#i think decepticons would be just fine with him
yknow what i think heatwave should be the next prime he could do it.
i mean that whole time traveler episode w jules verne was already basically hyping him the hell up so like we know for sure he's like crazy famous and super duper important. in rba literally the first episode wedge goes like "are you kidding? he's basically a prime!" or something (i don't rly remember don't quote me). he's already op (quadruple changer anyone) so that helps. also let's be real he's optimus' favorite and objectively one of (if not the) best leaders out there so. he'd be a solid choice.
he'd do a damn good job too i mean he's already super popular in rba (knows and is friends with tons of the war bots), he's very compassionate (keeping laserbeak and willing to help potential decepticons), he already knows how to manage people/deescalate conflicts/solve problems (team leader of the craziest bitches like ever and then later school teacher to the runner ups), he can handle responsibility and unexpected circumstances on the fly (emergency responder), and like so much more. i mean in general i don't think anyone else could do it better.
plus it helps that the rescue bots are functionally neutrals. like they were sorta involved with the autobots but like barely. they never did anything with or for them, optimus (and later bumblebee) were the only ones they ever really talked to. i mean nobody even knew they still existed bc optimus wanted them to be secret! also what better way to show the war is truly over than by putting a civilian who actually specialized in leadership and nonviolent deescalation in charge? especially if they were thought to be a casualty of the war.
like if the guy in charge of the world was nonviolent, neutral, dead set on treating everyone equally and had experience in managing social and interpersonal relationships i'd feel pretty damn safe. also heatwave literally lived with a different species and forged genuine connection and he and his team are basically part of their family so he definitely will have no problem seeing issues through different perspectives (the body swap episode alone can prove that).
idk i AM biased bc i love him but he really would be a good choice and i think it would make sense continuity/in universe-wise.
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dat-lil-shark · 2 months
I found more TFP Characters Stats and they are VERY Interesting
So over a week ago I found out that in the Japanese airing of Transformer Prime, they put up these commercials in between episodes that displays the characters stats. Back then I only found Soundwave’s, but now I’ve found almost everyone.
Again, I have no guarantee that these are canon enough, cause it's made by Japanese, who made Airachnid a yandere.
But it’s fun to assume they are.
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Not only that but also higher speed and firepower TOO (OP got 7 speed and 9 firepower, and MT got 9 speed and 10 firepower).
Sure Optimus got bigger courage and skills but in battlefields if MT is not so dr**ed up he might just win a lot more.
And speaking of unexpected intelligence.
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Compared to Arcee, Airachnid also got WAY higher intelligence (AH 9 and RC 7) and slightly higher strength (AH 5 and RC 4) AND FIREPOWER (AH 5 and RC 4).
I was at first surprised how Airachnid could be so smart but then it did made sense since she was able to always lure Arcee into her fun cave to beat her up and was able to easily kill Breakdown.
(And I know technically this was supposed to be the Japanese yandere Airachnid but— let’s just ignore that— maybe let’s pretend it’s the normal Airachnid okay? Please?)
But Arcee got 9 on courage.
Airachnid might got the cunning but at least Arcee got the feral.
And the way Arcee only got 7 on the intelligence out here is breaking stereotypes that the only girl in the group has to be smart.
Luckily not all Autobot and Decepticon rivalry ends in a Decepticon topping the Autobot.
For example.
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Bulkhead is a lot— AND I MEAN A LOT better than Breakdown is.
He’s got higher strength (BH 10 and BD 9), intelligence(BH 5 and BD 4), courage (BH 8 and BD7), rank (BH 6 and BD 4) AND firepower (BH 7 and BD 6)
Bruh Breakdown is competing with Bulkhead just because he is insecure 😂😂😂😅😅
Bulkhead can actually sweep the floor with Breakdown if he wanna!
also I think Breakdown got the lowest stat in intelligence and rank than any other characters here.
This actually does explain how Breakdown could be killed so easily by Airachnid, honestly, since Airachnid got more than twice as much intelligence as him.
Well at least we know Knockout married him for true love.
And speaking of Knockout.
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He’s SO WEAK!! 😂😂😂😂
Dude Knockout is an absolute LOOSER!! (At least according to the Japanese)
THAT IS ALMOST THE SAME ENDOURANCE AND ALMOST HALF THE COURAGE AS ARCEE (who is about only 1/2 of his body size btw) (his buff armours are just for shows) AND HALF THE SKILL OF RATCHET!!
He is only a bit good on speeds. Now no wonder he loves racing ITS THE ONLY THING HE IS GOOD AT!! Bro litterally covers himself in makeups cause he’s too self aware 😂😂😂!
I wondered how he managed to lie so perfectly on his job resume.
And speaking of medics.
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Ratchet is WAY better in everything than I expected.
He’s more than twice the medic Knockout would ever be.
He actually got EIGHT endurance which is surprising, cause that is only one star lower than Bulkhead!
The doctor might be old but he’s still got armors and bones as strong as boulders.
No wonder he kept getting beaten up in this serie but just got up fine and never snap his back once like my own grandpa after standing up from his chair.
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Wheeljack on the other hand is also not bad at all.
He got 9 skills. I guess that’s what got him to be able to make all his terrorist toys.
Also it’s funny cause he’s only got 8 endurance, that’s 2 stars lower than Ratchet.
Could you just IMAGINE Wheeljack and Ratchet fist bumping as hard as they could but it was Wheeljack who ended up having to grab his fists in pain??
Also he only got 6 intelligence?? That’s honestly far lower than I excepted tbh. That is only one star higher than Bulkhead.
No wonder Ultra Magnus has such a bad time.
(it’s also funny how Arcee criticized Wheeljack for impulsively going to avenge Bulkhead when she herself is only like, one stat smarter, and does that with Airachnid on a daily basis (sure she didn’t drag any humans in but she is still barely better).
(Also by the way, speaking of Ultra Magnus, he doesn’t have a stat page unfortunately cause the Japanese TFP never got a season 3, it just ends at Optimus breaking the Alpha lock and that’s it, which means Ultra Magnus never appeared, and neither did Shockwave (beside that one Arcee flashback) and Predaking unfortunately).
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Oh and the Dreadwing Skyquake twins are over powered.
Just look at them!
They are almost the exact same in stats except Skyquake got more endourance and Dreadwing got more fire power.! If Megatron had both of them at the same time they could just deep fry the Autobots in episode 10!
RIP Skyquake you had SO much POTENCIALS man. And to think that even the PRIME HIMSELF ALONE can’t take you out without major help from Bumblebee.
And speaking of Bumblebee.
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Listen no one else in this whole list got courage 10 except Bumblebee.
Not Arcee, not Optimus, not Ratchet, not Smokescreen, and not even Wheeljack.
Damn it man now thinking back I don’t think I recall a SINGLE MOMENT in the entire show, although it wasn’t obvious first time through, that Bumblebee actually considered for his own safety before doing anything. And it’s not even in an “I am willing to sacrifice my own safety for the greater good” way but a “Oh I’m gonna lose a leg for this but it’ll be nice? Sign me up!” Way! “Psyc link into Megatron? Count me in!” “Jump on top of Skyquake? You bet!” “Run straight toward Silas when you can litterally wait for 5 more minutes but then you can get your t cog back for five more minute earlier? I’m coming!!”
If it’s not for the fact that Bumblebee got a good dad that he’s happy to listen to he will be a bigger disaster than Wheeljack is.
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The other kid, Smokescreen, is just a tad bit weaker. But he’s way better than I expected since he only just joined this war. (*cough cough* way better than Knockout).
on the other servo.
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Starscream is OVERPOWERED.
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Bro has got EIGHT STRENGTH despite his skinny arms (same as Skyquake & Dreadwing), NINE SPEED (faster than Megatron), NINE FIREPOWER (same as Optimus) and TEN FRAGGING SKILLS (same as RATCHET)
Honestly. If it weren’t for the 3 courage, DUDE COULD ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE TAKING OVER MEGATRON!!! He
He honestly doesn’t even need the apex armour tbh! And there are countless times he got defeated probably only because he froze in fear or else he could have absolutely fought back and won!!
That 3 courage ruined him.
Also they don’t have Cliffjumper too and that is very unfair tbh cause Skyquake also appeared for only one episode but got his, and pretty unfortunate cause I really wanna see how strong exactly Cliff was before his death.
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beemochi-art · 3 months
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Kaaaahhh!! *falls & eats the curb and drops all of my chaos Terran doodles.* BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING I KNOW CARS ISN’T DREAMWORKS!! I already got erm actually-ed. Spitfire and Am my poor doomed kids.
For both their designs I took a lil spin on it. For Am this the way I like to draw him. He acts gross so now he can look gross. He also doesn’t look baby in the show so meh, No further comments.
For Spitfire I gave her features that make look stronger and meaner even tho she’s mostly supposed to look just like Twitch. To me there is no point in drawing her just like twitch because the evil twin thing can be ruled out because they are completely different colors and they also went with the body swap thing. So I think making her look stockier and emo is more fun. I should draw a side-by-side comparison sometime.
Spoiler S2 rant* I get a little bit into delulu land so bear with me.
Jokes aside. I liked the chaos Terrans and the way they were handled wasn’t right. I hope they are able to make a comeback In the future and get redeemed because they deserve it. I feel really bad for them. It’s like they were labeled as Chaos and not to be trusted from the beginning I don’t think anyone truly understood them. I get that the chaos Terrans had wronged the Malto’s multiple times from the start but I think the way they went about handling them was so laxed. They just let the decepticons have them so they could be further influenced into the wrong path. It’s like they were doomed from the start.
After all they were just kids. I’ve been labeled as the bad, dumb, asshole kid before. Most of my school days I was in special ED and I was also pretty high energy too. So I can relate, if you are already labeled as bad or dumb why try to be anything else? Or trying to be cool and hanging around the wrong crowd just to be taken advantage of in the end.
They weren’t completely chaos either. They listened to the Decepticons. Following orders till the very end, if they were chaotic like their name implying would they just not listen to anyone and do whatever they wanted without any care of anyone else? Here’s what I think. The chaos Terrans (mostly Spitfire.) we’re trying to impress what they perceived as the cooler badder bots. That’s some kid shit, most kids try to get in with the group of cool kids. Why not stay with the Maltos? Cause that’s not cool to them. Do you want to hang out with the teachers pet or steal and break shit.
In defense of Aftermath. He’s capable of playing nice, he’s not evil. Him and Jb had a relatively good day with each other. He didn’t out right attack on sight. I think he took the water cause he didn’t want to seem like a looser in his heavily flawed mindset. Am is more of an impediment of Chaos, he just smashes and breaks shit cause he can. Honestly I think if you him just take him to a rage room he’d be fine.
