#i think i need a shower just to get that mental image outta my head
spookberry · 11 months
bops you on the head gently with a feather duster
I hope its a clean feather duster D:
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slutsofren · 4 years
Danger Days Chapter 4: The Ghost of You
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summary: Somehow Tommy and you managed to convince Joel to stay in Jackson for the night, opting to leave the next morning. Things get just ever so slightly awkward between you and that gruff bastard, but it’s fine, totally fine. You’re really not that flustered already.
warnings: none, maybe a little naked Joel nothing nsfw, maybe a tiny bit of eye-fuckin’ but whose to say, not me!
word count: 3,178
Read on AO3 here
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The last twelve or so hours were probably the most eventful of your tenure at Jackson, especially since becoming Maria’s right hand gal. The walls of the small community towered in front of you as the four of you approached. Tommy and yourself taking point in the front while the two strangers to Jackson were quiet behind you, either in awe or unease.
Because the sun was still setting, it was difficult to make out who replied but you think you recognized Marcus’ voice telling the others to open the gate. You looked over your shoulder to talk to Joel and Ellie, “We’ll go to the stables first, drop these boys off then take you to one of the houses. You two can get cleaned up there and we’ll bring you food and supplies.”
“Okay!” Ellie looks excitedly at you and Tommy. Beside her, Joel continues to be wary and alert. He surely trusts his younger brother, but you’re waiting for him to start something with you.
It didn’t take much for the whispering and gossip to start in Jackson. No matter how late in the night there was always a lurker, always somebody looking to stir shit, so when you started seeing more and more of the townsfolk peeping out of windows to look at the two new strangers riding alongside two of their leaders, you sent a silent thank-you to the stars that you didn’t have to linger for the whispering to swirl you.
Just the thought sent a shiver down your spine.
Tommy, who rode in front, began to point out to his brother and the girl various landmarks for the small city. The saloon, the community center, the medical building. Making a not-so-subtle attempt to let his brother know he could stay after you’d all return, live a semi-normal life in Jackson during the apocalypse.
Eventually, you fell behind Joel and Ellie making sure nobody pulled any kind of stunt from the back so you got to watch as the gruff brute shifted on his horse, looking only mildly uncomfortable that he couldn’t keep an eye on you. You wondered how his life was on the outside, how much horror plagued his nights, as it did you and everybody else who had to suffer in similar circumstances. Ellie, on the other hand, looked enthusiastic and much as an ordinary child did, despite the glaring obvious.
Approaching the stable, you pulled yourself out of those lingering thoughts, spotting Cherry and Charlie. Cherry ran up to your small group, excitedly cooing at her babies, grateful for their safe return.
Everybody jumped off their horse, handing the reins to a stablehand nearby and Ellie approached the young woman, “I’m sorry I stole your horse. I won’t do it again.”
Cherry held the horses’ bit in her hand, giving Ellie a stern look which you nearly reprimanded the woman for before she burst into a hearty laughter. “I’d never seen Tommy run so goodman fast in my life,” she howls, “I do forgive you for taking dear Lux but please, don’t do that again.”
Ellie looked down at her feet, giving a bashful promise which elicited another bout of relieved laughter from everyone watching. “Okay, yes, I’m not as young as I used to be, don’t mean I can’t run anymore Cherry,” Tommy smiles. “Anyways, let’s get outta here.”
Once again, your small group fell into silence only to be broken by the occasional point-and-see Tommy was doing as he walked beside you, telling his brother and the girl about Jackson, the little traditions the small community developed such as the movie night that fell on this evening, hoping to entice Ellie into persuading Joel to come back. As he would go on to describe the town and the various jobs everyone pulled, you’d sneak back a look over your shoulder to glance at the man every so often.
Only to catch him staring at you. Damn near every time. 
The four of you pulled up to a two story house at the end of a road, just around the corner from the Jackson cemetery. “Why don’t you two take this house for the night,” Tommy said. “It’s got hot water, firewood, pretty much everything you’d need.”
Ellie groans happily coming up beside you as you kneel to the ground and unzip your backpack. “Here,” you dig out some clothes and hand them to Ellie, “Take a shower first. The clothes might be a little big but something’s better than nothin’.”
Tommy nudges his brother, “We’ll bring you some clothes and some warm food. I think Seth has turkey burgers on the menu tonight.”
“Son of a bitch that sounds good,” you say lightly. It was true, Seth’s turkey burgers were one of the best damned things in Jackson. Even if the old man irritated the daylights out of you most days. 
“I’ll go get the food, you go get them clothes and supplies. Be back here in 30,” Tommy tells you. You gave your friend a mock salute and turned away, walking to the community center.
You chance a glance back behind you, Tommy engrossed in conversation with his brother, Ellie already running up the porch to that tempting fresh shower. As for Joel, as soon as you looked at him, it was almost as if he instinctively knew when your eyes would gaze over him for as soon as you did, his brown eyes met you.
The moment took you by surprise and you tumble slightly, catching yourself after tripping on your own damned two feet. Calm down, can’t you keep your shit together, you chide yourself.
You tried to keep your mind occupied, tried to keep various small tasks in the forefront of your head; it wasn’t really easy considering a gruff man with a husky voice danced behind those thoughts. You barely stopped to say a quick hello to people as you passed, not wanting to give them an opportunity to ask you questions about Joel and Ellie. You saw the community center and pretty much ran the last few feet, wanting to get in and out as soon as possible.
Although you knew the pair for less than a day, it wasn’t hard to pick out a couple spare shirts and tanks for them, hoping they’d fit. Joel was easy, he looked like a man who knew his flannels whereas Ellie was more akin to graphic tees and long sleeve undershirts.Tossing the clothes into a bag, you made your way to the exit.
You shot a thanks of appreciation to Max, the man who practically ran the center, and headed out, making a quick stop to your flat. You tossed out all the dirty clothing from your pack into the laundry basket that laid haphazardly at the foot of your bed and switched it out for fresher and cleaner clothes, restocked on ammunition for your dual guns as well, lastly packing some soon-to-be expired food to eat on the road. A rapid mental check and you figured you were good to head out and left your dear little flat for the foreseeable future.
Feet thumping against the porch, you pounded at the door, calling out. “Tommy?”
When nobody answered you knocked again, “Joel? Ellie?”
Only for silence to respond. 
You check the knob and it gives under your hand and you let yourself in, heading up the stairs to check if anybody was actually here or if Joel skipped town without you. Each room you checked was empty, only pushing your worry to be an accurate assumption when you finally peered into the master bedroom. The door opened with a small creak and you were confronted with the naked and wet image of Joel fuckin’ Miller, clad in nothing but a grey towel around his waist as he sat on the bed.
He looks up at you, watching you watching him. Your breath is stolen away, much like your brain has suddenly malfunctioned. A quick furrow of your brow and you remembered where you were, tossing the bag of clothing at the man and turning to leave, slamming the door shut behind you. Storming down the stairs and aiming for the living room, it wasn’t until you hit the final step that you realized you were holding a breath.
How old am I, you whine. As if I’ve never seen a naked man before.
You plopped down on the sofa groaning, mentally reviewing the sight of Joel sitting on the bed looking frustrated- wet hair and tan skin in all his unfortunate glory. Shaking your head in your hands you sighed, waiting for somebody to come rid you of the ever so obvious embarrassment that loomed over your mind like a cloud when the front door opened to the sounds of Tommy and Ellie talking animatedly about using the rifle to protect Joel some time ago.
Bolting from the seat you took not even a few minutes prior, you met your friend and Ellie, quickly taking the bags from them to do something with your hands rather than ringing your neck out. The two continue talking as they follow you into the kitchen, Ellie going on still on how she’s saved Joel’s life from hunters once upon a time.
Together with Tommy, the two of you set out placemats on the table and served the burgers and fries on plates, letting Ellie finish her story. Thankfully being quiet was usually a quality of yours that served you well as Tommy didn’t pick up anything odd from your demeanor.
As the last plate was set, Joel came down the stairs wearing one of the new flannels you had picked for him. A green number, much like his old one but much less ratty and dirty. You refused to look him in the eye as the food was doled out onto everybody's plates, making sure to give him and Ellie extra fries.
Sitting down at the table with everybody as the four of you dug into the food, Ellie and Joel were quiet as they consumed everything they could which elicited a knowing smile between you and Tommy. It was pretty damned clear they hadn’t eaten anything of substance in quite some time. You were only half done with your own as you got Ellie’s attention, “Hey, kid. Want to finish mine off?”
She looked at you and then to the burger in your hand that you leaned towards her. “You wouldn’t mind?”
“Nah, a growing kid like you needs to eat. Take it. I’ll start cleaning up.”
“Ellie,” Joel’s voice hinted at a scold.
You looked at him, “She can eat it. There’s more if either of you want any.” You pushed your plate to the girl and stood, beginning your usual post-meal routine of cleaning up.
“Now you two better not kill each other out there, you hear me,” Tommy started, “Especially you.” He pointed to his brother. You caught out of the corner of your eye Joel tense up, about to argue back.
“Don’t you try to tell me what to do, baby brother,” he emphasizes the ‘baby’.
Tommy put his hands in the air, “I know how you can be, but I also know how she can be.”
This made you cock an eyebrow at him. “Do tell me Tommy Miller, how can I be?”
He stammered for a moment before shrugging, “Hell if I know anymore, you and Maria are gonna be the death of me.”
“Damn right,” you say. You smile and walk over to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t you ever forget that.”
As you walk away, you faintly hear Tommy lean over the table and say something to his brother like, “Goddamn Californian girls.”  Which made you throw a rag at his head. He had it comin’.
The trio finished up while you cleaned the kitchen giving your mind some time to go on autopilot, enjoying the opportunity to stay clear of Joel for a moment. You couldn’t figure out what it was, maybe it was that he was one of the first new strangers to come to Jackson. Maybe it was the fact he was the elusive and mysterious older brother to Tommy. Maybe it was just the fact you were fuckin’ horny. Whatever it was was beginning to get on your last nerve and you needed to focus on the task at hand- getting the duo to the University for whatever reason.
Unfortunately you finished sooner than you’d hoped then trotted to the living room and settled on the couch next to Ellie, watching Tommy get the fire going in the fireplace. She shifted in the seat, eager to ask, “So, you’re from California?”
You nodded your head, “Born and raised in the Bay Area.”
“How old were you when the virus hit,” Ellie asked excitedly. “Joel doesn’t like talking about it but it all seems so surreal.”
You shifted in your seat just a bit, feeling all the eyes on you. “I was a little older than you are now, not by much. I was still very much a kid at the time.”
“So what did you do?”
You’re taken back for a moment at the girl's questions. You could tell she meant no harm but you weren’t sure how much you could reveal about yourself to complete strangers, so you compromised with half-truths. At the very least Tommy knew what kind of person you were and you had shit all to prove to Joel.
“Well, after the breakout, I volunteered as a field medic for FEDRA for a few years. I couldn’t take it for much longer so I left. Then, I found the Fireflies, met Tommy there too,” you nodded towards the man.
“And she found her family there,” Tommy interjected. The double innuendo was clear for the two of you.
“He’s right,” you smiled faintly. “Not only did I meet the man who’d become a brother to me,” you jerked your chin towards Tommy and noticed how Joel was trying to pretend he wasn’t listening to you. You continued, “but I found my own brother there along with my uncle.”
Subtlety wasn’t your strong suit but what harm could it do to show that you knew what the hell you were talking about when it came to the militia group.
You sighed heavily recalling some of the darkest moments of your lift. “When the breakout happened, I lost everybody on that first day. The only person who I couldn’t account for was my brother, Regan. Turns out he was able to escape then he joined the Fireflies when they formed.”
“Woah, that’s incredible,” Ellie’s eyes were wide listening to your story. “Was he friends with Marlene?”
“You could say that. Without him, she would have killed me when I approached her in Boston but he vouched for me. His opinion mattered to her.”
“Why,” she asked.
“Hell if I know, hell if I could even guess. Regan was always persuasive, could get anybody to do anything if he wanted,” you said lowly, staring into the fireplace. Your memory swirled with thoughts and worries again, wondering if he was still the same brother you knew or if this world changed him like it did everybody eventually. Sure as shit changed you.
Before any of you knew it, the conversation began to idle down as if they collectively sensed your unease. Soon, Ellie’s head drooped along with her eyelids, coming to lay in your lap as if it was the most normal thing in the world. The silence didn’t stay long until Joel looked at his brother then to you, gesturing between the two of you, “What was that thing you did with your hand? When we were fighting with the hunters?”
“It’s a system we adopted here in Jackson. A bit inspired by the military, a bit from sign language. We developed it to be able to communicate if we needed total silence and it works pretty well, only those of us in Jackson can understand it,” Tommy says proudly.
“I can teach you and Ellie,” you offer. “I’d be good to know if we run into any trouble out there.” You looked down at Ellie, watching as she slept, running your fingers through her hair. She looked peaceful and part of you didn’t want to move, just so she’d get one good night’s sleep but the other argued she’d sleep better in an actual bed.
“Yeah,” Joel mumbled, “Be nice.”
You looked away from the girl in your lap and looked between the two brothers. “I’ll take this one up to bed, you get some rest too,” you told Joel. “See you in the morning, Tommy.”
Rousing the teenager awake, you walked with her to one of the bedrooms and she fell back asleep rather quickly. Seemed to barely be phased by the new scenery. You kicked off your shoes and went down the hall, claiming the last of the spare bedrooms. By the rise of the next morning, the three of you will be headed out to the one place you didn’t think you’d ever see again.
These are the thoughts that plague you until sleep catches up to you only to toss over and see sunlight peeking through the blinds into the room. You let out a small groan, hoping that you didn’t oversleep although what it really felt like was that you didn’t sleep at all and exited the room only to find your new companions talking with Tommy and Maria in the living room.
Maria spotted you as you descended the stairs and she grabbed your hand, pulling you outside. “You sure about this?”
“More than anything.”
She wants to protest, you know she does. Instead she leaves you on the porch to walk down to Cherry who was keeping two horses occupied.
You went back inside, seeing Ellie double checking her backpack, yours beside hers. You grabbed your toothbrush and some paste, trying to make yourself feel clean with running water one last time for a while only to return to Joel speaking softly to his brother.
“You take care of that wife of yours.”
“There’s a place for you here, you know,” Tommy tries to convince his brother to return.
He hesitates a moment, scratching his beard. His Spanish accent comes through the southern twang as he says, “Adios, hermanito.”
Joel looks at you, following you out of the house before mounting onto his horse, Ellie jumping on behind him. Ellie gives Tommy and Maria a small wave before Joel turns the horse around. 
Maria gives you a tight hug before you are able to get on your horse and she whispers, “You better come back or so help me.”
You pull back and give her a parting kiss on her cheek, “Kill Tommy first.” She laughs sadly at the idle threat and you mount up, giving a parting nod to your friends and then to Cherry and pull up next to Joel and Ellie, ready to tackle this next adventure.
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gyllenwrites · 4 years
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headcanon edition because ya girl is lazy! happy thanksgiving to anyone who’s celebrating today, on this fine evening i am thankful for jake gyllenhaal’s chain warnings: dirty talk, daddy kink, lil bit of borderline exhibitionism, this is lowkey trash, i need to go take a shower and read the bible
this was a mistake
he knows just how to wear you down, getting you to accept an invitation as his date to the premiere of one of his movies, and you should’ve known better than to think that the sight of him wouldn’t do you in
blue suit, tailored to fit, his long hair slicked back and the gold chain draped around his neck
you’re sitting next to him, in the limousine, stuck in traffic on the way to the premiere ( this, you suppose, is what happens when you’re an a-list celebrity )
jake’s unfazed by the fact that the two of you will likely be late — instead, he’s taking advantage of the quiet time the two of you have together alone, the calm before the storm when there are cameras shoved in his face and everything is go go go breathe when you’re dead
it’s just the two of you and the driver in the car, the driver up ahead with a small cut out in the seats providing him a window of access to talk with you should you prefer his company in any capacity and allow you both to see out of the windshield
“have i told you how gorgeous you look tonight?” jake murmurs, tucking a piece of hair back behind your ears. you feel the flush rise into your cheeks, the compliment unrolling a sheepish smile. “you’re gonna have all eyes on you.” the only set of eyes you want on you are already there, and when you glance up at him, bright, clear eyes are sparkling jovially
the traffic is slow-moving, much slower than the two of you had anticipated
each time you steal a glimpse at him you can’t help but to think how gorgeous he is, how no one else is around that you have to share him with and those being the moments you enjoy the most, because it means you can have him however you want, however you need, and your mind is admittedly derailing in thinking of all the ways you’d like to have him right now
“penny for your thoughts?” he finally asks after he catches you staring
you just shake your head and reply a half-hearted “nothin.’” which is not convincing in the slightest and jake can see right through you. “just taking awhile,” you add to try and cover your tracks
“we’ll manage,” is his cool response. “not like we can’t find a way to pass the time.” it’s not a suggestive comment at all but your mind’s already down in the gutter and paying rent, so it easily funnels his words into something you wouldn’t mind, something you’d like the more and more you look at his chain, thinking about all the times he’s been on top of you with it dangling down in your face as he rails you into the mattress
you don’t remember when jake became a mind reader but it’s as though he knows exactly what you’re thinking, like he can sense you’re growing wet just from replaying the greatest hits
you feel his fingers slowly begin to drag along the fabric of your dress and the urge to clench your thighs together is strong
you don’t dare to look down and watch what he’s doing out of the fear of giving yourself away, even though you’re pretty sure the desperation is leaching off you in waves
jake rewards it by continuing his venture upward, hand slipping over the curve of your thigh until it’s nestling in between your legs and the coolness of his rings from the air outside on your blazing skin feels like the tiniest reprieve
he eventually makes it to the juncture of your thighs and with a careful, slow motion, reaches to push your panties to the side, but he’s met with nothing. no scrap of soaking fabric keeping him at bay, just the heat of your core
it’s worth it to steal the tiniest glance over his way and his eyes are already locked on you when you do, baby blues dark and stormy with his desire — that’s when you know you are in for it
he decides that if you can be a tease, two can play at that game, so as one of his fingers brushes over your slit, he strikes up a conversation with the driver
they’re talking about meaningless nothings — or it could be some stimulating, enlightening discussion about the state of things, but your mind is buzzing with only one thing at the forefront of your focus: the way that he’s slowly teasing your opening, the tips of his fingers just barely dipping in and avoiding your clit
it’s taking all of your willpower to restrain the tiny whimpers that are building and stacking in your throat
he lazily pushes his ring finger inside you and you have to stifle the breath you take in right as it nearly comes tumbling out
he fingers you slow, like he’s testing the waters to see just how much you can take before you lose it and start begging for more
he adds his middle finger in and you have to do your best not to squirm, knowing that the driver can see you in his rearview mirror and anything you do above the waist is entirely visible, that the driver could turn around at any time and see just what you’re up to, how needy and desperate with want you are, that you can’t even make it a few blocks from the house without succumbing to your lust
jake keeps talking, occasionally pulling his fingers out and circling your clit in slow, tight movements that nearly drive you right out of the seat. he’ll take those moments to drag you into the conversation — “what d’you think?” and all you can do is just nod your agreement, a high and breathy affirmation as you pretend you’ve been paying attention
whether it’s mercy or his own lust starting to take over, you’ll never know, because he kindly asks for the driver to roll up the partition and the second there’s a barrier now separating you, jake lets the wicked smirk unfurl as he starts fingering you with a little more gusto, one of your hands clutching tight to his wrist. “so fuckin’ naughty,” he teases. “that’s my girl.”
“gonna let me take you right here?” he murmurs into your hair, and all you can do is nod. “’course you are, you’re so fuckin’ needy. so wet for me and we haven’t even been outta the house for half an hour. this all you think about?”
and you both know you’d be a filthy liar if you disagreed
he manhandles you out of your seat, pulling you into his lap so both of your legs are bracketing his hips. “don’t rip my dress,” you have it in you to weakly warn him, and jake just laughs derisively as he buries his face in your cleavage, the stubble brushing against your skin
“i’ll do what i want, baby girl,” he informs you, hands stroking up and down your thighs. “if i want you to show up to that red carpet lookin’ all fucked out, dress ripped and my cum dripping down your thighs so that everyone knows exactly what you got up to on the way here, then i will.”
just the mental image of what he spins with his words has your brain swimming with lust, a tiny moan at the thought
you need friction, desperately, your hips rolling downwards as he fists his hands in your hair and yanks you down for a filthy kiss. “fuck me,” you mumble against his lips
“mm, what’s that? i didn’t hear you,” he says, starting to pepper kisses down your jawline
“please,” you cave. “please daddy, i need you to fuck me.”
one of his hands leaves your hair and swats your ass through the fabric of your dress, the sound louder than expected and a bit more telling as to what you’re getting up to behind the partition. “lift up, princess,” he says as he reaches for his zipper, unfastening his pants and pulling out his cock. “go on, then, take what you need.”
you bite down on your lip as the head of his cock bumps against the mouth of your pussy, spreading you open as you start to slide down. “shit, baby,” he hisses into your cleavage, mouthing at your skin. “you’re so goddamn tight.”
you sink all the way down until your ass is resting against his thighs and he lets out a quiet groan into your chest. you start to move, slowly bouncing on him as his fingers grip into your skin and set the pace. “that’s it, honey, ride my cock just like that.”
you’re used to making noises whenever the two of you have sex, since it turns jake on to hear what’s he’s doing to you, but the partition only obstructs the view, it doesn’t silence you. you’re holding it all in as best you can as you take jake inside you, walls fluttering around him with each thrust
jake on the other hand, has a different idea. “ah ah,” he chides with a low laugh. “if you wanna come, you better let me hear you. let the driver up there hear what i’m doing to you, how you’re such a fuckin’ slut that you can’t even wait until we get back home to get my dick back in that pretty little pussy.”
“fuck, daddy,” you whine, tossing your head back as he guides you back down onto his cock, his hands tight on your hips to direct your movements. “you feel so good.”
“you can be more convincing than that,” jake whispers in your ear, teeth grazing over your earlobe as you slump forward, trying to chase your building orgasm
“please, daddy, please fuck me. need you to stretch me—” one of his hands slips between the two of you, thumbing at your clit. “oh, fuck, yes.”
“so desperate,” he murmurs. “don’t even care if someone catches you. what would you do if i rolled down the partition, let him get an eyeful of you riding my dick like a good little whore so he knew who you belonged to? you’d like that, wouldn’t you? letting him know who this pussy belongs to.”
“yes, daddy, it’s your pussy,” you agree.
he groans at the feeling of your walls tightening around him, his movements on your clit quickening and evolving into tight circles. “you wanna come all over my cock like a good little slut?”
your mind is beginning to evolve into static, the friction on your clit coupled with the fullness of his cock inside you and the thought that any moment, your driver could roll down the partition and see the two of you fucking bordering on the edge of too much. “please, daddy. please let me come on your cock.”
“whatever you want, baby girl,” he whispers, and you feel yourself growing closer and closer to the edge each time he fills you up. “gonna keep me inside that tight little pussy when you come so you don’t make a mess?” you nod mindlessly, grinding down on his cock at the thought of leaving your wetness behind on the leather seats, clear evidence of what you’ve been up to. “fuck, baby. gonna kill me.”
it doesn’t take much longer to bring you off, turning you into a quivering mess as you hit your climax and slump into him, head falling against his shoulder with his cock still sheathed inside of you. “goddamn, honey, feel so good around my cock,” jake murmurs as he begins shallowly thrusting. “wanna...fuck, wanna come inside you. gonna let me fill you up?”
you whimper, nodding through the midst of your afterglow as another wave of liquid heat rolls through you. “look at you, gettin’ all wet at the thought of that.” his fingers tighten on your hips as he sets a rhythm for you, lifting you up slightly before dropping you back down on his dick. “that’s what you want, isn’t it? me to fill you up until i’m leaking outta that pussy. you wanna walk around tonight with my cum inside you? bet you do. you’re such a little fuckin’ slut for my cock and you want everyone to know it, too.”
his thrusts up into you grow erratic as he nears the edge of his release. “please daddy,” you beg, dying to bring him to release and feel him explode inside of you. “fuck, please come inside of me. use your pussy, daddy.”
