#i still want a mini break up tho ok i just like when they argue
bartsugsy · 7 years
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@twatcitytrick 😂😂😂
but srsly
the list of evidence that says they stay together:
aaron is gonna be smiling and looking happy according to danny they’re in scenes together in the mill in august iain has literally said they’re gonna be ok the good old second wedding the show has just spent actual money on an actual permanent set for them with multiple rooms ….lbr here.
the list of evidence that says they’re gonna have a big coira level break up:
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imagines-mha · 4 years
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1-A boys and their toxic traits
this is controversial but SOMEONE had to say it
Deku: bro. i’m so sorry first of all i feel like i need to apologise bc his CAREER is his first love forever. and his mom’s his second. You’re actually lucky to score third on the list lmao he just doesn’t have the TIME for anything but working for his corrupt hero system smh 🤦🏼‍♀️
Bakugo: i. noah fence but do i even have to explain xx. He’s the type of mf to be like “hey btw noone can know about us bc im highkey embarrassed to be seen w you so dont tell anyone”. No fucks given about how you take it. Like ok luv chile lemme just real quick hide under ur bed when ur friends r here smh x
Todoroki: ok if he had to have a toxic trait it’d just be that he finds affection SO hard to understand. Like he’ll smother you for 2 weeks and then go MIA for the other 2 it takes a LOT to teach him so u gotta have patience. Also the WORST at texting back and he replies with K. when he’s not even mad smh
Iida: okay. I know us iida stans love his uptightness- its adorable i know. But SO HELP ME GOD IF IT ISNT ANNOYING IN A RELATIONSHIP. You’ll try kiss him in his room and he’s like “y/n NOT IN THE DORMS YOU HEATHEN!!!!!! YOU IMBECILE!!!!!! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!” Will still also shout at you for running in the halls lmao you get no special treatment when it comes to his strictness
Kirishima: Ok controversial controversial. He’s the best boyfriend you’ll ever have...once you actually GET THERE. He doesn’t think he deserves you, like at all- so the entire crushing/mutual pining period he’s giving you the maddest mixed signals. Like one night youre ridin him like a shetland pony and the next day ur like “hey kiri youre cute” and he looks at you like youve just broke into his home and licked his bedsheets like wtf
Kaminari: DID SOMEONE SAY UNINTENTIONAL FLIRT. Me i did x. The poor thing he really doesnt mean it in THAT way when he calls jirou beautiful or says that momo’s outfit’s really hot. He just LIKES BEING NICE. Its not HIS FAULT GIRLS GET THE WRONG IDEA WHEN HE HAS A 60 DAY STREAK WITH THEM ON SNAPCHAT AND TAKES THEM OUT MINI GOLFING. He’s so dumb sometimes smh. He is really apologetic tho BUT HE STILL DOESNT UNDERSTAND
sero: he’s such a free spirit but like, not at the same time? He just wants to straight up vibe and have a good time, and if you’re someone who complains a lot/ argues he’s quick to shut you down, and he goes for blood sometimes when he argues like,,, oof. He very rarely loses his temper but he’ll hit you with those cut-deep personal insults and sigh like you’re the bane of his existence smh
Kouda: the only thing is that he kinda expects you to do all the flirting. Like he’s affectionate but he’s like “i get too flustered calling you beautiful so as a result you’ll live forever wondering if i really love you or not xox” like MANNNN. He loves ur attention too so he kinds just basks in the compliments like a happy puppy but like,,, KODA SMH UR NOT A BABY FOREVER GROW UP
ojiro: if you saw him when you needed defended in a fight no you didn’t ❤️. This mf will go MIA. Off the fuckin GRID. The second you’re in an argument with someone. He’s like “i just like keeping peace y/n i never fight with ANYONE love and peace for life 😎✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻” but then the next week you see him arguing with kaminari front and centre in the lounge like a fuckin nativity play? If you need a big strong man to save you from getting beat up, just call kirishima instead save ur time luv
Tokoyami: bro im so sorry sometimes he makes you feel like u have the reading level of a 5 year old he’s like an alt tiktok gatekeeper ekfneidnw. If you don’t own DMs he’s JUDGING YOU. “My darling… i wrote you another poem…” *proceeds to speak with the most COMPLICATED vocabulary he’s like “i will now articulate to you my heart via song” n u just nod and pretend u have a fuckin clue
Sato: lmao what’s a diet??? eat my food or i’ll take it personal. Can’t get it through his head when you tell him youre only not eating every damn cake and muffin he makes because you don’t wanna break out in acne/ get unhealthy. Like this man will give you the most HURT look and be like “b-but y/n...i made them just for you…” he’ll NEVER understand
Aoyama: “look at beautiful specimen in the mirror y/n…” he says, carressing your arms and kissing your temples, “oh- and you’re here too!” smh he has a marvellous time reminding YOU how lucky YOU are to be with him, like you werent the one to save him from his lonely little life and pick all his spirits off the ground,,, he’s so vain ay the worst of times
Shouji: be honest w u he’s not toxic at all the only toxic thing about shouji mezo that’s toxic is the little bitch who cried when they saw his face and made him cover it up forever ugh
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Update for today
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Lockdown for Covid-19 March 27th
I guess I'm writing the story of my life...?