In defense of Spitfire (who is a wayy more complicated case.) She was literally born that morning how was she supposed to know not hurting humans was an autobot rule. I think deep down she was jealous of Twitch’s family and opportunities. She has a competitive spirit and I think she wanted that mission to impress the bigger bots (even if she was rude to them.) when she was in Twitch’s body and said things like Chaos Terrans are bad and not to be trusted I wound if she was projecting what she thought they were thinking about her already. When she was cast out and went with the decepticons was they don’t like me and they don’t like you either so I’ll just hang with you guys. With that being said she’s naive too (it’s fine BECAUSE SHES A KID.) see the way starscream tells her good job or touches her shoulder, she wants his approval and to make him just like all kids with their parents. And then when she is ultimately betrayed, she’s a deer in headlights, shocked and afraid, probably realizing that she provided the weapon needed to killer her and her brother. She looked up to Starscream. Showing her fear and shock by being betrayed like that really showed us that Spitfire is so much more than just a bad guy. It really made me sad when she was screaming and saying no, god she needed help.
None of the chaos Terrans had gotten the opportunity to really learn or get to find something they like to do. The other Terrans had plenty of time to think about an alt mode, learn lessons get nurtured and cared for. The chaos Terrans had to get their alt modes immediately both out of necessity. Most of the time Am was just wandering around bored, he wasn’t being nurtured or taught anything. The cons didn’t care about them at all, neither did the autobots or Maltos that much. 
Saying Chaos Terrans are going to chaos or decepticons are gonna do what they do. Is super incorrect. It’s just labeling and not expecting anything more from these individuals which goes against the entire point of season one.
HOLY CRAP IF YOU READ ALL THIS. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Hopefully Some of this made sense.
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I was thinking about Cybertronians freezing in the Arctic due to the ice that forms on them instead of just the cold & not knowing what humidity is again, and what if they weren’t instantly aware of all the abilities of their alt modes?
They’d have a warmup period after scanning them and have to gradually get used to/ discover all the things they can do. There’s little to no water on cybertron, no reason for them to know that ice forms in the cold, no reason for them to have de-icing. And when they come to earth and choose aircraft as their new vehicle modes, they have no idea those aircraft come with built in warmers on the wings.
I thought about how some flying decepticons would deal with it. Let’s go with Starscream first because I love him very much.
(Also because he complains about cold the most out of all the characters. I imagine everyone ices up the same amount, but the cold is an entirely different problem and one that affects him more because he’s all thin and lanky, not very good at retaining heat. It’s worth clarifying that the freezing is what’s dangerous to them. The cold bothers them but isn’t a threat in and of itself, seeing as they can walk around in space just fine. But I ramble on)
- If he had a human friend or partner, he’d be complaining about how cold it is in front of them and they’d be like “Wait, aren’t you a plane?” He’d ask what that has to do with anything and get very annoyed that he didn’t know he came with extra heating.
- He claims he totally knew about that all along and merely forgot about it in the moment. He also claims he totally knows how to turn it on, but…remind him again?
- The realization that he can just… make himself warmer at will is incredible. He’s still gonna complain about the cold though. Probably out of instinct, he complains to fill the silence. (Is it obvious I want him to be safe and warm. I think it’s obvious.)
- Cue a concerned human asking if he’s been flying through clouds and terrible weather and all the way into the stratosphere with ice building on his wings for all this time. How is he still flying? He just replies that he’s built different, and that he’s far superior to human machines yap yap yap blah blah.
- He doesn’t want to admit how great it is, but after the human shows him how to turn it on, he’d be waking around with the de-icing turned on all day, even when he doesn’t need it. I reckon it’d make the area between his wings an excellent nap spot. He could just put a human in there and squeeze them between his wings and it’d feel like being put in one of these bad boys, I dunno what they’re called in English
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In any case, peak nap spot.
Up next is Megan:
- Megatron doesn’t actually have an earth based vehicle mode, leading me to believe he wouldn’t have any form of de-icing. My headcanon is that his bigger, bulkier frame would require and generate more heat, but look at him.
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He got a lot of nooks and crannies that ice could build up in. Even spikier than Starscream. Much like Starscream he doesn’t have paint which may also have acted like an extra layer of heat insulation. Additionally, his joints on the arms and legs are visible.
(Actually unsure if Starscream is painted and just gray, but Megs definitely isn’t)
- My point is, I’m not an ice expert but Megatron is terrible for both heat insulation and icing prevention. Megatron is a tough bot, he can take a lot of punches, and as prideful as he is I doubt he’d ignore the fact that a snowstorm would be a genuine threat or hinderance to him.
- Not that he’d let anyone notice, of course. He has a reputation to maintain, and he can’t allow anyone to know his weakness. When he’s in private though, I find the image of evil dictator Megs snuggled up in a billion blankets drinking a hot cocoa hilarious. I’ll probably draw it.
- A human pal or partner may not be able to advise him to turn on de-icing that he doesn’t have, but they might be able to offer him another solution. A badass cloak or cape to protect himself from the snow, while also remaining intimidating. Anyone would think it was just for show, unaware that it’s actually to keep him from freezing.
Last but certainly not least, Soundwave!
-Oh, Soundwave totally knew about the de-icing without needing anyone to mention it. Soundwave knows a lot of things. He’d totally read his own altmode’s manual. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Soundwave in the Arctic though.
Trying to find a good gif for my own reference hang on-
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- I’d argue that out of these three he’s probably best with the cold. Sure, he’s spiky too, but nowhere near the other two. His “elbows” are awfully small and exposed, but since his wings form the arms there’d be no issue once he turned on the de-icing. In the gif he easily covers his entire body with those huge arms, so he could easily curl up around himself and defrost if be needed to. Now here’s a good writing idea I probably will never use
- Laserbeak probably has its own de-icing, which makes Soundwave extra warm when he requires it. ADDITIONALLY Laserbeak could be deployed in order to warm up a human friend or partner from afar. Tactical warms.
- Not much to say about Soundwave. Maybe I’ll edit and add later.
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weenwrites · 5 months
*Crawls out of the sewers to make a request*
Yoo! Hope you're having a good day, make sure to drink lots of water!
As for the request, would do you mind doing a romance pining headcanons Transformers Prime Bumbleee and Optimus Prime (separately, of course) for a human charge? The bots would develop a crush on the reader, and how would they're pining be-? Most of their time pining, he human charge would be oblivious to their advances (if there are any) and would just brush it off as them being friendly? Despote the human charge having mutual feelings for the bot as well.
Apologies for my bad english, and I'm not really good at describing stuff, so pardon if it seemed weird or something-
Anyways, thank you for your time!
A/N: Your english is great! I think you were able to communicate your idea just fine.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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It's not that he's afraid of expressing his true feelings to you, it's that he's hesitant on whether he should. You already have such a massive target painted on your back just by being under his watch, to start dating you would raise the stakes higher than you'd ever know. Of course that isn't to mention whether he'd have the time and energy to be your partner.
Yes, he sees you every day because you're his charge, but if you were to make your relationship romantic, he would need to be present and available in your life outside of decepticon-related issues. He is uncertain whether he has the time to, though he understands that he has a capable team who are well willing to break their own backs just to give him some time off, he doesn't want them to go to such lengths.
So while there's no verbal confession right away, or for any time soon, he's much more talkative with you and attentive to your every need—not overly so, but enough that it's noticeable. And however you spend patrols with him—whether it be listening to music as you drive, or just sitting in silence—words are what fill the silence as you meander down the road.
At times he'd dream about life with you, and in those dreams the war is the least of his concerns. In those dreams he thinks about how he could make his schedule align with yours, he thinks about how you might enjoy this one activity, or this one place on Cybertron. And at times he finds bits of his dreams even seeping into his waking thoughts as he finds himself wondering about your well-being on a day you're elsewhere.
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Surprisingly it's rather difficult to tell that he likes you because he's already so friendly towards you, but it's not inherently impossible if you can read the signs. Firstly, he's a lot more expressive around you—and while that may be surprising to hear given the fact he's already a very expressive person, I mean "more expressive" as in he seems even more enthusiastic and happy around you (even more than either of you knew was possible).
You can see it in the way he tries to keep you around, and the way that he admires stares at you for a bit longer than is considered acceptable by your societal norms. Especially whenever you go out on patrol with him, it almost feels like the seat belt around you is hugging you in a way, but you could also pass that off as he's just trying to make sure you're nice and secure.
His confession is very shy, yet there's something so endearing when it comes to seeing him offer you a hand-made Valentine's day card. The cover of the card is simple, yet the inside is what really stands out to you the most. The inside details his feelings for you—not in any showy or verbose way, but in a few straightforward and simple sentences. Yet each word is teeming with his unexpressed adoration for you, and his hesitance barely conceals the fear of your rejection, and yet he's still brave enough to look at you as if to ask "well, what do you say?"
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bots-and-cons · 1 month
I saw that your requests are open, can I ask How would decepticons react when they capture a human that was an artist. Precisely painter with brushes, canvases and everything.
A/N: I’ve got some previous HCs related to something like this which can be found here and here. As usual I didn’t do all the cons, just the ones I had ideas for when I started writing this
•You’ve brought a lot of your art stuff to the Nemesis, since you spend so much time there and surprisingly, it’s a pretty calm place most days
•Or at least the empty habsuite where you’ve set up is
•When Knockout found out you were a painter, he immediately offered to pose for you
•If he’s not in his alt-mode he’s a bit bad at staying still though, so he doesn’t make for the best model
•Also he can never seem to settle on a pose, and when he does, it’s something very dramatic
•And god forbid you get any paint on him, he will screech in terror, because his paint job is now ruined
•You just wipe the paint off with a rag and tell him it doesn’t dry instantly and that his paint job is fine
•Knockout is like “I definitely knew that” when he in fact did not
•He also wants you to teach him how to draw and paint
•So you go to the web and buy the biggest canvas you can find, Soundwaves makes sure it’s paid for, but you’re still not really sure how he pays for all these things when you ask him to buy you something
•He’s probably stolen a dozen people’s credit card information or something, you’re not really bothered by it though
•Anyway, Soundwave is a big fan of your paintings, and he thinks they’re quite interesting, especially the more abstract ones
•He likes to interpret things in his own way and the abstract ones give him a chance to do that
•Megatron wasn’t really a fan of you dragging all your art stuff into the Nemesis, and he definitely made that known, but he stopped complaining eventually and sometimes even comes to check on you when you paint
•Starscream is also an enthusiastic model, though he wasn’t at first
•It took some convincing, but he will model for you now, and in a very Starscream fashion, he’s talking the whole time and you have to tell him to stop moving constantly because he talks with his whole body
•You got an idea one day and asked Soundwave to buy you some metal paints
•He had an inkling on why you might have wanted them, but he didn’t say anything
•Breakdown ended up being your first victim, because he’s probably the one who cares the least about how he looks
•So he agreed that you could pain his driver’s side door, however you wanted
•You made a really cool decepticon-ish insignia design on it, and he actually really liked it
•You couldn’t convince anyone else to let you try it out on them, but oh well, at least you got to test that whole thing out
•Shockwave isn’t really interested in art, surprise surprise, but some of your paintings do catch his optic, even if only for a moment
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ricegobbler · 7 months
ok ngl I did this bc I’m bored. I might open requests, but idk yet bc I’m always busy. So I’m NOT opening any requests atm but I may soon!! I also didn’t do all the cons in this bc I’m so tired. So I’ll do the rest of them maybe tmrw.
