#i still Feel like im ravencrantz though
asexualbookbird · 5 months
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April's gone already? Wow, really flew on by huh! I finished a bunch of Secret Projects which I'll be able to share soon! Played a lot of Project Sekai, too much maybe, do not ask for numbers I do not wish to know, and read some books. Not a lot, but some. I've not been very good at the book part of book blogging, but that's okay! Started a knitted hat for my mom, and made progress on the Never Ending Blanket.
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Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett ⭐⭐ - I was very disappointed in this. If I had writerly abilities and disciplines, I'd rewrite it because the bones are there! It has potential! Until then, I will hold on to what I've read of Lady Trent.
Midnight Riot by Ben Aaronovitch ⭐⭐⭐⭐- Fun! Silly! Exciting! I've been successfully bullied into reading Rivers of London! There were some bits that lagged, but it's a good start to a series and I've already checked out book two from the library so that tells you all you need to know.
Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennet ⭐⭐⭐- Not my favorite of the trilogy, but LOOK AT ME FINISHING A SERIES! This actually made me Hate Clef, and there wasn't a whole lot of scriving going on which is what I really enjoyed about the first two. Still, a decent enough ending to the series, though the epilogue kept me from hating it outright.
Reading goals for May are read and annotate a book for a friend (in progress), Moon over Soho, and System Collapse. I am behind on my bullet journal so I'd like to catch up on that too. I have a few sewing projects to attend to, and a few long term crocheting projects to work on as well. Birthday was lowkey and fun, friends have sent me lovely gifts! And of course, at some point, I will start BG3 and liveblog the progress. Yall will not be spared. Happy May! <3
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