#i think his arms look awkward cause of the ref i used
astral-cookiery · 1 year
Hugging Headcanons. || Ft: Dark Cacao Kingdom
A/n: Surprise surprise! Guess who's alive? Such absence was caused by me being bad at keeping a solid schedule and then wanting to play Crk more than I wanted to write. Things are now being worked on heavily though!
Maybe a tiny spoiler warning for episode 14 on Affogato's? It's the last two bullets, so you can just scroll right past it if you do not wish to see spoilers. It doesn't spoil too much, I don't think.
Dark Cacao Cookie
You low-key might suffocate a tiny bit depending on the context of your hug.
If he hasn't seen you for a while, (I.e. on an adventure with the other ancient heroes) you can expect to be trapped in his armored arms until he decides to go and rest after a draining trip.
If you happen to spontaneously hug him whilst somewhere public, he'll give you an awkward side hug in response, since he doesn't want to break the stony demeanor he maintains to the other cookies.
If you're having an emotional moment while hugging and someone else walks in, the expression he gives the intruder is enough to send them scrambling away and mumbling apologies.
The cape goes around both of you. And then you're trapped in a cave of warmth.
Affogato Cookie
Smug bastard. If you ask, he'll give you some holier than thou remark before obliging, making a grand gesture with his arms and inviting you to come closer. Don't worry, he won't bite.
He'll wrap both his arms around your shoulders and pull you into his chest.
Probably gives you some stupid (not) reassuring words if you happen to be upset about something.
Bestie is not good at comforting. He's had a hundred and one problems, but a sad cookie has not been one of them.
If his vibe wasn't totally off, he'd probably give pretty comfortable hugs, seeing how his elegant clothing is made with soft silks and lined with fine fur.
If, after the events of episode 14, you do encounter him again (and don't hate him), he will most likely gladly accept a hug. His holier than thou demeanor will not falter, but he was secretly looking for a little comfort after so much work went to waste.
His hugs are probably a little more genuine than they were during his time as Royal Advisor.
Caramel Arrow Cookie
Older sister vibes
She'll hug you pretty tightly more often than not. Usually in the child way where they intentionally squeeze you like a boa constrictor, except she's an adult with wilderness training and she is significantly stronger than a child.
Awkward sibling hug? Awkward sibling hug. *pat pat.* /ref
H o l d. She'll grab you under your arms and lift you up into a hug. She will attempt to do this regardless of if you are taller or heavier than her. Caramel Arrow is strong, do not underestimate her determination.
(Using the bow and arrow gives you good arm strength last I checked)
If she's feeling playful, she'll outright throw you into the snow afterwards. And then she'll sprint off as quickly as possible. Unless you happen to drag her down with you.
Hugs often turn into snowball fights.
Crunchy Chip Cookie
He was embarrassed the first time you hugged him, and probably hid his face against your shoulder.
Really aggressive hugger. He'll probably squeeze you as hard as he can.
H o l d. (pt 2.) Crunchy Chip Cookie is the type to try and pick you up with a hug, do the awkward backward lean so that he can actually get your feet off the ground, and then drop you. Believe it or not, picking someone up via hugs is not the easiest feat.
When he's determined to hug you after being out at his post for an extended period of time, he'll outright charge at you and then knock you into the snow.
Prepare to get mauled by an excited cookie and his equally excited cream wolves.
If Caramel Arrow wasn't there to pry him off, you'd probably freeze before you got the chance to get out of the snow again.
He will pretend to be sparring with you if anyone happens to walk by (ahem, Dark Cacao.) He doesn't want to look soft or anything! (Please imagine the thing cats do where they randomly attack you while petting them.)
This is not beta-read, probably very ooc, and probably a little self indulgent, unapologetically.
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
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Finally finished my Cal and Kuro fanchild ref! :>
More info:
Basic info
Gender: Female, afab
Age: 9 months/1 year
Birth Place: Jasper Ward, Reborn City
Current location/residency: Lengile residence (Route 1)
Family: Cal (dad), Kuro (dad), Blake (uncle) (Note, Kuro is afab and Cal is amab, she’s their biological kid)
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Light blue
Trainer class (for when she becomes a trainer): Cheerful kid
Other stuff:
Her dress is the same one Shelly has (Not future Shelly obviously)
Black leggings kinda like Victoria’s pants and white shoes similar to Blake’s.
Cal is very soft and loving, he wants her to have the childhood he didn’t have. Kuro is the fun dad, he isn’t irresponsible but allows stuff that he probably shouldn’t.
Kuro enjoys carrying her on his shoulders while Cal prefers to hold her in his arms.
Blake is her favorite uncle. (Technically her only uncle, but she has a lot of found family)
Cal: Can I have my daughter back?
Blake, holding her close: No <3
Victoria is her favorite aunt.
Shelly, Heather, Noel, Anna and Lin are like her older siblings.
Blake, Heather, Elias, Taka, Ace, Victoria and Laura spoil her to death.
Fern claims he is not attached to her and hates babysitting her but if he thinks you even look at her funny he will kick your ass. He is not a good babysitter though he is quite bad with babies.
Fern and Blake constantly fight over who is her favorite uncle. They give Cal a migraine every time.
When it's Hardy's turn to babysit he'll play a lot of music for her trying to turn her into a little rocker.
Kuro: You three are in charge of looking after her, can you handle it?
Heatner, Lin and Anna: Yessir!
Cal: You two are actually in charge.
Shelly and Noel: Of course.
When it's Saphira's turn to babysit she almost never lets Cressilda leave her side. She always holds her and if she isn't holding her she is keeping a close eye on her.
Serra, holding a sleeping Cressilda: So when can I expect grandchildren?
Bennett: MOTHER-
When it's the circus trio's turn to babysit:
Cal, uncomfortably close to Ciel and Samson, a blank expression but radiating a VERY dangerous aura: Under NO circumstances is Terra allowed alone with Cressilda. She's not even allowed to hold her if one of you isn't standing right next to her, understood?
Ciel and Samson: Y-Yes sir.
In the end Alistasia is the one that loses the baby.
Interview with Gardevoir:
Gardevoir: Ma'am, are you aware that you are tiny?
Cressilda: Ga.
Gardevoir: Remarkable.
Elias is so gentle with her… Holds her close, tells her all kinds of stories…
Taka and Ace are the go to babysitters. They will often just offer themselves up so Cal and Kuro can have date nights, ect. They are like a second pair of parents.
Cal’s Magmotar and Medicham are Cressilda's favorite Pokemon. Kuro’s Arceus is also a babysitter in a way.
She once rode around reborn on it, Kuro allowed it while Cal almost had a heart attack after he found out.
Aqua/Magma gang are fun uncles to hang around with, but Kuro makes sure he’s always around and does not leave them alone with the baby.
Shade, surprisingly good babysitter. They don't know what he does but she's always very happy and healthy.
Julia is also not allowed alone with Cressilda. Florinia is a bit awkward and not the best with babies but if ever necessary will gladly look after her.
Thinking of when she’s older she might have a preference for using bunny pokemon. Probably has either a Meditite or Magby as well and an Eevee gifted to her by Kuro.
She’s a very calm child, unfortunately she can cause quite the chaos as she has disappeared on her babysitters on multiple occasions only to return when her parents come to pick her up. Only Saphira and Shade have not experienced it.
Adrienn is usually never picked to be a babysitter because xe is always busy and Cal and Kuro don’t want to bother xem with the troubles of babysitting, but they do invite xem over/visit xem a lot so xe can play with the baby and bond with her!
Arclight is a very laid back and cool uncle. Usually just takes her to a playground and other fun places all day and then plays music for her until she falls asleep. He also has a lot of conversations with her. She cannot speak because she is a baby but it’s good to talk to babies.
Sandy is not allowed alone with the baby either.
Cal often visits Kiki’s grave with Cressilda. Telling Cressilda about Kiki and telling Kiki about Cressilda, even if she isn’t here anymore her legacy lives on.
Fern and Hardy had attempted something fun but dangerous with Cressilda and both hadn’t been seen for a few weeks. They refused to speak about what happened.
Cain and Aya make sure to babysit together. If something happens they don’t have to face the wrath of the dads together.
You’d think two dads means twice the dad jokes? WRONG. My STUPID little brother does not have a single funny bone in him so I’M forced to make the dad jokes for her. -Blake, to someone while Cal is standing right next to him.
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auspex · 1 year
(gehenna-calling) almost a week later oops but. maple leaf, camera, present for mark!
hewoo. answering this almost a month later tf is wrong w me! who knows.
🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity?
Mark does not particularly enjoy being in nature! He didn't hate it but it was never his main thing thing. I do think he liked a few things in particular: He used to like reading outside I think, if the park was mostly empty, but wouldn't do that anymore. He also liked it when he went boating with Sampson and/or Sampson's family. And, driving with all the windows open when the weather was good is great too :)
OOPS. i misread u said maple leaf... answered that here!: https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/724131709385408512/for-mark-and-pory?source=share&ref=_tumblr
He was a Fall dude like me. It's when school starts in earnest and he likes teaching in college. And honestly its more like he doesn't like other seasons as much: Winter now has REAL BAD associations, the Spring wasn't much better, and the Summer well. The summer is just too hot! Or at least it was and his favoritism for Fall has remained.
As for what does he do? I mean right now he is still teaching his college courses and hopefully that continues! I imagine he tried to do small stuff on Halloween and it varied lol. For Thanksgiving unfortunately I think he had some lonelier ones - maybe not recently, but I think this upcoming one probably will be .
His favorite holiday though, was christmas because he loves giving gift.
📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
Nah - Mark lives in a time when it was a bit harder to take photos so it was always a bit of a fussy thing. He doesn't know what to do with his hands in photos so his hands are usually clasped behind his back. He does have 1 cute photo with Sampson where his arms are behind him, like a sidehug thing. But other than that he looks awkward in photos. He does not take photos himself. Perhaps he should.
🎁 PRESENT - what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
Mark's favorite gifts in the past have been:
Anything from students. It's rare so always special.
Fancy coffee grounds because he liked to drink coffee when reading and he liked to read a LOT
His copy of Caesar's "Conquest of Gaul" is super beat up cause he read it so oftenso he got a really expensive nice copy that he keeps nice from Dr. Armatto. He loves that one and Keeps it Nice.
He got a printer for home which is rare and expensive from Sampson one year cause he was tired of Mark having to wait at his office to print stuff.
Sweater vest... comfort outfit go brr
He'd appreciate any books though as well! And he does get those.
So basically Mark likes things that he Likes and he doesnt want a gift that is too 'out there' or different. Familiarity is nice. yes he is curious but when it comes to gifts. Keep it safe but thoughtful because..
Mark is super good at giving gifts! :D He finds the right thing and its thoughtful and he always spends a bit more than he maybe should but not So much so that it makse people uncomfortable. Gift giving is his love language.
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critcallylowhp · 2 years
Tell me more about Humanformers diabetic Fulcrum
So, very similar to me, he was diagnosed at a very young age. He’s never really known not being diabetic. He was a lil bullied for it in school and other kids hated him cause he got special snacks. (He was actually dying though so ya know. I’m still salty about being hated for that and it’s been at least 10 years)
When he reached middle school, he was able to get an insulin pump and did really well with it! He was able to do everything in his own and kept up with his diet and sugar levels like he was supposed to. He was the doctor’s dream patient.
Slowly, he just learned to not tell people he was diabetic. Since he’s so skinny he’d get a lot of “I thought you had to be fat to be diabetic” comments and stuff like that. He also hated people pointing out his pump or any continuous glucose monitors and it made him insecure. So, he just started hiding it.
When he finally reached college, he wanted to be as independent as possible. Sadly, this meant he’d have to make some serious medical choices. Due to the price of pump supplies, he switched back to insulin shots. That way, he could pay for it without his parents help even though they insisted they’d cover it. And… he did really well at hiding it.
Don’t do this. Seriously- I know most juvenile diabetics already know this, but never ever hide it from the people you live with! It’s super dangerous and can get you killed. Super low blood sugars can cause seizures and super high ones can cause ketoacidosis which can lead to diabetic comas.
The rest of the Scavs do eventually find out, but not the easy way. After a typical night of cheap beer and weed for them, Fulcrum doesn’t wake up right away. Misfire is the one who finds him and he isn’t really responding. So of course, there’s panic.
Spinister, the only one in any kind of medical school steps in and figures it out pretty quick. They call for paramedics while they search his room for any kind of help. Turns out, Fulcrum didn’t have any glucagon because he didn’t want to have to pay for something he may never use. (Think of it kinda like an epipen.) So, they gotta use what the do have… Cue spins shoving icing covered fingers in fulcrum’s mouth and rubbing it against his gums. (Gets the sugar into the bloodstream without forcing him to swallow. Also, don’t do this unless it’s an absolute life or death situation!!!!)
Fulcrum wakes up to fingers in his mouth and in his low blood sugar haze, freaks out as well. There’s a bit of shouting and screaming, but all eventually calms down. Paramedics show up, take care of him in the spot, and then leave the Scavs to have a very awkward conversation.
Fulcrum does confess it and he’s mortified. Not only did he never want them to have to know, but for them to find out like this is terrible. Krok goes full dad and is putting glucose tablets in every drawer in the house. He’s watching fulcrum like a hawk for the next month and checking on him before he goes to bed.
Misfire? Oh he’s loosing his mind. He’s been dating Fulcrum for like a month and has even done the deed and he never noticed? Now he’s starting to see all the little dots on the back of Fulcrum’s arms from the shots and how his fingertips look scarred from checking his blood sugar.
It still takes all of them by surprise when they see Fulcrum draw up insulin. Sometimes he does it at the kitchen table since there’s more space than the bathroom. Crankcase had to double take when he saw Fulcrum tapping the bubbles out of he syringe cause he completely forgot. He thought Ful was just shooting it up at the table
Overall- fulcrum is the diabetic I wish I was djdbsjjsjs im horrible about checking my blood sugars and keeping up with supplies. My doctor hates me-
Also- some pics of stuff for ref.
This is the insulin pump I actually have rn! I don’t have the lil white thing on the side there which is the continuous glucose monitor. I should though… I haven’t checked my blood sugar in months shhhhh
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This is typically how glucagon comes. I now have a nasal spray instead, but I think it’s only recently come out.
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Then glucose tablets! These things are like Candy to me- I used to look forward to low blood sugars as a kid so I could these bad boys. (The best flavor is grape btw)
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Now, my insulin comes in a vial, but I think fulcrum would mainly use the preloaded pens. I used to use them as a kid and my friend uses them now. This is also the exact one I used 10 years ago Omg- they still make them!!!! I can remember the clicks so distinctly
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noomiisz · 3 years
Minors Do Not Interact.
CW: Vampires, Blood Loss (Lots of ref), Blood Drinking, Cumming in Pants, Cumming in Public, Dragon Qualities (Major one: Scales on back), Making Out (w/ blood)
Inspired by: This Post by @kazuunya
(๑•﹏•) Zhongli horny brrrrrrr when blood get taken
Zhongli was quite insistent about helping you. He asssured you with his identity as a former archon and a dragon, that he could help you. And it didn't help that you were really tempted by the smell of dragon's blood.
He started wearing clothes that reveal more of his neck and sometimes would ask you to help him patch up if he had a bruise or a cut. All the while, he kept a plenty neutral face.
At some point, your thirst hit you hard, and Zhongli helped you to an alley to rest. He held you close with your face laying between his shoulders and neck. The smell was strong.
"Zhongli I told you I shouldn't-" as soon Zhongli heard the roughness in your voice, he was really concerned.
"I know you have contracts to yourself you must follow, but surely this one instance does not break any of the contents. You are in need of blood, so please let yourself feed."
Staring into his eyes, you could see the concern and worry not only for you, but the idea that you'll reject him once again.
He unbuttoned and took off his jacket to allow you a good spot to start. It was all too much for you.
Without warning you dig your fangs into his neck and groan as you lick up the blood that had been tainting the back of your mind since you first smelled it.
You bit and licked and sucked vigerously leaving more marks on the him. What a delicious treat. His blood was divine.
In the other hand, Zhongli did not know he was gonna feel this way. The moment you aimed for his neck, he felt a strange form of excitement, the blood rushing through its body.
The first bite, he held back moan, but he didn't push you away. Instead, he unconsciously was holding you closer as he leaned against the building walls. It was a stinging sensation on his neck, but it felt. . . Nice. Really nice.
Zhongli didn't notice that he was mianing a long with you. He was vaguely aware of how light-headed he's becoming and how his body was focusing on the sensation of the bites and the stuff happening below.
"Mm. . . I think that's enough-" You bite another place and he can't help the loud moan. It cause him to slap a hand over his mouth. They were in an alley-way, meaning they still were in public.
Zhongli tries to stop you again, more aware of the situation and stuff at stake. He wasn't thinking about his being though.
"Please- I think we should stop there- " Another bite. And more blood leaving his body. Zhongli finds himself panting, but he can't tell of it's from the blood loss or the questionable amount of pleasure he was getting from these acts.
He forgets what he's trying to do for a second. The feeling all to great for him. "Mmm angh. P-please. . .please." What was he asking for? Oh right, they need to stop.
He squirms a little conflicted on telling you to stop and wanting. to. feel. something. Afterall, his pants have become pretty tight.
But that's when you reach your fangs to a spot right near the start of the scales on his back.
Oh god. Oh no.
His voice comes out in whimpers. Zhongli brings his arms around you again and brings your body close to his. You, somehow unaware of him weakly rutting against you.
He feels the wetness of his underwear and you luckily finally get off of him.
It was such a treat for you. Never had you felt so full in your life, but you get concerned when Zhongli is avoiding your gaze.
Feeling guilty, you hold him gently. "Zhongli? Are you okay?" He wasn't answering.
"You see this is why I told you to not act so freely with your body. Look at you-" That's when you notice the blush stretching to his ears and the breathe he was trying to regulate.
"Does this. . ."He even pushes his body against yours for you to feel the enlarging wet spot on his pants. ". . .Help you understand what happened?"
Zhongli tries to get up but his legs wobble and he feel so light headed. He doesn't have enough strength.
"We should get home now. . ." He makes more attempts to stand up before you just help him.
The walk home was awkward and silent to Zhongli, not knowing what to say to each other. When you came to the door however, Zhongli makes you turn to him.
His face still beet red and many glances to the side out of nervousness. "I must mention to you again that I thuroughly enjoyed that experience, and I still wouldn't mind doing it again."
"Who said we were stopping?" He looked you wide-eyed in surprise.
"I'm going to ease back on the blood-suckimg because I already took too much, but even you said you enjoyed it, so . . ." You take his hand in yours and lean in for a kiss. Some blood left on your mouth infiltrates his, and Zhongli can't help but moan. "Mng a-anmf-"
You put your other hand on his shoulder, gliding over to the bite marks on his neck and gently touching them. Zhongli can't help but shiver, he opens his mouth for you, and you take every inch he gives you.
"Mmmn. Nnmmmn" He's so willing. Zhongli whines when you retract. He nips at the trail of saliva connecting your mouths.
"What reason is there for us not to continue?"
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Loser Buys Dinner (Lindsey x Reader)
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Request: team goes to an ice rink and the reader is really good at ice skating and the team didn't know. you can add a pairing if you want
Author’s Note: Special Thanks to @literaryhedgehog​!!! Also this one has a slightly awkward ending, but we thought it fit. 
You stared at the sign as Kelley brought the car to a park. Ice Town skating rink blazed in neon letters as the outline of a skate seemed to circle around them. Around you, you heard the chattering of your teammates as they registered where you had come for today’s team bonding activity. They at least were excited. You unbuckled your seatbelt and followed Rose out of the car, still not taking your eyes off the neon image circling around your vision. It was fine. Today would be fun. 
“Hey fun size, you excited?” Lindsey bounced up to walk at your side. You flicked your head slightly to clear your thoughts and turned to smile quickly at her.
“I guess. It’s definitely been a while since I’ve ice skated.” 
“Don’t worry,” Lindsey said grinning, “I’ll stay with you the whole time if you’re worried about falling.”
“I won’t fall,” you said matter of factly. Lindsey raised an eyebrow. Before she could challenge you to a competition that she would lose, you said “if anything I’m worried about you. If you fall you’ll get frostbite.”
If Lindsey was concerned about the cold, she didn’t show it. She was from Colorado and was quite used to the terrible temperature. While Kelley had instructed everyone to wear layers, Lindsey was only wearing a jacket and flannel over a pair of skinny jeans. She grinned at your comment and shrugged. “I’ll be fine. What’s it going to be, like 30 degrees?”
“Yes. That is literally the temperature ice freezes at.”
“It’s just your California blood that makes you chill faster,” she smirked, elbowing your side. 
You rolled your eyes at her and entered the building. As the smell of the ice rink washed over you you inhaled deeply through your nose and exhaled through your mouth, intentionally relaxing the muscles that had tensed up at the memories the smell elicited. You still felt your spine straighten from habit, but chose to ignore it. 
“Are we sure this is a good team bonding activity. Like what if we break our legs before the game?” Rose asked, strapping a skate on her foot. She had always been the clumsier of the team. 
“We ran it by the coaches and they signed off on it so long as we’re all willing to be serious. Looking at you Sonnett. No fooling around on the ice. There are walls to hold onto if you feel unbalanced Rosie, but it’s a good chance to practice our flops if you feel like you’re going to fall. Remember- fall back and protect your head.” Carlie said with a grin.