Ok anyways this might be a lil bad since it’s my first time :( but enjoy either way!
Also I’m using ‘Y/N’ bc idk what else to use even tho I think I’m supposed to use it.
Warnings‼️: Mention of fighting(s), injuries, drugs (calling Megatron the druglord basically) slightly suggestive (mainly for Megatron and kinda for Knockout?)
(Megatron, Starscream, and Knockout)
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-Ah yes, our favorite drug lord☺️
-When he first saw you he thought of you as any other Decepticon on the Nemesis, a weakling basically.
-Every time he’d see you he wouldn’t really think much or care honestly, like I said, you were treated and thought of like any other Decepticon by the warlord. So the two of you wouldn’t rlly interact.
-But then, the first time you fought the Autobots in front of Megatron really changed his perspective of you. Yes, you still weren’t that special out of everyone else, but you did cause something special in his spark.
-After the battle, slamming Bulkhead into the ground, Megatron actually said something to you. Praising you for your strength and courage.
“I’m quite impressed, Y/N..” Megatron praised you, arms behind his back as he circled around you. “A fem with that much strength and power is quite…alluring~”
Your optics widened, feeling a bit of a shiver run up (or go down) your back. “A-alluring?…” You repeat, “Yes…very alluring..” he responded back, he then stood behind you and placed a servo on your shoulder, gripping it a little tightly.
“I’m quite glad to have you on our side~ you’ll be very useful….” He whispered into your audial.
-After that day he started treating you differently. Definitely favorite treatment. He wouldn’t get mad at you for your fails and would just brush it off, leaving the others (Starscream and Knockout) jaw dropped.
-Sometimes Megatron would com you to see him, privately. Whenever this happens the only thing that ever happens is some little conversation. Sometimes they’d be about the war, but mostly about each other and stories of both of your lives before the war. Sometimes he’d just praise you too tho, not that you minded though, praises from him were just 🙏
-I feel like he’d fall for some strong fem. Of course, he’d still be stronger. But he would love your strength, courage, wisdom and seriousness, and sometimes he’d get a little…riled up at the height difference between the two of you.
-When he finally confessed feelings for you (he wrote a poem and recited it to you💔🥹) you were treated WAYYY differently. Being called “my queen” or “my dear,” and he would fucking force the others to call you their queen.
-how he kisses?? Passionate. He’s so rough and touchy while kissing too omfg. PDA?? Hell yeah. He don’t gaf abt who’s around, he’d grab your waist in front of everyone and whisper the most…innocent..things to you!☺️
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-Our favorite high heel cunt!😝
-Just like Megatron, I feel like he wouldn’t really care about your presence, BUT, he would definitely talk to you about how everything goes in the Nemesis. While doing so I feel like he’d trail off and start talkin abt overthrowing Megatron💀
“-And then I get to overthrow that scrap of a warlord! YES! I will offline him soon and..” He paused and slowly turned his head to look at you, you just blinked confusingly and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Are you alright..?” You ask, “I’m fine. Moving on!..” he responded.
-Yeah. Anyways.
-When he first saw your skills against Autobots, he was surprised. He’s never seen a fem do that much damage. Of course, he doesn’t say anything about it. He’s pretty quick to brush it off anyways.
-Sometimes he’d just fucking burst in your berthroom and tell you orders. Why? Bc he’s SIC ig😒
Starscream bursting into your berthroom, “Y/N!” You quickly turn your helm to look at him. “Huh”
“As your second in command I order you to do [whatever idk]!” He yelled, hands on his waist and everything.🤦🏻‍♀️
-But the more you two interact the more he realizes he doesn’t mind you being around. He seems more comfortable with you. How would you know? He’d rant to you about how he’d make you his SIC once he overthrows Megatron😭
-Then he finally falls for you. I honestly see him being hella nervous around you but tried showing off to you. One time he tried showing off he could take on Megatron, next thing you know you brought him to the Medbay-
-the way he’d confessed would be so sweet but funny too istg.
“Y/N…I..I’ve fallen for you.” He said, “you what?..” you asked, he quickly stood up, transforming into his alt and flew through the halls of the Nemesis while yelling back “I LOVE YOUUUU..!”
-After that little fail you found him in his berth in the corner like he was in time out and you just giggled. You gently rubbed his back and smiled. You also told him you fell for him and his wings fluttered.
-He’s quite silly, and you loved that. Secretly in his berthroom you’d praise him and cuddle with him (he rlly needs it🙁) he’d call you names like “my spark” or “love.” PDA?? Yes, but not in public. Sure, he’ll hold your hand sometimes in public, but in the Berth is the best place. How he kisses? Amazing. Not as suggestive as Megatron, but they’re so sweet. Soft kisses<33
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-The best flirtatious man ever😍
-He heard about your arrival from the rumors around the Nemesis, at first he was actually intrigued. He wanted to know what you looked like and what your personality was.
-Everyday he’d wait for you to come to the Medbay if you had any injuries. Of course, you didn’t. So what a shame 😢
-But he’d hear any new thing about you from either Starscream or the rumors around.
-But when the day of you fighting the Autobots for the first time he was finally able to see you in the Medbay to treat some wounds you had gotten.
You, covered in wounds, entering the Medbay for the first time and meeting optics with Knockout. “My my my….you’re the new fem, hm? Nice to meet you Y/N, the names Knockout~”
-curse his flirtatious side.
-when he finally treated your wounds and scratches he just smirked at you.
“Thank you,” You said to him, “No problem, doll~ it was wonderful to meet you..” he responded.
-After that, the more missions you went on and the more you’d get hurt you’d stop by to get treated. Even the smallest wounds you’d get, you’d still visit him! You mainly liked his personality though.
-The more you came by the more he got comfortable with you, he’d start ranting to you about random things. Once, he ranted to you about his paint being scratched by Arcee and Bumblebee.
-Sometimes when Knockout had no one to treat you’d come by and talk to him. You loved his sassiness, it was so funny😭 you’d also praise him too, saying how you loved him paint and how shiny it was that day. In return, he’d praise you too.
-whenever you two hung out you would just sit on the medbays bed and swing your legs back n forth since you didn’t reach the ground. Knockout found it quite amusing, he’d definitely tease you for it.
-When the two of you got close, you started falling for him first. Mostly because of his flirtation…yeah…like I said, curse his flirtatious side😢
-Of course he’d still flirt with you, making you flushed everytime you’d leave the Medbay after your daily conversations.
-When you finally confessed he just started saying how he knew something like this would happen. He also felt the same, so yay! Then he started teasing you hella again.
-He’d obviously call you things like “doll” or “dollface,” like omg.😍 How he kisses?? Also passionate, not rlly touchy tho..he just holds you by the waist n that’s it. Praises EVERYDAY. Only if you praise him tho. PDA?? Same like Starscream, not in public.
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lunarbreaksblog · 7 months
*Crashing noise* *Glass shatters* *Rolls into ask box* A TF WRITER WITH OPEN REQUESTS? IN THIS ECONOMY? Ahem. Can I get hc's for how tfp team prime would react to human reader who can shapeshift into like a dragon (let's say like a light or night fury from httyd as kinda reference) and has secretly been sneaking away from the base at night to go destroy decepticon bases/get into minor scuffles.
Like reader wants to help the team, has feelings for a bot, but hides their abilities out of fear what they'd all think, and also has kept their feelings a secret. They feel like the team kinda dislikes the humans, so they try to help in secret this way, until their random small injuries and constant sleepiness give them away to everyone (Also I have a fem reader in mind but if you prefer gn that's fine too! Sorry if this is too much specifics lol but i like to give details to be helpful :> )
TFP!Autobots x Dragon!Human!Reader
Note: Bumblebee x reader-ish
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You are a mighty beast, you've lived for eons, seen kingdoms rise and fall. Now you've even seen other life not from your planet.
You take the appearance of human girl, one you knew once long ago. You even came to love the human girl but, she is long gone.
The robotic lifeforms notice you when you stand and watch them fight each other, you were intrigued by their weapons.it seemed like Dragon fire but more handable.
Soon, the Autobots took you in, the leader even made you want to fight for their side of their war. However, you couldn't help but notice the subtle way some of the robots would act around you and the others.
It made you angry to feel like you were underestimated.
Optimus prime
He knew something was up with you, had Ratchet do a scan on you when he first met you. The scan showed that you were human but some DNA of something was mixed with your own DNA.
When he sees new injuries littering your body with purple and yellow bruises as well as cuts. He immediately knows something is up.
When it comes clean that you've been destroying energon mines that the Decepticons had. It confuses him on how you do it until you reveal yourself.
Your dragon form towers from above his helm.
Everyone is freaked out until he steps in and asks that you don't put yourself in harm's way for the sake of his people and that he is proud of you for trying
Is the one thats most freaked out but also so blown away. When you first 'transform', he wasn't expecting a scaly beast that towers over Optimus prime.
You did tell him your secret before, you trust him and he trust you. He'd just never imagined to see your other form. How your scales seem to reflect light, how mighty you looked and how beautiful you were.
He won't admit it but he screamed a little since he was not expecting this on a Saturday night after you came back with more injuries.
He was concerned about you but now knew you could take care of yourself. You kinda scared him with those jagged teeth and spiked tail.
He loved you though, as a friend but respectfully you scared him
Was ready to shoot you, she already went through the five stages of grief in a nanosecond as she aimed. Luckily the team took notice and stopped her before she could shoot.
She apologies for it but demands answers why you kept this form secret and that you cannot go hitting Decepticon bases all alone.
She scowled you like a mother
He knew you were different because of the scans, he just never thought this was it. That you were some so called mythic dragon from human stories.
He wants to laugh at but all that you see is him looking dead inside.
Accepts your form quite quickly, look he's seen things and will continue seeing weird things. This was quite tame
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disclaimeryikes · 30 days
Need more fics (send me your own writing even) of tfp soundwave adopting some random sparkling on earth. Like I have the plot but not the writing motivation right now
- Sparkling shows up on earth (groundbridge malfunction? Terrans esq situation? Just a baby for some reason? That's up to you)
- autobots vs decepticons, who can reach the sparkling first. Decepticons do, to the autobots dismay.
