#i still wanna share art and draw sun and moon just on my own terms!!
maudiemoods · 1 year
Some drawings from my new sketchbook yayyayy!!
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Idk why some of them have a warm tint to them but yeah doodles wooo
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tinybeanhealing · 7 years
If your still doing them, can I get a description? Leo Rising, Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Aquarius Mercury, Aries Venus, Gemini Mars?❤️✨
Hi! Yes I am still doing them
Taurus moon ! my dear lil moon cow ! I’ve written a lot abt taurus moon on this blog here n here . I’ll write abt yr taurus moon more specifically too (: Pisces ppl seem pretty quiet n calm on the surface. Ppl can underestimate pisces sun’s bc they seem so “go with the flow” n some have even said that pisces ppl are a passenger in the ride of their own life. BUT those ppl are wrong. Pisces sun ppl are powerful beyond measure. Pisces is the oldest soul of the zodiac. Can connect with other worlds n transcendence. U have psychic abilities in u that u should try to develop. Pisces ppl usually are called to use those abilities for the good of humankind. Pisces has duality to it. That’s why they seem super calm n dreamy on the surface but are bursting with power underneath. Pisces sun would love for ppl to underestimate them bc they can get away with more n be more themselves within themselves that way. U might like to hide things that others would consider weird to keep secret but it’s not abt keeping it away from others. It’s all abt keeping some things just for yrself. Yr leo rising doesn’t necessarily make u less private but it does make u more visible. U might still keep odd things secret n not share yr full self with anyone but u can be in the spotlight without anxiety. U might not take the stage that often or at all but u shine when u are in any room. U have a magnetic energy abt u that draws ppl to u instantly. U could talk yr way into or out of anything. Ppl see u as charming n generous n sweet bc u are. Yr pisces sun n taurus moon are gonna cut down on yr impatience n temper tantrums associated with a leo rising. U are a calculated kind of honest. U say what’s on yr mind, but u usually think abt it first. U are prideful n u take yr priorities seriously. U don’t like to break promises but sometimes can be flakey. U value stability n security. U are resourceful n determined, very persistent. U are empathetic n can give practical help to others. U can be extremely stubborn but yr pisces sun will help u with that. U have a strong desire to excel at whatever u are doing. When someone provokes u to the point of anger, u can be a lil scary ! But getting to that point is rlly hard. U are generally not a big fan of change but might be more open to it bc of yr gemini mars. U enjoy comfort. U are connected with the arts, probably esp with music n writing. U are also a good speaker. U probably love to eat with loved ones n sharing food is a great source of comfort to u. U work hard for what u believe in ! Sometimes u have a tendency to overindulge in a way that’s actually a problem for u. In love u are playful n impulsive. U can be unconsciously inconsiderate of others, it’s not rlly on purpose ! U are very sensitive abt others too so u probably want to know if/when u do that. U have a tendency to be selfish, which isn’t necessarily bad. U sometimes mistake sexual attraction for true love which can cause u to get with ppl only to leave them quickly once u realize yr feelings aren’t as deep as u thought. U might feel in love with love. Depending on yr venus house placement, u might crave partnership. Feelings of insecurity could drive u to use sex/pleasure as an escape. U are witty n have a sharp mind. U can fall into sarcasm sometimes which isn’t bad it just can hurt ppls’ feelings sometimes. U have a nervous energy that comes n goes quickly. Conserving energy is hard with how restless u are but u might wanna try ! Going on short term trips could help u re charge. Just a day or three even, short term travel is good for u. U have original ideas all the time. Sometimes yr ideas are not things ppl can understand quite yet but will be understood in future generations. U are pretty progressive. U can see past the masks others wear. U are probably a rlly funny person ! U hold fast to yr beliefs no matter what anyone says. U can express yr ideas clearly, in ways that make it easy for others to understand. 
I hope that description feels real for u ! Let me know if u have other questions abt yr stars
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