#i still stand by aroace Peter though
hc that out of the Marauders, people asked Peter out the most.
Remus had a reputation for turning everyone away regardless of gender or attraction because of his time of the month.
Sirius sobered up after getting out of his house and though he didn't stop being a merciless flirt, he has eyes only for Remus in that sense.
You can decide for yourself if you want version one or two of James-
(1) James publicly only had eyes for lily and no one else thought they stood a chance, when they did ask though he let them down very easily.
(2) James abruptly stopped any and all pursuits he had for any girls one September after properly seeing Regulus. and so everyone got the idea he has a sweetheart who wasn't at Hogwarts. (maybe that rumour was spread by Sirius. who knows?)
Peter was sweet, smart and had a frame like a small teddy bear. more importantly- he was available and openly so
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batcavescolony · 10 months
Gotta love the Young Avengers posts that are like:
"❤The Young Avengers❤
Kamala - Riri
Kate - Yelena
Billy - Tommy
Kid Loki - Peter"
Yelena? Peter? Riri? Are just all new people part of the Young Avengers now? I swear every time I look they're adding someone else! Who's next Skaar?
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socialdisease609 · 3 years
Hey guys, GENUINE QUESTION here.
I know how quick people can be to get angry, so I wanted to say that first, I'm legit just wanting to learn.
There are people out there who are shipping Yelena and Kate, to which I myself have felt some good chemistry between them while watching the show.
Looking through tags and responses, I see a lot of people saying Yelena is aroace.
I googled this because I love to see comic issues where things are made canon because these are milestone moments, and I'm a collector of such moments.
However, all I can find is that the co-creator said Yelena is "more likely to be asexual."
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It says here that "Yelena's asexuality has never been explored in any media." and that only the co-creator just shared her (edit: I googled Grayson due to a comment and turns out this article sucks even more because not even the writer knew Grayson was a woman 🙄) personal thoughts.
Once again, I'm not trying to negate representation, I'm just wondering if this is yet another instance of Marvel being too afraid to make it obvious.
I feel Marvel has a reputation of "making both sides happy" by keeping everything so vague that people looking for representation see something but the bigots who hate diversity in comics are still clueless enough to enjoy themselves.
For example, in the X-Men comics, people saw wlw subcontext in Kitty Pryde's friendships. Prime examples being Illyana Rasputin (Magik) and Rachel Summers. One of the most well-known Xmen writers, Chris Claremont once said that he saw Illyana as Kitty's first love and to him, Rachel was her True Love. However, Marvel only bothered to show Kitty having canon romantic and sexual relationships with any and every Peter in the world. Granted, Kitty was created in the 80s and things were different and many decades had to go by before Marvel finally let her be known as bisexual (THIS YEAR) by having her kiss another woman in a panel. But we haven't seen anything else after that, and there was no revelation of a more-than-platonic relationship between her and Illyana or Rachel, despite Claremont's vision, aside from a "gal pal straddle" and eye contact across a room lol
And speaking of Illyana, people have started to say Marvel has made her a canon pansexual because she offered to "make out" with three different types of individuals pre-fight, but many say its not clear and can just be taken as weird pre-fight taunting, not representation.
I mean, they also just recently officially stated Mystique and Destiny are married.
Basically, I think I just needed to get my frustration at Marvel off my chest.
Writers SAYING things and Marvel DOING things aren't always the same it seems because writers can give us crumbs all they can, but Marvel gatekeeping indisputable representation will always be in the way.
I know we all feel like things SHOULDN’T HAVE TO BE plainly stated for them to be true, but I feel like Marvel really, really needs to do it. Because if the audience doesn't know as a whole, it feels like a secret. It doesn't feel like they care about different communities, it feels like they're too afraid to actually stand up, and I'm really tired of it 😫
And I think, honestly, most of it has to do with characters who are women. Because Marvel most likely believes that these characters need to remain "sexually available" to the Dude Bro readers out there who will flip their shit and foam at the mouth when they learn a fictional character wouldn't be interested in them (even though like.... they're fictional, you never had a chance lol)
On a less rant-y note lol, if the basis of Yelena's asexuality is from Devin Grayson's words, wouldn't that mean that she could still be romantic? Asexuality doesn't always partner with being aromantic, couldn't people ship her romantically and still respect her asexuality?
