#i think i have an unhealthy obsession with percabeth
lilislegacy · 7 months
annabeth is older, percy is taller
i have no idea why but something about that dynamic makes me wanna kick my legs back and forth and squeal
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
hiiiii tawny I had free time for the first time in like WEEKS and so I caught up on your solangelo au week posts and now for my thoughts:
so american: YES. I LOVE. SO WORTH THE WAIT. NO THOUGHTS HEAD EMPTY THE VIBES WERE VIBING. I read this as soon as it came out so the thoughts have left my head but trust I loved it.
renegades au: omg I love it. v v excited to see where it goes. also may have convinced me that I need to read renegades?? but I love the dynamic that the anarchists have. also I love scientist percy for some reason like it’s def not the easiest power you could’ve went with but I like the idea of him being a more behind-the-scenes guy bc I think that’s what he’d choose for himself if given the chance. also your percabeth dynamics are on point in literally every fic from this week (even tho they’re just in the background lmao).
new rome au: I think this route for nico is like. actually way more plausible than what happened canonically. like he DOES have way more friends in new rome than in chb. dont get me wrong im glad he stayed in canon but this was SO INTERESTING. I love the idea of nico healing on his own and separate from will. I feel like it takes away some of the… unhealthy codependency of their relationship LOL. once again the percabeth dynamics🫶🏻 also I feel like some space from percy and then seeing him while he and annabeth are in college more often would be good for their friendship??? like idk I am a big fan of taking ur space when needed. also risk is SUCH a will song. boy was in love with a dude before they even had a conversation.
nerds au: as a nerd a nerds au is something that can be so special LMAO I love this dynamic perhaps bc it is also my life (esp in hs). all of the character dynamics in this fic were just. chef’s kiss. I loved. I think you translated nico’s unhealthy habits from canon into a hs au in a really interesting, believable way bc nico WOULD stay up late to do hw out of spite. maybe not canon nico but a nico who grew up in the (possible public) school system. also I love the quiz bowl addition (at my hs it was called scholar bowl so sorry if I type that instead LOL) bc I had so much fun in quiz bowl. I made some of my best friends thru it :) are u in quiz bowl?!? the rules were way too accurate to be written by someone unfamiliar with it lol.
long story short I love all ur fics and will forever be excited to see an update to any one of them <3
oh my GOD. you have literally made me die dead. kicking my feet and giggling at this AHHGSDF
i'm SO glad that you liked so american!!!! was highly anticipating ur response bc u convinced me to actually write it so!!!! i'm so happy <33
ABSOLUTELY READ RENEGADES. srsly it's such a good series like i will recommend it to EVERYONE. the anarchists dynamic is so😭😭 keep in mind that this is a heavy au of renegades, so the dynamic is slightly different (+ a very different ending in the series, i took a lot of creative liberties) but i'm so glad that you liked it!! and YESLKSDJF i just realized that i had background percabeth in all of my solangelo week fics. which like. THEYRE SO ICONIC THEY HAVE TO BE EVERYWHERE i think there are some couples that i absolutely LOVE but i prefer to actually write them as background couples?? like i obsess over their dynamics, but i like it from an outsider's perspective and not as the main plotline (at least when writing fics) so i very much enjoyed including them in all of these
honestly SAME with the new rome au. like. absolutely love that nico managed to make a home in chb, but like?? reyna jason AND hazel were all in new rome... i honestly wouldn't have blamed him if he took that opportunity instead!!! i think this would be a really cool au to expand on and like actually make a full multichap but i am trying desperately to not turn everything into 100k monstrosities. i tried limiting myself to 5k words and didn't even manage that so. but i definitely think he would've grown a lot + gotten some healthier coping mechanisms when living with all of his friends, then meeting percy a year later, and THEN going into a relationship with will - and ofc, will is happy with whatever ends with a solangelo endgame. he's their own number one shipper!!
I'M SO GLAD U LIKED THE NERDS AU nico's characterization was definitely something that i considered (and, tbh, that i consider in all au's, because trauma and coping mechanisms do not often translate the exact same over universes - characters are always going to behave slightly different in other situations, so it's always exciting to see how that works!!). one thing that DOES translate throughout every universe is that he has no semblance of a sleep schedule; this time it's just due to hw instead of tartarus nightmares! SAME WITH THE QUIZ BOWL and yes i am part of the club!!! genuinely made my friend group through that, and we actually did what was in the fic irl - as in, we made a discord server and like quizzed each other over that. my team lost be an insane amount. i am nowhere near as skilled as nico and will. i maybe have gotten, like, 4 questions right in my two years of being part of the club (though i will use the excuse that my anxiety makes it VERY hard to hit the buzzer. i hate being wrong more than not answeringslkdf) but!!!! i do think nico and will would SLAY at quiz bowl, they both definitely feel like people who have random encyclopedic knowledge on the most niche topics
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nerdy-frog98 · 4 months
Master List of Fandoms
Hey, welcome to my page! I have been a longtime lurker on Tumblr, but have never really participated in fandom discourse/discussions here until late-2022. This blog is multi-fandom, where I post generally about the things I am obsessed over (movies and shows mostly, occasionally beautiful people & music). This post is my list of fandoms (for my own personal organization, but this probably helps you understand who I am a little bit too!)
