#i think rho deserves happiness
redwayfarers · 1 year
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss for whichever ship you feel like <3
Ty for dropping by <3
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss // ship: Thesor x Rhodarth
In hindsight, Thesor now realises, needing an army as a moral support to accept Rhodarth's invitation for a walk sounds so silly. He almost reminds himself of how he acted in Vodena, but that too makes so much sense he can't fully find fault in his own behavior.
He hasn't been this interested in anyone for decades, he's almost forgotten how it feels to.. look forward to things. To the barest of smiles, and the steadiness of their presence, and the laughter and the touch of hands, one that is devoid of any carnal desire but desirable nonetheless.
That's not to say he doesn't want to sleep with Rhodarth. He just wants other things too. That knowledge is far scarier than he'll ever let on.
"Rhodarth," Thesor calls, trying to will his voice into something calm, "I'm curious. How short was the shortest person you've ever been with?"
Rhodarth laughs. "Shorter than you, I assure you."
Thesor huffs. "Most certainly, but that doesn't answer my question." He knows he isn't very tall, and he's seen how tall Cassander grew up to be, but there is an appeal to just burrowing against a much taller person's side. He won't do it, of course, not here. He's just curious.
"And the honest answer is that I do not remember," Rhodarth continues, "although there have been shorter people."
"And how did you solve the issue of kissing without breaking your neck?" Thesor presses. Emboldened by his own question, he brushes a hand against Rhodarth's - he's not yet entirely sure of their levels of comfort respectively regarding public displays of affection like this. Rhodarth seems content to leave it at that, though there's warmth in his yellow eyes.
"I think I know what your melusine friend would suggest," he says. "Climbing a tree. Inteus would suggest it as a joke, but Ionneon would be very serious about it."
"She'd even offer me support as I climb," Thesor shakes his head. "I don't know what I'd do without her."
"Not kiss me," Rhodarth says and Thesor stops dead in his tracks. There's a content smile on his face, and the wind plays with his hair, showing tips of pointed ears. The corners of his eyes crease, but it's a joyful thing. Thesor has a feeling he needs more of that in his life.
"I don't see any trees nearby," he states and it makes him bury his face in his hand to breathe out the laughter that presses down in his throat.
"I suppose we'll just have to find another way, then," Rhodarth supplies, and walks a little back to where Thesor stands, holding the the sash he borrowed from Oria earlier. He then looks around - no signs of life beside them - and leans down. "I do think my neck can endure a couple of kisses though," he adds quietly and closes the gap between them.
Thesor leans into it and closes his eyes. It's hardly their first kiss, but there's something about emotionally charged kisses that leaves him breathless and stunned, something he cannot quite get enough of.
"I'm curious how many," he says once they part for air. "And only then will we go looking for trees I can climb."
Rhodarth merely nods and kisses him again. And suddenly, it doesn't feel quite as frightening as it had before.
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lhs3020b · 2 years
“Nona the Ninth” - disorganised thoughts below
OK, I just got to the end of “Nona the Ninth”. Some incoherent thoughts under the cut, with spoilers beyond this point...
(A further break-line here, just in case anyone clicked on the link by accident.)
Now here come the spoilers...
- John Gaius is a mass-murdering, genocidal, sanctimonious egotist and a character I now completely loathe. Even his attempt at self-exculpiation reeks of hypocrisy - note that he feels a need to lie to Harrow during it, several times, never mind the fact that she seems to unquestioningly revere him and is unlikely to call him out on his misdeeds. (Count carefully the number of times his backpack nuke exploded ... unless there are two Melbournes in Australia, it definitely happened more than once. Also, while I might be imagining it, I seem to recall inconsistencies in the times and demises of his former associates. IIRC he kills G. at least twice.)
- He did all the things he claims to dislike in other people - faced with other people attempting to flee the ecological collapse of Earth, he responded by killing everyone, everywhere (except apparently a couple of the ships, who managed to get away just barely in time), and replacing the dead world with one he preferred. Incidentally one where he happened to be in charge. The trillionaires he so disliked, frankly, were trying to do exactly the same thing (abandon the old world without trying to save it, set yourself up somewhere new where you’re personally in charge). And the sick kicker here? They’re arguably somewhat the moral winners here, because their flight didn’t involve personally conducting a solar system-wide genocide.
- The Earth/Alecto herself even specifically calls Gaius out on it - “I gave you this power, and this is how you repaid me?” - and from the text, the criticism just bounces off of his overweening narcissm without him even really registering what he’d been told.
- To top it off, this monster has learnt nothing from what he’s done. After all, during the course of “Harrow the Ninth” he made his Lyctors kill at least 14 other planets. (The scumbag didn’t even have the minimum decency to do his own dirty work. We can add laziness to the charge-sheet here.)
- Actually, interestingly, there’s an implication that even Harrow has had enough of his bullshit by the end. The scene where she turns her back on him and starts walking to the tower felt symbolic.
- I sincerely hope that in the fourth book, Alecto cuts Gaius up into small pieces, fries them over a slow fire, then tosses them into a landfill to rot. Feeding them to dogs, frankly, would be sheer unkindness to canines.
- OK, I could write thousands of words about how much I utterly despise John Gaius, but I think you get the point now, so let’s move onto a new thread. (I will note that I am in awe of how Tamsyn Muir has managed to craft a character who is both utterly-foul and yet queasily-plausible too. Give every scheming self-regarding corporate middle manager you’ve ever met Godlike power, and they might well turn into someone like him.)
- The ecocatastrophe on Earth is oddly off-stage. Some of it seems to be a combination of climate change and collapsing trophic webs, but there’s also a mention at one point of the atmosphere somehow going missing over the Northern Territories? Which is a bit O.o, even by the standards of ecocatastrophe?
- (One thought ... at one point Aim describes living for a time on a planet that was implied to be undergoing a thanergetic conversion. I almost find myself wondering if humanity had inadvertently started off something similar on Earth.)
- Nona. Oh poor Nona, you deserved so much better than you got. I hope something is left of you in Alecto.
- I hope there’s some sort of at least happy-ish ending for the people on New Rho.
- The “re-settlements” - it’s never really explained very clearly what’s involved in these, but it seems to be traumatic in character.
- Varun the Eater; I’m starting to wonder which planet this Resurrection Beast originated from. I think we might be able to take a few guesses - the fact that it’s clearly trailing Nona is interesting, and the fact that it seems to like her is noteworthy too. While it’s Number 7 on Gaius’s typography, that might not mean anything. It’s - or was - the Earth, isn’t it?
- Nine Resurrection Beasts and Nine Houses also feels slightly off given that canonically, we currently have only eight planets. Either the IAU changed their mind about Pluto sometime between now and Gaius’s genocide, or there’s another one lurking outside the orbit of Neptune.
- (Before anyone brings up Mike Brown’s 2016 claims about an extra-Neptunian planet, please note that I’m an extreme sceptic about that claim. If your statistical analysis is based on a sample of precisely seven objects - yes, only seven! - I am going to give you strange looks if you claim this proves anything.)
- Does the Moon count against the nine? (Yes, you have to be me to care about this. I know, I know.) What about the asteroid belt?
- I guess the moons of Mars and the gas giants are a detail in this context, but it’s still a detail that nags me.
- (It would be darkly fucking funny if that egotistical gross creep Gaius accidentally missed out some moons when that crazed narcissistic butcher was busy slaughtering the entire solar system.)
- What the hell is going on with Gideon in this book? She feels and acts completely unlike any of her previous behaviour. I’m seriously wondering if it was even her that we saw? Was someone or something else wearing her body?
- Her suddenly being loyal to the Emperor feels a bit off. Nothing about Gideon before suggested that she had strong feelings toward the imperial system, and she didn’t seem like the type to have “actually being God’s literal daughter” go to her head.
- What the hell is going on on Antioch? What are those creatures, and where did they come from? How did they get to the Ninth House? And the timing is weird too - surely it can’t be coincidence that they manage to turn up just when it’s time to open the Tomb?
- The stoma. It was a massive big deal in “Harrow”, but as I recall wasn’t even mentioned here.
- Who, really, was Aim/the Angel? We sort of have an answer, but it also raises as many questions as it closes.
- I could go on, and I may even have to end up writing a second post at some point, but for now I’ll wrap this one up here.
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We’re on Fire (blow a kiss to the crowd) ~ TDC ~ Chapter 4
*peace sign*
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CHAPTER 4 ~ See These People They Lie
~ Capitol ~
She wakes early the next morning, intent on getting an early and filling breakfast. If there was two things Arsinoe knew they were that a. the arena wouldn’t always provide food and b. her survival may be reliant on how much food she can eat while food is still an option. She would never forget the winter when her family nearly starved because the food ran out.
She eats her full plates of carbs and fats sitting on the windowsill of the penthouse and looks down, waiting for the streets to start bustling.
“Morning,” she jumps as Joseph joins her, his own breakfast balancing on a plate. He had also filled his plate and she held back a relieved smile.
“Hi,” she responds. Joseph and her are silent for a long moment before he speaks.
“We need a plan,” Arsinoe nods, gesturing with her bacon for him to continue. “You and me, at least until we’re at a point where our alliance can’t continue because I don’t want to kill you and I’m willing to bet you don’t want to kill me,” she nods again. “But we need more people. Who do you think’s a good idea?” Arsinoe considers.
“We wait until after training today. We should focus on who’s got the best survival skills instead of the best with weapons,” she says, thoughtfully, unable to think about what was to come except for survival, in whatever form it took.