“'s right,” he groans at your words, slipping another spank on your ass. “gonna make a fuckin’ mess outta my pussy, you’re not even gonna be able to take a step without my cum dripping outta you and down your thighs.”
“give it to me, baby,” you whine. “please, please, oh god  —” you feel it when jake reaches his orgasm, holding you down on his dick as he comes deep inside of you. a broken sigh escapes you as he finishes, a languid smirk spreading across his face when he leans in to kiss the corner of your mouth.
“such a good girl for daddy,” he praises. when he slowly slides out of you and deposits you back onto the seat next to him, the loss of him inside you taking a moment to adjust to, he nudges your thighs apart and curls a finger up inside you. it returns, shining with the mixture of his cum and your wetness and presented to you. you close your mouth around it, sucking his finger clean and keeping your eyes trained on jake. “bet you wish you’d worn panties now, huh?” he teases. “better keep all that cum inside you. i’m gonna come back for it later tonight.”
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sheerfreesia007 · 3 years
Finding Love in Legacy Oaks pt. 8
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 8
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x Original Female Character (OFC)
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 7,632
Warnings: Fluff, mention of bullying
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo
Author Notes: So we are back! Sorry for taking so long with this. Blame COVID. Anyway Jack’s back! And we’re starting to move onto these two idiots starting to catch feelings for each other. Also the bouquet means something, it’ll be later explained in a later chapter. I love writing out the small little nuances of relationships. Like really love it. I added a little bit of my own childhood in this part when it pertains to Bunny so we’ll come back to that at a later time. Anyway enjoy! I’m excited to get back to writing this like really excited! Woot woot!
Gif Credit: Google
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The sea spray misted over the top of the railing as the ship rose and fell with the churning waves. Dark gray clouds covered the sky above the impressive ship as a heavy set fog crept its way along the water. An ominous feeling was settling over the early hours of the day as Jack began to unravel the rope of the main sail so the ship would be able to use the slight breeze to help travel along the sea faster.
The other crewmen were still asleep at this hour and Jack preferred it that way. It gave him more time to observe their captain. Captain Bunny was an eccentric woman who sailed the seas with a firm hand and a sharp sword. She took no quarter and gave no mercy for those who wronged her. But she was a resilient captain who took good care of her crew and made sure that they were all well accounted for.
While Jack admired her guff and grit to be able to captain a crew of unruly men, he couldn’t sleep without dreaming about the captain in certain ways. The captain was a beautiful woman under that lofty title of hers and Jack often fantasized about her visiting him in his cabin late at night. Often when she would visit him in his dreams she was the one in charge and it sent a thrill through Jack’s body just remembering his dream from last night where she made him wear her hat and nothing else.
Looking up to the helm Jack spotted her manning it with a stoic look on her face. She was the only one on deck this morning and Jack found himself gazing at her with an admiring eye. She was wearing an overly large long sleeved white shirt that was still slightly tinged off white no matter how much she washed it. She wore a long button up sleeveless over shirt the color of an emerald. She had one large leather strap running across her chest that held her sword at her hip. Her legs were clad in deep brown trousers that were covered by her worn calf high black boots. She hadn’t donned her signature brown jacket with the gold colored stitching or her Captain’s hat. Her hair was blowing back away from her face in the slight breeze and Jack watched mesmerized as she shut her eyes and tilted her face into the breeze, a soft smile forming on her lips.
Jack knew he could stare at her for hours and still need to see her more. There was just something about the woman that drew him in and locked down on his attention and affection. Just then she turned her head and spotted him, the smile that blossomed onto her lips hit Jack squarely in the chest and stole his breath from him.
“G’mornin’ Jack!” she called out to him and he smiled at her before moving of the steps to where she stood.
“G’mornin’ Captain.” Jack replied warmly as he came to stand beside her. Jack faced her as she continued to look out to the sea still standing at the helm.
“G’day for sailin’ ain’t it?” she asked jovially and Jack scoffed softly as he shook his head.
“You’re always so optimistic.” He murmured softly and she turned her head to gaze at him with a bright smile.
“Y’gotta be optimistic. Keeps the cabin fever away.” She proclaimed knowingly as she leaned towards him and Jack grinned at her.
“There’s always other ways to keep cabin fever at bay.” Jack mused softly as he gazed at her pointedly. He knew he was being bold with his Captain but they had been dancing around this unspoken thing between the two of them ever since he joined the crew. A seductive grin spread across her face and she leaned further towards him.
“And what would you know about these other ways Jack?” she asked softly as her eyes squinted in delight at him. Jack leaned closer to her and swiped his tongue across his bottom lip.
“I may know a thing or two.” He advised softly as he leaned down to press his lips against hers. But just as he was to make contact someone called out his name loudly and close by.
“Jack!” came the loud shout of his name waking Jack from his dream. “Whiskey! Wake up! Good lord man!” shouted Tequila as he grinned over at Jack from his spot in his own bed. Jack groaned softly and dragged his hand down his face before turning his head across his pillow to stare at Tequila. Tequila was sitting up in his bed with his back pressed to the headboard and his laptop in his lap.
“What Tequila?” Jack groaned out lowly and Tequila grinned wickedly over at him.
“Who’s the Captain?” Tequila asked teasingly and Jack felt his whole body stiffen.
“What?” Jack asked softly trying to play dumb as he tried to figure out what Teqila was talking about.
“You were moanin’ about a Captain in your sleep.” Tequila explained gleefully. “So who’s the captain?” he asked again and Jack groaned before turning back his head to stare at the ceiling. While outwardly Jack seemed annoyed internally he was panicking, had he really moaned while he was dreaming about Bunny in her pirate costume? Jack’s mind raced as he tried to process him moaning and dreaming about Bunny. Was he starting to have feelings for Bunny? He knew she was obviously attractive and he had noticed but in the short time that he had gotten to know her could he develop feelings for her?
“No one. Mind yer business.” Jack grumbled out as he lay there keeping composed and Tequila burst out into laughter.
“Aye aye captain!” Tequila called out between his laughter as Jack got up from his bed shaking his head before he headed to the shower.
“We’ll leave as soon as we finish gettin’ ready.” Jack said as he grabbed his clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. Sighing loudly he gazed at himself in the mirror before he shook his head. He was having intimate dreams of Bunny dressed in her pirate costume and Tequila had nearly caught him! Jack shook his head once more trying to dispel the image of Bunny in her costume tilting her head towards him and pursing her lips to receive his kiss. But as Jack slipped into the shower her image was at the forefront of his mind and he couldn’t seem to chase her away.
It was going to be a long day; thankfully it would be spent mostly traveling home. Jack was eager to get home and see Esme. This had been the first mission away from her after the death of Maria, and while he was glad to be back at work he missed his little girl more. He needed to get home so that he could see her and hold her again. He missed hearing her giggles and listening to the stories that she came up with.
As he stepped into the shower his thoughts wandered to what crazy antics Esme and Bunny had gotten up to while he was gone. He dragged his hand down his face, clearing it of the warm water and made a mental note to pick Bunny up a gift card for groceries and some flowers as thanks for watching Esme for him.
Jack stared at the illuminated clock on his dashboard while he sat at a red light. He and Tequila had taken just a little bit longer debriefing from the mission with Champ and he was eager to get home. Letting out a wide long yawn Jack covered his mouth with one hand and squinted his eyes closed. It was just a little after four thirty and he was so close to home that Jack could feel the stress leaving his body in waves. Pulling up to the back guard shack Jack smiled as he stopped to see Jeremy stepping out to greet him.
“Hey Jack. How was your trip?” Jeremy asked warmly as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door jam of the guard shack. Jack sat back in the driver’s seat and rested his arm on the window ledge of his truck.
“It was good. Felt a lil’ rusty gettin’ back into the world of work but it was overall good.” Jack responded easily as he nodded his head.
“That’s good. I’m glad it wasn’t too stressful for you.” Jeremy said truthfully and Jack nodded his head again and hummed softly. “So I just left the girls. They hosted a movie night and ice cream sandwiches. If you head over there now I’m sure Esme would love to make one for ya.” Jeremy advised him and Jack smiled softly at the way he called them ‘the girls’ and how fondly he spoke about them.
“Is that right? Sounds like you guys had a fun time while I was away.” Jack said happily and Jeremy nodded enthusiastically.
“I know those two did. They’re thick as thieves now so you better watch out!” Jeremy said animatedly. Jack grinned and shook his head thinking about how close Esme grew to Bunny with this week with her.
“I bet they’re two peas in a pod now.” Jack said knowingly and Jeremy burst out into laughter.
“Oh without a doubt.” Jeremy agreed as he nodded his head at him. Jack nodded as he chuckled softly. “Alright get outta here. Go get your girl.” Jeremy said as he stood straight from the door jam and grinned over at Jack. Jack waved and slowly drove into the community heading towards Bunny’s house.
Jack pulled into his driveway and got out of the truck, the sun was quickly setting and dusk had fallen over his neighborhood, he leaned back into the cab of the truck and swiped up the bouquet of white camellia and yellow roses that he had bought at the flower shop along with the thank you card and gift card for the local grocery store. Looking over towards Bunny’s house he could see the front room lights were all lit and he smiled as he spied shadows moving across the windows from room to room. Starting to walk over to her house Jack grinned when he saw the front door open and a loud shriek filled the air.
“Daddy!” cried Esme out in excitement as she made a mad dash towards him. Jack picked up his pace as he reached Bunny’s front gate and started up her walkway. He dropped down to one knee and opened his arms wide as Esme almost tackled him to the ground. “Oh Daddy, I missed you so much!” cried Esme happily as her little arms clung to him tightly.
Jack sighed softly as he nuzzled his face into her hair and took in a deep breath. Esme’s distinct scent filled his nose and he felt his whole body relax and melt against hers. This was home to him, having his little girl in his arms happy to see him once again.
“I missed you too, peanut.” Jack said softly into her hair as he held her close. “I missed you so much.” he reiterated to her. When he felt her pull away slowly he sat back and looked at her fully. Her hair was pulled back from her face in a high ponytail, her eyes sparkled with happiness and love as she gazed at him, and her smile was bright and wide. In the week they had been away from each other he could see little differences in her while she grew without him.
There was movement behind Esme and Jack focused his eyes to see Bunny standing in front of her front door with her arms crossed across her chest and a smile on her face as she watched the two of them reunite. Jack smiled softly at her and nodded his head in greeting and watched as her smile widened slightly.
“I love you lots like Jelly Tots.” Esme said tearily and Jack grinned fondly as his eyes turned back to Esme and he pulled her further into his embrace.
“Love you lots like Jelly Tots.” Jack said softly into her hair as he squeezed her with his arms rocking her back and forth.
“Come inside! I have something for you!” Esme suddenly cried out happily and pulled away quickly from Jack and raced up the walkway to Bunny and her front door. Jack laughed softly as he watched Esme disappear into the house before he stood up to his full height. He looked up at Bunny who was still standing there at her door watching him kindly with a smile on her face.
“How was your trip?” she asked considerately as he made his way to her.
“It was good. A little weird gettin’ back into the swing of things but not too many hang ups. Thanks for asking sweetheart.” he said truthfully and Bunny nodded her head. Jack was still uncertain about using the pet name with her but he could see a slight blush creeping up her neck from his words and he knew he would be using the pet name more and more now. She went to turn and walk into the house when Jack stopped her. “Wait Bunny, these are for you.” he said to stop her and held out the bouquet and card that were in his hands. Her eyes widened and lit up with a soft sparkle before a soft blush graced her cheeks.
“Thank you! Oh that’s really very sweet of you. You didn’t have to though.” She thanked him happily as she accepted the flowers and held them close to her nose and took in a deep breath. “They’re beautiful, thank you.” she thanked him again and Jack felt his face flush proudly at her reaction. He didn’t know that he had been worried about her reaction to the flowers he bought, but found he was pleasantly surprised and happy with her joy over them.
“You’re welcome. It’s just a small thank you for watchin’ over Es for me this week.” he said honestly and smiled warmly at her as he stepped onto the top step of her little porch and looked down at her while she looked up at him grinning widely.
His breath is stolen from him as he gazes down at Bunny in the setting sunlight. Her hair is pulled back from her face and her eyes are sparkling brightly up at him. A soft sweet smile is settled on her lips and the bouquet of flowers seems to make her face look that much softer and sweeter. The moment is quiet between the two and Jack takes it in reverently.
“Dad! Come on!” Esme calls out loudly from inside and Bunny is chuckling softly as she steps to the side to let Jack into the house. The moment is broken but the warmth still remains between the two of them as they walk into the house together.
Bunny walks around Jack to the kitchen and begins gathering a vase to fill up for the flowers. Jack moves further into the kitchen and sees the dining table is littered with construction paper, glitter pens, tape, glue and other craft items. Esme is standing proudly next to the table holding up a large poster board that has the words ‘Welcome home Daddy’ in glittery colors.
Jack moves over to Esme and takes the poster board from her. His eyes move across the board to see all the pictures that Esme had attached to it, most likely with Bunny’s help. He can see a picture of Esme posing with Butter in her arms, Esme and Bunny laying out together in a field, Esme walking Butter down a long sidewalk with trees surrounding them, Esme doing yoga at the park, and a few silly pictures of Bunny and Esme together making silly faces. And then Jack spotted a picture of Esme and Bunny dressed up in their pirate costumes. Jack felt his heart rate skyrocket as his eyes danced across the picture of Bunny dressed as a pirate. The dream that he had early this morning quickly came back to mind and Jack cleared his throat softly before he turned to look at Esme. She stood nearby waiting anxiously for his critique and Jack smiled brightly at her.
“It’s beautiful sweetie!” Jack said truthfully and smiled warmly at her. She beamed proudly up at him before doing a little dance around him making him laugh.
“She was very worried that you wouldn’t like it. But I kept telling her she’s got a creative eye and nothing to worry about.” Bunny said warmly as she leaned against the kitchen island watching Esme with a warm smile on her face.
“She’s super creative, always coming up with these crazy stories and plays that she acts out for me.” Jack said knowingly as he nodded his head at Esme who was still dancing around. “Alright sweetie let’s get you back home now ok? Do you have everything packed and ready to go?” Jack called out to Esme to catch her attention.
Out of the corner of his eyes Jack watched Bunny nod her head and Esme stopped dancing around to pout and stare at him disappointedly. Bunny had moved out of the kitchen and disappeared upstairs while Esme moved closer to Jack in a conspiratorial manner.
“But Daddy Bunny made dinner. We can’t leave yet.” Esme whispered to him urgently.
“No peanut, we gotta get home. I want to wind down and just hang out with you.” Jack disagreed with Esme and watched as her lower lip jutted out in an exaggerated pout.
“But Daddy!” Esme cried distraught.
“Hey Es, it’s no big deal remember I made a separate tray?” Bunny asked kindly as she walked back into the kitchen.
“Yeah but I want to have dinner with you one last time.” Esme protested before stomping her foot into the floor.
“Esme I said we’re going home. That’s the end of it.” Jack stated firmly and frowned at Esme. Esme crossed her arms over her chest and pouted some more before Bunny cleared her throat.
“Hey Es why don’t you say bye to Butter before getting your bags.” Bunny suggested and Esme whipped her head around to look at Butter who was laying in his bed watching the whole situation going on. Jack watched as Esme flounced over to Butter and began saying goodbye to him and giving him hugs which the dog loved and curled up in her arms easily. A soft hand fell on Jack’s forearm and he looked over to see Bunny standing close to him. She was smiling a little uncertainly at him and Jack smiled softly at her.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to but in like that.” Bunny said softly and gestured for Jack to follow her over to the fridge.
“No, no it’s alright. She needed a distraction otherwise it’d be a nuclear bomb going off.” Jack admitted softly as his eyes strayed over to Esme still cuddling and talking to Butter.
“Okay, well I did make a separate lasagna with garlic bread for you and Es to take home. Figured it’d save you some hassle with dinner time for the week at least.” Bunny explained as she opened the fridge and pulled out a silver tray and tinfoil wrapped garlic bread.
“Sweetheart, you didn’t have to do that. But I appreciate it.” Jack said kindly as he took the food from her and set it on the kitchen island he watched as her eyes seemed to sparkle as she looked down at the ground in shyness. “I wanna tell ya thank you so much for watching Es for me. You’re a lifesaver and I wouldn’t know what I would’ve done if you didn’t step up and offer to help me.” Jack said earnestly as he stared down into Bunny’s eyes. He watched as her eyes widened slightly and her breathing seemed to pick up before she subtly shook her head and grinned up at him.
“No worries Jack, she was really great and I loved watching her for you. You don’t have to thank me it was a lot of fun. And what did I tell you about thanking me so much. It really was nothing to watch her.” Bunny said quickly and Jack watched amused as her hands began to grip each other and twist around together. His eyes dragged up from her fidgeting hands to see that her eyes were slightly widened and she was staring at him with a hopeful look on her face. “I actually wanted to let you know that if you ever need someone to watch her again I’d be more than happy to do it.” Bunny said a little uncertainly and Jack grinned warmly at the woman before him.
“She charm you that easily sweetheart?” Jack asked amused as he gently teased Bunny. Her eyes snapped up to his and squinted slightly before they relaxed and a bright pretty smile graced her face. She shrugged lazily and her smile grew into a grin for him.
“Must run in the family.” Bunny said softly before she winked at him. Jack stood there a moment simply dazed as he took in the confident Bunny as she teased him. And for a minute Jack felt butterflies flutter in his stomach as he felt a hot flush start to creep over his face. Bunny chuckled softly and shook her head. “Sorry, I don't know what came over me there. But you can’t blame me, you and Es have that charming gene.”
“Huh, yeah I guess she gets it from her Daddy.” Jack agreed and watched amused as Bunny’s eyes widened slightly and she gasped softly.
“Ye-yeah I guess so.” She replied, nodding her head. Jack smirked softly when he watched her turn her head to look over at Esme and Butter, there was a definite blush crawling up the back of Bunny’s neck. “Alright Es I want a goodbye hug before you leave.” Bunny called out as she turned completely to Esme.
Jack watched as Esme stood up from hugging Butter and made a mad dash to Bunny who had her arms held out widely to catch his little girl. As Esme collided with Bunny their arms wrapped tightly around each other and Bunny rocked the little girl from side to side as she crouched down on the floor at Esme’s level.
“I’m gonna miss you Bunny.” Esme cried softly and Bunny chuckled softly at the little girl.
“Oh I’m gonna miss you too but I’m just down the block from ya so I’m not that far.” Bunny reassured her kindly and Jack nodded along to Bunny’s words. “You can always come visit me as long as your Dad says it’s okay.” Bunny told her as she leaned back and held Esme by her shoulders. “I promise I’ll always be here for you.”
“Okay.” Esme said dejectedly and Bunny pulled her back into her arms hugging her tightly.
“Don’t worry we’ll still see each other.” Bunny said softly before pulling away and standing up. “Alright c’mon grab your poster for your Dad. You can hang it in your house once you get there.”
“Oh! Yeah! I know just the perfect place.” Esme said excitedly as she bounced away and grabbed the poster board. Bunny grinned as she walked back over to Jack.
“You look surprised.” Bunny said with uncertainty and Jack shook his head softly. He was surprised by how easily Bunny reassured Esme and was able to keep her calm when normally she’d have a tantrum meltdown if it was just her and Jack.
“You’re really good at that.” Jack said, still slightly shocked.
“At what?” Bunny asked curiously as she tilted her head to the side.
“Parenting. How come you don’t have any kids?” Jack explained and asked all within the same breath. Bunny flushed brightly and Jack suddenly felt like an ass for asking. He watched as she waved her hand in the air dismissively and smiled kindly at him.
“Oh I grew up with a lot of foster kids coming and going in our house while growing up. I was normally the ‘mom’ for them all when my mom was working so much. It just kinda comes easy to me.” Bunny said, shrugging her shoulders. “And to answer your other question, I guess I haven't found the right guy to help me with that.” She said candidly and Jack had a feeling that there was more to it than what she was willing to divulge. But Jack didn’t press even though he wanted to badly, he knew all about keeping things close to the chest and he didn’t want to upset Bunny more by prying into something she wasn’t willing to talk about.
“That’s pretty cool that you were able to be there for the foster kids in your life. Did your parents ever adopt any?” Jack asked as he picked up the tray of lasagna and garlic bread before walking over to Esme’s bags. Bunny easily helped sling Esme’s duffel bag on his shoulder for him and held Esme’s backpack out for the little girl to slip her arms into.
“Oh yeah, my parents adopted my younger sister and younger brother.” Bunny informed him as she nodded her head with a smile on her face.
“Oh that’s really generous of your parents.” Jack said as they all began walking towards the front door.
“Yeah they’re good people and know how to donate their time to great causes.” Bunny said proudly as she opened and held the front door open for Jack and Esme.
“So that’s where you get it huh?” he asked, smiling over at her. Bunny stared at him shocked for a moment and then grinned widely. Jack felt himself softening as he watched Bunny grin at his praise of her. There was just something about this woman, who offered to watch his little girl for him on a moment’s notice, that was just drawing him in.
“I guess so.” Bunny said softly, still grinning and pretty much glowing at his praise. “Well you two have a good night. If you need anything let me know, I’m always around.” Bunny said as Esme and Jack stepped out of her house and onto the porch.
“Thanks Bunny, I appreciate it.” Jack said fondly and Bunny nodded her head at him as she smiled warmly.
“Bye Bunny! See you later!” called Esme as she bounced down the steps and started walking down the sidewalk. Jack chuckled softly and quickly followed his daughter down the front sidewalk.
“So you had a lot of fun with Bunny while I was away?” Jack asked curiously as he cut up a piece of lasagna and dished it onto a plate for Esme. Esme was busy standing at the kitchen island arranging the pieces of garlic bread on a separate plate that they had heated up along with the lasagna.
“Yeah. Bunny’s really cool Dad. She was a really good babysitter. We had nail polish parties, spa nights, and movie nights. We also did a lot of crafts together and she helped me with her hot glue gun so I could make a treasure chest for our pirate ship. Oh oh! She made a pirate ship out of cardboard boxes and we had a pirate play!” Esme began rattling off quickly and excitedly.
“That’s right I forgot she made you a pirate ship that one day.” Jack said awestruck as he stood there holding Esme’s plate. He was still blown away that Bunny went above and beyond to make sure Esme didn’t feel too bad about the situation with the bully at school.
“Yeah it was really cool. She knew I was feeling crappy because I was missing you and because the girls are still bullying me at school so she made a pirate ship and we played pirates one day after school.” Esme explained happily.
“The girls are still bullying you?” Jack asked softly as he furrowed his eyebrows.
“Not really bullying me anymore since I told the teacher but the other kids aren’t nice to me since they heard I told on the bully.” Esme said with a shrug of her shoulders. Jack looked at Esme concerned and saw the dejected look on her face and slump of her shoulders.
“Hey then those kids aren’t worth yer time. Ya hear me? If they can’t be nice after you stopped someone bullying you then they ain’t yer friends.” He said firmly and passionately as Esme nodded her head at him. He knew his accent was starting to come out more and more as he talked to Esme all because of the emotions he was feeling about Esme being mistreated at school. Taking a deep breath Jack reigned in his emotions and looked at Esme earnestly. “Really Es, they’re not nice kids so don’t bother with them.” He said more under control of his emotions. He was thankful that his accent pretty much disappeared from his voice once he was calm and collected, he knew if he let his emotions get away and anyone heard his true southern accent it would mean his move with Es was all for naught.