- autobots over hear vehicons, believe the sparkling is getting lowkey tortured. They comm megatron to see the sparkling and like proof that it is okay. Megatron informs them it's 100% fine and go luck getting it back
- "What do you mean good luck getting it back?"
- Megatron turns the camera around, Soundwave (I personally hc he gets a different frame to accommodate the sparkling because host coding is telling him 'new symbiote, new symbiote') is entertaining the sparkling. Whether it be tickling their stomach, bouncing them on his knee, or having them tucked against his side while watching monitors.
- autobots lowkey flabbergasted.
From there it's just classic silly sparkling shenanigans but I feel like for a bot who takes care of lil guys we don't see it alot.
I think it would also be cool for a fic where he kidnaps the prime kid(s) and then realizes that not only are they sentient but actually sparklings.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Okay I just had an idea for The Old Predacon archivist buddy for transformers prime how would ratchet and Optimus and possibly Megatron and starscream or maybe Orion would react to The old archivist Predacon buddy I can just see old Predacon buddy geeking out with Orion and Buddy would be like a mentor to Orion and Buddy would most likely try and make sure the humans stay out of trouble but how would The decepticons react to Predacon buddy go absolutely berserk like They just snap due to Predacon buddy's patience being completely gone because Predacon buddy doesn't really become angry or agitated because they have a lot of patience but at some point they are going to snap and is possibly going to show why they were terrifying in the gladiatorial arenas (also I probably think PreKing would be the adopted kid of old Predacon buddy lol but if you want you can add preKing if you want to) =]
Someone's going to do the impossible... making Buddy snap.
We will get Predaking and Buddy's interactions another time.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy the Old Predacon archivist snapping
SFW, Platonic, mention of injury, hurt and comfort, Cybertronain reader
When Buddy was back on Cybertron they had finally managed to score their dream job.
Being an archivist in Iacon.
Not that they really needed the job.
They managed to buy their own freedom from all the fights they fought, and they were still loaded from the other jobs they did on the side.
But they got bored, and they loved spending time in the halls of Iacon, not like anyone would be able to get them out anyways.
Buddy curled up beside one of the shelves intently reading a data pad.
One of the security guards turned the corner seeing the giant bot and just turning the other way.
They weren’t getting paid enough to deal with that.
Buddy managed to become acquainted with one of the clerks in the halls.
A small mech.
Orion Pax.
Orion walking into the halls after getting back from talking with Megatronus.
“Pax! My friend, there you are.”--Buddy
Orion spots Buddy happily walking over to him giving a slight shoulder hug.
Orion reciprocates the hug from his friend.
“I am fine Buddy.”--Orion
“Anything interesting happen?”--Buddy
“Not particularly.”--Orion
“I found the data pad you were looking for.”--Buddy
Buddy passes the data pad to Pax.
“Really? Where did you find it?”--Orion
“On the top shelf.”--Buddy
Orion was also starting to think he attracted dangerous looking bots.
Buddy loved spending time with the mech.
He was insightful for his age; it was nice to see it in the younger generations.
Buddy would share bits of their wisdom with him from time to time.
“Word of advice Pax, never get a Predacon angry. Especially in the air, you’ll be asking to get sliced by that point.”--Buddy
“Trust me on that one Pax. It’s not pretty.”--Buddy
“…We were just talking about the rude client that stepped on your tail.”--Orion
When the time came for Orion and Megatronus, Buddy had a bad feeling about the whole meeting.
They never trusted the Senate.
Buddy would have been freed a long time ago if it weren’t for the Senate’s ruling over the arenas, this just further proved it.
Ratchet and Buddy waiting outside.
“What do you think will happen after this?”--Ratchet
“… I do not know Ratchet… Never have trusted the Senate. They are an unpredictable and diabolical bunch, there’s no telling what their agenda is.”--Buddy
Buddy turns to Ratchet.
“No matter what, keep an optic out for Pax for me will you?”--Buddy
“What? Where is this coming from?”--Ratchet
Buddy looking at their servos.
“Someone needs to try and look after Megatronus. Gladiator to gladiator.”--Buddy
“Buddy you’re too old to try and fight him now.”--Ratchet
“I’m not going to fight him Ratchet, just keeping an optic out for him. Hopefully this won’t last too long my friend.”--Buddy
Time skip after Buddy joins the Autobots.
Buddy enjoyed the little reunion with Optimus and Ratchet when they came to the base.
Granted they could have given them a fair warning…
Autobots minding their own business in the base.
Ratchet trying to reach the tool on the high shelf.
Buddy reaching over and handing it to him.
“Thank you.”--Ratchet
“You’re welcome.”--Buddy
Ratchet suddenly looking behind him meeting the chassis of Buddy.
Suddenly everyone realizes the giant Predacon on base.
Everyone’s weapons are pointed to Buddy as they calmly continue their conversation with Ratchet.
“Hello Ratchet! It’s been some time, no?”--Buddy
“How—What—HOW DID YOU EVEN GET IN HERE?!”--Ratchet
“I have my ways. Now, where’s Optimus?”--Buddy
Cue Optimus coming in with a data pad in his servo.
Buddy whipping their helm towards the sounds of the pedes and smiling widely.
Optimus having to do a double take.
Buddy walks over to the Prime giving him a frame crushing hug, while Ratchet is trying to calm everyone down.
“Its been too long my friend.”--Buddy
“I thought that the war—”--Optimus
“Its going to take a lot more than a couple fireworks to keep me grounded Prime.”--Buddy
“Is there a reason why you’re here?”--Optimus
“Yes. I’m helping your side now.”--Buddy
“I will admit I was a fool for thinking there was still room to negotiate things with Megatron, the Predacon incident was the final straw. There is no turning back for him.”--Buddy
“Yeah… sorry about that?”--Bulkhead
“None taken my friend.”--Buddy
“Any friend of Pax—I mean Prime and Ratchet is my friend.”--Buddy
Buddy looking down seeing a human girl with pink highlights.
“Hello? And who might you be?”--Buddy
“I’m Miko! That’s Jack and the little one’s Raf.”--Miko
“I’m not that little!”--Raf
Buddy watching the three humans have a little squabble.
Buddy is already making an oath to protect these teeny humans with their life.
Buddy loves the kids to death.
But they are going to be the death of them.
Stress is not good for the elderly.
Everyone constantly tries to see where Buddy’s limits are.
So far none of them had reached it.
But someone did.
Starscream did.
He did the impossible.
He made the old Predacon finally snap.
All he had to do was some light kidnapping and harm.
The Second in Command thought it was a great idea to kidnap the kids.
After tracking down their signal, Buddy was the first to find them while Starscream was still in the air.
Then Starscream transformed, letting the children drop out of his cockpit.
Buddy yelled as they dove down to catch them all on their backside.
While inspecting them, they noticed that Miko was holding her leg in pain.
“Is everyone okay?! Miko? Miko, what’s wrong?”--Buddy
Miko holding her leg with tears rolling down her face, biting her lip. Jack and Raf trying to steady her on Buddy’s back.
Buddy taking a better look at Miko’s leg, no leg should have been bent like that.
“What’s wrong Predacon? Your age finally caught up with you? Humans are so fragile aren’t they.”--Starscream
“What. Did. You. Do.”--Buddy
Starscream had the audacity to come over and laugh, admitting to having snapped the leg before tossing her in.
Buddy carefully slipped the humans into one of their subspaces and headed into the nearest groundbridge.
Carefully passing them to Ratchet before sprinting back into the open groundbridge.
Optimus suddenly worried for his friend went behind his back in his jet pack. He hadn’t seen Buddy run that fast in a very long time.
The Prime had heard of Buddy’s fighting skills many times, even having the privilege to train a bit with them.
But it was a completely different experience seeing it with his own optics in the air.
Buddy bursting through the groundbridge grabbing their sword with a murderous look on their faceplate.
Buddy begins to fight Starscream avoiding all missiles and switching between their two modes to fight him.
“Where was this when you were a part of the Decepticons?! Where—”--Starscream
Buddy roundhouse kicking Starscream in the chassis.
If Soundwave had not groundbridged him out of there The Second in Command would have been another number on Buddy’s scored board.
Good news for Starscream.
Bad news for the Decepticons…
Lazerbeak had caught the entire thing on video.
Decepticons looking at the main screen at Starscream’s beat down.
“Oh. My…”--Knockout
“They could have done that!? Here!?”--Breakdown
“…Do you think that the Autobots are still open for new recruits?”--Steve
Meanwhile with the Autobots.
After Buddy calmed down, they went back to the base with Optimus behind them.
The two didn’t talk much going back.
In a way, Starscream deserved that.
No one was going to hurt the kids without suffering any consequences.
Jack and Raf suffered from minor scrapes and bruises.
Miko had her femur snapped in half.
Lucky for her, it was a clean break.
Buddy did not leave the kids side for a long time.
They got too anxious whenever one of them was gone for too long.
To keep some peace, Buddy was allowed to protect them in the base while their guardians still did their jobs.
Especially when Miko decided to try and sneak out on another mission.
Bulkhead was lucky enough to catch Miko and bring her back to base.
“Miko you’re still healing. You still need a couple more days of rest, then you’ll be up and at it no time!”--Bulkhead
“I guess…” --Miko
The two walk into the base hearing a bunch of crashing and metal scrapping.
“Buddy you need to calm down!”--Ratchet
“Where is she!? Where is she?! I swear I just turned my back for one second! What if she’s hurt Ratchet!?”--Buddy
“She’s right there.”--Ratchet
Buddy turning around to see Miko on Bulkhead’s servo.
“Oh, thank the Primes…”--Buddy
Buddy transforms into their dragon form, gently picks up Miko from her shirt, curls up around her while ‘trapping her with their giant claws.
Raf and Jack join in the cuddle pile.
“You kids are not making it easy for an old timer like me.”--Buddy
“Oh please, Ratchet’s the oldest one here.”--Miko
“No, he’s not.”--Buddy
“No, I’m not”--Ratchet
“I’m the oldest one here Miko.”--Buddy
“Wait so you’re older than Ratchet? By how much?”--Raf
“… To put it into perspective, Ratchet is still a kid in my optics.”--Buddy
“How old are you!?”--Miko
“That’s a question for another time Miko. Get some rest.”--Buddy
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mikomikumi · 1 month
Your Stupid Face
An ES! Megatron x reader oneshot
Written with the song ‘Your Stupid Face’ by Kaden MacKay.
+2000 words
Tags: Fluff, Angst, friends to lovers, GN reader, Cybertronian Reader.
