#i think something simple like this will help me (and probably many others) remember... its the little things you must keep living for
jeonscatalyst · 19 days
The show hasn’t finished yet and I don’t want it to, but one thought I’ve had the whole way along is why? 
The real why of the show. 
I know we have the cult, insecure Jkkrs, and then we have homophobic army, but are people not really seeing it? 
For me they are being incredibly brave. They are two members of the biggest boy band in the world, in chapter 2 of said band where solo careers are priority and yet they decide to go on a trip together, that turns into two and then three, each trip getting more and more sentimental and intimate. They are putting themselves out there more so than ever to be judged and commented upon, and yes it comes with the territory but this show feels vulnerable, because they don’t come across as just bros, and I think the people who are ignoring it, or are making strong statements that they are just bros, despite many questionable moments, see it too. Episode 6 is insane, just in its opening alone. You’ve got Jimin clinging to the front of Jungkooks hoodie, then putting his arm around him, the car scene!! The train side cuddle and the intimacy of that! The whole feel is too much in a way, a way in which I don’t think we’ve ever seen them. 
So why? Why did they chose to film it? Why did they not just go on holiday and not film it? They could have done that in jeju if nowhere else. 
I don’t know if the latter two episodes will let us in more, or the behinds if we ever get them? But yeah, it’s just some thoughts I’ve had. 
I just can’t help but keeping thinking how stupid people are. Like in what world would two people who are distant, or who hate each other, travel together three times and enlist together 
It’s giving married at this point 
Hey anon,
You know this is one thing I asked myself too. I did wonder why Jimin and Jungkook decided to do this because like you said they could have just travelled and not filmed it but after thinking about it for a while I think the reason they gave us for doing is is why they did it (part of it).
I think Jimin and Jungkook filmed this show because they really wanted to leave something for ARMY while they were away but they also did it because it was a way for them to kill two birds with one stone. I think they wanted to spend time together traveling and making memories for themselves and for ARMYs. Maybe they knew that if they travelled by themselves they wouldn’t be able to do what they liked as freely as possible without fans swamming to them or without raising eyebrows. Remember that in the book Jimin spoke about how him and Jungkook would have loved to travel again but knew they couldn’t because they would get recognized very easily.
We sometimes forget that these guys just crave nomalcy in their lives. We forget that sometimes they want to be able to just go out and do the simple things without calling attention or having fans flock to them but unfortunately they cannot do that without raising eyebrows. If fans spotted Jimin and Jungkook strolling around in Sapporo they wouldn’t have kept quiet about it even if Jimin and Jungkook didn’t want people to know but if they are spotted by fans filming, they know fans will just say they are filming something so nothing is suspicious and in a way, they get to experience some nomalcy….walking around, playing in the snow, going out to eat, in the guise of filming a show.
So if you ask me, I’d say Jimin and Jungkook wanted to leave something for fans but they also wanted to travel around the world and just do things normal people do without raising any eyebrows or suspicions and this was probably the best way to do it.
It irks me when I see people chalking the whole thing up to fanservice because yes Jimin and Jungkook love their fans but let’s be serious nobody is doing all of that just out of love for their fans. Jimin and Jungkook are definitely benefiting from it and while we have our suspicions, only they know. They clearly love being together and they love traveling together else I don’t think we would have gotten more than one location. They are brave indeed because no matter what anyone says, it takes alot of courage to let millions of people into your dynamic like that. And for anyone still yapping about Jimin and Jungkook’s friendship being fake or fan service, they can kiss my big tushie because that is stupid to say they least
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orange-artist · 2 months
Hi I love your ASL god au! .I do Look forward to the fics this au leads to.
But I’ve been deep diving into it and i have so many questions.
I know you probably have a lot of questions so I understand if you don’t answer.
My questions are about Uta.Well mostly her and about a claim becoming a god.
Any way I remember you mentioned that Uta had ascended to godhood so she was human once. Was Nika the one to claim her?
As the ‘voice of change’ does that mean she can use voice of all? ( since she wears headphone’s because it’s to overwhelming it makes sense).
If she can does she use it to talk to the other gods? ( like telepathy between them possibly?)
((I can also see her using it and unintentionally contacting the gods , nika specially leading to them meeting. Also Nika annoying the hell out of her since she’s the only one who can hear him.))
What’s her relationship with Ace Sabo and Law? Her and luffys relationship is like siblings so is it the same with Ace and Sabo? ( she would technically be the youngest after luffy maybe).
Does she fight?
Do they visit her at all during the 2 year time skip?
Is Tot musica a god? Or something else?
Does Uta still release it like in the movie?
Also was she upset about missing out at marine ford? ( it looked like the ASL we’re having fun)
Do the claimed have a mark on their body? Like a symbol to indicate which god they belong too?
What is the transition from claimed to god like?
How do they know what god they are like title , domain ,patrons?
Do they get a new name as god?
Not a question but just something I can’t stop thinking about. I know it’s probably not true but I head canon that Uta was the first claimed to ascend.
(((Because I also have a bit of interesting scenario - though it’s probably to simple to be what actually happens. When the claimed ascend—that she was Luffys claimed and something happened ( she got severely injured maybe ) he brought her to Raphtel and she suddenly grew wings from the claim mark on her back.
Uta asks Nika what happened to her, freaking out but unfortunately He has no idea and ends calling his brothers for help.
Tsuisu and Astrus have made claims
but they haven’t seen anything like this. So Unfortunately they’re not entirely sure either. So the brothers call Taesis for help.
when Taesis looks her over he says she’s no longer human. In fact Uta is more like one of them, a god.
And they are like WTF! That’s possible?!? They can do that?!
the 4 gods are freaking out over this new information meanwhile Uta is having a mental crisis over no longer being human( suddenly becoming a god is probably overwhelming especially if you end gaining new limbs/ wings).And because the almighty gods are all acting like idiots.)))The image has me laughing.
Sorry if that’s a lot. I’ve been obsessing over this au since you started and I tend to ramble. I know it’s a lot so I completely understand if you don’t answer everything.
Woah that is a lot of questions! Let's see!
Any way I remember you mentioned that Uta had ascended to godhood so she was human once. Was Nika the one to claim her? As the ‘voice of change’ does that mean she can use voice of all? ( since she wears headphone’s because it’s to overwhelming it makes sense).
Yeah! As you said, it is overwhelming for her and the headphone help tone it down/filter it.
If she can does she use it to talk to the other gods? ( like telepathy between them possibly?) ((I can also see her using it and unintentionally contacting the gods , nika specially leading to them meeting. Also Nika annoying the hell out of her since she’s the only one who can hear him.))
While I think the gods are able to communicate in a sense with each other, it's not direct telepathy. They can sense each other and feel vague emotions and ideas not its not through words. They don't use it to actively talk to one other. After all they can kinda just...teleport.
What’s her relationship with Ace Sabo and Law? Her and luffys relationship is like siblings so is it the same with Ace and Sabo? ( she would technically be the youngest after luffy maybe).
At first they kinda treated like like a stray cat Luffy brought home one day but eventually they warmed up to her. She is indeed like a younger sibling to them as well, albeit not as close as Luffy is to them, but close enough.
Does she fight?
Yes :)
Do they visit her at all during the 2 year time skip?
The other gods do! They don't leave her hanging by herself!
Is Tot musica a god? Or something else?
Something else. Primordial deity or something.
Does Uta still release it like in the movie?
Nope! She's sitting on Elegia to keep Tot Musica at bay.
Also was she upset about missing out at marine ford? ( it looked like the ASL we’re having fun)
100% She was so sad she missed out on a chance to put the fear of gods into those marine's head.
Do the claimed have a mark on their body? Like a symbol to indicate which god they belong too?
I haven't decided on this yet! But considering this is an open to interpretation AU, if peeps want to give people marks, I would be totally fine with it!
But as of right now for my cannon? No, no physical marks.
What is the transition from claimed to god like?
For Uta? Dying. Also pretty rough as divinity would need to burn the mortality away bit by bit. :)
How do they know what god they are like title , domain ,patrons?
Rock paper scissors. Jk. Honestly, idk, how does Greek gods divy up domains?
Do they get a new name as god?
Yeah! I'd like to think the earth, sea, and/or sky gifts them their god names.
Not a question but just something I can’t stop thinking about. I know it’s probably not true but I head canon that Uta was the first claimed to ascend. (((Because I also have a bit of interesting scenario - though it’s probably to simple to be what actually happens. When the claimed ascend—that she was Luffys claimed and something happened ( she got severely injured maybe ) he brought her to Raphtel and she suddenly grew wings from the claim mark on her back. Uta asks Nika what happened to her, freaking out but unfortunately He has no idea and ends calling his brothers for help. Tsuisu and Astrus have made claims but they haven’t seen anything like this. So Unfortunately they’re not entirely sure either. So the brothers call Taesis for help. when Taesis looks her over he says she’s no longer human. In fact Uta is more like one of them, a god. And they are like WTF! That’s possible?!? They can do that?!
Oh that's very cute! Really silly to imagine god!Luffy panicking over Uta.
Thanks so much for the ask and I'm so sorry it took me so long to answer! T^T
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filmbyjy · 2 years
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— the mafia main masterlist
pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader
summary: working at one of the world's famous hotels in seoul was pretty interesting. you never thought your life would make a whole 180 when you got the job. you were now a mafia leader's fake wife and it's definitely not how you thought how you'd spend life.
warnings: cussing, shady business, honestly would make a little more sense if you played the game bc i tried my best to describe it as how i remembered. it's been a whole 1 year since i played that game. flirty heeseung.
word count: 9.1K words
NOTE: o em gee😵‍💫 it’s been so long since last touched this series. i was supposed to continue to it after ‘jam out’ ended but you know the whole fiasco happened with my account so here this is. i’m still procrastinating on writing the next member. i feel like it’s not as great so I may just scrap it and restart the whole thing🗿
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when you look at a hotel, you would never think anything shady was happening. it was just a simple mere 5 star hotel that stood tall in the middle of seoul with all its glory. to many, the people behind this spectacular place were more in the talks. who were they? you might ask.
“have you heard about lee heeseung? one of the owners of this spectacular building?” one rich lady asks another.
“i heard. aren’t there 6 other guys too? i heard they are quite dashing too.”
“yeah. think we could meet them?”
“nobody ever gets to meet them. only if we were lucky, we would.” the ladies snobbishly laugh before leaving the hotel grounds.
you rolled your eyes at them. this was how it was everyday for the past 1 week at your new workplace, they always talked about the building but mainly the 7 boys who actually owned the place and built other hotels after.
Decelis Resort, it was really hard to get a job here. all their staff was to be trained. the first few days when you started were harsh. it felt like an army training camp rather than a simple training. thankfully, you became friends with the rest of the maids and even one of the higher up maids. there were two maids who joined 2 weeks earlier than you. they certainly made you feel like you were cinderella, as they constantly made fun of you and always left the work for you to do.
but at least there were other maids to help you out. that’s how the bond was because every one of them has gone through descrimination from the guests here.
“(name), care to help me?” danbi asks. she stands at one end of the bed and you stood at the other. the both of you lifted up the covers and straightened it out. she goes to grab something out from the cart. “oh no, we’ve ran out of towels to put in this room.”
“I can get it for you.” you say.
“(name). it’s okay, i can get it. you can stay here and help sort more stuff in this room. i’m sure you still haven’t really memorised where the storage room is.”
“well, i have to learn, don't i? so, this is a great opportunity for me!”
“oh (name).” she sighs. “alright, you can go but if you get lost. please call me, don’t even bother pondering over the contact. you know how this place is, it’s scary. one mistake and you are done for.”
“alright, danbi unnie.” you say.
you were determined to get the route of the storage room right. you always wondered why the heck it was so confusing to find the place but danbi simply explained that it was the owner’s decision to do it. which owner? danbi doesn’t know, all she knows is that it was one of them. everyone suspects it was lee heeseung because the two parks of their group couldn’t stop making out with girls. they were party lovers and you would always catch them partying with girls surrounding them constantly. some people even say that they always came back with lipstick marks staining the corner of their lips, dishevelled hair and a smirk adorning their lips. probably making out with their chosen girl for the night in a janitor’s closet. hence, lee heeseung was done with their doings so he placed the storage room far from any contact. it made the job for the maids harder though so you thought lee heeseung must really hate cleaners or either he really didn’t plan the floorplan properly at all.
“now was it the left or right turn?” you say. you took the right corridor. which wasn’t the way at all to the storage room. you entered one of the rooms.
“oh? are those towels?” you say. surprisingly, they had cleaned towels here but they were high up on the shelf. too tall for you. you found a chair but it didn’t look sturdy. you knew you had to take the risk since you needed those towels. you climbed the chair and went to grab the towels.
“just a little more.” you went on your tiptoes trying to reach for the clean towels. unfortunately, the chair gives up on you and you fell to the ground. it wasn’t a high fall but you were for sure going to have bruises the next morning. you wince at the sharp pain that appeared on your ankle. your uniform torn from getting caught on something as you fell.
the torn definitely made you look unprofessional though since it was like a cut slit to a formal dress. you were practically showing off a decent amount of your skin. you sighed and then you realised something else had broken as you fell. it was an art piece, sure to be way more than your salary. let’s hope nobody finds you-
“you.” someone says. you gasp and hide your face. he pries your hands off your face. “you just broke the bosses’ art piece! you are going to pay it back in full amount now!”
“h-how much is it?” you asked. the guy smirks.
“definitely more than your poor ass can afford.” you flinch when he brings his hand forward to tilt your head up to face him. “you seem pricey though, surely we would earn millions of dollars.” he smirks.
“i’m not an object though and i can’t be sold!” you say. the guy laughs.
“then find another solution for you to pay me off.”
“I can give you in small amounts first. how about that?” you suggest.
“it’s going to take you a lifetime if you want to pay me the full amount.”
“then i shall do it! I don’t care how long it takes. i would rather do that then we sold off to god knows what.” the guy laughs hard.
“Well too bad. I will not take that deal.” he knocks you out cold. the next time you opened your eyes, you could hear talking and gossiping. it was dark, something was blocking the light. the blanket gets pulled off from the place where you held at. you quickly realise, you were in a giant cage and your hands were bound to the chair by a tight knot.
you couldn’t even say a word as there was tape covering your lips. you could hear the guy calling out numbers and you only assume it was the price. it kept going up. this was it, you would be sold to some random old dude and he could do whatever he wanted with you. you wished someone would at least help you. please anyone but a random creep. you looked up to see who was betting for you.
there was this guy who was constantly betting for you and he looked like a complete creep. smirking at you, rubbing his hands and licking his lips constantly. it made you sick.
“going once, going twice. sold to the man in-” in grows quiet, someone else raised his hand. he was at the top, overlooking everyone. “What’s the price you’d like to name, sir with the mask and red hair.”
“100 million usd.” the announcer’s jaw drops. actually everyone’s jaw drops, even yours if your mouth wasn’t taped shut.
“anyone would like to add more?” the creep raises his hands.
“140 million won.” your eyes widened.
“500 million usd.” the guy in the red hair says. everyone gasps again. the creep was shocked. he quickly backs down, he can’t lose his money. he only had a certain amount.
“going once, going twice. sold to the man in the mask with red hair!” the announcer comes up to you and opens the door.
“good luck on your new life.” he whispers, you felt shivers down your spine. he removes the rope binding you to the chair and removes the tape across your lips. the guy who bought you comes up to you and holds out his hand. you hesitantly take it. a small smirk appears at the corner of his lips. he pulls you close.
