#i think a nice warm hug from him would make all my problems vanish
elitehoe · 2 years
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These quotes 🥹 perfect quotes for him!!!!
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nani-nonny · 11 months
Ch 17 was oh my god *chef kiss* i would kiss this chapter if it was a book!
The first Paragraph was a great info and i love; of course when leo wants to be alone he would go places he knows his family can't find him and the older he gets he not only can hide better BUT HE KNOWS OTHER PEOPLE'S HIDING SPOTS!! Like imagine; an young adult with some problems was in an area but vanished - let's say park - leo can think of where this young adult can hide!!✨✨
But all of this hard thinking wasn't needed as leo was behind a couch - big bruh - and he joined the train but very late on " i want to spend my time with big blue as my father figure " is both awe and funny.
A soap opera marathon is something i think good because i don't know much about soap opera but it's hella long and above that Spanish?! Yeah that would be difficult for me buddy.
April pointing out that big blue is like Jupiter jim is so beautiful - despite the fact that i HATE HIM - but still adorable, and he offered to take blue to see his older brothers and sister!! That's a great treat, now i wonder if other siblings can see the older ver of them or not somehow, someway...
BAM! Little blue enters the big blue core chat and meet his older siblings, seeing older April is THE BEST because god we need more big sis April!! Then mikey pull him like how a puppeteer catch a puppet and PULL his shell into the group pile LOL. (It would be funny imagine how the little turtles fight older mikey and he just tie them around chains and just throw them left and right XD)
Then here comes big raph AND HE'S BIGGER THAN LIFE ITSELF!! Awwwww seeing how baby blue go and try to hug him 🥺🥺🥺
Then comes Donnie... Oh Donnie the " not nice and more mean Donnie " LOL
He just picked him up, dropped few words before " okay am done with him " LMFAOO and mikey calling him " rude goods " XD
And the adusity of playing volleyball while big blue is SLEEPING!! Ahahaha it's like some loading screen or when you wait in elevator to reach your floor, and mikey just turned leo's core into sims 4 XDDD
I can't wait to see leo's react from " you're the turtle's dad now!! " more then anything!!✨✨✨✨
aksjakshak it’s fine just one kudo is more than enough :))))))
Leo being an unpredictable person in his family and able to predict what said family are doing down to a T really gets my brain going. It’s such an interesting concept that is so bittersweet in context.
You can’t leave little blue out of the peepaw itinerary lolll he’s the first of the brothers to witness the peepaw in action
The soap opera marathon will definitely be a doozy for me to write… if I planned to write it out but I won’t. Mainly to save time so that we dont get lost in the story and dive into the marathon with them (/j) but because it’ll be a pain in the ass to write. It’ll just be a time skip to the aftermath where they’ve accumulated weeks of stank /hj
April mentioning Little Blue’s childlike wonder to how he viewed Jupiter Jim made my heart warm :) and of course she doesn’t mean the way Jupiter Jim had treated them irl but to the excitement of their eyes locked on the screen watching all Jupiter Jim movies
(And we’ll have to see what happens in the future of this story in terms of the past turtles meeting the future turtles)
Raphael being the biggest, warmest, cuddliest teddy bear and so full of love but then there’s Donatello and Michelangelo being the “uncle figure that have a favorite and that one child is not the favorite” /j and really harnessing that “I will tolerate you for this amount of time but if you exceed that time then you can only blame yourself” /j
The future turtles playing volleyball makes me laugh a little too much because they have to do something while Leonardo is sleeping.
We’ll have to see where we go from here on hahah! Thank you for reading <3333
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goldentournesol · 3 years
to be true, to not be true (part 1)
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: early in y/n’s and spencer’s relationship, y/n fears the growing distance between them, although what seemed to be possible infidelity, is actually much worse–for spencer.
Length: 2.9k
A/N: i wrote this in collaboration with one of my favorite writers on here, Mia over at @mggpleasedontlookhere​. She is so wonderful and hopefully you can see both of our writing styles here! 
The sunlight streaming through the windows made the hairs on my skin dance in glee, although it was the soft breeze invading the space that contrasted the radiant warmth. An equilibrium was achieved–a needed balance. The same can be said about the nerves crawling about my stomach and the naive excitement that made me light-headed whenever I was around Spencer. I glanced up at him from where my head lay in his lap. The reflected glow from the TV danced across his features making my heart jolt. My stare caught his attention and he sent me a small smile, his hand leaving traces in my hair. It was his day off and I had no problem spending it in suffocating proximity with him.
“This is nice,” I breathed, leaning back into his soft touch. He hummed in response, almost in contentment, if not for the moment his eyes seemed far off, entangled in a distant thought. It was so brief, I might have missed it. His job took a lot from him and I knew that, which is why I never pushed him. Instead, I let the subtle aroma of morning coffee and fresh linen confine my senses, leaving me oblivious to reality.
Although not a few moments later, the ping from Spencer’s phone burst the fantastical bubble that surrounded us. My eyes lingered on the cartoon characters plastered on the screen but I couldn’t help noticing the way Spencer’s fingers would thump rhythmically against the floor. Adjacent to his palm, rested his phone, revealing several notifications as it came alive. Albeit I paid no mind to their context given I was enamored by the picture of me on his homescreen. A faint smile graced my lips at the observation, feeling a wave of warmth rush my cheeks.
“I wonder who that is,” I teased, referring to the image. Spencer must have misunderstood my point of reference, hastily explaining that new language that Morgan had introduced him to through text messages.
“Spencer, using emojis does not constitute a new language.”
“Considering its context, I would argue it is–I mean look at hieroglyphics!” I covered my face in amusement, running my hands over my eyes. A sharp exhale left my lungs as my chest filled with contagious giggles. It seems that I was too consumed in my fit of laughter to notice Spencer stealthily concealing the device and turning off his ringer.
“First of all, hieroglyphics is a formal writing system-”
“And does that not ‘constitute’ a portion of language? Also, isn’t texting a writing system in itself?” His lips formed into a sly smirk, thinking he’d gotten the best of me.
“You’re right in the way that hieroglyphics is part of the language, however it’s all but the ‘expression’ of that language.” I debated, gesturing to the air as I explained my point. For a moment our eyes met, and I could feel my playful resolve melt away under his gaze. Despite the pause in my confidence, my stubbornness shone through.
“All I heard was that I was right,” he jested, tickling the side of my waist. I jumped at his mischief, collapsing into pleas and begs as he continued his assault at my skin. My stomach churned in delight as my hands attempted to pry him off of me, the premise of our conversation vanishing into air like wisps of smoke.
Spencer’s days off were becoming increasingly rare, I’d barely seen him in the last two weeks, but we’ve managed to salvage enough time between cases for a date. The excitement buzzed through my veins as the clock ticked closer to 7 pm. I was growing restless in the apartment, obsessively checking my phone for the time. Spencer is usually right on time, if not early. Dread and anxiety clogged up my throat as I waited for him. For hours, call after call would be sent straight to voicemail. The weather outside seemed to be in tandem with the way I felt. The rain was as unforgiving as the tears that striped my face.
I was never one to hold a grudge. But it happened once, then it happened twice. Slowly, it became a habit and it was impossible to reach him.
I guess date nights on Thursdays were now obsolete.
He came over to my apartment maybe once whenever he was in town and even then he was nearly unrecognizable. His shy, loving demeanor was replaced by explosive irritability and general unease. I wished he’d just talk to me, but he continued to brush me off. He was being distant and strange, his behavior was so unlike him. Knowing him though, he was probably too stressed or busy to get around to doing simple tasks like eating a balanced meal. Spencer can be quite scatterbrained, and I hadn’t seen him in around a week. So, around lunch time, I made Spencer a healthy meal packed with proteins and veggies and decided to pop into the BAU and drop it off. It felt like a good way to cheer him up. Maybe we’d have lunch together at the park he always liked to visit. It wasn’t that far from headquarters. Hell, I’d even eat lunch with him at his desk at this point.
The walk into the BAU was strangely nerve wracking, I could feel my heart in my throat. I had an uneasy feeling in my gut but I took a deep breath and pushed the heavy glass doors open. My eyes scanned the bullpen for my boyfriend but I couldn’t find him. Standing there in confusion, I was only snapped out of my trance when someone bumped into me from behind.
“I’m so sorry–oh, it’s you! Hey Y/N, what are you doing here?” JJ said, closing the file she held in her hands and wrapping me in a one-armed hug.
“Hey JJ! I was looking for Spence, I got him lunch, but I can’t seem to find him anywhere? Do you know where he is?” I said as I pulled back from the hug, she began to say something but was interrupted.
“Woah hey, sunshine! I was wondering why it suddenly got so bright in here.” The deep voice of none other than Derek Morgan came from beside us and he was, of course, donning his signature cheeky grin. I couldn’t help but grin back, even though my chest was nearly caving in on itself.
“Did Spence come in today?” JJ asked Morgan, whose brows immediately furrowed.
“No, I haven’t seen him today. I think he might be coming in late, I’m not sure. He’s been kind of off, lately.” Morgan said, eyes searching my own for an answer.
“He has, hasn’t he?” I exclaimed and the two nodded in agreement, “I’ve been worried about him, maybe all that emoji-talk finally got to him.” I laughed slightly, but stopped when I found Morgan’s expression shift.
“What do you mean? I stopped trying to explain emojis to him like months ago, if the genius doesn’t get it, he doesn’t get it.” Morgan shrugged, unknowingly allowing the literal caving in of my chest to take place. JJ noticed the change in me immediately.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” She asked in her usual caring manner, but I could barely hear her over the rushing of my blood in my ears.
“Nothing, nothing. Um, if he comes in today, can you just give him this?” I dismissed the conversation and handed over the brown bag with the lunch I made, disguising the sharp exhale that left my lungs. Before JJ had the opportunity to utilize her profiling skills, I gave both of them a cordial nod and left the office.
My steps felt heavier with every collision against the tile, albeit the loud thumping of my heart drowned out reality around me. My mind warped itself around irrational thoughts as my loyalty to Spencer attempted to retaliate against the invaders. The concept of Spencer as dubious and sly fell foreign to me. However, that lack of knowledge only added fuel to the imminent blaze that engulfed my head and stomach.
I swarmed with alternate realities, trying to make sense of the unknown. If Spencer was aware of my method of defining a solution, I would’ve been scolded by my naivety and illogical thinking. Oh to be a scientist–to have a mind like his. It’s a gift yet a heavy burden to carry. Is that it? Was that it? Does he not believe I’m capable of understanding a mind like his? Was I stupid? No. He had shared intimate momentos of his life before, so what was it? What can I not offer…What can I not promise to make him drift away like this?
It must have been me, right? I must’ve hit a boundary the last time we spoke! Or was it his work? No. By the time my thoughts stopped buzzing, I realized my feet carried me to the park I intended to visit earlier with Spencer. An unfamiliar pang hit my chest, sending reverbing waves throughout the cavity. A sort of ache rested in the core of my heart–something I didn’t think I would feel when reflecting on my relationship with Spencer–my Spencer. I guess I was so used to the warm bubble he fabricated that I forgot how cold the real world was.
Was that it? Did I stop being that for him too?
The thought of the slow degradation of our relationship sent a chilling shock through my veins while I swallowed pins and needles. My hand rested on a park bench next to me, letting myself use the wooden beams as support. Looking out into the far pond in the center of the park, I pulled myself to take a seat. The wind began to whistle through the trees, and the lake of glitter–the nickname I gave whenever the sun casted its glow onto the surface–lost all of its beauty. Crickets didn’t even dare to sing their usual melody and birds flew south to their homes. The breaths I took kept going nowhere, dissolving into nothing even though my chest expanded and retracted.
I pulled at the ends of my sleeves, tucking my knees into my chest as the air grew crisp. Questions of infidelity and unfounded justifications collided creating a mass of insatiable curiosity. My head coincided with entropy–it enjoyed the chaos–until suddenly it went blank. Every tether that kept me grounded vanished, my consciousness going into autopilot. I didn’t even realize the burn that resided in my eyelids or the wet streaks coating my cheeks–maybe from the dryness or something more. It was only the small drop of water landed on the back of my palm that pushed me out of the addicting trance.
Another one had landed on my forehead. And another one. And another one. I cringed as I felt the water drip from my head to the crevice of my ear. The clouds began to rumble a somber tune as it began to rain. Plucking myself from the bench, I made no hurry to make it back to the house. In a way, the droplets cascading the skin distracted me–seemingly blissful compared to the former events.
Once again, my feet held a prominent consciousness as it was the only part of me that was stable, leading me to the doorstep of my apartment complex. With what felt like a last ditch effort, I checked my phone for any new messages from Spencer. My heart lurched seeing a new notification pop up. To my surprise, it was from him.
With a deep breath and newfound hope, I unlocked the device, taking a moment to gaze at the picture of I and Spencer on the screen, before proceeding. My shoulders dropped, the tight squirming in my stomach halting. A hopeful smile crept on the corners of my lips, the previous distrust dissipating from my unreliable mind as I read the words displayed in front of me.
“Date night tomorrow?”
Tomorrow night couldn’t come quick enough. It somehow felt like I was holding my breath the entire day until I finally saw him. He was apologetic and sweet enough that it quieted my anxieties for a while. If he held any guilt or shame, it wasn’t apparent, or maybe he hid it well. Or maybe I was being ridiculous and reading far too much into things that could be circumstantial. But this was Spencer…my Spencer, the tenderhearted, gentle soul who made way too many corny physics jokes.
Dinner went by much smoother than I expected, but I still felt like there were things unsaid. The words felt lodged in my throat, almost like an itch I couldn’t reach. Either by mindless habit or by sheer deliberacy, we ended up in our favorite park. The very park that I found myself running to in a fit of frustration yesterday. Our feet seemed to know the way of our usual path along the pavement. I wondered briefly if there was a place I stepped in twice without noticing it. There was a lull in conversation and before I realized it, the words escaped me stealthily.
“Hey, Spence?” I started, and he took his attention off his shoes to look at me, “I, uh, I wanted to talk to you about something.” The way the words stumbled ungracefully from my lips had me cringing. He lifted a brow in intrigue and caught my eye, silently profiling me and my nervous behavior.
“Anything, love.” The use of the amorous term caught me off guard and I had to swallow under his intense gaze. I felt myself open my mouth, but the words died on my tongue as the blaring of his ringtone took the place of my voice between us. It was almost as if the scratchy melody startled him because the way he snatched himself away from me to look at his phone was worrisome.
His brows bunched together as he took a look at it, “I’m sorry, I have to take this.”
Without waiting for my confirmation, he pressed the phone to his ear and took a few large steps away from me, as if the space would give him more privacy. I suddenly felt extremely exposed without him by my side.
The emptiness beside me lingered of his scent, almost mocking me, the words constricting my tongue. If I had a second longer, maybe the phone call would’ve been obsolete, maybe for the first time in a long time he would’ve been selfishly mine, even for another moment. I found myself suffocating in the same place I was yesterday like some poetic injustice. Perhaps I’m just a marionette, dangling from loose strings as the universe had their way with me. Frankly that would be less upsetting than watching Spencer slip through my fingers, knowing that it was possibly me who sealed that fate, and not some otherworldly being. It would’ve been my doing, and that’s something I’m not yet ready to realize.
Maybe it was my undying curiosity or growing twinge in my chest every second passed that led me to consult the moral figures weighing down my shoulders. At two opposing extremes, they debated the right course of action–or if doing the right thing was even the course of action to consider. Surprisingly in the end, it was my impulsivity that answered for me, wasting no time to stipulate consequences.
I shook off the twisting feeling in my stomach, pushing myself off in Spencer’s direction. I kept justifying my actions by telling myself that all I would be doing is checking on him, although the underlying motive was nothing under disguise. I whispered the same mantra to myself with every inch closer. I gritted my teeth as the antsy sensation traveled to my shoulders, slowing my steps to contemplate my reasoning.
What am I doing? A harsh exhale of detest left my lungs, leaving a light yet deserved burn in my esophagus. It seemed incredulous to me that I was willing to eavesdrop on my own boyfriend, although it didn’t seem like that minutes ago. I bit the inside of my cheek in shame, turning myself around.
Has this all been in my head? No, it can’t. Then why would he lie? He wouldn’t, but he did. Confusion set deep within me, however it was my guilt that left an everlasting mark. Maybe Spencer had his reasons, he would never deliberately fib–at least the Spencer I knew would never. But what if that’s it? Did I really know Spencer that well? The world around me closed in rapidly, my senses overwhelmed. Did I make him lie? It would make sense considering my recent possessiveness. Did he see that? Did I drive him away?
I bit down on my bottom lip, threatening to break the skin. I ran my hand through my hair several times, taking a few calming breaths to compose myself. No, I can’t think like that. This is Spencer, he’s my Spe–no, maybe he never was mine?
Unable to contain my contradicting thoughts any longer, I shifted around with a newfound determination. Pushing the bile building up at the bottom of my stomach, I prepared to march my way to him. My body set aflame with feigned confidence, hopefully enough to fuel the overpowering desire to know the truth.
To know whether the truth actually lied in the irrationality of my mind
To know whether the truth lied in the coarseness of my behavior.
To know whether the truth  lied in the prospects of Spencer’s job.  
To know whether the truth-
“I guess I’ll see you on Thursday!” Spencer smiled with endearment–a smile I thought was reserved for me. “It’s a date…”
To know whether the truth was that he was no longer mine.
part 2  feedback is always appreciated!
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fruitcoops · 4 years
If you feel up to it can we pretty please get some more pre-coops PT sessions?
Oh, pre-Coops pining, I missed you. This is slightly different (and a bit fluffier) than the other fics. I hope you enjoy it all the same! Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
TW for mild sickness (coughing, sneezing, etc) and mentioned ankle injury
Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths, Sirius repeated in his head as he limped down the hallway, grimacing each time his crutches slipped on the freshly-waxed floor. It had been weeks since his last flare-up and as much as he hated the idea of losing a chance to see Remus, he hated the thought of waiting any longer to be back on the ice.
Sirius paused just outside the PT door to collect his thoughts. They had been doing this for months, but even the memory of Remus’ gentle hands on him still made his breath catch in his chest. He rested his forehead on the doorjamb with a sigh. I’m hopeless.
He frowned when he saw the closed door—Remus liked to keep it open, so anyone could pop in and say hello when they passed by. It was one of Sirius’ favorite things about him.
“Who is it?” a gruff voice called from inside when Sirius knocked cautiously. That’s definitely not Remus.
“Uh, Sirius Black?”
The door swung open and Moody gave him a quick once-over, raising an eyebrow. “You’re not scheduled until Tuesday.”
“My ankle is flaring up,” Sirius said, glancing over Moody’s shoulder toward the desk by the wall. All of Remus’ things were still there, thankfully. “I was hoping Loops could take a look before the weekend.”
Moody grunted and let him in the rest of the way. “Lupin’s out today, but I’ll poke around and see what I can do. Have you been doing your stretches?”
“All of them?”
“Yes.” The mere thought of disappointing Remus almost made him nauseous.