*some lyrics are changed to suit the narrative
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‘I just really hate your face’, Megatron thought.
‘Though I know that won't surprise you’
‘But, to me, your face is one giant wart’
‘And your laugh's one big snort’
‘And you stink, so in short’
‘I despise you’
He walked up and down his habsuite, trying to convince himself he doesn’t like you.
For millions of years during the war, you were a Decepticon serving under his rule. You had fought together in many long battles, sharing victories and defeats. Yet, as some love stories begin, there was that connection. Was it the playful flirting while looking out of the Nemesis? Was it the late night conversations you'd indulge in on the long journeys? Or was it all meaningless and Megatron was just a sappy, hopeless romantic?
Nevertheless, his now daily affirmation of his ‘hatred’ for you goes on. He doesn’t want to like you. He can’t like you. Why would someone like you fall for a monster, a traitor.
‘You disgrace the human race’
'Cause you're more of a mosquito’
‘I would rather have the dent and a drill’
‘Then this swine in the swill’
‘And if you were a bill, I would veto’
Megatron sat on his berth. On a small table to the side, was a crystal souvenir you got from Crystal City. You stole it during an attack. He picked it up, and held it in the palm of his servo.
‘And if the world was perfect, you would be gone without a trace
But since the world could never be that great
I'll just hate your stupid face’
The grey bot gripped the crystal in a mini attempted rage, and threw it across the room. It shattered the second it made contact with the habsuite walls. The shatter knocked him out of his anger, and now he was full of guilt.
He slowly made his way over to the now broken souvenir. Beautiful shards of clear crystal glittered the floor. Just as he was about to try to clean up the mess, Optimus knocked.
“Come in”. Megatron called, dryly. “Ah, hello there my old friend”. Megatron stood up to greet the Prime, scooting the broken crystal to the corner with his pede.
“More tarantulas have been spotted around the junkyard. G.H.O.S.T. wants you to take care of them, as a ‘proof of trust’.”
“Seriously? Even after what happened last time? This is the biggest load of slag, Prime”. Megatron just scoffed and rolled his Optics. “It’s just Optimus, my friend. And I agree”. The truck put a servo on the grey bots shoulder plating. “You’ve been doing well so far in your cooperation, Megatron. Just think of this as another step towards the alliance of human and Cybertronian kind”.
To be honest, Megatron didn’t really care about the alliance. He has his human friends, Dot, Mo, Robbie and Alex. It’s not a war anymore, why does he need more friends? After a few moments of consideration he sighs. “Fine. I’ll be back”.
Megatron sauntered out of the room, leaving Optimus behind. Optimus watched his friend walk down the hall. “Take care!” All he got as a response was a servo in the air. He could make out the grey bot singing in the distance.
Doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo~
The junkyard was absolutely covered in tarantulas when Megatron arrived. ‘Who the frag makes this many?’ Pushing his thoughts aside, he gets to work, slowly but surely fighting off as many tarantulas as possible. He kept his distance of them, as to not be overwhelmed like last time.
Unfortunately, that tactic only worked for a short period of time. More ended up emerging from the smallest of hiding places. Eventually there were too many for Megatron to shoot off alone. He found himself with his back against some shipment containers, surrounded at all sides. Just as he was about to transform and fly off, a line of tarantulas were flattened before him.
‘Oh, no’
The jeep responsible for the hit and run swerved back to stop in front of him.
“Need a hand?” You transformed into your bot mode. Your face held a smirk Megatron had been trying so hard to hate.
‘I just really like your face
You don't have to look so happy’
Megatron wanted so bad to tell you to go away, but all he could muster was his own small smile.
‘I'm not really into love that you flaunt
In some glittery font
But if that's what you want
Make it snappy’
“That would be nice”, is all he says.
You take out your arm cannon. “Let’s do this then!”
Just like old times. It had been a while since Megatron felt a rush course through his Energon lines from battling. You by his side, shooting the enemy and making witty banter in between hits. It was perfect. It doesn’t matter anymore that G.H.O.S.T. sent him out for one of the most stupid reasons in the world, because now you were here. It’s funny. All those chants of how much he hated you in the mornings sizzled away. Like a blaster to a tarantula.
‘I just feel so out of place
Well, except for when you're near me
When you're gone, I'm like a plant with no root
Or a song that's on mute
Don't you dare call it cute!
You should fear me!’
You giggle. Primus, he should be the one calling you cute! Not the other way around. He was a monster, only now paying for all his sins by joining the other side. He thinks all this despite knowing you also took part in torturing Autobots and other heinous acts.
A car honk interrupts your fighting for a moment. Megatron hears let out a small gasp. Before he can stop you, you transform and drive off into the surrounding forest. As he turns to where you were standing, Dot, and her seven children leap into action behind him, helping clear off the last few of the tarantulas.
‘And if the world was perfect, you would've never invaded my space
But since the world's obsessed with saying, "Psych!"
Now I like your stupid face’
Megatron just sighs. He averts himself back to the children and Dot. He doesn’t think they spotted you. Even if they did, thanks to their understanding mother they would’ve treated you with respect. They’d probably like you a lot. You’re funny, charismatic, cool to be with. Anyone could like you.
The children wanted to ask him over for game night. Optimus told them where he was. After all of today's events, he actually decided to agree and join them. He transformed and followed them down the road.
Doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo~
So, it turns out all of the efforts Megatron made were useless. The pathetic doctor has him and most of the Autobots under mind control, and is now sitting atop a throne, watching the Terrans and Decepticons fight. Starscream informed you about what happened with him and one of the Terrans, and asked if you’d like to help kick Megatron in the aft. While part of you was delighted with the opportunity, you also felt a little sympathetic towards him.
You secretly loved the bot. His determination and good intentions deep down made you swoon, not to mention he’s not the worst looking. Obviously you’d never tell him, why would you be of interest to a warlord? You would’ve joined him with the Autobots and G.H.O.S.T, if it didn’t mean covering up your Decepticon insignia. Your pride won over your love that you could never portray. Instead you’ve been hiding, living as peaceful a life as you could before potentially being captured, which somehow you avoided.
You now stood in front of the bot. The red terran, Twitch, had almost been blown to bits. You managed to pull her away in time before Megatron had the chance to shoot, but now took her place. “Go! I’ll take care of him”, you yelled, letting her run to save her brother. His optics now an alarming glowing white. And you thought the red was terrifying enough. Megatron pointed his fusion cannon at you. You pointed back.
“Megatron!? Are you still there?” You call from him. Your cannon wouldn’t do a fraction of the damage his would, but it was at least worth an attempt.
He didn’t respond to you, still as the sculpture in the SpaceBridge Memorial park.
“MEGATRON!” you begged. “ITS ME!”
Not a flinch.
“PLEASE!” Tears begin to roll down your cheek plating.
What you didn’t know was that Megatron on the inside was fighting for his life to gain control. He heard every single word. He knew it was you, and there was no way he would let Mandroid lay a finger on you. He fought, and fought.
Until it was too late.
While he managed to weaken the intensity, mind-controlled Megatron had shot a massive dent in your chassis. He could see the pain on your face, he heard the adorable yelp you squeaked.
His self loathing only lasted a few more moments when suddenly he watched you go offline. He then felt his own systems shut down too. Weakly he collapsed, falling to his knees next to you.
‘I just really miss your face’
‘Though, by now, I must disgust you’
‘I had tried to be the stubbornest mule’
'Cause I knew life was cruel’
‘So I guess I was foolish to trust you’
He painstakingly crawled closer to you, and placed a servo over yours.
‘But I wait here just in case’
‘Though I know I'm being senseless’
‘How could I have ever been so naive’
‘And wear my heart on my sleeve’
‘When I knew it would leave me defenseless?’
Just before his optics died out, he gave your servo a gentle squeeze.
‘And if the world was perfect, you would be here in my embrace
But since the world denied me one last kiss
I'll just miss your stupid face’
Megatron was the first of the two of you to wake up. After collecting his thoughts for a few seconds his attention turned to your body, laying face down and holding his hand. He got up and you begin to stir.
Eventually, you push yourself up to meet the grey bot’s face. As your chassis rises with you, Megatron is reminded of what he failed to stop. He sees the damage he has done.
His optics widen, stepping back. He’s disgusted in himself. He’s too scared to touch you. You manage to fully stand up and walk closer to him.
“Megs, I’m alright, it’s just a dent-”
“No… stay back…”
“Megatron really, I’m fine-”
“STAY AWAY!”. You can hear the tears in his voice box as he transforms and flies away.
The red Terran stands beside you as he leaves. You know where he goes when he’s upset, should you follow him is the question.
And that question is answered straight away when Twitch taps you on the leg. “Go”.
And so you do. To the waterfall.
Just as you suspected. Megatron is sitting on a rock next to the waterfall, hunched over. You remember him going here when the SpaceBridge was destroyed. The sound of the crashing water made him at peace with himself.
As you pull up, he jumps the noises of your alt form changing back to normal.
“What are you doing here?” He blurts.
“I followed you after you ran off”.
“I didn't run away! It was, it was a strategic retreat.”
You made your way closer to him, he took a step back.
“Can we at least talk about this”
“What is there to talk about? It's over, I hurt you”.
You keep making your advances. Megatron’s retreats can only go back as far as the cliff edge, unless he flies off of course.
“…Are you sorry?” You sheepishly ask.
“Well, yeah, of course I'm sorry, but- No, no, don't forgive me!”
“Why do you do that?”
“Why, why give me another chance to mess things up?”
Oh my Primus sake he wouldn’t listen. This isn’t the confession you wanted but the only one that would shut him up.
“For frag sake Megatron because I LOVE YOU”.
”Because you- what?”
Megatron’s jaw dropped. He struggles to make more words, let alone actually process what you said.
‘Those three little, words out of the blue’
‘Completely uncalled-for, especially from you’
”Why don't you hate me? Why do you care?”
“Can't you berate me? Isn't that fair?”
“Where is your glare?”
He’s too busy trying to justify it all to notice you’re now standing in front of him.
“Don't you dare leave our problems and pain on the shelf!”
“Because if you don't hate me, I can't hate myself-”
You thought if he kept babbling he was gonna override himself. You roughly grabbed his head by the jaw and kissed him.
Once you pulled away he cupped your own face with one of his servos, his red optics staring deeply into yours. The shock and desperation took over himself.
‘But that's why I need you’
‘You shatter my fear’
'Cause despite my misdeed, you are still right here’
‘Though it's stupid to date me’
‘You're willing to try’
‘And if you don't hate me, then why should I?’
“Are you sure you don't want to give up on me?” He whispered
All you could do was laugh. “You're a moron~”
Megatron felt his spark begin to race.
“So you think that we could work?”