“meet upstairs.” he hands you a keycard before pulling back and turning to the announcer. “The money is with my friends, let us go to them.” the announcer nods and follows the guy along. A few bodyguards coming along with the announcer to protect him, you guessed. you did what you were told to do because you were terrified.
you got in the elevator but you realise, that there were far more levels than upstairs. you noticed there was a penthouse but you were certain that was not what the guy meant. from what you were told, the penthouse was where the owners of the buildings hang out and probably stay. there was no way the guy wanted you there.
you entered the 18th floor, it was a ball. well, the business meeting kind of ball. tons of guests here were the rich business men/women. you certainly felt out of place, bruises glazing your skin, you carefully walked around when someone hands you an empty wine glass.
“thank you, the service here has been so far horrible. waiters are nowhere to be found. you guys should step up, we are providing more work for you to get money!” ah, how you despise rich snobby people but you couldn’t do anything. what if you somehow got told on and then you got fired. you were not taking any chances.
“of course sir, we are so sorry for the terrible service provided. I will make sure to inform the service team of our horrible behaviour.” you bowed. the guy scoffs.
“is this what enhypen taught their staff? those young boys are nothing but good looks. they have no skills.” you looked down pretending to feel sorry for the damage the other staff had done. someone stands next to you and you looked up. you stared at the man who just stood beside you. he smiles at the guy who insulted the owners of the hotel.
this young man had streaks of dirty blonde hair against his natural hair colour, his lips were wide but even though he was wearing a masquerade mask to hide his identity, you could tell he was really handsome. the suit was wearing showed off his amazing physique, small waist line, perfect combination of masculine and feminine hands, long legs and strong chest muscles (he most definitely had a huge heart under there). A rose tattoo adorned his beautiful neck, the final touch to make any girl swoon over him.
he smirks.
“you must be mr.hansel.” the young man holds out his hand. mr.hansel shakes his hand.
“yes, that is certain. i’m so sorry for not being able to recognise you but who might you be exactly.” mr.hansel says. the young man smirks again. he take off his mask and mr.hansel gasps.
“nice to meet you, i am sim jaeyun, i go by jake too. one of the owners of the decelis hotels.” he smiles. you froze in your spot.
you mean he is the jake that is part of the enhypen team? one of the owners who are highly important and the ones who created the hotels that every rich people lavish in?
mr.hansel freezes too. you noticed he was taken aback, not being able to find words to form.
“i overheard you talking to one of our staffs here.” jake turns to look at you. “you were complaining about the horrible service here and about how we don’t train our staffs right. we do apologise for that.”
“no no, it’s okay haha. mistakes are common of course. not everyone can do their job right all the time.” jake nods in agreement.
“that is very true. in that case, shall i punish our staff over here and her team?”
“oh my, there is no need for that.”
“great because she is no staff.” jake says. you tilt your head, “she’s mr.lee heeseung’s wife.”
mr.hansel’s eyes widened. he looks at you and starts bowing whilst muttering a string of apologies.
“i am so sorry, my dear lady. mr.lee has never revealed that he has a wife and we have never seen her before so i did not know it was you. Forgive me.” he mutters. you looked shocked. you turned to look at jake before he gestures for you to act it out.
“u-uh, it’s okay. i came out here without my husband’s knowledge and in a disguise. i just wanted to see how the ball was doing since my husband didn’t allow me to.”
“well, enough with the apologies, your husband awaits for you upstairs.” jake says. he helps to escort you.
you enter the elevator, jake swipes his card and clicks onto the penthouse. it looked similar to the one the guy had given to you downstairs. your eyes widened. wait so were you supposed to go to the penthouse with the keycard??
“you know, you’re really naive. heeseung hyung was waiting for you and was even looking for you but you were nowhere to be found. He thinks you should repay since he saved you from being sold to some creep.” you kept quiet. you shouldn’t voice out to someone of higher authority than you.
the elevator doors open, jake walks out first. you noticed there were 6 other people standing in the middle of the room.
“hyung, here you go. got your chew toy for you.” jake says. everyone turns their heads to look at you. you suddenly felt small, out of place. after all, these boys were higher class than you. one of them comes up to you and hands you a set of new clothes.
“here you go noona, your work attire is all ripped up.” he smiles.
“sunoo, stop being so nice to everyone you meet.” the boy with silver hair groans.
“well sunghoon hyung, maybe if you actually tried being nice to a girl for once you’d be able to find love and possibly get laid!” sunoo says. The boy named sunghoon gasps. clearly a little offended by the younger boy’s remarks. jake laughs before patting his dear friend’s shoulder.
“sunoo is right bud, being grumpy all the time does not get you laid.”
“shut it sim. you too should realise that your so called girl best friend has no crush on you!” sunghoon huffs.
“oh hoon, i do know. i’m not that dumb alright. this is why i’m part of the tech team and you are part of the protocol team.” sunghoon shoves jake. they argue for what seemed like a minute. the guy in the red hair sighs, takes off his mask and runs his fingers through his hair.
“would you two idiots stop arguing?” heeseung says. the two younger boys stopped arguing.
“sorry heeseung hyung.” jake pouts. heeseung’s eyes met yours, he steps forward towards you and you moved back. heeseung obviously knew what you were doing so his hand reaches for your waist to scoop you closer to him. you couldn’t move back anymore and when he scooped you closer, your hands fall flat on his huge chest. you blushed.
“look, i have no feelings for you in any sort of way.” well that ruined the slightly romantic mood, if there was even one to begin with. “and since I ‘bought’ you, i can do anything i want to you.” you gulped.
‘anything’ he wanted. this was not what you’d expected you’d be doing 3 weeks ago before you got this job. you thought you’d be happily living your life since you just finished college days prior. you thought you’d be happily at home entertaining your younger siblings as they play with their pet bunny. possibly also teaching your siblings their math homework and then giving up because who in their right minds likes math?
“uhhh hyung, i think you are scaring the poor girl.” sunoo says. Heeseung lets you go. he cocks a brow at you.
“so, deal?” he says. as if you could say no. well, you could but that is only a first class ticket to unemployment and possibly death if they were bad people.
“deal.” you held out your hand to shake his. his hands were huge, it covers yours. funny how it strangely fit yours too well. you shiver.
“alright, your first task.” he stares right into your eyes, “be my wife.” your eyes widened. it shocked you and it seems like you weren’t the only one who was shocked too.
“hyung, are you sure about this?” the boy with dark blue hair says.
“yes, jungwon.”
“but heeseung hyung, you do know that if you declare you’re in a relationship. everyone who practically hates us will be after noona too?” the tallest boy says.
“which is why you and sunghoon hyung will be around her at all times. don’t leave her side.”
you wondered, what did the boy mean by ‘everyone who practically hates them, will be after you’. then it hit you, they were bad guys weren’t they? you were going to be associated with shady people. oh no.
“h-hey umm, if you don’t mind me asking but what do you guys do?” your voice was soft but surely enough for them all to hear. you were terrified if you voiced out they’d possibly harm you. sunoo pouts, he could easily read your expression.
“noona, don’t worry. we won’t harm you, at most we will harm the people who hurt you so you’re safest with us.” sunoo says.
“yeah, don’t worry. we will protect you from harm.” jake says.
“then what about my family?” heeseung steps forward and holds your hand.
“they will be fine, we can move them closer to us or we can get our spies to watch over them and protect them.”
“okay. umm, what do i have to do to be your…wife?” the other boys tilt their heads. “i’m sorry, i’ve never dated anyone and neither have i been offered to be someone’s wife.”
“you’ve never dated anyone? you look like you’ve dated at least 1 person in your life.” jake says.
“unfortunately, i’ve been single my entire life. i’ve only focused on school and i just finished college 3 weeks ago.”
“wait but college doesn’t end this early.”
“i finished earlier since they allowed me to.”
“and what course did you even take.”
“Business.” they were shocked. heeseung smirks.
“maybe you could be of use, my dear wife.” he says. you blushed and quickly looked away from them.
“I need to change, is there any bathroom around?”
“go up, straight and turn left.” jungwon instructs. you nod. “that’s heeseung hyung’s room, just use his bathroom. after all, you two are gonna be a wedded couple.” the younger boy smirks.
“jungwon.” heeseung sighs. he grabs your hand and pulls you along with him. he drags you up the stairs and into the bedroom before standing still in the middle of the room.
“i can’t change when you’re here though.”
“i’m going to be your husband though, so just change.”
“what?! no. we aren’t even real husband and wife. we don’t like each other and i’m just doing your task.”
he comes close to whisper in your ears, “we’ll have an official marriage cert so we will be officially married. which makes me, your official husband.” he steps back and smirks.
you grabbed the pillow on the bed and threw it at him. you didn’t care if this would get you fired, he was a pervert and you were absolutely disgusted.
“pervert!” you yelled. heeseung chuckles.
“i’m kidding. if you want to take a shower, go ahead and wash up. towels are in the bathroom. i’ll be waiting for you downstairs.” he winks before exiting the bedroom.
why did heeseung have to tease you like that? did all bad guys have to be so flirty and charming? or were you somehow attracted to bad people? no that’s not possible. you huffed and glared at the closed bedroom door.
“what have i seriously gotten myself into.”
you walked downstairs after changing and everyone literally watched you walk down the stairs. you didn’t like the attention and spotlight.
“why are you guys staring at me like that?”
“uhh sunoo, are you sure this outfit is appropriate for any of our eyes.” sunghoon asks. jake smacks the boy’s arm before pointing at heeseung. he had his arms folded and staring at them. “sorry, she’s your so-called ‘wife’ forgot.”
heeseung pulls off his blazer and wraps it around you, he holds it shut.
“don’t you guys have jobs to do? we still need to find clues as to where that idiot of a guy is.”
“right, sorry hyung.” the tallest boy bows. he goes to leave the room with sunghoon. jungwon and jake left together to enter another room. jay and sunoo remained.
“umm hyung, we kinda need you since we are working as a team.” sunoo says.
“jay, how about you go meet up with the people downstairs. i’m sure there are great investors to meet up.” heeseung says.
“yes, oh great lee heeseung.” jay bows. sunoo holds in his laughter while heeseung glares at jay. the both of them quickly left the area before heeseung could even say anything. they knew if they stayed longer, he would have possibly used his hyung card to whack them.
“idiots.” heeseung mumbles.
“uhh, i’m not exactly sure what to do…” heeseung turns to look at you. his gaze was intimidating but in some way, it flustered you. especially since he was so good looking.
“well, you need a ring and we need to register our marriage certificate so let’s go out.”
“but i haven’t clock out and technically, i’m still working. i have a shift until 10pm.” heeseung sighs.
“i’ll talk to the person-in-charge of you, you will be excused. this is more important than your job.”
“how is this more important than my job-” before you could even finish, heeseung holds your hands and lightly drags you out of the penthouse. there was another elevator down to the VIP garage. which you didn’t know existed because you were sure it was simply only for the 7 boys.
heeseung opens the door for you and you enter his-
“It’s the latest ferrari model.” heeseung says as he sees you gawking at how nice the exterior and interior of the car is.
“and how much is it exactly?”
“About 700-800 million won.” heeseung casually says as he starts up the car. your eyes widened. you feel like you should not be seated in such an expensive car.
“are you sure you are okay with me sitting in this car? i mean, if i scratch anything won’t that anger you?”
“the boys play rough all the time so no, i’m not worried over a tiny scratch. besides, you are already paying by being my wife. my earnings are also for you to share.”
“don’t tell me you’re a sugar daddy.”
“would you be surprised if i am?”
you gasp, “no way. are you actually one?” heeseung chuckles.
“no, i’ve never even dated anyone-” he shuts his mouth before clearing his throat, “i mean, i’ve dated someone before.”
“you know heeseung, you’re not that lame if you’ve never dated anyone. besides, i did mentioned i have never met anyone too since i’m too busy with school. I’m sure you had your reasons to not date anyone.”
“right.” he blushes, “any ideas of rings you’d like to get.”
“A simple one please.”
“simple one it is.” he says.
you entered a shop filled with high class jewellery. Diamond rings and necklaces everywhere. it sparkled like your eyes as you glance through the collections. heeseung smiles. he goes over to the worker.
“mr.lee, what would you be getting today.”
“a ring.” the worker smiles and nods.
“for the lady over there?”
“mhm, she’s the one.”
“judging by her appearance I think she suits these rings. let me just bring it out and you can call over to get her opinion on it.”
“thank you. oh and it’s no simple ring, rather a wedding ring.” the lady was quite shocked but she still manages to put on a smile. a fake smile. how could someone like you be marrying lee heeseung, just one of the seven charming owners of Decelis Resort.
“right on it, sir.” she says. heeseung scoffs once she leaves.
coming from a family full of liars, he could easily differentiate their fake expressions from their real expressions. it was honestly a game for heeseung and it baffled him how fake some people could be to suck up to someone handsome, not that he knows he is handsome. they’d never bat an eye for someone who was deemed ‘ugly’. 
the lady comes back and shows heeseung the collection that she thought was perfect for you.
“(name)?” he calls out your name sweetly. you walked over to him and panned the collection. they were surely pretty but none suit your exact taste.
heeseung comes close to whisper, “call me babe or any sweet nickname. wouldn’t want someone to suspect that we actually aren’t married.” he moves back and pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“so sorry dear, your hair was blocking my view of you.” heeseung says. your heart leaps.
“o-oh.” you feel your cheeks flame up, “thank you, babe.”
“anytime, love.” and…there goes your heart rate. you were starting to question if heeseung was lying about being single for all of his life because there is no way someone who is single can flirt and use such smooth vocabulary.
“now, what did you want to say before, love?”
“ah right, i was about to ask for your opinion for the ring design. i’m not entirely sure which rings suit me.” you blushed. heeseung pats your head. he scans through the collection and one of them catches his eyes.
“may i take a look at this?” he asks the lady. she nods and takes it out and carefully hands it to heeseung. heeseung delicately grabs your hand and slips the ring in. you stared at the ring.
it was twisted and intertwined with a line of small diamonds lacing one of the twists. surely sweet and simple enough for you. you looked up at heeseung and he smiles before turning to the lady.
“we’ll take this. Ah right, i have to get a ring too.” he turns to you, “care to choose a ring for me, love?”
“i’m not exactly sure what would suit you.”
“i’m not picky and definitely will never judge you.” he side eyes the lady seemingly indirectly calling her out on what she did before.
“alright.” you turned to the lady, “may i see the collection you have for wedding rings for men?”
“right this way.”
after shopping for the rings, you and heeseung went to the marriage officiant to get an official letter stating you two were married for real. they were surprised to see heeseung here since after all his private life was practically surrounded by cameras due to him being one of the top businessmen. they were of course shocked when he walked through the doors with a girl they did not know about. how did heeseung shield you away from cameras and paparazzi. not only that, how did you two even meet when you looked like a pretty average person and not part of some rich family.
those were the questions in their head as they watched you and heeseung sign the marriage letter together. then they saw the loving gaze heeseung gave you. well some sort, heeseung knew they were judging the both of you. he knows the public would act like this since it’s not common for an average person and someone as high-class as him to marry but was society this fucked up? yes, unfortunately it was.
the both of you left the place as an official married couple. heeseung’s phone rings, he goes to answer it and so you were left to wait for him as he finishes the call. once he does, he brings you over to the car and drives back to the hotel.
“you should sleep over. it’s easier for you to get to work on time without having to wake up early. it’s already pretty late.” heeseung says.
“no, its fine. my mom will be worried sick.”
“i see, in that case, i’ll drive you home and pick you up before work.” your eyes widened at heeseung’s words.
“no, it’s okay. you don’t have to drive me to work, you must be very busy with whatever. besides, we can’t exactly be seen as a couple in front of other staffs.”
“what’s so wrong about that?”
