every single social media platform. This email is what pushed Michae to attempt to enter their online global auditions, in the hopes of being accepted.
In Winter of 2015, She was accepted into Melody Media and immediately placed in the trainee group IN-SYNC. Without her family’s consent, she moved to Korea, ready to start training whenever she could. Despite her place in IN-SYNC she was later sent to participate in the M-NET produced survival show, PRODUCE 101. Michae placed 14th overall in the show, which didn’t really matter to her as she was promised a debut either way. The company expressed their thoughts on Michae being a rapper, which she shot down very quickly as she had no experience in rapping, but Melody Media insisted and she then took classes to aid her in grey areas up until debut. She then debuted in STARCRUSH as the group’s main rapper & main dancer.
Stage Name - Sunday ( 일요일 ).
Birth Name - Cho Michae ( 조 마이클 ).
Born - January 1st, 2000 / Perth, Australia.
Position - Main Rapper, Main Dancer.
Years Active - 2019 / present.
Label - Melody Media.
Faceclaim - Yoo Jimin ( Karina ).
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Kim Theo’s parents had disappeared and left him at a young age, so, he had always lived with his Aunt and Uncle, along with his cousins in Leicester, England. Ever since he was five years old, Theo had always been interested in being an idol as soon as he saw 2PM & SHINee on the big screen. But, his legal guardians were not very supportive or appreciative of the idea. Theo often felt isolated inside the home and it felt as if he didn’t belong there, or as if he was intruding on them constantly. He was taken care of and cared for properly, but his Aunt & Uncle refused to let him audition for any entertainment companies, explaining that it was a waste of time and that he could be doing bigger and better things in life than just one unattainable job he had wanted since childhood.
Something else that had stopped him from pursuing this dream, was an injury he sustained when he started to play football professionally for his school. Theo had severely fractured his ankle, meaning he wasn’t able to play for a year and it halted his plans to audition for entertainment companies that same year. During his recovery period, his parents finally decided to reach out to him, which angered Theo immensely and he refused to speak to them, despite their pleads for him to come back and live with them. At this point, Theo had given up on both football and being an idol. It seemed as if neither careers were going to be attainable after his injury and it felt as if everything in his life was going completely wrong, recovery was just too much for him.
Despite all this, his parents had still not given up on convincing him to live with them and decided to take it upon themselves to check him out of the hospital and tried to convince him to go home with them, which failed and a restraining order was immediately placed against the couple. Exactly a year after Theo’s incident, he had fully recovered but had clearly given up on being an idol when he was scouted in England by Melody Media after they had decided to look for more global idols for their company image. They scouted Theo mainly based on his looks, not asking for anything else during his audition and he was accepted through to the trainee section of the company.
In 2017, Theo was added to the lineup for IN-SYNC and soon after, he debuted in STARCRUSH as the group’s lead dancer & main vocalist.
Stage Name - Theo ( 테오 ).
Birth Name - Kim Theo ( 김태오 ).
Born - March 22nd, 2000 / Leicester, England
Position - Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer.
Years Active - 2019 / present.
Label - Melody Media.
Faceclaim - Kang Taehyun.
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Hwang Daehyun, better known as Dae, had been born into a very strict and professional household with a family full of successful people who were positive Daehyun would be successful too, and he was. Daehyun had plans to become a lawyer and was constantly throwing himself into studying and education so that he wouldn’t disappoint his family. This gave Daehyun a lot of stress and he lost a lot of free time just hauled upstairs and locked away, in order for him to impress everyone he knew. Whenever his friends or other family members asked him to hang out with them, he would always have to decline to make sure he didn’t fall behind on his studies.
He kept this up until he suddenly became sick due to the lack of nutrients he wasn’t getting, and he wasn’t eating any other supplements to help this out. Instead of being worried about his condition, his parents brushed it off and told him to keep working. They claimed the reason why he fell ill was because he ‘wasn’t working hard enough’ which sent Daehyun over the edge and he decided that he had to quit, even if it meant disappointing his parents. But surprisingly, they were supportive of him, realizing that they were a little too harsh on him and that they couldn’t control everything he did in his life.
Daehyun’s friends would often joke around about being an idol and that’s where his sudden interest sparked. At first, he played along joking about the idea but then it began to intrigue him, so he then started to research about it, which further catapulted him into a spiral of questions about the industry. After a long time of thinking, Daehyun finally realized that he was set on becoming an idol and introduced this idea to his parents. This took a lot of convincing and pleading since his parents were extremely surprised that he brought this up, and weren’t extremely sure if this was something he should go for. But, they finally caved in and allowed him to start auditioning for different companies. Daehyun had been constantly practicing and this meant that a range of labels were reaching out to him and accepting his auditions. Daehyun ended up choosing Melody Media as it was one of the closest to him and he didn’t want to have to separate from his family.
He was one of the last trainees to join the IN-SYNC lineup, being added last minute in 2018 just before the disbandment of the pre-debut group meaning he only spent a few months practicing with them but still managed to stay apart of the lineup, avoiding being cut off. In spring of 2019, Daehyun debuted in STARCRUSH as the lead rapper and lead vocalist.
Stage Name - Dae ( 대 ).
Birth Name - Hwang Daehyun ( 황대현 ).
Born - September 9th, 2001 / Jeju-do, South-Korea
Positions - Lead Rapper, Lead Vocalist.
Years Active - 2019 / present.
Label - Melody Media.
Faceclaim - Lee Jaehyun ( Hyunjae ).
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𖤐 ˖   ࣪ I JUST HAD TO REACH MY GOALS ── yoo bonnie
Life in California was everything but peaceful for Yoo Bonnie. Her family were also extremely rich, but often neglected and chose to ignore Bonnie and the rest of her siblings, meaning that they had to focus on raising themselves & each other. Time together was barely enough for the family, and their Mother began to realize how unhealthy it was and took off with the four siblings. Things continued to be the same and nothing changed drastically, they were all still being ignored by the only parent they had left, so Bonnie got used to the same routine everyday. Bonnie and her siblings left their Mother to live with their Aunt in South Korea for the next 3 years.
This was where Bonnie gained interest in music, and a musical career. The idol life was all everyone talked about in Korea, especially in school and Bonnie wondered what it would be like too, after watching a few performances of SNSD most days when she came home from school. But she couldn’t speak much Korean at the time, and it was a struggle for her to communicate with her friends, teachers and other students, let alone sing in a whole other language. Bonnie was not exceptional at singing either and thought did a very long time, that her lack of vocal skills would be her downfall.
At that time, Bonnie’s older sister, Melanie, was taking dance classes and she had decided that she desperately wanted to join her as she had always found dancing fun and an interesting hobby to pick up since it didn’t seem very difficult. Bonnie was completely wrong, she often came home with bruises from continuously falling over and even sometimes, sprained limbs when she tried too hard to match her sister’s pace. A year since she had started dancing, was when Bonnie could finally keep up with the rest of the class, and began to go further than most each week. A few months later, and she had already been performing at festivals, and occasionally at her school.
