#i still have a 10 am to cancel but like. i cant do anything about that
trauma-trove · 11 months
I hate that I'm held at social gunpoint to never EVER be anything but picture perfect niceness while doctors and nurses bully me and treat me like shit. It drives me insane. I tried being transparent with my last nurse about how my dietary problems, thyroid probpems, and chronic pain treatment was really going to interfere with a procedure and that I wanted to schedule it AFTER my other appointments and procedures. She told me "well, I can't do anything about that. The doctor wants it done." I tore the instructions she gave me right in front of her. They were salvageable. I could tape them together. But she looked at me like I called her a fucking slur.
"Oh but think of the doctor/nurse/receptionist you're doing that to! Every time a patient loses it, more medical practitioners leave the field!"
You're DOING this TO ME. I have the right of being the victim here. If someone is pushed and forced and coerced and bullied and assaulted enough times, they have a right to treat their offenders like shit.
I'm fucking sick of it.
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mappingway · 2 years
Just had a clinician have the audacity to tell me to call a patient *tomorrow* to cancel.
Their appointment is tomorrow. A half hour after I get in. You expect me to give someone a half hour notice!!!
Nah binch I stayed after and called them this evening bc I am Not going to be rude like that
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theladyofbloodshed · 10 months
Hi. I really admire your writng and love all your fic very much. Really,as a reader i cant wrap my head around how incredible your writing are. But as a fellow writer, it got me thinking how you balance your day working-personal life-reading-writing. I just enter corporate life and it was exhausting. How do you manage your time to write and is it hard for you to keep your interest in writing while working?
Thank youu and no, i think your chrismast deco look very beautiful. If I visit your house i would love staying around the tree with a dim light and a warm tea.
Thank you so much for the message. That's incredibly kind of you. You are welcome for a cup of tea any time!
I will break down my day under the read more.
05:40 - partner wakes up for work (waking me up) 06:10 - partner leaves for work and I get up 07:00 - in the car to work 07:30 - at work. I don't get paid until 08:30 but I literally would not be ready for the kids if I came in at that time, plus I'm already awake (and definitely a morning person). I'm usually alone in the class until around that time so I tend to have an audiobook on while I'm getting the class ready. I teach in a different classroom every single day, so I have to be organised. 16:00 - finish work 16:30 - home for a cup of tea and usually go on social media/write 18:00 - cook dinner which usually takes about an hour After that, I either spend time with my partner, read, or write. The only day I haven't written something was when I had to be at work until nearly 9pm for a halloween party, but generally, I write every single day. I will be honest in that I don't really have a social life. I've only really got one friend and she lives 60 miles away. I cancelled my gym membership because I hate going after work in winter and I've been so ill for the last couple of months that it was a waste of money. At the weekends, my partner and I might go to a coffee shop or a walk, but most of the time I am writing. It's nothing I have to force. I look forward to writing every single day. If I found it a chore, I wouldn't do it. Sometimes, I am super tired from work too and have a low output, but in those times I'll lay on the bed or take a bath with some music on and still be imagining scenarios. If you are exhausted, don't push it. If I've imagined a scene enough then I know exactly how it will play out to make the writing easier. My brain almost thinks in a writer mode now, like instead of seeing the scene, I'll also be narrating it.
I am constantly thinking about my writing. When I drive, I am imagining scenarios/dialogue. If I go for a walk alone, my headphones are on to dissociate and imagine. For me, it's all consuming. Weirdly, none of my new colleagues know I have any books and I've just mentioned it in passing to my family because we're not close and they don't really care. Even my partner has no clue about character names or anything because he hasn't read them. It's got to the point where I have RSI in my hand from typing so much. Today, I've written about 5000 words and have written 100k words for a single book since October.
It is hard for me to switch off sometimes. I do wonder if I have some sort of ADHD because I have to be doing something at all times. When I'm at work for my planning time, I'm usually doing all 8 jobs on my to do list at the same time, like this page is loading so I'll start this email then go back to that lesson plan then reply to that other person. I cannot just sit and watch tv, I either have to be sewing, or writing by hand, or typing. The only time I do nothing is when I sleep lmao. I've always been that way though.
In terms of reading, I've really struggled this year. Most books have been 2/3 star reads for me - which is really unlike me. I'm usually super generous with 5 stars. I've had to force myself to sit and read a lot because I'll just scroll on my phone otherwise when I'm bored.
I wish I had kids, but I don't, and thankfully my partner also cooks and cleans so if its his turn to cook, I can carry on writing. Sometimes it has caused arguments so I try to make a conscious effort to put my laptop down and spend quality time together. Writing is just everything to me. I love it. It's all I ever want to do. But, I'm also not a night person, so my laptop is usually off before 9pm and I'm asleep by half past 9 nearly every night ha.
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flockofdoves · 1 year
obviously there is no time that is Good or Convenient to have covid and i guess technically its good that this isn't happening to me in the middle of a time where i have more active work or school responsibilities
but also it just feels like Such bad timing in a lot of other ways
i literally Just was recovering after unrelated health problems over the past couple weeks that were making me so so fucking stir crazy i had plans to go out and really start planning my days for the rest of the summer doing things like going to rhode island again and going birding more and going to museums and stuff because i was at my fucking limit with being cooped up in my apartment recovering. but now i just gotta do that all over again for at least another 9 days from today
kinda sad about ending my summer this way. and also i'm gonna have to miss my niece's christening party when i really would like to see her again i've only seen her once since she was born :(
also there are just so so many issues surrounding my lease and roommate situation. my symptoms started on tuesday the 16th which means i should isolate til the 26th (i do not trust the new recommendations saying you can even go to work if you have covid after 5 days i think thats fucking insane and would be irresponsible of me with how extremely symptomatic i am right now)
my current lease ends on the 26th. so so lucky i don't have to move but every single thing about my roommate situation and how shes supposed to move out on the 26th is made so fucking complicated by this
because my roomate is still here the whole time i have to isolate i have to stay entirely in my bedroom outside of wearing a mask to go to the bathroom (and shutting the door and taking it off to shower or brush teeth) or quickly get food to bring to my room
and my girlfriend didnt test positive yesterday but it feels kind of inevitable considering that we sleep in the same room (and cpaps even aerosolize viruses further apparently) so its not like she can even stay in the other room for the time being while periodically checking to see if she's gotten infected
and also i put in repair requests earlier this week for issues with the apartment that preexisted me and my gf moving in but that over the past year i'd been too nervous about having maintenance come in and see how bad things were bc of my roommate until me and my gf deep cleaned last week
but the repair requests were not fulfilled within a few days and then i had to cancel them obviously once i tested positive. and so now that means i cant have maintenance fix anything til after the new lease starts... which means that we're gonna have to pay back my roommate the her entire portion of the security deposit and then pay for the repairs during our new lease for things that happened when she lived here before us...
it also kinda puts a wrench into any hopes i still kinda had of trying to reach out to anyone she knows to try to help her cat
and im sad bc i realized cats can get covid so i shouldnt even really be playing with or petting her cat over the next 10 days :(
also its gonna be so so weird bc ive already doubted that shes actually gonna move out at all and now its even more ambiguous bc like. if she ever communicated with me at all i'd find it very reasonable for her to ask to move out a little later so she doesnt have to deal with that or expose anyone shes potentially bringing to help her move or anything. but like i know shes not actually gonna communicate anything so if the 26th comes and goes and shes still here its gonna feel even weirder than it was gonna originally because i'll feel more unconfident about asserting like. you need to get out of here. when i can find a reason to understand why she'd unexpectedly need to stay a little longer
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mxfitmatrix · 10 months
I think a good chunk of the big heavy thing im feeling right now is left over grief from cutting my mom out of my life.
She was easily the 2nd most important person to me other than my brother for most of my life. She taught me to survive and to be ok with being silly as an adult. She created the holiday magic with me and stayed up late when I couldnt sleep because she couldnt sleep.
The older I get, the more my body becomes like hers. I have a lot of her health conditions now, and I look and sound a lot like her some days.
Then my heart shatters because I hear from my brother and his gf that shes supposidly forgotten why i left. Why i cant come back. She fell into some very narcissistic patterns and she had us so well trained to feed into them, to the point that I still feel guilty from time to time for holding my ground. But everytime I think, you know what its been a few months, maybe i can reach back out and we can talk and maybe i can express my conditions for coming back and we can work together to repair things. Then she lies and manipulates and it breaks my heart again.
This year I have to go through the holidays without the magic her traditions bring. They were dying for a while, but it still brings some whiplash when I have the urge to ask her when we are making krispelli or if she wants to do a yule celebration.
She just proved this week, and mind you its only wednesday as i type this (this shit started sunday night), that she has not grown at all, and if anything is getting worse as my brother begins to disconnect from her since her scapegoat is gone. Shes forgotten that her husband wanted to have me arrested if I stepped foot on property again, and that its because of their actions that i cant come over. Its not my choice, its respecting a boundary at best and being incredibly cautious over a man who cannot be anything less than the best in the room at all times always at worst. I cant fix them, and its not my job to. But im still sad. I dont have much hope that things will change.
Funny thing is, this is perpetuating family cycles too. It should be obvious to her whats happening. She did the same thing to her mom over 10 years ago! She cut my gma out of our lives because she didnt care about her kids.
And honestly I hope that she does know whats going on at some level. I hope she does know that shes wrong but isnt ready to fix it yet. The alternative is so much more painful and I'm not sure that I can reconsile that with my inner child in a way that will not fundamentally break me.
How do you handle it when your greatest hero becomes the ultimate villain after all?
All that to say, I'm feelin big sad, but I know its whats best for me right now. I am trying to look forward to new traditionsand hopefully breaking the bad luck surrounding me trying to help plan events.
Fucking love planning events. Would love it if people showed up to them sometime. (To be very clear and fair: 95% of cancellations are emergencies, unavoidable circumsyances like illness, and weird things that need to be taken care of. I refuse to blame my friends because they all try to show up in other ways and its a huge improvement over what used to be and i love them so deeply for it.)
So here's to ending generational trauma, the strange grief that comes from going low/no contact, and to any traditions that bring you joy in these cold dark months.
