#i still find it amusing that oda decided to have them both be stuck at the same time while the rest of the crew needs to run to save robin
beaulesbian · 4 months
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ONE PIECE EP. 254 || Luffy finds out that Zoro was stuck in the chimney, while he was stuck in between two houses
bonus - Chopper clinging to Zoro
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chapter 364
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hi! I would like to request a match-up! Please :D
I uh… am not sure how to describe myself but I think I have the “guess I’ll die” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ vibe, calm during chaos and too lazy to go out and socialize. I’m also an INTP-A, very shy with strangers and will not go out of my way to talk to them first. But I love pulling pranks on close friends and family, and enjoy trolling them so much. I love spicy food but also cannot live without chocolates! I’m also very awkward at romancing, and will run away if someone starts to flirt with me because I get shy easily and will become red as tomato. PDA is a no-no and I might faint if someone kiss me in public. Thank you! :D
Hello (again?)! I’m truly sorry if I had already requested a match-up before because I have a feeling that I probably forgot to mention that I wanted a match-up with ikesen warlords. So you can totally ignore this if you want to ‘cause I won’t mind. You see, I’m 22 years old, very clumsy (like always tripping on nothing, my backpack got stucked between double door or I accidentally hit my head on the same spot more than few times) and I hate that part of myself so much. But I’m not stupid though because I can memorize difficult math and chemical formula, dates of historical events and stuff that I read from books easily, and that’s why my friends call me ‘absent-minded professor’. Very shy and withdrawn with strangers but once I’m comfortable with them, be prepared to get pranked and teased by me (mostly childish pranks). Lastly, I’m a short girl (barely 155cm) and got teased with that regularly (not that I mind though I don’t really care). So, thank you and have a nice day!
Hey there, love! Thank you so much for the request! I’m sorry I took so long!  Hehe, I definitely didn’t want to ignore your second request lol, I enjoyed reading the extra info. I hope you enjoy and have a good day! <3
So I match you with……………….. Masamune
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When you first arrive, you are super quiet. You are super shy, and your definitely not going to go out of your way to talk to anyone first. Although in saying that, no one suspected you of being a spy or an assassin in the first place. You were just way too smol and cute. Even Hideyoshi’s death glares didn’t last very long. Luckily for you the Oda forces are a chatty bunch, so you definitely don’t have to worry about not going out of your way to talk first. One person, in particular, seemed to take a special liking to your cute small self. And that would be non-other than our favorite pirate chef, Masamune. Masamune would pester you 24/7, chatting and joking with you. He knew you seemed like a fun lass, so he was determined to break past your shy layer
Masmuse found your clumsiness most amusing, he and Mitsuhide would often take advantage of Mitsunari’s clumsiness, but since finding out you to were just as clumsy. You had become their new target. They couldn’t help but laugh when you fall over your own two feet or if you accidentally slam your own hair into the sliding door.
 You had gotten tired of their content giggling at your expense, so you decided to confront them about it. One day after you had accidentally walked into one of the pillars, you could hear Masamune chuckle at the clumsy lass. You walked towards him to start scolding him when all of a sudden, you fell over a stick in the middle of the hallway. He caught you perfectly in his big strong arms, and to say you were as red as a tomato would be an understatement. The one-eyed dragon couldn’t help but smirk at the red lass in his arms and make some flirty comment. You swear you died from embarrassment at that moment. You covered your face with your hands still in Masa’s arms. He then gently peeled your hands off your face and gave you a kiss. You looked up at him, and you were too shocked for words. You managed to mutter out, “you can’t just go around kissing people like that.” You felt like running away or meting in a puddle from shyness. Classic Masamune just shrugged, gave you his handsome grin, and said: “You’re not some random person kitten, you’re a cute girl who fell into my arms.” And as if things couldn’t get any worse for you at that moment, sneki boi made an appearance. You were teased like mad the rest of that afternoon. Surprisingly, you didn’t die from heatstroke at how hot and red your cheeks were.
On another separate day, you hit your head against the same pillar. Darn, why is it always that same pillar. You hit it pretty bad this time and landed up, giving yourself a headache. And like clockwork Masamune appeared out of thin air. He was about to tease his clumsy kitten for walking into the same pillar twice when he saw the way you held your head. He peered into your eyes and then promptly threw you over his shoulder. The more you argued and complained, the more he enjoyed carrying you through the hallways. He set you down of your futon and peeled your hand away from your head. Jip, there was definitely a big red bump forming. He left for a brief moment coming back with some tea for the pain and inflammation as well as a cold cloth. 