“they’ll think i got into this job through you or that i seduced you.”
heeseung snorts, “they don’t know the reason for us to even exist in the first place. Society is constantly judgmental. you don’t have to care about what they say. you’re living your own life.”
“I guess so but you seriously don’t have to pick me up tomorrow. my mom might question our relationship if you do.”
“I can just always tell your parents that i’m your boyfriend or better yet, your husband.”
“please don’t, she’ll think it’s a shotgun marriage and that i got married to you because we had a one night stand and now i’m pregnant.”
“will your mom really think that way.”
“you don’t know my mom, she’s insane.”
“maybe that’s why you are equally as insane.” heeseung jokes. you smacked his arm. “i’m kidding!”
“well, that’s not funny.” you pout. the car stops at a red light. heeseung unbuckles his seat belt and leans in to peck your lips. you gasp and before you could even question him, he speeds when the green light flashes.
“care to tell me your address now?” heeseung cocks his brow whilst smirking. you rolled your eyes playfully.
“it’s xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx.”
heeseung drives you home. it was silent and neither of you wanted to mention the little stunt heeseung had pulled. why did he suddenly peck you? was it just the slightly romantic air? why did his personality do a 180° flip? those were just a few questions that kept you awake, you couldn’t even sleep properly.
your alarm rings and you were shaken by your younger siblings waking you up.
“noona! help us choose what shoe to wear!!” the twins say.
“junyoung, jihoon. It’s too early in the morning.”
“well shoes are important!” junyoung stomps his little foot on the ground.
“yeah, very important!” jihoon added.
“alright, i’ll help. where is mom?”
“we tried to call her but i think she’s asleep.”
“that’s because it’s 6am. your classes don’t start until 8am. i have to get ready for work. just go back to sleep and mom will help you, okay?”
“fine! you are of no help, noona.” junyoung huffs before walking away. jihoon goes to almost agree but he stops himself. he gives you a hug and apologises for junyoung’s behaviour.
your twin brothers, junyoung and jihoon. they are both 10. junyoung was more chaotic compared to jihoon. jihoon was the nicer one of the twin pair, he only agreed with junyoung whenever it was right but whenever junyoung was in the wrong, he was quick to disagree. in this case, he did not believe you were of no help. in fact to jihoon, you were the best sister he could have. he wouldn’t trade you for anyone else.
you quickly showered and put on your work attire. somehow, you were thankful that you bought extra pairs in case. you had to return the clothes the boys lent you, you felt somehow in debt. maybe you were considering heeseung quite literally saved you from being sold to a creep. you quickly left a note at the fridge to inform your mom you had already gone off to work. yes, you had a very early shift and ended extremely late.
you quickly clocked in and checked your roster. cleaning duty. at least you wouldn’t be stuck with those two girls-
you heard their laughter from down the hallway. you weren’t one to be mean but their laughter sounded obnoxious. you glanced back at the roster and quickly realised…
“great, stuck with them for practically the whole day. they are probably just going to make me do their work. as per usual.” you sighed. they stepped into the room and scoffed when they saw you.
“you. why are you here so early.”
“sorry, i shall leave. I have business to attend to.” you say.
“hold on.” you paused in your step.
“take this with you.” they hand you a broom and basic cleaning supplies.
“you didn’t think we’d do the work right?”
“as your newbie orientation, you shall do extra work so you can get used to this hard labour.” they laughed. you nodded and went your own way.
you had no energy to deal with them early in the morning. you dropped the bucket of supplies onto the ground and got ready to clean the lobby. it was clean for the most parts but you were sure after last night’s ball, there had to be something amidst the clean surface. you mopped, swept, cleaned the windows and took care of the plants all by yourself until 12pm in the afternoon. lunch time finally came around and you sat down in the staff room.
heeseung pops his head in and you were startled by it. you were thankful that no one was around because it wouldn’t be great if anyone saw you with one of the owners of Decelis Resort.
you pulled heeseung inside and locked the door behind you. you folded your arms at the boy.
“why are you here?”
“can’t i visit my own wife?” you covered his mouth.
“don’t say that out loud. with the people i’m working with today, i’m sure they would be the type to listen in behind closed doors.” heeseung pries your hand off his lips.
“haven’t i told you to ignore the judging?”
“you have but these two literally bully me-” you cover your mouth.
“bully you? what did they do?”
“nothing, mr.lee-”
“also haven’t i told you that you are now my wife, you should call me by name or at least a nickname.”
“no one is around.”
“anyone can be around. you don’t know how my world works.”
“fine, since i don’t know how your world works, then why don’t you teach me.”
“that’s why i came here, to bring you over since i have some business meeting to attend to. i need my ‘wife’ to come with me so that everyone can get all shocked.”
“you could have said that first before barging in like that.” heeseung sighs.
“i was going to but you got all scared in case your co-workers heard me.”
“can you really blame me? I am suddenly married and my husband is the owner of the resort. they’d freak out.”
“whatever, i’ll meet you upstairs. don’t be late and here, the keycard.” heeseung goes up first. you rolled your eyes.
why was he so snappy today. you didn’t bother clocking out since you were still going to be in the hotel. i guess it was best that you should go up as quickly as possible to prevent heeseung from getting mad at you.
“first time getting snapped up by heeseung hyung?” ni-ki says as he leans on the elevator walls. “it’s normal, he is just stressed over work. since you are his wife now noona, you could relieve his stress.” the elevator dings and ni-ki leaves the confined space before you could even answer him.
“what did that boy mean?” you wondered. then it hit you, you gasp and covered your mouth in shock. “who taught him such dirty things?”
“hi noona.” sunoo waves and smiles. you smiled back at him.
“where is heeseung?”
“Mmm, i think in his office. probably handling some stuff. me and jay hyung need to go somewhere, do tell him since you are visiting him noona.”
“alright.” sunoo slightly bows and leaves. you went up the steps and looked around for heeseung’s office. surprisingly, you found it with ease. you knocked on the door and you could hear a small ‘come in’ before you entered. the room was huge, tons of books on each shelf. heeseung sat on the leather chair, glasses adorning his face, his tie loosened up and he muttered grunts and curses as he types away on his desk.
“you wanted me up here?” you say. heeseung briefly looks up from his laptop, his eyebrow lifting as he looks at you.
“ah right, you’re 10 minutes late.”
“i’m sorry, i was talking to sunoo. right, he said he and jay went out.” heeseung sighs before nodding.
“alright.” he stands up and hands you a red dress. “i have some business to attend to and i think it’s about time i show them my…wife.” heeseung grabs your hand and kisses it. you were flustered.
“umm where are we going?”
“i’m sorry?”
“we are going to meet with the client. this client is apparently quite the ladies’ man so it would be great to have you around to strike a deal with him.”
“oh but what if he…umm you know, tries something on me.”
“don’t worry. you’re safe in our hands.” he charmingly smiles.
you went to heeseung’s bathroom to change and you realised that the dress was extremely provocative. you looked at yourself in the mirror, eyes trailing each part of you. the dress was a spaghetti strapped velvety red dress with a slit starting from your thighs and down to your ankles. who were you? this wasn’t how you’d normally dress. you breathed in and out and confidently left the bathroom. heeseung was waiting for you, he settled right on his bed as he scrolled and typed on his phone.
“okay, i’m done.” you say. heeseung lifts his head to look at you and he was certainly in awe.
“perfect, now the hair and makeup needs to be done.”
“huh? I don’t have my makeup with me.”
“oh don’t worry.” he snaps his fingers and 2 ladies enter his bedroom with 2 huge makeup boxes. “they will take care of you.” heeseung smirks before leaving the bedroom.
they dolled you up to perfection and smiled once they were done.
“i never thought i’d see lee heeseung with a woman.” one of them say. you tilt your head.
“what do you mean?”
“ah well, heeseung kinda doesn’t hang out with any girls. after his whole family fiasco, he was never exactly keen on dating or let alone getting married.”
“what happened to his family-”
“ladies, i see you’ve done up my wife beautifully. we are already running a little late so we have to get going. thank you for your hard work.” heeseung says as he grabs you. the makeup stylist bowed at him as he left with you.
the ride there was a little quiet, you didn’t exactly know what to say or ask. you two weren’t exactly really in love so you couldn’t talk like normal couples do. heeseung parks the car once you two had arrived at the place. he holds out a hand for you to hold and you happily took it, he leads you into the building. everyone’s eyes were on the both of you, wondering how and when the lee heeseung got a girlfriend (or well wife).
“sir choi.” heeseung holds out his free hand to shake the person’s hand.
“mr.lee fancy seeing you here and without your usual partners.” the guy tilts his head at you before smirking. “who is this fine lady?”
“ah.” heeseung’s hand travels down to your waist, he tugs you closer before throwing the older male a smirk. “this is (name). my wife.” he smiles. you hear gasps from the other girls that were beside the client.
“oh, mr.lee has found a wife. never would have seen the day. she’s really beautiful.”
“thank you, sir. now, i am sure you owe me a game of poker.” the older male laughs.
“of course, mr.lee. we can certainly play a game of poker as we discuss our business together.”
“hold on for a second. I need to talk to my dear wife.” heeseung says.
“go ahead. i shall set up the game for us first.” heeseung bows before dragging you somewhere secluded.
“so, what am i supposed to do?” you asked.
“simple, just sit there and look pretty. he will get distracted by you and your beauty.”
“well, i don’t exactly look pretty. those other girls are shining more than me.”
“look, you may not know this but you’re really distracting me right now. which means, you’re pretty so don’t look down on yourself.” you blushed. “jay and sunoo are here too. take this.” he hands you the other side of the airpods.
“hey pretty.” jay says.
“jay, could you not flirt right now.” heeseung scowls at the younger boy.
“whoops sorry, you are her husband. my bad. i’ll back off.”
“hi hi noona.” sunoo says.
“hi sunoo.”
“okay enough with catching up, jay you have eyes on the guy. let me know his moves.”
“on it hyung.”
“sunoo, you’ll come in when it’s time. you know what to do.”
“okay hyung.”
“(name).” heeseung stares at you.
you felt flustered under his gaze, “y-yes?”
“you are going to need to act.”
“don’t have i have to sit there and just look pretty.”
“yes but try to act all flirty. send seductive looks to him. that will really get him distracted.”
“umm, i’ll try.” heeseung chuckles.
“you don’t have to if you can’t, your job after all is just to be by my side tonight.” 
“no, i’ll try to act. you did save me after all, it’s the least i could do for you.”
heeseung’s heart shouldn’t be racing as fast as right now. you looked adorable, well if he wasn’t looking at the outfit you were wearing. he nodded before bringing you over to where his client was.
“shall we play now?” heeseung sends his signature smirk to him. mr.choi laughs.
“eager to play, i see. in that case, let the games begin.”
the game starts, heeseung throws you a few glances. you nodded at him.
“noona, we need intel.” jay says.
“well, i’m not exactly great at poker so i don’t really know what is going on.”
“It’s okay noona. jay hyung, knows how to play and he knows tactics. he has eyes on mr.choi so you don’t have to worry about a thing. just tell us how he’s acting since we can’t see his expressions as great as you.” sunoo explains.
“for one thing, he keeps throwing me lustful looks.”
“guess you are doing well at being seductive.” jay says. you hear a smack from the other side of the call.
“forgive jay hyung, continue noona.” sunoo says.
“umm, he just has been throwing those like confident looks. like he knows he is going to win.”
“that’s because he believes so. mr.choi always wins poker matches by cheating.”
“heeseung hyung, just a heads up. he has an ace card under his sleeve and he will use it soon.” heeseung scoffs under his breath, he tilts his head to crack it before smirking at mr.choi.
“good god, he’s hot.” you whisper. it was loud enough for the boys to hear and yes including heeseung. it boosted his confidence though.
“noona, we heard that you know.” jay says. you blushed.
“ah, whoops. Sorry.” you were embarrassed, for a split second you forgot you were even wearing the airpods.
“alright, i’m pretty sure he is about to strike now. noona, you need to distract him.” jay says.
“umm.” you stood up and walked over to heeseung.
“babe, we should go.” your arms slither around heeseung’s waist. he smirks.
“of course, sorry to keep you waiting my lady.” mr.choi clenches his fist and slams the table.
“no one is allowed to leave in the middle of the game.”
“uh oh. hey, you think it’s time to call the others over. more specifically, sunghoon hyung and ni-ki?” sunoo says.
“yes of course.” heeseung answers. sunoo knows it was for both his question and mr.choi’s warning.
“noona, i think you should run to the bathroom. it’s going to get bloody. i’ll grab you.” sunoo says.
“i’m sorry, dear. I need to run the bathroom for a bit. you may continue your game.” you tried walking out but they blocked you.
“like i said, no one can leave in the middle of the game. including escorts.”
“we’re fucked.” you mumbled. you noticed someone walking in. it was jay.
“sorry to disturb the game mr.choi but i don’t think this was part of the deal.” jay puts on white gloves and then takes out a silenced pistol, he pushes back his slick back hair.
“mr.park.” mr.choi says in a distressed voice.
“how silly of you to have forgotten that the park family has joined forces with lee corporation.” jay scoffs. “you know how my family deals with people who don’t pay up.” jay cocks the pistol and points it straight to mr.choi. mr.choi’s personal bodyguards stepped in front of him, protecting him. jay laughs.
“ah, have you also forgotten. I have eyes everywhere.” a gunshot was heard and mr.choi falls flat onto the ground. you yelped, heeseung holds you close.
“heeseung hyung, you may leave. I have business to attend to. oh don’t worry about the money. it shall be deposited by the end of the day, sunoo is checking it.”
“do you need anymore help?” heeseung asks. jay laughs.
“just a clean up help? we need to make this massacre look like an accident.”
“I’ll dial for jake and jungwon for clean up help.” heeseung leads you out to where sunoo was. he sits in the driver’s seat and drives off.
“what about jay?”
“oh, don’t worry. he would never get into a horrible situation. he has help from his family.” sunoo says.
“his family is in it too?”
“yup. ah, i wish to have parents like his. they are really cool though. as for mine…they abandoned me.” sunoo says.
“i’m so sorry.”
“oh, it’s fine. you don’t have to pity me, noona. my parents are my enemies too, seems like karma got them the best though. hell sure looks great on their death certificate.” sunoo says with a happy smile on his face. your jaw dropped.
truly bone chilling for someone to just say so. heeseung chuckles.
“you’ll get used to this. sunoo usually says the grimmest things with a smile all the time.”
“i don’t think i’ll be able to do so.”
“well, don’t worry. i’m here.”
“eww hyung, you aren’t even a real couple. what’s with these flirty comments. it makes me wanna gag.” sunoo says. heeseung laughs.
a month passes by since that incident, your life was still unfortunately miserable considering those 2 maids were constantly on your ass. oh and they had found out you and heeseung were married which made it 10 times worse. heeseung doesn’t know this because you kept quiet and never told him about it since you didn’t want him to do anything drastic.
which you found weird considering, yes he was your husband but you were never a thing from the start. why was he constantly doing things for you? what if…what if he-
“yeah, there is no doubt in my mind that lee heeseung is in love with you.” danbi says. you smacked her arm.
“no, danbi unnie. he can’t fall for me. this is a fake marriage and well i can’t date him because he is a rich CEO and people like him.”
“to you it’s a fake marriage but everyone already knows you are in a real marriage. you even got real marriage certs, you can literally skip the dating phase and go straight to your hot CEO husband.”
“unnie, this isn’t right.”
“and so is denying your own feelings for mr.ceo. come on (name). give him a chance to melt your heart. actually, i’m sure he has already melted that heart of yours. considering he does things to you constantly that makes your heart go crazy.” she huffs. “this is descrimination to single people aka me.”