The training centre was dark and filled with weaponry and surly teenagers that glared at everyone, except for the young kids, who Arsinoe sadly looked over, because they wouldn’t make it out of the arena and she thinks even they know it.
“Currently not feeling great about your plan,” Joseph whispered in her ear, but Arsinoe’s eyes moved to the gamemakers section, her eyes locking on head gamemaker Rho Murtra.
“We have to impress her. Joseph, I want you to learn survival skills and leave weapons to me,” Joseph looked at her and nodded, moving towards the knot-tying area. Arsinoe finds herself drawn to the axes, focussing in on the rough handled one similar to her ax at home. She used to throw it around at targets and got pretty good when she was a littler kid so she just had to learn to do it again. 
Picking the ax up she approached the targets, tossing the weapon between her hands to get a feel for the weight of it. She didn’t miss the way the careers had turned to watch her subtly and she took a breath, before raising the ax above her head. She waited, aimed and then swung with her entire body, releasing the ax at just the right angle.
The ax hit dead centre on the target and Arsinoe heard the careers all take a sharp breath in. She smiled and grabbed another ax and then another until she had no more. All of the axes hit bullseye.
“So, you’re good with those,” Arsinoe turned to see the girl from two, a career. Arsinoe nods, taking in the harsh brown eyes and quirked lip. “I’m Emilia, district 2,” Arsinoe shook her offered hand.
“Arsinoe, district 10,” she says, coldly. Emilia nods before stepping forward into Arsinoe’s space. Arsinoe didn’t move, instead staring Emilia down until she finally smiled.
“You’re welcome in our alliance. Skills like that deserve to be utilised for glory,” Arsinoe didn’t trust her one bit but held her tongue until Emilia walked away, happy to not have an answer. Arsinoe let out a slow sigh before turning back to the targets. She smiled. 
Joseph was successfully starting a fire with the girl from 12 when Arsinoe approached. The girl was tall and pretty, with glossy brown hair and clear gold eyes. Her and Joseph were stoking a fire slowly, curling a faux-animal over it on a stick. Arsinoe rolled her eyes before sticking her hand out to the girl.
“I’m Arsinoe,” the girl took her hand and shook. Arsinoe sat down next to the fire and stretched her legs out.
“Bree. Joseph said that we should be allies,” the girl said with a warm smile. Arsinoe glanced at Joseph who nodded. Arsinoe frowned slightly and looked around. Bree was definitively the prettiest person in the room. She sighed internally and bit her tongue gently before turning back to the pair.
“Okay, allies. Although I should warn you that I don’t think the careers will be happy,” the two looked at her with a funny frown.
“Why? What did you do, Arsinoe?” Joseph asks, throwing a hesitant look at the careers. Arsinoe tucked a leg up against her chest and shrugged.
“Threw a couple of axes, hit a couple of targets, impressed some careers, the usual y’know?” Joseph claps her shoulder.
“You know that’ll make them hunt you right?” Bree says, concerned. Arsinoe shrugged.
“I’d rather die than become one of them,” she responds. Joseph shoots her a sharp look.
“You’re not gonna die, Arsinoe, so stop thinking you are. We’re all gonna be fine,” he declares, before going back to his fire-building. Arsinoe and Bree share a knowing look. 
“So, are you excited for your interviews?” Pietyr asked happily at dinner of their second day of training. Joseph and Arsinoe shared a look. Their escort was beginning to drive both of them out of their minds with his chipper positivity. Jospeh cleared his throat and kept eating his mashed potatoes. Arsinoe followed his lead on that one. Pietyr huffed and continued on, “come on. You two are the talk of the town and you’re not even excited. Everyone wants to know everything about you, which has never happened to a district 10 pair,” he gushed before pausing to take a breath and a sip of his weird, blue-coloured wine.
“What do they want to know?” Joseph asked, softly.
“Oh, they’ll ask for your feelings about the Capitol,” Arsinoe and Joseph both scoffed, “and about your home. Any romances going on. Of course, they’ll probably make a joke about you two being together because you’re friends but oh well,” Pietyr trailed off. Arsinoe looked over at Joseph, who seemed to be thinking about Jules. Arsinoe had mixed feeling about that as well. She thought of Billy. She hadn’t even told him how she felt and now she would have to reveal that to the whole country just to keep herself alive.
Dinner was finished in silence.
TAG LIST: @poisonerrose​ @alwaysbored005​
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asklepiad-apollon · 6 years
A Guide to Greek Alphabet Divination (Runes)
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As many may already know, Runes are a popular form of divination in order to communicate with the gods! However, aside from the popular Norse runes (elder futhark) that everyone might be aware of, did you know that there’s also a form of “rune casting divination” for the Greek alphabet?
First found inscribed in Olympos, a city in ancient Lycia, the Greek alphabet divination system uses the 24 letters from the Greek language and assigns them meanings, and based on what rune you pull, can give you advice from the gods on your current situation!
There were many Alphabet Oracles in ancient Greece, and the idea of reading the Greek alphabet for signs of the gods is one of the oldest divination methods that we know of.
How do I create my “runes?” 
To create your runes, any way of making them works! Historically, they would be painted onto pottery shards, but any way you can think of to have them accessible to throw/draw is completely okay. I have personally used black stones with gold paint on them.
You create one piece per letter, and in total there will be 24. Each letter will be listed and elaborated on later on in the post!
I’ve made my alphabet set. How do I use them?
In order to call upon the Theoi to get an answer, you can firstly call upon them in an invocation. After you have called upon them or asked your gods to give you an answer (sometimes no formal structure is needed) you can reach into a bag which contains the letters and pull out one at a time and read that, or you can grab them and throw them and look for patterns or groups of letters that are clumped together. 
Α - Alpha - “The God Apollo [Apollon] says you will do everything successfully.” With his luck and good fortune, the current thing you are working on will turn out well and you will be the leader of your situation and have good transactions with others.
Β - Beta - “With the help of Tyche, you will have an assistant [Boêthos], who is the Pythian Apollon.” You might be at a time in your life where you’re struggling, but this divine-coded letter tells you that the gods that you worship are going to help you soon, so the signs you get might be more prophetic in nature. 
Γ - Gamma - “Gaia [Gê] will give you the ripe fruit of your labors.” It is time for you to take a break and admire the hard work you have put in. Gaia will reward you, and you will have abundance in happiness, emotional fulfillment, food, or all of the above. 
Δ - Delta - “In customs inopportune strength [Dunamis] is weak.” Timing is everything. Wait for the right time to act, and do not act to hastily. Wait for your time, but at the same time, use your strength for good to make a change in your situation.
Ε - Epsilon - “You desire [Eraô] to see the offspring of righteous marriages.” You need to surround yourself with good friendships, romances, allies, or relationships in general in order to get the most out of it. Surround yourself with positive people or situations to bring yourself up in a righteous way.
Ζ - Zeta - “Flee the very great storm [Zalê], lest you be hindered in some way.” If you’re already struggling, know when to pick your battles. Sometimes flight is better than fight, and only you know your own limitations. 
Η - Eta - “Bright Helios [Hêlios], who watches everything, watches you.” Helios knows that in the past you feel like you have been wronged. As the enforcer of oaths and promises, if you are honest with yourself and the situation the truth will come out and you will be aided.
Θ - Theta - “You have the helping Gods [Theoi] of this path.” If you are taking a plan of action do not worry! The Gods are guiding your way and you are in good hands. 
Ι - Iota - “There is sweat [’idrôs]; it excels more than everything.” Within your situation, there is going to be a lot of work. The gods recommend you buckle down and work as hard as you can, and it will not be easy. But it will be worth it.
Κ - Kappa - “To fight with the waves [Kuma] is difficult; endure, friend.” Now is not the time. You should wait until the vicious waves die down, and then take action.
Λ - Lambda - ““The one passing on the left [Laios] bodes well for everything.” Something that may seem really bad currently or in the future is actually going to turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Pay attention to your intuition!
Μ - Mu - “It is necessary to labor [Mokhtheô], but the change will be admirable.” You might feel distressed right now and that nothing is going right. But keep working to change either your situation or yourself, and the results will be in your favour.
Ν - Nu - ““The strife-bearing [Neikêphoros] gift fulfils the oracle.” Something will be given to you and enter your life. While it might not be obvious at first, this is the first domino in a line of changes that will happen in your life and make prophecy come true. 
Ξ - Xi - “There is no fruit to take from a withered [Xêros] shoot.” Being bitter and angry is not the way to go about things. Don’t keep trying to pull water out of a well that is empty, and know when to let go. 
Ο - Omicron - “There are no [Ou] crops to be reaped that were not sown.” In order to get things out of the situation, you have to plan ahead. What goes around comes around. 
Π - Pi - “Completing many [Polus] contests, you will seize the crown.” After many trials, you will achieve your goal. Persistence will give you your rewards, and do not be afraid to use your talents. 
Ρ - Rho - “You will go on more easily [Rhaion] if you wait a short time.” You should act, and quickly. Now is the best time and waiting longer is not a good idea. The stars are aligned and while it not be easy, there is no better time than the present. 
Σ - Sigma - “Phoibos Apollon speaks plainly [Saphôs], ‘Stay, friend.’” The gods want to inform you to wait for more information before you make any decisions. In this time, relax, and let the signs come to you.
Τ - Tau - “You will have a parting from the [Tôn] companions now around you.” Soon, people in your life might not stay the way they are. Friends might leave or enemies might leave. You might grow apart or distance or travel might force you away. Be wary of this, and act accordingly. 
Υ - Upsilon - “The affair holds a noble undertaking [Yposkhesis].” The task at hand is certainly a grand one, but with confidence, you, the hero of your own story, can pull through. You must acknowledge your strength, but also acknowledge the size of the task. 