“And then you want us to roll on the ice for the pretend ref?” Lindsey asked, quirking her eyebrow up at the ludicrous implication. There weren’t going to be any hands going near any skate paths. 
“The pretend ref would assume you were throwing a temper tantrum if you did since NO ONE will be skating at each other,” Beckey said, looking up from tightening her skate to catch the eye of each troublemaker on the team. 
Emily frowned, there went her idea of trying to joust with their umbrellas. 
“You alright?” Lindsey asked, sliding her hand along your lower back. 
“Yeah,” you said, looking at the rink logo imprinted in the center of the ice. 
“Well you’re kinda blocking the entrance to the rink,” Lindsey said very close to your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. When did she get so close to you?
You blinked away the feeling of a spotlight and thousands of eyes in your back to look back at her. Then you grinned slowly, “Just… creating some anticipation.” 
“I know you Californians probably don’t know much about moving on the ice, but you’re not supposed to just stand and stare at it,” she said, kissing your cheek. “just remember that I won’t let you fall,”  
You raised your eyebrows at her, then turned around fully to face her, still blocking the entrance intentionally. “Wanna make a bet Linessie? Because I think you’ll fall more than I do today.”
“In your dreams short stuff,” she snorted, refraining from saying that she had fallen for you already. 
“You taking the bet or not?” You said, a little louder this time so that you caught the attention of Emily and the rest of the youngins.
Linsey’s grin grew to match your own, “I’m always game, you know that,”
“Loser has to eat like Carlie for a week?” You proposed, sticking out your hand for her to shake.
“Hm, those stakes aren’t high enough. Loser has to eat Alex’s weird vegan shit for a week,” Lindsey said, her lips ticking up at your scrunched nose. 
“That would be cruel. I’m not doing that to you. Loser pays for winner’s Costco run?” 
“I think you’re just scared you won’t be able to eat ice cream for a week,” Lindsey scoffed, crossing her arms. 
“Okay, I tried to go easy on you,” you said, shaking your head dramatically. “If you’re willing to eat like Alex for a week, I’ll take that bet.”
“You’re on pipsqueak,” Lindsey shook your outstretched hand, squeezing it a little too tightly. 
You grinned at her and holding her gaze stepped backward onto the ice, crossing one foot over the other to gain speed as you glided to the center of the floor. 
It felt natural, as though the last 12 years had only been 2. You did a quick counter turn, letting the muscle memory carry you over the ice. You did a twizzle and grinned. Not too shabby. 
“Holy fuck,” Lindsey said, her jaw dropped as you glided effortlessly across the ice. So much for her plan to be your hero on the ice. Your protector from the cold. 
“Shoulda pretended you were the terrified one,” Emily snickered, bumping her lightly as she passed her. You may be oblivious to Lindsey’s feelings, but the rest of the team was not. 
Lindsey shook her head and skated off after you, not as smooth on the ice as you were, but pretty damn close. She had always preferred hockey over figure anyway. She easily caught up with you, skating relatively close behind you. 
You saw her and turned, arabesqueing a leg into the air behind you. Then you leaned into a tight camel spin so you looped around Lindsey as she moved. 
“You forwards are always such show-offs,” Lindsey rolled her eyes, catching your outstretched hand once both feet were back on the ice and pulling you close to her. 
“Cause diving headers and Bicycle Kicks are totally not showing off either,” you said, scrunching your nose at her. 
“How did a Cali girl like you learn to skate?” She asked, moving so she was behind you again, holding your waist as you skated. 
“Some way most girls who don’t live in a frozen wasteland do,” you said, shrugging. “I took lessons.”
“Wasn’t action-packed enough for our little firecracker?” Lindsey questioned and you could practically hear her eyebrow ticking up. 
You fought to keep your smile normal. “Believe it or not, there was a time when I wasn’t a firecracker and didn’t like being the center of attention.”
“Not a firecracker, impossible. I’m pretty sure most defenses are terrified of you, especially after you made that English defender pee her pants when she went after Mal,” Lindsey carefully pulled you into her chest resting her head on your shoulder, mindful that you two were still hurtling along the ice. 
You grinned. “Well, she deserved it.” You leaned out to the side then in again, pulling you both into a gentle spin. “But yeah, around middle school I dropped out of skating. My partner for pairs skating broke his ankle skateboarding and,” you paused, trying to find the words to explain, “I just really didn’t like singles.”
“Is it bad that I’m glad he got hurt? Cause now I get to be your pairs partner and you never have to be single again if you don’t want…” Lindsey mumbled, glad that you weren’t facing each other. She wasn’t sure she could have looked you in the eye and finally shot her shot. 
“Well, I am known for being a damn good team player, even if I am a showoff,” you nudged Lindsey playfully. “But I refuse to eat vegan for a week. I need my chocolate icecream.”
“Well,” said Lindsey with a dramatic sigh, “how about we amend the bet. Loser pays for dinner on the first date?”
Lindsey waited just a second for your agreement, enjoying the feeling of you in her arms, and then she gently pushed you away. You slid easily across the ice, turning just in time to see Lindsey “trip” and fall to her knees. 
“Guess I’m buying,” she said smirking up at you, her blond hair framing her face. 
“It’s a date loser,” You smiled so wide, your pink cheeks started to hurt. 
“You’re supposed to flop backward, Linds,” Carlie called across the ice.
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sukifans · 4 years
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⏎ MASTERLIST // part III « IV. seduction siri » part V
SUMMARY: you’re a premed student at BSSU and you thought it’d be a good idea to take a latin class, but you’re in way over your head here. good thing your buddy sokka knows a classics major in your section you can study with.
WARNINGS: language, alcohol/partying
Zuko felt... oddly nervous as he pulled up to her apartment building. He sent the text to let her know he’d arrived and anxiously scrolled through his Spotify, flicking quickly through his various playlists. He knew he was far too concerned about what music to play while she was in the car with him but he wanted to get “the vibe” right, as Sokka would say. That, and it gave him something to focus on that wasn’t panicking over conversation starters in case of an awkward lull. When he saw her coming he leapt out of the driver’s seat.
“Hey, Zuko!” (Y/N) smiled when she saw him and then furrowed her brow when he hurried over to the passenger side. Her face heated when he opened her door. “Oh, my gods. You don’t have to do that,” she said as she slid into her seat.
“It’s polite,” he said simply before shutting the door and walking back to his side. In reality he was already freaking out — had he fucked it up by being weird literally seconds into this?
“Making me feel like a princess or something over here,” she laughed, face still red. He looked over at her and she closed her mouth quickly, remembering he was actually a prince. Like, for real. “Sorry.”
She shook her head with a small smile. “Is this a date, then?” she teased and the tips of his ears went red.
“No,” he said quickly. “No, it just... sounds like you’re dating the wrong kinds of guys.”
“Tell me about it.” She rolled her eyes and slumped down into the seat. “My type seems to be chauvinist douchebag.”
“That’s unfortunate.” He never thought he’d ever wish to be a chauvinist douchebag. Maybe her type also included awkward but well-intended ex-royalty and she just didn’t feel the need to mention it.
“That’s unfortunate.” He never thought he’d ever wish to be a chauvinist douchebag. Maybe her type also included awkward but well-intended ex-royalty and she just didn’t feel the need to mention it.
“Very,” she said darkly before perking up. “So are you excited for the party?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Me too. I’m really glad you decided to come.”
“Didn’t really have much of a choice since I live with Sokka,” he joked lightly. She shrugged.
“Still, I’ll be happy to see you loosen up a bit. I know I haven’t known you for very long but you always seem so tense.”
“It’ll definitely be interesting,” he deflected deftly. “I have to say, though, that I’m looking forward to seeing for myself what Suki meant when she said you’re an affectionate drunk.” He shot her an amused smirk that made her stomach feel fluttery.
“Spirits, my friends are such gossips! Yes, I get a little more touchy and I like to dance with people and tell everyone how much I love them. But one time I hit the merlot a little too hard and started feeling sexy — as one does after drinking too much wine — and tried to make out with everyone. It only happens when I drink wine, though!”
He laughed at her animated retelling, her wild gesticulations visible out of the corner of his eye. He grinned over at her after he’d pulled into the store parking lot and turned the car off. “I guess I’ll have to be sure to grab a bottle or three, then.”
She laughed, looking away to hide her flushed face. “That’s on you, then. I’ll be your responsibility for the night.”
“It’d be my honor and immense pleasure.” He waggled his eyebrows and she groaned, covering her face with her hands. He was pretty proud of himself for his flirting thus far. He’d discovered he really liked making her blush, watching the pink tinge spread from her cheeks across the bridge of her nose and creep up her temples. He made her go red again when he made purposeful eye contact with her and slipped two bottles of red wine into the cart as they stocked up on liquor.
When they got back to his and Sokka’s apartment, (Y/N) started giggling at the amount of decorations Sokka had put up — the crepe paper and streamers being the least of it. He had even done a few very interpretative portraits of Suki and hung them. She looked up at the ceiling and laughed, elbowing Zuko and nodding up at the balloons.
“I thought they said Suki was blowing the balloons up?” she said. He looked up and frowned.
“Sokka, do you have helium somewhere?” he shouted into the apartment as he unloaded the alcohol. Sokka and Suki popped out of a room.
“Not anymore,” Sokka answered. “Used it all up. Suki had to do the rest.” He pointed at a few balloons scattered on the floor.
“Where the hell did you get it?”
“Found it.”
“Wh-“ she murmured, looking over to Zuko. He just shook his head. Probably better to not ask questions.
“Katara’s on the way with Aang and Toph,” Suki said as she started pulling cups from the cabinet.
“And pizza!” Sokka added. “Don’t worry, she got Hawaiian for you two.” He shuddered, glaring at (Y/N) and Zuko.
“You like Hawaiian too?” She grinned at him and held out her fist. “That’s what’s up.”
He hesitantly tapped his knuckles against hers. The first time Sokka had tried to fist-bump him he’d just grabbed his hand and shook it. Sokka liked to torment him about it often. “It’s about the sweet and salty.”
“It’s fucked up is what it is,” said Sokka. “Fruit doesn’t belong on pizza. And don’t say tomato is a fruit.”
“But it is,” (Y/N) said.
“That’s a moot point.” She and Zuko exchanged looks and he rolled his eyes, making her giggle.
Soon after the other three arrived, with the food of course. Sokka continued to spout slander about Hawaiian pizza until Zuko put him in a headlock while (Y/N) shoved a piece of pineapple into his mouth. He piped down after that while everyone else laughed. Once they’d eaten, they finished the beers they’d been sipping on started to break into the “good shit,” as Toph so eloquently said. She made everyone drinks, pouring with a very heavy hand. It didn’t take long before they all started getting a little tipsy and Sokka started setting up beer pong on the kitchen island, pouring shots in the Solo cups.
“Okay, so,” Sokka started, “Me and Zuko, (Y/N) and Suki, and Toph and Aang. Katara, you ref as usual. The winner of the first round plays us.”
Suki and Katara shared a look. “Don’t you want to be on my team, and (Y/N) can be with Zuko?” Suki asked.
“Sorry, babe, but Zuko’s the best shot pong player here and I’m not losing.” He linked his arm with Zuko’s.
“Don’t worry, Suki; Sokka doesn’t know that I’m actually the best ‘shot pong’ player here because he’s never played against me,” (Y/N) said, resting her hand on Suki’s arm reassuringly. Suki’s concern was more about forcing Zuko and (Y/N) together, but she nodded anyways.
“Yeah?” Zuko smirked. “Is that a challenge?”
“I think it is, Sparky,” Toph said, egging them on. They would just have to push them together from a different angle and obviously Sokka would be no help.
“You’re going down, hotman.” (Y/N) set her drink down, eager at the prospect of some friendly competition.
“Maybe later, princess. I have a tournament to win first,” he said smugly, grinning at the way she went bright red. Her stomach flipped at his words and she couldn’t even think of a witty response. She downed her drink instead, shuddering when the alcohol burned her throat.
“It’s on,” she growled. Zuko had to shake himself to tear his eyes away from the intense look she was giving him – it made him a little scared, but also a little turned on.
It all started off well and good. She and Suki pretty easily beat Toph and Aang. Though Toph was blind, she was definitely the better player of the two. When it came time to play the boys, Zuko watched, mesmerized, as (Y/N) rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck, shooting him a cocky smile.
“Ready to lose?” Sokka taunted, now starting to sway a little bit from the amount he’d indulged while the other game was happening.
“I don’t think that’ll be a concern, babe,” Suki said, looking on with amusement and, strangely, adoration when Sokka belched loudly and started laughing. Zuko chuckled at the look (Y/N) shot him from the other side of the island.
It was a tough game, they would both have to admit. Neither (Y/N) nor Zuko missed a cup at the start, but the alcohol began affecting the game soon after the start. Toph, Aang, and even the “impartial judge” Katara cheered when (Y/N) or Suki were able to sink a ball into a cup and groaned animatedly when Zuko or Sokka did. Eventually, both teams were down to one cup.
“Watch this,” Zuko elbowed Sokka roughly, knocking the other boy onto the floor. Undeterred, Zuko turned around and tossed the ball over his shoulder without looking. It missed tremendously, bouncing off Toph’s forehead. “Sorry, Beifong,” he laughed as she scowled in his direction. With a wink, (Y/N) easily tossed the ball into the boys’ last cup. Everyone cheered as Zuko drank, including Sokka from the floor. Suki hugged (Y/N) tightly, spinning her around as they celebrated their victory.
“Did we win?” Sokka asked, sitting up with great difficulty.
“Not this time, buddy,” said Zuko as he helped his friend stand again.
“You serious?” Sokka gasped and pushed him, causing both of them to stumble. “What the hell?! (Y/N), you’re officially my new shot pong partner from here on out!”
“Maybe. On the other hand, though, if Zuko and I teamed up we’d be unstoppable.”
“I like the sound of that,” Zuko mused and Sokka started babbling about betrayal and the “coup d’état” they were staging against him. Aang, bored of Sokka’s drunken whining, cranked up the music. (Y/N) grabbed Zuko and pulled him into a dance while Suki went to go comfort a pouting Sokka on the couch. She laughed at how stiffly he moved even when drunk, like dancing was a completely foreign concept to him. He just kind of shifted his weight from foot to foot, hardly even in time with the beat of the music. Zuko filled his cup again and hoped it would help unlock some secret rhythm or skills.
“I’m so sorry, Zu!” she giggled as she wobbled, grabbing onto his bicep for support. She’d bumped into the glass he was holding and spilled it everywhere, including across both of their shirts. Sokka looked over and cackled.
“(Y/N) made Zuko wet!” he crowed, making everyone else giggle at the pair.
“Shut up, Sokka!” Zuko laughed, chucking a kitchen towel he’d been using to mop up the mess on the floor. It hit the other boy square in the face, making a wet slapping sound against his skin. The group was nearly in tears at Sokka’s shriek of disgust. (Y/N) leaned heavily against Zuko to keep from toppling over.
“Can I borrow a shirt?” she asked of Sokka once she caught her breath.
“No,” he pouted. “Get one of Sifu Hotman’s shirts. We’re not friends anymore.”
“You are such a drama queen!” She rolled her eyes, still grinning. “You got a shirt I can borrow, Zu?”
“Yeah, sure.” He felt anxiety pulling in his gut as he led her to his bedroom. She followed closely behind, also feeling rather nervous but clutching his arm still as she wobbled. He tossed her an old t-shirt and, to his immense surprise and embarrassment, she’d already stripped off her soiled top when he turned to her. She giggled when his face went red and he quickly turned back around. Mumbling an apology, he started to pull off his own shirt.
(Y/N) stared as the fabric lifted, revealing a massive tattoo across the expanse of his muscular back. It was a beautifully intricate dragon done in red and black ink and its angry eyes seemed to follow her as she swayed on her feet.
“Whoah,” she gasped and stepped forwards.
He was about to ask what was wrong when he felt her fingertips ghost across his skin, making him shiver involuntarily. “I didn’t know you had such a dope tattoo.”
“I didn’t know it mattered,” he said, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of her tracing the lines. It was hard to tell whether it was the alcohol or her gentle touch that was making his head fuzzy and his skin feel hot.
“Of course it matters!” His breath caught in his throat when she slid her hands around to his front and hugged herself to him, resting her cheek against his back. “Tattoos are sexy and cool, and you’re already sexy and cool, so now you’re, like, extra sexy and cool.”
“You- you think that I’m sexy and cool?”
“And warm,” she sighed happily. He turned and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he cautiously settled his hands on her hips. He pressed his forehead against hers in an attempt to bring her face into focus.
“Well... I think you’re sexy and cool.” He hiccuped. “And warm,” he added after a moment of thought. She giggled at the way his alcohol-scented breath tickled her face.
“Hey, c’mere,” she whispered, squishing his face between her palms.
“I’m already here,” he murmured back, pulling her in by her hips anyways so their bodies touched.
“I have to tell you a secret.” He raised his eyebrows expectantly. “I wanna... smooch your face.”
Zuko wrinkled his nose adorably. “‘Smooch?’ You spend too much time with Sokka.”
“Why, you jealous?”
Yes. “Shut up,” he grumbled.
“Make me.”
That means she wants me to kiss her, right? She just said she wants to kiss me and “make me” always means “kiss me” in the romcoms and romance books. But maybe not. “How?”
(Y/N) laughed. “You’re cute when you’re dumb.”
“What? You are.”
“I’m not dumb!”
“You’re a little dumb. What else do you need, a written invitation? An e-vite maybe? Do you want to RSVP? I’ll need to know if you’re bringing a-“ He cut off her teasing by pressing his lips to hers, squeezing her hips. She responded immediately and enthusiastically, leaning into his chest and threading her fingers through his hair. She hummed contentedly into his mouth when he slipped his hands down to grab her ass. When she pulled back he chased after her lips needily and she chuckled, patting his chest. “We’re taking a long time, they’re gonna get suspicious.”
“So what?” he muttered, pressing a kiss to her jaw instead and trailing more down her neck when she tilted her head to give him easier access. He was feeling awfully emboldened by the kiss and the considerable amount of liquid courage he’d indulged in. “Sokka introduced us with exactly this goal in mind.”
“I don’t know about exactly this goal, but that’s ‘so what.’ I couldn’t stand to see him so pleased with himself.”
He considered this and pulled himself with great effort away from his ministrations at her neck. “You’re right. He’d be unbearable.”
She looked up at him with bright eyes and swollen red lips and he wanted desperately to kiss her again. With a grin, she pulled his t-shirt over her head. He’d completely forgotten how they’d even ended up in his bedroom in the first place. “Put your shirt on and let’s go, hotman. I’m gonna kick your ass at blackjack.” She started to pull him by his hand towards the door but he yanked her back, catching her in his arms she stumbled.
“Don’t think we won’t pick this back up later, princess.” His tone made her gulp, eyes wide. He gave her a wicked grin and led her back out to everyone else as he shrugged on a new shirt.
“Finally! What took so long?” Aang said, a knowing look in his eyes.
“Don’t ask that. I don’t want to hear them talk about making out,” Toph huffed. Both Zuko and (Y/N) blushed in response, looking at the floor. Sokka started cheering and shouting and Katara punched him in the arm to get him to shut up. (Y/N) and Zuko squished in together in the empty spot on the couch as Suki started dealing playing cards. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pretended not to know how to play the game so she could tease him and show him how. They were so engrossed in each other that they missed the satisfied smirks all their friends were shooting each other.
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A/N: whenever i add a read more cut on my laptop tumblr freaks out and deletes half the fic so. sorry lmao. anyways this makes me miss drinking with my friends. woulda hugged the homies a little tighter if i knew it was gonna be like this 🥺😪
TAGS: @theblueslytherin @beifongsss @coconutsaiyan @5sos-wdw @silverreading @the-lva-way @cupofnctea @khaleesi-of-assassins @bloomkings @pyromaniac-olive @lil-lex1 @sokkas--boomerang @cece-lives-here @coldlilheart @royahllty @astralsaf @not-a-glad-gladiator @damianwaynerocks @darkskin-buttercup @emogril @plutaars @duh-dobrik @harajukukitsune @kangaroobunny @harmlessoffering @rosetheshapeshifter @past-2am @welovediaaxx @dailytrashypanda @thenutellabreadsticks @sara5208 @whalerus @fanworrior @andrevvminyrd @travvestys @rosesandpines @cipheress-to-k-pop @starryzxko @justab-eautifulmess @mochminnie @whoevenfrickenknows @asianequation @booksandwonderlands @thesstuff @dekumiya @ya-fwiend-rainbow @spookities @394pitterpatterpotter394 @rockinearthbending-marauders @beardsplittler @kurt-nightcrawler @sifucuteness
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lostinmirkwood · 4 years
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Find it on AO3 here.
It’s not often that Arya gets to go to a hockey game anymore. Between classes for her Master’s degree, work, and the ticket prices it never seems to work out in her favor. But when Ned wins a pair of tickets to tonight’s Storm’s End Lightning game and offers to take her with him she jumps at the chance. Ned knew how much she loved hockey and she was ecstatic when he thought of her first to take with him.
“Want a beer?” he asks as they find their seats. She takes a moment to survey her surroundings, they weren’t the best seats in the house, but they were free.
“Sure, but just the one, and some popcorn too if it’s not too much trouble!” He smiles at her and takes off to get drinks and snacks for them before the game starts.