Things are better. Last night was rough because of depression and anxiety... I got to thinking why do I do this to myself? To be honest there is a lot I don't share with people and as a result I tend to break down at random times. I'm not looking for pity, more just friends... People who get it. I'm glad I started to post more on here as it feels sorta like a diary. And maybe right now that's what I need. Even if no one reads this that's ok.
Maybe I will just spell it all out. See what comes from it. So here it goes.
I haven't had a bad life. I'm only 23 but it just feels like a long life with many extra bumps in it... Things just manage not to go the way id like it to most of the time. So now I'm just used the noise. I had a good childhood but many many memories of a broken family. An angry dad (not necessarily towards us kids) a mom who coped with alcohol. I often took care of my siblings as the eldest of five. And there are many other things I won't mention... It was hard. It was dysfunctional. We'd have money then didn't. We'd have food then didn't. We'd have a week of no fighting with my parents and then they would be at each other's throats the next several weeks. We'd have moments of joy but usually short-lived moments. I'm not saying it was all bad. I have good memories too. Singing Taylor Swift songs to my mini laptop webcam is a memory I have. Making music with my brother was a good memory I have. And spending time with friends too.. it wasn't all bad...
Fast forward to about 3 years ago I thought I met the love of my life. Things seemed fine. But it was the calm before the storm. After my ex and I got together things sorta slowly started to get worse. My dad didn't support my relationship. He thought we were moving too fast. My mom wasnt happy and coped with more alcohol. And even tho they had briefly separated a couple years before I thought they wouldn't ever get divorced. Well I was wrong...
My ex and I tried so hard to make our relationship work. And I think I pushed things because I wanted some kind of happy ending. Most of my friends had gotten married or were in happy relationships. This was my first real relationship. So I thought this could be the last. There were constant fights and bitterness started to grow between us... We were co-dependent. We tried to live on our own but due to a mental illness he had, he had a hard time keeping a job. So we were just CONSTANTLY STRUGGLING. It just became not a safe place anymore. We did get engaged after about a year. My dad didn't agree and we didn't have any wedding help. My friends tried to help but it was almost like people didn't take us seriously. Which hurt because I was always there for them whether I agreed with their decisions or not. My mom straight up left my Dad and moved into her own place. I was in between a lot when it came to my mom and dad. Trying to help them to get along for my sister's sake. But there were many fights or my mom getting so drunk that the police were called... DISCLAIMER: I want to say. My parents aren't bad parents. They're just broken.
My ex and I were under so much never-ending stress. We broke up and got back together several times. It was awful. Words were said, feelings were hurt, then we'd forgive and start all over again. I like to think that was the burning Red Taylor was talking about. We loved each other so much. But it wasn't a healthy lifestyle. You lose yourself. You lose who you want to be just so you can help keep the other person from drowning. After two years my parents were officially getting divorced. My dad had gone through severe depression so I moved into his place because I honestly was afraid he would kill himself. That was rough. I had also briefly moved into my moms to help her. This was the breaking point for her. And I had to get my sisters who were living with her at the time and help them to pack up and leave. They no longer wanted to be there. Leaving her behind and closing her apartment door while glimpsing her looking so sad was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Time went on. We finally got through that. I got through that.
During this time I had lost friends. Or at least we didn't talk much anymore. I think they just didn't know how to approach me. And I know they didn't mean it. I was in a place where I couldn't be reached. Later my mom had left our state of NC and moved about 45 mins away to SC with her new Boyfriend. We like him. He's nice. And she's doing so much better! My dad had met a lady and got engaged rather quickly in my opinion lol. But as long as he's happy. When things finally started to calm down a bit with my family the damage had already been done in my relationship. It wouldn't stop. The fighting the arguing. Even after we had moved to our own little house. But it was still my home. I had my cats and my own space. I loved it. Well, back in November a huge fight had occurred and we believed we shouldn't be living together for the time being. I moved in with my grandmother.. I went back and forth a lot. Set up for Christmas and we even got to go on a little vacation. I hadn't been on a vacation in so long. Yet again, it was the calm before another storm. One night in December, the Friday before Christmas (my absolute favorite holiday) I got a call. It was my ex. He said he couldn't do it anymore. And that he was breaking up with me. He said he couldn't tell me face to face because it would be too hard and he probably would change his mind. And I cried. And begged him not too. This all happened after a particularly hard argument we had the day before. Where I had done something wrong and I did apologize for it. But it just wasn't enough... And that was it. The end of my 2-year whirlwind relationship. I was heartbroken. He got really angry and was just saying really mean things to me. Personal things that really affected me. I had to go get all my stuff. Leave one of my kitties behind and give the other one up because I couldn't bring her with me. She is rehomed to one of my best friends. She had been there through pretty much all of it. I'm so grateful I have her. I saw my ex went on a date after 3 weeks. And yeah. It was awful. I felt like the scum of the earth.