Φ - Phi - “Having done something carelessly [Phaulos], you will thereafter blame the Gods.” Something is going wrong, and you may be trying to blame other things than the cause of the problem. Don’t resort to pointing fingers. The Gods will help you if you do not take out your anger on them or others needlessly. 
Χ - Khi - “Succeeding, friend, you will fulfill a golden [Khruseos] oracle.” Luck is on your side, and by mere chance, things might fall into place. The answer is positive, and you might be pleasantly surprised at all the riches that the world gives you in addition to your solution.
Ψ - Psi - “You have this righteous judgment [Psêphos] from the Gods.” Truth will be brought forwards, so be careful in your actions. The Gods are watching, and they will be fair, honest, and unforgiving to those who deserve it. This includes those who might be harming you, as well.
Ω - Omega - “You will have a difficult [Ômos] harvest season, not a useful one.” The times will be rough, and you will not get what you wish for at the end. You also might be forced to make tough decisions that you are not ready to make.
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And those are the letters! Happy letter-casting! 
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poisonerrose · 4 years
Any headcanons for Mirabella? Preferably happy ones bc she’s my baby and deserves the world.
Omg, yes, Mira deserves the entire universe, and I love her so much. Also I’m so sorry this may be a bit of a mess. I got very excited. 
Okay, so, I think it's canon that Mira is the most sensible of the triplets. And her younger sisters are absolute goblins and are so fucking chaotic.
Like she is the literal definition of a mom friend. Kat and Arsinoe would probably have died half a million times if it weren't for her saving their asses. 
Like the time Kat almost got fucking murdered because she scared Rho. And the time Arsinoe got really sick because she decided to go swimming in spring when it was still too cold. 
But she loves them so much even when they get on her last nerve. 
Out of all three of the triplets, Mira is the best to snuggle with. She likes to make sure whoever she's snuggling with feels safe and loved. Also, she's warm all the time, and during the colder months, so she's even better to snuggle with.
(Honestly, Mira is just such a pure bean, and I love her so much. I might cry)
Mirabella loves animals and will take care of any animal that comes across her path.
Except for snakes. Mira is very scared of snakes. (But we'll go into that shortly. 
If she's sees an injured animal whenever she's out, and she can get it safely, she'll get it, bring it home, and nurse it back to health. 
And she absolutely despises people who hurt their animals. She has no forgiveness for them. 
Also, Mira adopted two cats from Jules, and they are the cutest thing's ever. 
Shortly after Jules became the queen crowned, she was gifted two Persian kittens, but she didn't want to keep them because Camden tried to eat a cat before, and she didn't want to deal with that.
Jules was originally going to give them to Kat (since she abdicated and helped move the transition along smoothly), but Kat ended up getting her familiar, and she was afraid that her fox would try to eat them. 
(I don't think Foxes eat cats, but I'm not sure.)  
So then Mira came into the picture and adopted them. She named one Jasper and the other, Lady. 
And Mira is the best cat mom in the world. She spoils her cats rotten, and they are the biggest babies in the world, and they follow her everywhere. 
And since Mira is a slightly warm individual, they like to take naps on her lap, or when she is asleep, they will curl up against her. 
Jasper is the trouble maker out of the two. Mira can't leave a cup anywhere unsupervised because Jasper will knock it over and break it. Also, he likes to eat plants. 
Lady is a mama's girl and is the most arrogant cat to have ever walked the land. Also, If Mira doesn't pay enough attention to her, Lady will yell until she receives pets. 
And both of them hate Luca, and it's hilarious. Luca tried to stop by once or twice to speak with Mira, but Jasper and Lady were not having it. (Cats can sense evil) 
They growled and hissed at her, and eventually, they just stared at her for a full twenty minutes before she left. 
They also don't like any of the Arrons. (Pietyr is the exception) Anytime an Arron (Usually Genevieve) showed up to talk to Kat they would hover around Kat and would growl anytime they got too close to her. ( they are good cats)
 Okay, now let's talk about the snakes. 
Mira is terrified of Kat's snakes, and she wants nothing to do with them. 
However, anytime Kat brings a snake out, the snakes want to be held by Mira because she radiates warmth, and snakes like warm things. 
The snakes will lean out towards Mira, and she cries because they want to be warm, but she's so scared. 
Mira will pet a snake if she's feeling brave or she's very drunk, but she'll never hold one. 
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florbexter · 4 years
Hey Flor! If you could give a rating for 2gether, what would you give it? And why? Overall, I loved the show so, so much but felt that last two episodes went for a trope I don’t really appreciate. I understand that Pam entering the show was to acknowledge Tine’s insecurity with romantic relationships but felt unsatisfied that they chose to disregard Pam’s character for a plot device. All I thought was “Really? That’s the climax?” What do you think? If you could change anything, what would it be?
Hey Rho! 
What a nice question, thank you for that! Overall I would give the show a 8/10 I think. It had great potential and the early episodes were awesome but then it went a bit downhill and wasn’t able to pack itself up as neatly as I would have liked. 
What I really loved:
the easiness between the main characters. It was great to see how smooth their interactions were
the respective squads: hilarious
the way they played with point of views and how we saw what happened outside of the main perspective (e.g. Sarawat flipping out about finding Tine, Type totally knowing who Man was)
Tine and Sarawat being such complex characters and how they grew with each other
the side couples and how they were interwoven into the main story arc
Green.... I’m so happy that Gun is back on the screen not only because he’s openly gay but also because he is so funny and a great actor 
What I’m miffed about: 
Pam... I have no idea what they thought when they wrote her into the story... because the time she came into the show was off, and how she was portrayed, and of course that they used a female character (again) to cause friction and simply used her as the bitch 
Mil and Phukong... Phukong deserved better 
The final was underwhelming as you already said in your ask; I can accept the fact that they went down the drama route and introduced a huge obstacle for the last episodes but the execution lacked a lot. My heart broke for Tine but the whole reunion felt disappointing for how much I cared about these two (that would be the main thing I would have wanted to change :D)
As a queer person, I want more from my series which feature gay characters but you have to keep in mind that BL series aren’t made for us, and it doesn’t matter if there are lgbtq+ people behind the production or if the actors are allies (which is great) but if they are not able to say the word gay or bisexual or are only able to work with subtext to not disappoint the fantasies of the straight target group then I always will be disappointed. 
They are on a great way towards more inclusive, more openly gay series and I’m aware that the show meant a lot to queer people on Tumblr and I totally understand that and I am happy for them. To know that the actors behind the series are vocal allies is a bonus point, too. 
It was a great, heartwarming, funny and important series so I would totally recommend it to everyone to watch. 
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pmiller1 · 4 years
Chara: You know Rho. A part of me don't understand about you.
Frisk: What do you mean?
Chara: Even now, despite everything, you still want to leave the underground. There is a reason why you want to reach the end, to surface. I just don't understand it.
Frisk: Well what good is it for me to stay under? Really, what is good is me to stay here?
Chara: What about Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, and Alphys?
Frisk: What about them, she left me, haven't recall my call, Sans only keep me alive by a promise, Papyrus betrayed me for Undyne, Alphys use me only pretend to help me.
Frisk: Really Psi. I think you the one that I can trust.
Frisk: Well... besaid... not telling me who you really are, Chara.
Chara: ..........
Frisk: You're the first Fallen Human, the one live with Toriel and King?
Chara: What give it away?
Frisk: A photo by the bed, You said there all smiling, but I can't see the face of the human on the right. How would you know?
Chara: You're smart, I've give you credit.
Chara: Yes. I was that fallen Human. And I love them as my own family?
Frisk: What about the Family that you born from, did you hate them?
Chara: No... But they didn't taken good care of me, had a half older sister and two little twin sibling.
Frisk: Did you climb the mounting... to disapped?
Chara: What kind of question is that? I got lost around the mounting, it was raining, I've took shelter in a cave and I've just trip and felled.
Frisk: So you didn't plan to be with them.
Frisk: Did you miss going home from surface? You did miss the flower bad from the pack.
Chara: .....
Chara: It wasn't like there was anything to do, I was pretty much trap down underground. There took me in, teach me as they own family, it was nice being with the monsters.
Frisk: Then I'm sorry that you fell ill, Psi.
Chara: .....
Chara: Yeah. But the fact remain, you want to leave, to go home, Why? Haven't you suffer up there?
Frisk: ..... I don't belong here.
Chara: Rho?
Frisk: I'm Human, What those human have done to the Prince. I'm sorry for that. But it clear I am not welcome now.
Frisk: You may live well here now Psi. But not now.
Frisk: I don't want to die, And yet I don't want to suffer ever.
Frisk: I just have to hope and dream on for a better life.
Chara: Hahahaha.
Frisk: What, is not really funny.
Chara: I use to have that hope and dream on for a better life, really I was happy down here.
Chara: I wish I haven't dead. I wish...
Chara: Rho. Know that I don't want you fight the King, even if you know he like a dad guy to me, show him mercy for me.
Frisk: ..... Is that why you didn't want to see Toriel dying?
Chara: Yes. There don't deserve to die. After there Prince had fallen...
Frisk: Psi...?
Chara: Please. He deserve better.
Frisk: Alright. I'll show him mercy.