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rrxnjun · 1 year
oh my god thanku really love the date cuz its a national holiday here so every year i'm getting fireworks🤭🩷💗also can i ask when is ur birthday or is that top secret information?👀
oo i'm really glad u were able to keep the idea🥳🥳(but really cuz other wise i might have not found ur page and that is just heartbreaking when i think about it💔)
tbh i'm down if u end up coming just tell me cuz i'm 80% sure i will go🫡 i don't understand why they are not going to vienna like i remember it being so popular for concerts cuz i was so salty about the fact that it's just the neighboring country and they couldn't have come a little bit closer🤣 AHH MAN NOOO THATS SO SAD☹️☹️☹️I HOPE U WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THEM ONE DAY!!!!☹️
U ARE JUST AMAZING FOR THAT!! best tendencies 🤣 yeah i was very shocked as well but i didn't get edits about it luckily cuz i think that would have made me so much more sad🫡 I UNDERSTAND THAT SO MUCH I WAS THE SAME FOR AGOOD WHILE MANS WAS ON MY MIND 24/7 (and still he is very much there although not as much as he used to:/)🤭 IDK I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY THERE ARE BASICALLY NO TREASURE WRITERS HERE??? but i really think u would be an exceptional writer for them👀sooo i'm waiting for a treasure fic if u don't fall out of them ofc (although that is kinda hard to imo) ooo u know i think just a drabble couldn't hurt anyoneeee🤗 THEN IM WAITING FOR UR FIC EVEN MORE🥳
HOOE UR DOING WELL AS WELL!!! and i'm not too sweet u are too sweet!!!!!🩷💘💘 (and sorry again for the very late reply school sucks☹️)
(and i also wanted to ask that should i send u asks on ur other acc if i see something that i would bring up here just so i don't pollute this page anymore than i already did🤣like i just keep bringing up random topics here so sorry)
(liebestraum anon🌷💕💞)
omg thats so cool???? fireworks on your bday every year must be so amazing woah,,,, my bday is not a top secret dw 😌😌 its quite literally in 2 days (apr 16) lmao i feel very old and i also forgot its my bday this sunday so when my mum mentioned it i was like what already???
hhhh i am too!! i am currently actively writing it just so you know<33 if school doesnt kick my ass as hard (which it might bc i have my first final in 10 days LMAO) i think it should be done before summer AHAHA
have fun if you end up going!!! i had a talk w everyrone and came to the conclusion that i just cant go this year so thats :// maybe next year.... manifesting vienna fr that way i could be home the same day if i tried hard enough. VIENNA USED TO BE SO POPULAR W CONCERTS i swear every pop punk band and their mothers back in the day had a concert there. what happened im gen so confused i keep searching for it on every tour but nowadays no one goes there
you know the song TV by billie eilish??? thOSE edits make me so heartbroken. like 'dont know where you are right now, did you see me on TV?' bitch stop puting mashidam onto those lyrics i will have a full on meltdown. but anyways my man jihoon is still on my mind 24/7 and its gotten even worse man i need serious help i think. somebody call an exorcist. and stop supporting that drabble i will nOT write it (i am trying really hard to contain myself rn)
school sucks and it should be cancelled. >:(( i hope youre doing well i enjoyed hearing from you,, hope life treats you good in the next couple of days!!! mwah
also you can send asks whenever you want!! honestly this is my space and i dont mind clogging the dash djfkdlj if anyone minds these they can just block the tag, they curate their own tumblr experience :p but if you ever wanna send anything to mosviqu or my other blogs i honestly welcome you everywhere!!!
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16 March 2023
Not much to report. It's been a week or so since I last posted and the whole time I just wanted to get on here and post even though I didn't have much to say.
Megan's wedding was gorgeous. There was only 20 guests and it was so low key, it was perfect for Megan. She had an outside ceremony (moments before it started snowing!) and although it was cold when the sun was out it was stunningly warm. She had her wedding party at the weekend and that was really lush too though I was coming down with a cold that morning, so I didn't drink much but that didn't stop me dancing all night!
It's Thursday today and its the first day that I've woken up and felt okay and not so sick. This might be a false sense of security and I don't want to jinx anything but I feel good right now. Usually, I'm sick for weeks but I think I've managed to shake most of it off in a week which is amazing for me! I did not something different this time. As well as taking cold and flu medicine on time and paracetamol on time, I've been drinking warm drinks constantly whether that be a camomile tea or a mint tea, no dairy products (like cheese, chocolate, cream, tea), A vitamin C fizzy at least once a day, and hre's the stickler...
Good food and good mentality. I've given into every craving I had, usually mum's cooking. I made my own Chicken and sweetcorn soup, and Silky steamed eggs, and yesterday I had mum's chicken fried rice. THE TASTIEST.
Good mentality. That was a hard one but it is something that I've been practising for the past few months or so. So instead of wallowing in self pity thinking 'i feel so rubbish, I'm not well, I don't feel good, etc' I've been thinking 'I cant wait to feel better, I'm going to feel so much better once I'm over this, Once I rest I'll feel strong again' but honestly just getting on with it because although I'm sick, life still goes on. Money still needs to be made, laundry still needs to be done, food still needs be cooked and eaten. This week, I did cancel a client because I knew she had health issues already, I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. But that's it.
I also had a 'sick day'. Sam is sick too at the minute, though you'd think he was much much worse than me by the way he's going but alas, we do indeed have the same illness and sorry but, I am stronger than him. I've said to him, he has to carry on. He can have one sick day and you can use that day to moan and really wallow in self pity but after that, you're done. Now you can opt to have a sick day but then not take it and save it for when you're worse, but if you take it you can't take another one, even if you're 10 times worse the next day.
I think also by having good mentality, you're willing yourself to feel better. I've been embarrassingly been thinking to myself 'come on white blood cells, you can do it' and I think it's working. I'm sure there's a study somewhere about 2 plants. Completely identical plants being looked after the same way at the same time. But one plant has encouraging words spoken to it and the other with discouraging words and guess which one flourished. The encouraged plant blossomed much better and I'll take that as a new motto.
Not long until our holidays! 6 Weeks until Cyprus! I'll have to find a dress soon now that I've got Megan's wedding out the way. I wore my sage green satin cowl neck dress to megan's and I was hoping to reuse it for Cyprus but I don't think the fabric will survive another go in the washing machine. I'm also not going to diet to get holiday ready which I'm quite nervous about. I mean, I wont engorge myself but I'll eat like I normally eat. Though I will stay away from pizza and kebabs which aren't foods I crave or want ever but Sam does and when Sam does, I'll order one and eat it out of lack of energy.
From the kebab/pizza/curry house I'll tend to get a plain boiled rice, with a chicken curry. Nothing too saucy, but something that's like grilled chicken with seasoning. That'll do me.
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cybernightwanderer · 2 years
I almost drank bleach today... pt.1
i'v been trying so bad to get a job, i lwanna leave this place, and if i cant , at least for her to stop treating me like shit and like her slave. She keeps shamming me for not having a job, i am trying, i truly am, i send resumes to everything i apply for everything and anything. I'm always at the verge of a fucking panic attack, i try to keep myself at bay, telling myself that ill get a job soon, once i get a job, it will be better.. I started these umemployed classes one has to attend, and while im at that i keep looking for a job. The other interview i got a reply, but the woman had to cancel the interview and told me she was gonna reschedule. I told my mom this yesterday, that id no longer be waking up at 8 am monday, because the woman emailed me canceling it and notifiying me shed reschedule. Today i woke up and i do the class assignment, an argumentative text about what we think and we feel about AI in our daily lives and how we think it affects/helps society. I woke up at 10, got ready and started writting my assignment, checked my emails and sent 3 more resumes for a few stores. The class was about to start and everybody noticed, today there's no class after all. So i delivered the assignment. i started one game of league, and was planning to go eat breakfast and then go out to deliver a tshirt i managed to sell. ( im selling pretty much all that i own to gather some money ) My mom arrives home, and enters my room. And it goes like : Mom - what are you doing? Me - playing a game. Mom - why are you playing a game? dont you have that thing? Me - which thing? Mom - you had an interview this morning, did u skip it? Me - no, i told you, she canceled. Mom - she canceled? when? Me - Yesterday, i told you... Her staring at me in doubt with that face she does when she doesnt believe me... And staying silent looking at me with " that face " The face she did when i started to get depression and she would make when i would tell her i didn feel too good to go to school and she would shame me and call me lazzy, and id be dead scared of going outside the house enought that id lose my breath. And shed still make that face " you are just pretending , you dont wanna go because you are lazy ". That face she made, when one day i suddently woke up and couldnt walk and begged her to call someone, a doctor, an ambulance, dad, anything... And she didnt and told me to shave my leggs or she wouldnt take me to the emergency and i quote " since you keep insisting " , because she thought i was being lazy and lying because i didnt wanna go to work. Because when she tought maybe shes telling the truth, her first concert wasnt " omg she cant walk " , it was " what are ppl gonna think when they see her hairy leggs, so embarrassing for me ". But even when i got harrassed, abused, verbaly and sexually i never skipped a day, even when my face was incredibly swollen from a broken tooth i still went to work in pain, even after the atttempted rape and a black eye i still went to work the next day like it was nothing, Even after the fucking new years shift where my coworker got mad at me because he gropped me in the elevator i fought him off, and he punched me in the stomach and arm, i still went to fucking work the next day. Even after sick of it all and trying to kill myself, i went to work the next day like it was fucking nothing. All of this because when the first job i was actual making 800 euros, after so many attempts of trying to pry and control my money, i tried with all my soul to fight her oof and to try and save money to leave the house. And she threated to chase me down and beat me up if i tried to leave. Because i didnt wanna give her all my paycheck because i wanted to try and live. Because when she found out i was getting that amount, she not only took the 250 monthly rent, and the other 150 for her dets , she took 200 more because " im your mother, you owe me ".
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mixedstyles · 2 years
Italy!Harry x influencer!OC
Authors Note: Hey guys! I’m posting this semi-series purely for my enjoyment. A very long time ago @reveriehs and I briefly communicated through asks about Italy/Italy!Harry and it inspired me. I decided to make this an OC “series” because I fell in love with a name I saw. Plus, I’m making this mainly for myself. I’m posting because I just figured some might enjoy it!! This will mainly be medium-long social media blurbs, occasionally written posts, but no full chapters. In this universe there is no covid, none of Harry’s shows were canceled.
Face Claim: Amaka Hamelijnck
Warnings: swearing, google translated norwegian, annoying fan comments, ridiculous (fake) IG usernames
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Milan Fashion Week, February 2020
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Liked by alessandro_michele, lota.sule, and 1,347 others
deziiisule Tusen takk @alessandro_michele for allowing me to be apart of your show. It’s something that I will forever hold dear to my heart. I can’t begin to explain how much this opportunity meant to me. Takk, takk, takk. 💕 Tagged: alessandro_michele and gucci
alessandro_michele a beautiful human being ✨🖤
arna_olsen she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment
mammasule My love 👩‍👧
↳ mammasule unnskyld 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 (sorry)
Love on Tour: April 15, 2020
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Liked by deziiisule, lota.sule and 574 others
anna.distad This is the clearest photo we got from the h.s concert last night. The rest are blurry from excitement. Tagged: deziiisule
deziiisule Thank you for tagging along with me <3 I had an absolute blast
lota.sule Jeg kan ikke tro at dere gikk uten meg (I can't believe you guys went without me)
↳ deziiisule elsker deg (love you)
↳ lota.sule Whatever 🙄
jules_vanser Anna your hat is amazing 😩
↳ anna.distad takk 💅🏻🤍
Spotted: April 16, 2020
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DailyHSNews Harry spotted at local coffee shop on 4.16.2020, the day after his Birmingham show.
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jediharry I mean… when you zoom out of the picture there are other people there??? It’s just that they’re sitting next to each other.
sraj0nes Wait she looks cute 🥺
rowlandfan01 It’s a cropped photo 😭😭 you guys try to make something out of nothing
hrrysgrl The way he looks at her. 😭😭🥹
Instagram post, September 29, 2020
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DailyHSNews Interesting news today, Harry’s following count just went up by two! He’s recently followed the creative influencer duo of sisters Lota (left) and Deziri (right). Only connection that can be made is that Deziri has been in previous Gucci campaigns. Leave your thoughts in the comments!
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styleshappiness I don’t have much to add other than isn’t it a little weird that people know when the amount of people he’s following goes up?
↳ liveloveharry I was thinking the same thing. It’s a little sus
allthatmatters they’re both so pretty what the fuuuu-
user01 ugh, if it’s anything it’s probably a fling and nothing serious. Let’s be real.
username Why do I think they’d actually look so cute together 🫣
Instagram post, October 5, 2020
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DeuxmoiReposts taken from @deuxmoi instagram stories 10.5.2020
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stylussy i am interested 👀
goldengirlhrry Is this talking about who I think it’s talking about?
