#i think subconsciously at least he did want to be the one to be robin
oifaaa · 2 years
Related to your anon: Tim didn't want to be Robin forever early on! He expected to be Robin for a little bit and quit. He even said that to Dick, that this wasn't his life plan, he was just doing this to set Bruce straight. He also reiterated this point during the time he quit being Robin because of his dad, though there's an argument to be made that it was a lie by then. Over time the "I won't be doing this forever" morphed into "I'll stop when I'm not needed" to "I'll stop when the world doesn't need Robin" to "??? Quitting? No?"
Yeah but that's kinda why I say that Tim wouldn't of become a hero until way later on if it weren't for Jason dying since he wasn't gun ho to become a hero at 13 he just wanted to be apart of his fav heroes story but he grew to love it and I definitely am one of those people who thinks he was lying since he had the opportunity to stop being Robin and he didn't
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to-the-stars8 · 3 months
Reviving Love
Jason Todd x Reader Chapters AO3
Chapter 10
Jason decided that he would ignore Dick’s texts and calls until he could find the right words to tell his brother about you. Though, with every ding of his phone he dreaded that it would be Dick again attempting to pry into his life. That’s all he did, was try and break down every wall Jason had put up. It’s what made him so angry. He had his guard up for a reason, and he didn’t want to be forced into taking it down. It was one of the many, many reasons he chose to keep Dick, and by extension his family, at arm's length. 
Jason wanted to take control of his life—To live it the way he wanted without the rules or regulations that younger him and Robin were put under. 
When Dick called for a fourth time the morning of your date, Jay put his phone on silent and hoped you didn’t notice his frustration. If you did, you didn’t say anything which he much appreciated. 
Your hands kept brushing as the two of you walked to the park, and Jason could have sworn you tried to reach for him at one point. The thought made him suck in his nervousness and finally ask if he could hold your hand. In the back of his mind, he was thinking that it was such a stupid time to ask because, usually, holding hands was for when you were walking. The two of you were sitting in the park amphitheater waiting for the play to start. Just as he was going to rescind the offer, you grinned and took his hand. 
“Goodness,” you said immediately. “Your hand is so cold!”
“Sorry,” He sheepishly said. 
You shook your head. “Don’t apologize! Give me your other hand, it’s too cool out here for your hands to be this cold already.”
Jason did as you asked and let you have his other hand. You rubbed your warm palms against him, trying to give him as much heat as possible. He could recall doing the same thing to you in high school. He’d take your hands and subconsciously rub them against his, not trying to warm them up really, just to feel you. Jason wondered if you remembered him doing this to you and if you were having the same flashback he was right then. 
When you looked up, there was something behind your eyes—nostalgia maybe? You looked like you were going to say something else before the standard announcements for theater etiquette started.
If you had a thought to say, you abandoned it and decided to lean against your him. Jason sat there less focused on the play and more trying to decide if he could handle such closeness. When he decided that it was something he could take, he fully delved into cutesy touches. They were small, but just enough to get his heart racing. 
He took his hand from yours eventually so he could stretch his arm behind you. Catching your eye, Jason could practically see the happiness in them and it made his own heart flutter in excitement. You were close enough that he could smell your shampoo and perfume. Fuck, you smelled amazing. 
“What do you think of the play so far,” You asked, breath smelling like mint. 
Jason stumbled over his words at first before managing out, “I like it.”
Giggling, you nodded before turning back to face the stage. He wanted to say more; to come off smart instead of a bumbling idiot, but the moment had already passed. Jason felt so stupid because he was a literary lover, and all he could come up with was, “I like it”? He had absolutely disappointed himself. 
The feeling didn’t last long, fortunately, because you put your hand on his upper thigh. Whether or not you did it subconsciously, Jason didn’t care. It felt good to have you touch him because it was like Jay knew it was only for him. You wouldn’t touch anyone else like that, only him. At the very least, that’s what he told himself.  
Quietly, you said to him, “After this, do you want to go to my apartment to watch the movie? I hear it’s pretty good.”
“Kind of defeats the purpose of watching it here, then, huh?”
“I don’t think that really matters,” You said, turning to look at him. “It’s not what you watch, it’s who you watch it with.”
You smiled and so did Jason. The two of you knew what you said was a load of shit. It was just an excuse to extend the date a bit longer, and he couldn’t find it in him to say no. Glancing down at your lips before meeting your eyes again, he said, “Sure. I’d like that.”
