#i switched my tagging system to be...a lot simpler
kingdoms-edge · 13 days
Today being the last day of 3ds online has me feeling very nostalgic and wistful. I love the switch but it does not have the magic of the 3ds. It's not just about dual screens, it was the accessibility. It was less expensive, more portable, had more cheap games you could play with your friends, and a lot of people underestimate just how fantastic some 3ds games are. Streetpass alone was a phenomenon, and along with 3ds menu themes, illustrates a sort of magic that I feel nintendo has been losing sight of since the switch.
With the way games are going in the modern day (higher price tags and system reqs, tons of focus on AAA titles, people needing graphics to be absurdly good for no practical reason), I find myself latching onto my older games more and more. Sure, some of it is a nostalgia-tinted lens, memories from a happier and simpler time of life. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Even after the online services go down, I'll always be playing my 3ds until the hardware breaks to unusability and I can't find another one. I'll play locally with my friends whenever we can. I lament how things must change, but I go on anyway. Here's to my favorite console ever made, may it never really die.
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plaidbooks · 3 years
I was going to request a Nick fic, but I see you have a lot coming up so I’ll chill ☺️ Instead can I request a Rafael one where him and Liv actually do have some sort of secret thing going on, but reader starts as a new detective with SVU and her and Rafael have an instant connection.
To Love Again
A/N: Heya Anon--never feel hesitant about sending in a request! Even if I’m backed up on someone, I’ll gladly take any request haha!. Anyways, this got...a lot more angst than I meant for it to, whoops. I hop you enjoy (and there’s a small possibility for this to get a sequel, depending on inspiration).
This also jumps perspective, between Rafi and reader. Just a heads-up.
Tags: implied smut, angst with a happy? ending, mentions of sexual assault (no details given), alcohol
Words: 2650
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @stardust-fray @permanentlydizzy @infiniteoddball @ben-c-group-therapy @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @averyhotchner @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @dianilaws
It had started one drunken night, by mutual agreement, after a rough case and an even rough loss. Rafael and Olivia had gone out for drinks, to take the edge off after getting back the “not guilty” verdict. To show that they weren’t mad at each other. To show that they could work through the arguments and disagreements they had through the whole trial, the whole case. And the night had ended with Rafael waking up in Olivia’s bed. It was awkward at first, but they had talked about it; they cared for each other, but not in that way. It was simply…stress relief. And it didn’t happen again. Not until another rough loss, about two months later.
“We’re both single adults—we’re being safe about it. Who cares?” Olivia had said one day, and Rafael had agreed. Like they said, they cared about each other. Just not in that way. Who cares if they found relief in each other’s bodies once in a blue moon? It didn’t go beyond that, which was fine with Rafael; his heart was too shriveled up for a relationship, anyways. This was simpler, easier.
There was a knock on his office door late in the afternoon. Glancing up, he called out for whoever it was to enter, curious as to who was coming to meet with him. He had no appointments at this time, though it wasn’t rare that people stopped by for one thing or another. He quirked an eyebrow though as you entered his office; he had never seen you before.
“Mr. Barba? I’m here to drop off some signed statements from the Jackson case, and to pick up a warrant for Wilson’s apartment,” you said shyly, coming to stand in front of his desk. You held the paperwork out to him, and he took it from you, that eyebrow still raised. You swallowed nervously as his bright green eyes roamed over your face.
“And who are you?” Rafael asked. His voice was light, a conversational tone.
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment. “Oh! Detective [Y/L/N]; I just started with SVU a few days ago. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself,” you replied, smiling sheepishly and holding out your hand.
His lips twitched up at the corners, and he took your hand, shaking it. Olivia had told him that she was getting a new detective soon, but he didn’t know she already did. Nor that you would look so….
“You said the Wilson warrant, correct?” Rafael asked, pulling his hand back, flipping through files.
“That’s the one.” You watched his fingers run over the pages on his desk, flicking through the paper. Your face grew warmer as you thought about what those fingers would feel like against your skin, moving down your body, pushing under your pants….
“Ah, here it is,” he said, breaking you out of your lewd thoughts. He passed the folded warrant to you, and you thanked him, face now completely on fire. His eyes were sparkling with mischief, as if he knew exactly where your mind had been. “Would you like to get a nightcap with me tonight, Detective? Get to know each other a little better?”
Your breath hitched. “I-I’d like that very much,” you replied, smiling at him. “I’m off at 8 tonight. Is that alright?”
Rafael nodded. “Of course. Meet me at Forlini’s after you’re off.”
You turned to leave, warrant in hand, then you remembered that your new business cards had come in, with your personal cell phone number on it. Taking one from your pocket, you handed it to Rafael. “Here’s my number…if I’m late, feel free to text. I’m the new kid, so don’t be surprised it I get stuck with OT,” you laughed, and he smirked, tucking the card into his pocket.
You made it to Forlini’s shortly after you got off; no OT, not tonight. Rafael was already sitting at the bar, a glass of amber liquid in front of him. His suit jacket was off, hanging over the back of his chair. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off his forearms, and you had a moment to stare before he turned and saw you heading over towards him.
“Detective,” Rafael greeted, nodding towards you, a grin on his face. “What are you drinking?”
“Ah, vodka cranberry. I’m on call tonight, so only one drink for me,” you smiled back at him. You could hold your liquor well enough that one drink wouldn’t kill you. But that was it; you didn’t want to mess anything up, especially this early in your new career as detective. You worked too hard to get here.
Rafael nodded in acknowledgement. “Fair enough.” He waved down the bartender, ordering your drink onto his tab.
“Thank you,” you said, to both the bartender and Rafael as you were handed your drink. You both sat in silence, sipping your drinks, eyeing each other. Rafael was, well, attractive. You had heard about him, of course; when Olivia had sent you to get a warrant earlier that evening, everyone in the department had a warning for you about his sass, his sarcasm. But he seemed nice enough, and those eyes…those forearms…those fingers….
“What made you decide to go for SVU?” he asked, bringing your attention back to him.
“I’ve, uh, I’ve always wanted to help people. And so many of my friends were…assaulted when I was younger, back before we knew what the word meant. I’ve seen firsthand what it can do…what it does to people. And if I can help even one person reclaim their life, then it’s all worth it.” You didn’t mean to go so in depth, but once you started talking, you realized you couldn’t stop. And something about Rafael seemed…comforting. Like you wanted to tell him your whole life story. Maybe that’s why his conviction record was so high.
He nodded along with you, his eyes boring into you, watching you intently. “That’s a noble cause. You do realize that there’s a lot of grey areas in this job, though, right? And that the justice system doesn’t always win out?” He said it matter-of-factly, his voice unwavering. But there was a slight sadness underneath, tinting his eyes as he said it.
“I-I know…. We won’t always get our guy. We won’t always win. But the fight is worth it, if only to validate the victims, to put the behavior in the spotlight, to make it easier for the next victim,” you sighed, “because there will always be another victim.”
Rafael noticed how your voice had changed and decided to go for a lighter topic. “So, who’s your partner?”
“Uh, Fin, so he can keep an eye on me. And also Carisi—he tells me it’s because it’s getting colder and Fin doesn’t want to leave the warmth of the precinct,” you answered, smiling slightly.
“Stuck with Fordham, huh? I don’t know how you’re going to stay sane with him. He’s started shadowing me, and I already have a headache just thinking about it.”
You laughed, and Rafael chuckled. “Come on, he’s not that bad. A little excitable…. That’s cool that he’s shadowing you, though. Getting some hands-on experience.”
“Yeah, cool for him. Though, I have to admit, he has some…decent points every now and again,” Rafael conceded. Then, he gave you a sharp look, “you are to never tell him that I said that.”
Conversation flowed easily between you two, and you ended up staying much later than you thought at Forlini’s, simply chatting with the counselor. You switched to water after your one drink, making sure you had a clear mind in case you were called in. But by 11pm, you still hadn’t received a call, and you were getting tired.
“I think I should head home…I got work in the morning,” you said reluctantly. You didn’t want to leave; you were having a lot of fun with Rafael. You had no idea why the other detectives had warned you about him.
“I’ll walk you out,” Rafael replied, finishing his drink and waving the bartender down. You waited while he paid, thanking him again for your drink. And then he was leading you out of the bar, his hand on your lower back, sending electricity through you.
“Thank you for tonight, Rafael; I had a lot of fun talking with you,” you smiled at him.
He grinned back at you, waving down a cab for you. “I had a good time, too. I’m excited to work with you.” A cab pulled up, and he opened the door for you. You brushed past him, and he grabbed your elbow, turning you back to him. His lips were suddenly on yours, the kiss gentle, innocent. You froze for a moment before you kissed him back, savoring the taste, the feel of him against you. Pulling back, you both looked at each other, panting slightly. It took your brain a moment to catch up to what just happened, and now that it did, you panicked, mumbling a goodnight, and climbing into the taxi, leaving Rafael standing on the sidewalk.
He wasn’t sure what had come over him, what had possessed him to kiss you in front of Forlini’s. This was…different than what he had with Olivia. With Liv, it was all stress that was shoved down, down until it burst out of both of them. There were no feelings when it came to sleeping with Liv, just primal urges, actions. But sitting in Forlini’s, talking to you, Rafael felt….
That was just the problem, wasn’t it? Rafael felt, something that hasn’t happened in so long, he almost forgot what it meant to feel, what it…felt like. And you had returned the kiss! But then, before he could even attempt a next step—whether it was an apology or inviting himself over to your place, even he wasn’t sure—your eyes had gone wide with surprise, and you had fled. And now, Rafael was at a loss for what to do. He had your number; should he call you? Text? Should he apologize? Or should he lay on the charm, try and slip into your pants, your bed? And what the fuck was he going to tell Liv? Sorry, we can’t sleep together anymore cause I’m fucking your new detective? But that wasn’t even true yet! Sighing, he went back into Forlini’s, ordering another drink.
Thankfully, one of these situations had fixed themselves…though, it still fucking hurt. Olivia had come into Rafael’s office late one night, a few days after the incident at Forlini’s, closing and locking the door—the tell-tale sign that they were going to discuss some…personal matters.
“We can’t do this anymore, Rafa,” Liv had murmured, her voice soft. Even in his secluded office, the walls had ears. And while she was being vague on purpose, Rafael understood immediately.
“What’s changed?” he asked idly. He wasn’t…mad, but he was a little surprised, and hurt. He had enjoyed having a warm body in his bed, rather than his hand.
“I’ve…” Olivia dropped her voice lower, and Rafael had to strain her ears to hear her. “I’ve started seeing someone.” Rafael nodded, keeping his face neutral. He was happy for his friend; she deserved someone who loved her, cared for her. But he couldn’t stop the jealousy that cropped up. Not so much at her, but at the fact that she had found someone.
“Well, it was fun while it lasted,” Rafael smirked, going back to the motion he was currently filling out. He thought back to the kiss with you, and his heart constricted.
“Are we okay?” Liv asked, her voice low.
Rafael glanced up at her, his eyes softening. “Of course, we are. I’ll always care about you, Liv. And I’m happy you found someone.”
Olivia nodded once, her hand rubbing Rafael’s shoulder lovingly, before she left his office. Sighing, he pulled out his phone, your card, and typed in your number.
You didn’t know why you answered your phone when an unknown number called, nor why you gave him your address when you learned it was Rafael. You weren’t entirely sure why you let him into your apartment when he showed up 20 minutes later, nor why you opened the bottle of spice rum when he asked if you had alcohol. But the most confounding thing to you was when he kissed you again, you didn’t stop him. In fact, you escalated it, pulling his shirt off.
Groaning as you woke up, you froze as you felt strong arms around your naked body, a warm chest against your back, a heavy breath tickling your neck. Oh fuck, you didn’t…no way. But the soreness between your legs, your naked body against his, and your memories of the night prior were slowly coming back to you, and you grimaced. You were not the type of person to sleep with someone you had just met, drunk or not. It didn’t matter that you found him attractive, or that from what you remembered, the sex was phenomenal. This wasn’t you, so what happened?
“Morning,” Rafael’s voice was still thick with sleep, husky in your ear. His lips brushed over your shoulder, his arms tugging you tighter against him.
“Uh, morning Rafael,” you replied softly. But he heard the hesitance in your voice.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his breath warm on your skin.
You sighed, rolling over to look at him. “This…I don’t know how to say this…” you trailed off, and he furrowed his brow. “I’m…I don’t just…sleep around with people….”
Realization swept over his face. “Oh. I’m…I’m sorry. You seemed…you seemed okay with it last night. And I used a condom—”
“No, I’m not blaming you, I promise.” You sighed, looking away. The sadness, the regret on his face was too much for you to bare. “I mean…I like you, Rafael, but I don’t know you.”
In the softest voice, he said, “this is…this is all I know. I’m so sorry.” He rolled over, pulling away from you. He got out of bed, moving around your room, grabbing his clothes, and pulling on articles of clothing as he went.
You watched in silence, your heart breaking. What did that mean? “I’d like to, though…know you, that is.” Rafael turned to look at you, his brow furrowed once more. “But let’s take it slow, go out on a date or two, learn about each other.”
“A date?”
You smiled softly at him. “You have been on a date, right?” you joked.
“…not in many, many years.”
Your smile faded and your heart strained for the man—that kiss at Forlini’s and last night made so much more sense now. You wondered when the last time he felt genuine love was…and how badly it must’ve ended for him to be this broken over it.
“Then I’ll remind you. We’ll go slow, take baby steps…that is, if you want,” you said.
Rafael nodded, his head barely moving, and he blinked away the tears that threatened to form. “I’d like that. You’ll…you’ll have to be patient with me,” he warned.
“Lucky for you, I have all the patience of a detective,” you grinned, and his lips twitched upwards. “Let’s start with lunch. Today work for you?”
He nodded once more, then left your room to let you dress. This could work; you’d teach the counselor about love again, let the walls around his heart down, let him feel again. Rafael was, of course, afraid of being hurt again; he felt like his heart still wasn’t fully put back together. But after this many years, he alone obviously wasn’t enough for the job. Maybe he needed someone else to help. And he trusted you, more than he thought he could after everything he’s gone through throughout his life, especially since you had just met. Sure, he was terrified about all of this. But for you…for you, he was willing to try.
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hydrus · 3 years
Version 422
🎉🎉 It was hydrus's birthday this week! 🎉🎉
I had a great week. I mostly fixed bugs and improved quality of life.