“Good.” Moody continued mapping his foot and ankle, keeping a careful eye out for any signs of pain.
“Where is Remus, by the way? Is he okay?” Sirius did his best to stop the worry from leaking into his voice.
“Got some sort of flu. Dumb kid takes the bus everywhere, so I’m not surprised.” Despite his harsh words, Moody had a fond look on his face. “He tried coming in, actually, but his voice was shot and he kept sneezing so I made him stay home. With the weekend, he’s got three days to recover.”
Relief slowed Sirius’ racing heart. “Good to know. Does he need soup or anything?”
Moody shrugged as he straightened up and patted Sirius’ knee. “Ask him yourself. Number’s on the board if you don’t already have it. Your ankle just needs some ice and ibuprofen, by the way—don’t stop using your crutches until next Friday.”
“Thanks, Moody.”
“See you around, Cap.”
As soon as practice finished, Sirius pulled his phone out of his pocket and proceeded to stare at Remus’ contact information for the next seven full minutes. Finally, he thumped his forehead on the steering wheel and pressed New Message.
Message To: Loops
Are you okay?
Moody said you were sick
A few seconds passed without a response and Sirius’ good leg began bouncing up and down. “This was stupid,” he muttered to himself. “This was so stupid.”
His screen lit up.
New Message From: Loops
Hey! I’m a little under the weather, nbd
Thanks for asking : )
“Oh my god,” Sirius whispered, holding his hand over his mouth. “Why did I do this?”
Message To: Loops
Yeah no problem
Do you need anything? It’s not safe to drive yourself
I have soup
Sirius groaned aloud and flopped forward again. “No shit, Black, everybody has soup.”
His phone was silent for a few moments before three dots appeared, blinked, and vanished. It happened two more times, until Sirius’ heart threatened to escape via his throat.
New Message From: Loops
That sounds really nice, thank you : )
A link popped up below the text; an address. His address. Sirius’ cheeks started to hurt and he realized he was smiling wider than he had since they last won a game, quickly starting the car and turning out of the parking lot.
Making canned soup wasn’t difficult—for the first time, he followed every letter of the instructions on the can. Burning it was not an option. Ten minutes and a warm Tupperware later, he was back on the road and following Google Maps down the busy avenues of downtown Gryffindor.
Remus’ apartment building was almost as cute as he was, but maybe that was just Sirius’ smitten brain throwing a party over the fact that he finally got to see it. Bright yellow with brick siding, it rose many stories above the street, and he hurried up the concrete steps to the porch, where a small buzzer sat.
Fenwick, Benjamin
Fortescue, Alice
Lupin, Remus
Sirius pressed the button. There was a crackle, a hiss, and finally a croaky, “hello?”
“Remus? Hey, it’s Sirius. Um, I brought your soup,” he stammered, suddenly tongue-tied.
“Oh.” Surprise laced the congested voice on the other end. “Oh! Okay, yeah, thank you. Come on up. Did I send you my apartment number?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Ugh, sorry. My brain is toast.” The buzzer clicked.
Sirius bit his lip and pressed it again. “Loops?”
“Your apartment number?”
“Oh my god,” Remus laughed. “I’m so sorry. It’s 6B, and the elevators just got repaired last week so you should be fine.”
“Merci.” Sirius opened the front door and carefully balanced his Tupperware on one forearm as he called the elevator and headed toward the sixth floor. Tinny music played through the speakers—if he strained his ears, it almost sounded like the Bee Gees.
The ride was quick; soon, Sirius was waiting outside a plain apartment door with his hand raised to knock, steeling himself to see Remus face-to-face. With a sharp inhale, he tapped his knuckles on the wood and stepped back.
The silver doorknob turned and then Remus was there, leaning on the doorframe in pajamas and fuzzy socks as he winced at the bright sunlight from the hall. His nose was bright red and his eyes were glassy with dark circles underneath; his soft curls stuck up in a cowlick on one side, but he smiled at Sirius all the same. “Hey.”
“Hi.” Sirius swallowed around the dryness of his throat and held the Tupperware out. “It’s chicken noodle.”
Remus blinked, then lit up when he saw the soup. “Thank you so much!”
“Ne rien. I’m sorry you’re sick.”
“It’s not your fault,” Remus said with a shrug. “I’d invite you in, but—wait, aren’t you supposed to be on crutches?”
Sirius blushed. “I couldn’t carry the soup with them. It’s just a few minutes.”
“If this wasn’t the sweetest thing ever, I’d lay into you about proper procedure,” Remus teased, reaching out. Their fingers brushed and Sirius winced a little at how cold he was. Would a hug be out of order? Remus curled his hands around the base of the container and sighed at the warmth. “God, I didn’t even know I was hungry until you brought this.”
“Glad I could help.” He could feel his pulse in his toes. “I should probably let you eat then, eh?”
That perfect crooked smile slipped a little. “Yeah, probably. I don’t want to get you sick, too.”
“Always looking out for me.” The smile returned and Sirius whooped internally. “Text me if you need anything else, okay?”
“You got it, Ca—" Remus sneezed into his elbow, then waved him off as they both burst out laughing. “Alright, alright, get outta here.”
Sirius made it halfway to the elevators before a thought struck him; Remus’ door was almost closed, and something jolted in his stomach. “Wait!” he called before he could think about it.
Remus poked his head around the edge of the door, looking confused and a little hopeful. Sirius wanted to wrap him up in a blanket and cuddle him until he felt better, then kiss him all over his flushed face. I’ll make you soup whenever you ask. “Yeah?”
“I—I missed you today. When I went in for a checkup. It was weird having Moody mess with my foot.”
The edges of Remus’ eyes crinkled gently, making his freckles pop. “Missed you, too. See you Tuesday?”
“See you Tuesday.”
“Thanks again for the soup, Sirius.”
The noise that almost slipped out of his mouth when Remus said his name would have been wildly embarrassing—thankfully, Sirius managed to swallow it down and offer a mock-salute with a smile instead. He didn’t stop grinning all the way home.
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It doesn't happen often, but sometimes Mumbo will find himself frozen in place, struck down with fear and doubt.
He'll find his mind echoing with the "but what if" and "you're not good enough to stop them leaving" and he'll begin to lose his vision as his eyes become clouded with tears.
He'll take out his communicator and, with shaking hands, send a message into chat;
<MumboJumbo>: Hey I need some reassurance, could someone stop by?
And the hermits will always stop by. Sometimes just one, sometimes many, but he'll always get at least one hermit at his side in a matter of minutes.
"It's okay" they'll tell him. "We'd never abandon you" they'll say.
"Wherever we go, you'll always be welcome. Until the end of time."
oh my gosh this is so good ;-; hold on lemme see what i can write
warnings for self-doubt, fear of abandonment, implied anxiety attack
Mumbo knows what caused it this time. A combination of late nights, feedback on the HCBBS and being in Scar's base. Everywhere he looks is an incredible creation, more amazing than he could ever hope to achieve. He's felt the thoughts building over the past few days, shoving them down as deeply as he can. Which is always a mistake.
Ironically, it all spills over when he's looking at those same tiny mushrooms that excited him so much before. It's just so clever! It's so smart! And it's something Mumbo would never think to do. He's not smart like this, doesn't have Scar's creativity. He has no idea why the hermits keep him around when they could have more people like Scar. Probably because they know he has nowhere else to go, because they're good people and-
No, no. He tries to remember Xisuma's advice. He needs to breathe. Don't spiral. Long breath in, hold, long breath out. In, hold, out. His vision is blurry, eyes stinging with tears.
He keeps that mantra in his head as he pulls out his communicator. Hands trembling, he manages to navigate to the global chat. He doesn't bother reading the previous messages.
<MumboJumbo> csb somebody come over? need somrone rn
<Xisuma> mumbo? where are you?
<GoodTimeWithScar> Mumbo?
<ZombieCleo> where are you mumbo?
<MumboJumbo> msgic village
<ZombieCleo> omw
<Xisuma> let me know if you need back up
<ZombieCleo> will do.
By the time Mumbo hears rockets overhead, he's curled into the base of a tree. The bark presses hard against his back, his face hidden in his knees. He focuses on his breathing. All of those thoughts are blocked out of his head. He knows they're stupid, he knows. The hermits must be so tired of this by now-
"Mumbo." A voice calls, derailing that notion. "Where are you?" He raises his head, rubbing his eyes with a sniffle.
"I'm over here." Mumbo's voice shakes as much as the rest of him. There's a crunching of grass, and he flinches when he hears a twig snap. Soon enough, a wave of red hair falls in front of him, Cleo crouching to his level. She has a gentle smile that is in such contrast to her usual sarcasm.
"Hey, Mumbo. You want to go inside?" He nods. He can't quite find the words to say, so he accepts Cleo's hand as she pulls him to his feet. His suit is crumpled, pulling in all the wrong places and it only feels more stifling. Cleo walks with purpose, searching each building until she finds one that's mostly liveable, with a fair amount of grumbling about Scar and chestmonsters.
It is nicer inside the house. She sits him down on an old sofa, ruffling through already messy locks. The suit jacket is discarded and laid carefully over an armchair. Mumbo tucks his feet onto the edge of the sofa, wrapping his arms around long legs. A blanket is soon wrapped around his shoulders. Mumbo snuggles into it, disappearing until he's a head and two black socks in a pile of blue fabric.
"There you go, do you want some tea?" Mumbo nods. Tea sounds nice right now. He gets a good hair ruffle before Cleo vanishes in search of the kitchen. He can still hear her moving around, cursing under her breath as she tries to navigate Scar's overflowing storage. Mumbo laughs softly, more air than noise. He closes his eyes, resting his chin on his knees.
Cleo's good to him. She came here so quickly, like she often does. If not Cleo, then it would've been another hermit. They always drop everything to come help him. He just- is he really worth that effort? He doesn't do anything in return for them. Maybe it was a mistake calling someone over, he should've just dealt with this on his own, they're going to get frustrated he keeps doing this-
"Mumbo," Cleo calls. Mumbo blinks as he finds himself back in reality. "I can hear your thoughts from here. Do you want honey in your tea?" Mumbo squeezes his fingers into the soft material of the blanket, listening to a distant kettle boil. He breathes in a scent similar to a library. Something old, with a hint of magic.
"Yeah, honey would be nice."
"Got it!" He occupies his mind by looking around the room, naming each of the things he can see. There's a bookshelf against one of the walls. The top two shelves are decorated by various trinkets. Little statues and toys, sentimental items that Mumbo doesn't know the meaning of. The bottom shelves are filled with books from various designers. Scar showed him some recently, pouring over the art with a bright grin. Mumbo hung onto every word he said. A solitary redstone book sits amongst them, and Mumbo huffs an amused breath.
When Cleo returns, he's looked at the curtains, one of them pulled tied open, the forgotten mugs on the coffee table, the various doodles scattered in sheets of paper, the plants that are somehow alive and Cleo, who isn't. She smiles, passing Mumbo the mug. He curls his hands around it, pleased the heat isn't unbearable.
"So which ones do I need to fight this time?" She asks. Mumbo chuckles. The blanket has slipped further back so his hands can stick out.
"You don't need to fight anything," he replies. Cleo crosses her arms, dropping into the space next to him.
"Really?" He looks into the steaming tea. Cold isn't a problem in the jungle, not during the day. But the heat is a good grounding point. Though he could get lost in the way the steam catches the light, shimmering white patterns painted in the air.
"It's the usual," he finally concedes. "With some added 'I'm only bothering you and you're all going to get tired of needing to help me.' You know." Cleo hums. She does know. Mumbo sometimes wishes his doubts would get more adventurous, and then remembers what a terrible idea that would be.
"Do you have the book?" She asks. Mumbo shakes his head.
"I think I left it in my- no, Scar's base." He would usually keep his book of affirmations in his enderchest, but he was a bit flustered with the whole move. He thinks he left it under his pillow.
"I'll ask Scar to bring it over later."
"You don't-" She gives him a look. "Okay. Thank you," he amends. Taking a sip of the tea, he sighs. Cleo knows just how he likes it. The honeyed taste is a much-needed treat.
"So, you know what I'm going to say?"
Mumbo smiles, telling her, "Say it anyway."
"Mumbo, you could be the biggest spoon in the world, and we'd still keep you around, right?" Mumbo laughs, falling into the script with ease.
"You're our family. We don't care if you don't achieve these incredible feats, though you do, by the way. We're lucky to have you here, and it makes me smile everytime I see what you're up to. Big or small." He hides his wet smile behind a sip of tea. There's no hiding the tears gathering in his eyes. "Mumbo, you're an amazing person, alright? The best annoying baby brother I could ask for. Wherever we go, you can come with us. As long as you want to."
"And if that's forever?"
"Then it's forever. And I'll consider myself lucky everyday you decide to stick around." Mumbo sinks back into the sofa, finally letting go of the tension he was subconsciously holding. "Right. Now let me read all the chat messages."
Mumbo laughs, reaching up to wipe his eyes, "Seriously?"
"We care about you, you dork." Cleo sits forward, holding her communicator up. She takes a deep breath, continuing in her best gameshow voice, Mumbo laughing the moment she speaks, "And first up, we have Xisuma! Asking me to tell you that he cares about you and he's always here if you ever need to talk." Mumbo settles back, a wide grin on his face, content to listen.
Cleo carefully takes the mug from Mumbo's hands, the redstoner offering no resistance as he yawns. His eyes are half open, blinks growing longer every time. She brushes hair from his face, gently lying him down until he's resting in her lap.
"There you go," she soothes. Mumbo quietly rearranges, hugging Cleo's legs. "You've done so well. You can rest now." Mumbo's sleepy hum brings a smile to her face.
She watches as Mumbo's breath evens out, his body growing heavier on her. She carefully tucks the corner of the blanket in before pulling out her communicator, snapping a quick photo.
<ZombieCleo shared a photo>
<ZombieCleo> mission successful
<Xisuma> :-D
<Stressmonster101> awwwwwwww <3
<iskall85> some much needed sleep i'd say
<GoodTimeWithScar> I'll be over with the book when I find it
<ZombieCleo> don't worry, i think he'll be out for a while lol
She smiles at her communicator and the lanky redstoner in her lap. There are very few sights that warm her undead heart more than this. She leans back, and settles in for however long Mumbo needs her.
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Arvin Russell - The preacher’s sins (2/2)
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Here is the second part of this fic! Hope you enjoy it.
Plot: The preacher’s manipulation is finally kicking in, but Arvin isn’t letting go so easily. 
Warnings: It’s about TDATT, so you can guess, again. Violence, manipulation, hurt reader.
Lenora died two days after your argument with Arvin, you and him were drifting apart and Knockemstiff was entering in the coldest Autumn yet to meet. The villagers were on edge every second of the day, there was more violence and the people’s faith was starting to become dangerous. Just a few days ago, a pregnant woman and her boyfriend had walked into the café, and had been kicked out by angry clients who scream obscenities for not being married.
The preacher’s words were starting to make roots into the town, it seemed, and you were no exception; at least, you didn’t think you were. Since that talk with the preacher, he had opened your eyes about your sins, and you could say happily that you were getting better at reading. Every two days, you would go the church and he would be waiting outside, with his car and his bible. He would read to you, helping you understand what you couldn’t and giving you a kind smile. And if you got a word wrong, well, he knew how to fix it.
“And she… uh, she… “ you squinted to see what the word was, but you couldn’t read. Your heart started to beat loudly in your ears under the watchful eyes of the preacher. “She was con… con…”
The preacher put a hand on your shoulder, and your eyes got misty. You knew it was well deserved, because who didn’t know how to read? But it still brought tears to your eyes when it happened. You searched into your brain for something to say, but since Lenora’s death no one was teaching you. Arvin, your sweet boy, was the only reason why you sometimes doubted what the preacher was doing was right. And in order not to lie to his face, you barely saw him anymore.
“Come on, Y/N. You know what to do” the preacher said, unfastening his belt. In a moment of panic, you shifted away from him. “It’s for you own good. You think someone will love some brainless girl like you?”
“Please, preacher” you whined as he got up, belt in hand. “Please, not today. They – they haven’t healed, a-and it hurts. Please, I don’t –“
“You think your suffering is close to what he suffered? You whiny bitch, take out your clothes before I make you”
As quickly as you could, you got naked in front of the preacher, except from your underwear. The first time you did it, just before meeting Arvin in the graveyard, you had cried and begged. Then the preacher had explained you that it was the only way to cure your sins, to redeem yourself for lying to him in the first place. He had told you not to talk to Arvin about it – and you didn’t, because he promised you to teach you to read and be a good girl for him.
You didn’t know if it was because of what happened to Lenora, because of the hurt look on Arvin’s face when you told him you couldn’t meet that weekend, or because you had noticed that lately the preacher’s eyes were shiner than usual when you took off your clothes. But you were starting to doubt if what he considered redemption was really it.
“It’s for you own good” the preacher said, as the belt fell for the first time near your right shoulder. He didn’t bother to avoid the previous days lashes – he liked to see how longer could you keep the tears away. “You want to clean yourself?”
“Please, don’t –“
“I asked you a question!”
The belt fell so many times that you lost count. You thought about how all of this could end – he had told you, you could wipe your sins with the belt or with him. And every time you chose the belt, the preacher’s face got angrier. He wasn’t the nice, quiet man that presented himself in the church a few months ago, with a kind smile. You had really thought he was a nice man, but as the days passed and you were submitted to your own hell, your impression of him was changing.
You were afraid, something you hadn’t been at the beginning. It was easy to ignore what he was doing, because you took it as a punishment for not learning how to read. It was a motivation, and you were eager for each meeting, until one day you could show them that you could read. Maybe write a letter to Arvin, and watch how his warm smile lifted finally your mood. But the preacher had less patience each day, and you were making more mistakes – because he didn’t want you to learn, he just wanted you to choose the other option. Wanted you to leave Arvin and lay with him, and even you, who couldn’t read, wouldn’t do that.
You accepted the hits in silence, waiting for it to be over so he could drive you back to the church. And from then, pretending nothing was wrong.
The familiar truck from the Russell was parked outside your house the next day, when you finished your shift at the café. You almost didn’t notice it, because your father used to have one pretty similar. It wasn’t until you parked your car in front of your fence that you saw the familiar boy staring at you from the side of the truck.
Arvin was smoking, as always, and had a brow raised. He watched without saying anything as you got out of your car, getting ride of the ashes of the smoke. You took your time in grabbing your bag and closing your car – if your memory was right, it had been five days since you last saw Arvin, and it had just been a brief talking in the washing rooms. You had noticed he had something to say, but even if just two months ago you wouldn’t have had any problem talking about anything, now he couldn’t find away.
He waited for you, not saying a word. You chose not to say anything about the bruise and swelling around his left eye, because if you talked, you were sure you would just burst crying. That day the preacher had been busy with a family, so he had given you the day free – which was why you were coming home so soon, and why Arvin and you were the only ones there.
As you left he keys on the kitchen table and your bag on the chair, Arvin closed the door behind him. You didn’t have to look at him to know that he was staring.