You just nod, nuzzling you head more into his servo.
“Here I thought I'd been the dumb one”
“what?” You stop.
“You're forgiving me for all I did wrong” he replies
‘You're unmuting the song’
‘And, again, I belong to someone’
“No! You can drop the stupid smirk” he raises his digit at you, as if scolding.
“Though by now I guess you've earned that”
'Cause no matter how intensely I pout’
‘Your stupid face will win out’
‘And I guess it's about time I learned that’
Your face was plastered with a permanent smile, which melted every fear and worry Megatron had. He pulled you in by the waist, resting his servos there once he finished.
‘And though we go together like a glass of high grade and mace’
Your scent comforted him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Yes part of it was burning metal, but he never figured out how you always smell like sweet high grade.
‘At least it's not as dull as fitting like a glove’
'Cause you're a nightmare that I've not been dreaming of
But I suppose that when push comes to shove
“I love your stupid face” you whispered,
Megatron chuckled, leaning down for a soft, deep kiss.
Doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo~
‘Your stupid face~’
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asherxz · 15 days
Hi hope you are doing good :3
Can you do a Oneshot or Headcanon with TFP Starscream and a fem reader that is part of the Deceptions and has a crush on starscream but is not sure if to confess because she is a human ? (Feel free to delete😅)
Confessing to TFP Starscream HCS (fem human reader)
btw i dont think i ended up mentioning gender in it? I just didnt know how to wrap that into this, i hope thats fine!!
-Having a crush on Starscream while being human is... quite complicated.
-Does that make it impossible to get with him? Absolutely not.
-While Starscream may deny his affection to you, he absolutely does have a sweet spot for you.
-It all started when you first joined the Decepticons. You were simply going for a walk in a nearby forest, wanting to do nothing but relax, when you suddenly met the red and flashy Decepticon medic, Knockout.
-He was heartbroken after his conjunx endura, Breakdown, had sadly passed away. He had driven to the forest to get away from the bots on the Nemesis, just needing to cry his spark out.
-Despite your initial fear you felt when you first saw him, you still decided to approach the sad medic.
-And that's basically how it happened. He took you with him to the Nemesis, and after some convincing, you were officially a Decepticon
-One of the first bots you met was actually Starscream.
-When Starscream first met you, he was disgusted. How the frag was Knockout capable of convincing Lord Megatron to let you stay!?
-Knockout had actually convinced Megatron by explaining that he would be able to work much faster when he had a small helper to get into a bots crevices. Lucky you!
-At first, Starscream was very distant. He didn't like you, or your fleshy parts. He found it useless to have you around on the Nemesis.
-Often times, he would scoff and scowl when he caught a glimpse of you.
-The first time he genuinely had a conversation with you, he was practically forced to.
-It was after he had endured another beating from Megatron after a failed mission.
-He was filled with dents and scratches, it was incredibly he was still online.
-As he was sent to the medbay with Knockout, Starscream had been threatening the medic about his small organic companion.
-In absolutely no way did he want those organic small parts near him, much less on him.
-His protests only ended up fruitless, as he realised he was now stuck talking with the small organic, as you weren't allowed near him.
-To his surprise, you weren't that bad. Quite the opposite actually.
-It didn't take long for him to get absolutely infatuated with you.
-He hated the effects you had on him. You made his spark beat faster, and his processor run wild.
-He would still act like he despised you, but it was fairly obvious he wasn't.
-He would go to the medbay more often, usually using the excuse that old scars and such was hurting again.
-Of course, that was a lie, but he would use any excuse he could use to be somewhat close to you.
-As for you, you would probably notice his lies too.
-As you somewhat got closer to him through his visits, you would develop your own crush.
-The second Knockout even got the smallest idea that you liked Starscream, he would tease you SO MUCH.
-Of course, through his teasing, Knockout would also help you.
-Knockout could spot the crush Starscream was having on you, but he wanted you to figure this out on your own. Even if it was a pain to watch.
-Several times he would set you and Starscream up, making up an excuse as to why he had to leave you and Starscream alone in the medbay.
-You had to catch Knockout alone to explain to him that you were too anxious to confess, considering how you were... Well, human.
-Knockout really had to hold back a loud groan as you explained. He had seen Starscreams flustered faceplate when he was around you, and he knew himself that Starscream definitely liked you back.
-Instead of groaning, he just had to sigh and encourage you to at least try and confess to Starscream.
-Shortly after his encouraging words, Starscream came in.
-He had taken yet another beating from Megatron, and he was limping towards the medbay.
-When he had finally reached the entrance to the medbay, he practically colapsed onto the floor from exhaustion. He just barely held himself up, it was incredible he had enough energy to limp to the medbay.
-Knockout was quick to grab the second in command, hoisting him onto the medical slab.
-Starscream let out an exhausted sigh as he closed his optics for a few seconds, when he opened them, he looked over towards you.
-You had seen Starscream enter the medbay all broken, and it had immediatly worried you. Sure, he often came in like that after his 'meetings' with Megatron, but that only made you feel worse.
-You cautiosly walked to the edge of the table you were standing on, looking to Starscream, who was looking right back at you.
-He reached out his servo, allowing you to step onto it before moving you onto his chassis.
-This was new.
-You hadn't been this close to him before.
-Carefully, you moved closer to his helm, snuggling into it. You took a deep breath, finally confessing your feelings to him.
-It was an anxious and scared feeling you felt as you confessed, but it was now or never.
-You simply just never knew if it would be your last time seeing him. War was unpredictible, one could never know when a moment would be your last moment.
-Starscream tensed as he felt you snuggle closer and heard you confess. He stopped breathing for a moment, almost not believing what he had heard.
-Gently, he placed his servo over your frame, holding you close. With a shaking voice, he confessed back.
-He had no idea how this should work, or even if it will... but no matter what, he will stay by your side.. ♡
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Honorable mention! @urlocalboynoah
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
damn, will you continue that soft yandere Optimus Prime or leave it there? it was pretty good 👀
Optimus Prime - The Soft Yandere PART 2 
The war had ended, and the Autobots had made Earth their home. It had become much calmer without the chaos of the Decepticons’ wrath- though there were still a few of them out there trying to keep the fight going. They were certainly a lot weaker than Megatron, though, so they weren’t as hard to take down.
You and Optimus had a blooming relationship, but lately you’d tried to take time alone. You loved him, but he was suffocating you with affection. While you were injured and couldn’t do much for yourself it was fine, but now it’s just too much. 
You heard a honk echo in the street and you sighed. You turned around to see the all-too familiar semi truck. With a huff you made your way to it and got in. “Damn it, Optimus! I told you I wanted to walk by myself.” 
He was taken back. You almost never cussed- especially at him. “What’s wrong, my love?” 
“I wanted to walk! Why did you pick me up?”
“Decepticons are still active. They may use you to get to me and the others.”
You rolled your eyes- another thing you rarely did. Your attitude has been a huge issue with him lately. “There hasn’t been a sighting in THREE months! I can’t handle this right now. I’m walking the rest of the way.” You moved to the handle of the car, trying to get out. The handle wouldn’t budge. “Optimus, open the door.”
“No.” A simple answer left the radio as the car began its drive to your house. 
You started to pull more at his door. “Optimus! I said let me out- now!” A panic began to overtake you. He’d never acted like this before.
“Have I done something to upset you?” He sounded like a kicked puppy.
You lowered your arm, feeling a little guilty. “Optimus… I feel suffocated. I just want some time alone, and I don’t understand why you won’t leave me alone for a little while. I love you- but you’re scaring me.”
Optimus was silent for a moment. He said nothing as he slowly opened the door. You scrambled outside and gently laid a hand on his side. 
“Just a few days, please. Please.” 
Optimus said nothing as he drove away, leaving you in the dust. You felt guilty- but you’d be lying if you didn’t enjoy the time alone. You finally felt free. 
It was only three days, but you realized that you may not love Optimus like you used to. He used to be so sweet and kind, always giving you the space you wanted. Now he was controlling. You weren’t allowed to go anywhere alone because the now disbanded decepticons might get you, however unrealistic that was. 
Optimus wouldn’t even listen to Ratchet’s advice, who advised him to take a step back. Maybe it was for the best if the both of you went on a break to see how things would go. You called Optimus to meet at your house tonight. 
“What is it you wanted to speak about?” Optimus held out his hand, which you climbed onto. He sat you on the roof so you’d be at his eye level. 
You shuffled your feet nervously. “Optimus… I think we should take a break. We’ve had a… tense relationship as of late and I-”
“No.” You were stunned into silence as he continued. “I love you far too much to allow you to just abandon this relationship. We can work through it- we will not just leave it.” 
It was almost impossible to speak with the weight of the conversation. “Optimus… this is the problem. You’re far too controlling.”
“The Decep-”
You held your hand up. “Let me finish. The Decepticons haven’t been an issue in months. Every Time you do find one, you defeat them easily. I wanted it to just be a break, but now I’m thinking we need to break up instead.” Tears filled your eyes. It was for the best you said this, though. 
Optimus scooped you up and held you in front of his faceplates. “You’re just confused. I understand- but you will learn with time.” He smiled.
“Optimus, put me down. Please.”
Optimus instead transformed around you. You tried to do anything- kick the door, kick the glass. Nothing worked. 
The Prime got tired of you kicking him and wrapped the seatbelt around you tightly. Any attempts at a struggle would make the belt tighten, so you quickly gave in so as to not be deprived of oxygen. 
Soon, Optimus pulled into a base much like the Autobot’s. It would be confused for it, actually, if not for the spiderwebs and lack of tech. Optimus transformed and placed you on a platform. 
“Where are we?” You looked around. 
“Your new home.” You looked up at him in confusion and fear as he just smiled at you. “I know it’s not much now, but we’ll make it a great home. I have gotten you a few things to make your transition easier.” He gestured to a large stack of items. Books, clothes, furniture. Everything you’d need to survive was there.
Backing up, you whimpered. “Optimus, this is crazy. Take me back home- you’re scaring me. I can’t stay here!”
The tall bot merely pat your head. “You will learn to love it, and relearn to love me. You will be safe here, I promise. You will never want for anything.”
“I want to go home!” 
Optimus frowned. He knew this was hard for you- but you had to stay with him. Don’t you know how much he’d done for you? “You’re staying here, and that’s final.” He leaned down to kiss your head. “I love you. I have to go now, but I will be back soon.” With that, he was gone.
You ran around trying to desperately find an exit. Nothing would open. Every door was sealed tightly and no matter how much you pushed, pulled, or slammed into would make it budge even an inch. 
You fell to the ground in exhaustion and defeat. You were never going to get out of here, and you were always going to be with Optimus. You didn’t have a choice.