“shut it. your hot husband is coming over.” you froze.
“we need to go somewhere again. they want dinner with the couple.” heeseung smiles. you playfully rolled your eyes.
“do your clients want to or do you want to?”
“Both.” heeseung flirts.
“you two never fail to make me third wheel.” danbi says. heeseung laughs.
“come on, let’s go. my lady.” he holds out his hand and you happily took it. just as you were about to leave, the two (read: annoying) maids came up to you and heeseung.
“how could you leave in the middle of a shift? moreover, with the owner of Decelis Resort? disgusting, you’re just a wh*re.” heeseung scoffs.
“being a pick me girl i see. well, today’s a good day for the both of you. i’m assigning you two to a new job. a better one.”
the two girls gasp, “really?”
“yes, congrats. you’ve been promoted to unemployment.”
“what?” danbi holds in her laughter watching the two girls frantically panic.
“but we did nothing.”
“bullying surely isn’t nothing. after all, (name) is married to the owner of the Decelis Resort which makes her the co-owner of this place. if you insult the co-owner, it leads to expulsion. am i wrong? i’m just following the rules.” heeseung says. the two girls looked at you.
“we are sorry. we need this job. our parents will freeze our cards if we don’t work here.” they begged you. you turned to heeseung.
“well mrs.lee, you make the call. i’ll meet up in the penthouse.” he pecks your forehead.
once he leaves, the girls scoff.
“seriously, do you think you have the power? we only take orders from lee heeseung and the other enhypen boys.”
“ah, i came back to say. the expulsion will be done immediately so you may start packing your things right now ladies.” heeseung pops in. he leaves again and they turned back to you in shock. you simply shrug your shoulders.
“good luck.” you say.
in the car after changing into your outfit and putting on your makeup, heeseung drives with one hand on the wheel and the other holding your hands.
“so, who are we having dinner with?” you asked.
“someone who has worked for my family.”
“oh, it’s a big deal huh.”
“not exactly. we are having dinner with him because he may know who killed my parents.”
“right. again, i’m sorry about your parents’ death.” he rubs your hand.
“it’s okay. it happened already and there is no way i can bring them back.” heeseung smiles at you. your heart flutters. heeseung stops at a red light.
“heeseung, do you like me?” he turns to you.
“and if do? what are you going to do about it?” you unbuckled your belt and leaned forward to kiss heeseung. he quickly responds to it. it turns green and cars start honking at heeseung. he pulls away first and drives. you put on your belt again.
“i like you too.” you say. heeseung bites down a smile from appearing. he kisses your knuckles.
the both of you arrived at the restaurant, it was going really well until you felt something off. you excused yourself to the bathroom and dialed for jake.
“jake, something feels off. i think we need backup.”
“are you sure? i don’t think heeseung’s family connection would do anything to him.”
“jake, didn’t you say heeseung’s family was in debt to the mafia?”
“shit. we’ll come over right now. keep us updated for now.”
“alright.” the call ends and you went back to the table.
“love, do you want anymore desserts?” heeseung says.
“oh no, it’s okay. I’m really full right now.”
“can’t believe that our lee heeseung that we knew since he was young is married.” mr.kim says.
“that is right! you’re so grown up heeseung-ah.” mrs.kim praises. heeseung blushes.
“ah right, i forgot to ask.”
“ask away.” mr.kim says.
“do you happen to know who killed my parents? or did the killer ever leave any clues.” mr.kim was shocked.
“heeseung, did you not know?”
“know what?”
“your parents they are-” the door bursts open, they covered mr.kim lips and dragged mrs.kim out. they held you and heeseung at gunpoint and so you were forced to put your hand up. they were about to question heeseung when the other boys walked in.
“hey, big one. pick on someone your size.” ni-ki gestures for him to fight. the bigger guy runs to ni-ki but he was quick to avoid and then strike on the guy’s skull. you winced.
“missed us?” jungwon smirks. enhypen never knew who exactly these people were but any time heeseung tried to investigate about his parents’ death, they always appeared and caused chaos.
“sunoo, could you bring (name) out?” heeseung says.
“of course.” you quickly grabbed onto sunoo’s hand and he tries to lead you out of the room but there were people blocking the way.
“not again.” you sighed.
“noona, could you step back.”
sunoo breathes in, pulls out a pocket pistol and shoots twice before they could even react. he spins the gun and blows it out.
“come on noona.” sunoo smiles. you were still in shock. “oh? why is there a tissue paper on the ground?” sunoo picks it up.
“are alive?” it’s written in lipstick. you were thinking about it and then it hit you.
“heeseung’s parents are still alive.” sunoo gasps.
“we have to tell hyung.”
“well we can’t exactly tell them-” the 6 boys walked out of the door and shut it close.
“hey umm, we need a clean up. make it look like an accident as per usual, thanks.” jay ends the call.
“what’s wrong?” sunghoon says.
“Heeseung.” you hand heeseung the tissue paper.
“are alive? what does that even mean?” ni-ki tilts his head.
“my parents are alive.” heeseung says.
“they are what?” jake says.
“how can that even be possible. they’ve been dead for literally half of heeseung hyung’s lifetime and he is literally 40.” ni-ki says. heeseung glares at the younger boy.
“i’m not 40, ni-ki.” heeseung says.
“well you do seem like you’re ageing fast. white hair does not suit you by the way.” sunghoon says.
“can you not.” heeseung growls.
“well what are we going to do now?” jungwon says.
“find my parents and where mr.kim and mrs.kim have been abducted to.”
“is noona coming though.” sunoo says.
“well yes, she is my wife…for real.” heeseung says. you blushed. heeseung holds onto your hand.
“gross.” jay says.
taglist[open]: @my5colors @wtfhyuck @nyfwyeonjun @thealatte @dimplewonie @nuttykittypainter
(not me forgetting to put the taglist, sorry🙏🏻)
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synthleeius · 11 months
hiii~ 💕 if requests are still open, could I possibly request lee!lyney with ler!traveler? I think lyney deserves a good gettin' ehehe
Magic tricks
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hello!! ⭐️
this was SOO fun to write ive been dying to write for Lyney UGH
i hope it was okay i wrote Aether instead of Lumine, i just find him easier to write. enjoyyy🫶
Lyney flared out the stack of playing cards, smiling smugly at the traveler standing in-front of him.
"Traveler~ Be a dear and pick a card for me, will you?" He asked, holding said cards out to him.
Aether simply tilted his head after being stopped in his tracks, shrugging before sliding out a card from the middle. "Hello to you to, I guess."
"Ah, my apologies.. Hello, Aether. Remember that card, yes?" He corrected himself, confirming Aether had a memory of his pick before taking the card back.
"Now, prepare to be amazed, dear traveler!" Lyney exclaimed, shuffling the cards in a way that told Aether he had done this many times before. "Was.. this your card?"
As he spoke, he pulled a card from the top of the deck and flipped it to Aether's view dramatically. The black diamond card glistened slightly, and the shorter just chuckled. "It might've been."
"Ta-da~" Lyney hummed, sliding his cards into a pocket.
"You know, ive been practicing my own magic lately, Lyney." Aether replied, huffing a laugh at the excited expression the other showed.
"You have?" He gasped, "Well, I've obviously taken a toll on you! Who else would you get inspiration from, hm?"
"Lynette." The traveler cut him off slightly, watching the magician's face drop. "Pfft, relax.. I was just kidding, it was you."
"You tease.." Lyney crossed his arms over his chest, before his smile returned. "Though, you'll have to do a trick for me. And maybe if your lucky, I can teach you a thing or two~"
"Isn't that against the magicians code?" Aether joked, laughing softly before taking a few steps closer to him. "I can show you a trick. You'll have to close your eyes though."
"Well, how could I ever say no to a offer like that?" Lyney smirked, letting his arms fall to his sides and closing his eyes.
"Thats good," The shorter praised, moving to stand behind him. "Prepare to be amazed, Lyney~"
With that, he dug his fingers into the backs of Lyney's ribs and wiggled his nails gently into the skin. The taller gasped loudly, falling back into Aether's chest on reflex as he laughed.
"Aether!" is the only word he managed to get out before he was cut off by his own giggles. "stohohop thahat! Thahats uhunfair!"
"Well, I think its pretty fair." He replied in a unbothered tone, like he was completely oblivious to his hands that were now spidering down to his hips.
"Wehell Ihi- don't!" He yelped when he felt Aether's hand linger towards the side of his thigh, barely grazing over the fabric of his tights. He tried to move forward out of his grasp, but the traveler held a firm arm around his waist to keep him as still as he could. "Ihi'll fall!.."
"Huh.." Aether pretended to be deep in thought, before scribbling his fingers into the squishy surface. "Not gonna lie.. that kind of sounds like a you problem. I'd be happy to help though, if you'd do something for me."
The squeal the magician let out earned a few strange looks from the passerby's, his knees buckling slightly before he pushed them back straight. "Whahat do yohou wahant?"
"Well, thats no way to ask is it?" He asked rhetorically, sensing that Lyney might actually fall if he continued in that particular spot for any longer.. So with that logic, he moved up to squish pouch of skin at his sides.
"people ahare staharing! I hahave a reputation yohou know!" He argued, squirming back into the figure behind him like that would make the sensation any less unbearable. "Juhust tehell me!"
"Well.. its simple really, all you have to do is.." Aether paused, moving to whisper in the other's ear. "-admit that you like this."
Lyney gasped and moved his head away, squeezing his already shut eyes. "Wihill- will yohou stohop?"
"Probably not." The traveller shrugged, laughing at the whine that tore from Lyney's throat. "Okay, okay! I will.."
"Yohou behetter.." His laugh turned to soft breathy giggles as aether switched his squeezing to soft in poking and prodding.
"Ihi guess.. I guess its not horrible?" He whispered, his cheeks flushing up in embarrassment. "Now.. let me go! I have a show soon y'know, I'm a magician, not a toy.."
"Alright, alright~ I had my fun." Aether sighed happily, releasing him from his grasp. "And before you ask, yes, I'll come to your show."
"You know me too well, dear Traveler.." Lyney turned around, a genuine smile on his face. "Now, I'll be taking my leave. I'll be searching for you in the audience~"
So he left as soon as he came.. Aether had half the mind to tell him to fix his hair up, but he was more looking forward to hearing the way Lynette questioned him about it.
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
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warnings: general warnings on the MASTERLIST! this chapter contains elements of fear, language barriers, and choking (not in a fun way) 1.4k
notes: this is just the beginning ( •⌄• ू )✧ plzplz tell me what you think!!!
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“You sure you’re ready for this?”
Securing your helmet, you glance at Shinsou through the convex lense and laugh. “A little late to be asking that, don’t you think?”
“Just giving you the chance to hide under your blankies until this is all over,” he smirks.
“You mean hang out in the ship for the next two years? Think I’d die of boredom.”
When you’d first joined the crew you probably would have been able to entertain yourself for that long, exploring all the nooks and crannies of Hermes, but after years of learning all its secrets most of the mystery is gone.
“Just remember I gave you an out.”
“No outs allowed,” Kendou pipes up, voice distorted by her helmet speaker. “We’ve been preparing for this for years. We’re all ready.” She flexes both of her bionic hands, a subtle indication that she’s just as nervous as the rest of you.
The main door of the ship slides open in front of you, and Kendou leads the way out of the familiar territory and onto the shuttle platform, seven other crew mates following.
You’re all a very long way from home—light years away. The people you’ve left behind have all aged many years while you slept through the journey. Your entire home planet has changed drastically. And it’s only going to keep changing, keep degenerating. It’s why you’re here now.
Nobody knows exactly how to say this world’s name, but they sent a simple message that included something of an alphabet. Shinsou, your language expert, translated as best he could.
“The closest I can get as far as pronunciation is Destro, but they don’t really have vowels, so it’s more like dsst-ruh,” he tried to explain.
“Sounds a lot like ‘destroy’,” you had pointed out, trying to laugh off your unease.
Monoma snickered while throwing an arm around your shoulders. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you if anything spooky happens.”
It’s hard to get that out of your head as you make your way down the catwalk. Don’t look down, don’t look down, you repeat to yourself. The landing port and platform seem to be surrounded by nothing, a single lit up construct in the darkness. Though the station is in view, it looks very small.
Every step closer makes your stomach crawl higher in your throat, and by the time you make it to the massive doors that will grant you entry, you feel like throwing up.
“It’ll be fine,” Kendou’s voice sounds through her speaker. “We’re doing this for all of humanity.”
“You sound very brave,” Monoma snorts.
Shinsou, unwilling to wait apparently, steps forward and pounds on the door, unfazed when a large sphere drops out of nowhere, red light pointed in his face.
“Probably a camera,” he says.
“Or some kind of laser that’s about to melt your face off.”
“Helpful, Monoma. Very helpful,” you comment sarcastically.
Shinsou slowly holds up a gloved hand for the supposed camera to see, then speaks clearly: “Planet Earth. Humans.”
You don’t know what good it will do since they don’t speak your language, but whoever or whatever is on the other side of the doors must understand enough to know that you are not invaders but visitors.
The grind of the doors opening echoes in the abyss, a bone-chilling sound. You rest your hand on the gun at your hip, eyes widening as you’re finally able to see what lies ahead.
A handful of strangers are waiting for you, and you try to take in as much as you can in a short amount of time. Humanoid in stature aside from size, the same number of limbs, even their faces look similar to yours. But their eyes are different—sharp, the sclera (or what you assume to be), filled in red rather than white. What could be hair looks coarse and glitters in the light. There are markings on their cheeks and noses, different colors, and their skin, ranging in human hues, is smattered with scales.
Shinsou has his tablet ready, projecting a hologram of their alphabet so that he can point to the different letters that spell out ‘hello’ followed by ‘peace’.
The alien at the front of the group nods, grunts, then raises a hand and points at the device to spell something else out. Shinsou’s tablet collects each letter and translates them so that he can look at the rest of you and relay, “decontamination. I guess that’s the first thing we need to do.”
After a few more typed exchanges, the possible leader turns and motions your crew to follow his.
They’re taller than all of you, averaging anywhere between 7 and 8 feet, but the similarities are a little baffling to you. You suppose if their planet is anything like earth, the shared traits make sense. Maybe they’re taller because this world is richer in oxygen. Maybe their longer fingers have more webbing in between because they spend more time in water. Maybe the serrated teeth one of them flashes at you are for tearing apart tougher meat.
Or for ripping the throats from their prey.
You force a smile at the one looking down at you, hoping it isn’t an aggressive gesture. The way it puffs its chest out and shows more of its teeth makes you think it might be trying to smile back.
Despite your crew outnumbering theirs by three, you can’t help but feel watched, like there are many many more eyes on you that you can’t see. It makes your skin prickle, and you keep your hand close to your gun.
Another, smaller set of metal doors opens, and once inside the creature in charge points toward a room that looks to be made of glass. You can see through the walls, spot dozens of fixtures that resemble sprinkler spickets. Decontamination.
“Are we sure this is a good idea?” you ask Kendou. “We don’t know what they’re going to use on us. What if it’s acid or something?”
Her jaw is set, eyes trained on the room you’re being led to.
“It won’t be. If they wanted to hurt us, they wouldn’t have offered their help,” she reasons.
You’re not so sure about that.
“Suits off,” Shinsou says, holding up his tablet as if anyone else can read it. “There’s enough oxygen that we’ll be able to breathe.” He takes his helmet off to demonstrate, and you’re relieved when his head doesn’t explode on the spot. “It’s sort of like breathing at a high-altitude, though, so be ready for that.”
You have to fight every one of your instincts in order to strip yourself of your suit and helmet—your protection. It’s your life support when you’re traveling the stars. You feel completely vulnerable without it.