“I was ‘ere yesterday” he announced, his voice echoing the empty space. “Waited for you to come back, but your daddy told me you’re coming home later now”
“Longer shifts, you know” you took out the pan, ready to make dinner and avoid the conversation. “Leroy is having – “
“I came from the café, and it was closed” Arvin cut you off. “Is everythin’….?”
Arvin didn’t finish his question, and you felt bad because he wasn’t demanding an explanation – he was just worrying. You kept moving things around for dinner as Arvin understood you weren’t going to talk. There was a suspicious wet feeling on your eyes, and a lump on your throat. The previous day the preacher had been particularly rough, not just with his belt, but with his words. And when you thought about Arvin, about how good he was, you wondered if they were true. If you didn’t deserve him.
Instead of giving up, Arvin walked around the kitchen aisle. Unknown to you, it hadn’t been the first day he had come to look for you. Since Lenora’s death he had kept his distance, too busy in his own grief to notice that you were no longer asking him to pick you up. He blamed himself, for the argument in the graveyard two days before her death and for not being there. So busy, that he didn’t know where his girl was spending her nights away.
He didn’t want you to think he was accusing you, because he would trust you with his eyes closed. But after asking around for a while, he discovered you were spending more and more time with the preacher, and that you didn’t smile as brighter as before. Now that he was finally alone with you, he couldn’t let it go.
“Y/N” he called you, putting a hand over yours and stopping the torture over the poor tomato. “I just wan’ to talk with you. I know she was your friend too, and I’m sorry I wasn’ here before”
“It’s fine, Arvin” you said. You didn’t look at him, nor shook his hand off. With the knife midway of cutting the tomato, you didn’t move. “Sorry for not… being there too”
“No, that’s my fault, darlin’” Arvin finally rounded your body and leant his head against your shoulder. “Can I treat you dinner? I’ve savin’ up for a bit”
“I can’t, I have to – “
You interrupted yourself with a pained whine and scrambled away from Arvin, almost having forgotten how bad your back hurt. The look of pure terror on his face decomposed you whole. In just two seconds, the knife had fallen to the ground and the tomato had rolled away, and Arvin looked like he had touched ice. He was pale, with his arms still open in a mid-hug and staring at you with wide eyes.
The house was silent for a long minute, while tears welled up in your eyes. Arvin looked lost, as if he could just vanish in thin air, but he collected himself well enough to help you up and sit you on the kitchen’s stool, that creaked under your weight.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, not moving his hand from your shoulder. He knelt in front of you and made you meet his eyes. “You can tell me anythin’, pretty girl”
“It hurts” you cried to him, finally saying out loud. “It hurts when I sit, or when I drive. And – and when I sleep too. I just don’t want it to hurt anymore”
“What hurts?”
“The belt”
Somehow, Arvin knew what you were talking about, and lifted your shirt with such soft and caring hands that you heart broke a little more. He asked permission with his eyes before doing anything, and reassured you when you whined in pain. Eventually, the brown blouse you had been wearing for your shift at the café came out, Arvin lifting your arms and passing it through your head.
He left it on the table, and turned you around so that he could look properly at it. The poor wrapped bandages you managed to apply by yourself came out easily as you cried into your hands. One by one, they came apart under Arvin’s skilled fingers, who made a pile of them on the floor. Even if you didn’t see his face, you had a vague idea what it looked like. In that moment, you understood that what the preacher was doing wasn’t right – because you couldn’t talk about it to Arvin without feeling embarrassment and self-pity crawl through your throat.
“I’m so stupid, Arvin” you broke the silence, as Arvin feather touch ran down your back. “I can’t – I can’t get most of the words… They are, a-all the same. And… and…”
You turned around to look at Arvin, and didn’t see any of the reject you had expected from what the preacher had told you. There wasn’t even an inch of anger, at least you thought it wasn’t directed at you. When he met your eyes, there was just worry and love for you, and such a sadness and pain that probably matched yours.
Arvin cupped your face delicately and pressed his lips in the corner of your mouth, catching a falling tear. He kissed your face as many times as the belt had fell on you the previous day, until his own tears were staining your cheeks. Between kisses, Arvin learned about you learning to read with the preacher, about your thought of not being worthy of him and a bunch of other words that made him hold you tighter.
Your bare chest ended up colliding with Arvin’s, and his arms wrapped around your back without touching any bruise. He held your head close as he shook with emotions, and shushed any attempt of apology from you.
“I’ll fix it” Arvin promised you, once the tears were over and you were just holding each other. “I’ll fix it”
“But it was my fault, Arv, he –“
“He fuckin’ beat you. Nothin’ you could have done deserved it” he caressed your hair, and you felt at ease for a long time in a long time. “I swear I’m gonna make ‘im regret every second, a’right?”
“He said I was no good for you” you confessed, hugging him tighter. “I don’t – I have never gone to school and you – you deserve…”
“Hey” he brought your face out and gave you a soft smile. “You’re coming home with me now, and I’m gonna make you forget bout him”
Arvin pressed his lips against you, not minding the awkward position you were in.  The kiss was slow and lovely, and you hadn’t notice how much you had missed him until that moment. He kissed you again and again, making sure you weren’t going to disappear from his grasp, and repeating how much he loved you every time his lips weren’t on you. You two held each other for a little longer, until the sun disappeared completely from the sky and the time when your parents came home was close.
Then, he helped you put on your blouse again, wincing every time his eyes landed on your back, and walked with you to his car. You two drove to his house, his grandma in bed and his granduncle away, which left the whole place for you. It wasn’t like that weekend where everything started – you couldn’t say you were the same person as then, but Arvin loved you even more. He let you sleep on his bed, and he held you through the night until you fell asleep.
Once you had closed your eyes, you didn’t notice anything else. You didn’t notice Arvin barely containing his rage anymore, and getting up to get the gun he had gotten for his birthday. He pressed his lips against your forehead and jumped through the window as you slept, getting into his car.
Arvin Russell didn’t get to pull the tigger that night. When he arrived to the church, he saw the preacher bidding farewell to a young girl, and he waited. Waited until he was alone, and decided that a man like that didn’t deserve the mercy to die. Waited, and then he fell on him in the dark night and left him trembling and bloody, crying out in pain each time Arvin brought his fist on his face. He heard the cracking of the ribs, his nose breaking, and the pathetic sobs the preacher was begging with. Arvin left him unconscious on the woods, with no memories of what had happened.
That day, Arvin broke two knuckles and sprained his wrist. The preacher was sent to the hospital and, out of fear, never put a foot on Knockemstiff again. And you healed, physically and mentally, while Arvin taught you how to read. Loving you every step of the way.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists​, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
Tom Holland and Peter Parker Taglist
@gypsystuf​​​​​ (since you didn’t answer me, I just put you on the general taglist. Let me know if you want to change!)
Arvin Russell (the preacher’s sins) Taglist
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Fourth commandment: honor father and mother
Contain spoilers from the manga.
Old writing of mine. Thought about posting so here you go.
I recently find out that the majority of the fics I have more replogs and comments are avout sadness sooo why not shed sone tears for our bird man this time huh?
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He smirked at hearing the sound of you singing in the shower. He had just arrived from work and was greeted by what he loved to hear the most, your voice, his dove's voice
The echo the bathroom made only made him smile more at being able to hear such melodies coming out of your sweet lips.
He would tease you now at them about it. But oh, how it ceased the anciety and pain in his heart on terrible days he would just swallow it up for your sake. Knowing very well that your family life wasn't the best anyway. Not perfect, but was good as you would describe it every now at then with a smile; despite his worried frown whenever that was a fight and affected you so badly to the point you cried over his shoulder at night or morning.
His ears pecked up when your humming stopped and smiled lovingly when the melody of your qorda started to come...
'You left and took, my heart suffocated, and it suppressed my pain, a subtle gesture of loveee~'
A chuckle left his lips. He would never learn where the musics you learmed came from. But it didn't meant it was beautiful no less. He stood up from the couch and took careful steps to hear it more without you knowing it.
'Father. Look at this rain outside ... oh my father, I think the time has come...
aandd dont just, sit there to see and vanish it
the chance that already weaves in the past, oh this little boy's soul just is begging it...'
For some reason... that part, made his heart thump hard on his chest... after all. It did reminded the hero of... him.
His father. The reason why his true name was hidden from the public view and completely erased by the comission. The one that constantly beaten up just for him going into the city just to help others. The man that was a thief, a murderer, a liar... a abuser.
Just when he swallowed up another part of your song came up.
"Oh mother, cover me up with your sacred embrace, allow me to be your son, recreate that thought of a shelter, just don’t leave me alone,
your memory is my calm, swords that pierce into my soul.
like the wind of the desert that is so cold...
How I miss your maternal love and your laughter.
the world only brought me slaughter, I lost that old hope of just being a child,
that the smile never fades, they made me just a weapon..
I am still in the quest to be loved~" the shower sounds stopped as you he heard you sigbh and without him noticing, he stormed out of the roon to close himself on his huge closet, a hand on his mouth as tears threteaned to spill from his eyes at the mention of only blinking them.
Keigo's past was never an easy one... his parents never should be used as a example. His mother did fell in love with a criminal, but that didn't make it easier... she wasn't warm, she wasn't the kind of mother that would just embrace him and help the poor boy feel safe, loved nor protected....
God... she made him go get some money and questioned what were the use of his wings, his quirk... what kind of mother says that to a child that was only trying to help dammit!?
Angry drops of tears strated to fall from his eyes as he controlled the harsh breaths and sobs that threatened to escape beforw his whole body tensed and stopped when he heard the source of his comfort on his adult life...
"Honey? Did you come home earlier? Where are you?" He heard you call and took deep breaths before putting on a smile on his face, a so fake smile that surely you would notice right away.
"Right in the big ass closet dove. I was planning to shower a-anyway." He cursed himself the moment his voice cracked as he desperately picked some clothes to wear as he discarded his hero costume with pure anger.
"..Kei?" He flinched at hearing your voice behind him "Baby is something wrong? Tough patrol, is that?" You carresed his feathers gently and he almost whimpered at how delicately your fingertips brushed against it.
"J-Just a bit. Nothing major." He shrugged and made bee line towards to the bathroom as you stood there in pure worry and confusion at the same time. Never Keigo refused your comfort when you two finally passed that time of getting to know each other in your relantionship.
Frowning, you decided that maybe just a time for himself was best as you picked your favorite and warm pajamas and started to get things started to see if Hawks's mood brighten up for just a bit.
Sadly you knew he was trying way too hard to hide the pain. But the echo of his muffled sobs and curses as he ounched the wall wasn't helping him at all...
Brownies on the oven, Fried chicken already ordered and the most you could do of a nest out of pillows and blankets on the living room right in front of the Tv, already open to choose a movie on your boyfriend's will.
The sounds of the water finally stopped as you mentally prepared yourself as you saw your boyfriend in grey sweatpants and red hoodie, wings and hair all dropey as well as his eyes, him rubbing the top of his hair with a towel until his honeyed orbs widened at the sign of the living room and you cursing yourself for burning your hand at taking out the batch of the brownies out of the oven without protection....
"Fuck..." You hissed in anger before a confused sound left you as a warm and bigger hand grasped yours with care and brought the place where you had burned on his oh so kissable lips.
"Maybe you should have waited a bit. Just saying though." He smirked, but not with the usual glint on his eyes as you frowned but playfully scoffed.
"Excuse me? I am Hawks's girlfriend!" You dramatically proclaimed as he snorted "'The young hero that is way too fast for his own good!', so yeah, I guess I have the right of being a bit too anxious to get the set of brownies I made out just on time, thank you very much."
"And burnt yourself along the way." He chuckled as you showed your tongue at him with a smile but his features soon dropped and looked away from you, in hopes you wouldn't catched.
But you did.
"Whats all this for anyway? Am I geting my ass beaten up for forgetting some day important?" You frowned with a smile as you carefully hugged him from behind, mindfull of his wings as his muscles tensed up a bit only to loose as his scarred hand carresed yours over his chest.
"Cant I just spoil my man for a bit? Especially after a tough day?" You sensed his shoulder getting up and dropping with a watery chuckle as he shook his head in disbelief.
"You didn't have to do all this you know? Is not-"
"Dont." You muttered sternly as you let go of him to get right in front of your boyfriend as you cupped his cheeks "Dont say 'is not a big of a deal' with me Takami Keigo. I know you more than yourself as you once said it. Dont hide things that bother you away from me when you help me just as much with my insecurities and problems, alright?" He looked troubled as his eyes dropped to the ground mainly controlling himself as always but you nudge his gaze back up rubbing your nose against his "Alright?" You asked for the second time as his mouth opened and closed like a fish before giving up and nodding, pulling you to him for him to hide his face on the crook of your neck as he hugged your waist tightly, shoulders shaking.
"Aw my prince..." you cooed as you hugged his neck and caressed his nape "What is bothering you, hm? Is it the comission again pressuring you?" He shook his head as you frowned... maybe it was one of his secret missions he couldn't speak about it...
The inter phone ranged, indicating that the food you ordered was here. Moving away from the hug, Keigo only pulled you back as you frowned but soon noticed a couple of his feathers working their way to catch the money and go pick themselves.
"Kei I would pay myself for those!" You poyted as he only tightened his hold on you.
"Is the least I could do dove... please just at least this let me do it."
"Well.. fine. But you have to get a cool movie to watch. No crappy ones."
"... yeah sure."
Now you were alarmed. Not even a "you're the one who chooses the crap one"s ?.... For All Might, what happened to him...?
"Kei..." you almost whimpered, which catched his attention as he looked at you in concern as he cupped your cheeks in worry which you quickly covered with your own "What's going on? Dont tell me is nothing...please, I can see right through you that something is not right..."
Hawks sighed shakily as his eyes looked at the other direction as well as his hands dropped into your waist to pull you close.
"Sounds stupid but... I heard you singing. Beautiful as always..." he smiled as you contained your urge to squeak in embarrassment "But... I dunno, the lyrics of the song catched me off guard I guess? Speaking of father and mother's love or some shit..." he chuckled dryly as you frowned, catresing the rebel strands of blong hair making their way into his face.
"So it has to do with them? Did they contacted you or something?" You asked softy as you carresed his cheek and was meeted with a shook of his head and a sarcastic chuckle.
"Why would I? She is happy with me far away from her, a nice home to live in... as far for the old man, he..." he sighed heavily "I could care less. Neither of them cared so sometimes I ask myself why the fuck they didn't used the goddamn protection if they didn't want a brat to "ruin" their lifes?!" He sobbed as he clinged to you "he himself made the favor of saying the freacking condom was beaides but he made the mistake of not using it! What kind of dad says that to their kid of six years (Y/n)?! F-FUCKING SIX YEARS! I KNOW I WAS A DAMN MISTAKE BUT DID THEY HAVE TO RUB IT ON MY FACE ALL THE FUCKING TIME?!" Your heart broke in more than two pieces at seing him in this state before you guided him to the make shift nest to pull him down.
"Stop this, Kei-" you shushed him softly as he gulped harshly, gritting his teeth to mantain his tears at bay "If they werent careful, fuck them, this doesn't matter to us. They dont matter. But what they done, it wasn't a fucking mistake. It was a miracle and a blessing. My hero, my boyfriend was born because of these two, so stop saying that you being born was a mistake!" You cried while he stopped grinding his teeth to look at you dumbfounded.
"Your wings saved more people than anyone can count." You whispered tearfully as your hands carresed them before cupping his cheek "You saved more people than anyone can count. You matter not only for me but for a shit ton of people!"
"... you're getting worked up because of this tantrum I threw-" he mumbled only fro widen his eyes at the how you almost screamed.
"Of course I am worked up! Who wouldn't be?! Whenever I have shit to deal with, you get angry at whoever hurted me, so damn well I will get pissed off with or who whatever makes you fell less like the shining bright passionate and beautiful hero that you are Takami Keigo!" You poked his chest angrily before breathing in and out to contain your tears as he finally cracked a toothless smile at your state.
"You... You're so perfect you know that?" You angry face soon vanish at the way he looked at you like you were the solution for all of his problems, like an angel that came to hush all of his dark voices that haunted him at night with nightmares... a look with so much love that almost made you tear up again as a smile cracked into your lips.
"Dammit... love im trying to stay serious..." you hugged and peppered his face with kisses all over until he was chuckling heartless and turning his face enough for your lips to land on his instead of his skin.
You both were breathless as you were on top of him and carresed his golden looks with heart eyes as he closed them with lopsided smile at the pets and all the sweet gestures you did for him, and him only.
"Kei.." he hummed "Seriously, stop thinking about what your parents thought or think of you. They opinion doesn't matter, specially considering who they are and what they done so far... but dont hold hatred either because it only prejudices you, not them." He opened his eyes slowly and stared at the ceiling.
"... i cant actually forgive them. I dont feel I could even if I tried..."
"Im not saying for you to forgive them Kei." You stared at him as he arched one of his eyebrows that you surely need to trim at least tommorow "They are the same thing as the commission if you think about it. Their feelings or opinions towards you doesn't mean anything. Because you, birdboy, are the greatest human being in all world and everything I could even ask for." You smushed his cheeks together causing him to chuckle watery.
"You're gonna make me cry again birdie.." he prosteted heartly as you kissed both of his cheeka then his lips lovingly.
"Then at least be tears of joy, hm?" You hummed as his gaze soften and let tou peck his lips "The food is going to get cold, Im going to grab the plates okay?"
He groaned(whined?) While hugging your waist tighter and pressing his head down on your collarbone "Dont leave now, you're warm..."
"Keigo, you're basically a walking furnace especially with this hoodie, you will live." You giggled when he huffed and looked up at you with a pout.
"My feathers can go grab it then, you stay right where you are. Arent this suppose to be for me after all?"
"You've been gotten lazier every day it passes huh chicken little?" You carresed the apple of his cheeks as he tsked.
"Lazy my ass, I almost never have a day off..." he mumbled before nuzzling on your neck and sighing in bliss.
"Maybe if I pester them enough you can get some... but for now lets just rest here and enjoy the peace and quiet eh?"
"Hmm..." he hummed on your neck, causing vibrations to tickle your skin as you laughed and grabbed the packet his feathers brought, taking a package of nuggets out and almost getting to eat one until a certain bird brain just looked up and opened his mouth.
"You're such a cutie brat you know that?" You plopped the chicken nugget on his mouth as he hummed lovingly before smilling at you one more time.
"First, yeah I think as myself as pretty adorable-ouch!" You snorted at his expression after you pinched his ribs "Second... I love you.. so much." He mmurmured, face getting back on the crock of your neck.
"I love you more..." you kissed tenderly his temple and carresed his back while laying down on the huge amount of pillows.
"I love you more." He grunted.
"Dont argue with me on this!" You giggled as he chuckled.
"But is true... you're my love, my home, my family... my world."
"Takami Keigo if you make me cry one more time I swear Im beating you out of our nest."
"WHa?! WHY?!"