And I thought that was it... Hahaha It wasn't. I missed my period for the whole month of January. I didn't even think anything of it. Then I finally took a test. And LOW AND BEHOLD it was positive. My whole life took a fucking turn in one second and I was literally losing my mind. So yeah. Fast forward to now. I'm 16 weeks. Working through my severe depression and anxiety. I had had plans to really work on myself but now that I'm pregnant you can't really take many medications during this time. And that's very hard as I have trouble functioning normally day today... I was looking for a job for months and when I finally found one Covid-19 showed its ugly head and I lost that job. And now I'm here. Not sure of how I'm going to provide for this baby. But the father and I have much a better relationship then we've ever had. We are not back together tho. There's still struggles and obstacles but at this point it's just part of my life. So that's it more or less. That's where I'm at now. I'm very grateful that even tho my family isn't together we all still show up for each other. And even tho I sometimes still get stuck between my dad and moms problems they're still alive and well. And now I have a baby. Which was my ultimate dream. I guess I just want to know that I can provide a really good life for it. As these are not the circumstances I had wished for myself. And that it's childhood is better than my childhood or even my ex's. He struggled too... I'm scared right now because I can't work and I'm constantly battling these demons. But at the same time I know somehow it'll all work out... Eventually... You know what I hope for myself tho? That I find a love that's golden. Not red.
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grizztomysam · 5 years
Grizzam and Power Naps Mini Fic
Disclaimer..lowkey NSFW..but really mild cuz I’ve yet to go buck wild
Taking care of a baby and toiling away at a farm that is responsible for the prevention of 200 plus citizens from starving to death can be exhausting. It’s an ache in the bones, lids so heavy, Imma close my eyes for a minute, head jerking back as they’re free falling mid dream, tired kind of exhaustion. Which doesn’t really help a relationship when your still in its honeymoon stages, although Grizz likes to argue its the only stage they’ll ever be in. He’ll always want Sam even when he gets all wrinkly and grey, earning him a scrunching of Sam’s button nose and “Ew..geriatric sex!” Which is cute as fuck and he nips the argument in the bud after he kisses Sam silly.
Kissing he discovers almost always solves everything. 
What it can’t help is how tired they always seem to be. Not even the promise of alone time for some sexy sexy on all hard and soft surfaces deemed “Eden’s never going to reach that” can tempt them from the allure of long ass power nap. A contradiction in itself. Because a power nap by Sam’s definition meant a minimum of at least nine hours. 
“That’s not a power nap Sam, that’s hibernation levels type of sleep.”
“Oh semantics...”
“That’s...that’s not how it works and no--”
But he drops it because Sam kisses him this time and that thing he does with his tongue can’t be legal.
They try tho. With an enthusiasm that brings forth a temporary rush of adrenaline against the stubborn and suffocating grip of work fatigue to make things interesting and romantic and new. But it’s so fucking hard.
Sex is awesome..but sleep is nice too.
It’s a particularly long ass day at the farm and Grizz is close to screaming or bawling, whichever comes first. The patch of romaine lettuce he’d carefully coaxed from seedlings have turned brown and riddled with pest holes and he’s itching to have a go at said pest with the heel of his work boot. He’s a lover not a fighter, once sobbing to his mom when he was seven how to perform CPR on a limp caterpillar he’d found on his windowsill. But his lettuce is hurt and he’s pissed. Because when push comes to shove, he’ll fucking defend to the death what’s his Goddamnit.
And he really is oh so tired, going on a measly four hours of sleep because Eden is teething and Sam looked like death last night, red rimmed eyes wet and helpless as he tried everything to get the squirming baby to bed. Becca was MIA; quarantined in the medical bay at the hospital after catching some freak of nature flu strain when it wasn’t even flu season. She was recovering, thank the Lord, but still weak and unsafe for Eden to be around. 
He feels guilty he has the farm to run off to, tho Sam would argue its hard work and an obligation to the town. But he also really loves the dirt and endless potential of life it can grow. It’s back breaking yes, leaves him dripping and soaked in sweat, blistered hands and a farmer tan more reddish pink than glowy brown that Sam can’t surely find appealing, but he’s afforded a few hours of peace from Eden’s screaming lungs. 
Because that baby can really yell. She’s tiny and cute and gorgeous as all hell, her baby head fitting neatly into his palm, but her lungs can’t be of the human species. He hopes it manifests into something nice like a beautiful soprano. Eden will only get louder and a screaming teenage Eden will be scary. At least a singing one won’t be so bad.
He wishes Sam would be able to hear that if it ever happens. He’s wistful remembering the night he’d forgotten how to breathe, because he was teetering at the edge of either having his heart crushed into a million fucking pieces or finally getting to taste Sam’s lips. The night Sam wished he could hear his voice. 
If it meant Sam could hear again he wouldn’t hesitate to give up his own. But he keeps that to himself. Sam is too selfless to accept selfless acts back. 
But he still would tho.
The moment is broken when he hears the ping of a text received from his phone.
Hey sexy farmer boy! Gwen’s gonna take Eden for the night...Wanna meet me on the couch later after your shift? I think it misses our naked butts. 
He bites the inside of his cheek from grinning too wide as he rolls his eyes at the screen. But the the cobwebs and the tired in his head slowly ebb away. 
He can handle two more hours.
Turns out he can’t. A bounty of things can happen in two hours when sleep deprived. Terrible terrible things like bawling and screaming at plants, stumbling over roots and almost cracking his skull wide open and falling and crushing the tomatoes he’d just picked off the vine after stumbling over roots and almost cracking his skull wide open. The shiny, big, juicy, multicolored heirloom tomatoes that would have made his grandpapa swoon with delight. He wants to punch the goddamn root.
At this rate they were screwed for the coming winter. 
Bruised and battered and dirty he slinks back home defeated.