In nothing but underclothes, the 8 of you walk into the strange chamber. All you can think is that these might be the last few breaths that you ever take. This could all be a trap, no large step for mankind.
The door closes, and you stare through it, catching the red eyes of the alien who had been walking next to you. You think you see his mouth begin to pull up on one side just as a substance begins spraying from the spickets all around you.
It isn’t liquid nor is it gas—more like some kind of powder that coats your mouth and makes you cough. If it was hard to breathe before, it’s getting impossible now, this stuff clogging your throat and the throats of those around you.
The room is filled with violent hacking. Monoma vomits next to you, his watery eyes caked with whatever this is.
You wave a hand in front of your face in an attempt to dispel some of the flakes floating around you, searching for Kendou, for Shinsou, for an escape as you realize with terror that your gut instinct has been right. You never should have walked into this place, never should have taken one step off Hermes. This was a fruitless mission. This was arrogance, humans thinking you deserved to be helped.
Your vision is almost non-existent, and it feels like every inch of you is caked with whatever poison is pouring down on you. You bang on the wall with a desperation you’ve never felt before, screaming pleas you know the creatures don’t understand.
We’re dying. I’m dying. We came all this way to be killed.
The smiling alien watches you as you grow more and more light-headed. Whatever you’re inhaling burns your lungs, your mouth, the very inside of your skull.
The last thing you see before blacking out is the smiling alien’s split tongue running over its lips, a hungry beast waiting for its next meal.
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2023©️shidou-x. please do not plagiarize or repost my work to any other platforms.
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randomwritingguy · 1 year
The Myth of Y/N (Korra x Reader) Part 38
"What does it mean to be an Air Nomad?"
Tenzin's voice is loud, confident, rich full of wisdom and knowledge. I can feel it in my bones and probably so can the others in the room as we novices sit crossed leg outside on the training courtyard before him. Even the wind is absent, not daring to interrupt the moment.
The question is simple. Almost too simple.
Before I can answer, one fellow nomad raises their hand eagerly.
"Yes, Xi?"
"To master airbending!"
A simple answer but not at all correct. Or, at least, not entirely.
"That is an aspect of our nation, yes, but not the main purpose of our culture." Tenzin explains. "Anyone else?"
I raise my hand.
Tenzin spots my hand instantly and gives a hint of a smile. He's trying not to play any favourites but I still noticed it. "Yes, Y/N?"
"To be peacekeepers."
The smile on the master's face widens slightly in approval. "Elaborate."
I sit up straighter to reflect confidence in my answer. "To be an Air Nomad is to strive for peace. Violence is always the last resort, no matter how dire the situation is. That is our responsibility."
Tenzin nods in further approval. "Very good, Y/N. Well done."
I bow my head in thanks and slump back down slightly. I feel a nudge to my right side, and I glance to see Kai giving me a small grin. "Nice one."
I chuckle quietly. "Thanks."
"Of course, we must not forget the other important aspect of being an Air Nomad." Tenzin continues. "Does anyone remember that?"
I frown in confusion. Is there something I'm forgetting?
At my left, I see Opal with her right hand in the air slightly but not entirely, as if she's hesitating to give her answer. She bites her lip in nervousness.
She's worried she's wrong.
I nudge her slightly. "Don't be worried. You got this."
Opal quickly gives me a nervous smile and, after a moment, finally rises her hand into the air.
"Yes, Opal?"
"That all life is sacred?"
Tenzin's smile, full of warmth, is now directed at her. "Yes, Opal. Good job."
A bright grin etches on Opal's lips, and she turns to me and whispers a "Thanks."
I give her a smile back and turn back to our airbending master. I can't believe I forgot about that.
"Years ago, my father asked me the very same question I have directed to you all and the monks asked that same question to him as well. While the times have changed, while our nation has changed, our core mission is the same. To preserve peace and life, even the life of a spider caught in its own web."
Another hand raised this time. This time I can see its from Eshah.
"Yes, Eshah?"
"What about bad people? What about the people who are evil?"
That...is the same question I had in my head. And, knowing Tenzin so well, I know what he's going to say.
"That is a dilemma many Air Nomads face during their lifetimes." Tenzin explains gravelly. "Even my father faced it at the height of the Hundred Year War. He was pressured and told countless times that he had to take the life of Fire Lord Ozai. And yet, with the help of the lion-turtle, he found another way. He stood by his beliefs and found another solution. This can be a great lesson to us all. No matter how evil a person may be, no matter how much we may despise them, we must not act against the principles we uphold as Air Nomads. All of life is sacred, even the lives of those that the majority will think are otherwise."
I glance at the others, and I see them nodding their heads in understanding and agreement.
I don't nod. Instead, I frown as I try my best to ignore my frustration at the answer.
I also try to ignore the dragon's whispers at the back of my head.
How can Tenzin say that? After everything the Earth Queen did, how can he say that lives of people like her is sacred? What gives him the right?
No. Stop. Please. Not now.
"Which is why our presence in the world and our roles as peacekeepers are necessary. We have to put other lives before our own. Avatar Korra made the ultimate sacrifice when she turned herself in to save our nation. There are times where some of you might have to face a similar decision. In the end, it is either you or them. And the answer is always them. We must protect and preserve the life of others, even if it costs us our own. I understand that is a stressful burden, but we must stay strong for those who cannot protect themselves."
Now, that, I can agree.
I nod along the others in understanding and agreement.
I hope I don't ever find myself in that position. But, if I do, I will do whatever it takes to protect others...even if it means sacrificing my life to do it.
The words of the Kyoshi Warrior just uttered echo in my mind.
The Earth Empire. The Earth Empire. The Earth Empire.
Grating my teeth, I restrain the urge to let out a frustrated scream. I fucking warned Raiko about this and he didn't listen. He dismissed them all as just mere fucking rumours. Rumours.
Nothing about this are rumours now. The Earth Empire is the cold truth that none of what I heard was a hint of exaggeration. They were all true.
I hear a quiet curse muttered under Yukari's breath, clenching her own hands into fists in frustration. "What are they doing now?"
"They're taking our food and supplies!" The other exclaims panicked. "When some civilians protest, they get shoved and harassed! They even threatened arrest! What do we do?!"
Yukari opens her mouth, probably to attempt to give her some reassurance that everything is going to be fine, that they can find a way out of this, but no words come out. She closes her mouth into a firm line and her eyes flash with pain. The leader of the Kyoshi Warriors doesn't know what to do. No, she does know: They have to submit to it.
"I'll deal with them." I declare, my own voice booming with power.
The two Kyoshi Warriors snap their gazes towards me, eyes widened and mouth agape. I can feel their shock from their looks alone.
"Don't be stupid." Yukari tells me. "One single airbender can't fight all of them and if you're going to ask us to fight with you, forget it. Even if we do drive them back, Kuvira will just send more troops to punish us. And don't you even dare suggest we abandon our home."
I stay silent. I just shake my head in refusal.
"No." I tell them. "I am going to make a deal with the Earth Empire."
"A deal?!" The other Kyoshi Warrior questions. "What kind of deal?"
I sharply inhale and exhale. "I know Kuvira personally. We first met back at Zaofu three years later. She even offered me to join her. I'll tell them I will go with them if they stop their harassment of Kyoshi Island If I can talk to Kuvira I might be able to convince her to stop all of this. Her and I are friends. She might listen to me."
Even as I finish my plan, I can see the many risks that come with it. So much of it can go wrong.
It seems like Yukari knows that too as she scowls. "You do realise how dangerous that is, right? They could just take you prisoner and still continue being tyrants. Spirits, they could just kill you for kicks."
"Do you have any better ideas?" I counter.
Neither of the warriors respond. They just exchange worried glances.
"You're just going to potentially sacrifice yourself to save some people you barely know?"
"Of course." I answer without hesitation. "Your lives are sacred. I will be doing a disservice to you and my nation if I just sat by and let you all suffer."
I march at a confident and determined speed but before I can go outside Yukari grabs my shoulder and gives it a tight squeeze.
"Don't be ridiculous." She tells me sternly. "We're coming with you. We aren't just staying in this shrine and do nothing."
My first instinct was to refute that idea and tell her it would be better if they stayed here. That idea immediately vanishes when I realise who they are talking to. They're Kyoshi Warriors. They may not be the fighters of old, but they still have their stubbornness. They'll go with me whether I like it or not.
And because of that, I nod in acceptance.
The walk down the hill and back to the village was a long and silent one. Yukari and her friend not once ask me if I am really sure about my plan. Honestly, I'm not so sure myself. Kuvira's lack of response to my letter isn't a good sign that our friendship is still intact. But maybe, just maybe, I could help snap her out of it? We have much in common. She might listen to me. After all, I owe her that much. She was the one who helped me come to the decision to join the Air Nation no matter what would happen to my relationship with my parents. This time, I'm going to help her.
When we finally reach the village, my heart freezes.
Before us, dozens of Earth Empire soldiers consume the small area with banners of their regime scattered all throughout it like a virus. Men, women, and children cower in terror as the masked troopers barge themselves into their homes and ransack everything of value they can find.
And the rest of the Kyoshi Warriors? They're just standing there. Their body language indicates they are trying everything in their power to resist the urge to help them, knowing the severe consequences that will ensue if they intervene. At the same time, their frustration and hatred at the Earth Empire and themselves radiates off them like a foul stench.
I also notice that Spectre isn't there. That means either he's still in the woods or he's been caught by the Empire. Let's hope it's the former.
"It's worse than I thought." I hear Yukari mutter, breathless at the sight that beholds us.
Clenching my fists in anger, I turn slightly in her direction. "You meet up with the other warriors and help the residents. I'll deal with the troops."
"Good luck." Yukari says genuinely.
Taking a deep, long breath, I advance further into the village.
It doesn't take long for the Earth Empire troops to spot me due to my colourful wardrobe. As I walk further and further, I hear whispers of conversation about me. I don't let their hateful gaze deter me. Not a chance.
Stopping with finality, I take another deep breath and then let out a booming command. "Who is the person in charge around here?"
"That would be me."
I turn sharply to see three figures approaching me. The man in the middle, marching towards me with his hands behind his back and with a sneer as poisonous as venom, bore no helmet of his own unlike his two companions who act more like bodyguards than troops. His piercing green eyes strike my very own and I tell from that look alone that he is the leader here. Good.
They finally stop a few breaths away, clearly unafraid of me. Either they are ignorant or foolish. Probably both.
"You're a long way from your temple, Air Nomad." The man in striking green uniform states with confidence. "And much further away from help."
I hold his gaze. "I've learned you can always find help in the most unexpected places."
The leader chuckles without humour. "Really, now? I admire your optimism, airbender, but I'm afraid none is coming to help you. However, that isn't important right now. What is, is that you should be aware that Kyoshi Island is the property of the Great Uniter and the Earth Empire."
I glance around and spot the banners that mark the regime once more. "So, I've noticed."
Clearly that wasn't what the man wanted to hear as his already present sneer increases tenfold. "Perhaps you fail to grasp my meaning, Air Nomad. You are trespassing on our island."
"The people here have accepted me therefore how can I be trespassing?" I ask. "If anything, I would argue that it is the Earth Empire who are the trespassers based on the fearful and uncomfortable looks on those you are taking advantage of."
His jaw tightens and his fists clench. I can feel the rage coming off him.
As much as I want to continue pissing him off, I know that if my plan is going to work then I need to get him to comply. I shouldn't push him too far.
Before he can retort or issue a command to his troops, I speak up. "But I'm not here to force you to remove your presence from Kyoshi Island nor am I here to make enemies with the Earth Empire."
My complete change in attitude causes the leader to stiffen slightly, his eyes widening a bit. Then, a split second later, he regains composure.
"Then why are you here, airbender?" He finally asks with intensity.
Taking another deep long breath to maintain my calmness, I exhale slowly and give him a determined look. "I wish to talk to the Great Uniter."
No-one says anything for a second, the air thick full of heat. I can tell that was the last thing anyone expected as I see the two guards' glance at each other slightly, their masks expressionless but the gesture that of confusion. The leader, on the other hand, has widened eyes for a brief moment but a second later starts chuckling. Then, that chuckling turns into laughter, which then turns into cackling. Cackling as if I just told the funniest joke in the entire world.
My eyes narrow and further clench my fists. "Is something funny?"
When the man finally finishes his laughter, he gives me a condescending grin. "You think any average Joe can just walk up and ask to talk to the Great Uniter? You are deluded if you think anyone is going to follow that request."
"I'm not any average Joe." I respond, not letting his words get to me. "In fact, your leader and I know each other quite well. One might say we are on a first-name basis. She even asked me to join the Earth Empire a year ago."
The man chuckles again, clearly not believing a word that I am saying. "Oh, really now? And what is your name, airbender?"
"Master Y/N of the Air Nation." I tell him. "And you are?"
"Commander Hion."
"Well, Commander, I respectfully request if you can get into contact with the Great Uniter. You can verify my comments with her."
Hion chuckles again, clearly amused with this. "Fine. I'll humour you." He pauses for a brief moment and the smile vanishes. "Hold on, where's your bison? An Air Nomad always travels with one."
I swallow. "Knowing Spectre, he probably got scared off when he noticed your arrival. He was always very twitchy. He's most likely half-way back to Air Temple Island as we speak."
My lie comes easily and without difficult. I just hope Hion will buy it.
Unfortunately, he seems suspicious of my answer. He turns to one of his troops sharply. "Take some of your men and search the island extensively, inch by inch. A big white bison wouldn't be difficult to find."
The troop silently nods and rushes off. As he does so, Hion turns back to me and gives me a smirk.
"Well then, Master Y/N, let's see if you are as close to the Great Uniter as you claim."
I nod. Before I start walking, I quickly steal a glance behind me. I see all the troubled and pained faces of the villagers and the Kyoshi Warriors. I see Yukari looking at me with concern and I nod slightly in assurance, to tell her that everything will be fine.
Just like my journey to the village with Yukari and her comrade, the walk to the Earth Empire airships silent and deadly. Well, almost silent. Despite the confident mask I wore when confronting Hion and the troops, I can feel my heart threatening to burst out of my chest like a predator that demands to be freed from its cage and the sweat around the palms of my rough hands. But I don't let it get to me, keeping my straight and neutral face so none of them can see my increasing fear.
When we finally enter an airship, the interior brings out memories of the Earth Kingdom airship that Mako, Bolin, and I stole to escape the ruined Ba Sing Se or the one that Team Avatar and others were on when we were finding airbenders to recruit. However, while the former had a sense of formal welcoming vibe and the latter a sense of coming home after a long day, this particular one had been militarised. All the life that might have been present once have been drained away, replaced with a dull silver grey with a touch of an acid green in some sections. Again, like outside, none of us says a word even when troops inside shot my escorts questioning and curious looks. No-one says a word.
Eventually, we reach the front end of the airship in a small-confined room where inside a radio and maps are located.
Hion, without a word, approaches the radio and turns it on. After a few minutes of requests to speak to the Great Uniter, silence falls on the other side. Then, just before it looks like the commander is about to check whether they were hung op on, a cold-robotic voice fills the tense atmosphere.
"This better be important, Commander Hion. I am busy."
The sound of that all-too familiar voice brings my heart to a stop and air ripped from my lungs.
It's been so long since I've heard her voice. However, something's changed. Unlike when I met her back at Zaofu, her voice has an edginess to it that wasn't there before. It's more distant and more calculating.
Hion briefly stills uncomfortably at the displeasure in his master's tone but continues a moment after. "I apologise for disturbing you, Great Uniter, but something occurred on Kyoshi Island that I believe you should be aware of."
"And that is?"