"IM NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING!" He laughed at your desperate laughter and just laying back on the safety of your arms as he breathed in and finally felt the anxiety of earlier completely vanishing.
Yeah... fuck what his parents thought of him. What matters to him is when he is finally popping the big question and making you oficially his.
(A/n) if anypne interested, the start of "song" is actually from a brazilian rap dedicated for gaara, naruto and sasaku called "sem familia" or in english "no family"
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
sick of hearing his parents fight day after day, reggie goes to the one person who knows exactly what he's going through: the pretty violinist who lives next door.
fandom: julie and the phantoms
ship: alive!reggie x reader
word count: 1.5k+
featuring: swearing (as always), fighting, allusion to an abusive relationship, general sadness, mention of a family member’s death
a/n: day 2 of my holiday challenge: hot chocolate! this is kind of depressing and i'm sorry, sad!reggie was stuck in my head and he wouldn't leave until i wrote this but it has kind of a hopeful ending tho so i guess that counts for something? this is also my first time writing for this fandom so forgive me if it sucks. as usual, unbetaed so all mistakes are my b.
come join my holiday challenge!
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December 1994
They were fighting again. It was the same old story: his dad being an ass on purpose, his mom taking the bait, wash, rinse, repeat. Their shouts rang harshly throughout the house, gloomy and miserable despite the cheerful decorations strung up in every room and the massive Christmas tree downstairs, dressed in its festive best and looking like it came straight out of a seasonal catalog.
Reggie had gone to them at the beginning of the month, begging them not to fight, please; his everyday life was already ruined by their screaming matches and the only thing he wanted for Christmas was some peace, quiet and civility to celebrate his favorite holiday. His father had pretended not to hear his son's pleas, ignoring him completely like he always did while his mother offered a tight-lipped smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"We'll try, honey." She'd said and he knew it was a lie. His mother always lied, his father always threw a plate at her head, Reggie always wished he had the courage to run away for good, like Luke did. But he wasn't Luke, he never would be, and he just didn't have it in him to leave them, even though he was the one who came out worse for wear after each fight.
The distant shatter of ceramic drifting up the stairs was his cue to go until things cooled down again -he never stuck around after the first dish got thrown, not anymore, the scar on his arm the perfect reminder why- and so he jimmied open the window of his room and climbed down the trellis into the salty air, the crashing waves of the Pacific covering his escape like a blanket.
(He could've stormed down the stairs and slammed the door behind him and his parents still wouldn't have noticed he left but something about sneaking out and risking a broken bone made him feel alive, the same rush he felt when he was on stage, bass humming in his hands, performing alongside his bandmates and knowing they felt it, too.)
Even outside, the echoes of his parents' angry voices still rang in his ears, haunting him all the way to the house next door, its sparkling lights shining brightly and guiding him through the darkening night like a beacon. The driveway sat empty, sans for one lone bicycle haphazardly lying on its side in front of the garage and he carefully propped it up on its kickstand before climbing the stairs to the front porch.
The faint sound of a slow, somber violin came to a stop as he knocked on the door, followed by a quiet, familiar voice Reggie knew like the back of his hand.
"It's open."
He found Y/N alone on the couch, eyes downcast and fingers fiddling with the strings of the violin on her lap and she glanced up at the tap of his boots on the hardwood floor, face brightening the slightest bit at the sight of her friend rounding the corner into the living room. 
The girl didn't speak as she gently placed the instrument aside and stood, meeting him halfway and throwing her arms around his neck to draw him into a crushing hug. His own arms wrapped around her waist and held her just as tightly, his head resting on her shoulder, and the warm vanilla scent of her soft hair tickling his nose helped calm the storm in his heart.
"I'm sorry, Reg." Her voice was low and soothing in his ear and he didn't know how he could possibly hold her any tighter than he already was but he managed as he replied, "I'm sorry, too."
While his parents fought like wildfire, explosive and loud and raging with the wrong type of passion, hers were like a deep freeze, icy and cold and desolate in the worst possible way. Too many times Y/N was left to her own devices, all alone in an empty house with her thoughts and a violin her only company (at least they had given her that, the gift of music and a beautiful, expensive instrument to prove their love was real, albeit superficial).
It was some time later before she pulled back just far enough to look him in the eye and brushed a wayward strand of his dark hair back from his forehead with one calloused finger. "Okay, pity party's over. It's almost Christmas and we're not spending it being sad about shitty parents. Deal?"
She held out her pinky with one eyebrow raised expectantly and grinned when he nodded and hooked his pinky around hers. Reggie loved really liked that about her, the way she could just make all the heartache and pain and disappointment vanish from his mind like magic and replace them with thoughts of her and her sunny smile, her big heart, her touch that made the very blood in his veins spark like lightning. Y/N was his bright spot, his safe haven, and while Luke, Alex, and Bobby knew what he was going through, they just didn't understand like she did (they had their own problems to deal with, anyway, so he couldn't blame them).
"Good, now come on," She wrapped the rest of her fingers around his hand and started tugging him down the hall to the kitchen. "You're helping me make hot chocolate."
"Peppermint?" He asked, smiling when she glanced up at him with an offended look on her face.
"Duh. Only a heathen would make it without peppermint, Reginald."
Another thing he liked about her: she never did anything halfway; half-assing things, taking the easy way out, cutting corners just wasn't her style. It even applied to hot chocolate apparently, as he watched her flutter around the kitchen with practiced ease -heating milk and cream on the stove, measuring sugar and chocolate, slowly adding drops of peppermint oil- and despite her saying he was going to help, the only thing he got to do was crush some candy canes. Not that he minded, though, because while his hands could play bass like no one's business, they were a total disaster when it came to cooking and he knew Y/N was well aware of that fact, considering it took a week for the burnt popcorn smell to fade from her microwave the last time he tried. 
The violinist smiled and proudly handed him the finished drink, whipped cream piled high and candy cane bits almost overflowing from the edge of a red mug. "This is my grandma's recipe," She said, one hand holding a purple mug for herself and the other reaching to grab onto his wrist and pull him out the front door. "She'd always make it when she came to visit for the holidays and we'd sit out on the porch and watch the ocean, each and every year." 
"She was the best," Reggie said as the two sat together on the porch swing, his right side flush against her left. "I still have dreams about her cookies and wake up drooling."
The cool ocean breeze ruffled Y/N's hair and carried her laugh off down the beach. "She loved you, you know that? She was always talking about 'that nice boy next door.' Pretty sure she wanted us to get married."
"I loved her, too." He took a sip of his drink in an attempt to hide the blush that was taking over his entire face. "And we still have time for the whole marriage thing."
"I'm still waiting for my ring." She laughed again before looking down at the mug in her hands, voice becoming quiet as she replied, "I really miss her. She was the only person in my family who actually cared about me 'cause my parents sure as hell don't."
He wanted to tell her she was wrong but he knew it'd be a lie and he never did that, refusing to become a pathological liar like his mother, so instead he just wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tucked her against his side. "Hey, no more talk about shitty parents, remember?"
"Sorry, I know," She took a long sip of her cocoa, then rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh. "I just feel alone sometimes when you're not around. I mean, you have your band and I always had my grandma to talk to but now she's gone and I'm kind of...lost."
"You have the band, too, Y/N! Alex and Luke love you and Bobby, well, he's Bobby. No one really knows what goes on in that guy's head but I know he thinks you're cool. We all do, especially me, and you should know you're never alone 'cause you'll always have us."
The girl abruptly sat up and grabbed the mug from Reggie's hand before he could blink and placed it alongside her own on the floor, then threw her arms around his neck in another one of her fierce hugs.
"Has anyone told you how fucking amazing you are?" 
"You just did." He buried his blushing face in her shoulder as his arms wrapped around her waist once again. "I'm serious, Y/N. You'll always have me."
"And you'll always have me, Reg. No matter what."
And as they sat there on the porch swing, wrapped in each other's arms, Reggie knew as long as he had Y/N in his life, things were gonna be okay.
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whosemorales · 3 years
A Moment In Time Pt 1
The Room Of Requirement was, in Harry’s opinion, one of the most magical rooms in all of Hogwarts.
Harry had been in there since lunch and he still wasn’t bored he was more curious than anything. The Room Of Requirement never failed to amaze him, one minute you’d be looking at an old painting and the next you’d have a face full of Cornish pixies. It was unpleasant at the least, but the shock that came with it never failed to wake Harry up just that little bit more, and these days that feeling was more welcome than one would expect. With Umbridge’s unrelenting chokehold on the school, it was nice to disappear for a few hours, to have all the responsibility and weight of the world’s expectations lifted off his shoulders and to just feel like a normal kid. Of course, I’m anything but normal, Harry thought bitterly.
He was the boy who lived. The boy who cheated death, the boy who would save everyone from a war that he wished to have no part of, a war that in just one night had taken everything from him, one single night that had doomed the rest of his life to a miserable reminder of all the love ones he’d lost, all the love and joy he’d been deprived of. But now he felt selfish because he wasn’t the only one who had lost everything.
Sometimes Harry wished that he could be selfish, he wished that he could morn all the things he’d missed out on without having to think about all the other people that had also suffered during the war, and god how that sounded awful now that he thought about it, but another part of him told him that it was ok not care sometimes, that it was ok to just focus on his misery and not have to deal with everyone else’s, that for those few quiet hours at night it was ok to think bitterly about how Ron had a family, and more specifically a mother and fathers love that every now and then, Harry felt Ron took for granted. Harry knew that he had things that other people didn’t, fame, glory, but god how quickly he would give it all away to just be held in his parents’ arms. To feel their love for him radiating off them and enveloping him, the kind of love they spoke about in books, the kind of love that didn’t need to be spoken but the kind that could be transferred in something as simple as a hug, to feel all the warmth and happiness that Harry deeply wished he’d had to keep him safe from all the worlds problems and for them to just hold each other and nothing else.
But even with all the magic that surrounded Harry, bringing back his parents was something that it was not powerful enough to do.
Harry wandered around aimlessly, running his fingers along the dust-covered furniture, his eyes were roaming over all the piles upon piles of junk. Although, to whoever put their stuff here, it was probably something special, something they wanted to leave behind for future generations. Maybe there’s even something from my dad in here. That thought had Harry’s eyes scanning over everything at twice the speed, he looked under things, inside piles of junk and even climbed a few structures, but after a while, his shoulders slumped. He had no idea what he was even looking for, he didn’t know his Dad long enough to know what he liked or what he might have put in here, he didn’t even know if his Dad had found this place, it wasn’t on the Marauders Map. Then again he didn’t even know his Dad.
Harry let out a breath, this was not how he thought his day would go. Suddenly, The Room Of Requirement had turned into another painful reminder, he didn’t want to be here anymore, didn’t want to look at another forgotten object, another memory of happier times, a time for all Harry knew was the same time as his Mum and Dad. Now Harry was running, he felt sick and dizzy, but the more he ran the more apparent it became that he’d been in here longer than he thought and in that time had wandered deeper into the room than he’d ever been. Now the one place he wanted to leave was the one place he couldn’t. He stopped running, he needed to calm down, panicking wasn’t going to help him. Taking a deep breath he tried to focus on his breathing and heart rate, the last thing he needed was to have a panic attack in the one place that no one could find. Image the paper; The Boy Who Lived has died due to a panic attack because the stupid idiot couldn’t find his way out of a fucking room.
He never used to get panic attacks, but now he got them at least twice a week. Not that anyone knew, letting people know that he was that weak that he couldn’t even control his own breathing was not something that was going to help. Taking in one last deep breath, Harry opened his eyes and looked around, none of this looked familiar, but that was an easy fix, he just had to retrace his steps and he’d be out before he knew it. Right?
Going back the way he had come Harry’s eyes scanned over everything, looking for something familiar, the green couches that he had brushed the dust off, the weird-looking table that was covered in ropes, hell even the pixie’s nest would be a welcome sight. Instead, Harry’s eyes caught his reflection in an old-looking mirror that was leaning against a pile of chairs and other various objects. It kind of looked like the Mirror Of Erised as it was curved at the top and rectangular at the bottom, just smaller. The curve side of the mirror was an old rusted looking gold with letters carved into it, leaning forward Harry brushed his fingers over the dusted that coated them to get a better look, but once he’d brushed off the curved edges he realised that it was pointless. The words looked to be in some other language, one that Harry knew for certain that he didn’t know, not that he knew any other languages anyway.
Eerht fo tnuoc eht ni ereht uoy ekat llahs I dna eb ot ekil tsom uoy erehw tuoba kniht.
Deciding to ignore the writing, Harry moved back to get a better look at himself. His hair was a mess and he looked slightly sweaty, but the sight of himself made his heart hurt even more, he looked almost exactly like his Dad.
Earlier in the year, Sirius had given Harry some photos of his Dad, and even though there wasn’t many there was one particular photo that Harry kept coming back to time and time again. The photo in question was one of the Marauders on the quidditch pitch, according to Sirius it was their 5th year and they had just won the match against Slytherin. Both Sirius and his Dad were wearing their Quidditch uniforms whilst Remus was wearing a knitted sweater with his Gryffindor scarf around his neck and a book under his arm, Peter was clearly the one taking the picture as he wasn’t in it. Harry was never more thankful that magical pictures moved than when he would look at this one. His Dad was standing on the left, with Sirius in the middle and Remus on the right, Sirius had his arm around his Dads shoulders as they both gave the camera their biggest smiles, whilst Sirius’ other arm was wrapped around Remus’ waist, and even though he was clearly trying to look angry about being dragged into the photo, Remus’ face broke out into a wide smile and a laugh when Sirius turned and give him a kiss just under his ear. Harry’s favourite part however was when his Dad’s head turned to look at someone outside the frame, his face breaks into a warm smile and something in his eyes changes, the camera then pans to see what his Dad is looking at and it lands on his mum laughing and joking around with three other girls, the camera stays there for a second before quickly turning back to the three boys, Sirius is nudging his Dads side with a teasing smirk and after another second his Dads gaze turns away from his mum and back to Sirius, who he shoves playfully knocking him into Remus who just rolls his eyes and laughs at them.
Looking into the Mirror Harry wished more than anything in the world that he could have gotten to know them, wished that he could have gotten to see his Dads face light up whenever his Mum came into the room or had his Dad teach him how to ride his first real broom, wished he could have stood beside his Mum and helped decorate cookies for Christmas whilst he quicky dipped his finger into the icing to have a taste when she wasn’t looking, he wished he could have helped Sirius pull pranks on his Dad by turning his hair red or making his glasses float away as he tried to catch them, he wished that he could’ve sat next to Remus on the couch tucked into his side as he read one of his many stories to him or got Remus’ help in secretly crafting a prank to get them all back, he wished he could’ve had a family.
Leaning forward again, Harry went to brush the small flakes of dust that had fallen onto the Mirror, but just as his hand reached the mirror the glass seemed to vanish and Harry fell straight through. The whole world around Harry went dark for a few seconds before he fell back out of the mirror. Harry laid on the ground, his head spinning as his senses tried to get a grasp of what had happened. When he felt like he could stand without falling over, he slowly stood up and looked around. Everything looked the same, except for a few missing pictures and something else that he couldn’t quite place. Turning back to get a better look at the mirror Harry’s confusion deepened, it was gone, all that stood behind Harry was a pile of chairs and other bits of furniture. Harry shook his head, this place was messing with his mind, he really needed to leave now, looking around to see which way seemed best Harry followed his gut and went left. Sooner than Harry would have thought he was at the door he’d been looking for for a little over what must have been at least half an hour. Harry was hit with a wave of relief that time seemed to stop whilst he was in The Room Of Requirement, meaning that even though he had been gone for at least 3 hours, to the people outside the room it would be like no time had passed, meaning that he didn’t have to get a lecture from his friends each time he disappeared.
Pushing the doors open Harry walked out and waited for it to disappear again before he set off back to the Gryffindor Tower. Even though he had made his way out of the room, Harry still had a weird feeling in his gut that he couldn’t quite place, and the atmosphere around him seemed different, but that was probably just because he had been in The Room Of Requirement since lunch. Finally making his way to the portrait hole, Harry’s energy seemed to dissipate, maybe he’d have a quick nap before dinner.
Looking at the Fat Lady Harry sighed. “FlobberWorm.”
The Fat Lady’s face morphed into horror as the words left his lips, “I beg your pardon?!”
Harry frowned. “FlobberWorm,” he repeated the password.
The Fat Lady scowled at him. “I don’t know who you are, but you’re being extremely rude young man.”
I Don’t know who you are, the words rang through Harry’s head, was this some kind of joke?
“What do you mean you don’t know who I am, I’ve been-” Harry’s words were cut off as the portrait hole swung open, he quickly moved back so he didn’t get hit. Out came two young Gryffindors who looked to be in their third year, but that didn’t stop the alarm that rang through his head, he had no idea who these kids were, he’d certainly never seen them before, but it was probably nothing, Harry wasn’t the most perceptive person after all.
The third years gave Harry a strange look before moving off to wherever they were going. Harry quickly moved forward to try and get in but the Fat Lady quickly shut the portrait denying him the chance.
“Ah ah ah,” she tuttered, still glaring at him. “That’s enough of this foolishness, now off to dinner.”
Harry gave her an exasperated look before turning on his heel and making his way to the great hall. Walking down the corridors Harry felt a strange shiver go down his back, each corridor and staircase he came to was empty and something still didn’t feel right, but everyone was probably at dinner, and his weird feeling was probably just because he was hungry. Turing down the last corridor before the Great Hall, Harry was hit with a wave of chatter and the delicious smell of food. Ron better not have eaten all the chicken wings. Harry picked up the pace hoping to at least get two before they were all gone, rounding the corner into the Great Hall Harry’s stomach lurched and his feet became frozen on the spot.
His eyes scanned over every table and every visible face, he didn’t recognise anyone. His eyes quickly darted to the teacher’s table, Snape was missing along with a few others, but the ones that Harry knew looked younger. Something really wasn’t right. The sick and dizzy feeling that he’d had in The Room Of Requirement rushed over him once again, but this time it was a thousand times worse, his breathing quickened and his feet seemed to become unfrozen. A few heads had turned to look at him having noticed his presence, each one wearing the same identical frown. Harry walked backwards a few paces before turning around and running. But right as he turned around he smashed into someone, effectively knocking both of them to the ground.
Harry quickly picked up his glasses. “Oh god! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to-” The words died on his tongue as the person he’d knocked over came into focus.
His breath caught in his throat and his heart stopped as they both locked eyes. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Harry couldn’t blink, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight. She had his eyes, or more accurately he had hers. The world seemed to stop spinning as realisation hit him. That was his mother.
“Evans!” A voice rang out just behind Harry and his mother hesitantly turned her head, allowing Harry to breathe for the first time in what felt like forever. But as the person came into view Harry felt like he had been submerged under ice-cold water.
The boy held out a hand for his mother to grab and tried to hide his clear shock when she grabbed it and got up but still didn’t let go, her other hand reached over and grabbed onto his upper arm as though she needed to steady herself, but her gaze wasn’t on him it was focused on Harry.