It wasn’t until late 2017 when both her and her older sister, Annie, were scouted at one of Bonnie’s festivals where she was currently performing in along with Melanie, their aunt cheering them both on. One of Melody Media’s scouting crew persuaded her to audition for their company and after a long conversation, she finally gave in. Bonnie was accepted into Melody Media and joined the lineup for STARCRUSH in early 2019 as the last pre-debut member of IN-SYNC. She then debuted with STARCRUSH as the group’s main dancer & lead rapper.
Stage Name - Bonnie ( 보니 ).
Birth Name - Yoo Bonnie ( 유 보니 ).
Born - December 30th, 2001 / California, USA.
Positions - Main Dancer, Lead Rapper.
Years Active - 2019 / present.
Label - Melody Media.
Faceclaim - Jeon Heejin.
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𖤐 ˖   ࣪ I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU, THOUGH ── narumi miura
Miura Narumi, also known as Darling, was always a positive & vibrant person, even since birth. Narumi would always help out her family members and even her neighbours whenever they asked, this however, did not put her in a good spot. She was often picked on in school for being ‘naive’ and too ‘trusting’ when it came to who weren’t and who were her friends. This made Narumi often feel isolated from others and as if she didn’t have anyone else to talk to or simply just be around, since no one wanted to be near someone like her.
Narumi had always loved growing up in Japan, she loved her hometown and loved the fact that it was so easy to see her extended family members, but when it came to the time for her ti start thinking about her career, Narumi knew she didn’t want to stay stuck in Japan for the rest of her life. She didn’t have many options though, there wasn’t anything she excelled in or liked enough for her to make a career out of it, expect music. However, Narumi’s parents desperately wanted her to become a Doctor or a Teacher of some sort, which was exactly the opposite of what she wanted to be but they just would not let the idea go and continued to pressure her into it.
That was when she decided that she just couldn’t be near them anymore, and decided to go to South-Korea, alone. This decision was extremely hard for Narumi, because it meant living away from her family and going into a foreign country she knew nothing about and had no idea how to speak the language for a long period of time. Luckily for her, the rest of her family had soon followed behind her, not wanting to leave their daughter alone at such a young age. Whilst out with a few friends she had made in her short time in Korea, Narumi was scouted by Melody Media after they had heard a short few minutes of her singing.
Narumi was the last of the group to join the lineup and was a late addition, only being introduced after the disbandment of the pre-debut group IN-SYNC. She debuted in April, 2019 as the group’s lead vocalist & lead dancer.
Stage Name - Darling ( 여보 ).
Birth Name - Miura Narumi ( 三浦成美 ).
Born - November 19th, 2002 / Hiroshima, Japan.
Positions - Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer.
Years Active - 2019 / present.
Label - Melody Media.
Faceclaim - Sohara Hinata.
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yuurei20 · 2 years
Meet the Seiyuu: Ruggie Bucchi
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Ruggie's voice actor Ichikawa Aoi joined the voice acting industry in 2016 and won his first lead role only a year later in 2017's TV anime "Just Because!" alongside Deuce's voice actor Kobayashi, as main character Izumi Eita. 
Today is his birthday!
Ruggie is only Ichikawa's 6th-ever lead-character role (of 16 total). 
Ichikawa's other lead roles include Nagara in Sonny Boy, Pele in Plunderer, Tsuzura Yayoi in number24, Shiro Tanaka in Boogiepop And Others, Takehaya Seiya in Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudoubu and Mitsuru in Darling In The Franxx.
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Ichikawa and Jack’s voice actor Ban Taito regularly livestream together, and their channel’s two year anniversary was just last month, where they played Fall Guys with fans online.
Ichikawa seems to do joint projects with other Twisted Wonderland voice actors fairly often, livestreaming with the voice actors for Kalim, Ace, Deuce, Trey, Jack and more on various platforms.
In this quick, three-minute clip Trey’s voice actor Suzuki tells Ichikawa that he is his number 1 best friend (Ichikawa ranks Suzuki at number 5 ww)
Ichikawa is also one of five rotating hosts of the official Twisted Wonderland radio show Twisted Radio Station, which airs every month. Thus far he has hosted only episode two, alongside Deuce’s voice actor Kobayashi.
This episode is available below with English subtitles:
An English-language translation of an interview with Ichikawa about voicing Ruggie is available here
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marengogo · 2 years
BANGTAN MYTHOLOGY - 1: Careless Whisper …
El Toro - by Bonobo  [Black Sands]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Welcome, Welcome,Welcome! 
Welcome to the first chapter of this new series, which I cutely like to call 「Tanogy」 (short version of Bangtan Mythology). A series where we will take well-known or I-had-no-idea “Jikook Myths”, and through thorough research, conducted by yours truly Marengo, who has a certified research fetish, not even gonna lie at all, educated guesses, and careful speculation where necessary, we will try and figure out if this Myths are “Nice, Keep Going!” (aka they are real facts), or “... Poison Apple” (aka they are NOT real facts), or even “Who, Are, You?...” (aka we still can’t tell if they are, or not, real facts). All clear? Perfect, so …
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The first Tanogy is a Jikook one and it’s the following:
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I’m sure we’ve all … read this before. Read because I couldn’t find any auditory proof of this ever being said, even though in the only piece I found where someone provided some sort of non-reliable source, said source was said to be a radio interview, hence, you’d want to at least hear it.
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This particular “Radio source” tweet was from November 8, 2017, one of Jikook’s most famously believed anniversaries or simply GCFT for others but with a little bit of research you will see this sentence appear in many years, months, days all quoting the same sentence but still nobody really knowing where it came from. So, as I kept digging and I found out that the quote I screenshot at the very top, like the following, and many others all was posted on May 21, 2016 and were all reblogs from a blog named: 95HYYH.
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95HYYH - They made their post on May 19, 2016:
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Needless to say, being this the only seemingly relevant clue I had as I started my trail, I found this fact very interesting and decided to run with it probably being the main source of where the rumor started. Because of the 95 in the handler name I assumed that they might have been VMIN biased but still maybe thought jikook were a thing? Like many of us do with all our different biases. I was right on that, however as I still couldn’t find any actual reason, or source, on their blog I began to wonder “what happened on May 19, 2016?...”.
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So I went on the bird app, which is usually bad for many things but I find it unfortunately excellent with regards to impromptu info of the time, it a basically a history book of seldom fact but mostly BS and besides BTS being spotted all over Norway/Sweden, for Bon Voyage 1, there seemed to be a bit of crumbs for VMIN very cute ones, but didn’t research their veracity and indeed Jikook … but it had nothing to do with our Careless Whisper.
VMIN crumbs on May 19, 2016:
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JIKOOK crumbs on May 19, 2016:
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That Jikook selca made the rounds that day and as I was reading through all the posts I found this one, of someone translating a PD who had described how this pic came to be. I thought it was really cute, so following is the link if you are interested:
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So all that was, well and good, but I reached a halt and to be honest with you I was ready to call it a day considering 95HYYH the person that started it but not knowing why. Yet, as I am an insufferable perfectionist or at least i like to think my self as such, TRUST, I’m hella sloppy me all around I decided to make a one last, deeper, research and I found the following tweet dated June 23, 2015. … The game was afoot yet again LOL! 
