#i think i talked in circles and changed my mind like 5 times so .. im so sorry
1for5 · 5 months
yes im changing
paige bueckers x reader
(paige x uconn psychology student!reader)
synopsis: with y/n being in a new environment, still facing rejection, how can she bounce back?
chapter 5
the previous week was hell for y/n. she got to finish interviewing all the members part of the men’s and women’s basketball team. she plans on having study sessions with the team members starting next week. aubrey has been noticing dark circle’s under y/n’s eyes, and she’s growing concered.
it was a saturday night, and aubrey was going out to hang with the team, when she went out of here room, she saw y/n locked in with her research. she saw a glimpse of the introduction.
university of connecticut, in short uconn, is known for many achievements in their curriculars, and especially in basketball. according to previous research, many have grown fond of basketball due to university of connecticut, with many championship titles being brought to their home at storrs.
basketball in uconn is more popular than ever. with this, the researcher aims to see the difference of the resilience of these student athletes from the basketball teams of uconn. according to..
“girl thats dope, but you have been reviewing this introduction for the longest time. you need a break, your eyebags are telling you to do so.” aubrey said. “i just want a good grade.. so im eligible to transfer to stanford.” y/n replies nonchalantly.
“that is true, but you need to loosen up for now y/n. you have done a lot. im hanging out with the team today, you should really come so i wouldn’t have to worry about my teammate finishing cans of red bull. thats bad for you!” aubrey proposes. “i dont think i can..” y/n declines.
“im not taking no for an answer, so come into your room and put nice clothes on. i can wait for you” aubrey drags y/n out of her chair and brings her to the girl’s room.
after 30 minutes, the roommates finally arrived to the destination: a steakhouse. it’s tradition for the team to eat at their favorite steakhouse at every start of the school year. the team may bring their friends and significant others to this gathering, but they all keep in mind to keep this gathering not too big and still quite intimate.
“hi y/n!!!” the team greets her, aubrey signaling her to sit beside nika and her. nika turned to y/n, and asked more personal questions about her life. they only got to talk during the interviews, and nika was genuinely willing to be friends with y/n.
they got more comfortable with each other, they found out they both liked rock climbing, building legos, and had mystery movies as their comfort movies.
while talking, one member of the team, kk, got curious. “so.. what’s the deal between aubrey and y/n? we didn’t know that y/n would be here, but don’t worry boo we’re all glad you’re here” kk asked.
everyone except for one
“oh nooo. y/n and i arent like that. yeah we’re roommates and we got close to each other but she’s not my type, don’t even know if she’s for the girls! i brought her here since she’s been too deep into her research. she needs to eez down” aubrey declined the allegation, y/n agreeing to her.
“only answer this if your comfortable with it but.. are you for the girls?” kk’s curiousity got stronger. “oh no its fine kk! yeah i am gay, just dont have a label. but i have never had a girlfriend before” y/n answered with a smile.
“OOOOH!” kk and the others exclaimed. “so what are you looking for in a partner? we could hook you up!” ice asked.
“i want my personal athletic or active, i dont know, they just have that aura. i also want my person to be quite smart.. i dont know guys its just attractive to me! and i hope theyre love language is words of affirmation. im a sucker for that” y/n shamefully answers.
“you know y/n, maybe your just talking about me” kk teased. “NOOOO”s and “EEEWWW”s were said after that, laughter all around.
after a wonderful night and dinner, it was time to head to an open basketball court. the uconn team loves to hoop after a good night out. its their only time to really have fun with their sport, no rules or anything. the steakhouse was just walking distance to the court, hence the team leaving their cars first at the parking area.
as they go into the court, y/n was smiling with the rest of the team, until she sees paige. paige gave her an eye roll, which made y/n feel quite annoyed and uncomfortable.
the rest of the team wanted to see y/n play, so she did, she was against paige, qadence, nika, and ice. y/n was having fun, but whenever she makes in contact with the ball and paige was beside her, paige kept on nudging her and slightly hitting her. paige was rough, which was not usual for her especially when they were just playing for fun.
the others felt paige’s competitiveness, and it didn’t feel right. kk calmed paige down. “paige whats your problem? she doesn’t play. that was foul” kk asked. paige just scoffed and ignored kk. kk was for sure that paige was hiding something, and she would have to ask next time when paige is more open to talk about it.
the team decided to call it a day. while they were walking back to the parking area, paige was dribbling a basketball, and started to throw it up— which led to another “accident.”
the ball goes forward and hits y/n again, but this time it was on her shoulder. y/n looked back to see who threw the ball, only to see that it was the blonde once again.
“what the fuck is your problem?”
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wormswurld · 8 months
hey dude! i love love love your posts! I dont wanna come across as pushy or anything but i loved the ftm oliver headcanons, and i would love to see how felix helps him and such! Not to mention, i know a lot of people love asshole felix, but I physically cannot get over sweet and loving felix oml its amazing!! thank u sm!! 🩷🩷
you're not pushy at all!! i've actually been meaning to write more ftm ollie but ive been so swamped w schoolwork and different asks / projects etc but i got u!! also sweet love-y dovey felix is my fave felix, he is a big sweetie when it comes to his ollie 😇💖 !!!!!!!!!!!
- after felix finds out abt ollie being trans everything goes pretty smoothly! he helps ollie w his t-shots, bandging him up and disposing of the needles in the sharps bin etc,, tho one time ollie forgets to take his t-shot and he gets his period and he feels Awful... absolutely isolating himself from felix and hiding in his room as felix, fairleigh, and venetia enjoy the hot summers sun outside of his window...he just feels too dysphoric to go out of his way to talk to anyone let alone felix (the literal love of his life he came out to yet still feels obligated to keep him uninformed abt the things that happen to him etc...)
- soon enough felix has enough of being shut out by ollie so he goes to confront him but he finds ollie curled in a ball on the bathroom floor :( poor ollie is probably crying as he grips at his stomach his cramps are unbelievably painful and he feels so stupid that he forgot to take his shot,, obviously being worried felix instantly rushes to ollie's side, petting his hair and softly hushing him as he inquires what's wrong..."oh ollie, ollieollieollie what's wrong mate, you okay? you hurt?" and all ollie can do is nod his head as he just clutches his stomach harder curling more and more into himself until he is fully in fetal position..."hey, what is it? what's hurting ollie, can you show me?" and ollie just mutters out the words "period" and felix completely understands,, he's grown up around venetia so hes definitely semi-well versed in this sort of thing
- opening his mouth to then quickly close it felix nods his head in silent agreement "right, right, yeah" he says now rubbing small circles on the small of ollie's back, he's seen his mom do this to venetia all the time whenever she would have her cramps so he figured this could do the trick, at least in this very moment...."okay ollie, im gonna run and get some things from venetia i'll be right back okay? i'll just be a second mate" and felix plants a little kiss atop ollie's head as he quickly sprints out of the bathroom, loud footsteps being heard as he makes his away around the house,, soon after he comes back to the bathroom holding two large boxes of pads & tampons in one arm and 5 different kinds of pain medications in the other. and ollie can do is smile because he's never had anyone care about him like this. "i didn't know which ones you used... o-or if one was better than the other so i just brought the whole cabinet with me" felix chuckles as he sits down, now situating the items he brought with him next to ollie's curled up form
- "i-is this okay? i can always go run back and get-" and felix just gets cut off by ollie throwing his once curled arms around felix's middle holding him as tight as he could as if this might be the last time he'll ever see felix again,, and ollie just starts to cry because his hormones are going crazy but seeing felix so caring and eager to help him makes his heart melt !!!!! hes never experienced love like this before and its so new and foreign to him he doesn't know how to react !!!!! but its as if felix read his mind because he starts to caress ollie's wet cheek, slowly prying him away from his damp shirt so he could hold him in his lap..."ollie, its okay, you're okay with me yeah? this doesn't make me think any less of you alright? you're still my ollie, my boy, and nothing's gonna change that" and felix just brushes ollie's tears away before softly kissing him on the lips.
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runningfrom2am · 8 months
sejanus and coryo not understanding what r is saying when she is quoting a line has got to be one of my favourite things.
“Oh, only being able to hold you without retraumatizing you.” sir-
i love how no matter how much changes in the story, coryo’s hatred towards birds STAY. the boy hates them more than everything.
lennox is making some points with that guilt and love one. being smart is genetic it seems.
you know what? i agree with sejanus so much on the arena part.
i desperately needed someone to tell them what she did in the arena and i’m glad it was sejanus, out of the three who know it. the fact that neither lucy gray nor lennox will be able to process this information as truly real because r, really? oh, how devastating. girlie had convinced herself that [salt->???->staying alive]
“All you did by surviving was make everything weird.” me, one day, probably.
the real comedy is coryo not understanding the joke. also, beatrice the queen <3
she closed her book! she put her book into her bag! she wouldn’t have done that had she not been keen on talking with him. she hadn’t when he first came. 🥹
the fact that she was about to die thinking she was in love while hardly knowing him and now that she is alive, she is living the “what could have been”.
i’m 99% sure that lennox has a calendar where he circled the day coryo will leave, hopefully, with a red marker.
“Watching his eyes- but nothing changes. Baby blue. Worry. More worry.” all i will say is that, this is emotional 🥲
bro i just edited part twenty and it’s over 6k words so get ready hahahah. anyway, let’s dive into this for now!!
1. no me too hahah it’s so funny and coryo tries so hard but sejanus is just always so normal and honest about not really understanding. like at the very beginning when he was like “i thought we were supposed to be mentoring you”, but coryo has always seen her as some kind of walking poem. sejanus loves her honestly, coryo has put her on a pedestal. (not that it’s a bad thing or that he doesn’t love her honestly but he doesn’t try really hard to make her feel understood and she doesn’t even mind)
2. oh my god yeah the DRAMA going on in this man’s head 24/7 hahaha
3. yeah there’s no way that would ever change. (and that makes me believe that tybs will really grow on him lol)
4. we’ve BEEN SAYING THIS like lennox just gets it
5. like,, no one ever thought to ask sejanus what he thought? he was the only other person there! smh
6. literally like they needed to know. she tried to tell lucy gray, but she made the active choice to not tell lennox, even though she doesn’t know the extent of what she had done. (well, she does, she just can’t admit it yet)
7. me now honestly
8. beatrice is such a girlboss i literally love her sm
9. coryo didn’t even have TIME to process the significance of that, he was so focused on keeping her attention 🥹 and bless her HEART she is trying so so hard
10. omg yeah and she totally knows that too 🥹 she’s been comparing them to that story from the very beginning, she doesn’t even know what to do now that she’s seeing the other side. (but also, it’s extremely tragic in a different way, seeing as now she can hardly be around him without shutting down when she wants to be with him so bad)
11. HAHAHA IM SO SURE HE DOES. he is counting down the DAYS
12. as per usual lucy gray was 100% correct and his haircut has made all the difference. she knows her bestie so well
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laneydays · 2 years
you owe me, part 2 // billy showalter x reader
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i dont rlly like this put here u go the long awaited part 2.
part 1 here
we're gonna IGNORE the fact that i was supposed to publish this like 5 days ago im so sorry for lying i had school and family stuff and guitar lmfao
anyways school is cancelled for the rest of the week cuz of a hurricane, i might start writing another oneshot ;) maybe vance? dont know! but i hope u guys like this, felt i couldve done better but eh :)
after billy showalter had showed up by your house on his bike, your day was just a little brighter. he had really cared enough to go out of his way to deliver one more paper, just for you. he remembered, that you read the paper and kept it to make art or decorate your room with. even if reading the paper made you look like a total old man nerd, he went that extra mile for you. or in his case, a few blocks down from his route. the thought made you feel giddy and high.
you had came back in the house with a little more pep in your step, a stupid grin on your face that kept coming back whenever you looked at the flower pressing that you preserved on your dresser. the muscles in your face hurt from how good you felt. it was funny, to you. teachers would always say how one small thing a person can do can make another person's whole day. no one ever listened, including you. you thought it was bull, so it was amusing how the paper delivery boy proved you wrong. even if the flower seemed to shrivel slowly after a few hours, you couldn't help but think about it. billy showalter, of all people. he must be a goddamn saint if he can make me change my mind about him after a day, you thought. 
"holy shit," donna had blurted out from the phone when you told her. you had hushed her, even if no one was there to hear you besides your sleeping dog early in the morning.
"he totally likes you." she teased. you almost stumbled, clutching the phone in your hand a little tighter. "thats funny, donna. well, i don't like him," you scoffed.
you told her that to get her to leave you alone about it. (you doubted she would) but you would be lying if you said billy showalter didn't intrigue you with his actions toward you. nevertheless, you owed him big time. so, begrudgingly, on the monday before school, you emptied your piggy bank and counted the dollar bills and cents to pay billy back for everything he did. it was five bucks. you sighed, it was a decent amount of money to owe a boy. and it made you realize just how nice he was being to you.
you pocketed the money, getting ready to go to school. you jumped down the stairs, alerting your dog. they circled around your feet, barking and jumping excitedly. you rubbed their ears, talking to them in a high pitch.
your parents said your name, making you look up. "i thought we told you not to jump down the stairs. you'll break something," they instructed with a disappointed voice. your mother was at the table, and your father cleaning dishes at the sink. you winced slightly. "yeah, sorry."
you sat down at the table, eating the slightly burnt piece of toast your mother had set out for you. chewing on it, you watched your mother open up the paper as she sipped her coffee. you nearly choked, coughing. she was reading the paper.
she looked at you. "yeah, where did you get this? we don't get the paper," she asked. drinking your water, you tried clearing your throat before you replied. "yeah.. you know billy showalter delivers the paper, right?" you said slowly. your father chimed in, "of course. he stops by every sunday to get what we type up." your mother turned back to you, finishing for him. "but he doesn't stop by our house." 
you smiled sheepishly. "yeah. well, we're partners in class for a project. he stopped by yesterday because i told him i read the paper."
your dad looked over at you with a confused smile. "you read the paper?" he said, obviously making fun of you. your mother gave him a look before sipping her mug again. "how sweet. he's such a lovely boy. i'm glad you're becoming close," she said to you. "yes, it's about time you got a boyfriend," your father finished. you finished your toast, extremely flustered while your mother scolded him for assuming things.
you took a shy drink of water. "i have to go to his house later today. for the project." smiling, your mother held your hand. "good, that's good." 
"don't come back late," said your dad. you stood up, grabbing your backpack and slinging it over your shoulder. "yeah, don't worry." you kissed your mother on the cheek, and hugged your father goodbye. 
"be polite, and tell billy and mrs. showalter thank you," she said before you left. you agreed, closing the door. you took a breath, trying to console yourself and your embarrassment.
you walked to school. it was starting to get colder out, now. and you wished you had brought a thicker jacket. you spotted more kids walking as you got closer to school. you rubbed your arms, feeling the chill of the weather.
hearing your name being called, you turned around. gwen was jogging to catch up to you, finney following right behind her. "hey," you said to the small girl. "hi," finney finished for her, as she was catching her breath. you three walked together to school every day. it was a shame donna couldn't, her house was further away from yours. "kinda cold out, huh?" gwen said. you scoffed, "no kidding. wish i had brought a different covering."
as you got closer to school, you turned to the siblings. "i have to go to the library, i'll see you later nerds." gwen hugged you goodbye. "why the library?" finney asked. you turned away. "for a project. see you." they waved you goodbye as you entered through the double doors. there were less kids in the halls because you were a little early. 
you weren't lying to finney, you really did have to go to the library. you wanted to put effort into it the same way billy was, so you thought you'd find a book or two to help you with research.
upon entering, the library was pretty much empty. it was silent except for the pages being flipped by the librarian behind the counter. she muttered a 'good morning' under her breath as you walked in.
the isles were empty, but you saw a silhouette of a young boy. you searched through the books, in the history section. taking out many, reading the backs and then returning them to the shelf. you were impatient, and already becoming antsy. you wish you could just find a book already.
you turned the corner into the next isle, stopping when you saw the boy. it was griffin. he was reading a book, when he noticed you standing there and looked up. he was surprised to see you, you noticed. "hi, griffin," you said with a smile. "hi." he replied. you approached him, sitting next to him. "what are you reading?" griffin tilted the book so you could see the cover. it was the shining by stephen king. "stephen king? he wrote carrie. you like him?" he nodded at you. you were a bit shocked that a kid as young as him would be into that stuff. but he was smart, so it was probably okay.
"what are you doing here?" griffin asked you this time. he was right, you weren't usually in here. "i'm looking for a book. for a project."
"is it the one with billy?" he asked quickly. you almost stuttered, he was fast. you swallowed. "yeah. how'd you know?" you asked. griffin closed his book. "he told me." you smiled. "oh yeah? what else did he say?" you joked. the boy looked up at you. "he said you make him nervous sometimes."
you pressed your lips together tightly. a weird tight feeling in your stomach. "oh." griffin shook his head lightly, his curls bouncing. "but in a good way, he said. i don't know." the weird feeling was replaced by a new once, a weird kind of knot. you smiled sheepishly. 
"he likes you. you should be friends," the boy said. you looked away, trying to tame the heat in your face. "o-okay. i just need a book first," you laughed. griffin asked what type of book you needed. you told him what your project was about, and he got up enthusiastically, taking your hand and dragging you into an isle.
"this one," he said, taking out a book and holding it out to you. taking it gently from his hands, you read the back. it was great for your project. you looked back up at him, smiling. "this is perfect. thanks, griffin!" 
he smiled bashfully, his freckled cheeks rosy. you looked up at the clock, at the time. "the bells gonna ring in a minute," you looked at him. "want me to walk you to your first period?" griffin smiled wider. "okay. but its in the sixth grade hall," to which you replied that it was okay. you checked out your book, and the younger boy hung onto your hip the whole time. 
the bell had rung as you walked out the door with griffin, the book tucked into your backpack safely. griffins classroom was a little further than expected, but it was okay. you said goodbye to him and went back to yours. you kept thinking about him as you sat down, and how you really saw him as a little brother. it was a sweet feeling. 
the period was unfortunately very boring. you were learning about the layers of the earth, and honestly, you weren't really paying attention. you were just doodling all over your paper. until you felt a pinch in your back. you turned around to see robin arellano. "you free after school today?" he whispered. you shook your head. "no, i have to work on a project with billy showalter. sorry." robin's eyebrows furrowed, confused. "huh? showalter? for real?" you nodded, shrugging with a smile before turning back to your paper.
you continued drawing before a piece of wrapped gum dropped on your paper with a smiley face and an '-R' written on it messily. you turned around, blowing robin a joking kiss. he 'caught it' in the air, and held it to his chest. you held your hand to your mouth, trying to stop yourself from laughing as you unfolded the gum wrapper and placing it in your mouth. 
the bell rang, the class was over. you didn't listen to whatever your teacher was saying, and you just packed your stuff to leave, stopping by the door to wait for a slow robin. he caught up to you, and you walked together.
"so, you and billy?" he asked. he had a teasing look on his face. what was it with people joking about you and billy? "yeah, i have a project with him in civics." robin rolled his eyes, looking off. "just say you're going out with him. i've seen you giving him heart eyes across the lunchroom before." you turned to him swiftly, pushing him harshly. "shut up! i do not!" you growled, a furious heat in your cheeks.  robin held his hands up, trying to defend himself from your wrath as he giggled uncontrollably. 
you sighed angrily. "i'm serious, though... its just a project," you mumbled. robin flashed a smile. "sure, okay. i'll see you later." you were about to make him stay so you could keep defending yourself, but you just sighed once more as you watched robin head off to his next class. you would keep getting teased. and you would be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on billy showalter.
you sat down in your next class, trying console yourself. it's not like you liked him that much. maybe the reason you disliked him at first, was because you wanted an excuse. but it was hard, with his stupid smile and his stupid laugh, and his stupid hair and his stupid job. it was stupid. you were stupid. you hated having crushes.
the rest of your classes went by faster.  they mostly consisted of you laying your head on the desk and sleeping, and or ignoring anyone who tried to ask what was wrong with you. the only person you'd answer was donna.