Frowning at her the boy turned to him and Harry felt like he was dying. The air in his lungs had been completely sucked out as he looked at the boy, as he looked at what anyone would have said was a clone, as he looked at his Dad.
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halfway-happyyy · 4 years
Little Honey
good morning friends! here is a quick lil smutty blurb to get y’all through this fine Wednesday morning. Inspired by this little saucy ask someone sent in:  Anonymous said: God can you imagine the jealousy seeing someone flirt with Alex like in real life? You knew this was apart of the job, apart of his life. But when a costar or interviewer is just shamelessly eye fucking your man in front of you, even after being introduced! Alex is of course the perfect gentleman. He excuses you two because he knows that look on your face. So to calm you both down he takes you in a closet and fucks you senseless 🤪
You could always feel his eyes on you.
It hardly mattered if it was from across a crowded room, or from a glimpse through the foggy bathroom mirror. His gaze had the all-encompassing power of making you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. And, perhaps to him you were.
“You’re staring at me.” You murmured as you swiped the tapered end of a pink lipstick across your bottom lip.
“Kind of hard not to,” Alexander replied.
You turned to glance at him, pursing your lips together as you did so to make sure the pigment was evenly applied. Tonight, he was clad in a lavish, navy blue suit; a black bowtie peaked out from the crisp, white button up shirt beneath it. His sandy hair was long now; longer than you had ever seen it before and you reveled in the fact that he had no intentions of cutting it any time soon. A beard had made an appearance during quarantine. You had been weary of it at first but thanks to the many times that it had scratched the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, you had around to the idea and now you loved it. “Didn’t your mother ever tell you it was rude to stare?”
Alexander’s slow-growing smile broke into a full grin that made your stomach dip in the most wonderful way. “I’m sure she must have. But if you were seated where I was in this very moment, I imagine you would find yourself in a similar predicament.” He cleared his throat and clocked the watch on his wrist. “Done soon, kid? Our car is here.”
This would be the first time out with Alexander to an event in over a year and you could not contain the sheer excitement of it if you tried. You were elated to finally place faces and personalities to the names that he had spoken so highly of on so many previous occasions. As the vehicle glided to a halt in front of the theatre, Alexander squeezed your hand three times and exited his side to get the door for you on yours. Following him out into the balmy Los Angeles night, you could not help the nerves that had started to dance around in the pit of your belly as cameras flashed before you. No matter how many premiers, or award ceremonies, or other large-scale events you attended… you would never get used to the attention. After posing for a few photos together, and waiting while he had his own taken separately, you made your way into the brightly lit theatre together. Only once inside the comfort of the building did you allow yourself to take a deep, steadying breath. A massive, gilded clock on the wall above you told you that you were still forty-five minutes until show time, and you stole yourself for a round of inevitable introductions. You chatted warmly for a few minutes with the director of the film before he was pulled away in another direction, as promises of “We must trade stories again later!” reached you from above the buzzing crowd.
“Oh, Alex!” A female voice cried loudly, and you turned just in time to watch a woman you had never met before, wrap her arms around him. This was still normal territory for you; women had done worse things to him in your presence. But then she nuzzled her face into the hollow of his neck and sighed heavily and your cheeks instantly grew warm. While Alexander reciprocated the hug, he was unsure of where to put his hands, so he proceeded to awkwardly pat her back.
“Hello, Gianna.” He greeted her warmly and when she broke away from him, her hazel-brown eyes were alight with an intensity you had come to recognize well. Alexander cleared his throat and gestured to you. “There is someone I’d like you to meet,” He moved away from her to wrap a toned arm around your waist. “Gianna- this is my girl.”
She turned to you, the smile in which she had reserved for Alexander wilted only slightly as she took note of your unassuming figure.
“It’s nice to finally put a face to the name Alex has spoken so highly of these past few months.” You smiled and extended a hand towards her which she accepted begrudgingly.
“Isn’t it just?” She replied drily.
Alexander squeezed your hip reassuringly and jutted his chin out toward the direction of the bar. “Well, I will leave you ladies to it, hm? I think I see Tom at the bar- would you like a drink?”
“Yes, surprise me please. And whatever it is, make it a double.”
Alexander nodded his head and pressed a kiss to your temple before vanishing into the crowd.
Gianna watched him disappear and returned her attention to you, a half-empty martini glass clutched in her hand. “He’s so much sexier in reality, isn’t he?”
“I beg your pardon?” You blanched; eyebrows raised in genuine surprise.
“Alex. It’s really quite overwhelming, isn’t it?”
Suddenly you found yourself in awe of the audacity with which this woman possessed. With her flirtations and her impossibly cool cruelty- and the kicker of it all was that she really was simply stunning; you could not deny her that. Long, glossy brunette hair hung in perfect curls down her bare back, and a subtle accent that either belonged to somewhere in Spain or Italy colored her every word and you could easily see the attraction. You cleared your throat and managed a shrug. “Yes well at home, he’s just Alex. Still does the dishes. Still drools in his sleep occasionally. Rather a little boring, really.”
She levelled her gaze with yours and smiled coldly. “That may be less of his problem, and more of yours, no?” Taking a deep breath, you tried to scan the crowd for him. You finally caught sight of his impending figure at the bar across the room, deep in conversation with an older gentleman. She swilled back the rest of her vodka and smiled at you again. It was a Cheshire cat sort of grin that caused an unpleasant batch of goosebumps to rise in patterns on your arms. “You look like you’d like to leave, and I don't blame you, but before you do, I just have one question.”
“And what’s that?” You murmured, already regretting indulging her.
Gianna leaned close enough to you that you could smell the precise scent of the floral perfume on her dainty neck. “Does he fuck as good as he pretends to?”
You swallowed hard and tried to ignore the way your arm vibrated in subtle anticipation of the smack that you so badly ached to deliver to her perfectly highlighted cheek. “Hm. An interesting question indeed. And unfortunately for you, one you will never get to know the answer to.” You turned on a heel and made your way for the bar, grateful for the thickening crowd and the dimmed lighting. Sidling up next to Alexander with a heavy sigh, you caught the eye of the bartender and waved him over. “A Stoli on the rocks with a twist of lemon, please.” You had already taken your first sip when Alexander turned to you, a small frown in place on his features.
“I hadn't quite had time to order your drink yet.”
You gestured to him with your almost empty glass. “Beat you to it, Skarsgård.”
“So, it seems…” He murmured. “You alright, kid?”
You giggled humorlessly; the memory of your most recent conversation fresh in your mind. “You know… I pride myself on being a generally un-jealous partner,”
“I do know that. It's one of the many, many things that endear you to me.”
You lifted your glass in silent cheers. “But that woman back there? What a cunt.”
Alexander's sparkly blue eyes widened in shock. “Gianna?”
“The very same.”
“What did she do?”
You winced a little as the rest of the alcohol singed the back of your throat like smoke. “It's not so much what she did… but what she said.”
He turned to you fully now, brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear, his gaze intense and utterly penetrating. “Talk to me, tell me what she said.”
You rolled your eyes and gestured with your glass to the bartender for one more. “She carries a torch for you Alex. Badly. And I can handle that…” You shrugged your shoulders. “Lord knows it's just one of the many things I signed up for. But you worked with her side by side for six months. You filmed very… intimate scenes with her. She doesn’t have to reach up on her tiptoes to hug you. I could go on.”
Alexander shook her head. “Kid, she couldn’t hold a candle to you.” He leaned ever closer to you, the heady scent of his cologne caused your mouth to water. “And between you and me, I like that you have to step up onto your tiptoes to hug me.” As he caressed a warm hand to the side of your face, you noticed an imperceptible change in the glimmer of his eyes when he reached for your hand. “Come with me.” His tone left little room for argument, so you downed the rest of your drink in one fell swoop and followed him into the crowd. He wordlessly led you down to a quieter area of the theatre and stopped in front of a women’s washroom. Checking that no one of importance was in sight, he pushed open the door and gestured for you to head in first, which you did. Once inside the privacy of the washroom, Alexander checked each stall to be sure that you were alone. He passed by you moments later to lock the door, an erection growing steadily in the crotch of his pants. Closing the distance to you, he patted the counter twice. “Jump up on here, baby.” Again, you did as you were told. He closed the distance between you, the sheer heat radiating from him caused you to shiver violently. You reached forward to palm the bulge between you, and the urge to have him inside of you was nearly all-consuming. “You feel how hard I am?” He asked, his voice already hoarse. “You can physically feel how badly I want to be inside your pussy right now, hm?” Alexander’s skilled fingers danced teasingly beneath your dress. They moved slowly up your leg, past the rounded curve of your knee, up over the silky softness of your inner thigh. “You know that only you can get me this hard, hm?” His fingers slowed when he realized you had gone panty-less this evening. “Not a single other person can do this to me, baby.” He runs a calloused thumb up over the wetness of your slit, stopping moments later to press firm circles into your clit. “Let’s see how fast I can have you falling apart for me, hm? Gotta be quick, little one.” With no warning, he inserted two thick fingers into your pussy and started pumping at a steady pace, his thumb pressing matching circles into your clit.
“Fuck, Alex…” It had hardly taken a while before he had you seeing stars behind the lids of your closed eyes. You could feel the familiar unraveling of pressure deep in your belly, the telltale signs of an orgasm near completion.
“Oh I know, baby…” Alexander groaned. “I know you’re close. I can feel you clench around my fingers. Now, are you going to come all over those, or are you going to come all over my cock?” You tossed your head back against the mirror with a dull thud, the answer to his question lost to the moan at back of your throat. “I’m just going to decide for you baby, you can’t even form coherent sentences at this point.” He pressed a chaste kiss to the base of your throat and nibbled into the soft flesh there, causing a muted cry to rip from somewhere far away. “Ah, ah, ah… you know the rules.” He whispered sternly. He pulled his fingers from your dripping heat and slid them into his mouth, sucking off everything you had to give him. He then unbuckled his belt and shimmied his boxers halfway down his legs, taking his erect cock into his hands, and jerking if off with the rest of your excess juices. You trembled as he lined himself up against your slick entrance, then wordlessly slid himself in to the hilt. “Christ almighty…” He groaned as he let you adjust to his sheer size. “No one could ever compare to you. Not ever.” You wrapped your legs around his waist as he drew away from you and slammed right back in. “Hold on tight baby, I’m about to wreck this pussy.”
“Oh my god, Alex…” You could feel a scream building at the base of your throat- and he could feel it too because a large hand fixed itself over your mouth as he plowed into you with reckless abandon. The familiar sensation of your approaching orgasm returned, and you could feel yourself clenching around his hard cock. “Alex, I…”
Alexander pressed a finger into your clit as he thrusted into you, the timing and pressure caused lightning bolts of pleasure to explode behind your eyes. “You’re going to come all over this cock right now, aren’t you? Give me a little honey, baby.”
You nodded your head fervently and whimpered loudly as you gave yourself over to the all-encompassing feeling of your orgasm overtaking your body.
“You’re going to take everything I have to give you like a good little girl,” Sweat beaded on his forehead and with a free hand, you reached up to push his sandy hair out of his eyes so that you could get a better look at them when he filled your pussy with his come. His normally bright blue orbs were dark now, his pupils dilated and blown over with unbridled lust.
As he slowed his rhythm down a bit, you could physically feel his cock throb and pulsate inside of you, and you moaned loudly.
He dropped his head to your shoulder and railed into you with such force, you feared momentarily that there might be some damage to the mirror or countertop afterward. “Oh, baby…” His hips stilled against your own and you felt him pour his release into you, the sheer feeling of being filled to the brim with his seed, utterly overwhelming. He waited a few blissful moments before pulling himself from you, and carefully tucked himself back into his boxers. Taking a few deep breaths, you watched him fix his suit so that it looked entirely as if nothing untoward had just taken place at all.
You hopped down from the counter and gestured to a stall. “Going to get fixed up quick. See you back out there in a few minutes?”
Alexander smiled and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “I’ll be waiting for you.”
When you emerged from the safety of the washroom ten minutes later, you were hardly surprised to find that Gianna had managed to seek out Alexander again. Though he had been able to keep his distance this time. Stealing yourself for what was about to happen next, you joined their conversation with a rather shit-eating grin. “Hello again.” You murmured once there was a break in the conversation. Gianna simply ignored you and was poised to ask Alexander another question. You closed the gap between her and gestured to his subtly disheveled figure. “Notice anything different about him? Go on and take a good look,” Gianna’s fiery gaze flashed to his slightly sweaty visage, to the deep breaths he was still taking, and to the afterglow that despite his best efforts, had still managed to set his skin aflame. “You see that don’t you, G? See how utterly fucked out he still looks?” She crossed her arms defiantly across her chest in response, her glittery eyes shooting daggers at you. “He looks that way because he just had his way with me like an absolute champion. And even though it is entirely none of your business, I’ll let you in on a little secret anyway,” You got ever closer to her, the last part barely above an audible whisper. “Alex fucked me so good just now, that I’ll be feeling him between my legs for the next four days, at least.”
Alexander tugged gently at your hand. “We have to find our seats, kid.”
You offered her one last beaming smile. “Have a lovely evening, Gianna.”
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shittylongcatposts · 4 years
Can I request P for the soulmate prompts with Jumin please?
Thank you for the request nonnie and i'm super sorry that it took so long! I gotta say my mind went blank for this one at first, i always ended up having a smol idea but then it vanished into the void again 😿 anyways!
I still hope you enjoy this one :3 (i dunno where this is going as I'm writing it now- surprise! Haha)
Soulmate Au: P - Passing senses (Jumin x Mc)
As long as Jumin could remember he never had any health issues. But a few days ago the teenager started to lose some of his senses on some days and others on another day. One day he woke up and couldn't see a thing, everything was just black and he couldn't even feel anything he touched nor taste his food.
He sat at the doctors office tapping his feet on the ground, waiting for the doctor and his father to come back inside again.
When the doctor finally opened door again, holding it open for Jumins dad he jolted up, an uneasy feeling spreading through his body and he knew something was up.
" What is it, doctor?", He asked, his voice breaking nervously.
"Nothing serious, see, your father and I spoke a lot and we came to the conclusion that you're stuck together with a soulmate. It's really unusual, but some soulmates pass their senses onto each other."
"How is that possible? Am I bound to a person, that can always steal my senses, how rude. I wish to stop this right now, father. How am I going to pass school, if I am not in full control of my body?"
"My son, all you have to do is find your soulmate and you're going to be fine~ Look at your mother and me, we found each other too, we broke up though but thats nothing you have to do with your soulmate..." The Chairman said and patted his sons head, who scoffed while hushing back from the touch of his father.
"yeah like that's how i am going to be happy" Jumin whispered, thinking about his soon stepmother to be who clearly didn't feel a thing for his father, her only interest was the money he had.
A few years later Jumin and his soulmate arranged each other pretty well, splitting up the senses was pretty exhausting but it was a fair thing to do. To him the worst days were the ones where he couldn't see, this black void he was left behind with scared him, and pulled these threads tighter and tighter. His thoughts ran wild and he had no one he could talk to. Not even Jihyun could help him in these moments.
Studying abroad was quite the expiriance for Jumin, he got to talk to a lot of interesting person, some gave him a really good insight of their live, peaking up his interest like Jihyun used to do. And then on one of the last days of his last semester abroad he met Mc.
It was on a party on a day where he couldn't see a thing. One of his fellow students threw a party and invited everybody as it seems. Sadly Jumin had no vision this day, so the massive noise level stressed him out. But then there was one voice that sounded not like the others, it was nice and warm and felt oddly familiar to him. He followed the voice, one hand always running along the walls guiding him towards his goal. Finding the voice.
But it disappeared so suddenly. A little disappointed he leaned himself with the back against the wall, checking the many different voices once more. But it was no where to be... Heard.
"You don't seem to be as drunk as the others." It was her. This voice. Warm, kind, soft. He didn't know if she was talking to him or somebody else though, so he decided not to speak up.
Then he felt somebody poking his shoulder. "Hey, you, I'm talking to you. Don't ignore me"
Jumin turned his head around, hoping it was somewhat pointing in her direction. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were talking to me. No I'm not drinking, I need to find my way back to my dorm later."
"Hmm ... Wait are you... Blind?" The young man heard her sighing even without giving an answer she seemed to know. "I'm sorry, I hope I..."
"it's ok, you don't have to apologize." Jumin cut her off and offered her a weak smile.
After a long pause he wanted to break the ice again and asked for her name. While talking he found out that she couldn't hear and read his lips for the whole time, which was pretty impressive to him, she doesn't seem to have a big problem with it. The evening went on and the more drunk the people around them got, the more uncomfortable the both of them felt.
"Why don't we change our locations? To... Somewhere more peaceful?" Mc suggested and hooked her arm under his own, guiding him towards a small garden area, that seemed to be near by her dorm. " I love it here, it's so peaceful and quiet and on some days, the wind rushing through the leaves sound like waves."
He nodded along, carefully listening into the dark. And then he shook his head in disbelieve.
"Wait, didn't you explain to me earlier that you couldn't hear?"
"Only on some days, it changes day by day." She shrugged it off as if it was so.erhing completely normal and he nodded along.
"Hmm I know that, it changes for me too everyday. Actually you are the first person I met that has the same "problem" as me."
"Is this a soulmate thing for you too?" The young girl asked. Even though he couldn't see her face or anything right now but he could feel her gaze lingering on his features. Oh, How much he wished to see her right now, he was so intrigued by this person that stood right in front of him, how much he wished to take in her features, as she did with him right now.
He felt a strange tension building up in between them and a knot formed on his stomach, leaving an unknown feeling to him. Something he never felt before.
"yes, it is." He finally answered, hearing his own voice breaking.
"Hmm let's see, what kind of senses do you have today?" Mc asked.
"I can hear, and feel today, tomorrow my soulmate allows me to smell, taste and see then."
"that's.. odd" She stuttered, and he felt her shivering. With a quick move he offered her his jacket, thinking it came from the cold wind that came up. "I have those senses right now." She whispered, her voice barely making a sound.
"That... Really is odd." He felt his threads pulling tighter and he gasped for air. His hand grabbed her arm roughly in his panic, his thoughts ran wild again, jumping from thoughts of his parents and his stepmothers. What if she was his soulmate? Why did he have to find her now, right when he was about to go back home.
"Jumin? Are you alright?" His heartbeat slowed down when he felt her habds cupling his face. His skin burning under her touch. No this can't be. How could she calm him down like that?
He felt tears building up in his eyes, streaming down his face and over her hands.
"Stop crying, Jumin, you're safe. Breathe. Slowly." She told him, rubbing his tears away. "It'll be ok, I'm sure of it."
Still sobbing he pulled her into a hug, only now he realized that she had the perfect height for him too, he rested his head on the top of hers, holding on to her tightly.
"i'm here Jumin, my..." He could hear her sniffle into his shirt. Leaving wet spots with her own tears.
"soulmate." He completed her sentence with a sob. Both of them giggled, rubbing their tears away one last time.