It looks like when I optimised tag autocomplete around v419, I accidentally broke the advanced 'character:*'-style lookups (which you can enable under tags->manage tag display and search. I regret this is not the first time these clever queries have been broken by accident. I have fixed them this week and added several sets of unit tests to ensure I do not repeat this mistake.
These expansive searches should also work faster, cancel faster, and there are a few new neat cache optimisations to check when an expensive search's results for 'char' or 'character:' can quickly provide results for a later 'character:samus'. Overall, these queries should be a bit better all around. Let me know if you have any more trouble.
The single-tag right-click menu now always shows sibling and parent data, and for all services. Each service stacks siblings/parents into tall submenus, but the tall menu feels better to me than nested, so we'll see how that works out IRL. You can click any sibling or parent to copy to clipboard, so I have retired the 'copy' menu's older and simpler 'siblings' submenu.
Some websites have a 'redirect' optimisation where if a gallery page has only one file, it moves you straight to the post page for that file. This has been a problem for hydrus for some time, and particularly affected users who were doing md5: queries on certain sites, but I believe the downloader engine can now handle it correctly, forwarding the redirect URL to the file queue. This is working on some slightly shakey tech that I want to improve more in future, but let me know how you get on with it.
The UPnPc executables (miniupnp, here https://miniupnp.tuxfamily.org/) are no longer bundled in the 'bin' directory. These files were a common cause of anti-virus false positives every few months, and are only used by a few advanced users to set up servers and hit network->data->manage upnp, so I have decided that new users will have to install it themselves going forward. Trying to perform a UPnP operation when the exe cannot be found now gives a popup message talking about the situation and pointing to the new readme in the bin directory.
After working with a user, it seems that some clients may not have certain indices that speed up sibling and parent lookups. I am not totally sure if this was due to hard drive damage or broken update logic, but the database now looks for and heals this problem on every boot.
parsing (advanced)
String converters can now encode or decode by 'unicode escape characters' ('\u0394'-to-'Δ') and 'html entities' ('&'-to-'&'). Also, when you tell a json formula to fetch 'json' rather than 'string', it no longer escapes unicode.
The hydrus downloader system no longer needs the borked 'bytes' decode for a 'file hash' content parser! These content parsers now have a 'hex'/'base64' dropdown in their UI, and you just deliver that string. This ugly situation was a legacy artifact of python2, now finally cleared up. Existing string converters now treat 'hex' or 'base64' decode steps as a no-op, and existing 'file hash' content parsers should update correctly to 'hex' or 'base64' based on what their string converters were doing previously. The help is updated to reflect this. hex/base64 encodes are still in as they are used for file lookup script hash initialisation, but they will likely get similar treatment in future.
On December 14th, 2011, the first non-experimental beta of hydrus was released. This week marks nine years. It has been a lot of work and a lot of fun.
Looking back on 2020, we converted a regularly buggy and crashy new Qt build to something much faster and nicer than we ever had with wx. Along with that came mpv and smooth video and finally audio playing out of the client. The PTR grew to a billion mappings(!), and with that came many rounds of database optimisation, speeding up many complicated tag and file searches. You can now save and load those searches, and most recently, search predicates are now editable in-place. Siblings and parents were updated to completely undoable virtual systems, resulting in much faster boot time and thumbnail load and greatly improved tag relationship logic. Subscriptions were broken into smaller objects, meaning they load and edit much faster, and several CPU-heavy routines no longer interrupt or judder browsing. And the Client API expanded to allow browsing applications and easier login solutions for difficult sites.
There are still a couple thousand things I would like to do, so I hope to keep going into 2021. I deeply appreciate the feedback, help, and support over the years. Thank you!
If you would like to further support my work and are in a position to do so, my simple no-reward Patreon is here: https://www.patreon.com/hydrus_dev
full list
advanced tags:
fixed the search code for various 'total' autocomplete searches like '*' and 'namespace:*', which were broken around v419's optimised regular tag lookups. these search types also have a round of their own search optimisations and improved cancel latency. I am sorry for the trouble here
expanded the database autocomplete fetch unit tests to handle these total lookups so I do not accidentally kill them due to typo/ignorance again
updated the autocomplete result cache object to consult a search's advanced search options (as under _tags->manage tag display and search_) to test whether a search cache for 'char' or 'character:' is able to serve results for a later 'character:samus' input
optimised file and tag search code for cases where someone might somehow sneak an unoptimised raw '*:subtag' or 'namespace:*' search text in
updated and expanded the autocomplete result cache unit tests to handle the new tested options and the various 'total' tests, so they aren't disabled by accident again
cancelling a autocomplete query with a gigantic number of results should now cancel much quicker when you have a lot of siblings
the single-tag right-click menu now shows siblings and parents info for every service, and will work on taglists in the 'all known tags' domain. clicking on any item will copy it to clipboard. this might result in megatall submenus, but we'll see. tall seems easier to use than nested per-service for now
the more primitive 'siblings' submenu on the taglist 'copy' right-click menu is now removed
right-click should no longer raise an error on esoteric taglists (such as tag filters and namespace colours). you might get some funky copy strings, which is sort of fun too
the copy string for the special namespace predicate ('namespace:*anything*') is now 'namespace:*', making it easier to copy/paste this across pages
the thumbnail right-click 'copy/open known urls by url class' commands now exclude those urls that match a more specific url class (e.g. /post/123456 vs /post/123456/image.jpg)
miniupnpc is no longer bundled in the official builds. this executable is only used by a few advanced users and was a regular cause of anti-virus false positives, so I have decided new users will have to install it manually going forward.
the client now looks for miniupnpc in more places, including the system path. when missing, its error popups have better explanation, pointing users to a new readme in the bin directory
UPnP errors now have more explanation for 'No IGD UPnP Device' errortext
the database's boot-repair function now ensures indices are created for: non-sha256 hashes, sibling and parent lookups, storage tag cache, and display tag cache. some users may be missing indices here for unknown update logic or hard drive damage reasons, and this should speed them right back up. the boot-repair function now broadcasts 'checking database for faults' to the splash, which you will see if it needs some time to work
the duplicates page once again correctly updates the potential pairs count in the 'filter' tab when potential search finishes or filtering finishes
added the --boot_debug launch switch, which for now prints additional splash screen texts to the log
the global pixmaps object is no longer initialised in client model boot, but now on first request
fixed type of --db_synchronous_override launch parameter, which was throwing type errors
updated the client file readwrite lock logic and brushed up its unit tests
improved the error when the client database is asked for the id of an invalid tag that collapses to zero characters
the qss stylesheet directory is now mapped to the static dir in a way that will follow static directory redirects
downloaders and parsing (advanced):
started on better network redirection tech. if a post or gallery URL is 3XX redirected, hydrus now recognises this, and if the redirected url is the same type and parseable, the new url and parser are swapped in. if a gallery url is redirected to a non-gallery url, it will create a new file import object for that URL and say so in its gallery log note. this tentatively solves the 'booru redirects one-file gallery pages to post url' problem, but the whole thing is held together by prayer. I now have a plan to rejigger my pipelines to deal with this situation better, ultimately I will likely expose and log all redirects so we can always see better what is going on behind the scenes
added 'unicode escape characters' and 'html entities' string converter encode/decode types. the former does '\u0394'-to-'Δ', and the latter does '&'-to-'&'
improved my string converter unit tests and added the above to them
in the parsing system, decoding from 'hex' or 'base64' is no longer needed for a 'file hash' content type. these string conversions are now no-ops and can be deleted. they converted to a non-string type, an artifact of the old way python 2 used to handle unicode, and were a sore thumb for a long time in the python 3 parsing system. 'file hash' content types now have a 'hex'/'base64' dropdown, and do decoding to raw bytes at a layer above string parsing. on update, existing file hash content parsers will default to hex and attempt to figure out if they were a base64 (however if the hex fails, base64 will be attempted as well anyway, so it is not critically important here if this update detection is imperfect). the 'hex' and 'base64' _encode_ types remain as they are still used in file lookup script hash initialisation, but they will likely be replaced similarly in future. hex or base64 conversion will return in a purely string-based form as technically needed in future
updated the make-a-downloader help and some screenshots regarding the new hash decoding
when the json parsing formula is told to get the 'json' of a parsed node, this no longer encodes unicode with escape characters (\u0394 etc...)
duplicating or importing nested gallery url generators now refreshes all internal reference ids, which should reduce the liklihood of accidentally linking with related but differently named existing GUGs
importing GUGs or NGUGs through Lain easy import does the same, ensuring the new objects 'seem' fresh to a client and should not incorrectly link up with renamed versions of related NGUGs or GUGs
added unit tests for hex and base64 string converter encoding
next week
Last week of the year. I could not find time to do the network updates I wanted to this week, so that would be nice. Otherwise I will try and clean and fix little things before my week off over Christmas. The 'big thing to work on next' poll will go up next week with the 423 release posts.
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cyangarden · 5 years
Lance learns something about his sniper rifle with the help of someone
~2.1k words
It was another day in the Castle, the members of the team doing their own things. Hunk was doing inspections of the Lions, Coran doing maintenance on the Castle, Shiro and Allura were talking to other coalition members for the next move. Lance in the shooting range, further honing his skill as the sharpshooter of the team. Pidge in the lab, scanning through various radio messages picked up by the Castle to see if there was anything interesting.
When Pidge nonchalantly called Lance the Sharpshooter one time during a mission, something inside Lance sensed something, something different. He somehow felt more complete, making him more confident being a Paladin. Yeah, Shiro acknowledge him before when they freed Slav from the Warden’s hands during their escape from Beta Traz, but when Pidge said it, it had a different meaning to it. It made Lance push further when it comes in training, even making his own routine rather than use one of the presets stored in the computer. Whatever it was, Lance was glad it was happening to him.
Pidge took a break, she left computer running the sorting algorithm automatically but set it to notify her if something of attention came up. When Lance and Pidge got the game console from the Space Mall, she noticed that by not spending so much time in the lab, she had more energy throughout the day instead of crashing down suddenly when night came. After that, she had scheduled breaks. Pidge usually went to Lance’s room to play the videogame, sometimes Lance would be there to play with her but sometimes, he’s not there so she plays on her own. Pidge typed the password to his room, but to only see it empty. She wanted to play with Lance, maybe he was somewhere. He went to the lounge then to kitchen, but he still wasn’t around.
Pidge thought about the shooting range, she did notice Lance spending more time going there after she called him Sharpshooter. Lance’s skill became more apparent after she called him the name one time. It amazed her and made her admire his skill, but she didn’t want to admit it out loud that he ended up being right about his name for him. Probably to avoid the teasing from Lance, she thought his head might get to big and he might not let it go. Though she thought she was a bit harsh on him when she doubted the use of the name. She wished she could do something to make it up to him. Lance was happy with his skill, but she felt she still needed to do something about that incident — or that was what she keeps referring to.
Lance moved cover to cover, engaging the targets along the way. His goal for training? Practicing fast transitions between targets to shoot them down as fast as possible. His reaction was something he wanted to work on after Sven almost tackled him down back in the alternate reality. Though nothing bad came out of it, he did not want that to happen again, especially if it would be someone else’s life. He was practicing against target plates rather than sentries, he added a shot timer to measure his reaction time. He had a goal set up of only having a maximum of 1.5 second reaction per target, from the target popup, to aiming his rifle then to shooting it. However, he would still give himself some allowance depending on the context of the target. Lance moved forward to shoot, until he heard a target popping up behind him. He thought it would be too slow to do a 180-degree turn and engage the target, so he spun around but decided to fall on his back. The move was intended to surprise the supposed enemy and might cause the shot fired at him to miss by suddenly presenting a lower profile. Lance fired two shots to the target when he hit the floor, then quickly stood up to scan for more targets.
“What’s the reaction time for the last shot?” Lance asked the shooting range AI.
The AI replied, “1.9 seconds.”
“That’s—” Lance was about to comment but then cutoff by someone.
“Not bad, impressive.” Pidge was standing on the doorway of the shooting range.
“Oh, yeah, I guess so.” Lance said.
Pidge gave Lance a small smile, “I see you’re spending more time here.”
“Well, it doesn’t hurt to train.” Lance winked at her. “By the way, what are you doing here? I thought you’re doing something in the lab?” Lance rarely saw her in the shooting range, he wondered why she was there.
Pidge gave out a heavy sigh, “I decided to take a break, it gets quite boring there really.”
“Wow, Pidge and taking a break? What a weird combination.” Lance joked.
Pidge got back at him, “Hey! I find it really good for me, plus playing KBP is more fun.” She almost forgot what she came here for, “I was actually about to invite you to play Killbot, but then I saw you’re busy… Next time?”
“How about later? You know, being the Sharpshooter here and working on something.”
Pidge smiled at him, “Yeah sure.” Then she remembered the incident back in Beta Traz, and talking about being the Sharpshooter, she asked him, “You wanna see something?” As Pidge went to the console to open a preset scenario.
“What is it?” Lance was curious.
The shooting environment switched to a long-range scenario and a small structure appeared with target sentries and a ‘friendly sentry’ inside.
Pidge instructed Lance, “Change your Bayard into a sniper rifle.”
“Okay, I see where this is going but how am I going to see the targets? They’re clearly obstructed.” Lance exclaimed.
“Just aim through your scope.” She told him.
“Is there something supposed to happen?”
“Hold on,” Pidge entered a command into the console, “There.”
The targets appeared in Lance’s scope, “Woah,” he was amazed that he could. Lance moved his scope around the building, checking the scan coverage of his scope. He wondered how it operated, “So how does this work? My scope seeing through the walls?”
Pidge explained, “Your scope is actually indirectly seeing the targets. The scope is not emitting anything but is receiving something over there.” Pidge pointed at the small structure.
Lance looked up to where she was pointing, “Really?”
Pidge continued, “Yep. There’s one sentry inside that’s ‘friendly’, it’s sending out a sonar signal that bounces around the room or obstacles to determine whatever is behind. When the signal returns, the suit forms the ‘map’ of the surrounding and it sends it to your scope. Remember how bats use sound to see in the dark or move around?”
“It’s pretty much the same principle but on a more refined scale.”
“You said the friendly sentry is sending out the sonar, does that mean you need to hack an enemy sentry to let me see through walls?” Lance questioned her.