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kimnjss · 4 years
#askfromjkp HAPPY BE RELEASE DAY, KEZ!!! 💗💗💗 i hope you received my message, congratulating you for your 10k followers!!! 🥺 well deserved!! 🥰🥰🥰 can't wait for cherry pickers! 🍒
OMG HII! HAPPY BE RELEASEEE!! i’m soo excited just have been staring at my phone waiting for the thing to drop ., but i think you sent it through chat?? nd i haven’t gone through yettt ! buut i will soon ., thank you soo much for taking the time to message me rho - thats soo sweet 💖
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captainkippen · 6 years
battle of the bros • part one
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This is going to be a multi-part prompt fill I guess.
And yes, that is the title i’m sticking with.
“Do you not think this is all a little unnecessary?” Cyrus asks voice muffled from where he’s holding the hem of his sweater over his nose. He’s perched on a counter watching Buffy and Jonah in grim fascination as they meticulously fill water balloons with a variety of foul-scented ingredients. He hadn’t even known you could make homemade stink bombs before he walked into the Delta Rho’s kitchen and found them all at work.
“No,” they all respond at once. “It’s what they deserve,” Buffy adds on. “For the cellophane. It took forever to unwrap my car. They could’ve damaged the paint! I was late for a meeting with my advisor because of it.”
Cyrus rolls his eyes. You would think by their junior year of college that everyone would be over and past childish things like fraternity prank wars, but that is totally not the case. Delta Rho (along with Buffy’s sorority of Kappa Kappas) have been at war with the Thetas across the street for going on two years now. He can’t even remember what started it but he’s sure if he asked one of his friends would remind him in vivid detail of whatever it was. Cyrus isn’t part of a frat and he’s still not sure how he managed to get sucked into a group of friends absolute full of Greek members but sometimes (like right now) he wonders what it would be like to have some nice, normal, not-totally-insane friends.
“How are you even planning on getting them into the house?”
“Launch ‘em through the window,” Jonah replies without looking up. “They always leave them open.”
“You know if TJ sees you he’s actually going to kill you, right?”
TJ Kippen is the president of Theta Psi. He’s tall, mean and on the hockey team. He’s also very good looking but Cyrus thinks it’s best not to focus on that considering he’s been declared Buffy and Jonah’s Mortal Enemy. Still… it doesn’t hurt to look sometimes. He can’t be that bad. The one encounter Cyrus and TJ have had that involved actual words was one night at a bar near campus where TJ saved him from a creepy guy. This, however, was not enough to convince Jonah and Buffy to call a truce.
Jonah snorts. “He won’t see us. He’s got psych class.”
“Okay, first it’s disturbing that you know his schedule,” Cyrus says. “And two, aren’t stinkbombs a little juvenile?”
The whole situation is juvenile but he elects not to point that out lest he get a stink bomb thrown at him.
They all look up with matching grins.
“Got any better ideas?” Buffy asks sweetly.
He lets out a loud groan. The entire time this feud has been going on the others have been trying to recruit Cyrus into their forces all because one time when he was a little tipsy he gave them the idea of sneaking into the Theta house and buttering the floors. The resulting video had gone viral. Who knew people would find frat boys slipping and sliding all over the place in their pyjamas so funny? The Deltas had paid dearly for it but they’d been too happy about their success to care much. Cyrus just wants to be left in peace. He has no desire to be involved.
He likes not having a large group of athletes twice his size out to get him, thank you very much.
“I’m going to find Andi and Walker,” he says, hopping off the counter and grabbing his water bottle. “And get some work done like you guys are meant to be doing.”
Jonah pouts. “Party pooper.”
“One day you’ll join the dark side!” Buffy calls after him as he heads up the stairs.
Two days later, Cyrus is practically dancing with joy. He has a date! He, Cyrus Goodman, has a date with the cute guy from his sociology class. This is only what he’s wanted for the past three months now. It had taken him so much flirting to get to this point. He’s getting picked up from the Delta house so the others can give them their opinions as he gets ready, plus the idea of a guy he doesn’t know that well knowing where his crappy little studio apartment is isn’t a very comfortable one. He’ll wait until he knows he’s not an axe murderer to show him his place.
“Just one final touch,” Says Andi as she messes with his hair. He’s been getting ready for an hour and a half. It took most of that time to choose an outfit. He might be a little more than excited about this. “Craig’s not going to know what hit him.”
“Oh wow, Cy,” Jonah says when he re-enters the room. “You look like a movie star.”
Cyrus preens. He’s totally going to blow his date away. It’s going to be the best night ever. They’re going to eat dinner, laugh at each other’s jokes, fall in love and live happily ever after… okay, maybe he’s getting a little ahead of himself, it’s been a while since he dated anyone, so sue him.
“Okay, you’re all ready!” Andi chirps. “When you get back you’re telling us every detail.”
“Obviously,” he says. “Who else would I tell?
His friends congregate around him downstairs when he gets the message from Craig to say he’s almost there. They head out the front with him despite his protests that they don't need to. Buffy insists they have to give this boy a once-over and make sure he’s not going to abduct him. Everyone talks over one another as they give him terrible advice. Cyrus rolls his eyes and lets them chatter. He knows better now than to listen to Jonah’s five-step technique on how to woo a guy (four of those steps involve dancing). All in all, no one’s really paying attention to their surroundings as they go, so maybe that’s why no one clocks the wire pulled tight between the two trees in the front yard.
A lot of things happen all at once. Jonah takes one step forward and goes flying, face first down into a puddle of mud that Cyrus is certain hadn’t been there when he’d arrived earlier. Then the girls let out shrieks of disgust and Cyrus feels himself get hit in the face by an explosion of white sticky foam. Shaving cream. He barely has time to wipe it out of his eyes before he hears a loud “PUFF” and the pitter patter of something light raining down on them.
It’s feathers. Cyrus is covered in shaving cream and feathers and he has no idea what the hell is going on. He splutters.
Jonah groans from where he’s lying in the mud and untangles his foot from a thin plastic string and holds it up. “Tripwire,” he says. “We got booby-trapped.”
That’s when they hear the laughter and look up. The Thetas are gathered in a small crowd on the porch of their house watching and waving, beers in their hands, as the flashes of their camera phones go off.
“That’s for the stink bombs!” One of them yells.
That’s when a sleek black car rolls slowly up to the curb and Cyrus is filled with all kinds of horror. In the madness, he’d momentarily forgotten about his date. God, he must look like an extra in Chicken Run right now. Craig rolls down the window and stares at him. “Cyrus?” he calls.
Cyrus forces himself to walk over. It’s a little impossible to maintain any dignity when you look like a chicken pooped all over you. “I’m… not quite ready,” he says weakly.
“Right…” The look Craig gives him tells Cyrus he won’t be getting to show him his apartment any time soon. “Maybe another time, when you’re… yeah.”
He watches in resignation as Craig rolls up the window and doesn’t make an attempt to stop him from driving away. Of course, this is how the first date he’s had in months would go. Of course, he’d spend an entire day thrilled to be going out with a cute guy only for that to be destroyed by some weird war of the snapbacks. Why wouldn’t he end up stood on a curb covered in shaving foam and feathers watching his date run away? That’s how it goes when you’re Cyrus Goodman. He is a joke in the eyes of nature.
“Cy? You okay?” Buffy asks, coming up and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
He shakes his head. “I’m fine.”
“We should-”
“I want in,” he says, surprising even himself.
“I want in on the pranks. I’m joining the dark side,” he looks at the Thetas, whose numbers are dwindling now the excitement is over. TJ still lingers, arms folded and watching them from the top step of the porch. Cyrus stares him down. “This means war.”
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Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC! It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything!Alternatively, send in just a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random!
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You sendin’ 20 pencils? you gettin’ 20 ocs. You asked for this.
1. Sileves
I love Sileves, I love her big generous heart and how eagerly she accepts friends of her children and her husband as honorary family members. I wish I could talk more about her job as a healer because she takes such immense pride in it and she is what I would want any nurse or doctor to be; so caring and patient and kind.
2. Methenor
Methenor is a soft boi hidden under layers of icy indifference, sarcasm and dry etiquette and I love it. He cares for his family so much ;-; And like I feel incredibly bad for him because no wonder he’s cold as ice when pretty much his entire family left him in Rivendell; His parents sailed, his older sister is who knows where, his younger brother ran for Lothlorien and now his only son left him too.
3. Malgelir
Chirpy social butterfly with a small bit of a “ME FIRST” complex towards her siblings. Malgelir always wanted to get married and have a child, and the fact that she did so before her siblings does make her prouder than she probably should be. Thankfully this isnt out of pure malicious intent because I don’t think she ever had an evil thought in her life.
She also cares so much about her hubby and her son ;-; i cry
4. Rhoscthel
Fun fact I aint got a single clue about what goes into fashion design and yet here Rhoscthel is being a tailor. Send help. Plz. I’m making this up as I go and I just hope nobody notices I’m bluffing my way through anything that takes half a glance at her skill as a tailor.
I also wish I knew how people Actually Flirt TM because Rhos is supposed to be a charming she-elf with bargaining powers that could almost rival Caranthir’s but idk anything about either flirting or haggling. The woes of an introvert trying to play a socially savvy extrovert TM
5. Amathel
With Amathel I’ve been contemplating switching her social status of engaged to married but Amathel kind of has concerns and worries about the act of getting married so idk how to really.. change her status? Like should I just change it or drabble it or..
Like it’s not that she doesnt want to be married to Lagoron, she loves him very dearly, but there’s certain expectations that comes with having a wedding especially as a highly valued member of the Rivendell guard.
Idk I kinda want to dive more into the complex nature of her always wanting to be on top and number one in her class despite the fact that she has a lot of… performance anxiety, I guess you could call it?
She doesnt like to be put on the spot or even necessarily in the spotlight even though she has an ambitious drive and is always looking to improve as a guard.