“That’s what Bunny said too.” Esme said, nodding her head. Jack nodded his head as he placed the plate of lasagna in front of Esme. “She said that I’ve got you, her and Nadia who care about me and will always look out for me.”
“Bunny’s right. I will always be there for you. No matter what. I promise.” Jack vowed solemnly to Esme and she smiled happily up at him making him ease up and smile back at her.
“Love you lots like jelly tots.” Esme said softly and Jack felt his heart melt in the middle of his chest. He felt his whole body relax where he stood and he grinned widely at her.
“Love you lots like jelly tots.” Jack replied softly to her. “Now let’s eat, I’m starving and this smells delicious.” Jack said as he turned around and plated up his own piece of lasagna. He was so grateful that Bunny had been there for Esme this past week. He knew he wouldn’t ever be able to repay her for everything that she had done for his little girl.
The next morning as Jack is ushering Esme out the front door of the house he spots Bunny and Mr. Quinten talking together in front of his open garage. Bunny’s shaking her head as the older man rests his hands on his hips and talks to her. By the looks of it Mr. Quinten is trying to tell Bunny something and Bunny’s disagreeing with him.
“Oh there’s Mr. Quinten and Bunny!” Esme said happily as she bounced down the front steps of the house. “Good morning Mr. Quinten! Good morning Bunny!” Esme called out happily as she waved eagerly. Jack watched as Bunny and Mr. Quinten turned to Esme’s call and the two of them smiled brightly at her and waved back eagerly before calling out a good morning to her.
“You know Mr. Quinten?” Jack asked curiously as he and Esme began walking down the sidewalk. Jack was still watching Bunny and Mr. Quinten interact animatedly as Bunny rummaged through his garage for something.
“Not really like Bunny or Jeremy but he came with us to the community day. Bunny helps him out because he’s old and needs help. He always teases her and tells her he doesn’t need help but Bunny says he’s just stubborn and actually needs her help.” Esme explained as she continued down the sidewalk with Jack.
“Doesn’t he have family to help him out? Why does Bunny help him?” he asked curiously not thinking Esme would know the answer.
“Bunny said he’s got a son but he doesn’t come visit Mr. Quinten that often. She said that Mr. Quinten is lonely sometimes and he might sound mean when he’s teasing her but he cares about her and looks out for her in his own ways.” Esme said as she began to skip down the sidewalk towards the bus stop.
Jack smiled softly at his little girl as she skipped alongside him. She was such a perceptive child that it was sometimes amazing how much she picked up on. When they came to the bus stop Jack stood to the side and watched as Esme waved at a little boy who was also waiting with his Mom for the bus. Jack was happy that while Esme was having some problems with the kids in school there were still others who were willing to be friendly to her.
It didn’t take long for the bus to arrive and Jack wished Esme a good day before watching her climb the steps of the bus and find a seat in the middle of the bus. She waved at him from her window and grinned happily as he waved back at her.
Walking back down the sidewalk Jack spotted Bunny standing in the front yard of Mr. Quinten’s house with his lawnmower trying to get it started. Jack slowed his steps as he neared the fence of Mr. Quinten’s house so he could watch Bunny quietly.
Today she was dressed in a pair of well-worn light denim coveralls that had the hems turned upwards, a light red flannel shirt that had the sleeves rolled up to her elbows with a pair of gray sneakers on her feet. Jack’s eyes trailed over her body as she bent over the lawn mower and grabbed the pull cord for the engine of the mower. He watched as the denim pull tight across her ass showing him what she was hiding underneath her clothes and Jack felt his body grow hot.
When she stood to her full height he caught a glimpse of her flannel shirt that had the first three or four buttons undone. Jack could see a plain white tank top underneath the flannel shirt before the top part of the coveralls impeded his view. Jack stood there at the fence watching as Bunny yanked the pull cord back a few times to no avail. He knew that Bunny was an attractive woman but the clothes she wore and the glimpses of her body that she was unintentionally giving him was starting to drive Jack crazy.
“You need help starting that thing?” Jack called out to her and watched as she jumped at his voice. “Sorry didn’t mean to scare ya!” said grinning at her. Bunny chuckled softly and shook her head at him.
“No worries, I wasn’t paying attention. Focused on getting this piece of junk to start.” Bunny explained.
“It’s not a piece of junk!” shouted Mr. Quinten from his porch. Jack turned his head and saw Mr. Quinten sitting on his porch swing with a tall glass of iced tea.
“Good Morning Mr. Quinten!” Jack called and waved at the older man who waved back.
“It is a piece of junk! It’s older than you are!” Bunny cried out exasperatedly to the older man and Jack had to bite his tongue at the sass she was giving him. “Stupid old coot won’t listen to me and just buy a newer model.” She mumbled as she turned her head back to the mower.
“Here let me try. That way if I get it working you can just mow his yard and be done with it.” Jack offered his help and Bunny sighed as she looked over at him.
“Alright you give it a try then.” She said gesturing to the mower and taking a step back to give him room. Jack opened the front gate and stepped up to the mower smiling at Bunny.
“You gotta be delicate with the older ones. They get crotchety sometimes.” Jack said amused and Bunny huffed out a breath.
“Oh I know that all too well.” She grumbled and Jack laughed happily as he gripped the pull cord. Bunny stood just far enough away for him to have enough room to maneuver the cord and Jack caught a whiff of her scent, a mix between coconut, lime and some sort of flower that he couldn’t place. It was an alluring mixture that seemed to work and Jack took in a deep breath inhaling the addictive scent.
Jack pulled back on the cord and let it release back to its natural position listening to the engine turn over. He readjusted his grip on the handle and yanked back hard on the cord. Bunny cheered happily next to him when the engine caught and powered on.
“Thanks Jack!” she cheered gratefully as he moved to the side and she took over the lawn mower. “Oh hey before you go I have the pamphlets for the tai chi classes that my friend knew about. If you want later I can bring them over for ya.” She said and Jack nodded his head easily.
“Yeah when you have time, no rush.” He reassured her easily. Jack watched as her eyes shifted slightly and her feet began to shift back and forth while her hands gripped and readjusted on the handle of the mower. After seeing this behavior before last night he realized that Bunny was uncertain about something and he smiled warmly at her. “What?” he asked soothingly and she looked up at him surprised for a minute.
“How do you know something’s up?” she asked curiously.
“You shift on your feet and your hands can’t stay still when you’re unsure of something.” Jack answered truthfully. Bunny stared up at him surprised for a moment before letting out a chuckle.
“Of course you’d pick up on that.” She mumbled softly and Jack almost didn’t hear it over the mower engine. “Anyway I wanted to ask you if it’d be alright for me to still take Esme to the dog yoga class on Saturday mornings. If not, it's ok. I just figured that she loved it and she was really good at it. It'd be great to keep her in it until she gets bored.” Bunny began to ramble and Jack grinned at her before placing a hand over hers that gripped the mower handle.
“Easy Bunny, easy.” He said softly and she took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out to calm herself. “I think that’d be really great if you still wanted to take her to the dog yoga class. She’d be able to have some time with you on the weekend and still do the class.” Jack reassured her easily. Bunny’s face seemed to light up from the inside and shine outward with how happy she instantly became.
“Really? Oh that’d be great Jack!” she said happily and relieved all at once. Jack nodded along to her happiness before gripping her hand a little tighter.
“Oi! Are you gonna mow the yard or just flirt with the new neighbor!?” called out Mr. Quinten and Jack grinned as Bunny’s eyes widened and a blush bloomed on her cheeks.
“I’m so sorry.” She mumbled softly and Jack chuckled softly, shaking his head. He looked down at her grinning.
“I’m not. You look cute today. I'd happily stand here flirting with you all day.” Jack teased her gently and watched as Bunny’s eyes sparkled softly before she burst out laughing.
“Get to work Jack. I’ll drop off the pamphlets later.” She said with a roll of her eyes and a smirk on her lips. Jack grinned and stepped back from her with a salute.
“Yes ma’am.” She said and she shook her head before she began pushing the mower across the yard.
“Finally you start mowing! Stop making goo goo eyes at him and get to work!” Mr. Quinten called out loudly and Bunny shook her head at him as she continued to push the mower across the grass. Jack laughed and walked out of Mr. Quinten’s yard with a wave to the older man who waved back with a wicked grin.
Jack knew that Bunny thought he was just teasing her about wanting to stay and flirt with her all day but Jack was starting to find out that he wouldn’t mind flirting with Bunny all day. As Jack walked across the street to his house he was shocked to realize that flirting with Bunny was something he wouldn’t mind doing. Especially if the flirting generated that cute blush on her cheeks each time or the sparkle in her eyes.
Just as Jack was stepping up onto the curb in front of his house a loud giggle pierced the air and he heard someone calling his name. Turning his head to the side he spotted Cynthia and Diane walking up to him and Cynthia was giving him one of those wiggly finger waves. Jack sighed softly as he stopped and waited for the two of them to finally reach him.
Ever since meeting Cynthia there was just this dread that filled Jack whenever he spotted her and she came over to talk to him. Her open flirting with him while she was still married turned him completely off from her. Marriage wasn’t something that he took for granted and he held his marriage vows very high in his opinion. So the fact that Cynthia was forsaking hers and flirting with him at any chance that she got was not only upsetting to him but it painted Cynthia in an unflattering light.
“Good morning Jack! How are you today?” Cynthia asked as she stopped so close to him that his arm almost brushed against hers. Jack gave her a tight lipped smile and nodded his head at her before smiling softly at Diane.
“Good morning ladies. I’m doing alright how are you?” he greeted them politely. Suddenly Cynthia trailed her long manicured nails up and down his bicep over his button up shirt, her nails dragged harshly up and down his arm and Jack knew that it was supposed to be tantalizing but to him it just made his stomach turn and made him feel sick.
“Oh we’re doing just fine. I see you returned safely from your work trip. Did you have a good week away from Emmie?” Cynthia asked in her high grating voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Jack huffed softly at the woman who was now stepping closer to him and still dragging her nails up and down his arm, she couldn’t even get Esme’s name correctly.
“You mean Esme?” Jack asked unimpressed as he stared at her with a hard glint in his eyes.
“Oh my mistake! Is that her name? I’m so sorry.” Cynthia said sounding over the top sugary sweet that Jack sucked his teeth, almost feeling the cavity start to form. “Ya know I’d love to take the two of you out to a steakhouse for dinner one night. Get to know you two better. What do ya say?” Cynthia simpered as she stepped even closer to him and pressed his arm down the middle of her body. Jack stepped back as soon as he felt her breasts on either side of his arm with a disgusted twist to his face.
“Actually Es and I are busy. I just got back from a work trip and would like to just spend time with her by myself. Maybe another time.” He said in a tone that implied he didn’t want to ever have dinner with her.
“Oh! Wonderful I’ll get with you to let you know when my schedule is free.” Cynthia said eagerly as she nodded her head at him quickly. She took another step closer to him and Jack stepped back while looking at his wrist watch.
“Look at the time I’ve gotta get to work or I’m gonna be late. You ladies have a nice day!” Jack said quickly as he waved at them and retreated to his yard and quickly walked to the front door escaping into his house. Leaning against the front door he blew out a breath and shook his head. That woman was tenacious if nothing else.
Pushing off from the door Jack’s mind couldn’t help but compare Bunny and Cynthia against each other. Cynthia was ruthless in her pursuit of what she wanted while Bunny was more laid back and easy going. Cynthia couldn’t remember Esme’s name properly while Bunny went above and beyond for his little girl and made her a pirate ship just to make her feel better after a crappy day at work. Cynthia openly flirted with him while still married and Bunny was just starting to come out of her shell and covertly flirted with him. Bunny was so generous with her time and effort while Cynthia hadn’t shown that to Jack yet if she would be generous with anything other than her money and pursuit of him. Jack walked over to his work briefcase and sighed softly there really was no comparison between the two women, Bunny was someone that Jack felt lucky to know and was so grateful that he was slowly starting to befriend her and possibly more.
Picking up his briefcase he shook his head one more time and smiled softly as his mind turned to thoughts of Bunny in her cute coveralls that she was wearing earlier this morning. Chuckling softly as he stepped out of his house he thought of the sass that she gave to Mr. Quinten and the way the two of them bickered back and forth with each other. Bunny was someone that he would enjoy getting to know.
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
Omg, hello, sweet anon!! 😄 Thank you so much for this ask & beautiful star emoji which I believe means you want the "director's cut" on whatever story/section/line I want to talk about, which is very kind & indulgent of you 😂 As it happens - in skimming over my fics to answer other asks - I found a little part of a fic I still dearly love (which I know is pretentious af seeing as I wrote it lmao)... but it's from Whiteout!! ❄️ For context, the premise of the fic is that Red is struggling with his feelings about Liz in early season 8 while she's on the run & oUt To DeStRoY hIm. But I needed a vehicle for it & it was winter time during a snow storm & I always loved laying on my back under a window when I was little to watch snow fall. So, for some reason I had the random mental image of Red doing that during a snowstorm at night & I just couldn't get it out of my head, it had so much beautiful angsty potential 🥺 Anyway, the section I was particularly happy with is as follows:
Bleakly, he wonders what would happen if he just laid here forever, let the cold starting to settle in the tips of his fingers and toes join the frosty heartache she's left him with, the tendrils of ice working their way up through his limbs to the center of him, reaching the heart that has been beating all these years for her and freezing it solid.
He wonders if she'd find him come springtime, long after the snow has melted and flowers the same color as her eyes have sprouted up all around his body, lying lifeless and tired and still riddled with love for her.
He wonders if she'd care.
Idk, I think the whole fic is just peak romantic angst, but ^that^ part in particular - & ESPECIALLY the bolded paragraph - just hits different. I legit thought of that bolded portion in its entirety in the shower (lol what's new?) and I busted ass outta there to type that shit on my phone. I think it's the closest I've ever come to poetry 😂 Just the notion of Red wasting away right where he's laying & the spring flowers that'll grow from him being blue like Liz's eyes & his body still being "riddled with love for her" is just *clenches fists* so romantically angsty 😭 That may be conceited but... this ask gave me permission to gush, right?? LOL Idk, I just know that if I read this in someone else's fic, I would be scream-crying over it 🤣 Anywayyy, there's some obnoxious blabbing for you, anon, I hope that was mildly entertaining for you!! 😁 Thank you so much for sending this ask along, I really appreciate it!! 🥰 Much love to you, my friend!! ❤️
Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut
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sams-sass · 4 years
You Found Me Pt. 2
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Hi guys! Here is part two to You Found me. Thanks for all the love. Hope you guys like it! 
GIF not mine
Read Part One, Three, Four, Five and Epilogue:
Part One 
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Summary: You, Dean, Sam, and Cas try to understand who are you are and what you are capable of. 
Characters: You, Dean, Sam, Cas, Roweena, Crowley. 
Pairings: None just yet. Sam x Reader eventually (we are heating up!) 
Warnings: None really, little bit of fluff. Feelings of self doubt. 
“Dean!” Dean turned around and saw Sam running through the halls of the warehouse. He was carrying a girl, she looked pretty beat up, she was covered in dirt, her hair was a mess, and there was blood on her shirt.
“Is she…” Dean let his voice trail off.
“She’s alive. I’ve got her Dean, it’s her.” Sam said with a short nod. “She’s got a head injury, there’s dried blood.”
“Let’s get outta here, get her to Cas.” Dean said with a flick of his head. The boys carried you to the car and moved Crowley to the front seat. Sam scooted all the way against the door and laid you on top of him so your back was against his chest. Cas sat next to him so he could heal the injury to your head. Cas touched your forehead and his eyes widened at the feeling of the power coming off of you.
“She could heal herself, there really is no need.” Crowley mumbled, clearly to piss off the boys.
“Cut the shit, Crowley. Who is she?” Dean said.
“She’s an empath.” Said Cas.
“A what?” Sam asked as he bunched up his coat to use as a pillow for you so your head stopped bouncing so much.
“They have been extinct for almost 100 years, until now of course.”
“So, what is an empath?” Dean asked eyeing the backseat through the rearview mirror.
“They are ancient creatures. They aren’t bad per say, however they are extremely powerful which is why they were hunted by everything: demons, angels, hunters, even monsters hunted them. They are able to pass into the mind of others completely undetected, they can’t read minds but they can see mental images that the other person has seen. They are also highly perceptive to the emotions of others, hence the name empath. They can read a person, who they are as a person and what they are feeling. These feelings though, its not like humans, they can tell what a person is thinking based on what they are feeling. A very powerful one, can also project feelings onto others, make them feel whatever they want. This also means they can project their feelings as a weapon or a shield, which is also why Crowley says she can heal herself.” Castiel explained.
“Ok, but why were they so hated by everyone?” Sam asked at the same moment Dean hit a bump, you slid slightly and Sam had to grab your waist to pull you tighter against him.
“Because, they can go into your mind, you bloody fool.” Crowley said loudly. “Castiel, Y/N, that’s her name, she was also able to astral project while conscious. All she needed was the image of the person she was trying to get to.” Crowley said.
“That is almost unheard of.” Castile said looking at you, his brow furrowed.
“That must be how she got into the bunker without any of us seeing her.” Sam said, trying to make sense of all this. You groaned and shifted in Sam’s arms. “Hey, it’s ok, your ok, I’ve got you.” He tried to sooth you as best he could. Your eyes rolled and for a second Sam thought you were going to come out of it, but you let out a long breath and fell back into unconsciousness. Dean pulled up to the bunker and undid the chains on Crowley.
“I don’t want to see you go near her again.” Dean said to him.
“Scouts honor.” Crowley agreed before disappearing. Cas helped Sam get you out of the car, Sam carried you into the bunker and put you in the spare room. He stood at the end of your bed and contemplated taking your shoes off to make you more comfortable, but decided against it. Sam then got a bowl of water and a washcloth. He dribbled the water into your mouth with the washcloth, you responded by swallowing. Sam didn’t want you to choke so he stopped and decided to get you a glass of water for when you woke up. He rubbed the dirt and dried blood of your forehead and checked any open skin for more injuries. Your wrists were pretty torn up so he went and got some gauze to wrap them up. You still didn’t stir by the time he was done so he reluctantly left you and went to his room to hopefully catch some shut eye.
Your eyes slowly opened and you came back into consciousness. Everything that had happened came rushing back, the bar, the basement, Crowley, and Sam. You looked around at your surroundings. You were on a bed that felt oddly comfortable, the walls were a muted nude tone, and there were no windows. Your mouth was so dry it almost hurt. You turned your head and saw the glass of water, picking it up you smelt it not noticing anything. You gulped the water down forgetting to breathe for a moment, but it wasn’t enough. As you looked back at the glass you noticed your wrists wrapped in gauze, “Sam” you said to yourself with a smile as you lightly touched your bandaged wrists. You got up and slowly looked into the hallway, “where the hell am I?” you thought as you looked around. It was chilly and concrete, large and sturdy. Your fingers grazed the walls as you walked trying to find a source of water. You touched a door and thought about knocking, but decided against it. Turning a corner you saw a large table that lit up, wait, you remembered being here. You looked to your right and saw the library you came to that night. You walked up the steps and started to look at the books, interest overpowering your thirst.
“Hello.” A deep voice said behind you. You jumped slightly and turned around. The man with blue eyes (you think his name was Cas) stood on the last step of the library, clearly trying not to frighten you. He had a small smile on his face, but his eyes were squinted slightly telling you he wasn’t sure how to feel about you.
“Hi, I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“You didn’t, I do not sleep. My name is Castiel, I am an angel of the lord.” He said calmly.
“Did you just say….angel?”
“Yes, I am an angel. It comes as a shock to most humans.” He said still calm as ever.
“Can’t imagine why.” You said as a joke.
“Probably because it is a difficult subject for humans to understand. Angels are not seen by many humans.” He said his brow furrowing.
“Sorry, I was joking.” You said with a smile.
“Right, I often misinterpret jokes.” You gave him an understanding smile.
“If you are and angel, then what is Crowley?”
“Crowley is a demon. Specifically, the king of hell.”
“King of hell?!” You said back your eyebrows shooting up.
“Oh.” Was all you could say back. “Castiel, do you know what I am?” You asked hopeful.
“Yes, you are an empath. From what I have heard, a very powerful one at that.” He said finally walking closer to you.
“I have never had powers before, I was just a normal girl living a normal life.” You said staring down at your hands.
“I do not know what happened, all I know is I can feel the power coming off of you and it is extreme.” You were beginning to gather that Castiel didn’t have much of a bedside manner.
“Right. So empaths, what are they supposed to be able to do?” You asked him glancing into his eyes. He gave you the same description he gave the boys in the car. “Oh my god. How can this be? I feel so confused.” You said running your fingers through your hair, quickly stopping once you realized how knotty your hair was.
“I know, we will figure it out. Sam and Dean are hunters. They will stop at nothing to help you understand, you will be safe with them.”
“I don’t want to stay here, I just want to go home and forget all this ever happened.”
“That’s not going to happen.” Dean said walking into the library. “I’m sorry, I know its not what you wanted to hear, but you aren’t safe right now. One of us will take you home and you can get whatever you need, but your going to have to stay here with us. At least until we can get this all sorted out.”
“You may be in serious danger.” He said looking into your eyes. “Let me, Cas, and Sammy protect you for a little bit. Besides, I am sure there is some kind of lore on empaths in this bunker somewhere.” He said gesturing to the books around you. You could feel the sincerity in him, he really did want to protect you, but you could also feel that he wanted to keep you here in case something went wrong. In case you were something he needed to take care of.
“Ok.” You said defeated your shoulders slumping slightly.
“Good, now I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. You like waffles?” Dean asked.
“Love them.” You said. “Do you mind if I shower?”
“Not at all. We do not have any girl clothes, but I’m sure we can find you something. Come with me.” He said motioning you to follow him. You two walked silently into a large room with a washer and dryer. “Here.” He said pulling out a large flannel, a pair of sweat pants, and a pair of socks. “This is literally all we have.” He said with an apologetic look.
“As long as I can warm up and not be in this skirt anymore.” You said taking the clothes from him. “These are perfect, thank you.” You said looking into his green eyes. Dean then showed you to the bathroom and where Sam kept his shampoo with a boyish grin, he then left you alone.
You shed all your clothes and quickly got under the warm water. Standing under the spray, your emotions came rushing to you in a flood. Your hands began to shake and your stomach felt sour again. Tears fell freely down your face as you mourned for everything you were giving up. Your friends, your job, your house. All the things that made you, you slowly slipped away and what was left scared the hell out of you. This powerful being that you were supposed to be made you nervous and sad. Scared and alone. With as many times as you had been told how “powerful” you were in the last couple of days, you had never felt so tiny, so weak, so vulnerable. Letting yourself feel all of these emotions was cleansing in itself. You washed your hair and body, watching the dirt and blood spin around the drain. Then you took a deep breath and got out of the shower. Putting on the flannel first, you laughed at how long it was on you. Putting on the comfortable clothes made you feel a lot better, warmer, more at home. You walked out of the bathroom and almost collided with Sam.
“Sorry!” He said grasping your shoulders.
“It’s ok.” You said with a small smile, looking into his hazel eyes.
“I see Dean found you some clothes to wear, want me to wash your other ones?” Sam offered.
“No, those I would like to burn.” You said with a chuckle.
“We can take care of that.” Sam said laughing with you.
“Dean’s making waffles and I haven’t eaten in who knows how long.” You said following the smell to the kitchen.
“Right, of course.” Sam said walking with you. You could feel his sincerity same as his brother’s. However, unlike his brother, he trusted you. He wanted what was best for you.