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tinydefector · 6 months
Hi i don't know if you are taking requests for bayverse but if you do can i get bayverse Ironhide x female reader, fluff and smut. Good luck of you do❤️
Warning: Smut, Oral fem receiving.
Word count: 2k
(Bayverse) Ironhide x Fem Human reader
Before I start, I'm not very good with writing Bayverse bots, so I hope this came out alright.
Also, I hope I did the reader well, I dont really write fem reader.
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Ironhide Masterlist
She's using his revision mirror again to touch up her lipstick. It wouldn't bother Ironhide as much if it wasn't for the fact she was flaunting herself at him while they were driving. 
Ironhide let out an exasperated vent. On the surface he tried to remain stoic, but inside circuits were frayed from the incessant primping and preening whenever she had the chance to ride in his cab. 
"Must you always fuss so much?" he grumbled, unable to keep the irritation from his voice. "I am driving, in case you've forgotten. And I suspect your antics are meant more for distracting me than seeing to your own looks."
She had been batting her lashes and smiling his way ever since they departed their last stop, and his patience for such frivolities was running low. so for now he strove to ignore the human's attempts at getting a rise out of him, less he ran them off the road.
His engine rumbled in a weary sigh. "Focus on the task at hand, little one. We'll be back at base soon enough."
She shoots him a smile in his mirror again. "And here I thought you enjoyed my company, getting sick of me already Hide?" She teases him.
Ironhide's engine responded with a grumble that was half irritation, half amusement. As trying as his Minx could be at times, he had to admit her bold spirit was refreshing and she did keep him on his toes.
"In small doses only, little witch," he retorted, though without any real bite to his words. "Your antics might be tolerable in brief stretches, keep your optics on the road, less we get ambushed by Decepticons" 
Still, there was a certain grudging fondness in the way his voice. For all her mischief, the human's fearless nature was what had drawn him to her, she wasn't military but a chance encounter had him on the run with her from Decepticon fire.
 In her own tiny way, she helped ease some of the weariness that had built up over countless vorns of endless conflict. Her voice he could listen to for aeons. 
Part of Ironhide didn't truly mind the company...so long as she minded her manners while in his cab, and kept her hands to herself while they drove.
"Fine guess I'll have to show off for someone else back on base" she states. He knows she's trying to get under his plating, and she knows how to get him. 
His engine rumbled warningly at that comment. While he knew she was just prodding him to get a reaction, the suggestion of flirting with another stirred a possessiveness in his circuits. 
"Watch it, fleshie," he growled, though without any real heat to the words. 
"Keep carrying on so and I may be inclined to park your backside right here until we're done," he blustered. But his warming cab and rumbling engine betrayed that any real ire was short-lived where she was concerned. Still, it wouldn't do to let her think she'd won so easily. 
Soft laughter falls from her lips, " jealous bot" she shoots back at him as the two finally arrive back at base. 
She gets chatty with security At the entrance to N.E.S.T 
Ironhide's engine uttered another warning grumble as she chatted away with the other humans, seemingly having forgotten her promise to mind her manners. His patience was wearing thin after the long drive, and he'd had just about enough of her frivolous games.
Pulling up as close to the hangar doors as his alt mode would allow, he popped open the driver side door with a pointed snap. "Out. Now," he rumbled, unwilling to play chauffeur any longer while she was in her mood to cause chaos.  
When she turned back with that coquettish smirk, Ironhide growled deep in his intakes. "Don't test me, fleshie. You've had your fun, now get inside like I said. Unless you'd rather I carry you in?" 
He knew full well manhandling the human would be crossing a line. But she had a way of pushing all his buttons without fail. 
She slowly moves to get out of his front seat. Her hands linger on the dashboard for a moment before she steps out onto the concrete. She's quick to walk inside after giving his tailgate a slap, a small laugh leaves her as she runs. 
With a grumble and hiss of hydraulics, Ironhide transformed once she had cleared his cab, looming over the hangar entrance. Ironhide let out an annoyed huff of exhaust as the girl once more tested his patience, That sharp little slap to his tailgate was the final straw.
Revving his engine menacingly, Ironhide rumbled forward until his massive bulk filled the hangar entrance, blocking any hope of escape back out the entrance. "Minx," he accused, optics narrowing at the smiling human within. "Do you enjoy pushing me this far every time?"
Despite his gruff tone, there was no true anger. After all this time, she knew full well how to get under his plating without ever crossing a line. And loathe as he was to admit, some small part of Ironhide even admired her spirit. 
Still, there were consequences to be had for such teasing. Leaning in until he is eye level with her "Consider this your official timeout, fleshling. Until I deem you've learned your lesson, you'll remain right where I put you."
With that, he sealed the hangar shut with a steely grinding of gears.  "Iron!" She squeals out only to gasp more as Ironhide grabs her before continuing further into his hanger, his human in hand. Her legs dangle between his digits as she holds onto him. "Oh my God you're an ass! Give me a warning next time" She shoots back at him
Ironhide huffed a gruff chuckle at the human's outburst. "And miss that precious little squeal? Not a chance, fleshie." 
"You know full well your games grate on my circuits, princess," he rumbled lightly. "A little fear is good for the spark. Keeps you on your toes and out of trouble." Not that he would ever hurt her. 
Once she was steady on her pedes again standing on their shared berth, more so crudely made slab with piles of her blankets and pillows on it "Consider that payback for your mischief, little pest. Next time, mind your hands and that smart mouth, lest I find a use for them." His field pulsed warm with amusement. 
 Soft little noises leave her as Ironhide's digits wrap around her pressing gently into her side, back and against her chest. 
Ironhide vented softly as his powerful digits carefully cradled the human's tiny frame. For all their teasing and bickering, in quiet moments like this he was reminded of just how fragile organics were. 
His field pulsed warm and gentle, laced with protectiveness as he gradually increased the pressure, testing her limits but taking care not to crush even an ounce of strength. "Comfortable, little one?" he rumbled softly. 
When she offered no protest, Ironhide began slowly massaging her back struts, mimicking the way she sometimes soothed his aching finger joints. Though his plating was rough-hewn metal and her skin oh so delicate.
A rumble rose from his frame, vibrating through her in a sensation she called a "purr." His optics were lidded in contentment, focusing only on her within his grasp. 
She slowly leans back into his touch. And as his digits travel further down she arches into his touch a small whine falls from her lips. She slowly grinds against Ironhide teasing digit. trying to make him get the picture of what she wanted and why she had been teasing him all day. 
Ironhide's engine revved sharply in surprise at the reaction his gentle touch elicited. His optics shuttered briefly.  "Minx," he scolded gently. "All this torment was for my attention, then?"
Lowering his face close, he nuzzled her tiny form with care before capturing her lips in a chaste kiss, its slow and soft, flesh against metal. Another whine leaves her lips as she looks up at him. "You've been too busy recently, I missed you" she states as he lays her down against the piles of blankets. Slowly hiking her dress up only to be met with nothing underneath. Ironhide stilled, intake caught in surprise at her display. His optics roved hungrily over the tempting view before him, unable to deny the allure of her plan so cunningly executed.
A low rumble rose from his chassis. "Devious creature," he purred, engine revving at the wanton invitation in her gaze. How could he refuse when she had so clearly orchestrated this?
His name softly falls from her lips. Her eyes flicker to where he kneels in front of the berth. Leaning down, he nuzzled her frame with utmost care "All this just for me?" His field pulsed hot and heady as he traced the seam of her folds with a single digit. 
Rising temptation warred with duty and honour. But her needful whine as she canted her hips persuaded him. Slowly Ironhide runs his glossa across sweet skin. She whines loudly when he leans down and runs his glossa between her folds sucking softly on her clit before he delivers back into teasing. Her hands grip his helm quickly. "Ironhide please" she calls out.
His glossa is enveloped in tight velvet warmth. His intake caught on a groan at sensations. He could never get enough of how sweet she tasted, she is sweeter than pre war energon candies. Ironhide rumbled deeply at her pleas, the sound vibrating through her very core as he worshipped her flesh. Making her gasp and cry out brought him no small amount of satisfaction to reduce his teasing femme to putty in his grasp with nothing but tongue. 
"Easy, little one," he crooned against her wetness. With maddening slowness he circled her clit, cataloguing every hitch of her breath, every whimper and sigh. Ever so carefully Ironhide delved his glossa inside.
 Ironhide rumbled deep in approval as she rode his glossa without restraint, soft hips bucking against his mouth. making her pleasure his sole focus in that moment. Her cries and moans only spurred him on, lapping eagerly at her slick flesh.
One hand braced against her hip to hold her steady, But Ironhide was far from passive, pressing his glossa as deep as he was able between each thrust. The vibrations of his rumbling engine only enhanced every sensation. 
When her hips began to canter erratically, Ironhide redoubled his efforts. Cried out moans leave her lips as her orgasm hits, hips bucking in irregular patterns as she sobs out Ironhide's name. With one final curl of his glossa, he felt her walls flutter madly around him. Greedily Ironhide lapped up every drop of her release, savouring this sweet taste. 
Yet still he craved more of her intoxicating and addictive taste, seeking to prolong her bliss for as long as was within his power. 
Carefully he manoeuvred her limp frame until she straddled his glossa once more, keening softly as the hypersensitive flesh of her clit met his eager mouth. Slowly Ironhide tongued her folds, memorising every detail as her flavour grew sweeter still in her fluttering aftershocks. "Ironhide!" She moans out loudly. 
One of his hands trailed maddeningly along her back, tracings her spine, caressing and stroking anew. Ironhide growled around his mouthful, greedily drinking in every drop he could  as shudders wracked her frame.
Retreating only when she sagged fully sated against him, Ironhide cradled her close to his chassis, content merely to hold her. Her breathing calmed as he nuzzled her adoringly, spark swelling with quiet joy. 
She lays content against him, soft pants leaving her lips as Ironhide brings her pile of blankets up for her. She slowly snuggles into him through the blankets. Ironhide himself is content to put off mission reports for his little minx.
Ironhide's engine rumbled softly in wordless affection as the human curled contentedly against his chassis, safely wrapped in makeshift padding. Her soft respiration and fluttering pulse cycled down into sated recharge, safe in his guarded embrace.
Adjusting until he was lounging comfortably, Ironhide idly stroked her naked back, tracing glyphs into soft flesh
Until then, Ironhide was content simply to monitor her recharge and bask in the aftermath. The closeness of her tiny frame to his mighty systems never ceased to stir something deep within.
Her presence soothed the savage rages of battle, tempering even his trigger-happy impulses into something nobler. "Minx" he mumbles softly before settling in to recharge himself. 
