#i struggled with the caption for so long i'm giving up
blackbonnette · 1 year
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Edward "Blackbeard" Teach
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thepersonperson · 7 days
Why the hell is JJK 270 called Dream's End?
JJK 270 being titled Dream’s End is so fudging ominous. That’s some Umineko type beat. I’m not sure if I should even judge this chapter as presented because of this. In fact, I'm holding off on posting the other analysis I had for today since I no longer am certain of what JJK 268–270 are.
There's two lines of thought I have:
1) Gege suffering from burnout and bad working conditions plus rushing has caused the writing to decline.
2) Gege still has a hidden ace saved for the final chapter and the weird writing is deliberate.
I'm going to humor Option 2, but only because the title of this chapter is called Dream's End.
(The most 'hear me out' discussion under the cut. Using TCB scans and leaks. Click images for captions/citations.)
[Small Update: Follow-up Discussion on why everyone feels OOC.]
"Without love it cannot be seen."
This is a phrase and philosophy I have borrowed from Umineko since I've started these JJK yapfests. It essentially boils down to 'discard your negative biases and try to examine things in good faith.'
JJK 268 & 269 have fudging tested that for me. I've been giving Gege and the characters a pretty hard time with the caveat of knowing how exploitative the manga industry is. I initially rejected the idea that these chapters were to be taken at anything other than face-value because of this. In fact, I cited the JJK 268 chapter title of Finale as a reason I've accepted things as is.
And with that same logic, I'm now doing the opposite... So hear me out! I've got some pretty good reasons to be doing this.
What's wrong with JJK 268–270?
There's a lot of things in these chapters that are fundamentally inconsistent with what's been established in throughout the manga. If we use Option 1 to explain these contradictions, these are last second retcons because Gege forgor.
Option 2? We're about to have the rug pulled the hell out from under us because the last 3 chapters have been delusions.
What first tipped me off to something possibly being wrong on purpose was the fate of the incarnated culling game players in JJK 270. Not too long ago it was established that the souls of non-sorcerers in vessels were unsavable.
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The souls are suppressed in a way that distorts them permanently or their consciousness is outright destroyed. They were gambling on Megumi's survival due to him being a sorcerer and Sukuna's incarnation method being unique. 99% of them will die and those who survive will likely be vegetables, so why is there a sudden gamble on their survival in JJK 270?
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It's such a neat and fine bow to tie this mess up that goes directly against existing lore. It's so ideal that it has me suspicious.
Brain damage from sorcery on non-sorcerers has been established as extremely taxing. I think about Gojo's Unlimited Void (UV) the most when it comes to this. Non-sorcerers were hit by it for 0.2 seconds and required medical intervention for 2 months to fully heal from it. Sukuna, the absolute strongest, tanked some of it and it affected him for the rest of the battle. ...And then we have Megumi who was under it for about 6 minutes and seems to have very little problems from it.
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This is bizarre. Someone who underwent the month long bath and UV without Reverse Curse Technique (RCT) should be struggling to even stand after waking up. Sukuna had RCT and the Gojo brain damage still took him out. This screams of inconsistent writing unless...this is a deliberate hint that something is amiss.
I want to draw attention to the panel Megumi's UV damage is addressed. Just about everyone has been seemingly waiting around in the same spot for him to wake up. It's a bit weird given that sorcerers don't usually do that. They usually get a move on asap. And after the destruction of Shinjuku and the Culling Game Players still running about, why would they take a breather to discuss their plans that worked?
But that's not what started bothering me about that panel after reading JJK 270. It's that characters who aren't in the room, start appearing without warning. Look who is behind Maki and to the left. It's Kusakabe. And to her and Yuta's right? Inumaki. So why is it that Hakari, Kiara, and Ino are in Kusakabe's place while Todo spawns where Inumaki is? (And Yuta is facing the wrong direction too.)
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That's pretty fudging weird right? You can chalk it up to Gege forgor but it doesn't stop there. Higuruma enters the discussion in a way that causes Yuji to pause.
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Why is Yuji surprised to see him? (And where the fudge did he come from?) Shouldn't he know of his survival by now? And why is he in a cast? Higuruma had learned RCT and fully restored his arms before leaving the battlefield. If he's conscious, then he should be able to heal himself fully no problems.
And that got me thinking... Why is Yuji still missing his fingers?
It was established that he kept his fingers unhealed to help with Yuta's plan. This means that if he won, he has no need to keep them missing. Yuji has fully regenerated missing chunks of his face, including his eye, and stomach. He has RCT just like Higuruma. But it doesn't end there either. Yuji's number of fingers on his left hand keeps changing.
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4 fingers, 3 fingers, dubious amount of fingers, 5 fingers. Once again, you can chalk it up to Gege forgor, but JJK 270 came out and the same problem started happening with Megumi's scars.
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The same mistake is made within the same set of panels and very big page. That's weird.
ONCE AGAIN, you can chalk it up to Gege forgor, but when these errors occur, like with Yuta mistakenly having his ring on in JJK 251, Gege will note the mistake outright. Gege has made no such comments for Yuji's fingers or the scars. This many “errors” in row when Gege has otherwise been careful with these features could indicate it really is on purpose. (Kind of like Sukuna's everchanging mask. The thing was just moving around and pulsing. That was deliberate not inconsistency.)
What does this mean?
I think it means what we are seeing isn't reality. After all, the most common way to tell if you're dreaming is being unable to count the number of fingers on your hands. Another way to tell is the distortion of faces.
Readers have noticed that something is wrong. The weird timeskips, the lack of lasting consequences, design inconsistencies, characters behaving like similes of themselves, death and pain being glossed over like it's nothing. It all feels so off. But it's still close enough to the original to be somewhat believable. ...Is that not what it's like to dream and not know you are dreaming?
Why is it that the chapter titled Dream's End ends with the hunt for a curse user whose ability is to distort the perception of reality?
Dreams and Delusions in JJK
We already know Gege weaves Buddhist symbolism and ideas heavily into JJK. I'm not an expert in Buddhism at all, so there's a lot of it that goes over my head. I decided to look into if dreams are significant in Buddhism and boy howdy are they. Quoted directly from the source:
"Dreams can be a message from a Bodhisattva, an ancestor, or a god, The intent of the dream may be to test the dreamer’s resolve: is he non-retreating (avaivartika) from Bodhi (enlightenment) even when sleeping? The purpose of the dream visit may be to communicate information vital to the dreamer’s well-being. The Buddha himself had five dreams of catastrophes, falling stars and worlds in collision just before his enlightenment. The dreams were sent to him not by a benevolent Dharma-protector, but by an malevolent sorcerer, intent on disrupting the Buddha’s samadhi and preventing his awakening."
In summary, (correct me if I'm wrong) dreams appear to be seen as another state of being just as valuable and impermanent as reality.
There's also this other bit I'll quote directly.
"The most common use of dreams in the literature of the Mahayana, or “Northern School” of Buddhism in China, Tibet, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam is to see dreams as a simile for sunyata, (emptiness) the hollow core at the heart of all component dharmas (things). For example, in the well-known Vajra (Diamond) Sutra, the Buddha taught that:
“All conditioned dharmas, are like a dream, like an illusion, like a bubble, like a shadow, like a dewdrop, like a lightening flash; you should contemplate them thus.”"
That's starting to sound like what Yuji's Domain does, right? He projects memories that did happen and mixes them with delusions and dreams. Sukuna and Megumi both experience this in full.
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It's incredibly suspicious that it hasn't been named yet. Yuji is the son of Kenjaku who has a domain based on the Womb Sutra/Realm...which is paired with the aforementioned Diamond Realm to encompass the entire Dharma. It's very likely this is what Yuji's domain is—a realm of dreams and reality combined as one.
Unreality Runs in the Family
When Sasaki Setsuko "wakes up" as the Culling Games begin, Kenjaku explains her situation with this:
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What follows is a sequence that cannot be described as a dream. It seems to be a blend of reality and hallucinations. But that's not anything strange, Sukuna does it too with Kashimo in reverse.
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As you can see, both the positions of the characters and even the backgrounds change suddenly from reality to ??? and from sequence to sequence. It's all incredibly dream like.
Another strange thing about this space is Kenjaku creating it as a part of an escape route Binding Vow. You know, the kind Sukuna uses for Malevolent Shrine.
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What I want to draw attention to here is this reality-dream state somewhat requires consent (in the loosest possible definition) to appear. The person entering this state has to desire it themself. We see this with Jogo and Gojo who are mutually interested in having a relationship of somekind with Sukuna. (Same with Kashimo.)
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(It's also very hard to tell if they are dead or still in the process of dying during this.)
This is where the delusions Yuji projects differ. They are forced onto others when he is near death or severely injured, seemingly as a defense mechanism.
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And would you look at that...the syntax is identical for Todo and Choso's Brother Yuji Delusions. "At that moment, a memory was born inside X's brain...of a past event that never happened." It's kind of like how Yuji replaces Gojo in Megumi's memory to reach him. It's also very strange that Sukuna, Choso, and Jogo go "What is this?" to this in-between space.
My point here is that Yuji having access to this space has been hinted at since the start of this manga and that it was inherited it by blood. (Totally Not Kenjaku showing up with Takaba Mr. Reality Warping CT in JJK 270 supports my case too I think.)
What does this mean for JJK 268–270?
The battle ended in JJK 268. Of that I'm certain. What I no longer know is if anyone survived.
A common complaint about Sukuna's death is his lack of an afterlife scene. Everything ended so abruptly. And then Megumi wakes up.
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It's so jarring in out of place. ...But that's how all scenes involving the space between dreams and reality begin. Sasaki Setsuko "wakes up" once and then again. Most of us have experienced those kind of dreams right? (They made a whole movie about it called Inception which is based on the movie Paprika.)
There's one other thing I need to draw attention to. Yuji's Domain shattered after Sukuna cast Domain Expansion (DE).
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When a sorcerer withdraws their domain voluntarily, it does not shatter. Gojo has demonstrated this for us in quite clearly.
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When a domain is broken by force, it will shatter and shards will scatter. When a domain is withdrawn, no shards are left behind. Yuta uses these facts as a part of his plan. In JJK 252, it's revealed by Kusakabe that Yuta shatters his own domain on purpose to trick Sukuna into thinking he won.
What this means is that some kind of violent action needs to be taken to shatter a domain. Yuji's domain is massive and his attacks only targeted Sukuna. What could've shattered his domain all at once? He's not had the time to practice shattering parts of it like Yuta.
Gojo has shown us what a uniform domain shattering looks like—it happens when Malevolent Shrine activates. (Please note that the sfx used for Sukuna breaking Gojo's domain is カシャア. It's the same one used for Yuji's domain shattering.)
I'm proposing that we've been in unreality since the end of JJK 266. Sukuna and Yuji are both severely injured, on the verge of death, and have a connection with each other. These are all conditions that trigger the space between dreams and reality.
And I must remind you that Yuji first triggers this event with Todo after a severe head injury. Right before Sukuna casts his domain, they do this to each other.
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Everything that has come after has been perfect for Yuji to a unbelievable degree. Everyone whose death was uncertain is alive and the living are getting exactly what they wanted. The effort behind it and the logistics are all missing. And yes a rushed ending can explain that, but that too can be part of the ruse.
Another massive complaint is that mourning has not occurred. Not for Gojo or Choso despite how much Yuji cherished them. It's like they're being willfully forgotten by the cast despite being crucial to their success in Shinjuku. It feels out of character, especially since Yuji is of the few that showed concern for them no matter what.
But if this is a delusion on the brink of death designed to bring happiness, why would Yuji think of the dead? He's always been so avoidant with it. When his grandpa is dying and trying to talk about his parents, Yuji tells him to shut up. When Nanami dies, he thinks of him then and then never again directly leading up to his talk with Sukuna. When Megumi tries to discuss Nobara's fate, Yuji ends the conversation as quickly as possible.
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The only people in this world are the ones who may or may not be dead. He saw Yuta in Gojo's corpse. The only way that can happen is if Gojo is dead. Yuji has no choice but to believe it. Choso burned away before his eyes. Yuji has no choice but to believe it. He went through some of Megumi's memories and saw Tsumiki's corpse. Yuji has no choice but to believe it.
And since Tsumiki is the only person Yuji wasn't close with, she's the only death that has been outright acknowledged. But not for too long! That would make Megumi sad.
Another complaint is that Sukuna really didn't kill anyone in the final battle outside of those two and Kashimo. The dudebros call it Disney Kaisen. But the fairytale-like idea that everyone is ok? Todo was the one who put that idea in Yuji's head.
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And Yuji has always been one to fall to story-like logic when things look like they're finally wrapping up.
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"And then everything will be just fine." (Yuji before the worst possible outcome for both him and Megumi happens.)
This is similar to the line Gakuganji uses in JJK 270. "Everything is fine." This line is the whole reason I sat down and wrote this all out without stopping. I know Gakuganji. He'd never say that. This man has been in a state of worry over Jujutsu Society since his first appearance. He doesn't even fully believe in Gojo's cause as someone who values tradition. He's a stickler for details and will do everything in his power to ensure stability. For him to toss Sukuna and Tengen's remains in a shrine and call it a day? Who is that? He's changed but not that much.
And so I compared the raws.
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It is very much the same 大丈夫 (Daijoubu). These are Yuji's words.