"you're a mess," she shook her head. you peeked up at her. "no kidding." she sighed, slumping down next to you. "maybe you should just talk to him." sitting up straighter, you took a deep breath. "i will. when i see him." 
donna looked at you pitifully. she knew how much you hated these type of things. you looked back at her, reading her eyes and sighing. "don't look at me like that. i'll get over it, i always do." donna pushed your arm slightly. "but do you want to get over it? it's nice when someone likes you, yknow," she told you. you didn't reply, you only put your head in your hands and groaned.
lunch came quickly. you sat down with robin, finney, donna, and gwen, chewing on an orange slice. they were talking about whatever while you zoned off, thinking about the upcoming week and your assignments. until there were fingers snapping in front of your face. you looked up to robin leaning toward you and snapping from across the table. you smacked his hand down with a growl. he sat back with a grin. "stop daydreaming about your boyfriend," he giggled. your eyebrows furrowed and you stood up in your seat, your hands placed firmly on the table. leaning forward, you gave robin a mouthful. "he is not my boyfriend!" you exclaimed with a heated face. finney and gwen looked at you both with puzzled expressions, while donna seemed concerned.
"leave them alone, robin," she whispered. taming your outburst, you looked away shamefully. you saw griffin and billy sitting with each other. and bruce yamada, was his name? sat with them, too.
"wait, you have a boyfriend?" gwen said dumbly. you sighed with a dry chuckle. "no. it's a long story." gwen and finney looked at each other before the curly haired boy shrugged. he looked at you again. "is it billy?" he questioned innocently. you shut your eyes tightly. "ugh," you groaned, and that told the siblings what they needed to know. 
you felt the dread set in your stomach as you walked to your period after lunch. it was funny to you how people described getting butterflies as a cute fluttery feeling. you didn't get those. it was more like fuzzy worms crawling inside your organs. both of them still came from the same thing however; and it was liking someone. the someone that happens to be out of your league, and the someone you completely denied your feelings for a few days ago. you huffed, you weren't gonna be a pussy about it.
you sat down in your seat, watching as students piled in after you. you didn't care, until billy walked in. your chest tightened a little and you watched him sit down in his seat, his hair framing his face perfectly. he looked back, and caught your eye. he gave you a comforting smile, and your heart squeezed, giving him a simple wave back.  
no! don't let him seduce you with his attractive antics! you furiously told yourself, placing your fuming head in your hands.
everyone was seated, your teacher beginning to speak. "settle down. settle down," she projected. people got quieter.
she interlaced her hands together. "alright, this period will be dedicated to working on your project. i will pass out a paper to fill in information, but remember it will have to be put on a project board. you may use your notes for it aswell," your classmates got louder once again. she cleared her throat angrily. "don't think this is a free period. i will be watching you and making sure you're actually working," she snapped. they muttered words under their breath.
"thank you. now, you may join with your partner while i pass out the paper."
everyone stood up, giggling and gossiping. you pushed your chair back dramatically, making your way to billy. you made eye contact, but you immediately looked away as you sat next to him. "hey," he greeted. "hi," you replied.
he coughed awkwardly when your teacher came to you, giving you one paper. you looked up at her confusedly. "don't we need another?" she nearly rolled her eyes at you. "we're sharing," she sighed. you slumped down in your seat slightly at her annoyed tone as she walked away. 
billy looked at you again. "so, do you have any ideas?" he asked. he wanted to get you talking. he wanted you to talk to him, and hear your voice.
you perked up. "yeah! i do. i actually went to the library this morning because it felt like you were doing all the work, and you're probably smarter than me and i wanted to carry my own weight, y'know? so i got a book," you rambled, taking out the hardcover book. you mentally pinched yourself at what you said. sometimes billy made you want to talk ten times more or never talk again. the latter seemed more appealing when you looked up to see an embarrassed look on his face, his cheeks flushed. 
"i-i'm sorry," you stuttered. "i didn't mean-" you cleared your throat. just stop talking, you screamed internally.
"you're smart, too," billy mumbled. you almost crumpled the paper from how tight you gripped it. you laughed nervously, averting your eyes to the paper. you tapped your pen anxiously on the table, extremely aware of the noise it made. "so, do you still want me to come over after school? to study, i mean. you got the supplies, right?" billy nodded at you. "yeah, i did. my mom freaked out i was having a friend over."
you stopped tapping the pen. "oh, was she not expecting it? sorry," you fretted. billy shook his head. "no, no." he looked away bashfully. "it's just, erm. she- uh," the boy stuttered. he cleared his throat when he saw you blink. "nevermind," he muttered. 
it took a lot in you not to laugh at his embarrassment. and billy recalled the conversation he had the previous morning with his mother, and it made him even more embarrassed.
he had just gotten back from delivering papers, feeling extra good about the gratitude he saw on your face. his dog barged in before him, alerting his mother standing by the coffee maker.
"what took you so long?" she tapped the counter suspiciously. billy hung up his bright jacket on the hook by the door. "i delivered an extra," he replied. his mother sighed. "you know you're supposed to stick to your route, billy."
he shrugged, sliding into a chair at the table. "it was just someone from school.." he said shyly. unbeknownst to him, the woman felt a knowing switch in her mind. 
"and i hope you don't mind them coming over after school. we have a project together," he stated innocently. she folded her arms, a grin on her face. "are you two dating?" 
billy choked. "mom! no, i- they're just-" he stumbled over his words angrily, a furious flush on his face. he stood up, stomping upstairs to his room while his mother giggled. 
he shook his head back into the present. "let's just work on this," he sighed loudly. you grinned at him warmly.
the class period consisted of billy doing most of the talking. he was really serious about school. you would add on your own knowledge and he would smile excitedly and scribble it down on the note paper. it made the wormy feeling in your stomach disappear. maybe the worms actually turned into butterflies.
eventually you took out the book you had checked out after you two went through all of the notes. you opened it up to the table of contents, sliding it over between you two and letting billy read the contents. you pointed your finger at a chapter, "i thought this one had a lot of good information." he nodded, flipping the paper to the right page number and leaning towards you to read what was inside. you held your breath as you saw the details of his face, the curl of his eyelashes. he looked up at you again to find you were already staring, and he swallowed, leaning back after he saw your face close to his. 
you checked your watch awkwardly. "it's almost time to go. we can finish the notes at your house, yeah?" you asked. billy agreed. "yeah."
the teacher tried to tell everyone goodbye, but without success. the bell rung and everyone bolted. you waited for billy by the door as he got his stuff, and you two walked out together. 
the halls were crowded, you and billy pressed shoulder to shoulder to get through without running into someone. you felt a sharp tug at the back of your hood, making you step backwards and grab billy's shoulder for balance, making him stop as well. 
you turned around to see robin with a shit-eating grin on his face, looking from you to billy and back to you. huffing, you fixed your hood. "you scared the shit out of me. come on, you're crowding the halls," you snapped, taking robins hand and dragging him forward next to you and billy as you kept walking. the bandana wearing boy couldn't help but giggle at you two, and you almost pushed him into the wall telling him to shut up.
you made it out of the school, turning to robin. "fuck you," you said bluntly. he held a hand to his heart, "you make me blush." you sighed. "you make me blush too, unfortunately. tell finney and gwen i'll see them tomorrow, i'm going with billy for the project."
robin winked at you. "right, the project." you held back an angry remark, holding your breath instead and grabbing billy. "let's go.." you muttered. the blonde smiled awkwardly as he led you to the bike rack by the school. 
you stopped as you watched him put in the lock combination for the bike. he held the handlebars. "wait, i don't have a bike," you said quickly. billy hesitated. "oh, right."
he thought for a moment. "you can ride on the back. just.. hold on," he told you, swinging his leg over. you nodded slowly, stepping over and sitting down, holding onto the sides of the bike. to say this was a very awkward situation was a huge understatement. nevertheless, billy pushed onto the pedals, harder because of your extra weight. he tried very hard to not show how weird he felt in the moment. he had scooted forward so you had room to sit, but it was tight, and you were nearly pressed against his back. he didn't know if it was the sun but he felt incredibly warm in the moment.
he must have ridden over a tree root, because you both felt a bump, and you reached forward on instinct and clutched billy's shoulder so you wouldn't fall over. "sorry," you breathed onto his back. "it's fine," he said. no, it wasn't fine, he almost crashed the bike but it was okay, he didn't want you to fall.
finally, you arrived at his house. you stared up in awe at it, the front door a pretty blue color. you finally jumped off the bike, billy kicking the kickstand down by his garage. "sorry if my mom is weird," billy told you, unlocking the front door with the key in his pocket. 
he opened it, and you walked in. the inside was even prettier. you knew billy lived in a pretty white kid home, but it was still nice. until you heard barking, and saw a golden blur and felt a pressure on your chest. you were on the ground now, a golden heap of fur between your legs and barking at you. now winded, billy's dog began to lick your fingers. 
he immediately grabbed it, yelling "no," or "bad dog." you held yourself up with your hands. billy turned to you after calming his pet down, rushing to help you up and rambling nervously. "are you okay?" "i'm so sorry," "are you hurt?" he helped you up on your feet, and you patted his shoulder reassuringly. "i'm okay, don't worry." he sighed. 
"who's this?" a voice said. you turned your head, to see a woman with a striking resemblance to the boy next to you. puffy blonde hair, with pink lips and glittery blue eyeshadow. you smiled. "hi, i'm billy's friend. i came to work on a project with him, i hope you don't mind." the woman smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth. "oh, yes! billy told me about you, it's so nice to meet you!" she gushed, grabbing your hand and clasping it between her red nail painted hands. 
"would you like anything to eat, or drink?" she asked cheerfully. you shook your head. "i'm okay. thank you, ms. showalter." 
she smiled. "of course. you two hurry on up and get your work done," she ushered. you and billy looked at each other. he pointed to the stairs.
you sat down on a chair in his room, spinning and admiring the interior. the habitat of billy showalter. he had a few posters up, and a messily made bed. "cool room," you said. he sat down on his bed, opening his notes. "thanks. i have the poster board over there, so we can start working on it now," he got straight to the point. you sighed, throwing you head back as you spun. "oh, right," you groaned. 
billy stopped for a moment, watching you spin around endlessly, and then back to the binder in his hands. he looked back up. "we don't have to do this, you know." 
you stopped spinning, feeling dizzy as you turned to him. "i thought you wanted to?" you asked, confused. he sighed. "you think i actually like doing schoolwork?" you bounced your leg. "yeah, you're like, the grade golden boy," you stated, waving your hand around. billy shrugged. "i'm still a teenager."
you watched him as he put the binder back in his backpack. "then what did i come here for?" ouch. did you not want to be here? billy inhaled. "we could do teenager stuff?" 
"i don't do drugs!" you said frantically. billy stuttered in shock. "i don't either! i meant like, cards or something!" 
you blinked. oh, that was embarrassing. you couldn't ever see billy doing that stuff either. "okay, okay, good. keep being golden."
speaking of golden, billy's dog burst through the door, trotting laps around you and the boy excitedly. you ran your hands through its thick fur, it turned around to sniff and invade your personal space in reply. you laughed, it tickling your ears with its breath. "what's the name?" you asked. billy watched you carefully. he was glad you liked dogs. "cooper." you rubbed cooper's ears, staring into his big black eyes. "he's cute."
he watched you, his heart swelling. he was really, really glad you liked dogs. 
"so, you got a girlfriend?" you asked out of the blue. you were actually curious. not that you would be jealous or anything. he just looked at you, a furrow in his brow. "what? no." you looked at him in return. "a boyfriend..?" billy shook his head furiously. "i don't have anyone." you gave him an 'oh' face. he hesitated, looking away. "do you?" 
you set your hands in your lap, cooper licking your fingers. "no, i don't. do you like anyone?"
"maybe," he replied. "what about you?"
you broke eye contact sheepishly. "maybe." 
it was quiet for a few moments, neither of you looking at each other. you coughed. "so, what about those cards?" billy got up from his bed, you on the floor. he got the pack of cards from his bedside and sat down on the floor directly in front of you. "you know how to play uno?" you squinted. you had seen them in the grab 'n go, but you never cared to buy them. "no." 
he smiled at you. that god awful, perfect smile that made you want to crush him. "cool, i'll teach you then." 
he distributed the cards between you, each getting seven. you had grinned idiotically while you watched him struggle to shuffle the cards. 
"okay, so basically, you have to match the card to the one the other person puts down. so if i put down a green 8, you have to put down a green card or an 8. but there are also special cards, and they can make the other person draw more cards, or skip them. but the objective is to get rid of all your cards. you get rid of them, you win. got it?" he looked up at you from his eyelashes. you nodded. he explained it well. "okay."
he set down his card. a red 4. you looked through your cards, making sure he didn't see any as you set down a red card. he set down his, and it kept going between you. either of you would put down a plus two or plus four and the other would groan dramatically, the other laughing. billy won, eventually. so you played again, over and over. and billy beat you every time.
"you've gotta be cheating," you huffed. you were a sore loser. he squinted. "beginners.. misfortune?" he said questionably. you threw your cards up. "man, thats not even a thing, you just wanna make me feel better." he chuckled at you. "yeah." billy scratched cooper's chin. he sat next to both of you the entire time, wagging his tail when either of you got excited. 
you were interrupted when billy's mom called you and him from downstairs. "i made dinner!" she sang. you checked your watch. "ah, i didn't realize it was that time."
billy and you headed downstairs. you smelt the food she prepared, and it smelt good. "thank you for dinner, mrs. showalter. i hope you don't mind." she set down the hot plates on the table, your silverware already out and ready. "of course not! billy's father is coming home late because of work, so i really appreciate the company. and billy does, too," she winked at you, making your cheeks warm. you sat down at the table, billy across from you next to his mom. she instructed you to eat, and you started. it was delicious, noodles and cheese and bacon bits sprinkled on the top. good thing you remembered your table manners, or else you would have wolfed the whole thing down.
"so, you two. how's the project going on?" she asked you. you stopped eating for a moment, looking at billy who was already looking at you. you tried to hold back a smile. "it's, uh, going good. we have the notes ready." 
she nodded. "that's good." it was silent after that, just the sound of the forks on the plate as you ate. you looked at billy again, who was trying to hide his smile as well. you decided not to tell her that you two were just playing cards the whole time.
you all finished up, bringing your plates to the sink to wash them. "billy, would you take out the trash, please?" his mother asked over her shoulder. he nodded, pulling the trash bag out of the trashcan and leaving your view. mrs. showalter stood next to you, drying the plates you cleaned. "so, are you two dating?" she asked innocently. 
heat bloomed in your cheeks, and you scrubbed a little harder. "aha, no, it's not like that, we're just friends." whether you were trying to convince her or yourself, it didn't work. she sighed. "denial, denial. from a mother, i see how my boy looks at you. and i see how you look at him. look a little harder, okay?" she murmured sweetly. you handed her the last plate. you hated it, but she was right. 
billy came back, and told you it was getting late. almost 7:00. you went upstairs to retrieve your stuff to go home. 
you had to say something to him now. "i never got to thank you, by the way. for the newspaper," you said slowly, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. billy was sat on his bed.
he shrugged. "it's no big deal."
you sat down next to him, looking away and fiddling with your fingers. "no, it is. i don't know why you did it. but thank you."
thats why billy did it. he would never admit, but he was a sucker for praise. hearing it coming from you felt ten times better. he could have kissed you, if you were looking at him.
"you're welcome," he whispered. 
you turned to face him. his heart was beating, and he wouldn't be surprised if you could hear it. the air felt thicker and heavier than it did a minute ago, as he stared at your face, which seemed to get closer the more he looked.
his eyes were so pretty, and so brown. his skin seemed glowier than it did in school. 
you looked away again, trying to steady your breath. "christ, showalter." 
billy frowned. "what is it?"
you ran your fingers through your hair. "i don't even know. you make me feel things i don't want to," you huffed. billy's chest squeezed. reluctantly, he touched his pinkie to your hand next to his. you flinched slightly, but interlocked pinkies with the boy. a simple, innocent gesture that made you feel fuzzy. 
you inhaled sharply. "i should go home now," you said quietly.
billy stood up, holding his hand out for you to take it. fighting a smile, you slid your hand in his and got up.
"you're free to come any time," mrs. showalter said gently. "it's our pleasure having you here," she winked. you grinned faintly, thanking her for her hospitality.
"i'll walk you home," billy volunteered. you furrowed your brow, "are you sure? i know its-"
"no, i want to walk you," he insisted. you nodded, smiling at him. "okay."
he pushed the door open for you. the sun was down, the sky a beautiful mix of purple and orange. you walked silently, side by side with the delivery boy, your hands interlocked. 
you didn't want to hide your feelings from him anymore. when you did, you felt that wormy feeling. but when you were with billy, it wasn't there. mrs showalter was right, he did look at you. he saw you. he saw the way your hair rounded over your head, the curve of your brow and the dip in your nose. he saw the way you looked away when you got shy, and the way you fidgeted and held your fingers, and the way you would flinch ever so slightly when he made contact with you. and he loved every part of it.
you saw billy, not just in the halls, or on the streets. you saw the corner of his lips twitching upward into a smile, the scars on his palms, the golden glow of his brown eyes. and you were attracted to him.
your house got closer, the slightly scratched up door in your line of sight as you walked beside billy on the sidewalk.
just say it.
you breathed. "i think i like you, billy." 
both of you kept walking. you didn't hear the quickened pace of his heartbeat, or see the growing hotness in his cheeks, or feel the slight sweatiness of his palms.
"i think i like you, too."
you stopped, your front door not even 15 yards away now. you turned to him, slowly. he looked at you, from the corner of his eye. you gave him a closed-mouth smile, to which he smiled back instinctively. a pure, genuine smile. both of you laughed slightly, your hands still interlocked. 
you felt weird now, like you had just taken multiple shots of pure caffeine. but you stayed in place, your knees threatening to give way as you and billy showalter stared at each other.
you slipped a hand into your pocket. "right, i, uh. i wanted to pay you back for, everything. i owed you," you told him awkwardly, holding out the crumpled dollar bills. he frowned at you, asking if you were sure, that it was really okay and you didn't have to pay him. 
you shook your head. "no, i want to. let me do this." you flipped his hand over, sliding the money in his hand. "so we're even now." 
he closed his hand around the money, a smile growing on his face. "yeah, we are." 
you averted your eyes bashfully, looking to the ground. his converse were almost touching yours, by an inch. you stepped back, a sweet, nervous look on your face.
"i'll see you, then?" you said unsteadily, backing towards your house.
billy nodded, shuffling his feet. "yeah. you bet." 
you grinned, your fingers wrapping around your doorknob. "okay. bye, billy." 
he raised his hand in response, watching you close the door, and standing there for a second before turning around and making way back to his house. all with a stupid smile on his face.
you stood behind the door for a while, rubbing your eyes and your warm cheeks. it felt like a dream. a really good dream.
you ran immediately to your room, ignoring the yelps of your dog and your parents greeting as you dialed donna's number with shaky hands.
you liked billy showalter, a lot.
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csprslvt · 1 year
you and i, and her. pt 5
Chapter four
Summary: The journey to the WLF begins, Ellie and reader learn to communicate but still, their conversations are tainted with lies. Determined to find Abby, reader thinks back onto her memories. Where could she be? Readers dark past becomes clear to Ellie, still Ellie loves her best friend regardless.