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Keeping my calm, I was excited AF I began to check through the bird app to see if something relevant to Jikook had happened on this particular date, but NOTHING, NADA, なんでもない, ZILCH had happened that was relevant to the Careless Whisper and before I could finish asking myself another questions, the proverbial Newton’s Apple hit me in the head and I was brought to think of this moment:
LIGHTING BULB MOMENT part 1 Visual Kings who? I only know Min Yoongi:
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LIGHTING BULB MOMENT part 2 (different angle):
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This moment is often used in many jikook edits and it comes from SINCHON (신촌) FANSIGN which happened May 15, 2015. 2015 is what triggered this memory, also the fact that they were talking about sleeping probably whispered to the synapses in my brain that if anything, it would have been connected to this period in time. 
… Now before we move on, during my search of the 2015 SINCHON fansign I found the following “jikook”, cause really it is JK and JM is also there, clip, which I found so cute, so I am sharing with y’all 🥹🥹. For the record, I could find any upload of the full fansign, there is a lot of HQ pictures but I’m guess that at the time people were not yet invested/capable rightfully so to fully film ANY BTS fansite:
Getting back on track, as I found nothing with regards to our Careless Whispers on the May 15, 2015 though I could have continued with my other trailed which would have eventually given me my solution 😬 I thought of looking through interviews prior to 2015 and found nothing. Then I’m not sure why I decided to look at the bird app feed between May 15, 2015 and June 23, 2015, but I did and following is a bit of summary of how it was in that almost month:
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Still nothing as to where it all generated. Knowing the answer now in hindsight, I wonder if I couldn’t get to this answer earlier because I was trying to find it confirmed or because I didn’t know the actual whole sentence until I found that 95HYYH and then believed it was a conspiracy or most likely I felt like i was a spy in some mystery and didn’t want the search to end so quickly. So back I went to my original trail and you guessed it; a couple of searches later, I found the answer. The originally tweet that started it all back in January 16, 2015:
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And so it is that I am confidently going to declare our first Tanogy as:  
“... Poison Apple”.
NGL, this was hella fun, as I also got to know things of the Jikook of the past that I actually didn’t know. That aside, there is something fulling about going in search of truth and getting results regardless of them being what we hoped for or not; the truth is the truth and if you keep looking for it hard enough WHILE KNOWING YOUR BOUNDARIES, NOT OVERSTEPPING PEOPLE’S RIGHTS TO SAFETY AND RESPECTING EVERYONE’S PRIVACY eventually you will find it.
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Always respectfully yours 💜🫰🏾,
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sexysapphicshopowner · 10 months
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🤎 Context/AU (Alternate Universe): Long distance love birds, Stasi and King move in together after graduating college. Cue the ‘let’s christen this place’ jokes, but Kingsley has something a bit more heartfelt in mind.
🤎 Anastasia James: 21, travel blogger
🤎 Kingsley Mancini: 22, photographer
🤎 CW/TW: fluff, lesbians being lesbians, proposal, kissing, pet names, consensual groping, suggestive comments, hickeys, domestic activities, alcohol, swearing, romantic stuff, Italian and Spanish (translations provided), nsfwish, slight angst (only in the beginning for the most part), no google translate, proofread (but not really i need to be sleep rn)
🤎 A/N: Another piece for my love @certainlynotasimp enjoy sugarplum 🫶🏽 (reminder, requests for my tag list are open as well as in general) I was lazy and didn't feel like writing a description for the garden, nor the rings so...deal with it I guess. Enjoy !!
🤎 Notes:
Kingsley was raised by Afro Italian (Mumi) and Afro Spanish (Ma’) mothers so she grew up speaking both Spanish and Italian (born in Italy) 🇮🇹🇪🇸
Anastasia was raised by Afro Dominican parents and grew up speaking Spanish (born in London) 🇩🇴
Kingsley’s contact name for Anastasia is Italian and it means ‘my brown sugar honey’ 🥺
Anastasia is contact name for Kingsley is Spanish and it means ‘my cinnamon apple baby’ 🤎
🤎 Translations: (all translations were checked with the help of deepl translate)
Ma’, pensi davvero che dovrei farlo?- Mom, do you really think I should do this?
Guardami- Look at me
Bimbi- nickname meaning little one
Mumi- nickname meaning Mom
Mi nenita, toda crecida- My little girl, all grown up
Ti amo sempre di più piccola amore- I love you more and more, baby love
No más que yo- Not more than me
Cicchi- nickname meaning chocolate
Bichita- nickname meaning little bug
Merda- shit
Scusi? Non è così che parli davanti a tua madre- I beg your pardon? (Lit. Excuse me) That’s not how you speak in front of your mother
Mi dispiace, mamma- I’m sorry, mom
Cara mia- my dear
Mamme- moms
Buona fortuna- good luck
Buona serata- have a good evening
Ora- now
Madrine- godmothers
Sei proprio un romcompiglioni, Valé- You really are a pain in the ass, Valé
Picci- nickname meaning little or small one
Puttana- bitch
¡Ay Dios mío!- oh Lord or oh God
Paella- Spanish rice dish
Ricotta gnudi- Italian dumplings
È perfetto- it's perfect
Mis favoritos- my favorites
Muevete, por favor. Déjame ir para que podamos ir a casa, mi amor- move, please. Let me go so we can go home, my love
Darmi un bacio- give me a kiss
Su con la vita, amore mio. Ti darò tutti i baci che vuoi dopo cena- Cheer up, my love. I'll give you all the kisses you want after dinner
🤎 Word count: 3.6k
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18 June 2017
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“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
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To say I was scared shitless that day was an understatement. I had no idea how she’d respond. Even though we were moving into a house together and had been together for 3 and a half years, I don’t think my anxiety has ever been worse. But I was in love. I still am in love. And I’m going to marry the love of my life.
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I played with the ring, looking to my mother in question, “Ma’, pensi davvero che dovrei farlo? I mean…what if she thinks it’s too soon?”
She regarded me for a moment before she spoke, placing her hand over mine to stop me from fidgeting with the ring, “Guardami. I can’t tell you how she’ll respond, bimbi. Have you two ever discussed the idea of marriage?”
“I mean, yeah, we have. And we agreed we wanted to get married before we made it to 5 years together, but like…at first I figured with the house it’d be cute to propose to her now that we’re finally moving into it, but what if……what if it’s too much all at once?”
“Then I’m sure you guys will figure it out. Not being ready for marriage is nothing to break up over, I tell you that.”
“Were you and Mumi ready back then?”
My mumi poked her head in from the kitchen with a smile that ma’ shared, “I wasn’t. It was a different time back then, though. It was hard enough that we hadn’t come out our families yet. The thought of coming out and announcing an engagement? I was terrified.”
Ma kissed her cheek as she sat down next to her, “She helped me reevaluate my reason for wanting to marry right then in the first place. I thought that if we were married when we came out it would legitimize our relationship a little more in their eyes. Sure, I loved her, and yes I truly wanted to marry her it just wasn’t for the right reasons right then. In the end we just agreed that we’d wait to plan the wedding until we were both ready, and in the meantime, we’d grown even closer for it.”