↳ ibfagent y’all are really believing this shit??
sarryhtyles I saw a post via @DailyHSNews talking about Harry following some influencers. It could be one of them?
↳ mi6 it’s Deziri. her current posts are all tagged in Italy but her sister’s are still tagged in Norway
user007 How do they even know each other??
↳ rb1984 she did some gucci stuff earlier this year. alessandro follows her and commented on a couple of her photos and we all know Harry and alessandro are close
Instagram post, October 10, 2020
Location: Tuscany, Italy
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Liked by anna.distad, lota.sule and 5,467 others
deziiisule I’d very much like to stay here ☀️ 🇮🇹
View all 216 comments
lota.sule Kan du komme tilbake (please come back)
↳ deziiisule Soon… unfortunately 🙄
arna_olsen You’re GLOWING
hrryfan tell harry i love him
harryswhore are you wearing his shirt?
harrietharry me @ harry 🎶that should be me, holding your hand, that should be me…🎶
hsfan24 can you tell him to get me concert tickets?
adoreuclub you’re just using him for fame
hisgoldengirl is this the girl who was seen with Harry?
harryyyyys She’s totally posting this to hint at him
[comments on this post have been disabled]
[this post has been deleted]
Instagram post, October 10, 2020
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DailyHSNews Fans were quick to point out that a button up shirt Deziri was wearing in a new Instagram post looked awfully similar to the one Harry was spotted in while filming the Golden music video. She’s since deleted the photo for unknown reasons.
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fann76 “unknown reasons” as if there weren’t people spamming her comment section??? 🙄
dezisdesk So what if it’s his shirt?
harryshq why is this detective work that fans have been doing kind fun to watch?
fandomcentral I’m not one to speculate but goddamn do those look identical
hsqh Why do I want them together 🫡
hsfan2001 I disagree. It’s totally some pr stunt. Her deleting the photo was probably part of it 🤢
↳ year3000 a pr stunt… really? If that’s the case what’s she trying to promote???
jobros15 There’s a piece of you in how I dress 😭🫠
fedupfan You’re really going to post this after y’all harassed her so much that she disabled the comments and THEN deleted the post
idkwhattoqueue I don’t like her 🫥
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seventeensbabye · 2 years
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《ᴘᴀʀ�� ᴛᴡᴏ》
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◆ sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ɴᴇᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴊᴏʙ ᴀɴᴅ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ, ʏᴏᴜ’ᴅ ʙᴇ ᴀ ғɪɴᴇ ᴍᴀɴs ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴛ.
◆ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.3ᴋ
◆ ɢᴇʀɴᴇ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ᴊᴏʙ/ᴡᴏʀᴋ/ʙᴜsɪɴᴇss ᴀᴜ!
◆ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: sɪᴍ ᴊᴀᴇʏᴜɴ x ʏ/ɴ (ꜰᴇᴍ)
◆ ᴍ.ʟɪsᴛ
◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆ :*:◇:*:◆:*:◇
its 4:30 am on a saturday. i dont really work on the weekends but today, my boss asked for me to come in. jennifer usually takes the weekend shifts with him because she wanted to still be able to be his assistant but today was different. i got a call from my boss. the phone rang loudly, waking me from my sleep. i'm glad i went to bed early last night. i picked up the phone and put it to my ear after i answered.
“ hello? ” i said sounding as tired as ever.
“ i need you to come in today. ”
“ do you need anything before i get there? ”
“ my coffee and food. also, i need you to be here in the next 45 minutes. come any later and we’ll have a problem. ” i cant express how much he scared me.
“ okay, i’ll be there. ”
“ good. ” after saying that he hung up.
i was upset, i had plans today and now i have to cancel. what can i do? all i can do is listen and go work. i got up and quickly got ready taking maybe 10 minutes in total. i hurried and grabbed my things hurrying to the car. i got in the car and drove to the coffee place that, i thought, had his drink. when i got in there i asked for the iced vanilla coffee and the donut but they didnt have any vanilla cream. i bought the donut and walked out thinking of other places who had the coffee. starbucks! it was five minutes away and i had 26 minutes left to get to work. i sped to the starbucks and ran in. they had his coffee so i ordered. it took 8 minutes to make it. after they handed it to me i ran to my car and started to drive to work. i have 18 minutes left and it takes about 20 minutes to get there so i started speeding. ensuring that i got to work on time. i didnt want any problems, he honestly scared me. luckily i made it to work 2 minutes early. i hurried inside the building making it to his office exactly on time. as usually, i knocked on his door and instead of opening it myself, he was standing next to the door to open it for me. i bowed to him, he stepped to the side allowing me inside. i walked inside and sat his drink and donut on the table. “ you made it on time, you got lucky. ” he walked over to his seat and picked up his coffee.
he took a sip of the coffee then put it down. “ my other assistant wouldn't have made it on time. thats why shes not here. i told her not to come. ” i was shocked. he told her not to come because he knew she wouldn’t make it on time and called me instead. “ oh.. ” he sat down and opened his computer. “ sit and pull out the notebook. ” i sat down doing exactly what he asked. “ write this down, i need you to get a ticket so we can fly to tokyo. february 22nd, first class, i have the money and i will write the check so you can get the tickets and the rooms. ” i slowly nodded. “ so i’m going and not your other assistant? ” he looked up at me as if i disappointed him. “ i said we, not me and her. yes you’re coming with me. dont ask dumb questions like that. i dont need her to come with me plus you need experience and this is the easiest task you can do for me right now. ” im so dumb, why the fuck did i ask that? “ my apologies.. i wont do it again. ” he sighed. “ i know you can do decent make-up and hair so i dont need a stylist for this trip, you can do it for me. you have to be up early though and dont worry about the coffee on the trip i’ll just get room service. ” i continued writing as if it was a essay. “ also, you need to look nice and bring a good selection of clothes because you be out with me the majority of the time. ”
“ okay sir. ” he closed his computer, crossing his hands. “ stop calling me sir, im not that old, just say mr. sim. ” i nodded nervously. “ lastly we have somewhere to go today. ” i already got the room and things like that. ” he stood up from his desk, putting away his computer. “ pack up your stuff and wait outside my office door. ” i packed up everything and got up out of my seat, proceeding to walk outside his office. i stood there for 2 minutes wait for him to come out. when he did he walked past me without saying a word and walked outside to the escort. i followed behind him. a man was waiting outside of the car door holding it open for jaeyun. he walked to the car then got in, using his fingers to get me to hurry up. when i got in the man closed the door and we waited for him to get in and drive. “ mr. sim, may i ask.. where are we going? ” he pulled out his phone. “ i have a few meetings i have to go to for the next few days and i won't have time to go home so i got a room so i dont have to worry about that. ” he was on the phone seconds later, talking and making orders. i sat there in silence fiddling with my hands. wait.. is it one room? i dont have any clothes..
i didn’t bring any makeup. what if i mess up his schedule? fuck. fuck. FUCK. what do i do? i became extremely anxious. scared at this point. i was shaking for maybe ten minutes straight. “ whats wrong. ” his question brushed past my ear as if he never asked. his hand then was placed on my shoulder causing me to jump. “ yes! ” i yelled out of nervousness. “ im sorry.. yes? ” i looked to my feet. “ are you okay? ” he kept his hand on my shoulder. “ yes.. im fine.. my apologies. ” he removed his hand and sat back. “ you’re breathing way too hard for you to just be okay. ” i looked out the window trying to keep myself distracted. “ im sure. im fine really, i was just overthinking. ” he chuckled. “ if you’re thinking of ways you could possibly fuck this up, you can’t. i have everything ready for when we get there, i got stylists and things of that sort to help us prepare. i have clothes you can sleep in, the only way this could go wrong is if you dont wake up on time but i’ll be there to wake you up. ” hearing him say all of that calmed me down. it made me worry less. we finally got to the hotel and got out of the car, walking inside the building. it was nice and huge. we got the key to the room and headed to our room. there was so many people here.
we made it in the room and it looked like a suite. it had a kitchen, sadly on room but i was willing to sleep on the couch. i put my purse and bag down on the kitchen table. “ i need you to start working on getting the tickets and room. ” i sat down and pulled out my computer, quickly getting to work. i worked for hours, starting at 6 am and not ending until 5 pm, we were busy the whole day, well at least i was. i got the tickets and the room and started to work on whatever else he assigned to me. it was a lot. i had to make reservations, look at files, figure out exact locations for things, i was stressing. i kept choosing the wrong locations and looking at the wrong files but i chose not to say anything about it. i was in and out after 6 pm. i had to go make sure the locations were right, i had to go get things for tomorrow, it was hard. when i came back at 8 i still had files to look at and work on, i didn't get any rest. i was up until 11. mr. sim walked in the the dining room and sat next to me. i didn’t notice, i continued to work on everything that needed to be done, looking at what he assigned to me i realized that i forgot to get his suit for the tokyo trip but the place to get it was closed. this scared me to death, what do i do? i had to get it by tomorrow or i would struggle to get it while there in tokyo. i checked his schedule to see if i had enough time to get it during the day but his whole day was booked up i would have to be up by 6 am to go get it. dealing with this gave me a headache. i pushed everything away from me and put my head down. i couldn’t take it anymore. he closed my computer and rubbed my back. “ stop stressing yourself out, i’ll make a call and have the suit be brung here, okay? just because you’re my assistant doesn’t mean that you cant ask for help or get rest. i’d prefer if you communicate with me rather mess things up and stress yourself out. ”
i didn’t expect him to care, not even a little. i brung my head up. “ im sorry, i just didn’t expect this to get so stressful. ” he started to organized everything on the table and put it in my bag. “ it’s not supposed to be stressful, its just stressful to you because you didn’t ask for help. you need to eat and get rest so i’ll order food and you go take a shower, i’ll put clothes on the counter for when you get out. ” you see luckily i always bring extra pairs of underwear everywhere so i dont have to worry about that. i tried to help him pack everything up. “ no, i got it. go shower, you need to relax. ” i didnt want him to think i was lazy but instead of helping like he said, i got up and walked to the bathroom. turning on the shower as i waited for it to get warm. i closed the door leaving it unlocked, taking off my clothes before getting into the shower. my shower was about 45 minutes long. when i got out as told there were clothes on the counter, his clothes. a oversized white tee and a pair of sweats that surprisingly fit perfectly. the clothes that i took off were gone. i think he must’ve put them somewhere. i walked out of the bathroom and headed to the dining room where he sat with food.
fried chicken, spicy ramen, spicy tteokbokki, and water. i sat next to him and he handed me the plate. “ i made everything but the chicken so its fine if you dont like it, i cant cook anyway. ” he laughed. after he handed me my chopsticks i started eating, i was starving. all i had to eat today was light snacks and water. surprisingly his food was actually pretty tasty. he ate with me until there was no more left. when i seen that we were done i got up and grabbed the dishes to wash them out. “ why do you always feel the need to rush and overwork yourself with everything? i could’ve wash them out, im still a regular and normal person. ” he got up and started throwing things away. while i washed them. “ well i knew you’re a regular person but it feels weird being your assistant and seeing you do things on you own. thats why im here to do things for you. ” he stood next the the wall and leaned against it. “ thats not what you’re here for. other people would love to have you as a assistant but i need you here to do everything i dont have time to do. like the files, getting rooms, tickets, and things of that sort. also i just need someone here to keep me interested. being alone gets boring even though i am the boss of people. ”
so is he saying he doesn’t have friends or a girlfriend? thats shocking seeing how attractive he is. “ thats was the other reason i needed you to come and not jennifer. she bothers me, badly. she wont leave me alone for shit. she annoys me and i wanna fully get rid of her and replace her for you but i dont want to hurt her feelings but i cant take this shit anymore. she’s basically useless, she’s more worried about me, she forgets to do the work i assign to her. then she flirts and talks to all the friends i work with like mr. park and it’s like why are you here? ” i can tell by his tone of voice and face expressions that it was irritating him. “ what do you think i should do? should i just get rid of her permanently? ” i put the dishes away and turned facing him. “ i dont know but i dont want to tell you to get rid of her and have her be upest with me, she already doesnt like me because you made me your assistant. she’ll just be even more rude to me when we work together. ” he looked confused. “ instead of being upest with me, she’s mad at you because i chose you to be my assistant? ” i nodded. “ alright, it’s settled. i’ll fire her from working with me at all. she can go work with mr. park, he likes her anyway. i’ll make the call and let him know tomorrow. ” i was shocked. “ y-you’ll.. fire her? ” he lightly smiled, “ yes, i dont want her having problems with you or anyone over a choice that i made. ”
i scratched my head. “ dont worry, i wont let her say anything to you. dont feel bad either, she deserved it. ”
ᴇɴᴅ. @seventeensbabye
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© seventeensbabye: all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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intynidad · 4 years
Hi hi!! Could I request the dorm leaders (if that’s too many, your favorites!) with a child MC? (Parental or older sibling sorta relationship) (also by child I mean 8-10 years old) Have a wonderful day, drink some water and eat protein! 💕
@moomoo-mochi OMG THANK YOU??