Warnings: IMPLIED ATTEMPTED PAST SA, IMPLIED PAST GROOMING (reader is a victim of childhood grooming and attempted CSA) I am projecting, violence, first wlw heartbreaks, reader is lowkey a liar and a manipulator but whateva, Ellie is falling in love, but the burn is still slow. DESCRIPTIONS OF DEATH, DESPRICTIONS OF MURDER, sexual jokes and references lol, Ellie's sexy ass playing guitar ( I want her), reader wants her gf back, fuck that bitch owen!!! Ellies been in complicated relationships, foreshadowing fr
When Ellie had woken up you were gone. It was the early hours of the morning, sunlight creeping through the darkness. The air was dense and she felt anxious. 
Had you changed your mind already?
Her anxiety was relieved when you stepped through the door, holding breakfast sandwiches, already dressed and ready to go but with dark circles and slightly puffy eyes adorning your face.
“Hey Els”
“Hey.” Ellie spoke, fidgeting with her fingers. “Where did you go?”
“Breakfast for the road” You’d told her, holding up the food.
“Im really glad you slept”
“I was worried you changed your mind” Ellie blurted out, You set the sandwiches down, walking to Ellie and sitting on her bed once again,
“I'd never change my mind about you” 
Ellie flushed, all of this felt so…intimate, so romantic but she knew you didnt mean it in the way it sounded out of context.
“Okay.” Ellie responded, setting down her shaking hands on her lap. For now, her anxiety was soothed. 
You got up, stretching, a tired expression on your face.
“Did you wake up a while ago?”
“Yea, but it's okay, I’ll be fine. I promise”
Ellie nodded, getting up to prepare herself she walked away from you into the restroom.
When she was out of sight, your shoulders dropped, rubbing your weary eyes. Perhaps getting up and exploring so late at night and so early in the morning was a bad idea. But you had to find Abby before Ellie got to her first.
You knew you were spewing a load of bullshit to Ellie’s face. And maybe, if you were a better person, you would have felt guilty. But as every day passed, the more memories came back. Memories of what you had done, the faults of your distance past, the crimes you had committed. First was escaping the QZ at the ripe age of 14, killing the guards in your way without much guilt for your actions, then stealing from raiders and families to survive on the journey to the WLF. When you joined the group, you had met Abby, who trained you in swiftly ending lives and attacking the infected. You remembered when she had first lost her father, who was a doctor looking for a miracle cure.  She never talked about it much, she refused to bring back that traumatic memory, so you never got a name for who had killed him or why. But she knew, you wondered if she was still seeking revenge on that man. You had promised you would help her find him.
Just like how you promised Ellie the same thing.
Then you had gotten separated. Those memories were still fuzzy, but you guessed that you had been kidnapped, maybe kept hostage. Obviously you had escaped and were found by Ellie and Joel. 
Abby must think you were dead. Otherwise she would have found you by now. Right?
You shook yourself out of that headspace, you had a facade to keep up and thinking of Abby would break you down again.
Ellie returned from the bathroom, and it was just now that you noticed how beautiful she was. Pretty eyes, messy hair, freckles and toned arms. One of which was decorated with a tattoo.
As you had walked out the door together, in the break of the morning, you had asked,
“Where did you get a tattoo?”
“My ex-girlfriend Cat gave it to me a long time ago.”
“What made you want to get one?”
“Uhmm well, I had a chemical burn scar. It needed to be covered up, shit was ugly.
You didn't press any further, Ellie was visibly uncomfortable.
“Hm. Well the tattoo is cool”
Ellie smiled, “Thanks y/n”
You made your way to the horse stables once again. No one was really around and Ellie already gathered supplies. You didn't know how she had gotten your gun and axe back. But you didn't question it when she handed them to you.
“Here, so you're safe”
You gladly took your weapons back, rubbing the cool metal of the pistol, it had sentimental value as the first thing you had ever stolen years ago on the run from the QZ.
Carrying the axe on your tool belt, you slide the pistol into a leather holster section.
You got onto a horse, deciding to share one with Ellie so that two weren't suspiciously missing. Ellie was in the front, you gripped her waist, holding on pressed to her back.
The journey began. 
The first mile in was a silent ride, no commotion or infected so far. Eventually Ellie spoke up.
“How did you…you never tell me much about yourself. I…would like to know more about you”
“Oh, hmm” you thought for a second, surely some information was okay to disclose, it was only Ellie. You could just avoid the entire ‘Abby is the love of my life and I grew up with her’ part
“Well. I was in a QZ my entire childhood. I escaped when I was 14.”
“Really? What made you want to leave?”
“I mean FEDRA was so oppressive, I was kind of super misbehaved in school and got sick of it. I impulsively ran away after an incident with a guard.
Ellie nodded in sympathy, she knew exactly what that felt like, your story was so similar to hers so far.
“How did you escape?”
“There was this one guard, he was really sweet on me, it was kind of creepy. He would give me things I wanted, magazines, candy, gifts. He treated me like I was special. I wasn't stupid, this man was a full adult, and he wasn't innocent. He clearly wanted things from me back. I kind of used it to my advantage, he would invite me to his home. He had no wife and no kids, so I figured he was a weirdo. I refused. He took me out of my dorm one night. But I didn't plan on allowing him to take advantage of me.” 
Ellie was tense, enraptured in your story
“What happened then?”
“So we went back to his room and he locked the door. He tried making a move on me. So I grabbed a knife that was conveniently next to the bed and stabbed the shit out of him.”  
Ellie froze, looking back at you.
“Wow. At 14? I'm so sorry that he was such a creep and that he tried assaulting you. That's disgusting. I'm glad he's dead.” 
“So, he obviously was screaming, and it alerted other people in the building. I decided that was my chance. I took a bunch of his shit, like the pistol I have now and ran.”
“You left? Just like that?” 
“Yea I was so pumped with adrenaline that I can't even remember how I managed to do that. But I made it”
“ Where did you go then?”
“I kind of just wandered.”
That was a half lie
“Wow, fending for yourself at just 14? That's crazy. Were you alone?”
“No, I met some friends along the way”
A half truth.
“Tell me about them”
“I met my ex girlfriend”
“What was her name?”
Lie lie lie
Come up with a random fucking name.
“Hm, why did you break up?”
“Oh you know, we just went our separate ways.”
“So you aren't seeing anybody.” 
“No ones caught my eye I guess”
I'm still hung up on the person that murdered Joel. Oops.
Ellie nodded. She wasn't really sure why she was interested in your single status but she was happy with your response.
The rest of the ride continued with playful banter, Ellie was feeling like she could finally breathe when it was just the two of you joking around. As if for just a few moments she could allow herself to smile before her mind brought her back to the things that haunted her the most. She was getting attached, but that's okay. You promised you'd never leave her. 
Arriving in a deserted city the two of you found a music shop. 
“Valiant music shop”
“Should we check for supplies?”
 You both got off the horse, Ellie first, holding your hand and helping you jump down.
“Man. Imagine this place when everything was intact… you could just goof off playing some instruments” 
“We should totally start a band Els”
Ellie laughed, it was the first laugh you've heard from her in a while, it brought you joy. You couldn't deny it, you had an urge to make her laugh. When she first smiled at you, breaking down her awkward exterior it was like you'd suddenly do anything to see it again. But there were certain limits to that, with Abby planted firmly in your heart, there was only so much you'd do for your best friend. 
“No we actually should, I’ll play guitar.”
“I call drums”
“Oh? Didnt take you for a drums player”
“I like banging on random objects it relieves my stress”
Ellie smirked.
“What type of banging we talkin?”
You gave her a shove, she tripped.
“Hey! I could’ve fallen and died from that!”
“You asked for it making stupid jokes like that you freak”
“Freak? Oh i'm totally a freak.” She smirked again, you gave her a disgusted face.
“Ellie oh my god”
“What? Just being honest”
“You can go take your honestly and shove it up your ass,I dont wanna hear it”
“Ass play? Didn't expect that from you either”
This fucking girl.
“Oh my god. Shut the fuck up!” 
“Okay okay, I’ll stop!”
You sighed in relief, glad her teasing was over.
The pair of you went to the second floor of the shop, Ellie found a guitar, preserved in its case.
“Hey! No way!” Ellie jumped excitedly
“Cool! Can you play?”
“Joel taught me…”
“Could you play me a song? I'd love to hear it”
“Yea, yea of course”
Ellie began to strum on the guitar, she sang and if she was anyone else you would have gotten second hand embarrassment. But this was Ellie, and she sang beautifully.
“If I ever were to lose you,
I’d surely lose myself.
Everything I've found here, 
I've not found myself…”
You watched Ellie’s hand as they moved on the strings, fascinated. 
“It's been a long time since i've heard music” you spoke, reminiscing.
“When was the last time?” Ellie questioned after her song was over
“Hmmm” You thought back
“I had a record player. It was a gift from Alison when we first started going out. I had like two records and i'm pretty sure she regretted getting it for me since I started playing them non stop” a happy, shy expression settled on your face and Ellie watched it with adoration.
“What songs were they?”
“Head over heels by ummm Tears for Fears, and the other one is embarrassing”
Ellie caught your eye
“No, tell me! I promise I'll keep it a secret!”
“It's called Love Fool by The Cardigans, came out in like 1996?”
“Never heard of that. What are the lyrics?”
“Hmm something like, love me love me say that you love me? It was embarrassing. The entire song is kind of depressing. It's basically begging to be loved no matter the cost”
Ellie pauses for a moment, lost in thought.
“Sounds like me to be honest” Ellie said in a self-deprecating voice.
You almost laughed, Ellie noticed how you held it in and grinned
“No it's okay, you can laugh.”
You giggled
“Sounds like you?”
“Yea I have this issue where I fall in love and it ends up so complicated. I kind of end up sounding like that.”
You made an awkward expression not exactly sure how to respond
“How many times have you fallen in love, Ellie?”
“Three times”
Your expression changed to a shocked one, for some reason you didnt think Ellie would answer with such ease.
“Was one of them Dina?” 
Ellie cracked her knuckles, a nervous habit.
“Im sorry, that heartbreak must've been very difficult”
“It was but I don't think anything beats my first heartbreak” Ellie mumbled, thinking of Riley
“Yea, me neither” You only thought of Abby.
“How about you? How many times have you been in love?”
“Once” The answer came naturally, Ellie was surprised
“Just Alison?”
“Mhm, just Alison.”
“I'm shocked I thought you would have been more experienced”
“No one else loved me like she did, and I have never loved anyone else like I loved her”
“Do you…still love her?” Ellie looked away, the question itself, for some reason, hurt a little bit. But you were her best friend. 
“y/n’s love life is none of my business.” She thought to herself
Oh, what to say in this situation?  You pondered 
“No. No I dont”
Big fat  fucking lie.
Somehow, Ellie trusted your response and didn't push it any further.
You both headed back, Ellie once again, holding your hand to get back on the horse.
And as you gripped her waist, gently you rested your forehead on her shoulder. 
Ellie on the other hand, was much too satisfied with these touches.
“Not this again.”
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rei64bit · 2 years
Heimdall x Reader ⎯⎯  From Dusk till Dawn [Chapter 3]
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Night 3  (Heimdall X  F!Reader)  
✎  Summary: Fanfic of reader married to Heimdall due to Odin wanting a grankid.
✎ Word count: 2.3k
✎  Title:  From Dusk till Dawn
✎  Chapter: [1][2] [3] [4] [5] [6] ... more  // trying to publish as much as possible.
✎  Note: Im not really a writer, its the first time I want to write something on a character I like alot.
Weeks have passed, you have got your new routine by now. Woke up early morning on top of the wall, start your day and work, night time come, go to Black Thunder drink till you night and sleepy and go back to the wall and sleep at same spot. You been avoiding Heimdall at all course. The fight from that night it still make your blood boil. You stopped hanging around the great lodge as you know he is always at the mead hall if he is not up the wall. When you need to eat, you just quickly grab whatever you need when he is not in the mead hall, you spend quit a lot of time away from the great lodge, you even went to the training fields to watch the Valkyrie training the einherjar while you are writing some note for your work.
People have been asking you here and there about how you and Heimdall doing, and you always try to change the topic. At this point you just hope All-father will suddenly show up and tell you the marriage is no longer valid, and you can go on your merry way stay away from him, but you know this is impossible. But you also don’t want to see him again, let just hope All-father sends him to a mission in other realm for months you think to yourself.
“y/n, it’s good to see you.” The voice of All-father suddenly jerked you from your seat on top of the plain field where you watch over the training fields.
“All-father, may I know what I can help you with?” You are getting nervous but try to smile at All-father, after all this happened in the pass few weeks, he probably knew.
“relax y/n its nothing like that, I just want to talk to you. You are always nice to hang out with” All-father smiled back with his hand gently placed on your shoulder. “It looks like you have a lot on your mind lately, what’s the matter?” He asked and patted on your shoulder to make sure you don’t have to worry.
“Not really All-father… I’ve been..spending my time doing works and walking around Asgard, explore outside the wall. Asgard is a good place to live after all. It’s nice to walk around.” You answered, trying your best to look relaxed but it’s hard to look into All-father when lying. “Is that so, I’m glad you like to explore, the spirit of adventurer,but just try not to go too far outside the wall alright, I just want to make sure you are safe y/n.” “Thank you All-father.”
“I heard something happened between you and Heimdall lately, did he hurt you in anyway y/n?” This is the main question All-father wanted to ask, he kinda sound concern. “oh no..not really. Uh well things is just we need times..” You lied again, this time instead of looking at All-father, you turned away facing the training fields watching the einherjar. Before you speak again and you remember what Thor said to you weeks ago. “..well, perhaps we just need to get to know each other better, but definitely I need some times well.. till im ready to talk to him again”.
“Alright y/n, im not gonna force you to speak on this any further, just to know I’m always here to help if you need me alright? I know he is a lot, sometimes he just forget to think, my son is all work he just don’t really spend time with anyone else, I’m confidence things will turn out well after sometime y/n.” All-father pat on you one last time before he ready to go back to his study. “As long as you need anything y/n, just find me at my study alright” “Yes, All-father” The crows start to circle around all-father and teleported.
You sighed, well that was scary. Can’t believe you just lied to All-father. Get back to know him your husband better? Nah, that’s not gonna happen. You picked up your pencil that fell on the ground and started to walk to the other side of the training field, perhaps later you can go to the blacksmith shop to see what weapon there are making this time.
Again you are in the Black Thunder, drinking mead and eating some braised food. Usually, Thor is around but not today, maybe he is away for work All-father given to him. The einherjar around you trying to make you drink more or join their competition. This is boring, but you join in anyway. What can you do other than spend time in the tavern till you sleepy and back to the wall again? Spending time in Black Thunder have trained you to be able to drink more without passing out, thanks to the god of thunder.
One tankard, two tankard.. you are getting very tipsy but not drunk enough to tap out. IF Thor was here it will be more fun. Three tankard..four tankard.. Alright, that’s it, you are not going to do it any further. You raised your hand to give up, the einherjar around what shouting and laughing at your defeat.
Again you stand outside Black Thunder with a tankard full of mead in your hand that you sneak out from the tavern. All-father been forbid people drinking heavily outside the Black Thunder due to the incident of einherjar and Asgardian fight in the mead hall, it was a mess. Now, drinking on top of the wall is the only brilliant idea you have in your mind. Dragging your feet, you approach the platform and turn the handler to ascend to top while humming a silly tone you don’t even know where you hear or know it. Reached the top, you walk back to your usual spot. Both your pillow and blanket is there hiding from Heimdall since he is always here all the time.
Sitting on the ground you cover yourself using your blanket and start drinking whatever is left in your tankard and watching the Ida fields feeling the wind blowing caress your face gently. Its full moon today, the moonlight shine on your face. “it’s so pretty.. If only I can pick it from the sky..” Perhaps it’s the mead you drank so much today doing the magic, you really think it’s a cool idea to try to reach the moon. Putting down your mug, you stand up with all your strength and reach the edge of the wall. Stretching your hands up so far you tried all you could to do the impossible - grab the moon like a ball in hand. Some pebbles start to fall down the wall but you didn’t flinch, you are very focus on doing what you are doing now.
Suddenly a strong wind blowing through your way and your body start to lose the balance and leaning outside the wall.  Before you have strength to balance your body back on wall, one of your leg slipped. “Ah!--” In this moment your sense back to your mind instantly and you regret this stupid idea, just when your hands trying to grab the wall, someone is holding on your left hand which is now the only thing prevent you fall to your dead. Looked down you never realize how high it is, more pebbles dropped down the wall make it look so scary acrophobia by now. You looked up, it was the god with glowing bifrost eye with the gift of foresight, Heimdall.
“You crazy or what? Are you really want to die so badly? If you do, you can do it outside of this realm.” Heimdall with one hand holding on the wall, another grabbing you firmly. You are speechless for a few second and you started to wiggle the hand Heimdall grabbed on. “Let go of me you piece of shit!” “You crazy women, you think I can let you just die from falling from the wall I guard? You better find the other way to kill yourself.” Heimdall increases the strength on his hand at the point you started to feel pain. “It hurts you asshole let go of me.” Heimdall is getting impatient, he pull you up and know you are ready to start fight with him again. Before you able to talk again, he throws a punch straight at your stomach strong enough to make you stop moving. “You short-sighted..piece..” Andddd you passed out.
Heimdall catches you before your face kiss the ground. Carry you on his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. He looked at you for a few seconds and walked toward the spot you hide all your stuffs and grab all in one hand, walk back to the platform back down to the ground. His hand get tighten on you incase you woke up and decide to pick a fight again.
“shit-this hurt--” You woke up with a pain on place Heimdall punched, open your eyes it’s still dark and nighttime. The pain is still lingering on your stomach but you start to feel a little better, what under you is not the hard cold stone ground like when you sleep on the wall, its soft and comfy. A blanket gives you warmth and a pillow under your head. Wait—this room, this is HIS room. You are confused, you were on top of the wall just now, but you are back to his room. The hel how you back to here. Wait, now you remember Heimdall is the last person you saw when you on the wall.
“This time really try to sleep and not do anything ruthless alright? Wife?” You heard Heimdall voice from your side. He is laying right next to you under the same blanket as you, you can see his back with no tunic or shirt on, there are a few small tiny scars on his shoulder. “I wouldn’t do this if you are not treating me like shit.” You hissed. Waiting for him to say something back but he is quiet. “Hey! im talking to you!” You get up and before you grab his shoulder, he turns around and presses your head back to your pillow. His hand now holding your arm firmly and pressing you closer to his body. You stop on your thoughts and seems like you also forget to breathe because your face is just  inches to his chest. “Why don’t we just try to get along for a while huh? Cause I’m getting tired some of this hide and seek game you been playing.” “Why should I after what you--” “perhaps I should cast a spell on you to be a good girl and listen to whatever I said, will this be better?” “…” Wait there is such a spell? really? “and yes there is such a spell. If you continue being ruthless and causing trouble for the All-father, I might as well just use it on you.”
Not sure how much time has passed; you can hear him breathe steadily with a slow pace. He is asleep. You can’t sleep yet, you are too close to him you don’t even dare to move a muscle. The room is kinda cold as he let his windows open wild, letting the moonlight shine in the room. Suddenly you sneezed, and the movement alarmed Heimdall a little, but all he did was groan, moving the blanket higher and holding you closer to him.
Perhaps you didn’t notice, but Heimdall been listen to your thoughts the past few weeks after you “ran away”. Heimdall has the ability to listen to every small movement and detail if he want to, even the wool that growing on the sheep or the grass that moving on the rhythm. Besides, he doesn’t have to focus too much just to find where you are, you are so angry at him every time your mind think of him its just loud and always the first thing to reach his radar and let him read whatever you think of. “God of foresight? More like a god of short-sighted to me! Hah!” Ah yes, he heard this too when you were drunk in Black Thunder.