ACTIVE (media I actively watch & fangirl about. currently obsessed in a way that is probably unhealthy. ships i love will be posted in parentheses.)
Doctor Who (Tenrose, Doctor + River)
Stranger Things (BYLER, Jancy, Jopper)
Bridgerton (POLIN, Kanthony)
9-1-1 (BUDDIE, Bathena, Henren, and Madney)
Good Omens (Aziracrow)
Shadow and Bone (Malina, KANEJ, Wesper, Helnik, Zoyalai)
Heartstopper (all of the canon couples, but especially TaraDarcy 💗)
Red, White, and Royal Blue (Firstprince)
Gen V (MarieJordan)
The Last of Us
Percy Jackson (Percabeth)
INACTIVE (media I was once obsessed with and still think about on occasion. Will sometimes rewatch one and end up bumping it up to the active section...lol.)
Captain America (Stucky)
Young Royals (Wilmon)
Anne With An E (Shirbert ❤️)
Sherlock (Johnlock)
Warrior Nun (Avatrice)
The Umbrella Academy (DiegoLila)
Roswell: New Mexico (MALEX, I added their song below)
Prodigal Son
Killing Eve
His Dark Materials
Half-Bad - The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Prodigal Son
TURN: Washington's Spies
Criminal Minds
White Collar
This will be added to and updated constantly. Thank you for visiting my page, and happy scrolling!
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chironshorseass · 3 years
hello yes i’m OBSESSED with your writing so if you’re still taking prompts maybe “please look at me” bc i also have an unhealthy relationship with pre-tlo percabeth angst and live for pining percy
for what i wrote, i kind of mention this clarisse one-shot.
anyway enjoy <3, since I sort of went crazy with percy being powerful :) like i always do :) and of course, pre-tlo percabeth :)
read on ao3
The waves had grown restless these past few days. Violent, brutal. The night was quiet, the moon hidden beneath darkened clouds, drenching the camp in heavy ink. Percy knew many demigods proclaimed it as the quiet before the storm. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
All he heard was noise.
He’d been like this—unsteady, overwhelmed—for some time, now. Everywhere he went, he felt like a ship sailing into giant waves, water crashing against his deck, threatening to bring him under.
Grover would’ve understood, maybe. But Grover, like the moon, had vanished. That only left a few of his other friends—and of course—Annabeth.
Percy couldn’t avoid her gaze, no matter how much he wanted to. She was always there, watching. Maybe she awaited the day when he’d sink to the power of those waves that plagued the beach, that plagued him. Maybe she anticipated with bated breath on the day when he’d turn sixteen and he’d have to make one decision that would change everything.
Nevertheless, she’d drift away from him. Then come back, again and again.
It drove him crazy, how much their relationship had changed with the times and circumstances. Only now, Annabeth wasn’t what bothered him.
His gut was.
It tightened and loosened, the same way the currents flowed to the rhythm of his rushing blood. He could hear that now, too.
His blood. The sea. The clashes against rock.
Everything was beating to a powerful symphony of drums.
But worst of all was his gut.
Something had gone terribly wrong.
Percy knew there was a war. He had nightmares about it, in fact. Nightmares leading to frantic waking-ups from the feeling of lava burning into his skin. But he hadn’t sensed the war’s presence so strongly in all his three years of attending camp as he did now—and he felt it, because the source of conflict had to do with the sea.
The shadows of cabin three clung to his skin in a comfortable blanket, but he couldn’t ignore this dread. It had trickled patiently into his system for a week now, culminating to this exact moment. He couldn’t sit still. He had to leave. Now.
Not long after stumbling outside while shoving his armor on did he hear the conch horn ringing as a warning. The lookouts had seen something. His legs moved faster.
Doors of other cabins began to smash open, and with it came the spilling of panicked campers. He was already way ahead of them, though.
“To the beach!” someone cried.
Percy arrived just in time to see Chiron assemble with Michael Yew and Austin Lake. The sons of Apollo. They’d apparently been the ones on night duty. The centaur saw Percy before the others made out his heavy footfalls.
“Percy,” Chiron said. “Thank the gods you’re here.”
“There’s something,” he gasped, doubling over once he’d reached them. “There’s something out there,” he finally managed to say, gulping mouthfuls of air. “The sea.”
They already knew, however. The conchorns were signal enough. But what was more obvious was the glimpse of the giant tail, jutting out of the water like a spear cutting through flesh.
The breath he’d managed to find from his mad dash was stolen away at the sight of the monster.
“Yeah,” Austin said, swallowing. “There’s something out there, alright.”
Chiron eyed Percy warily. “My boy. We are dealing here with something I fear that you are only capable of stopping.”
“Yeah, well...it looks like a pretty big fish. I—”
A howl punctured the atmosphere—probably the same sea monster he’d seen earlier. Percy gasped, feeling a stabbing jolt in his stomach. He didn’t know why this sudden change of the sea was affecting him so, but he had to stay strong. So he stood up straight and concentrated on his breathing.