He has the right mind to steel back his scowl and quiet his mutterings of bloody murder for wayward roots that have the gall to grow above ground as he stands outside their front door. Composes himself and attempts to fashion some semblance of a smile.
Sam greets him at the door, he appears to have been waiting by the stairs in the foyer and reaches for a hug but stops. 
Sam has always been able read right through him.
The shorter boy reaches up to cradle his face, running a soft finger across the space between his lips and chin as he kissed him on the tip of his nose.
“You ok?”
He sighs heavy but turns his head to plant a quick peck into Sam’s palm and nods.
“I’m just dirty and all. Let me wash up and I’ll meet you on the couch?”
Sam lets it go, but his eyes promise a talk will be had later on. 
The shower helps, and his body soon hums to the promised feel of Sam’s hands on his own.
Disobedient plant children and screaming babies are forgotten.
“Hey baby..” Sam murmurs it into the line of his jaw..all breathy and hot after he grabs the smaller boy by the waist all sudden and rough to straddle his lap, pulling a giggled gasp from Sam’s lips, as they both fall back onto the couch.
His brain is happy and Gareth junior seemed to have perked up a bit, as his hands find purchase onto the loops of Sam’s jean, gripping and guiding Sam’s hips to rock against his own.
“You smell so good..” Sam moans into his ear, eliciting a growl from his throat.
Sam’s moaning was definitely the 8th wonder of the world.
The friction is delicious and Sam’s fingers are now kneading a pattern between soft and hard pressure on the sensitive skin at his nape and the soft space behind his ears. His lips kiss, languid and open, onto the juncture of Grizz’s neck, usually resulting to immediate eyes rolling back and ripped clothes on the floor.
But this time his lids grow heavy. A “No,no no..don’t you fucking dare” echoes in his head but its growing cloudy and distant.
The ministrations on his scalp lulls and soothes and he feels the rocking of their hips slow as his hands lose their grip on Sam’s hip, its rhythm stutters and then stops.
Sam’s mouth have stilled, but stay open, jaw slack as muffled snores fill the air, his cheek pressed into the crook of Grizz’s shoulder.
Goddamnit, he thinks, following soon after.
“Fucking adorable shit.”  
Gwen stands with a smug smirk at the arched doorway to the living room, balancing a gurgling Eden on her hip, as she ogled, leered really, at the snoring coupled spectacle on the couch.
Sam is straddling and cuddled into Grizz’s neck like a man-sized koala while Grizz held him in place with a curled arm, the other dangling and trailing the carpeted floor below. Their clothes are in dissarray, Grizz’s left shoulder exposed, the collar of his shirt having been stretched taut, while Sam’s shirt has ridden up, leaving the freckled and dimpled dip of his lower back naked, his checkered boxers peaking from the waist of his jeans. Grizz’s head is a haloed mess as its tipped back onto the couch cushion, his mouth wide open with a line of drool falling from the corner.
The scene is clear: They were making out hot and heavy and somehow fell asleep.
Insurance purposes, she smiles all devilishly, snapping a picture.
“Can you say fucking adorable?” Gwen babbles into Eden’s chubby cheeks, stopping by the kitchen to get Eden’s forgotten pacifier. The baby blows spit bubbles and grabs for her hair as they step out the door towards home. 
“Yeshh they are aren’t they, Eden. Fucking adorable.”
Becca’s gonna go for Gwen’s throat once the baby starts talking.
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lenalvthor · 6 years
Ayyyyy, so idk of this is the right blig, but if you wanted ideas for little mini fics relating to the hsau, I'd love to see how Sara and Ava's relationship was before the whole thing with Ava's coming out. Anyway, I love the fic and I hope you have a wonderful day!
hi!! 💛apologies for leaving this in my inbox for so long, this last week has been a ROLLERCOASTER but i promise you, i did see this and get very excited abt it and send it to rachel and we were both freaked out a bit abt getting prompts for the fic
so we have many, many ideas about pre-fic avalance in this au. like Many. many to the point that we don’t have the time to write an actual mini fic about it because the fic would be the furtherest thing from mini. also, bc it would be rlly weird to have to try and go back and write them before all of this, like we go back and read ‘don’t you like you’ and everything feels so strange bc we wrote it before we had this big detailed plan for everything that was gonna happen between them and it just feels crazy that they were in this place where they weren’t even friends let alone in love 
but what i am gonna do. is give you a fuckload of bullet headcanons instead. so i hope that suffices bc buckle up, there’s gonna be a few 🌈🌈
so ava and sara don’t go to the same elementary school. they’re both star city natives though so they kind of know of each other. sara did dance when she was little and was in layla’s dance class and ava was sometimes there when barbara came to pick her up etc etc. 