All this time he knew you were up there at night, during daytime he would check on what stuff you brought up there. He is also the reason some of your food went missing whenever he feel like taking some bite. When you feel asleep, he always comes up just to check on you. “huh.. even marrying a troll sound easier than marrying you.” Heimdall sighed, eyes lingering on the stuffs you bring up here, clothes, food, blanket, pillow and back to your face. You look peaceful when you sleep, nothing on your mind. When you said you wanna grab the moon he laugh at you, but he didn’t know you meant it and when you almost fall his heart actually skipped a beat. Thanks to his foresight, he saw what coming next and catch you before you fall. Imagine losing your wife because you both fight and she decided to sleep on top on the wall and died cause she was drunk and wanted to grab the moon? This is ridiculous. I should put that spell on this woman so she will behave, is what he think right after that.
When you passed out and he brought you down from the wall, he did think of what happened between you two. Decided to just let what happened before slide and see if you two can get along. He sighed. What can he do now, especially right after his father gave him a lecture and sent him to do some work normally won’t do as a punishment. This woman better corporate and behave like a wife she should be. Heimdall looks at your face again. Thinking of what he can do to you if you disobey him, he grinned. “This is going to be fun.”
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helloo I'm back!!!!!! im so sorry I've been gone, it's ramadan right now and i can't be reading smut or anything like that, plus my exams are coming up and it's my final year in school so i can't mess this up. I've had ALOT of thoughts lately that no sane person in my circle can handle but i know you will. what do you think about a mamma mia typa situation in Greece with bucky (my feelings for him have resurfaced recently), tangerine and pietro? three very different people and one of them is the father (and one of them is gay bahahahaha). like reader meets pietro, then tangerine, then bucky (i know you'd be rooting for tangerine) then she has a kid and they all left her so she doesn't know who's the dad but then years later they all come back into her life and BAM her daughter should know and everything is all over the place. bonus points if reader sings at least 5 abba songs. obv you don't take requests and this isn't one but share your thoughts with me on this since im a bit of a scatter head and my new personality is donna sheridan so... yeah. love you and hope you're much better now 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
- 🦢
angelface!! omg hii hi!! firstly, ramadan mubarak to you, hope you’re doing good!! good luck for all your exams too, I believe in you!! be sure to take care of yourself😽
so…!! I read this as soon as I received it but couldn’t reply straight away and this has been ruminating on my mind!! IDEAS HAVE BEEN MARINATING BC I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS!!! and you calling me insane?? 😧😧 (kidding, but exactly that, same with me. no one would understand my brain rot except you guys. so we all in the same boat my pal)
I go through my bucky phases very often, and rn im in a deep one😭😭😭 usually I would go with tan no question, but now im not so sure (reckon tan would be the gay one???😭 but for the sake of this gonna say he’s not)
pietro: maybe you meet him when you’re travelling, maybe backpacking through europe with a group of strangers (guess who is in your group…😏) perhaps get close with pietro and have a summer fling. maybe exchange info towards the end of the trip, but both know it’s not going to work or go any further than a fling. might lose contact—but a message here and there
tangerine: next stop on your travels is england. not backpacking anymore, so it’s a standard holiday/ vacation (idk the logistics, so you have your stuff mailed over?? or go home for a few days and continue your travels??) but you decide to go sightseeing and find yourself in a pub. maybe it’s really busy so the table you had to yourself becomes one you share with 2 guys (can you guess who?) one of them goes off to play pool so the other gets left behind with you (can you guess who? see where this is going?) you two talk casually for a bit, you mention where you’re staying and what you’re doing in town (DO NOT DO THAT IRL !!) maybe you go back to your hotel room and he leaves early the next morning. would leave his name and his number on a piece of paper?? but you never see it bc it gets knocked off and falls under the bed and cleaned up by housekeeping the next day
bucky: would be several days after meeting tan and you’d be in the hotel lobby trying to work over some issues with card payments?? maybe there’s been an issue in their system so you’ve been hanging around the lobby/ reception a lot while they try to sort it. someone would come up beside you (have a guess who) and he’d ask you if everything was okay bc he’s seen you down here constantly for last couple days. he’d ask if there was anything he could do, then segues into asking you out tonight for dinner. he’s here for work so his schedule isn’t flexible and tonight is the only time available. you agree and would have a really lovely date, seal the deal later that night. and when you go up to his hotel room the next day, he won’t be in there. he didn’t know your room number, so he left his contact info at reception for them to give to you, but they never give it/ staff changes over so
kinda broke my heart with the tan and bucky one 😭😭😭
no idea if these make any sense. I write these as I think of the words, so essentially im just rambling in my brain and I type it out simultaneously. talking shit in other words😭 omg why does this make me want to do a 3 part series of their individual stories!!? (I know I won’t be able to do that, but man I wish I could)
love you and I am doing better now, thank you bby. sending love 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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nintendont2502 · 2 years
My homestuck brainrot is genuinely so intense I'm convinced I could connect any song to it at this point
So uh. Gonna try that with my almost 30 hour playlist and see how long it takes before I can't I think
Song #1 - Teenage Dirtbag
Okay wow I. Do Not remember adding this to my playlist but okay
Dave Strider. Definitely. Specifically his perception of himself as this tough, cool kid yk? That's literally all I have to say about it, it just fits the vibes
Song #2 - Discord
This actually works genuinely well for Rose wtf (specifically around the time she goes Grimdark after talking to Doc Scratch - the mention of "someone else [is] pulling at the strings" and how she "can't sit idly, no [she] can't move at all")
Song #3 - Alligator
Hmm. I'm thinking either John (either around the time of God tiering or maybe using his retcon powers?) Or maybe Terezi + a little sprinkling of Vrisrezi. Unsure but it works
Song #4 - Try
Again why is this in my playlist wtf
God I guess Jane + Roxy having crushes on Dirk and all the stupid relationship drama the Alpha kids had? Idk I don't want to listen to any more of this song it's so boring
Song #5 - Lemon Boy
Okay this feels like cheating - this is obviously Davekat
Song #6 - Brave As A Noun
Oo okay we're back to the good shit. Okay this is definitely Davesprite (specifically the way he tends to push away his friends/the fact that he's seen as the "depressed bird Dave")
Like. Come on just look at this shit - "But I've got an angry heart/filled with cancers and poppy tarts/if this is how you folks make art/it's fucking depressing" and "I'm afraid to leave the house/I'm as timid as a mouse/I'm afraid if I go out I'll outwear my welcome"
Song #7 - Chase That Feeling
God okay this was the first one I genuinely struggled with. I *guess* the fact that the song is about doing something you're passionate about despite people trying to stop you, and the kids/trolls are passionate about?? Living?? Not having the universe being destroyed by LE?? Also it has all the beta kids instruments there we go. It's incredibly weak but it's *something*
Song #8 - Bad Apple
Do you know how many Homestuck animations I've seen to this? *Everything* goes with Bad Apple
Song #9 - Redesign Your Logo
Doc Scratch? Yeah Doc Scratch I think. His manipulation of Alternia/Earth to ensure tje creation of Lord English ("DNA is crucial/we must understand it/in the human genome/we will find your logo" - the codes that created Doc Scratch + by extension Lord English?) Especially "We are here to help you/everythings connected/time is of the essence/we live in the future"
Also like. "Here we have a circle/smooth and inoffensive/this will be the basis/for your revolution" like come on
Song #10 - Rapunzel
Double digits let's goo 🎉
Anyway I struggled a bit with this at first but I think Davekat (specifically pitch Davekat).
"Couldn't leave her had to meet her/greet the girl of my dreams with a kiss on the hand/What up!" < Dave 100%
Song #11 - Warriors
The troll ancestors. This is way too obvious but do i care? No
Song #12 - Body
Trying so hard to think of something that isn't just that one really good troll animation but god does it work so well. Anyway the obvious stuff:
- eyes (terezi), face (gamzee), arms and legs (vriska + tavros), hands (nepeta), heart (feferi) etc
Song #13 - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High
Unlucky 13? Maybe! All I can think of is Cronus is being desperate which. Does work
"Now its three in the mornin/and im tryin to change your mind/left you multiple missed calls/and to my message you replied"
Song #14 - God Forgot
God for a second I was terrified id have two Cronus songs in a row but thank God I remembered sollux exists 💀 specifically AraSol
"Before you came along it was God who already forgot me/cut off both my hands, changed the locks again, that's alright/a fuckin angel caught me/she pays all my rent, paints the walls and then sings all night"
Song #15 - God Is Dead
God do you know how long I've been waiting for a Smith Street Band song. Anyway as much as I hate the epilogues this is Ult!Dirk *and* also [S] Collide
God is dead and reality is fake - Lord English destroying dream bubbles/cracking Paradox Space
It's a hivemind nightmare of a dying race - the kids and the trolls are literally a dying race and this shit is definitely a nightmare
And there is no luck and there is no fate - Vriska leading the ghost army methinks
"And nobody cares about you and your pain/but that becomes freedom if you look at it that way" - I'm gonna be real I don't have anything for this part BUT
"I've always been more distressing than cool/I'm a blood nose on the first day of school/my own quiet life at the bottom of the pool/tragedy is comedy if you can get through it" Dirk or dave probably
"Come a long way from a neck in a noose/look me in the eye and call that an excuse/wasnt sure what to make tight or keep loose/was never a boy scout, so I fell straight through it" - Dirk going ultimate
Song #16 - The Sea Is Rising
Would it be cheating to say the Batterwitch flooding Earth B
Uh god idk "I don't want them to look back when the future is written/and know we killed ourselves with nuclear visions and stupid decisions/shit I'd rather an asteroid doomed for collision/than know the planet got fucked by the human condition/sing this tune with conviction" yk what fuck it this is about Alpha Dave now. (Also fun sburb reference with the meteor there ya go)
Song #17 - Masterpiece Theatre III
This would actually work really well for a Five Giants style animation for Homestuck as a whole (focusing on the trolls, the beta kids, the alpha kids and the Cherubs or just showing major events)
Might actually look more into this later because listening to it rn god there's so much potential here
Song #18 - As The World Caves In
Dad Egbert + Mom Lalonde on the Battlefield. That's it that's the post
Song #19 - Bang Bang
Hmm DaveJade I think. Don't ship them personally but it works pretty well
"She was walkin around with a loaded shotgun/ready to fire me a hot one/it went bang bang bang straight through my heart/though I couldve walked away/just stood my ground and let her spray"
Song #20 - Le Seine
How the *fuck* is this at 20 songs already I thought I'd stop at like. 10
Anyway uh. Callieroxy. Don't know why but the vibes are so strong
Song #21 - Children of God
Fuck me I guess I'm still going
Anyway this just has tje vibes of playing Sburb. Like it fucking sucks, it's weird as hell and theres that underlying sense of anger at a universe that Does Not care about you yk
Song #22 - Basics in Behaviour
Please god there's no way I can make this Homestuck am I finally free
God fucking damn it nevermind
"This is how we live our lives searching for the answers inside of every page/and im here wondering if one day we'll finally be free from this cage/is it okay to have this feeling that maybe there is more to this game/however now, no time to question, so just behave" < that's just. That's just sburb. Specifically the way rose is trying to basically tear it apart for answers (and maybe doc scratch coming in for that last line)
Song #22 - Line Without A Hook
Sigh. Do I even need to say anything? Vrisrezi. AraSol. Line Without A Hook works for any fandom and I will *never* be free
Song #23 - Betterman
Epilogues Roxygen? "Cause you taught me so many things about myself and you know this is true/but now we are apart and it's all my fault cause you know I need to be alone/don't know myself, so how can I share me with you girl, or anyone?"
Could also add a sprinkling of June in there if you're feeling particularly trans
Song #24 - Make It Bun Dem
God I was convinced I was free.
"Killin the flows we're sicker than most/defating the foes we weather the most/never yet falter, never yet flop/never yet halt and never yet stop/keep up with God and never yet drop" < peak 2011 amv material (specifically pre-scratch, when the beta kids alcjemise all the cool shit and just kick ass on their planets yk)
Also maybe a rap dave would make I don't fjcking know anymore kts almost 2 am I started doing this *an hour* ago
Song #25 - Let Me Down Easy
God it's just. It's just Davesprite again. Specifically Davesprite after/while dating Jade on the battleship.
"You want someone who wants you for who you are/I want someone to try and let me down easy, easy tonight/easy, easy tonight/honey it's no secret that with matters of the heart/I'm reserved, I'm irrational, and rarely ever start/since the world's dark and often I humane"
Song #26 - Eleanor Rigby
John god tiering and/or retcon powers. Something big and flashy (maybe retcon powers to fit the "all the lonely people" line since him, Davesprite + Roxy are the only people from the preretcon timeline)
Song #27 - Still Alive
Lil Hal leaning into the robot thing as an ironic bit to piss off Dirk? Yeah probably - especially "I'm not even angry/I'm being so sincere right now/even though you broke my heart and killed me"
Song #28 - Tightrope
At this point I'm excited everytime I see an aussie rap song I get excited because it might mean this is finally ending, and everytime I'm disappointed by the depths of my brainrot
Anyway this is also Davejade "i play my demos one by one/smile if she likes it laugh if it sucks" - also the mention of "it's like I'm running with a blindfold" because haha get it she wears a blindfold in her entry god I'm so tired
Song #29 - Float On
This is just John I think. Like it ties into his aspect and how it provides freedom/independence which usually helps solve these major issues hes facing? So he can just "float on"
Song #30 - Rockefeller Street
Jesus fucking christ song 30?? Anyway this whole song is just Trickster Mode. "Everything is more than surreal" fuck dude it sure is
Song #31 - How To Save A Life
Epilogues Dirk + Dave. Specifically that part in Meat (?) After Dirk goes Ultimate and Dave talks about how he should have tried to talk to him or do anything to help him
"Lay down a list of what is wrong/the things you've told him all along/pray to God he hears you"
Song #32 - Little Talks
Hm AraJade or JadeRose I think. "I don't like walking around this old and empty house/so hold my hand I'll walk with you my dear"
Song #33 - Clown Prince
Thank God,,, thank fuckign God ***FINALLY***
There's literally no way I can make this Homestuck it's just fucking and drinking and honestly. Thank God.
It's 2 am. I started this an hour and a half ago as a funny haha. I didn't think I'd get further than 5 songs, but my commitment to tje bit won out over literally everything else
Thank you hilltop hoods
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hell-chronicles · 2 years
How are you enjoying Vying for Versailles?
i'm currently on calculation path in the dowager queen's court and pursuing bonne... i think. i'd totally seduce the king to gain power... it think. damn i'm torn there. maybe i can date bonne and be besties with the king?
I think the story seems fun. I always enjoy court intrigues (*looks longingly in the direction of legend of the willow* also arcanum kind of). I'm also loving the fact that we can have flings with the two female villain LIs (catherine is great, love her). I also like that the explanations of diamond choices i've seen in theodora is showing up here too.
I'm kind of annoyed about the hair, though. I don't mind fantasy stuff like arcanum having very wildly different hair options each time but i like to remain consistent for the more 'realistic' stuff - legend of the willow has hairstyles in all of the color options! it really takes just 30s to make a new color asset :/
-seducer anon
Hi I havent Played the newest chapter yet so I can't talk much about it yet
But funny that we're both on calculating path and want to pursue Bonne ^^'
We might get options to suduce the King without being put us on his romance path Depending on where the plot is going? Because I sure want my mc to gain all the Power she can no matter what💀. But historically speaking there used to be concubines who started to build friendships with kings and that's how they maintained power/Status even in older age (but as far as Im aware they did start out as typical concubines so that's that).
However I want court drama and cause mayhem within the aristocratic circle but also live our best life✌️
And I also love that we can habe Frings because let's be honest aristocrats we're Wilding around 😫. Also Catherine is a villain? Sexy 👀
Also I agree with the hair thing in period books. It does take you out a little if mcs can change their hair colour and texture in just 5 seconds. I think we could excuse it with wigs or that the Alternate timeline of vfv has hair dye available at all times. But I do wish we could get multiple hair colour options for the hair options but oh well
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your mutuals/followers (no pressure, but positivity is cool) <3
aghoghoahgogaoghga (this ended up being all about body positivity whoops)
1. i mean this is kind of an awkward thing to talk about but my thighs used to be Skinny as fuck like im talking stick thin and there isn't anything wrong with that but it was kind giving me "you're trapped in naturally conforming to an unhealthy beauty standard" feels and now they're Big not so big that they look off on my frame but like. i dont want to use the word thicc because that has appeal connotations but like. body changed. and i have stretch marks and had to size up some clothes and im more comfortable than ever not even just in my body in my mind as well because i now have the assurance that i can accept my body as it is even when it doesn't fit external standards and Man is that a weird thing to just dump about but yeah :) i love my stretch marks :)
2. i have a cool ass looking line scar on my shoulder and it looks like I got clawed by something (because i did it was a small child) and as far as cool scars go that's the coolest
3. my eye bags + dark circles!! my eyes perpetually live in pits of tartarus and i love it. i think it looks cool. its also a convenient visual indicator that This Bitch Tired
4. i love running. so much of the time i feel like my body is holding me down from doing shit like bending down or standing still or basically any physical activity ever but sometimes the stars align and i can fucking go nyoom and i feel like lightning mcqueen or some shit
5. my long legs!!! my legs are Tall and most of the time its inconvenient to like contort them into comfortable positions but like in the aforesaid running if i Streeeeetch these bad boys i can kind of leap-run?? and its fast as shit and feels wonderful like THIS is what you guys are FOR not being curled up under a table youre for GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO
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minhyukie · 7 years
THE JOOHYUK ONE;LK i could listen to you analyze monsta x for hours??? all of what you said resonated with how i feel about joohyuk and i love!! hearing other peoples thoughts on mxs dynamics and personalities!! what are your thoughts on minhyuk growing up through the eras like what do you think has helped him grow into the person he is today/what has changed the most and what do you think has stayed the same?? ily
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dckweed · 2 years
BABES! HI! can you please write a fic where you and max are bsfs and you’re also billy’s girlfriend and she’s like reacting to reader calling billy mullet daddy? 😭 idky but it sounds funny.
hello love! lmao i fuckin love this idea so much this is gonna be so good ! def a light hearted change of pace compared to the drafts i have going right now.
ngl girls talk boys was on my mind the whole fucking time lmao (please i love my aussie bby boys so so much i had such a blast seeing them on tour this year)
warnings: MINOR SAFE ! basically reader and billy being dopey messes just for pure joy of embarrassing max, max dying of embarassment in front of her friends + her friends also dying of second hand embarassment (but secretly they all think you're adorable).
"..WHEN YOU'RE TALKING TO YOUR GIRLS, DO TALK ABOUT ME?.." billy hargrove x reader
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"Please, he's so pretty you don't understand-" You say, giggling with your group of girlfriends as you sit in a small circle together outside of the school, it was summer still but you guys had been trying out for Volleyball, at least two of you hellbent on making the team, the other two were just here for support. After having spent the entire summer not seeing each other you were excited to finally see your girls again, the camaraderie was light an airy as usual as they grilled you over Billy, whom everyone had noticed a change in lately. You were about to continue on when you heard his Camaro pull into the parking lot. He stopped a little ways away, close to the doors, honking once he saw you. "Speak of the devil, I'll see you guys tomorrow for a sleep over okay?"
Quickly you rise to your feet, slinging your duffle bag over your shoulder as you ran, last year's Volleyball uniform clinging to your body. You see him give a small smirk as he helps push Max into the backseat, you see her feet go over, dangling in the air and you see his shoulders move up and down in laughter.
You roll your eyes, opening the passenger door. "Stop laughing at her it's not funny!" You say, pulling the passenger seat down to help her, she was stuck on her skateboard. "You going to the mall too, Max?" You ask, helping put her upright as you say your bag down on the seat next to her.