What I'm proposing is that JJK 267–270 are Yuji's delusions of the happiest possible ending. It's a picture perfect little end where all the trauma and death has no effect on the living and people move on like nothing happened. I don't know if this means he's dead or if Megumi's dead or if they're all dead. But what I'm seeing now? I don't think it's real.
Reexamining JJK 269
CW: Brief discussion of suicide.
Even if this turns out to be a part of the smokescreen, I'm always going to hate JJK 269. But I do want to give it some grace under the assumption this chapter titled Examination (which can also be translated as Reflection) is about Yuji's guilt. Both him and Megumi's tbh. I think their feelings for each other and their situations are driving these delusions. That's one thing about this space that's real—the feelings behind them.
Yuji has a lot of guilt surrounding his existence after ingesting Sukuna, Megumi does too. Straight up Yuji has been seeking death over it since JJK 9.
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He struggles to forgive himself for being the centerpiece to violence he had little to no control over. The only thing that upsets him more than that is knowing that his death will break Megumi's heart. He doesn't want Megumi to feel any guilt for it whatsoever.
The kicker is, Megumi already knows Yuji is planning to die. And he wants to do everything to rid him of that guilt. Up until they connect inside of Yuji's domain, they were unaware they shared the same goal for each other.
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And that's what JJK 269 is. It's a very cold and harsh breakdown that allows them to forgive themselves. Blame is passed around and ultimately pinned on a combination of Gojo and Kenjaku. (It's really weird Sukuna isn't blamed either, but that's not the point of this for now.)
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Kusakabe's comment is especially harsh. Telling Yuji point blank he should've died and that both sides on the issue were valid? He may have believed that to an extent, but he made a point of not telling it to his face. Why have a whole chapter discussing how kind he is only to turn around and do this?
If this is all a delusion, a manifestation of Yuji's guilt and trying to absolve himself of it for Megumi's sake, that makes sense. This version of Kusakabe is what Yuji feels guilt over the most—Everyone's lives being better if he died.
In the same breath Kusakabe tells them to solely blame the adults. It's very reminiscent of Nanami telling Yuji that being a child is not a sin.
It should also be noted that every single time Megumi tries to apologize for being possessed, he's stopped. Maki tears into Yuta without checking in on him, but she asks if Megumi is ok and tells him to not blame himself. JJK 270 is full of this too. He tries to apologize to Tsumiki at her grave and Shoko tells him not to sweat it. He tries to apologize to Hana and she hits on him instead.
This delusion is crafted out of love. It allows Megumi to live in a world where he can move on from the guilt surrounding his possession and saving Yuji. It's all Yuji has ever wanted for him. And now that Yuji knows Megumi wants him to forgive himself, he has no choice but to do that too.
It's a perfect ending for Megumi that's too good to be true.
It must be a dream...
There's another thing I can't reconcile about JJK 269 unless it's a delusion—Todo's explanation for Yuta's plan. It's another one of those glaring contradictions.
In JJK 269 Todo claims Boogie Woogie can't target Maki. But in JJK 259? Todo makes plans with Mei Mei knowing that it works with her.
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Either Todo lied...or Yuji never fully knew the plan and that Boogie Woogie could target Maki. Otherwise she would be dead. Her surviving Sukuna's flames would be impossible.
I've already talked about how Yuji believing those who may or may not be dead are alive is Todo's doing. He's always been the one to save Yuji from his breakdowns. But let's talk about his speech in Shibuya.
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"Looking for meaning or logic in death...can at times defile the memories of those we've lost!"
Everyone who has read these past 3 chapters has really felt the defiling of Gojo's memory. And it was all in service to a strange logic that helped them cope with all this death. Acknowledging how massive Gojo's sacrifice was would riddle both Yuji and Megumi with immense guilt, so it's best to ignore it for Megumi's sake. (And perhaps that's why Yuji replaces Gojo in that memory.)
"What have you been entrusted with? You don't need to answer right now. However... Until you find your answer, never stop moving."
In a way, JJK 269 is an answer to the question Todo proposed. Yuji was entrusted with saving Megumi. Saving Megumi requires Megumi and Yuji forgiving themselves. And Yuji won't stop moving until it's done. All these time jumps and rushed developments are Yuji moving Megumi forward. He's getting that happy ending even if it's to the detriment of everything else.
What about Sukuna?
When Sukuna respects his opponents and they have a connection, he gives others these dreams before they pass. He's been very impressed by Megumi since JJK 9. It's not out of the ballpark for him to allow Megumi to die satisfied in the way Gojo did. Yuji also seems to understand that Sukuna was manipulated by others just as much as he was. I think that's why Sukuna is spared of the blame for the most part.
I don't think Sukuna won. He's probably dead. But he did warn Yuji not to underestimate him. I think the worst absolute last fudge you to Yuji he could give is this happy ending dream before ripping it all away as he dies.
In Conclusion...
I'm not sure that we're going to get that happy ending. Reggie Star warned us not too long ago.
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"...it all comes down to a sorcerer's lies."
Reggie is a lot like Sukuna here, outwitted by modern sorcerers and dying to someone he loathes. Sukuna is good at tricking people. He let Gojo think he won before tearing it all away. Yuta did the exact same thing to him. Or did he?
"Can you do me a favor? After all, you've killed me. Let fate toy with you, become a clown, then die."
If the last 3 chapters are delusions...Megumi will be playing the part of a clown.
Gege said the manga would end with either 1/4 or 3/4 of Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and Gojo surviving. This of course, could be changed throughout its development, but Gege said the manga is ending in its original vision. There's a real chance that it's only Yuji or Nobara surviving.
Remember, Gege is a troll first and foremost. Somehow Gojo was revived, but in the worst way possible (Yujo). Somehow Gojo did tell Megumi about Toji, but in the worst way possible (dead man's final letter).
Gege also said this about the final chapter:
"I am working hard to create a final chapter that will (hopefully) satisfy as many people as possible who have supported Jujutsu Kaisen. So everyone, please bear with me!"
I can't think of a better way to appease everyone than by making the last 3 chapters nothing more than dream.
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Can you do a smut where R is teasing Natasha, like sending her sexy pics and whimper while Natasha is on a mission and when she got home she F r senselessly?
Double take
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Warnings: Spanking, oral (r receiving), Strap on sex (r receiving), Dirty talk, Sending nudes, masturbating, marking, and I think that's it
Parings: Natasha Romanoff x fem reader
Word count: 3k
The desolate and poorly illuminated room persisted in its frigid state. The absence of your beloved girlfriend was palpable, leaving you in solitude once more.
As you shifted onto your side, a sudden gasp escaped your lips, echoing in the empty room. The sheets beside you were void of Natasha's presence, serving as a harsh reminder of her absence for the next five days. Though it may seem like a short duration to some, the void left by her departure was palpable, as your reliance on her was immense.
As you lay in bed, restlessly shifting from side to side, the once perfectly tucked-in sheets have now become a mess, crumpled and scattered all over. The temperature in the room seemed to rise as your mind was fixated on the thoughts of Natasha.
As you reminisce about the past, you can't help but recall the sweet words she whispered in your ear. Her assurances that you were the epitome of perfection and that she could never imagine being with anyone else send a small but genuine smile to your lips.
You longed for her presence, yearning to feel her warmth beside you once more.
As you reach out to the nightstand to grab your phone, the dimly lit room offers a sense of comfort. Your fingers feel the cool surface of your phone as your eyes struggle to adjust to the sudden flash of your lock screen. You notice a few notifications, mostly from Wanda and Carol. However, the one message you were hoping for, from Natasha, is nowhere to be seen.
As you glance at your phone, you realize that it's already 4:36 in the morning. You put it back on the nightstand and attempt to fall back asleep. However, you find yourself tossing and turning and unable to drift into slumber. With nothing else to do, you unlock your phone and peruse through your contacts. You stop at Natasha's name, contemplating whether or not to message her. You hesitate, whispering to yourself, "Should I really text her?" while gazing at her contact, unsure if you should initiate a conversation.
Your mind is filled with uncertain thoughts. However, you crave her presence so deeply, yearning for the warmth of her embrace, the comfort of her cuddles, the kisses she would give you, and the touch of her fingers...
A sudden idea strikes your mind, causing you to sit up on the bed. A small but meaningful smirk adorns your face as you ponder over the thought. You proceed to pull your shirt over your head, lost in deep contemplation. Leaving you in only a bra and panties.
Still looking over her contact, you press the screen gently. Allowing you to see the previous texts from a few days ago. Pressing the camera icon, you angle the phone so it can capture your body. Your chin was left in the fame. The camera mostly focuses on your white lace bra and white lace thong. The camera captured you sitting on your knees. One of your hands rested on your thigh while the other hand pressed the button to get the photo. After carefully examining the photo, you come to the conclusion that it could make Natasha think of you in a way that she would need you. You decide to add a heartfelt caption that reads, "Miss you so much baby <3" trying to throw her mind off guard from the photo on top of the message and confidently press the send button.
It's impressive how quickly Natasha responded to the message in just five minutes. Right now, all you can see is the three dots, which means she's working on her reply. You feel a little nervous, of course, you've shared photos like this before. Just, not while Natasha was on a mission. You honestly didn't know how she was going to react to it.
'"I'm warning you, Y/n, don't start," Natasha quickly replies to you.
Not listening to Natasha, you quickly remove your bra and take another photo to send to her. What could be se bad about it? She would probably forget what you did as soon as she came back from her mission.
You sat in the same position as in the last photo, this time you brought your hand up to one of your boobs. Groping it slightly for the photo. Looking over the photo once more, making sure that it looked good. Clicked the send button and waited for Natasha to respond again.
"Jesus, y/n. It's 5 in the morning," Natasha replied promptly to your message.
"Is there something wrong with the photo?" you texted Natasha, trying to be oblivious to the fact you were sending her pictures of you halfway naked.
"Y/n, you know that's not what I meant. I'm in a hotel room with Maria and Thor. Getting me worked up right now isn't going to make things easy for you when I get back home my sweet girl."
"Alright, I'm sorry Nat. I won't send anything else..." You texted her that response, knowing that you were still going to send her something else. I mean, you just miss her so much. Who could blame you?
Clicking the camera button once more you decide to make this one a video.
Once the red button gets smaller you start your movements. The hand that's not holding the phone travels down your body. stopping when it gets to your panties. Slowly pulling them down to your mid-thigh. Letting out a low moan when the cold air hit your cunt. Stopping for a few seconds, you turn your body over to the nightstand to turn on the lamp that stood above the piece of furniture.
Once the room was illuminated by the light, you got back to the actions. Laying down on your back and angling the camera so it could capture your pussy, leaking with your juices.
Your hand slowly circles your clit, and another moan erupts from your mouth, pretending the hand was Natasha's. "Need you so bad Nat." You moan out into the air, your hips bucking up slightly from your movements on your clit.
Your hand suddenly stops its movements. The feeling of more pleasure coursing through your body. Your middle finger runs its way down your wet folds, teasing your hole, you thrust the tip of your finger in and out of your pussy. Hisses and sighs leave your mouth. The smallest amount of pleasure felt so good in your desperate state.
You finally pushed your whole finger into your cunt. Moaning at the way it filled you up. Yet, it still wasn't enough for you. Even with the thought of Natasha fucking you roughly with her fingers. You still needed more.
Moan after moan leaves your mouth, and another finger enters your pussy, trying hard to get yourself off. Natasha had you hooked. Ever since she fucked you for the first time you haven't been able to get off on your own, always needing her help.
The two fingers move at a faster pace, trying everything that they could to make you reach the high that you needed. Your legs start to shake. An indication that you might get that release that you've been waiting on. "Fuck, Nat." You moan out. Your eyes shut tightly as the hand that once circled your clit moved up to your boob, circling your nipple.
It only took a few more minutes before your high. Your legs close around your hand and lower arm. A loud moan leaves your mouth, you almost forget about the camera that was recording you.
Once the video had come to an end, you quickly sent it over to Natasha before placing your phone down on the nearby nightstand. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you tried to catch your breath, the pleasure still coursing through your veins. Even though you knew that this was a risky decision to send the video, you couldn't help but feel elated by the attention that you had received from Natasha. Of course, you were aware that you probably be punished by Natasha. but the thrill of it all made it seem worth it. Now, all you can do is wait and see how Natasha reacts to the video.
You turned off the lamp that your phone lay under and tried to get some sleep.
Today was the day that Natasha was supposed to come home. The past five days have been nothing but torture for you. Natasha had left your last video on read, leaving multiple worries through your mind.
As you settled onto the expansive couch, the warmth of the cushions enveloped you and you felt your body relax from the stress flowing through your mind. Your favorite movie played on the screen before you, the familiar scenes bringing a slight sense of comfort. You shifted a little, glancing towards the door as you anticipated Natasha's arrival.
As you sat on the couch, lost in your thoughts, the silence was suddenly broken by the sound of keys jingling outside the front door. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized that it was Natasha, who was finally back from her mission. You watched with bated breath as the door swung open, revealing Natasha standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face.
"You have anything you want to say to me y/n" Natasha asks you while she sets her keys down on an accent table you two had bought. She waited for your response while slipping off her shoes.
"'M sorry N-."
"No, I don't care. I want you on the bed Naked right now." Natasha interrupts your pleading and swiftly makes her way to the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge.