“Are you alright?” Austin asked, studying him.
Percy looked at Chiron, who met his eyes as well. You have to be, his teacher seemed to say.
“I...I think so.”
Michael chose the moment to turn his back on the sea, blowing the conchorn once more. He shouted at the incoming campers, “Greek fire! We need Greek fire!”
The rest of the multitude showed up right away, Hephaestus kids priming canons while others exchanged weaponry. Through all of it, Percy’s gut became a pressure cooker, a fist closing around glass, about to break. He cried out in agony just as a tidal wave shook the world. Falling to his knees, his arms encircled his middle, muffling that pain. He wanted nothing but to make it stop.
He vaguely heard a sound of surprise, coming from someone nearby, then the rush of hands holding onto his shoulders. They helped somewhat, a comfort to the madness.
The hands were warm and soothing. The voice of the person became clearer. He knew that voice. He knew those hands.
Annabeth appeared in his vision, all worry lines and pinched eyebrows. She said something to him again, but the words might’ve been ghosts; the stampeding blood behind his ears was too thunderous to make out anything else.
He closed his eyes and concentrated like he had earlier.
Sharp as a blade, his senses switched to the outside world.
“Are—are you okay?” Annabeth was saying. “You doubled over, and I…”
“No.” He opened his eyes to meet hers. They matched the storm that raged across the sea. “I—I’m not okay. I need to stop this, I need—”
“We were just discussing strategy,” she said. He was glad for the distraction she’d offered. “The Scolopendra isn’t just any ordinary sea monster.”
“The Scolo what?”
She helped him stand up, steadying him with her arms.
“The Scolopendra,” she repeated. “A child of Keto. It’s one of the biggest sea monsters in existence, and it won’t leave the camp border.”
“No shit.”
Annabeth ignored him, glancing backwards at where the monster had last been seen. “There’s no telling what it can do. There’s barely any recordings of it.” She swiveled back to him. “Chiron says that it can control the tide. It might be capable of drowning the camp if we don’t kill it.”
“I won’t let that happen.”
“I told Chiron that we needed to try my strategy first. As in, bombing it with Greek fire before we go with the last approach.”
“And what would that last approach be?”
He had some idea, but before Annabeth could speak, the creature shot out of the water, faster than lightning. He only caught a glimpse of the crayfish-like tail and rows of webbed feet before it disappeared again.
“That looks like a giant shrimp,” he declared.
A giant shrimp that was probably capable of crushing a decently-sized trireme. Shrimpzilla, he was about to call it, as a way to lighten the mood. But he thought better of it, once he saw the hard line of Annabeth’s lips as she watched the campers rev up the Greek fire.
The Scolopendra dared to peek out of the waves for the third time, giving the chance for Beckendorf to yell out an order. Instantly, canyons discharged the green substance directly towards the monster.
It roared defiantly, maybe in pain, maybe in anger. No one was sure, because as soon as the night sky lit up with green flames, the Scolopendra crashed against the water like a wrecking ball. For a moment, all was silent.
No one dared breathe.
Annabeth squeezed Percy’s shoulder. She looked hopeful, as if relieved that she didn’t have to go with the second plan.
Chiron’s tail twitched. Beckendorf held out a hand, urging the campers to wait. Some stood anticipatedly, swords ready. He saw Clarisse in the front line, her electric spear aimed at the sea and crackling with energy.
Percy sensed what was about to happen next before he heard it.
“Annabeth,” he said frantically. “Annabeth, we have to go. Now.”
“What? But—”
He’d already separated himself from her, yelling at the rest of the campers to leave. They didn’t have the chance; milliseconds later, the Scolopendra appeared. It bellowed with the power of a thousand hurricanes. Many campers covered their ears.
To everyone’s horror, it had closed in on the shore, its back legs likely reaching the sand floor as it rose to its full, terrifying height. Lightning crackled, and with it, came another roar.
“No,” he muttered. “No, everyone get out!”
Too late. The monster had already spit out a million gallons’ worth of salt water.
Instinctively, Percy let out a yell and threw his hands out.
The water halted in midair, rippling like a broken mirror. It was as if time had slowed down, as if Kronos himself had been the one to interfere. But Kronos wasn’t interfering. It was all Percy—with nothing but his willpower. A bead of sweat rolled down from his temple.
Annabeth reached him just as he cried out and threw the water back to the sea with everything he had, forcing the giant shrimp to hide as well.
He caught his breath while Annabeth looked back and forth. From him to the sea, from the sea to him.
She shook her head at no one in particular. “The plan didn’t work.”
“No shit.”
Then she gazed at him again. “Thank you for doing that, Perce.”
“Yeah,” he breathed. “No problem.”
“About the second plan...”
“I have to kill it, don’t I?”
“I...maybe. But we can help—”
“It isn’t a maybe. It is a certainty,” a voice said, strong and firm.
They both turned around.
“Chiron,” Annabeth said. “How can he possibly—”
“He’s the only one capable,” the horseman said. “You know that better than most.”