“Thank you, Sam.” You said gesturing to your wrists. “For finding me and for helping me.” He smiled at you could feel the relief wash over him.
“No problem. The gauze got wet in the shower. I can change it if you want, after breakfast.”
“That might be good.” You glanced back to his eyes.
“Good.” He said with a quick nod of his head. The two of you walked into the kitchen and Dean immediately handed you both a plate stacked high with waffles. Once you saw the food and the smell hit your nose you couldn’t help yourself. You sat down at the table and shoveled the food in your face. Sam got you another glass of water, you drank it down in one gulp. He quickly poured you more, getting a pitcher and putting it on the table. Dean put down a plate of bacon on the table and you had to restrain yourself from grabbing the whole thing and putting your face in it. In the middle of you shoving your food in your face, the flannel hanging loosely over your body moved and exposed your birth mark. Castiel reached forward and moved your shirt to the side slightly. You grabbed his hand and looked at him confused.
“I’m sorry, but you have the mark of a witch.” He said. Sam and Dean stopped eating and looked at your chest.
“It’s just a birthmark.” You said trying to move away.
“No, no it’s not.” Dean agreed with Cas.
“Do you have any family?” Sam asked politely.
“No, I’m an only child and my parents died in a car accident when I was 16. I have been on my own ever since.” You explained.
“We have to call Roweena.” Sam said with a sigh.
“Well…shit.” Dean mumbled back.
After breakfast Sam called Roweena.
“Hello, Sam” She answered.
“Roweena, we need you to come here and help us.”
“What? Heavens no.” She quickly snapped.
“The girl, the one Crowley sent to spy on you. She’s an empath.” There was a long pause on the other end of the phone.
“Dear God, are you sure?”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Roweena’s on her way, should be here this evening.” Sam said turning towards all of you. “I’ll start looking into the lore on empaths. There has to be something here.”
“I’ll help you. I want to learn as much as I can.” You said walking over to Sam. He nodded towards you as you both walked over to the library.
“Here, let me change your bandages first.” Sam said walking out of the library and coming back with fresh gauze, a towel, and some antibacterial gel. He knelt in front you and slowly removed the old gauze, it was still wet and starting to itch. He took the towel and gently wiped at your wrists to remove the excess water. The touch of his hot skin on yours was sending you into over drive. His feelings were all rushing to you, stress, fear, anger, but lingering at the bottom was hope. Burning bright like a beacon, hope. Sam rubbed the gel over your wrists and gently wrapped them again with the bandages.
“Thank you.” You said, finding his eyes as he gathered everything.
“Anytime.” He gave you a nod and sat across from you at the table in the library. The two of you looked into almost every book you could get your hands on and found a few things. The lore was basically an overview of what Cas had already told you. Dead end.
You both fell back against the chairs. You rubbed your eyes as Sam pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Sam.” You broke the silence. He looked up at you. “Can we go to my house so I can get some clothes that fit?” You asked.
“Sure, we aren’t finding anything new here anyway.” You both got up and got into the impala. The hour long drive to your house was devoted to small talk. You asked questions about the bunker, about how they became hunters, about how they know an angel. Sam was forthcoming, he answered what you asked and you could feel he was being truthful. He asked you more simple questions, if and where you went college, what you did for a living, how old you were. You pulled up to your house and you got out, running up the stairs and getting the spare key from under the potted plant. You and Sam walked into your home.
Sam thought your home was quaint, homey, cozy. The whole house smelt like you, felt like you. Warm and pure. You ran into your room and grabbed a suitcase out of your closet and began filling it with clothes. You brushed past Sam to go into the bathroom to grab your toiletries and makeup. Walking back into your room, Sam saw you pause as you grabbed a jewelry box. You ran your hands over it, smiling slightly before you placed it into the suitcase as well. You threw in shoes, deodorant, and a few other sprays that Sam didn’t recognize. You closed the suitcase and looked at him. Sam found himself staring into your y/e/c on more than one occasion.
“Ok, I’m ready.” You said grabbing your pillows off the bed. “Actually, wait. I want my blankets.” You said walking over to a wicker basket near your couch, grabbing about 5 fuzzy throw blankets. Sam smiled to himself. He grabbed your suitcase as you balanced your blankets and pillows in your arms. You loaded the car and started the drive home. This drive was filled with more serious conversation.
“How are you feeling? About everything, I mean.” Sam asked you looking at you out of the corner of his eye.
“I’m so scared, Sam. How do I step into this role? I am just a girl. I feel so alone.” You said looking at your hands in your lap. You could feel Sam’s heart aching for you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. If it helps I know what it feels like to have “powers”.” He said with air quotes. “I used to have visions, I know what you mean when you say you feel alone. Just know that Dean, Cas, and I we will do anything to help you. You don’t have to feel alone, not with me around.”
“Thank you, Sam.” You said looking at his profile as he drove you back to the bunker.
The heavy iron door opened and you and Sam stepped inside. You looked around now realizing that you never asked where you were.
“Hey, Sam, can you tell me about this place?” Sam smiled at you as you placed all your stuff in the spare bedroom. Sam sat on your bed as you put your clothes in the dresser and told you all about the men of letters, the bunker and how Sam and Dean came to live there.
“So, your grandfather came into the future and now you live in an underground fortress?”
“Pretty much.” Sam said with a laugh. You laughed with him and for the first time in a while, you felt your whole body laugh along too.
“Sam, Y/N!” You heard Dean’s voice calling you. “Roweena’s here.” The two of you left your room and walked into the library once again. You pulled on Sam’s sleeve and looked up at him. He looked down at you and gave you a reassuring look. 
“Come sit right here, dear.” Roweena said to you, motioning to the table. You could smell her fear, she was afraid of you. You sat down on the table and looked at her. She moved the flannel off of your birth mark and took in a breath.
“Ah, yes, you have been marked by a witch.” She said nodding her head. “I can remove the spell if you would like.” She said looking at Sam and Dean rather than you.
“Crowley already gave me some potion or something, I have my powers.” You said looking at Roweena confused.
“Yes, he gave you something to release your powers, but until the mark is removed you will not have full access to your abilities.”
“Oh, well then take it off.”
“Hold on!” Sam jumped in. “Usually this type of magic comes at a cost. Is there anything we need to worry about?” Sam asked, his jaw set.
“Well, if I remove the mark and she is not strong enough to hold her power it could kill her, but that’s a wee chance.” Roweena said calmly.
“Um, what?” You raised your hand to your mark, covering it.
“Don’t worry, dear. I can feel how strong you are, you’ll be just fine.” Without a seconds delay she moved your hand with hers and touched your mark, she began chanting in Latin. Her eyes rolled back in her head and a burning started on your chest. Your breathing quickened as you looked to the three men for help. Roweena muttered the final word and your head flung back as a scream tore from your lips, Cas caught you before you fell back. Your breathing stopped and your eyes stared straight ahead. No one moved, no one even blinked.
A breathe filled your lungs as your eyes slammed shut. When they opened again, they were a glowing violet and a light emitted from your chest and hands. Your back arched and more screams left your throat, your whole body felt like it was engulfed in flames. Cas laid you flat on the table, Sam and Dean were just staring. Completely in awe. Roweena had her hand over her heart and was muttering protective spells. The light from your chest and hands began to dim slightly and then receded into you, your eyes went from violet to y/e/c and the screaming stopped. You were sprawled out on the table taking long, deep breaths trying to calm down. You sat up and looked at all of them, worry was etched into all of their faces.
“It’s ok, I’m ok.” You said telling yourself more than them. You looked at them, really looked at them and it all started coming to you. Everything they were feeling was rushing through your mind, even Cas. He wasn’t blank anymore, his feelings raced through your mind the more you stared into his eyes. He was petrified, afraid of what you could do. He was also confused, he didn’t understand why you were so powerful. Dean was also incredibly scared, his feelings were pushing into you quick and hot. He was scared of what you may become, he was scared of you. Sam was completely in awe of you and everything that just happened. He was scared too, but not of you. He was afraid of what was coming after you. What he would do to protect you.
Roweena wasn’t staring at you any more. She was quickly gathering her things, and hurrying towards the door.
“Bye boys!” She said over her shoulder and about 5 seconds later you heard the heavy door open and slam shut.
“So, what now?” Dean was the first to speak.
“Got any alcohol?” You suggested.
“Oh that, that I have plenty of.” Dean went and got some glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He poured you each a glass and passed them out. You chugged yours before anyone else could even get their glasses to their lips. You poured yourself another glass and decided to sip this one. The four of you calmed slightly as you all sipped the whiskey and ate the popcorn Dean made.
“Can one of you make me a fire? I would really like to burn the clothes I was kidnapped in.” You said taking another long pull of your drink.
“Absolutely.” Sam responded with a smile.
Once the fire was made you all sat around it, watching your clothes burn away to ash.
“Thank you.” You said addressing all of them. “I appreciate everything you are doing for me. If you hadn’t found me. I don’t know what would have happened.”
“We are going to figure this out, Y/N.” Dean spoke up. You could still feel the nervousness coming off of him. The fear, the apprehension of the unknown, but you could also feel his desire to help and that it often outweighed his fear.
“We will protect you.” Sam said, finishing for his brother. For the first time since your parents died you felt like you had people who understood what it was like to feel heavy and consumed by the world. You believed Sam, Dean, and Cas would do anything for you and in that moment you realized you would do anything for them as well.
Tags: @hunting-the-grievers
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subconfessions · 4 years
Day 16
41 days. 2605 edges. All since my last orgasm.
At this point it was really indescribable how horny and desperate I was feeling 😅 and just how constant that feeling was, always being so sensitive and wet and horny has been driving me wild 🤤
I had a bit of a rough start to my Thursday hah the night before having fallen asleep during my edges (oops 🙇🏼‍♀️) and left 30 undone for the night, and Daddy had pretty quickly let me know that I wasn’t going to get a pass on those edges. Instead of just adding those 30 on to Thursday’s 100, I had to do 200 instead, and I was to put my tack bra on until they were finished. Ouch. But the tack bra is a very good motivator 😅
Before putting my tack bra on after work, I jumped in the shower real quick and sent a couple pictures to a new little group chat daddy added me to, and every picture I sent to the chat would give her 15 edges hehe so I took a few and sent them along to give her something fun to do 😋 daddy also had me send her five squeezes once my tack bra was on. I think these group chats are fun, they make me miss our old group chat, and I get a lil bummed when the new person doesn’t stick around for long.
After showing off to her Daddy asked if I’d wanna show off more on kik, and I said yes of course hehe and posted on the getdare forum Daddy had sent me last time, and posted that the first five people get to see my pussy since I had my tack bra on.
It wasn’t long till we were chatting with that handful of people, some of them were fun, some more fun to just mess around with hehe I definitely like having Daddy in the chats to help me when they do things like call me a slave which I most definitely am nooootttt. Ugh I felt so meh when he called me a slave, the complete opposite to how I feel when Daddy calls me little one and all the other cute names 😋🙈
A couple people we played with there asked for other images and like a good girl I showed them 😋 and Daddy even took a picture of me putting in my large plug for someone hehe when he sends those pictures from his side of the screen it always makes me feel a lil extra submissive cause it’s just even more confirmation that he’s definitely there watching me.
After showing off to those first five people Daddy thought it would be a fun idea to play on Omegle for him tooooo and I was a little nervous but also excited, Daddy had never seen me play with people on Omegle only heard about what I’d done. So having him watch me play with others made me feel a tiny bit shy at first, but after a minute I remembered there’s nothing to feel shy about.
So I definitely got more comfortable cruising through Omegle, people disconnecting from me left and right - I can only assume they thought I was fake, since I was sitting there very obviously naked aside from my bra.
But I managed to find a handful of people to play with, a couple having me play with my tits for them, after I mentioned the tacks torturing them of course. Showing them the large plug in my ass, playing with my pussy a bit, but not cumming of course. Then one guy wanted to see me double stuff myself and I usually dont with my large plug, but I was up for it, he had me sit on top of it and bounce on it and oh my god it felt incredible. But boy it didn’t last too long till Daddy asked me if it felt good being double stuffed and then asked if I would give him a loud “yes daddy” and without hesitation I did because it felt amazinggg.
And then.
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
I had to reread the message twice.
“Turn off Omegle and get out your vibe let’s give you an orgasm”
I don’t even know what face I made but I’m sure it was priceless 😅
I was elateddddd
I couldn’t believe I was getting my orgasm finally
I had waited so long, I tried so hard to be so good about not cumming early through my long stretch of denial and I had finally done ittttt 😁😁😁
And I was finally about to have that mind blowing orgasm I haven’t been able to get off my mind for weeks.
Not gonna lie, for a split second I thought it was a test, but I know Daddy wouldn’t take his teasing thaaaat far (I mean I hope not 😅).
I didn’t think about it long enough to really consider that though haha, I closed out of omegle so fast (Poor guy was probably enjoying his view haha) and I dove for my vibrator in my box, because I was sooooo ready for this orgasm. I had been waiting sooooo long and edging sooooo many times to get to this and I couldn’t believe it was already here. Daddy had been teasing about the day after my birthday so much that he was definitely convincing me that was when it was gonna be 🙇🏼‍♀️
So getting that orgasm just shocked the absolute shit outta me 😅
I laid back, but Daddy had me come back to him, and he told me all about why I deserve this orgasm and why he’s giving it to me and 1) that just made me feel so fuzzy and super proud of myself and happy and 2) it completely destroyed the mental block I have on cumming.
And with my vibrator on I gave myself one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had. I saw stars. The feeling was really indescribable, and I felt it just from the top of my head down to my toes and it was unbelievable and incredible to finally release after soooo long and soooo much edging building up my need to cum. My head was fuzzy and light when I was finally able to sit up and talk to Daddy who had just watched and heard everything.
Daddy told me to tie my vibe to me and we’d put it on and I’d get to cum as many times as I wanted before the vibe died. So I tried to make quick work tying the vibe to myself and this was the first time Daddy had ever watched my tie myself up. And I was thankful that I knew what I was doing at this point when it comes to tying my crotch ropes hehe 😋
It was kind of sad though because my vibe died after one orgasm. Just one. I dunno why either 🙇🏼‍♀️ because I had it fully charged and in the box. But the worst part of that was I was gonna have to tell Daddy it died. But of course I told him and he questioned me about it but had another idea. He asked me how many times I wanted to cum today.
That made me pause.
Because the answer to that is as many times as I can.
But I knew that wasn’t an answer.
And I knew if I said 100 that would be silly.
So I decided to go with 16 😅 cause that was how many I got the first time Daddy had me tape the vibe to my clit for him.
And Daddy shocked me again and told me I was going to have to cum 16 more times for him then by the end of the day.
No way 😳🤤😅
I couldn’t believe it honestly.
This was such a rollercoaster, I wasn’t expecting this at all today, and even when I was told I would get an orgasm I didn’t even imagine that I would end up with 18 total.
So I went to charge my vibe again so I could use it for my orgasms.
But Daddy had me grab my pink vibe so that he could play with me a bit toooo, and I realllyyy like it when Daddy uses it with me. It’s always so much hotter knowing Daddy’s the one playing around with it and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I can’t even move or buck my hips away from it.
So from that alone Daddy gave me a handful of orgasms contributing to my 16 I still needed to have. And my brain was already turning into jello. After not having cum for so long and now having orgasm after orgasm 🤤🤤🤤 my brain was just shutting down, and my legs were shaking, and my pussy was just so so happy and getting more and more sensitive with each orgasm.
The rest of them I gave to myself. Either using my dildo, or my vibe, or both,. Alll with Daddy watching. For awhile I had my plug in my ass, till Daddy told me to take it out and fuck my ass the way my friend did. And ugh just thinking about all of this now is getting me so horny again because it felt soooo good. I came so fast from having my ass fucked, it always surprises me that I can cum from just anal alone, but I won’t complain 😜
With each orgasm they just built in intensity and my brain just got more and more mushy, at first it was hard to keep track of my orgasms for Daddy, he wanted me to make sure I was counting them out loud, but my orgasm brain made that very difficult.
And I finally finished my last orgasm. It was honestly so bittersweet but it was so so so so soooo worth it. It felt almost as incredible and intense as the first one, and I think that was due go knowing that would be my last orgasm for awhile.
But man is the denial worth it. So so soo worth it 🤤 those were some of the best orgasms that I’ve had, and having earned them after all that time just made them that much better 😍😋
So those were my orgasms hehe and I am very wet after having relieved them 😅 and I guess it’s time to start all over huh?
Until next time 😋😋
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idreamofhazeleyes · 5 years
Ties in Blood -- Chapter 34
Notes: Yeah, I’m taking longer than usual in getting the chapters/drabbles up.
@mrswhozeewhatsis  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @squirrelnotsam @impala-dreamer @optimisticpeacecollector5 @bamby0304 @kittenofdoomage @idreamofplaid
Chapter 34
“There’s no way there’s angels,” Aaliyah argued.
“Then what else could it be?” Sam countered.
Aaliyah had been pacing Bobby’s living room where he sat at his desk, Sam sat in a chair with Dean standing not far from.
“All I know is that I wasn’t groped by an angel,” Dean tossed into the conversation.
“Okay, Dean. But what would this Castiel have to lie to you about it?” Sam asked.
“Maybe he’s some kind of demon. They lie.”
“A demon that’s immune to salt rounds, devil’s traps, and Ruby’s knife,” Aaliyah said, her pacing coming to a stop. “Lilith’s afraid of that thing.”
“Don’t you think at one point a hunter … you know … woulda seen one?” Dean asked them both.
“You did,” Aaliyah pointed out.
“I’m trying to figure out a theory here; work with me,” Dean pled. “One with less fairy dust.”
“Okay, look.” Sam leaned forward in the chair. “I’m not saying we know for sure. I’m just saying that we …”
“That’s the point, we don’t know for sure. So I’m not gonna believe that this … thing’s an angel of the Lord just because it says it is.”
“You three chuckleheads gonna argue religion, or come look at this?” Bobby called over to them.
Aaliyah looked over at the older hunter and walked over to look at what was laid out.
“I got stacks of lore,” he started. “Biblical, pre-Biblical. Hell, some of it’s in cuneiform. It all says that an angel can snatch a soul from the Pit.”
“What else?” Dean prodded. “What else can it do?”
“Air lift your ass outta hell? Nothing.”
“This is good news,” Sam said.
“How’s this good news?” Aaliyah asked.
“For once this isn’t demon crap. He was saved by the good guys.”
“Say it is true,” Dean jumped in. “Then what? There’s a God?”
“At this point, Vegas’ money’s on yeah,” Bobby said.
“I don’t know, guys.” Dean took a few steps away from the desk.
“I know you’re not all choir boy about this,” Sam said. “But it’s becoming less about belief and more about proof.”
“Proof?” Aaliyah questioned; her eyes narrowed. “What proof?” She heard Dean join them back at the desk.
“That there’s a God out there …”
“And he gives a crap about me personally?” Dean cut Sam off. “I’m not buying it.”
Aaliyah nodded. Why would God, or any deity, give a crap about someone who was in Hell? Or a misfit family of hunters?
“Why not?” Sam asked.
“Because why me? If there is a God, why would he give a crap about me?” Dean asked. “I mean, I’ve saved some people, okay. I figured that makes up for the stealing and ditching chicks. But why do I get to be saved? I’m just a regular guy.”
“Apparently you’re a regular guy that’s important to the man upstairs,” Sam argued.
“That creeps me out,” Dean said. “I don’t like being singled out at birthday parties, much less … God.”
“What do we know about angels?” Aaliyah cut in. She watched Bobby lift up a pile of books and dropped them on the desk.
“Start reading,” the older hunter instructed.
Aaliyah took a book from the pile while Dean told Sam he was getting pie. She flomped down onto the couch and got comfortable. After a while, her attention drifted away from the book. Her head started nodding as sleep crept up on her. The sound of her phone ringing caught her from answering sleep’s call.
“Mm’lo,” she muttered.
“Is this Aaliyah Fisher?” the caller asked.
“Depends on why you’re calling?” Aaliyah adjusted herself on the couch into a sitting position.
“I’m calling on the behalf of one Casey Fisher. My name’s Georgetta Hayes, Mr. Fisher’s lawyer. I need to get ahold of any one of Mr. Fisher’s children.”
“What about?” Aaliyah dug.
“It is something I feel better discussed in person with my retainer’s children,” Georgetta told her. “Can you pass on the message to them?”
“Only if you can provide an address for them?” Aaliyah countered, searching for a scrap piece of paper and pen. She jotted the address down as the lawyer provided it. “Thank you.” She ended the call as she pushed herself off the couch.
“Guys, something’s come up,” she called out, gathering her things.
“And you’re taking off?” Dean asked. “What’s so important…”
“Family issues, apparently. I know finding out what brought you out of hell, but maybe dealing with this…” Aaliyah held up the address. “Will finally stop my father coming out of the past.”
“Your fault for digging him up in the first place,” Dean told her.
“Yeah, I know.” Aaliyah made sure she had her things packed and headed for the door, stopping long enough to give Dean a kiss on his head. “I’ll keep in touch. Promise. Call me if anything major happens.”
She stepped out the back door and down the steps to her cycle. With her things secured in the saddle bags, Aaliyah mounted the cycle and started it up. Her stomach knotted a little from guilt in leaving the three hunters, but the lawyer refused to discuss matters over the phone. No matter, she would just call Leo and Nissa when she stopped on the way back to her hometown.
Aaliyah dumped her bag on the motel bed and fumbled through it for clean clothes. Having pushed through the night, the only things she was looking forward to was a hot shower and a quick nap. Her cell started ringing as she started up the shower.
“I hope you’re not planning on yelling,” she spoke. “After all your family drama I was dragged through…”
“It’s your family drama too,” Leo cut in. “Just so you know. Where are you?”
“In town, just got a room. Why?”
“Feel like lunch with me and Nissa? Think Xander’s looking forward to seeing you.”
Aaliyah stopped in middle of stripping off her shirt at the mention of her brother’s name. Guilt crept in before she shoved it off to a side. “The rehab place let him out?”
“After our work with the Djinn, they were a bit … eager to get him out,” Leo said. “You’d know that if you kept in touch more often.”
“I’m bad enough trying to keep myself in check,” Aaliyah countered. “We can play catch up in, say about an hour at Annie’s Kitchen.”
“Sure, sounds good.”
She waited for Leo to end the call before putting her phone on the sink counter. Making the shower quick and putting on the clean clothes, Aaliyah made sure she had her things before grabbing her helmet and heading out.
“Liyra,” Nissa greeted as she pushed herself to her feet for a hug.
Aaliyah accepted the hug, returning it. “Hey, Nissa.”
“What’s up with the biker get up?” Xander asked.
Aaliyah pulled from Nissa and looked at her older brother. “I was taken in by a biker gang a few months back; adopted more or less.” She shed the leather jacket and draped it over the back of a chair. “It’s been quite a while since Christmas last year.”
“Anything to drink, love?” the waitress asked as Aaliyah sat.
“Coffee, or coke. Anything caffeinated.”
The waitress nodded and headed off.
“So, what’s happened with you and the Hardy Boys?” Leo asked. “How much trouble did you guys get into?”
Aaliyah sat there as memories flashed through her mind between Christmas the year before and then. Her body shuttered when her mind froze on the images of Dean bloody on the ground after being torn to shreds by the hellhounds.
“Aaliyah, what is it?” Xander’s voice cut into her memory.
“It’s … um … Dean had made a cross roads deal to bring Sam back from the dead a little more than a year ago,” she started. “But unlike the usual ten years, he got one. All of last year, even during Christmas, I with the boys tried to find a way to break the deal. We weren’t that lucky.” She took a breath, trying to steady herself. “A hellhound ripped Dean to shreds when his time was up. I had checked out mentally for a week at Bobby’s after that. I took off from his place, getting his words all twisted up, and went off on my own before the bikers took me in.”