“Very cute, you two but that doesn’t make me feel any better.”
Mumi reached across the table to rub my arm, “Well, why do you want to marry her, Mimi?”
The thought of my girlfriend was usually enough to turn me into a blushing and flustered mess, but sitting in front of my mothers, all I could do was gush about her and this time was no different.
I beamed as I took Mumi’s hand, “Because in all my years, though few they might be, I have never found anyone who sees me the way she does. Anastasia is the muse I had been in search for when I switched my studies abroad. She’s- she’s my everything, simply put. I love her with my entire being. And I want to marry her because she’s someone I don’t think I can live the rest of my life without.”
They shared a look as they both teared up, Ma rubbing Mumi’s shoulder, “Mi nenita, toda crecida.”
My phone lit up with her contact name on it and I held up a hand as I turned my chair around to check the message:
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“Looks like someone just got a text from their girlfriend. Feeling better, Mimi?”
I nodded as I looked over my lock screen, “Sure did. Her flight is taking off soon. Which means I have 2 and a half hours to get my life together. Whew, okay……I’m doing this. I’m about to propose to my girlfriend. Merda-“
“Scusi? Non è così che parli davanti a tua madre,” Ma scolded me.
I rubbed the back of my neck, sheepish and apologetic, “Mi dispiace, mamma.”
“Cara mia, go easy on her. She’s stressing out right now,” Mumi defended, tossing me a wink.
I held back my smile as I spoke, “I am sorry, though. Should I…I don’t know, decorate the house a little bit? You know, candles, flowers? Maybe some balloons?”
“Did you show her the garden when you guys bought the place?”
“No, I wanted it to be…a surprise for when we moved in,” I finished, getting excited. I hopped from my seat, sticking the ring in my pocket as I rushed to my mothers, wrapping my arms around their shoulders and kissing both their cheeks, “Mwah, I love you both so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you, mamme. I’ll tell you how it goes tomorrow, I promise.”
“Be safe, bimbi.”
“Buona fortuna, Mimi.”
“Buona serata,” I called as I headed out the front door.
I all but sped off to the house, instantly palming my forehead at the sight of the mover’s truck parked at the end of the driveway, my best friend guiding the workers.
“Kingsley Allegra Vittoria Mancini. Get your ass over here and help! Ora!”
I bit my lip as I grabbed a box of Stasi’s things from the truck, “Wow, Valé. Happy to see you too.”
“Oh don’t act like you didn’t see me before you left to go stress out my madrine. Has the flight left yet?”
“Yeah, Bubbles text me like 30 minutes ago to let me know that they were preparing for take off. Say, I need you to pick some things up for me actually.”
I smacked as I set the box on the couch, “You don’t even know what I want nor what for yet.”
“I’ll do it for 500 bucks,” she offered.
“Sei proprio un romcompiglioni, Valé. I don’t have 500 bucks. You know that.”
“Okay, maybe I do, but dammit, will you just hear me out?”
She folded her arms, quirking a brow at me as she tapped her foot, “Alright. And it better be good or I’m only dropping to 250.”
I pulled the keys from my pocket, holding them out for her to take, “Here.”
She frowned as she took them, “And just what the h-“ she cut off with a gasp as she noticed the ring, inspecting it, “Oh, babes….she’s gonna love it. You’re proposing?”
“Yeah, and I don’t have long. I need you to get some things for me to set up the garden for it. I’m gonna put it all together, but I need you to go get it while I put all these boxes up and out of the way with the movers.”
She rolled her eyes as she handed the keys back, grabbing her car keys from the ledge over the fireplace, “Send me a list. I’ll try to hurry. I know that flight isn’t long and you’ve gotta shower and pick her up as well.”
“That I do. Thanks, Valéncia.”
“Uh-oh. Mimi’s nervous. Talk to me.”
“Do you think I’m moving too fast?”
“It’s been almost 4 years, picci. You guys have bought a house together, and didn’t you both agree that one of you should propose before you guys make 5 years?”
“Well, yeah, but-“
She placed a hand on my shoulder, shutting me up, “No buts. You’ve got this, babes. Hurry with that list, stop stressing yourself or you’ll chicken out.”
I pushed her off of me, rolling my eyes playfully, "Oh, shut it you old bat. I’ll tell you and the mamme how it goes in the morning, okay?”
“Alright, hop to it, asshole.”
I helped the movers take all the boxes into one of the many empty rooms of the house, thanking them for the help before retreating to the guest bathroom to shower and freshen myself up.
My brain couldn’t help but wander as I pulled on my clothes, anxiety twisting in my stomach like a storm brewing on the horizon.
I had a horrifying cacophony of ‘what ifs’ and questions. What if she says no? What if it makes her change her mind about us moving in together? What if I stutter? What if I fall into the lake? What if something catches fire with the candles? What if she doesn’t even answer? What if I lose the ring?
What if she doesn’t like the ring? What if everything that could possibly go wrong does?
What if?
“Puttana! You better not be up there bitchin’ in your head.”
I rolled my eyes as I made my way downstairs, “You got my shit?”
“Of course! I also have some food. You need to eat.”
I shook my head as I took the bags from her hands like a madwoman, rushing toward the back door, “Can’t eat. I think I’ll be sick.”
“¡Ay Dios mío! Please eat for me, Kingsley. Madrina Morgana said you didn’t eat with them and you didn’t eat with me this morning. Just a bite at least.”
“What did you bring?”
She beamed, holding the Tupperware from Ma, “Paella from your Ma and Mumi made ricotta gnudi.”
“Give me a dumpling so I can go set this up and get to the airport for my baby. You can put the rest in the car.”
“One more thing before I go?”
“What is it,” I asked impatiently as I turned back to her.
She rolled her eyes as she handed me a velvet box, grumbling, “Here, witcha angry ass.”
“Girl what the f-“
My voice died on my tongue as she turned to head out the front door with a smirk, “Mumi owes me 20 bucks.”
I whispered as I looked on at the ring, smiling, “È perfetto.”
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Actual heart stop that day. Speechless isn’t even the word. I forgot what words even were. Yet here I am. Engaged to the love of my life.
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I laughed softly to myself as my notifications started coming in:
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I poked my lip out as she picked up the call, “You know how I feel about surprises, Mimi. Tell me~”
“No, Bubbles. You just have to wait and see. Besides, you said yourself that you like surprises that include blindfolds,” she mumbled, smirk evident in her tone.
I fought back a smile of my own, squeezing my legs together as I watched the carousel of luggage for my suitcase, “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t…but I still wanna know what you’re planning. What if I had something planned and your surprise interferes with it?”
“Well, do you have something planned,” she chimed as I made my way down the escalator. She pulled me into her arms the second I was close enough in reach as I hung up, placing my phone into my pocket.
“I mean, nothing too big, but….yeah I had a lil something-something planned,” I admitted, nibbling on my thumbnail as I thought about the package I’d asked Valé to slip into the house.
“I mean we still have time before it gets dark enough outside to do what I want,” she whispered against my skin as she pressed soft kisses along my jaw and cheek.