"Yeah, I'm meeting El and the guys." She says, settling in. She gives you a happy smile, always happy to see one of her favorite people. You were so kind and sweet, too sweet to be with someone like Billy, but she had also noticed that he had done a complete 180 spin on his personality, and at first she thought it was just to show off for you, but then she realized that he was doing it when you weren't even around too. She thought it was amazing.
You put your seat back up, sliding in. "Good, I wanted to ask you something," You say, closing your door as you settle. You look up when you notice the car hasn't moved, going to give Billy an odd look only to realize he's already staring at you. "What?"
He raises an eyebrow, lips quirking into what looked like a heartfelt pout. "You're forgetting something." He says, leaning back in the driver's seat as he waits for you to realize.
You cock your head, rolling your eyes as you finally realize what has hinting to you. "You poor baby, im so sorry i forgot to tell you hello," You say, mocking him as you lift yourself slightly off the seat and lean over to him, giving him his clearly long awaited kiss. You pull away after a moment, not wanting it to get too heated with Max in the back, the girl was already gagging at the sight of her brother sticking his tongue down your throat. "Better, big boy?" You ask, looking up at him playfully.
He rolls his eyes at you this time. "Much." He says, his hand going automatically to your thigh as he finally pulled away from the school. "You girls seemed like you were having fun.."
You smirked, looking at him with a chuckle. "Oh, we sure were.." You say, he raises an eyebrow, curious. "And the fun continues tomorrow night, would you like to join us, Max? The girls can't wait to meet you." You look back at her, a smile on your face. Sure, she was your boyfriend's little sister but she was cool to hang out with, and who didn't love cool new friends.
She seems flustered at first, surprised that you would even ask her. "Um, yeah, that'd be cool..can El come too?" She asks, perking up in the seat excitedly.
You grin. "Of course she can!"
The rest of the ride is in silence, Billy squeezing your thigh occasionally as he focused on the road ahead of him. He couldn't believe how genuinely kind you were to everyone you met, especially him, who he knew didn't deserve it or you for that matter. It was something always on his mind, and he always wanted to ask but he always chickened out, too afraid of your answer.
Once he finds a parking space in the malls parking lot, you get out, lowering the seat for Max. Billy walks around the side of the car, his arm going around your shoulder immediately. You guys walk to the doors of the mall, listening to Max talk about what she and her friends were going to do.
You saw her friends once you neared the doors, and Billy pulls you in tighter. "So," His voice is in your ear, a sultry sound to it almost. "when you're talking to your girls like that..do you talk about me, baby?" You can practically feel the cheesey smirk sliding across his lips.
Max looks back, stunned that she had even heard the question. You chuckle, turning to look up at him. You bat your eyes, giving him a shit eating look. "You wanna hear all about how we talk about how cute your ass is?" You say, and you notice Max tense as she tries to walk faster. "Or do you wanna hear about how we all call you mullet daddy, because you really do look beautiful with that hair baby."
You laugh at his shocked face, and then at Max's initial reaction, which is to gag heavily just as she reaches her friends, who all in turn gag at overhearing your conversation. "Oh you poor babies, believe me, we spend our time talking about alot more than his hair.." You say, you look back at him, grabbing his hand to tug him along, leaning the kids to gag over you guys. "come along, mullet daddy."
"Please never say that word again!" You heard max, and a chorus of noises made in agreeance.
"You're lucky you're so fucking cute, you know that?" Billy says in your ear, wrapping his arms around you from behind. "...they really think my ass is cute?"
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【30 Questions of CP, OC & Fandom】
[ credits to ⇨ @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat || whin: IMMA HOP IN AND BE COOL LIKE EVERYONE ELSE 💃]
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1.How long have you been in this fandom?
not that long, actually! while i’ve known about the series since like?? middle school?? I never actually started participating in the fandom space until around October of 2021! and even now i’m still like? tip toeing around bc im scared.
2. Who's your fictional boyfriend/husband?
I’ll be so honest with y’all rn. I don’t actually have a DL character that I like that much— I really just kinda cycle through them in terms of how much I like them. As of right now though?? Probably Ruki or Richter. (lol bitches with R names)
3. Why do you like them?
richter?? well I actually hated his guts more than any other character until recently. idk what changed to be perfectly honest with you. just kinda woke up one day and was like “mmm i’ll give him a chance.” i do like the potential for angsty scenarios though!
as for ruki, he’s also one i wasnt fanning over until recently. i didn’t hate him ofc, but the only content of him i really indulged in on up until now was the anime. and when i saw him in the show i was like “okay” then moved on. after reading his routes though? i started to like him a lot more 😞 and ofc Jas ( @ruki--mukami ) has a flawless portrayal of him that i feel in love with so 💃
4. Have you make acquaintance with anyone that ships themselves with the same character?
I have no idea if they ship themselves with the characters I listed, or if they’re just one of their favourites. But Ava ( @fruit-of-infidelity ) and Jas ( @ruki--mukami ) are two people i’m fortunate enough to be mutuals with :’).
5. How do you feel about it?
i feel pretty great about it actually. it’s nice to find people who have the same amount of love for a character that you do 💃
6. Do you feel any negativity towards them?
ofc not!
7. Do you like seeing their oc(s) interact with your man/woman?
honestly yeah. seeing different characters combinations go in different directions is always a treat! i really enjoy scrolling through the threads.
8. Do you feel competitive against them?
yeah for sure we’re battling in a boxing ring rn 🤼‍♂️
i’m joking but no i don’t feel competitive at all!!
9. Confident, or pessimistic?
both at different times. and while i wouldn’t say i’m pessimistic, most of the time i’m definitely not confident.
10. Would you like more to get to know about your ship, or would you rather it being lowkey?
as for a ship with myself? i don’t post much selfship content (even though i do have a blog for it). but i wouldn’t really mind whether people know abt it or not!
as for a ship with my oc(s)— Virek is relatively new. so i haven’t developed deep enough relationships to have a solid ship with him yet. HOWEVER! gwen, my old oc, had a few ships that i adored.
the top to being Ryuwen ( @fruit-of-infidelity ) and Myswen ( @mino-diabolik) ((did we ever come up with a ship name for them?? idk 🏃💨))
the dynamics in those two ships were to die for honestly. vv enjoyable! but i also can’t wait to build up relationships with this character as well 💃
11. Do you follow any of those people (them whom ship themselves with your fictional lover)
well aside from those already tagged, no.
12. Are you friends with them?
i’d like to say yes, even though we don’t talk very much outside of Tumblr T-T. I do adore them though ^^ so hopefully we can talk more.
13. What do you think about the 'stans' ?
i’m only a part of a tiny corner of the fandom. but the people around here are cool, so.
14. Are you worried about plagiarism or copying of your oc(s) by others?
lol, NO sjjsnd. i doubt someone would even try to copy my characters, given how complex and messy they tend to be
15. How do you handle such a situation if it happens?
i have no idea. so we’ll cross that road when we get there.
16. Is your cp public or only between a particular circle of friends?
generally all of them are public. but a lot of the relationship building with @simpemone ‘s characters are done in private. we do post a lot about our ocs publicly though— but if you’re wondering why those dynamics are much more developed than others jsns.
17. Do you like a specific cp ship, whats the reason? (I dare you to tag them~!)
i like a lot of ships actually, both with my own ocs and some ships my mutuals have with their’s!! i don’t have the guts to tag any of them though so 💃
18. What kind of behaviors do you suppose is pretentious to you?
i hope i don’t have any pretentious behaviours?? if i do and just don’t notice feel free to scream at me!!
as for others? ig the behaviour i hate most is ‘claiming’ a character for yourself. getting insanely jealous when they interact with others, things like that.
19. What kind of comments do you dislike the most when it comes cp feedbacks of your oc(s)?
i’ll accept any feedback about my oc as long as it isn’t malicious or obviously not meant to help and instead to complain.
20. Have you receive hates about your oc(s) before?
i haven’t!
21. Do you have a complete love story of your cp?
i don’t. but i, hopefully if i can find the energy, in the future hope to write routes for virek/a diaboy and virek/yui. or if i end up feeling too ambitious, have virek get his own route with each boy. but those are just plans that i don’t plan on executing for a while!
22. Do you allow joint of alternate universe with the canon version of your cp story?
well virek doesn’t have a canon story atm but ofc!!
23. Are you okay with people shipping their oc(s) with yours?
yes yes yes!! i adore it when people wanna ship their ocs with mine T-T
24. Ever gone through a bad experience in the fandom?
i havent been here for very long so no.
25. The ocs that you admire in this fandom are? (Tag them~)
all of @princesscrownprince ‘s OCs. Ryuuto ( @fruit-of-infidelity ) Scarlett ( @kindan-no-kanojo ) Sumire ( @sumire-bride ) literally all of @simpemone ‘s OCs. ALL OF @cursed--requiem ‘s OCs. Irina ( @iricathel ) Amani ( @ayamexe ) Simone ( @smonie )
26. What is the moment that caused you to feel most disappointed or excited?
disappointed?? i dont really have any specific moment where i feel disappointed. but it is annoying that a chunk of this fandom will not hesitate to jump down someone’s throat, instead of having civilised discussions.
the most excited? literally any blog that could be considered ‘popular’ or ‘big’ popping up in my notifs. like ik a few of my mutuals have bigger blogs, but when i first saw y’all in my notifs i was like “?!?!”
it catches me off guard knowing that some of the more popular blogs took a peek at my tiny lil corner and went “this? i like this.” LIKE Y’ALL SEE ME?
27. The scariest era that you have come across in the fandom?
see #26
28. The most wonderful thing you have come across in this fandom?
all the love i’ve received since being here. i’ve been fortunate enough to interact and talk with lot of wonderful people, and i hope we can talk more in the future. :’) (when i say i wanna befriend all of y’all i mean it. 🤼‍♂️)
29. Say something towards those that support and admire your cp~
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. truly. its a blast knowing that even one person enjoys what i put out :’). so i really so appreciate everyone’s kinda words, the enthusiasm with your replies/comments. it’s a joy T-T
30. You've worked hard, keep up the good work! ★★★
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hotch-stufff · 3 years
Love is Complicated
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gifs by hqtchner & ncis-season-
Pairing: Hotch x reader, Gibbs x reader
Warnings!: angst, pining, kissing, fluff
Request: "well i was thinking about a criminal minds x ncis crossover, where the reader has a big crush on gibbs but then she meets hotch and she is really confused 😿" @wolviesbabes
Your hand scribbled yet another word on the endless stack of paperwork that littered your desk. It really did never end. You set your pen down. You needed a break. You looked up and your eyes instantly found him. He was hunched over his desk, probably doing the same thing you were doing.
But God, did he look good doing it. Although in your opinion he looked good doing just about everything.
You noticed that about him over the past couple months on the NCIS team. You had been transfered from another similar unit in New Orleans on the recommendation of Dwayne Pride himself. Gibbs was quick to accept you to the unit, but he remained cold to you for the first couple of weeks. It wasn't until you saved him from a, for lack of better words, crazy gunman did he warm up to you.
After that, you two had gotten extremely close. So close that you developed a small crush on the man. Although, you hid it rather well. No one, atleast not to your knowledge, knew about your crush. And you intended on keeping it that way, but it was so hard when he was just sitting right in front of you, looking all handsome and just... him.
You wanted to tell him. You really did. But he was way out of your league, and you weren't even his type. But a girl could dream.
Vance suddenly came out of his office and called Gibbs up. He stood slowly and walked away. You prayed this wasn't a case. You really did not feel like dealing with a case right now.
He came back out a few moments later, a scowl on his face.
"What is it Gibbs?" You asked, he jerked his head towards Vance's office.
"He wants the team to attend an interagency gala on Saturday night." You scoffed. Of course he did. "FBI, CIA, and NCIS teams are all expected to attend. Including us." His scowled deepened at the thought of having to deal with other agencies.
"Great, just great." And you were so looking forward to a quiet weekened.
* * *
The night of the gala had arrived much quicker than expected. And of course Abby had insisted on going shopping for dresses. She herself had gotten a long black dress, with a slit. She said she would add a few things to make it more like her, and you couldn't wait to see it. You had gone with a more subtle dress. A long emerald green dress, with spaghetti straps and an open back. The front dipped slightly.
You had brought it with you to the office so you could get ready with Abby and as you were heading to the elevator to go to her floor, you heard Gibbs on the phone. Now you weren't one to eavesdrop, but you really couldn't stop yourself.
"I know, I know, it won't take long. I promise. Bye." Was he with someone else? You stood there frozen as he emerged from the room he was in.
"Hey y/n. Whatchtya doin?" He asked suspiciously.
"Oh, um nothing Gibbs, thought I heard you and wanted to say bye before we left, I didnt think you would actually go to the gala tonight, so I thought I could just stop in and-" he cut you off.
"Slow down, you're rambling. You okay?" You needed to get out of there.
"Yup, just been a long day. Alright well bye." You rushed off to Abby office. Once you got there, she instantly asked what was wrong. You explained everything. Your feelings, the conversation you heard, just everything.
"Awe, y/n/n. I'm so sorry. He's stupid if he doesn't see whats right in front of him." That made you smile.
"We should get ready." You stated standing up to grab your dress.
2 hours later, you and Abby walked up stairs looking amazing if you did say so yourself. Wolf whistles were heard coming from Tony as you two walked towards the group. You rolled your eyes, catching Gibbs smirk.
His eyes dragged up and down your body, which had confused you greatly. He had never showed any interest in you before, why now? Maybe he had and was just better at hiding it.
"Well, we should get going." You nodded, you all walked out to the SUVs ready for the night ahead of you.
* * *
The gala was interesting to say the least. Each agency decided to stay away from eachother, like elementary students. Each group taking up their own circle around the room.
You had spotted a rather handsome man who you had recognized as Aaron Hotchner sitting at the FBI tables and couldn't seem to take your eyes off of him. You new you had feelings for Gibbs,, but something about this man just drew you in. You had previously met him on a conjoined case with your old team, and you had developed the smallest of crushes on the man. You never expected anything to happen, and he was only in New Orleans for about a week.
Suddenly Gibbs popped back into your head, and you huffed slightly, turning to search for him. Finding him at a table nearby, talking with a woman. You scoffed and he looked over at you.
In a moment of impulse, you tunred away and walked across the empty dance floor straight to Agent Hotchner. He looked up from his conversation as you neared his table.
"Hi, NCIS Agent Y/l/n. We worked together on the Williams case about a year back." He nodded in recognition.
"Of course. Its great to see you again agent y/l/n." He paused looking you up and down in a way you welcomed. "Can I help you with something." He asked, not unkindly at all, but rather friendly.
"I was wondering if you would like to dance." He raised an eyebrow at you. "Someone's got to break the chill in this room." He nodded and stood up slowly, his team staring on in awe. You figured he didn't do this very often.
"I would love to." He took your hand bringing you to the dance floor as another song began. You two danced for about 10 minutes before more couples began to join you. You smiled in triumph and Hotchner laughed at your face.
"What? It worked didn't it?" He smiled shaking his head.
"I suppose it did." You two began talking and laughing and just getting to know each other. You soon found yourself at a table as you continued with your conversation.
"Okay but, im just saying if Strauss is anything like Vance, they would be perfect together." He laughed at this rather loudly, catching the eyes of a few people near by.
"That would never happen. If Vance is anything like Strauss they would drive each other crazy." You giggled softly. Soon it was time to leave, and Agent Hotchner, or Aaron as he had asked you to call him, offered to walk you to your SUV where the rest of your team was waiting. They all eyed you as this strange man walked you over, handing you a card and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. You had blushed profusely and walked over, getting in the car.
"So y/n, whos the hottie?" Abby began interrogating you as soon as you shut your door.
"Thats Agent Hotchner. He's the Unit Chief of the FBI's BAU." You smiled to yourself.
"Must be an ass if he's from the FBI." Gibbs remarked, another scowl gracing his face.
"He was actually quite the gentlman." Was your only response before turning to look out the window. Gibbs was the one being an ass. You had just spent the night with a wonderful man and Gibbs just had to ruin it by spouting some snarky comment that only confused you more. The rest of the ride was spent in silence.
* * *
Once back at the office, Gibbs had called you to the elevator, not giving you a chance to respond. You had of course listened, and as soon as the doors shut, he had pulled the emergency button.
"What is it Gibbs?" You asked softly. He just walked closer to you, cupping your face. "What are you doing?" He leaned in slowly bringing his lips to yours.
And you had expected it to be perfect and explosive and passionate. But... it wasn't. He pulled away after only a moment.
"Hang on, let me try that again." And he leaned in once more, pressing his lips to yours. But once again, there was nothing. He pulled away.
"That was ... strange?" He asked, more to himslef than anything.
"I uh, that-that was-"
"Not what I was expecting." He finished for you.
"You know Gibbs, I've been pining over you for months, and I'm guessing you felt the same. But I think we both met someone else tonight that changed our minds." You recalled him spending the whole night side by side with the woman you had seen earlier. You smiled shyly at him. "Call that woman you were with tonight. Tell her you want to go out on a date." He smiled looking into your eyes.
"Only if you call Agent Hochie, or whatever his name was, and tell him the same." You laughed at not only his comment, but the absurdity of the situation. For the past 5 months you had been yearning for a man who ended up not being what you wanted at all. It made you think that maybe what you really wanted, what you both really wanted, was someone to love. So you latched on to the person who had become closest to you.
"I love ya y/n." He whispered as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"I love you too Gibbs. Now go get her." He stepped out of the elevator, pulling out his phone. You did the same, pulling out Aaron's card. It rang once. Twice.
"Hotchner." You giggled at his formal greeting. Taking a deep breath before going for it.
"Hey Aaron, I was just wondering if you were up for dinner?" He smiled.
"Of course. You know, I'm really glad you called."
"Me too." And you walked out of your office that night, a date with a man you had never expected, and a smile on your face.
Not sure how I feel about this one, but I loved the request. Let me know what you guys think!! Thanks for reading! Requests are still open, so ask away! If you would like an idea of what to request, here is my prompt list, and if you would like to read more of my work, here is my masterlist.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
TO LOVE AND BELOVED - Part Five (Harry Styles)
a/n: ahh idk why but writing this part took me forever! but its finally here and i can’t wait to see your thoughts on it! i was debating for a long time if part 5 should be the last one, but then i decided to add another part, bc there are two more things i want to include in the story and i couldn’t squeeze them into this part, it’s already the longest so far, so we have one more part left of the story! also, a little warning that part 6 might take a little longer than the prev parts bc im a little behind with my schedule but it’ll try my best!
pairing: CEO!Dad!Harry X Reader
warning: mentions of death, cheating and divorce, sexual content
word count: 12k
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You’ve been feeling like a teenager sneaking around her parents these past weeks. Only that you’re an adult and the parent you are trying to keep your secret romance hidden from is a four year old little girl.
Your birthday was a turning point in your evolving relationship with Harry. Like a wall has been brought down and he finally started reaching out to you. It feels like with every passing day you’re getting closer to him and you can see the progress he’s been making thanks to his therapy sessions and how much he is trying to make a change himself as well.
Stolen kisses and tiny touches have been a usual in your every days whenever Izzy was out of sight for the shortest second. You’ve realized that Harry is an affectionate person, he likes to keep you close and he never fails to bring passion into the tiniest kisses.
With Izzy around 24/7 it’s been hard to find time when it’s just the two of you, but you’ve been waking up early in the morning just to spend that twenty minutes alone with Harry while he drinks his coffee. Sometimes you just sit in silence, trying to wake up for the day ahead of you but sometimes he talks your ears off about anything and everything. In the evening, when Izzy is already sleeping the two of you usually wind off together in the living room or watch a movie in the entertainment room, just enjoying some alone time. It’s not much, but more than nothing and you’ve grown very fond of these little moments with him.