She looked around at her siblings just as the waitress came back with the drink for Aaliyah. “Do you all need a minute or two to decide?”
They nodded, sending the waitress off.
“That’s rough,” Leo said. “Remind me not to make any deals like that.”
“You should know not to do that period,” Xander told him. “So, you got involved with a biker group?”
“The Dragons. They know all about Hunters, the supernatural, and all things that go bump in the night,” Aaliyah kept her voice low. “Through no fault of my own.” She grabbed a menu and glanced over the options. “I actually kept out of active hunting until I heard on the news about all the windows being blown out by something.”
“Sub sonic boom,” Leo tossed out. “I’m sure a fighter jet broke the sound barrier that caused it.”
Aaliyah shook her head. “Wasn’t a jet. It was whatever brought Dean back from hell.”
Leo and Nissa half choked on their drinks.
“Wait, he’s back? How?” Nissa asked.
Aaliyah half shrugged. “According to Sam, it was an angel. Dean doesn’t believe it; and I’m …” She shrugged again. “I’m not fully buying it. Being used to dealing with demons and things that wanna kill me, I can’t wrap my head around the fact that there are legit actual angels out there willing to help one lone hunter.”
“You’re joking, right?” Leo asked. “Demons, I get. But even they won’t let someone escape from hell. Why would any angel help any of us?”
“Why would a demon let any of us out of hell?” Nissa countered.
“They wouldn’t.”
Aaliyah looked up from the menu when the waitress returned. She waited for her siblings to order before placing hers. “So, am I to naturally assume we’ve all been called by father’s lawyer?” She watched each of them nod. “Something she couldn’t discuss over the phone?”
“And trying to reach any one of us,” Xander added. “And reaching all of us, it seems.”
“But what’s this business?” Leo asked. “And why in person?”
“Maybe he finally died,” Aaliyah suggested. “The world’s better off with one less of him.”
“If that’s the case, the lawyer might be trying to execute whatever will Father had,” Nissa said.
“If he died, why didn’t mom call us?” Leo asked his sister.
“Maybe she wasn’t listened as one who was to receive anything,” Nissa guessed. “Or the lawyer already told her what she was getting.”
“Or she already got it,” Xander added.
“Does she even know about us?” Aaliyah asked, gesturing between her and Xander. “I saw no pictures of us at the house a few years ago.”
“Wait, you were at our house?” Nissa asked, putting her drink down.
Aaliyah shot a semi guilty look over to Xander, who shrugged. “It was a few years ago when I was trying to figure out what happened to Xander and dad. Before I got caught up with the Winchesters full time.”
“Whatever the lawyer wants, we’ll find out after breakfast,” Leo said.
Aaliyah shifted in her chair as the receptionist went about their work and ignoring the four young adults. They had arrived soon after breakfast nearly an hour ago. The woman that had arrived well after them emerged from the lawyer’s office while Georgetta and the woman exchanged farewells. The woman walked out while Georgetta walked back into her office.
“Forget this,” Aaliyah muttered to her siblings as she got to her feet.
Behind her, the receptionist called after her; which Aaliyah ignored. She threw open the door just as Georgetta sat down at the desk.
“You can’t keep us sitting out there all day, Ms. Hayes,” Aaliyah snapped at the lawyer. “You called all four of Casey Fisher’s children, and all four showed up. Now, we’re going to handle this business in person just like you asked of us.”
“I cannot unless…” Georgetta trailed off when the other three siblings walked into the office.
Aaliyah heard the door close behind her while the other two took a seat in the offered two chairs. “Now, you have all four of us here. What is this business to be done in person?”
She watched Georgetta shift in her chair before turning around to dig through some folders. The lawyer returned with one folder.
“I never liked giving bad news like this to relatives,” Georgetta started. “Your father had died about month ago in a freak accident.”
“What sort of accident?” Xander asked.
“All I was told was his body was found out in the woods torn to shreds and his heart missing.”
Aaliyah swore she heard her siblings share a look while she focused on Georgetta. Sounded like the classic werewolf case to her. “What happened to the rest of him?”
“His wife, a Helen Fisher, had him cremated due to his final wishes. And she currently still resides in their house,” Georgetta replied. “Which is acceptable. Which leaves you four. Which of you is Xander?” She nodded when he raised his hand. “You are granted the deed for the land of your childhood home. If you so wish to have it.”
Aaliyah glanced back at her brother, who shook his head. “He doesn’t want it; how does he go about selling it and getting the money from the sale?” She crossed her arms.
“Don’t worry about the details,” Georgetta assured her. “I take it that you’re Aaliyah. He’s given you the keys and title to his truck. Saying how it will work for those jobs when you need to move a dead body. And for Nissa and Leo…” She scanned the paper. “Your father’s other truck. It seems your father had a well off roofing company and the two trucks had been there since the beginning.”
“So, that’s all it was? Handing out property?” Leo asked with a scoff.
“And monies willed to Aaliyah and Xander from their mother’s will. I understand she passed a couple decades ago. It took me this long to hunt you four down for your father.”
“So, they get money and a truck while we get just a truck?” Leo started.
“Not now,” Aaliyah cut him off, barely turning to look at him. “Is there anything we have to do?”
Georgetta flipped through the paperwork. “I’ll sign over the trucks over to you and your young siblings, and start the paperwork for the funds to be transferred into Ms. Aaliyah and Mr. Xander’s accounts. IF there’s any other questions…”
“How’d our father pass away?” Nissa asked.
“The corner’s report says wolf attack with the heart missing.”
Aaliyah uncrossed her arms and actually turned to look at her siblings.
“Well, that’s … unfortunate,” Xander said. “Thanks for telling us. Guys, I think our business here is done.”
Aaliyah heard the warning in her brother’s voice and turned back to Georgetta. “If there’s anything to be mailed…” she reached into her back pocket and pulled out her walled; dropping a card on the desk. “Send it there.” She turned for the door, opening it for Xander to roll through. “And I and one of my siblings over there will be by later for our trucks.”
She was the last one out, closing the door behind them.
“What now?” Leo asked, leaving the building. “Dad’s dead, finally. And we get little from it.”
“You still got a house and a mother to go back to,” Aaliyah snapped. “We don’t. So, go back to your middle class life and leave us alone. And stay out of hunting. I shouldn’t have to remind you what happens if things go bad in a hunt.”
She helped Xander into his vehicle and started off down the road.
Aaliyah killed the bike as she came up to Bobby’s. With a call from Dean on the way back from dealing with the lawyer as a warning, she had arrived at the house ready for a fight. She hadn’t seen the Impala, but expected it to pull up at any second. No time to wait for the men to arrive, Aaliyah checked her handgun and eased her way to the door. Just as the rumble of the Impala’s engine echoed through the salvage yard.
One of the brothers had called out to her as she slipped into the house. She ignored them. The call she had with Bobby hadn’t gone well when she told him that the lawyer was going to send paperwork there. The fire poker was laying on the floor in the living room.
“Bobby,” she called out, gun ready.
She heard a door creak open and turned toward. Behind her were the footsteps of someone being quiet in their walking. A hand went up and gestured toward the door.
“Come out, come out, whoever you are,” Aaliyah called.
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eightmakar · 6 years
English Boy | Two
(College!Harrison Osterfield AU)
Teaser | One
Summary: Studying with a cute boy is hard
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: the beginnings of smut
(a/n: school sux im sorry this took ten years but enjoy!! tag list is open so send me an ask!)
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can you help me study this weekend? i have a test on monday and I wanna make sure I’m good
sure! can I bring my Macbeth essay for you to proof?
definitely! if you come over to mine ill get pizza?
i never pass up free pizza! what time?
1:00 Saturday?
sounds good, see you then!
“That sounds an awful lot like a date,” your best friend said when you told her about your study session with Harrison.
You rolled your eyes. “Every meeting with a boy sounds like a date to you.”
“Okay, but you said this Harrison guy was really cute, so cute boy plus pizza plus “studying” at his place equals a date. I’m not a math major, but that’s some pretty solid math.”
You sighed. “Look, I need to pass both my English lit classes, so if your girl has to do some sexy stuff to get his help, you bet I’ll do it. And I wouldn’t complain if he insisted on thanking me for being a brilliant math teacher.”
Your best friend laughed. “Wouldn’t that be something. Fucking a cute English major to get better grades. Maybe I should get a tutor. It sounds like the university is playing matchmaker.”
“But babe,” you teased with a smirk. “You’ve already fucked 90% of the guys in the school!”
She pursed her lips. “It’s actually only 75%, thank you very much.”
You stuck your tongue out at her. She knew you could care less who she slept with as long as she was safe, and she had a good sense of humor about it.
But sleep with Harrison? You hadn’t really thought about it. Yet, that is. He was stunningly attractive, but he was also incredibly intelligent, and you loved that about him. You’d slept with guys before, sure, but it had been a long time since you felt an emotional, intellectual attraction to someone. You liked the way Harrison thought; he was analytical but not like you were. He didn’t look for formulas and patterns and numbers, he looked for meaning, which excited you, but also was quite intimidating.
Saturday came around and you drove yourself to Harrison’s apartment. You were nervous. You kept telling yourself that you and Harrison were just studying and that was it, but ever since your best friend had mentioned fucking Harrison, you couldn’t get the images out of your mind.
Harrison on his knees in front of you, his hair and blue eyes between your legs. Being on your knees in front of Harrison, staring up at him. Him hovering over you, fingers dancing against your skin. You shook the images out of your head the best you could as you knocked on his apartment door.
Another boy who was not Harrison but was still incredibly attractive opened the door. “Hey, you must be (Y/N)!” he greeted cheerily.
“Yeah! Is, uh, is Harrison home?”
“Yep, he’s getting out of the shower right now. I’m Tom, Harrison’s roommate.” He stuck his hand out and you shook it. “C’mon in!”
You walked in and took the place in. It was light and warm and comforting. You loved it.
“You guys have such a nice place!” You called as Tom scurried to a bedroom.
“Thanks, I decorated it myself,” Harrison’s voice said. You turned and there he stood, gray t shirt clinging deliciously to his arms, athletic shorts low on his hips, his hair still wet, and barefoot.
“Oh,” you said softly. You mentally slapped yourself for your reaction. You weren’t expecting Harrison to look so damn good in basic clothes.
“Oh to you too,” he said with a chuckle. “Pizza’ll be here in like 45 minutes.”
You cleared your throat and diverted your eyes from Harrison. “Good, I’m starving!”
You stood awkwardly until Harrison said, “You don’t have to stand the whole time, (Y/N). You can sit.”
You laughed nervously before sitting down on his couch. You dug your fingernails into your palm, trying to refocus yourself. “Sorry, I’m a little off today. What’s your test on?”
Harrison sat down next to you. You could feel the heat from his body radiating toward you. “Derivatives and their applications. Here, my teacher gave me a study guide.” He handed you a crisp piece of paper loaded with terms, definitions, and formulas.
“Okay, so should we just start from the beginning?” You offered. You reached for your backpack and produced your notebook. You preferred to write things down, especially when showing him math problems.
“Sounds like the best place to start,” Harrison said. He smiled softly at you and your heart pounded. You breathed deeply, then began to draw a graph.
Thank God for numbers. Harrison was much less distracting when you were thinking of numbers and how they interact with each other. They were clear cut, with rules that they followed, equations they were governed by. No emotions or feelings involved.
Or so you thought.
You were explaining the second derivative test to Harrison when his hand snuck its way onto your thigh. Your words stumbled a bit, but you continued to draw out your sign chart to determine if the graph was concave up or down.
He scooted over closer to you. He sat sideways on the couch, facing you, while you sat the correct way, facing the television in front of you. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your bicep, and you froze.
“Harrison? What are you doing?” You asked. Surprise made your voice sound angry, and Harrison looked scared.
“Fuck, you’re not into me,” he said, scooting back. “Oh, fuck, I’m so sorry, I’m such an asshole. I’ve ruined it now.”
“Oh,” you said. Your face felt furiously hot. “Oh, oh no, Harrison, I’m very much into you. I just wasn’t expecting that. I, uh, get really wrapped up in math.”
His eyes widened and his face brightened. “Seriously? You’re not saying that because you feel bad, right?”
“Oh, not at all,” you squeaked in disbelief. “I think you’re extremely attractive. I just about fell over when you came out of the bathroom.”
“Thank fuck,” Harrison said. He then leaned over, gently grabbed your face, and kissed you.
You shoved your notebook out of your lap and clambered into his lap, keeping your lips on his. His hands slid down your body and landed on your ass. You silently thanked your best friend for insisting you wear jeans that made you ass look incredible.
Your hands trailed over his chest, tugging on the fabric. He reached his arms over his head and allowed you to pull his gray t-shirt over his smooth body. You threw it behind him, mouth immediately finding his collarbones. You ground your body down on his, feeling his cock start to harden beneath you. It brushed against your core and you moaned into his skin.
He returned the favor, tugging your shirt over your head to reveal your lacy black bra. You grabbed his hands and moved them to grab your breasts. He took the hint and began to massage them. He groaned at the feeling of them in his large hands.
“You’re gorgeous,” he mumbled, kissing the swell of your breasts.
“You’re not too shabby yourself,” you giggled back, dragging your hand through his hair. You softly scratched at his scalp while he touched you.
“I guess I’ll take that,” he said with a chuckle.
Suddenly, Tom’s door opened. “Hey, H,” he called. “Pizza’s here, I just got the text.”
You and Harrison froze. Tom emerged from his room to see you straddling Harrison. Thankfully, all he did was laugh.
“Alright, H, I see ya. I’ll take my pizza and I’ll get outta here,” Tom chuckled.
Your face felt hot and you buried it into Harrison’s shoulder. “God,” you whispered to him.
“I’ve caught Tom in much worse situations,” he whispered back. “One time I caught him mid-blowjob. The poor girl giving it to him ran out crying.”
You laughed into his skin, suddenly feeling much better about your reaction.
@upsidedownparker​ @ibtomholland​ @beautiful-holland​ @idektomholland​ @whyispeterparker​ @notimeforthemessenger​ @ineedsomemoremetime​ @unicorngummybears​ @i-dont-wanna-go-mr-stark @inspiredbynewt​ @bi-writes @tshollandlove​​ @hazhasmycoffee​​ @checkthisoutmaybeifyouwanna​​ @all-the-best-people-are-weird​ @fakelchv​​ @sunshineperriee​​ @avengersgirllorianna​​ @starksparker​​ @spiderboytotherescue​ @fuckyou-imspiderman​
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ethereal-pluto-blog · 6 years
I feel like shit today
I'm lethargic, slow, crying, and insecure. So yep ~depression~ has come to rear its ugly head once again.
But since I'm not into the whole anti-recovery thing, I'll give you some useful tips on how to maybe help YOUR depression that doesn't seem like a generic twitter self help thread. (Though I'll mention some things I found helpful and give explainations as to why.)
Talk to your therapist/counselor/mental health expert if available. Not everyone has the luxury of seeking professional help, but if you have the opportunity, PLEASE go to a professional. However be noted that it's often an experience to go through many different experts to find the one that matches your specific needs/ you like the most. Also keep in mind there are also online therapists ready to help if you're not big on one-on-one contact like myself, though often insurance is tricky. I put this one first because it might be the most beneficial for some, though not readily available for others.
If you have the strength, shower. Showering/cleaning yourself is a blessing in itself as it gives you a sense of detox. Though if you don’t have the strength or motivation, try some of this instead-
Utilize facewash and lotion. Particularly facewash that makes your face feel all chill and tingly, it makes you feel more refreshed. Lotions and cream will help you keep skin smooth.
Simply get wet with water, a quick 5 minute rinse in hot water is less of a chore than a full shower.
Dry shampoo will help with hair oiliness. Though if you don't have access just brush your hair and pull it/part it so it's out of your face.
Baby wipes. Baby wipes will cure yo soul. But seriously use baby wipes and rub them on your face, underarms, and genitals. A good rub down will help prevent you from feeling gross.
Splashing your face with cold water, it makes your pores tighten up and as a bonus it'll wake you up.
Utilize deodorant and vaseline. I haven't tried it out for myself, though if you put down deodorant and then vaseline on top it should trap the nice fragrant smell. And while you're at it you can put on cologne / perfume if you think you're getting a lil ripe, but if you want to smell like a fresh shower use ones that are labeled "shower fresh" or "baby powder."
If your lips are chapped, put on some balm shisters. (I don't trust the brand chapstick, I'm a conspiracy theorist okay I'm soRRy)
Change into some cleaner clothes. They don't have to be normal everyday clothes but at least change into new clothes, especially underwear.
Clean your fingernails/toenails. Clean under them, since random junk can get stuck up in there. Also clip them if they're too long for your liking.
Brush your teeth. But if you can't, use mints, gum, mouthwash, mouthspray, etc, or a combination of those. Anything minty will make your mouth tingle and feel fresh and clean.
Clean yo ears! Since probably nobody uses an ear vacuum (like you're supposedly supposed to idk I'm too broke for that shit anyways) just be careful using Q-tips.
If you don’t have any deodorant, try hand sanitizer! I'm not kidding. Put a dollop under each underarm, and let dry. Smells are caused by bacteria, so if you get hand sanitizer, it should greatly reduce smell.
Try to get some sun. Using the natural sunlight will help you absorb vitamin D. So open up the blinds and photosynthesize binches. Though it also helps to open up the window if you can, a breeze/fresh air blowing in with the smell of outside might even raise your mood. Though if it's currently shitty weather outside, try turning on your lights to match your circadian rhythm, so keep lights on during the day and dim it at night so it'll help with letting you be on a decent sleep schedule.
Feeling like there's no hope or that your future is going to be shit? Highkey me too, but here's what I do to combat that feeling.
It's corny, but I write a whole idealized future for myself. I write about my dream job, I write about my dream s/o, I even imagine the type of house I want to live in, the kids I'll have, what kind of pets I want to own. Etc. Although the economy is shit and no future is guaranteed, it's nice to put some positivity into light and show what I really want in life. I don't want to be some millionaire, I just want to be comfortably well off with a family and people that love me. And in all honesty a future like that isn't hard to obtain.
Even if you can't imagine a good future for yourself, imagine being a part of your friends or loved one's futures. For example, you know your friend who's dating this really cute person that you totally ship them with? Imagine being a part of the bridesmaids/groomsmen for their wedding when they tie the knot! Imagine your really smart friend finally graduating from college and you're at their graduation party giving them a speech! For me this really helps since I aspire to be drinking buddies with my best friend's future husband. (I'm rlly goofy ik lmao)
Feeling stressed about not doing anything? We've all been there. Try:
Doing work if you're due for assignments, though don't do it alone, if you can, arrange a group text/tutoring session/Skype call. If everyone is focused on getting something done then you'll be motivated to do it with them.
Though if you don’t absolutely have to do anything but want to do ~s o m e t h i n g~ I also got your back on this too.
Organize your inbox for your email. (Ik I'm lame)
Tidy/clean your room/any room if that gives you something to do.
Make your bed.
Cuddle someone/something.
Rearranging your stuff in your room, makes it feel like a whole remodel tbh.
Burn candles/incense. Don't ask just...trust me on this it can change the aura.
If you're religious, practice!
Take aesthetic photos of things in your room. Download VSCO and experiment with it. I also recommend Huji Cam and Afterlight. All are available for IOS and Android.
If you appreciate music- use YouTube and find some Playlists, or if you can, spotify premium will save yo mortal soul.
Like video games? Play some! Or if you're a brokeass like me, let's plays and walk throughs work well too.
If you got pets, pet them. Do it. Snuggle. Or if you love animals in general go and watch some vids on YouTube.
Build a fort.
If you're an artist or appreciate art- draw! Or you can watch animatics, animation memes, art channels, or follow artists on here or on Instagram and Twitter if you want to be inspired, or just observe.
Have a certain series you keep putting off? Watch! It! Netflix/Hulu that shit. Or cable TV works too.
Go on Wikipedia and just go on an adventure. Click from link to link and see where it takes you. Learn some weird new facts!
Read a new book.
Read the news/watch the news.
Write about a certain topic that you're absolutely fascinated about.
Watch movies!
Join a club/interest group. You can do this online too and it'll help meet people with similar interests as you. You can make new friends this way.
Give your friends a call/text. Having conversations will keep you occupied.
Self love aka masturbate. Or have (safe) sex with someone you trust!
Do some makeup/skincare routine. Even if you think you look bad just commit to practicing.
Sometimes it's just funny to go through and read some Reddit threads so be safe when surfing on there.
Stretch and move around! Dance if you wanna!
Do your hair/experiment in some new styles, maybe even dye it if you feel daring.
Have an icon you stan? Stan HARDER.
Watch iconic vine/rare vine compilations until you can memorize them.
Clean out your phone contacts of people that are irrelevant/toxic!! Out of sight out of mind! Don't hang on to them if they did you wrong. All the text conversations will just make you feel worse!
Actually cook your favorite food, cooking it will make you more dedicated to eating it and give you more of an appreciation for it.
Organize your closet.
Organize anything in your room/closet. Throw away things that you don't need or are too old to use.
Start collecting things, stuffed animals, pins, snowglobes, you name it.
Pinterest is addictive lowkey so try that if you're into that kind of stuff.
Write! Write a new story, write poetry, write about your feelings, write a letter, write fanfiction, express yourself.
Use Duolingo to try and study a new language to learn. (The owl will harass tf outta your email though but as long as you do like 5 minutes a day he won't bother.)
That's about all I can think of but feel free to add more for activities to dedicate your time to.
If you need to, because of your self image, don't go and stand in front of mirrors. If I stand in front of a mirror too long I'll end up scrutinizing myself and find a flaw after flaw. If you are specifically insecure about something with your body, look up models who have the same thing! Like if you're insecure about having vitiligo, look up Winnie Harlow! She's gorgeous! If you're insecure about being chubby, look up plus sized models! If you have a tooth gap, there's plenty of people like you! You don't have to feel ugly because of that when you have these awesome models rocking what they got.
Vent. You can vent to your friends, family, or even online. There are apps that allow you to vent anonymously to others without the fear of judgement. But if you can't do that, take a pen/pencil and write something down in your notebook. Though don't reread it to keep drowning in the negativity, once you write it, shut it. You can do the same on Google Docs online, once you write down everything, delete it. Don't keep trying to fuel your negative thoughts and bitterness, get your rant over with and be done. It's like a fresh start. (Plus on my Instagram spam account I always feel really silly looking at my old rant posts, so I usually delete stuff afterwards when I'm not feeling so in my feelings).
Don't expect recovery to be in a straight line. You'll have amazing days and also have extremely shitty days. Recovery isn't hoping to never experience shitty days, recovery is being able to feel the strength on those shitty days and know that they'll pass, and with each storm you'll be stronger than before. Don't push yourself to be flawless, because shit happens. But you'll make it through. And that's what matters.
And last but not least, seek emergency help if you feel like you're dangerously close to ending your life due to pain. Call the suicide hotline for support, because the pain can ease soon if you ask for the help that you need and deserve.
Not everyone that reads this is going to be like "wow this really helped me cope with my depression/mental illness!" But my goal was to at least try. It may not work for everyone unfortunately, but I hope that anyone dealing with a mental illness is on the road to recovering. Because I know how it feels. It feels sucky as fuck. But if this helps even just one person, then that's enough. I hope everyone has at least a decent day, and I hope that everyone's pain eases soon.
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kdenbibi · 7 years
Endless Chapter 4 Damian Wayne x reader (x various)
Summary: What should be a boring outing turns into something else very,very fast.
Warnings: Mature language, light violence, Jon being the sweetheart he is.