I love this so much I’m just a sucker for this kind of prompt!!
Also, this will be based on how I acted as a toddler (spoiler I was a stupid kid)
a health potion with risu giggles for a fellow merchant!
(also sorry I didn't know what to write for iidia or vil and I didn't want to write something that I wasn't satisfied 
The beginning 
-you careless puppy, How many times I told the two of you to be careful!- professor crewel was scolding you and your lab partner...well at your lab partner more than you, you were kinda busy trying to get out of the cauldron to listen 
You and your lab partner were assigned to do a regression potion that was supposed to work in reviving dead plants or turning rotten food into edible again but when you were measuring the exact amount of the last ingredient to finish the potion, somebody accidentally pushed you making you spill all of the ingredients...and yourself into the cauldron.
so now there you are extremely confused about what just happened and incapable of taking care of yourself for the 3 days the potion was supposed to last and now your lab partner has to take care of you until the potion wore off or mister crewel finds an antidote
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has an abusive mother and no younger siblings so our dear tomato is lost, he doesn’t know any rules that would help him take care of a little child so he asks trey for help (like most of heartsalybul when they have problems).
trey lets you eat pastries while riddle does his dorm leader duties but he looked away for a second and oops no child in sight...ok time to panic.
riddle was scolding some heartsalybul students that spilled all of the red paint in one of the chairs so now not only the other members of the dorm couldn’t continue painting but now the unbirthday party had to cancel and you know what happens when you break one of the queen’s rules
-OFF WITH YOUR- Riddle swung his magic pen
-wead!- riddle turn around to see you with a rose in your hand pretending it to be a magic pen
-off widd your wead!- you repeated swinging the rose up and down
riddle was stroked by your cuteness like a truck; he was speechless (also because picking roses was against the rules but lest ignore it) the two students he was scolding ran away because their dorm leader was picking you up and giggling at your little imitation of him 
-nono Off, with, your, head!-
-off wid your wead!-
Leona kingschoolar
-agh how annoying- the savanaclaw dorm leader wasn’t a big fan of children and much less taking care of them, he probably was gonna throw you at Ruggie or jack, both of them had younger siblings so they could probably take care of you better but there is one thing he didn’t count off
-LEONA OJI-TAN-...fuck, today was the day Cheka came to visit his dear oji-tan, now Leona is not only stuck with a brat but with a furball too.
-who are them uncle?-(owo who this) Cheka waved at the child that was behind his uncle’s legs-hi I am Cheka, wanna play tag?!-oh ho ho this gives him an idea
-Cheka this is Y/N, your new playmate-the lion cub had a little sparkle in his eyes
-you two can play all day and ill be watching you from that tree so have fun-hell yea he was a genius Cheka and you are entertained, and he can nap is a win-win situation for everyone
-WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH- and there it goes his perfect plan
-oi, what happened- you were in  sitting on the ground while hugging your knee and crying your heart out and Cheka kneeled beside you trying to comfort you 
-I’m-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to push you it was an accident- now he looked like he wanted to cry 
-agh you two cut it out-Leona said in a low growl while kneeling beside you-is just a scratch don’t worry just let me-he picked you up.
now all of you were in his room he gently  bandages your knee while Cheka was holding your hand for “moral support”
-kiss to make it better Leona oji-tan!-
-only if both of you promise to be more careful-Cheka nodded- ok “pain, pain go away *woshh*, there you go- you moved your knee and started to giggle while Cheka was already dragging you to continue playing, the two of you were lucky that both were cute because not everybody can see this side of Leona and live for telling it 
Azul Ashengrotto
-Come, come everyone!-the leader of octaville tapped his fedora-For the price of 25 madol you can have for a limited time only a  photo of our dear Y/N as a toddler!-
and of course, our dear capitalist Ursula is taking profit from this situation.
you were sitting in a little chair all dolled up while jade took pictures of you with different students and Floyd was taking the money from dose poor unfortunate souls
An hour passed and there were still about 50+ students in line for a photo when Azul notice something about you.
your hands were in the form of a tiny fist and your eyes were watery and you haven’t smiled at the camera for the last photos even when Floyd made funny faces behind jade you weren’t enjoying this.
usually, he wouldn’t care about it, he was making some good money and that was the important thing but you were different, you were his friend
-the lounge is closed, everyone get out, Floyd take care of that and jade-he looked for a second at you-make something warm for our little guest-
all of the students in line emitted different protest sounds but a look at Floyd grin and everyone was already on the exit
-sorry for all that little one- he lightly patted your hair-what about I pay you for your work with some treats?-
-*happy gasp* YESH!!-you hugged his leg with a strong grip-
-nee~ nee~, why Azul can have a hug from shrimpy and I cant?-
-FWOYD!! :D-
Kalim al asim
-Kalim, please calm down-Jamil said looking like he is gonna pop up a blood vessel
-Remember to breathe Kalim and please calm down you are scaring them-Jamil said while kneeling to be on your level
-*gasp* I’m sorry y/n, I’m just so happy to be with you, are you hungry?-you give a quick nod
for the surprise of Jamil, the fact that you turned into a child made Kalim more independent???
he knew that crewel sensei asked Kalim to take care of you but he kinda assumed he is the one who will end up taking care of both of you.
-emmm Jamil-and here we go-have you seen Y/N around?-
-excuse me whAT??!!- Jamil shouted- HOW DO YOU LOSE A CHILD?-
-I didn’t lose them I just….temporally misplace them...OK YES, I LOST THEM BUT IS NOT MY FAULT WE WERE PLAYING HIDE N SEEK!-
-sure sure Kalim never anything is your fault-Jamil said between teeth-
Kalim could be a literal ray of sunshine but one of his bigs flaws were his “rich person behavior”
because he was spoiled and lived in a bubble he didn’t understand that his actions had consequences, in the good side he was working on it.
two hours had passed since that moment are you were nowhere to be found
now the scarabia duo was starting to panic
-Jamil,...did that pillow made a sound?-
-I think so ?-
and there you were sleeping under a big mountain of pillows you fell asleep while playing so that, why you didn’t, respond to the calls of the two boys
-ok Kalim we found them and I hope this had taught you a lesson about taking care of things...well taking care of people-
-oh for the great seven I thought I was gonna have a heart attack-
-now you know how I feel and I really would appreciate it if you used this experience to-
And now Kalim was sleeping beside you
great seven give Jamil patience and have mercy on both of you when morning comes 
Malleus draconia
-arent you a little thing fufufufuf-
-old man be careful with them-silver said
you might be wondering, I thought malleus would take care of toddler Y/N?
Well, that was the plan...malleus is a reserved man, with no friends more than his two guards and the older fae that raised him, that was until he meets you, you looked at him in the eyes with no fear just a hint of curiosity.
you gave him his first nickname,”tsunotaro” a childish name that was almost disrespectful to the heir of the valley of thorns and one of the most powerful wizards of all twisted wonderland, yet you called him that silly name, you hugged him, you listen to him and he listened to you, you were his friend and precisely because that he left you at the care of Lilia, the mere thought of you screaming and running away from him made his heart ache
that always happened…
Malleus is used to that, since he was a child people looked at him with fear or caution but never with kindness except for one person, you
and he was determined to let that like that, but he couldn’t stop thinking what if something happens to you?
what type of friend he would be if he lets somebody take advantage of you in this vulnerable state?
a peek wouldn’t hurt
there you were, in the flower bed of ramshackle dorm both planted, taking dandelions from around and with inexperience and tiny hands crafting a flower crown too small for anyone except you.
he looked at you from the shadows carefully to not being spotted warding you like the dragon he is.
-hewo-small and tired eyes fixed behind a large tree
malleus was behind that tree…
-whats yowr name?-now standing up and slowly walking to the tree in question-are you shy?, is oke I won’t hurt yow-
like if a child could do any damage to him
-I made thwis fow you-you said reveling a second flower crown that was just a little bit bigger than the one in your head 
you let the flower crown on the floor near the tree and waited, malleus knowing how stubborn you were he knew you wouldn’t leave so he left his hiding spot thinking about the screams and the fear your little face will have
-waaaa, you big! (giggles)-again, no signs of fear-uppa uppa!-you said while rising your hands to the sky and opening and closing your little fists
malleus emitted a low chuckle and picked you up, when you got to his eye level immediately went for his horns  touching and grabbing all your little hands could
-you sure are a strange thing, little child of man-
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sanchoyo · 3 years
so I decided to watch danny phantom. I got 3 episodes in and I have Thoughts. im not going to liveblog it necessarily, but just, maybe post my thoughts every 3-5 episodes? because, I have thoughts. (which im sure are not NEW thoughts for dp fans, but, you know. new for me) Anyway. ep 1-3 Thoughts.
- the parents Suck. I love Jazz.
-dannys little 'actually i wanna be an astronaut :)' BABY. im adopting him and his sister. these parents suck so far lol jazz shouldnt have to deal with this and being the most responsible person in the house at age 16. HATE the 'absentminded idiot parents' trope SO much actually. it just makes me mad and makes me want to adopt these kids.
-sam...is so much like me at age 15. at least when I was having a vegan phase. not saying veganism isnt a legit thing or w/e but. my god. shes so Not Like Other Girls. lmfao. if she wanted to go to the dance, she shouldve just SAID so directly!! and I hated her just going up and being catty to Paulina for No Reason Other Than Jealousy UNPROVOKED!!! Like, if anything, the BOYS are the shallow ones, approaching Paulina based on nothing but her looks instead of getting to know her?? it would not have been shallow of her at all to turn them down, she has every right to.
-tbh the way the girls are written makes me cringe. they Deserve Better I think. anyway tbh if a girl came up to me being that rude,, im not saying paulina was RIGHT to lead danny on, but like. I can't be super mad at her for it...sam was bein. hm. rude. and in paulinas little teenager brain thought that was the fastest way to get back at her I guess, by taking the guy she may or may not be crushing on?? I just hate unnecessary rivalry between girls in shows. anyway. glad she did attempt to apologize near the end anyway. I do get that a lot of kids shows have the protags being shitty to teach a moral lesson later and show them apologizing. it still rubbed me the wrong way.