Upon hearing her request, you carefully make your way upstairs, taking fast steps to ensure that you do not exacerbate the situation. Once you arrive in the bedroom, you reach for the lamp and switch it on, casting a warm glow throughout the room. You hurry to take off all your clothes and lay down on the bed. Waiting for Natasha to come into the room.
A few minutes later, Natasha enters the bedroom to see your sprawled out on the bed. Even though she only said a few words it made such an impact with how you reacted and Natasha loved it.
"So obedient, why couldn't you listen to me just like this when I texted you to stop baby?"
A tiny whine left your mouth after hearing her speak to you. "Don't know." You spoke out to her which she laughed at slightly and made her way over to you, looking down at your frame with hazy eyes.
"Such a fucking slut. Sending me videos of you fingering yourself even though I said not to? How needy could you be?" Natasha spoke to you before sitting down on the bed and manhandling you to a position where you lay down on her legs.
"'M sorry Natasha, didn't mean to."
"I know, you said that Detka." She spat out to you before one of her hands made contact with your ass. A red handprint showing on the skin she slapped. A gasp left your mouth with the sudden impact. "How many do you think you deserve?" "5-?"
"Only 5? You think you only deserve 5?"
"Yes..." You whisper, out to her. You were surprised she was able to hear what came out of your mouth. A slight redness coming over your face.
"How about 10, that seems so much better. Huh?"
You didn't respond back to her, only nodding your head and placing it down on the sheets. Even if you tried to go against it, you wouldn't be able to. She had full control over you.
Natasha rubbed the skin for a few seconds before slapping your ass hard once more. A moan left your mouth as your hand grasped the sheets beneath you tightly.
Natasha's free hand was rubbing up and down your back as her other hand made multiple collisions on your now red skin.
Once Natasha was done with the assault on your backside she sat you up on her lap examining your tear-stained face. A small smile appeared on her face knowing she made you this way. She could feel the wetness pooling on her thigh, her finger trailing down to your clit, giving it a small rub. Your hips jolt at the movement and a low moan leaves your mouth. "So wet already? Did me spanking you turn you on that much?" She asked you this knowing that you wouldn't be responding back to her.
Natasha laid you down on your back as she got on her knees and removed her shirt. Your eyes stare at her frame after she takes off the piece of clothing. Her abs were on display, her plaid boxers showing a bit. She had a spider tattoo right where her v-line started. You were in a trance, not being able to look up. That was until Natasha got down on her stomach and started to kiss the inside of your thighs.
She made her way to your cunt, licking a stripe of arousal. "Taste so good baby." she said to you before going back and licking your cunt messily, her sweet praises almost made you think she wasn't mad at you anymore.
Moans drag out of your mouth one by one. A hand coming down and gripping her red hair, shoving her closer to your cunt. Your hips bucking up to her face and she immediately places her strong hand over one of your hips to keep you down. You hate to admit it but you were so close to coming in such a short time. "s-so close Nat, please" you beg out to her. Your head thrown back on the bed as Natasha switched from sucking your clit to sloppily licking your folds and fucking you with her tounge.
She quickly pulled away from your pussy after she heard you were about to cum. Her mouth and lower chin were dripping from your juices. You let a loud whine and started up at Natasha with glossy eyes, hoping it would convince her to let you cum.
"Not gonna work y/n. Should've thought about what would happen before sending me that video." She said before taking off her sweatpants. She walks away to your closet, leaving you a bit confused on why she was going in there.
Your legs close over each other, trying to get some type of pleasure while waiting on Natasha.
Natasha comes back out in the same outfit. Plaid boxers and a sports bra, yet, you noticed something different. She was packing under her boxers.
She walks back over to you and gets on top of you. Her head lowering and slowly kissing your neck, leaving marks all over that will definitely bruise up.
"N-Nat" You moan out to her.
"Shh, just let me use this pretty body baby, okay?" She tells you before sliding her boxers down. The strap popping up and hitting her stomach.
"Please need you so bad Nat." You whimper out to her, waiting for her to do something.
She quickly lines the tip of her strap up against your hole, rubbing it up and down before pushing it in. A strangled moan left your mouth as she bottomed out inside of you. "My cock feel good inside of your pretty pussy?" She asked, to which you nodded. Wrapping your legs against her waist
Natasha thrusted into you at a fast pace, her hands grasping your hips while she fucks into you. "Mm-fuck Natasha feels so good." "Like the way I fuck you? 'Wonder if your friends know that you can be such a slut for my cock." Groans left her mouth as she says your tits jumped up and down the more, she thrusted into you.
Her strap hits your g-spot with every thrust. Her eyes close as she feels the toy press on her clit, giving her a good amount of pleasure. She took one of her hands and circled your erect clit, giving you more pleasure by the moment.
"Please Natahsa, l-let me cum. Please." You moan out to her, hands grasping at her back, leaving crescent shaped scratches on her back. "F-fuck cum with me." She says to you, placing her head in the crook of your neck. Her thrust start to become inconsistent the closer she gets to her high.
A loud moan leaves your mouth as you finally release on her strap. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your mouth is wide open as you try to ride it out.
With a few more thrusts Natasha cums, a groan leaving her lips as her head is down in the pillow. Her free arm wrapping around you tightly.
"You did so good baby," Natasha tells you before climbing off your body. Her face is now red with some hair sticking to her face.
"Just so you know, I loved the video. You just can't send me that stuff when i'm on a mission, okay?' She tells you before grabbing you a shirt and underwear.
"Yeah, I know, 'just needed you so bad." You say before sitting up to look at her. You see her walking away to the bathroom with a towel, coming back a few minutes later, she helps clean you off.
Once she's done cleaning you off, she helps you into one of her Radiohead shirts. "Thank you, Nat," "You're welcome my love, no go gets some sleep." She tells you while taking off the strap and cleaning it before she slips on another pair of boxers and a sports bra.
As you drift into a peaceful slumber, you feel the comforting embrace of Natasha's arms around your body. One of her arms reaches over to switch off the lamp on the nightstand, creating a soothing ambiance in the room.
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skykind · 2 months
A Clone Wars Episode Deep Dive
I didn't discover The Clone Wars fandom until 2021 and only started watching the show in mid-2023 (finished a few months ago), and I want to discuss and analyze all sorts of odds and ends—years after most people watched. This includes cool stuff in episodes I think some fans understandably skip when doing re-watches and therefore no longer remember well, but I’m digging into one of them anyway. So, have a long post about S2:E11, "Lightsaber Lost," and then come talk to me about it if you’d like!
This episode is saying three things at once, and the closer you get to the symbolic message meant for mostly adult audiences, the wilder things get.
The literal plot: Ahsoka’s lightsaber is stolen, and she recovers it with the help of a Jedi elder who teaches her life lessons along the way.
The morality tale for young viewers: gun control (a bold choice).
An eerie interlude for older viewers: A pair of brief scenes—only 45 seconds or so in length combined—communicate the future purge of the Jedi order via symbolic visual storytelling and a speech that’s being broadcast in the background. No dialogue required.
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I'm going to focus on this third bullet point, but I also recommend a re-watch for the gun control angle. (Hint: if you think the writers are only arguing for handling guns responsibly, you haven’t taken the Jedi’s current context into account; also, the writers aren't referring to literal in-universe guns—Ahsoka’s lightsaber is the gun.)
Back to the episode’s message for older viewers: Split over two scenes, the audience watches Ahsoka chase a bounty hunter in possession of her lightsaber, then the bounty hunter partially damage and destabilize an enormous levitating billboard so she can get away from Ahsoka, and finally Ahsoka tumble down and precariously cling to the billboard’s screen. The billboard shows Palpatine delivering a—likely prerecorded—speech that is meant to sound supportive of the Jedi, but is instead priming Coruscant residents to believe anti-Jedi rhetoric; just before this two-scene sequence ends, Palpatine also begins to explain why he needs more executive power in order to support the Jedi.
It's great to pinpoint an example of Palatine's propaganda, but what does the visual storytelling communicate, with this speech for a backdrop?
Note: the text of Palpatine’s speech, shown in captions in the following screenshots, is not in alt text as that would chop the speech up between image descriptions, and is instead in a single paragraph after the final screenshot.
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Palpatine's Speech
"I have no doubt that the Jedi are doing their very best to ensure the safety of every citizen in the Republic. The accusations that the Jedi created the Clone War to give themselves more power over the government is absurd and I will not stand for it."
Ahsoka as Symbolically at Palpatine's Mercy
After a scene break, Palatine's speech picks up mid-sentence and we see just how small and vulnerable Ahsoka is compared to Palpatine's soaring and vast projection. She appears entirely at his mercy, and somewhat at the mercy of Coruscant as well.
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Palpatine's Speech, Resumed
"…Count Dooku and his droid army. To support the Jedi's efforts in the war, I ask the Senate to pass these new laws, giving more jurisdiction…"
The Genocide to Come
As this speech is broadcast to Coruscant, the seemingly trustworthy and dependable Chancellor of the Republic symbolically collapses beneath Ahsoka and leaves her stranded over a chasm. All while Palpatine spreads propaganda that will eventually convince the public to support her people's genocide.
Perhaps the best way to describe this is:
An unarmed Ahsoka struggles to hang onto the edge of a high precipice, that precipice is a symbol for Palpatine—and in a few years, Palpatine will shove the entire Jedi order off the edge of a much higher cliff.
Given how the sheer visual scale of Palpatine in this second scene represents the power he can wield over the Jedi—as the staging emphasizes Ahsoka's relative smallness and her physical vulnerability—it's clear the Jedi will not be able to rescue themselves when this future betrayal comes; Palpatine has amassed too much power and put too many plans in place. And no one who's bought into Palpatine's propaganda will try to catch the Jedi when they go over the edge.
Ahsoka’s Survival
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Ahsoka’s individual survival of Order 66 is signaled here by her ability to get off the levitating billboard, but nothing about the staging suggests this comes down to unique skill—any number of well-trained Jedi could have gotten out of her predicament when the right opportunity (a single speeder that veers out of its lane and passes unusually close to the screen) presented itself.
In both “Lightsaber Lost” and "Victory and Death" (S7:E12, see below), her survival involves flinging herself through open air (and into an out-of-place flying vehicle), a nice nod to Ahsoka’s association with flight and Morai, though I feel like that’s a coincidence (?) as of season 2. Or maybe not. I have no idea if Ahsoka’s symbolic associations—flight in the case of “Lightsaber Lost,” rather than Morai specifically—were planned out in advance.
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What About the Propaganda?
Returning to season 2, we come to the final big-picture takeaway of the "Lightsaber Lost" scenes: I’ve referred to Palpatine’s speech as something that plays in the background because Ahsoka doesn’t pay attention to his propaganda, even though it’s literally in her face. What does this mean if we treat Ahsoka as a stand-in for the Jedi, and Palpatine’s speech as a stand-in for his growing threat to the Jedi?   In these scenes, Ahsoka first doesn’t pay attention because she’s trying to stay alive in precarious circumstances, just as Jedi across the galaxy are kept distracted from the big picture by trying to keep themselves, their Padawans, their troops, and civilians alive as war swallows up the galaxy. Then, Ahsoka is distracted by tracking the bounty hunter who has her lightsaber; in the context of this episode (which asks, ‘who should be allowed to use a lightsaber, and when?’), Ahsoka’s lightsaber also comes to represent Jedi’s efforts to fight the Clone Wars as ethically as possible. It presumably takes more time and effort to fight a war when you’re concerned with morals, at least when the opposition is perfectly happy to commit war crimes.   By tossing the Jedi into a war, Palpatine keeps them too busy to systemically search for the Master Sith (in addition to Sith stuff diminishing the Jedi’s ability to use the force), as their time is eaten up by upholding the equivalent of the Geneva and Hague Conventions (etc.) when almost no one else is, by protecting as many other lives as possible, and by staying alive.
And The Clone Wars communicates all of this in a minute! Though I’ll admit my final point about Ahsoka’s lightsaber representing ethical combat is a stretch. I love it when TV shows and movies make full use of visual storytelling, and The Clone Wars is fabulous at it.
Whew—and that’s that! I’m grateful if even a single person has read this far and would love to know what you think, but regardless, I had fun analyzing this episode and organizing my thoughts about it. Cheers to the Clone Wars fandom.
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vasyandii · 3 months
I have no idea if I can ask that but I'm so curious... Any headcanons of AM and Vernon having sex? I made conclusion that they are doing that by your last nswf art... (Very good one, btw!) Or am I wrong? It's okay if you don't want to answer on this ask or it's uncomfortable for you! Sorry if I made you feel bad... 👉👈
NSFW Headcanons
Warning: Sexual/suggestive topics.
⚠️ If you're under 16+, Please scroll pass. There are better places to be. (My Boundaries here.)
Howdy Anon, thank you for the ask. you're allowed to ask anything as long as it's in a normal/polite manner XD. I see sex more as a character study/ exploration than anything else.
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In the context of THIS art; they haven't yet, more just AM struggling to deal with new sensations and emotions of want because he has big feelings towards Vernon and nowhere to put it to.
1.) AM's bad at fucking.
Let's get this out of the way, when their relationship started to become sexual, AM was bad at it. Like way worse than most. Just because one has the knowledge of how to fuck doesn't mean they have the skill to fuck.
So during the initial stages, it was less than satisfactory for Vernon's end, even if she's been touch starved for 109 years. (not for AM though he enjoys it very much.)