While waiting for the lights to dim and the music to start she looks around at the people that are slowly filling in around them. The sight of children bundled up like small marshmallows against the chill of the arena, their parents arms loaded with popcorn and sodas makes her smile at the memories of going to games with her father and brothers at the Winterfell Ice Arena growing up. A couple of guys in jerseys fill in behind them, loudly talking about the upcoming wedding of one of them, a father is explaining the basics of the game to a little girl with blonde pigtails in the row ahead, and two seats down from her sits a man in a nice business suit. Her eyes linger on him for just a moment and she wonders if they’ve met before, and why he’s wearing a suit to a hockey game. There’s something that is vaguely familiar about his messy black hair and icy blue eyes. He’s quite attractive and when she catches his eye they exchange a small smile before she quickly looks away with a slight blush.
Ned returns just as the lights dim, handing her a beer and a small bag of popcorn, a tray of nachos in his other hand. They stand and clap as the music begins and the players make their way onto the ice.
“Thanks for bringing me,” she says as they sit back down.
“Well, I know how much you love it. The pictures at your desk speak for themselves! It must be your Northern blood, I don’t know how you aren’t freezing,” Ned is bundled in a scarf, and hat with gloves poking out of the front pocket of his heavy sweatshirt.
Arya internally rolls her eyes but smiles at him, Dornishmen . The arena isn’t that cold. “I do love a good game.”
Ned grins back before saying, “I’m not very familiar with all of this like you. We don’t play ice sports in the south. You’re going to have to help me out here.”
“Ned, we are in the south. And Sunspear has an ice hockey team.”
“Everything’s south to you, Stark. Plus we only got a hockey team five years ago. Point still stands, the game?”
“What do you want to know? Ask and I’ll answer.” A small huff of laughter to her right causes her to look over quickly. The man in the suit is looking at her directly, a grin on twitching at the corners of his full lips. She furrows her brows for a moment at him before turning her focus back to Ned and the ice, a brief grumble in her mind that he was laughing at her. “Girls know sports too, stupid,” she thinks before putting him out of her mind.
The first period is uneventful, not even a fight on the ice to liven things up. The score stands at zero-zero. Of course, the one game she can attend would be boring. During the intermission they make their way to the concession stand, Ned grabbing another beer and Arya getting water and some Twizzlers, her favorite hockey game snack from when she was a child. One their way back to their seat she notices the dark haired man in the suit is no longer alone, another man in an equally nice suit has joined him. He’s tall and thin with curly red hair and also looks familiar, but she can’t quite place either one of them.
Not even three minutes have passed in the second period when one of the Lannisport Lions slams a Lightning player into the boards. The crowd boos as the player lays on the ice for a moment to catch his breath before shakily getting back to his skates, the boos get even louder when the referees don’t call a penalty.
“Oh come on!” Arya shouts as she stands, throwing her arms in the air, “that’s boarding!”
“What’s boarding?” Ned asks.
“It’s when a player pushes another into the glass unnecessarily rough. It’s a five minute penalty for the Lions but these refs just screwed us out of that opportunity for a power play.”
A deep voice from her right comments, “It would’ve only been a minor.”
She turns to see both men looking at her, a pair of blue eyes twinkling from under the fall of dark hair.
“A minor?” she challenges, “he was almost unconscious!”
“Yeah, but he’s not bleeding,” Blue Eyes grins at her. She stares him for a moment before glancing back at his red haired friend to see him grinning as well. She gives them a curt nod before turning her focus back to the game.
“What’s his problem?” Ned murmurs. Arya just shakes her head.
By the end of the second period the Lightning are down by two.
“Sorry,” Ned says as they watch the Zamboni chug around the rink. The little pigtailed girl in front of them is asleep against her father’s arm.
“What for?” Arya asks.
“For the game being a crappy one,” he smiles at her, and she smiles back.
“You can’t tell the future Ned, so don’t apologize. I’m very happy to be here. I haven’t been able to go to a hockey game in a few years.” Arya hasn’t been able to make it home to Winterfell since she started her Master’s program and the Winterfell Wolves haven’t played the Storm’s End Lightning in Storm’s End at a time when she wasn’t drowning in exams, papers, and work. Not even the chance to see Robb on the ice could manage to pull her away from the pressing demands and deadlines of her job and school work as much as she would have loved to go.
The third period starts and five minutes in the Lions score another goal. That’s when the Lightning forget about playing to win and start playing for revenge. The first instance comes in a small skirmish that results in minor, two minute, penalties for both teams. As soon as those are over another skirmish breaks out, this time turning into an all out brawl.
“Kick his ass!” Arya yells, standing and cheering as helmets and gloves go flying and sticks are dropped to the ice. Ned looks taken aback by the sudden outburst of violence from her.
“You like the fights?” he asks.
“Like? Are you kidding, they’re the best part!” She shouts again as the Lightning player finally gets the upper-hand and sends the Lion skidding across the ice.
“It’s a shame Waters isn’t playing tonight.” Arya turns to her right to see the redheaded man grinning up at her. The dark haired man beside him is giving him an inscrutable look.
She sighs internally and takes the bait, “And why is that?”
“He would have had Marbrand knocked out in half the time. Lemoncloak isn’t nearly as good at fighting as Waters is.”
Arya scoffs, “Lemoncloak might not be as good at fighting, but at least he’s not an absolute asshole like Waters is. Have you ever seen how he fights? I mean, I’m all for getting down and dirty on the ice but there’s a line and he crosses it every time. It’s like he gets off on it,” she says, making an obscene jerking motion with her hand. “There’s a reason the fans chant “Ice Cold” when he takes the ice.”
The two men share a look and a smile. “What? You disagree?” Arya asks.
“Well, I disagree,” the dark haired man replies, “but it’s nice to know what other people think.”
Arya raises an eyebrow at him before turning her attention back to Lemoncloak and Marbrand being ejected from the game. When it’s all over Storm’s End has lost 4-1. Arya sighs as she and Ned pick up their trash to toss on their way out. She notices an odd look on Ned’s face and turns to see the dark haired man standing right behind her, towering over her.
“Is it a habit of yours to hover behind people?” she asks, looking up and up his firm chest to meet his icy blue eyes. She hadn’t quite realized how tall he was folded into the stadium chair near her.
“Just the ones I find interesting,” Arya narrows her eyes at him as he sticks out his hand, “I thought we should meet properly. Gendry Waters, left defenseman, ‘the guy who gets off on fighting’.”
Arya blushes furiously, swallowing hard and fumbling for a second as she puts her small hand into his massive one, “Arya,” she grits out, “and I’m sorry about that. If I had known…”
“You would have kept it to yourself? Where’s the fun in that?” He grins at her, perfect white teeth glinting in the arena lights. He must be fucking with her, she thinks.
“Okaaaay… This is sufficiently awkward. I’m going to go,” she pulls her hand free to gesture over her shoulder to where Ned is probably standing staring at the two of them. She had temporarily forgotten there were people around. Her hand feels cold for a moment without his warm palm around hers.
“Wait,” Gendry says, “this asshole is Anguy Archer, right wing.”
“Hi,” she says, waving awkwardly. The redhead flashes her a bright smile and a wave.
“We’re gonna go out with the guys and get a beer. Would you like to join us?” Gendry asks.
Her heart races for a moment. She’s intrigued by this man in front of her, but she came here with Ned, it would be insanely rude to ditch him.
“Your boyfriend can come too,” Anguy pipes up from behind Gendry’s massive shoulders.
“Oh, he’s, he’s not my boyfriend, we’re coworkers,” she says entirely too fast. The smile that breaks out across Gendry’s face makes her blush again.
He leans down so only she can hear him, the smoky leather smell of his cologne washing over her and making her dizzy, “That’s good to hear.” As his breath whispers across her ear a wave of goosebumps erupts across her arms. She looks up at him through her eyelashes, feeling very shy all of a sudden. He smiles at her one more time before turning to walk away. She fights down the urge to call out to him and turns back to Ned.
Over her shoulder she hears Gendry one more time, “If you change your mind we’ll be at Seaworth’s on the waterfront.” She glances back to see him give her a half smile that makes her insides squirm before he turns and walks away. She keeps her eyes on him as he goes, taking in the stretch of his suit jacket over his shoulders, his firm athlete’s ass, and the long stretch of his well muscled legs that his suit pants only highlight.
Ned awkwardly clears his throat.
“Sorry,” she says, “That was weird, right? I just… uh…”
“Yeah,” Ned drags the word out, “he seemed a little… friendly.”
“Uh, sure. Very friendly.”
“Did you want to go? We can if you want to?”
Arya thinks about it for the moment, Gendry’s dizzying blue eyes and enticing smell drift across her mind. The thought of sitting in a dark pub booth with him, his large, warm hand on her knee under the table. She reigns it in before the thought gets too far.
“No, no. Let’s just go. I have some edits to make on a paper when I get home anyway.”
She saves for a single ticket. It takes her over a month to set enough aside. She’s not sitting in the cheap seats this time, she wants to be rinkside where he could see her, to see if there was something there. If he recognized her she would take it as a sign She spent almost half an hour staring at the seat map when she went to buy her ticket before deciding that directly across from the player’s bench was where she needed to be. She prays that he’ll be playing against Oldtown tonight, since he’s fresh off a three game suspension. She puts on some light makeup, throws on her Lightning sweatshirt, and makes her way to the stadium.
The lights dim, the music starts, and she holds her breath as the players make their way onto the ice. She smiles when she sees him suited up in the dark blue Lightning jersey, his eyes piercing even from across the ice. This is going to be a good night. When the announcers call out the opening line-up she chants, “Ice cold! Ice cold!” with the rest of the crowd when his name is called for Left Defenseman.
She doesn’t pay much attention to the game, just to the dark haired man with the blue eyes. She finds herself watching his every move, calculating hits like he does, cheering when he does his job clearing the puck from near the Lightning goal and using his massive frame to keep the Oldtown center at bay.
Two periods pass with the Lightning up 2-1. He’s not even so much as looked up into the stands in that time. Maybe this was a bad idea, she thinks, and she should have gotten a ticket closer to the bench. She could have tried to yell over the glass at him then. But it would have taken her weeks longer to save enough to sit there, and to finagle time in her busy schedule to come.
He makes his way onto the ice again, and she watches as he does what he does best, blocking the other team’s offense from scoring a goal. What no one expected was for the play to shift quickly to the other end of the ice. The puck finds its way in front of his stick and with a practiced flick of his wrist it bounces off an Oldtown defensemen’s skate and into the goal, earning a point for Storm’s End.
She jumps from her seat, screaming with the rest of the crowd as he looks on in shock. It’s not his job to score and she can see the surprise written across his face. His teammates skate to him to congratulate him, and for the first time all night he looks up into the crowd, right into her grey eyes. Their eyes lock and her breath catches in her throat as the noise of the arena fades away. He smiles that half smile around his mouthguard as gloves smack his helmet and back but he doesn’t seem to notice. He makes his way back to the bench, not taking his eyes off her for the rest of the game. She can barely look away to the rest of the game either.
At the end of the game he skates onto the ice, over to the edge where she is waiting to make her own way to the boards. A few kids pound on the glass at him and he responds by slapping into the boards at them. They holler and laugh and she can tell it’s made their night. When the crowds finally thin she makes her way to him and gives him a big smile, he grins back, his mouthguard hanging free and giving her the full effect.
“Seaworth’s?” he yells through the glass to her, and she nods. “Thirty minutes,” he shouts again, taking off his glove and holding up three fingers. She nods again, smiling, and watches him skate off the ice.
Her heart pounds nervously as she stands outside the pub. She’d never been here before but had looked it up after he’d mentioned it at the last game. The owner of the pub had a long history with the Storm’s End hockey team and it wasn’t unusual to find several large, sweaty hockey players there after their games according to the internet. She only wanted to find one large, sweaty hockey player and it looked like she was in luck.
She notices Anguy first, and he gives her a knowing smile as he walks to the door, “Couldn’t resist some Ice Cold Waters?” he says, winking as he pulls the door to the pub open. She resists the urge to check him into the doorframe as he passes her.
“Hey.” She turns to see Gendry, standing behind her, a wide grin on his face as his dark, damp hair curls around his ears, his blue eyes shining in the dim street light.
“Hi,” she says quietly. He stares at her for a long moment before gesturing towards the door. They find the rest of the team crammed into several booths near the back celebrating their win, pitchers of beer and plates of food scattered between the tables. They squeeze in along an empty bench, thighs brushing beneath the table.
He leans in close to her, breath tickling her ear as he quietly says, “I have to ask. How come you didn’t recognize me?”
She turns to look at him, her nose nearly brushing his cheek with how close his face is to hers, “What do you mean?”
“At the first game. You clearly know your shit when it comes to hockey, so I was curious.”
She looks up into his eyes and he smiles at her. The smell of his cologne tickles her nose and she has to stop herself from climbing into his lap right there in front of his team.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like a neanderthal out there on the ice. Sweaty, testosterone fueled, black mouthguard, black eyes, broken noses, eye grease. I barely recognize my brother when he’s geared up and in the moment. You were… definitely not that that night. I was expecting at least some missing teeth or something. Also you looked distractingly nice in a suit, which totally threw me off.”
“I looked nice?”
Arya blushes and nods, leaning in close to him, “Very nice. I couldn’t help but stare at your arse as you walked away.”
Gendry raises a dark brow at her and gives her a very slow once over of what he can see of her on the pub bench next to him, his eyes darkening as he looks her over, mentally supplemented by what he saw as he approached her outside the pub. She’d ditched her Lightning sweatshirt in her car and was wearing a dark top and skinny jeans, a hint of pale skin peeking out from below the hem of her cropped shirt.
“You look nice too,” is all he manages to say, his voice barely a step above a growl.
Arya raises a challenging eyebrow back at him, “Thank you.”
Their attention is called away from each other but the electricity continues to spark between them as their hand brush grabbing for beer and bar snacks. They talk hockey with the team, Arya revealing that she roots for Storm’s End because she lives here but will always be a Winterfell Wolves girl at heart. She can’t help it, the north is in her blood and her brother Robb plays center for the team.
Gendry leans down to murmur in her ear at that, “So what happens when they play here?”
She glances at him from the corner of her eye and drops her hand high on his leg below the table, “I cheer for the Wolves, but I might cheer a bit for you too now.”
“Just me?”
A sly smile creeps across Arya’s face, “Just for you,” she squeezes his leg before removing her hand and deliberately reaches across him to spoon a bite of dip onto a cracker, her shoulder and back brushing his chest as he rumbles quietly and splays a warm hand across her back, a few of his fingers brushing her bare skin as her top shifts with her movement. She settles back and feels a flash of triumph as Gendry doesn’t move his hand.
Anguy catches her eye at one point and winks at her, nodding his head towards Gendry who has barely taken his eyes off her all night. She’d caught a few of his other teammates glancing between the two of them and giving each other knowing smiles and subtle elbows as they leave the two of them in their bubble.
Eventually Arya sees the time as someone’s phone lights up on the table. It was past 11pm and she has work in the morning and a class in the evening. “It’s getting late,” she says with a sigh, “I have to get going. I’ve had a long day and I have an even longer one tomorrow.”
Gendry’s hand briefly strokes her spine before he slides out from the edge of the bench. He reaches a hand down to her, the sparks they’d been feeling all night lighting up as they touch. Gently, he pulls her off the bench and into his space before taking half a step back and staring down at her, not dropping her hand. She squeezes his hand before lacing their fingers together. Turning back to the table she says her good-bye to the team members she’s spent the last few hours with and leads Gendry from the pub.
The street is cool and quiet after the closeness of Seaworth’s. Slowly they walk hand in hand to her car, Arya trying to stretch their remaining time together by digging in her bag for her keys. She’s enjoyed her evening and Gendry’s company and despite her long day tomorrow she isn’t ready for the night to end.
Gendry breaks the quiet, “I’m really glad you were able to come and we got to do this,” he says softly.
Arya sighs, “Me too.”
“Could we… Would you want to see each other again? Without those louts around thinking they’re being subtle?” There’s a hint of doubt in his voice, like he maybe thinks she only came out to the pub to meet the team. It’s adorable that he could possibly think she’d come out for the rest of those idiots and not for the idiot standing in front of her shuffling his feet nervously.
“I’d like that a lot,” she says, with a smile.
“Even if I’m that guy who ‘gets off on it’?” his sharp smile flashes in the light of the street.
Arya groans and covers her face with her free hand, “I’m never going to live that one down, am I?”
“Not a chance,” he says, warmly. He steps closer to her, close enough for her to feel the heat radiating off him, chasing away the cool, damp air of the Stormland’s night.
She looks up at him, his face is serious as he stares down at her, his blue eyes almost black in the street light. She’s caught in his gaze before her eyes drift down to his lips for just a moment before darting back up. He licks his lips and she wants nothing more than to feel them against her own. Feeling bolder than she ever has she stands on her tip-toes and presses her mouth to his. His arms wrap around her instantly and she runs a hand up his jaw to bury it in the hair at the back of his neck, her other braced on his chest over his racing heart as they kiss like their lives depend on it. Like the other is air and water and all those other life-giving requirements.
She lets out a soft sigh as she pulls away slowly, his mouth chasing hers as she drops back to her feet. Gendry’s arms stay wrapped around her, holding her tight against him as they stare at each other, chests heaving.
“Shit,” he says through panting breaths, and she giggles, “I mean, yeah. That was, yeah.” He nods vaguely, looking shell-shocked. He smiles down at her, a faint blush across his cheeks visible even in the low light.
Arya nods, “I agree. Wow.”
“You sure you have to go?” He keeps smiling at her as she groans and drops her head to his chest.
“Yes. I have work and class tomorrow and I do need to get some sleep tonight. But,” she lets go of him with one hand to dig in her bag again. With a small, triumphant, “Ha!” she pulls her phone out and unlocks it, pulling up the dial screen and hands it to him. He loosens one arm from around her to enter his number in, pressing send and hanging up when he feels his own phone buzz in his pocket. Arya returns her phone to her bag and pulls out the keys that were clipped to the strap on top the whole time. She unlocks her car and moves to step out of his arms. Gendry pulls her in for one final, fiery kiss before letting go of her and opening her car door for her.
“Arya?” he says, just before she closes it.
“Yeah?” she looks back at him, he’s tucked his hands into his pockets, his hair is in disarray from her fingers, and his lips look a little swollen. He’s never going to hear the end of it when he gets back to his teammates.
“I’m really glad you came out tonight.” He smiles one final, brilliant time as she closes the door and starts her car. He stays there on the sidewalk as she pulls out into the street and begins to make her way home. When she gets there she pulls out her phone and opens the most recent call to an unknown number. Pulling up the text box she types, “I’m really glad I came out tonight too”.
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leahseclipse · 3 years
Thnks fr th Mmrs - (Event Fic)
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: Not that I am aware of. (Please let me know if something should be added later on.)
Summary: Just two idiots in love, but none of them have the guts to say it. Eventually one of them will do it, a bit late tho- but, better now than never.
A/N: HELLO!! Here I am, roughly one month after my last fic, this work got all of us busy, which lead to a bit of panic on the last days, but (I think) we made it all in one piece.
This work is part of the Fic Swap organized by @imagining-in-the-margins, with the help of @sunlight-moonrise! I’ve had the opportunity to write for @spencer-reid-in-a-pool- which is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, I love her so so so so much. This was awesome to do. (And yeah, for those who got the ref, the title is from one of fob's songs. I had NO other idea and found this one cool.)
Word Count: 8.7k
        As much as I wished for it not to haunt me another day— I still had this one problem, written into my brain with bright red ink, unwashable, as it seemed.
I hated to recall that it still remained there, as if it was an unsolved case that someone would have put into archives and brought back up when they were clearing out the shelves.
Unfortunately, it didn’t get lost, I just forgot it was there, and my brain had the wonderful idea of presenting it back to me.
I appreciate it. That was— quite nice.
It wasn’t that I hated it, I just didn’t like the thought of having to deal with it at barely eight in the morning, just before actually dealing with the problem itself— in person.
That problem—couldn’t be someone else but the only one Spencer Reid, the resident genius of the team, or the baby sibling for some of my co-workers.
Once again, I do not dislike him, on the contrary, he’s one the closest person I have in my life to this day, I wouldn’t imagine my life without him.
The problem is mainly directed towards the love, sentimental kind of problem.
Especially when the concerned person isn’t aware of it.
It gets complicated when you can’t even hide your feelings when they’re near.
I get all nervous and weird when he’s in sight, the proofs are right there.
 I remember them all, from the time I broke a mug when I tried to reach it as he was talking or when I almost fell down the stairs when he came in to work one day, looking like a literal god— and wasn’t even aware of it, the list keeps going on for miles.
And I’m still there, sitting with my feelings, waiting for something to happen.
I’m not even sure that he feels the same way. 
I’m here, admiring him, thinking about what could happen if I could resolve myself to talk about it, if he felt the same way, but strangely and for an unknown reason; I can’t.
This issue has been happening all week, the last one, and probably the whole month.
It took me time to figure it out myself.
I only saw us as two good friends at first; we’d hang out together, had the same hobbies, have long conversations without caring about the time, to the point that people would think that we were together.
But I guess that I never realized that he could be more than just a good friend.
And as it couldn’t be more complicated, in these cases, if none out of the two dares to make a move, or talk, it won’t go much further.
Which is exactly what’s been happening at this moment..
I’ve been liking him for a while now, and my brain doesn’t know to do anything else but attack me with as many questions they can come up with at the same time whenever I dare to think about it. 