Then he placed a kiss on her forehead. "Now that I know who you really are I would never let you go again."
She pulled him down to bring her lips up to his, they were soft and warm. "Do you think we both feel this at the same time one day?" Mc asked curiously.
"I really hope so. Let's find it out together."
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jaalismyhusband · 4 years
Roommates (part 4)
Title: Roommates
Pairings: Bucky x f!reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of stalking (and mentions of rape), explicit language.
Wordcount: 1.4k
Catch up: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Part 4
Even though Bucky has been watching her sleep almost every night, this morning was special. He woke up quite a while ago and had been watching her ever since. She looked peaceful like this, exactly where she belonged – in his arms. Careful not to wake her, he caressed her angelic face.
He was so proud of himself for getting in her bed, even after all they’ve been through. And he would make sure, that he stayed in there. Hence the reason, he didn’t want her to wake up. He was afraid, that she would change her mind and they would go back to being just friends. He was aware, that nothing really happened between the two, but this sure wasn’t just a platonic cuddle, right? At least he hoped so.
He would finally make her his. He didn’t care about the third guy she has mentioned, he would make her fall in love with him, if necessary.
Y/N shifted in her sleep and Bucky growled, as her ass grinded against him for a second. Smiling, she woke up. Immediately, she turned around and snuggled into Bucky’s broad chest, until he thought there wasn’t any space between them anymore.
“I could get used to this,” Bucky said, his morning voice low and raspy.
“I know right? You’re so warm!” Y/N pointed out, her over enthusiastic tone of voice already shining through, making Bucky chuckle.
They spent a few minutes just basking in the morning sun, content in each other’s arms. Until Y/N started poking him, repeating that she’s hungry. With a sigh, he got out from under the warm covers and they headed to the kitchen. Some of the other Avengers were in the area as well. They were eating, conversing or just minding their own business.
Bucky started preparing their breakfast, even when Y/N opposed, saying she’s perfectly capable of making her own food. He had none of that as he told her to sit down and let him pamper her for a day. So, she did.
Pulling out her phone, she hopped on the kitchen counter near Bucky. Her eyes went wide at the amount of missed calls from Jason. He has been calling during the whole night. She must have had her phone set on silent mode.
Her phone rang again. It was none other, than Jason. She showed the screen to Bucky. His face turned into frown as he told her not to answer. She leaned in and touched his forearm, pressing a green button on screen.
“Jason?” She put him on a speaker and Bucky listened intently.
“Yes, it’s me! Y/N, please don’t hang up! I want to apologize to you. Let’s meet. I realize it’s crazy of me to ask you to do this, but just know that I am truly sorry and would like to talk to you. So, that’s why I want to invite you for a coffee or tea, doesn’t matter. We’re going to be in a public place, so you feel safer. Oh gosh, I feel like such an idiot. Meet me in our favourite café in an hour. I’ll be waiting.” And with that, he hung up.
She was so confused. This was not how she imagined the phone call would go. Not knowing what to do, she looked at Bucky, who was tightly gripping a knife, he cut vegetables with.
“Don’t even consider meeting him.” His voice dangerously low, as he ordered. Jaw clenched, brows furrowed, knuckles white – he looked intimidating.
“Why? I mean, he obviously wants to apologize.” She pleaded. Why was she defending him? She always believed in second chances, but Bucky couldn’t let her get hurt by Jason again.
“You’re joking, right? Almost had me.” Bucky chuckled, getting back to cutting the vegetables.
“No, I am quite serious actually. You can’t tell me what to do!” She raised her voice, pulling the attention of other Avengers onto them.
“Fine, but don’t come crying to me, when he tries to rape you again!” He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He looked at her with wide eyes.
“Shit! I’m sorry, princess.” He tried to apologize, but she just stared at him in disbelief, as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She couldn’t believe he would say something like that to her.
Any hope she had for them getting together vanished. Just like that. There was no way in hell, he liked her back after what he just said.
“Don’t apologize. At least now I know, how you really feel. Don’t worry, I won’t be a burden anymore.” She retorted, her voice poisoned by the rush of hatred and disgust. Everyone in the room watched her storm out, then they focused their unwanted attention on Bucky.
“Real classy,” said Steve, as he walked up to him. Bucky just gave others in a room a cold stare and went back to cutting his vegetables. He fucked up.
Y/N got successfully to her room, without spilling any more tears. It was difficult to keep them in, but she decided, that no man is worth it. She had a hard time taking in what a jerk Bucky came out to be. She was head over heels for him and now, she felt nothing. Her heart was worn out. This was a final hit. She swore to herself to not fall for anyone ever again. Sure, she was being dramatic, but it hurt so badly. And to think, she wanted to finally confess to Bucky today! Ridiculous, she thought.
If Bucky doesn’t want her, then she doesn’t want him. Simple as that. Stubborn as she was, she agreed to meet up with Jason. Not because she was interested to fix their relationship, but because she wanted to give him a chance to explain himself. Also, she wanted to piss off Bucky. She checked herself out in the mirror, the outfit she picked made her look hot. So what, that she was about to break up with a guy? It wouldn’t hurt to look good while doing so.
Making sure to avoid Bucky at all cost, she made her way through the Stark Tower and to the café. Jason was already waiting, as he said he would be. Right after noticing her, he motioned for her to come and sit in the opposite chair to him.
“Hi, thanks for coming, Y/N. You look great.” He gave her an awkward smile, as she greeted him back.
Jason knew how Y/N liked getting straight into the core of the problems, so he cut the small talk and began apologizing. He explained to her, that he was frustrated. When she gave him a puzzled look, he smiled bitterly.
“When you’re dating a pretty girl like yourself and she doesn’t want to sleep with you for such a long time, you start to get all kinds of insecure.”
“No, Jason, I assure you, there’s nothing wrong with you.” She said sincerely and squeezed his hand in hers.
“Well, I thought you weren’t interested in me anymore. One time, I even thought you were cheating on me with that Bucky guy.” He chuckled playfully. Y/N laughed.
“Oh no, not a chance me and him are getting together. But I have to be honest with you. When we met, I was in love with him. I think in a way, I still am. That night, when you came up to me, it was like a sign. So, I took my chances and here we are. But know, that you weren’t just a rebound. Because there actually wasn’t anything to forget, other than a stupid crush. Nothing ever happened between us, I swear. I’m sorry for hurting both of us.” She finished her monologue. Jason held both of her hands now.
“What a coincidence.” Jason said, as a confused expression plastered on Y/N’s face. “I was in that bar only because I broke up with my ex earlier that day. We both just wanted to forget and we found comfort in each other for a while. But I think it’s clear that we aren’t meant to be. Still, that doesn’t justify the way I treated you last time we saw each other. I am so sorry. I can’t stress this enough.” He squeezed her hands as a proof, that he meant every word.
They sat there, enjoyed their beverages and talked like old friends. Because that’s what they were from now on. Just someone, they used to know.
“Have a nice life, Jason.” She spoke in his ear, as they hugged goodbye.
“You too. Who knows, maybe someday, we’ll bump into each other.” He responded, giving her a kind smile. She gave him last kiss on a cheek and then they parted their ways.
Part 5
@vicmc624 @ok-but-loki​
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harrypotterimagined · 4 years
Hi! Tbh, i thought you don't write anymore, but i red your writings every day and almost gave up. I hope you're okay with your healthy. Maybe if you will have time you'll write clingy and jealous Cedric Diggory x reader. Although i am just glad you're here (sorry, eng is not my first language)
Hi, this is so nice, thank you so much. I'm happy you like my work 🥺 I'm pretty good! School is still kicking me in the butt!
I don't think this is exactly how you meant it, I hope you still like it!
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You were sitting outside with Cedric and two other friends near the lake. It was always calmer there than just on the grounds. It was a favorite spot of yours, especially during spring time.
Cedric was leaning against a tree, your legs thrown over him as you laughed with your friends. He always loved to see you like that; happy, casual, carefree. When he watched you in that moment, he felt like he'd never been closer to angels.
He smiled as you laughed loudly, leaning back on your hands. "Right, Cedric?"
Hé turned to the friend, unsure of what was being asked. The girl just raised her eyebrows with a little smirk, and Cedric knew he'd been caught.
"Oh, leave him be," you swatted at your friend, though out of her reach, before you turned to him, giving him a smile that could light up even the darkest night. "I think it's cute."
Your friend snorted, making you take your gorgeous eyes off the boy to laugh with them again. He didn't listen to the bickering too much, just marveled in you. He'd never know how he managed to get you.
Then you lifted your legs off his, turning back to him. "Want to go?" You asked, hand reaching for his, making his heart flutter, still. "We can walk a bit and head to the library?"
"Oh, come on," one of your friends laughed loudly. "We all know you won't be studying."
"Well, I'll certainly be getting better at something," you climbed to your feet, one hand still on his, helping him up. You winked when you noticed his slight blush. "I'll see you guys later."
You waved a quick goodbye, lacing your fingers together with Cedrics. "Thanks for hanging with them today," you smiled at him, shoulders brushing every few steps.
"Of course," he said. He would like to say that he would do nothing rather than be with you, but he wasn't certain how to say that. Instead, he gather his courage. "Remember what I said before?"
"Oh, right," you swung your hands a bit, and he didn't need to look at you to know you were smiling. "You wanted to talk. Not a great thing to say to your partner, by the way."
He chuckled, slowing his pace. "Sorry," he looked at you, a smile not faltering as he met your eyes. Merlin, it was so clear to him. It wasn't the way he had wanted to say it, but the way the sun shone down on you, catching the shade of your hair so nicely.
"Why are we stopping?" He hadn't realized he'd stopped walking. The wind picked up, blowing your hair in your face. He reached over, tucking it behind your ear with a gentle smile. His hand came to rest on your cheek, your eyes expectantly. Waiting for a movement or words to spill out.
You looked so amazing, so warm and touchable, he leaned in, catching your lips with his. It was a feeling he would never grow tired of. Your soft skin beneath his fingers, the way your lips moved against his with a softness similar to the duvet after a long day.
As you smiled into the kiss, he broke away, a smile instantly breaking on his face again as he tried to linger in the sweet bliss a moment longer, already longing for your lips once again. "So what did you want to talk about?" You whispered softly.
"I love you," he said softly, without much thinking. He meant it,had never meant anything as much in his life. It had only been two months, but he was certain. He loved you and couldn't keep it in anymore.
He'd been almost certain you felt the same about him. Why else would you look at him like that? Smile at him like that, kiss him like that? But he felt you tense under his touch, smile washing off your face as you stepped back. "You-" he watched you suck in a breath, pulling away from his touch, eyes big. "I- sorry, I'll... I'll see you uhm, later."
You stumbled over the words, eyes darting to the ground, hands running through your hair. Then you walked away, rushing to get away from him.
He started to say something, but what was there even to say? You'd bolted off when he said he loved you, the message was quite clear.
A loud laugh filled the library, your hand smacking Sebastian's arm before anyone could shush him. "Stop laughing you asshole!" You snapped, pulling his sweater in a desperate attempt to shut him up.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, still laughing softly. "Can you just repeat that whole story one more time?"
You groaned, dropping your head to the table. "It's not funny!" You muttered. Merlin, you'd been so stupid. Why did you have to run off? Great job at being a good partner and person. Who does that? "I don't know what to do."
Maybe it was the desperation in your voice, but Sebastian pulled himself together, grabbing your wrist and pulling your head up. "Babe," he said with a smile, cheeks still shining from the tears of laughter. "You fucked up, but it's nothing we can't fix. Why did you run?"
You closed your eyes, sighing deeply. It made no sense. Everyone wanted to be with Cedric. You could name four people in the library that had a crush on the boy, and there he'd been, confessing he loved you of all people and..." I don't think I love him."
"Oh, y/n, that is more serious than I thought," the last amusement of Sebastian face vanished. "You want to break up with him?"
Your mouth dropped open, quickly shaking your head. "No! I care for him a lot, I want him to be my boyfriend, I just... It's not even been two months. How do I even know I love him?"
"I don't know," the boy admitted. "I guess it's just something you know. Haven't you read books that explain it?"
You propped your elbow up on the table, resting your head in your palm. It was all so... Complicated. You got butterflies when he kissed you, you wanted to be with him anytime you could, but was that love? You didn't look at him like he seemed to look at you. You don't even know if you love him, while he had been so certain. "I don't want to break up with him," you said. "I really don't. I just... It's too soon."
"Alright, then you should tell him that. It's better than running off, and he'll understand. Just... Say what you said to me but more considerate."
You chuckled, raising your eyebrows at your friend. "You don't think I'm considerate?"
"You could use some work."
You kicked him under the table, not to hard, and he laughed, pulling your arm from under your head. "You're an ass," you sighed, closing the book you hadn't read a word off. "Thank you."
The boy stood, wrapping you in a hug. "Yeah, you owe me big time."
At the words, you poked his side, causing him to laugh once more. He got shushed instantly this time, pulling himself free from your grip. "I'm gonna look for him," you grabbed the book, tucking it under your arm. "Talk to you tomorrow?"
Without waiting for an answer, you rushed out the library, hoping to catch Cedric before his next class.
Charms had always been a favorite class of his. He liked Mr. Flitwick, who seemed to like the boy as well. To this particular class, he'd been looking forwards for two weeks, but all he could think about was you wrapped up in Sebastian's arms before he laughed loudly. He would never forget how you looked at the laughing boy. It couldn't be much different than how you looked at him.
He'd thought vetter of you. Such a beautiful soul, a bright mind, and a heart to match. But there you were, in some lovers quirrel moments after you'd rushed away from his words. You certainly didn't seem afraid of the love Sebastián threw at you.
Maybe he'd read it all wrong, maybe you'd been looking for a moment to break up with him so you could be with Sebastián, you so called best friend.
Conveniently enough, Cedric didn't actually know the other guy. You never asked him to come hang out, he'd maybe spoken to him three times. We're you actually hiding a second lover?
"Mr Diggory," Flitwick said, Cedric's eyes flicking up again. "Please pay attention."
He nodded, eyes remaining on the professor while Mike next to him elbowed his side. "Thinking about your lover, Mr. Diggory?" He mocked. "What's it this time, their eyes? Their bum?"
Any other day he would have laughed about it. But not that day. "Shut up, Mike," he mumbled, scribbling down something from the board without paying much attention. He hated the grip you had on him.
After class, he wasn't in a mood to do anything, thiugh he'd agreed to help a friend with homework. He was thinking about canceling that when he say you pacing outside the classroom. Despite what happened, he couldn't help but admire your beauty for a moment. He was smitten, and it was proving to be a problem.
"Cedric," if he hadn't been looking at you, it might have gone lost in the noise of the crowd. You spoke it like it was a confession, eyes sorrowful. "Can we talk?"
He almost said yes. He would give you everything in the world, if only you kept looking at him like that. But then the image of you wrapped up in Sebastián arms rose again. The times you told him not to worry about the boy. "I'm busy," he said, a sharp edge to his voice he loathed. "I'm helping a friend with transfiguration."
He tried to move away from you, but you took a few steps, hand wrapped around his arm ever so softly. If he hadn't wanted to stop, he wouldn't have felt it. "Please, Cédric. Just a moment. I'm just... I'm really sorry."
He shook his head, scoffed and turned back to you. "Well, it certainly didn't look like that."
"What?" You said softly, never the best at reacting to a sharp tone. He regretted it instantly, and knew he couldn't talk about it to you. "I- what do you mean? I just want to say I didn't mean to-"
But he couldn't listen anymore. He knew he'd forgive you in an instand, and the lingering tightness in his chest would remain there. So he took off, leaving you stunned and behind, something he'd apologize for later. He needed to go to the library. Or where ever Sebastián liked to hang out.
Cedric seemed to be avoiding you. While you didn't blame him, it was hard to apologize when he didn't want to talk to you. The last thing you wanted was for the two of you to break up just because you did something stupid.
More than anything, you wanted you could say you loved him too and made a mistake, but you just couldn't lie to him. Not about that, not when you might mean it in a few weeks.
So, since Cedric wasn't spezking to you, and you were certain Sofia would laugh at you, you stuck by Sebastian.
"Yeah, the weirdest thing happened the other day," he said as you were sitting on the grass,, mostly because you needed a distraction. "Cedric rushed in the library, he looked at me and then just... Went away again."
"Doubt it has anything to do with you," you said with a smile. "You're imagining things."
The boy scoffed, laying down in the grass, the sun warming your skin. "Oh sure, all he does is because of you,"
"That's not weird! We're dating and we have a... Thing now." there was no other way to describe it. It wasn't really arguing when you didn't speak.
Sebastian rolled on his side, head propped on his hand. "Just talk to him, y/n."
"He is the one avoiding me," you reminded him, leaning forwards to pluck grass out of his curls. "I mean I get it. But he was always so kind, even when we argued. He was the reasonable one, you know. I'm not sure what I need to do now."
"Well, here's your chance," his eyes darted over your shoulder. "He's right there."
You turned around, the sight of him almost making you smile before you remembered that he might not talk to you. But he did move to you, making you anxious.
"Can we talk?" He asked, eyes darting between you and Sebastian.
"Yeah," you said quickly, pushing yourself up. "Of course. Let's go over there,"
You were prepared for the worse, or so you had thought. He would break up with you and you'd be heartbroken. But the Silence stretched as you leaned against the walls of Hogwarts, nervous to meet his eyes. "So..." you began softly, lip tugged between your teeth.
"You went to Sebastian?" He said softly, not entirely calm. "Did I mean that little to you?"
Your eyebrows knitted together. "Of course I went to him, he's my best friend. Who else would I ask for advice?"
"Didn't realize asking advice meant for you to play with his hair," and it was then that you realized he was jealous. Considering everything... You guessed it made sense.
Licking your lips, you took a leap of faith and stepped a little closer, hand moving to his. He didn't pull away. "There's nothing between me and him, I freaked out a bit when you said... You know. Not because I didn't like it or because I didn't feel the same, but... It's complicated."
"You could have said something instead of running off," he sounded calmer and you smiled slightly. "Complicated how?"
"I care for you, I really do," you whispered, stepping a bit closer. "I just... I don't want to say that I love you before I'm really sure. I don't want to lie, but you mea' so much to me, I don't want to lose you because of something stupid I did."
Cedric took a deep breath. You hated that your words probably hurt him. "You sure are honorful," he then said, smiling slightly. "I understand. It is a bit early."
A huge weight had been lifted off your chest as you nodded once. You'd be okay. He didn't hate you. "Can I kiss you?" You whispered, wishing it was all perfect again, though it would take a bit of work
As an answer, he leaned in, lips touching in a way that made your knees go weak. It wasn't hard to imagine yourself loving him. Cedric was a good man, and you were so lucky he loved you.
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worryinglyinnocent · 3 years
Fic: Not Quite Right
Summary: Edward and Alphonse Elric succeed in achieving the impossible, committing the ultimate taboo to bring their mother back via human transmutation. Trisha Elric is returned to life, and everything seems to be well in their world. 