He placed the towel on your head and held it there with one hand while his other twirled a strand of hair between his fingers. He loved that flushed look on your face as you blushed. After your head felt a bit better, he made the two of you some more tea. He’s never really been in your room before. He started looking around and noted that you had a big stack of books. He went to page through them when he realized they were all complex books regarding different topics. He looked back and you and asked if you couldn’t understand the concepts and topics discussed in the books. You nodded, saying you had a really good memory, and you loved to learn new things. Masa couldn’t help but give you the biggest smile. “So, you are basically just the female version of Mitsunari.” The two of you giggled, and you had told him about how your friend used to call you the absent-minded professor. The rest of the afternoon, the two of you spent chatting and getting to know each other.
You have always been too lazy to socialize, so it would always be Masamune who would drag you along on his latest fun adventures. At first, you really weren’t keen, you would much rather have lazed around the palace reading. Masa would take you everywhere, from hills and countrysides, to markets and teahouses. He found out there that you really enjoyed sweets. 
He loved to spoil his little kitten and would bring you sweet treats whenever the two of you would hang out or have tea together. You had never tasted such amazing confectionaries before, and nothing could compete with Masa homemade treats in particular. He will definitely go the extra mile to make all your favorite dishes. He even managed to make a few modern-day dishes perfectly for you just based on your descriptions of them
Masamune discover that you love pranks and trolling people. And TBH’ Trolling people’ is Masa’s middle name. The two of your loved to troll the mama bear in particular. He was such an easy target, after all. The two of you were definitely giving the poor man grey hair. You were most definitely not above pranking Masamune. You would even join in on the bets Mitsuhide and Nobunaga had going to see who could trick the One-eyed dragon into drinking alcohol first. This was your favorite game to play at banquets. But at one of the banquets, your prank backfired on you; especially, when drunk Masamune grabbed you and hugged you thinking you were a soft fluffy pillow. He held on to you with a lock grip. You pleaded the Oda forces for help, but all of them just shook their head while laughing and retiring to their own beds for the night. Hideyoshi was kind enough to set up a futon for the two of you in the banquet hall. But that’s as much as he was going to help you with. He couldn’t help but wave you goodnight with a bright smile, at divine payback for all the grey hairs the two of you had given him. The two of you spent the night in the banquet hall. 
The next morning you were so freaken embarrassment. You were as red as a tomato at the thought of spending the night in Masamune’s muscular arms. You stared at his sleeping face trying to come up with a getaway plan before he woke up. That was until his ocean blue eye open to stare directly into your eyes. Once he realized what had happened, he groaned, hiding his face in a pillow. You caught a rare glimpse of a very embarrassed Masamune. The more he told you to forget, the more you laughed and said, “NEVER’. Cue tickle fight. He ticked you telling you he would only stop if you forgot everything that you had seen. Between your laughs, you managed to tease him about his cute little blush. He knew the only way left for you to agree to forget was to kiss you. Needless to say, at this point in the game, you actually now had a massive crush on him. When the kiss didn’t work, he looked you in the eyes and asked you what would make you forget how uncool he was, and all you said in return was, “I will never forget, cause how can I forget the smallest details of the one I love.”
Masa was shook you loved him. WAIT WHAT. You blushed like crazy, you never expected that statement to slip out much less Masas reaction once he had processed what you had said. He thought that it had been a one-sided love this whole time and that you liked someone else. He gave you the biggest brightest smile and then tackled you to the ground, kissing you all over your face. He was so happy that you loved him too. He loved this clumsy kitten in his arm, and at that moment, he felt like the happiest man alive. 
Masa loved showing off his lass, and you hated being shown off. We all know Masa is a very touchy-feely person. He loves to kiss and hug you, whether its in private or out in the open. He loves to shower you with unconditional love. You had a few talks about your dislikes of PDA, and both of you decided to meet each other halfway with a compromise. He was allowed to hold your hand and only give you a small peck on the cheek cause more than that will have you melting on the market floor into a puddle. Although Masa can also be sneaky and will sometime risk a kiss on the lip just to see your beautiful blush. When he does this, you would just smack him lightly on the chest, while shaking your head, trying to recompose yourself from the sneak attack.