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fruitquake · 4 years
listen. idk what your headcanons for reg are,,, but,,,, aroace reg coming out to sirius?? brotherly feels??? if you don't vibe with that just bless me with those two brothers, i need to see them hug
mate, i literally love this prompt. here, i hope you like this and that it gives u all the black brother feels <3
hope it’s okay i made this a muggle au, they’re just what i do best lol
(also: at first sirius is quite ignorant but pls read the whole thing before judging)
Regulus’ heart was beating like a hummingbird’s as he raised his hand and knocked on the door to his brother's room. 
“What do you want?”
Sirius no doubt knew it was him. Their parents never knocked.
Regulus opened the door, struggling to control his breathing. “Uhm… Sirius?”
Sirius was sitting on his bed, laptop in front of him. He rolled his eyes when Regulus entered. 
“Hang on, guys,” he said to the computer screen. Regulus recognized the faces on the screen as Sirius’ friends: James, Remus, and Peter. He took out his headphones and finally looked at Regulus. “This better be important.”
“It is!” Regulus said. It was important. If Sirius knew how much courage it had taken to come in there in the first place, a kind of courage he likely wouldn’t be able to muster again, he would understand the importance. “Please, there’s something I need to tell you.” 
Sirius sighed, turning towards his computer again. For a moment, Regulus thought he was being given the cold shoulder, but then Sirius said to his friends: “Gotta go.”
He hung up and closed the computer, then looked back at Regulus, eyes softening as he noticed how nervous he was. “Everything alright, Reg?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Regulus answered in a shaky voice. Why was he so nervous? Surely, he didn’t have to worry about Sirius not accepting him, when Sirius himself understood what it was like to be… different. 
Sirius himself hadn’t gotten the luxury of coming out on his own terms. Regulus had found out about him and Remus last summer, despite Sirius’ attempts at hiding their relationship. At first, it had been difficult to look at his brother the same: Their parents’ bigoted views had gotten to him, however much he tried to deny it. But over the course of the year, he’d gotten so much better, and then… Well, he’d started to realize he wasn’t “normal”, as their parents put it, either. 
He’d thought he was gay at first. It was the only other option he knew and if he didn’t fancy girls, he had to be gay right? He’d ignored the fact that he didn’t fancy guys either, constantly telling himself that it would come eventually. But then he’d discovered the term “Aromantic”, and everything had made sense. 
“Come on, Reg,” Sirius said, gesturing for him to sit down on the bed. “Tell me what’s up.”
Regulus sat next to him. He wasn’t scared to tell Sirius anymore. He was ready. “I'm asexual,” he told him. “And aromantic.” 
The blank look in Sirius’ eyes was hard to read. “Sorry, what’s that?” he asked after a moment. 
“Well,” Regulus said. “You like boys. Some people like girls, and some again like both…”
“Very well observed, Reg.”
“And I,” Regulus told him. “I don’t like anyone. At least not in that way.”
Sirius stared for a moment, then he shook his head. “That’s not a thing,” he said. “You can’t just not like anyone.”
“No, it is a real-”
“Maybe you’re gay,” Sirius interrupted him. “Trust me, at first I was confused, too, as to why I didn’t like girls.” 
Regulus wanted to cry. His own brother didn’t believe him. “I’m not gay,” he said. 
“There’s nothing wrong with being gay!”
“That’s not what I’m saying!” 
Sirius was taken aback by the sudden raise of Regulus’ voice. He’d tried to hold the tears back but there they were, pooling up in his eyes and slowly rolling down his cheeks. 
He managed to catch Sirius’ shocked expression before turning around to leave. Before he shut the door, he briefly turned around to look at Sirius. “I thought you of all people would understand.”
My love <3: everything alright? we haven’t heard from u all evening and u usually never stop spamming the groupchat
Sirius looked at the text from Remus, thinking about a good response.
Sirius: Dw I’m fine. Just had a bit of an argument with Reg
He bit down on his lower lip. To call it an argument wasn’t entirely fair. He quickly added another message:
Sirius: I think i might have fucked up
My love <3: how so?
Sirius: Well, it’s kinda hard to explain in text. Can I call you?