-Was also rolling my eyes at Sam's 'the gorilla needs to be FREE!!' like girl realistically if theres two left,, itll be a huge poaching target, its better to keep it with professionals so it can lead a long, healthy enriched life, and so we can have a lot of footage to teach future generations about so we at least have the memory/history preserved as well as possible! zoos and nature preserves and such can be good. focus on, idk, taking down sea world or smth. (also, the fact it turned out to be a girl gorilla,, and no one noticed until Danny got An Eyeful...of course it would have to be. you cant just tell kids watching this show that theres two male gorillas and theyll DIE FOREVER AND GO EXTINCT AFTER THAT. I GUESS??? but showing danny possessing people is fine. gotcha)
-I liked skulkers design A Lot. it (funnily enough with the episode involving an actual gorilla-) reminded me of the way the gorillaz band got drawn early on. I think its the eyes.
-the voice actor for the box ghost sounded SO familiar. so I went to his IMBD originally thinking he HAD to be a voice actor on ed edd n eddy. THIS GUY HAS VOICE ACTED IN EVERY CARTOON I GREW UP WITH. SO MANY CARTOONS AND ANIMATED MOVIES. funnily enough he was in ed edd n eddy like i thought but in a very very minor role of one of the parents?? I think I just assumed he had to have voiced something I used to watch a lot of. actually, hes voice acted everything, ever. and has been since the 80s, and still does today. Crazy. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0667326/ LOOK AT THIS MAN'S TALENT.
-box ghost has the right idea tho. I wanna haunt a fed ex truck and get that rush of Open Packages Serotonin for my whole afterlife. king shit. (I also just love very silly villains and this show is checking boxes for me. love the monster of the week format stuff)
-did valerie actually cancel on tucker,, or did the boys just lie to take sam to the dance. that seems so unfair to val but we never SAW unless I was looking away. valerie u deserve a date sweetie i am SO sorry. if u already made a commitment to valerie I think sam can take HERSELF TBH. she wanted to be passive aggressive about the dance, it couldve been a lesson in 'just say what you want and dont expect your friends to be mindreaders' lol
-'boys hugging makes every year book funny' TOP 10 SAM HOMOPHOBIC MOMENTS?? let them cuddle while they nap girl wtf. I KNOOOW I know this is how a lot of cartoons were written in the early 2000s but I hate it.
-tucker being freaked out by the cute ghost girl wanting to dance with him at the dance?? no sir. you WANTED A GIRL TO WANT TO DANCE WITH YOU!! and your best friend is half ghost!! tucker top ten ghostphobic moments!!! (also, her having a dragon amulet is a BONUS. coward)
-danny can just. possess people. ALRIGHT! casually terrifying. love that.
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punk-with-glasses · 3 years
Yes im writing autistic zane cuse im starved for good rep ok (i apologise profusely for my spelling i am a person whos first language isint English) also disclaimer im autistic im amking this for my own enjoyment- sligth glacier shipping
* he didint understand that he was autistic untill Jay found a autisim switch behind some cables.
* they do not understand social ques what so ever and completely relies on the other ninja to explain when someones being sarcastic.
* didint understand how the others culd wear their gis without wanting to explode.
* only has like three safe foods
*one of them is a very specific tea he had a major melt down over when they canceled(wo managed to find someone who still sold it and it just so happen that theres always a box or two in the kitchen), will only eat chrunshy food or soup.
* hates when ever whe team changes their style of gis cuse they have to adjust to new dumb textures and look.
* special intrests history, and birds.
*their favorite bird is ofcourse a falcon but after that ducks.
*hyperfixasions true out the years how tea is made, street food, the first spinjitsu master, the history of english letters (specifically w), carots, mythology and wedding cakes (for no other reson then cole showed him difrent ones and he was then stuck)
* stimming inclueds alot of rocking and jumping, flappy hands, rubbig his face and arms, claping, snapping, making pop noises, sometimes screaming, so much chewing and hitting his head.
*dosent understand gender or sex at all just very agender and very ace.(he/they/ze)
*sensory issues mostly surounsing tutch and hearing, loud and high pitched noices are literal hell, as far as chlothes go they only realy wear big chuky wool sweaters over long sleeved t-shirts. God how ze hated the gis until everyone figured out he was autistic and made it out of a beter material.
*hates skin contact with anything and is almost always coverd from head to toe.
*bodies of water with no sand are a sensory heaven.
* practivaly nonverbal and only realy talks with the other ninjas, uses asl and acc devises in private but will talk in publc ever when it couses melt and shut downs after cuse he dosent want the press being judgie.
* loves hugs and cuddles and holding hands with people. Cole is the best sinces hes always warm plus hes tall so he can wrap his arms around zane and ever cary him around on realy bad sensory days when he just wants to to nothing cuse everythibg is to much and the uneven floring of the bouty is like walking on a vulcano.
*has like 5 dirent waited blankets that he got from his friends and difrent points.
*hides under desks and when he was youger beds when zes over whelmed. Or makes a weithed blaket cocon and just lays there.
*hates mouth kises but anywhere else is fine. Cole is defently fine with that and was upset the other hadent told him earlier when he found out.
*is almost always wearing somekind of headphones.
*will gladly lisen as someone else rants on and on about literally anything.
* loves puns.
*hates the titanium body because it was even better hearing and sensors, so bad sensory days are much more common.
*super jumpy.
✨ traumatised ✨(seriously hes died like 3 times and he had no idea who his dad was for like 10 years then his dad died, not talking mentioning the never realm and chen. AND seing most of his friends die at least ones, FOUND OUT HE WAS A FRICKING ROBOT)
*reads alot.
*the others probobly shuld have figured out he was autistic earlier but neither of then realy knew what it was, but after they found out they where super suportive, they all make sure to never be to loud or to tutchy, they always help ze deal with the press or dumb people in public.
* jay knows how horible repairs are after chen and vex mixed with them and always makes sure he has a new bird documentary to distract Zane with.
*Kai makes sure to yell les and stops moving Zanes stuff around after the other has a melt down when he cant find his things where he put them.
*Lloyd stops lisening to music loudly all the time and makes sure to learn asl (probably faster then anything hes ever learnt)
*Nya makes all the tech on the bounty more sensory friendly and all finds ways to make all the mashines they have better to.
*Cole always makes sure there is findget toys or chewlery somewhere when they're on misions, he is also the one who will boy Zanes favorite snacks after a bad day and watch old disney movies with him. Cole is the best at dealing with melt downs and shut downs since he dosent panic as mutch as the others.
*wo will maditate with Zane sometimes and they talk about drama on the bounty together, wo is definitely Zane official unofficial granpa.
* so much disasosiation good god this boy isint ok
Thats alot but ill do more if anyone wants me to do anything more, and ill definitely draw somethings from this list so yeah meaybe ill post that.
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what-the--curtains · 4 years
In a Week
Part 3/4 - Snowballs and cigarettes
(Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: The snows finally stopped and its about time you got to work unburying your car. With your friends all prompting you to move on from your toxic ex you find yourself becoming more and more aware of the kind of person you’d want to be with. And how Frankie was ticking all those boxes.
Authors notes: Ugh okay I was over the max block text so the finale is split into two parts!! But you get them both tonight💕🌻💕 .
Warnings: mentions of toxic relationships, allusions to sex (nothing depicted), PTSD, smoking, drinking, swearing
Tagged: @agingerindenial @icanbeyourjedi
Word count: 4.0k
Day 4
It had only been three days but you had found yourself in a routine that you hoped you never fell out of. Each morning he’d wake up first and you’d be predictably wrapped around him for another 2 hours or so. He found it hard to believe you were able to wake up before 10am, let alone that you were up at 5am most days but he’d love to be around to see it happen. For the first time, he saw something he’d long given up on. A future with someone else ingrained into his and his daughters life. Maybe it was stupid feeling this way after a few days, but he was old enough to know when he felt a real connection, and he’d never felt as good as he did when he was with you. He would make his feelings known to you, one way or another, he’d regret it forever if he let you slip through his fingers. He just had to find the right time to do it. It had been a long time since you’d woken up with someone in the same bed as you and even longer since the person was someone who made you feel safe and secure. There was something calming about knowing that even if you pushed your freezing cold feet between his calves in the middle of the night he wouldn’t get angry, or push you off he’d just grumble and pull you closer.
It sounded pathetic but it was the nicest a guy had been to you in years. You knew how stupid it was to catch feelings this fast, and it definitely wasn’t like you to feel such strong emotions. Since the funeral you had actively decided to forego them although. This benefited your work, helped you in your field, made you a better doctor, but keeping all your emotions bottled up took its toll. Primarily on your love life. You’d had your fair share of flings with other residents, nurses, friends of friends, but between classes and shift work there wasn’t time. Plus what was the point when you had no idea where you’d be moved to. At least that’s what you told yourself. Then Jonathan came along and you’d let him in, let him know you and you fell for him in the process. Then he’d started dating someone else, told you he didn't realize you were exclusive, and it shattered you completely. You’d pieced yourself back together and once you were better, once you were finally over him, he’d cycle back round to you, determined to keep you on retainer. The whole ordeal had left you tired. You’d never had a real relationship and you were already done with them. You never understood how people would want to live with someone for the rest of their lives until now. Catching feelings had always happened in periphery to your life making it easy to push by a crush by simply avoiding them, but you couldn’t avoid Frankie. Each day you spent trapped inside with him he’d continued to grow on you, cementing your feelings for him tenfold. You yawn and stretch your leg out over Frankies torso propping yourself up onto your elbow so you can reach over him and grab the glass of water on the nightstand. He exhales as if your movement across him is an inconvenience to his meticulous strategy for winning whatever game he was playing on his phone. You take a sip and put the cup back down, rolling off the bed and opening the curtains.
“Hey!” you shout, causing Frankies head to shoot over to you, “It stopped snowing!” you exclaim, gazing out over the parking lot where the snow had fallen. The powder undulating overtop the cars buried beneath it. You stretch your arms up catching an unsavoury whiff coming from your armpits causing you to pull a face. Turning around just in time to see Frankie laughing from the bathroom door.
“Seriously man? Do you have to beat me to everything!” you pout, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Gotta be faster sweetheart.” he says, closing the door behind him. From anyone else the term would have driven you into a rage induced frenzy, but it was endearing not condescending coming from him. You take the time to call Stella, you’d been texting with her since you got stuck but you felt it was time to officially announce your arrival as permanently cancelled.
“Hey girl”
“Hey babe what's going on? You calling with good or bad news?” she asks, a constant bustle evident in the background.
“Don’t shoot the messenger, but only bad news on my end. I am so fucking sorry, I should have just flown down like you said” you offer, leaning back against the window allowing the chill of the outside to cool you off.
“Well this is why you should always listen to me, but i’ll forgive you just this once.” she laughs.
“God I can’t believe the one wedding I actually care about I’m going to miss!” you exasperated, shifting away from the window and flopping down onto the bed.
“Well I definitely won’t miss you, especially considering you’ve already sent a gift.” she teases.
“How, very dare you” you punctuate.
“Yup long con paid off, 10 years I pretended to like you just to get you to buy me a toaster from ebay” Stella laughs.
“You could have just stolen mine after the first year, then you could have had me gone!” you state.