Author Note: Thank you for being patient!! I’ve reunited with my laptop so i can finally post :’) also holy shit this is the longest chapter so far wHOOPS- Feedback and or questions are always welcome lovelies 
Tag list: @mirajanestrauss1999
Saturday morning finally rolled around and I wanted nothing more than to sleep in, as it turns out, showing Jon around our obnoxiously large campus took a toll, that and the added stress of everyone and they mama asking me about him like I was his keeper, made me tired in like, seven different ways.
I rolled deeper into my soft covers, ready to drift back into the dreamless state I was in but the universe, of course, had other plans.
And by universe I mean my mother.
Just as sleep grasped at my brain Redbone by Childish Gambino suddenly began blaring from a few rooms over and I rolled over with a sad groan, today was obviously gonna be a cleaning day. This was her subtle way of telling me to wake my ass up and come into the kitchen for breakfast, then directions, if I didn’t get up in the next few minutes she’d make her way upstairs with the speaker blasting as loud as it could and dance her way around my room till I inevitably got up to join her, morning breath and all.
I stretched my limbs, enjoying every crack and pop my body made in response, the sore feeling temporarily making me forget what I was doing.Once my brain caught up to speed with my body I went through the basics of my morning routine, my hair was mushed in a sloppy bun and I didn’t bother switching out of my PJ’s, knowing the majority of the day would be spent inside. I entered the kitchen to quite the sight, my mother swung her body to the rhythmic beat of the song, carelessly singing into her spatula. I contemplated recording her to laugh at later but decided against it, and slid over to her, my fuzzy socks smoothly gliding me across the wooden floor. She finally noticed me, not stopping her performance, she simply shoved her ‘microphone’ in my face, we goofed off for the rest of the song before she remembered the breakfast slowly burning on the stove.I pulled myself up on a random stool and rested my head on the cool marble countertop as she scrambled to save what was left of the eggs.She shuffled her way to her phone, which was responsible for the wonderful tunes floating through our apartment before turning down the volume,“Damn that song, always distracts me.” She snorted plating up the breakfast and sliding it a few inches from my face.“Well, it is a bop, so I can’t blame ya.” I shoveled the food into my mouth, the warmth quickly waking me all the way up. She skipped over to gently kiss my forehead before turning back to her plate. I scooped up the last if my food happy to have had it but sad to see it gone. I washed my dish, slinging my hands around to dry them before I questioned her,“So lemme guess, we’re cleaning today?” She nodded taking a long sip of her coffee.“Ah yes, I’ll be handling that, as for you my wonderful child, you are gonna go run some errands for me.” She spoke not missing a beat. I mentally cursed.'great now I had to put on real people clothes.’ “Can we trade? I don’t wanna put on pants.” I tried to whine but the quick look I got from her quickly shut me down.“You don’t gotta get dressed, walk outta here looking like that. Don’t matter to me, as long as you deposit a check before the bank gets busy, get some groceries, get the cat some food- oh! Also, stop by your job and drop some books off for me.” She listed off not looking up from her phone, straight-faced until she turned to look up.“What?” “Our tasks seem heavily unbalanced.” She stared at me, unfazed, yeesh her glare could make Batman nervous. “Oh I’m sorry did you want to clean the bathroom, living room, kitchen, and vacuum all the carpets- oh wait let’s not forget all the laundry we need to do and-” “Okay okay I get it.” I laughed rising off the stool with a final stretch, before running over and quickly kissing her cheek. She swatted me away cursing at me for nearly knocking her off her seat, I couldn’t help but laugh all the way to my room. I kicked my socks off, the sun shining in through the window warmed the room slightly, I stood in the light enjoying the soft warmth before it occurred to me that- holy shit the sun’s shining. I ran over to my window, to my surprise the gray clouds parted ever so slightly showing just a smidge of bright blue. As childish as it was, this filled me with some kinda fascination, Gotham rarely got sun, I took this as a sign, today would be a good one. I yawned shaking myself out of the daze and walked over to my desk, a bunch of unorganized yet still somehow understandable notes lay sprawled out reminding me of different things to do, however, what caught my eye was the somewhat crumpled business card Bird boy gave me, it sat untouched since I set it down that night.A silly part of me felt guilty for not calling, I mean he straight up pulled an uncle Ben on me, “With great power- blah blah blah.” I muttered flicking the tiny card so it faced downward. I plopped myself on my bed, unplugging my phone from the charger and procrastinated my shower by mindlessly going through the seemingly endless notifications, my eyes found a random message I received a few hours earlier, I checked the it wondering which one of my friends could possibly be up that early, however I didn’t have to wonder long, Jon had sent a simple but adorable 'Good morning’ text. Smiling I thought of the boy, we’d been practically joined at the hip the past week, and I couldn’t find much to complain about, he was a really sweet person, someone who saw the  positive in everything and made Gotham seem brighter- yuck I sound super cheesy but I swear, that’s how you had to describe him.I won’t lie, at first, all that optimism was off-putting, my outlook on life was far from bleak but he managed to find joy in every and anything that crossed our way, even living with the Wayne kid couldn’t bring him down. Realizing I still hadn’t responded, I quickly shot a 'Hello’ back, asking what on earth he was doing up as early as he was, according to him his body was so used to the farm life, it was muscle memory at this point. I paused to imagine him as a farm boy, but the image of him chasing chickens and pigs quickly turned into him leaning against a tractor, sleeves rolled up, sweat collecting at his brow, curly black hair sticking out in every which way. I cleared my throat snapping myself back to reality. 'note to self, try not to thirst over your friends (y/n).’ I jokingly asked if he planned to spend his first free day in Gotham hanging around the storm cloud also known as Damian Wayne and he quickly shot the idea down. “We don’t really talk unless we have to."I furrowed my brows shooting back, "Man that sucks, you think you’d at least be sorta friends with the guy you’re sharing a roof with.” He simply responded.
“ :’) ”
I snorted, gathering my clothes in a bundled heap and finally headed off to the bathroom. 
After a brisk shower, I redressed myself, now much more appropriately than the Superman pajama pants I was previously rocking.I checked my phone once again to see Jon had sent another message.“Would you mind hanging out today? That is if you’re not already sick of me :p .” I tugged my bottom lip between my teeth as I thought of a way to squeeze him into my schedule, before sighing in disappointment.“Get tired of you? Psh not happening, I can’t get enough.” I snorted at my text, he was way to easy to tease.I could see his face changing color in my head, quickly I continued texting as I slipped into my shoes. “But alas, moms is making me do errands all day ;( .” I shoved my phone into my jacket pocket, securely tying the laces of my sneakers, surprised when my phone suddenly buzzed again.“I wouldn’t mind coming along! As long as I didn’t get in your way that is.” I couldn’t help but smile at his words,“It’s just boring stuff though.” “Oh come on, nothing’s boring with you."I couldn’t fight the small smile from taking over my face.He said stuff like that all the time- it always threw me for a loop, I mean the kid would freeze on sight if you complimented him but damn could he say some smooth shit- and the worst part was he wasn’t even trying to flirt! He was just a sweetheart. I brushed off what others might have seen as flirting because he was so genuine to everyone. I contemplated his offer, it wouldn’t do any harm to have the extra company, plus he seemed to want to get away from the Wayne kid, and I couldn’t really blame him for that.So I sent him my street address and my apartment number telling him to come whenever so we could head out, and yes I’ll be the first to admit I should probably have been more careful, after all, I had just met him and he could very easily be a serial killer but if you knew him in person, even just for five minutes you’d see the kid didn’t have a malicious bone in his body. I spent the time waiting for his arrival grabbing the books my mom needed to be returned and the check she needed deposited, before I knew it there was a knock at the door, I jumped up eager to get out the apartment before my mom could see Jon, knowing her she’d interrogate the hell out of him, and I didn’t wanna scare the kid off, at least not this early into the friendship. I made it just in time to see her open the door, his bright blue eyes widened in surprise before instantly sticking out his hand."Morning, ma'am! My name’s Jon Kent, I’m a friend of your daughters.” She shook his hand before looking back at me, a knowing smirk on her face. Much to my dismay she opened the door wider and welcomed him inside. “(Y/n) you weren’t planning on ditching your chores for some cute boy now were you?” “Ma.,” I warned grabbing my keys and then Jon’s arm. “He’s actually here to help me out, this is my mom Jon, Jon this is my mother, okay? Okay. Bye.” She grabbed my collar before I could run, dragging Jon back along with me. “What’s the rush? I wanna meet your new friend.” He smiled, nervously shoving his hands in his pockets.“ I hope you don’t mind, your daughters been helping me out since I moved here, figured it was high time I repaid her.” My mother’s eyes raked over his tall form, examining him like he was under a microscope. See she had this way about her, she could read people in an instant, tell if their intentions were pure or not, I couldn’t help but hold my breath as I  waited for her response.
And just like that, she leaned back against the countertop, her defensive posture melted into a relaxed one. “Well that’s awful kind of you young man, you kids have fun- be back before sunset I don’t wanna worry."He nodded, still smiling "Yes ma'am.” He turned to me and grabbed the heavy book bag from my hands with a wink. I went to follow him to the door only to be stopped once again,“When were you planning on telling me about him?” “Uh I don’t know mom, I didn’t think it was important for you to meet all my friends.” She smoothed her hands over my jacket. She looked up, a warm look on her face.“ You sure you’re just friends?” I playfully rolled my eyes, leaning over to kiss her cheek.“Yes, Ma.” She sighed looking out the door.“ Shame, you two would have made some cute grandbabies.” I groaned, “MOM YA NASTY- you’re so lucky he didn’t hear that.” I gave her a reluctant kiss on the cheek, practically running out the door, her loud laugh rang out in the hallway where Jon patiently stood against the wall, his face astoundingly red for some reason.“Sorry about that- she’s kinda protective.” He shrugged, his face still bright as a set of Christmas lights. “It’s no problem at all, my mom’s the same way.”
With that, we were on our way.
We passed the walk to the bank with random conversations he was in the middle of telling me a wild story about his short time living with one of Gotham’s most elite. “The first night I got there I was convinced he was some sort of robot who’s only emotional setting was irritable.” I laughed, embarrassingly loud might I add, but I couldn’t find it in me to care.“Wait- what? Can I have some context on that one?” He laughed, running a hand through his locks before continuing.     “Well I grew up in a family that always shared, we talk it out if we have a problem but this guy-” He huffed, gesturing wildly with his hands.“- He acts like he hates my guts but when I try to find out why, he gets even more upset!” I gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Don’t feel bad, that’s just who he is.” His face fell so I quickly added on,“Well don’t give up- he’s most likely never had someone like you around so it’s probably new, knowing your ass, you’ll get him to warm up in no time. "His eyes looked up, hopeful."You really think so?” “Well duh, who could resist you?” I pinched at his cheeks like my grandma would to me, he pried my hands off with an embarrassed huff, at this point I could see the shiny outer walls of the bank, now only a few blocks away. We walked in a comfortable silence for a while when out of nowhere a question popped up in my mind.“Hey can I ask you a kinda personal question.” He glanced over with a small smile. “Go for it.” “Where exactly are your parents, did they move down with you?” He sighed, a somber smile graced his features. “Nah, they’re back in Metropolis, they knew I had a better chance to- um learn out here.” I nodded. “Do you miss Metropolis?” He sighed, looking around the somewhat crowded streets, before looking back to me.“Yes and no, I’ve always been curious about Gotham, I mean it does make the news every year.” We both laughed before he continued.“There’s actually a lot of similarities between the cities.”“Oh yeah like what?” “So far the people are the most alike.” I glanced at him puzzled,“Really?"He nodded,"They’re both just really strong people, from what I can tell so far at least.” I smiled at this, and soon we were in line at the city bank, waiting patiently for our turn. I took the time to study the elderly couple waiting in front of us, their hands interlocked the entire time, I had the urge to tell them just how cute they were being, so I tapped the woman on the shoulder.“I’m sorry to bother you guys but I just had to say, you two are the most adorable couple.” The woman smiled warmly at me, her eyes were as young as could be when she glanced at the man next to her. “That’s so sweet of you to say, thank you. I’m Gloria, this is my husband Modesto.” He waved to us, an equally bright smile on his face. “Well I must say, you two are quite the pair as well, it’s nice to see such bright people together.” I smiled, looking at the beet-faced Jon, I was about to question the sudden change in color when I realized what the older woman meant.“Oh no-we’re just friends, but still thank you!” She leaned into her husband, who held her gently, “That’s how it starts isn’t it dear?” He laughed, grabbing her hands, bringing them to his lips. “I chased her for years, too chicken to say anythin’ thankfully my Gloria here is a smart one, she made the move for me.” I grinned at the couple, now lost in their own world, before turning back to my companion. “Thanks again for coming with me- you didn’t have to but you made this day something fun.” He playfully bumped my shoulder.“What are friends for if not the exact reason for making mundane stuff interesting?” “That’s a very good point-” my response was interrupted, a sound like thunder came from the entrance, the glass doors shattered into thousands of little pieces, people ducked and dived, trying their best to hide behind the kiosks and tables scattered around the place. Faster than I could register I was behind Jon, he stood tall, facing the five armed thugs responsible for all the destruction in the air.One of the men casually lifted his shotgun in the high above him before firing into the ceiling. The panicked screaming and collective confusion came to an abrupt halt. “Alright ladies and gents, we all know how this is gonna go, if you’d like to keep the contents of your head inside of your body, toss any and all valuables in the sack my colleague is so kindly passing around.” With sniffles and whimpers the people complied, tossing their things in with shaky hands, the masked man got to me and Jon, I glared tossing my phone and grocery money in with the coldest stare I could muster.
Jon’s POV
When I first heard the shot tear through the glass door my immediate response was to grab (y/n) and toss her behind me, I didn’t have time to think about it, I was trying my best to calm the frantically beating organ in my chest, I kept my eyes on the people, praying none of them made any sort of move to be a hero, that never ended well. I knew I could take a few of them down but 1. That would give me up to the public and 2. I was easily outnumbered. Too many things could go wrong with an outright attack, so I held back and waited for a plan to form in my head. One that didn’t get anyone hurt, and my identity exposed. 'seriously Jon? Are you worried about keeping up your secret identity? People’s lives are at stake, it doesn’t matter if you get in trouble later if you can save them now.’ I gave my thoughts a small nod of understanding, while at the same time trying to hype myself up for whatever stupid thing I was about to do, sure my dad was the man of Steel but that’s only half of who I was- my powers were unpredictable at best and some days they just didn’t work.I had the hardest time flying but that was also when I was my fastest if I could get it to work, I had a chance to take all their weapons giving the civilians a chance to escape. I took a deep breath when the man stealing from everyone got to us, (Y/n) hastily tossed her belongings in, I threw my phone, but the guy saw the book bag slung over my shoulder. “We said all of it, toss it in kid.” I couldn’t help the scoff that left my mouth.“They’re books, see for yourself.” I tossed the bag on the floor and the guy curiously rummaged through it, while he was distracted I tried my hardest to make myself fly, but there was nothing. No tingle, no feeling of weightlessness, just nothing. I felt sweat start to gather on my brow, the previously kneeling man in front of me barked out a laugh.“Don’t shit yourself kid- you can keep your stupid books.” A cold wave of fear rolled over me as he walked away, if my powers weren’t working this entire situation just got a lot more dangerous. The guy who looked to be calling the shots scratched his head in thought before realizing something with a snap of his fingers.“Oh right, get one of those shit heads to open the safe in the back-” he gestured to the shaking tellers behind their desks with his gun.“ - and if they try to cause any trouble we start shooting hostages.” Whispers of fear rang through the crowd, the tellers all looked at each other in panic, but made no move to listen to his request.He sighed, rubbing his face through the cliche ski mask, eyes scanning over the crowd before  landing on the sweet woman from before, tearing her from her husband’s grip, she winced when he pressed the weapon into her face, I cringed at the loud sound of it cocking. “Now.” He seethed through gritted teeth, like a bat out of hell one of the tellers sprinted out from the safety behind their desk and unlocked the door to the back room.The leader, all the while still painfully holding onto the woman, casually whistled, slowly walking around the mass of shivering people, he chuckled at the terror he was causing. Minutes passed with no other action, clearly bothering the masked psycho.He grumbled before forcing the elderly woman to her knees, “If you don’t hurry up your stores gonna get a new paint job!” He yelled towards the room where the teller and his man disappeared into.The crowd gasped in horror, Modesto reached out to his wife only to be roughly kicked away by one of the other criminals. Gloria sobbed at the sight of her beloved in pain. It made me see red. But I knew if I jumped on the roach-like jerk I wanted too, it would only make things worse. Never in my life had I felt more useless, Especially when (y/n) started to talk drawing his attention to her.
(Y/n) POV.
The light had been frantically shifting this entire time, one second it was around the leaders gun the next it was around his throat, it bounced around from person to person, object to object, like it was looking for the best possible way out if the situation like it was running every possible scenario. I groaned in frustration, the ping pong actions of the light were beginning to give me a headache, I shifted on my knees trying to look around the room and locate every one of the bastards, I can’t remember when they made us get down on the floor but from the soreness in my knees, it felt like time was passing by in slow motion. It was only when the leader grabbed a random hostage tearing her from her husband- no it wasn’t some random person it was Gloria, the kind woman who sure as hell didn’t deserve what was happening to her.“Hey, asshole.” I didn’t recognize my own voice, there was confidence in the words I spoke that sure as fuck didn’t belong in the situation I was smack dab in the middle of. He turned away from the crying civilians, tossing Gloria off to one of the other men, before stomping over, he leaned down close enough for me to see the green of his eyes.“You called darling’.” I ignored the dark rasp of his voice and the chills it sent up my spine and put on a brave face. “You’re about to make off with a shit ton of cash right?” “That I am doll face.” I could hear his grin in his voice, I cringed at him before continuing.“Well if you know you’re gonna get away with it just leave - if you kill her, or anyone else for that matter, your chances of escape go down by 90%."He leaned back, the fake shock in his eyes was obvious."Oh, and how would you know that sweetheart?” He laughed out, a ring of chuckles followed from his men. “Because I’m not an idiot. If the cops aren’t on their way already they sure as shit will be if any more gunshots ring out- you also have to account for the fact that the place you’re robbing is in the middle of downtown Gotham and people are bound to notice the bank getting held up by some hacks in dollar store ski masks.” He looked down at me with a sneer, his laughter ceasing instantaneously. He looked to his men, all equally dumbfounded before motioning for them to return Gloria to the floor. I sighed in relief before I was yanked up harshly by my arm.The man said nothing as he dragged me away, my eyes briefly met Jon’s wide ones. The man tugging me by my arm spun me around to face him, he raised his gun to my head, pressing the cold barrel into my skin. “Let this be a lesson- being a smart ass  can get you killed.” The light worked faster than my brain could register, I listened to my instincts and squeezed my eyes tight, Feeling that all too familiar heat building in my body again. This time though, it was instant. Even with my eyes tightly clamped together, I could see the bright, unforgiving light that suddenly flashed from- well somewhere on my body. My brain was working much faster than usual, the screams of the confused hostages and even the armed assailants, fell behind like background noise, I opened my eyes to see them all stumbling around, blinking in confusion, the man who was about to introduce my face to a bullet now laid on the floor, he screamed the loudest. “My eyes- I can’t see! Fucking bitch what did you do?!"I took the chance to kick his gun from the spot it landed, but before I could move my foot it shot in the opposite direction of him without me ever actually making contact, the blur of light that trailed behind the object gave me a pretty good idea of what happened. I acted quickly, while the light felt like cooperating with me, I focused on the rest of the guns, yanking them behind me, the light enveloped two of the goons heads before bringing them together with a resounding crack. One of the men stumbled in my direction, it scared me shitless, but no sooner had the fear registered in my head did he go flying into the remaining man, knocking them both out the window the haze faded away, I could hear the confused groans of the people behind me as their sight slowly returned, I breathed a sigh of relief, turning to see Jon, staring directly at me, a look of shock on his usually grinning face. For one reason or another, he could see me. Shit. "D-Did you see that?"He said nothing, mouth still agape, but he nodded nonetheless."All of it?” I asked wincing at the obvious answer.He nodded again, clearing his throat before hesitantly rising. “No it- don’t worry it’s okay.” I shakily exhaled, the adrenaline of whatever it is that just happened making me buzz. I felt my breath get shallow, the reality of it all was quickly leading me down the path of a panic attack.“I- I don’t know what’s happening that’s never- that doesn’t…” I struggled to voice all the crazy shit running through my head, Jon took a few steps towards me, gently placing his hands on my shoulders, “Hey- look we’re all okay, everything’s okay you just need to breathe.” I nodded taking choppy breaths. Jon met my eyes, a kind smile on his face, he opened his mouth to say something but the calm atmosphere was very short lived. “What the fuck happened here?” The man who took the teller in the back had returned, he looked at his fallen comrades trying to piece together what had happened before his eyes found the only people standing, He shot his gun with a sneer I tried to shove Jon from the direction of the bullet but I was surprised, too slow, he faced the gun man, the bullet bouncing off him like it was made of rubber, I was just as shocked as the man he was marching toward, with a swift punch to the chest, the guy hit the wall in pack of him leaving a rather noticable dent. I almost felt bad.