2.) Ideas on sex.
I don't think Vernon sees sex as an act of intimacy, if she does, it's very rarely. To her it's an act of power, worship. She requires it from AM, he's a good follower and she'll be a good god.
AM, however sees it as an intimate experience, a moment of vulnerability that he's willing to give to her. He wants to please and see her pleased. It's a form of showing his affection towards her. AM has more complex emotions with his experience being "human". (I hope that makes sense)
3.) Vernon's experience
4.) Vernon is LOUD. AM is quiet.
She just generally had more experience in sex than him. ( Mostly one night stands during University and her Archeological excavations overseas.) but because of this, the initial stages felt transactional.
Intercourse did get better as time went on but she had to basically talk him through most of it since AM had no sense of pace, rhythm, control, and it usually didn't last long.
Vernon gets a kick out of embarrassing AM in the bedroom. She will moan, scream, laugh. AM knows there's no one to hear them but he ushers her to stay quiet because he gets shy.
AM is fairly quiet because his brain can only process so many overwhelming sensations at once, he short circuits. His words often come out garbled, even in its omnipresence. His face is often buried in her neck to not make any noise.
5.) idk what caption to put here lmao
Vernon's just really degrading when it comes to teasing AM idk how to put it. She'll whisper praises in AM's ear, kisses on his neck, while giving him a handjob or kisses along his thighs and dick before she sucks him off. But then she goes along to choking, scratching, or biting him.
Not much to say for AM since he's a bumbling mess during, alot of sniffled "Thank you's" from him. He's good with his mouth though.
6.) Aftercare
Vernon doesn't do aftercare. It's a waste of time to her, or at least that's what she says, since usually in her past experience she would just leave and never see the other person again.
She's a bit repulsed by the idea that there's something that she has to do that'll make her get attached to someone which shows in her being slightly irritable after sex. An irritated fondness for AM, basically.
AM requires aftercare from Vernon. He's pretty annoying about it. He'll whine and stop her from leaving bed with his weight.
He needs her to give him kisses and tell him that he's good in some way. Vernon will give the reassurance he needs (kisses, petting his hair, holding him) as long as he shuts the hell up and lets her sleep it off.
That's really it for my headcanons for them, I'm not very good at writing sexual things so if there's anything you'd like for me to clarify, feel free to tell me.
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hinamie · 26 days
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@friendlyneighbourhoodorgandonor first of all thank u for the lovely comments on the art, I'm so glad I was able to convey the right emotion! You pretty much nailed it, I wanted to depict how Megumi is occupying kind of a liminal timeless space between past and present versions of himself. The train interior is meant 2 convey that liminal/transitional symbolism, but also throws in themes of death and rebirth as well as be a little nod to yuuji's domain. his past self and tsumiki are there as shadows (hah) of a time he can't go back to, and in choosing to keep living he is simultaneously grieving the past (younger self facing tsumiki) and looking towards the future (present self facing yuuji). I struggled with the colours a lot but I knew I wanted it warm yet somber. in a word, I wanted it Wistful. Megumi's character and circumstances are terribly bittersweet and he's got a long road ahead of him but above all the message of this piece is one about the beginnings of self-acceptance and first steps towards healing
re: your questions abt the caption, i completely agree the pronoun "them" is a bit tricky here but unfortunately it's lyrics and there's only so much I can do as I am not porter robinson. admittedly i had thought about editing it slightly to make the caption a bit more straightforward but I have too much love in my heart for Shelter and I think that changing the lyrics wld b doing it a disservice.
even with the slightly confusing "them", originally when i realized that the song ws very megumi to me, "giving [blank] shelter" made me think of a few different interactions:
tsumiki offering (young) megumi a sense of comfort growing up and giving (present) megumi something to fight for
(young) megumi wanting above all else to protect tsumiki and becoming a jujutsu sorcerer in the hopes that she could live peacefully
"start by saving me, itadori"
yuuji reaching out to (young) megumi and fighting to rescue (present) megumi
(present) megumi wanting to save people as a general philosophy
I thought that the caption could refer to any and all of those things! but honestly your comment made me realize how the use of "them" actually ties in really nicely with the timelessness aspect of the art itself, because we can't know which version of megumi it's referring to, or who between yuuji/tsumiki sheltered him and who he wants to shelter in return.
I also think that the shelterer/sheltered relationship could refer to both versions of megumi in an introspective interaction with each other. I drew (present) megumi with his arm around his younger self as a way to show that he is coming to acknowledge how much he has suffered in the past, yet resolving to find the strength to keep living and guide that child forward regardless. In this interaction, present megumi is the shelterer. In response, young megumi looks (metaphorically, not pictured in the art) to his future self and makes his own resolution to keep living, to grow up live a long life, in turn sheltering the people he will come to care about along the way. I like the idea of younger megumi as the one being sheltered becoming the shelterer in a show of gratitude for the strength that (present) megumi was able to find. In a way, he is both living for himself And for others. i know this interpretation is kind of convoluted and throws a bit of weird timeline stuff into the mix but thematically the idea of a cycle of hurt turning into a cycle of healing is very powerful to me.
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thosearentcrimes · 2 months
Read Bring No Clothes by Charlie Porter. If I followed the rule "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything", that would have been the only sentence in the review. Well, really, it wouldn't have existed, implicature is still a form of speech. For a while it didn't exist, since I read this book some time back now, but not out of moral concern, but rather simply because I'm not allowed to use the computers at work for personal shit anymore, and that's where I wrote these. So I finally got around to buying a new e-book reader instead, expect more reviews shortly, written from home this time. But I digress.
Bring No Clothes is a truly awful book about the fashion of the Bloomsbury group. I struggle to think of any redeeming features. It is shorter than the hardback makes it seem, but this is simply false advertising, and not a virtue. It chooses to give each chapter heading its very own entire page to sit on, to blow the letters up to an absurd size with liberal line spacing in the style of a panicking high school student, to pepper the book with black and white photos of dresses remarkable for their color. The hardcover copy I read pretends to have 340 A5 pages, and I would be surprised if it got to 100 with reasonable formatting. In truth it is a nothing but a handful of hastily concatenated half-written filler articles and a couple of unpublishable magazine features stuck between two hard covers for no apparent reason, an unfilmed script for a "video essay" (read: summary) that would be too long to watch and too short to say anything.
It is really quite literally a series of magazine articles. Charlie Porter is a fashion journalist, and his work on the book speaks to his total inability to adjust his writing style to the medium, the astonishingly poor standards in fashion journalism, and the seeming absence of any editing whatsoever on the part of the publisher. Though possibly it was edited, and earlier drafts were even worse. Somehow. There is no coherent theme to the book, no throughline connecting the individual chapters. There are entire chapters that are obviously unnecessary and poorly conceived, which would presumably have been removed if not for the desperate need to pretend the book is so much longer than it really is. Lastly, for some reason image descriptions are done in-line rather than through captions. Is this common in fashion journalism? It sucks to read, in any case.
The writing is shit. It's so unbelievably bad. Borderline unreadable, the structural issues with the book as a whole are reproduced even at the level of individual sentences. Porter's chief flaw is that he is preposterously self-absorbed. He is either unable or unwilling to separate his own impressions and delusions from reality. He spends substantial sections of most chapters writing about the personal experience of researching and writing the book, and plenty of other insufferable personal trivia besides. To pull that trick off without boring the reader takes extraordinary talent, personal charisma, and varied and interesting life experiences, none of which Porter seems to have. Not an amazing range of vocabulary on display either, and somehow I doubt this was a deliberate effort to keep the reading difficulty down. The miserable structure, constant pointless personal asides, and general inability to express what few ideas Porter may or may not have render the book a truly tedious slog.
When reading a non-fiction book, I would like to be able to pick out something I learned about the topic, some basic point of interest. It is impossible in this book, which contains nothing but boring accounts of relationships between seemingly insufferable people. Porter's narration does bring his protagonists to life in places, with some help from direct quotes. Unfortunately, they are brought to life as some of the most annoying egotists you've ever met in your life, which admittedly seems quite plausible for British upper class twits (well, mostly twits). Still, I don't put too much stock in that characterization, as it could very easily be projection by the blatantly self-absorbed author.
I generally try to recommend books to sorts of people who I think would like them, whether or not I was a fan myself. I suspect I am a poor judge of appeal, ultimately, but I try nonetheless. I think nobody should read this book, ever, for any reason. It is not that the book is evil. Reading evil has merit. The book is just bad. There are people who would like it, probably. Those people, in particular, should not read the book, as I suspect it would inhibit their development. Everyone involved in the production and distribution of the book should feel shame proportional to their degree of responsibility for what they have inflicted on the world in general, and on me in particular.
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(image description: a digital drawing labeled "making humanoids less human" with secondary captions on each side that say "alternate evolution" and "exaggerated features". above the secondary captions, there are two portrait sketches of very humanoid characters. on the "alternate evolution" side is an elf man with long dark hair. on the "exaggerated features" side is a woman who could be a nature fairy or a dryad, with flowers in her hair.
below the captions, these two characters have been redrawn to match their categories. the elf man has been redrawn with features more similar to a monkey, such as a very flat elongated nose, a small chin, and ears that sit higher on his head. the dryad or fairy woman has been redrawn with huge eyes and angular features, turning her hair with flowers into whole leafy branches with flowers. end description.)
hi i'm still around and i am finally caught up on things in my life, so i have time to catch up with this blog and all the questions people have asked! starting with a very old one. or several.
I had multiple anonymous messages asking me how I would draw specific fantasy beings to be less human, including witches of various elements. Rather than trying to answer each of them individually, I thought it would be more effective and helpful to talk about the general idea of taking fantasy designs that are usually more human looking and changing them to be less human. My favorite option is the alternate evolution, which I have been working and working on with my own fantasy people species.
Elves in particular have been a struggle, because I chose to keep my elves as a type of primate. It's been rough trying to abandon the recognizably human parts of their design and further embrace the simian features, because my brain does still have an internal bias towards the standard "elves are humanoid but more beautiful" trope. But I think I'm finally hitting the right level of "monkey" in their design.
The other option shown here is one I just don't do much, and which could be even further exaggerated into the uncanny valley. Take your humanoid characters and just shove them into the uncanny valley, exaggerate their features, add new things that have nothing to do with speculative evolution and just help emphasize the unique traits you want them to embody. elemental witches who become more and more fused with their element. nature beings like dryads that really just look like they broke out of the center of a tree. etc.
I'll make a few more posts with full body examples for both options, but I hope these portrait examples help a little!
remember, you don't need me to give you every detail of how your character and creature designs should look, and you don't need anyone else to do that for you either. If you want a particular artist to give you a specific design exactly as they would draw it, you ask about commissions and you pay them to do that design for you. this blog exists so I can post my ideas and give advice and occasionally nitpick about common mainstream fantasy design tropes that bother me lol. I'll give you ideas, but you gotta do the work yourself. that's how you improve.
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Sicily - Part 6
It's Leo's turn.
By the time they arrived back to the summer house, everyone else was back already. The sun had set five hours prior, something Leo was very aware of since he didn't speak a drop italian and had been terrified they'd get stranded in the middle of the Sicily just because Jonah really needed to buy Liv a new bucket set and overestimated his high school italian skills.
They had missed dinner, something that Leo found he didn't mind as much as he thought he would. Somehow he was still stuffed from the street food they had during the evening.
Vince was in lying in the living room, seeming to be drifting in and out of sleep, while Wendy watched some soap opera with captions on, sprawled on top of him. Sophia was curled on the opposite side of the couch, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and occasionally glancing up to the television.
"Hey," Wendy mumbled, sleepily as they crossed the threshold, "we thought you guys were going to sleep out."
"No," Leo shook his head, rolling his eyes, "Jonah just really had to get Liv a gift."
"It's not a gift if I'm the one who ruined her bucket in the first place," Jonah scoffed, as if he wasn't replacing a cheap purple bucket with a whole beach-castle set.
Wendy let out a smile, resting her cheek back on Vince's chest, "there's leftovers in the kitchen, Luke and Bell are out in the yard."
"Where's Livia?" Jonah asked, raising the big gift box. Leo couldn't help but roll his eyes in an amused manner. So much for the tough guy act, one look from Liv and he was melted butter.
"It's eleven PM, Jonah, where do you think she is?" Vince asked in a deep, sleepy voice, "she's fast asleep, give it to her in the morning."
Jon pouted and Leo chuckled, turning his face to catch the pout in a little peck, "that's on you for insisting you knew how to read directions in Italian. We should've been here hours ago."
"Shush it, Leo," Jonah pulled back, but he was smiling, "I'm just gonna put it in our room I guess. You can go ahead to eat."
Leo wasn't even a little bit hungry. He felt exhausted. After a long day of sight seeing, enjoying the beach and shopping, he couldn't wait to crash.
He opened the fridge, pulling the leftover food out and then glared at it. It didn't look appetizing at all. He was still staring at the microwave, watching it turn the pizza around, when Lucas and Bell walked into the kitchen via the backdoor, giggling and breathless.
Leo raised an eyebrow at them. Bella had leaves sticking out of her hair and a bunch of red marks on her chest, the loose pants she worn over her bikini were pulled up wonky. Lucas was in no better state himself, with messy hair and swollen lips.
"You're like rabid teenagers," Leo rolled his eyes, "get out of here."