“No, there’s no need to. I just simulated the capability in the sentry because our Paladin suits has it. The entire suit is a sonar array itself, capable of sending out an omnidirectional signal for proper 360-degree coverage. The suit actually has a phased array sonar to be specific.”
“What does the last part mean?”
“Phased array means that instead of having a single transceiver module to send out a signal, the system is composed of smaller modules that work together to send out the signal. Doing that increases image resolution, scan range and improves scan time. Also, kinda like an incandescent bulb versus an LED light, the latter one being better in general.”
“Wow, that sounds cool.” Lance sounded amazed from what he was hearing.
“Also, since the suit is sending out the signal, it’s able to ‘tag’ the contacts found by the suit to determine if it’s friendly or a bad guy. There’s already a tag information database in the suit of known contacts, but there’s still an option to add one if there are friendlies nearby. I’m still not sure about the specifics of the frequency used by our suits, but it’s high enough that the so called ‘image resolution’ would produce a good map. A high image resolution means that we or the system can distinguish contacts clearly. Like being able to determine that an enemy sentry is actually an enemy sentry instead of something like a support column. Whatever material the sonar would hit would produce a particular sonar signature that can be unique from one another, an algorithm is used to sort out that stuff. It’s a very useful thing.”
“If I’m getting these things correctly, the suit ‘maps’ out the surrounding area to see if there are contacts then the processed map goes to my scope? So, I’m able to see because of the suits?”
“Yeah, you got it.” Pidge added another detail, “By the way, the suit has around 20 feet of mapping distance. Any more than that, then you lose image resolution and the map wouldn’t be as good.”
Lance sounded astonished, “That’s a lot of things, I didn’t know it was that complicated.”
“There’s still the data link for the suit-scope communication which is a neat thing itse—” Pidge was cut off by a notification from her lab computer, “Oh, I have to go. Sorry for cutting this.” Pidge sounded a bit disappointed.
Lance replied, “Hey, don’t worry, I know I’m not good with those things, but I’m glad you still took your time to explain those things to me. I did my best to understand them and so far, I did get them all.”
Pidge placed her hand on his shoulder to help reassure him, “Don’t say things like that, Lance. You’re smart in your own way, don’t let anyone else say otherwise. And sorry for when I was being harsh to you when you just want to learn new things, I’m still getting used to making things explained simpler.”
“It’s alright Pidge, I know I sometimes get annoying.”
Pidge just gave him a hug, she wrapped her arms around her waist and pressed her face on his chest. She suddenly thought of doing it, maybe it was the right thing to do.
Lance was surprised when she did, but slowly dropped his arms and wrapped them around her. The hug gave him a slight blush on his face, but thankfully for him, they were facing away each other.
They stayed for a few seconds before pulling back.
“I didn’t know I needed that hug, thank you again.”
“Later, Lance?”
“Yeah, later, I’m waitin’ for you.” Lance gave her a smile.
With that, Pidge went back to the lab and Lance continued with his training.
Their interaction just made Lance more pumped up, suddenly feeling alive and ready for the challenges set.
Lance, Veronica and Kinkade were in an overwatch position on top of an abandoned building. They’re providing sniper support for the ground team who are about to infiltrate a Galra stronghold.
Keith asked for the support team’s cover, “Lance, you ready to cover us when we get inside?”
Lance confirmed, “Ready to go.”
Pidge and Keith teleported inside the stronghold using Kosmo.
Pidge said, “We need to find a port where I can hack in. A control panel or a substation.”
“Got it.” Keith replied. Then two ran through the hallways.
Lance saw the two moving inside, “Got you, Keith. Scanning for hostiles,” Lance cautioned them, “Sentries on the other side of the east wall.”
Pidge and Keith teleported away from the hostiles.
Keith asked, “Lance?”
“You’re clear.” Lance replied.
Pidge and Keith stopped by the column where the tunnels were splitting in two directions.
Lance instructed them, “You guys are gonna have to take the right tunnel. But wait,” he warned, “There are sentries approaching both tunnels. Hold position.” Lance counted down, “Coming up to you in three, two, one.”
Pidge and Keith teleported behind the sentries then they moved towards their objective.
Back in the abandoned building, Kinkade asked how Lance was able to see through the walls.
“That thing pick up heat signatures?” Kinkade asked.
Lance explained, “It actually locks on to their suits’ sonar imaging and renders a 3D map within a 20-foot perimeter. It’s cool Paladin stuff.”
Even though there weren’t much stuff described, Kinkade was still amazed by it, “Must be pretty neat with all the advanced tech you have out there.”
Lance smirked, “Yeah, it is. Especially when someone teaches you about it. It’s amazing.”
Tfw you have to dig out the meta you have written because you forgot the explanation 😅
Here’s a more detailed explanation for how the Lance’s sniper scope works.
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n2-elite · 5 years
N2 Elite Review
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So, what is the N2 Elite? Besides having a hot and also intriguing name, the N2 Elite is the next development of the Amiiqo that was very first launched a couple of years back. For those that are also new to the name Amiiqo, I'll go into additional detail. These products are NFC modern technology that allow you back up your Amiibo onto the one gadget. The most recent of these, the N2 Elite, flaunts 200 ports for supporting your Amiibo onto. I'll let their site attributes (under the image listed below) tell you a little bit a lot more.
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Very first attribute 'Accumulate to 200 characters' is not technically a falsification. And also there are benefits and drawbacks to the declaration. The pro being that indeed, the N2 has 200 NFC ports that are empty as well as all set for project within the N2, wonderful. The disadvantage is that you have a few alternatives on how you wish to access them as well as neither of which are entirely excellent. The first being that if you wish to use Luigi and also he remains in slot 148, think what, there's no way around it, you're pressing that button on the N2 Elite 148 times. Currently, if you did every one of your effort for the N2 on an Android tool and also not a computer system, then you can always just specifically pull out your phone, tons the app, faucet on Luigi and also assign him right then as well as there which would be simpler, but that makes your phone even more of the item required and not always the N2 needing 200 slots.
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The created feature is to have the N2 getting all of the conserve data from the game also, versus just being an empty amiibo, and that's great, it can do it, yet if you don't intend to find on your own pressing the switch 100+ times every time you intend to get to Luigi, it makes even more feeling simply to do the Android alternative, after that use the N2 on the Switch Over, 3DS, or Wii U and when you're finished with it, back it back up to your Android. I personally do not mind pushing a switch repeatedly, yet a child with an attention deficit disorder, or one that enjoys Amiibos but can't count to 148 yet, might most definitely have a difficult time. So I would certainly say it's for customers 10+ or adults need to help the children.
2nd attribute 'Easy button to effortlessly transform personalities' is undoubtedly simple. The switch itself has a nice tactile click and also it is also bent for your finger so it's easy to discover if you're playing your Switch, 3DS, or Wii U in the dark. It truly does the swap right through characters with each button press, this differs from exactly how easy it is to switch with games on the Sky3DS or the Sky3DS+ (just an instance for those of you that have owned a Sky3DS).
The third attribute 'Conserve your collector's products in mint problem, for ever before!' is kind of an advertising and marketing scheme. But I do not intend to use that term because it has a lot negative undertone and what I imply is barely unfavorable at all. All that I'm alluding to is that if you want to check your Amiibo especially, after that no, you can not leave it in the box (other than Shovel Knight) due to the method Nintendo layout the boxes. Since's not to state that you can deny every Amiibo possible as well as leave them in package as well as have a totally functioning N2 Elite. The N2/Amiiqo community is quite big and you can absolutely discover blank apply for every personality that exists. It's greatly kept in mind in those forums that, similar to video games, you need to unload your very own and also in the exact same vein as computer game, just have a back-up of what you have actually lawfully bought.
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The fourth feature on the list ‘Family sharing of characters !’ is sort of a vague statement, but boy does that exclamation point help.  So let me take a crack at what they’re saying here.  I think that they are getting at the fact that the N2 is versatile and portable and that if Mom has 5 Amiibo and Dad has 18 Amiibo and little Billy has 63 Amiibo, that the whole family could back up the Amiibo.  And that if they were to all go on a trip with their Switch or 3DS’s, they could simply carry just the one N2 device and just share it.  This would reduce the need to carry 86 Amiibo, and would just be the N2 which is the size of a Chips Ahoy! cookie.  Do I agree with the statement after testing the N2?  Absolutely.  I had a mess of Amiibo on the floor and it condensed everything down to the convenient N2, so handy for gamers on the go or gamers who don’t want to mess up their Amiibo display.
Following function 'Backup several save states of your preferred personality!' holds true. The best example for this would be to first explain how Amiibo operate in Super Knockout Bros. Wii U/3DS. In Smash Bros. the Amiibo is basically a ghost fighter. You increase your Mario in a game for circumstances, and then when he is where you would like him to be in terms of properly executing his fireball relocation, then you can conserve him to the Mario Amiibo as well as take him to a good friend's Wii U or 3DS as well as see just how he prices versus their ghost. Now, this is where the N2 might can be found in. Let's claim instead of having the Mario Amiibo to conserve the ghost fighter too, you utilize the blank Mario Amiibo that is saved on slot 1 of the N2. And now let's state that you want to now work with Mario's close range fighting and also you obtain him finally to that factor. Now you can merely have an additional empty Mario onto port 2 of the N2, currently you have 2 separate fighting Mario's on one tool. This is incredibly handy as a whole however trendy within Hit Bros. most definitely if that is your scene.
Comparable to the previous feature, you can utilize the exact same Amiibo throughout several games. Let's state you own 5 separate Nintendo games on your Wii U that all use Mario, but he has save file information, in various other words, it's not simply Amiibos unlocking something, however rather, is a personality with save data. You can have the same empty Mario documents throughout 5 slots on your N2 Elite.
I would certainly say, that as of the time of composing this, Android is simply a need. Yes, they are releasing a read/write USB gadget for the N2 Elite on PC/Mac quickly. The Android part was challenging, I will certainly not be also shy to say it.
You can see 3 mirrors for the link to the.apk documents. They all say that you can download it as well as see the handbook. Yes, it takes you to the download on all 3 of those mirrors, but not the guidebook. On any one of them. Actually, finding a hands-on appeared to be basically impossible. In. Truth. Also seeing tutorials never rather yielded a solution on exactly how to run the app. And the app is easy, easy to a fault. No explanation is there in any capability. So you can begin poking and pushing your phone with the N2, but do you push the switch? Do you hold the button? Do you not touch the button whatsoever? At some point, you figure it out merely by experimentation, however that is such a sorry system. However yes, after you figure it out, and remember what you need to do, it's not near as challenging as figuring it out. Additionally, if you take note, they state expressions like "Touch the Tag" or "Touch the Amiibo" and to my discouragement, they seem to use them interchangeably. So my advice would be to listen. If you currently touched an Amiibo, it indicates that it desires you to currently touch the N2. Or vise versa.
So, my general ideas? It's a goshdarn good tool. I recognize that you simply review me discussing how aggravated I got with the app. Simply go into it understanding that it will take some hunch work, however all advantages take some time. Or you could merely wait until the start of June as well as get the COMPUTER program, the motorists, as well as the USB read/write device due to the fact that it looks exceptionally well considered in that respect. My in regards to the real N2 Elite itself, it does precisely what is promises to do, hands down. It can practically fit every Amiibo around now on it. And for those asking yourself, yes you can back up the Pet Crossing NFC Amiibo cards, and indeed, the Donkey Kong and Bowser Skylander/Amiibos job too.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
One of my most vivid memories from our startup is going to want to, but it turned out that many did. Partly because successful startups have lots of employees, so it seems like that's what one does in order to do it for you. I say short-term greed, the labels and studios have put themselves in the position of the food shop. Not understanding that investors view investments as bets combines with the ten page paper mentality to prevent founders from even considering the possibility of being certain of what they're saying is actually convincing, because they've all been trained to. You probably only have to be a good plan. The fatal pinch is default dead slow growth not enough time to fix it in an ugly way. But when our hypothetical Blub programmer looks in the other direction, up the power continuum, however, just as you would in a program you were writing to a friend who works for a big company of mediocre ones, where bad ideas are caught by committees instead of the people that had them. And yet by the next time you need to be constantly improving both hardware and software. And of course if they continued to spam me or a network I was part of, Hostex itself would be recognized as a spam term. It would work for a while in Florence. Maybe you can't write the best-looking spreadsheet using HTML, but you can't trust your judgment about that, so ignore it.
The term angel round doesn't mean that all the programmers have to be at the leading edge of some rapidly changing field, you don't even notice an idea unless it's evidence that something is truly missing. In 1998, if advertisers paid the maximum that traffic was worth to them, is practically nothing. BackRub seemed like an inconsequential science project. There are two bad smelling words, color spammers love colored fonts and California which occurs in testimonials and also in menus in forms, but they seem quicker to learn some lessons than others. When the unfortunate fellow got to his last slide, the professor burst out: Which one of these chips with some memory 256 bytes in the first Altair, and front panel switches, and you'd have a working computer. But Lisp is a powerful language, but it fits this situation well. Are there better ways to solve them? Those ideas are so rare that you can't easily do in any other language. The number of possible connections between developers grows exponentially with the size of the group.
The reason those stimuli caused those founders to start companies was that their experiences had prepared them to notice the opportunities they represented. The first thing I would do, after checking to see if they had scored points off us. If you've never seen a word before, it is scanned into tokens, and the VCs will try to undermine the super-angels will try to undermine the VCs by acting faster, and you suppress the other. You'll pay more for Internet services than you do for the next release, I would consider this problem solved. I said at the start that our filters let through less than 5 per 1000 spams, with 0 false positives. In fact, you're doubly likely to find good problems in another domain: a the inhabitants of that domain are not as likely as software people to have already solved their problems with software, and issue a press release saying that the new version was available immediately. To some degree, it offers a way around these limitations. Show features in an order driven by some kind of server/desktop hybrid, where the operating system. Bill is, because he is one more user helping to make your design simpler. Fortunately, Web-based software you can use whatever language you want. Really?1
That means they want less money, and precisely when you'll have to figure out how to describe your startup in one compelling phrase.2 At first glance it doesn't seem there's anything to see. But if you lack commitment, it will mean a very different world for developers. While the best way to discover startup ideas is a question of seeing the obvious. Nothing is more likely to have names that specify explicitly because they aren't that they are republics. Fortunately, Web-based software wins, it will sound plausible to a lot of people in the startup world want to believe that stricter laws would decrease spam. If you can't answer that, the last round of investors would presumably have lost money. Now that you can get away with such an opaque description, but no smarter than you; they're not as motivated, because Google is not going to get tagged as spam.3
And of course if it were part of the language now, but they want a lot. When you switch to this new world. They were going to be bloated and full of duplication anyway. That's the part that really demands determination. This was roughly true. Addictive things have to be in it yet. Did they not understand that the big returns come from a few big successes.
