#i think he's flexable
ethicalitycain · 1 year
my lazy ass: my alien oc, as a symbiotic parasite, took an initial host centuries ago and is responsible for its upkeep, and he prefers being humanoid. the older or more hungy he gets the more he struggles to conceal his natural biology on his host
also me: what if he was wearing the skin like a suit and is an ephemeral being otherwise imperceptible to humans
also also me: what if he was a little amoeba on the floor the size of a lego
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foefire-flame · 13 days
You can give or take how you interpret charr anatomy, but personally whenever I imagine my charr fighting, (since he is shorter and is faster than he is strong) is his reliance on charr flexability.
In their emotes you can see Charr have similar capabilities of cats, which means I take some of the insane movement you see in felines and apply it to charr at a grander scale. They're flexible, their fast-twich muscle fibers allowing for big bursts of movement, they have incredible spacial awareness. I feel like we often see charr as bulky, muscly warriors which they definitely can be, and Im sure there is a trade off with Charr who prefer to use what their anatomy allows for harder, faster blows than flexability especially if their armor does contrict tighter movements, at least for Blood. I can imagine ash legion tends to lean into the more dexterous side of things more often than not.
Everytime I imagine Leo fighting I can imagine him using the enviorment to his advantage since he prefers wearing light plate armor, he can do so. Kicking off the side of a wall to escape a pinch, running and making a quick turn, stabbing his sword into the ground as his hind legs glide behind with his tail balancing him out until his claws grip the earth and he bounces back at a faster pace. Sometimes he swings his sword at a speed that looks almost unbelievable.
I think the quick movement charr can do can surprise the other races because them being so large throws them off, but no they still have those capabilities! I just like thinking of Charr leaning into being Creatures. I like imagining them Having those cool animalistic traits you don't see in humans. It makes them more "uncanny" and terrifying and COOL.
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warmachine68 · 7 months
Rottmnt analysis
So, in the episode Pizza Puffs(season 2 episode 5b), Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and Meat Sweats all consumed a Mystic poison (that was in some pizza puffs). They all had different side effects, and I think that's because the poison used their personality against them.
For example, Donnie names a lot of things after himself.
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Donnie: So I build, behold Donnie Town! Donnie : Also known as Donnie-apolis, Donnie Estates, Park La Donnie, Donna-Stan, Notre-Don or Donnie-Stan to Noble I still haven't landed on one... 
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Announcer: Really a last minute entry. Introducing Dronatello!
Shelldon: Dronatello? Donnie? What are you doing here?
It only makes sense to give him another being that is related to him but not the same as him. He did even go on to name this "TummyTello".
Mikey, with all his Razzmatazz, flips, and tricks, is incredibly flexible, almost like he doesn't have bones or his bones are incredibly flexable.
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Mikey: This situation calls for a dose of my psycho-acrobatics!"
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This is why his side effect from the poison was jelly bones.
Leo's personality is often based on him being the face man. He talks a lot about his looks and some could say he implys a lot of time (if he doesn't just say it) that he is "on fire", with both his looks and his actions.
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Leo: Leon’s on fire tonight boys. 
This is why he is literally on fire as a result of the poison.
The poison also played with his love of puns. At one point he said, "I don't feel so hot," and then his head caught of fire almost immediately after.
As for meat sweats, we all know that he is (a little more than) a bit narcissistic.
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Meat sweats: Look at me boat race. All sorts of handsome is me.
This is why, when he ate the poisoned pizza puffs, he had a bunch of himself on his body. This is because all he thinks about is himself.
Going off of this, what do you think Raph's side effect would have been if he had eaten some of the pizza puffs?
If you got here, thank you for reading.
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sinning-23 · 24 days
Unique(Soft/Odd AOT Headcannons)
Uhhh so i finally finished AOT and that ending absolutely wrecked me and I cant stop thinking about it sweet jesus. So, here are some nice lil headcannons to fix my soul lmao. ALSO if you have sent anything through my ask box please know it is in the works and most of them are just incomplete drafts! Thank you for your patience! Anyway,
-Eren gets sick surprisingly often. It's very odd. You'd think he would be immune to shit like that but it's not very often he's not somewhat 'sick'
-Like, he always has congestion,and when it clears up its only for a week or two before its back to square one.
-He has three birthmarks on his lower back and they look like the little shocked emoticon
-He can touch his tongue tot he tip of his nose.
- When Eren gets flustered you can see it on his knuckles and the back of his neck.
-Eren is double jointed
-Armin had reading glasses he keeps in a case in his pocket at all times.
-Armins eyes look almost clear when you look at them in the right angle/amout of sunlight
-He has a very pretty singing voice, and he does it only when he's very deeply focused on something.
-He has very pretty hand writting, in fact a lot of his comrades ask for him to write things down for them because its so neat.
-He has very soft and slender hands and his fingertips get red when he's cold
-Armins hair actually has a bit of a curl to it but it flattens in the heat
-Hes very good with plants/gardening
-Picked up embroidering and will occasionally dabble, reminds her of her mom
-Mikasa has a very high body temperature, she is never cold and just constantly warm, she tends to have sweaty palms as well
-Very rarely will you be able to see Mikasa's pupils because her eyes are so dark and her pupils are always very dilated.
-She smells faitly sweet. Always has, can't pinpoint exactly why but it is definitely a thing she has noticed.