What if he does like me, but only as a friend? 
Is it going to be awkward between us?
Am I going to lose my friendship with him because of that?
What if he says no? 
What am I left with? My stupid feelings that will keep wandering around, reminding me of my love failure?
If all of these are the things waiting for me till I decide to stop bottling it up, I better have to solve that, soon.
But at the same time, if I take a glance at the negative side, I’m just thinking that it’d be better to keep our friendship as it is, and just pretend as if he’s only a good friend I’m quite close with, not a possible lover.
Since when did I allow myself to see him as that? I wasn’t doing that before.
What caused my feelings to suddenly appear?
He’s always been nice to me, as with everyone else he’s close with, and as far as I’m aware of it, no one’s been in my situation.
If it ever happened, I’m sure that it was purely platonic and didn’t go as far as I’m at.
It’s as bad as a math problem.
Kind of ironic, considering I both suck at figuring out how to say I love someone, deal with feelings, all that love stuff; and at maths.
But, as I think about it further, he didn’t do anything to keep me from crushing on him either, even if he probably didn’t do it because he liked me.
There’s a 50% possibility.
He’d take me in his arms to reassure me, help me with paperwork when I was tired, offer to drive me home, re-filled my mug for me, act close, and by close- not as close as he is with the others.
A different kind of close.
So...who wouldn’t think that way, that he could like me?
He could possibly like me, but about that, I don’t have a single clue to know if he really does.
I do want to try to ask him, in one way or another, but the thing is that , if he doesn’t like me, what is going to happen next? 
Awkward silence? 
Is he going to try to reject me as nicely as possible to not hurt my feelings?
It could be really nice if anything would help me to make all of this mess any clearer.
I don’t want to end up drawing away from him because I can’t help but be in love with him whenever I look at him, but at the same time, I can’t say that I am, in case he’s not in love with me.
Spencer’s one of the most important people in my life; I wouldn’t imagine a day where I wouldn’t talk to him, and even if we’re busy, I try to say hi to him, at least.
I can’t quite imagine not having him ramble about his favorite subject, happy as hell because I’m interested, listening to him, and even participating in it.
I don’t want all of this to stop because of a mistake I could cause.
So, this week will be the one.
I’ll somehow resolve myself to bring up the subject.
I’m sure he’ll understand, he knows me better than anyone else in the whole team, has always been there when I needed someone, he’s always listened when I needed to talk, he helped me out with a lot of issues.
He’s always been understanding, whether the issue would concern him or not, so this shouldn’t be a big problem.
It’ll be fine.
I just have to relax sometimes.
I’m stressing out too much, and I’m pretty sure that he doesn’t stress that much about that, or any subject he might think about.
I even wonder if Spencer already noticed the changes in my behavior and is just waiting for me to talk about it because he doesn’t dare to talk about it as well.
He could feel the same way.
He could.
There’s a chance, a good one, I guess.
It can end well, and I have to keep thinking about the good outcome.
There’s no way he’d react badly, I know him,— Spencer is not the kind of guy to do that, in general.
I trust him on that.
So, today...or later, will be the right one.
It’ll go well.
It’ll be win or lose, basically.
I sighed as I looked at myself for the hundredth time for the past ten minutes, finally resolving myself to leave the apartment before I’d end up being late.
Which isn’t something I’d like to happen.
My ‘love problem’ counts as at least ten problems more than getting yelled at by a superior (if I’m not overreacting, at least) so I don’t really need that to happen, on top of that.
I have never been delighted to walk into the office, only to find paperwork from last week waiting for me.
We usually had the whole ‘Garcia runs into the office and throws papers at us before we gather in the conference room and immediately go on a jet at whatever unpleasant hour’ or just purely lazy days where none of us have the strength for any kind of celebration.
But today happened to be a calm one, we just had to do whatever task we had left to do before we can allow ourselves to go back home to either sleep all day to fix our long broken sleep schedule, or do whatever event we might come with, such as dates or trying to find a guy in a party, for some of us.
It’s nice that we don’t have to worry about when we’ll be able to come back to work, we just go in, do our task and go home at whatever hour, a decent one.
I’d say that this happened to be more than convenient -in a way- for Spencer and I.
More time for talking, hanging out together, mostly what we do when not on an active case.
If I’m not mistaken, I think that I may have heard one of them saying that we were dating because of how frequently we’d be found together.
I did want to say we were dating as a joke, but I was afraid that it’d end up being awkward after that if- as said earlier when I woke up-, he didn’t feel the same.
But at the same time, whether he feels the same way or not, I don’t really have a reason to think about that as Spencer wouldn’t react badly.
Knowing him, he’d probably play along.
At my arrival at the bureau; everyone was scattered a bit around; which wasn’t to be seen on a case day, usually.
We just had to hope we wouldn't have a surprise case to ruin it all.
As I greeted everyone before settling at my desk, I noticed one person missing.
Spencer wasn't usually late, so...I didn't really know what might make him late.
Knowing him, he may have woken up late because he had watched tv till 2AM, and ran to the coffee shop to not look dead at his arrival. 
Yep, that’s him.
Let’s hope he won’t break a bone when he’s going to attempt to run to not be late, it’s...yeah.
So, don’t rush Spencer, it’s calm as hell here, you don’t need a trip to the ER so soon in the morning.
“Oh, hey!”
I turned around to be faced with Spencer, papers in hand. “When did you get there? I didn’t see you when I arrived like...five minutes ago. I thought you weren’t here yet.”
“Oh, I was doing copies. I’m sorry if I worried you, I should have sent a text.”
“No- It’s okay, don’t worry. You’re here...now.”
“Yeah, I’m here. Do you have a lot of paperwork? Figured out we could talk in between.” He asked.
“No, I don’t have a lot, and...sure, I could use a talk- I mean uh...talk, yeah.”
That was a shitty save.
“I’m glad, I didn't want to bother you if you were busy.”
“Even if my whole desk was covered in papers, you know I’d always find a minute to talk. I get easily distracted.”
Please don’t take it the ‘love’ way, or just...don’t think I get distracted by you in a ‘not-a-friend’ way— gosh, I’m not gonna be able to save it with whatever sentence.
“You know that’s the same for me. I always have a hundred subjects popping up just when I try to focus.”
“Yeah, same. It’s a bit...annoying.” 
“Depends. It’s not really when you’re in them.” Spencer admitted.
Is this an attempt at killing me right on the spot? You’re really going to kill me by being so damn nice.
“Oh...really? I didn’t know.”
That was shit.
“Well uh...now you do that it’s not always annoying up there and that’s your part of the non-bothering stuff.” He pointed out.
“That’s the- same for you, yeah.” I answered, slightly nervous.
“Didn’t know we had that too in common, that’s funny.”
Not so sure about the other detail you don’t know about-
“We learn new stuff everyday at least. I guess it’s...useful to know? I don’t know.” I chuckled.
“Yeah, there’s not much to do with that information, it’s more of a...fact thing-y. You know I like that stuff.”
I raised my eyebrow. “Who doesn’t?”
“Yeah, everyone does at this point, but that’s a quarter of what they know, I think that you’re the only one that knows the most about me, not everyone.”
You have to stop before I drop dead on the floor right now.
“I have to remind you that it’s kind of the same for you.”
“People are definitely thinking we’re together at this point, we’re pretty close so they have every right to believe that.”
“Does it...bother you?”
“Oh, no, not really. You’re a pretty girl so that’s kind of...nice that they think that a nerd like me could be in a relationship with you.”
Okay, I just stopped functioning right now.
What am I supposed to even say? You’re a literal god, you’re handsome as HELL- 
“Oh- you’re uh- good looking so, that’s...normal I guess.”
“You think so?” He asked, unsure.
Oh, please. Tell me you’re kidding, it’s impossible that no one hasn’t told you of your AMAZING handsomeness, the fact that you’re amazingly-
Yeah, we got it y/n. 
“Yeah, really.” I confirmed.
“Thanks, I guess.”
“No problem, Spence.” I said, as we both went to our respective tasks.
At least I avoided a heart attack, that’s what matters, he just has to stop being so cute and pretty, all the time because I’m gonna have trouble acting like I’m not in fucking love with him if he keeps going.
Just- breathe, and focus on your work. 
We’re gonna talk together, and it’s gonna be okay.
There’s no reason that a problem would occur, I just had a talk with him, and it went...almost perfectly smooth. 
The ‘almost’ part is when I almost had a heart attack, which isn’t the first I’ve had with him, and won’t be the last.
If he would just stop being so handsome all of the time.
I sighed, reading the paper all over again as I lost focus...again.
As I was reading, my pen in hand and the tip of it slightly touching the sheet— I didn’t even realize that I had been scribbling on the paper, as if I was in middle school and bored in class all over again.
It was kind of….fun. 
I didn’t get to do that everyday, so I’d say that it was diversifying compared to any other stressful day where these...doodles wouldn't even happen or to be thought about because of the amount and importance of the work.
I still think about him, even when I’m busy as hell though.
He’s always in my thoughts, I don't know how he does it because I’m pretty sure I don’t do that with anyone else in the bureau. 
Is that kind of over thinking considered as an obsession or not at this point? I’m not quite sure of it anymore, but...it's not "psychopath, stalker-like", he's just an important person that matters to me.
I just really like him, that’s all.
He also told me that I tend to be in his mind often, so...I guess we're even.
I guess so.
“Hey, is everything...okay? You’ve been staring blankly for a...while. Is that my-” He started to point out.
I panicked, quickly hiding the papers with other ones. “What? Oh, uh...I was-” I blurted out. “...thinking.”
“You’ll probably have to...print out new ones. I don't think Hotch will accept papers with scribbles, you know. I can print out some copies for you, if you want?”
“No- It’s fine, I can go, thanks for asking! It’s nice of you but uh- I’m going.” I answered, as I abruptly clicked back on the software to print out copies, and walked to the breakroom after...awkwardly waving.
Why the hell was I scribbling down his name like I was...a middle schooler having a crush on her classmate?
I have no idea why, but this was...kind of embarrassing at the moment.
I seriously have to stop worrying about each thing that happens.
He probably didn’t care as much as I did.
I shook my head as I arrived in the breakroom, now empty as Luke and Matt had previously left from what I saw a bit ago when I looked in that direction.
I didn’t mind, at least I’d avoid embarrassment because of how weird my expression probably looks.
So, everyone, please don’t come now, wait until I pick up my papers, that’d be more than appreciated.
Should I call Spencer?
I don’t want to be a bother, I know he enjoys spending time alone off work.
Would he be happy to hear me?
I don’t know.
I’ll call him later, if I’m settled on it.
I’ve been pacing in that small apartment of mine for at least the last couple of minutes, or maybe an hour, I don’t have the habit of noting the duration of my nonsense usually.
I don’t even know why I’m pacing again and again just to decide about a call.
I’m sure he doesn’t even do that.
Does that mean it makes me...crazy?
Not necessarily.
It could.
I’ll just- whatever.
Do something useful like cleaning your apartment and answering emails, and you’ll see if you have a minute to spare to call Spencer.
That works that way.
See, you can stop stressing.
Just do another task to distract yourself and have less things to worry about, so it’ll be easier to decide about the ‘call matter’ thingy.
I did not call him, if that’s what anyone wondered.
The only call I made was with Penelope, after she called me numerous times to ask me about the books we’ve been yelling about for a few weeks.
I had supposed she had also wanted to talk about Spencer, as the whole office had been conspiring about our possible relationship.
But, she held it off, and cut the call after saying ‘I better hang up or I’ll be talking about the book for another decade’.
Kind of looks like me and my thoughts with Spencer.
I hope I’ll get to let all of those out, if we ever have the chance to have a talk about the feelings matter.
I never had that many ‘things matters’, I’m even inventing some new words along the way.
Crazy what love can do, if that’s what started it.
I can’t recall that either, I’ve been more focusing on the matter itself than the name of it.
Love will do, I guess.
“What are you up to?” I asked, peering over Spencer’s desk.”
“Well, technically...nothing new. I’ve been reading that for the past week, I tend to do that with books I really like.” He closed it, looking at me. “Is that weird?”
“Not at all. I’m doing the same with shows and movies, and even- who cares if it’s weird? If we like doing that, we don’t have to worry about what others might think about it.”
“You’re right, I shouldn’t worry that much.”
“I worry about small things too, you’re not alone on the ride.” I pointed out, sitting back at my desk.
“Glad to know I have someone I’m sure won’t judge on that.”
“I would never judge you on anything, well- aside from the ‘sugar’ matter we’ve been having for a while, nothing else.”
“You’ll be debating about it for a while then. I’m not about to stop having my ‘sugar with my coffee’, as Morgan says.”
“The amount you put in it is disgusting.”
“Not to me.”
“Well it is to me, and probably everyone else. How do you not get sick?”
“No idea. I’ve been doing that for years and never had problems of any kind. Maybe you’re all the ones that are weird.”
“Hey! You’re weird too. If you wouldn’t be, I wouldn’t be talking with you.”
“I’m less weird than you, at least.”
“Pff. Just get back to work, weirdo.”
I love you, weird genius.
No, I didn’t get to talk to him about the…’love matter thingy’.
We did spend a lot of time together but I didn’t get the nerve to find a way to ask, instead of going straight to the thing.
I have no idea if I was imagining things or if it was real but...he did look a lot like me, and...his look wasn’t the kind of look you’d give a friend.
He also seemed...nervous, I guess?
Would it be wrong for me to think that he could possibly like me, as well?
That’s better than always thinking he doesn’t, a little hope doesn’t hurt, it’s always nice to think on the bright side for once.
Maybe I could be right.
I kind of hope I am.
I didn’t think till now that it would be such a relief to see my whole desk cleared from most of the papers.
 I’ve turned in most of my reports- and that kind of sounds like I’m talking as if I’m in school and turning in assignments at the end of the day to be honest.
All of the papers that laid around were gone, and it kind of seemed like the work day had reached its end.
It kind of was a nice day, it’s nice to have days like that from time to time to take a break from all of the stress and shit from cases.
As I had gathered back all of my stuff, and all that was in mind was to walk out of here and rush to my apartment.
Just as I turned around, Spencer was standing in front of me; I didn’t even see him come by.
“You- gosh, you really scared me. Speak up next time.” I said, nervously laughing.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to- Did you uh...get hurt?”
“No, I didn’t have- get anything. I’m okay, thanks- Are you going home too?”
“Yeah, yeah, I am and...I also-”
“You also…?”
“I wanted to talk to you...again, about something.”
I feel like that ‘something’ might be the ‘something’ I’ve been wanting to talk to you about for weeks.
“Uh, go ahead, I guess. I can’t really start the conversation as I have no idea what it’s about…”
“Okay, uh...I’ve been uh, wanting to ask, for a while, if you wanted to hang out, sometimes. I know we do, pretty often, but I’d be like...hanging out together, maybe dinner...” He looked elsewhere, searching for his words.
“...you mean a date? Is that...what you want to say?”
“Yeah, that! I just- I thought I’d be weird to ask you, just like that. I mean...it’s kind of random and I thought that- you understood the thing.”
Please, that’s what I’ve been thinking about for a decade, how could I not understand that-
“It’s not weird, I’m just...surprised?”
“Oh, I’m- glad? I just...didn’t think you’d accept and...I was kind of afraid that I’d make a fool of myself by asking you that.”
“Wait a minute though-  You’re really asking me out, right now? I’m not making fun of you, it’s just still...wow.”
I just thought you would never do it, or that I’d be the one asking and receiving a negative answer.
“I swear that I’m not. I’d never joke about that, especially to you, and since I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I guess I was afraid of the answer.”
“Please don’t laugh, or anything but...kind of the same thing was happening to me, about you.”
“So...we’ve been thinking about it, and none of us knew? Wow, that’s...I didn’t think that was happening all this time.”
“Seems so.”
“Have you been uh...thinking about it for a while, like me?”
“Kind of...yeah. I’ve...liked you for a while but, didn’t think you’d be interested. I’ve had a lot of male friends that were acting like you, but weren’t interested in me, so I thought...that was the case.” I admitted.
“You have no idea how much I appreciate you, and not only in a friendly way. I’ve liked you for a bit, and as I said, I was afraid of what you’d say, so...I told myself that waiting for the right moment would be better.”
“....yeah, same. I don’t think we’d ever get to have a conversation about it but- did you uh...resolved yourself to do it because of…”
“..the paper thing? Yeah, and no. It’s been on my mind for a bit. I just thought this would...kind of- be the right moment. I know that it's not the ideal place, but I just thought, it’s now or never.”
“At least...it’s cleared out?” I asked.
“Yeah, it is. I’m glad we know about...the feelings stuff and all.”
“You have no idea how I am. This is- wow, sorry, this was kind of sudden, and I...didn’t think that’d happen. Just this morning I thought about talking about it somewhere this week and now- did you read my expression or something and guessed or…? Because just as I thought about it, you talked to me.” I explained.
“I guess so. I’ve been thinking about it for a bit, and...I didn’t want to wait more as I wouldn’t have ever talked, as for you.”
“Would you have waited another week for me to tell it or would you have stepped in before?”
“I think it would have depended on where we would be. Because, if we were outside, I think that I would have preferred something nicer than a bureau, you know. Even if I like it, to be honest. But, I wouldn’t say it’s the best setup to ask someone on a date?”
I shrugged. “Not the best, but, it’s better than- I don’t know...a grocery store or something?” 
“Yeah- it’s better.”
“At least you’ll get a better shot at asking me out on another date after that one.”
“I’ll definitely do better.”
“I trust you on that one. But- I want to home right now though, I kind of miss my couch...and my fridge, maybe.”
“I’m with you on both ones- after you.” Spencer offered, as the elevator opened, stepping in after me. 
“Be careful with the whole gentlemen thing, you’re gonna have to bring me coffee everyday soon.”
“I’m already doing that with mine, bringing yours won’t hurt. You’ll probably have a bill at the end of each month.”
“In your dreams, Reid.”
The care that had been put by Spencer on our first date was truly amazing.
It looked like he planned it months ago, it could almost be seen as a kind of proposal if someone else would see it.
He insisted on picking me up himself, did not tell me a single thing about where we were going till we were there, which was weird...but made it exciting and fun.
I have to say that I was...quite nervous too.
I never even thought that I’d be here, on a literal date with Spencer Reid himself; I’ve had dreams about it, thought about it, but never thought it’d actually happen.
None of this was a joke, he was more than serious about it.
I don’t think that even one thought I had looked like this moment, he insisted for it to be an awesome first date we’d both remember for a while, and I wish it could have lasted longer.
Time went by, way too fast that when we both saw the time, it was already 10PM.
As we could have work, and that sleeping early would be convenient if we happen to be called in early, we decided to end the night there, even if none of us really wanted to.
“We should stay in next time. That way we won’t be tired, you know. It’s kind of late.” Spencer pointed out, as we walked to my place.
“You sure? It’s gonna be Grey’s Anatomy or whatever cheesy tv show I watch for the night.”
“I don’t mind. I’ll probably try to point out the mistakes, it’ll be like...a game night you know.”
“Oh, yeah. It could. But, I think I’m gonna be the one to lose as the only ‘medical knowledge’ I have from that show is from that show. And, as Google isn’t to be trusted, I’m gonna lose.”
“It could also include a...spot cheesy moments thing.”
“Season one is full of it. We’re gonna have a lot to talk about. I would have proposed Star Trek but apparently, there’s not much scientific errors, it’s pretty accurate from what I heard. We could settle on Doctor Who if we can’t decide.”
“Would you like it though? You told me you don’t watch it usually.”
“You could tell me about it, it could be good. We could also try Supernatural, it’s kind of mystery stuff with paranormal stuff?”
“Ghosts, spirit and the whole heaven/hell thing?”
“Yeah, there’s a lot going on. And...it's kind of in the title. I’d have to warn you though, I’m kind of obsessed with the main leads, so don't get jealous or something.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t judge you. It’s a judgement free-zone.”
You raised your eyebrows, staying silent for a split second.“...you judged me when I didn’t add any sugar in my coffee.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Spencer, please- you looked at me weirdly, as if I committed a crime.” 
“Not in a mean way- I just put a ton, so, seeing someone putting none was weird.” He admitted.
“I’m judging you on that then. You’re putting way too much in that. It’s sugar with liquid at this point, it's melted candy.”
“I hate the strong taste.”
“Then drink tea.” I proposed.
“It’s too light.”
“Just end up drinking water.” I said, running out of ideas.
“No, I prefer to stay with my sugar with liquid.”
As you wish.” I agreed, as we came to a stop.
“So...we’re there.”
“Yep, we are. I’ll see you tomorrow?” I asked.
“Yeah, tomorrow.” Spencer repeated, coming forward to plant a kiss on my cheek. “Have a good night.”
“Spencer, you missed. You kissed my cheek.”
“Oh I- are you fine with it…?”
“Just kiss me, Reid.” I replied back, while one of his came on my left cheek, the other laying on my waist as he stepped forward once again, kissing me on the lips.
All of it was perfect.
It was only the two of us, the world around us had froze.
My arms ended up winding up around his neck as he brought me close, his warmth, smell invading my emotions, my whole thoughts.
I had totally forgotten about everything else, he was the center of my attention, I couldn’t allow myself to go on another track when he happened to be near me, this close.
Never have I thought that months ago, as I was crushing on a man I thought wouldn’t like me, would actually like me, and kiss me.