Nothing more has happened than just kissing. Despite the progress Harry has made so far you can tell he still has quite a few conflicts buried deep inside him and you definitely don’t want to rush him into anything he is not ready for. Some cuddling on the couch or short but passionate make out sessions in a corner while Izzy is not paying attention, you haven’t gone further than this.
Now it’s the last day before Izzy leaves to Harry’s mum for the week. He is dropping her off Sunday afternoon and it will leave the two of you alone for seven full days. Well, Harry still has to work during the day, but from the moment he’ll get home, it’s just gonna be you and him.
You had to make a few phone calls so you’ve been locked in your room for a while now. When you come down you find your favorite father-daughter duo on the couch, some kind of Barbie movie playing on the TV, but Izzy is busy with something else. She’s got her water based flooring pens scattered around her, Harry’s tattooed arm laying across her lap as she is coloring the patterns as if it was her favorite coloring book. Before they could notice you, you run back to your room and grab your polaroid camera and returning you snap a picture of the adorable scene. The shutter of the camera makes Harry’s head snap in your way, a smile tugging on his lips.
“Hey,” he softly greets you. You put the camera and the photo aside to the cupboard near you before joining them on the couch.
“Hi Y/N! Look!” Izzy beams happily, pointing at Harry’s ship tattoo that is now fully colored with yellows, pinks and blues.
“It looks better this way,” you smirk down at her before your eyes meet with Harry’s over her head, smiling at you softly.
Making yourself comfortable next to them, you watch Izzy work on more of his tattoos and you find it such a heartwarming scene, you want to remember it forever. Harry Styles, such an influential, successful and serious businessman, sitting on the couch in his loungewear while his daughter is using his tattooed skin as her personal coloring book. He really is a wonderful human being and the best dad to his daughter.
“Y/N, do you have any tattoos?” Izzy asks, turning to you with curious eyes.
“I actually do,” you answer and you see Harry’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“You really do?” he asks, his head resting on the back of the couch, turned to face you.
“Yeah,” you nod with a soft chuckle.
“Where?” Izzy asks perking up at the new information.
“Um, it’s right here,” you tell her pointing at the side of your hips, covered with your sweatpants.
“Can I color them?” she asks innocently, but Harry is quick to react.
“Izzy, you’re being a little too nosy,” he warns her as always, and she looks at you with a pouty look.
“It’s fine. Um, yeah, you can color it,” you nod.
Sliding lower on the couch you roll down the waistband of your pants until the tattoo is revealed on the side. You catch Harry’s eyes wander over the skin you are now showing and you can see a slight blush tinting his cheeks. He hasn’t seen this part of your body uncovered yet, he hasn’t even seen you in a bathing suit so far so it’s quite the new thing.
(reference for the tattoo)
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The tattoo on your side is a simple yet meaningful one, dedicated to the special bond you and Trevor share. It’s a minimalistic yet beautiful piece of two koi fishes swimming in a circle, one is left blank as while the other one is black so their formation resembles the yin-yang symbol. You got it when you turned twenty, when Trevor was just in middle school, but he promised you he would get the same design when he turns eighteen that will happen in the fall.
“That looks beautiful,” Harry breathes out with a shy smile and you notice how he doesn’t ask about the meaning behind it. Not because he is not curious but because he is insanely respectful and he doesn’t want to ask something that’s too personal.
“Thanks,” you smile at him as Izzy grabs her pens and starts coloring the blank fish.
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The rest of the day goes by uneventfully, Harry is clearly trying to spend as much time with Izzy as possible before her week with his mother, but you also notice that he seems to be keeping something away from you, like he is trying to bring up something but he is not entirely sure how to start the conversation.
It’s not until Izzy is put to bed that he joins you on the couch, turning to you with a serious expression on his handsome face.
“What’s up?” you ask with a soft chuckle.
“I was thinking…”
“I could see that,” you tease him, giving his knee a playful squeeze. “I’m listening.”
“Actually there are two things I wanted to talk to you about. I’m not sure which one to ask first.” He purses his lips before sighing and moving his eyes to meet your curious gaze. “So we’re gonna be alone for the next week.”
“And I thought that… if you want to, but we don’t have to, it was just an idea—so feel free to—“
“Harry,” you cut his stuttering off, moving closer with a reassuring smile. You caress the side of his face and you notice how you lean into your touch, breathing out through his nose. “Don’t be nervous, alright? Just tell me what’s been on your mind.”
“Would you go out on a date with me?” he then asks and it’s the purest thing you’ve ever seen and heard from him. The hopeful but still nervous look in his eyes makes him appear like a little boy who is asking out his first crush in middle school, afraid of rejection, when that’s the last thing he has to think about when it comes to you, but it’s still cute.
“I would love to,” you smile at him and leaning closer you peck his lips softly. “And what’s the other thing you wanted to ask?”
“Well, I’m driving Izzy over to my mum’s early in the morning and I’m staying for lunch and… if you don’t feel like it’s too much, you could… maybe come with us.”
“You want me to meet your mum?” you ask surprised.
“Well, she wants to meet you as well, but I want you to meet her, yes,” he admits with a nervous chuckle. “Gemma has told her about you and my sister likes to be nosy so she might have added a little spice into the story about us when nothing was really going on.”
“Oh my, what does she think?” you ask with wide eyes.
“Nothing bad, don’t worry,” he assures you quickly. “She just made it seem like we are… dating and all,” he adds with a nervous smile. “But I told her that it’s… I mean that we are not there… yet.”
“Oh, okay. Well, if you really want me there, I would love to go with you.”
“Yeah. Would love to meet your mum.”
“I was afraid you’d find it a little early for this,” he admits truthfully and you can see that rationality in his thought. “We haven’t really… discussed what we are and I didn’t want to put the pressure on you.”
“Well, do you want to talk about us?” you ask softly, giving him the chance to decline if he feels like the conversation might be a little too much for him.
“I do, but I’m not sure… what to say,” he hums, knitting his eyebrows together. Last time I had this talk I was in my early twenties and I don’t even know how to start,” he chuckles shaking his head.
“Okay, then let’s just agree on some things,” you suggest and he eyes you curiously. “Neither of us is seeing anyone else, right?”
“Is that even a question in my situation?” he snorts, making a joke out of his issues clearly and you’re happy he is able to take it so lighthearted.
“Just clearing the air,” you chuckle. “So we are…exclusive.”
“Seems like it,” he nods.
“And you just asked me out on a date,” you point another detail out.
“I did. And you said yes,” he smiles, an excited shine in his eyes glimmering through his green irises.
“Yeah. So we can say we are dating? Seeing each other?” Harry chews on the terms you offered, tastes them before nodding slowly.
“I guess we could say that.”
“Okay. So… that’s what we are,” you smile at him, giving his knee another squeeze. This time, his hand finds yours and he runs his thumb across your knuckles.
“I think… I’m okay with that,” he breathes out and though it’s seemingly such an insignificant thing, you know how huge steps he has just taken forward.
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“I liked the blue one better. With the white sweater,” Heather hums, watching you through the video call. You have your phone propped up on your dresser as you’re trying to figure out what to wear today.
Though you seemed completely unbothered last night when Harry invited you along with them, but now you can feel the slight panic. It’s not even because you and Harry are a thing now, you’d feel this way if you met his mother just as Izzy’s nanny. Grandmothers can be so protective over their grandchildren, you’ve met with quite a few problematic ones while you were working at the daycare and you just want Anne to like you, to trust you with Izzy as much as Harry does.
“Okay, blue it is then,” you sigh, pulling the yellow sundress off of yourself before putting the blue one back with a white sweater.
“So you guys are now official?” Heather grins at you through the screen. “Meeting his mother and all that?”
“Define being official,” you chuckle softly.
“Like, boyfriend-girlfriend?”
“Not yet. But we agreed to be exclusively dating.”
“I still can’t fucking believe that you’re scoring the hottest dad I’ve ever seen. You lucky bitch,” she sighs, sipping on her morning coffee.
“Me neither,” you scoff.
“I’m pretty sure if the mothers who got you fired knew, they would explode. Basically every woman was in love with the man and now you are the lucky woman actually getting him.”
“I guess this is karma for what they did,” you chuckle shrugging. “Alright, I gotta go, because we are leaving soon, but I’ll talk to you soon.”
“You better be! I want a detailed essay about how it went!” she grins, kissing the camera.
“Alright, bye!” you smile before ending the call.
When you get downstairs, Harry and Izzy are already down there, Harry is zipping up her bag while she is dancing around humming to herself.
“Baby, your backpack is still in your room. Can you please get it?” Harry asks her, Izzy nods and runs towards you, stopping in front of you.
“Hi Y/N! I like your dress!” she beams at you.
“Hi! Well thank you!” you smile at her before she runs past you up the stairs. “Hey,” you greet Harry and his eyes snap up to you, his pink lips stretching into a warm smile as he leans closer and kisses your cheek sweetly.
“Hi. You look beautiful.”
“Thank you. So, any tips for meeting your mum for the first time?” you ask, fidgeting with your fingers nervously. Harry reaches out and takes your hands between his so he stops the motion.
“You don’t need tips. I know my mum will like you, she is already so excited to meet you, so don’t worry.”
“If you say so,” you breathe out.
Harry puts Izzy’s stuff in the Rover and soon buckles her into her seat before the three of you hit the road. Harry has a whole playlist for Izzy’s favorite songs so you obviously listen to that along with Izzy’s performance of all the songs, filled with misheard lyrics, but that’s what makes it even better. The car ride is about three hours, which is not that horrible. You need just one bathroom break sometime in the middle and Izzy sleeps through the last hour in the car, allowing the two of you to finally listen to music that’s not from a kids’ show.
“Do you have a song request?” you smile over at him, scrolling through his phone since it’s the one connected to the car, but he has given you permission to play whatever you like.
“Not really.”
“You don’t have songs you like to listen to in the car?”
“Not specifically. Do you?”
“Oh, I have a whole playlist for songs to blast in the car,” you chuckle.
“Really? And what songs are on it?”
“Well, I can just show you.”
You search up your user on Spotify and find the playlist in talk before putting it on shuffle. As the first song starts to play, you peek over at him to see his reaction and you spot the smirk on his lips.
“Black Eyed Peas?” he asks glancing at you shortly.
“Yeah, you don’t like them?” you smirk at him.
“I do, I just didn’t think you listen to them,” he admits with a soft chuckle.
“Are you kidding me? They give me the biggest nostalgia! I listened to them so much as a teenager.”
“So teenage Y/N gave a concert in her bedroom, singing I Gotta Feeling?” he teases you grinning.
“Not just a concert, a whole world tour.”
There’s a short silence, just the two of you listening to the song, you watch the trees and fields rush by you as you drive down the country road. The song changes to another one and you’ve already forgotten about what you talked about, but apparently not Harry.
“What were you like as a teenager?” he asks. You turn to face him and your eyes meet for a second.
“Um, like a normal teenager,” you shrug, not sure what to say.
“There’s no such thing as a normal teenager,” Harry smiles. “What did you do, what were your favorite things?”
“I was… pretty plain, if I might say. I wasn’t a rebel or too much of a geek either. I had like three good friends, we used to hang out a lot by the little lake near our neighborhood, that was like our spot. I liked going on hikes and I watched a lot of documentaries,” you admit with a small smile.
“What kind?”
“I don’t know, anything that was on,” you shrug. “My mom had this phase where she was trying to act like she was just like all the other mom’s from my school, but they were all at least a decade older than her. She was trying to prove that she was this mature, very serious woman who had her shit together and all that.”
“And she didn’t?” Harry asks peeking at you shortly.
“I mean, she did. She turned thirty when I was twelve. Most women barely just got married and started their family at that age but she had been married for eight years and had a middle schooler and a baby already. She really was mature but I could tell that she felt like she lost her twenties because of… me.”
Sighing you think back to the years when you often felt like a burden to your mom. She gave up a lot of things just to give you the life she imagined for you. She worked her ass off to raise you and later Trevor as well, have a career and do all the works around the house. Your dad was working a lot of night shifts, there were entire weeks when you barely even saw him. You don’t blame him, he was trying to provide for his family, but it’s pretty clear he and your mother grew cold over the years and it had a huge part in it.
“Do you… blame yourself for it?” Harry asks softly.
“No,” you shake your head. “It’s not like I had anything to do with being born,” you chuckle. “I just didn’t like seeing my mom struggle so much. So when Trevor was born I was trying to take over a lot of tasks around the house and with him as well. I babysat him a lot, took care of him in the mornings, I picked him up from daycare and later from school… I tried to make it easier for my parents.”
“So this is why you grew so close with him?”
“I guess so,” you nod. “I mean, I surely spent the most time with him,” you add with a short chuckle.
“And do you think this is why you’re so good with kids?”
“What is this, a therapy session?” you ask arching an eyebrow at him, but he just rolls his eyes.
“Just… trying to get to know you. Is that a problem?”
“No, I just… I’m not used to talking about myself so much. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been in this… talking stage,” you admit with a sigh. “But to answer your question, it might have had some impact on me. I mean, I loved taking care of Trevor. It’s like I had my own baby doll, only that it wasn’t just a toy, it was a real baby I could play with.”
“Did you play dress up with him?” Harry smirks at you.
“I did,” you admit laughing. “I used to dress him as a princess a lot and he seemed to like it! My dad wasn’t really a fan of it.”
For the rest of the ride you listen to your playlist and talk about not just your but Harry’s past too. He tells you about his friends, what he was like in school and the mischiefs he did growing up, that drove his mum crazy sometimes. As you get to his hometown and he points out different places he used to go to when he was younger, you feel so much closer to him, like you’ve just gotten to see another piece of him that was hidden before.
He pulls up to the driveway of a simple townhouse and as you get out of the car you see the front door open and a woman rushes out, squealing in excitement as she runs up to Harry and hugs him tightly.
“Finally! I was starting to get worried!” she breathes out, rocking the two of them to left and right.
“Mum, don’t be dramatic. I texted you when we left and we got here perfectly in time,” Harry chuckles, holding his mum tight.
“You barely just arrived and you’re already picking on me? Typical,” Anne rolls her eyes, letting go of him. You round the car, feeling nervous to meet her. When her eyes finally fall on you, her smile grows even wider as she takes a step closer to you. “And you must be Y/N! It’s so nice to meet you!” she beams, pulling you into a warm hug as well.
“Nice to meet you too,” you chuckle, hugging her back.
“I’m Anne, but I listen to all versions of mum and grandma,” she tells you chuckling.
“Alright, noted,” you nod smiling.
Harry opens the car door of the backseat and unbuckles Izzy who has already woken up from her little nap and the moment her feet are on the ground she runs up to Anne.
“Grams!” She giggles before throwing herself into Anne’s arms who picks her up happily.
“Hi baby, you grew so much! I missed you!” she sighs as the little girl cuddles into her neck.
“Missed you too, Grams. I brought my new toys, do you want to play with them?”
“Of course! We’ll have all the time to play this week,” Anne smiles down at her. “Alright, come on in. Lunch is almost ready.”
Harry grabs Izzy’s things from the car and you all head inside. The house smells good from the cooking food in the kitchen and it’s such a cozy home, you can definitely see Harry growing up here. Above the fireplace in the living room there are a bunch of photos framed on the wall, most of them are from Harry and Gemma, but there are some more of other relatives as well, cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. It seems like Harry has a big family.
Harry unpacks Izzy’s stuff in her room that used to be Gemma’s apparently, he is telling Anne all about everything she needs to know about Izzy’s routines and she is listening patiently, though you’re sure she is more than capable of taking care of her. After all, she raised two amazing children already.
While Izzy shows Anne all her toys she’s brought with herself, Harry takes your hand and pulls you out of the room just to go into another one. Walking in you immediately realize that it must have been his once upon a time.
“You know, I can see your younger version in here, the one I saw in the photos downstairs,” you smirk at him, looking around. There are some old posters and pictures still littering the walls, stickers are covering the side of his wardrobe and dresser, some of them are partially ripped off already, he probably tried to get rid of them once he got older, but miserably failed.
“Yeah? I was pretty cute, right?” he smirks, so full of himself.
“I liked the curly Justin Bieber hairstyle,” you tease him and he gives you an “are you for real?!” look to which you just start laughing.
“Justin Bieber had nothing on me.”
“Yeah, sure,” you laugh before he grabs your hand and pulls you against his chest, wrapping his arms around you. “Your mum is in the next room,” you whisper against his lips as he leans down, teasing you with them just lingering on yours.
“So what? You never sneaked around your parents before?” he smirks down at you.
“I did,” you admit.
“Oh, nasty,” he comments before finally kissing you. However it doesn’t last long, because you hear footsteps coming from outside so you’re quick to move away from each other, just in time when Anne walks in.
“Lunch will be ready in a few, would you two mind setting the table?” she smiles, oblivious what was happening just a moment ago.
“Sure,” Harry nods, rubbing his nose as his other hand finds your waist and he ushers you out of the room.
Izzy helps Anne in the kitchen while you and Harry take care of the table. When everything is done you all sit down and start the feast Anne was so kind to make for you. It doesn’t take long to see the snickering but loving dynamic between Harry and his mother. Anne likes to pick on her son, call him out for basically anything and though Harry talks back, he mostly just lets her tear him to pieces. With love, of course.
“Izzy, please don’t get whipped cream all over the place!” Harry sighs when it’s time for dessert. Anne has made apple pie, one of Izzy’s favorites and she is going generous with the cream on top of her slice.
“You didn’t have problem getting cream all over you when we were making cupcakes, daddy!” Izzy sasses back, making both you and Harry drop your jaws while Anne starts laughing at her boldness.
“That was an entirely different situation, Izzy,” Harry shakes his head as he helps her with the scream before passing it over to you.
“Grams, you should have been there! Daddy, Y/N and I made a mess in the kitchen, but daddy started it!” Izzy giggles, digging into the pie.
“Is that so?” Anne smirks.
“We were just… playing,” Harry explains.
“Oh, I know how you can get when you’re just playing,” Anne chuckles. “Y/N, how do you put up with two kids in the house?”
“I used to deal with fifteen at the same time, so two is not a trouble,” you smirk at Harry who just rolls his eyes, but you see the hiding little smile on his lips.
After lunch Izzy insists on showing you the dollhouse Anne has set up for her in the backyard while Harry helps his mum with the cleaning up.
“We both know your sister likes to exaggerate stories, so I didn’t believe everything she said about you and Y/N,” Anne speaks up as she is washing the dishes and Harry is on drying duty.
“I’m glad you don’t fall for Gemma’s vivid imagination.”
“But there’s one thing she got right.”
“And what would that be?” Anne turns the tap off as she faces Harry, sighing in relief as she smiles at him.
“That you look happy.”
Harry opens his mouth to say something, but then just closes it. He does feel happy, even if he is still struggling to accept it. Anne dries her hands and reaching up she cups Harry’s face in her palms.
“Baby, I haven’t seen you like this for a long time. And I know you think you don’t deserve to feel this way, but you do. And Y/N makes you happy, clearly.”
“No, honey, just… listen to me, okay?” she asks and he nods, giving all his attention to his mother. “It broke my heart to see you so… lost after what happened to Maggie. And I know that it was the hardest thing you ever had to go through, but you need to move on. She would want you to do the same thing.”
“How do you know, mum? You didn’t even like Maggie when I first brought her home,” Harry points out mumbling under his breath.
“That doesn’t change the way you felt about her. I know you loved her and I would have never wanted anything to happen to her. She made you happy and that’s all that mattered to me,” she smiles with a tired sigh. “And I just want you to be happy again. Whatever you two have going on… don’t let go of it, alright? She is making you happy and you deserve that.”
Harry doesn’t know what to say so he just nods before Anne pulls him into a tight, motherly hug that he returns gladly.
“I’m trying, mum. I’m trying,” he whispers into her hair, giving her a squeeze before letting go of her.