-Mikasa has a few grey hairs, there are about 4-5 and are spaced out in her hair but when you find one its not hard to miss because of the contrast.
-She really fucking likes bread...like a lot.
-Has pretty poor balance. He is always mis-stepping or leaning, its like his equilibrium is off.
-Doesn't really like his facial hair but doesn't go out of his way to trim it, can never seem to find the time or motivation
-Reiners hands are very large, like very wide. There's a lot of things that look a lot smaller in his hands compared to everyone else.
-Lactose intolerant
-Reiner often gets the chills/goosebumps
-Is kinda embarassed about his big his but is...like sometimes he struggles to get his pants up and has to jump to get them on.
-Will forget to duck down before he goes into a room and will his his forehead on the door frame
-He scars really easily and his knees are very dark because he would skin them a lot as a kid
-He's awar of how tall he is but he's very good at hiding in smaller spaces. If there's a sliver to a crack to slide between he can do it no problem.
-Bertold chooses to stay quiet most the timebecasuse he can be very mean in his head, and he doest like making others feel bad despite his innermost thoughts being very rude/blunt.
-Is a lot stronger than he lets on, carrying certain things is no problem for him and its a little off-putting
-She is an avid sleep talker
-Annie thinks her best feature is her hair and nose
-Her back will often lock up on her but she had trianed herself ot get used to the shooting pain. No she wont tell anyone about it
-Annie has a comfort hoodie and she gets a lot more anxious if she doesn't have it on her person in some way, shape, or form
-She bites her fingernails to nubs
-Annie has really dry skin and hates the sensation of lotion so she just, won't use any.
-fluent in pig latin
-Connie snorts when he laughs
-He gets really motion sick so he doesn't like to do any like extra tricks n shit when he's in the odm gear.
-Connie is actually pretty flexable and can fold all the way in half
-He's really good with horses and other kinds of livestock. He is so skilled in fact that he can ride most horses without a saddle
-He can dislocate his shoulder and has used to to prank Jean and Sasha many times. He thinks its hilarious.
-No one brings it up but Jean has an accent. It’s faint but it’s there, especially when he’s feeling a strong emotion.
-He was really ducking chunky as a baby. Like….he had little rolls and it was adorable.
-Jean is asthmatic
-He can draw really well, in his free time he sketches.
-He really likes cookies.
-Jean is bilugual, he only really mumbles stuff under his breath and wont tell you when he said.
-She cries a lot. She can’t help it, a lot of stuff just makes her emotional.
-She once grew her hair past her but and did the big chop before she enlisted. Yes she misses it sometimes.
-Sasha can’t walk in heels.
-She is a bit of a klepto…and she really can’t help it, sometimes she doesn’t even know she’s doing it until she’s long gone from the place she took the item from
-Sasha still has her baby blanket in perfect condition as well.
-Sasha can’t swim.
-He is a ya bit insecure about his eyebrows
He cracks his knuckles a lot and Levi hates it. He cannot stand the sound and will stare him down when he cracks them
-Needs glasses from time to time when reading
-Erwin had a surprising deep voice as a child.
-He has a little bit of a sweet tooth
-Keeps emergency money in his shoe( a tip from his dad that he always uses)
-Levi can hold his breathe for about a minute
-He has amazing peripheral vision. Its almost impossible to sneak up on him he is always looking and can just see things around him very clearly.
-Levi can write in cursive and has pretty handwriting like Armin. But he won’t help anyone write anything.
-Levi always makes sure his nails are neat. He can't stand dirty fingernails.
-He has grey hairs like Mikasa does
-Hanji always smells like chemicals.
-Hanji is actually blind as a bat and needs glasses prescription updates very often
-They almost always know when someone is being dishonest. It's like a sixth sense
-Hanji has an older brother but they don’t talk or keep in contact anymore.
-Hanji had a collection of teeth. Key word had. (Levi had something to do with it)
-They can see a broader spectrum of color and no one believes them!
Authors Note: I haven't written for AOT in forever so this was a nice little treat for myself. I literally grew up watching AOT, it is a comfort show and a staple of my childhood lol.
On another note, KINKTOBER is fast approaching so I will be mainly focusing on trying to get those fics whipped up before next month! I also turn 21 next month so I'm busy party planning and getting ready to absolutely destroy my liver lol. Anyway love you sinners! See ya next post! <3
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bots-and-cons · 9 months
I imagine a female human (Soundwave's Human S/O), who has a powerful tentacles on her head, resembling hair. But she always wears a beanie hat to hide it all the time. Including when she sleep.