We were literally starting to date.
This better be real, I better not be in a coma after whatever accident I might have had.
Because this— this is way better than a dream, than I imagined.
I would be so mad if that wouldn’t end up to be real— but it is.
All of the things I’d feel, whether it was him, his hand on my cheek radiating his warmth on me, his breath, his lips slotting against mine, his arm enlacing my waist, the grip on my waist gentle, the feeling of the fabric of his jacket against my fingers, or even my own feelings, all of the memories, thoughts floating around, there was just way too many things to describe, but I could still list them all of a sudden if I were to be asked about the aftermath of it.
I couldn’t wish for a better moment like this.
I think that the fact that this moment was probably totally unexpected made it even more special for the two of us.
Neither of us will forget, ever.
This moment totally replaced the message written in bright red ink that reminded me that I still had these feelings laying around that I kept pushing away by fear of rejection.
The rejection seemed long gone, for me, he happened to be having similar feelings, probably fearing a negative event as well.
Turns out nothing bad happened for the both of us.
Only our truest desires, what we wished for but didn’t dare to as the bad ones were stronger.
The bad pushed the joy we could have really lived if the feelings were mutual.
And now, it is.
We both know that the other likes us, that the bad is long gone behind us.
I could tell that, from my side, because of this moment.
I didn’t want it to stop, ever.
I wished to live this kind of event that could give the chance for all of these amazing feelings to fill my whole mind.
No more fear, pain, sadness, just calm, reassuring, soothing feelings.
The ones that make you feel that nothing can hurt you anymore, that make you feel safe, happy, this is all I’ve ever wanted.
I didn’t even count how many minutes that lasted, I was too focused on...the wonderful person in front of me and all the feelings that came with it.
It was quite the overwhelming one, and for once, it wasn’t an unpleasant overwhelming, it made me feel happy.
Mostly because I’d never thought feelings could be so deep, numerous, amazing to think about, and then, even more happy feelings would pop up again, and again.
I’d almost forgotten we were still in front of my building, and that it was...really late.
I almost think that I didn’t remember the world had kept moving, that people walked by to see two people making out in the street.
I guess I sort of apologize, but don’t really care.
I was in my moment and did not care if anyone saw us.
When we both slowed down in our movements, ceasing after a few seconds; I slightly stepped back, letting his hand rest on my cheek for a little bit more when I put mine on his.
I simply didn’t want the feeling of his warmth to ever stop.
I did not want any of what this moment made me feel to ever stop after I had to experience it with no one but a person that deeply matters to me.
The only person I’ve ever wanted to feel this kind of amazing feelings with.
I didn’t want it to stop.
Not yet.
Not ever.
It was amazing.
He was amazing.
As we both started to take our breaths back, when his hand dropped from my cheek to my waist, joining the other, the feeling of looking in his eyes once again was astounding.
It was just a glance.
But, when you happen to be in total love, it isn’t just a simple glance, it’s always a special one.
What you feel about it won’t ever change.
I’m sure of it, in my case.
I wish I could be looking at him forever.
But...not that I want to ruin the moment but, it was really late, and windy.
Not the best time to look at each other for hours.
After a certain amount of time, Spencer had been the one to briefly break contact, before maintaining it once again, but with a different emotion plastered on his face this time.
“I’m sorry for...before, I panicked and I-”
Okay, here goes nothing.
“I don’t want you to go yet.” I admitted. “That's kind of the reason...I said and did that too. I wanted to kiss you but, it was also to feel you close a bit more, a four hour date wasn’t enough and I don’t think it’ll ever be.”
He seemed surprised at my confession.
Just say something, I hate it when there’s a blank.
Especially when I just said this to you.
“...if you want me to stay, just tell me.” He said. “I’ll be here as long as you’ll have me, as long as you want. Even for a whole week, a month, hell- forever, let’s be crazy.”
“You’d do that?”
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I?”
“I just feel like I would be bothering you.”
“You’re not. I’m actually happy to get to stay more. It’s not bothersome at all, on the contrary. I’m happy to stay.”
I’m happy too.
“Thanks for that. I really...appreciate it.” I admitted.
“The pleasure’s mine.”
“Wow, you’re playing it ‘gentleman-like’ now?”
“I guess so. I would also say it can be because I’ve seen a bit too much of Miraculous Ladybug when I was babysitting kids. Cat Noir’s nice.”
“You know lines of Cat Noir?”
“Yeah, I picked up a few one.”
“Really? You’re gonna say them all the time now?”
“Of course, my lady.”
“I’m never gonna get used to that. It’s weird hearing you say that.”
“But it’s romantic, there’s a lot in the TV shows you watch. The characters do that too.”
“But you’re not one of the characters, you’re Spencer Reid. You’re yourself. You don’t need to throw Cat Noir lines to charm me or something. Just you...is enough.”
“You sound like ladybug...and also Marinette.”
“We’re kind of them- well- kind of, as what we deal with isn’t...close to a kid’s show, but, we save people.”
“Oh, we should-”
“No, I’m not dressing up as ladybug for halloween.”
“...can’t say I didn’t try.”
“There’s no way I’m dressing up in a suit-” I argued.
“We would have been equal, I’d be in one too.”
“I’m not doing it-”
“...guess I’ll have to come up with something else then.”
“Yeah. We have at least six months to think about it so...that’s enough for me, I guess.”
“It’s short. We’re gonna end up one week before.” He complained.
“Stop worrying about that- just get inside with me, it’s getting cold.”
“I could give you my sweater and jacket, I don’t mind.”
“Just- get inside Reid.”
“I was joking!”
“Sure you do. Do you think I’d stay outside for another hour?”
“I just thought it was because you were cold-”
“I’m gonna check if you don’t have a fever when we get up- you’re out of your mind.”
“I’m perfectly fine.”
“Nah, you’re a bit tired, from what you said.”
“I didn’t actually mean it.”
“Sure, let’s get you to bed, grandpa.”
"I'm 32-"
"I don't see why you call me grandpa."
"You don't have the reference? The meme, you know?"
"No, I don't."
"You're disappointing, Reid."
“Is it going to get worse in later seasons? It’s too calm.” Spencer pointed out.
“Uh...possibly. Season one is pretty calm, not- entirely, but...okay compared to later ones. There’s a lot going on in Supernatural, and it gets pretty hard when you get attached to the characters. The writers like to hurt us.”
“They’re taking all of the pain of the fans on twitter as inspiration.”  
I snorted. “I’m really starting to wonder if it’s not the case at this point.”
“I noticed they tend to do that at the end of seasons too. They throw in a cliffhanger where you think that the character is going to die, and then, they make you wait months...just to show they had a scratch on the arm.” He explained.
“It’s true...they did that a lot of times. I’m afraid of what’s going to happen after season one though. I bet it’s only going to get worse.”
“Probably. I bet they won’t be extra nice with letting them live peacefully.”
“You…” I stopped in my sentence, yawning. “...said it. Sorry- I’m a bit tired.” I said, rubbing my eyes.
"Oh you should probably- go to bed, yeah. I'll leave the bed to you, you know."
"Why would you sleep on the couch?"
"Uh...well, uh...I don't know."
"We're sleeping in the same bed, it's not the end of the world."
"...are you uh- sure?"
"I guess. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
“I just figured that...it’d be sort of embarrassing, or even awkward for you.”
“I don’t get why it would be, it’s okay. Plus, you deserve to sleep comfortably if you’re tired as well.”
“Okay, then.”
I paused for a bit, thinking about a detail. “...It’s probably stupid to ask, but...which side do you usually prefer? Just so that, there aren't any problems if you sleep on a specific one, you know.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t want to be taking you side or anything, as you said, if you prefer a specific...one.”
“Why did you think I asked? And, in case we prefer the same, we’ll just settle on one, that's all I can think of.”
“...it wasn’t stupid to ask though.” Spencer reassured.
“Really? I...it’s not everyday that I ask that kind of stuff, especially as this situation doesn’t happen everyday. But, at least, I can say that I’ve already done it. It’s...something.”
“Yeah, same. It’s just...I don’t know, what would you call it?”
“Half stupid, half nice? I have no idea as well.” I admitted.
“...we can just leave it there, we’ll never find it.”
“True- Are you coming, or doing a whole routine like drinking water, going to the bathroom, tidying up everything, checking mails and all of the possible stuff that you could do?”
“Do you really think I could be doing that?”
“Kind of. Wouldn’t be surprising if you were doing that. But I’d say it’s a waste of time, if it’s 10PM, you end up going at 11:30 something. The least I’d do would be...water and bathroom. But again- I won’t criticize, it’s fine with me. Just don’t make hella noise.” I detailed.
“I just...check mails...a lot, yeah. Also uh...I make sure everything is ready in case we get called in so I don’t rush; so, I do a lot of stuff. But as if it’s a calm week, I guess I can skip getting the bag ready, and probably mails as I answer them later.”
“That’s...good to know at least. Less stress before going to bed.”
“Kind of. I tend to do all of the stuff I forget all day at night, which causes me to do a lot of stuff, being afraid that they won’t be done on time, so...it’s nice to have less stress.”
“Really nice after what you said.” I pointed out. “Are you sure you’re okay though? We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world, if that’s the thing that bothers you.”
“No, you’re not….it isn’t- It’s not the problem. I just, never really...did it, and...I have no idea why I’m stressing over that. It’s kind of stupid as we’re just gonna sleep.”
“You’ll be out like a light in two minutes Spence, it won’t be a problem if that’s what stresses you out. Also, it kind of is...the feeling you can’t describe, and me neither. It’s like...stress, awkwardness, a mix, you know.”
“Exactly, it’s kind of that.” He agreed.
“Didn't know we were thinking the same about that. Well, I guess we’ll see. We should go before it’s too late.”
“Yeah, we...probably should.” 
“Relax up a bit. Just chill.”
“I’m perfectly relaxed.” He argued.
“No you’re not. Stop lying, I don’t even need to profile you to know. You’re like a balloon ready to explode.”
“I really don’t see what you’re talking about, y/n.” He muttered.
“Did anyone tell you that you’re very convincing? Turns out they were lying, genius.”
“I think I’m the one freaking out now.” I admitted, out of the blue.
“I’m not really freaking out anymore. I guess I gave all of my stress away to you.”
“It’s quite thoughtful, thanks.”
“Maybe you’re just hot, who knows. I’m fine on my side.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m not hot, it was freezing cold outside, so it is inside. I know when it’s hot and when it’s not.”
“Uh then...try to take deep breaths? I don’t know what you could do.”
Why don’t you try to be less handsome, huh?
“I think it’s the awkwardness and stress mix kicking in, as I said earlier.”
“Do you want to talk for a bit? Maybe it’ll calm you down.”
“Sure, why not.” I agreed, turning to the other side to face him.
That guy has to realize that his face is what’s distracting me.
“What did you think about today?” He asked.
“It was...really fun. Quite more than I expected I think. I guess I’d be down for other ones.”
“I can’t guarantee I’m not going to slide one or two essays in it though.”
“I’m fine with it. You know listening to you...never bothered me. I don’t think it’ll ever bore me. Who doesn’t like a few facts?”
“Even when it’s all about science or pagan rituals? The cop looked at me weirdly and even asked what kind of doctor I was. Someone else had to talk to revive the conversation.”
You bet, not everyone’s used to it.
“I do remember that one. You looked pretty...proud about it when you finished the sentence. I swear that I would have revived it first or would have kept going. I know a bit about it. What did you say to creep him out?”
“I think that...there was candle wax on the tree, and I said the usual stuff, as a matter of fact, it was used to protect the birth day celebrants from demons, and that the celebration got rejected by Christianity as a pagan ritual’. That’s when he asked.”
That totally explains.
“It wasn’t embarrassing, don’t worry. He just...wasn’t used to that. That almost happens with every new person you meet. I’m out of the ‘almost’ I guess. I was surprised, but got kind of interested.”
“Again, that was surprising. Not everyone would have reacted like you did. I know the others try not to hurt me and listen to it until it’s enough.”
“It’s distracting sometimes, you can always keep going. But not too late, 2AM essays aren’t my thing. Sleeping at 2AM is.”
Getting to sleep at 2AM doesn’t even matter anymore, I’m just glad to be able to sleep.
“I’ll try then.”
“You better.” I warned, pulling my jacket closer to my body as I felt a few chills.
His gaze hadn’t left my figure, hence, he noticed. “...you’re still cold?”
“A bit, I guess.”
“Do you uh...want to...get closer?”
“If you don’t mind, I don’t know. I don’t want it to be embarrassing.”
“It’s not, I swear. I just don’t want you to freeze, I guess.” He admitted, raising one of his arms.
“Okay, thanks.” I slowly got closer, not wanting to invade too much.
“I said you could get closer, that is barely closer than before. Come here.” He pointed out, which I responded to with a sigh as my head ended up resting against his chest. “I told you it wasn’t weird.”
“I thought it’d be for you.” I answered.
“It’s not...anymore. It’s actually fine...now that you’re here.”
“...really? You were kind of stressed about it just a bit ago.”
“Don’t remind me, it’s embarrassing again now. Do as your brain is a computer and delete the file.”
You’re the computer, I’m not.
“It’s fun when you react like that, why would I stop?”
“That’s offending.”
“You, offended? I don’t think so. You don’t sound like it, you’re acting.”
“That hurted my feelings even more, I think my heart might die because of such cruelty. You should be careful with your words, my lady.”
“You’re starting to look like Cat Noir. It’s cheesy. I didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings.”
“Maybe I am Cat Noir, who knows.”
“Guess you’re gonna have to give back your power, you’re not supposed to say it.”
That shows how many nights I’ve spent babysitting kids, especially Matt’s, they watch it way too much.
“Never said I was.”
I kind of wish you were, it’d be fun to see you in that costume.
“Spencer, you sound like him now. You’re definitely him, can’t change my mind about that.”
“I just sound like him, doesn’t mean I am.”
“I have the last word, stop.”
“Okay, I’m stopping. But you have to sleep first, I’m not sleeping until you’re asleep.”
“...bossy.” I spat.
“I’m taking care of you, I’m not bossy.”
“Whatever, right.” Spencer repeated, hesitating for a bit before putting his lips on my forehead, softly kissing it a few times. “I totally agree with you.”
“Mhm.” I lazily said, growing a bit more tired.
“Good night, y/n.”
Nothing much had been planned for today; so when I had woken up, I really didn’t need to feel stressed about rushing into work as most of it would only be paperwork.
Spencer was still asleep. He had stirred up a bit when I stood up, but it didn’t wake him much. He was sleeping as a baby, even when I accidentally banged my foot against a shelf, nothing woke him up.
I exited the room with a chuckle, heading to the kitchen aisle to fill up a glass of water; sitting on the counter when I had the glass in hand.
It wasn’t really late, just about 8AM, I could still head to work around 9 or 10 as our work hours were to be chosen by us when nothing urgent was to be done; but, the limit was still about 10AM, the hour to be chosen more freely was around the end of the day.
Too bad we can’t head in somewhere in the afternoon.
I hate that work just for that.
I slightly jumped from the counter, peering over the bedroom to see Spencer still sound asleep, only his position had changed.
As I looked in the room, his sweater had been messily put on one of the chairs in the corner, almost at the edge of it.
Time to make jokes and steal a sweater. 
I slightly laughed, walking to the chair as I grabbed the sweater, heading back outside when I had the item in hand.
In a few seconds, I had put my head in the top hole, then my arms in the sleeves, arranging the sweater afterwards.
Good luck to get it back, Reid.
“Hey, did you-”  Spencer asks, before putting his eyes on me. “Is that my sweater, or am I having hallucinations?”
“That is your sweater, indeed. You’re not hallucinating.”
“Is it being rude to ask why you’re wearing it?”
“I don’t know, I like it.”
“And...is it possible to get it back later?”
“Not sure….no.”
“At least you were clear.” Spencer chuckled, sitting on the couch as I joined him after a minute.
“Last night was really nice. I appreciated the forehead kisses.”
“I just...felt like it would be reassuring, glad to know that. I could do it often if you’d like to. I don’t mind.”
“Every night, no matter the situation. If we leave and don’t see each other for a few hours, forehead kisses, even if we don’t sleep at the other’s place, forehead kisses- basically every time we have to separate for a bit. But- you can also do it when we’re together, so...correction, all the time.”
“Gotcha, all the time.”
“I may give you back your sweater at some point if you keep your promise.”
“I don’t actually mind, you can keep it. Just tell me when you take my clothes so I don’t think that some alien stole my clothes in the night.”
“I’ll send you a text every time I’ll be taking one. You might receive a lot though…”
“Just try to leave two or three shirts and some pants so I don’t have to go out in the street naked.”
“I will- don’t worry.” I said, laughing.
“Too bad I can’t take yours in exchange. I’m not a fan of...tops.”
“You know what? That’s not a bad idea. I’m gonna take everything in your closet and only leave pants and that top. Thanks for the idea!” I thanked, getting up from the couch as he tried to catch me when I started to run.
At least now, I can’t say that I had a bad week.
It was better than expected;
For...probably the both of us.
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Art depiction from Where I Belong of my OC CT-1917/Lucky
Sneak peak scene snippet from chapter 13 of Where I Belong below!!
The sound of the nearest set of blast doors opening does little to pull a reaction from Arwen as she feels a presence emerge from the interior of the base and out onto the walkway where she was. She didn’t need much time at all to guess who it was. After that speeder-wreck of a conversation, General Kenobi was the only one who’d likely try to speak with her.
Despite having had almost half an hour to think about the conversation she’d just had with the Jedi Council members, Arwen could feel the anger bubbling back up to the surface. She was angry with them, but even more so with herself for thinking such an arrangement could actually be authentic.
“I don’t mean to interrupt,” General Kenobi announced himself, despite knowing she was aware of his presence already. 
Arwen let her eyes shoot to the left as the Jedi came to stand a few feet away from her before he turned to face the view of the Cruiser Staging Area. His aura was relaxed but his tone and posture gave away the most subtle hesitation he was bringing with him. He definitely wanted to say something; he wasn’t just coming for small talk. It’d be awkward if he did.
“I feel that our conversation took something of a wrong turn.”
“Wayii (good grief)- Just spit it out, General.” Corcer turned abruptly, pushing off of the railing her forearms had been rested upon to face the Jedi. His expression was calm, only a slight furrow of his brow indicated his reaction and potential concern or perhaps consideration to her anger bubbling over. “You used me to get what you needed for your investigation. That blasted contract was just a load of fodder-”
“The Council is still deliberating on your greater role, Corcer.” The General responded. “The contract is genuine, I assure you.” He sounded just as genuine however that did little to convince Arwen as she shook her head and looked out over the railing once more, hands grasping the railing tightly. 
“You must understand that the Council simply needs time to evaluate and consider the situation.” 
“All due respect, what else is there to consider?” She shot daggers over her shoulder before throwing the look ahead of her. “My service record? Jobs I’ve taken as a merc just to get by and survive in the mere months since my team was-” The abruptness of Arwen cutting off her own words had to have caught the Jedi’s attention as he physically shifted where he stood.
“Your team,” He stated the phrase with a casual quietness that made Corcer tense.
“Wer'cuy… Jetiise ke nu suvarir (forget it/it doesn’t matter… Jedi don’t understand).” She muttered under her breath with a shake of her head. 
“I beg your pardon?” The question seemed to be one of surprise more than anything.
“A Jedi wouldn’t understand!” Arwen finally barked, not bothering to look towards him. She only kept her gaze ahead, forearms coming to lean back on the railing as she looked down over ledge towards the lower deck where a small airfield was.
After everything; all that had happened. She didn’t know if she had the right to feel insulted or even upset about the position she was in. Granted she did everything in her power on that mission- gave everything she had and intended to give her life if not for the fact that she was somehow still here despite the odds. She gave everything. Herself. Her team- the only family she’d ever known - for the Republic… Was that not enough?
Arwen wished the sound of the ion engines of one of the Republic’s Venator-class cruisers powering up was loud enough to drown out any further conversation that could take place. She felt oddly trapped with this Jedi, despite having plenty of space to move away from him as he stood idly by a few feet away. He was being more civil than she’d like. Mentally trying to stomp out the crumbs of guilt sitting heavy in her stomach at her behavior around this General - a superior - didn’t seem to be working. 
He’s done nothing but be genuine so far. She had no reason to be angry with him specifically. But then again he was a Jedi. Jedi didn’t deal with emotions like other people did. They were cold, calculated individuals; weighing life rarely by worth but by majority… unless you were weighing the worth of a Jedi against Clones of course. Then the worth of one outweighed that of the majority. Jedi were just like everyone else… viewing this army like nothing but canon fodder; easily disposable and replaceable. Her team was nothing but numbers on a spreadsheet to them. She could count the number of Jedi she trusted on one hand. That number was even smaller when considering how many she trusted that weren’t already dead.
The Jedi General was quiet in his movements as he came to stand by her side, posture straight as he rested his hands upon the railing and eyed the view before them. Moving his gaze subtly he eyed the mercenary, noting her eyes had fallen and her expression, for a brief moment, appeared more exhausted and broken than any he’d seen in some time. 
“The Republic owes you and your team a great debt.” He’d considered the proclamation before coming to find Corcer. It was true after all. He’d read the details on the file; what she, as well as her team, had been a part of; how their actions may have very well saved the Republic just months prior due to the information they’d obtained and kept out of Separatist hands. However, that victory came at a cost.