"Sorry, sorry," Bella squealed, an uncharacteristic blush taking up her face as she tugged on Luke's hand and they quickly rushed out, past Jonah who was just entering the kitchen.
"The hell was that?"
"Nothing," Leo rolled his eyes and Jonah crouched down to grab two plates, putting them on the kitchen island alongside cutlery, before hugging him from behind and sighing.
"Did you have fun today?" Jon asked, his breath tickling Leo's neck and he fought the urge to squirm away. It was so warm and he wasn't enjoying the hug as much as he normally did.
"I did."
"Even with me dragging you to a bunch of stores?" Jonah chuckled, planting a kiss on his neck and Leo nodded again.
"It was fun, I got to see all these other stores while you searched for her gift. Loved that one with the cool button ups."
"Yeah?" Jon kissed his cheek and even with the heat overwhelming him, Leo couldn't help but lean in. He loved when Jonah got all touchy. The microwave beeped and they pulled apart from each other.
Sicilian pizza was closer to bread than to pizza. It's dough was thick and spongy, something Leo actually quite liked on normal days, but tonight it was a struggle to eat. He ate one slice just because he figured he had to eat, then grimaced when Jonah promptly put another one in his plate, halfway through demolishing his third one.
"I wasn't even aware of how hungry I was," Jon groaned, eating while standing, not bothering to sit next to Leo in the breakfast nook. Leo pushed a shred of cheese around, poking it with his fork.
"You should eat, you know how much of a midnight rat Vince is," Jonah advised him, hesitating before cutting himself his fourth slice, before shrugging and going for it.
Leo wrinkled his nose as he felt a wave of disgust, but he did eat the second slice. He grabbed his plate and then Jon's, chuckling as he saw his boyfriend eye the remaining two slices. Unlike the American pizza, the Sicilian one was cut in squares.
"Might as well finish it up so I can wash the tray," Leo said, washing both their plates quickly and putting them to dry. Jonah nodded, piling the two slices one on top of the other and passed him the tray.
He let out a little whine as soon as he was done and leaned back, undoing the button of his linen pants, "...Uhm... That was a lot."
Leo rolled his eyes, putting the sponge away and poking Jon's side, causing him to burp, "I'm heading to bed. I'm dead."
"I'm coming with," Jon agreed, his voice all lazy.
By the time they finished showering, brushing their teeth and changing in their sleep wear, Leo was starting to get cranky from how tired he was.
He fell on the bed with a sigh, turning his back to Jon and closing his eyes.
Jonah was slightly more awake, as he sat against the headboard of the bed waiting for the stuffed feeling to pass and tugged up on the blankets, throwing them around Leo.
"No," the blonde groaned, kicking them off and Jonah frowned.
"Last night you complained about the a/c."
"Today's warmer," Leo grumbled, squirming away when Jon tried to pet his hair, "stop touching me, it's so warm."
Jon let out a scoff, but complied and soon Leo dozed off.
He woke up with Jonah moving around, the sun spilling through the half closed wooden blinds that led to the balcony.
"Where-" Leo blinked, rubbing his eyes and noticing Jonah was dressed for the day, bedhead gone, "where are you going...?"
"Oh hey," Jon smiled, "I thought I'd let you sleep in. Vin and I are going on a tour in Mount Etna, you wanna join?"
"The volcano...?" Leo asked sleepily, turning on the bed and burying his face in Jon's pillow. It was cold, but it still smelt like him.
"I'll pass," he mumbled, feeling more than a little drowsy, "I think I'll just chill here."
"Okay," Jonah lowered his voice, then Leo felt a kiss being pressed to the top of his head. He didn't even hear the bedroom door opening and closing as his boyfriend left, already asleep.
When he woke up again, the room felt like it was freezing. He shivered violently, suddenly very alert... And very aware of how awful he felt.
His head was throbbing and his mouth felt sticky and dry, while his stomach sloshed uncomfortably and his intestines bubbled under his hand when he touched his belly. Leo groaned, sitting up on the bed and kicking off the blankets, gulping convulsively in order not to throw up on them.
He shouldn't have worried, because it was not his stomach that threw in the towel, but his colon. A sharp cramp caused him to let out a whimper and then Leo was scrambling up, rushing to the bathroom.
He pushed his pants down quickly, sitting down and hugging his tummy as his intestines squeezed and cramp, all the food rushing out of him. Leo gagged at the sensation and grabbed the trashcan from the ground, but despite hunching over it and dry heaving, his stomach wasn't ready to give him any relief.
It went on for the longest time and Leo felt lightheaded by the time he figured there was nothing else for him to shit, despite the fierce cramps. He took forever to clean up despite the bathroom having a bidet. His arms felt heavy.
Leo crawled inside the shower straight after, trying to get rid of the horrible clammy feeling. He had no energy to do anything though, so he just sat on the ground and let the lukewarm water wash over him until he had strength enough to get up and turn it off.
What a horrible way to wake up. Leo stumbled back into the room to put on a pair of sweat pants, digging through their bags to find any top part that was long sleeved. There was nothing and he settled for a t-shirt, before making his way out of the room in search for Jonah.
It had been hours since he had left in the morning, Leo knew because the sun was high in the sky, so he wondered if maybe he had come back for lunch.
However, the house was silent. There wasn't Wendy playing music or Livia squealing or Vince's thunderous laughter or Luke's powerful voice. The place was empty.
Leo groaned as he made his way downstairs and towards the backyard, praying Jon was out there in the hammocks or the pool, but nope. The whole place was empty.
"Oh hi sweetheart," Mrs. Monacelli scared the living hell out of him, by walking past him towards the laundry room. She had a little basket to her hip and raised her eyebrows with a chuckle when Leo jerked, startled, "sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"It's fine," he panted, closing his eyes as his heart raced and leaning against the door threshold that lead to the garden, "I... Where is everyone, Mrs. Monacelli?"
"Ma," she corrected him immediately, voice stern, "you call me Ma, mister," Leo opened his eyes in time to catch her frowning at him.
"Sorry, ma."
The older woman shrugged, "Beppe drove out with Liv to the beach, she was over the moon with the new castle set. Jonah shouldn't have done that, you kids are spoiling her rotten."
Leo smiled, tiredly, "trust me, I think he had more fun picking that thing than doing anything else all weekend," he wrapped an arm around his stomach when it gurgled, reminding him he was still on the verge of throwing up. He wanted his boyfriend, but dammit, he'd settle for Vin or Luke, "and the rest?"
"Wendy and Sophia went to the center of the town to shop, Vincenzo and Jonah went to see that volcano and Lucas and Bella... I have no idea, I think they went sight seeing too," there was an amused note to her voice, which quickly vanished as Ma studied him, "you're not looking too hot yourself, sweetheart."
"I'm fine," Leo lied, despite his lower belly cramping like hell and the fact cold sweat was once again collecting over his lip. His stomach churned, "I guess I'm just gonna go back to b-" hot vomit jumped up his throat, without warning and he slapped a hand over his mouth, hunching with a gag.
"Oh my!" Magda squealed, then quick on her feet like just a mom could be she dumped the contents of her laundry bucket and pushed it in front of him just as Leo gagged again and puke rushed between his fingers.
He crumbled down, the force of vomiting was too much and there was a ringing in his ears, knees weak.
"Alright, alright, you're alright, baby," Ma crouched down next to him too, despite the fact she was half his size, hugging him to her side and cupping his forehead with a hand, the other one rubbing between his shoulder blades, "get it up."
Leo let out a groan, burping another mouthful of gunk and panting for air, "m'sorry, I-"
"Shhhshhh," she patted his back, "don't apologize, you're okay..."
He didn't feel okay. Not remotely okay. He was throwing up in the middle of the kitchen floor, in a laundry basket and his stomach was cramping like hell, his head throbbing. Jon was gone, so were his friends and he was making an absolute ass of himself in front of Vin's mom and- He let out a sob and Magda cooed, pulling him to lie more against her in a makeshift hug as he realized he was crying.
She said something that he didn't understand, too busy hyperventilating and Ma thumped on his back, forcing up the chunky vomit that was choking him.
Leo nearly fell flat on his face and he'd have, wasn't it for the older woman forcing him back and to sit against his heels, despite the dry heaves still wrecking through his frame.
"You're empty, Leo, take a deep breath. You're empty," she said softly, wiping his mouth with her hand, completely unfazed by how disgusting he looked, her other one cupping his cheek.
"I'm so sorry-"
"It's just vomit, baby, I see that monthly," Magda snorted, rolling her eyes, "I have three kids, remember?"
He hiccupped unable to let her reassurances work on him. He was fucking ruining this woman's vacations.
"I'm- I'm sorry, it came over su-"
"Hush you," Ma said sternly, "you're burning up, Leo," she switched to italian then, but he understood clearly that she was still cooing him, whatever it was being said.
"You need to lie down," Magda decided after a second, grabbing his arm.
He eyed the destroyed laundry basket and gagged, "fuck, I'm-"
"Don't swear," she scolded him, still ushering him up, "leave it, I'll deal with it in a minute. You need to lie down."
He couldn't fight her, he was feeling too retched to do so. Magda basically manhandled him back to the living room and Leo let out a groan when lying down was both a relief and misery. Suddenly he could feel just how horrible he felt, every pulse of pain in his head, how freezing cold and sweaty he was, how his stomach was still churning and burbling.
"Ma, I'm not done-"
"Wait just a minute," she said, squeezing his shoulder and then rushed out of the living room, presumably to deal with the vomit filled basket and the clothes all over the kitchen floor. Leo groaned at the thought, curling up on himself.
This was the most humiliating moment of his life.
He knew she was right about the fever, because his mind kept drifting off. Swaying him back and forth between the present and ten years before and... He grabbed on the couch, leaning over it as more sick spit pooled in his mouth and gulping down, trying not to puke on the ground.
"Qui, qui, qui," Madga said in a rushed voice and then there was a big bowl before his mouth. Leo let out a sick, airy burp and his stomach squeezed, shooting up more bitter liquid.
He would've fallen off the couch wasn't it for Ma holding him tightly and Leo let out a whimper, leaning on her touch. He couldn't remember the last time he had a parent take care of him. If ever...
"You're alright, sweetheart," Ma cooed, holding a glass of cold water to his mouth, "take a gulp."
"Not gonna-gon'stay down," he slurred, but Madga stronger than him and unrelenting.
"It's alright if it doesn't, but you still need to drink," she pushed the glass against his lips, "one gulp."
He obeyed her and fell back, his head in her lap. The water helped with the horrible taste in his mouth, but felt horrible in his stomach and he knew he'd be throwing up again soon.
Ma moved slightly under his head and then he felt a humid washcloth be pressed to his forehead, wiping away the sweat. Leo opened his eyes, looking up at her dizzily.
She did look an awful lot like Vince. From this angle he could only see her strong nose and dark hair and Leo let his eyes slip shut again. His own mother had been blonde. It was one of the few things he remembered of her, platinum blonde hair and blue eyes incredibly light. Thin lips pressed in a tight stern line. Angry voice.
Ma started to hum, combing his hair back and he couldn't help but whimper, leaning into the comfort. She had a very sweet voice, gentle and strong hands.
"Had you been sick already, sweetheart?" Ma whispered, thumb stroking his cheek. Leo's heart was squeezing in his chest and he felt dangerously close to crying.
"No," he mumbled, turning on his side so his cheek was pressed to her thigh and he could face the bowl sitting in the coffee table, "no... I'll be fine in a second, I just need... I just need to catch my breath..."
He heard a faint chuckle, "of course, in a second," she agreed in a humorously manner, rubbing his arm up and down.
Leo shuddered, the nausea stopping him from falling asleep, but he was too tired to open his eyes. He knew he should be opening his eyes, getting up, stop pestering the woman...
"No, no, stay put," Ma whispered, holding him down when he attempted to sit up. Leo let out a groan, another cramp causing his belly to complain loudly, a disgusting gurgle rolling through it, loud enough he was sure she heard it too.
Ma's hand moved to his stomach and she pushed his shirt up, not seeming the slightest bit bothered, "shhh," she hushed him when he tried to open his eyes, alarmed, "settle down, you're alright, sweetheart."
She pressed on the side of his stomach, which was distended and terrible and more upset gurgles moved around, liquid sloshing up his throat, then back down. Leo groaned, squeezing her leg, "I'm gonna puke..."
He didn't have any strength, as she leaned forward to grab the sick bowl and held it under his chin, saying a string of comforting words that he doubted were in English.
More vomit fell in the bowl, without any effort from his part and it just kept coming, like he was a broken faucet. Leo whimpered, coughing and Ma patted his back, dislodging another wet belch, that brought with it some chunks... He collapsed back on her lap, shivering violently.
"Aw, Leo," he heard Ma say and then the couch seemed to move back and forth and he was sinking down, deeper and deeper... He was so warm and he had spent the best part of the morning throwing up in the bathroom down the hall. His father had passed out in the couch and he was wasted, Leo could smell the reek of alcohol even through the bitter sickness permeating the bathroom. He had to clean up and get up for school. If he didn't come to class again, they were going to call child services, again, and then his father would be pissed and...
He sat up in a rush, almost hitting Ma's chin with his head and as soon as he was sitting up straight, he was throwing up down his front.