But one day, Soundwave finds out accidentally when she took off her beanie hat because she thought she was alone and no one was looking for her
I just want to see his reactions about it
Including about her abilities:
* Prehensile/Elastic Hair Tentacles
* Comakinetic Combat
* Hair Walking
* Enhanced Strength
* Enhanced Agility
* Enhanced Flexability
* Enhanced Acrobatics
This just reminds me of assassination classroom, and that’s what I based this on, mostly Itona rather than Koro-sensei. Idk if you even know what I’m talking about but that’s just what came to mind from this request
•Ever since you were a kid, you were taught to hide your tentacles, because “it’s not normal”
•So you did, you never let anyone see you without your beanie on
•Of course you got a lot of complaints from teachers and other people who thought it was rude to always have your hat on, and some kids tried to take your beanie to bully you
•Because of the tentacles, it’s not really possible to take the beanie off if you don’t want to, because you can just use the tentacles to grab the inside of the hat
•When you eventually met Soundwave and the cons, you still wouldn’t take your beanie off in any situation, because it was so ingrained in you not to
•You’ve defended yourself with your tentacles before, but they move so fast, humans don’t usually really notice what they were hit by
•But the cybertronians have much keener optics, so Soundwave had no trouble seeing what smacked aside the rocks that almost hit you
•He never said anything, since you didn’t either, so he figured you would tell him when you felt like it
•You get this kind of itch on your head when you don’t use your tentacles for, so when you’re alone, you take your hat off and just walk around with them for a while, and just move the tentacles in general
•You were in Soundwave’s habsuite, and since he was always working at this time of day, you figured you were safe to give your tentacles some exercise
•Soundwave can see everything that’s going on in the Nemesis, basically all the time, or well as long as he has enough screens
•So he’s also seen you do this before, but his curiosity got the better of him this time around
•He knows it’s not normal for humans to have tentacles on their head along with their hair, so he is curious about how you ended up with them
•So he just basically quietly makes his way to the habsuite and just opens the door
•You’re obviously pretty shocked as to why he’s suddenly there, but not as shocked as to not put your hat back on
•Even though you do that, you know you’re busted, so you sigh and slowly take the hat off, revealing your tentacles 
•Soundwave’s first reaction is to gently pat you on your head as he often does, now there’s just no beanie in between his hand and your head
•Your tentacles gently wrap around his digits and you get a bit embarrassed, sometimes it feels like your tentacles have a mind of their own when it comes to Soundwave
•He shows a picture of a cartoon octopus and a question mark on his visor, which gets a small chuckle out of you
•You tell him that to your knowledge, you have no relation to octopi or anything like that, but you see why he might think that
•Soundwave doesn’t mind, it doesn’t make you look like a freak to him, opposed to what a human might think
•After that, you often use your tentacles to climb to his shoulder or to just sort of hold his hand
•Soundwave thinks your combat ability is quite impressive for a human, and while he will gladly be your opponent in training, he doesn’t want you to ever have to fight the autobots or anyone else for that matter
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ink-sans-club · 4 days
HEADCANONS FOR INK!: I once saw a piece of fanart on pinterest of Ink being flexable, and that gave me the headcanon that Ink likes to do yoga occasionally. Sometimes Dream joins him on weekends. His favorite drinks are milkshakes. Specifically, Fruity Pebbles. Likes to paint on himself from time to time. Face, arms, legs, feet, doesn't matter. Feel like his favorite animal would be like, a very colorful bird. Like a peacock or a toucan.
Ink would be very flexible.... for better or for worse. He would probably scare somebody by being in a weird pose.
Fruity Pebbles milkshake, he probably loves the taste and the colors. and then would be sad when the colors mix together.
Peacocks are beautiful, I think he would also like how big they can appear with their feathers. :0
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jet-prince · 9 months
MORE HEADCANON’SSSSS, physical advantages (also can yall tell who my favorites are)
a important factor that I think is definitely gonna play out is the combat of the rewrite and each character’s abilities and advantages , examples :3
Dub’s attack type is control, he has an eye beam similar to ajaceare and he can summon an extra set of arms on his lower back and has a shield, Believe it or not Dub takes on a more defensive approach to attacking. As his troops tend to have much stronger attacks than him. While he is primarily defense that doesn’t mean he can’t do some rather devastating damage. In the factory Dub created a powerful canon like gun that he keeps within his throne room. (+flexability!)
Ajaceare is notably a strong shape- naturally and magically. AJ is a witch and specializes primary in spells and mana. Despite this she is also a cube meaning she is physically powerful too. Making her a shape worthy of respect in terms of combat. She does have her own problems though, while she does have a eyebeam like dub it’s much much more weaker and she cannot change size. But these are simply minor inconveniences to her.
Circubit is a very interesting shape in terms of combat, and it’s safe to say it’s a rather simple choice. Circubit has a holdable weapon that is a large baseball bat. Combined with circubits incredible speed and stupidity. His plan each time is to run at said target and just start swinging and 6/10 times it works-
(I’ll get to others soon enough buuuuttt the corrupts have been plaguing my brain all day)
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taldigi · 5 months
i think indie games and bathesda-style nameless protags have made me anxious about enjoying protags in games cause i'm always like "Oh god it's going to turn out that this character I enjoy playing as is either crazy or hates my guts for making them do shit against their will" or w/e so even thou so far ren is super awesome cause he's got his own little personality that's still jrpg flexable
I hope i'm not proven wrong later and he rips off his mask and is "evil the whole time" suddenly. i've only beaten the second palace so far.
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hozaloza · 6 months
I made some infection au sketches while streaming (These are very messy and just the sketch/idea) I'll make them neater another day
TW!! Body type horror
Also spoilers for my INFECTION AU, Don't look if you want to keep the story unknown/ a surprise!!
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He has a long, flexible neck and a constantly bleeding head. Out of the three main infected, he's the largest in size. Despite this large size, he's still able to fit through extremely tight spaces (really flexable). His arms are pretty long, able to reach far distances, and he can maul tons of people. The long arms give him the ability to climb tall areas with ease, and help him reach further if he gets stuck. Legs are long as well, but not as useful, he opts to using his heads to getting around.