Her eyes flicked to Percy. Memories flashed through his mind. A quick, burning kiss. A promise. Then, the way fire engulfed him. The call of the sea. An explosion, strong enough to wake one of the most dangerous monsters of all.
When the bombard was over, he understood. He had to face this monster alone, like he had with the telkhines.
“Okay,” he finally said.
“Okay, what?”
Chiron nodded at him, ignoring Annabeth’s question. Without glancing back, he retreated to where the rest of the demigods were watching by the sand dunes as a precaution.
“I need to face him alone,” Percy told her, once Chiron was gone.
“No! Percy, that thing is bigger than—”
“I’m the only one that can’t drown, Annabeth!” He grasped her shoulders so that she was looking directly at him. “If anyone can do it, it’s me.”
“Don’t think I can’t see what’s going on with you,” she said, voice bitter and rough. “You’re distant, like, like the ocean is—”
“We’re both growing distant, ‘Beth. That’s not the problem right now.”
She pushed his hands away. “And that’s not what I’m talking about, and you fucking know that!”
Before he could reply, the monster's call came again. A reminder that this night wasn’t over.
“Please. Just trust me on this, Annabeth. I have to try. It’s our last option. You said so yourself: it may be capable of drowning the entire camp.”
She said nothing, not even sparing him a glance.
“And—and I don’t know why I’m like this! Maybe it’s because I can feel the ocean getting agitated, or because the war is getting worse, or—”
He realized it, then. Annabeth's tears. They were silent rivers, flowing gently down her cheeks and into her mouth. Flowing down to where everything ended up, to the sea.
“Hey,” he said, approaching her slowly. He took both of her hands in his, but she repelled away from his touch. “Please, ‘Beth.”
This time, he cupped her damp cheek, moving it in his direction. “Please look at me.”
And when she finally obliged, her gaze was fractured with glistening tears, like diamonds.
“I can’t lose you again,” she whispered.
Percy had yearned for too long; he let go of that rope tugging him in the opposite direction and instead let Annabeth in. They melted into each other, both shamelessly giving away the little warmth they preserved. It was the kind of hug that felt like a lifeline, the kind that made them both sway like the tide.
“I missed you,” he mumbled into her curls.
She held him tighter. “I missed you, too.”
“But I have to fight this one myself.”
Annabeth pulled away slightly—and when he saw the look on her face—he knew that she knew.
The Scolopendra reared its head, even uglier up close. Its nostrils flared with hairs, beady eyes staring down at him. When he charged, the monster bellowed and threw itself in the water, sending sprays taller than a house.
But none of it touched Percy.
He didn’t stop running, a plan in mind. Meanwhile, the sea churned around him in one giant mass of power, but it parted with each step he took, forming a trail of now exposed ocean floor. Water collided with the sky, flying with the salt in the air.
Hello, friend, it seemed to say. Or rather, hum. The sea was a song, and he was just there to dance to its melody.
The Scolopendra had disappeared again.
He didn’t look back, though he knew the entire camp was there, watching—maybe in awe, but he didn’t care enough to find out. He kept walking, alone, surrounded by a pool of green and blue. Was this how Moses felt, In those stories he’d heard? Bricks of ocean water, flinging up into the sky, just so that Percy could pass. The feeling distracted him from the objective.
That’s what he’d argue later, because Percy can’t explain how the monster managed to sneak up to him that easily.
The pool of green seemed endless. There was a moment where nothing moved, not even the water. But then something did tug him violently, up, up into the sky.
For a second, he couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t scream out, the breath stolen from his lungs and the icy rush of air when flung into the sky nauseating. The only feeling he knew was of the Scolopendra and its death grip on his entire body.
With each second, the roiling waters grew farther and farther away. The Scolopendra’s growl, however, couldn’t have sounded closer. Sharp claws sank into his chest and arms. If he didn’t react now, he’d be eaten before the next flash of lightning struck the sea.
Somehow, he managed to uncap Riptide.
And with a scream, he stabbed, as hard as he could.
“Hey. Want company?” A soft voice said.
He craned his neck around.
Annabeth subconsciously made the world easier to look at. Especially now, as she stood behind him in the pier with the last vestiges of harsh sun striking her back. Her stance was stiff, hesitant. He understood why.
So instead his eyes bored into his lap. He shrugged.
That was a sign enough for her. She crouched next to him, pulling her legs under herself and then flinging them out to where the wooden planks ended and the open air began, toes nearly kissing the placid lake.
She sat next to him, quiet as the wind. It took a few seconds or minutes or hours before she decided to speak.
“I’m sorry.”
From his peripheral vision, he could tell that she’d been studying him instead of watching the reflection of herons flying above the water. Something he’d thought she’d been doing. Apparently not.
It also took him seconds or minutes or hours before he could respond.
“What for?”
She exhaled, “Letting you go alone. Being a part of the campers who…”
She didn’t finish that sentence. He knew why.
Being a part of the campers who abandoned you alone after what you did.
“S’okay. I get it.”
A lie. He didn’t get it.
“Doesn’t make it right.”
He stared at his hands. “Guess not.”