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Tfp Autobots Encountering the Mind-Control Cell Phones from Rescue Bots
(Because it canonically exists in the Alligned continuity, and I'm abusing that knowledge to torment my favorite little meow meows)
I've been wanting to write these headcanons. Might do Decepticons next.
Context for if you haven't seen the Rescue Bots episode "Spell Bound": A human named Madeline Pynch creates mind-control phones that hypnotize both humans and Cybertronians to dig up Blossom Vale (part of Griffin Rock)
Optimus Prime:
-He's the only one who's immune to the phones' power
-Lucky for him, the Matrix of Leadership can protect him from that kind of influence
-Because of that, he'd be the first to discover something isn't right with the humans, and eventually the other Bots when they'd start acting strange.
-He'd notice they're groundbridging to Griffin Rock with no explanation, and that they keep saying the phrase: "The project is the priority."
-Plus, their voices. Sure, they sound normal on the surface, but Optimus is very perceptive, and would pick up on the slight lack of emotion, and artificial tone when they speak.
-Throughout this mess, Optimus mainly confides in Ratchet
"What is going on?" Ratchet would muse, almost awestruck by the strange behavior of the others.
"I am unsure," Optimus would reply. "But I believe something is deeply amiss, old friend."
-Both of them would be struggling to uncover what this mysterious "project" is, and why the other Bots and humans have suddenly become so obsessed with it.
-She's the first Bot that falls under the spell; Jack's the first human to fall under, and he'd infect her
-Jack's responsible, empathetic personality works against him when he finds a golden cellphone abandoned at school.
"Someone must've lost this." He'd say. "I'd...better return it, right? I mean...I'd hate for someone to be freaking out, wondering where their phone is."
"I think they'll be fine without their phone for a couple of hours," Arcee would quip. "Come on, it's go-time. We've gotta get back to base."
-Then it rings
"I'd...better get that." Jack would say.
Arcee would playfully role her eyes and smile. "Alright. We'll go back after you've done your good deed for the day. But make it quick."
-Upon answering the call, Jack's whole body suddenly goes rigid. "The project is the priority."
"Uhh...Jack...?" Arcee would press, nervous about her partner's abrupt shift in demeanor.
-Arcee would vent to Bulkhead. "Something's seriously wrong with Jack," and beg Ratchet for help. "Ratchet, come on. He's gotta be...I don't know, sick, or something, right? He's not acting...human."
-But soon, Jack would attach a phone to her in vehicle mode, and she'd be sucked in as well.
-Arcee's mind control would be subtle. She's naturally stoic, after all. The others might mistake her drone-like behavior for her usual closed-off personality, even when Optimus asks her to go on a mission, and she flatly replies: "...Can't..." Perhaps she's just having a rough day thinking about her lost partners. But suspicions rise when she and Jack disappear to Griffin Rock.
-Even in trance, Arcee maintains her stealth and agility, making her a formidable opponent.
-He'd get infected by his human charge, just like Arcee.
-Miko is SUPER suspicious of Jack's strange, zombie-like behavior, so she tracks him down and calls him out on it. She'd assume it's the work of Decepticons.
"Yeah, ok, Jack. You think you can fool me. Come on, dude! You're acting like Megatron barbecued your brain! You're some kind of mind-controlled zombie! But, don't worry, Jack Rabbit! I'll find a way to fix you up. Otherwise, Bulk's gonna bash you into zombie smithereens!"
-Jack would probably have to battle Miko to get her to listen to the call, but eventually, she'd become hypnotized, too.
-Now THAT'S a HUGE red flag for Bulkhead, and, well, EVERYONE
-MIKO is acting stoic and speaking in a monotone? OUR MIKO?
-Oh, Primus, no.
"Miko," Bulkhead would say, holding Miko's electric guitar. "Don't'cha wanna play your favorite song?"
"No time..." The girl would say blankly, and Bulkhead would drop the guitar in pure shock.
-It won't be long before Bulkhead pulls Miko aside to ask what's going on.
"This will explain everything..." Miko drones, showing Bulk a strange golden cellphone.
"A...cellphone?" Bulkhead questions. "Where'd you get that?"
"Answer it."
-Poor Bulkhead is fooled. He takes the call, and now there's two Autobots down.
-Bulkhead's mind-controlled state would definitely raise a few eyebrows. At first, it'd seem like he's just deeply lost in thought, but when it's time to battle, and he suddenly has no interest in kicking some tailpipe, it's clear something's wrong.
-Luckily, he's still pretty clumsy.
-Now, Bumblebee's situation is interesting
-He doesn't get infected by Raf.
-Rather, he gets infected trying to save Raf from becoming infected when a hypnotized Jack and Miko try to assimilate him.
-Poor Raf would be like: "Bumblebee, no! You don't have to do this to save me! I need you!"
-Unfortunately, Jack and Miko break their promise to spare Raf in exchange for Bumblebee joining them, so now all the humans are under, and nearly every Bot.
-Bumblebee's mind-controlled state is similar to when Megatron possessed him, only slightly less dangerous (I mean, come on. That was Megatron. You can't get much more dangerous than that).
-Bumblebee's is also the most obvious (besides Miko, of course). Bumblebee's such a sweetheart, it's easy to tell he isn't himself. Plus, his buzzing sounds different under mind-control. It's lower, and duller.
-Even while hypnotized, Raf is the only human who understand's Bumblebee when he speaks, so the two work together, unlike the others. The phones numb all emotions, so Bulkhead and Miko, as well as Arcee and Jack seem to have forgotten they're partners. Bee and Raf mainly work together because it's practical.
-Poor Ratchet's going through it😂
-It took a LOT of fighting, but he managed to scan the others with his medical scanner.
-Ratchet is the one who figures out the phones are emitting a hypnosis-inducing frequency. Optimus is grateful for his help.
-However, with everyone else hypnotized, Ratchet gets cornered, and hypnotized himself.
-Poor guy. He tried to help them.
-Mind-controlled Ratchet is pretty scary
-Keep in mind, victims of the Pynch Phones maintain their intelligence
-Ratchet becomes a precise, calculating machine. He's gonna FIND that gold, and, if you try to stop him, he'll get you out of his way however he deems fit.
BONUS: Aftermath/Optimus is goated:
-Optimus manages to save the others by crushing the phones. Who knows? Maybe he and Megatron even had to team up.
-The others are super guilty upon snapping out of it. Bee is like a confused puppy, Bulkhead is furious, and Arcee is horrified (Jack keeps having to assure her he's ok). Ratchet has, like, a hangover because his neural net is too old for this mind-control shit.
-Optimus makes sure everyone knows it wasn't their fault. He's such a kind dude.
-Madeline Pynch should probably run. Messing with the Rescue Bots is one thing, but THIS is Team Prime. Optimus may be a pacifist, but Pynch endangered human lives. That's a biiiiig no-no when it comes to Optimus. He probably won't hurt her, per se, but she's in for a world of karma, because the other Bots aren't so forgiving,
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weldingmetal · 9 months
How do you think cybertronians would react to our mouths? The fact that the mouth can easily bite and rip off your or someone else's pinky finger with such ease, almost like biting into a carrot. The brain only stops you from doing so.
So like I think in this scenario it’s not the fact that they have mouths that freaked them out, it’s the fact of what they do with said mouths as well as teeth.
Unlike Cybertronians human eat and chew where they mostly drink. Humans teeth are made to tear into flesh. Just predicons had sharp teeth to eat living mechanisms we have canines to eat meat.
Although that isn’t to say that bots teeth can’t be sharp. I believe if they ate non refined energon in its crystal form their denta would get sharp. I mean look a TFP Megatron. We know that he loved his space crack- I mean dark energon. So I wouldn’t doubt that centuries of eating the stuff would make his mouth look like a piranha.
But sharp teeth/denta for bots isn’t normal.
I can imagine how visceral it would be for a bot to watch a human or animal tear into meat or eat and chew things that should be to hard for soft organics.
So imagine a bot’s reaction to a humans mouth and teeth at work.
Here is a blurb of a possible reaction.
Bulkhead tired to think of a way out of this.
It was supposed to be a simple mission. It was supposed to be practically nothing. Now he’s tied up, can’t move or sever his binds, and he still doesn’t know where Miko went.
He let her wonder off and now who knows where she-
As if Primus himself heard him he heard his charges voice.
“Bulkhead where are you we have to-“
She turned the corner to find Bulkhead. Tied up in some kind of cable.
“I’m sorry Miko, I was ambushed. I would get us the frag out of here but…I’m a little tied up.”
He says looking down at his binds. Miko runs up to him.
“You gotta try Bulk, the decepticons were after me back there. I lost them but they could come any second!”
“I wish I could Miko. But there are to many loops in my binds around me to break free. I would be able to if I could break just a few of them, maybe if you can find somethi-!”
Then deep in the cave stomping peds could be heard. Miko was full on panicking. She ran up to her bot. Her friend. She tugged and tugged. She knew everything would be okay if she could just break a few.
“It’s no use Miko! I’ll be fine you need to go! Please Miko, run and hide!”
Miko looked up at the bot, her bot, in fear. She looked towards the impending doom before back to Bulkhead and his pleading look.
Something in her snapped.
Her face lit up in anger and she screamed-
She bit down on the cable, electric sparks lighting up around the corners of her mouth as she tugged and bit and thrashed her head back and forth like a wild animal until the cable broke.
She went for another
*crunch zzzt snap*
*crunch zzzt snap*
*crunch zzzt snap”
”Leaving you.”
*crunch zzzt snap*
Bulkhead with all his might flexed and pulled and stood and broke his binds just as the vehicons rounded the corner. He picked Miko up and dashed out of the cave dodging blasts aimed at him.
He looked down at Miko and gasped. The corners of her mouth were burned and bloodied. Her jaw was snapping and seizing no doubt from the electric current she continued to bite…for his sake.
As he left the cave and was able to get a signal to comlink and ask for a ground bridge he was wracked with heavy and thick guilt.
He was supposed to be the strong one. He stopped thinking when he heard Miko groan and speak.
“G-guess I s-saved you this time h-huh Bulkhead?”
Bulkhead thought he would cry, in fact he was almost certain he was tearing up. Despite everything Miko, his sparkling charge was still smiling.
As he ran into base he yelled for Ratchet, to do something anything to help Miko.
June and eventually Fowler was called. June bandaged Miko’s mouth and said that she probably won’t have any lasting scars and if she did they would fade.
After the kids were sent home the bots rightfully demanded to know what happened.
Bulkhead explained everything, even the way Miko seemed to go feral.
After that bots went to bed with deep unease in their tanks.
How could something so small have a bite that hard, and still undoubtedly be sentient.
Bulkhead didn’t recharge that night.
Who could blame him with the image of mostly innocent Miko desperately and frantically tore into the cable like a feral animal. All because he wasn’t strong enough.
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