(ava’s school was a little nicer, was the fancier star city school that barbara teaches at. damien insisted nora went there bc of it’s good reputation and gary’s mom wanted the best possible start for her son, hence how the three of them ended up there and became friends) 
so by the time middle school comes around and they actually become a part of each other’s spheres, they know the other vaguely by name and the like 
in middle school, ava and sara meet and they don’t quite get along but they don’t rlly know each other so it’s not an issue - sara’s this reckless trouble maker that ava wants nothing to do with bc she wants to just do well and be liked and successful and normal while sara’s off getting into fights and sneaking out of school and never doing anything by the rules, so not interacting pretty much suits them both just fine
until in 8th grade, after spencer leaves to join the army and ava’s still trying to piece herself back together and he left around the time that she decides she was going to quit basketball after this season and she was scared she might be gay and starts vehemently ignoring any and all possibilities of that fact - that’s when sara lance comes out as bi
and sara doesn’t know why ava suddenly makes a point to argue with her more than usual, or call her out in her bullshit, or just be a general pain in the ass but she is, and what sara doesn’t realise is that ava’s angry that sara came out bc it put ava in a position where we had to actually confront herself abt her sexuality
sara has a quiet suspicion of why ava’s acting like this, and it would sort of make sense that ava would be gay (or bi, but sara thinks gay) but also she doesn’t wanna assume so she leaves it and just pushes ava’s buttons just as hard 
but it’s not all bad, bc the day nyssa and sara start dating, everyone at school is talking about it and ava knows her friends will be too and she’s terrified bc she doesn’t want to know if they think it’s weird, but kuasa just goes “whoa, no way” and lily whistles and says “damn, they’re probably the hottest couple at school” and gary doesn’t say anything but he’s got this look of curiosity and relief on his face and nora is looking at him carefully before she just glances over at sara and says “good for them” and ava doesn’t know if she wants to laugh or cry with relief
(and it’s still 2 and half years before she even tells nora - the first person she comes out to - but it’s a start at least) 
ava and sara get better for a bit in 8th grade, but then high school happens and suddenly they’re in the same homeroom and heaps of classes together and being partnered / grouped up for projects all the time and they both just get on each other’s nerves to no end
both of them are vying to be rip’s favourite in class and it makes ava furious and sara so smug because ava wanted to be the teachers pet bc she worked hard and did a load of extra curriculars and was always polite and on time and we’ll behaved, whereas rip just liked sara because she was entertaining and good at soccer and a little too cocky for her own good
and around this time, sara is slowly becoming friends with amaya and ray and jax and nate, is being less reckless and dangerous and unbearable as she was in middle school, starting to mellow a bit
but anyway; they’re at each other’s throats all of freshman year but their rivalry ends up being kind of fun bc arguing in class when it’s actually about school isn’t as frustrating for all the teachers and sara notices that ava actually makes her think, makes her feel smart, bc she can actually kind of keep up with the smartest girl in their entire grade, and ava meanwhile realises that sara is actually pretty smart, she’s actually kind of a genius and if she actually tried, she could probably give ava a run for her money and that both infuriates and pleasantly surprises ava 
but then early sophomore year, nyssa leaves. sara’s not at school for a few days and by the time she comes back, everyone Knows because it’s high school and nothing can stay secret for long, and everyone’s trying not to gossip bc sara’s slowly become quite popular around school but they can’t help it, they all wanna know what’s going on
and ava detests sara but she’s always admired her for coming out, for being so proud abt it and dating nyssa when there was like a grand total of 3 other lgbt people at school all of whom fit every single stereotype that ava wanted nothing to do with (and she’ll never admit it, but she had always felt kind of safe and comforted knowing nyssa and sara were dating bc it made her feel like she would be ok one day), so she can’t even imagine how sara feels especially if the rumours about why nyssa left are true 
sara’s heartbroken and angry and confused and she keeps pushing ava with jabs and mocking retorts and remarks that are lot harsher and more biting than usual but ava just smothers the urge to respond and rolls her eyes pointedly and ignores her bc she knows sara’s just lashing out
and at one point in gym, sara just drops her back and turns to face ava and demands “what the fuck is your problem sharpe?” and ava crosses her arms and goes “pretty sure you’re the once with the problem here, lance.” to that, sara glares and spits out “i’m not the one walking around with this fucking holier than thou attitude as if you’re better than me. can you at least argue back instead of rolling over like a doormat?” and ava literally wants to throw a dodgeball at her but she just holds her ground, doesn’t say anything, keeps sara’s gaze before biting her lip and looking away for the briefest of seconds. sara makes this smug huff of triumph, as though ava’s abt to fight back but ava just looks back at sara with an expression that’s too gentle, and says “i’m sorry about nyssa, sara.” and goes to join her dodgeball team
(amaya comes over to ask sara what it was about and sara can’t bring herself to answer, just shakes her head because she doesn’t quite know what just happened) 
things get better quickly, like. sara would never say it at the time but zari is this refreshing burst of fresh air who didn’t know nyssa the way all her other friends did and it’s so nice to have her around, even tho she’s still quite new. and then wally comes to star city and everything is fun and exciting w the legends and things aren’t perfect, definitely not bc oliver and laurel break up and sara and laurel have been fighting just usually like sisters do and dinahs been calling, on saras ass abt her slipping grades at school and sara just wants to piss them both off so she hooks up w oliver (and they’ve known each other for so long that they both feel guilty abt it and they try to make it a Thing bc they don’t want to admit that they both just used each other for different reasons)
it it’s sometime after that, after she and oliver collapsed under the very weak foundation their relationship was already built on, after laurel starts dating tommy, after amaya promises sara she’s not a bad person for what happened with oliver, it’s sometime then that ava makes that challenging retort abt sara even trying to get a better grade than her in french
and all sara can think of is laurel, the way laurel hadn’t been mad when she hooked up with oliver, the way laurel had just snuck into her room late at night and slipped under the covers and hugged sara close as sara broke down abt why their mom just didnt care abt all the good things sara was doing, the way laurel had softly murmured “you’re brilliant sara. you are, you’re so smart and so capable and if mom can’t see that, then she doesn’t deserve to.”