“Ugh a huge mistake!!” she overemphasizes dramatically, causing you both to burst out laughing.
“So….” you say after your giggles subside leaving a gentle ache in your ribs that always occurred when you talked to Stella.
“What?” she asks, sniffling.
“ Did John make it out there?” you ask, in a painfully transparent way.
“Why?” she spits, her tone suddenly lethal. She hated the guy, she was the one who was always left dealing with you after he’d used you up, helping to piece you back together, just in time for him to get a hold on you again.
“He asked about me?” you query, once again failing to convey your intentions.
“I’m not indulging this anymore, it's bad for you. He’s bad for you, there's only so many times I can watch him emotionally manipulate you” she rants.
“Ya, but it's easy and it's so good with him.” you emphasize.
“It’s not easy, take it from someone in an easy relationship, it's not supposed to hurt that much.” she chides, determined to have you see the light.
“Nope, I'm drawing the line for you, find someone else. You’re a gorgeous single doctor,
“Almost doctor” you interrupt, but the statement is ignored.
“Aren’t you currently shacked up with one of my stupid brothers friends?”
“Yes? And?” you say, your heart suddenly beating faster as your head turns to see Frankies hat on the nightstand.
“Frankie right? Statue like, soft curls, kind, deep brown eyes? And don’t pretend like you didn’t notice I know you like the back of my hand!”
“So what if I have, doesn't mean..” you whisper, not wanting him to hear you.
“Nope, don’t sell yourself short, I say get cozy with him and finally move on from dickhead McGee, even if it's just for a night, cleanse the palette. Besides, you know he’ll be doing whoever looks his way at my wedding.” you hear a muffled shout “alright I have to go, something about the bridesmaids fighting.”
“Your sisters? Fighting? Who could have seen that coming” you deadpan.
“I know, god I wish you were here.”
“I wish I was as well i'll call tomorrow in case you get cold feet, I have a five point plan”
“I won't” she chimes.
“ I know because you love her”
“And I also love you” she says
“And I love you” you respond before hanging up. Not even a minute after hanging up you get a call from Santiago
“Hey, I just wanted to verbally apologize for trapping you with ‘Fish, though he's definitely one of the better ones to get stuck with.” he says.
“Well that’s good to know” you laugh, rolling your eyes.
“He hasn’t tried anything has he? If he has I'll kill him, and get away with it, you'll have to help me with the body but...” Santiago starts.
“Santi, it's fine he's cool, really sweet, actually,” you offer heat rushing to your face for some unknown reason.
“Good. He touches you ill..” he warns.
“You’ll kill him ya I got it!” you snap, you understood why Santiago felt like he had to play big brother for you but sometimes he was a touch overbearing. “Is John there?” you try and ask casually, failing to head Stellas advice.
“Don’t...” Santi starts, you can practically hear his jaw clench over the phone “you know if I see him tonight i'm gonna knock him out for how he treats you”
“It wasn’t that bad.” you whisper.
“It was, still is, I heard him bragging about how if worse comes to worse he always has his plan D,” he offers, not to hurt you but to try and free you from the cycle.
“That dick. You know what Stellas right, fuck him!” you exclaim with a newfound determination to rid him from your life.
“Oh my god, are you finally seeing the light?” Santi asks “Praise the lord!” He shouts up into the sky.
“Ya I guess so” you say staring at Frankie as he dries his hair with the towel. “I gotta go, see you soon.”
“Not soon enough” he laughs as you hang up.
“Whose that?” Frankie asks, still curious about who you’d been hoping to see at the wedding and what they’d done to earn your affection.
“Pope!” you say with a smile, pushing your back off the bed and sitting up.
“Threatening to kill me?” Frankie predicts.
“Ya we have a plan” you murmur.
“We?” he asks, a twinkle in his eye and his mouth upturned at the sides.
“Well he'll kill you but, I cant have him go to jail so i'll have to hide your body.” you explain
“Good glad that got sorted” he says, his smile now in full effect.
“I'll go grab some breakfast” you say.
“No ill get it, you’re always getting it, plus gives you time to shower, I can smell you from here.” He prods, grabbing the key.
“Rude!” you yell out after him.
He's back when you exit the shower
“Oh thank you, you say grabbing the plate form him”
“Just what the doctor ordered, hey?” he asks, smiling stupidly big.
“Ouuuf that that was bad truly apologize to me” He laughs at how serious your face gets “You're laughing? I had to listen to that joke and you're laughing?” you say through a mouthful of eggs. “Here's something that'll wipe that stupid smile off your face, snow stops which means we have to clear off my car.”
“Using the royal we are we?” he asks
“Think of it as repayment for the pun,” you say waving your fork in his face
“How will we be clearing it off?” he asks, leaning over the counter.
“Brush” you say, as if it's obvious
“Where's the brush?” he asks, resting his chin on the back of his hands and smiling sweetly at you, waiting for an answer.
“In the….oh” you say, face dropping when you realize that the brush was in the car currently buried under a snow pile.
“Not so smart now” he laughs pushing back off the counter taking your empty plate with him, washing it up for you.
“Well I guess we just have to get to the door with our hands then” you say smiling.
“Once again, about this we,” he says, drying his hands on the dish towel, turning to see a dramatic pout plastered across your face.
“Fine, I'll only help because I think you may disappear in the snow if you go in alone” he responds, the truth was, he couldn't deny you.
You both get dressed into the most winter proof clothes you had, neither of you having packed for a snowy expedition. As you exit the room you see him grab a pack of cigarettes he’d been hiding, not wanting you to see his worst traits.
“Those will kill you, you know,” you say, causing him to roll his eyes dramatically.
“Okay mom” he laughs grabbing the lighter despite your disapproving glare,
“You have a daughter to think about” you say, feeling like you'd be letting your profession down by giving up so easily.
“It's why I smoke, the safest way to calm the nerves while staying clean” he murmurs with a look on his face that is enough to get you to drop it for now. You weren't about to pry into his struggle with addiction and you certainly weren’t one to judge, you’d faced similar issues after your brothers passing.
“I used to smoke,” you confess as the elevator doors close in front of you both.
“Seriously?” he remarks, not able to believe it.
“Pack a week for about a year” you say, slowly nodding your head as the two of you walk through the foyer towards the parking lot.
“You quit?” He asks, impressed.
“Ya I don’t think it was long enough to form a habit. When did you start?” you offer as you move your legs through the snow, it was dense your legs would be sore tomorrow.
“What? Are you gonna assess the state of my lungs?” Frankie laughs, moving easily through the snow you were struggling so hard against.
“Yes, but i'll only tell you the results if you want to know”
“Few years back, after...” he stops himself before confessing the worst thing that ever happened in his life.
“The mission” you finish for him, remembering how Pope had picked up similar habits once he finally returned home. “You were there with Santi?” you question
“He told you about it?” he asks, sterner than you’d seen him before, he was afraid that you knew what a monster he was. You shake your head, no and he thanks the gods. “You think i'm going to?” He queries lighting up a cigarette and taking a drag, making sure not to blow it out anywhere near you.
“I don’t know, maybe. It’s the one thing he wont tell me about, figured it would be easier for you if you were talking to a stranger about it.”
“Not much of a stranger now” he laughs, but there was something behind his eyes, a similar sadness that you saw with Santi when he talked about it. Your thoughts are interrupted when something cold hits you in the face, your mouth drops open, your forehead scrunches in disbelief.
“Shit, I wasn’t aiming for your face I swear!” he looks up panicked
“I guess it's what I get for asking so many questions” you say, hand still over your face playing into it as you formulate your attack.
“No, oh my god! No! It wasn't because of that, let me see” he says, you let your hands drop and you smile wickedly up at him. Before he has time to react, you rub a handful of snow into his face.
“Oh... you're gonna pay for that.” he draws out, wiping the snow from his face.
After 15 minutes of all out war, and a brief truce that was to be officially signed once back inside you managed to get to the door handle and lean into the back seat grabbing out the brush. You offer it to Frankie, but he's already started clearing off the rest of the car with his arms.
“Hey can you grab my spare charger out of the compartment there?” you say cleaning off the trunk, the front doors now accessible.
“Ya, holy shit is this a knife?” he asks, pulling out a knife.
“Maybe.” You say staring into his eyes as his mouth hangs open in amusement. “For safety, I didn't know who I'd be driving up with! You coulda been a murderer” you explain palms up.
“And you were planning on what? shanking me?” he laughs a huge smile on his face, weirdly endeared by your thought process.
“Only if I had to.” You say chuckling between shivers, the cold now seeping through your makeshift snowsuit hitting against the sweat you’d worked up.
“You want it?” He offers.
“No i'm good, thanks”
“Because you don’t think I'm a murderer or because you have another one hidden in the room already?” he laughs, but he stops when you tilt your head slightly and raise your eyebrows, averting your eyes.
“Wait, do I need this knife?” he calls as you trudge back through the snow.
You both change into less sweaty attire and you settle into the couch turning on to watch the latest forensic files rerun. You shiver as you sit down having caught a chill. Noticing you shaking, Frankie goes to the wardrobe and grabs down a spare blanket throwing one at you so it lands directly over your head. He laughs when he sees you slowly turn towards him beneath the blanket, like someone in a makeshift ghost costume.
“Excuse me!” you laugh
“Hey you should be thanking me, can't have you freezing to death.” he says, “Are you asleep under there?” he asks, when you don't respond
“I'm not a cat! I don't fall asleep when someone throws a blanket over me!” He's not paying attention to what he's doing and the bottle in his hand shatters against the counter, a shard slicing his hand open.
“Fucking shit.” you him sigh.
“Are you okay?” You ask maneuvering out from under your blankets to see Frankie in the kitchen, glass on the floor and blood coming down his arm.
“Wow you're out of my sight for 2 seconds and you maim yourself” you say laughing, stopping when you see the panicked look in his eye, the event evidently triggering something deep in his psyche. You quickly stand up and he goes to move towards you.
“No don't move Frankie, stay where you are.” you reassure softly, watching as his eyes lay into your own, his breathing calmer now “You're in socks, can't have you cutting your dancing feet” you say.
“You’ve heard of my dancing feet,” he says, grounding himself again.
“Only bad things” you say, throwing him a pair of shoes that he carefully puts on before moving toward the closet where the broom is “No come here, let me see your hand. The mess can wait, you're more important,” you stress leading him over to the couch and sitting him down.
“Wow, first time I'll be able to afford professional health care “ he jokes as you take his hands in your own.
“Ow” he says when you press down onto the hand to assess the damage.
“It's fine, not deep enough for stitches, should heal up on its own. I still want to clean it though, to stop any infection.” You return with a small bottle of over priced vodka opening it and dabbing some onto a cotton pad. He doesn't flinch when the alcohol cleans the wound and he watches as you bandage his hand up.
“You carry a med pack with you on every trip?” he queries, but you don’t hear him you’re too focused on wrapping his hand.
“There! good as new,” you say standing up and cleaning up the glass on the floor. “Hey did you bring a swimsuit?” you ask, dumping the glass into some newspaper that was left in the room.
“Why?” He asks.
“Answer the question Frankie” you say, folding the paper around the shards before placing it into the trash.
“Yes, you wanna go hang out at the pool with the fifty families stuck here?”
“Ya. You don't? Seriously this room is wildly expensive and has a huge jacuzzi tub, I'm getting in your welcome to join, but bathing suits are mandatory.” you offer.
“I was gonna get in fully clothed,” he offers, not missing a beat.