6. Innith
With Innith I’m kinda having the opposite problem I do with Rhoscthel. I don’t get to use her much because she’s a shy, introverted scholar who would really only want to interact with coworkers and patrons of the library in Rivendell; and unfortunately there’s not a lot of those muses around.
this is very much me asking you to throw Pan at her sometimes I think they could be fun together plz
I’m also a bit sad the one ship I had for her has long since sailed away. F/F ships are so hard to come by.
7. Nethel
You would think I have a similar problem with Nethel like I do with Innith but since Nethel is such a drastically different character I actually dont find it hard to find interactions for her lol. People seem to be rather drawn to her even though she’s brutally blunt. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Nethel is a lot like Feanor just minus the genius linguistic part. 
Plus while Nethel is cooped up in her workshop most of the time she does need to come out and tend to her biological needs like eating, bathing, sleeping, much to her dismay as she has little patience for small talk.
Aside from that I think most of the muns I toss her at are aware that she’s a deeply insecure person under all that brutal facade, and people generally seem to have a little more patience with a character like that? like idk, just something I noticed. 
8. Miston
Honestly without Miston this blog wouldnt exist and I wouldn’t be here to gush about all my characters, so needless to say Miston is incredibly important to me. I feel like he has grown as a character a lot since the beginning of this blog but that he has also remained true to the description I give him in his about section. He is still a character who doesn’t like sharing his feelings and rather deflect them, ignore them entirely or distract you with conversations about literally anything else.
Miston is very near and dear to my heart.
9. Eredhon
Baby. Precious soft child. Eredhon is such a sweetheart and it’s truly thanks to a lot of brainstorming with @legolasgoldy that he has been crawling out of his shell because for quite a while I myself didnt even know all that much about Eredhon.
He is a soft, gentle soul with a lot of deep running emotions and his social anxiety can definitely play cruel tricks on him, but with the right support system he blossoms into a very sweet and devoted friend who will always try to help you through any emotional problems. He’s also a lot more emotionally intelligent than I originally gave him credit for. He’s usually paired with social butterflies (see Malgelir) because he does get those type of characters to kind of.. relent the walls they build around themselves and let him see the emotional struggles they tend to ignore
He’ll also never apologises for feeling his emotions. He’ll apologize for snapping, for raising his voice, for letting his anxiety drive him up a wall and for anything that deserves an apology, but he won’t apologize for feeling sad or anxious or happy or in need of comfort.
10. Calithilon
I’ve been thinking about aging canon Cali up to at least a talkative elfling because honestly because he is so young in canon I haven’t really gotten a chance to use him all that effectively in the main storyline.
Most of Cali’s development comes from modern aus with @hclliish where he’s a teen, dating her Sleipnir (another precious child, just not one of mine lol)Cali takes after his mom in looks and unfortunately for him after his dad in personality, making him a rather shy and quiet person with a lot of insecurities. Being born to two singers makes him a natural singer as well, and his voice is higher in tone than that of his father.
Despite being an anxious teen (because when is puberty ever kind) he does find a lot of comfort in his parents unconditional love for him. They’re a very solid parents-child unit tbh.
11. Lagoron
Another character that I don’t get to use all that much, which is unfortunate because I find Lagoron an incredibly funny and interesting character. He’s a very un-elvish elf, in fact he’s more a hobbit in an elven disguise. While also being a guard, he is an entirely different type than Amathel; where Amathel yearns to be the best and the strongest, Lagoron is a team player who believes in the strength of numbers and strong bonds between guards to drag them through the most difficult situations; and that hasn’t exactly made him the top performer of the class. 
He is however truly the kind of person you want on your team, and in a fight he’s surprisingly endurant and likely to exhaust his opponent by focusing on dodging their power attacks rather than wasting his energy in fighting back.
Always has food on him and will offer it to anyone he feels like stricking up a friendly conversation with. 10/10 good friend.
12. Hinnoron
Hinnoron is definitely more of the tradtional elf. He’s radiant, and ethereal, and pleasant to be around. He also has a natural calmness about him and a certain kind of wisdom. Y’know, typical Tolkien Elf TM stuff.
Hinnoron gets interesting when you dive into his deeper relationships. His relationship with his eldest sister is on a very low pit, and the one he has with Methenor has definitely taken some blows. When Gelwenil left to follow the stars, Methenor got rather clingy towards Hinnoron, who felt suffocated in return.
Hinnoron left for Lothlorien, and to this day regrets that he abandoned Methenor when Methenor was clearly struggling with the departure of their parents and their sister. While they have mended their bond since, this kind of guilt does seem to creep into his relationships with Haldir ( @thehiddenhero ) and Oropher ( @oropherrrrr ) He often doesn’t tell them when things about the relationship upset him and bottles his emotions up to an unhealthy degree, all because he fears of upsetting their feelings or even damaging the image they have of him if he’s not the perfect, ethereal and unconditionally supportive partner. For someone who gives love so easily and unconditionally, he seems to have a hard time believing that the love he receives doesn’t come with the condition that he has to be a perfect lover or it’ll be revoked.
Someone plz teach him that he’s allowed to have needs and that he’s allowed to have those needs tended to.
13. Gelwenil
Ah yes. The lost one. Well no, not lost, she knows exactly where she’s going but nobody else does. Gelwenil honestly never meant to upset Methenor or Hinnoron when she left to follow the stars. Like Methenor was definitely struggling when his parents left for Valinor, but in retrospect Gelwenil left several years after that. Maybe not enough for him to have healed and moved on, but I don’t blame her for thinking that with his wife, children and their youngest brother Methenor would have enough of a support net to justify her wanting to explore the skies.
Gelwenil is an avid believer in the power of Varda, and also deeply respects Tilion and Arien. Any type of celestial Maia can be expected to be treated with the deepest respect from her.
Out of all my characters Gelwenil deserves the most TLC tbh I feel like she’s underdeveloped compared to everyone else because I dont use her a lot.
14. Faerveren
Uuuugh I miss Faerveren so much. Mistons second cousin twice removed, and probably the only person to ever leave him flabbergasted and when Miston is the voice of reason in a duo, you know somethings up.
Faerveren is also an interesting character because with her I wanted to present the idea of people assuming you’re always emotionally fine as long as you’re physically strong enough to be virtually invincible.
15. Nengelon
Local edition of the “I’m so fucking done with this shit I don’t get paid enough to deal with” club, together with Feren and Lindir. Nengelon tends to fall into an elven variety of Welsh when he runs upset with the leader of the Sabaid elves, and just about no one knows what he’s saying.
There’s also the implication that he basically ran away from the Riunnag (waterelves, maybe related to the Teleri through distant blood but sources (ie me) dont confirm that yet so its just rumors) tribe he belonged to because of his secret romantic ties to said leader, but Nengelon doesn’t speak of his romantic outings to anyone so it’s just a rumor.
16. Braigon
Ah, big, bulky, burly, 7 foot something Sabaid leader Braigon. Rides a grizzly bear as a warmount, wields a gigantic twohanded battle axe, and is an absolute terror on the battlefield… when he bothers to get his tribe of warrior travelers involved. Braigon tends to stroll around like he owns the place, because not many dare to defy this mountain of an elf.
Maybe thats why people are so bewildered when 5′9 sized Nengelon curses him out on his bullshit in some incomprehensible tongue they don’t know.
Braigon is actually a pretty solid leader of a tribe where elves can pretty much do as they please as long as they do their job as either warrior or provider (finding food and other supplies) outstandingly. The Sabaids aren’t a big tribe, there’s only a couple hundred of them, but they make for fantastic allies… but only if you can manage to convince Braigon to risk any of his people in any given war; and he usually isn’t concerned with fighting the battles of others for them without a good reason. 
 17. Bereneth
Bereneth is an interesting case. An accident between a Sinda lady and a Noldo refugee, at a time when those relationships weren’t exactly accepted after the reign of destruction left by the line of Finwe. (I like to believe thats something that took a generation or two for elves to get over dont @ me.)
Because of this, Bereneth was relentlessly bullied to the point where as soon as the oppertunity rose, her mother left for then newly settled Rivendell. Being under the rule of Elrond, she figured her daughter would be safe there. Bereneth remained there and bore three children to Carandolon and sailed to Valinor when their daughter in law was pregnant with her first child
18. Carandolon
Chieftain of a squadron while Greenwood was under the rule of Oropher, Carandolon was a bright eyed and wanderlust filled soul, born to two fullblooded Silvan elves. When on a mission to Rivendell, where he had to accompany a diplomat, he saw Bereneth and for him it was love at first sight.
When the mission was over and he returned to Greenwood, he immediately requested to be dismissed from his chieftain status and to be allowed to move and live to Rivendell.
A reckless and bold move, and it did take him a while to woo Bereneth, but they ultimately fell in love, got married, and had three children. He sailed with his wife when their daughter in law was pregnant with her first child
19. Nemiron
The missing link that connects Miston to the line of Finwe. Nemiron is the bastard son of Írimë and an unknown father of Vanyarin descent. Nemiron lost complete vision in his right eye when the healer tent he worked at got raided by the enemy in that war; and he threw himself as a shield between the blade and the wounded soldier it was aiming for.
During the war, he was usually found in the company of either Finrod or Edrahil, as he needed help to adjust to his new lack of depth perception. Sometimes during that same war, he left to settle in Lothlorien, where he met the weaver apprentice Dillothés. They married and moved to Rivendell as a position for an experienced healer was open there, and they had their family there.
Nemiron remained in Rivendell, despite yearning to sail, for the sake of his only daughter, and he ultimately sailed for Valinor when she was pregnant with her third child.