I couldn’t help but giggle as I squirmed in her arms, “Alright, alright! You got your one kiss, now muevete, por favor. Déjame ir para que podamos ir a casa, mi amor. I think we’ve given enough of a show in this lobby.”
She relented, letting go of me after one more kiss to my lips, “Alright, alright. I guess the longer we stand here the less time we have to lay up together.”
I prodded her with my elbow as she grabbed the handles for my suitcase and carry-on while I picked up the poster board, “Hey, at least you know.”
I studied the poster she had made as she dragged my luggage alongside her, poking my bottom lip out, “You know what, I might just let you have some tonight. I mean, you made me a proper poster this time around and everything.”
She scoffed at the accusation, “What do you mean “this time around”? My posters are always proper.”
“Yeah, proper jokes. Last time you picked me up after a flight the poster was welcoming me home from rehab. And the time before that it was prison,” I exclaimed.
“I stand by those. They were hilarious,” she shrugged, opening the trunk.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s ride.”
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45 minutes later…
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After a car ride full of Kingsley rubbing on my thigh like she’d never have a chance to hold it again, I was playing in her hair as she lay on my chest between my legs, kissing my chin.
I smiled, tilting my head down for our lips to meet, “Mm, should I get dressed up for this little dinner you’ve got planned?”
“Just a little bit. You know I know you look good in anything, but you’re gonna wanna be at least a little dressed up for this,” she mumbled before leaning into my kiss.
Kissing her always felt like everything, everywhere, all at once. Every place where our bodies met my skin blazed with heat, all sprouting from the pit of my belly. I could feel her smile against my lips as she moved higher over me, tongue lavishing mine before she sucked on it, coaxing a moan from my throat.
Breathless, I took two handfuls of her shirt as she pulled away slightly, forehead rested against mine, “Well damn, Kingsley. Tell me something good then.”
She chuckled, pressing soft kisses against my lips in between her words, “You have no idea how much I missed you.”
“Mm, I think I’ve got a pretty good one. I mean you haven’t stopped touching nor kissing me since I got here. I don’t mind though.”
Soft brushes with her lips turned hungry as hot, open-mouthed kisses scathed their way down my jaw, her mouth latching onto a pulse point as she sucked softly. I sucked air in through my teeth, a whimper escaping me as her teeth nibbled on the area, “Fuck…”
She let go, kissing the new bruise, “You alright up there?”
I huffed, caressing her cheek with my thumb, “Yeah, I’m okay. Darmi un bacio?”
She moved as if to oblige, lips ghosting over mine before she sat back, rubbing my thighs, “Later. Go get dressed, Bubbles.”
I pouted, folding my arms across my chest, whining, “Hey! You’ve been kissing me all this time, but now that I asked for one it’s a no? Meanie.”
She kissed my cheek quite audibly before pecking my bottom lip, “Su con la vita, amore mio. Ti darò tutti i baci che vuoi dopo cena.”
“Hmph,” I frowned harder, turning my face away from her.
“Stasi-“ she called in a sing song, pulling me into her with her arms around my waist, “The quicker you get ready, the sooner we can kiss.”
I rolled my eyes, leaning into her kiss on my cheek, “Fine. You’ve gotta look cute too, then. And dibs on upstairs. You’ve gotta get ready down here.”
“Whatever~” she rolled her eyes, pushing me up, “Get to it.”
I waited for her to take her clothes downstairs before locking the door, hopping on the sink counter, “Hello?”
“Stasi! How are you, love?”
“Doing quite alright, Ma. I had a question.”
I nibbled my lip as I looked under the sink for the package, “Could you put me on speaker, actually? So Mumi could hear me?”
“Of course, sweetheart. Cara mia, Anastasia’s on the phone!”
“Ah, darling! How are you?”
I chuckled, “Well, I was hoping to ask you guys for something.”
“Anything,” they answered in unison before laughing together.
“So, you guys know that Kingsley and I have been together for almost 4 years now, and obviously we’re moving in together finally, but I was wondering if maybe-“
Ma giggled as Mumi responded, “Go ahead and ask her. I’m sure you guys will be great.”
My face flushed as I put the velvet bag on the counter, “Thanks guys. It means more than you know.”
“Oh trust us, we know. Go on, you have business to attend to,” Ma chimed.
It didn’t take me long to get ready. At least, I didn’t think it did until a knock sounded on the door, “Baby? I forgot you take forever and a day to get ready. Are you almost done?”
“Not even close,” I joked, putting on my lipgloss.
She groaned, “Ugh, I got myself into this.”
I opened the door, her jaw dropping as I did, “I’m just joking, my love. You ready?” She just eyed me appreciatively, mouth still agape. I closed it, smirking, “Don’t act like you’ve never seen me dressed up before. Come on, you have a surprise for me, don’t you?”
She cleared her throat, scratching her neck sheepishly, “Yeah um…right, right. C’mon, follow me, Bubs.”
I laced my fingers with hers, following her downstairs to the living room. As we reached the couch, she grabbed a strip of silk from the back of the couch, “Alright, time for my favorite part.”
I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, yeah, get it over with, will you?”
She moved with the utmost delicacy and care, sweeping my hair behind my shoulders as she pulled the fabric over my eyes, securing it at the back of my head. She spoke softly in my ear, always with a flair for the dramatic, “Do you trust me?”
“With all of my being,” I whispered, a thrill running through my spine as she placed a kiss to the area behind my ear.
Her hand returned to mine and I followed quite blindly behind her as she led me through an unfamiliar feeling area and I tightened my hold on her hand, causing her to stroke her thumb over my knuckles, “Don’t worry, we’re almost there. It won’t take long at all, I promise.”
I felt her stop in front of me, taking my other hand into hers, “Okay so, before I untie your blindfold, I just want you to know that I promise I hid this place from you on purpose.”
“Will you just take this damned thing off of me?”
She reached around my head, untying the fabric, “Ready?”
Fighting the urge to reach up and snatch the blindfold off, I nodded, “Yes.” She pulled it away, my eyes taking a moment to focus on her before shifting to the scene behind her as I gasped, “What is that?”
She snickered, “It’s a garden, duh.”
And what a beautiful garden it was.
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She led me closer to it, as I smiled, “Help- the fireflies?”
She grinned sheepishly, “I had nothing to do with that, but lucky us, I guess?”
I studied her shifty demeanor, noting how nervous she seemed, “Okay, what’s up with all this? What are you doing?”
She rolled her eyes, kissing the back of my knuckles, “You’re so impatient all the time, oh my God. Okay, okay…whew……I can do this.”
“Hey, eyes on me, loser. Breathe first,” I instructed.
She scrunched her nose in distaste, “Shut it. I’m getting to it, I swear. So, I know we’ve been together for 3 years, 9 months, and 13 days-“
“And why do you know that off the top of your head,” I questioned, half-shocked and half-enamored.
“Details, unimportant,” she responded, waving a hand as she continued, “Seeing that we’ve been together for almost 4 years now and are finally moving in together, I was nervous as hell, but I ultimately decided I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. With that being said,” she began, moving to get on her knee as she reached in her pocket.