Hion continued. "An Air Nomad was found approaching the village that we were occupying. An airbending master, actually. They claim that you know them and that they wish to talk to you."
When the commander finishes, the room is filled with an intense silence once more. Time seems to slow down as we all wait patiently for her response, and I can feel my heart returning to the frantic beating.
Eventually, Kuvira responds with a tense tone. "What is the Air Nomad's name, commander?"
"They say that their name is Y/N."
Silence returns but this lasts for only a few seconds this time as Kuvira speaks up, louder than before, with a sense of urgency.
"Where are they now?"
Hion slowly turns to me, his amusement now vanished, and responds while still locked eyes with me. "Right in front of me, Great Uniter."
"Leave us."
My heart skips a beat at the command whilst Hion's eyes widen in confusion. "Ma'am?"
"Leave us. I will talk to Air Nomad myself alone. Have you located their air bison?"
"W-We are looking for it right now." Hion stutters out a response, though the confusion is still evident. "But ma'am."
"I gave you an order, Commander. Leave us."
The man opens his mouth to respond then closes it, biting back whatever he's about to say. Then, he breathes out a heavy sigh. "As you wish, Great Uniter."
He places the radio onto the table and then walks past me, his teeth grating in anger as he realises that he was completely wrong about me. I give him a cocky smirk and a second later I am the only one in the room. Taking only a few steps that feels like I'm walking through water, I reach to the communicator, grasp the radio tightly, take a deep, long breath, and speak.
"Hello, Kuvira."
"Y/N. It's been a while."
I gulp. "It has. How have you been?"
"Quit the small-talk, Y/N. What are you doing on Kyoshi Island?"
"I could ask the same question to you, Kuvira. What is the Earth Empire doing here?"
"We are restoring unity to my nation which I stated in my letter, if you remember."
I clench the fist that I am not using. Damn, she's already bringing up that letter?
"I do." I softly tell her. "In fact, that is the reason why I wished to speak to you. Preferably in person."
"Tell me now. What do you want?"
Gritting my teeth, I continue. "I...I wish to join you into helping to restore the nation."
This time, Kuvira doesn't respond immediately. I wonder if she looks shocked or not. Would it be obvious or subtle?
"I am not a fool, Y/N." Kuvira growls, anger rising with each word she spits out. "I am not easily deceived."
"Kuvira, I swear to you I'm not!" I exclaim. "You were right! About everything! Since I responded to your letter, I've seen just how terrible the Earth Kingdom has become without order and unity. Wu will be a terrible leader and bring the nation to ruin. I want to make sure that doesn't happen again! I do want to join you, I really do!"
Some of what I said was truthful. I do truly think Wu will be an awful leader of the nation. However, he would definitely be better than Kuvira.
She stays silent for an uncomfortable amount of time. Every second feels like an eternity as I wipe the sweat off my forehead, my hands getting sticky.
"Very well." Kuvira finally responds, her voice containing something I cannot distinguish. "I'll have you transported to my current location. There we can talk in person."
"Before you do," I quickly say before she can proceed. "I want your men to stop harassing people of Kyoshi Island. They have been abusing their power over them and those living there are terrified. They can stay on the island but please, Kuvira, just make them stop disturbing them!"
Another silence yet again. Shit. Am I pushing my luck?
"Fine." She responds sternly. "I'll give the order to Commander Hion to stop disturbing them."
...huh. That seemed easy. A bit too easy.
A wave of concern and suspicion washes over me but before I can act on that Commander Hion walks back in without knocking.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, Great Uniter, but my men were unable to locate the Air Nomad's bison."
"Where is it, Y/N?" Kuvira asks loudly without even addressing Hion.
"Like I told your commander, Spectre probably got scared off. He was always a bit twitchy." I lie smoothly, trying to not let the tension in my body seem evident.
The troops couldn't find Spectre? Either he's still on the island and somehow managed to avoid detection...or he actually left. To do what? To get help?
"I see." Kuvira simply responds. "Commander, take Y/N to a spare room. You will transport them to my current location. Order your men to suspend the raids of the villages on Kyoshi Island, also."
At the corner of my eye, I see Hion take a step back slightly in confusion. "Are...Are you sure, Great Uniter?"
"Are you questioning me, Commander?"
"No! No! Of course not! I'll get on it!"
"Excellent. Have your men take Y/N to their room. I need to discuss something with you before we depart, Commander."
Huh? What is she talking about?
I open my mouth to ask her what she means by that but before I could, both of my arms are grabbed by two soldiers and I am holstered up and, very roughly, guide (or, more accurately, push) me to an empty room.
"Stay here until we arrive, Air Nomad." One of the troops demands in a rough voice. Then, just as quickly as I was holstered up, slam the metal door in my face and I hear the dreaded lock, trapping me in my room.
Letting out a sigh, I drop to my knees and cross them into a meditative decision.
Well...it could have been worse.
Still, there are some things that are bothering me. Where in the spirits is Spectre? Why did Kuvira agree so quickly to my plea to stop the harassment of the villages? Because of our past friendship? What did she want to talk about to Commander Hion? And, of course, where am I being taken to?
As I hear the engines of the airship beginning to start up and I can feel the transport lifting into the beautiful blue sky, I feel a sense of uneasiness and worry wash over me like a tidal wave. Not mainly because of my unanswered questions, though that was certainly part of it, but...I have a strange feeling that something very bad is going to happen when I get to Kuvira.
First no Korra in sight, then the Yuchin Order, and now this. Did I receive my vision of Kyoshi Island to learn about those ancient radicals? Was it to sacrifice myself? Or was it to lay down the path for what is to come?
Closing my eyes, I take a deep, calming breath and try my best to untangle this web of questions and clues. I have a long journey ahead of me before I reach Kuvira.
Hopefully this uneasiness will fade by the time I arrive.
And that's it!
I apologise for the long wait for this chapter and I thank you for your patience! I hope the wait was worth it!
Feedback is appreciated!
See you all in the next chapter! :D
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seysei · 1 year
To think that Mikado developed a habit of never finishing a simple chess game with his youngest son after having the little confidence he ever had in himself completely and entirely destroyed by his eldest, who was just five years old at that time.
To think that just like his daddy, (point and laugh yall) Mikuni also pushed misono around while playing chess when they were younger and ended the game very similarly to how his father did with misono, telling misono it's late and that he should go to bed.
To think that Mikuni quite literally planted a false and traumatic memory in Misono's head, the fact that misono was never there and witnessed what happened, the fact that it was such a cruel thing to do to your little brother who was just a child back then, yet somehow you knew that it was essential in order for him to find out the truth about his life that you knew your family was going to keep away from him. No matter how much they lied, that lie you planted was much stronger than theirs. (everytime misono was made to forget, told off or had his memories manipulated by lily, it would always be that one memory Mikuni planted in his mind that doesn't fully disappear, the one reason he needed to visit the east wing for, trying to fully remember, and its always because of that image that he once again tries to make it into the east wing regardless of how many times lily has stopped him)
To think that shuuhei resented the vampire that killed his father, while Mikuni willingly spends day and night with the vampire that killed his mother right in front of him.
To think that Jeje is accepting of Mikuni using him for his own benefit. To think that Jeje is accepting of Mikuni throwing him away once "he no longer has any use of him". (I will literally cry, and I almost did when Jeje thought of it and said "all that's left for me is to see things through, once I lose this name-" LIKE WDYM)
To think that Jeje has gone through many eves and continuesly had to see them lose themselves, become insane and engulf him & he had no control over it. ( and yet.. He still made a couple more contracts in hopes of that "maybe this time it will be different") (it never was)
To think that Jeje volunteered to be sealed away by C3 without even knowing when he will ever wake up again, "hopefully not" is what he most likely wished for, considering his character and how he was looking for a way to die to begin with. (yet something deep inside of him couldn't help but be a little.. Perhaps happy..? grateful? When Kiriko broke the seal on him)
To think that Mikado thought of and gave a sincere gift to the woman whom he was having an affair with, while neglecting his own wife who was one of the sweetest and greatest supports to him and his lack of abilities.
To think that abel is just that 'coincidence' of a gift that Mikado's wife (Kiriko) received from him, yet Mikuni still holds it dear to him as keepsake that once belonged to his mother, regardless of him knowing the disappointing truth behind it.
To think that you thought this post was going to end soon.
To think that Mikuni knew of his father's affair far before his mother even figured it out, (you do the math on how young he was then) Yet of course kept quiet, lived with it, decided to be mature about it, understanding that no good would come out of telling her, understanding that you cannot change what's already happened and that his mother was bound to find out soon enough anyway-..Because, according to him, his father wasn't that good at keeping it a secret. (even so, I feel like deep down mikuni felt very guilty, like he was betraying his mother by feigning ignorance to it and was no different from the others in the house who tuned a blind eye to his mother's heart & feelings)
To think that Mikuni grew up too fast & Misono grew up too slow due to one knowing too much for his own good (although he probably thinks that knowing too much is better than knowing too little, and perhaps he's right about that) while the other was kept in the dark so he doesn't meet the same fate as the one who knew too much.
To think that Mikuni wanted people to perceive him in a bad way/as the perpetrator/as a bad person, and according to himself & Jeje it will be for his own benefit... (perhaps because its easier to control or fool others when you know how they perceive you? Who knows. Furthermore, to be fair, he isn't far from a bad person if not one, undeniably a criminal with a variety of different crimes, makes Jeje do the dirty work so his own hands remain clean and pure)
To think that Mikuni burned down the east wing, the place that holds both good & bad memories for him. His diary, his books, his secrets and feelings, things that he never told, feelings that he left behind, equipment from his childhood such as the violin that his mother gave him for one of his birthdays along with the many music sheets spread all over the floor. The place where his mother died before him, the place where he first made his contract with Jeje, the place that holds so much importance to his story. It All burned to ashes, all possible pieces and traces of himself that remained in that place, for seven years after he left- its gone. Turned into dust.
To think that some still hold hope for the alicein family to become one piece once again after allat? I won't even blame Mikuni if he suddenly decided to burn the rest of the house. (/hj) (I'm not) (jk lol)
(I'm really not)
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
Personal DnDads Pride Headcanons
some of these are simple but most are paragraphs long because of who I am as a person (incapable of saying things concisely), so they're going under a readmore. vaguely organized by age group.
one quick note: feel free to cheer on or rag on any of these that you please, variety in opinion is the spice of fandom life! everyone's headcanons are so real and valid to me, i am a strong believer in having as many contradicting fandom opinions as you want. for this list, i just went with everything that is "default" to my fan content. others' transfem sparrow is shaking hands with my gnc sparrow and yes, i'm listing that one on purpose, because if you make fun of transfem sparrow, you are getting hit by my bat. be fucking nice.
please enjoy!
Season 1 Dads and Spouses
Carol is a lesbian. This is simply canon to me. It’s important that this is first and visible to everyone.
Bi/pan polyamorous Henry and Mercedes is also simply canon to me. Honestly that one might be fully canon based on some of the things that happen in Odyssey
Henry is unlabeled but in the sense that he calls himself ‘queer’, ‘bisexual’, ‘gay’, or ‘pansexual’, fully depending on his mood and the conversation happening
Ron is also unlabeled but in the sense that he has never thought about it in his life and isn’t intending to now
Glenn is bisexual but never talks about it unless someone else mentions it first, and he tries really really hard to never think about his gender once in his life. The queer angst I give Glenn could be a whole post of its own but just know he has issues. He does fuck men though
Darryl still isn’t really sure on his sexuality and probably never will be, but he’s actually explored it a bit, so that’s better than whatever the fuck was going on with him before the show started. Henry likes giving him subtle bear pride flag accessories because Darryl actually wears them a lot. His favorite color is brown, after all.
Jodie, Nicky, and Taylor all are bisexual with a preference for women. Sexuality isn’t genetic but it is for them specifically.
Morgan is also bisexual. Literally none of the season 1 parents are straight except maybe Samantha and even with her, my opinion fully matters on the day and how I’m feeling.
Henry and Lark have definitely had an exchange at some point where Lark asked him how it was to ‘experience twink death’, to which Henry just went ‘get back to me in a few years on that, kid.’ and Lark spent the rest of the week furiously moping because clearly, he’s a twunk, Father- (words of a man who did not take care of himself well enough from the ages of 18-25 to ever be a twunk)
This is my little shipper brain but Jodie only realized he liked men after being stuffed into the Odyssey and being around Ron 24/7 for months on end (and the demon stuff, but he didn’t know that yet for obvious reasons). In his timeline, he had a whole arc about it and now he’s persistently attracted to strange men who don’t make sense as well as women light-years out of his league. He’s still a little miffed that Henry doesn’t remember the very long conversations they had about it, but him and Nicky get to wear matching bi pride bracelets now, so he guesses it’s fine.
Kiddads and Spouses
Lark is bisexual. He has known this since kindergarten when his parents explained what the flag all over their house was and has never thought about it since.
Lark also helped Rebecca realize she was bisexual because she would ask him about it in a class they shared in high school
This is utterly unrelated to LGBT headcanons but I think Veronica and Rebecca grew up in San Dimas with the kiddads, and were friends with them in high school. It just makes sense to me
Unlabeled Terry Junior is something that can be so personal to me. In a general sense, he likes everyone romantically, and identifies enough with the asexual spectrum to wear an ace ring, but he doesn’t really see the point in putting a name on it. He’s just Terry Junior and he’s happy with that.
Him, Lark, and Nicky did have a group chat called ‘bisexuals with an agenda’ in high school though, where they would make plans for pranking or otherwise harassing their fathers during group outings. Terry loves Ron but that does not mean he is above ruining his day. It’s done with affection.
My thoughts on Sparrow could be a full fanfiction but gonna try to keep it simple (retroactive edit: did not keep it simple). Sparrow is the token cishet of the kiddads, but in the queerest way possible. He’s an Oak-Garcia, of course he’s explored himself very thoroughly. At current, he identifies as gender non-confirming cis man, but he has had periods of his life where he transitioned and then detransitioned. In early high school, he identified as non-binary. From senior year up until just before Hero was born, he lived as a trans lesbian. He doesn’t see these periods as phases, just as his identity changing over time. Currently he’s perfectly happy identifying as a man, but wouldn’t be wholly shocked if he transitioned again. Calls himself “cis but gender is obviously, massively, a social construct and so it feels unfair to expect myself to fit into these boxes when identity can be so fluid and-”
Rebecca still calls him her wife, and also a granola lesbian or MILF from time to time because it makes him laugh, and while Nicky was still in his life, he would send Sparrow trans memes a lot. Sparrow also has always liked being seen as non-binary, he sees it as ‘winning at being androgynous’. Competitive to the sense of nonsensical Sparrow my beloved
Sparrow always wears women’s clothing but that’s for autistic reasons. They just fit nicer for his brain. It helps the gender(tm) thing though, he near exclusively wore hand-me-downs from Mercedes throughout all of high school
Sorry for talking so much about Sparrow. He’s my favorite character so he is the focus of many of my thoughts. Anyways
Never been a huge fan of the ‘Grant was outed by his crush in the Forgotten Realms’ headcanon, I think Grant came out about a year beforehand. Long enough where everything about it has settled but it’s still new enough that Darryl forgot for a split second and thought Grant might have a crush on Killa during the Four Knight arc. He’d known he liked boys a while before that, and also his parents kind of figured he was gay most of his life since he had 95% girl friends
Marco is pansexual! He met Grant in college because he worked the front desk of their dorm building and would always wear a bunch of pride pins
Nicky was Grant’s first good friend who was a boy, I like to think that they were childhood friends. Grant announced this to his dad at the age of 10 by going “Nick Close is transgender now, so that means you don’t have to worry about me only talking to girls because he’s a boy.” and Darryl went “…Alright?” and then googled what ‘transgender’ means
Speaking of, Nicky realized he was trans because of Mulan. Both Glenn and Jodie, in their respective timelines, googled ‘How do I know if my daughter is a lesbian’ before he came out because Nicky would rewatch the reflection song so often and also the tomboy-isms. Everyone felt very stupid for being surprised when he cut all of his hair off, cried, and asked to change his name
T4T Nicky and Cassandra is canon and they rubbed it into everyone's faces when they were together, Anthony is just afraid of the truth
Cassandra is trans het. I love trans het people more than anything and I love her so this makes sense to me.