I havent decided if the power of Valinor heals Nemiron’s injury, but if it does (and I doubt it), it would do so only partially. His right eye will never be 100% functional.
20. Dillothés
The third and last born daughter of her parents, Dillothés worked as a weaver’s apprentice in Lothlorien before moving up to becoming a weaver of her own, selling her selfmade fabrics to tailors and others interested and making a comfortable living out of it
She became infatuated with Nemiron, who was often found in the library studying Lothlorien native herbs to aid in his small healer practice. After she learned of his injury she never backed away from him once, and helps and supports him to the best of her ability. This remains the case when they went to Valinor and whether or not he partially heals from his injury
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khhunniewriting · 7 years
Any Objections?
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[ Mafia AU ]
 Yongguk was surprised he was called into the Red Sun Boss’ home. No one outside the group had ever stepped foot into the luxurious mansion. When he got there he was taken to the Boss’ office where he sat down to talk.
“Bang Yongguk I’m glad you accepted my invitation.” Your father had his eye on Yongguk for a long time now. “Please, sit.”
“I’m honored to be here.” Yongguk sat in the empty chair in front of the Boss’ desk and cleared his throat. “I would like to know why you asked me to come here. I thought no one was allowed in here unless they were family.”
“I’m an old man with seven children who haven’t married yet. They are all so focused on their training, competing with each other to take my place that I might die without meeting the future generation of my family.”
“Sorry Sir but isn’t Zeta engaged to the Light Group’s youngest daughter?” Yongguk may not be into gossip but he was up to date thanks to Himchan.
Your father scoffed, “That son of mine can’t settle down with one woman.”
Yongguk knew your brother was known for being a womanizer.
“When he got engaged I thought I could relax on this idea but then he keeps going back to his old ways. He trains and then goes out to find another woman.” He shook his head in disappointment. “Look Yongguk, it’s no secret that Y/N is my favorite. She’s a rose among thorns in our family. I would like to see her married but she is just as strong as any man and would never be with someone weaker than herself.”
Yongguk nodded knowing that was certainly true. It took him a long time to get you.
“That’s why when Alpha told me you and my daughter had some history I thought it was the perfect opportunity.” Yongguk eyes widened slightly as he heard your father had found out about you two.
It wasn’t uncommon for Mafia bosses to arrange marriages for their children. Often these marriages were part of a plan to strengthen the ties between two families, opposing or allied. 
Yongguk stared out of the two-way glass to observe the people below. His nightclub was packed just like every other night with people who were looking to have a good time. The majority were people with ties to the mafia, like himself. His VIP area was hard to get into because most of the booths and private rooms were already bought out by other bosses who frequented the club.
B.A.P was one of the top grossing mafia groups thanks to the club. Yongguk offered top security and secrecy to everyone. He didn’t care what people did because he had his men ready to deal with all the problems.
The silence in Yongguk’s office was soon disturbed when Zelo burst through the door. “Boss they are here, Red Sun! They brought her, I saw her, she’s here.” 
“Y/N,” Zelo knew Yongguk had many marriage proposals. Apart from running B.A.P successfully, his boss was handsome and deserved the best. That is why he had hoped he would pick you. You were the highest in terms of rank and unlike Mafia Princesses who stood back and watched their family’s success you played an active role.
Himchan entered the office not long after. “I see Zelo told you.” 
“I did” Zelo happily responded. His smile faded when he noticed the unamused look on Himchan’s face. “I’m going now.” He knew Himchan was mad at him for leaving his post and quickly ran out of Yongguk’s office.
“Did you come to tell me she’s here too?”
Himchan shook his head, “better.” He pointed out your location to Yongguk. Through the two-way glass of the window, they were able to see everyone but no one could see them. “I came to show you that she came with her six bodyguards.”
[ Alpha + Zeta + Mu + Nu + Rho + Tau ]
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“Did you see Red Sun is here.”
You turned towards the unknown people who whispered the name of your family’s mafia group. “Ignore them,” your eldest brother immediately reminded you. He stood on your right side ready so he could be the first to react if danger approached you. Being the eldest he took on the responsibility of not just protecting his six younger siblings but also the reputation of the group. “They aren’t worth our time.”
“I know how to behave” you responded feeling annoyed by the whole situation. You went everywhere with your brothers but sometimes you just had to get away from them. They were well dressed and towered over you with their height. It was too much negative attention when they were around. “Can you guys do anything to not stand out?”
To others, it was interesting to see how your brothers formed a ‘U’ shape around you but you were used to it. Two would watch your back while two more were on each side only allowing you to move forward.
“What do you mean?” they asked in unison.
“Can you look less like mafia spawns and more normal?”
“But we are spawns of the mafia,” Mu responded. He and Nu were twins, they made up the middle section of the ridiculous ‘U’ shaped wall around you. He was only a minute, well 67 seconds older but he still considered himself the oldest. “She knows that” Nu reminded his brother.
Zeta chuckled, he was the second oldest and more relaxed of the bunch. “It works in our favor to play the handsome protective older brothers. Chicks dig that.” He winked at the girls that were staring at him effectively making them blush.
Rho and Tau, the youngest brothers, stood behind you and got to take a look around since the oldest wasn’t keeping his eye on them. “Why would anyone come here?” Rho asked.
Tau shrugged, he was the silent type and communicated through body language instead.
“Did you really come here on your own Y/N?” Zeta put his arm around your shoulders. “You should have brought me along little sis, there’s some nice tail here.”
“Can you stop objectifying women for one second?” You slipped out of his hold, “I’m almost embarrassed to be related to you.”
When you got to the top of the stairs Alpha knocked on Yongguk’s door and Himchan opened it. He was first to go in before letting you and the others follow. 
“Hello brother-in-law,” Zeta was quick to greet Yongguk with a smile and positive attitude. “You have a nice set up here, I think I’ll go downstairs while the night is young.”
Yongguk smirked, “Go ahead, Himchan can show you around if you like.”
Alpha put his hand on his shoulder to stop him. “We didn’t come to have fun.” He then turned his attention to Yongguk. He was the one who found out you had snuck out of the house on occasion to meet with Yongguk. While you denied having a relationship with him Alpha knew otherwise. “We came to bring Y/N like you requested.”
Yongguk nodded, he had asked to speak to you before accepting your father’s offer. Even if he wanted to be with you he didn’t want to force you to do anything you didn’t want to. “Then you can leave now.”
All your brothers except for Zeta took a step forward to block you. “Our father may have approved of you but we still don’t.”
“We know a lot about you Bang Yongguk.”
“Okay, you all need to shut up and get out on your own while you still can.” You pushed past them and gave them a look of discontent. “If not I’ll drag your unconscious bodies out.”
“Y/N-” Rho tried talking with his sweet voice in order to calm you but you wouldn’t let him say much. It was beyond awkward to be in a room with your brothers and Yongguk now that they knew what happened. 
“OUT!” you pointed them to the door.
One by one they reluctantly took a step back and walked out. Only Alpha remained, “We’ll be right outside.” 
“We’ll be downstairs,” Zeta corrected him as he dragged him away. Clearly, he was all for this marriage so he could continue to come back.
Himchan left as well knowing you and Yongguk would do more than just talk.
When the door closed you turned to Yongguk and crossed your arms over your chest. “Sorry, they really are good soldiers. They are very disciplined and well mannered but as brothers, they are overprotective and lose their sense.”
Yongguk remained silent as he scanned you with his eyes from head to toe making you self-conscious. “Oh my god Yongguk say something.”
He smirked and that alone made your cheeks blush. “You know what happens when you sleep with the boss’ daughter.” He winked to show you that he was enjoying the whole situation. In reality, Yongguk had wanted a proper relationship with you but you refused. Not because you didn’t like him but because you were, like your father said, too caught up in the race against your brothers. 
“Usually they force the guy to marry her at gunpoint but this is different Yongguk. Right now there are six people, well five...” You knew Zeta was sold once he saw the club full of beautiful women. “Point is my brothers are not happy that Dad is trying to get you to marry me.”
Yongguk shrugged not really feeling bothered by your brothers. “Not a problem.”
“It is a problem. They are going to challenge you and try to show my father that you aren’t good enough for me and that my judgment is horrible for choosing you and then I won’t be chosen as the leader or even second in command.”
After you stopped rambling on about the situation Yongguk got closer to you. His eyes had that dark playful gleam in them that you knew too well. For his sake, you took a step back trying to keep a distance but soon your back was against the door. “You think I would lose?” 
You didn’t know how it was possible but his voice got deeper. It resonated in the small office and rendered you motionless.  His deep voice wasn’t simply heard, it was felt. 
He placed one hand on the wall and the other on your waist.His face inched closer to yours until his lips hovered over yours. “I won you didn’t I?” 
The top row of your teeth sunk into your bottom lip as you were reminded of Yongguk’s ability. You anticipated the moment your lips would connect.
His hand snaked up your body and stopped when he got to your neck. He placed one of his fingers underneath your chin and tilted your head up so you could face him. “Your brothers already plan to fight me so what do you say?”
Without looking your hands locked the door behind you. Yongguk was probably the only man crazy enough to go against all six of your brothers but you knew he wasn’t just all talk. He had the strength to back it all up. “What the hell, we’re going to end up together anyway.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and crashed your lips against his, finally ending the anticipation.
He lifted you up and carried you over to his desk.
You quickly began working on the buttons of his shirt. He did the same and ripped your shirt off not wanting to break the kiss.
A slight gasp of shock turned into a moan as Yongguk lowered your back onto the desk. Everything was starting to spin until you heard a loud banging on the door.