Tyler is the second largest of the three, not being as tall with his limbs, however his legs are shaped like cheetah legs, meaning he is able to run extremely fast. He can also distort his arms to run on all fours if necessary. His guts hang out of his body, which somehow makes it easier for him to be quick and speedy. His hands aren't as sharp as Aiden's, so they're not as effective.
He's the smallest of the three, and the slowest because of his large hanging guts. Because of this disadvantage, he opts to using the fluids that had built up in his stomach to puke it far distances, mind you this blue fluid is acidic, so it's pretty deadly. When he pukes, his throat locks in near the exit and it builds up, making his neck bulge. When he's ready to shoot, he relaxes the exit, making the puke fly far distances. The acid had gotten rid of his lower stomach area, leaving the guts remaining, but that doesn't make him any quicker. His limbs are pretty much smaller than the others, also adding to why he's so slow. But these disadvantages only make him more deadly since his puke evolves to be shot out further and further.
That's all, lmk what you think of these sketches 🫶🫶
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laz-laz-ace-pilot · 1 year
All this “everyone has the Force” stuff reminds me of when people wanted Rey to have a low midi-chlorian count. The idea was that midi-chlorians were not the sole indicator of Force-sensitivity, but that the Jedi used high m-count as a criteria for recruitment because it was quantifiable and measurable
I'm not a purist when it comes to force-sensitivity and I see what you mean, but it feels less like a change for the better of the narrative, and more like wish fulfilment on Filoni's part.
There's always been dodgy lore when it comes to force-sensitivity; I've never been a fan of Lucas' comment that Vader lost some of his sensitivity after losing limbs and the whole 'he's more machine than man' thing. Same with the idea that the clones couldn't be force-sensitive because Jango wasn't. Midi-chlorians have never been popular, and a quantifiable measure of the Force seems opposed to its flexable nature.
But this change not just messes with canon events, but also with the themes of other star wars stories. The High Republic - a personal favourite - is about the best years of the Jedi and Republic and this is characterised as a time of cooperation. Whether that's the Jedi working together, Jedi working with ordinary civilians to save lives, former conflicting states (Shili, Eriam, E'ronoh) working together - its about people doing what they can to help, force-sensitive or not. The implication that everyone can equally access the Force with enough training just undermines how people bring their different skills and experiences to help in the story.
These stories also explore other Force related groups and how these operate with or without Force-sensitivity. The Guardians of the Whills, Church of the Force, even the Path of the Open Hand have interesting philosophies that explore life without sensitivity and they deserve better than to be ignored.
And the Jedi have always been characterised as a closed group that have faced persecution (like many real life groups). The implication that them not being open to everyone is the reason they failed (?) sits wrong with me on so many levels.
And maybe the show will address this - we're only three episodes in at time of writing. Maybe it will explore the idea that Ahsoka is wrong to believe this and its part of her own trauma and skewed memory of the Order and that actually being trained by Mr Anakin Attachment-and-Resentment Skywalker was the problem, not the Order itself.
But I don't have faith that will happen. Filoni's past comments about the Jedi, his general misunderstanding of how they worked and how their philosophies worked, and his own attachment to his favourite character don't give me much hope (not to mention his racist and antisemitic history). The show has yet to brush on any actual Jedi teachings, but has demonstrated that yeah, Ahsoka is no Jedi, but that might not be the good thing it seems to think it is.
Sorry, I hope that kinda answers your ask, I got a bit carried away. I don't want to hate on the show, and I hope fans get something from it, but Filoni's approach really rubs me the wrong way!
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
Physical Training/Activities && Schedules
Each of their training and activities that they enjoy and when they do it! TW for mentions of blood, violence, smoking, weapons [let me know if I missed anything!]
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most of the physical training and activites that emilia does is for work at the club. her focus is on flexability, thigh strength and arm strength.
the main type of training that emilia does is aerial silk/hoop dancing. it helps her a lot when pole dancing since it works out her thighs and arms the most and have similar movements to pole dancing. she practices everyday sometimes in the morning or at night since that’s when she feels the best to do them. her favorite silks routine is this and her favorite hoop routine is this. 
she also dances to help her with her rhythm for pole dancing. she does ballet normally but also does hip hop for fun and to practice rhythm work. she was put in ballet as a kid and actually had a dream of opening a dance studio to teach kids until she wanted to become a healer and her plans changed. she tries to dance at least once a week, if she doesn’t feel like doing silks or the hoop she’ll do some dancing instead. favorite dance routine is this. 
she doesn’t do it as often but she also does gymnastics! she was put in gymnastics as a kid and still does it to keep up with her flexability! she also enjoys it a lot and tends to try and do it once a month just for some fun maybe with some music in the background. her favorite routine is this!
emilia does afternoon runs! these are mainly just for fun or when she needs to clear her mind. they don’t happen as often but when they do she likes to do it on a sunny spring day with a nice breeze.
she does this the least but she has casual gym days. it can range from once a week to once a year but she only really works on her upper body since her regular activities and trainings help with her lower body strength and endurance. 
emila grabbed the silk rope as she took a deep breath as she started the routine as the music started playing. she had a running start as she got off the ground. she spread her legs, rolling back as she wrapped the silk rope around her legs more, climbing higher on it. she smiled as she danced along to the music enjoying the feeling of being over the ground and in the air.  