The two of you are the cutest couple. You guys are constantly teasing and playing pranks on all of your Oda friends. He honestly loves you so much. He loves the fact that you had seen him at his worst and yet still love you. And you love this big cat so much. You love how he has brought you out of your shell and shown you the world. Your favorite thing to do is cuddle and snuggle together in private. You love nothing more than just lazing around the house with Masa. He loves it when the two of you just lay on the futon together with your head resting on his chest while he caresses your beautiful face and gently rubs your back.
Other potential matches……………….Mitsuhide O.O
I hope you enjoyed it! @cherrydangome
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Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku (Ieyasu x MC (Teresa) Written by: @ikemenprincessnaga & @emeraldtawny Requested by: @selenecrawford
Prompt: I want to request a story between Ieaysu and a character who is rescued from slave traders. She doesn't speak Japanese since she is from another country but then she meets the Oda Forces since they rescue the people. She senses she can trust them and wants to learn Japanese so Ieaysu is tasked with this and then they fall in love.
This MC is a Portuguese slave named Teresa. We love her and we hope you do too.
Weakness. A subjective concept and usually directed most harshly at one’s own actions and persona. Ieyasu was no stranger to the weight always pressing down against him, constantly shouldering a burden that he will never be good enough to protect himself or anyone, and hating himself for even feeling this way. He hated the weak, the helpless; so of course, that means Ieyasu hated himself most of all. He seldom had time for self-wallowing, however. Not with the newest annoyance Nobunaga has brought to Azuchi.
The Nanban were a persistent bunch, eager for trade and establishing their place in the small island country of Japan, previously closed off and happy that way. Ieyasu was impartial to them, though he did find them annoying when they stuck their noses in the wars more than they needed to. On this such occasion, their shady dealings and meandering led to Nobunaga’s intervention, where he just so happened to liberate and rescue some slaves they had brought over from the Western world with them. Most were capable on their own, par one - one caught Nobunaga’s attention which resulted in him bringing the slave back to Azuchi with him.
Fair yet pale, almost sickly skin. Bright blue eyes and sandy golden locks both frayed and distraught. An edge of fear in her eyes that never truly hid itself away. No wonder Nobunaga brought her back to Azuchi. She wouldn’t have survived unless he did.
That was all Ieyasu thought, and all he expected to ever think of her, until--
“You make me repeat myself? I am telling you to tutor our guest. An accomplished studier like yourself should have no qualms with what I’m asking.”
Ieyasu’s eyebrows furrow, “I’m not questioning my ability to do it. I’m questioning why you chose me. Mitsunari actually likes the girl, so why force her on me?”
With an arrogantly confident huff, Nobunaga gestures to the woman beside him, dressed in a cleaner, more fitting kimono, her hair tied back into a neat braided bun - looking worlds better from whence Ieyasu last saw her, “Because I can trust in your abilities to get it done quickly. Mitsunari would teach her everything and anything, while you can focus on more important details. Teach her Japanese so we can better communicate with her. Using vague hand signals can only get the aides so far with what she needs. That’s an order.”
(Dammit. You have to be right, and with such an infuriating look on your face.)
With a short silent sigh, Ieyasu meets Nobunaga’s commanding presence, “Fine. I’ll teach her.”
“Good.” He smiles, looking to her now, “Go. Study.” He says in rudimentary Portuguese.
She blinks, before nodding once. In begrudging silence, Ieyasu walks out of Nobunaga’s room, her following close behind.
She’s too quiet, Ieyasu thinks. The strange woman follows him through the corridors, around the castle into his quarters, and not once does she speak or even look up at him. It’s a bit unnerving, hearing her walking silently behind him without making any noise. When they finally reach his room, he notices her standing nervously at the door.
Ieyasu motions to a maid. “Yes, Lord Ieyasu?” He gestures to the foreigner.
“Get her some food; she probably hasn’t eaten in days, by the look of her. And once you’re done bring her to my study.”
The maid bows. “Of course, Lord Ieyasu.”