so sara does try. and she gets an a+. and the beam on laurel’s face when she sees it on sara’s desk, the pride on quentin’s when sara tells him - sara never looks back (and she also starts to look a bit more at ava, because maybe she’s not all horrible) 
gary comes out at the very end of sophomore year, sara goes over to give him a hug and she sees the expression on ava’s face - proud and protective and kind but also sort of hurt and definitely, definitely jealous, and sara suddenly remembers the way ava had acted towards her after sara had first come out and she remembers her vague, kind of unfounded assumption that maybe ava was gay, realises that ava’s never had a boyfriend, never said yes to any of the numerous attractive guys who have asked her out 
but also, sara’s known ava for like, 4 years by now and she knows what kind of family ava has and she feels this sudden ache in her chest bc ava must be in the most difficult position - sara doesn’t even know if ava is aware of it, so she doesn’t wanna say anything or offer support (also bc ava still grinds her gears to no end)
but she just keeps an eye out, checks ava’s facebook / instagram every once in a while to see if she’s posted anything abt it or added smth like a pride flag to her bio
and then on a sunday evening in october junior year, ava comes out on facebook. sara doesn’t see it first, in fact, she’s lying on the living room couch trying to not fall asleep reading her social studies text book when from the armchair, laurel lets out a quiet “huh” and both quentin and sara say “what?” at the same time and laurel goes “ava sharpe’s in your grade, right sara?” and sara nods and quentin’s like “is that the girl you did that chem assignment with earlier in the year?” and sara wrinkles her nose and goes “unfortunately. she’s a pain in my ass.” and laurel just hums and says “well, she just came out.”
sara almost falls off the couch, scrambling into a sitting position and snatching laurel’s phone and ignoring laurel’s protesting “hey!”
she reads the post through several times before she goes to comment and realises she’s on laurel’s phone, grabbing her own but then she hesitates, wanting to write something genuine but it feels too vulnerable so instead goes “ffs sharpe, on top of everything else, i now have to compete with you for hot girls too?”, but she opens messenger and goes “hey, just wanted to say congrats on coming out. i know it’s nowhere near easy to tell your family so like, hope that went okay. and i’m here if you wanna talk abt it at all.”
and the day after, as they’re clearing up microscopes and stuff in bio, ava quietly thanks her for her message and sara shrugs, goes “i get it.” and ava pauses before quietly admitting “you know i always admired you for being out. especially when we were so young back in middle school. i’d only just started thinking about it then and … i was a mess. seeing you being out and happy and just - the same person you’d always been … that helped more than you know.”
and it’s probably the most meaningful conversation they’ve ever had (or at least had in a Long time)
and 4 days later, ava shows up on sara’s doorstep after a fight with her mom at dinner and this entire fic began. 
also, for your own reading pleasure, some other random moments we thought of; 
sara only ever called ava ‘sharpe’ or ‘sharpie’ or any other variation of her name until they were both 15/16
ava used to roll her eyes every time sara got a a bad grade because she could be so much better if she tried, but she doesnt
sara nearly started a fight the first time she and ava had to work together on a project, and once they started it and it became clear they worked well together she was the Most Annoyed™️
back in middle school ava always scoffed and made some patronising comment every time she watched someone break up a fight sara had gotten into (except for the one time in the first few weeks of class when she had to stop sara throwing her second, or maybe third punch at a homophobic jerk in their class who’d cornered her on the way back from school - that time she shoved him away and watched him go before turning and cautiously asking if sara was okay, and sara glared at her and told her she’d had everything under control before storming off in the opposite direction)
there are probably many many headcanons for this part of the universe that we will think of but i hope this suffices for now, feel free to come yell about anything legends / fic related bc this was so much fun 💖💞
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maybenexttimeff · 8 years
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I felt a body laying next to me, I rolled over to see who is this and I saw Chris asleep. I'm gawking at him so hard, every thing about him, he is so perfect. and It's driving me crazy to know that I know him only a month and I'm ready for him, to love him and to have sex with him.. wait a minute... didn't I left him outside the hotel room? how he got inside. I don't wanna argue with him, I feel like all our emotions and actions are too rash. So I decided to be calm and to figure out what we gonna do. "Chris" I put my hand on his back to wake him up "Mmm" all he said "get up freak" he opened his eyes and gawked at me "stop staring at me and get up we need to talk" he got up but walked to the bathroom, I sat on the bed waiting for him to come back.
he walked towards me with a smirk on his face "stop smirking and sit" he looked at me and didn't flinch ones! he sat next to me and I started to question him full of questions. "how you got in?" he itch his head "I walked down to the receptionist and told her that I'm your boyfriend and that you fell asleep and left me outside accidentally, she believed and gave me a key to the room, and the fact that I'm Chris Brown helped too" If I could I would've beat him "why would you do that Chris?" I said that with so much anger "Because you misunderstood me and what I meant" I don't wanna hear him anymore "Chris we did everything so fast, our emotions are not real, it happened so fast I can't keep up with everything that going on, I shouldn't come here with you. I feel like we rushing" Chris shakes his head to let me know that he want to say something "Babe please just let me talk" I had a tear that almost escaped but I didn't let that happen "talk, I listen" he breathed out of relief "listen, When I told you that I can't, it's not that I don't want. It's just because I can't fuck you in the middle of a party with full of people and plus I don't wanna fuck you, I want to make love to you" Why he need to be this cute and kind with me "to know that I won't hurt you. I don't know about you but my emotions are real. I do know what I feel for you" damn if only I could tell him that I feel the same,but my ego won't let me "I know it's hard for you to show love but I suggest that we take it slow this time, yeah we can kiss because I need you. but we won't do more than this. until you feel 100% ready and comfortable, Is that ok with you?" I nodded my head and hugged him so close to me "now let me sleep" he kissed me and pulled me down to the bed with him "Chris let me go" he hugged me closer "you can't move babe you need to be here so I can sleep in peace" I kissed him and lay my head on his chest "I can hear your heart beat" he said nothing but kissed my head.