It wasn't much, just hot bitter bile, clinging to his chin and the front of his t-shirt and Leo coughed, starting to cry, "I'm sorry, I- I'm gonna clean it, I'm gonna clean-"
He was so dizzy. Ma's big brown eyes came into focus, not angry, just concerned and she cupped his face. Her hands were calloused, but they were cold against his cheeks.
"Breathe, sweetheart," she said softly, "this is nothing laundry can't fix, just breathe."
Wasn't their washing machine broken? He was so fucked, this was going to take forever to wash by hand and this winter it was meant to snow...
"la lavatrice?" Ma echoed, confused, and then she was pressing her lips to his forehead, "how's your tummy, Leo?"
Fuck, his stomach hurt. He shook his head, sucking in a sob, "hurts..."
"You're empty though?" she pushed him back against the couch's back, "arms up, then."
He was so confused, but he obeyed. It was the least he could do. Magda slowly peeled his ruined shirt, balling it up in her hand and using it to clean the sick still clinging to his chin and neck, "there we go," she whispered, then pulled back, "I'm going to be right back, Leo."
He looked up to the ceiling. It was twirling... His head was so damn heavy.
"It's not that high," Leo argued weakly with the school nurse, as she eyed worriedly the thermometer, "I have an english test tomorrow, I can't go home and miss this class."
"Well, you can't stay here," the nurse was unsympathetic, "we've called your dad. Please just stay put until he comes collect you."
"Dad's not gonna come," Leo scoffed, rubbing a hand over his face. He never did, which was a relief. It was always much worse when he did come.
"Stay- Leo, stop fighting me, stop-" Wendy's voice filtered through his memory and he blinked quickly, realizing he was on a bathroom he did not recognize and that Wendy and Ma were both hovering over him and Sophia was at the door, with the phone pressed to her ear, looking terrified.
"What- Wendy!?"
"Oh thank god," Wendy breathed out and he realized he was in a bathtub and she was covered in water too, "hey."
Leo shivered so much his teeth rattled and he looked at Ma, whose eyes were large with fear, but mostly just concerned.
"You're with us, Leo?"
He nodded, leaning back and taking deep, measured breaths. His stomach was still aching, his whole body sore...
"Really sick and he's talking gibberish, I don't know- Please come home," Sophia's voice echoed in the bathroom and Leo opened his eyes again, even though he didn't remember closing them.
"No," he frowned, "no, don't tell him to come back. I'm fine-"
"Clearly," Wendy said, her voice sharp and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Wendy sounding like Wendy, annoyed and sassy, was more comforting than anything else they could say.
"Really," Leo mumbled, "I'm fine now."
"I got him," Ma interjected when it looked like Wendy was about to bite his head off, "thank you for helping, but I got him now. Can you calm down Soph, please? And talk with Jonah."
Wendy bit her lip, not one bit happy to be dismissed, but then she nodded and got up from crouched down position on the floor of the bathroom, grabbing Sophia's arm and tugging her out of the bathroom with a soft, "he's fine, Soph. Give me the phone-" the door shut behind her.
Leo let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and then dared to look up and meet Magda's stern glance. She looked furious.
"I am so sorry," he said, voice raspy, "for this whole mess. For puking in your laundry basket and ruining your day and now this-" he cringed, "I'm so sorry, ma."
"Leo," Ma frowned, "if you apologize again, I'll be very hurt."
His mouth snapped shut and he scrambled for a response that wasn't sorry.
She opened the drain of the bathtub, still looking terribly annoyed and Leo curled up against the cold porcelain, realizing he was still in his sweatpants and shirtless.
"Are you mad...?" he said, unsure if he should apologize for that or not.
Mrs. Monacelli let out a scoff and she crouched back down again, combing her fingers through his hair, "Arrabbiata," she scoffed, then translated it to him when Leo still looked confused, "I'm furious."
"I'm so-"
"Your parents were awful people," she said with a frown, "no parent should do that to a child."
Leo's heart dropped to his stomach. He knew he got rambly when his fever got this high, but at least Jonah, the only one who had seen him in such a shape, knew everything there was to know and rarely brought this things up until much later. Ma Monacelli did not have Jon's bedside manner.
"Ma, he... I don't-"
"You're the sweetest child ever," Ma continued, completely ignoring him, "and any parent should be happy to have you in their lives."
He couldn't breathe, there was a sharp pain in his chest and a tight knot in his throat. Leo opened and closed his mouth, trying to muster up anything, but it didn't matter to Ma what he said or not.
She reached in, pushing his hair back again and kissed his forehead, "I, for one, am so happy to have you in my son's life, Leo," she whispered, "and now in ours too."
He let out a choked up sob and she didn't pull back, instead pulling him into a hug and kissing the side of his face, pressing her lips tightly to his temple.
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shadowsight-aster · 10 months
Shakes and vibrates and thinks about Spiderbitbur for my Songbird AU
Wilbur who was made by the federation both to cash in money for them and to spy on islanders, unbeknownst to Wilbur who thinks his voice box and speaker are just that, but are actually surveillance tools.
Wilbur finding out what his purpose is, that he was created to spy on his loved ones without knowing, and isolating because he's afraid. Isolating because he doesn't want his loved ones to be in danger yk
And Roier who comes up with ways to communicate without making Wilbur afraid that they're being listened to; Roier who starts writing notes and letters so they can talk without anyone else hearing. Roier who promises they'll find a way to make sure Wilbur won't be a glorified listening device for the federation anymore
And ough. Cellbit. Cellbit with so much unbridled rage for the Feds because how dare they. He will rip this entire island to shreds with his bare teeth if he has to because they upset Wilbur and he WILL kill somebody for it fr
sorry for the wait. i was struggling to make this little 30 second clip for this concept of yours (wasn't my original project, but i HAD TO MAKE SOMETHING). i was gnawing on the legs of my desk the entire time! the quality SUCKS FAZBALLS but i'm not letting alight motion watermark my stupid little animatic. it's ugly and gets in the way of my captions ANYWAYS! time for my favorite part of making animatics and pmvs: explaining my thought processes behind them your songbird au got me thinking. in my variant of the proj. bluebird au, jaiden is the head scientist who built the ositos to manage the islanders in their whole. time loop situation and help to "re-raise" them...it's complicated so she's kinda the favorite child not only that, but as a teenager, in many of the loops, jaiden gave cucurucho information cause she was pressured to do so and follow the rules ("bring order to the discordant,") so i combined these aus (aptly named bluesong. creative i know) and figured that because jaiden values giving data and information to the bureau, she's the one who came up with the idea of turning both her and wilbur into "songbirds," little listening devices for the federation to give the "most orderly outcome." wilbur finds out years later. he is NOT doing well! as i put in my planner for this little pmv:
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ALSO escape for the islanders is represented in the stars, in the vast, open skies, in the unknown here :3 SORRY THAT THIS IS KINDA LONG AND WINDED I LIKE TO INFODUMP !!!! it's my favorite way of communicating i want you to know that i'm gonna be thinking about this for a while ESPECIALLY THE BIT ABOUT THE LETTERS AND CELLBIT BEING OFF THE RAILS ABOUT IT. next project up for this au is spiderbitbur related no questions asked
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vewyscawywriting · 2 years
Mayuri Kurotsuchi x F!Reader
Aaaaand I'm finally back with something absolutely no one asked for lol, but oh well. I watched the new Bleach finally and remembered this little freak of a man, so I had to write something.
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: Mayuri Kurotsuchi x F!Reader
Wordcount: 917
Tags: Fingering, creampie, cockwarming
Summary: Mayuri fingers and fucks you in his lab.
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Beeping sounds of machinery, the clacking of a hand on a keyboard, an unmistakable wet "shlik-shlik" sound, and your moaning echo through the dark and private lab of your Captain.
"Not there yet, pet?" comes from him, as he almost nonchalantly thrusts 2 of his fingers inside of you, the one with the long nail scratching the outside of your thigh, but thankfully the nails of the fingers inside of you are short. "You know I have experiments to run." 
"Hm, n-no Captain, 'm almost, ahh, almost there-" 
You are seated on the lap of the Caption of the 12th squad, legs spread over his' and back to his broad chest while you are being fingered to completion. His eyes aren't on you but on his screens, but you know you have his full focus as he always knows exactly how to move his fingers in such a way that have you orgasm in mere minutes. 
He mutters something, slapping your thigh with the hand he was typing with a second ago. You jolt, and let out a surprised moan. "You're excessively wet, pet. Look at you, leaking all over my haori. Disgusting."
"I'm sorry Captain-" you manage to get out, bucking your hips towards his fingers, and grinding yourself on his leg. "I'll, ah, I'll clean it up later..."
As if he cares. He would likely walk around with your cum stain on his haori for everyone to see and not bat an eye. The only time something like that mattered was when he was doing an experiment that had to be sterile. He was a neat freak usually, but wears your fluids as if it was something to show of. 
You are so close, he curls his fingers inside of you, thumb rubbing your clit and pressing down harshly. With an open mouth and a silent cry you come, wetting your Captain's leg even more. He removes his hand from you slowly, inspecting his glistening fingers.
"Within the allotted time this time. Good," he murmurs, as he types something on his keyboard while bringing his soiled hand to you, "open."
You open your mouth, sucking on his fingers as he swirls them around in your mouth. He makes a low humming sound, and despite his bored façade, you can feel his arousal digging into your ass. 
With practiced movement he has himself bare against you, and he hasn't even removed his hand from his keyboard. He slowly rubs himself against your cheeks, before pulling at your arm to have you lift yourself up for him. You do so without words, and feel his blunt head rub at your lower lips deliciously before pushing in. He finally gives a slight reaction to this affecting him with a slight rolling back of his eyes, but he seems focused again almost instantly after. 
You're seated comfortably on his dick, and groan out at the stretch, but after the initial insertion nothing else happens. 
"C-captain?" you whine as you look back at him, but he just frowns at you.
"Patience is a virtue. Just keep me warm for a while as I work, pet."
Despite his length throbbing inside of your plush heat you know he can hold out all night if he wants to. A groan leaves you as you try not to move on top of him. This is going to be a struggle, being good will have you rewarded 100 fold later on, but despite the fact that you've already come once you're unsure if you have the patience to be good. 
It feels like an eternity of neither of you moving, just feeling the stretch of him inside of you, warming you from the inside, until a slight buck of his hips make you gasp out. It seems Mayuri himself has run out of patience, and you push back against him eagerly. He mutters something under his breath, wants to punish you for moving, but your happy face looking up at him touches some deep, hidden part of him, and he relents. Grunting as he finally starts bucking up more earnestly you eagerly bounce on his lap to assist. His pace starts out slow and deep, but your enthusiastic movement has him speeding up to regain his control, the wet sounds of your bodies connecting mingling with your moans. He's quiet, his elevated breathing the only indication of your coupling, but his eyes are trained on you like he's studying you even now.
You come much faster than you think, adding onto the stain on your captain's haori, and in your orgasmic bliss you don't hear how he actually moans at how much tighter you get around him. You're unaware he's filming this for future "analysis", and he'll never show you how soft he gets around you during times like these.
"Take the seed, pet," he grunts, eyes boring into yours as you can barely hold onto his staggering  pace. 
"Yes, please," you whine out, so eager for him, and your acceptance makes him fall over the edge. No sound comes from him, but a full body shudder and his eyes rolling back tell you of his pleasure as he empties himself inside of you.
You're boneless on his lap as he lets the fluids leak from you while he resumes his typing. 
"Now we'll see if the seed takes hold," he mutters, "With my newest experiment it should make for some interesting offspring."
The words take a little bit to get through to your sleepy brain, but when they do you instantly stiffen.
"You did what?"
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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my hourly comics from this year!! it ended up being an Extremely Eventful Day so there was a lot to cover, which was fun!
[Image IDs/transcripts under da cut!]
A collection of 19 three-panel comic strips done for Hourly Comics Day 2023. Each three-panel comic represents roughly an hour of the day. Two strips are contained in each image except the last, which contains only one strip, for a total of 10 images.
IMAGE 1 COMIC 1 (7AM) The first panel shows Puzz in bed, half-awake and drooling, with her hair everywhere. An alarm is going off on her phone, which is sitting on a floating shelf on the wall. The phone screen reads "UP!" and is blasting alarm music and vibrating loudly. The second panel shows a close-up of Puzz's face cropped by the bottom of the frame, looking agonized, while the alarm continues in the background. She thinks, "I wonder if I can ignore it long enough it shuts off". The final panel shows Puzz, in her pajamas and with her hair a mess, up and about holding a mug labeled "coffee". Her cat trails behind her with its mouth open, screaming "A". The panel is captioned "I could not." COMIC 2 (8AM) The first panel reads "TODAY'S FIT" followed by a bulleted list: "-big flannel -patched-up overalls -da boots -cap w/dinos all over LESBIANLY LOOKZ". Puzz is to the right of the list wearing the outfit in question, giving a thumbs-up. The second panel shows Puzz sitting in a desk chair in front of her laptop (helpfully labeled "LAP TOP"), smiling widely with sparkles all around her. The panel is captioned "check on gay people in my puter (girlfriend & friends on Discord). Word balloons from the laptop show a kitty, a boat, and the earth. The final panel shows a close-up of Puzz's face with a nervous grin, sweating profusely. The panel is captioned "have to send a project proposal". Puzz is thinking, "PLEASE LIKE IT PLEASE SEE IT AS A LOVE FOR THE WORK AND NOT A HUGE SELFISH IMPOSITION AAAAAAA". She has one shaking pointer finger raised, labeled "shaking over 'send'".