I stopped her, shaking my head with a hand on her shoulder, “Wait, come here.”
She looked at me confused as she stood, hand still poised at her pocket, “Yeah?”
I reached for my own pocket with one hand, prompting her to continue with my other, “Nothing, go ahead.”
Things clicked as she pulled out a velvet box at the same time I pulled out a velvet bag and she palmed her forehead, chuckling softly, “God, and here I was worried that you’d have said no.”
I smiled, teasing, “Awww, you were stressing over little ole me? For the record not only am I saying yes, but it’s a hell yes times a bajillion.”
She took my free hand in hers, bringing it to her lips, “Well, I know that now, but can I ask properly? I did in fact have a proper speech in mind.”
“Who am I to deny you such a sweet request?”
She returned to her knee, stroking her thumb over my knuckles as she took a deep breath, looking up at me, “As I said earlier, I was nervous as hell, I spent the majority of the morning pulling out my hair back home about any and every worry under the sun, but talking to my moms reminded me why I want to ask you in the first place. I first switched to studying abroad in search of a greater muse than what I could find here in Italy. Luck would only have it that I ended up with you as my guide around London. You’ve been my inspiration, my best friend-don’t tell Valé I said that-my lover, and I want nothing more than to live the rest of my life with you by my side. With that all being said, yes I forgot half of what I wanted to say the second I saw you, I love you and it would do me a wonderful honor if you would marry me.”
I poked my lip out, “I would love to marry you, bichita. On one condition.”
“Yes,” she questioned, eyes still looking up at me full of love and hope.
I tugged her from her knee once more as I pulled out my mother’s engagement ring, “You have to agree to marry me as well.”
She smiled, eyes watering a bit as she opened the velvet box in her hand, revealing a ring I recognized all too well, “I do. Trust me, if nothing else, I will marry you, and start a family, and take care of you.”
I poked my lip out, chuckling through my tears, “Kingsley….is that…is that the ring from when your Ma proposed to Mumi?”
She nodded, “I had went and gotten a ring made for you but Mumi sent it over here by Valé earlier. So? You’re definitely saying 'yes' right now, right?”
I nodded as she took my hand, “Yes, baby. I’ll marry you.”
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alexeiadrae · 2 years
Mega Brand Q&A with Hajime Kanzaka January 2022 to May 2022, translated
Finally going through the archive. @kaette-kita-slayers did an amazing job translating the old ones from 2014 to 2017 so I’m going to start from 2022 and work back. June 2022 onward are already on my Tumblr and eventually I will see about getting something better organized for them.
Q: In the demon world, Lina and her family are famous, but in the god world, how well-known are they?
KANZAKA: "In the world of the gods, there are only three dragon kings now, but they are well known because of their influence on the demons."
 Q: At the beginning of the first volume, Gourry is impressed with Lina's ability to make a living when he sees her assembling her fishing gear. Is fishing an unusual way to procure food? How did Gourry procure food in the field and other places before he met Lina?
 KANZAKA: "To secure food by fishing, of course you need a strong and thin line, and rough hair is not strong enough. In this sense, fishing is not a very common way to secure food. In the case of the general camps, including Gourry’s, most of the food is portable food, such as dried meat, and vegetable soup.
Q: I wonder what level of magical skills the Five Great Sages of our time, Rezo the Red Priest, had in the world of the world in which he worked. It seems that he was not able to concoct the Philosopher's Stone on his own, but he was able to restore a room that had been destroyed by a spell such as regression back to time, and he was able to use sufficiently inhuman magic, but was he comparable to the legendary mage Lei Magnus?
 KANZAKA: "The title of the Five Great Sages is, of course, a designation given to him by others. In other words, Rezo was called this in recognition of the research he was able to bring to the public, so if we include the parts that he was unable to bring to the public, he achieved more results in a variety of fields. However, this is also true of Lei Magnus, and since the circumstances of the time were different, it is not possible to simply compare superiority and inferiority."
Q: If a Demon King or a Demon Dragon King reincarnated as a human, or a human fused with a demon, such as a human-demon, has a child with an ordinary human, will that child inherit some demon-like qualities, such as a capacity for magic beyond that of a human or a preference for negative emotions?
KANZAKA: "There may be a slight tendency for the child to have a higher magical capacity than an ordinary person, but basically, the child is an ordinary human being, and the difference is merely one of "qualities"."
 Q: Who sealed the Demon King of the North?
Rezo Shabranigdu says that he was sealed by the Dragon King of Heaven (the Sky Dragon King), but the lore says he was sealed by the Water Dragon King.
Since it was the Water Dragon King who actually fought him, I think it is more likely that he is the Water Dragon King, but the words of the person who was sealed are also highly credible.
 KANZAKA: "The one in volume 1 is a mistake for the Water Dragon King. I'm really sorry."
Q: I heard that Amelia's mother passed away as a result of the assassination, but how was it ostensibly announced? Aside from the executioner, was the ringleader a member of the royal family? If so, was it hushed up to hide the scandal? If it was a cover-up, it may have contributed to Alfred's belief that it was okay for him to do what he did.
 KANZAKA: "Ostensibly, it is said that he died of illness.
Naturally, there is no definite conclusion as to who the mastermind was, but there is an understanding among the people at the center, including the royal family, that 'the matter has been settled,' so the mastermind is probably being handled in secret."
Q: I have a question about Zuma-Seigram, the fusion of Zuma and Seigram, how much stronger was each of them compared to the single unit?
Seeing that they were entrusted with the task of eliminating Lina, which Kanzel had failed to do, I wonder if Raltark's evaluation of Zuma-Seigram's strength was higher than that of Kanzel's?
 KANZAKA: "The scary thing about Zuma-Seigram is not its simple specifications, but the fact that it combines the know-how of a skilled assassin with the strength of a demon tribe. Simply in terms of numerical specs as a demon tribe, he is not even far behind Kanzel."
Q: Zelgadis is misnamed by Lina and Gourry, but is it a rare name that is not very common in that world?
Lina remembers Sylphiel and Milgazia correctly the first time, so I don't think it's a case of "it's too long and I got it wrong".
 KANZAKA: "It is certainly not a common name. Perhaps it was derived from something in the little-known lore per Rezo."
Q: I heard that Gourry's departure was not as young as the age at which Lina started her solo journey, and that he was 18 or 19 years old. Or was he just hanging out at home?
 KANZAKA: "He wasn't working specifically, but he was training as a swordsman."
Q: The Gaav camp seems to have been involved in various dark activities in the underworld, and I wonder if they were in contact with the Rezo faction and the remnants of the royal family of Ruvinagard.
In particular, I think that the technology for synthesizing human demons was quite useful in the war against the demons in the Kataart Mountains.
KANZAKA: "They may have been aware of our existence, but they were not in actual contact with each other, as careless contact would have simply resulted in a clash that would have worn each other down.
Whether or not there was a plan for contact is now unknown."
Q: Sylphiel says at the end of volume 8, "Eventually, I will qualify as a priestess and restore Sairaag.”
As of volume 3, she was even the Head Shrine Maiden of the large town of Sairaag. Is it more advantageous for her to have both qualifications to work toward reconstruction than to be a priestess only?