The details of the fight were yet to go away. The memories were still fresh—like his mother’s batch of cookies whenever he came home from camp. Teeth were ever-present in his mind. And those webbed hands. Those twisted sounds as a monster choked on its own blood.
Afterward, everyone had taken a step back. Even Annabeth and Chiron seemed to contemplate him as though he were doomed. Maybe he was.
“I wish Grover were here.”
“Yeah,” Annabeth sighed. She kicked her leg up, swatting at some mosquitos. “Me too.”
“He’d pull our shit together, fix everything.” He found himself sounding wistful, longing for a missing piece of himself all of a sudden.
She didn’t reply to that. They both missed their best friend. Now, more than ever. Percy tried to not dwell too much on the fact that Grover hadn’t responded to his Iris Messages or to his calls from their shared empathy link.
“I’m sorry.”
“You already said that.”
“No, Percy. I’m serious.”
“I know.”
“Just look at me.”
He did the opposite, gazing at the trees to his left. They were a deep, mystical green. The colors looked like the ocean, where he’d displayed his powers for everyone to see. Worst mistake of his life. He realized that tears had begun to form in his eyes; he quickly blinked them away.
“Percy,” Annabeth insisted.
Her tone wasn’t hash or demanding—but rather, a light pink sky. A hand brushing his, sweet and tender. He noticed that it wasn’t just his imagination; glancing down, he found her fingers ghosting against his knuckles.
“Please look at me.”
This was eerily familiar. It hit him, then, that he’d said those exact words when she’d panicked about him going alone to fight the Scolopendra.
Hesitantly, his eyes focused on her face. Her freckles were there, golden like the rest of her. Only now, her eyes were rimmed with tears.
Something changed inside them both. She stared at him, he stared at her. Her face contorted, and the both broke down, crumbling like ruins with the slightest gust.
“I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, clinging to his shirt.
“Me too,” he murmured back.
He held unto her as if she were a life force, breathing in her lemony scent. Tears were exchanged, mingling in the other’s hair. They held each other, an embrace that didn’t deserve to end. It only made him cry harder, while Annabeth held him closer.
“Why are you sorry?”
He couldn’t say it out loud.
I’m sorry for why we’re like this. I’m sorry for scaring you. I’m sorry for leaving.
Instead, he pulled away. He studied her, every single feature, from those grey eyes and that upturned nose to those curls that no longer appeared to look like a princess.’ They were just Annabeth’s.
“I scared you,” he said.
His arms loosened around her, just now realizing how long they’d hugged, but their hands stayed interlocked—like some sort of middle ground.
She regarded him, eyebrows furrowed. “I can’t ever be scared of you,” she said matter-of-factly. “You’re my best friend, Perce.”
He looked away. “Everyone else was.”
“I should have gone to you after—I just...I thought you were angry at me.”
Their hands separated. “Why would I be angry at you?”
“Because I let you handle all of it alone. The monster, the campers—”
“‘Beth.” He took her hands again, cupping them with his. “I couldn’t ever be angry at you.”
“That’s not true,” she said wryly.
An observation, not an accusation. Still, that didn’t make it hurt any less. He recalled the shouting, the fights. The only thing they looked for in those moments was to hurt the other, twist and pull at any chink in the armor they could find.
She winced, remembering that, too. “Sorry.”
His mouth twitched. “You’ve said ‘sorry’ too many times. It’s getting repetitive.”
She hit his shoulder playfully. “Well, I mean it.”
He didn’t retort anything back. They found peace in this lake, once again gazing at the horizon.
“It’s not true what you said, either,” he said, his mind lingering on what she’d told him earlier. “You’re scared, as well.”
The sound of the incoming crickets carried on in Annabeth’s hesitation.
That is, until she said, “I am. Scared. I’m scared.” He glanced over. She was staring in his direction, but she wouldn’t meet his eyes. She cleared her throat. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“Neither did I.”
She laughed, breathless. “See that’s what scares me. What else can you do? Honestly?”
He shrugged, turning away from her.
“How’d you do that, anyway?”
“I defeated it, didn’t I?” It was better to deflect than to answer her question.
Defeating the monster should’ve been what mattered, anyway.
“Annabeth,” he said, in the same condescending tone.
“All I’m saying is that you could hurt yourself. You don’t know what you’re capable of. And then when your birthday happens—”
“You think I’m going to destroy Olympus or something?” He shook his head. “I should’ve known that you’d side with the gods on that, too. You think that they should kill me?”
“What? Percy, I’d never—”
He whirled, facing her, and finally let go of all those pent-up thoughts that just like the sea, wouldn’t leave him alone.
“Just admit it, Annabeth! Admit that it freaked you out that I blood bended or whatever the fuck Chiron called it! Admit, that it freaked you out how I killed that monster! That I’m fucking cursed!”
“Percy Jackson, you are not—”
“Yes, I am. Why would my dad give me powers like that? Huh? Just say it with me: you’re scared—of me.”
Her eyes were red, face hard as stone. Just like her voice when she said, “Look. I just wanted to help. But if you want to sit in your self pity, then go for it! You clearly don’t need me.”
She made no move to leave, however.
Their eyes held, until the anger from both of them melted. He huffed out a breath, shoulders hunching. “We can’t ever stop fighting, can we?”