IMAGE 2 COMIC 3 (9AM (PT. 1)) The first panel shows a close-up of Puzz running and sweating with a grimace. Next to her is text reading "OK!! I'M LATE (as usual) BUT IF THIS PRINTS QUICK I CAN STILL CATCH THE CAMPUS SHUTTLE". The second panel shows Puzz with a backpack on, staring anxiously down at an office printer. The panel is captioned "6 full minutes of loading". The final panel shows Puzz, sweating and determined, sprinting away, with text above her reading "ACTUALLY FUCK THIS I WANNA LIVE". Next to her is text reading "(I barely made it to the shuttle.)" COMIC 4 (9AM (PT 2)) The first panel is captioned "on the shuttle..." and shows Puzz, now wearing a mask, looking out the window of said shuttle. Outside is a woman with shoulder-length hair wearing a simple coat and sunglasses, waving with one hand and holding A Single Banana Peel in the other. An arrow labels her "woman on a walk w/ a single banana peel??" Puzz has several question marks around her as she looks on in confusion. The second panel is captioned "targeted directly by the Double Fine official Twitter" and shows Puzz looking at her phone, visibly struggling not to laugh. A thought bubble coming from her reads "DON'T SCREAM LAUGH IN PUBLIC" repeatedly. The final panel shows Puzz off the shuttle, with a look of frantic realization, shouting "AH FUCK ME". An arrow pointing to her reads "forgot my tape measure AGAIN".
IMAGE 3 COMIC 5 (10AM) The first panel shows Puzz sitting at a table with her tablet and a keyboard, visibly smiling behind her mask, with text around her reading "CLASS TIME!" The second panel shows Puzz at the same table, now looking more distressed and concerned. Around her are multiple disconnected word balloons reading "CANCEL CULTURE", "CENSORSHIP", "SO THIS GUY ON YOUTUBE-", "WOKEISM", "KANYE", "TRIGGERED", "REVERSE-CULTURAL APPROPRIATION", "DAVE CHAPELLE", and "IT'S LIKE CAN I EVEN SAY ANYTHING". The final panel shows a close-up of Puzz looking exhausted, with text above and around her reading, "ah... yes... this is why I left the Fine Arts..." An arrow pointing to her reads "remembering". COMIC 6 (11AM) The first panel is captioned "STILL CLASS". Puzz is shown with a thoughtful expression, gesturing with both hands, saying in decorative text "Insightful observation". There are sparkles flying around everywhere. The second panel shows Puzz now kicking back at the table, leaning back in her chair, feet on the table, tablet in her lap. She holds her pen in one hand and gives a thumbs-up with the other. Text above her reads, "well, that's my Brain(TM) for today! I draw Loboto now thanks." The final panel shows an extreme close-up on Puzz's face, looking deeply annoyed. Text behind her spoken by someone offscreen reads "ANYWAY I GET SOOO TRIGGERED HAVING TO THINK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE'S FEELINGS-" A thought balloon from Puzz reads "SETTING U ON FIRE W/ MY MIND".
IMAGE 4 COMIC 7 (12PM) The first panel is captioned "MEETING W/ MY PROF". A word bubble from said professor offscreen reads, "that observation was so insightful". Puzz, holding her tablet under one arm, pumps her fist, with text next to her reading "HELL YES". The second panel shows Puzz from behind talking to the professor, a nondescript woman with a shaggy bob haircut and dark shirt. The professor says, "don't worry too much! If you try, you'll pass! even if you just do a lecture over photos!" Puzz, with a smiling expression behind her mask, replies, "oh, good!" The final panel shows Puzz, still smiling behind her mask, holding up her tablet (which has a nondescript sketch of an installation proposal) and saying, "so here's my rough draft-" The offscreen professor interrupts, "ok so this proposal alone is what I'd assign as a whole semester's work". COMIC 8 (1PM) The first panel is captioned "CHECKING MESSAGES (NICE 2 ME...)" and shows Puzz checking her phone, which is emitting a word balloon with three exclamation points. Puzz is staring down at it with a big-eyed expression, crying tears of joy. The second panel is captioned "SENDING MAIL" and shows Puzz at a post office window, with a mail clerk with a ponytail and envelope earrings seen from behind holding a box. The clerk says "oh, you used the wrong label", and Puzz, expression blank, replies "ah". The final panel is captioned "5 minute Starbux sandwich". It shows Puzz frantically shoving said sandwich whole into her mouth with both hands, with a "HORF." sound effect.
IMAGE 5 COMIC 9 (2PM) The first panel is captioned "THERAPY TIME!" and under that, "3x EYE CONTACT COMBO". Puzz is in the center of the frame wearing a headset mic, smiling into the camera. Behind her to the right is her cat, staring directly into the camera atop a cat tree. Behind her to the left is a Spamton plush in a desk organizer, also looking directly into the camera. The second panel shows Puzz, looking mildly chastised, at her computer, through which her therapist speaks, saying "you're not gonna like hearing this. you might need to take things out of your schedule". Puzz replies simply "mm", but a caption above her reads "SHE WAS RIGHT". The final panel has the therapist offscreen saying, "let's roleplay that scenario! How are you feeling?" Puzz, grinning nervously with eyes wide and sweat pouring down her face, replies, "VERY ANXIOUS". COMIC 10 (3PM) The first panel shows Puzz from the knees down walking left. Her cat chases after her, looking up and meowing plaintively. The second panel shows Puzz staring down at her cat, comically wide-eyed and sobbing, with text behind her reading "oh NO... my sweet little baby ohhhhh I was gone so long and I have to leave again oh NOOOOO sweetie I'm so sorry I wish I could stayyy" The final panel shows Puzz from the knees down again. Her cat tackles her leg, grabbing and biting it, while she shouts "HEY".
IMAGE 6 COMIC 11 (4PM (CLASS... 2!!)) The first panel shows Puzz's professor, a bald Black man with glasses and a very thin goatee wearing a button-up, holding up a tupperware labeled "cookiez". He says, "so, these were here when I sat down..." Puzz, looking sheepish, raises her hand and says, "oh, I brought those for the class!" The second panel shows Puzz's professor taking a cookie, saying, "in that case, I will take two- hm, no, there's not that many. I'll be fair and take one." The final panel shows a nondescript male classmate of Puzz's on his laptop in the background, saying, "you could've just claimed them all since they were up front". Puzz's professor, in the foreground seen slightly from behind, replies "well considering this class is on Marxism..." COMIC 12 (5PM) The first panel is captioned "THIS CLASS IS 3 HOURS LONG AND THERE IS NO BREAK", and shows Puzz and her friend Oscar (helpfully labeled as such) fitting at a table, both staring slightly blankly ahead. Oscar is a slight man with curly hair and glasses, wearing a fluffy sweater over a dark shirt, as well as a black mask. Oscar is on a laptop (labeled "FRUIT!") while Puzz has her tablet keyboard out. A thought bubble coming from Puzz reads "LOADING..." The second panel is captioned "IT IS ALSO EXTREMELY INTELLECTUALLY INTENSE" and shows a close-up on Puzz, looking distressed. She thinks, "OH GOD I BARELY RETAINED THESE READINGS". The final panel shows an over-the shoulder-view of Puzz with her tablet in her lap, looking frantic as she repeatedly taps the screen with her pen. Text above her reads "I KEEP TRYING TO WORK ON THESE COMICS STEALTHILY BUT MY PEN KEEPS DISCONNECTING AAAAAAA"
IMAGE 7 COMIC 13 (6PM) The first panel is captioned "FINALLY HITTING MY GROOVE...?" Puzz, looking tired but thoughtful, gestures with both hands, saying, "the passage reminded me of - and forgive me for bringing this up - Elon Musk," The second Panel shows a classmate of Puzz's, a brunette woman with a flowing dress on, smiling and gesturing to her book, saying "see I put in my notes 'Jeff Bezos'". Puzz, looking to be barely holding back laughter, snickers, while her professor in the foreground doubles over and wheezes. The final panel shows another classmate of Puzz's, a woman in a dark v-neck shirt and black mask, gesturing with one pointer finger up. She says, "I have an addition". The professor, in the foreground looking over at her, says "Will it bring us back on topic to the reading?" The classmate hesitantly replies "yyyyyesss..." COMIC 14 (7PM) The first panel is captioned "A BUNCH OF US TEND TO LOITER OUTSIDE TALKING SHOP AFTER CLASS". It shows Puzz and Oscar, the brunette classmate (who is smiling and waving as she walks off), and two other classmates (one with dark curly hair and a bulky jacket, the other with light wavy hair and a lighter cardigan) all gesticulating and talking animatedly. The second panel shows Puzz, with a big cat grin, hugging Oscar. Puzz says "see ya tomorrow!" and Oscar replies, "can't wait for your hourlies!" The final panel is captioned "HEAR MY FRIEND PARKER SHOUT W/ DELIGHT FROM DOWN THE HALL". Puzz is crowded in the frame by an "AAAAA!!" word balloon surrounded by hearts and smiley faces. Puzz barely holds in a laugh as she walks by.
IMAGE 8 COMIC 15 (8PM) The first panel is captioned "REALLY GOOD NEWS & PRETTY SAD NEWS COME TO ME AT EXACT SAME TIME", and shows Puzz, now with mask and hat off, sitting at her laptop, looking down at her phone with surprise. The second panel shows Puzz sitting quietly at her desk, having set her phone face-down in front of her. She looks up with a thoughtful expression, tears in her eyes. The final panel is captioned "we'll focus on the good." It shows Puzz from behind sitting at her desk, beginning to draw. There are two monitors in front of her, a cup of pens to her right side, and a water bottle, lamp and fan to her left. COMIC 16 (9PM) The first panel shows Puzz, face mostly out of frame, leaning down with a cup of cat food in one hand. Her cat is sitting in front of her, staring up expectantly, surrounded by sparkles, with the elevated food dish next to her. The panel is captioned in decorative text "Kitty Dinner". The second panel shows Puzz, looking tired but determined, sitting in front of her tablet drawing. Small text next to her reads "CATCHUP HOURS..." The final panel is captioned "DISTRACTED BY TUMBLR A LOT..." and shows Puzz typing at her laptop, looking confused but entertained, saying "where did all these asks come from??"
IMAGE 9 COMIC 17 (10PM-11PM) The first panel is captioned "COMBINED BC MOST OF IT WAS EXTENSIVE PROJECT TALK" and shows Puzz typing furiously at her laptop with an expression of mischievous delight. The second panel is captioned "I CAN'T TALK ABOUT WHAT I'M WORKING ON FOR A BIT BUT I'M EXCITED AND GRATEFUL". It shows Puzz looking surprised and mock-offended as her cat steps on the laptop keyboard in front of her, causing random symbols to be typed. The final panel is captioned "ART IS COOL" and shows Puzz smiling serenely, having picked up her confused-looking cat with both arms, holding it against her. COMIC 18 (12PM) The first panel shows Puzz looking tired but triumphant, holding up her tablet pen with her tablet tucked against her other side, with text reading "CAUGHT UP...!!" and sparkles all around. The second panel shows Puzz typing at her laptop, smiling but still looking tired, thinking, "let's post these... how many more should I do...? Till bed, I guess..." The final panel shows Puzz, still at her laptop, yawning deeply.
IMAGE 10 COMIC 19 (...) This page shows two rows of three panels each. The first five panels are all empty. The final panel shows Puzz lying in bed asleep, covered in quilts and surrounded by plush toys, with her cat asleep at her feet.
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bluegekk0 · 2 months
Top 5 songs that remind you of Grimm and Vyrm
(For some reason I read that as "things" at first and was like "how am I supposed to pick just 5" hahaha)
1. "Me and My Husband" by Mitski - I mean, I don't have to say anything, you know there had to be at least one Mitski song featured here. This one in particular is just so Grimm x Vyrm coded, I love it. I think it represents them as they are now, seen from Vyrm's perspective. Still struggling with their pasts, but finding comfort in each other.
2. "The Shore" by Woodkid - I've been listening to this one a lot lately, it's giving me strong vibes of Grimm during the time when Vyrm was gone, all his regret about not confessing his feelings while he had the chance, as well as his love and devotion to him. It's very somber and sweet, and I'm considering making a drawing inspired by it (or at least using some of the lyrics as the caption)
3. "In the Flood (Lovisa's Version)" from Horizon Forbidden West - this one, on the other hand, is very Vyrm coded. The lyrics fit his emotional struggles very well, his loneliness during his rule, his regrets, and how much he looks up to Grimm and feels safe around him. But there's still that sense of doubt, that he's never good enough. It captures him really well.
4. "Song for Ten" from Doctor Who - cheesy Christmas-y song with love and loss at its core. Similar to the second song, it reminds me of Grimm's feelings after Vyrm disappeared. Perhaps the song could represent Grimm if Vyrm never actually returned, and him possibly learning to live with that thought and focus on remembering all the good times they experienced together, instead of wallowing in despair. Also, the campy sound fits their relationship so well. They really are that obnoxiously in love, cheesy couple.