Gently, she takes the foreigner by the arm, speaking in a soft, soothing voice to her. The woman just looks at Ieyasu, a flash of something in her eyes (it’s fear, he realizes) before she’s led out of the room. Ieyasu turns his head away from where she was standing. He’s only doing this on Nobunaga’s orders, that’s all.
About an hour later, they’re seated together in his room, sheets of parchment spread out in front of them. Ieyasu picks up the sheet that has the alphabet written out in elegant brush strokes, setting it down in front of her. Struggling to put together the little Portuguese he learned from Nobunaga, he gruffly says, “Alphabet. Remember this.”
Her eyes flick to him. Lowering her eyes, she picks up the brush and tentatively dips it into the ink. Brush hovering over the paper, she clumsily copies down the first row of characters onto the blank parchment in front of her. As she moves to dip her brush into the inkstone, her sleeve brushes the still-wet ink on the paper, smudging the letters. She jerks her hand back in surprise, drops of ink flying everywhere. Ieyasu grabs her wrist.
“Hey! Stop that, you're going to get ink everywhere.” She freezes at his touch, eyes darting everywhere but him. It takes him a moment to notice that she’s trembling.
She’s afraid of him.
He lets go and she slowly releases the tension from her shoulders. Picking up a spare brush from the stand on his desk, Ieyasu holds his sleeve back, brush hovering right over the paper. “Like this.”
She glances at him from the corner of her eyes, mimicking his posture but still not looking at him directly. Dipping her brush into the inkwell, she copies out the letters again painstakingly. Even still, the characters are crude, almost like a child has written them. She furrows her brows in concentration and works on the next row, strands of blond hair coming loose to curl around her face.
She makes an irritated noise when the brush dries up again and Ieyasu huffs out a laugh. Her head darts up at the sound and Ieyasu wipes his smile away. He can't be too sure, but he thinks her shoulders almost droop in disappointment.
After hours of copying letters over and over, Ieyasu motions to her to set the brush down. “That’s enough.” He says in Portuguese. The foreigner sets her brush down right on the paper and Ieyasu moves it to rest on the inkstone. Right at that moment, a knock sounds on the door.
“Lord Ieyasu?” A maid’s voice calls out, muffled behind the rice paper screen.
“You may enter.” The door slides open and the maid comes in, holding a plate of daifuku.
“We got fresh strawberries today, so the cooks decided to make daifuku, my lord.” She sets it down on the table and smiles at the stranger gently. “You should try some too. They're very good, you know.” The stranger stares at her blankly.
After the maid leaves, the foreigner looks at the platter curiously. Ieyasu holds it out to her. “Want one?” Curiously, she takes one of the sweets off the plate. Squishing it between her fingers, she tentatively nibbles part of the daifuku. Her eyes go comically wide, and she scarfs down the rest of the sweet immediately, turning expectantly to Ieyasu for more.
(She’s like a child.)
He bites his lip to hold back a smile and hands her the rest of the plate. She stares at it for a few seconds, and then-
He didn't think she could smile so brilliantly like that. Ignoring the stutter of his pulse he schools his features and looks away, completely unaware of the short, hesitant looks the woman sneaks at him through her eating.
And so the cycle repeats itself. He wakes up, breaks his fast and attends war council while she practices her writing, and after a heavy lunch, they gather in his study for lessons. It takes a few weeks for him to learn her name.
She nods. After a month at Azuchi, her Japanese is little better than a child’s, but at least she can hold a conversation on her own with the castle maids and townspeople. Ieyasu tests out the name again, the foreign syllables rolling around on his tongue.
“Teresa. What does it mean?” He shoots her a curious glance.
She thinks to herself for a minute, and then looks up at him. “Summer.” His eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
It fits her, he thinks. Everything about her—her hair, the soft lilt of her voice, the way she moves, whirling around his castle like a breeze—it reminds him of the summer. He forces that thought out of his head.
“Lord Ieyasu?”
His lips tighten at the soft way she says his name, her foreign accent and the way she holds her syllables give his name a new dimension he is not used to hearing.
(Why am I so enamoured just by that? Calm down, stupid heart.)
“Don’t call me ‘Lord’. It’s weird.”
A questioning blank stare from the Portuguese woman, “But, is it not, um…”
Ieyasu waits patiently, silently amused by the gears clearly turning in her head as she searches for the word she wishes to use.