She sighed.
“Guess not.”
“I won’t do that again.”
She lifted her chin. “Why?”
“Like you said. Scared you.”
That made her purse her lips.
“You’re not cursed, Percy. You know that, right?”
She reached for his hand. It was becoming a strange routine. Finding comfort in hand holding and then dismantling it as if it never happened.
“You’re mostly right all the time, so.” He squeezed her hand. “I s’pose I’m not cursed, then.”
“I’m right most of the time?” she said, eyes twinkling.
“Okay, fine,” he conceded. “You’re right only sometimes.”
She opened her mouth in mock-offense. “Percy Jackson—”
He cut her off with his laugh, a laugh that fit with the music of the crickets. She rolled her eyes, something that he’d missed achingly, now that he saw her do it for the first time in what seemed like forever.
Scooting closer, she nudged him. “I could help you. Alongside Clarisse.”
His eyes widened. “You knew about that?”
“She’s my friend, too.”
“Of course she is,” he muttered.
Him and Clarisse...they might’ve had a rocky relationship when he’d first arrived at camp, but now, he didn’t know what he’d do without her help—without her friendship. They both understood the other in a bizzare, not very common way. She’d helped him hone in his powers, but it had yet to be something he’d wanted to admit to Annabeth. To everyone else, for that matter.
“I get why you didn’t want to tell me,” she said. “But...I do want to help. You’re my best friend, and, and I also want to spend time with you. If...that’s alright.”
“It’s alright by me.”
Annabeth gave him a look.
“Yeah, yeah. I know.” He tried for a smile. “I guess you could come along, then.”
His grin was shared with her, though her eyes were serious. “You’ll see. We’ll figure out your powers. What you can do, why you can do it, why the sea is affecting you…”
“All of it?”
She nodded. “All of it.”
They left it at that, though what they didn’t leave was the canoe pier. Not until the sun hid under the trees, spilling its ink of reds and oranges across the horizon.
The golden of the sun was replaced by the silver of the moon for the night, then it rose again for the day.
And in between, the waves lapped against the shore, constant and content. The ocean had calmed. For now.
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
Interestingly enough the fandom isn't always rational with their criticism. Take Percy and Rachel for instance. A perfectly healthy cute and functional relationship dynamic, but people really hated it because it got in the way of Percy/Annabeth.
I think it can also come down to the fact that not all situations are exactly equal if that makes sense. If you have a character dynamic in couple A, that often playfully bully of fight with eachother that's a different dynamic than relationship B, where one person has trauma resulting from bullying and the other parter behaves in roughly the same way as couple A do. In that case the behavior may be seen as inappropriate. Not that this example has anything to do with the ships at hand, but I think a long form meta examining the different paralleling issues from both relationships and their validity would be easier.
Also I haven't seen anything about about Nico/Will being called toxic. Yikes, what are people saying exactly, because I don't doubt a lot of people might be projecting unconcious bias.
Oh absolutely, I may seem young but I remember the Rachel vs Annabeth ship wars all too well... I do not want to go back 😅
The rest is under a read more though, I got a little carried away talking! Also this isn't my best post on the issue by far so please feel free to check out the tags I mention later on!
(AN: I use nblm alongside mlm in this post because some nblm individuals will consider their attraction to men as gay, or queer, while others will not and those individuals are often closely connected to mlm experiences and they also deserve to talk about their thoughts and feelings if they wish. I am aware nonbinary people are not a monolith and not all nonbinary people will categorize themselves or their attraction this way, it's up to nonbinary individuals reading this to determine where they fall on what)
As for Solangelo being toxic some of the conversations revolve around the ableist nature of the ship, this is definitely most obviously a dynamic in BoO, and it's a more than fair point about the ship I don't have anything negative to say there in the slightest!
(The above parallels with the idea that Will is introduced as a "healer character" for the "sad gay kid", which is a fair criticism as well but one that's often left rather one sided, because while that is true- if it's a way Nico likes being treated (watched closely for injuries and cared for) then it's not wrong, and in ToN Will is seen overstepping Nico's boundaries which causes a healthy argument about Will doing so and he stops, so if Nico doesn't tell Will "no" or some variation he's obviously not horribly uncomfortable with the situation, or from the way it would be interpreted alongside previous text, there's fair reason to think he likes it)
The thing with Solangelo I see often is "Nico is still processing trauma, and internalized homophobia and isn't ready for a relationship" which is a huge misunderstanding on how trauma and internalized homophobia work as a whole, because the experiences can be different for everyone. You can absolutely date someone while processing internalized homophobia, you may struggle with certain things but it is absolutely doable for some people. And trauma is such a varied thing, and it's not like he's solely relying on Will either, he is seeing Dionysus for therapy and getting the help he needs! Your life doesn't have to go on hold for therapy no matter how much trauma you are sorting through! (Not disclosing my medical history or anything but I have struggled with both things and my life didn't stop for me to deal with them, I made new friends, went on dates, etc- it is possible depending on the person so the very narrow view of "this is unhealthy" and "this is impossible" rubs me wrong when it's treated as fact over opinion, because it's an opinion).