Arwen shook her head at his words. Whether it was out of denial of his words or something else, Kenobi wasn’t completely sure. He was reluctant to dig deeper into her aura, but wanted to at least attempt, if not to get a better understanding of her. 
“Nice payback.” Arwen muttered before crossing her arms over the railing, risking the action of resting her chin down on her forearms. Her back was still tense, and she was ready to act at any time, however this Jedi posed no threat to her. Not at the moment at least.
General Kenobi considered her response before he nodded to himself.
“I understand you feel betrayed, and I apologize for what took place and- has… since taken place.”
Arwen could tell by the split second hesitation at the end of his sentence that he was treading carefully, however she didn’t plan on holding him to his words. She wanted to just knock his statement up to him sweet talking to get her cooperation however she could feel his sincerity. It was clear as day in the air and she couldn’t deny or ignore it.
“I’m sorry about General- Kazar and- Padawan Vorruk… sir,” Her voice lost its confidence rather quickly as soon as she uttered the names. She hadn’t said the names of the Jedi General and Padawan she’d worked with on that last mission since… the mission itself. “I-...” She couldn’t bring herself to continue as her throat tightened and suffocated the words before she could utter them.
I did what I could.
She hadn’t said it out loud, but she knew she didn’t have to.
“I know,” The response didn’t surprise her as much as his tone did. His voice held emotion, despite his professional output. He projected a sense of understanding and mentorship. There was also certainty to his tone.
He must’ve watched the holorecording. 
Arwen closed her eyes, brow knitting tightly as she tried to push the images from her mind. She could almost feel the weight of the Jedi padawan in her arms sometimes; when she’d held his half conscious body, clinging to life, while she tried to relay coordinates and need for extraction to the nearest Republic fleet and simultaneously fend off incoming hostiles. 
And now the Jedi had the footage of her message. 
It angered her that it was memorialized as a recording, but it enraged her that they’d seen it and still saw her as a threat. Like nothing that happened that day held any weight. 
A slight shift in the Jedi’s aura caused her to look subtly out of the corner of her eye and she evaluated his posture as it straightened and he cleared his throat quietly.
“I am currently negotiating with the Council to have you ship out with General Skywalker and I.” 
Arwen’s brow scrunched together at the Jedi’s words and she pushed off of the railing to stand straight and face the Jedi.
“Sir- the Council said-”
“I am proceeding to try and convince them otherwise.” Kenobi responded, hands coming behind his back as his gaze arched over the view in front of them once more before it returned to her. “I read your file and reviewed your training as well as completed missions. Your skillset will be of the most use in the field. Now, it will take some time before we can have you operating openly if this pans out. But for the time being, I am going to do my best to get the Council’s permission to have you work in the background of any ongoing operations within my battle group.”
Alright… This Jedi isn’t half bad.
Corcer eyed him for a moment, overall uncertainty written in her expression before she swallowed and let out a quiet breath through her nose.
“Thank you, sir.” 
I feel like a di'kut now.
The General eyed her quietly for a time before glancing away towards the blast doors down the walkway. 
“0700 tomorrow there will be a meeting on standard operating procedures in the east wing for new clones joining the ranks of the 212th. You’re welcome to attend.”
The offer surprised her, however that surprise was quickly overshadowed by solace. Corcer’s hands swung around behind her back subconsciously, posture straight and attentive as she gave the Jedi General a nod.
“I’ll be there, sir.” Arwen’s tone voiced assurance and even confidence.
Giving her a curt nod and a hint of a professional smile, General Kenobi excused himself and turned to head back inside. 
Corcer watched him leave and once the blast doors closed behind the Jedi, she found herself mulling over the breath sitting in her chest before she slowly let it out and returned to her spot leaning on the railing.
The sense of reassurance was starting to leave a subtle bitter taste in her mouth. On the surface she felt relief, knowing this Jedi appeared to be coming at her from the right direction; easing her into situations where she’d be surrounded by the troops. However the deeper she sifted through her mind… she was terrified. 
How the kark am I gonna fit in with these troopers? I don’t know the first thing about Infantry SOPs.
Then there was the matter of how she would be received. The last thing she wanted was to be on the bad side of these troopers. Then again her very presence was already proving a negative to the 501st troopers as they’ve had to cart her around twice today. If things kept going down the same road, she’d have a difficult time fitting in.
Until she knew exactly what her job would be, if the General could square something away for her, she couldn’t get too comfortable with anything on the base, and especially not with any of the men. That was the only thing she’d need to be sure to do. Don’t let yourself care; don’t get attached. If it’s one thing her past had taught her; it only ends in heartbreak and it leaves you more alone than ever.
Not one of my best arts, but I’ve had it sitting on the shelf for a long time so I figured it was better to share it sooner rather than later. Check the story out if you’re curious for more! Feedback is always appreciated 💕
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aitarose · 4 years
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PAIRING: Bolin x Earthbender!Reader [fem]
PLOT: Probending is easy when it’s all about the money. There’s no time for friends, romance, or allies—but that all changes when Y/N’s in-game rival saves her life. loosely based on this request by @comicgeek​
WARNINGS: enemies to lovers, a little fluff, a little angst, stuck together
A/N: i rewrote/edited this entire piece, so that’s why i added a tag list. it used to be 1.4k words and that wasn’t cutting it for me so i made it longer and decided on it being one part only, also i hated the gif i originally used so here’s a new one lol
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Here come the Fire Ferrets’ opponents! The three-time defending champions, the White Falls Wolf-Bats!
Y/N raised her right arm above her head, watching proudly as her winged sleeve unveiled itself to the fan-filled stadium. She stood in a triangular formation beside Tahno and Shaozu, who were howling as loud as they possibly could.
Her expression was nothing more than stoic as a low whistle blew from her lips, adding an unnoticeable pitch to the viewer’s screams and cheers for their reigning champions.
Flames erupted around their team, fireworks exploding in the air in bursts of red and yellow. Through the plastic of her wolf mask, Y/N could clearly see her opponents, the Fire Ferrets, groaning in disgust at the obnoxious display in front of them.
A large smirk rose from Y/N’s lips as she noticed the unmistakable frown of annoyance on her rival’s face. He stood with a slight slouch, visibly cringing at the antics of the Wolf Bats, determined eyes paired nicely with his loathsome look.
In all her time living in Republic City, Y/N had never met anyone quite like Bolin. He had this natural positivity and enlightenment ingrained into his personality that she’d never been able to fully understand.
Sure, she hadn’t exactly been trying to get to know the earthbender any better—but he also hadn’t ever been at the top of her priorities.
Probending was the main idea on Y/N’s brain ever since she’d learned of the sport. As a child, her parents had taken her to countless matches and championships that she’d found a passion for the game. There was nothing she loved more than a good match between challengers.
But after the death of her parents to the Triple Threats, Y/N’s love for probending subsided. The excitement quickly died and was replaced with ambition. A dry and one-dimensional ambition for nothing more than the profits of fame and autographs.
Y/N cracked her knuckles, shooing away any nerves or hesitations she harbored over the probability of their win. They’d already bribed the referees, there was no way their opponents could win—even if they did have the Avatar on their side.
The champs and the challengers face off at the center line. And here we go!
At the echoing ring of the bell, Y/N dashed forwards. The familiarity of the game infused with her muscle memory made her a dangerous player. She knew the ins and outs of the sport, giving her the advantage over any skilled opponent, no matter how powerful they were.
She turned to Tahno, giving him a curt nod of reassurance, before watching him begin to shoot waves of water at the Avatar. On her opposite side, Shaozu made his way towards Bolin. Bursts of fire shooting in every direction, including Y/N’s
Flames seared the air, narrowly missing her face as she easily dodged Mako’s first attempts at an attack. She studied his movements, picking up on his style of fighting before letting her senses connect with the weight of the stone beneath her feet.
She raised her hands quickly, sending the flying slabs in Mako’s direction in a cross formation. Y/N whipped her head to see all three of her attacks hit their target, forcing the firebender into the next zone.
“Perfect form, Y/N!” Shaozu shouted, encouraging his teammate in eliminating their opponents. He turned to speak again, before being knocked down by none other than Y/N’s least favorite person in the entire world, Bolin.
As the boy cheered himself on, his teammates chimed in with words of gratitude and proudness. “Nice shot, Bo!” Mako called, complimenting his younger brother with a large smile pinned across his face.
Y/N, however, was anything but excited for him. She instinctively sprinted in his direction, making a beeline plan of attack. The stones nearest to her raised up and around her body, focusing on the figure that was Bolin.
Revenge was the only thought on her mind. The idea of the physical winnings and profit that she could make off of this match alone. The idea of the billboards and interviews that she’d get paid for, egging her emotions of anger on.
Bolin screamed in surprise as the disks targeted him. He threw up his own hands, blocking her attacks with clumsy ease. “Is that the best you’ve got?” He taunted between breaths, barely managing to dodge her stream of deadly attacks.
Whilst Bolin was distracted, Y/N gestured to Tahno, who’d been dealing with Korra, for assistance. The snake-like boy gave a sly smile to what he assumed Y/N was hinting at, leveling an ongoing stream of water directly at Bolin.
Look at that! Y/N uses her quick thinking to undermine Bolin, whilst Tahno performs the perfect, borderline illegal, assist that should certainly elicit a foul—or apparently not!
“Are you kidding me?” Bolin’s mouth was agape in shock at the ref’s decision. He grunted as Y/N gave Tahno a high-five with a sneer gracing her lips. At the sight of Bolin’s helplessness, she let out a laugh—finding his exasperation amusing.
Bolin mimicked her movements in pettiness, making fun of the way she walked and talked. Y/N rolled her eyes at his childishness, choosing to respond with the same amount of maturity while sticking her tongue out in annoyance.
As the game went on, the two teams seemed to be quite evenly matched in terms of strategy and teamwork. Not even the hefty bribe Tahno had given the referee seemed to put the Wolf Bats in favor of winning.
After what felt like hours, the challengers had reached the point where a coin toss was deemed to be necessary to determine the winners of the probending championship. This event, having never happened before, caused an uproar in the stands, chaotic excitement raging through the arena.
Y/N stared in anticipation at the airborne coin, her heart pounding in unison with every flip and turn it made. She could feel the sweat dripping down the back of her neck as she waited to hear who had been determined to choose the final element.
“Yes!” Korra shouted, pumping her fist into the air before grabbing both Mako and Bolin by the shoulders and taking them aside to their section of the field. Y/N, Tahno, and Shaozu impatiently waited for them to finish—though Y/N already had a good idea of what was about to happen.
“I’m taking this one.” Bolin announced, pushing his brother and Korra aside. He nodded to the referee, confirming the Fire Ferret’s conclusion. “Earthbender versus earthbender, Y/N.”
Y/N reluctantly laughed as Bolin puffed out his chest in an attempt to appear more intimidating. She shook her head in disbelief that he actually thought that he had a chance of beating her. “Alright, big guy. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
She stepped up on the pedestal, facing opposite to Bolin, before pulling her fists up to her chest. While settling their stances, Y/N sent a sly wink in his direction, confusing him further—causing him to completely miss the ring of the starting bell.
Bolin ducked, feeling the crisp wind from the flying rock slab touch his hair. He continued to dodge attack after attack, sending an equal amount of stone in Y/N’s direction as she was in his. His skill was impressive and undeniable, but also equal to his opponent’s.
“Fight back, you coward!” Y/N screeched amidst her attacks. She was beginning to feel as if she was losing valuable energy while being the only player on the attack. Bolin hadn’t made a single move that couldn’t be defined as defense, choosing only to avoid her marks.
In her frustration, Y/N’s advances had grown sloppy. She’d become less focused and precise, and more upset and angry. Her emotions were very obviously conveyed through her bending, Bolin taking note of her current emotional status.
He finally made his move, seeing his opportunity and thrusted one first in her direction. Unfortunately for him, Y/N made her move at the exact same time, causing both benders to be thrown from the platform.
The thin discs collided between them, becoming nothing but pebbles and dust in the thick air. Fog shrouded their surroundings, restraining them from seeing four feet in front of them—their only idea of what had happened being the moderator’s booming voice.
Well, what do we have here folks? Our very first and unbelievable championship tie, thanks to the outstanding performances today by the Wolf-Bats and the Fire Ferrets!
Gasped filled the stands as the fog dispersed, revealing a dumbstruck Bolin and a fuming Y/N. She huffed dramatically, her face the shade of a red tomato, and marched towards Bolin, pointing her finger at him accusingly.
“I can’t believe you!” She screamed, throwing her hands in the air. She lunged forwards, slightly pushing Bolin away before continuing her rant. “You only sent one attack! One—and somehow that makes me lose the entire game? No!”
“All you did was stand there! You don’t deserve this win, I do!”
Bolin gulped, feeling his Adam’s apple bob in his throat. As much as he liked to say that he couldn’t stand Y/N, that she gave him immense anger and frustration, that didn’t make him any less afraid of her.
“All I did was play the game.” He defended, genuinely frightened by her overwhelming negativity. Bolin stumbled back, taking one hand and scratching the back of his neck in awkwardness, before saying something that was better left unsaid. 
“At least I’m not just some gold digger who only wins when I bribe the ref.”
Y/N’s mouth dropped at his accusation, shocked that those words were able to come out of Bolin’s mouth. Bolin, who was supposedly the most kind and understanding person in the entire city. “What did you just say to me?”
Bolin pursed his lips, refusing to say more in fear of making the entire situation worse. Luckily for him the chittering and cheers of the crowd drowned out their argument, the only people listening being their teammates who were standing by in silence.
“I could beat you with or without a bribe,” Y/N challenged, trying to save the little dignity she had left. While she hated to hear Bolin’s accusation, there were parts of it that were true. Would she really be able to win without a little help from up above? Or was she just a washed out player with no real talent?
Pushing her hesitations aside, Y/N took another step closer to Bolin. She smirked as she saw him shake nervously at the absence of space between them. ��Tomorrow night, just you and me, in the town square for our rematch.”
Before Bolin could accept or deny her offer, static filled the arena. Electricity fizzled throughout the stands, causing police offers to drop like flies. Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed as the barely made out the masked figures standing in the audience above unconscious guests.
Electric gloves coated their arms, forcing innocent bystanders to surrender to them and their unjust and self-righteous cause. The Equalists stood as one in a circle around the seats, confidence and selfishness rang off of their looks.
Y/N trembled in fear—fear of losing the thing that mattered most to her, her bending. “Is that?” She trailed off, afraid that if she spoke his name aloud, it would make the moment even more real.
“Amon!” Bolin’s voice boomed in her ear, along with the sound of explosions. The dome above the entire arena had been destroyed, fragments and shards of glass nailed down onto the guests and players. Y/N’s eyes widened, her body was frozen in place, not nearly bracing itself for the inevitable impact.
She could faintly make out a voice shouting, “Y/N! Get out of the way!”, before being grabbed like a rag doll. Y/N felt weightless in the air, falling from the playing field and into the still water below. Her head was forced underwater by a large hand whilst glass continued to rain from the sky.
Y/N hurriedly swam towards the surface of the deep pool, gasping for air and spitting the contaminated water from her mouth. She flailed her arms like a flying lemur with its head cut off in an attempt of adjusting to her new surroundings and environment.
“Watch where you throw those things!” An unexpectedly high pitched voice groaned from behind her back. The boy behind the noise grabbed her untamed hands and held her body close—Y/N assumed he must’ve been making sure there were no Equalists lurking at the bottom of the arena.
After a moment of silence, Y/N craned her neck to see who had saved her from the blast of the explosion. Her expression of gratitude quickly turned to one of annoyance as she saw that it was just Bolin, who she realized was still holding her to his chest.
“Bolin.” She struggled to escape from his grasp, wriggling and kicking his legs in the dark water. “Will you please get your hands off of me? I am capable of swimming, too.”
With her request, Bolin immediately let go of his hold on her, his strong arms ejecting themselves out of his tight embrace. He swam beside her, the earthbenders wading towards the platform connected to the finishing pool that led to the back exit doors of the arena.
“Do you think they’ll be alright up there?” Bolin asked, nervously twiddling his fingers together. His face was distraught, feelings of uselessness overcame his thoughts. “I know Korra and Mako are strong and can definitely handle themselves, but I feel like I should be helping at least a little—”
“Don’t think like that.” Y/N interrupted him, seeing the stress that had drowned out his natural optimism. She gave him a small smile, the corners of her lips rising slightly in an attempt to comfort his nerves. “Your only job right now is to stay alive.”
Bolin took a deep breath, seriousness taking over his features. “You make it sound so easy,” he shuddered, letting his clenched fists relax. “Staying alive is so much hard work. One of these days I’m going to end up as the main course in the Triple Threat barbecue.”
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle at his ridiculousness. It felt good to lighten the mood with a small joke, and Bolin always had humor to share—and much as she liked to despise him, he could be quite funny sometimes—maybe even a little cute.
She raised her right arm, touching his shoulder affectionately, and gave him a real hug. One where her arms wrapped entirely around his body, comfortably sitting above his waistline. It felt right to be in his arms. Perhaps she’d been wrong about Bolin in all their time knowing each other.
Bolin peered over he shoulder in the middle of their first mutual embrace, ensuring that they were safe in their current position. “I don’t see any signs of Equalists down this hall.” He whispered, motioning for Y/N to follow behind him.
The two earthbenders quietly snuck through and around the twists and turns of the underground passageways while the battle above them could still be heard. Chaos and cries for help echoed down the metal halls. Y/N shivered at the thought of what might’ve happened to her if Bolin hadn’t saved her in time.
Considering Y/N had never been one with the skill of hiding her emotions, Bolin took great notice of the fear that had overcome her. He internally fought a long hard battle with himself, before ultimately deciding to put his ego aside.
Bolin reached for Y/N’s hand, taking her’s in his own. He gave her a heartwarming smile, his grin toothy and pure. “I’m really sorry for what I said earlier,” he shrugged, sighing quietly before taking in another breath. “I was really angry and I know that’s no excuse.”
“I have absolutely no idea what your life is like outside of the games, and it was totally uncool of me to even assume anything about you. Can we just move on?”
Y/N snorted in amusement at Bolin’s innocence and purity. She took her hands, while still in his, to her mouth. She pressed a light kiss to his knuckles before letting go. Bolin stared at her in awe, surprised but welcome to the new development that their relationship had taken.
As he struggled to say a single word in response to her kiss, the two rivals had already reached the service doors that lead into the outside, and hopefully safe, world. Y/N pushed the exit open, holding it so Bolin would be able to escape as well.
“I guess this is where we part ways,” she grimaced, realizing that after tonight, they’d go back to their old routine of cat and mouse. Y/N didn’t know what to think of Bolin, but she definitely had a different perspective than she did when she woke up in the morning.
Bolin was quiet for a moment before his face lit up in excitement. He raised his eyebrows at Y/N, wiggling them for a moment in an attempt to make her laugh, which he succeeded in. “What do you mean part ways?”
“We still have our rematch tomorrow night!”
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TAGS: @practicallylivesonline @cherryskyies @shell-bells-ringding @xapham​ @mochminnie​ @bombardia​
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
Hey Kay! I was wondering... I'm thinking of writing a Byler fic. Is there anything that's missing from the current fic library that you think would be good to see, in terms of tropes, characterisation, things to explore, etc? I would also appreciate hearing from your followers. Just any ideas that people would like to see in a fic.
yeah sure ...
1)We need more povs from Mike’s perspective. (Almost all are from Will’s pov - let’s mix it up sometimes)
Mike in canon is the pinning-gay -(overly romantic) whipped one , but we never see it. And he’s pretty much never written this way! Mike in s3 has 6 drawings from Will on his wall  (he kept them up since s1-for years- despite replacing the poster on the same wall). Has even caressed extra drawings of Will’s that he’s kept in his binder.  In s1 wrote a whole story for Will about defeating a monster and giving the king it’s  7 heads (cause Will rolled a 7 when the demogorgan attacked him.) And as a Star Wars fan he had his own character be given a medal by the king (like how leia gave the medal to Han for his heroism.) He attacked people for insulting Will. Literally hates apologizing -but is quick to do so for Will . Boy ran in the pouring rain twice for Will- disobeying cops, the government, and his parents to do so. He initiates every byler moment (arm thing, hand touch, ‘best thing i’ve ever done’, ‘crazy together, right?’, always asking Will “what’s wrong?” or “are you ok?” etc). And was upset at Will dancing with a girl + insecure about Will replacing him -after he moves away.
-but 90% of byler fanfics (don’t get me wrong some are good) are from Will’s pinning perspective. Also do people realize Mike is clearly the more romantic/ emotional open of the 2 while Will is clearly the more emotionally closed off/aloof one?  He loves Mike too- but he’s def less obvious about his feelings- based on how he behaves. Will rarely opens up to people (Mike being an exception). But, it’s never written that way (usually it’s the opposite).  
2) as a gay women all the reductive stereotypes annoy me. it’s obvious when fic writers try to have the gay romance be modeled after het romance- and try to make one into the ‘girl’/ ‘guy’. Duffers don’t stereotype  Mike or Will but a lot of fanfiction writers do in order to make the gay romance resemble a straight one more (canon character traits, be dammed). Please, stop pushing heterosexual dynamics on gay and lesbian couples and trying to make one “the girl” and “the guy”. It’s very offensive and innaccurate.
