#i support confident women who can kill me
mifithemuffin · 1 year
Do you like to do character analysis? Are there any characters you'd like to ramble about?
I have such an intense brainrot about Daisy from TMA rn!!!! I'll try to not go too deep into specifics to avoid spoilers but
I'm so so weak for feral characters wallowing in their animalistic rage!!
when a complicated character is reduced to nothing but unapologetic bloodlust, when all they know is the thrill of the hunt. tearing someone else's throat using your teeth, being forced to lose your humanity and succumbing to something so familiar, so prominent in your veins that it feels like the second nature to you. or rather the only nature you really have.
Daisy tics all of the boxes for me: her wrath is ferocious, unrestrained, she uses some fucked up moral code to justify her killings but it doesn't cover her actions up, not in the slightest. I love seeing her elbow deep in someone else's guts, I love how she's going for the most brutal kills just because there's nothing gracious in The Hunt, nothing intricate or sophisticated. she inflicts as much pain as she can in the most inhumane ways possible just for the sake of it. she doesn't know any better. all her life she barely knew anything else.
I love the idea of the humans, at the very core, being mere animals!! just predators and prey, no other categories
also there's something about a woman not confirming to the societal standards and going rampant instead, fully expressing her rage when there are literal centuries of teaching us the opposite.
I love feral women covered in blood!!!! I support women's wrongs!!!!
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moonystoes · 3 months
Wrong Number - Elisa De Almeida
Summary: When Elisa sends a picture to the girl she was flirting with at the club...except it wasn't the right number.
Warning: ...there is a picture here loll.
A/n: I'm so sorry but this is by far the worst fic I've written, I've tried to do something new and I'm not so confident about it. I still wanted you guys to read it and all the support from the anonymous asks helped me a lot. Thank you!
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This picture is NOT Elisa, it is from @/torinha___ on instagram
The loud music was almost making Elisa dizzy. She gave a small nod to Jackie, pointing to the club seats and tip toeing there to make sure she won't bump into anyone. Elisa didn't want to admit it, but she knew she drank too much than she should've. The squad decided to go and celebrate their win against bayern Munich at a fancy bar in the south of Paris, but they completely forgot about their early afternoon training the next day.
Sakina was the only sober one, restricting alcohol from her diet because of her faith. And even if Islam permitted drinking, she'd still refuse. She loves being in control and aware of her surrounding environments, and if she gets drunk she'd lose all of the power.
Elisa awkwardly bumped into Sakina's shoulder, giving her a soft wave before settling down next to her, "oh my God we are so done for tomorrow, he will kill us."
"He will kill you, not us," she reminded Elisa, "it's okay, just stop drinking or else you'll make tomorrow worse."
"Yeah thanks Saki," Elisa gave Sakina a weak thumbs up as she twisted her body to the table, "I'll just drink water from now on."
Sakina patted Elisa's back as she turned to glance at the other girls. She hates the smell of sweat and drinks, but she loves hanging out with the girls. She can see Jackie and Eva dancing, as well as Clare twirling around... obviously too drunk to even care about how crazy she looks.
When she turned to her left, she noticed a woman staring at Elisa. She wasn't sure if she should let Elisa know about it, or just stay quiet and see if the woman will do anything. But she saw her take quick steps towards the both of them, and that caused Sakina to panic and turn the other way.
"Hey," a sultry voice hit Elisa's ear, feeling a hand squeeze her shoulder. She turned around to see who it was, and she was stunned for a minute by the beauty of the woman.
It's been a while since Elisa had gotten the attention of a girl that way. Even though she's been getting popular on social media, it feels as though her dating life has disappeared. Her last relationship ended because of the distance (her moving from montpellier to psg), and even that relationship was short anyways and ended awfully.
And when she tried dating apps, it seems as though her dates never work. Awkwardness fills both sides, and they ultimately end up ghosting each other. For a second, she tried convincing herself that it's for the best...so she can focus on football only. But now she is getting a little humiliated by all of this. Even her teammates make jokes about it (Eva laughed after Elisa opened up about her dating history, then proceeded to say she has '0 rizz').
She glanced back to the glass of water in front of her, then back to the woman in front of her. Maybe she should try this one more time, it won't hurt anyone...besides, everyone is drunk and if she embarrassed herself she'd probably forget about it anyways.
"Hey sweetheart," she smiled back, as she chugged the cold water, hoping it will make her sound less drunk than she is.
But when she glanced back at the stranger, she noticed her face was in complete shock, "oh my God, you're a girl?!"
"Haha...yeah, does that bother you?" Elisa gets this a lot in situations like this. In pure daylight, it's obvious she's just a masculine woman. But in dark clubs filled with drunk people, some visions get blurred. She just hoped that the women that try and flirt with her are actually attracted to women.
"Oh...no it doesn't," she gave a soft smile, her hand softly moving from Elisa's shoulder to the nape of her neck, delicately squeezing the tough muscle in there, "I just didn't know you were a girl and your voice caught me off guard."
Sakina was glaring at the stranger, having to see Elisa fall into the same trap everytime. She knew Elisa was desperate for some love (she does get laid apparently...well, that's what she tells Sakina), and this causes her to end up being in sticky situations with many straight women.
"My name is Sophie by the way," she raised her little champagne cup to Elisa, stepping closer to her to the point where her body was between Elisa's legs.
"Hey Sophie, I'm Elisa," She grinned at her with a wink, she lifted her right hand and placed it on Sophie's waist, "no work tomorrow?"
"Ew don't bring work here I'm trying to escape it," she fake gagged, placing the champagne glass on the table and placing her other hand on Elisa's thigh.
Usually, Elisa would freak out by the amount of physical touches she's getting. Especially by someone who she met not even a minute ago, but Sophie was an attractive woman...and that made her lose all the self respect she had and allowed her to do whatever she wants to her body.
She giggled at what she said, "Yeah me too."
"Your muscles are great, I've never seen a woman like that before," Sophie looked down as she tapped Elisa's tough quads, making sure that they're real.
Yeah because you haven't seen women in the first place,
Sakina thought as her blood started boiling, maybe she was being too much. Maybe Sophie was actually not straight and Sakina had been a bitch this whole time. But it doesn't matter, what matters is that Elisa is definitely too drunk to actually thinking appropriately.
"Yeah?" Elisa smirked at Sophie, she lifted up her sleeve and flexed her bicep, looking at Sophie's dropped jaw.
"Oh wow, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen."
Elisa burst out laughing, she knew if she can continue with the flirting she can possibly end up in a bedroom. The way Sophie was approaching her was definitely strange, but she did love the attention. And anyone who compliments her hard work in the gym makes her feel confident and cocky.
Sakina was grabbing her head with both of her hands, she wanted to pull Sophie away and drag Elisa home. She glanced up to check up on Jackie, Eva, and Clare. And she saw them cleaning up the little table they were using.
Alhumdulillah, Sakina thanked god realizing that she will be driving them home now.
"Psst, Elisa we're going now." She tapped Elisa on the shoulder, making sure she won't touch Sophie's clingy hand.
Elisa glanced back to Sophie with an evident pout, "sorry, I gotta go...can I get your number? we can finish the conversation there."
Her hand kept delicately squeezing Sophie's waist, waiting for a response from her. Sexting wasn't something she did, but she had some experience with from the long distance relationship that didn't last 2 months.
Sophia stood there slightly speechless, contemplating whether she should actually give out her phone number to Elisa, or run away from this embarrassing day.
"Okay, give me your phone and I'll type it."
Unknown Number
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This is how it looked under the shirt 😉
You huffed as you stared at the 11:59 on your computer screen. Working is always exhausting, but the paycheck makes it enjoyable. Your eyes were slightly burning from staying on the computer for too long, and it makes you feel way older than you knew you are. You were hoping time would move quickly so you can start your lunch, but a sudden ding came from your phone.
You glanced at Jasmine, your coworker, as she gave you a shrug, "check your phone, I don't think anyone will care. I mean lunch is gonna start in 29 seconds...no 28...no actually 27."
You sighed as you pulled your phone out from your purse, but froze when you saw a notification from an unknown number. You rarely get these texts, especially after the cybersecurity course you took that left you traumatized. But something from this made you curious, for sure now as an adult you can think maturely when texting strangers. Maybe it's an important message or someone who needs help.
You pressed on the notification, and gasped. Turning off off your phone, you stared back at computer screen, moving the mouse around making sure you finish your job.
"Damn you really wanna finish all 60 seconds. 16...15...14." Jasmine laughed at your nonchalant face.
You frustratingly pulled you phone back, reading the texts again. You are an adult now! You can tell them off. What if they're a hacker and they'll get into your personal data and leak all of your pictures? You glanced back at the picture as your face flushed, damn even if it's gross and weird to send strangers pictures like this...you were guilty for finding whoever this person may be attractive.
Maybe they accidentally sent it to the wrong number,
This is Elisa from the club last night haha
Elisa? That's a girl name right? You closed your eyes, now you're definitely guilty for finding her attractive. You were so single that a nude picture from a random masculine woman is making your face turn red. You looked back at the picture, not knowing how to respond.
Wrong number
I didn't go to a club last night
Sorry x
I'm pretty sure the person would've loved that picture though
Seen 4 minutes ago
Elisa screeched as she saw those texts, throwing the phone away in the locker room. Sakina turned around horrified from the scream, "Eli, what's wrong!"
"Saki kill me," she dropped her face into her hands as she lightly sobbed. Her right leg was twitching up and down as she sat down on one of the locker room seats.
Sakina placed her hair brush in her locker as she sighed from Elisa's dramatic behavior, "oh come on...what did you do?" But when she turned to look at Elisa, her dameanor turned serious. Elisa's face was bright red, eyes filled with tears and eyebrows furrowed.
She stepped towards Elisa worriedly, looking at Elisa's phone laying on the ground. She walked towards her phone, trying to see what even happened.
"No!" Elisa jumped up and grabbed her phone, hiding it into her chest, "Saki I made a stupid mistake."
"You're scaring me, just tell me what you did." Sakin came closer to Elisa, pushing her back into sitting.
"Do you remember Sophie from yesterday?" Elisa guiltily looked down as she whispered to Sakina.
Sakina rolled her eyes, "yes...I do remember her."
Elisa sighed again, this time in frustration and humiliation, "well...I guess she gave me a fake number," she looked back at Sakina's angry face, but right when she was about to response, Elisa interrupted her, "Sakina I sent a naked picture to some random girl...or worse, fuck that could be a man!"
Sakina's jaw dropped to the ground as she heard what Elisa did, but Elisa interrupted her again, "please don't lecture me about it. I know, I swear I know."
She gave Elisa a tight smile, pulling her in a hug to comfort her, "it could be a girl, and she could be cute and sweet and would actually like you. Maybe God made this a chance for you to find your one."
Elisa took a deep breath, trying to calm down her beating heart. It's not the end of the world, she can just block that number and pretend this never happened, or she could try and talk to the stranger. Maybe sakina was right, "Yeah...you're right. I should put my trust on God for this one, and if it was a 60 year old man I will blame it on him."
Sakina slapped Elisa's shoulder sarcastically, "actually you're the one who decided to send a nude picture to a random person...maybe you're the one to blame here," Elisa covered her face again with her hands, raising her face to the sky as she was mumbling some prayer, "Besides...can I see what you sent her?" Sakina winked as she tried to take Elisa's phone, now placed between Elisa's thighs.
Elisa opened her phone and showed her the texts, but Sakina's loud laughter made her shut it down and turn away from her, "God you're so bad at texting...what type of opening is that? I think she's a girl, a guy won't text that way right?"
Elisa shrugged, opening her phone again and tapping on the chat to text. It could be a girl right? It has to be, or else she will kill herself and disappear.
What if she's a fan and leaks the picture? A thousand thoughts were in her mind, so she decided to just text the stranger a small apology.
I'm so sorry
I should've sent a message first
I'm gonna kill myself 😭😭
Haha, no it's okay!
At least it's not a 😼 picture
And you have a great back!
That's a girl... definitely, right? Elisa blushed at the compliment, hiding her face away from Sakina not wanting another lecture.
Sorry for bothering you I'm pretty sure you didn't want to see this on a Tuesday afternoon
I'm just glad it's lunch break now
Also sorry about the whole wrong number thing I'm pretty sure you're bummed about it
Yeah I thought we were getting along pretty well
I'm just confused on why she gave me a wrong number
She was the one who approached me
:((( well at least you made my lunch break better
Oh yeah?
I'm glad
Wait you're working right? Not a student 💀💀
Lollll yeah I'm 25
What about u?
What kind of work do you do?
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My desk :((
I'm a financial analyst
That sounds way fancier than it it I swear
Seen a minute ago
"Elisa what are you smiling about?" Sakina turned around suspiciously, now her hair braided.
"Oh nothing," she shrugged sakina off, turning away so Sakina can't see her face. But she sighed loudly, realizing that she needed Sakina's advice, "she's definitely a girl. And around my age, that's good, right?"
Before Sakina could leave the locker room, she stood at the door and softly said, "be safe Elisa...and no more nude pics to her, please."
Elisa huffed out in embarrassment and nodded, glancing back at her phone to text you back.
Oh wow we're sending pics now?
Why is it sad 😔
Babe you already did send pics
I tried decorating it but I gave up in a day
Oh yeah
Sorry again
Can I get a face pic :)
Only if you do
No way
Why not ☹️☹️
Cuz I just started texting you
But why do I have to
Ma'am you just sent me a picture of your bare back
I promise a face picture is nothing compared to that
Ohh god
you're never gonna forget that
You don't have to
I just wanna match a face to the body ;)
"Fuck." Elisa whispered, you were good at convincing and she knew that if you asked her for another nude picture her nïave self would have sent one again.
She looked up to the sky and closed her eyes, "please don't make her some old man that's lying."
There was also a small feeling of anxiety in her, she knew that if things got awkward she can immediately block you and move on. But what if you recognize her? Would you leak that photo to the internet? She groaned out and responded, women's football isn't even that big anyways.
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Is this from today?
No yesterday
Seen 2 minutes ago
You bit your lip, turning your seat away from Jasmine not ready for the questionnaire she'll make if she sees you like this.
Elisa is beautiful. No...she's hot and sexy and all of those words combined. You slowly faced Jasmine again, "Hey Jasmine... I need an advice."
Jasmine stopped drinking her hot tea as she glimpsed at you, "what for?"
You whined loudly as you threw your phone towards her, "this unknown number sent me a message accidentally, but turns out she's a hot girl."
Jasmine choked on her drink when she saw the selfie Elisa sent, "Oh my God! Oh my God y/n, do not fuck this up!"
You stared at her stunned, "so...you're not worried about how unsafe this is?"
Jasmine zoned out to think, but she glanced back at you, "well...don't give her personal information, and try to find more about her," she returned your phone back to you, "Ugh...smash. I can't believe how lucky you got...wait! You can put her picture on pinterest or Google search and it will tell you if she's catfishing you!"
You turned to look at the picture on your phone again, you knew Jasmine was right about that hack. But you didn't want to keep Elisa waiting. For some reason, there is a feeling in you that this isn't some random person catfishing...that Elisa is real.
You look really tan here
And cute
Elisa let out a small giggle at the cute comment. What if she means cute as in a friendly way, not attractive cute? Ughhhh everything is frustrating!
I get tan a lot for my job
And sweaty
Why am I getting worried 😭
What do you mean sweaty
I will support you no matter what elisa
You're so dirty minded
I'm just an athlete
That's it
So naughty
Seen 2 minutes ago
"Ugh!" You shut your phone off and placed your head on your desk exhaustedly, "she said 'so naughty'... that's awful."
Jasmine cackled loudly at what you said, "if it was a guy it would be cringe. But it's not, so it's hot."
Elisa sent that message while standing on her tippy toes. She knew that her flirting skills are below average. She was staring at the screen hoping for a small message, but Eva came into the room making Elisa freak out and throw her phone in the locker.
"Hey Elisa, everything okay?" She worriedly glanced at her as she brought out her phone, "I'm gonna go and film a tiktok with Jackie. You should go to the gym room or else you'd get in trouble."