Jon turned to me, huffing, the strange look of anger on his face melted away leaving shock, fear, and something else I couldn’t register.I opened my mouth, but all the questions in my mind refused to make their way out.I turned away without a word, and walked out the remains of the front door, I heard his loud footsteps crunch against the glass as he ran after my fastly pacing form. “(Y/n) wait-” “Nope.” I replied in a shaky voice, not daring to look back. “Listen to me we need to go back- just wait for a second!” He grabbed my arm, halting me in my tracks, the recoil was so hard I hit his chest.“I’m not going back there.” He stared at me, eyebrows furrowed in concern. “We have too, we need to give our statements to the police-” I ripped my way from his grip. “I am not talking to the damn cops.” He stared at me in disbelief,“We have too! It’s what’s right."It was my turn to stare at him like he was crazy."If I tell them what happened they’ll lock me up in some science lab for the rest of my life- in case you missed it GCPD hate anything to do with superheroes, no way- it’s not happening.” He ran a tired hand through his hair, staring at me with pleading eyes.“I wouldn’t let that happen to you.” I scoffed shoving my hands in my pockets,“There are some things even you can’t do Kent, and in case you missed it, they’ll drag your bulletproof ass in too-” I rolled my eyes turning away.“-Stay and talk if you want, but I wasn’t here.” I continued on my path trying not to jump at the sirens sounding behind me. I made it home, my mom greeted me with a smile before running to me at the sight of my puffy face, as soon as I got to my floor I let the tears fall unapologetically, the stress of it all weighed heavy on my shoulders as I trudged in the door.She let me cry into her chest for a while before I calmed down enough t explain what happened.“I just- I got so scared I totally freaked. I’m sorry about the errands.” I laughed lightly, sniffling at the end.She chuckled warmly, wiping at my eyes, her gaze was sad, loving but sad. “Baby I couldn’t give more of a damn about the groceries- you’re the one I’m concerned about, are you okay?"I shrugged, rubbing my puffed up eyes."I don’t know….I’ve never- that’s the strongest my powers have been, it was like I was on autopilot- what if I hurt the wrong people?” I quickly began to choke up again.She shushed me, grabbing my hands in her warm ones.“You don’t have a mean cell in your body baby, you couldn’t hurt innocent people if you had too."I said nothing, leaning into her, I wrapped my arms around her midsection, taking comfort in how little I felt.Her hand found my hair, softly petting my head as she told me hilarious stories of my older siblings and their problems growing up. "Everyone goes through their own struggles in life, some people let these challenges beat them down, consume them. Those are the people who try to face them alone, the people who fail. What a lot of the world fails to see is the beauty of life, we’re faced with hardships yes but the blessing is we don’t have to be alone with it all. "I raised my body into a sitting position, wiping my face on the sleeves of my sweater. "What are you saying?” She sighed, eyeing me thoughtfully before tucking a loose curl behind her ear. “I’m saying, you should take those nice people up on their offer.” I stared at her confused before it hit me like a train.The card.Robin, Nightwing. “Wait how did you-” “You should know by now nothing slips past me, Especially when my baby’s involved.” I looked at her, then down at my hands, the buzzing feeling from earlier had died down tremendously, but it never fully disappeared, something happened today, it changed something inside me. That much I could feel. I sighed nodding at the older woman, she leaned over to give my forehead a sloppy kiss, making me smile uncontrollably. “I trust you to make the right decision, for you.” And with that, she left my room. I sat there for a minute taking the time to unwind, I flopped back on my bed, my eyes trailing the window before glancing at the night sky, as I played with the hem of my sweater, the thought occurred to me, the first blue sky Gotham had seen in ages and I missed it. I smiled slightly, I preferred the gray anyway. Sooner than I thought I found myself on my roof, a plethora of snacks, the thickest blanket I owned and the damned little card that had kept me up at night thinking more times than I was comfortable admitting. I dragged myself to the loveseat, the fabric was cold to the touch as I carelessly plopped my body down, I made myself a nest in my blanket and popped a few Skittles in my mouth, I glanced up towards the surprisingly clear sky, usually you’d be lucky to get a glimpse of the stars but tonight they were on full display. I let the mostly silent universe calm my mind down enough to pick up my phone when it hit me that I no longer had a phone, I forgot to grab it before I stormed off from the bank.I tossed the candy wrapper on the table next to the chair, a new wave of distress washing over me. “Well shit.” I chewed at my thumb if the cops found my phone they’d be able to trace me to the scene- assuming Jon didn’t tell them I was there.I groaned wrapping myself further in my makeshift cocoon. A light knock from the other side of the roof brought me from my troubled thoughts. I ignored it, thinking it was just my imagination when I heard it again.I rose quietly, taking my blanket with me, I crossed the distance more curious than anything. I looked around waiting for the noise again. “Uhm… Hello?” “Hey.” A familiar voice called out making me jump back in surprise. “Jon??” I whipped my head around looking for the source of the voice.“Wait you can turn invisible too??” He suddenly floated up from the edge of the wall, I stared mouth agape as he landed, slightly ungraceful.“Unfortunately no, but I can fly! Well sometimes anyway.” I nodded, finally managing to close my mouth.“Not that this isn’t a really rad uh- surprise? But what are you doing here?"He kicked the pebbles around his feet, shuffling around like a lost puppy. "Well I know you’re probably mad at me but I wanted to return this as soon as possible.” He pulled my phone out of his pocket, hands slightly shaking.“S-Sorry it got cracked a little in the bag.” “No problem- thanks, really.” We stood there in a silence, not totally uncomfortable but definitely uneasy. But of course, in true 90’s sitcom fashion we both spoke out at the same time. “So about earlier-” “We should talk-” We laughed, he motioned for me to continue so I did with a deep breath.“I wanted to say sorry- for how I reacted. I know it was really immature and I guess I didn’t really give you the explanation you deserved.” His eyebrows shot up, he instantly came closer.“Oh my god no-I came here to apologize! I shouldn’t have pushed you to do something you were clearly uncomfortable with.” I sighed tightening the blanket around me.“Well for the sake of not arguing let’s agree to disagree.” He nodded, his trademark smile finally back on his face where it belonged. I could tell there was a lot more to say, so I motioned for him to follow me to my seat. I sat down, squishing myself against one side of the chair and patted the space next to me.He shrugged, plopping down with a grin. I offered him some of my blanket but he declined.“I don’t really get cold, thank you though. "We stared up, letting things settle down before either of us dared to break the comfortable silence. "I didn’t tell them.” He started not looking away from the stars. “Hm?” “The police, I told them some random hero burst in and out before I could register.” I turned away from the candy I’d been guzzling down, the shock evident on my face.“Jon you didn’t have to lie for me.” He shrugged finally looking down. “What are friends for if not to lie for you?” I laughed lightly at his call back before leaning back into the chair. “That’s a very good point.”
We sat there for what felt like hours, he told me a little bit about his powers, promising to explain everything when he could, before I remembered my reason for coming up here in the first place.I took the card out of my pocket catching Jon’s attention.
“What’s that?”
“Oh yeah, I totally forgot to tell you- a while ago Robin came up here and hassled me to tell him about my powers.” Jon seemingly choked on the soda he was in the middle of drinking. I stared at him slightly concerned before he waved me off, gesturing me to continue.
“Well anyway, before he could impale me with his stupid little knife things, in swoops this gorgeous spandex-clad man in blue and black- ever heard of Nightwing?” Jon nodded, shakily looking back and forth between the soda can and my face. I ignored his weird behavior with a shrug. “Anywho, he gave me this and told me to call him when I was ready.”
“Well, are you?” I looked at the dingy card, then at my wide-eyed friend.
I punched the numbers in before I could talk myself away from it.
“Guess we’ll find out.”
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markhyungh · 7 years
namjoon time traveler!au
was inspired by this post
so it was preeetty late at night and you were walking home after a really gr88 night out with your pals
& when you’re about to reach your house in no time, you notice this huge black lump just about two houses down
and at first you were all “?????? wat dat” but then it suddenly mOVed and groaned
& like your first aid instincts (did i mention you were trained in first aid during the summer how convenient) kicked in and you ran over to the lump
surprisingly it was one hot lump
like at first you were so taken aback bc WOW this dude is smokin’ he’s totally your type what even
his hair is orange which just got you like waddaheck at first but it looks sO GOoD on him
and he’s dressed to the nines, looking all suave and sophisticated like man that’s just killer in your book
also you noticed this cool looking vintage gold watch on his right wrist that had numbers flying all around?????? weird, but it adds to his sophisticated look anyway so who’s complaining
but then reality smacks you in the face and you’re just “omg can i just calm my raging hormones for one second bc this guy is about to bleed his guts out”
ye he has this huge splash of blood all over his lower abdomen & you’re freaking out bc….. um……… you don’t know if you’re trained for that shit
but anyway you gotta try & you’re talking to yourself at this point bc you’re lowkey panicking and u don’t wanna be witnessing someone dIE right in front of you
“ok omg omg i gotta call the ambulance” and you’re taking out your phone and dialling
when all of a someone grabs your hand and you look up and it’s tHE DUDE
“don’t call them”
and you just look at him like he’s literal nuts and you pointedly stare at his abdomen before looking up into his eyes (wow reALLY nice eyes) (& did you mention his voice dAMn son)
speaking in a surprisingly calm tone for someone who is internally going crazy “your lower abdomen is bleeding. i think any decent person would be calling the ambulance right now”
he then looks down and so casually goes “oh ye, about that, this ain’t my blood”
and when you hear that you’re like bOI DID U JUST
you whack him on the head (throwing away aNY mannerisms straight outta that window) and whisper scream bc you don’t wanna be THAT one neighbour that annoys the shit out of everyone “I WORRIED OVER YOU FOR NOTHING!?!?!?!??!”
and you know, you had a long tiring day (social interaction is cool and all but it leaves you drained dry) and at this point you’re just like “i’m gonna pretend i never tried to be a good samaritian i’m just gonna take a shower and sleep for a solid 10 hours peace out bro”
and you’ve gotten up to leave when he’s like “you could actually continue to be a good samaritian by giving me a place to stay tonight”
you just turn and look at him like this dude is uNBELIEVABLE HOW DARE HE
but then he gives you THAT look, that cute puppy face and as already mentioned beforehand he kinda is (just a teensy weensy bit) your type and you’re weak
so you’re just like “ugh, get your ass up before i change my mind”
and he gives you this grin that just gets you in the feels but duh, you’re never gonna admit it
so he gets up and you choke cough just a little bc damn he’s tall how is this boy ticking all the boxes off your list
and while both of you walk to your house you’re like “if i die i’m never gonna be a good samaritian in my next life”
but the dude just smiles “i promise you you won’t” and you just sigh
so when both of you enter your house you’re like “i think you should get cleaned up first bc that’s a shit ton of blood on your shirt” and you’re about to ask whose blood is on that shirt when it clicks and you’re like “nope i don’t wanna know”
and it seems like he knows what you’re thinking bc he laughs “don’t worry i didn’t do anything that jeopardizes whatever morals you have”
and obviously you don’t trust him bc you’re 21 and you weren’t born yesterday but you decide to just roll with it like “yeah sure whatever” before asking for his shirt to clean
he raises his eyebrows like right now??? you mean???? 
you roll your eyes like boi my hands are put out right now wHat do you think
and he just grins a little like okay, if you say so
and then proceeds to strip
before handing you his bloody shirt
you just huff and grab the shirt before storming off to the laundry room to clean it like yup those lean musclies are totally not affecting me right now 
he smirks a little before moving off to the toilet to wash up 
it takes you some time to get those stubborn ass blood stains off the shirt but thank goodness you’re proficient in the art of stain cleaning after all those times you dripped sauce on your shirts
and you realise like “oh wait i forgot to give him clothes to change into” so you quickly dash to your guest bedroom where your older bro kept some spare clothing for when he stayed over
you made to your way to the bathroom and was about to knock when the door suddenly opened and BAM wow hot dude with a towel wrapped around his waist
“hey yo do you have anything—“ before he looks down and notices you that damn height difference
you immediately shOVEd the clothing to his face and turn around, trying to speed away as fast as you can bc you can’t help it if you’re kindaaaaaa little attracted to the dude
trying to forget that mental image you obviously weren’t gonna forget anytime soon, you hopped into the shower in your bedroom to just relax and not think about all the crazy things that happened to you
like, why is this turning out in to some weird ass romcom shit???? why is your life such a cliche???????? 
no one has the answers so you mournfully get out of the shower after you’re done bc even if you don’t wanna, you gotta face life
when you head back downstairs you notice the dude just sitting on the couch in your living room
he somehow??? notices your presence?? and turns around, grinning
“thanks for the shower, man. i really needed that”
and you’re just like “yeah...,.,,.,.,., no kidding”
he stands up and you kinda just appreciated your brother’s clothing a whole lot more bc it was just so flattering on the dude 
but /cough/ you gotta make it not so obvious that you think he’s cute so you look away after a second or two
judging by the smug look on the guy’s face you’re pretty sure you unconsciously stared for a few seconds too long though
he’s like “i was waiting for you since i thought it’d be rude to just leave”
and before you can control that damn mouth of yours you just reply “already?????’
which he laughs at. “why, hon, did you want me to stay longer?”
and you just can’t help but turn a little red bc even though you were like omg this is such a pain, deep deep down in the dark recesses of your mind you actually wanted him to stay
even though you didn’t even really know him???? how is that actually possible is your life really turning into a cliche like what you feared
but anyway he chuckles and is all like “don’t worry i’ll be seeing you again soon” 
and more ??????????????? bc what
he then looks at his watch before looking back up at you, smiling slightly
“i’ve never broken protocol before, but since i’ll be seeing you again soon, i don’t think it really matters”
you just scrunch your eyebrows because what is he even saying right now
he’s doing some adjusting motion on his watch and all of a sudden, he actually starts to glow a little while slowly fading away???
what the hell is the world coming to
you don’t even know how to react because ?????? how does one actually react to this??????? you just stare at him in shock
“you know, you’re kind of reacting to this better than i thought” he gives this half grin that is totally illegal
thank lord you regain your wits and you’re like “is this what you meant when you said you had to go?”
“yeeep, can’t be late for another time turnover. but i’ll be coming back soon!” 
he’s about to completely fade out before he yells out, and the voice sounds so echoey and faraway 
“before i forget, my name’s namjoon! don’t forget it!”
and the living room just—  turns back to normal. with namjoon gone.
you don’t even know how you got yourself into bed after all that happened but you just did
and the next day, you don’t even know if that was a dream you had because of how tired you were last night but then you see namjoon’s crisp blue satin shirt drying in your laundry room and you know it wasn’t a dream after all
note:  so, hello there, this is like my first time doing this so it’s probably so rambly and yikes but i hope you enjoyed it!!!!! tbh this was a super spontaeneous post but the minute i saw the post i was just like i HAVE to write it. and actually, i’m not quite sure whether i even like this ending bc as i was writing it my mind started flowing with sO many possibilities and i felt like i could actually do a full length fic with this?????? idk man, but if this actually gets notes and all i might consider it???? but man, i don’t even know. i just hope ya’ll didn’t find it too draggy or anything. cheers!! ask me anything if you have questionszz.
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avixenwrites-blog · 8 years
[battlefield pt II]
I might write another few chapters and end it somehow. Frankly, I don’t see it being something I can just quickly play out. Maybe another two chapters or more, I’m really not sure yet. It’s based on the song Battlefield by Jordin Sparks. frankly, I don’t see it being something I can just quickly play out. Maybe another two chapters or more, I’m really not sure yet. There may or may not be smut by the end of this, I’m not quite sure just how I want to go with it yet.
Baron Corbin x Reader x AJ Styles; Baron Corbin x Reader endgame.
2170, we’re getting more of a plot here.
Almost as soon as she slid the key in the keycard reader, she felt this sense of dread grow and spread over her whole body like a cancer. Stepping into the room proved her fears and that sense of dread completely invalid because the room was empty and the bed hadn’t even been slept in. But there was a note on the desk and she paused for a second, eyes flitting over the minimalist hotel stationary as she took a few deep breaths and fought the urge to get bitter and angry.
If she hadn’t went to the bar with some of the girls and hooked up with Baron, she would have been here in her hotel room alone all night. AJ’s excuse this time was he had signings and a workout session early in the morning so he planned to room with ‘the boys’ that night and meet her for lunch. Before she could stop it, the bitterness was back.
[ oh he had a workout alright. She was probably about 5’8 and blonde with legs that won’t quit.] she thought to herself as she slipped off her shoes and wiggled out of the jeans and t shirt she’d worn the night before and then, she went to start a hot shower for herself.
As she stepped under the water, she tried to pull herself together, mentally prepare herself the best way to handle AJ when he finally dragged his ass back to their room. The tears stung at her eyes but she reminded herself that she couldn’t cry and she didn’t have the right to be upset because last night, she’d done the same exact thing that she believed AJ had been doing for the past two years. “I need to get a grip.” was repeated over and over like a mantra.
AJ pulled himself apart from Sarah and sat up in the hotel bed, yawning. One quick look at his watch had him going into a five alarm panic and he was up, shoving his sweats on, grabbing the clothes he’d worn out with Luke and Karl the night before. Hastily, he dropped a kiss onto Sarah’s forehead and she stirred, sitting up, giving him a sad look.
“You’re leaving me?”
“You know I can’t stay this time, hon.. Remember?”
“You’re going to break up with her, right?” Sarah’s hand raised, it tangled in sleep mussed platinum blonde and AJ swallowed hard.
[ you can’t keep this up. you’re going to have to choose one or the other. And you know (yourfirstname) , you’ve known her since you were in high school. ]
[ but you love Sarah.]
[ but it would crush ( yourfirstname) if you ended things. And she’s more settled, she’s got a career, got a plan for her life. And, she loves you. She’s always loved you. This is a rough patch and you’ve got to work it out, you have to try.]
The mental dilemma raged on in his mind but AJ nodded and smiled, and then, as convincingly as possible, he did the only thing he knew to do at the moment. He lied.
He’d been doing a lot of that lately and he was really starting to hate himself for it.
The knock on their hotel room door with AJ calling her name from the other side had her scowling at herself a little in the mirror as she finished applying her lipstick. If she only had the guts to end this whole thing.. but before she could finish the thought, AJ was standing in the  doorway of the bathroom, looking at her. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know I was going to come out a day early.” she muttered the words quietly, even as her stomach churned bitterly and the bitter taste filled her mouth again at saying them, at her even being stupid enough to stay. It wasn’t like she lacked options, it wasn’t like she didn’t already have a clear plan in her life and it wasn’t like she needed his lying, cheating, shitty excuses and gift giving ass.
He just felt safe, he was stable and comfortable and she’d known him almost her entire life.
[everybody has a rough patch.. your mom even said that she had quite a few with your dad.]
[ your father left, though. Eventually, things got so bad between them that he just couldn’t bullshit anymore and he walked out.]
[ AJ is the man you gave up pretty much everything for. Remember? Your mother hated him so much that she cut you out of her life, that she threw you out when she thought that you were pregnant and that you and AJ were going to get married. Now, because he’s famous, she suddenly wants to come around, she’s always in your ear about how you better not ‘mess this up’ for yourself.]
“No, I shoulda been here. I shouldn’t have bailed on ya last night.” AJ twiddled his thumbs and sighed. She shrugged it off and he felt all the more guilty about what he’d really been doing, why he really hadn’t been with her. He wandered over and slipped his arms around her, resting his chin on her shoulder. “We’ll do whatever you wanna do today, baby. To make up for it.” he was at least trying, hell. She bit her lip and stepped away just slightly and he glared a little. “C’mon, I said I was sorry. If it wasn’t for the interviews and my early workout, baby, I’d have been here.”
“I know.”
[ I know you’re a filthy, cheating, scumbag liar. And now, I am too. I hate you for what you made me into.] she thought to herself as she finished combing out her hair and drying it. “I wasn’t by myself. I went out for drinks with some of the women who work with you. They’re real sweet, darlin.” she smiled at him, managing to keep herself from exploding in anger at the look in his eyes, the anger that suddenly appeared making his eyes seem less clear blue and more like a stormy sea.
“You won’t have to do that anymore this weekend, I promise.”
“You’re not mad, right?” she asked, knowing full well that he wasn’t thrilled about it and secretly, finding herself just a little too pleased with the revelation. He shook his head and forced himself to smile. “Nah. I just feel like shit that ya had to do that.”
“It’s fine, baby. We had a really, really good time.”
[ I wish it hadn’t had to end, actually. I wish that I hadn’t woke up this morning and felt guilty. I shouldn’t have to, not after all the hurt you’ve caused me, asshole.] the words went unsaid and he held her against him, noticing that she was staying stiff in his arms.
He felt his stomach churning a little because he could feel her slipping away.
Now he had to decide… Did he fight or just let it happen?
They walked in together and Baron’s nose picked up on her before he ever looked up and saw them together. Her scent was mouth watering, it was crisp apples and something sweeter, vanilla and it had been everywhere in his hotel room, taunting him all day. He growled to himself as he watched AJ pulling out her chair, took a long sip of the soda sitting to his left and a bigger bite than intended of the steak in front of him.
“What’s eatin you, man?”
“I hate that son of a bitch.” Baron eyed AJ and Dean arched a brow quizzically. “Hate is good. Hate’s what’ll get ya that belt.” Dean took a bite of his own food and Baron muttered mostly to himself that it wasn’t just the belt he wanted and Dean froze, eyeing him.
“Whatever you got goin on, Corbin, you better forget it. Put it outta ya head until ya got that gold. And if it’s about a woman? Don’t bother. Or do I need to remind ya about ya last disaster?”
Baron cringed and took a long breath. “What if that last time wasn’t real?”
“This one ain’t, either. Get your damn head on straight, Corbin. You’re not doin this just to win that belt for you remember? You’re doing it for all of us who are god damn tired of havin AJ Styles shoved down our throats or trotted out like the god damn show pony he’s come to be. All of that personal shit? Forget about it… Or channel it into your anger… But do not go getting involved in their relationship shit.”
Baron leaned in, snarling practically. “You don’t tell me how to handle my shit, Ambrose. Are we clear? I’m going to win that belt and I’m doing it for me. The rest of it? That’s not your fuckin business.”
He settled back into his chair and finished his food, angrily stabbing at the steak in front of him, parts of him wishing that the steak was AJ instead.
(yourfirstname) was supposed to be with him. She was meant to be his mate! She carried his mark, damn it.
[ everything will end up exactly as it’s supposed to go. In the meantime, Ambrose, while ignorant, does have a good point. Letting them together get to you is only setting yourself up for failure, for blowing your big chance somehow. All in good time.. All in good time.]
[ Do you really think she’ll stay when you tell her the truth about yourself? Do you? Because the last girl didn’t stick around. And why do you care anyway? Did you not decide that you didn’t want a mate?]
[ Until I met her. Until I had her.] he corrected the other half of himself as he took a few deep breaths and stood, hastily paying for his food.
He happened to bump into them on his way out and AJ pulled her closer, flashing that asshole smirk at him. “Corbin.. Getting ready to lose?”
“Whatever you think, Styles.” his eyes were fixed on her and he gave a brief and slightly dismissive wink as AJ introduced them. “If she’s smart, Styles, she’ll figure out you’re a loser and leave your ass.” Baron’s eyes settled on her again, his mind filling with images, sounds, scents, the feel of her body pressed beneath the full weight of his as he slowly sank every last inch into her dripping cunt.. That little gasp, the digging in of her nails along his shoulders, the way her legs tightened around his hips and he was kissing her, the taste of her lipgloss and her skin, the way it felt beneath his rough hands. He tore his eyes off of her and made a hasty retreat out of the restaurant right as his cock began to stiffen all over again, growling at himself in anger.
He chuckled to himself when his enhanced hearing picked up on AJ grilling her on if they knew one another or not, wondering why AJ would even be suspicious if he weren’t already doing his own dirt on the side.
“You were starin awful hard at that asshole Baron just now, baby.” AJ said the words as calmly as possible all while reminding himself that if he pushed much harder, they’d be having another fight like the one they’d had earlier in the week before she’d shown up here a damn day earlier than he thought she was coming.
“To be fair, he was staring at me. Why does that bother you exactly, AJ?” she practically purred the words, careful to be soft spoken, to not even give him an inkling as to whether they knew one another or not. AJ scoffed and shook his head, smirked as he told her calmly, “If he comes onto you, baby, it’s just usin you to get in my head. That’s the guy I told you about, the one I’m facin for my belt.. And he loves a good mind game.”
[ and there it is.. you were wondering why he was so flirty the night before? Why he came to you and started a conversation when up until last night, he hadn’t? That little pound of flesh you wanted so bad when you saw AJ going into that hotel room with that girl last night doesn’t feel so worthwhile now, does it? ] she thought to herself as her stomach churned and her eyes stung with tears for a moment. She took a deep breath and said calmly to AJ, “I’ve only seen him around backstage. Jealous much, AJ?”
“Of that son of a bitch? Hell no.” AJ smirked to himself because he’d seen her face fall, he’d seen the way she watched him on occasion lately and he knew he’d just shredded any fantasy she had about Baron being interested in her.
And secretly, that made him feel smug.
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idreamofhazeleyes · 5 years
Ties in Blood -- Chapter 30
I blame work for not posting this sooner. Gotta love losing essentially the entire dishwashing team that we started off with. Down to two actual people (me and one other) and one that doubles as dish and line cook. But that can be in another post. Here’s Chapter 30.
@mrswhozeewhatsis @optimisticpeacecollector5 @squirrelnotsam @winchestergirl-13 @impala-dreamer @idreamofplaid 
Chapter 30
Lighting changed in the room as the sun rose, bringing in a new day. Aaliyah followed along after Sam before he finally shooed her away, stating he wanted to be alone. Bobby guided her toward his car before disappearing. Aaliyah sat in the seat, hands folded in her lap, and didn’t flinch when the back door opened and shut. She wasn’t sure when Bobby slid into the driver’s seat or started the car before starting off from the area.
The drive back to Sioux Falls was quiet with a small amount of tension. Bobby wanted to talk with Aaliyah about what happened in the house, but had the sense of not to try to bring it up. Aaliyah came back around on the drive back to Bobby’s, her mind working through what had happened and what she saw with Dean. Part of her mind seemed to go through it and compartmentalized it.
When Bobby pulled up to his house, Aaliyah managed to climb out of the car and went to get whatever Bobby put in the back before he shooed her into the house. She claimed the couch and collapsed onto it. Her mind played back the images of Dean being mauled by the hellhound. A scream erupted from her mouth as she shut up on the couch, her shirt clung to her skin soaked in sweat.