You stay a little longer, Anne makes you tea and Harry soaks in the last minutes with Izzy before he is forced to be away from her. You know he is looking forward to spending some time away from his daddy duties, but it’s clear that he’ll miss her terribly too.
“Alright, baby. Be good and I’ll call Grams to talk to you every day, okay?” Harry tells her, giving her one last hug. Izzy wraps her arms around his neck tightly, her face squished into his neck.
“Okay, daddy. I love you,” she mumbles with a pouty look.
“I love you too. Have a good time with Grams.”
“Thank you for everything, Anne,” you tell her, giving her a quick hug.
“Oh, you’re welcome. It was so nice to meet you,” she smiles, feeling a little touched by the goodbye. “Come back soon!”
“I will, thank you.” “Bye mum, call me if anything comes up,” Harry tells her, hugging her as well.
“We’ll be alright, don’t worry. Tell Mitch and Sarah that I wish them the best!” Anne smiles as you and Harry head out the door.
“I will! Bye!”
Izzy stands at the front door with Anne, waving after you as Harry backs out of the driveway and eventually, they are out of your sight.
Harry falls silent and you don’t have to be a genius to know that he is already missing Izzy. You can imagine what it feels like to not see her every day like he always does, when he is so used to having her around all the time.
“You alright?” you softly ask, giving his arm a short squeeze.
“Yeah, it’s just… It’s the third time I’m doing this, but it never gets easier. The first year we did it I ended up driving up here four times that week,” he admits with a chuckle.
“Nothing to be ashamed of. It’s normal to miss her.”
“I know, it just makes me emotional,” he admits, flashing you a short smile before he turns his gaze back at the road ahead of him.
The drive back home is a lot quieter than the way to Anne’s. You play some music again and Harry hums to it sometimes, but he is mostly just deep in his thoughts and you don’t want to bother him, knowing well he probably needs some time to settle with the thought of an entire week without Izzy.
You get some takeout for dinner before arriving home and eat together before putting on a movie to watch in the entertainment room. One movie turns into another and before you could realize it, you’re dosed off on the comfy couch, cuddled to Harry’s side near midnight.
When you wake up something entirely different is playing on the screen since the original movie has ended long ago. Harry is passed out, his head resting against the back of the couch, one arm curled around your shoulders while the other is resting on his stomach. Rubbing your eyes you check the time and decide it’s better if you both just go to bed before you end up spending the night on the couch.
“Hey… H,” you softly caress his cheek before you brush his unruly curls back from his forehead. He scrunches his nose adorably before his eyes flutter open, taking in his surroundings. “We fell asleep. Why don’t we call it a night?” you ask in a soft whisper. Harry sighs, nodding his head, squeezing you to his side before his arm falls from around your shoulders. You peck his cheek before pushing yourself up from the couch. He shuts the TV off and the two of you head upstairs. For your surprise, his hand finds yours on the way up the stairs, lacing his fingers together with yours.
You pad your way up to the second floor and walking past Izzy’s room Harry stops for just a heartbeat before he follows you down the hallway. When you’re about to let go of his hand to head into your own bedroom, Harry pulls you back gently, making you look at him with slight confusion.
“Do you… Maybe you could… sleep at mine, if you want to? Just a thought…” he breathes out, clearly nervous to speak what’s been on his mind.
“I would love to, but only if you’re sure about it.”
“I’m sure. It would be nice to… wake up next to you,” he adds with a shy smile and you notice how he didn’t say waking up next to anyone, he wants you to be there.
“Alright. Why don’t we both just go and shower separately and then I’ll come back to yours?” you offer, giving his hand a squeeze. Harry nods and leaning down he places a chaste kiss to your lips before letting go of your hand, going your separate ways.
After doing your usual nighttime routine you put on a pair of soft pajama pants and a simple shirt before heading back to Harry’s bedroom. The door is slightly open, the lights are still on. You knock on the door before pushing it open carefully. You’ve only been in here a handful of times and it’s strange to come here with the intention of staying.
Harry is standing by his dresser in a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt, his hair is slightly damp from his shower. As his eyes fall on your figure a small smile tugs on his lips before he glances towards the bed.
“Which… which side do you like sleeping on?” he asks and you can’t hold back a chuckle as you walk to the side that’s clearly not used by him usually.
Harry huffs with a smile before going to his side. You put your phone to the nightstand before getting under the covers, making yourself comfortable in Harry’s silky sheets. He sits to the edge of the bed, checks something on his phone before dropping it to his nightstand and he then joins you under the covers.
It’s a tiny bit awkward at first, neither of you really finding your place in such a new situation, so at first you just lie on your sides facing each other. Harry is clearly about to say something, he is just looking for the right words, so you give him all the time he needs.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he softly speaks up. “Not just because… I would be awfully lonely now without Izzy,” he adds with a cheeky chuckle. “I meant it generally. I’m really happy that you’re here.”
“I’m happy to be here too. Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” you smile at him. Breathing out through his nose he closes his eyes for a few seconds before his green irises meet yours again. Leaning closer he kisses you softly, just another way to tell you the same thing he just said with his words a moment ago. Pulling back he settles his head on the pillow and he pulls you into his arms, making you cuddle to his side similar to the way you fell asleep on the couch earlier.
“Good night, Y/N,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
“Good night, Harry,” you hum back, nuzzling your face into his shoulder, making yourself comfortable in his strong arms.
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Harry grumbles lowly when his phone’s alarm goes off in the morning. He might be off from his daddy duties this week, but he is still the CEO of his company and work is calling his name. Sometime during the night the two of you got tangled up in each other. Unlike last night, now Harry is the one snuggled up to you, his heavy arm lying across your stomach, his legs mingled with yours under the sheets as you gently scratch his scalp with one hand, running the other up and down his arm across your stomach. You’re not gonna lie, waking up in a bed with Harry is far more blissful and satisfying than you imagined. Even early in the morning he has such an aura that sweeps you off your feet, the man was surely crafted by the gods.
“You’re gonna be late,” you hum, eyes still closed when he hits the snooze button and snuggles back to you.
“It’s set to when I have to get Izzy ready. We still have some time,” he mumbles against the fabric of your shirt.
You stay in bed a little longer until it really is time to get up. Harry’s morning form is so soft yet still breathtaking, even with his hair tousled and his puffy eyes, he still looks gorgeous and you find it slightly unfair how little effort the man needs to be this perfect.
Harry heads to take a shower and in the meantime you decide to start making breakfast while the coffee is brewing.
“Oh you shouldn’t have,” Harry breathes out with a thankful smile when he arrives downstairs and sees the almost ready breakfast and the smell of coffee hits his nose.
“I have all the time in the world this week,” you chuckle as you fill a plate with eggs and veggies before you slide it over to him on the kitchen island. You fix a plate for yourself as well and join him on the stool beside him.
“So… are you still up for the date?” Harry asks shyly, glancing over at you.
“Didn’t really change my mind since yesterday,” you chuckle.
“Would you be up to do it today?”
“So, eager, huh?” you tease him, nudging him with your shoulder and he just shyly shrugs, trying to push down his smile. “Today works fine for me. What do you have in mind?”
“I’m not ruining the surprise,” he smirks at you, sipping on his coffee.
“Alright, then just tell me the dress code.”
“Wear that lilac dress you wore to that birthday party the other week.”
You know exactly what dress he is talking about, but it stuns you that he actually remembers what you wore two weeks ago. He only saw you for a few minutes before you left, yet he still remembered the dress.
“Alright,” you smile to yourself before turning back to your breakfast.
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Though you have a few extra sessions booked for the week, your Monday stayed empty and without Izzy roaming around the house you have to realize that you can easily get bored without her. You got so used to being with her all day long that now being home on your own is so weird.
You spend the first half of the day lounging at the pool, something you’ve been dying to do, but you were too busy with a certain little girl. Then you have a nice lunch and after reading the book you’ve been putting away for weeks, you realize that you’ve run out of things to do. So you text Trevor if he wants a ride home after school and of course he does, so after fixing yourself up you drive down to his school.
“Hi there, how was your day?” you ask when he sits into the car, throwing his backpack to the backseat before he buckles himself up as you back out of the parking spot.
“Fantastic, as always!” he fake cheers, making you laugh.
“Want to get ice-cream?”
“You know I always want ice-cream,” he snorts smirking at you.
You haven’t met Trevor ever since things become kind of… romantic between you and Harry, and you didn’t want to tell him over the phone, so now is the perfect time to break him the news. When the two of you are sitting on the terrace of your favorite ice-cream place, your paper cup filled with chocolate and strawberry ice-cream while he chose mango and cookie dough, you finally start the conversation.
“So, I have news for you.”
“Oh my God,” he breathes out, closing his eyes for a second. “Are you leaving the country?”
“What? No! Why do you think that?”
“I don’t know, but last time you said you had news for me you moved out from home. Figured it might be something similar,” he shrugs, returning to his ice-cream.
“Well, no, I’m not leaving the country.”
“Okay, then what is it?”
“I’m kind of… dating Harry. You know, my boss.” You have no idea why you felt the need to add the last part when he has already met him, but you feel a bit nervous. Trevor is like your best friend and he had a bad feeling about Keith when you started dating him, but you ignored it. If he has a similar feeling about Harry now, you are definitely considering them this time.
“Oh!” his eyebrows shoot up. “What do you mean kind of?”
“Well, we haven’t had our first date yet, it’s happening tonight, but things have… changed.”
“So you slept with him?”
“No, I haven’t,” you chuckle nervously. “We kissed. A few times and… we talked about where it’s heading and we both think it’s going to turn into something… more serious.”
“That’s great!” he smiles at you and it seems completely genuine. “See, I told you it’s gonna happen sooner or later,” he smirks coyly, before he licks his spoon off.
“You were just drawing random assumptions because of his looks and wealth, Trevor. But it’s not about that.”
“Oh, I know you’re not a gold digger,” he teases you, making you roll your eyes at him. “So your first date is tonight? What are you guys doing?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t tell me,” you shrug with a small smile.
“Mysterious,” Trevor wiggles his eyebrows at you. “So he is finally ready to get back on the dating scene, huh?”
“Um, he is working on it. It’s a little hard for him, but he’s been changing for the better.” “That’s great. I’m happy for you,” he smiles at you. “Really, you deserve it after that asshole.”
“Yeah, I hope it’ll go well,” you smile back at him with a sigh before you return to your ice-cream.
After dropping Trevor off at one of his friends you head back home. For your surprise, Harry’s car is already parked on the driveway with another one that doesn’t belong to him when you pull up and walking in you find him with Niall in the kitchen.
“Oh, hi boys!” you greet them.
“Y/N! You are stunning as always!” Niall beams, pulling you into a tight hug right away.
“Thanks,” you chuckle patting his back. “What are you guys up to?”
They share a look and it tells you right away you are not supposed to know whatever they were talking about so you just nod smiling.
“Alright, got it,” you chuckle.
“How was your day?” Harry asks, hoping to change the subject smoothly.
“Great! Met with Trevor, just dropped him off.”
“Oh, how is he doing?”
“He is fine, struggling a little with math lately, but he is doing great,” you chuckle.
“So you have a brother. Do you happen to have a sister, maybe?” Niall asks with a coy smile and while Harry just rolls his eyes at his friend, you can’t help but laugh.
“Sorry, no,” you tell him the bad news. “But… I have a good friend and I think you’d like her.”
“A friend? Do you have a picture of her?” Niall beams, already excited about it. Pulling your phone out you show him a picture of you and Heather so he can have a good look at her. You actually think that Heather and Niall would be a good match, she might even be the girl Niall would give up his bachelor life finally.
“When are we having a double date?” he simply asks, making you and Harry laugh at the same time.
“I’ll see what I can do for you.” You let the boys finish whatever they were doing before you arrived so you go to your room, unwinding a little before you have to start getting ready for the date. Around five there’s a soft knock on your door and as you call out, Harry pops his head inside.
“Hi,” he smiles nervously as the rest of his body walks into your sight.
“Hi!” you smile back, putting your book to the side.
“I just realized I never told you the time when you should be ready tonight,” he chuckles nervously. “Is six good for you?”
“Yeah, that’s great.”
“Alright. Then… see you soon, I guess,” he smiles nodding before he walks out of your room. You can’t help a small chuckle at how nervous he seems about tonight, as if he wasn’t still sure about your feelings for him, when you’ve made it clearer than daylight.
You get the best kind of jitters while getting ready for the date. It’s like you’re in high school again and your crush has finally asked you out so you want to look your best. Since Harry already suggested you what to wear, you don’t have to spend an hour standing in your closet, trying to find the right choice. For the makeup you go for a little smokey look and you do a loose bun styles for your hair, remembering the words your mother always told you when you were a teenager.
“A woman’s greatest and most secret weapon is her neck. Men go crazy if you show them your neck and they don’t even realize it!”
You spray some perfume on yourself and put on a pair of nude heels before packing your necessities into a purse that matches your outfit. You finish with everything just in time, a soft knock signaling that Harry has returned. Checking yourself one last time in the mirror you open the door and reveal him standing at the door, wearing a pair of fitted purple dress pants with a crispy shirt on, matching your dress perfectly. And the cherry on top is the bouquet of red roses in his hands.
“Hi,” he breathes out with a nervous smile and his gaze travels down your figure, a blush tinting his cheeks.
“You look… beautiful,” he smiles shyly and your heart is fluttering in your chest. It’s really happening, you are going on a date with Harry!
“Thank you,” you chuckle softly.
“These are for you. I know it’s weird that I’m picking you up from your bedroom and I’m not giving you this at the front door, but…” he chuckles as he hands you the flowers.
“It’s really nice, thank you,” you smile, taking the flowers before moving into the bedroom to put them in a vase quickly. Harry takes just about two steps into the room and stops with his hands hidden in his pockets as he eyes every movement of yours before you finish with the flowers and let him know that you’re ready to do. He holds out his hand and you take it gladly as you head out of the house.
He doesn’t tell you where you’re going, not even when you try to annoy him and bully him into finally hinting something, but you should have known that he wouldn’t break. He has a four year old daughter who is constantly bugging him, he has endless patience.
When he parks down in front of a modern apartment complex you kind of get really confused, because nothing around seems like the location you’d choose for a date.
“Are you gonna kidnap me and keep me hostage in one of the apartments here?” you ask him with narrowed eyes as the two of you head inside, taking the elevator up.
“It’s not kidnapping, you came willingly,” he smirks down at you.
“That I did.”
When you’re at one of the apartments you are really lost about what he had planned and he finally breaks your suffering and tells you what’s gonna happen as he keys the two of you into the apartment.
“This is Niall’s place, he let us use it tonight. My mum always says that cooking together is a good first date, because food brings people together and you can easily get to know each other,” he explains as you walk into the modern, but definitely very manly home. “I didn’t want to do it at home, because we are always there, so… Niall was nice enough to lend us his place for our date.”
You see that there are two full grocery bags on the kitchen counter and the table is already set for two, you wonder if Harry was here earlier, or Niall did the work for him. Either way, it’s such a thoughtful gesture and a perfect first date.
“Where is he tonight?” you ask with a small smile.
“He is visiting his mother, for a change,” Harry chuckles, knowing well you thought he would be out with a woman probably. “He said he won’t be back until later tomorrow so we can even sleep here, but I thought it would be better if we went home.”
“So what are we making?” you ask curiously as you peek into one of the grocery bags.
“We are going to attempt to make gnocchi with some killer tomato sauce. And brownies for dessert,” he adds with a small smile.
“That sounds great, what can I help with?”
“Let me just quickly pack everything out and then we have to peel the potatoes, yeah?”
“Alright,” you nod, your gaze wandering over to the spacious living room. “Can I look around?”
“Sure,” he nods while he is already elbows deep in one of the bags.
Niall’s place looks like it came right off the pages of an interior design magazine, the furnishing is modern and more on the dark color range, but not too much to make it appear depressing. Right next to his huge TV there’s a floor to ceiling bookcase filled with books mostly about music and art and you realize you don’t even know what Niall does for a living. It just never came up between his heavy flirting sessions.
“I never asked, but what does Niall do?” you ask calling out to Harry.
“Oh, he is a freelancer music producer. Tried to offer him a permanent spot at my company, but he prefers his freedom, like with everything else in his life,” he chuckles. “But he is a good one, we used to make music together when we were younger.”
Just as he says that, you spot a picture of the two of them on the shelves and your lips part in a bit of a shock when you realize that Harry used to have long hair. Leaning closer you inspect the photo better and you feel like you’re looking at two entirely different people. Niall’s hair was bleached blonde which is already enough to make him like another version of himself, but Harry is definitely the biggest shocker. He was rocking some loose shirt with the top buttons left undone, his necklace with the cross pendant peeking out and though the photo ends somewhere above his knees, you can tell that he is wearing skinny jeans, something you never thought you would ever see him in.
“You had long hair?” you ask joining him in the kitchen. Harry’s eyes shoot up to him, then he looks in the direction of the living room, a smile tugging on his lips as he probably remembers what photo you must have just seen.
“Uh, yeah. Yes I did, when I was about 21 or 22.”
“I could hardly believe that was you in the picture, with the long locks and the skinny jeans,” you tease him.
“Yeah, I was a lot different then, but after all, it’s been an entire decade since then,” he sniggles.
“Why did you cut it?”
“Um, I was pretty new in the business back then and had a few assholes telling me that it’s not too masculine and all that. It was a time when I cared more about others’ opinion than I should have so I kind of gave in and cut it.”
“I’m sorry they ruined it for you. But I’m glad you don’t care about others that much now,” you smile at him softly. Harry’s eyes flicker down to his painted nails and ring-clad fingers and you just know what he is about to ask before he even speaks up.
“Does it… bother you? That I paint my nails and stuff?”
“No,” you shake your head confidently. “Not at all. I mean, I never saw you without them, but at this point I think it wouldn’t even feel right,” you add with a small laugh that brings Harry’s smile back as well. Stepping closer you kiss his shoulder softly before turning your focus on the food in front of you. “So, let’s peel these bad boys!”
It’s the first time you and Harry actually work together in the kitchen for more than just five minutes. He is always in control at home, taking over everything with Izzy and you know it’s a good bonding time for them, so you never even tried to push your way into it without their invitation. But now the bonding is all about you and him and so far you’ve been a great team. The cutest thing is that he brought you matching aprons to protect your clothes and you look like you are in some cooking show for sure.
You keep asking questions from each other while working on the food, Harry asks you some more about your childhood and teenage years and he shares stories from college where he had this friend group of five. Niall was part of the group as well and he said he is still in touch with the other boys, but they all do very different things now, the other three are already fathers themselves and live far away, so they don’t get to see each other that much.
You are making the little dumplings while Harry is on duty for cooking them, relentlessly fishing them out of the boiling water once they swim up to the top. When that’s done, Harry starts making the sauce while you take care of the brownies. It all works out well, everything gets done easily and while the dessert is in the oven you start eating what you just created.
“Mm, this sauce is really good!” you hum when you take the first bite.
“It’s my mum’s recipe,” he smiles proudly.
At the beginning of the evening you could tell that he felt nervous, not essentially about being with you, but probably because of the thought of going on a date in general. But as time passed by and he got more and more comfortable in the situation, you could see him loosen up and calm his nerves, so now that you are eating the dinner you made together and drinking a glass of fine wine, talking about anything and everything, you feel like he is actually enjoying something he was probably terrified from before.
When the brownies are done the two of you take advantage of the nice evening weather and Niall’s amazing balcony, moving out to the lounge chairs, munching on the dessert with the skyline of the city in front of you. At one point you start playing a game of would you rather, and after a while you ask each other the most random things, cracking each other up continuously. You don’t even realize and it’s already past ten, you completely talked the evening away, but you don’t regret any of it.