Elisa stopped 'adjusting' her hair in the mirror and nodded to Eva, "oh yeah... I go there in a minute."
Eva laughed at Elisa's accent and tapped her shoulder as she left the room. Elisa closed her eyes and took a deep breath, until she heard a small ding from her phone.
Sorry lunch break is over
You're the one who sent me a nude pic
I have to go training now anyways
Talk to you later
Bye bye Elisa
Have fun xx
It was 3 pm when you waved goodbye to your coworkers, exhausted and ready to go home. You were thinking about Elisa, you knew you had to quick search that picture to make sure you weren't getting fooled.
Once you reached your little studio apartment, throwing your bag on your couch and laying there. You weren't expecting anything when you went on pinterest and placed her selfie on quick search. But to your surprise, the same selfie was on there too.
You instantly sat up on your couch, no way... I'm actually getting catfished. You tapped on the post and saw the name 'Elisa de Almeida' as the caption.
Is that her full name?
Guilt was consuming your heart, you felt as though you were 'cheating' for searching her name on Google instead of just asking her.
Whatever, you'll search later. You will just text her and get to know her that way.
You do training for what?
You turned off your phone and went to the kitchen to make a quick lunch meal, not expecting her to respond quickly. But your phone's notification was heard, and you ran to the couch to grab it. Damn, she texts fast.
For my job
What's your job :(
I told you mine
I play football
And get paid for that
Elisa was on her couch when she heard a new message from you. She had been waiting for you to start the conversation, since she had no idea on how to text women.
When she saw the question, she frowned. She doesn't like to introduce her job to people no matter how much she's proud of herself for becoming pro. But she didn't want to lie, and maybe you wouldn't tease her or get overwhelmed and leave her.
Wait professionally??
That's so cool
I know your number is French but I know that players travel around
Where do you stay
I'm in my apartment right now
I can't believe you just play football like????
So if I search your picture online I can see what team you're in?
Yes but I'd rather me say it
Oh...too late I'm sorry 💔
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Seen 2 minutes ago
Elisa jumped up, fucking hell!
She stared at the black screen of her TV, are you going to be weirded out by her fans? Would that make you leave?
I'm sorry if I broke your privacy for this
My apologies xx
You huffed out a heavy breath, Damn it! You should've talked to her instead of doing this. Now she's probably uncomfortable with you because of this.
No it's okay
I just didn't know people can do that
Yeah haha
This is pinterest
And you can do that on Google too
That's how I know the names of the weird plants around my building
I'm really sorry if it made you weird
It's okay I guess I just wanted to lie to you and joke about my career but I forgot I'm kinda famous
Oh wowww
Were you going to lie that you're the female Messi or what
Wait if that picture was from yesterday, your fans are quick 😭
I actually prefer Ronaldo
Yeah sometimes they scare me
Ew not him
What type of fans do you have
The thirsty kind
They're nice and make cool edits of me
Sometimes violate my personal space but that's what you get when you're in public ig
Ohh I'm so sorry
Omg i just realized how scary it would've been if I were one of your fangirls and you sent me that nude pic 😭😭😭
Lolll 😂😂
I was freaking out for a while when I found out you weren't the girl
Aren't you happy that you found me though 😁😁
I am
You're pretty cute
Even when you refuse to show me how you look
Elisa :(((
I can't do it just yet
I know
I understand that
Where do you live
That's not a safe question to ask 🤨🤨
I live in Paris too
Just the unknown quiet side
That's cute
Pretty chill and tourists don't bother you
Do you live in a fancy apartment or with your family
A studio apartment
Gotta save my money to spoil my future wife
Are you gay?
Elisa please if I weren't gay I would've blocked you and moved on with life
Elisa smiled brightly when she read your message, does that mean you're interested in her?
Because I'm gay
I don't think it's hard to figure that out
But I'm glad you're comfortable with me knowing about it
It's easier when it's texting
It would've been harder in real life
I think if I saw you in real life I would scream GAY
Oh wow
I would've done the same thing
Nuh uh
Yuh uh
I would've also asked you out
If I wouldn't be shaking from anxiety
Am I your type
I don't think you understand the panic I had in my office when you sent me the pic of your face
Now I wanna see you
Elisa stop
No I'm sorry
I can send you a picture of my face
I need abs selfie
Hmm...I'm conflicted
I'm just kidding
I wanna see you so bad
Okay calm down
Don't put your hand under your panties
Do you wanna meet up
That's kinda unsafe
I could be a catfisher
But are you though?
I can't believe a catfisher can text like this 🙈🙈
You're so cute
And now that you mentioned us meeting
It makes texting you even harder
I'm on my bed now
Do you need help with something?
Depends on what you can offer
Chocolate 🍫
Oh I was expecting something else
But I'd take it
I'm gonna sleep
Good night
Good night Elisa
Dream of me
Elisa stared at the message you sent with a smirk on her face. It's been scary how fast the pace of your conversations is, but she was happy. It meant that the both of you guys are comfortable texting each other. She shut the phone off and stuffed her face into the pillow, dreaming of the one and only...'stranger'.
It's been a week and I still don't know your name
Xoxo gossip girl
I never watched that show
Please 🥺🥺🥺
You've seen my bare back and face
And locker room
And my TV
And the gym
You basically have seen everything
I was just gonna say it
It's y/n
I wanna see you 😔
You basically know my whole schedule
Yeah you're gonna go buy groceries today
Stop stalking me 😟😟
You don't have training today
You have a match
Turn off the phone and get ready
It's just 12pm??
The match is at 7
When do you have to get ready
We have to be there around 5
We're gonna be wearing suits today 🕴🕴
Show me to me rachel
Send it to me pleaseee
Who the fuck is rachel
Idk if I'll be free and send you a pic
Usually I turn off my phone before
It's a tiktok trend
I prefer instagram
Are you liking other women posts while texting me???
Give me your Instagram account and I'll like every post 😘😘
No don't say that I have pictures from when I was 14 there
Oh nvm maybe not every post
Wait why do you have posts from back then 😭😭
Your account sounds like a mess
Because I looked cunty in the pictures?? Besides my account is private and I have like 60 followers only
What about you?
What about me?
How was younger you?
I don't wanna talk about younger me
I'm pretty sure you looked so cute 🥺🥺
Wait some of your fangirls probably have pictures
Go and look on pinterest or whatever
if you don't want me to know it's okay
i was joking xx
no me too
its okay
you've seen my back i dont think baby me is that bad
go ahead
your back is not bad what are you talking about ;)
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stopp you looked so cute
Not this
Omg in my defense my ex gf at the time thought I was hot here
Pleasee I probably would be blushing too if I were her look at you 🥺🥺
Yeah young love
She was in france for the summer
Like two weeks only and she was brazilian so my dad liked her
...your dad?
Wait that sounded wrong
She used to speak with my dad portuguese and he is from portugal
So he wanted her to teach u?
Yeah but we were busy doing other things
Stop talking about your ex im gonna get jealous
Im joking
I was too scared to do anything like that
Well actually i did have my first kiss with her
But it was mostly really shy awkward football dates
Elisa im gonna block you shut the fuck up
What about you
Young love?
I had my first relationship when i was 20 💀
Ugh the audacity
What awh
You think me getting cheated on is cute
Okay whore
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Omg no please no more baby pics
But you looked cute :(((
Baby eli
seen 4 hours ago
Elisa scratched her chin as she eyed Constance, hoping she would start a conversation, "what's wrong? Eli please..." Constance giggled as she saw Elisa's face.
"Awh thank you for asking I was questioning our friendship for a second," Elisa joked, smacking picaud's shoulder, "do you remember the girl from the club?"
"the straight one?" Picaud questioned as she buttoned the suit, trying her best to look presentable.
"the straigh- she was not straight." Elisa froze, looking at picaud's reflection in the mirror.
"Bitch please even Sakina, the straightest girl I know, noticed that," She tapped Elisa's shoulder to comfort her as she cackled.
Elisa felt blood running to her cheeks, was she that drunk not to notice? Maybe that's why she gave you the wrong number. Elisa felt deep embarrassment for not realizing sooner.
"Anyways... I'm sorry about it. What were you going to say?" She starting applying gel to her roots.
"Ugh... you're going to laugh at me even more now," Elisa rolled her eyes and contiuned buttoning her dress shirt, completely ignorning the concerning glance Constance is giving her, "Okay fine! She gave me a wrong number... and I accidentally... well not accidentally, I actually meant it...sent her a nude picture. A picture of my back, and it was another girl that's gay and around our age and she also lives here in Paris. Anyways, I just want to ask her out but I keep sounding like a cat in heat on how desperate I am and i don't want to scare her."
Constance jaw was on ground listening to Elisa's ramble, "Wait what?! Elisa are you out of your mind? Why the fuck did you send a random number a picture of your back?" She dropped her arms to her sides as she gave Elisa a disappointed look. Elisa turned the other way so Picaud doesn't look at her red face, "Oh my god are you hiding from me? Look at least she's a gay girl around your age...that's good, right?"
Elisa didn't respond for a second, "Ugh everyone keeps yelling and laughing at me for what I did...but I swear she's really cute."
Pauline took a step towards Elisa and gave her a tight hug, "Can I see how she looks?"
"I don't know how she looks." Elisa shut her eyes tightly, preparing herself for the 5th lecture of this whole situation.
It was a minute of silence in the bathroom stalls, Picaud thinking of a kind and non-hurtful way to call Elisa stupid while Elisa was thinking of a way to allow you to meet her.
"Elisa you're the master of how to get catfished 101," She groaned out, pulling away from the hug to look at Elisa, "but...I'm not 100% against it. I think you should just continue letting her expose things about her. Write on your notes everything she says about her personal information and read over it...if things don't match then block her and move on."
Elisa quietly thanked God, no more yelling and shouting at her face. She nodded eagerly at what Picaud said and immediately left the bathrooms. She has to stop being distracted, there is a match happening today and you were the only thing she was thinking about.
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That's it??
I wanted to see your face :((
Sorry I have to go now
Love you
I know you're busy
Good luck
Seen 3 hours ago
The players hugged each other, too tired to speak up after the tiresome match. The team won 2 - 0 against Paris fc at parc de princes, and even with the win they knew their performance wasn't the best. It was Chawinga that scored those two, and the rest of the team was lacking a lot chemistry and communication.
Elisa tried her best, but the memory of her losing the ball to the opposing striker keeps haunting her. She knew that Twitter is definitely going to be grilling her for it, and she had made a promise to herself that searching her name on Twitter is not allowed for her mental health.
She remembered you and smiled, at least now she can text you all night without the stress of a match in her head.
Glancing around the stadium, she saw many teenage girls screaming and waving at her to try and get her attention. She gave them a soft smile and waved back, making them scream even louder. Ugh I wish I can get y/n's attention like this.
The match just finished
I'm sweaty and everyone else is screaming and singing but I wanted to text you
I know
I'm proud of you
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I watched you play in front of me and I don't think I've been more proud and attracted to anyone before
Pleaer dobr leave
Please do t
Im staying here baby I'm not going anywhere
I'm going out of the locker room
Where are you
Which section
I'm waving
Wearing a white jacket
Wait why am I looking at a bald man with a white jacket and waving 😟😟
Turn around
Elisa turned around and had eye contact with you, maintaining it for maybe too long for your comfort. She wanted to make sure it was you, pointing at her phone as she gave you a questioning glance.
Understanding her gesture, you looked down and sent her a message,
that's me :)
Elisa you're scaring me
that's why I didn't send you a picture of my face in the beginning
Can you come down
The stadium was already empty, having only the ball kids and the cleaners going around and collecting things. You started taking steps down the stairs, getting closer to Elisa as she was standing right on the edge.
"Hey! You're not allowed to get closer!" A security barged near you and placed his palm in your chest, trying to stop you from getting closer to Elisa.
"She's mine, you can leave her." Elisa placed her foot on one of the advertising boards, ready to jump and pull you away from him.
"She doesn't have the right pass, miss." He pushed you backwards, even when you were frozen in place in the first place.
"I don't fucking care what pass she has, I already told you she's mine!" Elisa was fed up with the security man, it's been a long day and having you right in front of her was exactly what she needed, and she won't allow anyone to stop it.
He turned to look at Elisa's angry face, gaving her a timid nod before removing his arm from your front torso.
She sighed as she signalled for you to get closer, "sorry, I'm not usually like this."
"Hey..." You shyly gave her a soft wave, almost like it's the first time you guys have talked.
"Hi," she waved back with a lopsided smile, she couldn't believe that you were hiding this from her, "I don't understand why you didn't want me to know how you look when you look like this."
You jokingly slapped her shoulder away, biting your lip in embarrassment.
"No, seriously!" Elisa had a wide grin, suddenly the win they had today didn't matter. It was you that made her happy. She placed her hands on your cheeks, pulling you in so that your foreheads are touching.
"You played so good, Eli," you whispered to her, you knew looking at her eyes will make you melt into the ground, so you kept your eyes down at her lips, "I'm proud of you."
"Thank you, I don't think people on the internet are going to agree though," You wrapped your arms around her broad shoulders to pull her more into you. It was slightly harder because of the board between you, but you managed through.
Elisa pulled away from your hug and bent down, making you confused on what she was trying to do. She placed both of her arms around your waist and carried you, turning around to the other side so you can both hug without anything seperating you.
"I don't care what they say on twitter, I am José Mourinho and I think you're a fast, strong, and a hot player," you spoke in a deep voice pointed your finger at her, making her laugh as she pulled you in again in a tight hug.
"Let me take you out," she murmured under your ear, "I need to take you on a date."
Your face was a blushing mess, it was hard to say no to her. Even when she looked attractive on the selfies, seeing her in real life was something else, "I want to go out with you too, but we're going too fast. We've only been texting for one week."
"Everything was going fast when I started our conversation with that picture, I think we will be fine." Elisa hoped she didn't sound desperate, but she cannot let you go, she will never forgive herself.
You laughed at what she said, placing your hands on her back to feel the muscles from the picture, "okay, let's go somewhere,"
She pulled away slightly to look at your face with a pink blush around her face. Bending down, she gave your right cheek a kiss and hugged you again, "ugh I can't believe you're real!"
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hadesoftheladies · 8 months
actually, I DID have gender dysphoria as a teenage girl without being exposed to anything about it on the internet, on top of "racial dysphoria" and body dysmorphia
there were points I DID want to kill myself because i wasn't, or bleach my skin or change my body, i would have done anything to be a white boy at one point
which is both sad and funny to me because i remember two of my then good friends explain being enby and transgender to me and me being like "that doesn't make any sense" and it's because of trans-discourse we eventually broke up. the closest i ever got to accepting trans-ideology was transmedicalism with weak support for "queer" culture. i did not understand pronouns, but i understood dysphoria. but i did not understand how one could be a man or woman without the sex characteristics.
how did i heal?
one, i left church. that was one of the places i was most scrutinized for my physical body. two, i distanced from my parents, especially my mom. who often made my ocd and body-image worse (not because she was mean, but because she was always fretting about "decency"). three, i focused on bettering my personal space. writing, reading, watching my comfort shows, getting the focus off me. four, i started eating better, and my body became less burdensome. i stopped getting horrible period pain. five, i surrounded myself with self-confident women and stopped trying to resurrect toxic friendships with girls and boys (especially boys). started eliminating each toxic friend and focusing my efforts on healthier relationships. six, i'd started educating myself on my own history, watching and listening to more black and African people. even when i didn't enjoy what they made or resonate with it, i found i appreciated the experience and could allow myself to hate or love whatever i found.
by the time i discovered radical feminism, this was like, the final step for me: consuming women-centric literature and media. this was HUGE. i'd see paintings and photography of women in all shapes, colors and sizes. i'd listen to master musicians, read women philosophers, anthropologists, etc. this started mending a lot of what caused initial disquiet when it came to my dysphoria or dysmorphia.
basically, i took myself out of bad environments (especially those which force you to scrutinize every detail about yourself, like social media, i took long breaks from that), drew boundaries with people i couldn't get rid of, learned about myself (ocd, dyscalculia, anxiety, female biology) so that i developed understanding and could empathize, stopped centering men and white people.
now, while there's still a hint or trace of dysmorphia and dysphoria, it doesn't plague my life. it's like the occasional itch. more of a mild temptation to go down a dark hole than an actual threat. and i've learned how to handle those.
i learned the root of things. not just my history, but the root of how society worked and how it affected me. and i'm still learning, and my life is still improving.
so yeah, girls and women going through this is normal and common. anyone who is used to who they are being shameful is more at risk (like gnc lgb kids), but you can recover. usually better if you get out of the places that are making you sick.