“Aaliyah.” Footsteps thumped on the stairs. “Aaliyah, you’re safe.”
Struggling to regain her breathing, Aaliyah shifted on the couch to have her feet on the floor and braced her elbows on her knees. Adrenaline that shot through her body finally started to ebb, leaving Aaliyah shaking. A hand rubbed her back in the helpful attempt to calm her.
“I … I …” Aaliyah started.
“We can talk about it later,” Bobby assured her. “Try and rest for a while.”
Aaliyah felt the couch cushions lift a little when he stood and his footsteps thudded into the kitchen. She grabbed the blanket that Bobby must have covered her with and laid back down on the couch. A little bit of guilt ate away at her for waking Bobby, though she wasn’t sure what time it was. She could have slept the rest of the day they got back to the house and that whole night before the nightmare woke her. Turning around to face the couch back, Aaliyah listened to Bobby move around the house for a few before one of the phones started to ring.
Bobby answered it as FBI. Any of the two dozen or so hunters that somehow had ties to Bobby must have given the fake FBI card he had to some local cops or sheriffs.
Aaliyah half listened as Bobby handled the call as she half drifted off to sleep. At one point she heard Bobby say that she’s welcomed to the food in the house if and when she got hungry. The day passed with her not moving from the couch save for the bathroom.
“Hey, Kid.” Bobby’s voice was quiet, almost like he was afraid of something. “I think it might be time for a shower.”
Aaliyah glanced up from the book she had been reading, reclined on the couch. “You sure?”
“It’s been a week, Kid. Even if you don’t get out of the house, you need a shower and a change of clothes.”
She looked back to the book, her eyes half glazed over the words and diagrams. Had it really been a week since the attempt to get Lilith? Aaliyah hadn’t really been enthused in changing her clothes since getting back to Bobby’s. “Hadn’t known it was that bad, Bobby.” Closing the book, Aaliyah put it on the couch and worked herself to her feet. “I’ll get outta your hair soon enough.”
Aaliyah headed down the hallway to the spare bedroom that held her meager belongings. With a clean set of clothes, she ducked into the bathroom and started up the shower. Shedding the semi bloody clothes into a pile, she caught her reflection in the mirror. Dark circles under blood shot eyes. Skin that was once sun kissed seemed to be beyond winter pale. Stretching a bit, the old scars from the werewolf pulled. Aaliyah caught herself on the sink and took a deep breath. A week on the couch apparently didn’t agree too well. Showering off the week’s stench and dried up blood, Aaliyah stood there and let the water wash over her body. Finishing off, she dressed and grabbed her dirty clothes before stepping out of the bathroom. She stuffed them into her bag and stepped out into the study.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Bobby asked as she grabbed her boots.
“To find a case,” Aaliyah snapped. “I must have out stayed my welcome here.” She tied her boots and got to her feet. She grabbed her bags and headed out the back door.
She opened the back door of her car and tossed in her bags before fishing her keys out of her pocket. Sliding into the driver seat, Aaliyah started up the engine and sat there. A glance to the back door showed her Bobby standing there with a look Aaliyah wasn’t sure she wanted to interpret. She put the car in gear and started off down the drive away from the house.
Aaliyah pulled into a spot at the twenty four hour restaurant and killed the engine. Three days on the road with nothing but snack food from Gas n Sips finally caught up with her. Walking into the restaurant, she ignored the side way glances from the two customers at the bar and two at a table and the one waitress. Taking a chair at the bar, Aaliyah turned the coffee mug over and stifled a yawn. The waitress that had been talking with one of the bar customers ambled over with a pot of coffee.
“Need a minute to decide?” the waitress asked.
“Cheeseburger, greasy,” Aaliyah requested. “No onion. Fries are fine.”
The waitress nodded and went to put the order in. Aaliyah reached for the sugar packets, dumping several into the mug. Aaliyah ignored the barely contained judgmental looks from the other two customers. She didn’t care; all she wanted was a warm meal and some sleep for the night. The door of the restaurant opened again and a group of eight men walked in; four of them carrying biker helmets. Each of the men wore leathers that had adornments that seemed to be made by any one of the Native American plain tribes.
Aaliyah caught sight of the patch work on the back of one of the vests and didn’t recognize it. Then again, she didn’t have a full mental list of all the patch works for all of the biker gangs. The group split up; the bikers took a booth with the nondescripts took another.
“Late night hunting, guys?” the waitress greeted the new comers.
“Tough nest of vampires,” one of them replied. “Not sure how we’re gonna get rid of ‘em.”
Aaliyah turned her head ever so slight to listen on the conversation. Faded memories flashed through her mind of the only nest she had dealt with a few years ago.
“Not sure what their weakness is,” a second commented. “Elkins never did say what it was.”
“It’s dead man’s blood,” Aaliyah tossed over her shoulder.
“Stay out of this, girl,” a third snapped at her.
She slid off the stool and turned to face the four men seated at a booth. “I know what I’m talking about; I’ve dealt with a nest before, and I know what can stop ‘em long enough to behead them.”
“Since when did women start hunting?” the fourth asked.
Aaliyah half shrugged. “Fine. If you wanna charge into a vampire nest and die.” She turned back to her chair at the bar. “Just know I did tell you how to deal with them and you didn’t want to listen.” She sipped at her coffee just as the waitress brought over her order.
The four men were in hushed tones, but she ignored them. If they weren’t willing to listen, fine. Four more idiotic hunters she didn’t have to worry about.
One of the men took a chair next to her. “What did you say the weakness was?”
Aaliyah recognized the voice as the one who spoke to the waitress. Part of her didn’t want to give it away. Easier for her to get into a morgue or funeral home, get enough dead man’s blood, and take out the nest. She took another bite of her burger, her eyes forward.
“I know those three are assholes,” the man continued. “They’re here to help me.”
“They’ll help you alright. Help to kill you.”
“How do you know?”
Aaliyah put her burger down and washed the bite down with some coffee. “Because I know. You don’t go up against demons, werewolves, vampires, and everything else and not learn who you can trust with your life.”
“You got one wild imagination, kid,” one of the other customers at the bar cut in. “Saying you’ve gone up against demons.”
Aaliyah half scoffed at it. “I’ve gone up against more than you think. Any of you ever hear of the Yellow Eyed Demon?”
“Old hunter’s story,” another called out. “Rumor had it that he was last seen a year ago out in Wyoming. Something about opening a gate to hell. I believe something happened with the amount of demonic activity since then.”
“Bah, some old story from the wild west,” one of the hunters from the booth called out. “Nothing but to scare us.”
Aaliyah spun as far as the chair could and looked to the booth. “I’ve seen the Yellow Eyed demon. Hell, I’ve had Colt’s gun.”
“A legend…”
“No legend; it can kill everything save for a few things. That yellow eyed demon is one of the things the Colt can kill. And that one bad son of a bitch is deader than dead.”
“I call bullshit,” the third spoke up. “No way you could’ve killed the Yellow Eyed. Winchester has been after both demon and Colt for years. He’ll die before he’ll see either of them.”
Aaliyah glanced up a bit and bobbed her head. “Well, you’re half right. He never got to see Yellow Eyes die. Not living, anyway.”
Any noise that was in the background stopped. Aaliyah swore she heard the few people from the kitchen move away from what they were doing to listen.
“What are you talking about?” the other bar customer asked.
“Are you saying you know Winchester?” the fourth hunter asked.
“Well enough for knowing him for about a month or so before he died. He did one of a few decent things he could have done as a father for his son.” Aaliyah rolled the hem of her shirt between a thumb and index finger. It was odd to think about John since his death a year or so after it happened. “I spent a good amount of time with the man and his sons on a couple hunts, so yeah, I knew him. So, when I say you’re all gonna get killed if you play stupid and go into the nest without a plan. But that’s none of my business. Just means I have to clean up your mess.”
“I doubt you’d be able to if the four of us can’t take care of a nest,” the third commented with chuckle. “It doesn’t even look like you’ve gone up against a werewolf before. Or a ghoul.”
Aaliyah sighed and slid off the chair as she worked off her coat and plaid shirt. She shot a look to the waitress when she started to protest. A point needed to be made; the same one that no one seemed to take seriously. She pulled her shirt off and over her head, exposing the almost five-year-old set of scars on her back. An arm lifted to show off the set on her side.
“My very first werewolf,” she told them. “Back in my sophomore year of college. I don’t know how I survived. I probably wouldn’t have if it weren’t for the Winchesters.” She lowered her arm. “It’s also thanks to them that I know how to deal with vamps; how to slow them down and kill them. But I’m just a hunter who doesn’t know how to do my job.”
“You’d have to understand that we hunters are bit of a superstitious lot,” the second hunter said. “Especially after what happened at the roadhouse and with Ellen.”
Aaliyah debated if she should mention she meant the older woman as she put her shirt back on.
“And the demons that possess anyone and everyone,” the fourth added. “You’d have to excuse us old men for wanting to …”
“Make sure I’m save?” Aaliyah cut in.
She adjusted her shirt to show the anti-possession tattoo that matched Dean and Sam’s. There were a few gasps from those that saw it.
“Why didn’t you say you were a Winchester?” the one at the counter asked.
“You haven’t believed what I’ve said so far,” Aaliyah adjusted her shirt. “And from what I’ve heard about my family, it was easier to distance myself from them.”
Aaliyah wasn’t going to argue their assumption that she was a Winchester; John considered her to be his daughter back before he made the deal with Yellow Eyes. She wasn’t sure how the word got out that she had spent a good deal of time with the brothers.
The four hunters gathered back together and muttered between themselves. That gave Aaliyah time to take a few bites of her burger. If the hunters wanted to go and get themselves killed by trying to take out the nest, she wasn’t going to stop them. It would just make her job in tracking and wiping the nest out harder.
“What did you say we need to take care of the vamps?” the fourth hunter asked.
Aaliyah turned and shifted her gaze between the four hunters. A hand pulled out some money and put it down, paying for the meal. “One of you needs to find the nearest funeral home. Or morgue.”
She wasn’t about to waste her own supply of dead man’s blood on their incompetent asses.
Aaliyah fought the urge to turn and walk away. The view before her was near the same as it was when she helped get the Colt from the vampires two years ago. Something wasn’t right and she didn’t like it. The two hunters that had gone for the dead man’s blood were late and the two with Aaliyah seemed to be getting nervous. Two men with simple tasks shouldn’t take half the night. John’s so called practice of hunting solo seemed to be the better option with each passing moment. She was ready to get her own supply when the two men appeared. One attempted to make excuses, but wised up and let it go.
“Take the needles and fill ‘em with the blood,” Aaliyah instructed, keeping her voice low. “Take a few with you if you can and hit as many as you can. The blood will slow ‘em down, acting like a poison to them.”
“What about you?” one asked. “What do you plan on doing?”
“Well, if you were all smart enough to do this on your own.” Aaliyah eyed the level of blood in a needle. “I wouldn’t be here. But I’ll come in and start cutting heads off. Then spread word that four men nearly twice my age and more seasoned hunters than I couldn’t take of a nest of vampires.”
“And take our credit?”
Aaliyah drew herself up, her chin ever so raised as she looked at the man. “Yes. If you wanted the credit in removing this nest, you would done it already. But since I’m here, telling you how to take out a species thought to be extinct up to two years ago, I’m taking credit. And if you all survive tonight … better not cross my path in the future.” She pulled out the machete John had given her and started for the house.
Either the vampires were stupid or they hadn’t thought of the fact that hunters could find their place and walk right in. Or she was too caught up with playing the teacher to the group of brain locked hunters and knowing what she was doing. Either way, the door was open and Aaliyah was able to slip inside. Sounds from the television wafted from the living room as she crutched down under the level of the counter top; freezing when a distracted vampire wandered into the kitchen. The thought of having the men go first popped into her head. Too late for that. She’d lose more than just face with them.
Aaliyah came up behind the vampire and swung. She managed to catch the body before it hit the floor. The head had just been out of her reach before it landed with a thud on the floor. Her stomach twisted in knots in the minutes after the sound stopped, waiting for any of the other vampires to have noticed. For a moment she wished Sam was there to have her back. Getting into this case had been a bad idea from the start and it was going south fast.
When no one moved for the kitchen, Aaliyah started again for the living room. Something wasn’t right. The only sound from the living room was the television and there weren’t the soft sounds of the other hunters behind her in the kitchen. The taste of iron filled Aaliyah’s mouth when she bit her tongue to stop cursing out right. A shiver ran down her neck. She turned, swinging the machete. It got stuck half way through the vampire’s neck. One of the hunters. Yeah, she was stupid and an idijt for falling for the trick.
“For knowing all about how to kill us,” the hunter started. “You sure don’t know all our tricks.”
“The rest of your vampire kin aren’t as smart as you,” Aaliyah countered. “So yeah, I got caught off guard.”
She took a half step back away from the vampire and brought her hand up in the attempt to grab the machete. The vampire was quicker. Aaliyah’s fingers brushed against the handle when the vampire pushed her against a wall. The wind was knocked out of her lungs when she made contact with the wall.
“Stupid girl thinking she’s all big and bad since she’s made a fun runs with the Winchesters,” the vampire taunted. “Hate to break it to you, but you’re not. You’re just these hunters we’ve been picking off; too dumb to realize and too slow to put up a fight.”
Struggling to regain her breath, Aaliyah forced herself up and off the floor. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the door she came in through open. “And you vamps are all the same. All talk and no bite.”
Her shoulders bore the brunt of being shoved into the wall again when the vampire pinned her. She swallowed hard when the second set of teeth emerged from the gums. Her mind played through all the different creatures she’s killed, never thinking that being killed or turned into a vampire was the end of the line for her.
“And you’re…”
The vampire didn’t have a chance to finish when the machete was pulled through it’s neck, decapitating it.
“Dead,” a male voice said. “Sorry we didn’t get here soon, kid.”
Aaliyah looked up from the beheaded vampire and rolled her shoulders. They’ll be sore in the morning. “I’m fine, thanks.” She picked herself up from the floor, ignoring the offered hand.
“Is what they said true? Back in the diner?”
Aaliyah gathered her machete and headed for the door. Word would get out eventually that she had failed into a vampire trap and end up being the laughing stock of the hunter community. She stepped out the door and headed for her car. Her mind caught sight of the three biker men cleaning off their blades and talking amongst themselves.
“Hey, Kid,” the man called after her. “Where…”
“Outta town,” Aaliyah snapped. “Case is finished.”
“Hey, Stormcaller,” one of the men called out.
Aaliyah headed for her car and dumped the machete in the trunk while the man joined his group. She managed to climb into the driver’s seat before searching her body over for the key. And the key must have fallen out in the one sided fight. Maybe the vampire had a point and all she had was the reputation the Winchesters and easy runs. A knuckle rap at the window sent her reaching for a blade.
“Sorry, kid,” the man said, voice muffled by the closed window. “You dropped this.” He held up the keys.
“Thanks, sir.” Aaliyah opened the door wide enough so she could get them.
“You can have ‘em on one condition,” he said. “Let us put you up for the night.”
All sorts of alarms went off in Aaliyah’s mind. “I’m all set. Thanks, though.” She reached for the keys again.
“We did some actual digging,” he said. “And from what we heard at the diner, you’ve had quite the run.”
“Trying to make me worse here?”
“Trying to help. If there’s anything you might need…” He slipped a card onto the dash. “Just call, okay?”
Aaliyah sat there and watched him join his friends before reaching for the card. It showed the man’s name, the one that had been called out, a number and a few other things. She grabbed her journal off the passenger seat and opened it up; writing down what happened and tucked the card into the cover. She put it down and drove off.
Aaliyah walked into the small diner, the bell over the door rang out. She ignored the few occupied tables in her path to one. A week long hunt had come to a bloody climax the night before when she cut off the head of transformed werewolf head. Aaliyah dropped the head, in a blood soaked bag, onto the table. A corner of her mouth twitched when she saw the four middle aged white men startle when the head hit the table.
“One head, as requested,” she said.
One of the men poked at it before opening the bag just enough to verify. “Two hundred.”
“Not what we agreed upon. Two hundred to wipe out the pack. Another two when a head is delivered.” Aaliyah leaned forward, hands and arms bracing on the table. “Now, I believe that comes to a grand total of four hundred. And seeing how you’re probably the one getting the check for the four meat heavy half eaten breakfasts, you’re the one to be paying me for my troubles.”
The diner had gone silent; the wait staff and customers watching and waiting. Aaliyah stared the man down, hearing the other three men in the booth shift in their seats.
“Word has it that you didn’t take out the entire group of vampires,” the man countered.
“They got smart; and you never said I could not ask for help.” A half lie to cover up the mistake that nearly took her life. Her eyes narrowed into a glare. Her mouth pulled ever so slightly when he shifted nervously in his seat from her staring. “Now, where is my money?”
The bell over the door chimed again, the conversation died away.
Aaliyah ignored the new group of customers as she watched the man pull out a plain white envelope. His hand shook when he reached over the table to her. She accepted the envelope and leaned off the table to double check the money. A couple hundreds, a fifty, five twenties, and the rest in tens. Aaliyah nodded to the man before she turned and headed for the door. Her gaze fell to the group of men that had stepped aside of the door and swore that a couple of them looked familiar.
She reached her car before one of the men by the door caught up to her.
“Hunting for profit?” he asked.
“A one time deal.” The hand holding the envelope slid it into a pocket. “Why are you so concerned about how I hunt?”
“We hear rumors of what happened a few weeks ago. About the attempt to take out Lilith.”
Aaliyah shot the man a look. There few people that she was sure Bobby would tell about that within the hunting community. The odds of her meeting one of those people had to be slim to none.
“Word gets around,” the man continued. “Most will just brush it off as nothing more than another demon attack. But we connected enough dots to know it was more than ‘just another demon’.” He leaned up against Aaliyah’s car. “It’s not my place…”
“Or business,” Aaliyah added, finally turning her gaze to him.
“To tell you how to hunt, or for what,” he continued. “But I’ve been at this for a long time. Long enough to know when someone’s running from something.”
“I’m not running.” Aaliyah attempted to push him off the car in order to get in.
“Then explain those dark bags under your eyes.”
Aaliyah stopped her meager attempt to push him away and stood there. She didn’t sleep willingly; passing out only when her body refused to go any more. That was a week ago.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“You to come join us at the hall,” he answered. “Your choice, of course.”
Aaliyah looked over at him and nodded.
Aaliyah sized up the windowless building when she pulled herself out of her car. It could be one of a handful VFW or American Legion halls in the area if it wasn’t for the sign that read “Wandering Horse Biker Gang”. She could have guessed that there would have been some sort of Native American styled name to the motorcycle group based on the group of guys at the vampire house and the restaurant. Part of her wanted to turn back for the car and drive off, but there was too much they knew not to figure out how they found out.
She stopped at the door, her hand on the handle. There was something about being here; as if she stepped in it meant she needed to be around people more than she realized. Being with the brothers for the better part of the past couple years could have conditioned her about being with other people. With a sigh, Aaliyah opened the door and stepped into a dimly light hall. Wooden panels hung on the walls and cheap laminated tiles with a few tables and chairs set up. A man came through a door near the bar and leaned against the counter.
“Can I help you?” he asked.
“I was told to meet some people here,” Aaliyah answered, forcing her voice to remain level.
“You’re gonna have to wait outside. Club’s for members only.”
The door opened as the man spoke and the four men that Aaliyah had met the night of the vampire raid walked in.
“She’s welcomed here, Cody,” the lead man spoke. “Cody’s one of our more attentive guards,” he told Aaliyah as he turned to her.
“You wanted to talk,” Aaliyah said, crossing her arms.
“About those vampires the other night,” the man started.
“Not again, Stormcaller,” a second man interrupted.
Aaliyah’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “Stormcaller?”
“My name,” he answered. “You can call me Tom.”
“We’re not taking her in,” Cody called from the bar. “We don’t have the time or resources to train a person off the streets to hunt. She looks like her last shower was a good week ago, and a good meal two weeks ago.” He leaned forward on the counter and pointed at Tom. “And I don’t mean that greasy, fat, fast food or restaurant food either.”
“I’ve survived more on that greasy fast food than a home cooked meal,” Aaliyah countered. “I really didn’t want to be here, but Tom here seemed insistent on it. I’ve got better things to do.”
She started for the door.
“Off to work alone again?” Tom called after her.
“I don’t need to prove myself to old men who see me as someone to protect.” She turned back around even as she lifted her shirts.
The five men gasped.
“My first hunt ever; werewolf.” Aaliyah lowered her shirts and pulled back the collar to show the blue hand prints from the djinn. “And this one’s a two for; two djinn on separate occasions. Do I need to keep going?”
“You might,” one said.
Aaliyah sighed and hung her head. “You all hear about what happened out in Wyoming? With the hell gate?”
“Hell of a mess,” another spoke up. “How were you involved?”
“That was all done by the Yellow Eyed demon.”
Silence hung in the air before all five men laughed.
“There’s no way you went up against the Yellowed Eyed demon,” Cody said, still laughing. “That was a wild goose chase that John …”
“Winchester took on. Yeah, I know. The damn demon killed his wife and sent him and his sons on a revenge case twenty some years in the making.”
“Nothing can kill that kinda demon,” another spoke up.
“Nothing but the Colt.” Aaliyah glanced around to see the men sobering up. “Yeah, the Colt; made by Samuel Colt himself.”
“That’s a story, kid.”
“Fine, don’t believe me.” Aaliyah stormed to the door. “See if I care.”
She put another tally mark up for more people she had to prove herself to. Aaliyah made it half way across the parking lot before someone called after her.
“Shove off, dickwad,” Aaliyah called over her shoulder. “I refuse to prove myself to a group of middle aged men.”
“You’ve actually stood against the Yellow Eyed demon?” a new voice asked.
The feminine voice slowed Aaliyah’s steps. There was something about the question that got to her; like the questioner was in awe of her. Aaliyah turned around to see a woman a year or two younger than her.
“Go back inside,” Aaliyah told her. “What I do is no place for you.”
“I want to hunt.”
“No one wants to hunt,” Aaliyah countered. “I got dragged into the life; everyone I know that hunts got dragged into it. You’re better off going home and planning for the next pow wow you’re attending.” She turned and started for her car.
“Some hunter you are,” the young woman called after Aaliyah. “Always off to find the next case; just like the men back there in the hall.”
Aaliyah stopped, spun around, and stormed over to the woman. “That’s what us hunters do; look for cases. You don’t get any sort of glory in this line of work. It’s bloody, with long hours with little sleep, and greasy fast food. No one thanks you for the work you do. It means going up against creatures that’ll give you nightmares for months. And your first hunt just might be your last. Do you want that?”
The woman had taken a step back from Aaliyah and shook her head. “I … From the stories the men tell …”
“Be grateful that’s all you hear of hunting.” Aaliyah stared at the woman. “You don’t walk away with werewolf scars or the hand prints from djinn. Or nightmares at night.”
“And you do it alone. Take me.”
Memories of the brothers and Amanda flash through Aaliyah’s mind. How she found Xander in the house after the fight with the vampire; finding Amanda in the bathtub after the wendigo hunt; Dean’s bloody and ripped body after the hellhound got to him.
“I do it alone for a reason,” Aaliyah told her, fighting back the memories. “Go home where you’re safe.”
“No one’s safe,” Tom’s voice drifted over. “Not even you.”
“You think I don’t know that? Huh?” Aaliyah tilted her head. “You go up against a demon who managed to open up gates to hell and barely live to tell the tale. Go watch your best friend die with her guts in her hands from a Wendigo. Have your brother be all sorts of fucked up from a vampire fight.” She turned and started for the car. “I’m better off alone”
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