(She tries so hard…)
“Wh-what?” He blinks, eyebrows furrowing.
Teresa’s eyes widen and she shrinks into herself, “Was that wrong?”
His brain catching up to what she was saying, he feels his cheeks burning, both at his blunder and - against his brain’s orders - at her.
“Don’t look at me like that. You look like you have hope when you should be scared. You should be lucky that I have to protect you.”
Ieyasu speaks the words quickly, almost certain he can see the cloud of confusion swirling over her head. She opens her mouth - no doubt to ask him to repeat what he said - but Ieyasu taps the parchment before her with an impatient finger.
“Break’s over. More writing.”
With a blink and a contained giggle, she grabs the brush and dips in the ink, her technique infinitely better than her first attempts.
“Yes, Lord Ieyasu.”
He will never admit to anyone how many beats his heart skipped at those words, grumbling inwardly as he overlooks her work.
It wasn’t until 2 months after her invasion into his life that Ieyasu truly understood what he felt for her. So much so that even he wasn’t aware.
The streets in Azuchi are churning with people, yet the swirling mass congregating in the centre of the main road catches Ieyasu’s attention as he makes his way through the street.
(What is going on there?)
As he worms his way through the throngs of gathered people, a sweet voice tinged with fear shakes him to his core.
“I do not know what you want. Please.”
The lilt in her words, the way her tongue rolls unnecessarily over syllables that is so uniquely her in this foreign land And then the responding harsh spit of a local.
“What we want is for you filthy Nanban to go the hell back to your own land! Japan was beautiful before you scum infested it with your filth!”
Ieyasu pushes more aggressively through the crowd until he sees her, emerald catching azure as he meets her frightened gaze.
“I...I did not come here to inf...infest you. This is my home.”
Her response incites flames in the man’s eyes, his hand reaching for her neck. “You lowlifes need to be taught some respect. I’ll snap that pretty little neck of yours!”
Freed from the confines of people, Ieyasu dashes to grab the man’s hand mere inches from Teresa’s neck. Eyes as sharp as daggers, he feels the man pull back on his grip, then the tension in his muscles as he realises who has stopped him.
“I think that’s enough.” Words spoken calmly yet easily ignitable, like the taunt of holding tinder over an open flame. His free hand reaches to his sword, the man’s eyes following.
“This woman is under my protection,” He snarls. “If you have an issue with her, you can take it up with me.”
He throws the man’s hand from his grip with distaste and the man steps back, lips flattening into a line. “Well?” He challenges him. He grits his teeth and backs away, lowering his arms and bowing his head.
“No, Lord Ieyasu.”
He eyes him coolly. “Nice to see your brain still functions, if only slightly.” Turning to Teresa, he gives her the briefest once-over before striding away. “Come on.”
She stares after him for a minute, before coming to her senses and hurrying after him. He navigates the quiet streets of Azuchi, the patter of her sandals following him the only sound to be heard. Finally, they reach the gates of Azuchi Castle. Before he can enter he feels a tug on his sleeve and turns around.
“Thank you...Ieyasu.” Her words flow fluently, if a little bit jagged by nerves, but each sound, each beautiful syllable has Ieyasu trapped.
He can’t take it anymore. He throws his arms around her and pulls her to him, the soft squeak of shock and the warmth of her body is all he needs to accept that she’s safe.
“Fool,” he mutters. His face is burning, and he looks away from her so she doesn't see, but the giggle she stifles into his chest tells him how futile it is.
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flatsuke · 6 years
SLBP Hana!MC Soldier AU
a.k.a., a super self-indulgent AU i’ve been thinking about for months. Please bear with me lmao it’s not fully developed or organized so rip
disclaimer: this AU was heavily inspired by Mulan!
forgive me for the messy doodle dump:
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So the war is close at hand:
And the town magistrate orders every able-bodied man to enlist for the army. Since MC’s father died in the previous war, Yahiko is the next eligible candidate (for the sake of the AU, let’s assume he’s a bit older lmao)
Of course, MC doesn’t want to lose another one of her family members, so she sneaks off from her house in the middle of the night to take Yahiko’s place in the army (in this AU, the Takeda army
So MC arrives at Tsutsujigasaki Castle and she’s nervous as heck because she’s really about to throw herself into war with only very limited dojo training experience (and a little bit of some pointers from Inuchiyo)
But she’s doing it for Yahiko so she steels herself anyway
Yukimura inspects the men who have enlisted (MC included), and her heart’s beating so fast 
Yukimura: What’s your name?