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jointherebellion215 · 6 months
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John "Bucky" Egan x female!reader
Summary: A rare night out in London has Bucky coming to terms with his feelings for you.
Word Count: 2.9k
Tags: mechanic!reader, songbird!reader, female!reader, she/her pronouns used, drinking culture, cursing, mutual pining, moderate bouts of denial, insecurities, women supporting women because it's what we deserve, let's pretend that The Old Therebefore is an ancient Appalachian folk song in this universe, maybe she's a Mary Sue idgaf, I just wanted to write something happy so LET ME LIVE, WWII era, there's no Y/N but reader has the nickname "Birdie"
A/N: Yeah, I'm obsessed with Masters of the Air. I had to write something for my mans before the creative procrastination literally killed me. Please leave a like, comment, or even a reblog if you're so inclined :)
You can read my OC version of this story on AO3!
Songs Mentioned in This Fic:
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by The Andrews Sisters
G.I. Jive by Johnny Mercer
The Ole Therebefore (Accapella) by Rachel Zegler
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This story and any recognizably named characters are based solely on dramatic portrayals of the characters from the series, not the real individuals they represent. All the respect to the actual service people who fought and died in the Second World War. Also, don't copy my writing without explicit permission. That includes you, you AI sonuvabitch.
Your heels clicked on the cobblestone streets, turning into the pub you’d heard so much about. You were out celebrating a very rare weekend off. The Brass had somehow allowed you and twenty other mechanics from base two days leave, so you took advantage of the opportunity and headed straight to London.
Your two best girlfriends from base were with you. Teresa was one of the toughest nurses you’d ever come across. She could give you a wide grin, crinkles around her hazel eyes, and reset a broken bone without breaking a sweat. It helps that she was already working towards becoming a nurse back in New Mexico, the war just sped along that process. You had bonded over your love of books, giving each other recommendations almost weekly.
You’d met Irene on the boat to England. She puked on your shoes almost thirty minutes exactly after leaving the port in New York. You gave a small grin, offering her a handkerchief and a piece of ginger candy and the rest was history. Finding out that she was a fellow mechanic was the icing on the cake. Coming in at a whopping five foot two, the spritely blonde could easily be found in a crowd with her loud Appalachian accent.
It seemed almost like fate for the three of you to have found each other. Being some of the few women on base naturally made you close, but you were closer with Irene and Teresa than any of the others. That’s not to say that you weren’t friends with any of the men, because you were. Friendly. 
All three of you were dressed to the nines, in contradiction to your everyday work wear. You all got ready together in your hotel room, giggling while you applied makeup here, spritzed some perfume there. You all felt confident and were ready to have a good time. You spotted some familiar faces and made your way over towards them, your friends linked arm-in-arm with you. Lemmons was the first to greet you.
Of the fifty men on the ground crew, Sgt. Ken Lemmons was the most welcoming of them all. From the get-go, he didn’t care if you were a man or woman. He just wanted to know that you were capable. You were sure he had to go through some hazing because of his age, which probably changed his perspective on gatekeeping the job. This made earning and maintaining respect a lot easier for the women on your crew. We all came over with the same goal, it was better for all if we just helped each other out.
“Hey Birdie! Nice to see you out and about.”
Ah, the famed nickname. You tend to hum and sing under your breath when elbow-deep in a project. It helps you pass the time and clear your mind. Of course, the rest of the ground crew quickly caught on to this habit of yours, which quickly earned you the nickname “Birdie”. You, of course, never sing solo in public, so this confuses anyone who’s not around you while you’re working. But the name stuck, so here you are. Birdie.
Chairs are quickly cleared for you and your friends, which you all graciously take. You go up to buy some drinks, knowing what your friends like, and quickly return with your drinks of choice. Conversation flows, laughs are shared, and a few drinking games are played over the next hours. Teresa soon speaks up on a topic you’d been hoping to avoid.
“Do you think he’ll be here tonight?”
You shrug and look into your drink, “Dunno. Why does it matter?”
Irene, the ever supportive best friend that she is, backs up Teresa. “What do you mean ‘why’? This is your chance to finally make a move!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You quickly deny, taking another sip.
An unladylike snort leaves Irene, “My ass! You and Major Egan have been making googly eyes at each other when you think the other’s not looking for months. I’m saying it’s time for you to perk your tits up, buck on over and ride that—!” You slam your drink on the table, pressing your hand over Irene’s mouth, heat rising to your cheeks in embarrassment.
“Are you insane?” You whisper harshly, looking around to make sure no one overheard you. You seem to be in the clear, which makes you calm down a bit. Irene pushes off your hand, takes a swig of her drink, and consults the person who started this whole conversation.
“Am I wrong?” You look to Teresa, who cringes slightly in agreement.
You gape at the pair of them. Normally, you were the median between the two girls who had vastly differing opinions. But this is what made them come to a consensus? Unbelievable.
“Look, I’m not saying that I don’t want to.” You start, which makes your friends nod encouragingly at you. “It’s just that… Is he really as interested as you think he is?”
They both groan and slump against each other, like they’d just run a marathon. Teresa sits up, scooching your chair in closer so that the three of you were in a private triangle, cut off from the rest of the group.
“Let’s look at the facts here, okay?” Teresa starts to tick off a finger with each point she and Irene make. But you seem to always have a rebuttal at the ready.
“He brings you coffee every morning.”
“I thought he does that for everyone.”
“He constantly fixes his hair when you’re around.”
“He takes care of his appearance!”
“He walks you to the mess hall every day for dinner.”
“We just happen to be going the same way. And we happen to have the same dinner schedule.”
“He read The Hobbit when you said how much you loved it.”
“He’s an adventurous guy, it’s an adventurous book, what’s not to like about it?”
“You two literally will walk and talk outside alone for hours.”
“A man can’t have a stimulating conversation with a woman?”
“He laughs at all your dumb jokes.”
“Hey! They’re not all dumb. Like, the one with the goose and the—”
“Point proven. Anyways! He has your picture in the inside pocket of his jacket.”
That one stops you in your tracks. You brain tries to justify this meaning but comes up blank.
“He…” You struggle with an excuse. “He…” Your best friends give victorious smirks in your direction.
“He… likes the extra padding in his jacket?” You stutter over what is possibly the most pathetic, sorry excuse you could have ever come up with.
“When are you gonna admit to yourself that he likes you? Like, actually truly likes you?” 
You gave a sad sigh, letting the insecurity you were feeling deep down come to the surface. “I just… He’s just so…” You had stomped down your feelings for so long that it was becoming hard to articulate what exactly you’re feeling.
“He just seems so unreal. Like, of everyone he could have chosen, why me? I mean, I know I’m great. But you’ve seen the other girls on base. They’re all so beautiful, smart, classy… and none of them are covered in engine oil ninety percent of the time.” You looked down at your hands, specks of grease and oil peeking out from beneath your nail beds. It seems like it would never completely wash out, no matter how hard you scrubbed. You hadn’t even painted your nails for this weekend, knowing it would be money wasted come Monday morning when you’re back on the clock.
Teresa and Irene share a look that you don’t see, then come forward and grab each of your hands. 
“The words you just used to describe those girls. All of that is you, Birdie. That and more. You being a mechanic doesn’t make you any less of a woman, and to hell with anyone else who thinks otherwise.”  You nodded in agreement, Irene’s words of encouragement slowly washing away your anxieties.
Teresa spoke up next, “You deserve someone who will rearrange the stars and the whole night sky for you. And I’m more than willing to bet that Major Egan is up for the job.” 
“Besides, none of that 'unreal' stuff. At the end of the day, John Egan is nothing more than a man. If he can’t look past his nose and his d—" You gave a squeak to cover up the vulgar word Irene was about to blurt in public. She rolled her eyes fondly and continued.
“If he can’t see what you’re worth and make the effort to treat you a hundred times better than that? That’s on him. Not you. You know what you deserve, and you deserve everything you want. Absolutely everything.”
You sniffed, happy tears coming to your eyes. You brought your best friends in for a hug, thanking them profusely. 
“Don’t sweat it,” Teresa grins into your shoulder “every girl needs to be pulled out of her well sometime.”
You pull back from the hug, grabbing your glass and tipping your head back, finishing the rest of your drink. “Even if he’s not gonna be here, let’s have a ball!” Your girlfriends cheer as the three of you go to the bar for refills.
One drink turns into two, which turns into a few more, and suddenly you’re buzzed. Your group are having a rambunctious time, Irene dancing by the local piano player. Once Irene looks over to you, she stops and whispers in the player’s ear. He nods, then starts a new tune. Irene starts up her voice, walking over to you and Teresa, encouraging you to join her. 
The alcohol has loosened you up enough that you don’t feel the nausea you usually associate with being perceived, so you join in the harmonies you and your friends have practiced in your bunks at night.
He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
Soon the whole pub was jumping and dancing along to the tune as you brought a new vibe to the pub. It was like a spark that started an entirely new night and everyone was eager to go on forever.
One song turns into an entire set, which ends with a full rendition of G.I. Jive, which had everyone singing along. It was a magical moment; made you feel like you were a part of something important.
Irene sidles up to you, giving you a hug. She says in your ear,
“I think it’s time to slow it down a bit. How about you sing that song I taught you.”
She means an old Appalachian folk song that’s been in her family for generations. You had heard her sing it one night and immediately loved the dark, but strong nature of the lyrics. It was an honor to learn it from her. 
“I don’t know, it’s your family’s song and…”
“And I can’t think of anyone better to sing it to these soldiers.” You gave each other a look, her slight eyebrow raise gave you the courage to nod in acceptance. She smiled, hugging you again, her voice yelled out to the crowd. 
“Birdie’s gonna sing solo!”
The announcement is met with raucous applause, Irene and Teresa shoving you towards a dodgy looking table. Crank offers a hand up, which you take gratefully. As you find your bearings on the tabletop, you quickly spin around and find all eyes on you. 
The crackling energy in the air seemed to simmer, the fast-beating hearts of the pubgoers recognizing a moment to acknowledge you. Nausea starts to make an appearance, but a deep breath quells the sensation within you for the time being.
You take another deep breath. Inhale, exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
You close your eyes, open your mouth, and sing.
Majors Gale Cleven and John Egan walk down the familiar street, one eager to catch up with his fellow countrymen’s alcohol intake, the other just happy to spend time with his friends. They were arriving later to the festivities due to being caught up in filling out reports. By far the worst part of having a higher rank was the paperwork.
“It’s pretty quiet.” Buck acknowledges. “They’re usually rowdier by this point.”
Bucky sniffs, shrugging off the concern. “Ah, it’s probably nothing.” 
As the two men approach the pub, they find that a crowd has formed. Soldiers, civilians, RAF, USAAF, old, young— people had obviously stopped to watch whatever was going on. It was dead silent, save for a voice singing. Was there a radio show on or something?
A familiar face peeks out at them from the crowd, DeMarco quickly waving them over. 
Bucky is quick to question, “Hey, what’s going on?” but is immediately shushed by nearby crowd members. Buck cringes in apology, despite not being the one to disturb the peace. His best friend, ever unshaken by the opinion of strangers, carries on.
DeMarco leans in, whispering, “Your girl’s taking us all to church.”
“My girl..?” Bucky’s nose scrunches in confusion. He makes space through the crowd and quickly makes sense of DeMarco’s words. It was you.
I’ll catch you up
When I’ve emptied my cup
When I’ve worn out my friends
When I’ve burned out both ends
Standing on a tabletop, watchful eyes sat all around you like baby ducks flocking to their mama. You were captivating everyone with each note and word that flows from your mouth. Damn, you've got a set of pipes— a voice that belongs on the radio, in concert halls, on Hollywood records. He had no idea.
His little Birdie.
“Wow.” Buck mutters in awe from behind him, and Bucky couldn’t be more in agreement.
When I’m pure like a dove
When I’ve learned how to love
He hadn’t noticed before, but her eyes were closed. Like she needed to concentrate on each and every breath she took, every single movement her body made, before letting them out in an angelic melody.
As if by divine intervention, her eyes pop open and lock on his as she belts “how to love” 
It could’ve been an eternity, for all he knows, the amount of time that they spent locked in each other’s gaze. The world pauses around them, everything frozen. Her eyes were already the kind to knock a man clean off his feet with a single gaze, but he thinks- for a brief moment- that his heart completely stops beating.
John Clarence Egan would swear every day from then on, until his dying breath, that the course of his life was altered in that very moment. He knew how it would continue from then on, and how it would end. How he wanted it to end.
Then the world starts back up and carries on.
Right here in the old therebefore
When nothing is left anymore
Her final hums are joined by a short blonde woman who stands nearby, another face he recognizes from base. 
The applause that picks up after the end of the song is near deafening. The star of the hour gives a shy smile, a quick curtsy and is given a hand to step down from the table.
Everyone soon starts mingling, the normal chatter of the bar returning. But Bucky is stuck in his spot, dumbfounded. In all the conversations you’d had together, somehow this never came up. He should’ve put two and two together, as he recalls overhearing your hums one morning as he made his daily coffee delivery to you. But you had been caught off guard, so much so that you tripped off the ladder you stood on and fell. Luckily, his quick reflexes kicked in to catch you before any serious injuries occurred. 
Remembering the sensation of his hands on your waist and thighs, face just inches from yours, sent his brain into a tailspin. That’s not even considering just how damn cute you were when, after a beat, you turned away from him and playfully mourned the cups of coffee that were splattered all over the hardstand.
“John. John?” A hand waving in front of his face knocks him out of his reverie. He blinks once, twice. Then looks to his best friend.
His voice comes out uncharacteristically weak in response, to which he then clears his throat and corrects. “Yes—yeah?” He pops the collar of his sheepskin jacket to try and hide the rampant red of his ears that signals the heat radiating from them.
Buck just shakes his head and gives him a knowing smile. “You sure know how to pick ‘em, Egan. Never thought I’d see the day.”
“See what day?” Bucky starts to consciously return to his body, leaning on the bar.
“The day when a girl finally knocks you on your ass. I knew you had a thing for her, but that?” He points to his face and motions to indicate where they had just been standing. “That’s something else. That’s something real.”
Bucky gives another shrug in response, to which Buck throws back an unconvinced frown. He turns his head to gaze over the pub patrons and is distracted by you once again. Any denial he was about to spout immediately dies in his mouth when you lock eyes with him again and give him a dazzling smile. The world starts to fade away again.
His heart pumps faster in his chest at the sight. Damnit. He sighs, telling his best friend the truth he’s been privately wrestling with for a while now, all the while keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“I know, Buck. I know.”
Bucky smiles back at you and is elated when your face lights up. You give him a wave.
“She kinda snuck up on me.”
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that-basic-simp · 6 months
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Mizu x Fem!Reader CW: N/A WC: 1.2k+
I walked down a line of suitors that my father had picked out for me. They were mostly older men, something I did not cater to well, but this was the world I lived in. Where women are to be married off to an older man. It wasn't right, but I had to live with it. I had no say in the matter, especially since my father was a highly respected lord and I was the princess of our clan. However, there was this one person who kept popping up in the back of my head. It was someone I had just recently seen when I was coming home.
They were right by the carriage and when I picked my head up, our eyes met. He was wearing these tinted glasses and a large hat was on his head. There was something odd that made him stick out to me. Something that these men didn't have to offer. After rejecting every man here, my father audibly sighed. I understood why he was frustrated, but I was frustrated, too. Once the men left, he turned towards me.
"Do you not want to get married? To have a happy life?"