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jooheon’s training is mostly for royal guard activities and to be able to do his job effectively. he also likes keeping himself in shape and likes to keep his body fit.
jooheon’s main role in the royal guard is being an archer. so his main training is archery! it helps with his chest, upper back and arm workouts. he does this training about everyday but if he gets busy with work he tries his best to go to the training grounds at least once a week. he sticks to afternoon training but if he’s busy will go really early in the morning. 
he also does swordsmanship for the royal guard. he doesn’t enjoy it as much as he does archery and prefers to skip out on these days, which tends to be once a week. he’s not one with having a sword and thinks they are too big and bulky, making sneaking around during a mission or patrol hard. 
joo casually does boxing. he’s not one for fist to fist fighting so he doesn’t really train in it, when he does it’s once a month or so. he also helps ari and leo with their training. jay’s trainer begs joo to get her to do a least one day of some type of fist to fist fighting which means he has to drag her into the ring. while with leo it’s whenever he needs a sparring partner, he enjoys teasing and making the younger angry during their sessions. 
he has to do some type of endurance training which includes mainly running in the morings or whenever his first work time starts. since his smoking messes with his lungs he uses it as a way to help expanding his lungs. he does this whenever he can, doesn’t have a regular schedule for it. 
he regularly goes to the gym! he likes keeping fit and lowkey feels like his body is a piece of art that needs to be worked on. he also goes to train on his legs since his normal training doesn’t give him that much needed leg training. he tries to go everyday, at night but, if he gets busy there might be gaps in those days which frustrates him. 
one of jooheon’s favorite physical activities are moterbike races! he joins both legal track races and illegal street races, tending to enjoy street races a lot more. he also takes the time when he’s free and taking a break from regular training to learn tricks and stunts. his favorite stunt/trick he’s learned is this [skip to 5:19 - 6:36]. this took him a long time to learn and lots of injuries so he’s really proud of it. 
the revving of engines could be heard throughout the street. it was dark out and it was one of the monthly street races that happened in the area. the flag was dropped and everyone started. jooheon weaved around people as he increased his speed. as he got next to a friend of his who turned to look at him he nodded his head at him before increasing his speed so more. he was aimming to win this race.  
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diego’s training is more so legs based and is more so while he’s in the royal guard. he’s still debating if he should quite. 
he loves doing morning runs/jogs. this isn’t much for training and more so for his self enjoyment. he likes waking up on a sunny or rainy day and just run out to start his day. he does this everyday unless he’s feeling too stressed out or tired. 
he casually goes to the gym. when going to the gym he tends to focus on his shoulders and arms but makes sure to give his whole body the same treatement. he does this about once a week and does it to stay fit and keep a healthy lifestyle. 
the thing he hates the most to do is swordmanship. since he isn’t sure if he wants to stay in the royal guard so it’s not something he enjoys having to lug out of bed to do. since he tends to skip a bit he goes the most once a month. 
he does kick boxing more so as a fun activity and only does it with ari. he’s been the only person who’s been able to sweep and get jay off her feet which he is really proud and smug about. 
diego looked at jay in their eyes as he bounced from foot to foot. jay looked back at his blue eyes her teeth bared as she glared at him. she charged at him and he instantly raised his leg it coming into contact with her side and knocking her out of balance. she fell, panting as she hit mat angrily. “come back her you tall bastard!” she snarled as he laughed and started running away from her as they cashed after him.
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leo’s training, like emilia’s, is based for one of his jobs at the club along with royal guard training. he tends to enjoy his trainings a lot more then the others and can somewhat be considered a gym rat. a lot of his focus is on all his body but he tends to have favoritism for his chest.  
leo regularly goes to the gym! he tends to go at night after his normal day activities if he doesn’t have to go to the club. he goes everyday, if he can’t go at night he goes in the afternoon or morning. he uses the gym as a stress relief and a way to make agressive energy into healthy energy. he feels like it works better then boxing training did. 
boxing was leo’s old way of getting rid of stress. he recently got back into it cause of his trainer. he hates sparring with jooheon but prefers it more then having to do it with jay. he would like to keep his ribs. 
like emilia, leo also does aerial silks and hoops. he doesn’t do it as often as emilia but he does try to at least once a week if he can. it also helps him with pole dancing. his favorite aerial silk routine is this. his favorite aerial hoop training is this!
emilia gave him the choice of gymnastics or dancing and he picked dancing. he was not going to do gymnastics. he does tend to dance hip hop with emilia but also tends to do latin dances with ace and jay. when alone he prefers to do dembow [a dominican style dance] and perreo [i can’t find videos for either one of these and either way they’re extremely suggestive]. cause they’re idiots leo likes to do cumbia with ace and merengue with jay. his favorite dance routine is this!
swordsmanship is something he does more just for the royal guard. he skips out a lot and ends up doing it every couple months. 
he does track because ace got him into it. he does it to blow off steam when the gym doesn’t help. he likes running while listening to music. 
he bounced from foot to foot, panting, as he cracked his neck. his headphones were in and he was already sweaty from training for a while. he threw another punch to the punching bag in front of him as he waited for group training to start. he was feeling good about today.  