It’s subtle at first. The faint smell of decay that hangs around the house. Trisha looking a little bit pale and blue-tinged. The fact she sometimes blacks out and can’t remember what happened or why she’s woken up with the taste of blood in her mouth. 
As much as they try to hide it, they can’t deny that Trisha has come back just a little bit… wrong. 
Written for the WriYe Zombie July challenge.
Rated: M
Content Warning: Mild gore and body horror. Zombies. 
Not Quite Right
Trisha isn’t quite sure what’s going on. All she knows is that something isn’t quite right. She had been in a nice place: a nice, calm, peaceful place where she could wait for Van to eventually join her. She was warm and comfortable, and she wasn’t in any pain. She had been quite happy where she was. 
Then there had been a searing flash of light, and now Trisha doesn’t know where she is, but everything hurts and everything’s cold and everything’s hard, and something really isn’t quite right. 
That’s Ed’s voice. Why is Ed here? Ed shouldn’t be here, it’s far too soon for Ed to be here. What’s happened?
“Mom! Wake up!”
That’s Al’s voice. Al shouldn’t be here either. 
I can’t wake up, darlings. I’m dead. I’ve been dead for years now. I’ve moved on. What are you doing here?
Trisha opens her eyes to darkness and cold and a dull ache spreading through every limb. It almost feels like she’s never used her body before. 
Ed and Al’s voices are no longer so far away. They’re right beside her, and their arms around her are almost scalding in their heat. 
“Ed? Al? What’s going on?”
“It worked! We brought you back!”
Trisha’s eyes get used to the darkness and she realises where she is. She’s in the basement, where Van used to store all of the junk he’d accumulated over his long, long life. The suit of armour is still standing stoic in the corner, watching over them as the boys cling to her for dear life. It’s freezing down here, and Trisha’s not wearing anything, but the boys have wrapped her in a blanket. 
She was dead. She was very definitely dead. 
She looks around at the chalk on the floor, the remains of the intricate transmutation circle that they are all in the middle of. 
“Oh boys… What did you do?”
Trisha is no expert when it comes to alchemy, but she knows that human transmutation is the one thing that they should never attempt, the one taboo that they should never break. Even Van, with his vast, unknowable skill in it, would never try this. The cost, the equivalent exchange… Trisha dreads to think what would have happened if something had gone wrong and there had been a rebound. 
She pushes it to the back of her mind as Ed and Al help her off the floor. She’s back. It’s been a long time; she can see how much the boys have grown and she wonders just how much time has passed, but it doesn’t matter. She has a second chance now. She can keep her promise to Van, and more importantly, more immediately, she has more time with her precious babies. 
Something still doesn’t feel quite right, but she chooses not to dwell on it too much as the feeling of ravenous hunger starts to overwhelm everything else. 
It quickly becomes clear that when they decided to bring Mom back, they really didn’t think through all of the implications that doing so would bring if they were successful. 
Human transmutation is forbidden, and they said that they would keep it their secret. The trouble is, they can’t exactly keep Mom a secret now that she’s back. If it had only been a couple of weeks, perhaps, but it’s been six years since she died. She was buried, people came to her funeral, her death is registered at the registry in Resembool and copied down on record in Eastern City. 
Her suddenly appearing in the world again is going to raise a few questions. Still, it’s nothing that Ed can’t handle. They live far enough away from the village that they’re not likely to get people finding her in passing, and all they have to do is make sure she doesn’t leave the house. Mom understands implicitly without questioning them. She knows as well as they do that what they have done is forbidden, but she doesn’t chastise them for it. She’s grateful to be back with them. 
Pinako sums it up best when she comes over to check on them like she always does, regular as clockwork, and although Ed does his best to head her off at the pass with hasty excuses of ‘we’re fine, we’re fine, there’s no need to worry’, he knows that’s the worst way of making someone not worry ever, and Pinako simply sidesteps past him on the lane and continues to march up the path and into the house. Ed rushes after her, and she stops in the doorway of the kitchen, looking at Trisha. 
“Hello, Pinako.”
“Oh boys,” Pinako says softly. “Oh, what have you done, you idiots?”
Still, she doesn’t shout at them. Pinako’s never been shy of telling them exactly what she thinks of all their madcap schemes whenever they have them, but she doesn’t tell them off for this. This is something so big, and something that’s done and over and can’t and won’t be repeated. There’s no point in it. They just have to live with it now, and so Pinako and Winry are let in on their massive secret, and work to help keep it as secret as possible. 
The other problem that Ed cannot deny is that despite their best efforts, it’s clear that something must have gone wrong during the transmutation. He knows that Al can see it too. There’s something about Mom that’s just not quite right. Her skin is always so very cold, as cold as it was when she was dying, and she always exclaims that they are very hot to the touch. It’s a cruel irony in a way. They brought her back because they wanted to hug her again and feel her arms around them, but it’s not the same as it was before, not when she’s so horribly, deathly cold. 
Then there’s the strange smell. It’s almost like decay, the faint odour of rot that permeates the house now. Ed knows that they built Mom a brand new body, transmuting it from base chemicals. This isn’t her original body rotting under the ground in the cemetery, so why is that smell hanging around? 
The final clue that something went wrong is the moments where Mom isn’t really… Mom. She’ll just vanish, her eyes going blank as if there’s no soul behind them. It’s frightening. 
It’s only a couple of weeks after they first get Mom back that it happens, the irrefutable proof that there’s a part of her that isn’t really Mom anymore. Farmer Anderson, whose fields back onto the Elric land, comes over first thing in the morning asking if they heard anything last night because two of his sheep were attacked and killed in the night, by something with too much strength to be a stray dog. 
Perplexed, Ed disclaims all knowledge, but then Al is shouting for him from the basement and he has to rush away.
Mom is in the basement with Al. She’s covered in blood and tufts of wool, and the horror in her eyes is heartbreaking. 
“Boys, what’s happening to me?”
“I’m sorry, Mom.” Ed hugs her. “I’m sorry. We brought you back wrong.”
“It’s ok. It’s ok, my darlings. I’m just scared that I’ll hurt you two.”
Ed thinks of those moments where she’s blank and not there, and suddenly, he’s scared too. He pulls his mind away from those thoughts. 
“You won’t,” he says decisively. “We’ll make sure you won’t.”
It’s a very strange routine that they settle into after that, but it’s a routine nonetheless. 
Mom’s ‘episodes’, as Ed euphemistically refers to them, eventually start to become more frequent, and Al dreads to think how many of Farmer Anderson’s sheep have been sacrificed to Mom’s inhuman hunger. She never hurts them, perhaps she retains enough of herself in her primal state to recognise them even when she’s not all there, but it’s been touch and go with her trying to attack Pinako sometimes, to the point where she apologetically forbids Winry from coming over to the Elric house anymore, just in case. 
The smell of decay is a constant presence in the house now, so much so that Al no longer notices it, and it’s only when he finds Mom in the kitchen staring down at the two rotten fingers that have just fallen off her hand that he realises what it really means. 
Still, they’re able to fix her up with medical alchemy whenever bits of her do start to die off, and life continues as it did before. For the most part, they’re content. Mom is herself for most of the time, even if she is cold and decaying slightly, and they can handle her when she’s not herself. She generally knows when she’s ‘fading out’ as she calls it, with about thirty seconds’ warning, and as much as it breaks his heart to do it, Al locks her in the closet under the stairs until she’s back to normal. 
One evening, when Mom is sleeping off one of her raging, inhuman hunger fits, Al voices a thought to Ed. It’s four years since that fateful day when they brought her back, and the question has been eating at him for all that time. 
“Ed… Do you think we did the right thing?”
For a long time, Ed just stares into the middle distance.
“I don’t know,” he admits eventually. “I really don’t know.”
It’s a perfectly ordinary day when Trisha sees an extraordinary sight out of the kitchen window where she’s washing the dishes.
“What?” Ed startles up out of his seat and rushes over to the window, but Trisha ignores Al and Pinako telling her to stay where she is, and she rushes out of the kitchen, throwing the front door open and hurrying down the path towards Van. He asked her to wait, and wait she did. Not even death could stop her. 
Ok, it stopped her for a while, and she’s still not quite right, but she’s here, and he’s here, and everything’s going to be ok now. 
Van was never much of a smiler, but he’s positively grinning as he puts his suitcase down and opens his arms for her.
He’s so warm, hotter than everyone else is to the point where holding him is almost uncomfortable, but Trisha doesn’t want to let go of him. He’s back, despite everyone’s cynicism. He’s back at last.
“Trisha, you’re freezing. Are you all right?”
She nods against his neck. “I’m fine. I’ll be fine now you’re here.”
“Are you sure?” He pulls back a fraction, his brow furrowed, golden eyes worried behind his glasses. “Trisha, something’s wrong, sweetheart, what is it?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Trisha says firmly, but she can tell from the little wrinkle of his nose that he’s caught the smell of decay that follows her around almost constantly now. 
Speaking of smells though… Did Van always smell this good? On the face of it, Trisha knows that he shouldn’t smell good. She can smell the travel on him, smell that he hasn’t bathed for a few days. But there’s something else. Something wholly delicious. She cuddles in close again, breathing him in, and he strokes her hair. 
“Oh Trisha,” he whispers. “What happened to you?”
He smells so, so good…
“What. Did. You. Do.”
Al never thought that he would ever be in this situation, but then again, it’s a very specific situation so he thinks he can be forgiven for not being prepared. It’s not every day you have to pull your resurrected mother off your ten-years-vanished-and-only-just-returned father when she tries to tear his throat out with her teeth because she’s peckish and only living flesh will do, and now you’re watching your extremely angry father and even angrier brother have an argument whilst standing guard outside the cupboard that your mother is locked in. 
And that’s not even taking into account the fact that the weird stories your mother’s been telling you about your father being a living Philosopher’s Stone and functionally immortal are all true, because despite the blood soaking the front of his shirt, Dad is completely fine for having a large chunk of his neck taken out. 
“We did what we had to do!” Ed yells. “Mom died! She was dead, and you were who knows where, so we did what any half-orphaned, half-abandoned kids would do and we brought her back!”
“There’s a reason it’s forbidden, Edward.”
“Well, maybe if you’d been here, you could have told us that at the time! You left us alone! You have no right to lecture us about breaking the taboo! You do not have the moral high ground here!”
Dad doesn’t reply for a long time. 
“I’m sorry,” he says eventually, and Ed actually takes a step back in surprise, having been ready to launch into another tirade and clearly not expecting the apology. “I’m sorry that you were alone for so long and that this was the only solace you had, and I’m sorry that Trisha never got the chance to tell you what was going on and why I left before she died. I can’t change what’s done, but perhaps I can try to begin making things better now.”
Ed is breathing heavily, about to explode from the emotion, and since Mom is quiet in the cupboard now, Al chances to take a couple of steps forward to get between the two of them in case Ed decides to just resort to punching Dad in the face, which Al is pretty sure he would have done already if it wasn’t for the ravenous Mom and profuse bleeding and alchemical healing going on before he had the chance. 
“We don’t need your help,” Ed growls eventually, hands balled up into fists but showing no signs of actually swinging. “We got on perfectly fine without you for ten years, so just go back wherever you’ve been hiding and don’t bother us again.”
“No, you probably don’t need me,” Dad agrees quietly. “I know I don’t have much right to try and insert myself back into your lives as if I’d never left. I don’t expect to. But it’s not just you two. I came back for Trisha as well.”
They’ve been talking about her as if she’s not there, but she’s only a few steps away behind the cupboard door, and Al can see the guilt in Ed’s eyes as he glances over. They can’t leave Mom out of this. They’ve had to make a lot of decisions on her behalf over the last few years, but this isn’t one of them. Mom has always believed in Dad. She’s always waited for him and she’s always known that he was coming back, and in the end, he kept that promise to her. It took a long time, but he did come back, just as he told her he would. 
And as much as they have always tried to deny it and pretend that everything’s good, because a not-quite-right Mom was better than no Mom at all, the fact remains that when they brought Mom back, they brought her back wrong, and maybe Dad, with his centuries of knowledge and Philosopher’s Stone’s worth of power, can make her right again. 
“Her soul hasn’t bound to her body properly. That’s what’s making her black out and resort to a primal state, and it’s why her body is rotting. The body will decay without a soul in it. Her soul is still partially trapped beyond the gate, and it’s trying to get back there.”
Mom is tucked up in bed, still asleep from her last episode. Hohenheim has just fixed up the latest patch of decay on her chest. 
Ed notes the lack of blame in Hohenheim’s words. It would have been easy for him to say you didn’t bind her soul properly, but he doesn’t. 
“Can we fix it?” Al asks. 
“No.” The single word is sharp and blunt. “No. There’s nothing you and Ed can do. There’s a huge price to pay. The equivalent exchange for a human life is too much for either of you to bear and I won’t lose you. I can try and fix it.”
“What do you mean, try?�� Ed hates how small and young his voice sounds. “Can you fix it or not?”
Hohenheim dodges the question. “When you first brought her back, what did you use for the exchange?”
Ed reels off the chemical components of the human body; he’s had them down rote for years now.
“And a drop of blood from both of us to anchor the soul,” Al adds once he’s done. 
Hohenheim nods, his eyes still on Mom. 
“It wasn’t enough,” he says. “Human transmutation requires a much greater sacrifice. A life for a life, a soul for a soul. Sometimes more than that. Often, not even that is enough and the transmutation will fail no matter what is sacrificed.”
Having heard the story of his immortality now, Ed has to give him that, and not even grudgingly. All things considered, he and Al got off extremely lightly, and the guilt that Mom is suffering now as a result eats away at him a little bit more.
“Can you fix it?” he asks again. 
“I can try. I should be able to provide the exchange with the souls, and they’re willing to make that sacrifice for Trisha.” He smiles. “They always loved her. She won them all over in the end.”
“But…” Ed prompts. That makes it sound way too easy. 
“But ultimately, it’s up to Trisha whether her soul returns or stays beyond the gate. You can’t force someone to come back to life if they don’t want to.”
Ed hadn’t thought about it like that. He had always assumed that Mom would want to come back. She died before her time and now they’ve given her more time with her family, they’ve allowed her to be there for when Hohenheim got back, just as she promised she would be. But then again, he’s never thought about what happens after death, beyond the gate as Hohenheim called it. Her soul had been somewhere, and if all the accounts of heaven and the afterlife are to be believed, then it was a nice, peaceful place that perhaps she might not have wanted to leave after all. 
He doesn’t want to think about it. 
Trisha can taste blood in her mouth again when she wakes up. The boys are always so good about cleaning her up when she has one of her episodes, but they can’t really brush her teeth easily when she’s out of it. 
“Hey, Trisha.” 
A gentle hand strokes her hair and she looks to the side to see Van lying on the bed beside her. 
“Did I hurt you?”
Van shakes his head. “No damage done.” He presses a kiss to her forehead and Trisha is reminded once again of the blood in her mouth, getting up to brush her teeth. She looks at herself in the mirror above the sink, taking in her blue-ish tinted skin and lips, and her eyes several shades darker than they always used to be back when she’d been alive the first time. She’s amazed that Van can even recognise her now, but he’s still looking at her as if she’s the sun and the moon and the stars all rolled into one. He doesn’t care that she’s a little bit wrong, but at the same time, it breaks her heart just a bit. 
She returns to the bedroom, hovering in the doorway. 
“I’m sorry I’m not… fully me. I wanted to be here when you got back, but I don’t think that all of me is here.”
“I know.” Van comes over and takes her in his arms, and Trisha wishes she could stay there forever and not have to worry about anything else. “I know. I think I can make you whole again. I think I know how to give you the chance to fix yourself.”
Trisha nods. “Thank you.” There’s a long pause. “You’re going to use the souls, aren’t you?”
“Yes. They’ve talked it through. They’re happy to help make you whole.”
“Thank you.” She whispers against his chest, hoping that the souls can hear her. “Thank you, all of you.”
“They say you’re welcome.”
Trisha closes her eyes, trying to lose herself in his embrace. 
“Will it hurt?”
“No, my love. I promise.” He holds her a little tighter before letting go. “Come on. Let’s get you fixed.”
Van takes her down into the basement. The boys are there too, drawing out a complex circle on the floor in chalk. Trisha shivers. She doesn’t like it down here, it brings back too many bad memories of waking up after a black out episode with no memory of what she did or who she might have hurt, the taste of blood in her mouth making her feel sick. Nonetheless, she accepts that what Van is about to do is not something that should be done anywhere that people might witness it by accident. 
Van gives the circle a onceover and proclaims it perfect with soft pride in his voice. Trisha knows that human transmutation is the one thing he would never do, and whilst he might be mad at the boys for doing what they did, he can’t help but admire their craftsmanship when they did it.
She steps into the centre of the circle with him.
“Van, I’m scared.”
“It’s ok, love. I’m right here. It’ll all be ok.”
He takes her in his arms and she closes her eyes, burying her face in against his shoulder. Even then, she can still see the flash of red alchemic lightning race around the edge of the circle. 
Everything is bright white and jumbled, her mind feeling like it’s tearing itself apart and putting itself back together again over and over at the speed of light. It doesn’t hurt, just as Van promised, but it’s disorientating and frightening and it makes her feel dizzy. She can still feel Van’s arms around her but she feels totally alone and adrift at the same time. 
Finally the sensation stops. Everything is still bright white, but Van is definitely real and solid and her mind has reordered itself again. 
Trisha chances to open her eyes. Everything is very white, apart from the ominous looming gate floating in front of them. 
Although she doesn’t remember ever seeing it before, Trisha knows that she’s been here before. She’s been beyond that gate. She remembers that nebulous time before the boys brought her back. It was calm, and warm, and peaceful, and she was enjoying it. She didn’t have to worry about anything. She could just wait for Van and the boys to join her, however long that took, and she knew that everything would be all right in the end. 
Trisha is incredibly grateful for the extra time she’s had with her sons but now that she’s back here, within touching distance of that wonderfully peaceful afterlife with nothing to worry about, she realises just how much she missed it. 
“Trisha. You’re back again already? And you too, Hohenheim. We didn’t really get a chance to speak the last time you were here. You were screaming a bit too much.”
Trisha turns to the source of the voice. It’s just an outline, a silhouette, strange and amorphous and shifting, sometimes appearing female, sometimes male, mirroring first her and then Van as if it can’t make its mind up. 
“I’ve come to pay the toll for Trisha’s soul,” Van says levelly. 
“Of course, the living Philosopher’s Stone.” The outline smiles, unnerving teeth in the middle of a featureless face. “Well, if you’re willing to sacrifice those souls, I’ll take them. It’s not your choice to make though. It’s Trisha’s soul you want to anchor, after all.”
The thing turns to Trisha. 
“It’s up to you. Where would you like to stay?”
The lightning is still blazing around the circle, the powerful red lightning of a Philosopher’s Stone, something unlike Ed and Al have ever seen, and Al is starting to get just a little bit worried. It didn’t take this long when they brought Mom back the first time. It feels like Mom and Dad have been gone forever. He looks over at Ed.