"I have a happy life here, unmarried," I said.
"What is it?" he asked. "There has to be something that is bothering you."
"There is no spark with these men."
"You're not even giving them a chance."
"Says you. You line them up and say pick whichever one you want. Like they're having a contest to test if they're handsome or not."
"What is bothering you?"
"There was this man when I was on my way here," I said.
"There was something odd about him. Something I couldn't put my finger on, but it made it all the more attractive. I wanted to get to know what that odd feeling was whenever I looked at him. I want to know why he is mysterious."
"Hmm. What did he look like?"
"He had orange tinted glasses, a large hat on his head, and a cloak. Oh and there was something around his neck."
"And he's here?"
There was silence before my father nodded, "Alright. I'll see if the locals know where he went. I'll bring him here."
I smiled and hugged my father, "Thank you!"
"I hope that you can give him a chance."
"I will, father."
"Why did you follow me out here?" Mizu asked.
"I was worried about you," I said.
"You're following someone who is out for revenge. Not someone who wants love right now."
"What we had, was it real to you?"
Mizu looked over at me, some confusion going on in her eyes. They flicked back and forth from me and the wall.
"I-I--" she couldn't even answer that question.
"I didn't judge when you told me you were a woman. That you were not what I thought you were. And yet, I stayed with you. I still loved you."
"You're loving the wrong person, Y/N. You're loving me for the person who I was presenting to you. After your father gave me his permission to marry you, I knew you deserved better."
"Deserved better how?"
"For starters, an actual man. Not a woman pretending to be one. And someone who will actually love you."
"So what we had wasn't real?" I asked, a hurtful expression appearing.
"That's not what I meant," Mizu turned and grabbed my hand. She let out a sigh, shaking her head. "Someone who will love to put you first. Someone who will take care of you no matter what."
"You took care of me."
"But I had to leave for my mission. To kill those white men."
"I know you told me this. And I support you going through with it."
"Do you?" she asked, a questioning look in her eyes.
"I do," I said confidently.
"Then you will let me go. And move on to find someone who is deserving of you. Who you are deserving of."
"I can't," I said, my voice breaking slightly.
"Because I love you, Mizu."
She let out a sigh before pulling me in for a hug. Her arms wrapped tightly around me and I hugged her back, embracing the warmth she had.
"Even though I didn't really say it often, I do love you, Y/N."
"And I know you don't want me to move on."
"What makes you say that?" she asked.
"Just how protective you were over me even when someone looked at me the wrong way. Like you were going to gouge their eyes out."
"Well," she pulled away to find my eyes. "You are mine, after all."
I smiled, some blush crawling onto my cheeks.
"You're right. I don't want you to move on to find someone. But you do deserve better. A-And once I finish everything, I will do better."
"Thank you, Mizu."
The door opened and Ringo walked in. Mizu glared at him for not warning us first.
"You got a girl," he said. "A pretty girl. Wait, how does that work?"
"Ringo, this is Y/N. She has been secretly following me, but I am grateful," she softly smiled at me. "She's also a princess," she looked over at Ringo before turning back to face me."My princess."
I smiled, some more blush crawling onto my cheeks. I knew something that would make Mizu blush heavily. It was mostly PDA, but since it was Ringo, I knew we were going to be fine. But even then, Mizu doesn't like it when I show her off. She would sometimes show me off whenever we were starting our relationship, before my father told her she could marry me. Leaning towards her, I pressed a kiss to her cheek. She stood there frozen, a deep red color flushing across her cheeks. I giggled and did it once more, that red growing deeper. It looked like she wanted to reach for her Kasa and cover her face. I loved it when I could get her flustered.
"A-A minute alone, Ringo, please."
Ringo nodded and walked out of the room, his footsteps echoing down the hall until they stopped. Mizu turned and faced me once more, grabbing onto my hands.
"My princess," she whispered.
It was a cute nickname she had given me when we started our relationship. To say it was rocky at the beginning is an understatement. She was down right not willing to do anything with me whenever my father brought her to the palace. She immediately wanted to leave and fought a few guards. Almost about to leave, I stopped and just talked with her. We walked around the courtyard and talked for a bit. She told me about her pursuit of revenge while I talked about how boring it was to live this kind of life. She was jealous of me to say the least. But she worked on that. Now, people are jealous of her whenever her and I are together.
"You should head on home," she said. "This next part will be dangerous and I can't afford to lose you."
"I can't afford to lose you either."
"I'm stubborn. You know it," she chuckled. "My body won't let me die until I have finished everything. And when I finish what needs to be done, I will come back to you and we will get married. We will have a life together. Just you and I."
I smiled, some tears forming in my eyes as that was all I wanted from her. Was to just be with her and live the rest of our days out together. To grow old with her and experience the changes of the world as we grew older and older. She placed her hands on my cheeks, swiping the tears away with her thumbs. She pressed a kiss to my forehead before lightly pecking my lips.
"I love you, my princess."
"I love you, too, my water lily."
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Angela Lansbury (The Harvey Girls, The Court Jester, The Manchurian Candidate)—The babe, the myth, the legend. In her own words her early hollywood roles were "a series of venal bitches" and they were all glorious. Half of them wanted to kill you and you probably would have thanked them. She even goes toe to toe with Judy Garland in The Harvey Girls! That said, she was chronically underused and misused during this era - she was just 36 when she was cast as Elvis Presley's mother in Blue Hawaii and a few years later commented that she'd played so many 'old hags' that most people thought she was in her 60s. She thought she was "all talent, no looks" but she was the full package! Post-1970 I hope we all know what an incredibly talented and compassionate badass she was, but I feel like not enough people know her early roles as a hot (often villainous) young thing.
Silvana Mangano (Bitter Rice, Teorema, The Witches)— She always portrayed such confidence, such sass- those eyes could make you tell the truth.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Propaganda for Angela Lansbury:
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"Angela Lansbury might not be where your mind goes first when you think of hot leading women, because she had a later career revival. But she began acting in the early 1940s after leaving London due to the Blitz. In the first couple decades of her film career she has an openness about her. She said she never really fit in with the Hollywood crowd and to me she gives off a friendly, untarnished vibe."
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"Most of us know Angela Lansbury as old lady sleuth Jessica Fletcher, but it's important to know that she was smoking hot in her younger days as well as a damned fine actress. Although she didn't get lead roles until her early 40s, at 17 she was a supporting actress in films such as Gaslight (1944), National Velvet (1944), and The Picture of Dorian Grey, for which she won the Golden Globe for best supporting actress and was nominated for the Oscar. Even in her memorable performance as the manipulative mother in The Manchurian Candidate, she is listed as a supporting actress as she does not play the love interest. She was successful both on stage and screen, and won the Tony for her lead role in the musical Mame on Broadway in 1966. TL;DR While Angela Lansbury mostly played supporting roles in films before 1970, she had what it takes to be a leading actress, which we know from her success on stage and tv from the mid 60s onward"
"She looked like a princess but bit like a viper"
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"Is there anything this woman couldn't do? Act in comedy and drama, sing, dance, be a wonderful human being - quite simply a true and wonderful lady."
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"she is the fairytale princess of my dreams in court jester"
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"god she had such an incredible career all throughout her life really but as a young lady she was just as incredible as she was in her later years. enchanting voice, amazing personality, and absolutely GORGEOUS. she lamented not having the looks to play leads in romance but that idea is so batshit because look at her??? she's one of the most terrific women of all time. also she's my grandmother's favorite actress and i truly get it"
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Painfully sexy Italian bombshell
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Yeayeysyesyes! As someone who headcanons Charlie as trans I absolutely loveee Vaggie shaving her face as a sweet gf gesture 🥹
you headcanoning Charlie as trans 🤝 me headcanoning Vaggie as trans -> mutually supportive trans girlfriends 👍
if there is ANY way for two women to be intimate involving a sharp blade and prolonging loving looks of adoration then always assume im thinking about it. a lot.
Vaggie: "I am NOT using my angelic spear to trim your beard, babe."
Charlie: "BUT!!"
Vaggie: "No. No???? It could kill you!"
Charlie: "Not in your hands! Not that I'd mind!"
Vaggie: "Charlie."
Charlie: "Vaggieeeee pleassssse? The intimacy and trust could be EXACTLY what's needed to fix this fractured relationship!!"
Vaggie: "Our relationship is fractured?"
Charlie: "What? No no no! Not OUR relationship you and me- ours as in me and the sp-"
Charlie: "................."
Vaggie: "...you and the.... spear?"
Charlie: "......."
Vaggie: "Sweetie.”
Charlie: “WHAT.”
Vaggie: “Are you.. cheating on me with my spear."
Charlie: "No! You- You're the one who sleeps next to it!"
Vaggie: "And that makes you feel, what. Jealous?"
Charlie: "I feel like I wanna feel you run it's edge along my jaw and throat!"
Vaggie: "So a threesome."
Charlie: "NOOOOO! You just, you look the most COMFORTABLE and CONFIDENT when you're using it- and if you're gonna pay attention to the stupid spear anyway, then you could at LEAST be paying even more attention to ME while you- YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT PART!"
Vaggie: "More attention to you- Oh."
Charlie: "Don't look at me like that! S-stop smirking!"
Vaggie: "Smirking? Me? I'd never laugh at my girlfriend having... relationship issues."
Charlie: "Vaggie!"
Vaggie: "You know I love you more than the spear, right?"
Charlie: "I- Never mind! Normal clippers is fine for shearing me, that's fine too, this is all fine!"
Vaggie: "Nothing in all creation is as fine as you.”
Charlie: (sigh) “I know you love me more.”
Vaggie: “But?”
Charlie: “….I love you a lot too, Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “Buuuut?”
Charlie: "..."
Charlie: “Could we TRY doing something with the spear? Just a little???”
Vaggie: “How about trimming the split ends of your lovely long mane?”
Charlie: (pout) “That’s nowhere near my face…”
Vaggie: “Right. Or your throat. So I won’t accidentally destroy the best thing in creation if my hand slips.”
Charlie: “You won’t!”
Vaggie: “I could though. That’s too dangerous.”
Charlie: “It’s so not dangerous- Your hand NEVER slips when you’re handling your spear!”
Vaggie: “The spear’s not the dangerous part here, sweetie, you are.”
Charlie: “I am???”
Vaggie: “You’re a very dangerous woman to be looking at, Charlie Morningstar. Hard not to slip up and get lost in your eyes.”
Charlie: “……”
Charlie: “Soooo, I’m more dangerous than the spear?”
Vaggie: “Way more.”
Charlie: “In a nice way?”
Vaggie: “In a beautiful way.”
Charlie: “Now THAT I can live with!”
Vaggie: “Great. Now sit still while I even out these last few runaways on your chin. I swear sometimes you smooth them down and let them grow just so I’ll trim them…”
Charlie: “HOW DID YOU FIND OUT- uhhh- that is DEFINITELY not something I do.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie.”
Charlie: “I don’t!!!”
Vaggie: “Babe.” (holds gf chin) “Hold still?”
Charlie: “Oh.” (breathless) “Right….”
Vaggie: “Thank you. I’d like to try matching the angle of the other cuts. If I can just…” (staring intently at gf)  
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: (inches hoof over) (gently knocks over spear)
The Spear: (falls)
Vaggie: (doesn’t notice)
The Spear: (is a spear)
Charlie: (smirks over at it anyway)
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allmyn1ghts · 10 months
support system °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Jey Uso x Fem!Superstar!Reader
synopsis: Just Jey being your number-one supporter <33
warnings: none really, just some fluff (who doesn't love a lil fluff!?) + suggestiveness sprinkled in
word count: 1,289
a/n: first fic on here! I hope this isn't too bad for my first time 🫣 I wanted to write something simple and sweet for Jey bae so here yall go <3
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"You gon kill it out there bae!" you smile at your loving boyfriend, Jey, who's sitting on the couch in your locker room while you prep for your championship match against Charlotte Flair. The two of you have had an ongoing rivalry for the past couple of weeks. Tonight was finally the night to settle it, with you defending your Women's Championship Title.
"You know it, baby! Imma go out there, deal with her ass and come back STILL being champ." you said confidently, following your pre-match stretch routine. After finally being moved to Smackdown's main roster, you'd been everywhere. From doing promos almost every week, many main event matches on Smackdown, and even having a couple matches on bigger shows like Fastlane, You couldn't be missed. And Jey was loving every single bit of it. He truly was your number-one supporter. He always encouraged you to take every opportunity offered to you.
After Jey left the mess that is now the Bloodline, he had more time to be with you but also doing his own thing on Raw. He essentially became the Paul Heyman to your Roman Reigns. Whether it be him hyping you up, posting you on his Instagram, or being there for your matches, his support was unmatched. In return, you'd do the exact same for him.
"You damn right! Can't wait to see yo sexy ass in that ring." he says with a big smile. You roll your eyes playfully. "You think im playin', that damn gear is gon be the death of me!" When you got upgraded to the main roster, you wanted new gear. Something that said sexy but badass. You can't lie, your new gear really showed off your toned figure. "Keep it in your pants Jey, I still gotta match remember?" you giggle. "plusss, I need my number one supporter in the right headspace!". He looks at you with a straight face, "C'mon on y/nnn, we got like, thirty minutes till you on." He gives you that look while he slowly starts to manspread. You strut towards him with a big smile on your face, finding your spot on his lap and giving him a kiss on the lips. He smiles at you as his hands find your waist, pulling you closer into another kiss.
The two of continue your mini make-out session. "goddamn, you so fine". His hands are all over you and you moan quietly at his words before being interrupted by a knock at the door. "Y/N you're on in five!" It was someone from production letting you know it's time to go. Jey still continued to kiss you until you gently pushed him away. "Jey we gotta go," you say as he continues to kiss down your neck. You push him away with more force this time, standing up to grab your title and touch up your makeup. He gives you an annoyed look. "Once I retain my title, I'm all yours for the night. We can do whatever you want." you wink at him, heading toward the door. "Yeah?" he runs his hand over his beard, looking at you. "Bet, just know imma hold you to that baby" he says getting up and following you.
The two of you finally reach the gorilla position, waiting for your theme music to play. "You ready Uce?" he asks you. "Hell yeah, Lets do this shit!" he grabs your hand and does his classic "YEEET" that always makes you laugh. Once you hear your music, the two of you walk out hand in hand. You look at the crowd and smile. The fans love the unstoppable duo you and Jey have become. (they secretly love you more but don't tell Jey)
"Accompanied to the ring by Main Event Jey Uso, she is the WWE Women's Champion, Y/N!".
You smile hearing the announcer's introduction. You've always dreamed of being a WWE Superstar and it feels like a dream every time you walk out. The title around your waist shines against all the lights in the arena. You and Jey high-five fans as you make your way to the ring. Once reaching the ring, Jey holds the ropes open for you and holds his hand out. You take his hand, entering the ring. You climb the turnbuckles on each corner showing off your prized possession, Jey right behind you hyping you and crowd up like always. Before he leaves the ring, Jey kisses you, making the crowd go wild. "Good luck baby, you got this shit in the bag.". Your music dies down and you stare down Charlotte. You wave the title in her face, reminding her know who runs this division.
*Ding Ding Ding*
The two of yall give it your all. Clotheslines, DDTs, Dropkicks, suicide dives out the ring, you name it. Jey watches from the side of the ring constantly rooting for you, even distracting the ref if you need a minute to breathe.
"Yea Uce! Show her who the real champ!!"
"Cmon Y/N, you know how we do it"
"Get her ass good!"
You hit a crazy move? "Yeeeeet" and the crowd follows.
You finally hit Charlotte with a Superkick, paying homage to your man of course, knocking her to the ground. You climb to the top of the turnbuckle to hit your finisher. You look around at the crowd, they're chanting your name and you smile. You blow a kiss to your boyfriend before hitting a Swanton Bomb on her, finally going for the pin.
Here's your winner, and STILL The WWE Women's Champion, Y/N!
You slowly rise back up, the biggest smile on your face as your title is returned to you. Jey rushes to your side, hugging you, telling you how proud he is of you. He raises your hand in the air, symbolizing your victory. You raise the title up with your other hand, staring into the camera in front of you, and begin your world-famous shit-talking.