“Y/N get out here right now!”
You had taken too long and your brothers came back for you. They knew you had to be doing something else and they would not allow it. “We haven’t approved of him yet!”
“You’re not married!
“Open the door!”
Unfazed by their threats you continued. Wrapping your legs around Yongguk as a sign for him to continue as you decided to deal with the consequences later. Yongguk complied, not really able to stop anyway. He was past the point of no return.
The next day when you got home there were six angry men at the front door waiting for you. They were angered even more by your presence when you showed up wearing one of Yongguk’s shirts. You had borrowed one from him after he ripped yours last night in the heat of the moment.
Before they could say a word you held Yongguk’s hand asserting your choice. “Are there any objections?”
They all stepped forward, even Zeta. “I’m chiller than any of these guys and even I think you took it too far Y/N. How can you spend the night with a guy we haven’t approved of yet?” 
“You are the Red Sun mafia’s only female descendant,” Alpha reminded you. ‘”Your children will carry his name. We have to make sure he is the right choice.”
“Yeah Y/N,” the twins backed him up in unison.
Tau whispered something in Rho’s ear. Rho was a bit shocked when his silent brother spoke to him, even if it was only a sentence. “You see Y/N even Tau is so angry that he had to tell me about it.”
Tau nodded with narrowed eyes.
“Then let’s do this.” Yongguk had nothing against your brothers and understood they were doing this because they loved you. You were their one and only baby sister, the youngest of seven children. 
"I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
Yongguk didn’t wait to be told he could kiss you. He immediately went for it and gave you a passionate kiss claiming you as his own. 
Looking back at your brothers it was amusing to see their bruised faces. Alpha was the only one who had fully healed. The others were still bandaged and stitched up. The twins even had matching casts on their arms. 
Of course, you felt bad for them but they asked for it. They wanted to make your father question your abilities as a leader but they only proved how good your judgment was. You had found someone who was willing to fight for you. Someone who would do anything to be with you.
A/N: For the brothers’ names I just used the Greek alphabet to show rank. It was too much work to name them LOL.
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twinsimskeletons · 7 years
BC replies (last week)
OKAY SO I’m going away for about a month (RTX London and America!) so I will not be around unless I’m bored and have internet to scroll through. However, the Starrs will be queueing because I was having the best of times playing them. Enjoy!
In other news, I’m home for a bit, enjoying times with the cutest fluffiest kitten and attempting to get back into book writing. But because it’s just gales and rain here, plus a warm fire, all I want to do is hibernate with a book and a hot chocolate, but also I’m stressing over holiday preparations even though I am pretty sure I’ve sorted everything...
igglemouse replied to your photoset “The group of them – plus Rhody and Urtica, who Coffea had coaxed along...”
When its that bad just say random things and go for being the amusing one there!
That is exactly Coffea’s strategy!
simbollocks replied to your photoset “Coffea shrugged. “From the little I’ve seen of those matches, the...”
Well, and more importantly, when you're drunk you don't care how big of a jackass you make of yourself haha
In my experience, not being good at darts is what makes it fun!
igglemouse replied to your photo “Papaver arched an eyebrow. “Are we talking about dinner?” When Coffea...”
Sure he's talking about cooking!?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photo “Papaver arched an eyebrow. “Are we talking about dinner?” When Coffea...”
this just keeps getting better
Coffea writes himself he really does
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “Papaver chuckled, swatting at the bachelor with the wooden spoon....”
what kind of a contract even is this? pleaaaaase
This is a more respectable BC show, I guess :P
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “This place is my favourite on the grounds, I think. Especially on...”
okay he knows stars this is even better
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “Though Coffea was adjusting to things, like he’d told Rho, there were...”
i already have feels and he only said one sentence but man it feels so meaningful
You are full of feels niecey
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “Rhody waved away his concerns, taking another slurp from his drink....”
Want to know? What his hair was like, what the old BC episodes were like? WHAT? :P
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “Oh, um, I know the Big Dipper.” “The Plough, you mean.” Coffea...”
kiss please work with my shipping feeld
Sadly, Coff seems to be a bit frigid in game D:
igglemouse replied to your photoset “Coffea raised an eyebrow. “Oh, don’t tempt me,” he snorted. “I think...”
No one will complain if they do get carried away!
Certainly not me. I need him to kiss SOMEONE damn it!
avtvmnsalad replied to your photo “Chapter Five takes place over October. In game, each contestant had...”
all reet lads
-insert laddish emoji here-
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “Pap’s smile became noticeably more pained. He nodded silently and...”
in all my excitement i forgot that it was gonna be sad
I know, gotta have some drama I spose.
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “At first the taller man froze, unsure of what had landed in his hair...”
also he's a flower child like england me now
German you can be a flower child tooo. Follow your dreams!
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “He shook his legs and wandered a bit further down the lane,...”
oh dear i basically forgot about this other otp of mine
romeo-and-simulet replied to your photoset “He shook his legs and wandered a bit further down the lane,...”
pure as a... starfish
simaroosimblr replied to your photo “Coffea had fully intended to go into the house after a well-deserved...”
So happy this is back! :D Not that I don't love all your stories *-* <3
Aw thank you! One day we will find out who they end up with. ONE DAY.
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givemebokutoandiwa · 4 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out! — Dont even need to talk how much I adore you. Thanks for being here from the begining, you're an amazing friend and I really love and appreciate you, rho 💕
You want me to cry? 😭🥺 bc I’m crying love 😭😭 You’re one of the most precious and important people that I found here on Tumblr 💞💖 and I am so happy to have you by my side ♥️
0 notes
hottytoddynews · 7 years
Alice Clark
Alice Clark, a renowned scientist, F.A.P. Barnard Distinguished Professor of Pharmacognosy and University of Mississippi administrative leader, has been named the 2017 recipient of the Distinguished Research and Creative Achievement Award.
The announcement of the prestigious honor, which includes $7,500 and a personal plaque, was made during the university’s 164th Commencement ceremonies in the Grove.
Clark, a member of the Ole Miss community for more than 40 years, serves as vice chancellor for university relations. Previously, serving as vice chancellor for research and sponsored programs, Clark played a pivotal role in shaping the university’s research enterprise.
“Alice has had a tremendous impact on this institution – from a stellar student to a noted and accomplished researcher to director of a renowned national center and, for the last 17 years, as an outstanding member of our leadership team,” Chancellor Jeffrey Vitter said. “At every step, she has fostered innovative and energetic approaches, been a model of dedication and has played a key role in helping our university reach new heights of excellence.
“I am grateful to count her as my colleague, trusted adviser and friend. This award is a well-deserved recognition for Alice.”
The growth achieved during her tenure allowed the university to attain R1: Highest Research Activity designation by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, the definitive honor for doctoral research institutions, representing only 2.5 percent of universities nationwide.
“I am exceedingly moved to receive this award,” Clark said. “My time as vice chancellor for research afforded me the honor of learning about the wonderful and highly impressive research, creativity and scholarly achievement that occurs every day on our campus. It is humbling to be selected among such an outstanding group of people.”
Josh Gladden, UM interim vice chancellor for research and sponsored programs, praised Clark’s distinguished career.
“I know I join many faculty members and administrators in being inspired by Alice’s career,” Gladden said. “As a scientist, she has made many groundbreaking discoveries, secured a great deal of competitive funding and won the admiration of her peers and several prestigious societies. As an administrator, she shaped the university and established a thriving research culture.”
Clark earned both her master’s and doctoral degrees in pharmacognosy at UM and joined the university as a research associate and faculty member in 1979.
During her time as vice chancellor for research, Clark found support for the creation and development of several research centers and institutes on campus. She oversaw and championed many university economic development efforts, including the creation of Insight Park, the university’s research park, and the Innovation Hub at Insight Park.
In her role as vice chancellor for university relations, she continues to oversee the university’s economic development efforts as well as communications, public events, federal relations and development.
Before becoming vice chancellor for research, Clark served as the director of the university’s National Center for Natural Products Research. Under her leadership and as a result of her strategic efforts, NCNPR grew from a small unit to an international leader in natural products drug discovery.
“Having known Alice for decades, I am extremely happy to see her receive this recognition,” said Larry Walker, director emeritus of NCNPR and professor of pharmacology. “Alice is a visionary leader with a sharp intellect and a knack for getting people to work together effectively to create progress.
“This was true at NCNPR, and it continues to be true in her role as vice chancellor for university relations.”
As a scientist, Clark has published extensively on the discovery of novel biologically active natural products and pharmaceuticals, authoring and co-authoring more than 100 original research articles, reviews and book chapters. She has presented more than 100 contributed papers at scientific meetings and given 19 invited symposia, seminars and workshop presentations in her field of expertise.
As principal investigator, she received continuous peer-reviewed NIH funding from 1984 to 2014 to conduct research related to the discovery and development of new drugs for opportunistic infections.
Clark has served in several leadership positions in national and international professional associations, including president of the American Society of Pharmacognosy and chair of the Pharmaceutical Sciences Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Her numerous honors and awards include the 2010 Marcy Speer Outstanding Reviewer Award, the preeminent honor for commitment to peer review given by the National Institute of Health’s Center for Scientific Review. She was the 1996 Rho Chi National Lecturer and is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.
Clark shares much of her success with husband and longtime collaborator Charles D. Hufford.
In 1984, they received a half-million dollars from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to screen compounds for activity against opportunistic infections threatening the lives of AIDS patients. The grant allowed them to discover a class of potent antifungal drugs called sampangines.