You clean up Niall’s place, leaving it just the way you got it, putting some leftovers into his fridge for him as a thank you for lending you his place before you head out.
Harry keeps a hand on you at all times on the way home, he is either holding your hand over the console, or rests his palm on your thigh above your knee, but either way, he just keeps the physical touch up always. Not that you mind, you are doing kind of the same, enjoying his closeness.
Arriving home you can feel a kind of tension growing, but not a bad kind. You want him. Your desire to go further than just kissing has grown immensely tonight, but you have no idea how he feels about taking it further and you don’t want to push him past his boundaries.
“Want to… sleep with me again?” he shyly asks when you’re going up the stairs.
“Yeah, I would love that,” you smile at him, giving him a quick peck on his cheek.
When you part ways in the hallway he probably expects you to do your night time routine, but you have other plans. Grabbing your polaroid camera you pad your way over to his room, knocking on the door, hoping he is not in the shower yet. When he calls out for you, he is standing at his dresser, the first few buttons of his shirt are already undone, but he is still dressed.
“I just thought that… we could snap a picture as a nice memento of our first date,” you shyly explain to him, holding the camera up.
“Oh, yeah! Okay, how do you... how should we…?” he looks around the room and you step to his dresser, placing the camera to the top of it.
“It’s got a timer,” you explain as you set it up and tell him where to stand so you can check if he is in the frame. When it’s all set, you glance back at him. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” he nods shyly. You push the button and step back to him. “What should we…” he starts, but you already know what you want the picture to be like.
Cupping his face in your hands you pull him down and kiss him sweetly, for the first time tonight. You’ve noticed he hasn’t tried to kiss you all night, being a gentleman, but you’ve been craving it since he showed up at your door with the roses.
He hesitates for a moment, but eventually curls his arms around you, kissing you back softly. The timer goes off and the flash indicates that the photo has been taken. Pulling back you smile at him before taking the photo from the camera, setting it to the side to develop. Harry steps behind you, his arms coming to curl around your waist and you turn in his hold to face him.
“Hi,” you smile at him giddily. “Thanks for today.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he answers softly, making your heart flutter. You press your lips at his, kissing him hard and passionate, like you wanted all evening. He is quick to return the kiss with just as much passion as you put into it, his hands finding your waist as he slowly pulls you with him until the back of his legs hit the bed. He sits down and pulls you with him so you sit on his lap straddling him, never breaking the kiss as you settle in his arms, his hands roaming up and down your back.
Your kisses move from his delicious lips to his chiseled jawline and down his neck, your fingers working on the buttons of his dress shirt. You want him, you need him, he is all you can think about and the taste of his skin on your tongue is making you lose your mind.
His hands move up your thighs right to your bum, giving it a good squeeze, making you moan against the crook of his neck.
“Fuck,” he growls, throwing the two of you to the bed, getting on top of you before his lips attack yours, kissing you with a demand heatedly. His lips move smoothly against yours, devouring you with every suck and lick, making you dizzy in the head with such little effort.
He starts kissing down your neck, through your collarbone and whatever is showing in your dress on your chest. Your fingers lace through his messy curls, keeping him close to you as you try to control your moans and gasps. His fingers hook under the thin straps of your dress and he is about to pull them down when he stops, breathing heavily against your skin.
Harry lifts his head, his eyes meeting yours as he is panting through his parted lips and you cup his cheeks in your hands.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Talk to me,” you tell him softly, knowing well his mind is probably racing right now.
“I just…” he starts quietly. “I haven’t been with anyone since… Maggie,” he admits in a whisper and your gaze softens on him.
“And I haven’t been with anyone since Keith,” you admit truthfully. “We don’t have to do anything tonight. I’m fine with just sleeping if that’s all you want to do.”
“No, I want to… I want to do things, I just… I’m not used to it, I guess,” he breathes out as you run your fingers through his hair.
“It’s okay. We can take it slow. Whatever you feel comfortable with,” you assure him pecking his lips softly.
“Is it… Is it okay if we just… touch?” He is clearly feeling a bit embarrassed to ask, but you will not make him feel bad for asking for whatever he wants. Pulling him down for another kiss you smile up at him.
“Touching is perfect. It’s all up to you,” you tell him and see the gratitude in his eyes right away.
Removing yourself off of his lap you climb back on the bed, pulling him with you until he is holding himself up above you. Your eyes meet for a second again before leaning down he kisses you slowly, taking his time with you. He is holding himself up on one arm while his other hand finds your hip, gently squeezing it when his tongue slides into your mouth through the kiss. Your hands move down his chest and you start unbuttoning his shirt until it falls open and he shimmies it off with a soft chuckle.
“Let’s get rid of the dress too,” you breathe out, reaching down for the hem of your dress, pulling it up until it’s off, leaving you in only your underwear. You’re wearing a matching set with a strapless bra and as you lie back on the bed Harry’s eyes basically devour you, his gaze running up and down your body several times.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” he breathes out before leaning down and kissing you again, his hand cupping your side before wandering over to your stomach and up to your chest. He runs his hand over your chest, gently squeezing it, making you moan into the kiss.
“And you’re wearing too much clothes,” you grin as you reach down and start undoing his purple pants you ogled him quite often tonight. Harry chuckles as he holds himself up for you to work the button and the zipper on his pants before he takes over the task and gets rid of them himself, leaving him in only his boxer briefs and you have to hold yourself back from gasping when you see the growing bulge between his legs.
You don’t get to eye him for too long, because he is back to kissing you, his body pressing up against yours as you let your hands roam his strong back, his skin burning under your touch. His lips travel down the line of your neck to your chest and his hand snakes behind your back, but he stops before he could do anything with the clasp of your bra. Glancing up at you he gives you a questioning glare, asking for your permission.
“You can take it off,” you softly tell him nodding. His fingers are quick to undo it and a moment later you’re lying with a bare chest underneath him. His hand moves to your chest again and he kneads your breast again, this time with nothing between your skin and his palm. You whimper under his touch, you’ve been so starved to be touched this way and now that it’s happening, it’s hard to control yourself, but Harry doesn’t seem to mind seeing you react to what he is doing.
His lips return to your mouth and while he kisses you with so much passion, he slowly lays himself down next to you, so you’re facing each other sideways on the bed. He pulls you closer to him until you’re flushed against his hard chest and while your hand roams around his shoulders and back, his palm slides down your spine, over your waist until he calms bum, pushing you even closer to him. His clothed erection presses against your thigh and you can’t help but whimper his name at the feeling.
His kisses slow down and his touch loosens on you until he pulls back, seemingly just for air, but you can tell his head is starting to race again, spiraling thoughts taking over his mind.
“Do you want me to take over control?” you softly ask him, pushing his unruly curls out of his forehead. His gaze softens and he nods shortly with gratefulness lacing through his look.
He watches you intently as you push yourself up into a sitting position, he rolls to his back and keeps his gaze on you as you hook your fingers into your panties, getting rid of them before doing the same for him with his boxers. He lifts his hips up as you pull down the elastic material, revealing his hard cock to your greedy eyes. You want nothing more than to taste him, but he said he just wants to touch so you don’t try to overstep his limits, leaving this desire of yours to another time. Instead, you lean down, capturing his lips in a sweet, reassuring kiss that everything is going fine to calm his nerves as much as you can, while you place your palm to his lower stomach, moving down slowly until you find his hard cock, wrapping your hand around his length and giving it a few gentle stroke.
“Fuck,” he breathes out against your parted lips and you can’t push a smile down.
You kiss his lips, his cheeks, his jawline, everywhere around his face while you keep pumping him, spreading some of his precum down his length to help your hand move smoother. Your actions awaken something in him, he grabs your face in both his hands, kissing you hard before he pushes you to your back, becoming the one on top. He parts your legs with pushing a knee between your thighs and while you keep up with your motions, he gets down to action as well. One of his large palms runs down your abdomen, stroking your lower belly gently before it moves to your inner thigh, spreading you even more for him before you feel his touch on your heated and dripping wet core. First, he just teasingly runs two fingers through your folds, testing how wet you are and when he realizes that you are more than ready to whatever he has planned, he moves his thumb to your sensitive clit, drawing circles with the pad of his finger, sending a wave of pleasure up your spine immediately.
“Harry!” you moan his name, running your thumb over the head of his cock that makes him gasp and stop his motions for a moment before he returns to pleasuring you.
He buckles his hips into your touch while his fingers move down from your clit until he is teasing your entrance, just circling around it but not pushing into you. Rolling your hips you signal him that you want the teasing to end and he luckily gets the hint, slowly sliding two fingers inside you, curling them gently and it makes your eyes roll back immediately. He rests his forehead on your shoulder as he starts moving his fingers in and out of you while you try your best to keep up your pumping motion as well, moving your other hand to his balls to give him some of that extra pleasure and he seems to be liking what you’re doing, because your name keeps falling from his lips as keeps fingering you, curling his digits just the right way inside you from time to time.
“Fuck, Y/N, I won’t last long,” he pants, his lips brushing against your neck before he kisses the soft skin above your collarbone.
“It’s alright. Just want you to feel good, H,” you assure him, though you’re getting closer to your release as well.
“Are you close?” he asks out of breath, still holding himself up above you, leaning onto his other arm next to your head.
“Yeah, don’t stop,” you nod, turning your head so your lips could meet for a kiss again.
You can tell he is trying hard to hold himself back, to stretch it out as long as he can. A torturous look tugs on his face and you kiss his temple, wanting nothing more than to see him finally reach the peak.
“Let go, H. It’s alright,” you whisper against his skin and he whines at your words before you feel his cock jerk in your hand and he cums under your touch.
You keep stroking him as he rides his high, gasping and panting your name while he spills his semen onto your naked stomach. His fingers stopped moving inside you as he found his relief, but as soon as you feel him recovering from his orgasm, he goes right back to where he left it, desperately wanting to pleasure you as well.
“Harry!” you moan when he hits a specific spot inside you, tingling your nerves just right, your hands come to clasp onto his broad shoulders.
“Cum for me, babe. Let me see you feel good,” he whispers before his lips occupy your mouth again, kissing you with so much passion and vigor, your senses are starting to overload.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” you gasp feeling your toes curl and Harry picks his pace up, his thumb coming in contact with your clit as he tries to make you reach your high.
And then it finally happens. You stop breathing for a moment, the intensity of it washing over your whole body. It’s been so long since you felt this good with anyone, and just the thought of doing this with Harry probably adds a lot to the equation.
He slows his fingers down, but makes sure to curl them inside you every time he pumps them in, and you repeat his name over and over again until you finally catch your breath. Your gaze meets his, and you see a happy and satisfied shine in his green irises as he leans down and kisses you sweetly, pulling his fingers out of you gently.
“M’gonna get a towel,” he murmurs, pecking your lips one last time before he gets up from the bed and walks into the bathroom while you lie on his bed, totally gone and worn out from your orgasm. Harry comes back with a damp washcloth and cleans up the mess he made on you before gently moving to between your legs, taking such good care of you. He drops the cloth to the floor, not wanting to leave the bed again as he pulls the covers over your bodies, pulling you into his arms.
“How are you feeling?” you softly ask, pecking his toned chest.
“I’m good.”
Lifting your head you search for his eyes, wanting to make sure he didn’t regret any of it, but he seems calm and rested for a change. Smiling up at him you push yourself up a little so you can connect your lips before you snuggle back to his side and let yourself slowly drift off to sleep, listening to his steady heartbeat under your face.
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As lucky as the rainbow
A/n: Im sorry. Also. Special dedication to the love of my life, @cantaraiilmionome , who let me write this fic
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 1.7K
Pairing: Vic X Fem!Reader
Taglist: @fuckim-so-gay @ginny-lily @messyhairday-me @cheese-toastie-11 @wannabemarlenabutiscoraline @simp-per-ethan @maneskinrollercoaster @juststalking @superchrystaldrug @immrbrightsideeee​ @shehaddreamstoo​ @tiaamberxx​ @victoriadeangeliswifey​ @bidet-and-legolas​ @makapaka11​ 
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My heartbeat was wild and mostly erupting from my chest as the whole world around me seemed to quiet down. The mesh shirt I was wearing was already crumpled from all the times I had fiddled with it nervously. To be honest, could anyone really blame me? I have been obsessed with Måneskin for ages, and I finally get to see them live. A small, really pesky part of my brain kept bugging me. They would have no reason to like or notice you; why are you even here? Well, that definitely did not help the anxious feeling growing in my stomach.
Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers as four rock stars appeared on the stage.
And oh god what they were wearing. A certain blonde caught my attention, one who I was more than familiar with. Victoria strutted on the stage, her bass strap wrapped around her, as a small corset did nothing to cover her. Two black stripes of tape covered each of her boobs and she looked celestial. It was unfair to everyone else! How could she just look like that!?
“Is everyone ready?” Damiano’s strong voice sounded out of the speakers, earning an excited cheer from everyone.
As they started playing, I realised I was no longer anxious. Moving from side to side and jumping along with them, It felt as If the world stopped temporarily just for me to enjoy this moment. It was truly heaven, and their magnetic presence made it infinitely better.
“Now, for a fan favorite…” Damiano spoke into the mic, soon interrupted by the all too familiar notes of For Your Love. Oh god.
I couldn’t decide who to pay attention to; Ethan’s godly form playing the drums in a way I wished he would play my ass, Thomas’ talented fingers strumming the guitar chords, Damiano fucking the stage while singing or-
I was one of the lucky ones who got to sit up front. So my view of Victoria was truly a dream come true. Her eyes were closed as she thrusted into the air, her hips moving with precision and skill, as she moved her head backwards in rhythm with the song. Two of her fingers were plucking the chords, clouding my mind with thoughts of what else she could do with them.
The whole song became a vivid fantasy for me, as I kept watching Victoria play, entranced by her sensuality. The song sadly came to a stop, and Damiano started speaking again. My lovely brain, however, could only gaze at Victoria, her wonderful top and fingers.
As If on cue, she knelt down right at the edge of the stage, and winked at me. Wait, she did what? My brain stopped functioning as I kept staring at her, eyes comically wide and mouth hanging open.
She smirked at my reaction, and motioned for me to come closer with her finger. A bodyguard came and opened the barrier, as I made my way through.
I was right in front of the stage, looking in her icy blue eyes. She leaned down and cupped my cheek, shaking it softly.
“Wanna stay here, cucciola?” She asked,  a sultry smile appearing on her face. I nodded eagerly, causing her to laugh, before returning to her band.
The rest of the concert managed to make me so wet I was convinced my knees would give in the second I would try to walk. Between Victoria grinding on the floor right in front of me, making sure to stare right in my eyes, Damiano jumping in the crowd and grabbing Thomas, as well as Ethan being an overall god-like presence.
It was, however, over, as soon as it started. My face fell as they all waved their goodbyes to the crowd, and I turned around, preparing to leave, but was soon interrupted by a guard.
“Miss De Angelis said that she would like you to go backstage.”
That was the second time the girl’s actions shocked me. I certainly hoped it wouldn’t be the last as I followed the guard to the back.
“Ah, there you are, cucciola!” Her raspy voice exclaimed, as she headed towards me and grabbed my waist, leading me towards a changing room before I could even mutter a word.
“You, I me- mean ...Why? Like… I just thi-I” Damn it, where was my wittiness when I needed it? If I wasn’t already blushing, I probably looked like a sweaty tomato right now.
“Oh darling, I suggest you figure out how to talk, so I’ll know how to please you later.” She murmured in my ear, my knees almost giving up at her words.
“Oh god, umm, I- hi.” I managed to let out. I’m so glad I could ramble about crystals for 3 hours but when It comes to basic greetings my mind just dips. Lovely.
“We have about 15 minutes before we need to leave.” She said, grabbing my body and pulling me right against her, softly nibbling on my neck.
“Considering the way you fucked the stage earlier, I think even 5 would suffice.” Ah yes, my brain was back. Temporarily, though, because Victoria’s hungry lips smashed into mine in a fraction of a second, quickly turning me around so I would be prompted against the wall.
We moved in sync as she sucked every breath out of me and explored my mouth with her tongue. She bit my lip hard, and licked the reddish spot which appeared, before moving onto my neck.
She sucked on every inch of my skin, leaving deep red marks in her wake, which would definitely be an interesting subject of discussion once I got home. I couldn’t help but let out the most pathetic whines, which only seemed to turn Victoria on more.
“So fucking desperate puppy. All I do is dance a little on stage and you’re already willing to be on your knees for me.” She purred right against my breast, earning a deep moan from my treacherous mouth,
“What can I say, I like being a good girl.”
Her mouth bit into the soft skin which was now exposed, as my poor shirt was laying on the floor, discarded seconds ago. I whimpered and bucked my hips into the air, whining even more at the realisation that there was nothing there.
“Please..” I begged, as she kept kissing and licking around my hardened buds, heating me up even more.
“Take your pants off, then” She instructed, and I did it in a heartbeat, the piece of clothing joining my shirt.
The last thing I saw was the blonde’s head lower , before her tongue finally gave me what I wanted. She swiped it deeply inside of me, humming at the liquids pouring from me. Moving to my clit, she started circling around it as one of her long fingers thrusted deep inside of me.
“Fuck… Victoria…” 
She added another finger and quickened her pace, as I rapidly approached my edge. God, no one did it as well as her. She was getting rougher by the second, biting at my thighs and sucking hardly, until she heard my breath catch, before I erupted in a mess of loud moans and screams.
I came hard on her hand as she guided me down to the ground, licking the tears falling from my eyes.
“You really do like being a good girl.” She whispered, cupping my cheek and pressing a soft kiss on my puffy lips.
“Oh I can be bad too.” I smirked, watching as her eyes darkened.”
“How about you return to the hotel with me, and we can explore that talent too…”
More than half an hour had passed, and I was sitting in an Uber right next to Victoria. While the band packed up their stuff, I hung out on the stage, eating a popsicle Damiano had given me.
“Do you have to be anywhere early tomorrow?” Victoria’s voice interrupted my thoughts, softly grazing her fingers over my thighs.
“Like I wouldn’t cancel them for you.” I responded, earning a soft chuckle from her.
“Excellent. How about we talk a little then, hmm?” She asked, pulling me closer to her.
“About what?” I asked, clearly thinking of innocent topics.
“Which was your favourite part about how I fucked you backstage.”
Oh. My. God. At this point, my brain had stopped working so many times, I probably had approximately 2 brain cells left. And damn, I answered in a corresponding fashion.
“I must say I enjoyed the talking.” 
Victoria laughed, a devilish grin forming on her face, as I bet her mind filled with the dirtiest ideas.
“I’ll take your word for it. I’ll make sure we’ll do just enough talking.”
“Wait no- You know, I really liked the cum part too.” I tried to save myself, because let’s be honest, If this woman was anything, it was a tease.
“Considering how loud you were moaning, I bet you were.” She purred again, dragging her fingers further up my thighs.
“Tell me, what did you fantasise about most while watching me play?”
My mind went blank, but not really, as the thought of her grinding on my face while practicing the bass made its way into my head. God, I was royally fucked.
“Tell me, pet.” She snarled against my neck, grabbing it roughly and bending me over.
Her hand wandered down to my ass, grabbing it roughly before slithering back around to my stomach, and pulling me up again.
“Practicing your bass on my face.” I moaned out, red and embarrassed.
“A lovely imagination you have. I’ll make sure to consult it more often.” 
“That won’t work. It seems to go blank around you.” 
Victoria smirked at my confession and pressed me down onto her lap, slowly working her way under my shirt. 
“I really like this. Where did you get it?”
“My mom.”
“She wears this?”
Fuck. “Oh, you meant the shirt?”
Scoffing and rolling her eyes, she pulled the material up, and pressed a wet kiss to both of my breasts. Oh god, this girl would kill me.
“My special thanks to her. And also my apologies, because I’ll fuck you till you scream and cry tonight.”
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