Veronica is non-binary, in the sense of “girl but to the left”. They/she pronouns, calls themself a girlie and a mom but not a woman, dresses in a kickass pantsuit at formal events. I’m also in love with her
Season 2 Teens and Friends
Hero and Normal are both trans. When Hero came out, Sparrow sat Normal down to explain why Hero was now a sister instead of a brother and Normal responded with “Well, that’s not fair. How come Hero can be a girl but I can’t be a boy?!” and Sparrow just stared at him for a really long time before going “You can be a boy, honey.” and they went thrift shopping as a family for new clothes the next day
Normal is stealth trans, mostly because Hero is the same way and he copies her, but also because it doesn’t really occur to him that he passes. He just figures that people knows even though he is on testosterone and binds and presents masculine. It helps that his family presents pretty gender-neutral as a whole, so most people assume he had long hair as a kid because his parents are hippies. They had a son and daughter, both with long hair. They now have a daughter and a son, both with short hair. To the general populace, nothing has changed, they just misremembered which kid was older.
Taylor is a demi-boy and spends every year growing more and more feminine. Definitely calls their gender something like ‘boy with a dash of girl on the side’ with their friends. Growing out his hair was a newer thing and he regrets cutting it, even if it was a super cool sequence and he looked like an anime protagonist, because he liked how it framed his face.
Cassandra has always maintained an openness about her trans identity, so Taylor’s the same way. He’s always got the he/they pronoun pin on (I figure this is normalized by the time of season 2, but he’s just very pleased about it), he has a variety of trans and non-binary pride pins that he cycles through, and they like painting their nails because it’s an easy way for them to feel a little more feminine.
Cassandra’s living room is decorated with a massive trans pride flag and LED lights. The first time the teens walk into Taylor’s home, Scary says “it looks like a Twitch stream in here” at the same time that Normal says “it looks like my sister’s room in here” and they high-five while Taylor yells at them to be nice.
Hermie is genderfluid and uses any pronouns. This is real to me. He has my own teenage trait of gender shifting every three hours and never knowing what to do about it and he will be suffering with this until he exits puberty, at which point he gives up and just sees what gender other people choose for him.
Hermie is also pan/ace! No further thoughts here. She just is.
Erica just goes by queer because she doesn’t think the common passerby deserves to know her rich inner life and she’s right, they don’t
I tend to say a lot that all of the S2 kids are bisexual, and I represent them as such, but I truly believe that Lincoln and Normal both have no idea what’s going on with their sexualities. They say they’re bisexual for bisexual teen squad reasons but Normal is going through a constant crisis of “Am I gay or bisexual?” and Lincoln looks up the definition of aro/ace on a weekly basis. Neither of them will ever express this until Scary goes “maybe I’m not bisexual, actually.”
On that note, Scary is a lesbian but she’s not going to realize that until college. For now, she’s rocking with the bisexuality and pretends it’s not weird that her ‘crushes’ on boys feel wildly different than her crushes on girls. Yes I am projecting. This is not a secret. We project onto Scary here.
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gamfart · 3 months
i was looking at your robot master/ megaman oc ideas and i really love them its fun to look at the process do you have anymore to share?
I'm sorry for just seeing this! I don't get notifs about my inbox and I rarely go on here so seeing this was really swell to see.
But yesss I have so many megaman ocs!! I realized I didn't post any of them on here look back on my archives now so here's all what I can dig up and share! I'll probably be reuploading the same pics I used on my previous post, but there is wayyy more I kept away in the vault on this one.
I'll put a keep reading tab for those who are interested in taking a peek and a gander. I haven't went back to these ocs in a while, I'll see if I can make a proper ref for some of them in the future if I have the time..
Snow Woman (name pending)
An ice related robot master that's was created to try to generate snow to help prevent the ice caps melting. A lot of her concept art and design was based off of Chill Man's old concept art. I also just wanted to make a female robot master that was humongous. She's however tall Frost Man is in terms of height.
Last image is her most recent sketch
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Steam Woman & Angel Man (name pending)
Both of them are one of the first robot master oc's I made. I lump them in together bc some of the art I have of them happen to have both of them in it.
Steam woman is very heavily steampunk themed hence the name and design. She's an old robot master model that operates with steam generation and was remade with the intention to show off that feature and as a possible alternative for robot masters to be built buy.
Her personality has changed over time, she used to just be sweet and cute, but over time she became a bit more zany and slightly more menacing.
Angel man I've been thinking about changing his name to Seraph Man or something else entirely. Maybe just make him a robot master with just one name and get rid of the ____ man motif just because in my own brain I made his role to be more important than just a simple robot master.
He doesn't remember his own origins or why he was built in the first place, but knows that he's built to help and save people. His eye is all fucked up because it ties into his memory issues.
Art from 2017 - 2019:
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Recent sketches of Steam Woman:
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Shell Woman & Pearl Woman
Shell Woman and Pearl Woman were both designed together as a duo to document the wildlife in the sea. They have more of a parental/mentor relationship with each other.
I used to characterize her as sorta shy, but over time I've revisited her, I dabbled with the idea of Pearl Woman being more bratty and abrasive to contrast her cute and bubbly design recently.
They're both interested in music but Shell Woman is more into Classics and Opera and Pearl Woman is more into Rock/Pop music.
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Quarry Man
A robot master made to navigate the quarries. Honestly I'm really unsatisfied with his design so I've left it alone for a good while. I've been meaning to revisit it someday though.
I dabbled in giving him a possible romance with Shell Woman but that's about it.
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Flamingo Man & Phoenix Man
Kind of a joke character I made a while ago. I thought about giving him ties to Phoenix Man in the story maybe? Like have them be the same robot but with a different alter-ego. But I like them better as separate character's so I dropped that idea.
I think the current lore is that the blue prints for Flamingo Man was used as a basis for Phoenix man to be made. Flamingo Man is a dance instructor and Phoenix Man's purpose was to take down Mega Man, but after he was defeated he reformed and is doing his own thing.
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Ghost Man (name pending)
Have not revisited this guy in a while. For some reason the idea of the Yellow Devil's properties being used for other robot masters really appealed to me. I also just wanted an excuse to find a way to incorporate scythes into his design. All Ghost Man does is patrol around graveyards to make sure nobody vandalizes or causes trouble there.
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Topaz Woman
A very recent robot master design I made. The idea has always been on my mind though, I just haven't had the chance to put it onto paper. Her theme is a psychic/clairvoyant. She's able to assets the probability of a future decision when asked. I just settled on Topaz just because I couldn't settle on any other name regiment that wouldn't make her sound awkward.
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Misc. Robot master designs that I explored but never settled on anything. Plus a bonus select screen that I tried to make.
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That's the end of that!! Thank you for reading all of this if you had the chance. I reached the image limit, but I think I shared all that I had on me for now! You really hit a big hyperfix of mine that I never have shared until now because my perfectionist ass didn't want to share at the time. So I hope you enjoyed this master post lol.
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zredarts · 1 year
HI HI! why thank you! Everyone is being so nice about this, its very warming since i didn't even know he would do this.
I already talked about it on twitter, but i think I'mma go into detail here for those who have no twitter, and also because i have more space for rants.
For starters, im a very anxious person. I am aware of everything and everyone in my surroundings, and i don't like to bother people. Miraculously, i made some friends there and they helped me be more comfortable (this was my first concert ever, not even first ritual just concert in general). I tried showing Sodo my sticker during ritual, but to no avail he didn't see it, and i don't blame him it must be hard to see with that mask, and i was in an awkward place (between middle and right stage, front row). One of his picks also accidentally hit me in the face but thats another topic lol
After ritual they tweeted about some event going on. We decided to go check it out since they said they'll be around. I didn't think we would see them but sure enough they arrived to take a look a bit later. My mind was set on giving him the sticker because it was now or never, but i didn't feel comfortable doing so, and so my friends just pushed me near him. I was afraid he would reject it, and at first i felt like i was being a bother, but as soon as he realized i was handing him a sticker his face just lighted up with a smile. I still remember his exact words when he went to grab it. He thanked me, looked it for a bit and said it was adorable. When i tell you this man was the sweetest and spoke to me softly im not exaggerating, he was such a sweetheart. After that i had to leave immediately because again, insecurities and i was shaking very badly so i turned around and went back to my spot. I dunno if he wanted to say something about it, cuz when i looked back he had come closer to my friends and they were talking about something. They left soon after, i think they went to see another concert playing on that venue.
That said, i was certainly sure he may have lost the sticker because of how many people were there and the probability of it falling on accident, and i forgot to give him a backup. I didn't mind if he would have lost it, it was just a sticker after all, but almost a week later i get a message at 3 am from a fan (if you're reading this, thank you so much i wouldn't have known without you) who recognized the sticker from my Instagram story. I didn't have words, i actually was mentally denying the fact it could be my sticker because thats such a great honor. I saw all the comments from people saying that was so on brand for him and that the sticker was cute and it really made me feel nice about it. Even now i still can't believe he liked it enough to be like welp this is going on the guitar lmao
It goes to show how a simple gesture as using a sticker can mean so much for others, and in this case it really made me feel more confident about it. It makes me wish i could thank him for it, a proper thank you. Seeing how they said they had one of the best tours at my ritual, im sure they're gonna come back at some point, so hopefully by then I'll be able to thank him properly, because this not only helped me with my own self esteem, but also with my art career, as seen as people really liked it and would want stickers too.
And thats what I'll do, hopefully my adhd allows me to lol. But thats basically the gist of it, sorry for the long rant. Theres so much that went on, and so much going on in my mind. I appreciate everyone who's spreading the word, and all the kind words about it. And i appreciate Dew for giving my sticker a special place in his heart. Thank you for reading
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hamofjustice · 5 months
Julinemo Week, Day 3: Study Session
(This could probably be better but this week is an exercise in just posting without being a perfectionist and I wanna go to bed, so)
The late afternoon breeze streaming through Nemona's window kept her room smelling as fresh and alive as a new adventure, as she and her favorite guest did something quite a bit less exciting: reviewing their Battle Studies homework.
Nemona was on her bed, leaving just enough space for her napping Pawmot, while Juliana and her Gardevoir were down on the plush green rug she'd picked out for Nemona the previous week (which Nemona insisted on paying for). The Battle Frontier Channel was on the big TV as familiar background noise, though Gardevoir at least seemed more interested in looking up at that than the open books.
"Uhhh… question nine… 'Which kind of Terrain protects from ailments instead of powering up attacks?'" Juliana read out.
"Oh, um… Misty Terrain! I was just thinking about that one. It might help you remember that one's different 'cause it's not called Fairy Terrain."
"Oh yeah, huh. Good point."
"It's not teeechnically correct to say it's the only one that does that, 'cause, like, Electric Terrain keeps you awake, and Misty Terrain does power up Terrain Pulse and Misty Explosion, but… I think you can safely ignore those since there's no 'none of the above' options… right?"
"Uh… nope, there's not. Wow, Mona… you know more than these books do, huh? Hehehe…"
"Heh. Nah, they're probably just tryin' to keep it simple. I've never used Misty Explosion in my life!"
"Oh. Well, I appreciate trying to keep it simple, 'cause some of these things have so many arbitrary little details to remember…"
"I know, right? I guess it's not like anybody sat down and designed 'em all elegantly like a video game, though." Nemona pointed out, before starting to tap her pencil eraser to her chin and then her temple as she looked up at the ceiling. "I wonder if Misty Explosion might be decent BECAUSE no one expects it…"
"Maybe? Mmm, I dunno…"
"I've actually gotta figure that out soon. When you get into Advanced Battle Studies like me, you'll have to--"
"IF I get into Advan--"
"WHENNN you get in, 'cause you're smart and cool and attr-- attentive, and a Champion like me, and have me helping youuu…" Nemona insisted, briefly pointing her eraser down at Juliana as if it were a threat. Pawmot kept sleeping, fully accustomed to its Trainer's volume. "… You've gotta make theme teams for all these field conditions! It's kinda fun, but… I dunno how good some of these would be. They start ya off easy with Rain, but… hmm…"
"Oh, is that what you're working on up there?"
"Eh, sorta. I've got the Psychic Terrain one for this week figured out ahead of schedule, so I'm getting started on the Misty Terrain one now."
"So you could just… not be doing homework right now, if you wanted?" Juliana prodded.
"I mean… I guess, but then I'd probably just be bored and houndin' you to go out with me. Uh, f-for battles and stuff."
"Mmm. Yeah, probably. Well… thanks for matching my pace, then."
"Hehe… "
They both smiled at each other for a bit before getting back to work. Each of them sighed happily and gave their partner Pokemon some petting. But eventually…
"Uh… I'll be right back. Gotta use the bathroom." Juliana quietly announced.
"Mmmkay. Be my guest."
Nemona looked up from the page and gazed off into space as Juliana stepped out, but then…
"Hey, Gardevoir." she whispered.
"Devoira…?" Juliana's companion answered sleepily, turning its head up to Nemona.
"Can you… show me how Juliana feels about me?"
"Garde." the Embrace Pokemon said with a nod. It rolled its neck a bit before scooting a bit closer and reaching out to Nemona with its green hand.
"Ooh, are we gonna do a mind meld? Heh…"
Almost as soon as she took its hand, Nemona's eyes shut and brows shot up like she'd once again misread a teaspoon of Spicy Herba Mystica as a tablespoon. After a few moments, however, she seemed to become accustomed to whatever had been put in front of her mind's eye. Her expression became one of curious awe, then wholesome warmth, then giddy delight as she wiggled her feet happily behind her. She opened her eyes back up as the emotional transmission ended, needing a moment to refocus on reality. "Oh… oh man… th-thanks bud. I, uh… huh…"
"De gara, devoira."
Juliana came back into the room to find Nemona blushing and giggling, and immediately looked down at herself to try and find a reason for it, to no avail.
"Hehehehe… Hey, I think I might be moving down to the floor with you, actually." Nemona decided, picking up her book.
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yourlocalscallywag · 6 months
KinitoPET theory (spoilers)
So I’m still obsessed with Kinitopet and there’s been these small theories I’ve had on it. But lately I’ve been trying to connect some things and I think this could be a plausible theory.
So, when we start up the game for the first time (and sometimes afterwards) it has a power button on the screen as many of you know. Seems pretty strange, right? And once you click it, your screen fades to black, showing an old 1990’s-early 2000’s computer. It will ask for you a password, This makes me think we are entering another world in a way, a web world one could say. But here’s the thing. That computer we put the password in is not our computer, like the one we are playing on. It seems like it is someone else’s.
So let’s think. Not our computer. We enter a “different world” (on our true computer). What does this allude to? Sonny.
So, if you don’t know the Sonny lore, here’s what I personally think it is/means. Sonny seemed to be the one who made Kinito. He started with one line of code, but that seemed to spiral out of control for some reason. Soon, it became Kinito. Now, I am unsure whether Kinito and Sonny were ever good friends, but I like to think they were. In the odd email you receive titled “IT’S NOT TOO LATE”, you will find that, once decoded using a scramble decipher, there’s something of interest at the end of the email. It says, “I fear that when we delete the server. . . you. . . you will delete me?”