There's also constant discussions about how fandom (in current) fetishizes both Nico and Will, which I, and other mlm and nblm have spoken our own thoughts on multiple times to be largely ignored by the biggest perpetrators of this "they're overly fetishized narrative". There's also fairly consistent discussion of how fandom treats Nico and reduces him to uwu small gay boy, which more often than not seems to mean "effeminate" rather than actually harmful stereotyping (yes queer men are allowed to be "girly" especially considering there is some canon text that could be interpreted with that meaning, if there wasn't a plausible way to determine canon that way I wouldn't care if people were going after others feminizing Nico a bit- but the issue is again, fact and feeling aren't the same and fandom seem to conflate the two rather often).
(Some of that ties into nonbinary Nico head canons which are common as of current, and that argument quickly becomes transphobic is people don't watch themselves... Even without bringing nonbinary Nico into the equation, headcanoning Nico as femme isn't bad or wrong, and to say otherwise becomes gender policing which is bad).
There's also this weird obsession with there being a "correct way" to ship mlm ships (specifically solangelo), which when considering it's not mlm or nblm saying those things, it becomes really uncomfortable. Especially because the wording of some posts is less "hey this is homophobic" and comes off more like people are more upset at seeing an mlm couple than at the fact that they're being shipped poorly.
All of this in combination with the constant, talking over of queer guys (specifically mlm and nblm) comes off really messed up, and yeah homophobic.
It's not something that can be pinned down to one specific thing but rather a series of smaller microagressions (which in sure most of are intended in good faith but are being filled with subconscious bias) that build up over time- which is why my concern is that solangelo is facing harsher criticism/different treatment that percabeth simply for being a queer ship.
I can't be 100% sure on that like I said, because that's something that is hard to gain tangible evidence for, or maybe even impossible :/
If there wasn't so many other small things going on alongside the harsher criticism of solangelo, I would honestly just ignore it... But the weird policing of "how to ship solangelo" while proclaiming it's "overly fetishized" all while speaking over a not insignificant number of mlm and nblm who have agreed with certain opinions, or taken time to write their own (+ some of the rhetoric that can be found on he blogs of people commonly expressing these opinions) is super uncomfortable and definitely homophobic... Even if they were treating the ship kind of weird, but treating the queer guys talking about it well and actually listening (because the current solangelo fandom probably has the highest proportion of queer guys in comparison to any other fandom I've been in with an mlm ship as of right now) I wouldn't be so bothered... But sadly that's not the case..
(I'd also like to note out of my posts criticizing the current conversations happening around the issue my post saying "listen to mlm voices" got a lot more notes than some of the other ones, which I can't say is specifically anything, because like solangelo perhaps being treated unfairly to percabeth, I am willing to acknowledge there might not be an issue- but it's weird how often mlm and nblm's posts on "listen to us" will be uplifted but never any actual criticism... Just a thought)
I detail things a little closer and in more detail in some of my posts tagged #fandom homophobia, #mlm fetishism, and #gender policing in fandom, it's not a full or comprehensive list (I've only really started speaking up in the last month or so), and it is largely solangelo specific. However I am always interested in listening to the voices of other queer guys about the issues and hearing out their thoughts as well (people aren't a monolith and I'm interested in trying to be as nuanced as possible!) and I acknowledge that although I am mlm and am going to be a little better at recognizing issues and calling them out (although I like every person am not perfect of course)
So yeah! That's a bit of the current ongoings, again not a full comprehensive list, and definitely not my best explanation ever but I think the point gets across well enough? Definitely check out my other tags if you're interested in more, there's also definitely more posts I need to make on some of the things I've seen (maybe not all of them so solangelo fandom specific, and maybe some of them even more solangelo fandom specific) but it's rather slow work in progress!
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truly-a-snitch · 5 years
Hey I made this sorry not sorry haha
Heathers AU maybe???
Dear Evan Hansen (cleverly titled ‘Dear Percy Jackson’)
Be More Chill AU, where the gods are the Squips
Mean Girls musical AU
AU where it was just a musical performed by several theatre nerds
Mortal AU where Percy has a weird continuous dream and all his friends at a regular summer camp are totally invested and love it
GODSWAP. Dear gods, I love this one so much. Frank, son of Somnus. Jason, son of Terpsichore. Leo, son of Aphrodite. Percy, son of Apollo. Piper, daughter of Zeus. Hazel, daughter of Hephaestus. Annabeth, daughter of Ares. Gimme.
Genderbend. Another one I seriously love and I want more of tbh. Like, gimme an Aaron who’s taller than Peri. Gimme a Fern who is a Canadian Chinese baby girl and a Harry and a Janis and a Lea. I want a Peter. Please.
3am Denny’s AU where Percy, Annabeth, and Jason work, and Piper, Leo, and Hazel stumble in drunk and a sober Frank has to stop everyone from crying and/or killing each other
School AU, where each of the seven teaches a specific subject and they complain about students to each other
Time Loop AU where the seven have to stop Gaea over and over again until they do it ‘the right way’
AU where if your soulmate dies you stop seeing the color of their eyes (ie Piper would stop seeing blue after Jason’s death)
AU where reading a book brings you into it, so some poor 12 year old boy finds himself in the PJO books for several years acting as a second protector to Percy. Honestly, saw this in the ‘Avalon Green’ series on Wattpad, started reading it. Love it so far.