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ace is also apart of the royal guard but tends to do more archery like jooheon. this also helps him with his aim and target practice for when he goes around to do his cupid duties. a lot of this means he gets more arm and shoulder training along with chest but makes sures that his legs aren’t left out.
archery is a main training that ace does for both cupid duties and for royal guard training. it helps with his chest, upper back and arm workouts. like jooheon he is an archer, a good one with great aim and a great eye. he does archery almost everyday but when he’s busy it tends to stagger to 3 weeks a month.
ace does track more so for endurance and drags jay along to do it with him. he does like running but hates having to constantly go and the burn in his legs isn’t his favorite feeling. though he does have very strong thighs and calves because of it. he also tends to do this everyday after archery training. 
being of latin decent ace does dance but more so for fun and for family parties and get togethers. he also drags jay to practice certain dances since, being childhood friends, their familes mix and have massive parties together where their cousins always express the want to dance with them. ace is really good at dancing and his favorite dance to do with jay and in general is bachata. this is his favorite dance routine with jay! they tend to do this every couple weeks to every other month when not busy. he also knows how to waltz for parties that jooheon invites them to. 
as part of the royal guard ace does his fair share of swordsmanship. he doesn’t really enjoy it but he does it because he has to. to make up for dragging jay to do things with him he also does fencing. he doesn’t like it as much as her but he does appriciate the art and work that goes behind it.
for fun and whenever he goes back home to visit his family, he likes to play football [soccer]. he either kicks around the ball with his little brothers or plays full games with his uncles, cousins and little siblings while his mums, aunts and grandparents cheer along and sometimes make bets. his position tends to be goalie. there is no real schedule to this, it’s just for fun! 
another thing just for fun is knife throwing! he also really like hatchet throwing and darts, the love coming from one of his mums who likes to play darts also. he’s been trying to teach jay how to throw knives but her aim is still spotty. this helps him a lot with aimming just like archery does too. there is no schedule for this as well!
his face was dead serious with concentration as he looked at the target in front of him. he took a breath, holding the knife from it’s blade as he thought his throw through. once he knew what he was going to do, with the perfect amount of strength he threw it, it landing on the bullseye. he smiles big as he he throws his hands up with a happy laugh. 
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in a sense jay is trained to be a weapon. she does a little bit of everything since she needs it for most things both her jobs need of her. her focus tends to be on her legs since she hates upper body training. 
horseback riding is her favorite type of training next to fencing. she horsebacks for patrols with the royal guard but she also does it for a fun activity to deal with stress. she can also be considered a slight trick rider since she knows how to ride a horse while standing. she does this everyday whenever she can. 
ari loves the art of fencing. she likes how two people glide back and forth along with planning each one of their moves. swordsmanship is a must in the royal guard and jay likes the weight of a sword in their hand. in all it helps with her strategy work along with being able to think on her feet. she does this after her horseback riding, everyday. 
she doesn’t like boxing as much as she does kick boxing but she does both. she’s forced to do boxing by their trainer, since she needs some type of upper body training, since she skips gym days often. she hates upper body training and prefers to focus on her legs but is aware she should keep everything balanced. she does these every other week up or every other month. 
weapon training is more so for her scythe work. during these she practices how to swing around her scythe properly, how to run with it and how to jump with a scythe. since the scythe of a reaper tends to be a bit bigger then that of a regular scythe and bigger then their own body, this training is important to do a round properly. she does these trainings once a week. she also knows how to use other weapons like guns, knives, daggers and katanas.
hearing that ari was refusing to do her upper body training emilia suggested gymnastics...and that’s the day her trainer made her do gymnastics! she hated gymnastics but slowly grew to like it. it helped a lot with her upper body strength and her overall flexability. she does this every other month. her favorite routine is this, she’ll never admit that to anyone though. 
track was ace’s idea and he dragged her along to it. she hates running because of her lungs being shitty cause of smoking but keeps it up to help with her endurance along with hoping it’ll help expand her lungs. 
jay hates dancing more then anything else, even more then track. she only did it for ace and her family since they’re big dancers. she does secretly enjoy it though and is glad it’s more so for fun. she only will dance with her family and ace. if you ask her to dance she will deny you and walk away. it also helps her with her leg training so that’s a plus. being of latin decent as well she prefers to do latin dancing, her favorite type of dance being mambo. this is her favorite routine with ace! they dance every couple weeks or every other month. she also knows how to waltz for jooheon’s parties. 
jay looked at her sparing partner for todays training. he was well built and taller than her but, that was never an issue for her. he looked at her with a smirk as they circled each other and she glared at him. they got into stance and with that the man whistled as he eyed her. “aren’t you a pretty bitch, if i don’t mess you up here, i hope you’ll let me mess you up somewhere else.” he gave her a sleazy smirk and wink. she was caught off guard by the sudden words he took the chance to make a move, hitting her in the nose causing it to bleed. the room stilled as jay blinked everyone freezing as they saw her eyes turn red and steam pour out of her nose. this tension was evident to everyone but the man in front of her. “oh a bull are we-” he spoke until she charged at him, kicking his side knocking the air out of his lung before sweeping his feet from under him. her foot came to his face to hold him down, pressing down until a loud satidfying crack was heard. “say it again you pathetic bitch!” she spat out going to kick his side before her trainer stopped her and moved her to the side as she wiped her nose. 