“Perfect even better”
As per usual he beats you to the punch and settles into the tub that was more akin to a hot tub than a bath, he wanted to get in first partially to annoy you and partially so his body wouldn’t be on full display, he wasn't as jacked as he once was and he’d become insecure about certain areas that he’d let go once his kid came along. He watches as you walk in and his eyes can't help but follow your figure around the room, a beautiful person behind a beautiful personality, he thanks the universe for placing him into your orbit.
“That why they call you catfish?” you ask drawing him from his daydream back into an equally pleasing reality.
“What?” he responds, blushing at having been called out on his gawking.
“Cause your mouth hangs open like a fish out of water when you're zoned out” you smirk, lowering yourself down into the tub.
“Rude” he says splashing after you settle in.
“Alright, Frankie, what is it?” you ask, causing his face to look up to you “what's your deal, apart from smoking? You gotta have flaws”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” he charms
“Sinister” you laugh, but he doesn't, you reach your foot up tapping his cheek with it,
“Disgusting,” he chuckles, grabbing it and rubbing the arch before pushing it back into the water.
“God, I miss the ocean” you confess, “ I hate the city sometimes.”
“You’re not planning on staying in Chicago after you're done?”
“Nope, gonna get myself out to the coast, or at least somewhere without winters.” you say stretching your arms out across the tub. “How about you, are you planning on staying?”
“ Probably, no reason to leave, plus it's close to my mom so she can take care of Arianna when I'm at work, though I wouldn't be opposed to moving if the opportunity presented itself she's young enough that it wouldn’t be too hard.” he says, wanting you to know that if you asked, hed follow you anywhere.
“Arianna, beautiful name. Did you pick it?” you ask looking up when a few minutes of silence pass. As you do you notice that the somber look from early had returned. “You okay?” you ask.
“I don't deserve her, I don’t deserve something so good.” he states, suddenly realizing he didn’t deserve someone like you either. You wouldn’t be sitting in the tub with him if you knew what he’d done.
“Frankie that's not true” you reassure
“You don't know the shit I've done. I'm not... I'm not a good person,” he says, still not looking over to you.
“Well, I…” you begin to refute.
“Seriously, I've done bad things… awful things'' he clears his throat, afraid to look at you, afraid you’d be terrified by him.
“People make bad mistakes, but that doesn't make them irredeemable, not if they are willing to change. You understand what you did was bad, that says something.” you reassure, knowing the guilt was likely left over from the military.
“Well, wise words coming from someone who's never done anything bad”
“You don't know me that well Frankie, I’ve done my fair share of stupid things, crappy things to numb the pain. It's what we do to make up for those shitty actions that count. At every turn, you’ve shown me that you're not an evil person. Everything I’ve seen is good, and funny and incredibly kind.” you finish and you continue to nudge him with your foot until he finally cracks a smile.
“Well now you're smiling again, my missions complete and it's time for bed” you say stepping out of the tub and drying off, unaware that you’d just made Frankie fall even harder for you. His eyes helplessly following you as you leave the bathroom.
“Since I'm an outpatient, does that mean I get the good side of the bed?” he calls out after you. You roll your eyes but let him have it, you preferred the sleeping situation the way it was.
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klainebrittana · 3 years
TW - Vomit
Chapter 2!!
Augusts Pov
Going outside was a pleasure that not many of us had got to experience. In fact, before everything changed this was the only time we had been able to. It was so exciting when it happened but so heartbreaking for me to think about now. Me and May got to walk out first then everyone else although Matron was slightly longer for reasons only now, I could understand. The outside world was breathtaking. We lived in a forest. Right by a pond. Water nymphs danced and smiled at us. One held our hands and started to pull us somewhere unknown. Me and May looked at each other and went with them. We decided we would with a look. A look of curiosity and wonder. A look of longing. A longing to get out of the cage of an ordinary life. Now all I want is an ordinary life. The Nymph stared at me, I stared back. Their eyes were blue and massive. The rest of their face, and body, a cerulean colour. Its tiny hand was gripped on my finger, pulling gently. I stumbled forwards.
But right then Matron walked out the door. Scaring all the nymphs away. It was like they had just vanished. Suddenly none of them were dancing, there were none in the water, none that could be seen with the naked eye. All was silent. To this day I still wonder what could have happened. What could have happened if they did take us. If Matron had been a couple of a seconds longer. If we had vanished with them.
“Little Vermin.” Matron said.
“Matron!” We said.
“They’re beautiful.” Dianthe said. Dianthe was quiet and thoughtful. She was peaceful, never wanted harm to come to anyone, she would help everyone and always saw the best in anyone she met.
“Ah, so that’s what you think. You’re so uneducated that you think that.” Matron said. Everyone stood in confusion. Why were we uneducated? What do we not know? “The nymphs.” She spat the word out and said it with an extreme amount of disgust. “Are evil. The nymphs you so foolishly called beautiful are monsters who fight alongside him.” Everyone was shocked. Especially me and May. We nearly went with them. What if they had corrupted us was one of the many thoughts that ran through my head. They wouldn’t have done though. They were fine. Matron was the one who corrupted us.
“What do you mean?” Alexa said quietly.
“I am so sorry Matron I didn’t know.” Dianthe said quickly. She said it with so much repulse with herself that I felt terrible especially now that I know about the lies Matron was spewing, I still can’t believe she let her feel like that for no reason.
“Tell us more!” Brendon said.
“Well, if I have to and its fine Dianthe just make sure you know all the information before you speak.” Matron said and was greeted by eager nods. We were all curious to what might happen. Matron though looked scared her hands were shaking and she looked like she was thinking very hard. Now I know why.
“Well,” She took a long pause. “A… thousand years ago, no 10, 000 years ago their um was no conflict, do we all know what that means?” She asked this as she remembered that most of us were very young. A couple of the younger ones, including me, shook their heads.
“It means no fighting or war.” Alexa butted in before gesturing to Matron as if to carry on.
“But then, no… no one really knows what happened.” She gave a nervous laugh. “But I guess the man of whom no one knows his real name. He got to powerful and umm he- he- he began stealing from other people and umm killing innocent people.” She sounded unsure of what she was saying, like none of it was real. Younger me just passed it off as her just not wanting to scare the younger kids. There was still some doubt in the corner of my brain though. “The umm nymphs went on his side and the world was split into two sides. Good and evil, evil and good. Then flash forward to now and he’s still out there because he’s immortal… he lives forever, and there is the good army who fights to defeat him and his army who just wants to take over the world. The end now lets go to the carnival.”
She finished the story abruptly and started striding to the teleporting unit, we all hurried after her, asking a variety of questions as we walked.
“How do you know about this?”
“Is he going to kill us too?”
“I’m scared, how are the rest of you not scared?”
“What if he steals all my books?”
“I can’t believe we thought they were beautiful; how did we think they were beautiful?”
“ENOUGH!” Matron shouted. We all looked down at our feet and she took a deep breath in. “Right come on, get on the platform.”
We all huddled on the small platform and I whimpered. May gripped my hand harder. “Remember the technique I told you.” She whispered. I tried to focus on 5 things I could see, 4 things I could hear, 3 things that I could smell, 2 things I could feel and 1 thing I can taste. It was called grounding, May told me to do it every time I was scared. I was close to crying but I took deep breaths in and out.
Wooden platform, trees, bushes, lake in the distance, clear sky
My heart beat, trickling stream, ragged breathing, chattering children
Sandwiches matron brought, grass, the sweet smell of chocolate
Mays’s hand, cold grass beneath my feet
I couldn’t think of anything I could taste; I racked my brain. My breakfast I guess
I took more deep breaths I was getting slightly better but I was still scared. I started to pick my nails, I’d forgotten my fidget toy at home and my noise cancelling headphones. Why didn’t I bring them, I wanted to kick myself. My breathing started to become more ragged and I concentrated on deep breaths. My finger started bleeding and I opened my eyes wide. No, no, no not now I thought. I touched it and my finger came away a deep crimson. I grabbed a tissue out of my pocket and put pressure against the cut. This is what happens when I pick my nails. It really stung and I was grimacing.
I hated it; I was terrified. My eyes started watering and I crouched down on the floor curling into a ball. Tears left my eyes and I felt May sit beside me and I felt her warm breath against my ear. She was saying something to me that I couldn’t understand. Everything was a blur including all the voices around me. I heard Matron say something that sounded like numbers. She was facing a different way to me and hadn’t seen me on the floor. Then it happened, the thing that I hate.
I had never teleported before and I would learn that I never wanted to do it again. Even though I would have to.
It felt as if we were in a ball of red light. An angry red. A deep red. You could see flashes of electricity every now and then and it felt as if you were moving at the speed of light, it made me feel sick. I could see some terrified expressions, some excited expressions, someone even let out a whoop, and others like mine. Mine looked like I was going to be sick and I looked like I was terrified. That’s because I was going to be sick and I was terrified. This lasted about five minutes. May was hugging me tight she was one of the people with a face like mine, Alexa had her hand clamped over her mouth and Peter was the boy who whooped. Dianthe didn’t look particular great either. She was in the middle of everyone though. It may take her a little while to get out of there if she is sick like us. Which she was. Matron however stood calmly and collectively, not phased in the least.
When it finished, I got off as soon as I could, hyperventilating. Alexa and may got off with me Alexa because she was going to be sick and May for the same reason as Alexa and because she wanted to comfort me. Vomit pooled beneath us all and we heaved and heaved on all fours gasping. It was horrible. I had ruined my favorite shoes and blazer. Just when I thought it had finished, I gripped the grass as more sludge left my mouth. Sweat dripped down my brow. I was shaky and pale, my face red and flustered.
Then Dianthe came running over but didn’t get here in time and vomited all over my head. It dripped down and went into my mouth. I threw up for the 6th time. I could see little bits of mushed up strawberry and banana. The cheerios were mostly in tact. Just the smell and the look of it made me dry heave. The smell was sour and unpleasant, a bit like grated parmesan cheese. I slowly crawled away from the puddle I had been sitting in, the other 3 followed suit. I felt weak and frail. This was not a good start. I could taste my breakfast in my mouth as well as the disgusting taste of vomit. It did not taste nearly as good as it did on the way down.
Then matron strode over rolling her eyes. “What drama queens.” She murmured. “Right then I guess let’s clean you up. I brought extra clothes for all of you in case this would happen. We tried to stand up slowly but it took us a little while. What had happened had taken all the energy out of us. I tried to breath deeply but it was hard and I was still scared. I felt terrible for May though. This was her birthday. And she had been sick. Her birthday.
“Thank you.” Alexa whispered her voice hoarse. I put my hand over my mouth. Was it happening again? But luckily, I was fine and I swallowed it down. The me and May ran back to our positions and heaved for the last time. I wanted to go home. I’m very prone to this stuff and so is May. Neither of us know why. Alexa and Dianthe started at us and I went beetroot red. I didn’t want them watching. At this point I told myself that from now on if I felt I would throw up I would just have to swallow it, however disgusting it may be.
“Right August, May, Dianthe and Alexa I’m going to grab the clothes and a bucket of water for you August and then you can get changed behind those bushes.” We wiped our mouths. I cant believe that happened. It was horrifying and embarrassing, the rest of the kids had obviously been watching.
I looked at the clothes Matron had given me it was a suit and some sleek, black shoes with laces. I had given a weak smile. She had got them for me. At last. I had been begging for them for so long and she had got them. May got a gorgeous pink dress, Alexa goa white top and a lilac cardigan and a black skirt with daisies on it. Dianthe got a blue dress with like poppies, lavender and primrose on. We were all very happy with them and thanked Matron profoundly.