"Can't nobody take away MY title, NO ONE."
"I run this division!"
Jey stares at you in awe for a moment and adds his two cents in.
"Aint nobody on top of us Uce, some real Day One Ish, YEET!"
The two of yall finally make it back to your locker room. Jey hugs you from behind, kissing your cheek down to your neck. "Damn, you did that!" You laugh at him. "I told you I was gonna beat her ass!" you say as you gather your stuff.
"I love watchin' you kick ass, just does somthin' to me baby." he says kissng your cheek again.
"Oh really?
"Whatchu mean 'oh really', you know what yo sexy ass does to me! I been told you this.". Both of yall laugh at his horny comment. "Don't think I forgot about our little comprise, we gon finish what we started on that damn couch."
You turn to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck, his hands finding your waist once more. "Trust me Jey, I didn't forget.". You lean in to kiss him, only to turn back around and continue packing. "Ooo yo ass is so lucky I love you." Once you finish packing your stuff, you walk over to your man, whos patiently sitting on the couch. "Let's get back to the hotel so I can show you how much I appreciate your endless support", you say, smirking at him, slowly turning around and heading towards the door. He quickly gets up and picks you up bridal style.
"Oh my god, Jey what the hell?!" you laugh
"You takin' too damn long and you look too damn good for me to wait any longer"
Let's just say you were in for a longgggg night.
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Thank you for reading!! if you enjoyed please reblog and let me know what you thought in the comments <3
request - masterlist - about me - who I write for
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thesarcasticreader · 2 years
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These are general readings meant for entertainment purposes. You can partake in advice, but do not let it cloud your decision-making.
I do take paid readings. You can contact me for them. Make sure you have either Paypal or Gpay! DM for the price list!
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Pile 1:
Your person is very emotional or has a tendency to put family above all. It would piss you off sometimes that they give too much of themselves to others who don't deserve it but you admire this trait of theirs as well.
They are very good at keeping secrets and hiding their feelings. This is a result of being lied to very often. This trait will drive you nuts too but when you get into a relationship. People can grow and learn. Do not keep unrealistic expectations from relationships but if someone doesn't show signs of change. Talk to them and resolve the issues.
Your person is someone who will change a lot in their lifetime. They are capable of learning and growing. 
This person loves cats a lot.
This person indulges in luxury quite a bit but stays within their means.
I am not seeing something about finances but this person is well-off. Not obnoxiously rich. But lives in a town with a cute two-story house that they own and have a shop where people from the town make purchases from. Very well off and can afford the best things.
Both of you are going to be from a well-off family. Affording Chanel is not all that there is in life. But I guess it helps 🥰🤣
You two are very likely to start a business together. You will end up leaving the place where you start at.
Say you live in a Town right now, you are likely to move to a bigger city to start your business with this person. For some of you, the business could revolve around event management or something to do with weddings and making wigs.
Looks like they could kill. Is a cinnamon roll.
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Pile 2:
Your person was the heartbreaker of their time. This person had a bad childhood and they do not like talking about it.
Even though they say that it doesn’t bother them, it does.
They could even be in therapy for this too. And it is vital that their trust never be violated. This person needs a very emotionally stable person who is confident in them.
Your person could be argumentative too. It is one of the past influences that affected them badly. However, if they are made aware of the same. They will notice the pattern and actively try to change it.
This person is very lovely in a relationship. Their love will be displayed in their actions. It’s not always the big thing. The little ones like making sure your coffee is not too hot, shielding you from hitting your head in a corner, keeping you away from the roadside while you two are walking etc.
They are absolutely focused on you and they will do everything possible to make your life easier. 
This person is very supportive and will persuade you to go after your dreams. This person is literally soulmate material. Even if their past has been jaded, they stand strong.
For this pile, I am seeing appearance more clearly. Stoic and strong build for men. Dark hair and prefers to wear a sleeveless T-shirt at home. Taller, likes going to the gym, likes coffee from a solid red cup (this was very specific for some reason), and probably has a home with ceiling-to-floor windows. Might be scared of heights.
For women, blonde to brown hair, the classic mean girl look on their face, insanely business-oriented, no bullshit attitude, people are scared of her, has a small smile, when she laughs her eyes wrinkle cutely, and black loafers
Looks like they could kill. They will!
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Pile 3:
This is my sunshine pile. There is a lot of cute in here and that’s what your person is like.
This person is someone who would cuddle a raccoon. I am sorry, but that’s what came through 😂😂
They love animals and probably volunteer a lot at shelters or reduce them. If you end up dating this person, you can expect to foster a lot of animals.
This person is not all sunshine though. Life has dealt them a tough hand but they have persevered. 
A lot of Fire and Water Energy in this pile. This has to be the happiest Scorpio pile I or most people have ever seen 😂😂
This person has a lot of energy. I know who this pile reminds me of. There is this girl on YouTube, Mikayla from SaveAFox. If you don’t know the channel. Go there right now. Get your immediate serotonin boost that even Masturbation can’t bring (I just had to) 😂😂
This is a relationship that will lead to marriage very quickly.
Your person is not concerned with material gains. They want emotional fulfilment.
This person feels like meeting an old friend after a long time. This person loves baking.
They prefer cute, handmade gifts and letters too. They are likely to give them to you as well.
Words of affirmation are their love language.
Early childhood may have included bullying in their case.
Looks like a Cinnamon Roll. Is a Cinnamon Roll.
The messages were flowing so happily and easily today. Sometimes it is so annoying that the thoughts just refuse to come to you and other days, I can basically pour myself into these readings. It is amazing afff✨🧿
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agent-leighreid · 9 months
-Part one of two
-!!TW!! Mentions of rape and murder. Sexual innudenos.
-Y/n (Your name)
-Y/l/n (Your last name)
-Written in Y/n's POV (unless mentioned otherwise)
-Part one of two includes Emily, Hotch and Spencer.
-Part two of two includes, Derek, JJ and Garcia.
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"Okay Morgan, she's going to a Nightclub tonight, scouting for another victim no doubt..I need you to-"
"Charm? No problem Hotch, it's in my blood." Derek said, a smirk tugging at his lips.
I rolled my eyes, playfully hitting his shoulder. He chuckled, swatting me away, I raised my hand to attempt to 'hit' him again, but before I could continue, Garcia was calling in.
"Go ahead Garcia" Hotch said, putting it on speaker.
"A little birdy told me, that my Morgan is going undercover at a nightclub to flirt with an unsub?" she questioned.
"Don't worry baby, you're still my number one girl.." Derek spoke, smiling.
I glanced up at Emily and saw her smile, radiant as ever. She met my eyes and if I didn't look away, those pools of perfection would've had mine locked in place forever.
"Oh I had no doubt about that!" Garcia's response brought me back into orbit. "But that's not my issue, sugar" she said.
"What is it Garcia?" Hotch asked, growing slightly impatient.
"Our unsub is a lesbian." she stated.
Everyone's eyebrow raised, and through the corner of my eye I saw Emily look up at me.
"That explains her victimology, could be surrogates for an ex, or a girl who never liked her back.." JJ said.
"Or she could be acting out on her internalised homophobia" Reid suggested. "She grew up Catholic right? Recently Catholic churches have reached out to LGBT members to offer support..but that wouldn't have been the case for her growing up, most likely her parents tried to take her to therapy or they might've even tried to exorcise the homosexuality out of her..she's been manipulated into thinking who she is is evil, and wrong when in actuality she was just never accepted." he said. "Murdering these women is a way of killing that part of herself that no one, not even God, had been able to rid her of. She's trying to compensate for her so called “sins”. "
A small wave of silence washed over the room in the police precinct.
"Well, Y/l/n? Prentiss? Which of you is happy to do it?" Hotch asked, as Derek sadly sat back down.
Again, another small wave of silence until I grew confident and spoke up. "I'll do it." I said.
Yes, I was voluntarily putting myself in harms way but..
Number 1, it's my job
And Number 2, I can show Em I'm not just for the gentlemen.
"Are you sure?" Hotch asked.
"Yeah, we gotta catch this bitch right? And plus, I match the victimology better.." I responded, glancing up at the crime scene photos, my stomach sinking slightly.
"Okay, let's get ready" He said, walking off.
I was given a black satin dress, running from my shoulders to just above my knees. It had lace sleeves and was pretty thin. I shivered as I stepped out of the toilet that I changed in, my given high heels clicking along the floor of the precinct as I walked. While I never wore high heels, they weren't that hard to get used to.
(A/n: that's a fucking lie they're the worst shoes to ever be invented. Torture. And for what?)
I entered back into the room that we were set up in, whiteboards with speculations filling up the space and paperwork littering the desks.
I placed the handbag I was also given on one of the desks, putting my gun and badge inside.
A wolf whistle pulled me from my thoughts as the rest of the team walked in. The whistle came from Derek as he walked in smiling, Emily not far behind him, glaring in his direction. The rest of the team followed close behind, and we went over the plan.
Hotch and Morgan would also be in the nightclub watching over me and the unsub, while Emily, JJ, Spencer and Rossi, along with a number of officers from the police station, waited in SUV's outside. Watching through CCTV and listening through shared ear pieces.
The team got ready and walked out to the SUV's, the cold air hitting me like a brick; the dress wasn't exactly the thickest material in the world. I stopped in my tracks and folded my arms, feeling goosebumps.
"Want my jacket, Y/l/n?" Emily asked, coming up behind me, her warm hand placed gently on the small of my back.
My eyes met hers and I had to thank the city lights for hiding the blush that flushed onto my face.
"Oh, are you sure?" I asked, proud of my voice for staying steady.
"Of course! And hey, it goes with the dress.." she said, draping it over my shoulders as she looked me up and down, before entering one of the SUV's.
I had no idea if I fantasised that last part, but by the way Derek smirked at me while he walked past, wiggling his eyebrows as he followed Emily into the SUV, told me that I didn't.
I got into the other SUV, and we drove to the Nightclub.
I walked inside, music blaring in my ears, making them ache slightly. I glanced over the room and walked to the bar after JJ telling me she was there. I spotted her, and slowly approached the bar.
She sat fiddling with the little umberella in her drink.
"Can I just grab a lemonade please?" I asked the bartender.
The unsub watched me from her seat as I turned to face the dance floor, my arms resting on the bar.
"You not a drinker?" She said, initiating conversation.
Play it cool, Y/n.
"Me? Oh..nah." I said, turning in her direction.
The bartender slid me the lemonade.
"Thank you" I said, digging through my handbag for the money.
The unsub layed her hands on mine, stopping me from looking.
"Let me get this for you." she smiled.
I smiled "...oh, thank you" I said, my tone steady.
"It's no problem, why don't you drink?" The unsub asked, leaning toward me a little.
"Oh...my dad was an alcoholic.." I admitted to her, sheepishly looking down at my lemonade.
"Ugh, Dad's. Don't you hate them" she said, moving one of her legs on top of the other. "Or just...men in general.."
I saw Hotch a few feet down the bar, eyeing us up. "Yup.." I said, popping the 'p'.
"So many treat thier daughters terribly.." she said, taking another sip of her drink.
I didn't respond, but held my gaze.
"I bet I could treat you better.." she said, rubbing her high heel along my calf. "So much better than any man.."
My eyebrow arched as I copied her earlier move of leaning toward her.
"Oh yeah? How would you do that?" I asked, lightly biting the straw of my drink.
She smiled, her eyes growing hungry.
"Firstly.." she started, getting up off the stool.
"Firstly.." she got up off her stool and took another step closer to Y/n.
"I'd show you how much of a princess you are.." she said, running her tongue along her teeth.
"Ew." I said, audibly. JJ, Spencer and Rossi drew their faces away from the computer and looked at me.
"What?" I asked. They said nothing and returned back to watching the unsub, while my eyes darted back to Y/n again.
"What then?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Oh then?" the unsub replied. "You'll just have to wait and see..." she said, paying with the lace of Y/n's sleeves.
I felt my heart leap into my throat.
"Can we go in already?" I asked, impatiently.
"Morgan and I are slowly etching toward them, be ready." Hotch replied.
I let out a breath and made sure my gun was loaded.
"Oh alright Y/l/n.." I heard JJ say, her eyebrows were raised, she sounded impressed.
I looked up from my gun "What?" I asked.
She pointed to Y/n just in time for me to see her tucking in some of the unsub's hair behind her ear.
The grimace on my face was painfully obvious, but I didn't care. I felt my chest roaring with flames of....I don't know what. Watching Y/n like that with someone else just didn't sit right with me. Maybe it was the fact that she was an unsub.
I watched the screen and saw the unsub pouring something in Y/n's drink, Y/n's vision blocked by the unsub's hand that she placed on her face.
"Hotch!?" I questioned, already making my way out of the SUV.
"I saw it, go." he responded.
"Already at the door."
I heard her crush something in my drink, and my smile grew as I masked the slight fear creeping in.
"You're so beautiful" she said, stroking my cheek.
I giggled and reached inside my bag, pulling out my gun. "You're not, F.B.I" I said.
She turned to lose me in the crowd, but was met with Hotch right behind her. Morgan, JJ, Reid, Rossi, the police and Emily all filtered through the party goers, with thier guns pointed at our unsub.
The crowd of clubbers dispersed, some running out of the club, others huddling and watching from the sides.
She huffed putting her hands up. Emily holstered her gun and forcefully pushed down the unsub's arms, tightening the handcuffs around her wrists. "You're under arrest for the murder of 4 women, you have the right to remain silent-"
"I know my rights!" the unsub spat.
"Let's hope you do." Emily replied, shoving her toward a police officer to escort her to a cruiser.
I watched her leave, standing at the bar.
Emily turned to me, placing her hand gently on my elbow. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice soft.
I looked to her and smiled. "Yeah, I'm good" I smiled.
She looked down at my drink, the powder still visible. "I was scared you were gonna take another sip.." she admitted.
My heart fluttered. "I heard her crush it.." I said sheepishly.
"Crush it?" She asked.
"Yeah, it must've been like a pill or something..I don't know" I said.
Emily met my eyes again, her pupils dilating as she took in my features.
"Actually pills are pretty hard to crush, unless it was specifically made, she would have struggled to crush it without atleast looking like she was trying to. She may have snapped the pill if it had a casing on it but I don't think that's what we're dealing with. Due to how packed the powder is within a pill, a human's finger strength isn't enough to crush it how you thought she would have. Have you ever tried to crush an egg with just one hand? It's basically the same thing-"
"Reid.." Morgan smiled.
"Yeah?" he asked. Morgan just shook his head.
Reid looked back at Emily and I and noticed how neither of us were processing the information he was giving, we were just looking in each other's eyes. We were staring at one another a little too long to just be friends.
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Was flirting with my boss unprofessional? Yes.
Was I certain I was one lip bite away from getting fired? Also yes.
Did I care? That's another story.
I sat next to Morgan on the jet as we ran through what we had and attempted to get as much information about the unsub as possible before landing in Detroit.
"Well this guy surely isn't organized, his work is sloppy. It's like he doesn't care about getting caught" Hotch said.
"But evidences suggest that he is organised. He's taken forensic countermeasures to ensure we can't ID him..." Rossi spoke from his seat.
"Well...I wouldn't care if it was you taking me into custody either, Hotchner." I said, looking up at him and smiling.
He licked his lips, staying slient. "Morgan, Reid, go the crime scene. Rossi, Prentiss and JJ, talk to the victim's families..see what you can gather. Y/l/n, you're with me at the station." he said.
"Alright Hotch! Friendly remarks aren't a crime now are they?" I asked, holding up my hand sin defence.
"If you're not careful they will be, and plus..they were hardly friendly.." he said, walking off to sit in his seat.
"He loves it really." I say to the rest of the team, as they either hid thier smiles or unshamefully giggled at my antics.
We landed in Detroit and separated, each of us leaving for where Hotch wanted us to go, of course, he kept me by his side. Can't help it can he?
"So are we just gonna set up and wait for the others?" I asked, walking to our given room at the precinct.