 KANZAKA: "Having the title of priestess or priest may not necessarily help in the reconstruction of a city, but having the title will help attract more people and trust."
Q: Mr. Nunsa became famous for his "Lay an egg," and judging from this familiar way of saying it, has he said this line to many (fish) women in the past? I wonder how many children (fish?) he has actually had. Do you have many?
 KANZAKA: "We can never rule out that possibility, but it is also possible that he was a caviar farmer in the past. He may have been talking to the plants with the same logic that plants grow better when they listen to classical music."
Q: I wonder if this reflects your thoughts on the quality and quantity of each faction's subordinates.
For example, "The faction of the Greater Beast is small in number, but the quality of its members is high," or "The demon tribe under the Dynast is large in number but relatively weak.”
 KANZAKA: "Even if such a concept existed at the upper levels of the demon factions, the lower you go, the more diverse or pre-diverse they become, so overall, they end up looking similar."
Q: Does Lina have any personal belongings that she has kept with her since the time she started her journey?
Does she prioritize escaping over luggage, or does she buy new ones when they break, so there are indeed no items that she has continued to carry with her from the beginning?
 KANZAKA: "The bandana is the same. She also uses some of the 'jewel talismans' in different arrangements."
Q: Small reptiles have the ability to regenerate their tails, and recent research has shown that the American alligator, a large reptile, also has the ability to regenerate its tail.
So, do you think that the large lizards, the dragon tribe, can also regenerate their tails at least once, even if it is just the tip of the tail?
I apologize if they are not reptiles to begin with.
 KANZAKA: "They may potentially have something similar to self-renewal capability, but since they are higher beings in the ecosystem, it probably won't actually be triggered."
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jacesdossier · 1 year
Transgender Artists and Ways of Engaging with Trans Art Activism
For this research dossier, I wanted to compile examples of how various artists and creatives under the trans umbrella use their work to engage with transgender activism.  I explored several documentaries created by trans artists, as well as photography, drawing, painting, and sculpture whilst looking for clear examples of works that communicate the trans experience and the struggles faced by the community.  I myself am a trans man.  I have been out and actively transitioning since 2017, and as an artist I have occasionally used my own work to subtly highlight aspects of the transgender experience.  Because of this I was very interested to see how artists with similar experiences to myself translated this into their own bodies of work, and how their works can be seen as forms of activism.  
I initially decided to focus the bulk of my efforts on finding documentaries and video content, as I found throughout my search that while the experiences communicated through other mediums were often understood by myself, I was struck by the thought that many cis (read: not trans, identifies with their sex assigned at birth) individuals may struggle to connect with these pieces.  However, as I continued my search, I realized that this was, in fact, the point.  For this reason I did end up going back and including photographic, sculptural, and drawn works into the dossier, along with my own explanations of the pieces as I understand them.  Artists referenced include: Yishay Garbasz, Chella Man, Rhys Ernst, and Wu Tsang.  
Over the course of this assignment, I have realized the stark differences in the ways that each medium communicates facets of the trans experience.  Some, more so the documentaries, are made accessible to the cisgender audience through careful explanation and depictions of real lived experiences.  These works feel more directly “activist” in their execution and intent, as they communicate their message more effectively to a wider audience.  On the other hand, the works that felt more inaccessible to a cisgender audience began to grow more important in my mind as activist works, as they require more actual effort and communication on the part of the audience to have their message be understood.  By requiring the viewer to start dismantling their own internalized perceptions and ideas, these works more subtly push the viewer to engage in activism on a small scale, as opposed to simply being given the necessary information from the start and then merely being asked to act on it.  I’ll admit to being surprised that this is the conclusion I’ve reached, but this project has definitely challenged and changed my perspectives on the subtler forms of activist artwork.
Ernst, Rhys. "This Is Me - Generations". June 1, 2015. 7 min. Retrieved from: https://vimeo.com/307596539
Ernst, Rhys. "Dear Lou Sullivan". December 1, 2014. 6 mins. Retrieved from rhysernst.com
Garbasz, Yishay "Becoming". yishay.com, accessed October 11, 2023. http://yishay.com/index.php/2019/08/10/becoming/
Garbasz, Yishay, Eat Me Damien. 2011. Retrieved from: http://yishay.com/index.php/2019/08/10/eat-me-damien/
Man, Chella, "Dysphoria Projections", sharpie on paper, 2018, Retrieved from https://www.artsy.net/artwork/chella-man-dysphoria-projections
Tsang, Wu. "Wildness". February 22, 2012. 1hr 16min. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/404104779
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uwewullfen · 2 years
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Greetings Friends,⁠ I was so very lucky that almost 6 years ago being part of an expedition cruise organised by the by the Oceanwide Expedition Group to the North Pole. The Adventure started in Longyearbyen the town closest to the Pole. Here the visual impressions I've got touring this part of the world in June 2017.⁠ ⁠ Possible medieval discoveries of Svalbard by Vikings or PomorsSome scholars believe the Vikings, who were active in the area of Svalbard during the Middle Ages, were the first to discover it. Starting in the 1800s, Norwegian historians began asserting that Vikings discovered the region as early as 1194. They base this claim on maps and annals that list a place called Svalbarði (the basis for the name Svalbard, which translates to “cold rim”) roughly a four-day sail from Iceland. No physical remains have been found, however, that support this claim. Russian historians, on the other hand, believe the Pomors may have landed at Svalbard back in the 1400s. But as with the Vikings, no physical evidence substantiates this.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #spitsbergen #svalbard #arctic #visitsvalbard #norway #longyearbyen #nature #mittsvalbard #travel #visitnorway #spitzbergen #naturephotography #svalbardlife #wildlife #polarbear #norge #landscape #expedition #unisvalbard #travelphotography #landscapephotography #svalbardposten #utno #arcticcircle #polar #auroraborealis #winter #snow #uwe_foto #uwewullfenphotography (at Longyearbyen) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co9ECOdNkEz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jxrm · 16 days
book log - 2017
tampa by alissa nutting
turtles all the way down by john green
vegas girls by heather skyler
class mom by laurie gelman
anne of green gables by l.m. montgomery
the identicals by elin hilderbrand
quidditch through the ages by j.k. rowling
the breakdown by b.a. paris
final girls by riley sager
audition by ryu murakami
gray wolf island by tracey neithercott
the stranger beside me by ann rule
one of us is lying by karen m. mcmanus
the call by peadar o gullin
a thousand nights by e.k. johnston
the library at mount char by scott hawkins
tender morsels by margo lanagan
rings by koji suzuki
the good daughter by karin slaughter
because you love to hate me by amerie
the party by robyn harding
primates of park avenue by wednesday martin
you by caroline kepnes
someday, someday, maybe by lauren graham
the hating game by sally thorne
eleanor oliphant is completely fine by gail honeyman
shine by lauren myracle
when dimple met rishi by sandhya menon