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this took me forever omg...!! but here you are i hope you guys like it! if you want to interact and ask them questions go ahead its open! asks are also open if you want to ask through there! :D
possible new residents: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟💙] @faywithlove @moonsdessert @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @raiden-oc @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤] @halloween-idols @darkmoonsiblings  @nana-n-nono  @onlyomega-cb  @clubwnderland  @supernaturalcb  @mystical-ocs @domxbot  @ocmyths  @fantasyaespa [💚🐈 & 💎☀️] @thepatchedpaw @fantasycafexbot @redlight-cb  @theocsnextdoor @appa-cb @vanillaluna-oc  @dawnswonderland-entertainment @richboy-atz @k-pop-shelter @fantasy-teez @bluerosemafiacb [🔪❣️] @thechoi-bot @sirenaquariumcb @chooseyourmx  @beastfights-starting  @divineblood-cb @cave-of-celestials @littleprincejae @urtwice @ateezmystery @multi-au-center @welcometosector1 @9ateez-multiau-bot @dazzlingstarshelter-cb @the-family-business-cb @hrtboys @collegeskz @wolfpackcb @mxthxidols @lunaaofthemoon @strluv @yourocboys @littleboywooyoungie @musiclovermino [🎶💛]  @k-venturetime @multi-joong [🌧️🧡] @reve-rv @yutaalove  @aespabending​ @pick-a-hwa​ @vanilladaises-rp​  @theafterlifeclub-cb​ @k-half-blood​ @multi-esme​ @the-hellhounds​ [DM + / -]  
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selfshipslimecave · 2 months
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Sparkie Rotten
Was made by Robbie, Dr Rottenstine's monster hehe...
Sparkie is in her 30's age wise
Fun fact her dress was hastily made by Robbie out of one of his old suits so she would have something to wear.
I was about 15 when I created her so she is based on Frankie Stine (not as much as she use to be thank heaven) but she sparks like Frankie did in the old books I kept that feature cause its cute.
She is very protective over Robbie, though preferring to be lazy she is much more flexable and agile then he is so that comes in handy at time...
That's all I can think of if anyone has any questions about her or for her my Ask box is open ^^
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The Autobots in this one lack the having flexable and highly adaptable leadership. If Prowl mirrors his IWD counterpart he will stop at nothing to win. Do what he seesnessary and devil take the hindmost. But he doesn't consider his blindspots. Ultra Magnus is extremely lawful but he is very much lawful good. UM would do well early on but as the facade crumbles he's gonna struggle. And he might be the first with shadow play or slave coding. At that point UM is going to be subtlety careless and start implementing malicious compliance. Maybe his Malicious compliance is how the Wrecker managed to get out. Starting a methodical grid search in the wrong spot to give them time to escape. Deliberately emphasizing and deemphazizing reports to poison the Tac-net's data.
Also once the Deceptacons learn about the slave coding they're going to be less focused on killing and more on capture and debuging. OP because it's right, Megatron because New Recruits.
I think things will be interesting with Forged mech and the council's access to them. Because their intermediaries with the Allspark are not on their side. And ya know ya boi Starscream, she's real good at assassination. The ones who sided with the status quo don't have a long life expectancy.
Megatron is gona be so touched when OP did a Violence™️ for him and their stillborn though. It won't fix everything but they're on the path to a new OK. Enough so he's not lashing out through the bond anymore
Yep yep they do
Now, I don't know much about aligned Prowl other than the fact that he's not in tfp, but I can very well see his personality becoming more and more like IDW Prowl's more notorious characterization the more he works with the council's autobots as his moral boundaries are pushed again and again until he learns to just. Throw morals to the wind because they're going to get stomped down regardless. After all, IDW Prowl didn't start out as methodically ruthless as he soon became infamous for.
Exactlyy I do feel like rolling with tfp Mags he's certainly caught up in the rank of it all but he's going to have so many opinions about all of this, honestly I feel like he's a good target for slavecoding (which I can totally see being connected to mnemosurgery in a different way than shadowplay??) considering his role and how you're suggesting malicious compliance.
And from what you're suggesting yesssss on it being the way out
Cool that this makes them focus more on capture and not kill, I just got the vague idea that this would play as an interesting game dynamic
I get the vibe that the council's autobots will utilize a lot of "short term" members with short life expectancies, being fed on a strict information diet with our dear friend propaganda in there, and typically aren't all that loyal? If that makes any sense?
Starscream will play a very interesting role because she is really good at not only assassination but the entire political game and strategy; aligned Starscream was a full ass high ranking Vosian general both before and during a lot of the canon war, after all.
Optimus and Megatron are going to have such a time healing from their loss and navigating being Prime and Protector, "a new OK" is a good way of describing it
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jatlokgwo · 5 months
for @rainbow-strawberry-sherbert!!
i have no idea how to start this rip (dd= disassembly drone)
i useally say that am xiao and a dissasembally drone but im more concepts then anything else it goes
consepts: small flying dangerous flexable tail multiple forms/run like a dog and grab like a human watcher listener endless job to do
base: raptor birds (-> peregrine falcons) fennec foxes
2: demon (-> xiao is considered a demon adeptus and another word for dd is sky demon) feathery wings sharp teeth
3 (vaguely but there): otters finchs western dragons/wof sandwing scaramouche
"in view": adeptus xiao generic dissasembally/worker drone hybrid S (my kinsona) i like to show myself as a fennec like with the gifs
species by accosiation: ADEPTUS cat bees (-> friend called me minecraft bee coded) wolf dog theres a version of S thats uninfected any au
xiao is the minimum that you need to know to understand and before i had things to latch onto i jumped around sonas alot it was stressful and i only made things worse by interrogating myself witch is why i said to not think about it so hard and just draw whats fun =-= i found out im a drone by making a sona and then the sona feeling way more real then other sonas/ocs like chengcuo i was just bein silly ^^
sometime its also neurodivergent stuff (???) i cant understand facial expressions so i either exadurat them or dont really emote (i promise you that the xiaos are diffrent pictures)
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colors and color coding is also important to me!!!!!!