"No, not exactly. The Detriot Police already have a suspect in custody.." He said, nodding toward the interrogation room.
"And you were gonna tell the team when exactly?" I asked, looking through the glass.
"They know, I had Garcia notify them as they made their way to where they needed to be. You and I, are gonna crack this guy. Even if he didn't kill and rape those 3 women...he's got something on him.." He said.
I raised my eyebrow. "Let me guess, I should be the one to talk to him?" I said, tilting my head slightly.
Hotch stepped closer to me. "Steven Oaks. He's a typical Alpha Male, one who doesn't lack dominance, he's unlikely to talk with someone a bit too...similar." he said.
I matched his movements and turned to face him too. "So what are you saying, Hotch? You afraid your “Alpha” persona's gonna rub him off the wrong way?" I mocked.
"Not at all, I'm just saying he might take pleasure in talking to someone a little more...submissive" he said, glancing from my eyes to my lips again and again.
I let out a breath and bit my tongue. "Is this an order?" I asked.
He didn't respond, he just held his gaze, and so I stared right back. His eyes, though often darting south, were never drawn away by nearby policemen.
I shook my head. "Pfft, fine. What's my tactic, Hotch?" I asked, approaching the glass and getting a good read of the guy before going in.
"Just see what you can find out.." He said, his arms folded.
I approached the door and entered, not before undoing just one more button of my shirt.
"Listen man i-"
I smiled warmly. "Last time I checked, I wasn't a man.." I said, sitting across from him.
He smirked and leant back in his seat. Relaxed already.
"No..no you are not" he said, his smile not fading.
"Ma'am, I can assure you, I had nothing to do with those 3 women, okay?" he said, sitting up.
"Oh we know, well- I know.." I sheepishly smiled, playing into whatever persona I threw on as I walked in.
"I know what kinda man you are...you wouldn't kill.." I said, my smile not faulting as I began to brush his leg with the tip of my shoe.
He took a breath in. "Oh yeah?" he asked, biting his lip.
As much as this was killing me, I had to play along. It's all fun and games flirting with your boss whom you know (and cherish on that note) but it's another thing doing it with a creep that you're certain should be in a cage.
"So...tell me Steven. How many people are in your gang?" I asked. If I'm totally honest, it was a shot in the dark, the only thing I had to go off was the badly covered up tattoo on his forearm. It was the symbol of a pretty wanted gang in the area after they moved from Canada down to Detriot.
"Oh I have a gang do I?" he asked.
"I assume so, you seem like the type of guy who.. likes to be in charge.." I said, running my foot just that tiny bit higher.
"I am." he said.
I kept my gaze fixed.
He smirked again. "Mulier vivit ut serviat viro suo et viri qui in circuitu eius sunt."
(A/n: I used Google translate, do not quote me that that was a correct translation)
This time, I leaned back and drew away my foot. "A woman lives to serve her husband and the men who surround her." I said, translating what he said. The way this gang was first noticed, was through an investigation of rapes. Each woman was left with a word printed out on an A4 peice of paper, until the rapes stopped and the police were able to form a sentence.
“A woman lives to serve her husband and the men who surround her.”
By the look on his face, he wasn't expecting me to know Latin.
He smirked again though, drawing his eyes away from my face, to my chest.
"Oh the things I would've done to you..." he whispered, his voice low and his breath repulsive.
He leaned forward more, reaching out his hand, probably to stroke my cheek, but before I could move Hotch stormed in, slamming his hands on the table.
"Touch my Agent, or even think about it, and I swear to you, I have a registered Glock 17 in my holster with a new box bullets that I will personally fire into every single one of your limbs, until any low life friends you do have, won't be able to identify your body. The only thing left of you will be those already rotting teeth." He said, his voice stern.
Steven sat back in his chair, unimpressed. Hotch took me by the hand, and placed his other on my waist guiding me to the door.
"Was that a threat, Agent?" Steven asked as Aaron was about to shut the door.
"No." he said. "That was a promise." he said, slamming it instead.
"Are you okay?" he asked as soon as we were back in the BAU's room at the precinct.
"Yes." I smiled. "Didn't you want more dirt on that guy anyway? I mean...was the quote even enough to nail him?" I asked.
"The words left with each of the rape victims were never released to the public, the only people who would know that phrase are the Detectives who worked the case, or the gang members themselves..are you sure you're okay?" he asked again, taking a step forward. It was hesitant, compared to his pervious one.
I closed the gap between us, laying my hands on his chest. "Aaron Hotchner, I am fine. I was doing my job." I said, looking up at him.
He almost leaned in to my touch as he took a deep breath. "If you need to tap out of the case I will happily-"
"Aaron." I interrupted him.
"We've put away a freak, let's work on the unsub we were called in for, okay?" I asked.
His hand found itself at the small of my back, his thumb rubbing soft circles.
"Just let me know.." He said, before turning around away from me, just in time as Reid and Morgan walked in.
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"-It's all maths really.." Spencer had climbed out of his pool of facts and statistics. He was trying to convince Hotch to let him come into the casino with me.
"And plus if..if anything happens then she won't be left on her own.." he said, glancing at me.
"Not that you wouldn't be able to handle yourself..I was simply-"
"Spence." I cut him off smiling.
"Hotch said you come in with me 5 minutes ago." I said.
"He did?" he turned his head to where Hotch was standing.
"Get ready" Hotch said, before turning on his heels and leaving the room.
Spencer turned to me and sheepishly smiled. That same smile in which I'd fallen for.
I exited the room also, to change into something more...gold digger appropriate. Wasn't exactly my style. I wasn't the type to dress so provocatively but if it's to catch a killer, I'll wear anything. I changed out of my shirt and got into the dress I was given, squeezing into the high heels and attempting to but on the mascara.
I huffed in the mirror after slipping for the third time.
"You..need some help with that?" Emily asked, walking into the changing room.
I smiled. "Please" I said, holding it out for her.
She took it and began applying it. "You're telling me you don't ever wear mascara?" she asked, concentrating.
"No? Have seen me with mascara? Or any makeup for that matter?" I asked.
"Well lucky for some...natural beauty and all that.." she said, turning to my other eye.
"Oh please" I said, waving her off.
"What?" she asked, almost offended. "You're gonna tell me you're not beautiful? Because I know I certain man with an IQ of 187 and interestingly enough, his intelligence gets slashed to 60 when he sees you for the first time in the mornings.." she said, smirking.
I tried to hide my blush, but that was hard considering she was right in my face. She turned my head with her fingers and examined her work. "There all done." she said, turning me to the full length mirror, taking in my appearance as a whole.
"Jeez that's a look" I said, slightly grimacing. "I mean...it'd look great on someone else I just don't know how I feel about it.."
"Well you're gonna have to embrace it!" She said, walking out. I followed close behind. "And besides you actually look really hot" she said, winking at me.
I laughed. "Don't let JJ hear you say that.."
Her mouth gaped and she hit me on the shoulder.
"Okay, we're ready" Emily said, as we walked back in to the room.
The others gawked at my outfit, never expecting to see me in something like it, even Hotch raised his eyebrows momentarily.
"Damn, pretty girl" Garcia said from the computer.
"Thanks Penny" I smiled. "Where's..Spencer...or Reid, sorry.." I asked.
"Oh he's just coming we gave him something to wear aswell" Hotch said, pointing to the door.
Spencer walked in, he wore a black jacket with matching trousers and a white shirt, with a number of the buttons undone. His hair a little less styled than before, and a bit messier.
I felt the blood rush to my cheeks in a frenzy, and the fabric around my chest got a little tighter.
"Sorry, I know what time the unsub gets to the casino and I didn't have time to do my hair..." he said, fiddling with a number of strands.
Too flustered to speak, I just did the first thing I thought of. I walked over and ruffled his hair up more. "You look beautiful." I said, and walked out immediately.
My eyes were popped out of my head as I walked away, the team following close behind me.
Morgan began walking next to me. "What was that?" He giggled.
"Derek." I warned, my blush still hadn't faded from when Spencer walked in.
"Sorry, I know what time the unsub gets to the casino and I didn't have time to do my hair..." I said, trying my best to fix it.
That's when my heart stopped. Y/n walked over, in a dress I'd never imagine her in. I'm sure she wouldn't have put herself in the dress either, but that's not to deny how beautiful she looked.
Sure, her persona for tonight was: 'flirt with and rub up the guy with the most money' (our unsub) but she looked like an angel to me.
"Reid!" Garcia snapped me out of my thoughts from her spot on the computer.
"Go! Everyone left with Y/n when she walked past you" she said, smirking. She disappeared off the screen and I scurried out of the room, catching up with everyone.
"Here are your ear peices, they're small enough so no one will notice." Hotch said.
I put mine in, as did Spencer.
"Okay, Y/n you go inside first, all you need to do is steal his phone, it should be in the inside pocket of his blazer.." Hotch said.
"So my pick-pocketing childhood has payed off.." I said, jokingly.
I made my way inside the casino and let myself settle in. I'm here to find a man with a big prize pot. A specific man anyway.
I wandered from one end of the casino to the other latching onto winners of games until I finally noticed the unsub sat at a poker table.
I looked behind me, noticing Spencer just entering the casino. He saw me, we locked eyes. I reluctantly teared mine away and went and stood behind the unsub.
"Well isn't that a bad hand? Surely you should fold.." I said, looking down at the straight in his hand.
"Call." said the others at the table.
The unsub looked up at me and smirked as he showed the dealer his straight, winning the pot. He handed me a bill. "Why don't you go get us some drinks for the next game sweetheart? A scotch for me if you don't mind.." he said.
I made sure to be overly touchy. "Sure thing" I said, strutting away.
I made my way over to the bar, where Spencer was. "Can I have a lemonade and a Scotch please?" I said, making sure to not drop the act I'd put on.
"Is that Poker over there?" Spencer spoke up.
I faced him. "It sure is, takes a lot of luck.." I said, walking off with the drinks.
Spencer followed. "Or intelligence." he said, beating me to the table and sitting down.
I passed the unsub his drink and we clinked glasses.
The dealer dealt everyone their cards, including Spencer this time around.
Everyone took a brief look at thier cards, and each man tapped the table. They all called.
The dealer flipped over the three cards, resulting in two of the men to fold, the only ones in the game now were the unsub and Spencer.
"C'mon baby, you got this.." I whispered, not so quitely in the unsub's ear, running my hands in and out of his blazer, passing off as just really horny. The game continued as I felt up this little freak until I eventually felt the phone and managed to slip it out, unnoticed.
"I'll raise.." the unsub said, throwing in an abundance of chips.
I looked up at Spencer, trying to tell him that he could fold already as I had the phone.
Instead, he watched me fiddle with the collar of the unsub's blazer.
He said nothing, and just placed the chips in, seeing the unsub's raise.
"Okay, cards?" the dealer asked.
The unsub layed his cards down. "Full House.." the unsub said, smiling.
Spencer didn't even look at the dealer as he placed his cards down, his eyes were glued to mine. "Royal Flush.." he said, his head tilted slightly.
I of course had to keep up my act, so while running my hands down his arms, I slowly walked away from the unsub and over to Spencer, wrapping my hands around him this time.
"Well aren't you lucky?" I said.
He faced me. "It's all maths really" he said, placing his hand over mine as it layed on his chest.
"What do you say I cash in these chips and we...get ourselves outta here" he said, standing up, and turning to face me, his hands snaking around my waist.
I bit my tongue and further closed the gap between us. "Okay" I said. At this point I didn't even need to act turned on. I was.
We walked, arms linked over to the cashier and exchanged the chips I had for the money.
"You won big tonight didn't you, son?" The cashier said, gathering the bands. I looked at Y/n, examining every inch of her perfect skin.
"I did.."
We made our way out of the casino, and walked down the road a little, before hustling into the SUV.
"Y/n you got the phone didn't you?" Hotch said, his angry eyes not leaving mine until she pulled it out.
"Oh but of course Agent Hotchner" she said, passing it to him.
I faced her again, the dim light in the SUV glowing down on her like she was the center of the universe..well...she was the center of mine anyway.
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lambygoat · 2 months
Honestly, i really do consider all people who treat Vatred as this, just like constant stain mark on the shows reputation and plot of the episodes he's in to be deeply unserious. Especially when it comes to the type of show they are watching.
No I'm not only referring to the 'aha the adult swim show from the early 2000s is being edgy again please laugh' aspect but like, the inherent importance of change when it comes to the show's narrative. Did we watch the same show? The same episodes? Did we perceive the same character?
I obviously understand some folk's kneejerk reaction to molestation being mentioned/implied/shown, and at first i too was disgusted with Hatred's character, but I feel like ignoring his following characterization on the show in favor of still viewing him through a running gag that was clearly made in bad faith at the start of the character's introduction, BEFORE he joined Team Venture and went through a very explicit character arc, to just be sooo blatantly choosing to ignore the point the show's trying to make on this one specific character.
Just like all other main characters on this show, he was/(still is but no longer in that direction) a bad person who did terrible things, characterized this way just for the sake of shock value who then went on to develop more as a person with real motivations behind him and who then stopped being a one-off gag character and started being someone worth caring for.
Believe me, I wouldn't have been even CLOSE to liking Hatred's character if he had remained as he was pre-joining and I would've, in fact, pretty openly despised him and believed him to be a bad choice to keep around. But that wasn't, and isn't what Vatred's character is now.
He wasn't even a pedophile by no fault of his own but as a side effect of the Supersoldier serum, and when he became part of the main cast, the show wasted no opportunity to drive in how ASHAMED he was of that fact. He explicitly took meds for it. (All of these choices obviously made by the writers to have a basis to build off of after deciding to pick him up as Rusty's bodyguard in Brock's absence).
When he finally had a chance to be redeemed, he took it. He made a consistent effort to be a good example for the boys, to be an efficient bodyguard, to be that other fatherly figure Hank and Dean needed when Brock was gone. Hell, I can even say with confidence that he WAS a better fatherly figure than both Brock and Rusty combined. He made an effort to better himself, clearly recognized the dangers he posed to the boys, and dealt with it with a clear intent NOT TO HURT THEM. He got better. And even after not having the obligation to, he stuck around with the Ventures. He wanted to be a part of the boy's lives. He cared. He was not the same character as he was before. It was a gradual and intentional change the show chose to make him go through.
You guys are attaching real-world importance to a previous character trait that is, by now, long gone, regarding the character and the state he's in. Real-world importance that seemingly does not apply to other crimes constantly being committed by the rest of the main cast (see: Brock and his unabashed killing of henchmen and uninvolved people in general, Rusty's obvious disregard towards consent and constant sexual harassment of Sheila and many other women on the show, not to mention the various unethical experiments he has conducted on other people without their knowledge i.e That Whole Dome Episode and also Cloning his Sons...), and, honestly, it really does feel like people are being reactionary when addressing him and only him as the Single Worst Character of Venture bros. Please interpret media better thank you in advance 🙏
(Obligatory 'I am not supporting real-life pedophilia I am talking about a character from an adult TV show.' sign)
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thisismisogynoir · 3 months
No, but can we talk about how, despite allegedly being a "feminist" movie, Barbie 2023 actually mocks the idea of a female fantasy and Barbie being an inspirational role model for young girls?
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It's so upsetting that not enough people bring this up, even the other haters of Barbie, but it needs to be addressed. Barbie was meant to provide an empowering fantasy for young girls. A lot of people have differing opinions on whether Barbie is feminist or not and what she represents. But at the end of the day, Barbie was designed to give girls a role model to see themselves in, to show them that they could pursue any career, that they can be the heroines of their own story, and reach their fullest potential. She was meant to tell girls that anything is possible. And the movie not only shits all over that, it makes that feminist message out to be something unrealistic and bad, and even worse, portrays it as something that oppresses men and makes THEM victims, because everything needs to be about men. And it's fucking disgusting. Allow me to explain how.
(spoilers for the Barbie movie below...I mean, if you even care, lol.)