We got changed and then went back to Matron to walk the short way to the theme park. “Of we go then.” Matron said and then we walked. A couple of times Dianthe and Alexa shouted wait in case it happened again but then it didn’t so we were fine. It even got to the point where we were all given buckets just in case. We also all had to walk at the back.
“Hey August,” Dianthe whispered, almost as quiet as a mouse. “I am so sorry I did not mean to do that; I just didn’t get there in time and…” She trailed off.
“It’s fine, I know you didn’t, I forgive you.” I said and then she trotted off back to Alexa as they chatted.
“Are you ok May.” I asked. I was worried, she looked really bad back there. Although maybe I did too.
“Yeah, but are you?” She said and I stared at her in confusion. “You know when we were going through the portal and when we were all ill you were the worst out of all of us.”
“I was?” I said.
“Yes! You looked terrible and you were sick so many more times than the rest of us. Also, you were really hyperventilating back there, I think you were having a panic attack, that’s the worst I’ve seen you in ages. You were doing so well!” She said mournfully.
“I know…” I said looking down. “I know.”
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, just know if you need to talk about it, I’m always here you know.”
Then we moved on from the subject. That wasn’t fun for any of us. I wasn’t going to spend any more time dwelling on it.
We could see tree nymphs and we walked slightly quicker. It was like they were beckoning us. They wanted us to come with them. I thought they were beckoning us to the dark side but now I realize they were doing something different. Something very different. Tree nymphs were always a lime green and they blended in with the tress, sometimes turning a chocolate brown to blend in. These ones didn’t though. They wanted us to come. I thought I shouldn’t go, I thought I was making a good decision. I thought I was being smart for once. Instead, I was ruining my life and I didn’t even know it.
The walk was painfully slow, and painful full stop. My legs were still weak and after 15 minutes were aching a lot. Although now I look at it that could have been the reason, we were able to get the warning. I think it could have been anyway. Or it could have been just fate. Were we always meant to get the warning?
When we finally got to the carnival everyone was tired and grumpy so matron had to let us get candy floss. That was the start of it. The start of those horrific events. The start of a war.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed, Evie :)
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sunarintoes · 4 years
Boyfriend Headcanons
Includes: Sakusa, Komori, Shirabu, Atsumu
Warnings: none - just pure fluff :) oh wait some swearing!!
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✗ you have to be clean!! There’s no two ways about this. Of course you dont have to be super clean freak germaphobe!! (Extra points if you are because cleaning is his passion and he hates germs and he would love to share that with you)
✗ it takes a while for him to become affectionate, he has to ‘get used to your germs’ and all. When you are at home he will love to cuddle with you!! He particularly loves it when you are clean sitting in his lap while watching a movie! Because!! Then he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head on yours!
✗ one of his favourite dates is going shopping together... to the chemist. He likes having you with him as he looks through all the hygiene and sanitary items, often asks you ‘does this smell good’ because baby wants to be clean AND smell good. He will smell like a fresh bouquet if you so wish. Afterwards he’ll take you out to eat and pay for your food as a thank you.
✗ he’s in no way, shape or form fond of PDA. It makes him uncomfortable and he prefers to keep his private life, private. And you completely respect that!! The most he will go is the occasional hand holding or giving you his vbc jacket.
✗ he will make it clear he’s in a relationship though! He doesnt want his fan girls to continue coming on to him so he will tell them bluntly, it probably went something like this: ‘I am in a relationship with Yn. If you have a problem I dont care. Please stop trying to get in with me from here on out and dont touch Yn otherwise I’ll drown you in bleach.’ Wow isnt he just a charmer.
✗ he doesnt mind if you wear a face mask or not, but be prepared: he will refuse to kiss you until you’ve thoroughly washed your face. He does think your face is cute/pretty/handsome/etc so I think he’d prefer to see it.
✗ i don’t think hes one to be jealous or possessive but doesn’t like it if other people ‘contaminate you with germs’ so he’ll most likely stick around you to defend you from ‘germs’ so i guess he’s pretty protective. But not toxic protective!! He likes it when you come to his games and cheer for him!
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✗ Komori is the softest ever! He loves you and he loves affection!!!! Bb is kinda clingy but its okay because he’s adorable and you love his hugs! He loves snuggling with you - face to face, while the both of you talk about anything and everything!
✗ he definitely loves it when you come to his games and he always gives you his jacket to wear! After every game when he sees you waiting for him in the foyer he runs up and hugs you.
✗ he lives to see you smile! Komori really loves when you smile! Please smile for him! But don’t fake it! Fake smiles make him sad! If he ever sees you fake a smile (and he can always tell bcz of how much he loves your smile) he will always make time to speak with you or FaceTime you to ask you how you’re going and if you’re okay. He doesn’t like his bb being sad :’)
✗ Komori really likes cute cliche dates! Sometimes you tease him about it but you can’t deny that he always makes them special - even if they’ve been done a million times before. Picnic dates and star gazing dates are a must!
✗ when it comes to PDA, he’s not necessarily against or for it, hes just kinda like eh whatever works in the moment. However!! Holding hands everywhere is a must.
✗ I don’t see him as the type to get jealous and/or possessive. He gives vibes that are full of positivity, so I feel like in a relationship with him he’s very trusting and understanding. However, if someone is flirting with you and making you uncomfortable he will intervene. Unless!! You have it under control, if so then he’ll just come up and stand next to you with a passive aggressive smile directed at the dude. If you don’t have it under control, he will come up and put a hand on your shoulder to reassure you and then he will talk to the guy. He starts off by asking a random question like ‘how’s the weather’ or whatever, and this usually confuses the guy because ‘???? Who’s this dude and why’s he talking to me so friendly’ anywho, he chats the dude’s ears off and the dude ends up leaving.
✗ he cant cook but can make he finest 2min noodles. Eat his noodles. He’ll be happy.
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✗ aight here we are, piss hair - my second favourite Miya <3 jk
✗ being real, if youre gonna date atsumu you have to have to be able to take a joke. Please dont be offended. It’s just that he likes to joke around with you and 10/10 will point to something ugly and say ‘that’s you babe.’ He doesn’t do it to be mean!!! No!! He just sucks shit at expressing himself and therefore he teases you to show his affection verbally. He often says ‘I love ya’ to remind you because he knows words can hurt. He does his best to not be too mean :,) and if you ever look slightly sad because of something he said he will flick the switch and turn into a really loving bf. Hah simp.
✗ he wont admit it but he loves affection. Pda is a yes for him. Loves it when you sit in his lap or hold is hand or jump onto his back. He thinks you’re the cutest. You wear his jacket. Before and after games he gives you a sweet kiss on the lips, nothing steamy though thats for back home. He hugs you as a stress release. I know that sounds weird but he finds you to be so comforting and when he engulfs you in a hug and he can smell your shampoo/perfume he just feels really safe and loved and all round lucky to have you.
✗ Oh I know a lot of people have this hc about him only allowing you to cheer for him during his serves but I dont vibe with that. He likes it silent to concentrate so even if you were special (which you are) he doesnt want that game concentration interrupted, which you of course respect and understand. However as soon as his serves are up and its actual game time please cheer as loud as you want because he loves it when you cheer him and his boys team on!!
✗ mans is jealous, he doesnt like it when others get too comfy comfy with you. Like he knows you have other friends and he gets that but he does not! And I repeat - does not! Like it if they (esp opposite gender) get super touchy with you because in his head: ‘why get touchy with her/him/them when I’m literally right here???’ Oh yeah and he hates it when some weirdo is tryna chat you up, so to combat that he would definitely make his presence known. In scenario 1: ‘hey buddy can I have my girl/boy/sIo for a sec? Yeah thanks mate.’ Then he proceeds to kiss you harshly on the lips. Scenario 2: he walks up to the guy/girl/person and puts a hand on the both of yours shoulder. ‘She’s/he’s/they’re taken buddy, scram it.’ And the weirdo gets intimidated by that passive aggressive smile and the strong hand on his shoulder so they usually run away with a scowl right after they’re told.
✗ hes only soft for you behind closed doors sorry bb. Mans is a big simp. Even if he wont show it. I headcanon that he has a horse and knows how to ride it so sometimes he rides it to your house and calls you to come outside. You go outside and there he is, sitting on this large beast with a picnic basket, ‘hey babes wanna have a picnic?’ Ngl you’re surprised every time but go anyways. Omg imagine one day when youre at the picnic he’s all like ‘hey babes wanna see a trick?’ And youre like, ‘yeah sure’ so he gets on the horse and does idk something but then gets bucked off. Omg that shit would be hysterical. Brb gonna write a short scenario on this.
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✗ wow ok I love him so much
✗ ok ok so we know Shirabu is smart (example in the timeskip) so he often stays up really really late to work on assignments and to study which means he can get very tired and burnt out esp when he has to do volleyball on top of all that. This is where you come in, you often visit his dorms (Shiratorizawa has dorms so thats the base for shirabu) and when you visit his dorms you bring lots of food - healthy foods to get his brain working but also snack foods to help him relax and release some of that good ol’ serotonin.
✗ when he studies but also feels like cuddling you find yourself facing him while sitting in his lap. You gotta move though cause he’s still working so you end up just cuddling into him like a koala. When he doesnt have to write/is busy reading he will wrap his arms around you and place a kiss to your forehead. He loves you omg, thinks you’re the cutest thing ever. IN FACT his home screen is a picture of you asleep, cuddling him in his lap. The only reason you’re not his lock screen is bc he has a rep to keep up in the club and cant have brats like goshiki knowing he can be soft or tendou teasing him for being ‘simp.’
✗ like atsumu, you gotta be able to take a joke because mans is a salt stick and loves teasing/roasting you. Ofc you do it back. Sometimes you team up and tease Kawanishi together. Please save Kawanishi, he does not want to deal with either of you, bb is tired from volleyball.
✗ shirabu knows he may not be the ideal boyfriend - he’s hopelessly devoted to the volleyball club and studies the life out of himself, so he often finds himself apologising to you and feeling incredibly guilty that he may have to cancel your date every so often. You make sure to remind him that its okay, that you knew what you were getting into when you started dating him and that you admire that he’s so determined and such a hardworker and that you love him. Every time you tell him he almost cries, he loves you.
✗ to make up for lost dates he will invite you to his dorm, or he’ll go to yours and the both of you will spend the day cuddling and snacking on food while watching movies. For him this is like killing two birds with one stone because 1) he gets to relax and have some downtime and 2) he gets to spend that time with you and just being in your presence relaxes him so much. Hhhhh hes so precious omg i love him. Oh and he’ll make sure to tell you that he loves you - it took a while for him to say it because he wanted it to mean something.
✗ when it comes to pda he’s not the most comfortable about it, yknow he just prefers to keep that to himself. But!! Will 100% hold your hand if you ask. Sometimes you don’t even have to ask! He just really likes holding your hand.
✗ now is he jealous or possessive? Yes he is jealous, i cant describe why. He just gives those vibes. I think it’s because he has a lot of self doubt and insecurities about being a good boyfriend that he feels like someone could just sweep you away. He’s self aware so he knows it’s his insecurities talking so he does his best to not believe and act on them but sometimes when someone is deliberately flirting and knows you have a bf he will be big mad. Full on walks up to the guy with an intimidating aura and roasts him. Ngl you find it funny because he’s spitting out insults faster than you could say supercalifragi- something i forgot how to spell it lol.
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