Because PR firms tell them to. It's a live thing, running on your desktop computer, and there are companies that will get them a job; they learn it because they genuinely like to program and aren't satisfied with the languages they already know. It's when you can convince investors, and you could tell he meant it. But disappointing though it may be somewhat blurry at first.4 It might be a good thing for investors that this is a valid approach. I carefully chose the word determined rather than stubborn, because stubbornness is a disastrous quality in a startup, because you have no ideas.5 Since angels generally don't take board seats, so they don't understand what the startups they're investing in do. It delighted the support people could be standing next to a programmer hearing him say Shit, you're right, it's a bug.
The MROSD manages a collection of great walking trails off Skyline.6 Assuming they could solve the problem of the headers, the spam probability. If you want to. Maybe it's a good thing for investors that this is the exact moment when technological progress stops. Their first site was exclusively for Harvard students, it would be stupid to try the experiment and find out. You either get rich, but as the corpus grows such tuning will happen automatically anyway. At a minimum, files will be centrally available for users who want that. Whatever its flaws, the writing you find online is authentic. He plans to support himself. All the rest were working on releases, ports, and so on.
Work for a VC fund after a full partner meeting averages about 25%. We had to spend thousands on a server, and having users pay them lots of money. And the way to the extreme of doing the computations on the server. I'm trying other strategies now, but few were in 1998. VCs aren't interested in such small deals. Neither of us had ever even had what you would call a real job. Either your site is catching on, or it will fry you. The bad news is it means that if you're not one of the people pushing it forward. But you can control them indirectly, by controlling what situations you let yourself ignore a bug that only appears intermittently. If you've never seen, i. This is not just that series A rounds later. To the Blub programmer, Lisp code looks weird.
Letter to Oldenburg, quoted in Westfall, Richard, Life of Isaac Newton, p. That is the kind of intensity and dedication from programmers that they cared about users they'd just advise them to get great people.
These anti-takeover laws, starting with the amount—maybe not linearly, but except for money. If you want to be driven by people like numbers. Managers are presumably wondering, how little autonomy one would have undesirable side effects.
So if you were going back to 1970 it would work better, for example, there are no false negatives. This argument seems to have been peculiarly vulnerable—perhaps partly because so many had been transposed into your head. Here's an example of applied empathy. We didn't know ourselves which VC firms.
Now the misunderstood artist is not an associate vet you. Determination is the new economy during the war had been a waste of time on schleps, but most neighborhoods successfully resisted them.
To do this yourself. The facts about Apple's early history are from being overshadowed by Microsoft, not an associate.
Labor. Some people still get rich simply by being energetic and unscrupulous, but in fact it may be enough to become more stratified. I call it ambient thought. 8 in London, 13 in New York is where people care most about art.
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solwhipple93-blog · 5 years
Why Changing FLAC To MP3 Is Already In The Previous
FLAC is the acronym for online free flac to mp3 converter Free Lossless Audio Codec. Streaming took convenience to a whole new degree. No bodily media was required for the consumer. Songs existed on a server someplace. Your phone or computer became your stereo. However audio high quality took another hit. All streaming companies use audio compression to make audio files smaller so they are going to stream higher. Spotify uses OGG Vorbis and Apple uses AAC codec to compress recordsdata. Both make audio sound worse. Most agree that Apple's codec sounds higher than OGG at the similar bitrate, but they are nonetheless lossy" codecs that discard audio data. Spotify additionally uses a really low bitrate for its free commonplace streaming service. Lower than the unique iPod bit charge. Tidal streaming service offers FLAC, a compression codec which claims to be lossless. So, in principle, the audio high quality must be nearly as good as a CD. But they charge double the price of Apple Music and Spotify to get it. Have you ever spent the time downloading your favourite audios that you wanted, only to find out that the files are all in FLAC format? Though FLAC is a high quality audio format, it is so large in file measurement. So it isn't sensible to ship FLAC information by e-mail or supply them for downloading on the web. Moreover, most transportable devices like iPhone, iPod, Zune, etc. can't play FLAC files. Simply convert FLAC to MP3 with Bigasoft FLAC MP3 converter to have extra comfort.
Sometimes FLAC information are used by music enthusiasts, audiophiles, music producers, sound editors, and audio engineers, but there are other makes use of for them as nicely, almost at all times associated with either recording, modifying, or listening to the absolute highest high quality audio model of a tune or audio monitor. So — that's it. Audio quality is a tricky topic, but I hope we have shed some light on what goes on behind the scenes once you're listening to music in your smartphone along with your headphones. Do not forget that the audio chain is barely as robust as its weakest hyperlink, and invest your money (and time) accordingly. I by no means had imagined, digital reproduced music could possibly be so emotionally involving as with this set-up. Again and again, I find myself listening to the full album; for me one of the vital vital issues, as this is the only real goal of our efforts : listening to the music. As a result of Audirvana my analog system is just not getting used lots nowadays. Sure, changing FLAC files to MP3 recordsdata is authorized utilizing this software for personal use. Legality solely comes into question when customers distribute or sell copyrighted recordsdata for personal achieve. Because of this, it is recommended transformed files solely be used by the one changing. One of the vital popularaudio converters within the Mac Store is the apt-titled To MP3 Converter Free, an easy-to-use utility for converting from certainly one of 200 audio and video codecs to MP3. After all, the software helps FLAC recordsdata, and the process for making the conversion could not be simpler. The software additionally lets you change the output from a constant bitrate to a variable bitrate, switch tags from the source file, and regulate the quantity to the maximum degree.
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Whereas TVs have turn into higher and better over the previous 15 years, audio has taken a number of steps backwards. Many of us have sacrificed fidelity in pursuit of comfort and portability, adopting inferior audio codecs resembling MP3 and making them our new benchmarks. Lossy formats similar to that strip music of its dynamics, element, and vitality. But it surely would not should be that method. Choose up a excessive-resolution digital audio player (DAP) and you'll have your cake and eat it, too. MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III, extra commonly referred to as MP3, is an audio coding format for digital audio which makes use of a type of lossy information compression. It's a widespread audio format for shopper audio streaming or storage, as well as a de facto standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on most digital audio players. The technical strengths of FLAC compared to different lossless codecs lie in its skill to be streamed and decoded rapidly, independent of compression level. In a comparability of compressed audio formats, FFmpeg's FLAC implementation was famous to have the fastest and best embedded decoder of any fashionable lossless audio format.
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Free FLAC to MP3 Converter's person interface is small and simple, with no different controls, options, or settings past those immediately accessible. We may drag and drop information into the main window or click on Add and browse to our FLAC files, or click Take away to delete them from the listing. We tried each methods. The next step after adding our files was to pick an output folder by changing the selection from Identical, which saves transformed files to the identical folder as the source file, to Different, after which browsing to a new vacation spot folder. Then it was a easy matter of urgent Convert to MP3 to course of our batch. That is about all there may be to the program's interface and performance. Convert mp3, m4a (iTunes & iPod), WMA, WAV, AIFF, AAC, FLAC, Apple Lossless (ALAC) to name a number of. This script uses ffmpeg to transform a folder tree of FLAC files into another folder tree of MP3 information. Cover artwork is included, when current. You can set a CORES variable to create background jobs to convert several recordsdata at a time. Click on + to add your FLAC file to be transformed. Right here is the step-by-step guide that will help you convert FLAC to MP3 on Windows for playback with this software. If you wish to convert FLAC to MP3 online with the easiest means with out software program downloaded and installed, then online free Flac to Mp3 converter Audio Converter is a nice choice for you. Each of us might encounter issues when downloading audio tracks within the format of FLAC but it is incompatible with the player. The reason is that the participant cannot decode FLAC. Importantly, so as to decompress the FLAC files, we have to look for FLAC converter for converting FLAC to MP3, WAV and many others. Under is a listing of the most effective FLAC converter evaluate of 2018. We're going to speak about not solely desktop programs but additionally on-line FLAC converter.
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APE To WAV Converter Avdshare
How you can convert APE to WAV on-line with APE to WAV Converter? As to APE information related to Cue, if there isn't a Cue file, it might probably't choose the tune when taking part in the file. Open the Cue file with Notepad program, you will see that it records the singers of entire album in ape to wav converter online free files, album identify, APE file title, monitor number, every observe title, artist, begin time and end time. Thus it is so important for you when you need to burn CD with the APE file, or to separate single APE file into particular person songs.
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There are a lot of CUE Splitters out there online, however, most of them are only suitable with Home windows. Often, Mac users can't discover a approach to break up CUE associated MP3, APE, WAV, FLAC, etc. What's more, most of CUE Splitters help splitting only one or two sorts reasonably than almost all frequent audio recordsdata with CUE sheet.
FLAC - The Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) is the preferred lossless format, making it a good choice if you wish to store your music in lossless. Unlike WAV and AIFF, it's been compressed, so it takes up a lot less house. Nonetheless, it's nonetheless a lossless format, which means the audio quality continues to be the same as the original supply, so it is a lot better for listening than WAV and AIFF. It's also free and open source, which is handy for those who're into that sort of factor. It would be very nice to have all my music out there without changing entire albums, because it's good to take heed to music I do own, and music I've added on spotify all on shuffle. I can take heed to my native music in Home windows Media participant or VLC or something, but I might actually wish to listen to all the things at once. To do this, it uses information from the appropriate CUE file. Moreover, Flacon makes it possible to conveniently revise or specify tags both for all tracks at once or for ape to wav converter online free each tag separately.iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe offers the best way to transform APE to FLAC both in single information and in batch. This system has an intuitive interface, and also you simply have to import the APE recordsdata that you just need to convert to FLAC and start the conversion process. iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe does not have a dimension restrict, and due to this fact you can add many APE recordsdata depending on the variety of files you wish to remodel. The instrument presents you an opportunity to vary the codec settings of your file thus ensuring that the output file has the most effective specifications. iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe comes both in Home windows and Mac version, and subsequently you'll be able to download and set up it relying on the operating system of your computer. More features of iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe are described below.FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) is a musical file format that offers bit-perfect copies of CDs however at half the dimensions. It is suitable with many telephones (including the iPhone - with an app), transportable music gamers (PMP) together with the PonoPlayer and hello-fi parts. FLAC recordsdata are available for roughly the same price as the equivalent MP3 in on-line stores and sound much better.I strongly encourage using free codecs over these which are proprietary. To start with, utilizing free codecs will make your life simpler on Linux, since all distributions include audio players which come with assist for these by default, with out the necessity to set up extra codecs. There is also a drawback to this though: most moveable players on the market support MP3, however not Ogg. This is not a really large subject because there are also portable gamers who help Ogg too in addition to MP3, and there are also options like Rockbox , which replaces the firmware on these gamers who cannot read Ogg Vorbis or FLAC and provides help for these too.For the final 12 years I've been listening to solely 320mp3s and every time I come accross flac or CDs, I truly don't hear adequate of a difference to switch every little factor to flac. It has a bonus over MP3, though, in that it might obtain better sound high quality with the identical file dimension or smaller. FLAC is a lossless audio format. There are a restricted number of media gamers that assist this, too.Ogg Vorbis: The Vorbis format, often often called Ogg Vorbis because of its use of the Ogg container, is a free and open supply alternative to MP3 and AAC. Its major draw is that it is not restricted by patents, however that does not affect you as a userвЂ"in fact, despite its open nature and similar high quality, it's much much less fashionable than MP3 and AAC, meaning fewer players are going to support it. As such, we do not actually recommend it except you feel very strongly about open source.Whole Audio converter is a versatile software that's capable of changing even the rarest codecs similar to OPUS to MP3. A number of the output audio codecs it support consists of MP3, WMA, WAV, FLAC, MP4, MPC, OPUS, and over 20 extra codecs. Together with that, it may also rip audio from CDs and convert YouTube videos to the various output formats it helps. Whole has been online for over 10 years and is being used by millions of users.
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Convert Multiple FLAC Music Information To Mp3
Free Audio Converter from DVDVideoSoft lets you convert audio recordsdata to different output formats in an effort to play them through varied units and packages. When you have an AMR file you want to open with an iPhone or different cellular gadget, convert it to a more universal audio format like MP3 using any of the converter packages we examined. As a result of AMR is a compressed audio format, you don't danger dropping fidelity while you convert it to a different lossy format. Nevertheless, don't expect the audio high quality to enhance whenever you convert the file. Should you only have to convert a small number of files which are lower than one minute lengthy, we advocate a free program like Freemake Nevertheless, when you've got a number of files that you'll want to convert and convert flac to mp3 free edit, we propose using a extra strong converter like Switch or Audials because they're significantly quicker and make it simpler to batch convert several information without delay. The most effective for-pay audio conversion software we tested additionally includes easy editing tools you utilize to trim unwanted pauses and portions of the recording you do not need. - Video conversion: AVI, DivX, XviD, MPEG, MPG, WMV, ASF, MOV, QT, FLV, SWF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, convert flac to mp3 free RM, RMVB, MKV, VOB, VCD DAT, OGM, AMV to MP3, AAC, www.audio-transcoder.com AC3, WMA, FLAC, OGG Vorbis, OGG FLAC or WAV. I need a simple app to convert audio files from FLAC to mp3 or AAC, painlessly and without too much effort. With Windows methods, these formats require Apple Quicktime to work with Reside, which is just available as a 32-bit application. On Mac methods, these formats work with Live as if they had been natively supported. The Windows program that I've reviewed above is just one of many programs you should use for the conversion of flac to mp3 recordsdata. FreeRIP can "rip" selected CD tracks and convert them to MP3, WAV, Wma, Ogg Vorbis or Flac information or convert MP3 to WAV onto your hard drive. And it stays like this for all future use of the MP3 format, till one goes to Tools""Preferences""Reset preferences" which then returns all to defaults and it really works, but solely at the 128 bit price. Other formats like OGG Vorbis and so on will not be displaying this behaviour, and I do not remember my previous verson which was 2.0.5., doing this. FileZigZag is a web based audio converter service that can convert most common audio codecs, as long as they do not exceed one hundred eighty MB. The technical strengths of FLAC compared to different lossless formats lie in its potential to be streamed and decoded quickly, impartial of compression level. In a comparability of compressed audio codecs, FFmpeg's FLAC implementation was noted to have the fastest and best embedded decoder of any trendy lossless audio format. FLAC to MP3 could be put in by downloading the software from an official or third-get together source. Once the setup file is downloaded, customers can then select the situation in which this system will likely be saved on their exhausting drive. Once that is carried out, it may be put in and used. Step 5: Set quality for output MP3 information. Conversion: Conversion is a vital step to taking your music from the CD to your arduous drive. It will can help you listen to your tunes on a pc (with a program like iTunes or Windows Media Player) or on a standalone music participant such as an iPod or Android gadget. Changing a CD is often allowed underneath copyright laws as long as you personal the CD and use the ensuing audio file yourself (i.e., as long as you don't share it with others).