Hmm, delete? That’s sure interesting. Speaking of deleting, does deleting things pop up again in the game? Yes! In the true ending, you delete Kinito and the world in that computer that isn’t ours. Speaking of that computer, isn’t it odd that we “know” the password (as it works every time)? My conclusion to this is that we play as Sonny, and that the computer at the start is his, we know his password, and we can delete things like him
Now wait, you’re probably thinking, “why would he leave emails for himself?” Simple. Everytime he finishes the game on choosing to stay or not stay with Kinito, the cycle resorts, making him forget everything, so he left clues for himself, like the emails.
So, we, the player, are Sonny. But what about Kinito? Well, I think I know who he actually is, as well as his friends.
Kinito fourth wall breaks a lot, that’s for sure. He also tries to stop and distract you from finding clues to the true ending, aka trying to stop you from hurting him and his friends. He is aware you delete him in the true end, and obviously knows how to code, so he knows he’s in a “game”.  Also, speaking of his friends, something is very interesting about them. Jade is a scientist, so nerdy and whatnot. She builds things, and is green. Sam is, well, Sam, and orange. Notice how when you click on the body bag in the decor section of the mini game, your mouse moves on its own, and that it’s constantly moving.  Remember this for later. Now, I believe it is Jade who, when going through the Factory Frenzy scare, says “I’m here again, aren’t I?” She seems to be aware she is also in some sort of cycle, or game.
Last but not least I want to point out that they all seem to know they are trapped in their own world. In the hidden area when interacting with the fountain in the Web World, it will get all dark and gloomy, and a track from the OST will play called “Deep Below the Code.” Notice how it says “below”. Keep that in mind.
So, I have my conclusion. Think about all the points discussed. They forget but remember small things every reset cycle, they know they are trapped below the code, Kinito knows he’s in a simulation/game, Jade is green and is a scientist, Sam is orange and your cursor constantly moves during the body bag scene, you befriend all of the characters, and, during the true ending, you help them all “escape” (even if it’s in death).
My last point is the creator’s name, troy_en. Counting the letters. There are 7 including the underscore. What other name has 7 letters? Toby Fox. What else has 7? The 7 human souls in undertale. So, my theory is that Kinito is actually sans in an alternate timeline, and that you are the player who can free them from being trapped below the surface, aka the code. Or, if you choose to play again, you can reset the cycle. Jade must be the alternate alphys, being a scientist, and that she has a kind soul, hence her being green. Sam might be another character, maybe papyrus, who has a brave soul, hence the constant moving of your cursor, just like you have to constantly move through orange attacks in undertale. Anyways, I hope you liked the theory and feel free to discuss, and I wish you all a happy april first and whatnot. This theory has gotten very long and now my fingers are falling off.
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k1rameki · 1 year
THE TIME HAS COME EVERYONE. ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY EXTENSIVE LIST OF TABI HEADCANONS (hcs are under the cut plus this also counts as a little debrief of his human design bc jesus christ i put so much effort into making this man's design it went through a LOT of trial and error before settling on what i got now considering ive gradually made him less and less "human")
also quick thing b4 i proceed – please please PLEASE ask before making things w my tabi design bc ive seen a rlly cool papercraft made w/o my knowledge and that was kinda sucky so ya thats around it (other than the basics of no nsfw and such)
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first and foremost — hes half japanese because i remember his aside counterpart being japanese iirc and i thought that was really cool and wanted to implement that into my own little hc (also he speaks like a dozen languages bc of another thing i'll go into detail with in a bit
so many different facial features, scarring (theres a very elaborate reason for this tbh), moles, freckles, etc all bc why not?? (freckles is primarily bc of my bestie crow and now im obsessed)
lashes bc why not, give every man a pair of lashes i think theyre pretty
PIERCINGS. so many piercings. this is primarily because i am a very firm believer that tabi gets piercings done because he wants to feel human again so he finds comfort in decorating himself as much as possible for that reason and also the aesthetic
broken horn bc of the mod events, damage beyond repair and whatnot
HE HAS LONG HAIR BC I SAID SO ‼️‼️ i figured considering he's been invisible for so long he never really knew what to do when it came to cutting his hair, so eventually it grew out to around his waist, and he kept that hairstyle ever since (he prefers wearing his hair in a ponytail or smth bc sensory issues when it comes to hair touching his skin)
a lot of tater's hcs infected my brain hehehehehe especially the tail and his hands still being what they were when they were cursed (also. paw beans. /vpos)
HES TRANS ‼️‼️ hes also very dumb and has very little regard for his health and forgets to take his binder off a lot (trust me he gets scolded a lot for that)
hes autistic and has adhd — the autism hc i lowkey stole from crow but the adhd hc ive had for a long long while now — one of his lifelong special interests is performing arts and musicals
chronic insomniac — sleep? never heard of her
plays like 5 different instruments but primarily specialises in piano and guitar
safe food is anything sweet or chocolatey — he has a massive sweet tooth and is obsessed w cookies and pastries in particular which ayana baked for him a lot (ill prolly make a whole other post for her in the near future but guys. pastry chef aya. hear me out)
an absolute boss at board games, especially monopoly, and he constantly loves screwing everyone over
extremely hyperfixated on pokemon and owns a bajillion folders filled with cards worth a buttload of money, and a dozen plushies + figurines (projecting bc pokemon is one of my hyperfixes dont judge me) his fav gen is absolutely johto
his eyesight is pretty bad but like. not bad enough for him to be needing glasses (unlike a certain someone cough cough agoti)
speaking of said certain someone, he and agoti do each other's hair a lot simply because its really fun and provides some stimulation, and also because it helps tabi practice with self care and such
VERY SENSITIVE TO SOUND AND TEXTURES, often times he will probably start crying if something sounds or feels wrong
sometimes he forgets certain words in english and has to resort to using what theyre called in russian
has the goofiest sounding laugh ever and i will die on this hill. when you get tabi cackling he will start rolling on the floor and making the most UNGODLY sounds
can speak like 6 languages fluently and a dozen others in simple conversation (NERD ALERT)
he sucks so hard at writing essays but is (for some reason) really good at maths
despite being the more serious one among his group of friends, tabis a dumbass and does a lot more stupid things than one would expect
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art-of-manliness · 2 months
10 Ways to Be a Better Husband Today
To countenance the statistics on divorce is to recognize that happy, lasting marriages do not happen by default. In strong marriages, each spouse, rather than sinking into indifference and complacency, makes an effort to do things that leave their partner enamored and appreciative. To find out what kinds of things tend to have this effect when coming from the man in the marriage, I talked to Kate and some other married women about what husbands do on a day-to-day basis that make them swoon. Below, I’ll share what I learned from them and from the many relationship experts I’ve interviewed on the AoM podcast. If you’ve already got a good relationship with your wife, these suggestions can help strengthen that bond and further boost its happiness. If your marriage has been struggling, then engaging in these behaviors might help change the course of its trajectory. There can sometimes be a tendency in these situations for someone to think, “Why should I make an effort if she isn’t?” But often all it takes to get a relationship back on track is for one person to take the initiative in acting in a different way. Once one person starts sowing positive behavioral seeds, the other person becomes less defensive and instinctively starts acting in kind. A stalemate is broken and a virtuous cycle begins that turns the relationship around. If your wife doesn’t reciprocate by leveling up her own relational game, then, yes, that probably means your marriage needs a more serious/professional intervention. But why not try the simple behaviors below first? 10 Ways to Be Better Husband Today 1. Be an interesting conversationalist. Marriage is essentially one long conversation, and when the quality of the conversation between spouses sags, so does the quality of the relationship. When you come home from work and your wife asks how your day was, don’t just say, “Fine,” and leave it at that. Even if not much happened, dig up a detail or two to share. Intentionally collect conversational fodder during the day to share when you and your spouse catch up. Remember some interesting tidbit of office gossip you heard around the watercooler at work. Read interesting articles that catch your eye and file away some details you can talk about later. Be mulling over ideas you’ve heard so that if your wife asks, “What have you been thinking about lately?” you’ll have something to say. While one of the privileges of a close, long-standing relationship is the ability to comfortably sit in silence, in the healthiest relationships, you enjoy conversing so much that you rarely want to. 2. Leave love notes. Through years of watching marriages fall apart, divorce lawyer James Sexton has learned a thing or two about how to reverse engineer things and keep a relationship together. As he shared on the AoM podcast (his episode is such a good one; be sure to listen to it), his strongest suggestion for avoiding ever having to see him in his office is to simply “leave your wife a note every morning for a couple of weeks”: just leave her a note, just a little, ‘Hey, Babe, thanks for last night on the couch watching TV. It was so nice, like the smell of you just makes me so happy. I fell asleep with it on me.’ Or ‘you looked so pretty when I woke up this morning and I’m so glad to have such a wonderful woman in my life. I love you.’ And that takes you 30 seconds, and I’m telling you that little tiny investment of time and effort will pay dividends like you wouldn’t believe. If you want to really challenge yourself, leave your wife a love note every week for a year, like this guy did. 3. Be a man with a plan. One woman I spoke to said she really appreciates it when her husband comes up with a plan for a date night or family outing and then executes it without her having to worry about anything. “Plans really turn me on!” she declared. Don’t wait around for your wife to plan your next date or family microadventure. Come up with an idea for a good time and then carry it out. 4. Perform small acts of… http://dlvr.it/TBGnF6
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dysaniadisorder · 9 months
to adventure time post but i genuinely love finn & huntress wizards relationship. its so much more mature than all finns other relationships its like a testament to him growing up. i mean the whole show is because it grew up itself as it went on but like,,, having finn become utterly obsessed with people (bubblegum, FP, susan) and all of it blowing up in his face every time- falling apart, a weird publicity to it all, everyone always knowing what he's going through and having so many opinions on it .
when huntress wizard & finn being a Thing is introduced its literally introduced as something he was doing alone . you know just personally. getting upset when jake tried to treat it like all his other relationships, like a lovesick kid, like it's the gossip of the town. not only that but finn just being casual. when he thinks she's rejecting him he doesnt freak out or break down he just sorts of accepts it and goes to contemplate it on his own. he wasn't even able to find a relationship again until he understood how he hurt phoebe and actually apologized to her. him not wanting to overstep did end up with some beating-around-the-bush miscommunication and they probably wouldn't have ever gotten together if jake hadn't pushed it, but thats also to be expected from two seventeen year olds. them dating is not a Big Deal. if i remember its not even full confirmed for a while, just implied that its common for finn to go hang out and adventure with her sometimes like Jake with Lady. she shows up & spends time at his birthday with all his lifelong friends as if she'd always been there, just part of the group now (not to mention this combined with bubblegum + marceline just suddenly and casually dating during this time and it never being quite covered, because things things just sort of happen. people just grow. its not everyones business.)
and HW is the first person to really emotionally connect with him like that & help him through his issues (helping him take a big step toward recovery after Ferns death) because like... she just likes him. he just likes her. its as simple as that. hes not laying on the floor agonizing over her or writing giddy sappy poetry and they're not boring into each others pasts with a need for information and context. i think how blunt & straightforward HW is also helps with the sheer amount of deception & miscommunication in the past.
and can you fucking believe they find each other in every universe ??? even in farmworld finn grew past his terrible decisions and has a family & even though HW is dead he's made it so no one forgets her & the warmth she brought. Hunter sticks around & helps Fionna without hesitation for what is, again, just a simple liking that she at first doesnt even seem to reciprocate. forgive me for straight up making a this girl character is sooo good for this guy characters development post but they're so sweet it makes me sick what a simple but deep love
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
Ran (p2 of 2)
If you don’t remember… :
@tenjikusstuff: omg i never requested anyone i just don't know how request work...but like. ANYTHING with Ran makes my knees week. From the most angsty thing to the most fluff thoot sweet one. I just love him THAT much. And same gors for Hanma fucking Shuji. These beanpoles have my heart attached to strings.
So basically I saw an alphabet thing where people did every letter for something regarding a character? Idk if that makes sense lol but here’s where I got credit from; (sfw) (nsfw)
A - Aftercare This poor man. He switches from ruthless to being the most worrisome man in the world. You might doze off, but you will wake up to food and water and be wrapped up in a blanket while he lies cold behind you.
B - Bff Similar to how he is as a bf, I think he would worry 24/7. He knew you were a little oblivious at times and couldn't help but hope no one bothered you while he was away from you.
C - Cum (legit so awkward to write this cause its interesting to describe lol) He has a bit of a shitty diet so this reflects that lol. It's more clear than anything else and sticks to legit everything. Still enjoyable to take in LOL
D - Domestic (settling down) If you were ready, he would be too. He likes to cook, especially with you, and wouldn't mind taking on the house-husband role outside of work.
E - Experience Might seem like big shit but is probably truly learning with you, prove me wrong. He might have a club, see ladies, and get bitches all the time, but sex? No clue.
F - Favorite Position Cowgirl's helper is a yes along with leapfrog. I think just anything to where he could see your body react to him would be fine. These are only 2 out of many though.
G - Gentleness SO GENTLE. GENTLEMAN. If you have a headache and you're into brushing your hair to relieve stress, you bet he is going to do it for you. Have stuff in your hands? He's taking them and walking in the door, he doesn't care if it's heavy, he's taking them.
H - Hugs? It might weird him out at first, but if you do it enough, he will ask for them every day almost.
I - Intimacy Not romantic enough to have music playing or anything, but he might light your favorite candle and take a bath with you...
J - Jealousy If it's in one of his places, and he owns a lot, he will get mad and fire any employee that looks you up and down.
K - Kiss No brainer, sucker for kisses. And if you pull his hair slightly? He's gone, buckling, like legit crumbles.
L - Location (to do it) Private places like the bedroom, not into others watching in public if he doesn't know them. Ultimately your choice tbh.
M - Mornings (with them) You can't tell me he isn't the one man we wish to wake up to. Messy bedhead hair, raspy voice, does the stomach scratch thing that reveals the slightest below the belt... AH
N - No’s (turnoffs) When a person doesn't care for themselves and/or their s/o bugs Ran sm. Also just not being a good person. Like sure, he smokes some, yeah, but he's not rude to people or bothered if someone tries to make small talk if they haven't done anything?
O - Oral (giving, receive) Opposite of Hanma, better with the mouth than with the fingers. Legit almost chokes on air if you give it to him.
P - Patience Surprisingly patient. Wants shit done but can wait if it's necessary.
Q - Quickies Perfectly fine with them. Although it's normally just a name since he likes to take his time and it turns into an hour in the bathroom instead of a few minutes.
R - Risks He's risky all the time. Like mentioned above, a little clueless when it comes to the deed so you might need to explain the quote 'risk' before he goes at it.
S - Security Cares about you SO MUCH. Ran >>>> bodyguard
T - Toys? He has them. They're still in the packaging.
U - Ugly Habits He has a bad habit of forgetting things. Important things. It could be a simple meeting, or it could be a bigger thing like forgetting to eat.
V - Volume Loud af. Doesn't really care if someone hears, but you're equally as vocal so... guttural moans every time with praises.
W - Would they be whole without you? Absolutely not. He would beat himself up, even if it wasn't his fault you left him. If he left you, it would only ever be because it was for your safety.
X - X-ray Girthy and 5-6 inches. Cute little mushroom top :)
Y - Yearning Depends. If he has been tired for the past week due to work, begs you for a taste. Ordinarily, honestly could care less if it's not important to you either. If you ask, ofc he will. But won't outright be desperate like when he is tired.
Z - Zzz Sleep for so long. IDK WHY HE IS SO TIRED??? Maybe it's just a bad sleeping habit that became a habit, he will sleep in most days and be late to work.
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