5. "Spillways" by Ghost - left this one for last cause the meaning is a bit more ambiguous in relation to the characters. But I wanted to mention it cause the interpretation of the song to be about the darkness inside that's waiting to spill out fits Vyrm in particular, and thinking about him made me learn to appreciate the song 10x (I didn't like it as much before). The darkness in his case could be all the trauma he endured that be kept bottled in, and the lyrics about the "need to bleed" make me think of all of his self-loathing which just feeds his guilt. The song has a lot of religious motifs which is why it doesn't exactly fit him, but I think the general message can still be interpreted from a more personal angle, which I do think matches his general character. Also it's a really good song.
Honorable mentions:
"Nocturnal Me" (particularly Ghost's cover) - definitely fits the concept of Grimm's devotion to Vyrm, and it has this slightly devil-esque, sinister energy to it which reminds me of his vibe. Also it's kinda horny. Not much to elaborate here.
"Sprigs of Sorrow" and "Eternal Longing" from the Hades II soundtrack - these are instrumental tracks so I didn't mention them in the list, but the way they sound matches Grimm's vibe perfectly. The first half of each track is somber, which represents his inner loneliness and sadness, while the second half becomes a lot more intense, which makes me think of his anger and grief. At his sister for banishing him, and at himself for failing to be there for Vyrm when he needed him most, and at anyone who tries to wrong his love in any way. Plus they have this slightly sinister undertone to it, which I associate with the "god of nightmares" aspect of his character.
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I'm back to ask you random things :D
What if Casey went blind or deaf while on portal or in a fight? How would the others react? How would Casey feel? How would is dad and little sister react? Would he continue to go to school, or to the lair?
What are your thoughts?
Thank you for the random ask!
Oh man yess.
So I've been losing my hearing for a while now.
(That's what I'm calling it no one fucking knows what's going on with that yet.)
So this just yess.
Also to preface this I'm not an expert on any on of this.
I'd say for Casey it'd be due to head trauma.
Casey gets into so many fights. He's been knocked around a lot, especially for the only person on the team to not have any kind of healing factor.
Hell he's already got a metal plate in his head.
Casey is a regular guy (as regular as Casey Jones can be), he's human.
He can't just take all these hits without suffering consequences.
So at first he starts hearing a ringing sound.
Doesn't think much of it. It's New York, it'd be weider if things were quiet.
It comes and it goes, he doesn't think much of it.
But as the fights continue and things start to get worse.
For a while Casey doesn't notice.
And neither do the turtles.
The ringing starts keeping him up at night.
Casey starts missing things in conversations, asking them to repeat things.
They think he's just not plaything attention.
Casey talks louder than usual which the others think is just Casey being Casey.
But it's really because he can't tell how loud he's being.
Casey finds himself looking at people's lips to figure out what they're saying but they just assume he's flirting.
Casey starts to notice but he feels self conscious, he's the great Casey Jones afterall he can't be seen as weak.
The truth comes out in argument.
Casey's not sure who started, anger is pumping thro his veins and he cannot and will not be stopped.
"Cos I can't hear you!"
And than there's silence.
And the shame kicks in.
Casey can't fight his way out of this.
So he runs.
It's April who finds him, a note and pen in hand and he knows Casey knows has to face the music.
She hugs him, holds him and reminds him that he's not alone.
He cries at that.
The others are all confused and apologetic.
And saddened that Casey never told them he was struggling.
Donnie researches alot, upgrading Casey's T-Phone to transcribe his calls (show it in text), vibrate rather than ring etc.
There's always a pen and paper available just incase.
Leo helps him train to use his other senses, and makes sure every episode of space heroes they watch has closed captions.
It's April who goes with Casey to the doctor when his dad won't show up.
Casey's dad believes Casey's doing it for attention, taking any response Casey makes to him that Casey can hear him fine.
Angel gives him a big hug and tells him she loves him.
She makes a little pouch for his hearing aids, and happily calls them "Casey's ears"
Casey's hearing aids are black with skull charms hanging off them.
They are upgraded by Donnie and help to block out background noise so be can hear the others.
They don't fix everything and Casey gets headaches from wearing them for too long.
When that happens they have "hearing breaks" , where the group just sit in quiet and just be.
It's relaxing for them all and helps Casey feel less fatigued from having to pay so much attention.
Casey has and will turn them off, take them out to avoid lectures.
Which he definitely gets after the whole keeping head trauma and injuries to himself.
Even without words Leo has mastered the I'm not mad just disappointed aura.
Raph is always their to lift him back up, he played drums once and Casey got ecstatic cos he could hear it and they have jamming out sessions.
He also stands by Casey's left side in fights because its his worser side, to defend him and keep an eye out for danger.
Mikey is the one who starts making little gestures to help Casey understand things.
And Donnie realises they can borrow elements from ASL.
Because the turtles only have 3 fingers they can't learn regular sign language.
So they make their own.
Little gestures and movements that translate to words and sentences.
It also comes in handy when they need to be stealthy.
April and Casey also both learn regular ASL from books they've found at the Libary and teaching each other.
Casey's a bit self conscious about signing in public, we'll aware of the stares but being with his friends lessens that feeling.
He prefers to sign and speak at the same time even if it took a while for him to figure it out.
The others also try to remember to face Casey when they speak so he can attempt to figure out what they are saying.
Casey is absolutely shit at lipreading and hates it.
He does manage to get an interpreter for school which does help and April is right there to help tutor him so he manages.
Casey's dad did try to destroy his hearing aids in a bout of drunken rage but Casey managed to hide them before he could.
He tries to sheild his head because of the head trauma he's suffered, and luckily he sheilds the hits but gets hurt.
He ends up going to the lair for the night, dropping Angel at a friend's house.
Donnie patches him up, Mikey holds him, Leo is pacing and April and Raph are contemplating murder to whoever did this.
Casey ends up in tears, he knows he's not faking it... He needs his hearing aids, he does he's not faking.
He says so in a broken whisper and everyone embraces him.
Casey's got a long journey ahead of him but he's not alone.
He never will be.
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drakkensystem · 7 months
Ok there's something I need to get off my chest.
Caveat that I assume the assholes I'm about to complain about are just a vocal minority, but when that vocal minority reduces my enjoyment of some kind of media and worsens my mental health so they can feel smug, I think I'm justified in complaining about it.
So I saw a Tumblr post recently where someone (derisively) told someone else to "just pick up a comic" if they wanted to know more about DC canon and while there was a brilliant reply mentioning how convoluted DC canon is, I want to highlight my perspective.
Hi, I have aphantasia and a visual processing disorder (also ADHD and autism). This means that my visual perception of my surroundings is absolute dog shit, even when I am actively trying. I went to the same restaurant one to two times a week for years before noticing that one of their major pieces of decor even existed. I have a hoodie that, if I didn't know better, I would think my sibling was gaslighting me about it being green and not blue (yes, I have taken colorblindness tests, both online and officially in an appointment- no, I'm not colorblind). I always watch shows with captions bc my special interest in language means my eyes will automatically track the words, making it more likely that I'll actually see what's happening on the screen. Even so, I often pause and rewind (when I can) so that I can actually see what happened. For a few months, I had migraines so bad that I spent the majority of my time awake blindfolded, but I found that I used my vision so little when navigating around my own house, it wasn't very much more difficult while blindfolded- basically only things that moved gave me trouble.
One of the other consequences is that I find reading comics very difficult. I often compare me reading comics to someone with dyslexia reading regular books: yes, I can do it, but it takes me so much more effort that it's hard for me to enjoy it. (I just happened to be lucky enough that no one pins my academic success on my ability to read comics, unlike dyslexics and traditional books).
There are exactly four comics which I have managed to finish a major chunk of, all of them were franchises I was already hyperfixated on before reading, and the one that isn't also a long term special interest happened in a time in my life that I was incredibly lonely and bored. They were all also manga- aka, significantly easier for me to read bc they are in black and white (and thus there is less visual detail to take in).
So when I say that reading comics is hard for me, I mean it is hard.
And to hear comics fans say things like "just pick up a comic, bruh" (a vocal minority, but they do exist)- it disheartens me so much. I would love to experience those stories for myself. But when I have to re-read each page 3-5 times in order to actually process anything beyond the words on the page, it's too exhausting (note: manga normally only takes me 1-3 re-reads per page).
It is so extremely frustrating for people to act like reading comics is so easy when it's something that I legitimately struggle with. Reading a traditional book? I can read a 650 page novel in less than 3 days. But comic books? I struggled to get through the first 20 pages of a compendium a friend let me borrow once before giving up and returning it.
So next time you feel like deriding someone for engaging more with an adaptation than the original, remember that there is no kind of media that is universally equally accessible. They might just find it significantly easier (and therefore more enjoyable) to engage with the adaptation.
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neighborlywelcome · 10 months
★ — Aaa! Hello! Unfortunately, it pains me when I accidentally press double back which leaves all my writing for matchups... That I was about to submit because I was finished... Oh well, time to redo :') help... (I'm not sure if is sent or Tumblr automatically steals it and eats it LMAO)
— My pronoun is she/her!! I am aro/ace as in fact I'm okay to be a part of a relationship... I prefer matching with a male! ★
— I'm a big fandom of TDAC so I'm here for that!
— I prefer not to be paired with Jax, unfortunately...
— my personality can happen to a stranger that I'm not a friend with. I can be more awkward in socialization, quiet, very chill, and clueless. I'm not good at understanding the jokes or what they mean. And my personality can be sudden the change that I'm friends with. I can be more laid back! I feel excited when I see my favorite person like I would run up to my favorite person and give them the biggest hug ever! I somewhat may be a little chaotic, and just a little gremlin doing weird things. I get playful, still get clueless, and depends on how dumb I am because I forgot what the left and the right side is... LMAO
— my hobbies are like... cozy? I'm not sure! I am an artist, I always love to draw and scrapbooking stuff to put in my sketchbook. I also love to listen to music. It helps me to relax and bring imagination to my mind. I also LOVE baking cakes! It's just so fun to make! (also I would love to make angel food cake for Caine ♥)
— what am I looking for a partner who is more... respectful, fun, playful, acceptable, helpful, and good at communication and understanding without judging? Yes, please! And I also like the partner who makes me laugh because my humor is 100% broken.
— my love language... I'm pretty sure I'm so much pleasing to physical contact! I love hugs! Hugging is my favorite! I like to hug my favorite person and favorite person squeezes me till my bone pops for good! I like hand-holding, cuddling makes me feel secure! (besides I am also comfortable with a PDA!) and lastly for giving the gift to! It just shows how much I appreciate and trust! :)
— for my zodiac sign is Leo ♌ !
— my aesthetic/style is like... Tomboy? I wasn't very fond of super girly aesthetic/style stuff because it's not my thing. I like wearing all the cool casual clothes! Men's clothing is the best... Oh my!
— my appearance can be shown that I have short brown wavy/curly(?) hair which is close to a pixie-cut hairstyle! I have hazel eyes, freckles, and black glasses. My height is around 5'0-ish! I'm very lightweight, so that means I'm easy to pick up LOL!
— I am a 100% fully deaf person. I do have both C.I (cochlear implants) that help me to hear anything and people talking! But a bit of a problem is that I do struggle to hear/listen. And I do prefer to have a close caption to easily understand what are they saying. I also do (ASL) American Sign Language to communicate, but mostly I talk without signing language.
— I struggle to pronounce the words it depends on whether the words look hard or too long. I usually do spelling the words out of my mouth. And the funny thing, is I struggle to pronounce scissors... 😭
— playing tic-tac-toe and go fishing card games are my favorite to play games!
— I suddenly will steal the clothes to wear... Whoops
— Oreo cookies are my most favorite to eat!
— I... Love... DINOSAURS!! AAAAA
That's all! Hope that helps you from me putting a bit of detail for TADC matchups! Remember this, take your time! No rush is needed! <3!!
Hi, thank you for your request! I’m sorry, it seems like tumblr did eat your first ask but no worries!
Tumblr media
Hmm… funny, playful, and respectful? Caine is all of things and more! I think you and Caine would be a good match, seeing as he is a funny little AI who is eager to help with any and all your needs.
Okay, upon first meeting Caine, most of your relationship is him trying to get you out of your shell since you're socially anxious. This phase is pretty awkward since it's mostly him cracking jokes/doing bits you don't understand or laugh at. He's plenty outgoing (almost too much so) and probably manages to get you to open up more with him pretty fast!
Once you're more relaxed around him, Caine embraces your chaotic nature! As long as you're enthusiastic about participating in his adventures and games, he will match your playful energy. Also, he doesn't mind you getting confused, he will happily guide you through whatever it is you're clueless about. It is his role as ringmaster, after all!
Caine isn't used to idle hobbies like drawing or baking. (He much more prefers excitement!) But he will try for you when you’re in a relationship. He'll watch you draw or draw with you and even commentate, if you'd like! And if you bake him a cake? He'd be over the moon--literally!
Physical affection is also important to Caine, especially hugs! He'll give you a hug to greet you, to say goodbye, just because, etc etc. And Caine just likes PDA in general, he's always gotta be touching the people he loves, so you better believe he likes hand-holding and cuddles too! (He isn't... the best at them since he's an AI and all but he is enthusiastic, which more than makes up for it!) Also likes carrying you around so you have him to hold onto when he transports you from place to place...
He's more than accepting and willing to accommodate to your needs as a deaf person. If you ever need help or repeating, things like that, he will happily do so. He has his fun digital powers to make it so whatever he says to you is accompanied by closed captioning. And he knows ASL if you ever want to use that, since, as an AI, he has knowledge on all languages!
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