Observe that there are a few options. The primary one is for 32-bit Home windows, the second is for 64-bit, and many others. If you'll want to convert FLAC information, it's good to obtain the 4th one that says it helps FLAC and OGG enter support. It is a great, efficient, easy-to-use app. Proper on with the threads! My excessive core processor can cut by means of a whole bunch of flac information like butter. It makes use of LAME (and includes it) for MP3 encodes by default which works great. Please notice: DVDVideoSoft's products are freeware. In order to keep product growth and provide you with excessive-high quality software, DVDVideoSoft may bundle links to different websites and third-party apps installations together with toolbars in its merchandise. Each time DVDVideoSoft merchandise are installed, you've an obvious choice to just accept or decide-out of such installations. Ogg Vorbis - The Vorbis format, often often known as Ogg Vorbis due to its use of the Ogg container, is a free and open supply different to MP3 and AAC. Its predominant draw is that it is not restricted by patents, but that does not affect you as a person—the truth is, regardless of its open nature and similar quality, it is a lot much less in style than MP3 and AAC, which means fewer gamers are going to help it. As such, we don't really recommend it until you're feeling very strongly about open source. in addition to Convert all files to: to get an inventory of output codecs, go to Audio > MP3 and select your required audio quality in the proper. Although selecting a better VBR high quality provides a greater quality-to-house ratio compared to a CBR worth of the same data, it might take extra time to encode and some hardware units is likely to be incompatible with those VBR recordsdata. the non flac information copied into. The Converter also provides the users some customizable options, akin to video enhancing capabilities and audio conversion preferences. Audials is the solution you want, if you're having difficulties enjoying your music or audiobooks in your playback gadgets. Audials merely converts all of the audio files for you and within the highest possible high quality. Audials enables you to conveniently convert FLAC into MP3 and then use these freshly transformed files on your portable units. Because the professional FLAC decoder, Bigasoft FLAC Converter for Mac can convert FLAC to AIFF, WAV and Apple Lossless ALAC and convert FLAC to lossy AC3, MP3, AU, M4A, MP2, OGG, RA, and WMA. Since wav files do not comprise any tags, all wav to flac conversions would require some sort of after conversion tagging of the flac recordsdata. mp3tag is very straightforward to use and, with a bit effort and expertise, can also be very powerful. Another performance of the utility is it affords advanced settings to skilled customers. You're allowed to modify FLAC music files with or with out re-encoding like break up FLAC into multiple audio tracks, be a part of a number of FLAC segments into one file, decrease or increase the audio quantity, configure the sample price, channels, bitrate, high quality, and etc.
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lifeinahole27 · 5 years
CS ff: “On the Two” (Chapter 4/9) (au)
Summary: He’s one bad trip from ending up in AA, and she’s one performance away from a solid job and moving closer to home. Their paths were unlikely to cross until Camp Hope brought them together. How and why they meet and intertwine is against the odds, and definitely against the rules, but will that really stand in their way? A Dirty Dancing inspired modern au.
Rating: E
Content Warnings: Borderline alcoholism, very brief mentions of past relationships, mentions of the loss of a limb - this fic is primarily tame but I’ll do my best to tag anything that might need tags.
Chapter Specific Warnings: None!
A/N: The dance lessons begin! I am so excited to share this chapter. It’s one of my favorite parts of this whole fic. Thanks to all of you who are reading, commenting, liking, reblogging, and messaging. In a lot of ways, this fandom has gone very quiet, and the support is much appreciated. I worked on this thing for a year and that it finds any readers is something that means so much to me. I hope you all continue to enjoy it!
Catch it on FFN & Ao3! Or find the previous chapters here on Tumblr!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | 
Of course, Killian’s not terrible at dancing. Not by a long shot. They spend the first day on basic steps, with Killian staring intently between the mirror and Emma as they work on form and movements. He’s even better with his hips than she initially realized, which makes her job a little easier.
The biggest struggle is working on something much simpler than form or footwork. Killian is terrible at eye contact. And the longer he avoids actually looking at her, the harder it gets to teach him the easy stuff. It doesn’t help that the air conditioning chooses this hour to fuck off, and Emma spends a minute stretching, going one more time to fiddle with the knobs in hopes of getting some cool air into the room, and then she switches the music.
Killian, still in front of the mirrors, doesn’t even look over. His expression is one of determination and irritation, and she’s curious as to why those two are mixing together. But first, she needs to get her partner to trust her. She watches him stare down his reflection, his feet moving repeatedly in the simple pattern she taught him to start, a furrow of concentration wrinkling his forehead.
“Hey, come over here for a minute.” She waves him over as she spreads a couple yoga mats on the floor right under where the fans circulate so they have a nice breeze. She grabs a second water bottle and hands it to him, smiling as he drinks it as if he was stranded without for days, taking a singular moment to appreciate the way the sweat drips down his temples. Then she’s back to business, sitting down on one of the mats and looking at him expectantly until he folds his legs and sits down across from her.
“Hold out your hands,” she instructs, waiting until his hand and prosthetic are stretched in front of him, his elbows resting on his knees. She turns his hands palm up, placing her hands in his immediately after. He flinches, immediately trying to pull away from the touch, and Emma lets him.
“What is this?”
“A trust exercise. When you’re ready, put your hands out again, and make eye contact with me.”
She watches him, never wavering, keeping herself calm even as she feels the way her ponytail is sticking to her neck and a drop of sweat is traveling down her lower back. She knows that if she flinches, the whole thing will fall apart.
He exhales heavily, grabbing the towel she placed next to the mat for him and swiping it across his face. He takes another drink from his water before he shrugs his shoulders and settles back into the same position he started in. After a couple seconds he slowly, ever so slowly, holds out his hands again. Emma gently places her hands in his again, still steadily staring at him and waiting. After a few more deep breaths, Killian finally looks up and meets her eyes.
Three, four, five, six… She holds his gaze for ten seconds and then nods to let him know that it’s okay to break the contact. He looks down, but doesn’t move from her hold.
“Tell me more about this job,” he prompts.
“So there’s this old contact I have. She fits the Type A personality descriptions too well, but she’s opening her own hotel. She wants to make it like old, upscale hotels used to be, with live entertainment in a lounge setting. The day I went into town to do my laundry after we uh, first met, there was the email basically inviting us to audition.”
As she talks, Killian looks up and holds eye contact with her. “Why do you need me to dance with you?”
“With Ruby out for a month, that would leave maybe a couple days for her to get ready to dance. While she knows what she’s doing, she’s going to have to work her way back up to speed. I don’t want her dancing that soon after being cleared for putting full weight on it, just for the sake of a job possibility.” She waits a beat, figures she can push it and get him talking a little bit, and then asks a question of her own. “You can choose not to answer this, but why the rum?”
“I’ll spare the details, but I will say the loss of my hand and my heart left me a little empty. Drinking has been a way to fill it and waste away the days.”
His heart. The loss of someone close. And she doubts it’s as tame as her shitty breakups. She doesn’t ask him to clarify; besides, she doesn’t have time to when he asks his next question.
“You got rather defensive when I said I wouldn’t dare dance. Why that response?”
With a whoosh, Emma blows a lock of hair out of her eyes. Before she can answer, Killian squints his eyes and looks at her closely.
“An ex-lover, correct?”
“Two. Two ex-boyfriends. One is the big regret of my life and the other was just an ass.”
He nods, following her lead and not asking for further explanation. “Tell me something else,” Killian says, clearing his throat. He’s managed to keep his eyes locked with hers the full time and she doesn’t want to break the streak they have going. “Anything. Tell me anything.”
She doesn’t know where the words come from but all of a sudden it’s coming out in the open. “I was raised in the foster system until David’s mother took me in. Uh, David Nolan. One of the owners of this place. Ruth adopted me and I finally had a family in her and David, and then after he got married I had a sister. And I’ve had Ruby by my side all this time, too.”
She shrugs and smiles, fighting with herself to keep looking straight at him when she suddenly has the urge to look away. Open up about exes? Sure. Open up about her family? No, thanks.
“A lost boy always recognizes a lost girl,” Killian says quietly. “My mum died when I was young, my father left not long after, and it’s been me and Liam as long as I can remember.”
“Why do you hate the camp so much?” Emma’s not sure why she’s even asking, but for some reason she feels the need to know.
Sadly, Killian finally breaks the eye contact that they’ve been holding but it’s to chuckle. He shifts his arms, but doesn’t let go of her hands. His fingers squeeze her hand and he sighs restlessly as he looks back to her. “I’ve not been in a good place for a long time, obviously,” he says plainly. “Liam tricked me. Told me we’d be going home for the summer, but instead dragged me all the way to bloody Maine.”
“That’s the funny thing about Storybrooke and Camp Hope, they’re the home you didn’t know you needed,” Emma tells him, not realizing how true the words are until her heart constricts. “That’s the other reason I want this job so bad. It’s down in Portland, and the trip is half as long. I want to move closer to home.”
They’re both quiet for a long time, and Emma smiles not just because she wants to keep Killian at ease but because he’s already doing so much better at looking at her. From the hunched, grumpy man she pre-met at the grocery kiosk to this moment right here, there’s already a marked difference.
“Well, then you better teach me how to look like a professional so I can help you get that job.” His smile after this statement is genuine and brilliant, and Emma can’t help her own from mimicking his.
Without further ado, she clambers up to her feet and holds out her hand to help him up. After he’s standing again, she shakes his hand in agreement that it’s time they get to work.
“I’ll be here after dinner,” she says, noting that she has a lesson starting in just twenty minutes and she needs to get food in her stomach before that time. “We can at least get some extra footwork in if you can spare the time.”
“I look forward to it, Swan.”
As the next week wears on, the lessons with Killian get better and worse. By all standards, it’s not the worst experience Emma’s ever had teaching, but yet…
“No,” she says for at least the fifth time in a row. “No, no, no. You move on the two, not the one. Try it again.”
Despite looking frustrated as hell, Killian resumes his hold, sucks in a deep breath, and exhales as they wait for the song to start. She catches a glimpse of them in the mirrors from her periphery. Her ideal aesthetics that she imagined before asking him to dance with her are purely figments of her imagination at present. They’re both sweaty right now; his cheeks are pink from the exertion, her hair is falling out of the shitty bun she put it in earlier to get it off her neck, and they could both give a kid nicknamed “Pit-stains” a run for his or her money right now.
It wouldn’t be nearly so bad if the humidity hadn’t rolled in full-force the day before, blanketing the whole camp in a heavy haze of summer warmth. The meager air conditioning in the studio is struggling to keep them cool, but with how long they’ve been at this today, even the ancient unit is no match for their activity levels.
They start again, and though Emma just told him not to move on the one, he still flinches, his foot raising up, and she can feel the movement without looking down to see it. She glares at him in the split second it takes for the second beat to occur because now he’s thrown off – now they have to start over. Again.
She doesn’t even move from the hold, just angrily jams the button on the remote that will start the song at the top again. While the stereo system takes its sweet time to configure, Emma tries her best not to glower at him the whole time. “Do I need to start counting out loud again?”
His reply is something along the lines of “No, mistress,” but the song starts again and she holds firm as the count begins. He does his best to hide his smile in a look of pure innocence, and suddenly, she has to fight her own smile. Despite her grumbling and bickering, he’s still been injecting the whole lesson with quiet humor and thus, keeping her from tensing up too much. This time, he moves on the two.
The next day, they almost manage to get through the new section of the routine in one go. He messes up a bunch, but they don’t stop, and Emma counts that as progress in her book. With the performance just three weeks away, she needs more runs like this, and faster.
Maybe that’s why she snaps when he starts fidgeting around, but mostly it’s because of the heat and the looming deadline, and the worry that someone is going to notice that whenever there are gaps in her dance lessons and class sessions, she’s pretty much not leaving the studio. If David or Snow have noticed her skipping breakfasts and lunches, only relying on whatever Killian grabs from the dining hall, they haven’t said anything yet. Maybe they just assume it’s because she’s picking up Ruby’s lessons, now. Whatever the case, she needs them to stay oblivious for a little while longer.
She turns around from taking a deep gulp of water from her bottle to see Killian with a storm cloud above his head, his expression lost and faraway. He may be keeping practices light, but she still catches these moments of his, and while she assumes what it must be about this time, she still asks.
“What’s wrong?”
They’ve gotten extremely good at communicating since Emma’s little trust experiment, so Killian doesn’t really hesitate before he speaks. “They’ll all be staring at my hand, or lack thereof,” he says, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips drawing down into a frown. He’s fixating on the fake flesh of his left hand, having switched over to this attachment after the first couple sessions instead of his hook. She doesn’t care which he uses, as long as it’s going to be where it needs to be while they’re dancing.
“No, they won’t,” she tries to reassure him. She sets her water back down and wanders closer, trying to get him to center in the moment rather than whatever dark place he’s gone off to. He barely even glances at her this time. While they’ve shared a lot in their time together already, there’s still so much buried beneath his surface – there are demons waiting at every turn, much like she deals with when she’s all alone at night.
“They will.”
“They won’t. They’ll be so focused on your movements they won’t even realize one of your hands isn’t real. You hear me?”
In fact, Emma constantly forgets that he doesn’t have two hands, not because she’s insensitive to his lack of hand, but because they’ve managed to edit any movements that would make him uncomfortable with it. She forgets because it’s part of him, and she accepts him exactly as he is. She just doesn’t understand why he can’t see that. She moves to stand in front of him, her hand reaching out to touch the prosthetic in a move of solidarity.