Today is the performance, after this we going to be in virginia for the weekend. Chris is still asleep, he looks so beautiful so I took a picture of him and posted it with the caption 'Big Day For Him #Virginia #bfflife' in the pic you can't see who it is actually so we good. someone knocks in the door, let me see who is this. looking through the peephole. opening the door and seeing my best friend Mel standing there, she smiled at me "Robzzz" I was ready to hug her "What about me bitch, you not surprised with me here?" look at LeLe all mad at me "shut up I didn't noticed you were here" I hugged them both so close and we jumped in our place like fools "one,two three we are trio ahhhhhh" we screamed and sang and jumped "Robyn" damn I forgot about Chris being here "Who you talking to" Chris came to the door and saw Mel and Leandra "I can see you got a company already" Leandra said. Chris cleared his throat and he all grinning "Le shut up it's not like that" Mel and Leandra busted out laughing, I turned around to see what Chris was doing but he just smiled "What" I squeezed my eyes at him "you tell me what" he put his hands up and walked away "Robz clam down" Mel said to me, now I felt uncomfortable I leaned from leg to leg standing uncomfortably "who said I'm not" Mel and Leandra almost cried from laughing at me "We can tell by your body language" I looked down to my feet to see what's wrong "Ugh I can't deal with y'all now, come in" I walked into my hotel room "we should order a service room, I'm hungry" Chris came to our way topless and rubbing his stomach while he said that. Mel and Leandra gawked at him "Why you took your shirt off for?" he looked down at himself "I want to take a shower, is that a problem?" I shook my head at him and bit my bottom lip, I'm ready to cuss him out "stop doing that Robz" he looked at my lips and turned around and walked away. I released my lip, I feel we acting like a married couple sometimes.
Mel LeLe and I sat in my room while Chris having a shower "So you two are together?" Mel asked me "Alright I won't lie to you two, but we really don't know what we are, There is no definition of our relationship" they looks confused "You guys kissed?" I was ready to lie but nahh "Yes we did, but there's no connection between this subjects" Mel now was pissed off "Girl so if y'all kissed you sure are together, or would you accept another girl kissing him now? or sleeping with him at nights like you just did, or not even both but just touching him?" now I think she right but I can't tell her that she is, no way "It won't bother me tho, we know what we are and it's just the beginning of something, I don't know still if it's real but whatever. I don't care if some girl talk or touch him" I moved my eyes from Mel to Lele and back, It was such a big lie I thought to myself . This two looked behind me so I turned around and saw Chris on his way to the room, Mel got up and walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, such a weirdo.
We sat to eat, Chris eventually drove with Mel to Mcdonalds and bought us meals, we sat in the living room eating, Mel sat next to Chris and Lele was next to me "Yo this girl that we saw" Mel and Chris started to laugh "Don't tell them" Chris puts a hand on her leg as they laughed "She's the dumbest woman alive" Mel couldn't help but laugh "what you two talking about" LeLe was curious and I kept quiet "what you saying? should we tell them?" Chris shooked his head with his mouth full of burger "I can't tell you the boss don't allowed me" Mel got closer and put her head on Chris's chest, What's going on here?! that makes me really angry.
I finished to eat and didn't said a word "Why you alone?" Le came to my room and sat next to me "feel the need to be alone that's all" she looked not impressed "is that because Chris and Mel?" I looked at her and said nothing "I saw you staring at them both all the lunch, I can tell they are doing this on purpose" my eyes was now looking at my hands "I don't know I don't care tho, let's get ready for the show" I played like it's all cool when it's not tho. I got up and started to dress for the show, after this Lele can do my makeup and hairstyle "Robz Just to let you know me and Chris are going to be organized for the show at my room so his people can come to mines and I'll help him with his clothes..." she said that like she want me to say something. man she annoying me but I won't play her game "cool sis let me know when you two are ready and we'll go?" she smiled at me like I was stupid "yeah about that, we planned to go there together... alone you know so he can show me Virginia" I looked at her in disbelief. that was too much I think "What you up to Mel?" she pretend like she was offended by me "What you talking about? just hanging out with my brother-in-low" I squeezed my eyes at her "yeah sure" I said that while nodding lightly my head "anyway we going" Chris came to my direction to give me a goodbye kiss but I stepped back from him. "Robyn what's wrong" He acting so innocent now "have fun Chris"  I folded my hands and got a face on i really don't want to talk to him right now.