My love <3: ofc
Remus picked up after the second ring. “Hey,” he said. “What’s going on?”
Sirius hesitated, before asking: “Have you heard the word “aromantic” before?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well,” Sirius mumbled. “Reg told me he was aromantic. And... asexual? But… That’s not a real thing, is it?” he asked.
“Yes, Sirius, it is a real thing.”
Oh… “Shit,” he whispered, the image of Regulus running out of his room with tears in his eyes playing in his head again. “I definitely fucked up.”
“You told Regulus it wasn’t real?” Remus asked. 
Sirius sighed, rubbing his eyes. “I… Yeah.” He wanted to try and defend himself but did he really deserve that? “I’m a terrible brother,” he mumbled.
“Well, it was definitely not okay for you to invalidate his identity like that,” Remus said. “But it doesn’t make you a terrible brother. I know how much you care about him, Sirius. You just need to make it up to him and, most importantly, let him know you support him.”
Sirius nodded. “Right,” he said. “Yeah, you’re right, babe. I need to do that.”
The music from Regulus’ headphones was so loud he barely heard the knock on his door. He paused the music and sat up in bed, unsure if he’d really heard anything. 
He heard the next set of knocks quite clearly, though, and his brother’s voice which followed them. “Hey, can I come in?” 
Regulus thought back to his conversation with Sirius yesterday. That’s not a thing. You can’t just not like anyone.
“No,” he answered. “Leave me alone.”
“Reg, please,” Sirius said. “I have something for you!”
“Go away.”
There was a pause, and Regulus thought Sirius might’ve left, but after a while he said: “I’ll just slide it under the door, then.”
Regulus turned on his music again and turned away from the door, but he still saw the piece of paper sliding through the small space underneath the door. He didn’t care. Whatever it was, he didn’t want it.
The song ended and a new one began, the loud bass drowning out the world. But it couldn’t silence his curiosity…
He glared at the piece of paper on the floor, before finally giving in and picking it up. 
His heart caught in his throat. It looked like a handmade card of sorts. In the middle, Sirius had drawn a heart, one side in the colours of the asexual flag, the other coloured like the aromantic one. Above the heart he’d written, in pretty cursive letters: “Sorry,” and underneath: “I was a dick.” The “was” has been scratched out and replaced with “am”.  
Regulus teared up, but this time they were tears of joy, as he rushed out the door. He almost collided with Sirius, who was still standing in the hallway. He glanced nervously at Regulus.
“I know this doesn’t make things right,” Sirius said. “But… I hope it counts for something.”
Regulus nodded, looking down at the card still clutched in his hands. It was clear that a lot of effort had been put into it.
Sirius put his hand on Regulus’ shoulder and he looked back up at him. There was a sincere look in his eyes, something Regulus had never seen from him before.
“I’m sorry I was so ignorant, and so quick to judge,” Sirius said. “That’s exactly how people treat me for my sexuality, so… I really should’ve known better. I’m sorry.”
Regulus bit down on his lower lip. He wasn’t going to cry in front of his brother again; it was embarrassing enough the first time. 
“I just want you to know,” Sirius said, “That you have my full support, Reg. I… Yesterday, after our conversation, I spent hours doing research and I found out some really interesting things. Did you know sexuality is a whole spectrum?” His eyes glistened with excitement. “Like, asexuality and aromanticism are even spectrums of themselves! Isn’t that cool?”
Regulus couldn’t help but grin. He was having trouble concealing his own excitement. “Yeah,” he said. “That’s cool, Sirius.”
Before he even realized what was happening, Sirius pulled him into a hug. A real, warm, brotherly hug. Regulus couldn’t remember ever being hugged like that before. He didn’t quite know how to feel about it.
“Y’know,” he said, arms hanging awkwardly in the air as he wasn’t sure where to put them. “I really appreciate your support, but this is kinda weird. We never hug.” 
That only made Sirius hug him tighter. “We do now,” he said. “C’mon, just roll with it, you’re ruining the moment.
Slowly, Regulus returned the hug. It actually, strangely, felt… Good? “Thank you,” he mumbled, feeling safer and more loved than he remembered ever feeling before. 
Sirius chuckled. “We should do this more often.”
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