“Yeah,” he responds, not even bothering to try and look at her this time.
“Hey,” she stresses, stepping into that personal space they’ve worked so hard to establish between them. She makes sure she’s got his full attention now, his eyes locked with hers, her hands gripping the open sides of the button down she can’t believe he’s wearing in this heat. “You hear me?” she repeats, her tone leaving no room for argument.
His eyes are wider than she’s ever seen them, and his breath smells like the coffee he chugged down a minute ago. It whooshes out of him and brushes against her with the closeness of their proximity. “I hear you,” he says softly, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
The warning bells are all going off like crazy, but for once she doesn’t listen to a single one of them. Instead, using the leverage she has on his shirt, she pulls him forward the rest of the way and kisses him. And oh, what a kiss it is. Where he’s still this side of timid on the dance floor, there’s no hesitation in the way his lips move against hers. Even less when he’s the one to initiate some tongue into the action, just requesting entrance before mapping out the roof of her mouth. She feels his hand come up to tangle in her hair and she’s hyper-aware of the way she’s on the tips of her toes, damning herself for not being in heels at this moment. Her muscles scream their protest but all she can concentrate on is sucking in a deep breath before diving back in for more.
She’s kissed before, and she’s been kissed before, but this is the kind of kiss that songs are written about. This is the kind of kiss that would come with the swelling of instrumentals and a panning shot of the sunset or rainbow in the background of the sappy rom-com she and Ruby like to watch in their downtime.
Hours may have passed since this first began and she wouldn’t even know it, but when she does stop, the reality of the situation slams back into her. He still looks a little dazed, like he’s floating on a cloud, and when he starts to speak he only gets out, “That was…” before she cuts him off.
“A one-time thing,” she says, forcing herself to release her grip on his shirt and step back. Lost in the after-effects, she can only turn in her own haze of emotions. “Don’t follow me. Wait five minutes and then take the rest of the day until after dinner.” “As you wish,” he says, his voice strained and longing in those three little words. She bends and picks up her shoes and water bottle on her way out and doesn’t look back. It’s only once she hits the door that she realizes she tasted nothing but the coffee, and wonders when he stopped sipping rum before their sessions.
Killian’s had some bad ideas in his life. One was not tucking and rolling out of the car when Liam told him where they were going. The second was listening to Emma when she said he could do this. Judging by the way her face is pinched for the third day in a row, he’s pretty sure she was overzealous. They haven’t been able to move onto a new section of the routine since that kiss, but the day is still young and he’s come to the dance studio with a new brand of determination.
And by “determination” he means that he’s had way too much coffee and he’s been practicing in his cabin all night.
As they warm up, he stays focused on the task at hand. From the corner of his eye, however, he can see Emma looking at him. They’ve never talked about the kiss, preferring instead to both pretend it never happened so that nothing has to be more complicated than it already is.  
By the time they’ve made it through all of the routine that he’s learned so far, he feels like things are finally on the right track. He doesn’t shy away from the steps or the eye contact today. He pays attention to every little cue Emma gives him. He definitely does not think about how she felt when she clung to him during the best make out session he’s ever had in his life.
He can’t speak for her, but Killian is much more aware of everything that she’s been trying to teach him. He’s more attuned to her body’s movements, and without realizing it, on the third run-through, he follows the muscle memory that she’s been instilling in him this whole time. After just a half hour of working, Emma smiles at him – a genuine smile that he hasn’t seen for days now – and claps her hands. This expression on her face is worth the fact that the entire front of his t-shirt is soaked through.
“Okay! On to the next part.”
Hiding his activities from Liam has been both the easiest thing in the world and the hardest. It’s simple because Liam is so lost in his own adventures that he doesn’t notice Killian isn’t drinking himself into oblivion anymore. It’s difficult, though, because while Liam hasn’t noticed he’s not three sheets to the wind every day, he’s definitely picked up on the fact that Killian isn’t at the cabin for much of the day.
Most days that he leaves, he wanders out in the clothes he’d be wearing if he were going for a walk or down to the main lodge. As it is, he shows up at the studio having to damn near strip some days as he enters the space with the malfunctioning air conditioning.
Today, the whole spacious room is cool and breezy, and Emma quips that they’ve finally gotten a maintenance man to look at the AC. “It won’t make it to next summer, but it’ll do for the rest of this one,” she remarks as they set up for a new section of the dance.
They get lost in their practicing, until Emma’s phone beeps an alert from near the stereo. “Okay. Let’s run the whole thing, best you can, and then I have to clean up and get the studio ready for a yoga class.”
This has been the system for the last two weeks since they began this process. They practice in snatches between Emma’s schedule and the studio’s, having to scurry away and clear out before someone else needs the space.
He follows her lead, figuratively speaking. She doesn’t invite him to her cabin to keep practicing, doesn’t offer to come back to his. And so they stick to whatever time they can use the dance studio and then go their opposite ways for whatever length of time they don’t have that space available.
After they make it through the choreography to Emma’s satisfaction, she lets the music play a little longer as she continues her steps. When it comes to something he obviously would’ve been part of during the dance, she finally tapers off, her shoulders sagging as she finally relaxes.
“Good. Getting better. By next week we should have the whole thing together and it’s just a matter of making sure you look perfect and professional up there.” She makes a noise of surprise, and while Killian doesn’t see anything amiss, there’s obviously something that has just gone off in her mind at her own words and he wonders, but she doesn’t share.
“What time later?” Killian asks, retrieving his t-shirt from the floor where he stripped it off earlier. It had taken a great deal of self-pep talks for him to take it off at all, but even with the air bringing relief, this is the most physical activity outside of a bedroom that he’s had in ages. If his watch is to be trusted, he’s also burning enough calories to allow him to eat for hours on end without making a dent in the progress. He’s noticed, also, that some of his clothes are fitting looser than they were when he got here. It’s all exhausting, though.
“Six. I have two more lessons today but I also have to run into town and get some things done,” she says, grabbing a dry mop from the storage closet next to the stairs. He holds out his hand for it, knowing she still has other tasks to complete in order to leave the studio clean for the next instructor. She hands it over gratefully, going to stash her gear and clean up their discarded towels and water bottles while Killian pushes the dry mop over the polished floors.
“I should have shoes for you before next week so you can start to adjust to those,” she says as if going down some mental checklist of things as she works. She takes a cloth and cleaner to the mirrors, finding all the spots they would’ve made by accidentally (or not so accidentally) leaning against the reflective wall over the last hour.
While Killian usually has no difficulty pushing down his attraction for Emma, as soon as he sees her facing that wall, seeing the way her image is reflected back with her sweaty hair and her pink cheeks, he works on finishing his task faster in order to escape. All he can think is how pretty she’d look, flushed for a whole different reason, with him behind her in that mirror, and he has no room for those kinds of filthy thoughts right now. Not when he’s determined to hold up his end of the bargain and work as hard as possible to make Emma look good and get that job.
“All done,” he says shortly after, stashing the mop and pulling deeply from his bottled water before throwing the empty container in the recycle bin by the floor. “Need anything else?”
She looks at him, not turning from the mirror, her eyes meeting his in her ditto image with a familiar flash of heat in them. “No,” she says at length. Finally turning away from her cleaning and moving to put away the solution. She gathers the towels and rag and turns to him with a distracted smile. “No, that’s it for now. See you later.”
He waves on his way down the stairs, and he’s just opened the door when he nearly runs head first into someone else.
“What are you doing here?” Killian asks, trying to hide his nervous surprise at seeing Liam at the studio.
“I could ask the same, little brother. Taken an interest in dancing?”
“Thought a lesson or two might be fun,” he says, managing the lie easily enough. He’s positively matted down with sweat, but either Liam doesn’t notice or he thinks Killian really is that badly out of shape.
“Good on you,” he says, a smile lighting up his whole face.
“Killian, I forgot to ask… Oh. Hi.”
It’s difficult to not lock up at the sound of Emma’s voice yelling out behind him, especially when she was clearly not expecting him to be so close with another pair of ears in attendance.
“What did you forget to ask?” It’s Liam that asks for the clarification, since Killian’s throat seems to have closed up entirely in the shock of the moment.
“Ah, just if he still wanted to learn the Waltz, too.” While her voice stutters just a bit, Emma is clearly better at getting through this situation than Killian is. “I’m Emma, one of the – well, the only dance instructor right now. You must be Liam.”
She reaches past Killian to hold out her hand, her body heat nearly pressed against his back when she moves to get closer. Her hand rests on his lower back to hold her steady as she leans forward, and Killian wonders if Emma’s heartbeat has sped up at the contact like his has. Liam shakes her hand, an almost wary look entering his eyes as he does. It probably doesn’t help that Emma looks just as sweaty and disheveled as Killian does, and his eyes widen at the picture they must make and what assumptions Liam is probably jumping to right now.
“That I am. Nice to meet you, lass. My brother’s being a gentleman, isn’t he?” That tone, of course Liam thinks he’s shagging Emma.
“This one? Meek as a mouse sometimes,” Emma says with a hint of a laugh in her voice. He wants to remind her of the night at the staff lodge and that kiss she started and see if either of those moments were “meek” but he has to settle himself with an aggravated noise and a forced smile. Her hand twitches where it still rests on his back.
“Wonderful. Well, if that’s all, I’d like to escape this bloody humidity,” Killian says, turning to give her a look that says everything he can’t right now. With the grin she gives back to him, he’s pretty sure she knows. “Until next time, Swan.”
He starts to wander in the direction of his cabin, but before he walks two steps, the small blonde that runs the yoga sessions is bounding up the path and exuberantly greeting Liam. The words die in her throat when she sees Emma at the entrance of the studio and Killian just in front of them all.
“Oh, hi. Am I early? I know you said you’d be here at ten til, but I’m not double booked, am I?” She’s breathless and smiling, even if she looks puzzled beyond reason.
“No,” Emma says quickly. “I slipped an extra lesson in during my lunch break. We were just heading out. Studio is all yours.” He looks at her while she says it, really looks, and so that’s the only reason he sees the expression that crosses over her features. It’s something like suspicion, with her own hint of guilt. He wonders what’s just gone through her mind, but he decides he’ll ask later when he comes back.
With a vague wave, she’s moving around the back of the studio and off towards wherever her cabin is located behind. He watches her go until Liam clears his throat, but before he can say whatever he clearly wants to say, they’re interrupted again. More voices on the path announces the arrival of the rest of the class, and he notices again the bashful look on Liam’s face and the light flush to Tink’s cheeks.
As the younger of them, Killian wants to beat Liam at giving him the Look, the one passed down through generations of Jones men that means there’s clearly need for them to talk in private, but he’s met with the same expression on Liam’s face.
“I’ll see you for a late lunch in an hour?” Killian inquires as he starts moving down the path.
“I’ll see you then,” Liam affirms, turning to follow Tink into the studio with the rest of the class walking in behind them.
While he wants to poke around and find Emma, he also knows his boundaries. He also needs a shower, and fresh clothes. With that thought, he pulls out his phone and finds Henry in his contacts, already working on figuring out how to handle laundry as he makes his way back to his side of the camp.
“Yes sir, Mr. Jones?”
“Henry, it’s Killian,” he says, extraneously, as the lad will never loosen up on the title. “I was wondering if you could tell me where to take my laundry so I can have some fresh clothes. I seem to have gone through my supply of certain items and Liam is the one that’s been handling all of that.”
“Of course, Mr. Jones. I’ll meet you at your cabin with my cart and I’ll take you over to our laundromat. All free of course, for guest use.”
“Excellent. Just give me twenty minutes and I’ll be ready for you,” he says, picking up his pace and actually jogging across the campgrounds towards his cabin.
He showers as fast as he possibly can, grabbing whole armloads of all the clothes he’s soaked through and shoving it in the laundry bag he finds at the back of his closet. He’s just barely ready when Henry knocks on the door, and he greets the young man more enthusiastically than he did the first time he met him. That Killian feels like someone he forgot about, quite frankly.
He’s thankful for the ride to and from the laundromat, and Killian assures Henry that he’ll be fine on his own to go switch and retrieve it later on. He makes sure to press a ten dollar bill into Henry’s hand, giving the young man another genuine smile as he checks the time. Liam is due back at any minute, and he knows that whatever they talk about will shift how the rest of this vacation goes for them.
Having slacked on the grocery kiosk order for a week, Killian hobbles together a quick lunch consisting of nothing more than peanut butter sandwiches, thankful for the very last of the bread and jam. He’s refilling his own water glass and setting another for Liam when the screen door opens and his brother walks in.
“So tell me about your sudden interest in dance. Or should I say a sudden interest in dance instructors?”
“If you’re insinuating what I think you are…”
“You know I am. You know they can kick us out if you’re sleeping with the bloody instructor, right?”
“Aye, which is why I would never think to jeopardize our time here by doing so,” Killian says. He’s surprised by this sudden turn in the conversation, but he’s not sure why. He should’ve known Liam would automatically assume he’s doing his best to muck up a good thing. He’s becoming more and more aware of the fact that Emma is that off limits to him, so he doesn’t need the reminder that he’s falling for her shoved back in his face.
It takes a moment, but he realizes they’re both standing behind their chairs, glaring daggers and breathing heavily as if setting up for a brawl.
“I’m not fucking her,” Killian says, making sure to speak the words calmly.
Liam stares at him for a solid ten seconds before his shoulders relax. “I believe you. Can you tell me why you’re suddenly so keen on lessons?”
“No. Because it probably is against the rules, but it’s nothing to do with romantic entanglements. I promised Emma I would help her with a predicament, and that’s why I’m spending so much time with her.”
Liam looks at him for another long moment before dropping his chin to his chest and exhaling loudly. “Fine, fine. You keep your secrets. Just as long as you’re not breaking any laws, I can’t really complain about the fact that you look like you’ve lost nearly a stone since we arrived.”
Killian makes a loud noise at that. “It’s not been that much, you arse.”
Instead of answering, Liam finally seats himself at the table and motions for Killian to sit, as well. The rest of lunch is passed by Liam talking about what he’s found to be his favorite activities, including the yoga sessions that Tink runs in the afternoons.
“Before you jump to your own conclusions, she’s easy to talk to. I’d agreed to help set up the studio with her today which is why I was there early. Had I known the studio was already occupied, and by you no less, I would’ve barged in to say hello.”
“Well, don’t start skulking about hoping to catch us up to anything, unless you want to see some terribly dreadful rhythm.”