am small and can fly but am kinda flightless when xiao sits down his ingame model doesnt reach the floor and dds are kinda tall but i look more like a worker drone with dd features and there both short to avrege humans as xiao i had wings and a bird form (can fly) but i lost them when a dream-god ripped of my wings and dds have retractable wings but copper 9 has a constant death storm happeneing that acts like a blizzard so id rather walk and do my silly jumps sjchd
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its also a comfort thing!!! im a bird adeptus without wings or a bird form as a dd im a living wepon every even if the dream god tore them again dds can regen our heads i will have wings again in like a minute and if i really want to hen its awkward but of i angle it right there strong enough to break other drones caseing (my wings as xiao where normal feathers my life has also been almost constant trauma and i would pretend to use finchy looking wings to hide or hug myself and playing genshin was our escape we where still plural and we would listen to alot of genshin asmr and i think thats how i formed as a fictive) i think its also linked to my hyperfixation on md and my main comfort charater right now being a N (hes the yellow dd in the gif and my pfp :3)
ive also been gaslit and a defining part of being a dd is that you used to be a normal worker drone before you got infected with the absolute solver and it did some mlp infection stuff and messed with our memories theres a whole episode about it (cw for robot gore flashing lights anf 1 line of ablism against narcissists if you click the link its the episode) having anatonamy instead of wanting it is still kinda new to me theres a theme with them about how xiao was enslaved as a wepon for the dream-god and dds arnt supposed to be unique but xiao gets to be a person and the dds are unique anyways that i resonate alot with to its nice to see the systems that let the bad things happen be villians instead of when i tell people that the thing that hurt me was school and they try to find reasons why it was my fault
(hopfully this make sense brain wont give me anything else for now but if i think if something ill add it!! and if you have questions i can do my best to awnser them!!!!)
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lazaruspiss · 8 months
I woke up to you mentioning thinking of me as "The Jason Guy" and that made me smile quite a lot :3
As for an BruDick idea/prompt:
Dick was left dangling tied up for some kind of death trap, but now the trap is disabled and it's just him and bruce and Dick feels like this is the perfect opportunity to Preform and show off his acrobatics-flexability-dexterity
Also your cat is precious and wonderful
heehee hiiii ily <3
and oooo thank u. gonna rotate that for a bit. im seeing two possibilities, 1: dick being a tease as he works himself out of his restraints ("i can get myself down B, just sit back and enjoy the show ;)) or 2: further from ur idea but hear me out. and it works best w robin dick. bruce not getting him down ("whats the deal B??") and making him do it himself to prove hes been paying attention during training, but dickie just ends up making a bigger mess until he has to break out the sad puppy eyes but it backfires and just makes bruce wanna keep him like that longer (hes so pretty when hes tied up and misty eyed!!)
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machianery · 1 year
assorted soto thoughts go here!
i took a good couple days to go through the story because work and also i wanted to pace myself and i think it really worked out because i spent a LOT of time theorizing about where the plot would take us. i was convinced that peitha would empower us to kill the king or whoever and then double cross us by taking over our body to become new king.
dagda is trans. im 100% on this. the demon in her head when you fight her deadnames her. she is deeply upset by being told to compromise her appearance and true self for the sake of appearing to the world. shes trans.
when we first met her though my theory was she would START to warm up to us but when we were revealed to be hiding a demon in our head she would snap and rightfully try to take us out for putting literally the entire astral ward in danger like that.
and i really liked having a character in the cast who very much did not immediately like us. im almost sad that she DID warm up to us. we need someone to challenge things a bit.
i looove the new title. honestly commander always felt a bit like it only fit because we'd kept it for so long. like it was endearing to still be called that when we only commanded people for a relatively short about of consecutive time. but we have been wayfinding for the whole world for much longer. it fits because it would have fit for years.
i got spoiled to peitha's name when i stood somewhere in the first map and she started talking about her opinions regarding i think the architecture? and her name was in the text box. and then later i got spoiled to her appearance when i went to enter an instance and she appeared in a transluscent form to exposit again. im assuming these are part of a lore collection we'll find later oops.
i definitely understand where people are coming from when they say the wizards are cult-like and they hope zojja doesnt ascend. but i dont think thats what anet is really going for. it seems more like a metaphor for gaining power. you want to help the powerless people so you gain power but now theres a disconnect between you and them. idk though we'll have to see.
did you know the dwarf whose head is being warshipped by skritt is in the dwarven area of map 1. you can talk to him and be like Dont I Know You From Somewhere.
im so fucking glad that the new daily system lets you buy glam charges. im constantly searching for more of those.
some of the new bosses (like one of the two bosses you fight with lyhr in the debate hall) have ffxiv-style stack markers. the reason people are dying is because they arent standing in them. STAND IN THE STACK MARKERS.
the rifts seem pretty flexable tbh. you can farm them in a big train or you can pepper them in when theres no events you wanna do on your current map.
just before the final fight against cerus he goes on about the building youre in and how it was for a god to autonomy and how the king killed him. the bad guy KILLED his subjects' AUTONOMY. like. how more on the nose can you get lol i love it.
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