you can have a dog when i'm dead by paul benedetti
it's always the husband by michele campbell
princeless: raven the pirate princess by jeremy whitley
princeless: free women by jeremy whitley
goodbye, vitamin by rachel khong
sabine's notebook by nick bantock
always and forever, lara jean by jenny han
talking as fast as i can by lauren graham
three wishes by liane moriarty
behind closed doors by b.a. paris
dark places by gillian flynn
behind her eyes by sarah pinborough
baby proof by emily giffin
american gods by neil gaiman
confessions of a domestic failure by bunmi laditan
wedding night by sophie kinsella
you suck by christopher moore
night film by marisha pessi
the subtle art of not giving a fuck by mark manson
let's explore diabetes with owels by david sedaris
the here and now by ann brashares
it started with goodbye by christina june
murder games by elisabeth crabtree
the enchantress returns by chris colfer
down the rabbit hole by holly madison
women who run with the wolves by clarissa pinkola estes
goons n' roses by donna joy usher
the silent wife by a.s.a. harrison
cocoa and chanel by donna joy usher
secondhand souls by christopher moore
the seven steps to closure by donna joy usher
stranger than fanfiction by chris colfer
you are here by jenny lawson
killing mr. griffin by lois duncan
a dirty job by christopher moore
joyland by stephen king
irrestible by adam alter
small great things by jodi picoult
stranger with my face by lois duncan
the vegas diaries by holly madison
the potluck club by linda evans shepard
the girl with the dragon tattoo by stieg larsson
the wishing spell by chris colfer
one less problem without you by beth harbison
saving ceecee honeycutt by beth hoffman
in the country we love by diane guerrero
the last anniversary by liane moriarty
i woke up dead at the mall by judy sheehan
remembrance by meg cabot
girl in translation by jean kwok
very good lives by j.k. rowling
milk and honey by rupi kaur
my grandmother asked me to tell you she's sorry by fredrik backman
the screwtape letters by c.s. lewis
reconstructing amelia by kimberly mccreight
how to fall in love by cecelia ahern
wild by cheryl strayed
NOS4A2 by joe hill
year of yes by shonda rhimes
troublemaker by leah remini
the summer we read gatsby by daniella ganek
the miraculous journey of edward tulane by kate dicamillo
sorry not sorry by naya rivera
the circle by dave eggers
the woman in cabin 10 by ruth ware
boneshaker by cherie priest
time cat by lloyd alexander
the color purple by alice walker
all the light we cannot see by anthony doerr
the princess bride by william goldman
when breath becomes air by paul kalanthi
the wangs vs. the world by jade chang
mischiling by affinity konar
sarong party girls by cheryl lu-lien tan
nine woman, one dress by jane l. rosen
the light between oceans by m.i. stedmaan
magonia by maria dahvana headley
the restaurant critic's wife by elizabeth laban
the couple next door by shari lapena
the wedding sisters by jamie brenner
how to be a bawse by lilly singh
where am i now? by mara wilson
scrappy little nobody by anna kendrick
double cup love by eddie huang
little girl gone by gerry schmitt
truly madly guilty by liane moriarty
something in between by melissa de la cruz
rich people problems by kevin kwan
modern romance by aziz ansari
yes, my accent is real by kunal nayyar
the girl on the train by paula hawkins
we should hang out sometime by josh sundquist
love ltters to teh dead by ava dellaira
what alice forgot by liane morairty
bringing it home by tilda shalof
the maintenance man by michael baisden
charlie and the great glass elevator by roald dahl
the princess diaries by meg cabot
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leashade · 2 years
Here's a quick post I've made in a certain private group chat (where I'm translating news from Russia/Ukraine basically). Don't assume it's 100% accurate, there are a lot of oversimplifications and data that's hard to verify.
As a side note, was reading a book on sociology from Ekaterina Schulman (russian politologist), and one of the parts of it made me curious about the history of protest in Russia. I know there were a lot of protests recently, but I didn't know exactly how many and which. Well, the first wave of protests started in 1986, leading to the new government. In 1991-1993 there were protests of communists. 1993 was the last year of mass protests — also keep in mind, that "mass protests" here doesn't necessarily mean hundreds of thousands or millions of people. Democratic protests in 1990 had around 300k people, in Jan-Feb 1991 - 100-150k. March 1991 - about 30-50k. Exact number of people at the August 1991 protest is not clear, but it was (allegedly) not higher than 30-50k mark.
Then there weren't any mass protests (though there WERE protests in general, the country was free and moving on the democratic rails for a while). Then came putin. After his second elections in 2004 he cancelled governor's elections, and there were many new restrictions introduced in the election process, which led to mass protests. There were also protests against putin, suggesting that he's responsible for blowing up houses in Moscow (to create a positive image for himself and take power), but there was no clear evidence at the time, and people didn't really believe this, so these protests weren't as big.
2004, 2005, 2006 - multiple mass protests every year, acting against electoral restrictions
2007 - "Marches of Dissents" in april, may, june, november - same reasons [ 2008-2011 - Medvedev came to power, there were promises of democratic reforms and protest activity halted for a bit, believing in these promises ]
2008 - War in Georgia, anti-war protests
2011 - Announcement of the Putin's return happened. The biggest protests in the New Russia at Bolotnaya square. It was not the only one this year (and even in the same month). Approximate number of protesters is about 85-150k in Moscow and about 70k across the country as well. Requests: democratic reforms, every other reason since 2004, stop falsifications during elections. Many people arrested/sent to prison.
[ 2011 - limitations for protests/meetings introduced ]
2012 - continuation of 2011 protests, many people arrested/sent to prison. Got back (though in a very limited form) governor's elections. Protests happened all across the year.
2013 - continuation of 2012, same stuff, happened across the year
2014 - Started as continuation of 2011-2013, but then Crimea happened. The protests are not only pro-democratic now, but also anti-war and anti-putin. Many arrested/sent to prison.
[ 2014 - Nemtsov is assassinated right before one of the anti-war protests ]
2015-2016 - Marches of Remembrance of Boris Nemtsov, they also became the only legal way to protest, so their ideas are continuing the same stuff as 2004+ protests
[ 2017 - Navalny's team releases "He's not just Dimon" investigation about Dmitry Medvedev's corruption -- it was the biggest scale of corruption the country has seen so far ]
2017 - Protests against corruption. Also anti-war, anti-putin and pro-democratic. Many new, younger people. Many arrested/in prison
2018-2019 - Protests against electoral limitations and rigged elections. Many arrested/in prison, use of the National Guard with unprecedented scale of violence, leading to anti-government protests soon after (same thing happened in Belarus). Became the biggest protests since 2011.
2020-2021 - Protests with the same ideas as 2004+, reason: attempt to kill Navalny. 2021 started with protests against (made-up) case against Navalny, which became the formal reason to send him to max security colony. Protests lasted since summer 2020 until summer 2021. Became the biggest protests since 2011 (despite all the new oppressive laws). Happened all across the country, had no formal leader.
2022 - 2004+ and anti-war protests. Happened all across the country, had no formal leader.
As some people say these days, Russians love their government, they are just slave pigs and subhumans who want blood and only started protesting because of sanctions.
I remember all protests since 2011 pretty much, but I didn't realise until now, that basically there was a mass protest against the government/putin going on almost every month, every year in my life.
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