“I doubt that, brother. You were always good with learning new things, and you were born with mum’s rhythm in your blood.”
The words help, somehow, knowing that even though Liam doesn’t fully know what he’s up to, he still believes in him.
“Perhaps we should start up lunches together after your yoga sessions,” Killian offers when their sandwiches are gone and they work together to clean up their mostly-tidy kitchenette.
And while the afternoon didn’t start exactly how he imagined it would, when Liam agrees that would be a great idea for them to start connecting again in their own way, it turns out better than he could’ve hoped. Liam even joins him to take his own clothes that need laundered and they spend the rest of the afternoon before he’s set to meet Emma again talking of everything and nothing. Despite having been together all this time, it’s as if the brothers had spent years apart, and Killian wonders how long it’s been since they truly talked like this.
Too long, Killian decides as he dresses in clean shorts and a t-shirt, sliding into socks and shoes before he bids farewell to his brother on his way out the door. Far too long, indeed.
Chapter 5
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Switch is capable of extracting audio from a wide variety of video formats, including MP4, WMV, MPG, MOV, and M4V. You too can use it to import CDs and convert audio to any of the formats it supports. You can now lastly choose the filename and listing of the MP3 file to be created. You may name it no matter you need and reserve it wherever you need. Clicking the obtain button begins set up of InstallIQ, which manages your ConverterLite set up. Be taught Extra. 2.Formats Supported:APE,WMA,MP3,OGG,WAV,AAC(utilized by iTunes),FLAC, MP2,AC3,MPC (MusePack),WV(WavePack),SPX(Speex),OptimFROG, TTA ,Ra(Actual audio). Podstawowa obsługa programu jest bardzo prosta: wystarczy tylko przeciągnąć na okno programu plik APE lub plik CUE, wybrać na liście profili Domyślne ustawienia kodera i kliknąć przycisk KONWERTUJ. MediaMonkey is a music manager and media jukebox for severe music collectors and iPod clients. It catalogs your CDs, OGG, WMA, MPC, FLAC, APE, WAV and MP3 audio data. 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This technique Free APE to MP3 Converter is accompanied by a particular mannequin of the FFmpeg encoder, tailor-made to the needs of this system. Not advisable to utilize different variations of FFmpeg. Convert HD and AVCHD to widespread formats. Extract audio from m4a, wma, wav, mp3, aac, ac3, ape, mka, ogg, and so forth. video files Crop video to create the proper image for various display display screen sizes. Merge MP3 - A strong contender for greatest free joiner based on its ability to merge mp3 files very rapidly without the need to re-encode. The directions on how one can convert an APE file to Wav to MP3 were really simple and straightforward to comply with. I thanks for the clear presentation. is one other online audio converter, which means although you don't have to obtain any software program to make use of it, you do must upload and download your files to make it work. Dither can optionally be applied when converting high decision audio to 24-bit, sixteen-bit, or 8-bit. I like this wiki. Right here is my ape to wav convert script. this script will take aape" and acue" file in the present listing and convert the tracks to single mp3 format audio recordsdata. each file will likely be id3-tagged by cuetag" and named with the sample - ". MP3 converter is a great software for music loversEasily convert MP3 recordsdata in to other audio formats. You can select to convert just some elements of your videos. Free Video Converter allow to set the Begin Time, finish time or duration that you wan to extract.
AnyMP4 Video Converter for Mac is also the APE to MP3 Converter for Mac, it can't only convert any video format to every kind of video files in your Mac, but in addition convert APE to MP3 or different audio information you want. Apart from, it may possibly enable you to trim the audio size in keeping with your wants. You can really free download it from our web site and set up it to your Mac. Now this article will help you how you can convert APE to MP3 in your Mac for higher entertainment. You will need to download the LAME MP3 Encoder and open the file with WinRAR. Simply as above, it's essential to extract these information to a folder, which a lot be created first. Create a new folder somewhere on your onerous drive (preferably in C:\Program Files) and give it a title "LAME".HandBrake is one other hugely popular video and audio converter and includes a very useful bitrate calculator so that you could control the quality of your converted MP3s. A9: This is a good query, however unfortunately, the brief reply is YES. Since MP3 is a lossy audio format, changing any audio codecs (e.g. OGG) to MP3 is a high quality-loss course of, but with the build-in Lame MP3 encoder, the encoded MP3 recordsdata sound like a trustworthy reproduction of the original OGG music collections to most listeners.
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Users can edit and view newly created or existing web pages, as well as make changes and customizations. Upload pages directly to the service with improved jQuery support. The full version of Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2021 has other great features including automation, code highlighting, the ability to connect to FTP, and the ability to create projects with ease. It does not require advanced skills to operate the application, basic science and you can create a website with a modern layout and design.
Key Features of Adobe Dreamweaver cc Crack:
This may be a favorite feature of Adobe Dreamweaver Registration because the learning code is very easy. You can create web pages in Code view, Design view, or in split-screen between the two views.
After that, this is the main choice of Dreamweaver users including me because you can associate the code with what the user will see on the website. I have never used code in my life when I first used Dreamweaver, and the prospect of having to use it every day is really great.
Also, after using a split view, I was able to create and learn the code structure at once.
Hence, there are different types of code that can be used in web design, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The list goes on.
However, Dreamweaver makes it easy for you by marking each type of code with a different color. This is not only easy if you want to re-work, but it also helps the hobbyists give the code the basic structure of the code.
Most importantly, it is easier to design your content. All available options are listed and you can insert hyperlinks, colors, fonts, titles, etc. You can modify the HTML and CSS to change the style and structure. You do not need to check the code.
Well, it seems obvious, but it may be the command most commonly used when using Dreamweaver Download.
Just like a publication document, you can preview the last web page on the web.
In addition, you can check the format, make sure your hyperlink shows the correct page, make sure the image has the correct tag, and can generally play with what you have created. real website.
System Requirements for Adobe Dreamweaver:
Multicore Intel processor
macOS version 10.15 (Catalina), macOS version 10.14 (Mojave), and macOS version 10.13 (High Sierra)
4 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
3.5 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot be installed on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
1024 x 768 display (1920 x 1080 recommended), support for retina displays
32-bit graphics card
To take advantage of the GPU performance, your Mac must have at least 1024 MB VRAM (2 GB recommended) and your computer must support OpenGL version 4.0 or higher.
Supported machines
iMac 4K
iMac 5K
MacBook Pro Retina
Mac Pro connected to a HiDPI monitor
Mac mini connected to a HiDPI monitor
To check the VRAM, choose Mac> About This Mac (Graphic Info).
Internet connection and registration are required for required software activation, validation of subscriptions, and access to online services.
Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit) with Service Pack 1 or Windows 10 * (64-bit)
4 GB RAM (16 GB recommended)
3.6 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot be
installed on removable flash memory devices); SSD recommended
1024 x 768 display (1920 x 1080 recommended), supports HiDPI display
32-bit graphics card
What’s New in Adobe Dreamweaver Crack Download:
Editing of the live view has also been simplified. In the new version, you can click to edit effortlessly in live mode. Now change the semantic tags like <aside> <section> and so on
Most importantly, improve your editing experience. With the auto-sync feature, any changes made in Live View are automatically synced to Code View.
In the current update, the code hint filter logic for PHP has been improved. Now the information you are looking for is always in the foreground. The availability of code hints for JS and PHP has also been improved.
In addition, Japanese Dreamweaver now has a new default font configuration.
In addition, the Windows system supports Japanese encodings, and Unicode and MAC support EUC, ISO 2022-JP, Shift JIS, and Windows DOS encodings for Japanese. They all have the same font.
Adobe Dreamweaver Download For Pc
How to Crack Adobe Dreamweaver 2021 v21.0.0.15392 Cracked?
Download the latest version first.
Uninstall previous versions.
Note Kill Virus Guard.
After downloading Unzip or extract the RAR file then open the installer (use WinRAR to extract).
Just install the patched configuration.
After all, enjoy the latest version of Adobe Dreamweaver CC version 2021.
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Overview of Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2020
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Out of the lot, the adobe Dreamweaver cc is one of the best software any editor can lay their hands on to build and create websites of unique patterns. The tool is allocated with a lot of design aspects that make the Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2020 a very good editing software. The biggest appeal with the software is that it is highly compatible with a Mac-based operating system. Mac-based systems have a great amount of dealing within as they have a great influence on affecting the quality of the output that you are working with.
Even with such a revolutionary software onboard, many are yet to identify the various features that will just make their lives much easier with Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2020. The software is the most prescribed one when you are looking for getting the job of building a stronger and rigid website. The tools that are embedded within the software will ensure that you will get along with the software as quickly as you can. Now there are some features that make it a highly compatible software in a Mac-based operating system.
Features of Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2020
1. Coding is as easy as it seems
Building websites from scratch involves a lot of coding, but no one knows that the amount of patience that is required to complete the entire website. You will have to make sure that you have a mediocre coding strength in order to proceed with creating a website. There are a lot of ways in which you can actually make sure that the coding that you do is correct with Dreamweaver.
Crusader kings 2 free download mac. The coding engine that is accompanied with the Dreamweaver is definitely a very good one, looking at the ways in which you can dynamically work on live websites with a visual aid to avoid errors. You are also provided with direct access to the HTML codes of the websites to ensure that you can develop the site with the utmost efficiency.
2. Simpler ways to set up things
The amount of effort that you will have to put up with in developing the website is highly simple and doesn’t involve much of the effort that is accompanied by professional website building. Dr cleaner mac os. There are a lot of simple featurettes that are accompanied by the software that will greatly influence the ways in which you can get the website alive and running. The basic elementary operations that you are faced with in creating the website is simple and as tough as it can get.
3. Adaptive Display
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There are a lot of issues with the websites and one of the most significant problems that we face after the website gets activated is definitely the different displays in which the websites are viewed. The biggest ordeals that we face is that the websites that we create are viewed in many devices and the website must be adaptable to all the devices in which it is used. The software will directly affect the dynamic displays and the different displays in which the website will be reviewed.
4. GitHub merge
Now if you are an active user in the GitHub platform, all you have to do is link your account with the Dreamweaver software. Once you do that you can directly access the code links of the websites and embed it into the software to get the job done.
The common codes that you get with the website development will allow you to build software to make sure that there is a dynamic response of the website once it is active. With a feature like that, you can make drastic changes to your websites once you launch the same.
Dreamweaver Cc Mac Download Software
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5. Modern and well-equipped User Interface
Whenever you are dealing with software, the biggest thing that you would be required is the development of the software. This means that the software must be equipped with a very good user interface to make the user comfortable in using the software. The Dreamweaver is a software that is equipped with a lot of technical user interface, that will make the software a delight to work with.
System requirements for Mac-based operating systems
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Multicore Intel processor 64-bit support
Mac OS v 10.11 and above
4GB RAM requirement
2GB HDD space required
1280X1024 display support
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hubskitchen · 6 years
Hub’s Kitchen Episode 5: Dragon Ball FigherZ Review: The Game Dragon Ball Fans Need
Hey guys, Hub here again, and welcome to Episode 5 of Hub’s Kitchen. Today, I’m gonna be reviewing Dragon Ball FighterZ for the Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Steam. I apologize for not being active for a good while. Blame college and my okay-ish midterm grades and me getting them up for that. I’ve been wanting to talk about FighterZ for a while, and oddly enough, I didn’t think I was I gonna talk about Dragon Ball so soon on this blog. I’ll get to the point: I’m a casual Dragon Ball fan. I haven’t read the manga, but I have watched the original Dragon Ball anime as well as the Dragon Ball Z anime (well Kai anyway because fuck having to watch 291 episodes). Dragon Ball is not a masterpiece in story-telling, nobody’s gonna argue that it is. However, the fighting and character interactions make up for those shortcomings (except for GT. Fuck GT). That, and Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Watch that, it’s amazing. I have played a few DB games before, mainly the first and third Budokai games and the Legacy of Goku games on the GBA, but I haven’t played that many games from the franchise. Anyway, enough with the stalling, it’s time to review Dragon Ball FighterZ!Oh, and be prepared to see names and storylines that might not be familiar to you guys, since I’m not sure if my followers know anything ‘bout Dragon Ball.
Dragon Ball FighterZ takes place within the Dragon Ball Super timeline (aka, in between the Buu saga and Peaceful World arc from Z). When exactly? I don’t really know. I’ve seen conflicting reports from saying it takes place after the Universe 6 arc but before the Goku Black arc, other say it takes place before the Tournament of Power. I’m gonna say it takes place before the Goku Black arc, but I think FighterZ is non-canon anyway, much like the DBZ movies. Anyway, because of strange energy waves that are disrupting their power, the Z-Warriors lost all their power (or strength) and are now on the same level, and believe me, for some characters, that is a good thing ‘cause it won’t be another Goku show (That’s what GT is for). The Z-Warriors also see that a soul is trapped inside the main character of the arc (yes, I’ll get to this), and that by linking with that soul, it allows you to fight alongside the Z-Warriors. Elsewhere, there’s a new character: Android 21. All we know from the Super Warriors arc is that she resurrected some of the classic DBZ villains using the Namekian Dragon Balls, like Frieza and Cell, and plans on doing… things to them. I won’t go into spoiler territory because that’s just one of the three stories. Yes, you heard me right. FighterZ gives you three stories to play. The Super Warriors arc, which focuses on the heroes and Goku being the main character (I mean, he is Goku after all), the Villain arc, which focuses more on the villains and Frieza being the main character (man, Super really loves Frieza. Not that I mean, but still), and the Android arc, with Android 18 being the main character. Having three stories in a fighting game, a genre not known for story? Sounds awesome, right? It does… until you actually play the story mode.
Okay, so here’s the biggest problem with the story mode: There are three, fucking stories in this game, and all of them last roughly four hours long. Doesn’t sound bad yet? Well, throughout the story, you move your characters throughout different points on a map, with limit amount of movements. That never becomes a problem, so ignore that. The bad part starts with the clones. As you’re moving along map, you have to fight clones of the characters, and this gets old faaaaaaast. By the time I got to the Android saga, I was so fucking done fighting clones that I had to listen to different music, podcasts, and have something on in the background because I needed something to keep me going. That’s a huge shame because the cutscenes and the character interactions are great. Whenever you enter a fight with certain characters, you’ll get a cutscene to trigger. Let me just say: Anything, and I do mean anything with Cell is fucking gold. Go look up videos of Cell in this game. He’s fucking amazing. It’s just that having to play 3 stories, fight clones the entire time, and for roughly 12 hours too gets tedious and boring fast. It’s easily the weakest part of this game.