Clark and Hufford continued to work together throughout their careers and shared many research successes, including a $1 million contract renewal in 1987 and a $372,000 grant from NIAID in 1989. That grant, which was renewed four times and became one of the longest continually funded antifungal research programs in NIH history, brought $7.4 million to UM and led to the identification of many new natural products.
“I’m grateful to have worked with Charlie and many other outstanding faculty members and researchers at the University of Mississippi,” Clark said. “Success is ultimately built on relationships and working with others.
“The University of Mississippi has many wonderful qualities, and perhaps chief among them is the quality of our people, who have a strong record of working together, working hard and achieving great heights through collaboration, resourcefulness and bold, innovative thinking.”
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Distinguished Research and Creative Achievement Award, which is sponsored Syed Abidi, a UM alumnus and CEO of Pharmaceutics International Inc. It was initiated during Clark’s time as vice chancellor for research.
The annual honor recognizes a faculty member who has shown outstanding accomplishment in research, scholarship and creative activity. Previous winners are Sam Wang, Larry Walker, Charles Reagan Wilson, Dale Flesher, Atef Elsherbeni, Mahmoud ElSohly, Robert Van Ness, Charles Hussey and Ikhlas Khan.
Staff Report
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pmiller1 · 4 years
The Delta Crossroad (Part 5)
“How is this even possible?!” Omar ask your other self, his Revolver aiming at them. “There’s no way you can be our Frisk, you must some other Frisk from another universe.” Ai said point her plastic dagger at them.
“Technically, you are right Aqua!” You other said, twirling a worn dagger, the red aura that giving it a hunting look. “But unlike those other that may be aware of, me and your Frisk are the same person, just one that taken a different part then your friend here.”
“You the one that been giving us nightmare haven’t you, your memory of your run?!” Chara said besaid you, his hand on you shoulder for support.
“What? Don’t like the little pick at my played?” They said with a fake concern, “Then again your memory wasn’t as fun as I want it to be.”
“So happy, so loved, being with a family that you love, so kinda, friendly.” They said “Just talking about it make me sick, you expected me believe that I can be that pathetic?!”
“Then again, I knew of your existen when I cross into this world, for all those years.”
“Then what you doing in our world? Go back to your own!” Asriel said.
“Bold talk for the one that Exile me with some help by them.” There said, glaring six of your friends.
“What do you mean by that?” Deeni ask your other.
“Simple, We was exile from my home and with what luck, We happen to find ourselves to a world that is similar to our own with the only diffend of what you and did back in the underground.”
“We?” Siegfried ask “What do you mean we?”
“What do you think there mean by We? Green." The voice of Helen said behind you, you all turn behind him to see her with some cut, damage on her clothes and holding Sans by the neck, with that creepy smile.
“Sans!” You call out to him.
“sorry... they too good...” Sans wess in pain.
“Take it he was no troubled?” Your other self said to Helen or the demon that possessing her.
“This body does have her benefit, the height make is far easy.” ‘Helen’ said, “May i?”
“Do the honor.” There said, As Helen snap name neck, you can see the 20 damage and his HP baw depleting, that little green was now gone. As Sans body fall down to dust, bottle of ketchup falling on the ground, spilling on floor with Sans dust.
“Sans!” You and your friend cry out, the sent of horror rust flow you.
“Ohohoh. Now that was good to see, the horror, the rush of LOVE, Now that is some Execution.” There said behind your back.
Chara rush in, grab hold Helen and pin her on the wall. “He doesn’t fucking deserve that, I may not like him, he still a fucking good persona!”
“Why would it matter? Psi-Chiiiiiii-hehehehe.” Helen said to him, looking down to him. “You just gonna undo it in the end. Your and them are that one that above consequences after all.”
“Then what the point of doing this, if you know it will all be undo.” Chara ask her.
“Power of LOVE! Why not at this point? It kill or be killed, that’s is what our brother teach us after all, right Asriel?” She said looking at Asriel who taken a step back.
“I didn’t mean you be like this.... Chi.” He said, as it now it click to you.
You turn your other self point at Helen. “That your Chara inside her isn’t it?!”
“Yep, that them.” There said, twirling a there dagger.
“And I must say, I envy your new body Psi.” ‘Helen’ said, looking at Chara. “Pity that your taken hold of it.”
Just then a Red Soul came out of chest, flowing between her and Chara. He move around Chara, as they keep an eyes on it. Wild holding Helen up to the wall. Then that Soul move on the side of your other self.
“Hah? Where am I...?” Helen ask, sounding daze, then she saw she was being hold by a young person. “What are doing young man? Get off me!”
“Wait, where my son...?” Helen ask, looking around, “Is this a office room...?”
When she saw your other self, she want all white, “Y-You!” She said, setting all shaky, as Chara drop here. She was backing away. “Say back, you demon, Say back!”
You saw her making a panic dase, fleeing across the Corridor, then a red razor wave was coming toward her, taken a big slice on her back as she dead on the floor.
You and the other turn to see your other self done a down wear slash on that dagger of her. Known that there that kill Helen in cold blooded.
“What the hell Frisk!” Beat yell at them. “Not cool!” Piri’s tablet voice out.
“Hehehe.” There giggle, As the Red Soul move into your other self body. One of her eyes now glowing red that red soul inside it! “That is just the beginning.”
And in a quick flash, there already stap Asriel in the belly. Number of 9′999′999 was shown, his Green HP was all red and depleting really face. His body fall to dust, save for his clothes and his boss monster soul, showing three discolor white.
And there upcut that white soul, breaking the soul to pieces and slow disapping.
You and the other saw the clothes, the flower coming out of clothes,
“You heartless human!” Flowey yell at your evil self. “Have no right to kill me and my New Soul!”
Just then, the flowey was flowing, a red bubble was picking him up, where flowey was begging him to be put down and asking many question about it.
“Sorry Flowey.” Phi said, “I want to make sure you can’t take their Souls.”
“Uh oh.” Flowey said “Guys! Be on guest there gonna---”
Before he tell them, there always move in attacking each of your friend, wronging them, as they cry in pain, there was unable to keep themselves up, dying from the blow.
As you and Chara watch in horror as what you other self are doing, this bloodlust of there.
“Oh that felt good, getting to kill you guys again!” There said.
“What is wrong with you, don’t you care for what you have done?!” Flowey yell at them in the bubble.
“Send when I was the empathic one!” There said.
And then, with once slash, you and Chara HP was Zero, both of your soul brake.
Game Over
“You cannot give up just yet... Chara! Stay determined...” Echo of Asgore voice call out to as all away, once of Chara Memory that keep you going for all this time.
You was back at the center of plaza, back to where you save.
You look around, all of them already rushing each other for comforted.
“Ree, you already?” Chara ask them. “Yeah. I fine now...” Asriel told them.
“You guys?” There ask the six other. “We a bit shaken, but other then that fine.”
And Sans was just sleeping. When he wake up by himself.
“so are we ready?” He ask them, then he saw the look of there face, his eyes hold was devoid of white dot for his eyes.
“take it didn’t go to plan?” He ask them.
“no... it was a mess...” You manage to say. “It was... it was me...”
You head was pounding, you just can’t bear the idea another you was the one behind the Phimanity.
“guys? what happen? you know i don’t remember what want down before reset.” he ask them, there Chara hug you, as you hold on to him.
You phone was ringing. With Chara help, you open the call. “Hello, this is Frisk Dreemurr specking.”
“Glad to know that our save point work for you guys.” Your voice said on the other.
You turn to the save point. “Save point, you put that there?” You ask your other self on the phone.
“Yeah, guess someone forgot to mention that.” Phi said “Still, all back to normal right, you and your friend are alive and your so call goatbro isn’t a flower once again.”
“What was even the point of killing us?! If you knew I would go back.” You ask them on the phone.
“One word, Torment.” There said, you grip you phone. “You just want me to suffer, is why I have your memory of your action?! For me to suffer for your sins!”
“Well, I have to, in order to return to my one world, my timeline.” There said “You and Psi’s determination is the one thing that hold the power of this time. And what a good way to make you weaken that determination is to break you.”
“What made you unable to return to your home in the 1st place, Phi?” You ask.
“Like I said Asriel and the Six Soul well our Asriel and the Six have lock us out of my timeline, Exiling us to the void, it my Chara, Chi that find this timeline, it was just like home, but you and then exist.” There said to you.
“If you was focus of your home universe, you could have come to us and let us help you return home.” You yell at them.
“And what, stoop low to your level, I was already sick of playing kind and passive human that care for all monster and human kind, I only did that because my Chara suggested that we take that part. Even if there already have ownership my Soul.”
“And why now? You said been here for some years.” You ask them.
“It take time to build an Organisation that was hellbent on killing monster for power.” There said “And besaid, it better that it be late then soon, as you never touch that true reset for 10 year now. Carrying on this world for all that year. Like you wanna do all that over again.”
“Oh speaking off. I’ll be taken that save point now.” There said, you turn to see that save point disapped.
“is it not me did that place got a little darker” sans said even if wasn’t aware for the save point, it have become darker without it.
“And given the save point is gone, it can’t lord back to it too, meaning that you have to reset back from the start, would you risk it, Rho?” Phi ask them.
You have nothing to say, you wasn’t happy with this, you was getting a little piss at your other self now.
You was Determine. “So what, I have other save point at home, you may have won this Phi. But tomorrow, the day after that, week after, even a year after, I will not let you won over my world, my friends, I will best you and your Organisation, I will do you that this world isn’t Killed or be Killed.”
“Now that I know whom is behind the chair, I will not stop until all monster and human can truly co-exist and end your Anti-Monster Organisation, I will make you give up instead!”
You are filled with determination!
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