Because he’s taller and most people head canon him as bi they make Mike a jock (despite in canon having horrible aim and not being able to run as fast as the rest of the gang). And Will (since most see him as gay) is weak/ sucks at sports compared to mike...despite knowing how to use a bat, shoot a gun, and being able to tear castle byers apart with his bare hands . Also nothing in canon shows Will likes to wear makeup and dress in drag (but it’s a constant thing that i’ve heard come up or heard others mention). It would be fine if he wanted to express himself in such a way. And if it only came up in an occasional fic it wouldn’t be a big deal. But it’s such a common theme that comes up (despite no canon evidence) that in most cases it just screams ‘straight writers trying to make Will into “the girl”’.  Not to mention the huge emphasis of their height difference (shows this too). It can get annoying calling him “short” & “petite” (a term used for women) when will isn’t even the shortest guy member- and now his actor is way taller than gaten (dustin) a bit taller (I think?) than caleb (Lucas) and barely shorter than finn (Mike’s actor). But writers even in future fics write him as short...ok? ya’ll really can’t let go of making Will “the girl.” Cause ya’ll incorrectly equate shortness to femminity. It’s tiring. Some writers straight up say he’s “pretty “, “feminine” or “looks like a girl” 🙄
3) it’s not byler if it’s unrequited- stop tagging it as such
4) more emphasis on Will’s passions(art, writing, horror movies). Maybe in his upbringing with Lonnie.And jon being a good bro to him. Will’s Mental health issues maybe ?
5) mike is a socially awkward, clumsy, unathletic, (caring) science/sci-fi /D&D loving nerd. In au whatever- but mike is not a bro-y jock, or a cool bad boy. 😂 plus , more writer mike would be nice to see
6) headcanon him all you want -but at this point it’s pretty obvious (to me at least) Mike never loved el,and was just lying/confused/ projecting Will on her. And El is/was also confused and never loved mike.   so it would be nicer to see that instead of Mike just ‘falling out of love’ with her. Mike is gay. people say in s3 Will saying “a day free of girls” is gay coded but everyone ignores Mike in s3 saying “BOYS ONLY”. same energy. writers even threw in a telemarketing joke so Mike says in s3 “El? no. sorry not interested.” And Mike has more rainbow refs than Will.  Boy is clearly gay not bi (way too much evidence to talk about here) .  They even  compare mileven to ted/karen who “never loved each other.”   The  writers make fun of mileven constantly and say over and over it’s not actually romantic - (if you choose to read just 1 link read this one  and get with the program) . plus, most Bi dudes  wouldn’t stop being attracted to a girl the more fem she gets (and only be attracted to her when she looks like a “guy”(specifically their guy friend).which yes the characters in s1 said over and over again that El looked like a “boy”/“will”.  And then they have him Makeout with her while putting up a  drawing of said male bff on the wall (cause now she looks less like him) and so he needs to look at said bro, to stomach the makeout seshes/ and in an effort to transfer said romantic feelings from guy friend to gf. Then push his gf’s hands off himself during the kisses- sing to stop kissing, and  kiss to mostly show off how straight he is. And without said pic- not kiss back and just keep his eyes open and not reciprocate. Nor would they have Mike equate het romance to something he thinks he has to do as a part of growing up . Bi dudes consider falling for a girl as simply romance not a foreign idea that has to be done cause there’s no other option and that’s ‘just what old people do’. Mike claims el is the only girl he’s ever had feelings for - but like dustin said mileven is “bullshit “ (stancy parallel -where nancy was not in love but faking it). So mike’s never been into a girl and is also into Will... so...
7) it’s the 80s they can’t just be open/ have pda in public (you could have gotten k*lled or beaten severely.) And most of their friends/fam would not take it well initially. (I think jon, Karen , and steve/robin would take it well... but not most of the crew.) although they’d all prob come around eventually . -Takes me out of a fic to have such historical revisionism when everyone is just totally fine with byler and they’re out to the public/strangers.
but that’s just me. What about you guys?
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renaxwrites · 4 years
Hello! Can I request an hc with a BHNA x HQ crossover where Todoroki, Bakugo, and Amajiki’s s/o is a top U.A student with a powerful quirk (like Maleficent or Jean Grey), a Phoenix but is also famous volleyball player, trained in U19 and is titled as the Goddess of Volleyball. Also, their s/o is ranked in the top three aces in Japan. Sorry if its random hehe Thank you in advancee! 💜
BNHA x HQ Crossover:
Support for the Winged-Ace -
(Todoroki, Bakugou, Tamaki)
a/n: I’ve had this one chillin in my inbox for a minute, sorry about that 🥺 I tried to find a good balance between the two. For some reason writing this made me feel a little (soft) idk why lol. Anyway I hope you like it 🥺💘
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It was just any other day, and Todoroki was doing some self-training, to clear his mind
Thud. Thud. Thud.
He couldn’t really concentrate from the repetitive thuds coming from the other side of the training center, so he went to go investigate. In doing so, he almost got decapitated by you, his classmate. Or, to be exact, a volleyball going what felt like 100 mph.
“Oh my gosh! I didn’t see you there, I’m so sorry!” You and a couple of your teammates rush over to see of he was alright
He chuckles, but is still feeling the rush of the ball flying by. “I’m alright, but what are you doing? Is this your new training technique?”
You begin to explain how you’re on a volleyball team on the side, and you practice in your spare time. Intrigued, he wanted to see more of your practicing. YOUR crush, wanting to watch you do what you do best? It took all your willpower not to lose your brain cells or magically forget how to spike a ball. “Alright, let’s take that play from the top!”
The ball is practically floating through the air between your teammates, until you, the ace, slam the ball down to the other side, from out of nowhere. Perfect for the unsuspecting opposing team. “Yes!” You squeal in triumph as your wings descend you down.
Todo is mesmerized with what you just did. Or more specifically, you. “What was that?”
You turn to him with a certain kind of hunger on your face. “That, Shoto, is what is going to take us to be the champs this year. Hey, we actually have a tournament this weekend, you should come watch!”
And so he did. Well, he also invited a few fellow 1-a classmates to come along. They’re all having a good time, with the whole volleyball world being a new venture for them. The lights turn down, capturing their attention. They were to introduce a new player.
“And now, you know their name! You’ve seen them in every tournament imaginable, trained in U19 this year, is one of the top picks for the country, and is battling it out to be Ace of the Year this time, give it up for your ‘Volleyball Goddess’, Phoenix!!!”
You step out into the spotlight, waving to the crowd, subtly looking for a specific pair of mismatched eyes
Once you do, you smile and blow a kiss, letting them know that this game would be for him
And there he was, sitting there dumbfounded at the fact that you really do look like a goddess, with wings, uniform and all
Throughout the tournament, your classmates could feel the same pains and triumphs you did, through all the highs and lows of the games, all the way until the very last
The suspense was killing the crowd, with the score being 26-27. It was gruesome, with the game never seeming to want to end. But this point, this one point was all on you, and every person in the stadium knew it
Your team forms a quick huddle, deciding to follow through with the play you did when you almost killed Shoto. This is it!
This whole time, you had kept a cool head, but with this one point being all-or-nothing, slight nerves began to creep up. And Todo noticed.
Use of quirks weren’t necessarily allowed for safety regulations, but he needed to let you know he was cheering you on, to calm your nerves
He freezes his arm, then softly blows a slight cold breeze in your direction, praying it would reach you just enough
You shiver at the sudden, slight drop in temperature. You look up in the direction it came from, and are met with a soft smile, silently telling you, ‘you got this’
That was all you needed. You wink back, thanking him.
The ref blows the whistle, signaling the start of the play. Your team serves, and is ready to receive it from the other team. The ball comes back, and is floating on your teammates’ fingertips. You rise up, and spike the ball down to the rivals’ weak spot. They were caught off guard, not seeing you coming.
The whistle blows again, ending the match. You won! You and your teammates jump and squeal for joy, and soon you and the other team thank each other for the game. Then, the awards began, rewarding the top players of positions in the country.
“And now, with the top scorer for ace, taking over the top spot by .5 points more than 2nd place…Phoenix! Your Goddess!” Tears cloud your eyes as you step onto the podium. Everything you’ve worked so hard for, finally rewarded. You are presented with a bouquet and gold medallion, and just as you begin to wave to the crowd, you unintentionally catch something hard and cold in your hand. You look down in wonder.
A rose made of ice.
Once again you lock eyes with Todoroki, a silent message passing between the two of you.
After the awards, he is the first to congratulate you, and after the formalities, there’s a quick awkward tension. So you decide to break it.
“You know, I may have won first in the country, but I’m still waiting for the results for something else too.”
He tilts his head in curiosity. “And what would that be?”
You intertwine fingers with the clueless boy, and a pink blush taints his face. “I’m wondering what place I am in your heart, Shoto.”
He seems astounded. You have no idea how long he’s been wanting to confess to you, and here you are, beating him to the punch.
He takes your hand and presses a light kiss to it. “Number one, of course.”
You both stare into each other’s eyes for what seems like an eternity.
You totally forgot that some of your classmates came along, so their cheers at you two finally being together broke your tance from Shoto’s eyes.
They all fangirled at the two of you and definitely had taken the opportunity to take pictures of your love-staring-contest
The picture is both you and Todo’s wallpaper now
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Homie sees everything as a competition, so when he sees how big you appear with your wings, he saw you as a threat
It got on his nerves when he saw you training more than usual lately, what was your deal?
No way was he mesmerized by the way your thunderous wings carried you into the air, allowing you to spike a ball at any volume he wanted…nope he definitely wasn’t into you, nah uh, no siree
You had permission to leave class for one of your tournaments, one that would determine your rank in the country. Aizawa was actually supportive, and got approval from the staff to allow a class trip to watch your games today
Needless to say, a certain someone was a little more eager to see your power than the rest *cough* Katsuki *cough* and everyone knew it too
The second you step onto the court, you’re met with the screams of adoring fans, those who have seen your growth for the past years, seeing you go from an average player to being one of the most recognized aces in Japan.
Eventually, it was between the final two teams in the tournament. Your team was at their top level, and it was up you, their ace, to determine this set point. With a few hand signals exchanged between the players, it was silently spoken that you would be doing your secret back attack play to get this win
The whistle blows. The whole arena goes silent, so quiet you can hear a pin drop.
Your classmates all hold each other in anticipation, silently praying for you to make this.
A pair of crimson eyes bore into you, transferring a strong desire to see you succeed
You toss the ball up. Your maleficent-like wings willing you into the air, and you spike the ball to the other side with a great force. As soon as you make contact with the ball, you speed over to the front to the net. By now, the opposing team had already set it to your side, where you predicted. You and your setter make eye contact.
They set it up to you, where you were already awaiting in the air. You slam the ball down with all your might. You get the point.
You and your team tackle each other in a group hug, with tears flowing all over the place. Thunderous applause fills the stadium, with your classmates being the loudest section.
Even Aizawa was clapping along, like the proud father teacher he is
For the awards, the hosts began to present the top 3 aces of Japan, based on the scores, and you scored second! You stood next to your friendly rival, who was number one, and the two of you exchanged playful banter, promising no mercy for the number one spot next year
Once the awards were over, you walk outside to greet your classmates, and they all suffocated you with prideful hugs and congratulations, and were all sweet enough to pitch in for a big beautiful bouquet
Bakugo was biding his time to the side, where you noticed he was waiting his turn to talk to you. You walk up to him, and all he says is, “Tch, couldn’t even get number one huh.”
You smile, then clench your fist in determination. “Don’t worry, I’ll be standing at the top next year, you’ll see!”
Your perseverance caused a glimmer in your eye, which in turn created a slight blush on Bakugo’s cheeks. “You better be number one, otherwise what’s it for?”
You think about it for a moment. “Well, I may have not gotten first this year, but I got you to notice me, at least. So I won something, I think.”
Baukugo.exe has stopped working. “Huh?”
You roll your eyes. “Just shut up and kiss me Katsuki.”
He grins and pulls you in, and you wrap your wings around the two of you to shield you from the surprised eyes of those watching.
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Soft boy™ had always admired your confidence, and the power you carried with your wings gave a radiance unlike any other
One day, you were working on your spikes at the training center, and he happens to be passing by. He heard the whoosh of your wings and the soft thuds of the volleyball, and once he saw it was you, his long-time crush, he couldn’t look away. Not when you looked like an absolute angel like that…
At some point, you felt a pair of eyes on you, so you turned to see your super-duper-secret crush Tamaki watching you with complete awe. “Hey Tamaki! What brings you over?”
His brain cells go haywire. He was trying (and failing) his best to act like his wsan’t watching you for a while. “Well I-I was walking by a-and I saw you doing yo-your thing with the ball I thought… thought it was k-kinda cool…” God she’s so cute and here I am stuttering like a love-struck fool…
He’s so cute when he’s flustered… you think to yourself. You calm him down by explaining what you were doing and going over the drills you just did. “I have a really important tournament this weekend, it can determine my rank of being an ace throughout Japan…I may not look like it, but I’m actually really nervous.” You laugh and rub the back of your neck.
Your laugh is like music to his ears. “I’m sure you’ll do great, y/n. You’ve always overcome any goal you set your mind to. I believe you could d-do it!” He is so sure in giving you positivity that his encouragement sparks an idea in your head.
“Tamaki…would you want to…come watch me at my match? I’d feel a lot better if you were there to support me…” you offer a wishful smile. That was all it took.
“A-are you sure y-you want me there? I m-mean I wouldn’t want to d-distract you or anything…” he’s a blushing mess at your offer.
Eventually, you convince him to come, with Mirio and Neijire tagging along for moral support. They watch in fascination as you step onto the court, with you creating a newfound presence for yourself in your volleyball uniform. You were truly a vision. Everyone knew you as the ‘Phoenix’, but you were given the nickname “Goddess of Volleyball” for both your radiance and talent combined.
You work your way towards the very end, with a little blood, lots of sweat, and a couple tears shed. But now, it has come down to the final point, the one point that would determine who were the champions.
You channel all of your focus to the ball. You take a deep breath. You look at your teammates and nod. Time for the secret weapon.
You toss up the ball, bracing your wings to get ready to fly. Once the ball reaches a certain level, you float up and point the ball so hard into the opponent’s side it almost breaks the gym floor. You get the point!
You become practically deaf from the amount of screams surrounding you. The one thing that kept you grounded was an indigo-haired boy that was now looking at you like you were the most gorgeous being he’s ever seen
Awards were given, and the second they were over, you sprinted off your first-place podium and headed toward the outside, where you knew your friends were waiting
Signature indigo-hair catches your attention, and you soon tackle Tamaki into a huge hug. “Tama-kun, I did it!!”
You release him from your grip, and he found some hidden courage and kisses you on the cheek, catching both of you off guard.
Mutual, unspoken feelings were finally understood, and so the two of you walked off with intertwined pinkies.
“I knew you could, angel.”
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
PTA: Science Team (HLVRAI Fic 1/3)
*pulls dusty story out of garage and drops it into Tumblr*
I have been trying to finish the first chapter for AGES, and I finally got it done! I crave PTA AU content due to the wholesomeness and angst, and I just had to work on one short fic for this fandom. So, welcome to the first chapter out of three!
Word count: 1788
Summary: PTA meetings are a sham and no one hates them more than Gordon, but upon being forced to miss a “mandatory” meeting because of work, Benrey comes up with a brilliant idea to deal with this problem.
Chapter 1: Hostile Arrangements Require Equally Hostile Solutions
“Fuck! Shit! Okay-okay, I’ll just-motherfucker she did what?!”
Cursing was in Gordon’s nature. He often used it as a way to express his angry, dismay, shock, and all sorts of other negative emotions. As such it was not unusual to see pacing about and spitting insults left and right. 
What was unusual, however, was the fact that he was cursing in his own home. He had a strict swearing free zone in effect as a way to stop Joshua from picking up on any foul language, including a swear jar that tended to fill up whenever Bubby visited. It was quite fortunate that Joshua was currently being distracted by Benrey as the pair had been playing video games together for the past hour or so. 
Or they had been until, in a surprising display of stealth, Benrey crept out of the young boy’s room and slowly approached the frustrated Gordon. 
Gordon, who was currently continuing to quietly yell into his cell phone. 
“Are you kidding me?! I was scheduled for a meeting on the weekend! I have work tonight! How in the FUCK did she-”
“psssst, hey, hey feetman. you might wanna chill out there and, uh, stuff. turn down the volume.” Benrey cut in while pointing the tv remote at Gordon and clicking the volume button. “don’t wanna be a bad boy and teach joshie any naughty words.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Gordon sighed, no real anger in his voice before redirecting his attention back to the phone call. “No, not you Natasha, it was just Benrey-”
“tell tasha her cookies are baller.”
“Wha-baller? Who the fuck says baller anymore?!” 
“c’moooooooon man, be a bro.”
“Natasha I am so sorry-tell her that yourself!”
“i can’t feeman, you know i don’t have a phone.”
“i-i was just chagrin’ the battery with those radio waves, man. ads… they never lie.”
Laughter could be heard coming from the phone in response to the conversation going on between the two men. It was enough to snap Gordon out of his somewhat enraged state and refocus on whatever it was that Natasha was telling him. He gestured for Benrey to leave and only succeeded in shooing the ex-guard to the kitchen so he could have some peace. 
Not that the peace lasted long based on the muttered cursing and general sounds of Gordon stomping around. 
About ten minutes later, the frustrated physicist joined him in the kitchen, quickly making himself a cup of coffee and grumbling under his breath. Welp, looked like this was the perfect moment for some interrogation. 
“soooooo, wha was that about?” Benrey asked as he took another bite of the block of cheese he had been digging into. If you asked him, he’d say it tasted pretty gouda.
Damn, he needed to torment Gordon with more puns again. 
“Fucking-” Gordon exhaled sharply and ran a hand through his messy hair, too angry to noticed how Benrey reached out and gently pulled at some of the locks, watching them bounce and resume their previously curly shape. “Linda.”
Well, there went his good mood. 
Benrey’s eyes immediately narrowed, becoming nothing more than glowing slits in his shadowy face, as a disgruntled frown replaced his previous smile. Even the cheese in his hand seemed to start burning, smoke wafting off it as it began to melt in response to the sheer anger that name invoked in him. 
Linda Smith, the scourge of the neighborhood and one of the most uptight, pieces of shit that Benrey had ever encountered. A narcissist with a massive superiority complex, she constantly put down everyone around her who she thought of as being inferior.
Which was just a cover for how much of a racist shitwad she was, plus there were the various comments she made about fags invading the neighborhood.
An obvious insult aimed at not just Gordon and Benrey, but the other “not normal” couples that lived here and there. Poor Joshua had overheard some of the insults on multiple occasions, and she had called the kid a mutt to his face-
“Benrey? You wanna calm down before you poke holes in the ceiling again?”
Fortunately, Gordon’s exasperated voice snapped Benrey out of his enraged state before he accidentally inflicted more damage to the kitchen. A place that had seen many, many small explosions and fires. At this point, he towered over the other man as sharpened, boney spikes poked out of his back and scrapped the ceiling. Plaster fell and dusted the countertop. 
“oops, s-sorry dude.” Benrey awkwardly shrugged, flesh dripping from his arms and face in a rather gruesome display, not that Gordon was bothered by this. He was used to how… horrific his partner could become. 
Especially when someone mentioned Joshua being hurt or insulted in any way. It was actually quite wholesome thinking about how much Benrey cared about the young boy and how much their friendship had bloomed since they first met. 
“I get it.” Gordon sighed. “She’s such a bitch she’d make anyone Hulk out.”
“ten points for the ref there, feetman.”
The physicist somewhat seriously flipped Benrey off, making him laugh, before continuing to rant about the purpose of the now finished phone call. 
“I still can’t believe that stupid school listened to her, and I’m not the only one getting fucked over here!” He spat. “I can’t just drop out-”
It was at this moment that the source of Gordon’s rage dawned on Benrey, and the ex-guard spoke up. “wait, the school thingy?”
“You mean meeting?”
Gordon groaned and hid his face in his hands. “The MEETING! Linda fucked up my schedule! I don’t know what she said to the administrator, but they canceled the weekend meeting I was booked for and rescheduled me for tonight. When I have WORK!”
Benrey winced in sympathy and reached out to pat Gordon’s shoulder with his not cheese coated hand. “damn, th-that’s a real cringe move. can’t you get, uh, joshie’s mom to take care of it? s...shea?”
“I can’t,” Gordon muttered, face muffled by his hands. “Shea’s been on a business trip for some conference and she gets back in five days.”
“oooooh, that’s why you’ve had little josh bro for so long?”
Rather than respond, the physicist just continued to groan and hide his face in his hands as he tried to figure out how to fix the mess he had been caught up in. 
Joshua’s school had a very… specific structure to how it was run. Standard funding and where it would be directed was determined by the staff, however, sometimes the school would receive donations or raise large amounts of money through fairs and other events. 
And it was how this extra funding would be spent that the local community had the chance to weigh in on. Determining if it should be used to get more sports supplies, help fund after school programs, or be used to help make the school more accessible. 
The ramp that had been added two years ago was one such example of the potential good that these extra funds had, however there was one problem with this process. 
All parents were required to attend a meeting and voice their thoughts. This was a rather new development that had been added after a small group of disgruntled parents, ones who had objected to using the extra funds to improve the school and arguing that it should go towards planning fun trips instead, had tried to sue the school board. 
Of course, the case had immediately been thrown out and dismissed, but it had set a dangerous precedent. A precedent that now made it mandatory for all parents to attend one meeting to determine their opinions on where the funding should be used and write it down so they could not claim their voices had not been heard. 