MC: It’s...it’s, uh, Yahiko.
Yukimura slaps her in the back, saying “You may be tiny, but don’t worry, you won’t be after we train you hard!”
MC visibly gulps
That night, before bed, she feels a presence near her and, lo and behold, Saizo appears outta nowhere, threatening to kill her if she’s actually a spy 
MC begs him not to kill her and tries to bargain with him; she can’t prove she isn’t a spy, so the only way for him to believe her is if he keeps her under his surveillance 24/7
He begrudgingly agrees only under the condition that she pay him handsomely after that
And from here on, I was sorta thinking the paths would diverge to either a Saizo route or Yukimura route (though both are still under development)
Long post below:
Saizo’s route:
So for the next few weeks, 
Saizo watches over MC to make sure she isn’t up to some shady business
He’s the only one in the Takeda army who knows she’s actually a woman
During training sessions with the army, he watches her struggle to keep up with the others
He thinks its both amusing and pitiful to watch her try so hard. She may not be spy material, but hey, it’s free entertainment. Cue Saizo laughing at MC trying to spar with someone 
“Are you done laughing at me?”
“Not even close, little lady.” 
Little by little, he’s convinced that she isn’t a spy (what kind of spy can’t even defend themselves properly anyway?) 
He’s also convinced that MC will give up and go home after all the harsh training she’s been through
But she doesn’t give up at all. Day after day, she endures the training despite being the least experienced among the men. Eventually, she does improve
Saizo won’t admit it, but he’s kinda impressed she made it this far
One day, the army is called to the front to prepare for war (probably against the Oda or the Tokugawa)
And MC’s highkey nervous because this is war and she’s going to fight for real
Saizo teases her and says it’s not too late to go home, but MC tells him that she came to fight and fight she will
“I’m always stuck with the stubborn ones...”
So they’re in the battlefield now and they’re all fighting. Suddenly, arrows are flying all over the place (courtesy of Ieyasu)
Saizo’s dodged most of them, but one comes flying straight for him and he doesn’t have time to evade it so he braces himself for impact
Until MC shoves him out of the way and is hit by the arrow in his place
For the first time, Saizo visibly panics and even after he’s staunched the bleeding, he can tell the arrow’s poisoned because MC loses consciousness
Eventually, the Takeda army wins the battle, but Saizo is rushing to get MC to an antidote, stat
(He doesn’t let any other medic treat her because they’d find out her secret and possibly reveal it)
MC eventually heals and he is relieved
So that fiasco is over 
And Saizo has a newfound respect for MC 
He doesn’t openly mock her as much as he used to, and he even allows her to train with him sometimes (if he’s actually in the mood to train lmao)
One day, Shingen decides it’s time for all of them to visit the hot springs to boost morale
And MC wants to combust because how the heck is she gonna manage??
So they’re now at the hot springs and everyone’s wondering why MC won’t bathe
“I’ll just wait till you’re all finished...”
She finds a secluded area to bathe in and hopes to god no one’ll see her
But then Saizo pops in outta nowhere like usual and MC swears to god she’ll get a heart attack because of him one day
She asks if he can keep watch for her and, in true Saizo fashion, he says sure but he won’t do it for free
“I don’t have any money on me right now, so do you accept payment in food? I can make you anything you want.”
“Anything, you say?”
So he makes her promise to make him some dango at the next possible opportunity
Saizo is now sitting on a tree keeping watch for any interloper who tries to get in the hot spring
His gaze unconsciously floats to MC, and for the first time, he sees that she really is, undeniably, a woman. She wears either men’s clothing or armor all day, so her figure is always hidden
But right now, Saizo gets to see her as herself
(And he feels oddly satisfied about being the only one to see her like this.)