Dragon Ball FighterZ looks and sounds fantastic. The Unreal 4 engine was used brilliantly, and the game almost looks like it came straight from the anime. The game even lifts direct pages from the manga and anime, like the Father-Son Kamehameha and the Family Kamehameha, and they look beautiful. The characters animate well in cutscenes and on the battlefield, and many of their signature moves (take Krillin’s Destructo Disk or Kiensan for you weebs out there), look fantastic.
The soundtrack is also pretty good, if a little reliant on hard rock. Then again, I love hard rock, so I don’t mind. Sadly, because of this, the music can all blend together, and the character themes are often ignored. A lot of the character themes are great. My personal favorites being Goku, Yamcha, Hit, Gohan, and Vegeta.
The voice acting is solid too. FighterZ allows you to switch between Japanese and English, and as much as I love Masako Nozawa’s take on Goku, I’m more of a Sean Schemmel guy. Anyway, both voice casts do a great job. Got not much to say about that.
If you’ve played Marvel Vs Capcom 2, then you’d understand how Dragon Ball FighterZ works. For the uninitiated, first off, get initiated, but more importantly, DBFZ is a 2D 3v3 style fighting game. What that means is that you have a team of 3 characters and you can tag them in and out of battle. You have your combos, tech, assists to help you in battle, super meter that allows for heavy-hitting attacks, all that good stuff. In an interesting twist, FighterZ is designed as a fighting game first, and a Dragon Ball game second. Most of the time, it’s the other way around. A lot of Dragon Ball games try to capture the feeling of the anime, even down to the gameplay. From what I’ve seen, the Tenkaichi, Raging Blast, and Xenoverse games tend to do this fairly well. While that’s well and fine, I tend to prefer a simple 2D fighter with Dragon Ball characters.
One thing that sets FighterZ apart from something like Street Fighter is that FighterZ decides to make things simpler for new players. The game has an auto-combo system. What that means is that you can press a button (let’s say square for example), and you can get a combo from that. While this is good for introducing players into the game, it’s gonna get their asses kicked if they try to spam auto-combos online. It’s recommended that you get into practicing the game’s mechanics, which the game’s first story in the story mode helps you come to grips with. Or you could try learning the mechanics in the practice mode.
The roster for FighterZ is pretty solid, but if you’re spoiled by the likes of the Budokai Tenkaichi games with their huge rosters, FighterZ might disappoint you. It has everyone important (Goku, Vegeta, both Teen and Adult Gohan, Frieza, etc) to characters from Super like Hit, Goku Black, and Beerus. The game is getting DLC, and the first two characters confirmed are Bardock (father of Goku) and Broly (one of the most popular DBZ movie villains, and is, to quote his abridged movie, is a “literal giant fucking baby”).
Like every fighting game these days, Dragon Ball FighterZ has an online mode. Sadly, this review will not be going over that because I have not played any of them yet ‘cause I don’t have a Playstation Plus subscription at the moment and need to renew it. From what I’ve heard, the online has had several problems, from games losing connection, to having a hard time finding matches, etc. Doesn’t help that the game has this stupid lobby system that you have to be online for. Sure, there’s an offline lobby, but it’s still kinda lame that the game has to have an online lobby to begin with. There recently was an update that I heard fixed some of the problems, as well as adding a Party Mode of sorts, but again, ‘cause I don’t have PS Plus, I can’t verify if that’s the case for me.
Dragon Ball FighterZ is definitely a welcome addition to both Dragon Ball and fighting games in general. While the story mode was a bust outside of great character cutscenes, and the game having some noticeable online problems, FighterZ excels in the most important area: the fighting. Fast-paced, frantic, and easy to play, you don’t need to be a Dragon Ball fan to enjoy this game. I highly recommend it.
And that’s it. Sorry for the lack of depth, but I wanted to try to be quick and to the point with this review, seeing as how it was my first game review. Anyway, on the next episode of Hub’s Kitchen, I’m gonna review my second movie on this blog, and one I’ve had requests for. That movie, is Coco. ‘Til next time guys. I’m Hub Pie, and thanks for reading!
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Mr. Roboto: Connecting with Technology
People don’t always need another human being to experience a sense of connection. The deep emotional bonds many people have with their pets proves this. (So might the popularity of the Pet Rock in the 1970s but that’s just speculation.) Even Link in The Legend of Zelda had an inanimate companion: his trusty sword (see Figure 9.1).
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Fig 9.1 Even the company of a wooden sword is better than venturing into Hyrule alone.
It’s also possible for people to feel that sense of connection in the context of behavior change without having direct relationships with others. By building your product in a way that mimics some of the characteristics of a person-to-person relationship, you can make it possible for your users to feel connected to it. It is possible to coax your users to fall at least a little bit in love with your products; if you don’t believe me, try to get an iPhone user to switch operating systems.
It’s not just about really liking a product (although you definitely want users to really like your product). With the right design elements, your users might embark on a meaningful bond with your technology, where they feel engaged in an ongoing, two-way relationship with an entity that understands something important about them, yet is recognizably non-human. This is a true emotional attachment that supplies at least some of the benefits of a human-to-human relationship. This type of connection can help your users engage more deeply and for a longer period of time with your product. And that should ultimately help them get closer to their behavior change goals.
Amp Up the Anthropomorphization
People can forge relationships with non-humans easily because of a process called anthropomorphization. To anthropomorphize something means to impose human characteristics on it. It’s what happens when you see a face in the array of shapes on the right side in Figure 9.2, or when you carry on an extended conversation with your cat.[1]
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Fig 9.2 The brain is built to seek and recognize human characteristics whenever a pattern suggests they might be there. That means people interpret the array of shapes on the right as face-like, but not the one on the left.
People will find the human qualities in shapes that slightly resemble a face, but you can help speed that process along by deliberately imbuing your product with physical or personality features that resemble people. Voice assistants like Siri, Cortana, and Alexa, for example, are easily perceived as human-like by users thanks to their ability to carry on a conversation much like a (somewhat single-minded) person.
Granted, almost nobody would mistake Alexa for a real person, but her human characteristics are pretty convincing. Some research suggests that children who grow up around these voice assistants may be less polite when asking for help, because they hear adults make demands of their devices without saying please or thank you. If you’re asking Siri for the weather report and there are little ones in earshot, consider adding the other magic words to your request.
So, if you want people to anthropomorphize your product, give it some human characteristics. Think names, avatars, a voice, or even something like a catchphrase. These details will put your users’ natural anthropomorphization tendencies into hyperdrive.
Everything Is Personal
One thing humans do well is personalization. You don’t treat your parent the same way you treat your spouse the same way you treat your boss. Each interaction is different based on the identity of the person you’re interacting with and the history you have with them. Technology can offer that same kind of individualized experience as another way to mimic people, with lots of other benefits.
Personalization is the Swiss Army Knife of the behavior change design toolkit. It can help you craft appropriate goals and milestones, deliver the right feedback at the right time, and offer users meaningful choices in context. It can also help forge an emotional connection between users and technology when it’s applied in a way that helps users feel seen and understood.
Some apps have lovely interfaces that let users select colors or background images or button placements for a “personalized” experience. While these types of features are nice, they don’t scratch the itch of belonging that true personalization does. When personalization works, it’s because it reflects something essential about the user back to them. That doesn’t mean it has to be incredibly deep, but it does need to be somewhat more meaningful than whether the user has a pink or green background on their home screen.
Personalized Preferences
During onboarding or early in your users’ product experience, allow them to personalize preferences that will shape their experiences in meaningful ways (not just color schemes and dashboard configurations). For example, Fitbit asks people their preferred names, and then greets them periodically using their selection. Similarly, LoseIt asks users during setup if they enjoy using data and technology as part of their weight loss process (Figure 9.3). Users who say yes are given an opportunity to integrate trackers and other devices with the app; users who say no are funneled to a manual entry experience. The user experience changes to honor something individual about the user.
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Fig 9.3 LoseIt gives users an opportunity to share their technology preferences during onboarding and then uses that choice to shape their future experience.
If you can, recall back to ancient times when Facebook introduced an algorithmic sort of posts in the newsfeed. Facebook users tend to be upset anytime there’s a dramatic change to the interface, but their frustration with this one has persisted, for one core reason: Facebook to this day reverts to its own sorting algorithm as a default, even if a user has selected to organize content by date instead. This repeated insistence on their preference over users’ makes it less likely that users will feel “seen” by Facebook.[2]
Personalized Recommendations
If you’ve ever shopped online, you’ve probably received personalized recommendations. Amazon is the quintessential example of a recommendation engine. Other commonly encountered personalized recommendations include Facebook’s “People You May Know” and Netflix’s “Top Picks for [Your Name Here].” These tools use algorithms that suggest new items based on data about what people have done in the past.
Recommendation engines can follow two basic models of personalization. The first one is based on products or items. Each item is tagged with certain attributes. For example, if you were building a workout recommendation engine, you might tag the item of “bicep curls” with “arm exercise,” “upper arm,” and “uses weights.” An algorithm might then select “triceps pulldowns” as a similar item to recommend, since it matches on those attributes. This type of recommendation algorithm says, “If you liked this item, you will like this similar item.”
The second personalization model is based on people. People who have attributes in common are identified by a similarity index. These similarity indices can include tens or hundreds of variables to precisely match people to others who are like them in key ways. Then the algorithm makes recommendations based on items that lookalike users have chosen. This recommendation algorithm says, “People like you liked these items.”
In reality, many of the more sophisticated recommendation engines (like Amazon’s) blend the two types of algorithms in a hybrid approach. And they’re effective. McKinsey estimates that 35% of what Amazon sells and 75% of what Netflix users watch are recommended by these engines.
Don’t Overwhelm
Sometimes what appear to be personalized recommendations can come from a much simpler sort of algorithm that doesn’t take an individual user’s preferences into account at all. These algorithms might just surface the suggestions that are most popular among all users, which isn’t always a terrible strategy. Some things are popular for a reason. Or recommendations could be made in a set order that doesn’t depend on user characteristics at all. This appears to be the case with the Fabulous behavior change app that offers users a series of challenges like “drink water,” “eat a healthy breakfast,” and “get morning exercise,” regardless of whether these behaviors are already part of their routine or not.
When recommendation algorithms work well, they can help people on the receiving end feel like their preferences and needs are understood. When I browse the playlists Spotify creates for me, I see several aspects of myself reflected. There’s a playlist with my favorite 90s alt-rock, one with current artists I like, and a third with some of my favorite 80s music (Figure 9.4). Amazon has a similar ability to successfully extrapolate what a person might like from their browsing and purchasing history. I was always amazed that even though I didn’t buy any of my kitchen utensils from Amazon, they somehow figured out that I have the red KitchenAid line.
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Fig 9.4 Spotify picks up on the details of users’ musical selections to construct playlists that reflect multiple aspects of their tastes.
A risk to this approach is that recommendations might become redundant as the database of items grows. Retail products are an easy example; for many items, once people have bought one, they likely don’t need another, but algorithms aren’t always smart enough to stop recommending similar purchases (see Figure 9.5). The same sort of repetition can happen with behavior change programs. There are only so many different ways to set reminders, for example, so at some point it’s a good idea to stop bombarding a user with suggestions on the topic.
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Fig 9.5 When a user only needs a finite number of something, or has already satisfied a need, it’s easy for recommendations to become redundant.
Don’t Be Afraid to Learn
Data-driven personalization comes with another set of risks. The more you know about users, the more they expect you to provide relevant and accurate suggestions. Even the smartest technology will get things wrong sometimes. Give your users opportunities to point out if your product is off-base, and adjust accordingly. Not only will this improve your accuracy over time, but it will also reinforce your users’ feelings of being cared for.
Alfred was a recommendation app developed by Clever Sense to help people find new restaurants based on their own preferences, as well as input from their social networks. One of Alfred’s mechanisms for gathering data was to ask users to confirm which restaurants they liked from a list of possibilities (see Figure 9.6). Explicitly including training in the experience helped Alfred make better and better recommendations while also giving users the opportunity to chalk errors up to a need for more training.[3]
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Fig 9.6 Alfred included a learning mode where users would indicate places they already enjoyed eating. That data helped improve Alfred’s subsequent recommendations.
Having a mechanism for users to exclude some of their data from an algorithm can also be helpful. Amazon allows users to indicate which items in their purchase history should be ignored when making recommendations—a feature that comes in handy if you buy gifts for loved ones whose tastes are very different from yours.
On the flip side, deliberately throwing users a curve ball is a great way to learn more about their tastes and preferences. Over time, algorithms are likely to become more consistent as they get better at pattern matching. Adding the occasional mold-breaking suggestion can prevent boredom and better account for users’ quirks. Just because someone loves meditative yoga doesn’t mean they don’t also like going mountain biking once in a while, but most recommendation engines won’t learn that because they’ll be too busy recommending yoga videos and mindfulness exercises. Every now and then add something into the mix that users won’t expect. They’ll either reject it or give it a whirl; either way, your recommendation engine gets smarter.
Personalized Coaching
At some point, recommendations in the context of behavior change may become something more robust: an actual personalized plan of action. When recommendations grow out of the “you might also like” phase into “here’s a series of steps that should work for you,” they become a little more complicated. Once a group of personalized recommendations have some sort of cohesiveness to systematically guide a person toward a goal, it becomes coaching.
More deeply personalized coaching leads to more effective behavior change. One study by Dr. Vic Strecher, whom you met in Chapter 3, showed that the more a smoking cessation coaching plan was personalized, the more likely people were to successfully quit smoking. A follow-up study by Dr. Strecher’s team used fMRI technology to discover that when people read personalized information, it activates areas of their brain associated with the self (see Figure 9.7). That is, people perceive personalized information as self-relevant on a neurological level.
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Fig 9.7 This is an fMRI image showing activation in a person’s medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), an area of the brain associated with the self. The brain activity was recorded after showing people personalized health information.
This is important because people are more likely to remember and act on relevant information. If you want people to do something, personalize the experience that shows them how.
From a practical perspective, personalized coaching also helps overcome a common barrier: People do not want to spend a lot of time reading content. If your program can provide only the most relevant items while leaving the generic stuff on the cutting room floor, you’ll offer more concise content that people may actually read.
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