“Something’s wrong. It’s taking too long.”
Ed shakes his head, but his expression looks just as worried as Al feels.
“It’ll be ok. Mom has to make the decision after all. It’s a pretty big one.”
Al supposes he has to accept that, but at the same time, he can’t help wondering what will happen if Mom decides not to come back. 
She’s always been happy to be back with them, to have more time with them and the potential for more time with Dad. But Al can’t deny that her second life hasn’t been easy for any of them, and even if she comes back complete with her soul fully bonded and she won’t be affected by her primal hunger anymore, it’s still not going to be easy. It’s still not going to be much of a life, stuck in the house all day because no one else can know what they did. And what if Dad’s internal Stone doesn’t have enough power to bring her back after all? What if they lose both of them?
Suddenly, the alchemic light is gone, the electric lightbulb is blown out from the power, and Al can’t see a thing. He hears a rather ominous thud though. 
“Mom? Dad?” 
“Hey Mom.” 
Ed pats her headstone and sets the flowers down in front of it. It took him a long time to come to terms with what happened and to accept her decision. He still remembers the flood of bitter recriminations that had come out of his mouth when they’d realised that Dad had come back from the gate without Mom, and he remembers Dad not taking any of it in because he’d only had Mom back for a few hours before he lost her again.
“She said that she was sorry not to come back and have more time with you, but that this is the best way for everyone. She wants you to be able to move on from it all. She’ll see us all when we get there. She loves you both so much. So, so much.”
“We’re ok.” He settles on the ground in front of the stone. “Dad and his motley crew of tame alchemists managed to save the world. I like to think they couldn’t have done it without us though.” In the back of his mind, he hears Mom’s laughter. “And we think he’s mortal again; he’s started going grey. We don’t know if he’s actually noticed that or not.”
There’s a long pause. 
“I understand why you did it,” Ed says eventually. “I didn’t, for a long time. I was so angry. I thought that you’d abandoned us like Dad did. Except that was more complicated than we always thought, and I know that your choice was more complicated too. You would always have been a reminder that we broke the taboo, and even though I know you never complained about it, I know it must have been hard for you to have to be kept secret all the time. None of us had any idea if it would have worked properly.  It wasn’t worth that risk. It wasn’t worth that pain. I’m sure that you’re happy wherever you are.”
He gives the stone a final pat. “I love you, Mom.”
In the quiet peace beyond the gate, Trisha Elric smiles.
“I love you too, Ed.”
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In Love and Death. Part 7
Harry Potter AU 
Link to chapter 6
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader. Implied Harry Potter x Reader 
Rating: M-minor smut
Nice summer heat…
You thought with a smile before running a hand through your sun-drenched hair. Several months had passed with no mentions of Evan. It seemed as if your father had dropped off of the earth. This led to your current situation. You lay back on a beach chair with Regulus beside you. The two of you had snuck off to the Canary Islands for a “break.”
This was the time to go and do it. Tonks was due in a few short weeks and that “crazy” would keep you busy for a while. Moody and Remus thought that it was a little reckless to go sneaking off alone to screw each other on a beach (Moody’s words). Remus suggested taking someone with the two of you but Regulus immediately shot that down.
“I am not taking someone to come watch us, you weirdo.”
Regulus muttered when Madeye suggested it. Moody was genuinely confused as to why it was such a problem to take someone else along. He even suggested Sirius, who automatically shook his head.
“I am NOT about to spend a week of my time watching them hook up multiple times a day. I already have front row seats to the Regulus and Y/n snog fest. I do not want to see more. I already hear how talented Regulus is with his pretty little mouth. You know, I am stopping this conversation”
You giggled at the thought of the way that Regulus was glaring at his brother over that comment.
Regulus questioned. His eyes were blocked by black sunglasses as he turned to you. You turned on your side to run your finger down his chest.
“Just thinking about you calling Madeye a weirdo and Sirius being...himself.”
Regulus scoffed.
“I am not about to have some twat come watch us on our private vacation. I could get used to this, you know.”
You had to agree. Sure, it wasn’t possible for the two of you two be alone in some warmed climate vacation spot forever. Both of you were needed much back home to think of selfish wants.
Regulus questioned. He knew that frown well. You were considering his words too closely. He waited a few seconds before reaching out and pulling your body on top of his.
You immediately smiled and leaned down for a kiss.
“This bikini has been teasing me from the moment that you put it on.”
You reached down and gently took Regulus’ sunglasses off to look into the eyes that you loved so much.
“Are you going to do something about it, beautiful boy?”
Regulus slipped his hand between your bodies to push your bikini bottom out of his way. You gasped the moment his index and middle finger slipped inside of you. Regulus sat up enough for you to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“That's it, baby. Moan for me.”
“Reggie, there are people nearby. They’ll hear.”
Regulus gave you a smirk before curling his fingers. You moaned a little louder. Regulus gently pulled your bottom lip into his mouth as his phone began to ring.
“Damn it!”
Regulus cursed as he quickly fixed your bikini back and reached around for his cell phone. He frowned seeing Sirius’ name.
“Fucking Sirius. I swear he acts worse than a 40-year-old housewife with nothing to do.”
You giggled as he answered. Reaching down you stroked your hand over the bulge in his shorts as Regulus listened to whatever Sirius was saying. Regulus reached down and took your hand in his as his erection started to quickly vanish.
“We’ll be there soon.”
Regulus ended the call before focusing on your confused expression. He understood. You were curious as to why he shoved you away. Regulus never shoved your hands away from him.
“We have to get back. Tonks had the baby.”
Your mouth dropped as you quickly pulled on the loose maxi dress that had been thrown on the ground.
“Why did they just call us? Did all three of them forget how to work a phone?”
Regulus had pulled on his black dress pants and a matching shirt. He was not about to show up to a hospital half-naked.
“I am slightly thankful that they didn’t call. I didn’t want to witness that.”
Regulus didn’t give you time to object before wrapping his arms around you to apparate to the hospital.
Seconds later, Regulus was practically running after you into the hospital. You were on a mission and wasn’t about to slow down. Tonks was your best friend and she needed you! It wasn’t until Remus stepped out of the hospital room did you stop. He smiled.
“Everything is fine.”
“Fine? Did you forget how to work a phone?”
Remus chuckled as he hugged you.
“Things happened rather quickly. You can come in a minute. They are getting things settled. I’m going to get some tea. Sirius is in the waiting room trying to calm himself down. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are in there too.”
You were thrilled to hear that your school friends were in the same building as you. It had been a good bit since you had seen Harry. Despite being in rivaling houses, you had always liked Harry, Ron, and Hermione. There was the little voice in your head that said Harry had always liked you a little more than he let on but was too polite or too scared to say it.
Meanwhile, in the waiting room…
Harry sat beside Sirius, who still hadn’t said more than three words. He kept glancing between his godfather and the doorway. Remus said that you were on his way and Harry was eagerly waiting. He had wanted to see you for some time. Since you had gotten your job as an auror, you weren’t as available to your friends as you once were. The last time that he had actually spoken with you was before you left for a mission in Greece.
He regretted not talking to you sooner. Maybe it was his confusion over who he liked more Cho or you. Being a teenage boy and having two girls that he liked was hard.
The moment that you walked around the corner, Harry was on his feet. You smiled immediately.
“Hi, Harry.”
You said cheerfully before he pulled you into a hug.
“It's good to see you! I haven’t talked to you in ages.”
Harry replied. He was the first to pull away before looking at you. You had, if possible, gotten prettier. What stopped Harry’s attention was a healing love bite. Harry frowned. The last he heard, you were single. Just who were you dating?”
You let go of Harry before turning to hug Hermione and Ron. Harry didn’t have to say anything for Hermione and Ron to see the disappointment on their best friend’s face. It didn’t help that Harry had commented on how he was going to tell you how he felt about you. Now that was shot to hell.
When you stepped backward and wrapped your hand through Regulus’, Harry’s frown intensified.
“This is my boyfriend, Regulus.”
Harry blinked a few times.
“I thought you were dead.”
Regulus shrugged.
“Yeah, other things happened.”
Regulus turned his attention back to Sirius. His brother was pale as a ghost as Regulus fought a laugh. Why Sirius’ current state was so funny...he had no idea.
“Sirius, are you okay?”
Sirius shook his head.
“I saw things that I never want to see again.”
Regulus turned his attention back to you before motioning to a chair. You quickly sat down on Regulus’ lap enjoying what was left of your closeness. Regulus, who had picked up on Harry’s annoyance, decided to play into the other boy’s jealousy. He knew that he had nothing to worry about with Harry but Regulus’ own jealousy and insecurities were beginning to flare. Regulus pulled you into a soft kiss.
Ron leaned over to Harry.
“If they keep on like that then Y/n may be having a baby soon!”
Harry had to look away so he wouldn’t lose his temper. It didn’t help that when Regulus’ hand reached up to touch your face, Harry saw the dark mark on his arm.
“They’re snogging in a hospital.”
Hermione whispered, feeling slightly embarrassed.
You were the first to stop the little snog fest as Remus stepped out and motioned you over.
“Coming, Reggie?”
He shook his head. That room was the last place that he wanted to visit at the moment.
“I’ll be right here, darling.”
You gave him a smile before going to join Remus.
The moment that stepped into the room, Tonks looked up at you with a smile. She was relieved to see you standing there.
“Y/n, I’m so glad to see you.”
You quickly walked to her side and gently kissed Tonks forehead. Wrapping your hand around hers as you sank down into the chair beside the bed.
“Was it horrible, Dora? I’ve been really worried about you...especially since you started getting ill for a second time.”
Tonks shook her head.
“You worry too much. The worst part was the pressure...pushing wasn’t fun but watching Sirius and Remus near panic was hilarious. You would have enjoyed that.”
You smiled.
“I’m sure Regulus would have been panicking too if it were me.”
Tonks laughed. She didn’t foresee Regulus getting too panicky over anything. The boy always seemed to be keeping his cool on most things.
“I think that he would be the one man that would be calm. Now hold your arms out. It's time for you to start working on being a godmother.”
Your eyes showed fear as Tonks put the baby boy in your arms. Sitting motionless for a moment, you looked down at the baby with a smile. You remembered Regulus’ advice of not saying that the baby looked like a potato.
He’s darling…
You thought with a smile as the baby boy opened his big blue eyes. Tonks watched with a smile as your finger stroked his cheek.
“His name is Teddy. I think it's safe to say that Remus is the father.”
You nodded in silent agreement as Tonks sat up a bit more. She wanted to beg you to consider seeing a healer but knew that you wouldn’t hear of it. Tonks couldn’t tell you that she had heard Regulus make a comment to Sirius about “it being regrettable that Y/n and I won’t be able to have a child.”
The moment that Teddy started to cry, Tonks was pulled from her thought and giggled at the expression of terror on your face.
“Dora, what do I do?”
“Hand him, here. You have a lot to learn.”
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lizzie-boo · 4 years
Trade Me No Lies I’ve Heard Before
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Sirius Black x Reader 
Requested: Nope 🙃
Words: 1,811
A/N: The title is based on lyrics from a song that I’ve been wanting to base a story on for a long time. If you can tell me what song it’s from I will literally be your best friend. Also do not worry more ships will be posted this weekend I’m just trying to get back in the grove of writing actual stuff. 
Warnings: None
Summary: After finding out that your boyfriend was cheating on you Sirius becomes your rock. The person who is always there for you when you’re feeling down, even if you refuse to admit it. So how will you deal with the developing feelings towards your support system? 
“He cheated on me,” you scream as you make your way into the Gryffindor common room. The portrait slamming shut behind you as you stomp through the opening.
Lily is the first off the couch to wrap you in a tight hug while everyone else watches, unable to process your words. The tears that had been held at bay due to the anger you felt finally come pouring down. At the sound of your sobs, Lily pulls back, wipes away your tears, and drags you over to the couch.
You take a seat between her and Sirius instinctively curling into Lily’s side to hide your tearstained face. She wraps an arm around your shoulder while shooting a glare at everyone else in the room. A very clear sign to watch what they say or to face her wrath. If there was one thing that Lily was it was protective of her friends, especially you.
Unlike everyone else in the common room you had met Lily long before you started attending Hogwarts. She was your closest friend, practically a sister. Knowing how upset Lily had been when Petunia disowned her you made sure that you were as much of a sister as possible. This is why Lily made it her mission to protect you and treat you just like she wished she could treat her own sister.
“What happened?” Sirius asks while placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
You flinch at the touch but pull away from Lily just enough to speak, “I caught him snogging some Hufflepuff from the year below us.”
“Want me to fight him for you?” James asks, a fire burning in his eyes.
At his words, you finally turn to meet the gaze of the rest of your friends. Each of their faces painted with a variety of emotions ranging from anger to sadness, as if seeing you so emotional had upset them as well. Locking eyes with Remus you watch as he offers you a piece of chocolate. The gesture instantly warms your heart and you finally manage a small smile.
“No, it’s my fault I should have seen it coming,” you complain while taking the chocolate from Remus’ outstretched hand.
“There was no way to know he would’ve done that love, he seemed to fancy you so much,” Marlene reassures while squishing into the spot between you and Sirius.
“I should’ve known I thought he was acting weird and he fed me some bullshit lies about being busy with schoolwork and I believed him.” The words that drip from your mouth are laced with anger and it’s all it takes for Marlene to pull you into a hug.
“This can be a learning experience babe, if the next guy gives you some standard excuse you will know he’s a liar and to drop him before he gets the chance to break your heart.” Lily’s words were met with agreement from the rest of the group. In some sort of messed up way, it did make you feel better knowing that now you knew the warning signs of a cheating boyfriend and that maybe next time you wouldn’t be so blind to what was happening.
Over the next few weeks, you seemed to run into your cheating, lying, ex-boyfriend no matter where you went. Most of the time he was too busy locking lips with his Hufflepuff girlfriend to notice you passing by. However, Sirius seemed to always be by your side, there to catch you when your heart started to break all over again.
It wasn’t that you missed the git, it was that after everything he’d gone and left you feeling like you weren’t enough. All he’d left you with was the insecurities and doubts about if you were able to be loved and if you were good enough to land a boyfriend and keep him around this time.
Each time you caught a glimpse of him and the Hufflepuff girl it sunk in more that he truly did love her. The way he looked into her eyes was something you’d never been able to experience and you knew that their relationship wouldn’t endure the same fate. This only helped to worsen the insecurities chipping away at your confidence.
Day after day it got harder to believe that you were capable of being loved by another human in a romantic fashion. Yet, as these emotions ate away at you never once did you dare to tell Lily or Marlene. They had their own lives to deal with and the last thing you wanted to do was burden them with your issues and at the end of the day they wouldn’t be able to solve them, so what was the point.
Heading back towards the Gryffindor common room after dinner one night you trailed behind your friends. Unfortunately for you, the one couple in all of Hogwarts that you wanted to avoid happened to be snogging in the middle of the hallway. The same hallway you and your friends needed to traipse through to make it back to the common room.
Everyone passed them with ease as if not noticing it was the boy that had once broken your heart. Everyone but Sirius that is. Noticing the couple he falls back in step with you. The way your shoulders tense doesn’t go unnoticed by him and he takes your hand in his slightly larger one. A reassuring squeeze and a slight smile are all he gives but it helps to ease your shoulders at once.
While it might have felt like you were going through this alone he was always there for you when you needed it even when you never asked for it. The odd moments when you needed someone the most he was there by your side and it made you feel whole again. As if he was showing you that you always had someone on your side. Someone that would be there for you no matter what.
Soon enough you’d made it back to the common room and had perched yourself on the arm of the couch laughing at something James had said in an attempt to impress Lily. The events from just minutes ago are forgotten as you let the warmth of the fire and love from your friends wash over you.
You bent over clutching your stomach from laughter as the conversation grew weirder and louder the later it got. Leaning too far forward you felt yourself start to tip off the edge of the couch, only to be stopped by a long arm. Turning you caught the gaze of Sirius who gave you a smirk before pulling his arm back. Returning to his conversation with Remus you stared at him breathless wondering why all of the sudden your veins seemed to tingle.
You didn’t allow yourself to dwell on the reason behind the foreign sensation for too long. Yet, over the next few days, you noticed the newfangled feeling cropping up more often. Most notably whenever Sirius reached for your hand in the hallway. He may have made it into a friendly gesture but it was starting to confuse you. Making you wonder if there was a chance at something more between you if all the light touches were truly an indication of deeper feelings.
You spent countless nights contemplating what it could mean and wondering if he truly did long for something more to occur between you. Long nights thinking turned into sleep-deprived classes and drifting too far in thought when you were to be listening.
Sirius wasn’t blind, he saw the shift in your behavior and was growing concerned. You spent more time zoning out than taking notes in class, something completely unlike yourself. Which is why he decided that night he would confront you about why you weren’t getting enough sleep and what was so important that you weren’t paying attention to your lessons.
“I need to speak with you,” he whispered before his hand gently grasped your wrist. The same faraway look clouding your eyes as he maneuvered you towards the edge of the common room away from prying eyes.
“What’s wrong?” you ask looking into his concerned eyes.
“I should be the one asking that question darling.”
“What? There’s nothing wrong,” you protest as he finally moves to drop your wrist.
“I can tell that you haven’t been sleeping, please tell me what’s wrong. I want to be there for you,’ He pleads.
You huff unsure if you want to continue this conversation. “That right there is the problem.”
“Me trying to be nice to you is a problem?” he exclaims while running a hand through his hair.
“No, I love that you want to help me it’s just the little touches and the way you look at me, ugh I can’t even explain it.” You shove your hands into the pockets of your robe trying to figure out the right words.
“The way I look at you? What’s wrong with the way I look at you?”
“Nothing, everything, ugh I just don’t know. It makes my stomach do flips and I don’t like when it does that.”
It takes him a moment to process your words but when he does a grin spreads across his face. As if he is privy to a secret that the rest of the world has yet to learn.
“It sounds like you have a crush on me love,” he teases while reaching out to cup your cheek.
“As if, especially after my last lying cheating dick of a boyfriend,” you scoff trying to deny what you had already figured out for yourself.
“Well, darling would it help if I promise not to tell you any lies you’ve heard before. I’ll spice it up, keep you on your toes,” he jests.
“Shove off Black.” You push his hand away from your face not wanting to let the warmth seep into your bones more than it already had.
“I’m only joking, I would never lie to you, I like you too much for that.” His confession leaves you speechless. As if all the air had suddenly vanished from your body.
Eyes wide, you stare at him in shock, unsure if you had heard him correctly. His hand lands on your waist and he takes a hesitant step forward as if to ask for your permission to proceed. The next thing you know you’re leaning in and connecting your lips in a slow but passionate kiss.
Pulling away just far enough to lean your forehead against his you whisper, “Much better than the last bloke.”
He lets out a chuckle before pulling you back into him and for once you feel as if nothing could ever hurt you again. As if for the first time in a long time you weren’t overthinking your love life but instead living it.
Tip Jar <--- Only if you want to. 
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