But the happiness doesn’t last long because
One day, during another campaign, MC is heavily injured and Saizo is away on a mission given by Iga
MC is treated by the army’s medics, and they discover she’s actually a woman
Saizo arrives back from his mission just to find out that MC is being interrogated and (possibly) executed for accusations of espionage 
Just as Shingen is about to give the order to execute her, Saizo steps in to defend her
Everyone is shocked because there’s no way in hell Saizo would ever do something like that
He tells them she’s not a spy, but the fact that she pretended to be a man still incriminates her
“You wanna get to her? You’ll have to go through me.”
To be continued
Yukimura’s route
It’s finally time to begin training 
But MC’s nervous as hell because what if she gets found out 
Cue shirtless training session with Yukimura’s chiseled torso on full display
MC is flustered
Yukimura asks her to spar with him in order to gauge his skill 
(He’s firmly convinced that MC’s hiding some sort of hidden technique, so he’s hyped)
While MC does have some experience with martial arts thanks to Inuchiyo and some lessons from the nearby dojo, she’s no match for Yukimura
She falls down, hard, and Yukimura is a little disappointed that she didn’t put up a better fight
All other training sessions end up grueling for MC
She’s sorely lagging behind the other men who have more combat experience than she does, and she’s slowly close to giving up
All the other men are saying MC has no place in the army because she’s a weakling. Some of them even tell her to go home because she’ll be a burden to the army
MC feels terrible at that, but she remembers that she’s here to fight for her family, so she doesn’t give up
She decides to find a place to train alone and uninterrupted so she can concentrate 
She trains there every single day (and night) and slowly, she can feel herself improving
One night, Yukimura catches her training alone and he’s impressed at her sheer determination
He offers to train her personally and she says no she couldn’t possibly ask too much from him, but he insists
So they finally start training together
And they grow a bit closer
With Yukimura’s help, MC is slowly getting the hang of combat
One day, she even nearly beats him in a sparring match (Yukimura is very happy and impressed)
After that last session, he finally asks her why she enlisted and she says she did it so her brother wouldn’t have to fight. She’s afraid that he might lose his life in the war, just like her father before her
Yukimura says that dying in war is honorable, and that she should be happy that her father’s death brought honor to her family name, but MC can’t help but disagree with him
“You may fight in order to die for your clan and your honor, milord. But I fight so that I can live another day.”
He’s a bit speechless at that
The Takeda army is being summoned at the front (probably against the Tokugawa or the Oda)
The battle is increasingly growing heated as the two sides go at each other without any restraint
Yukimura is on horseback, attacking as many enemy soldiers as he can
But then one of the enemy soldiers shoots Yukimura’s horse with a rifle, and he nearly falls off the nearby cliff 
Until MC comes in and catches him before he can fall to his death
“Sorry, Lord Yukimura. I can’t let you die yet.”
Both of them tag-team together and kick some enemy ass, and the Takeda are victorious for now
The Takeda army returns to the castle, and they hold a feast to celebrate
Yukimura specifically makes a toast for MC and pours her a drink
And for a while, MC feels like she really does belong in the Takeda clan
(And maybe, Yukimura might be more than just a commanding officer to her)
But of course things don’t always go well
Lately, Yukimura’s been noticing “Yahiko” more and more
He doesn’t know why, but he’s been acting so flustered around her (he’s even noticed a certain fragrant scent every time they’d spar)
Cue teasing from Saizo
One day during training, Yukimura and MC are sparring together when she suddenly drops dead
He sees that there’s blood on her hakama, and he panics
Yukimura immediately rushes to her and brings her to the castle medic
Turns out it was MC’s time of month, and her stomach cramps were so bad that she fainted
But of course, that means they discover that MC is a woman and she’s now suspected of espionage
Yukimura finds her at the main hall, being held down by the other retainers
He has mixed feelings about this because on one hand, “Yahiko” lied to everyone the whole time, but she also saved his life 
Shingen gives Yukimura the order to execute her, and just as Yukimura is about to strike, he stops
He tells Shingen that he owes MC his life and that he can’t do it
Yukimura bargains with Shingen to at least try and let MC have a lighter sentence especially considering all that she’s done for the clan
After much begging from Yukimura, Shingen decides that MC be exiled from the Takeda forever
Yukimura personally brings MC to the gates of Tsutsujigasaki
MC thanks him for all that he’s done for her and Yukimura tells her that he’s still conflicted inside because she kept her identity a secret
“Please go back home. It’s better if you never return here ever again.”
To be continued
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