Honestly, it was such a stupid arrangement in Gordon’s opinion. Why not just send out an email? Or forms that kids could take home to their parents. It was so… disruptive and annoying, especially for single parents who had to work long hours. 
Like him. 
His hands tensed, nails nearly dug into his skin before Benrey carefully moved them, holding them. As Gordon looked up, the ex-guard sent him an awkward yet warm smile. An attempt at reassuring him that things would turn out alright. 
“hey... you-you gotta chillax feetman, things’ll be okay-”
“How the hell am I supposed to chillax in this situation?!” Gordon barked as he removed his hands from Benrey’s, shoved himself out of his seat, and began pacing around, furiously staring at the floor. 
“I’ve been fucked over by some racist bitch! Joshua needs someone there and it has to be someone who has some kind of guardianship over him for that stupid funding bullshit!”
As his partner raged on about the unfairness and overall stupidity of the situation, Benrey decided that it was time to think. To think, and plot, and come up with something that would hopefully calm Gordon down while solving the problem that Linda had caused. 
Simply put, Joshua needed someone who had designated guardianship over him to be present during the meeting to act in his best interests. Not surprisingly, Benrey did not have this title due as both he and Gordon had agreed that it would not be the best idea due to both his inhumane nature and the potential destruction he might cause. 
But, that did not mean that only Shea and Gordon were listed as the young boy’s guardians. There was one other who had been granted the title in case of an emergency, although his presence had never been needed up until this point, which was probably why Gordon had forgotten about him in his stressed out state. 
Dr. Coomer, one of Joshua’s “grandpas”. 
And, of course, if one member of the Science Team went somewhere, then the rest had to follow. The Science Team stuck together through thick and thin, no matter the strife or struggle and always left chaos in their wake. 
Hostile arrangements required equally hostile solutions, after all. 
“this is gonna be baller.” Benrey chuckled, his eyes flashing brightly at the brilliance of his plan. Now all he had to do was get Gordon to agree to it.
“pssst, yo, xen to gaydon.”
There was something about the tone that Benrey’s voice took on that snapped Gordon out of his ranting. How calm and collected he sounded, the coherency and confidence in his words. Somewhat concerned, the physicist turned around and saw the scheming look in the ex-guard’s glowing eyes as his fingers drummed on the table. 
“feetman, i got a plan.”
I would like to make it clear that no offense is intended towards anyone named Linda, aside from the one racist Linda I know that she was named after who will never, ever read this so my sins will forever remain unknown :>
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 09/21 NXT 09/23 NXT UK 09/24 Smackdown 09/25 Clash of Champions 09/27 + Main Event 09/24
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Billie’s not wrong. None of these people are wrong. That title has fallen so fucking far since Becky held it, Jesus.
Interesting to see Billie Kay be somewhat (?) supportive of Peyton. Manager?
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I implore women to stop using red eyeliner unless you’re trying to look possessed.
Oh at least Mickie’s gonna have her last match with her snazzy pants on.
God that theme music is so outdated.
If there was one person on the roster that could convince me they wrestled in the Diva’s era, it’d be Mickie James.
Beautiful Octopus, dare I say best in the division. Look at those crossed legs. Just beautiful, Zelina.
Man it was cool watching Zelina reverse the powerbomb attempt into a rollup, but Mickie couldn’t be bothered to get her shoulders down for a 2 count before the reversal. Shame.
Zelina needs an increase to her speed to pull off the style she’s going for, but it’s a fun style.
oof I think Mickie actually caught Zelina’s forehead with that high kick.
Seated Senton off the top rope is garbage and I hate it.
Lmfao Zelina won with a backstabber. She’s literally Sasha-lite. Okay.
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Word was Bianca was the star of the pc combine, right? So if you wanna showcase her strength, do it against someone I fucking know lmao. Who was this bro? Of course she’s stronger than a nobody in the pc. Friggin Alexa Bliss can effortlessly give piggy back rides to Sheamus. That’s impressive, because I know how strong and big he is. This could’ve been done better is all I’m saying. Maybe do a sitdown interview with her pc peeps hyping her up, or show footage of her blowing everyone in the combine out the park. Idk.
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Ruby stop hyping up Nia and Shayna individually, individually they suck lol lesbireal.
So did Ruby just give Liv her shirt? …You know what, it works, I’m not gonna dig into this.
I feel like all women use the same starting moves against Nia and it’s a little tired ngl. They do this headscissors into a standing crucifix hold, and then slide down to try and roll her up. Then she picks them up and headbutts them. Come on peeps.
Mk just throw Lana through another table, she’s as useless in the ring (kf wise) as Liv is on commentary (non-kf wise)
Let me rewind, how did Nattie get taken out this time? A punch again. COOL. Nattie confirmed worst tag partner in the history of the division.
Lmfao rip Lana. Bye.
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Wow we just said fuck entrances huh? Ugh God. Imagine Becky not getting an entrance as a damn champion.
So Peyton forgoes jumping for the German suplex, which could’ve resulted in her landing on Asuka’s head, and her reaction is to laugh. Consummate professional. Becky Lynch’s optic cranial nerve injury (caused by a failed German suplex) called, it can’t seem to find the humor.
Idk what that double underhooked move was by Peyton, but it was nice.
What bothers me about Peyton’s spinning heel kick, is as high as she gets it, she only hits people with her calf. Awkward to see.
That attempted transition into the Asuka Lock was... something.
Highlight: Lana going through the table
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Did Tegan say “why me” to Candice fucking her knee up with a metal pipe? Somebody get this girl some tissues.
Haha watching Tegan writhe in pain is funny. Candice gets points. And I do not like giving Candice points.
Really appreciate Rhea’s theme after hearing so much generic garbage lately. She’s so done with nxt as a performer, she has passed literally all of them by.
Not to be that person, but seeing so many people in the ring together bothers me. If one person was sick, literally all of them are sick now. It’s just kinda yikes.
Did they forego having a crowd? If so, wise. There’s enough ppl in the ring and at ringside.
Rhea fucking yeeted that girl into the barrier lmaooo.
“...Marina Shafir who’s done some great things on Raw Underground recently,” lmao sure.
The absolute half-assed attempt by that girl to pull herself up before Rhea booted her down to the floor was questionable.
So adding all these random peeps from the pc to this battle royal was done solely to have Raquel and Rhea flex for their feud in 4 months, huh.
Kacy does cool shit, wbk lmao. Gets kicked out, lands on her back, rolls into a handstand, rotates, pulls herself up into the ring using her feet on the ropes; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, pulls herself up, uses the plexiglass to help balance herself, jumps onto the stairs; gets kicked out, lands on the side of the guardrail, stands on Kayden’s shoulders and gets chauffeured back to the ring. Brilliant. Would be overkill in a Royal Rumble, but it works here.
R&R eliminate each other/themselves together. Fitting. Dakota “help me I’m useless on my own” Kai is shook.
Why is Indi in the top 5? Or top 7? How is this girl so damn prestigious??
Kacy really just slung herself around the ringpost. I’m becoming a fan of her antics/performances in multiwomen matches.
I see Shotzi’s character is, “I come so close yet cannot manage to touch the gold.” I feel for her... cuz I can’t stand Candice.
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I love how Io carries herself. She’s a shining example of not allowing her heritage to hold her back or make her feel unimportant. She responds in Japanese, and without missing a beat, translates in perfectly spoken and quick English. Never dances, never smiles, never looks like a chump. Serious and answers the damn question. She gets points.
Highlight: Kacy shenanigans
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Lol I love KLR so much. Just ducks out of the ring the first time she’s bested.
“KLR is well versed in mental manipulation,” that she is. She’s honestly a top competitor in that sense; equal to the likes of Sasha and Charlotte when it comes to psychology.
Piper’s got power. Ragdolling KLR here.
That’s right, performing with Charlotte Flair at wm is an accolade one can only hope to achieve (I’m annoying I know) no but seriously, KLR vs Becky Lynch? Take my money.
Nice Superkick, nice Tornado ddt.
Dear ref, stop yelling at her and restart the count. Dweeb.
Lmao self inflicted wreckage of her knee. 
This ref is a walking headache. We’re now getting into the autumn of overbooked women’s matches. And UK’s first title match back. Yikes.
That senton was awkward and looked painful af for KLR’s neck. If you’re gonna risk that move while selling a leg injury, make sure you have more space to correct your landing.
I almost wish that turnbuckle came undone naturally because KLR is already such a good seller, but I’m gonna assume this is a worked move since it’s been left exposed.
Yeah see there are issues with that spot. Positives: KLR didn’t purposefully undo the turnbuckle, so it’s not on her to give another title match; the spot has potential, as I’m guessing that would be genuinely painful. Negatives: Piper is too big of a woman to hit the lower turnbuckle doing the cannonball, so she ended up hitting the middle... which was padded. Good ending on paper if you don’t do the equations, but poor execution. Not Piper nor KLR’s fault though.
Slow pacing and I hate overbooked garbage, but this obviously isn’t the only match they’re having so *shrug*
Highlight: Clean tornado ddt, and I do love KLR’s selling
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Lol Bayley has her chair. She automatically gets a point every time I see it.
Top of the ramp this time? Okay, sure.
Stop cutting to the fancams, production. I don’t care about their reactions.
A fine enough promo to move along both of her angles, but production sucks. Wbk though.
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“...one of the most complex personalities,” which personality of Alexa’s are we referring to, though?
Their timing on her pyro was off and now I’m sad. The pops during the breakdown leading into the fountains are fucking amazing and honestly cannot be topped by any of the other women.
When did Alexa stop wearing her gloves to the ring? Probably when she turned face. Shame.
She just called Lacey bitter, southern tea, and you know what? What a fucking drag. Imagine bitter southern tea. As someone who was raised in the south, that is a disgrace to southern tea. Sweet sun tea or pass.
Look at Alexa: selling Lacey’s strength, full of agile speed, and yet here’s Lacey not even bothering to put her shoulders down for her pin attempt. SAD.
A problem I consistently have with SD in particular is how they set up commercial breaks. They always do something dramatic, cut to commercial, come back and shit’s always completely different. How you gonna cut from Alexa leading and hearing the Fiend’s laugh, to return to Lacey in charge ???
Dear Cole, why are you calling her Alexis lol. Like I know that’s her real name but, hello??
oof Alexa’s midsection is beet red.
Lacey has not been putting on a “clinic” stop tossing that term around, Cole. Good bump by Alexa though.
Love how Lacey doesn’t mind landing flat when her moonsault misses. Respect. Her and Charlotte both eat that so perfectly.
LOVE how the monitors of people turned into Fiend’s face. POINTS.
It’s like she’s reverted back to her heel persona. This is literally 2016 Bliss, right? Right??
Roman is a large, strong, intimidating guy... but holy shit the visual of 5′1 Alexa staring daggers into the back of his head is intense af. I almost complained that he cut off her exit, but well done with the continuity.
Highlight: I’m really digging the Alexa/Fiend story
Clash of Champions:
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Loving the red roots, hate the eyeshadow.
See, if Asuka wants to fuck around in the ring, you won’t hear me complain. I just wish she took her non-wrestling segments more seriously.
The patience Asuka gave Zelina to set up the arm kick was dumb.
“A hard arm bar by Asuka,” he says, even though her legs were completely bent. Easy on the credit given plz.
Zelina telegraphs too much. None of the bumps she takes ever catch me by surprise.
In the spirit of being fair, put your fucking shoulders down and let her attempt a pinfall, Asuka.
Haha Sasha-lite did meteora in the corner.
Nice roll into a kick, half point for Zelina.
No you don’t get to sell frustration or disbelief yet, that’s not buyable.
I don’t know wtf Zelina was going for with that counter before the Asuka Lock, but honestly idc. Could’ve been a kickoff match indeed. State of Becky’s title btw.
Every week it’s the same shit with Asuka. She gets on the mic, speaks Japanese, barely accomplishes anything, then gets interrupted/slapped/attacked... with dancing and smiling inbetween. I really wish she was more like Io.
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Nikki isn’t “medically cleared to compete”, and the tag team titles aren’t being defended. My memory is fuzzy but wasn’t there some covid concerns going around back then? Was that just baseless speculation?
Love that Bayley turned this into an opportunity to be a bigger douche than she already was lol.
I want to hate this from a smarky “give other women a chance” perspective, but Bayley is an ass and this is great for Asuka to build credit as a face, and after being made to look foolish yet again. Lesgo.
Lol sounded like Bayley said, “you think you can cuck me?” I’m sure she didn’t. I’m choosing to believe she did though.
I never know exactly who to blame when Asuka’s Codebreaker looks ugly, but I swear Charlotte is the only one it looks impactful with. Sell job isn’t the problem, but taking that actual move is always dicey af.
Great kick by Asuka. Rekt.
Bayley says nah fuck this rofl. Fair ending; a fun little sprint of meaningless jabs.
“Chairwoman of SD” I like that too, Graves. Points to you.
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LMAOOO Bayley set that shit up perfectly kekekek what’s up Sasha.
She be looking fucking incredible, but that neckbrace is a mega bummer.
Character wise, I’m surprised Bayley’s choosing to dole out punishment rather than taking her title and bolting.
Welp maybe she should have, Sasha going to town lmao.
oof peep that red line going down Bayley’s arm. eesh. Welts all over her back.
Highlight: Sasha beating the shit out of Bayley with a kendo stick
Main Event:
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You don’t pan the camera over to fucking commentary during Bianca’s entrance. Do better @ production.
Ruby puts her confidence in Liv even though everybody knows Bianca is winning this match lmao.
LOVE Liv’s boots.
like 20 seconds into the match and it’s already 10x better than the Bianca vs Billie Kay one. Don’t even waste a spot on Main Event for Billie Kay. No, I’m not not sorry for saying that.
It’s not that I hold issue with Bianca’s showboating or mannerisms, but it’s all so much more fitting for a heel.
Beautiful stalling suplex, but Liv is rather small.
Beautiful distance on that dropkick to Liv. Liv gets points for throwing herself so far.
We have enough women who rip their shirts off deep into matches, me thinks. Don’t need it from Liv as well.
Momentum could’ve been split better, but that was a decent match.
*Clash of Champions would be my highlighted event mostly thanks to Bayley, but if that’s a cop out, I’ll give a slight nod to Smackdown’s handling of Alexa.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
McFiance (Sam x Reader)
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Requested by @hales548​  : R is a basketball player (who is taller than Sam by a few inches). They are also teammates with Sue Bird on Team USA. The USWNT have a day off on the day of the gold medal match for the basketball team. Sam suggests that the team goes to support the women's basketball team during their game. Reader surprises Sam after receiving their medal by proposing in front of both their teams and the world. Lots of fluffy happy moments.
Author’s Note: First and Foremost Happy Birthday my dude! I hope you have an awesome Day!! @literaryhedgehog​ and I had a lot of fun writing this (and it gave us an idea for another one...) so i really hope you enjoy it!
“So are we just going to pretend that you didn’t drag us here to watch Mchottie shoot baskets?” 
Sam almost missed Sonnett’s comment, watching as her girlfriend did a layup, her eyes following the ink that accentuated her bicep. and tricep. General arm area. God, her girlfriend’s arms were amazing. Delectable. Heaven‘s gift to her…? She didn’t care if that was overkill, the fact was her girlfriend had some beautiful arm muscles perfectly outlined by the tattoos Sam loved to trace with her fingers whenever she had the opportunity. 
“Sonnett if you keep talking during the game you’ll miss something. I’m not explaining why someone’s doing a free throw if you miss the foul again.” Megan said, elbowing the blond defender and glaring in her direction. You had spent months planning this, and the blinds complaining wasn’t about to mess this up. 
“You’re just pouting cause Mcsexie came off after the half,” Emily huffed, rubbing her arm. 
“This isn’t a fucking Grey’s anatomy episode, every player doesn’t need a nickname with a mick,” Tobin laughed, shaking her head at Sam, who still hadn’t looked away from you. She was glad the tall blond had found love like she had found Christen. Sam lit up when she was around you and vice versa, you completed each other and made a hella cute couple (and took amazing couples photos helped by your 3 inches over Sam). 
“And I would actually appreciate it if you didn’t nickname my fiance ‘Mcsexie.’” Megan said, offhandedly. “For starters it’s demeaning, but also, I mean come on. You know Sue and Y/n, you’ve met their teammates, you can’t just call them the stupid nicknames you give literally every other girl to annoy your girlfriend.” 
“SWOOSH” several people in the crowd said interrupting the conversation. Emily jumped, not expecting 
“Fuck yeah, that’s my Mchottie,” Sam yelled, standing from her seat as you got a 3 pointer in seconds before the buzzer went off. Then the ref blew their whistle and the two coaches ran across the court. 
“Why can Sam call her Mchottie and I can’t?” Emily whined, missing the worried looks Megan was sending Sam’s way when you didn’t pop back up. 
“Not the time babe, Y/n just got fouled,” Lindsey said softly, leaning close to her girlfriend so she could hear, placing a hand on the defender’s thigh to calm down her boisterousness slightly. 
One of your teammates gave you a hand up and you stood in a group of your teammates, waiting to hear the call. You were pretty sure you knew what it was going to be, considering the defender had smacked you in the face as they tried to get the ball. You had still gotten the points, and fallen back just like you trained to do (so you didn’t accidentally foul your defender back) but they could have decided it was accidental. It probably was accidental- you did have several inches on the girl defending you. Still, it was unnecessary contact and you grinned as the ref beckoned you to take your place at the free-throw line.
“That was a world-class flop, I bet she took lessons from you, Pino,” Tobin snorted as you stepped up to the line. 
“Nah, she got it from Sue. I do a bit more rolling to really get my point across,” Megan shrugged, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth. 
“She’s got the best stats in the league, there’s no way that she’s going to miss these,” Sam mumbled, more to herself than the rest of the group. You worked your ass off to be the best, spent hours taking shots from the line for moments just like that. You were the best for a reason, and now you just had to show it off. 
Emily rolled her eyes. Your team was up by 16, so there was no way you were going to lose no matter what the outcome of these next three shots were (an opinion she thought better to not voice considering the death grip Sam had on her seat). 
She looked around to see rows of people in the audience raising their hands in the air as you lined up to take your first shot. 
Your grin was blinding as you bent to accept your metal, your eyes glued to your girlfriend rather than the commissioner placing the gold around your neck. It was only now that you felt the butterflies bloom in your belly, fluttering excitedly. You had been dead calm about the game but terrified of what you had planned for after. 
What if she said no? Everyone, you knew assured you she wouldn’t, but what if it was too soon? You had both talked about the future as though there would be one, and while you hadn’t specifically said ‘hey Sam, I want to marry you’ you were pretty sure she knew. Unless she didn’t.
“You better take a deep breath before you pass out kid,” Sue’s voice broke through your internal ramble, her warm hand on your shoulder grounding you back in reality. You blinked at the veteran’s kind eyes, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. 
“Good, now I think you’ll need this yeah?” She smiled, passing you the tiny ring box. You clutched it tightly, running your thumb over the velvet. Some people said it was corny, but you wanted everything to be perfect. To fulfill the dream your girlfriend had in her head since she was a little girl. 
You took another deep breath, squaring your shoulders and swaggering over to the group of soccer players staring at you from the sidelines. 
“Hey superstar,” You smiled, engulfing your girlfriend in a very sweaty hug, ignoring the gagging noises from the blond defender behind her. 
“Hi goldie,” Sam said, giggling. “Or do you prefer just plain ‘winner’?”
“Hmm, you can call me anything you like baby,” You said, pulling back, suddenly feeling all the bravado and swagger you had on the court fill you. “as long as you let me call you my wife,” You finished, dropping to one knee and pulling out the ring. 
“Oh my god,” Sam breathed, looking down at you. 
You gulped, your mouth suddenly feeling very dry.“I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to do this, but I really fucking love you. You’re my first thought in the morning, and at night and like a billion times in between. Every time anything happens, you’re the one I want to tell.  I want to share everything with you. Every experience, every moment, every win, and every loss with you for the rest of my life. So, will you marry me?” 
You blinked up at the woman in earnest, waiting with bated breath for her answer. Sam opened and closed her mouth a few times, and just as you thought she was going to respond, Emily gasped. “I thought it was supposed to be a ring pop?”
“Sonnet!” Megan and Sam said at the same time, both turning to glare at her 
“What?” Emily said, “you always joked that diamond rings were overrated and that a ring pop...” going quiet at Lindsey’s “just shut up” look. 
“Well,” you said, clearing your throat as you drew the attention back to yourself, “as you can see it’s not a ring pop. Or a diamond. It’s a very pretty green onyx ring that I would like to give my girlfriend/fiance…”
“Just shut up and kiss me,” Sam said, cutting off your rambling, grabbing the front of your jersey, and pulling you into a kiss. 
“Is this a yes?” You mumbled against her lips, your neck bent at an awkward angle and unsure what to do with your hands considering you still had the open ring box in your left and you didn’t want to drop the ring. 
“It’s a definitely,” she said, holding out her hand so you could slip the ring onto her finger. 
“Cool,” you said, grinning as you took just long enough to get the ring on her finger before she pulled you into another kiss, her fingers tango long in the baby hairs at the back of your neck, and your hands firmly grabbing her hips. 
You were so engrossed in your fiancé (and how great it felt to call her that) that you almost missed Emily asking “So like, they’re McFiances now right?” 
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