#i think i've absorbed an understanding of some of the habits of mind science values
i really and truly believe that there are only two genuine human superpowers, both of which can be actively cultivated:
the ability to find anything interesting, ie the ability to reframe and reflect on any situation or encounter, even/especially negative or boring ones, so as to make what is happening to you interesting, engaging, and personally meaningful to your human experience. this habit of mind is mostly curiosity but it's also woven through with psychological flexibility, especially the ability to regulate your own emotional reactions so that you can respond to challenging or tedious situations in more thoughtful and values-aligned ways that develop your sense of self instead of making you feel trapped or bored or fragmented
the ability to teach yourself new things. idk maybe as a teacher i am biased but i really believe that the single most transformative gift you can give any human being is a deep understanding of how people learn and improve at things. what is more hopeful, more inspiring, or more life-affirming than the realization that you can learn new things at any age, and that the new things you learn (plus the joyful process of learning itself!) can utterly transform the way you experience the world and understand yourself? what is more amazing or incredible than the realization that learning things is not a mysterious & passive process that happens to you but a reasonably consistent set of steps and tools that you can learn how to master and apply to virtually any skill or domain of human knowledge? the superpower of being able to learn/improve at anything you set your mind to… but also the superpower inherent in that quiet unwavering certainty that even if you feel stuck at various points in your life, you have within yourself the capacity to get unstuck through learning and changing and growing and experiencing new things. wowowowowowowow!!!!! what an extraordinary gift!!!!
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Self-Love First, Manifest After
Science & Spirituality Series
Are you living intentionally or just going through the motions??? Do you think it's too late, you're too old to fulfill your purpose??! Did you quit day dreaming? You believe that you give up your dreams when you have children or get married or both? Are you overwhelmed, anxious, angry? Are your emotions leaning into the negative end of the vibe spectrum?
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If you answered yes to any of the questions above then my guess is that by now you have witnessed or been party to some not so positive happenings, events or situations recently? You have created some momentum of thought in the opposite direction of where you want to go.
So here is what I want you to understand about the law of attraction.
Everything is relative and connected via ENERGY and FREQUENCY & INTENTIONS; OUR THOUGHTS ARE POWERFUL. Do you want to utilize that power or is it a change you just can't or won't adapt to; positive from negative, optimism vs. pessimism??
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You surely have heard of Karma. Biblically, you may have studied that you reap what you sow. Both, the same concept and if you are breathing and living as an adult, you have experienced or witnessed this in action; we all know it is true, what goes around comes around, what you give out you will get back at some point. How much positivity do you have in your vibrational escrow? Are you creating good karmic ties for yourself or are you still on the negative end of the spectrum? It may be time for you to get a realignment; lean a more to the positive, optimistic side and see what happens? It costs you nothing and all you stand to lose is negativity.
I used to be an extremely negative, sarcastic, ungrateful, angry and rebellious individual. If you follow my blog on social media or know me personally then you already know the whole back story but here's what you I feel you should know because I'm feeling led to share this with you today....
I created some negative karmic ties for myself up until I was into my late 30's. At 39, I delved into a spiritual and personal growth journey that has helped me change many bad habits and also empowered me to begin healing all my hurts and practicing self- compassion; unconditional self-love. I am not talking about pride or the self-absorbed kind of self-love; I am not talking about being conceited or overly confident or cocky. Self-love is about accepting yourself for who you authentically are at your core, not hiding behind a facade or mask to hide ourselves from any light being shown on us; fearing that our faults will be highlighted, our failures made public or our problems laughed about or judged by others.
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Self-love must come before any and all other self-development steps or changes can be made. If you don't know who you really are; if you're not aligned, authentic and accepting of yourself.....WHY NOT LOVELY??
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You might be surprised at the changes just a couple new healthy habits and some intentional positive thoughts can bring about; the momentum that can be created with the mind. We can get complacent. We can easily become creatures of habit and routine. In addition, many of us have allowed ourselves and our passions to be put on the back burner because we think that's what unconditional love is. This is so wrong! We actually have to master self-love before we can unconditionally love others properly. It is about having self- love as a healthy boundary so you don't try to give what you don't have. Self-love helps you to be selfless with others without getting burned; allowing you to say NO if your best interest isn't considered or valued. Self-love is caring for yourself, taking care of you so you can be the best version of you possible. It's about listening to your intuition, wants and needs and giving yourself words of affirmation and encouragement. It's about resting when your tired and moving your body each day. It's about ditching negative self-talk and victim mentality for positive loving self-talk, healing and Joy.
Learn and Know Thyself
Leaning and knowing ourselves from a place of love brings about acceptance of self. This includes accepting the parts of us that we may not like so much; the stubborn ego, the shadow, our darker side. Also, those little things about us that are unique, that we think make us weird to others and that we try to keep hidden or suppressed. Carl Jung stated that "what we resist persists and grows bigger." This is so true because we get back more of what we are thinking about through the law of attraction. Even if we don't want it, if we are thinking of it then it is creating a vibration in the negative direction.
You see, the law of attraction is working all the time whether you practice it intentionally or just go with the flow. If you are pessimistic or easily angered this will continue, grow and continue in your life. You've met these people; the ones who are clearly bitter, angry or negative the majority of the time. They say " that's just the way it is or this is just me, I've always been this way..." Maybe this is you!? Becoming a bit more optimistic will do wonders if you decide to try another way; such as making the law of attraction work for you and not against you.
Once one realizes the power of the mind, thoughts and positivity one can also begin to understand, see and believe that everything is connected. Leave out the self- love and find yourself drained, hurt, broke or depressed; maybe all of the above? First, learn yourself; know thyself completely. Then, learn to love yourself and express it. Do it all again each day. Experience more Joy. Protect that kind of momentum and energy by making a habit of self-love and positive thought .
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Follow your bliss. Have more fun. Take more adventures. Show yourself some love. Express gratitude daily. Think positive. Feed your mind, body and soul nourishing content; thoughts, words, food and music. Align with your purpose and devise a plan to intentionally pursue it.
You cannot pour from an empty cup. It's your responsibility to make sure your soul is nourished enough to start giving pieces of it to anyone else.Whatever you gotta do to flip the script, do it. Replace negative with positive. This is how you create positive momentum of thought.
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All of these little changes can create positive changes for you in your life. If you are intentionally practicing the law of attraction to manifest what you want these basic steps into the optimistic side help you to be aligned with your vibration once you send one out. You see most people forget or leave out the last step in manifesting; the receiving. You have to be ready to receive what you requested and it requires that you stay tuned into that vibration you sent out; hence the importance of mentioning authenticity earlier.
The Bible says in Mark 11:24 ..."whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing you will receive them, you shall receive.
Ask. Believe. Receive.
This is where you begin manifesting what you want; where Joy resides waiting on you to align with it!
One Love
Karyn Dee #theintuitivewildflower
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