We start out at the beginning of the movie with an introduction to the magical world of Barbieland that our well-known and universally familiar dolls live in. Barbieland is a feminist utopia, one that many women would be eager to live in. Women have all the power, are well-respected, can and do pursue any career, and support and uplift each other rather than tear each other down over their differences(aside from Weird Barbie, who they do apologize to in the end). They are happy and free in their female-empowering land, they don't fear the leers and catcalls from men as they walk down the streets, they dance together happily late at night, and they are confident in their bodies. There is diversity in the Barbieland. There is a plus-sized Barbie, a transfem Barbie, a wheelchair Barbie, and plenty of Barbies of color. The President of Barbieland is a Black woman. And none of these differences hold the Barbies back from being able to have power and they are not treated any differently from the other Barbies.
Femininity isn't seen as a weakness. Neither is expressing emotion, and in fact the fat Barbie even has a miniature speech about how she can balance her emotion with her logic and this makes her a smarter person, which the other Barbies support. It's a world where women are empowered and have unlimited potential to achieve their dreams and live freely without fear of their oppressors. Stereotypical Barbie isn't even afraid to reject Beach Ken's advances, she doesn't fear being stalked, raped, or killed by him for saying no. She just turns him down, and not only that, but she turns him down in favor of having girls' night, showing that in this world, girls support each other and value their female friendships over heterosexual relationships with guys(I'll touch on this point again later). I don't know about you, but that sure as hell does sound like a world that I dream of living in. Minus the fact that all the food and drinks are fake.
But the story doesn't frame this matriarchy as empowering, like they should. It portrays it instead as something ridiculous and far-fetched, something that the audience is meant to laugh at rather than support, which becomes more blatant as the movie progresses.
And then we get to the "real" world. Where men instead rule over women in a patriarchy, and we see Barbie experience misogyny for the first time. And this was the moment I started fully hating the movie, and realized it for the sloppy, anti-feminist mess that it is. The first part of the movie set in Barbieland was campy and fun and happy and feel-good, providing the exact type of feel that Barbie brings. But the moment she steps into the real world, everything becomes sad and hopeless and cynical.
And I get that the patriarchy does exist and women are oppressed by it every day, but the way the movie executed this was really overexaggerated and cringeworthy. They made it seem as if women are constantly and completely powerless in every aspect of life, like seriously they didn't even show ANY women in positions of power and the only women we did see with jobs besides a female doctor, were Gloria who works an office job at Mattel and Ruth who is already dead and is for all extents and purposes relegated to the fucking kitchen. They made the world out to be a complete and total dystopia where women aren't capable of achieving anything and the only two women of importance who are from the real world are Sasha and her mother Gloria, the former is portrayed as bitter, cynical, and constantly angry, the latter is portrayed as stressed-out, depressed, and somewhat suicidal with her thoughts about death. Is this all that the Barbie movie thinks that women can achieve in our world? Being miserable and frustrated with no hope of achieving our dreams and desires? With no power or satisfaction in our day to day lives? Is this all that this shithole movie thinks that women can amount to?
And the worst part is how Barbie is derided and mocked for thinking that she has provided a female role model for women and girls. The start of the movie mocks Barbie for thinking that it solved all women's problems and completely advanced women's rights/feminism, even though Barbie/Mattel has never claimed that. Yes, she was meant to be a role model. But she was never portrayed as the be-all, end-all of feminism. Even people who look up to Barbie and were encouraged by her aren't naive enough to think that a twelve-inch tall plastic doll is enough to smash the patriarchy. The movie makes this up solely so they can tear down Barbie for something that it never claimed to do in the first place. When our main Barbie leaves to go to the real world, the other Barbies encourage her(as Barbies tend to do) by saying that they bet all the women in the real world will thank her for giving them rights. Which is obviously meant to be an overexaggerated and satirical jab at Barbie once again, for thinking that it has created feminism or whatever, and that sexism is over solely thanks to the Barbie franchise. Cute. Too bad no version of the Barbie brand has ever claimed that in the first place. Again, it's a ridiculous and false claim that only exists to further unnecessarily jab at Barbie and propel this backwards-thinking message.
And then when she gets to the human world she is mocked even more. Sasha and her friends laugh at her when she claims to be Barbie and asks them to thank you for inspiring them, and then when she says she loves and wants to help women, Sasha aggressively informs her that EVERYONE hates women. This movie actually has a pretty nihilistic view of womanhood, when you think about it. The Barbie world is portrayed as an empowering world where women can achieve anything that they set their minds to, and aren't held back by sexism, causing them to have full power, reflecting the female fantasy that Barbie was always supposed to represent. But that's just a fantasy land, and is portrayed as cheesy and superficial. When Barbie gets to the real world, she is confronted with the supposed "reality" of being a woman, and comes to realize that it's not actually about empowerment and being smart and capable after all, but about suffering and never having your voice respected, and never having any power and freedom but instead losing your idealism and optimism as you age, causing her to break down in tears upon realizing how stressful it is to be a woman and that she never actually empowered them like she hoped. Seriously, whose idea was it to make Barbie constantly crying and miserable and incapable of doing anything on her own? Is this the Barbie I know? No, it's a pathetic, nonsensical knockoff. I'm telling you, they were TRYING to tear Barbie down.
This is especially true when Gloria gives her entire speech to Barbie about how contradictory and painful being a woman is, ending it with "not only are you doing everything wrong, but also, everything is your fault!" Come on! What is this? It's such a painful and harsh message to try to send through BARBIE of all things, that the essence of being a woman is just pain, pain, pain and guess what else? More pain! How being a woman sucks because all you do is get hated by everyone and treated as an object worthy of scorn and ridicule. It's just so unnecessarily cruel, how they violently ripped away any feminist empowerment Barbie was meant to possess in favor of forcing her into a depressive world where women have no rights or value, and had the nerve to portray this as "realistic", because obviously more negative automatically means more realistic, right?
Rather than provide a middle ground where women face hardships and adversity but are still capable of rising above their struggles and finding the strength within them to make their voices heard and get what they want in society, they opt instead for a stupid false dichotomy: the world is either a stupid frivolous Amazon utopia wrapped in pink and glitter with girl power up the wazoo or a bleak, heartless, and grey dystopia where nothing good ever happens to a woman and only men can do anything important. And it portrays the second one as clearly more realistic and the "better" option. Which, in doing so, sends the message that a world where women rule and are respected and have power and are encouraged to have ambition and pursue any goal they want in life...is unrealistic and impossible, if not outright deserving of scorn. It's so miserable and aggravating. When Barbie said "the cognitive dissonance required to be a woman under the patriarchy" I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. THAT'S how badly the movie annoyed me with its nihilistic and negative preaching. I watched the movie in two days and when I stopped watching it on the first day I felt such a frustrated, hollow feeling in my stomach. I felt so unsatisfied. Like, is this it? Is this all I can dream of having as a woman? All that praise this shitty capitalist crapfest received for being so feminist and eye-opening, ultimately led up to this? For real? So disappointing.
But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is when the movie introduces the KENdom, aka, when Ken brings about the patriarchy...and if the movie hadn't already been hot stinkin' ASS, this is when it would've REALLY started to drag, and where it REALLY reinforces the idea that women can never have any actual power and authority and must instead constantly suffer under the patriarchal status quo.
Ken comes back to Barbieland and introduces the other Kens and Barbies to the patriarchy and horses(ig no one told him that horses are a matriarchal animal, but whatevs), and within hours, revamps the world into a patriarchal hell, just like the real world(except it's portrayed as very childish and simplistic because the witers don't actually take the patriarchy seriously and think it's just "boys think girls have cooties".). And the other dolls instantly buy into it? First of all, am I really expected to believe that the Barbies, who have been established as champions of strength, power and dominance, and who have always ruled the Barbie world, would instantly and easily give in to Ken's brainwashing and allow all of their power to be ripped out of their hands, becoming the happy devoted sexy slaves of the Kens? You think they would casually be like "I for one, welcome our new male overlords!" and let the Kens have all the power? Am I really supposed to accept that shit? And am I also supposed to accept that the other Kens in Kenland, including the Asian one who competes with the white Ken over Barbie, would easily leap at the chance to oppress their female counterparts, rather than laugh at Ken for being silly and tell him to sit his ass down somewhere? Really? Don't piss me off.
The only way you could accept this series of unfortunate events as plausible is if you accept the fact that we're supposed to laugh at Barbieland for being a girl power feminist matriarchy in the first place. If we're meant to laugh at the women for being in power and at this imagined society for being so gynocentric and girl-positive, then of COURSE we're meant to laugh at them for getting their power ripped away that easily, as women could never hold power for so long realistically! Eventually the men would realize their true potential and make society work in favor of them! It's natural and inevitable! The Barbie movie said so!!! And so we watch as the intended "humorous" scenes go on and on, of the men happily running around, flaunting their muscles, and chugging down beers like it's going out of style, while the women happily submit to this newfound male authority, massaging men's feet and serving them drinks. Because obviously a matriarchy could never last long, women are so weak and fragile that any sense of power that they think they possess could easily be ripped away from them within a moment's notice. Peak feminism, everybody.
But it's cool, because eventually the Barbies prove me wrong. They DO get their power back, and establish their rights again. But how do they do it? Do they stage a coup and violently and angrily fight the Kens? Do they march for their rights, as real life feminists have done? Do they balance logic and emotion, as fat Barbie praised herself for doing in the beginning of the movie, and reason with the Kens that oppressing the Barbies is not the right thing to do? No, no, they...put on sexy skimpy outfits and pretend to be dumb bimbos so as to lull the Kens into a false sense of security and think that THEY are in control. And later on they let the Kens sing to them a song about how they want to control women, before turning them against each other by pretending to be in love with different Kens than the ones they were originally listening to. Are you kidding me? This is supposed to be a feminist revolution! But instead of actually using their genuine power to put the men back in their place, they instead use their feminine wiles and dumb themselves down so that the men can feel strong. It is literally leaning into the sexist trope that the only weapon women have, especially against men, is their sexuality, and that this is the only way that women can get their way. Despite this going against EVERYTHING that Barbie stands for! She is supposed to be a strong, smart, and capable woman who can do it all and look glamorous while doing it! She is NOT supposed to be a fucking femme fatale, vamp, or sex object!
So not only do they have their matriarchy easily ripped away from them, but they also are forced to abandon their actual female empowerment and instead conform to the patriarchal status quo to get ahead. By using their bodies, stroking men's egos, and allowing men to mansplain to them. Because the only weapons women are capable of using are the ones men gave us. Because women are just bodies. And this is portrayed as a GOOD thing. Seriously, two of the Barbies even high five each other as they trade Kens at the fireplace, as if to say, "go girl, you are doing it!" Like, seriously, are we supposed to see this as a girlboss moment? Because I sure don't. It's giving "weaponized femininity". It's giving "eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man". It's giving "men are visual creatures." It's giving "kill me with a chainsaw right fucking now because I'm done with this shit." Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on how the Kens have a violent manly war, while the women only get to flutter their eyelashes and use their sex appeal. Because men are strong, women are pretty. Of course.
And then the worst part in the entire movie, the part that really infuriated me and let me know that this movie was the antithesis of feminism, arrives...the Barbies get their matriarchy back and are in power again, and everybody cheers and is happy, except for Beach Ken, who runs away to go sulk. And then...Barbie...fucking apologizes to him. She apologizes to him for casting him aside and making him feel unwanted and unvalued, and even says outright, "not every night has to be a girl's night." Why the fuck, movie? Do you remember earlier in this post when I mentioned how Barbie blows off Ken to hang out with her female friends, because it's girls' night, and female friends matter more than a guy? Sisters before misters, and all that jazz? Well, fuck that. Near the end of the movie, Barbie ends up apologizing to Ken for having a girl's night all the time, as if she was a bad person for not seeing how much she owed him and not hanging out with him all the time when she simply didn't want to. Here we have a woman apologizing for putting her girl friends over a man. The man doesn't apologize for making women his and his brethren's personal slaves. The woman apologizes for making him feel the need to go there by not catering to him, by being too focused on herself to the point where she ignores him, by being so empowered and strong that she makes him feel overshadowed, dare I say, emasculated, and thus need to reassert his fragile, threatened masculinity.
Because this isn't a feminist movie, not really. This is an MRA movie. This is a movie that, rather than focus specifically on the women and their problems, brushes their problems under the rug so as to remind the audience that "men matter too" "men have issues too" "men also suffer under the patriarchy!" And other such claptrap. I don't understand why the fuck cishet Reddit incels/conservatives/right-wingers/other such reactionary groups hate this movie and think that it's anti-men when actually it is pro-men and aligns fucking PERFECTLY with their bullshit line of thinking. That feminism oppresses and victimizes men, that men are the REAL victims of sexism/oppression, that women being granted rights is ultimately more harmful to MEN, that women need to be nicer to and pacify men and apologize for having too much power, that we all need to be quiet and listen to MEN and their experiences more. And I FUCKING HATE that. MEN have been listened to ENOUGH. And I am SICK of being forced to include them and their viewpoints more. How about instead of centering the Kens, we focus more on the Barbies and exploring THEIR issues, and using THEM as templates to convey issues about misogyny? Instead of focusing on Ken and his issues and his unrequited love for Barbie??? Instead, it was made all about the Kens and how oppressed they feel because the women are at the top of the hierarchy, to the point where THEY got the fun little dance number near the climax, RATHER than the actual fucking BARBIES that this movie was NAMED after. Because last time I checked, this WAS the BARBIE movie. NOT THE KEN MOVIE!!!
Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on that shitty ass parallel the movie tries to pull between the Barbieland matriarchy and the real world patriarchy. The movie tries to make the claim that the Barbies being dominant and the most powerful in the Barbie world is just the same as men being dominant and the most powerful in the real world, because the Barbies oppressed Kens just like men oppress women in our world. It also tries to raise the point that the Kens felt insecure and overshadowed by the Barbies and were treated as second-class citizens, thus they installed the Kendom. AND I FUCKING HATE THAT comparison for two reasons. The first is that the Barbies never oppressed the Kens or treated them as inferior in any way. They were simply more important because...it's the BARBIE company. Not the KEN company. Barbies are toys meant to be sold to little girls to inspire THEM. So of course the women are going to be the ones in charge! Why is that such a bad thing?
And the second reason is because I haaaaate the dumb fucking trope of "matriarchy bad because woman oppressing man is just as bad as man oppressing woman!" that this movie and countless, endless other pieces of media also try to push. Like, do you know why female-dominated societies(particularly utopias/positively portrayed ones) are so often represented in media??? Because the world we live in is so heavily male-dominated in almost every society and culture, and has been this way for centuries!!! Sure, there are and have been a few matriarchal cultures in society, but they are few and far between. The overwhelming majority of the world is run by men! Sad but true! And this allegedly feminist movie is for real gonna sit down and tell me "okay, but we can't allow ourselves to dream of a world where women are the ones with positions of power and men are not the privileged ones"? Hell no, fuck that. This movie is giving multiple people, both men and women alike, the opportunity to argue that sexism against men is "just as bad".
But women should be allowed to dream of our matriarchy. We should be allowed to fantasize about a world where we are in charge. We should be allowed to dream about a world where we are protected, respected, and catered to, and can live freely and without fear and oppression, without being told to "think of the men." It doesn't mean that men should be abused, mistreated, or oppressed just like women are and have been. But then again, the Barbies didn't even do that either, like I said. This movie, in its shallow attempts to "critique" the matriarchy(lol) ends up reinforcing exactly why the two aren't comparable in the first place. When the Barbies were in charge, they didn't oppress the Kens or treat them as second-class citizens. They simply lived their lives, going about their day and having fun while pursuing awesome careers.
The Kens, on the other hand, actively oppressed Barbies when they were in charge. The second they were given power, they leaped at the chance to treat Barbies like garbage, the same way that they somehow believed that they had always been treated. They treated the Barbies worse than the Barbies ever actually treated them, to be quite honest. They were the real oppressors, not Barbies. It ironically enough sends the accidental message that the world actually IS better off with women in charge. Can you really blame the Barbies for taking their matriarchy back again(I certainly was happy when they did!)? But no. Instead, the movie expects us to sympathize with the Kens, after everything they've done, and tries to portray the idea of a matriarchy as "just as bad" as a patriarchy. And if that's not an EXCELLENT example of a false equivalence, then man, I don't know what is. Don't even get me started on the audacious slap in the face that was "the Kens will one day have as much power as women do in the real world." As if women got rights and seats in high office because they asked the men kindly? Barf.