Gods... high school AU where they get assigned a group project or something bcuz it’s a big class and they have to have big groups and they decide to be little shits and make their entire project about the Greek gods and everyone is like ‘how do you know this, it isn’t in our textbook’ and all seven just stand up in front of the class like ‘haha fuck you’
AU where the whole thing is a fanfic someone wrote about ‘what if Harry Potter was Greek mythology’ and it’s on like AO3 or something and Annabeth is totally down twelve-year-old girl’s self insert because she wanted to be special or something
AU where all the gods can have kids because the chastity oath is lifted and Hera is like ‘fuck yeah retaliation time’ and has sixty kids to get back at Zeus for cheating on her so much
Someone going through like, camp archives or something as punishment and finding an old scroll just titled ‘Patroclus and Achilles’ and they take it back to their cabin and everyone in the cabin loves it but they can’t share because the person took it w/o permission
AU: Everyone is gay except for Nico and some girl, so everyone thinks he’s so weird because being gay is the norm and being straight is weird
Percy is a comic illustrator and Jason and Annabeth are publishers, and it’s him and the other four of the seven trying to convince them to let him publish his dANG COMIC
AU where everyone has incredibly detailed interests, like... Leo is obsessed with collecting Hex keys, Hazel is obsessed with conspiracies, Frank has an unhealthy relationship with drawing furries, Percy drinks too many energy drinks, Annabeth has so many beanies it isn’t funny, Piper loves 80s trends (with Nico) and Jason is addicted to broadway musicals and he’s actually written his own, etc
The fact that I haven’t seen this a lot but; Next Gen fanfics, but not of their kids. Just of other random people’s kids. Like, give me one that takes place fifteen years afterward. Percabeth is married, Annabeth is pregnant with their second and third child, Hazel and Frank are married, Piper is over Jason’s death and she’s grown into her bisexuality, etc. and these random kids show up and the seven are just like... A D O P T. And these eight girls are the ones in the prophecy of eight. Four from Camp Halfblood, four from Camp Jupiter. I actually started writing this but I want more of the ‘next gen that isn’t their kids’ thing
Dog sitter AU where Percy forces Annabeth into it and finds out that she’s allergic to dogs and he just had to say how sorry he is and wish he hadn’t made her do it
I just love AUs yall
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hotpercicolife-blog · 6 years
Percy Jackson Fandom Thoughts
So in the past year I’ve gotten into Shadowhunters (Books and TV show) and fell head over heels in love with Malec. Malec is a gay canon ship that is prioritized in the TV show, has several pictures in the official TMI coloring book and has many beautiful scenes in the books. I’m as obsessed with Malec as I was/I’m with Percico. The experience of loving a canon relationship has opened my eyes to something.
All those Percabeth and Solangelo shippers who bully and humiliate shippers of non-canon ships are bigger assholes than I originally thought. I mean seriously, that’s low. I fell in love with the PJO books, but then my heart started shipping Percico (uncontrollably) and for years I was stressed every time I thought about those books I love. I felt like I couldn't reread them because I was going to be bombarded with ships that went against my otp. I lost many years of being a hardcore fan because of it. (It was a unhealthy way of thinking, so I am working on it.) But my feelings toward this series I love was the same that a lot of people feel when they see fanart of a notp.
I get to reread The Mortal Instruments and The Bane Chronicles to get my ship fix and enjoy a good story. I can’t do that with the Percy Jackson books without getting into a blank head space first. I can’t imagine looking down my nose at someone who ships Magnus or Alec with some other character like they are the scum of the earth. It’s not right.
As someone who ships a canon ship, you get to read and enjoy the source material to the fullest extent. It’s a real bitchy thing for you to bully someone who doesn’t get to do the same so easily. Recently, I’ve been getting comments on my fanfiction stories and people going into Percico group chats just to say “Fuck you Solangelo forever” and that’s not okay.
Also, as a percico shipper, I’ve heard enough of this “Percico supports pedophilia!!!” No bitch, it doesn’t. And you don’t actually believe that either. You just want an excuse to not only hate the percico ship, but it’s shippers. In your mind, you know it’s wrong to bully someone based on their ship, so you come up with a reason to humiliate them. Stop.
I’m also sick of this “If you don’t ship Percabeth then gtfo lol” bullshit on Percy Jackson groups on other websites. Its a “Percy Jackson” group... every PJO fan should be allowed regardless of what they ship. We are a fandom, a family of fans, start acting like one.
*I know every ship deals with this crap and every ship bullies other ships. All of it needs to stop. I’m also not saying all canon shippers are assholes. You can be a fandom asshole in any ship, it depends on how you treat other people.
**I also know this post will not solve anything. I just got another comment today and I have some pent up anger.
***Sorry this wasn’t better constructed. Long day: my eyes are starting to fade out the words on the computer screen.
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