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she was so annoying at the fact that Mel and I talking and laughing too much, Mel came to me and told me to do this so Robyn get jealous. at first I didn't believed she would actually be jealous but she is. she won't say that she is jealous but she talking like I'm a stranger and at the same time don't allow Mel to touch me or anything else. that's really funny tho. me and Mel at her hotel room, we getting ready for the show "you look clean" I looked at myself proudly "thank you, same about you" Mel wears a purple mini dress, I can't wait to see what Robyn is wearing.
Me and Mel got to the backstage "where is she?" Mel was too damn aloud and noisy. "I don't know, let me call her" I dialed her number and called her but as I waited for her to answer me I saw her walking with some random guy to some room that I really don't know what room is this, she didn't saw me or Mel and I'm pretty sure that even Mel hasn't saw her. "what the hell" I was getting angry "what?" I heard Mel saying "I'm about to kill a nigga" I felt Mel's hand on my arm but I shook her grip on me and started to walk toward Robyn location. I was ready to break this door but it was locked "Robyn" I knocked so hard on this door I nearly broke that. The door unblocked but no one opened, I burst into the room and saw Robyn sitting while her makeup artist doing her makeup "You crazy Chris" she didn't bother to even look at me but at her iPhone. "Can you give us five minutes?" I said to her makeup artist, he nodded his head and walked out "why you told him to walk away?" I got closer to her and now I'm standing in front of her "because I need to talk to you, where is the guy?" she looked at me all numb "what guy?" why she acting innocent now. I closed my eyes and breath slowly in and out. I sat down and claimed myself, I felt Robyn sitting next to me on the sofa, her right hand was wrapped around my neck and her left hand on my thigh. my hands was holding my head "why you so depressed?" I don't know myself "I don't know, I just don't love to see guys around you" she giggled in my ear "And I don't like what you and Mel tried to do, you saw me going crazy?" I raised my head and looked at her eyes, I nodded my head shamefully. "I just feels like any other guy can do you better than me and you'll accept him" now she rested her head on my left shoulder "Noooo" she said that in a whisper "Chris what I need to do so you can understand that there is no other guy" she now looking at me, our faces were so close, I looked at her lips "be my girlfriend, I'm not asking for sex even If I'm dying to, just let me announce that you are my girlfriend to my family, my friends" she kissed me and whispered "and what we were until now? I don't need to tell you that I'm your girlfriend, because we are already acting like a married couple" I laughed at her that was actually true "so you are mine?" she bit her lips and nodded her head "stop doing that" I can't with her biting her lips, it's affecting my dick "ok, the fact that you are mine won't stop me from being jealous, you are worthy and I won't let you slipped away from me" she smiled "same" all she said as she kissed me "ok be ready baby we need to be on stage in 10 minutes" she got up "ok bae let me get ready" we are standing now in front of each other, I pulled her closer to me and kissed her deeply and whispered to her against her lips "change your makeup artist I don't like him" she looked at me now so confused "why?" I smiled "because" I walked towards the door "he got a dick" I blow her a kiss and walked out.
I almost finished the show, I walked backstage as Robyn was on stage now alone singing Umbrella, I drank water and was ready to go on stage. I could hear her saying "I want y'all to sing with me... come on, you have my heart, and we'll never be worlds apart, maybe in magazines but you'll still be my star..." I felt butterflies in my stomach, I was excited to go on stage and perform with her. no one knows that we did a remix to this song.. "baby cause in the dark you can't see shiny cars and that's when you need me there with you I'll always share, Because..." now all the crowd is singing with her, she is so beautiful, I can see all the band wearing T shirts with her face on it that was so funny tho. now that's my sign to come in "umbrella ella ella ehh ehh ehh" I walked in the stage seeing her looking at me "You're becoming a dream to me, Fairytale fantasy" walking closer to Robyn while dancing "Nothing can ever compare, An image to my memory" now I'm standing in front of her, my hand on her waist "Girl I'm asking could you be my queen? A vision on a magazine" her smile is everything, I smiled at her back, grabbed her hand and walked with her next to me to the front of the stage facing the crowd "That's when I'll be there It's something we both share Because..." we both danced as I kept on singing my part, I'm looking at Robyn dancing and she looks so free and beautiful and I thank god for her. she is mine. I walk slowly towards her and now we facing each other "baby girl you can be my cinderella ella ella eh eh ehh" we standing so close to each other I'm getting closer to her face but she playing and pulling her head backwards so I can't kiss her, the crowd go crazy and I laughed, her giggles is beyond perfect. I ran to the other side of the stage and kept on singing "you can be my cinderella ella ella ella ehh ehhhehhhh yo" now I walking again towards her "You can run into my arms" I put my hand on her waist "It's okay don't be alarmed" she sang while I pulled her closer to me "Come into me" we moved side to side together "There's no distance in between our love So go on and say my name some more I'll be all you need and more" I looked at her while she put all of her into this lyrics. some fat guy got on stage with her face on his T shirt and a red umbrella I laughed so loud at the fact that I could see her face on every person up here. I holds her hand and we walked closer to exit the stage but we turned around and put our hands up, I hugged her and whispered "you are beyond amazing baby" we walked towards the crowd my hand on her shoulder and her hand wrapped around me "make a noise for Chris Brown" the crowd went crazy that was amazing "y'all make a noise for this beautiful woman Rihanna" I stepped away from her and clapped for her. this was my favorite performance of all time, she was so beautiful and that's one of the reasons why I love her so much even if I know her for a month.
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