And then at the end of the movie, Barbie of course leaves the false, silly matriarchal utopia to live as a boring ass regular human in the "real" world. She no longer gets to live in a world where she is fully liberated and empowered and not relegated to a lesser human being with lower status. She now must live in the "real" world, the hopeless, bleak, and oppressing real world where she will be faced with relentless misogyny and looked down upon by men and society. The movie could have had her form a bridge between the Barbie world and the human world, trying to mend the problems in both worlds while still staying true to who she is at her core. But instead, she is forced to say goodbye to her past life, abandon all her female friends and her old home, in favor of living in a world where she is denigrated to a second-class status in society. Because the female empowerment Barbieland trumped? Is a lie. Nothing short of a sweet, comforting lie designed to shield girls from the bleak and cynical realities that womanhood actually entails. Real womanhood is adorned with thorns at every corner.
But it's all right, because at least she gets to see the gynecologist! That's her ultimate ending. Not actually improving life for others and herself and making the world a more equitable place for women with the help of the other Barbies, as well as Gloria and Sasha. It's going to the gynecologist. Because having a vagina makes you a woman. Yay! Some people have tried to reclaim this as a trans metaphor, but I highly doubt a movie as shallow and lacking in intersectionality as this was aiming for anything near close to that. And it's a crying shame that this is what the movie thinks is an empowering and satisfying ending to Barbie's arc. How pitiful, sad, and pathetic.
It's such a shame, as well, because the Barbie movie could have actually had genuine critiques of the patriarchy and how it affects women without making everything out to be pessimistic and dreary, and without trying to center the Kens and coddle their male fragility. It could have discussed beauty standards and the expectations to always be conventionally attractive and perfectly presentable to a tee for women(something that Barbie has oft been criticized for, and with good reason, and has also been brought up in the movie too, but of course got dropped and barely mentioned again). It could have tackled gender norms and compulsory femininity, and showed Barbies who subvert or have complex/unique relationships with femininity(esp women of color and queer Barbies, who have different relationships to femininity than white and/or cishet women), even include some masculine/tomboyish/butch Barbies who aren't portrayed by the narrative as the butt of the joke. It could have used Weird Barbie to portray both of these messages and given her a more complex arc and concrete role in the narrative besides being just a comic relief character who gets called ugly all the time(by both other Barbies and herself, which is just sad, self-deprecation much?) and then at the end of the movie gets an apology thrown at her by President Barbie(and also, who was she before she became Weird Barbie? The movie doesn't say, and that is such a let-down, that we never get to know who she was before.).
They could have showed lesbian and sapphic and aroace Barbies, whose characters could be used to challenge amato/heteronormativity and compulsory heterosexuality. They could have explored what Barbie meant for women of color, trans women, fat women, disabled women, and mayyybe not? Cast a conventionally attractive white cis thin blonde woman as the main/regular Barbie? Especially if they were going to make that joke about how a woman who looks like that shouldn't be casted for a character who cries that she's ugly(which raises unfortunate implications as to what type of woman would be correct to cast in that role...but like every other genuine aspect of feminism in this movie, it gets forgotten about and erased as soon as it's brought up.) But they didn't do any of that. Because this is a white "feminist" movie written by a white woman and created in partnership with a capitalist company for one specific purpose: To sell toys.
Which wouldn't be as much of a problem if they didn't try to slap a feminist message on top of that, and then fail at delivering their message, hard, so hard in fact that they sideways-shuffle all the way into (trans)misogyny. For all the hype this movie gained(from the same people who will then turn around and silence genuine critique of the movie's shallow portrayal of feminism with "it's not that deep, it's just comedy, you shouldn't have expected Barbie to ACTUALLY be introspective and profound despite everyone claiming that it was!"), the actual contents therein gave us NOTHING to chew on. Just an empty parody of feminism that was more about the Kens than the actual Barbies, and portrayed suffering in silence and manipulating men with your looks as the ultimate pinnacle of womanhood.
I can't say I'm surprised. I'm just disappointed.
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radioactivewisdom · 3 months
“Weird that there's women out there who would rather I be homeless while disabled and pregnant in order to perform feminism better
Rather than live in a stable home and perform "domestic and emotional labour" for a male who will "eventually snap" and kill me (and apparently this is an event to be relished)
Because we should all be assuming that our relationships will end catastrophically (that's a fair and normal thing to expect of any partner)
And if we dare think our partners won't abuse us we're "victim blaming" women who have ended up in abusive relationships because we think we're "smarter"
Do y'all have this energy for lesbian relationships that go wrong? I know the stats are different, but we still would have the occasional lesbian come into the shelter due to DV reasons, would you advise they also live in critical fear for the rest of their lives because of their emotional or sexual attachment to a sex where a member could cause them harm? If your lesbian partner makes you feel safe and secure and you don't feel threatened - are you "smarter" or "better at recognising the signs" than a lesbian who has been subject to abuse?
Because honestly the stats don't matter a damn if you're the one the dice fall on.
(And I might add, it's an extremely shallow version of DV, that narrative that it only changes in an instant, one day they just "snap". Sometimes it does, but sometimes there's a history of abuses other than violence, sometimes it's violence from the beginning, sometimes it's little things that you don't even notice until you've spent many years apart. No matter how or when it started, how long it has been going on, or who the perpetrator is, these women deserve all the support they need.)
I live in a right wing country where the cost of housing is immense I would *literally* be homeless. My therapist once told me “There’s taking reasonable precautions and then there’s outright paranoia and I think you know which this is”. I think the issue is many people seem to think men are born evil and not raised to be sexist or misogynistic. “The outcome is the same” but the mechanism also means the outcome can change depending on family and society. If they are evil and always have been and the only option is separatism then logically we would not have made our previous gains. “
I hope you change your perspective
Yes, it is weird that women continue to willingly engage in relationships that are likely to harm them. They know the risks, as do you, since you’ve just spent time explaining them thoroughly. You’ve decided that the potential harm is worth it though, as do many others. There’s nothing anyone can do for autonomous adults who engage in dangerous behaviors. People make bad decisions on the daily, dating men is one of them. Try and train your dogs, but don’t expect me to care when they bite. You seem to believe that this wide scale and persistent behavior is a mistake and can be fixed. Go ahead and good luck. I can’t help you, and my approval is unnecessary. Live the life you chose confidently, the collective is already backing you up.
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Do you endorse guilt tripping/shamming people into supporting moral causes?
I'm sorry, I've just seen far too many Palestine and Gaza supporters use guilt tripping to gain more traction.
It gives me the feeling people can't understand that people can be good people and not care for supporting what they want.
Like I'm all for not killing people but people make me and others out for trash for not wanting to do anything and continue on with our lives despite the knowledge.
I don't know i just want to ask you about this.
There is... so much wrong with this ask. I wanted to just block this account and move on, but I can't just... Not do anything about this. Maybe I can't convince you to care about what's going on, but I can try, and I want to try. I try to see the best in people. I'm hoping, sincerely hoping, that you're just... ignorant of the situation, and not just plain heartless.
"people can be good people and not care for supporting what they want"
What they want??? What they WANT??
Palestinians are being murdered, they're starving, being tortured in Israeli concentration camps, and you're speaking as if this is a matter of opinion. Human rights are not an opinion.
Good people are those who care about the lives of others, who know that the oppressed should not be hurt by the hands of their oppressors. Don't even say anything about it starting on October 7th- this has been going on for 75 years. It is normal to care. Even most "bad" people can understand that what's going on in Palestine is an injustice.
"not wanting to do anything and continue on with our lives despite the knowledge"
If you can stomach the genocide of millions in Palestine, children, women, men, and you can just move on without doing anything- You need to do some serious self reflection because this isn't okay. I'm not saying this as a lighthearted jokey thing. This is just Not okay.
You're saying you can't even share resources to help these people? If you can't donate, that's alright, there are so many economical problems going on in this day and age, but you can't even be bothered to share some posts? Information? To share some gofundme's?
You do not have to watch videos of people getting blown up and killed. You don't have to subject yourself to that. But you need to be knowledgeable about these things, you need to know that these things are happening, you should be horrified because these things are not normal. Nothing is normal about millions of people losing their futures.
Just as you deserve to dream of a future, these people deserve the same.
"I don't know i just want to ask you about this."
Another thing that's bothering me. Why ask me about this? Are you just asking any Palestine supporter this question???
If you want information on what's going on in Palestine, if you want reasons to care about this, look at Bisan, Motaz Azaiza, Eid Yara, Plestia Alaqad. These are brave people from Palestine who are suffering, showing the war from their eyes. They're experiencing it.
I want to make it clear, just because I show respect to my followers, does not mean you can confide to me about anything. I am trying to be kind, by pushing you in the right direction. I want you to understand that this mindset you're following is apathetic, it is harmful to others yes and also to yourself. I'm being harsh because I want you to realize that this whole situation, this is wrong. I have hope that you'll understand! That's why I didn't just block you straight up.
I don't hold any hope or respect for zionists, but you just seem ignorant at best. That's why I want to try and push you on the right direction, and if I can't, if I failed to, that's no fault of mine. I did what I could, and I hope you can do better. I sincerely hope so! I know you can improve yourself, you just have to try! Even if you don't think so. I believe you can.
It is dangerous to be uncaring. It is dangerous to not be radicalized.
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fallloverfic · 9 months
TGCF donghua Season 2, Episode 11 thoughts
This episode was amazing alkdjlada. Spoilers for the book and donghua below.
Ah Fangxin in the coffin T-T Xie Liannnn... It's interesting they're... setting up for Hua Cheng's birthday? O.o Are they that confident they'll get to that (please be that confident, please!!)? Or just thinking "we get this in while we can in case there isn't enough"? Or just explaining why Xie Lian isn't getting out? It's a pretty (and sad) scene. And another Xiao Mengyou scene!! I'm so grateful for all the time we get alkdjaldj But also sad to think of how Lang Qianqiu thinks of him after saying all friends are false T-T
Xie Lian is so sad T-T Hua Cheng trying to comfort him. They're so cute together T-T Hua Cheng holding back so hard from hugging him.
Xie Lian destroying his statue T-T And then worrying about saving people. Hua Cheng wanting to say Something and being like... no we do what gege wants. Always.
Distracted by Xie Lian's poofy sleeves. I'm a poofy sleeves girl 4ever.
I'm a simple woman. I just like Hualian walking around together. Bein cute. Chattin. Saving people but not being in danger.
Xie Lian giving the "don't put me on a pedestal" speech T-T Love it so much. Hua Cheng being like, "yeah but idc, I'm right, you deserve to be there, no matter what others say". This man put a ring on it long ago, he ain't goin back. He Knows Things, Gege. He Knows. Things. Even more things you'd rather he didn't :/
Xie Lian's heart going doki doki
Sorry the eye swoosh made me laugh aldkjaldaj WHO ARE YOU SAN LANG TELL HIM alkjdaldkjal
Shi Qingxuan T-T And Xie Lian is so happy to see Wind Master :3 His bestie :333
Feng Xin lookin sexy with his spirit bow. I've loved spirit bows since I was like 6, okay???? I know, Fall coming out with the Hot Takes TM of "spirit bows are cool" aldkjaldaj For more Hot Takes TM, like "I just love Hualian", read more alkdjalj
Hua Cheng yoinking Xie Lian behind him made me laugh so hard alkdjalkdjaldja YOINK A GEGE
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Xie Lian's FACE alkdjaldaj "omg" aldkjaldja There's a line from tagteamme's wonderful Mobei-Jun/Shang Qinghua fanfic AN IDIOT'S GUIDE TO A HAPPY MARRIAGE that describes a flabbergasted/upset Shang Qinghua as a "wronged chicken" and that's all I can think of here alkdjaldaj
Shi Qingxuan and Feng Xin confused at The Gay: ???
Hua Cheng: -satisfied smile- Yes he is Mine
Shi Qingxuan subtitling this book: "Good intentions can easily be misinterpreted when passed around. Better to start with bad intentions, and they'll believe it!"
Feng Xin not compelled by the Gay Married Couple. He protecc Dianxia. He left and failed so many times to do just that, after all. Not like Xie Lian told him to get lost out of fear or anything &lt;;.< Oh no I be havin Feng Xin and Xie Lian feelings, as I do every day T-T
alkdjalj Poor Feng Xin. He's so terrified of women. He's just completely gone. Just nope. Cannot do anything. No function. Goodness I feel bad for every female heavenly official having to interact with him.
Hua Cheng is so handsome this episode, honestly. Every frame of him is gorgeous. And male Wind Master is back!
asldakjdladj the little ding that plays when Feng Xin notes that Qi Rong's tactics are ridiculous. Translating the ding: duhhhhhh
Nothing about Xie Lian phases Shi Qingxuan. A true friend.
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I love them so much T-T
adlkajdlkajda Hua Cheng is Xie Lian's "sworn brother" I can't with Shi Qingxuan I can't alkdjaldjaljk (yes I know this is the line in at least the English translation but I just alkjdlajda it kills me alkdjaljda). Hua Cheng is so unimpressed alkdalj "You disrespect my relationship with gege???" (I don't think he cares, but I do love that he's slightly more chill with Shi Qingxuan because Shi Qingxuan is one of the the only other people who supports Xie Lian)
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I love Shi Qingxuan so much alkdjlaj He's your friend Xie Lian T-T You have a frienddddd
Hua Cheng like, "I'm better besties with gege than you are, Feng Xin >:3 Oh right you're not friendssss anymore are you >:3 Cause you abandoned himmmmm >:3" He's not mad about it. Nope.
Feng Xin covered in blood is pretty >.>
The soft Xie Lian thank you. The happy Hua Cheng acceptance. I love them so much T-T
Hua Cheng: "Overthinking. Just focus on doing what you need to do." He always reassures his gege. He wants his gege to do whatever makes him happy.
Ahhh what a good episode T-T So much Hualian. Feng Xin angst. So pretty. So good. And hey, the subs were decent! There's already been a preview for episode 12, so we know there's at least one episode left! I feel like they'll probably end the season either right before the switch to the past or right at the beginning, which is sad, but it makes sense. I just want more T-T
Other episode thoughts for season 2 (didn’t start till episode 3):
S02E11 (you are here)
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Tura Satana (Faster, Pussycat! Kill, Kill!)—i noticed you didn't have any tura satana propaganda so i wanted to take the chance to tell you about the baddest bitch to ever live. she was a japanese american; she spent time at an internment camp as a kid (yayy fuck the USA). i won't go into the details because it's a lot but after an assault as a kid where no justice was served she learned martial arts and spent the next 15 years tracking down her attackers, kicking their asses and serving justice herself. she got into burlesque and then met, of all people, HAROLD FUCKING LLOYD who started photographing her and gave her THE CONFIDENCE TO GO INTO MOVIES??? sorry the image of mr. safety last kickstarting sexploitation star satana's career just sends me to heaven. anyway, she got into movies, knocked her audition for faster pussycat kill kill out of the park, fundamentally shaped the movie, then did a couple scifi movies before getting shot and transferring into nursing as a career (god. what i would give to have her be the one giving me my T.) an icon a legend in my eyes
Anouk Aimée (La Dolce Vita, Lola)—I went to look at pictures of Anouk Aimée to inspire me to write some propaganda, but then I got too distracted by how pretty she was, forgot what I was doing and just kept on looking at more pictures with no thoughts going through my mind except "wow....women beautiful.." But I will say that Anouk Aimée is one of the most stunning actresses I've ever seen. I mean, her eyebrows, her nose, her charming smile, her cheekbones... I'm sorry I got distracted looking at pictures of her again. Anyway, she's so pretty and captivating on screen!!!! Vote for her!!!!!!
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Tura Satana:
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Anouk Aimée:
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Linked gifset
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