Nodding, you looked back at the stage and Jason could see you trying to fight off a grin. It made the butterflies in his stomach flutter. Looking down at where your head was, he felt proud of himself for doing this. It felt good. And, it was the first thing to feel genuine, unforced good in a long while.
If the play was the worst to ever be, Jason didn’t notice in the least bit since he was too focused on you. Everything you did, he noticed. From the way you would occasionally look back at him to see if he was having a good time, to how you played with the rings on your fingers. Then, when the play ended, he noted the way you sucked in a deep breath before asking if he was ready to go back to your place. 
Jason nodded, getting up with you and taking your held-out hand. It was a perfect start for the rest of the date. Maybe, if he managed to muster up enough courage, there would be a kiss to top it all off.
It would have been perfect, too, if, when Jason looked up, he didn’t see Dick walking toward the two of you. 
His chest suddenly felt tight and like he could hardly breathe. Inconspicuously, he tried to pull you into a different direction, but you were intent on going forward. It was the quickest way back to your apartment, you said, and it already looked like some rain was coming in. Reluctantly, Jason decided to go forward and ignore his brother—Praying that he wouldn’t ruin anything. As Dick got closer Jason’s anxiety was thumping in his chest. All of this was about to fall apart, he thought, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
Suddenly, Dick was calling your name and Jason felt like he was going to throw up. 
You looked confused at first, not recognizing his brother before the gap between you started to close in. Finally, recognition flashed across your face. 
“Dickie!” You said. When Dick embraced you, he looked right at Jason with the most smug, irritating look ever to be seen. Oh, Jay realized that man knew exactly what he was doing. 
And, oddly enough, it kind of soothed him. Dick was smart, manipulative even, and Jason could predict him a lot easier that way. 
“It’s been so long, how are you?”
You grinned. “I’ve been good! It’s been years and you haven’t changed a single bit.” 
Dick seemed a bit flustered but appreciated the brush to his ego. “Words I will always appreciate given my age.”
You laughed before turning to see Jason standing there in complete horror. You must have interpreted that as he was feeling left out and urged him to step forward. “This is my date, Jason. Jason, this is Dick—he’s an old friend.”
The smile on Dick’s face could hardly be kept back as he extended his hand toward Jason. The younger brother, who sometimes absolutely loathed his older brother, stiffly shook his hand. Oh, Richard John Grayson was, without a doubt, loving this entire interaction. 
It made Jason wish he had answered the calls and texts. 
“Nice to meet you, Jason,” Dick said, still grinning. 
You must have noticed something off because all of a sudden you were excusing the two of you. “We have to get going, Dickie, but it was great seeing you!”
“We have to get coffee sometime!” He said. 
You smiled and nodded, but, as soon as you were quite a distance away, you turned to Jason to say, “That was weird, right? He seemed so normal at the beginning of the conversation but at the end? Totally weird.”
“Yeah,” Jason said, trying to laugh it off. He couldn’t shake the anxiety etched into his skin now. Everything felt like it would fall apart just then, but he was coming down from the fear high now that it was fine. Swallowing, Jason started to excuse himself, “I need to get going, sweetheart.”
When you turned to him the smile on your face had vanished and you stopped walking. “What? Why? Did I do something?”
“No!” Jason was quick to say. 
“Then why leave?” You said. “You’re not thinking that I’m inviting you back to my place for sex, are you?”
“Huh,” He said, speechless. You talked about sex like it was something so natural. When he couldn’t get the words off his tongue, you sighed.
“Jason, you really have to go?” You stepped closer to him, rubbing your thumb over his scarred knuckles, and looked up at him with those pretty eyes. His heart felt so weak against you. 
“I…I don’t know,” He said. The lie felt bitter on his tongue. You nodded, squeezing his hand before letting it go. He was quick to find your hand again and it seemed to surprise the both of you. Jason looked over his shoulder and saw Dick not so far away pretending to look interested in a newspaper stand. Turning back to you, he shook his head. “Actually, I…”
The anxiety was crawling back up his throat, and you seemed to sense that. You gave his hand another squeeze and smiled at him. “Come home with me, Jason. We’ll have some lunch. You can leave at any time and it’ll be casual.”
He nodded, mustering a smile. “That sounds nice. Thank you.”
You tugged Jason along, and he followed. He gave Dick one last glance before making a list to do two things once he got back home:
Beat the shit out of Roy. 
And finally, talk to his brother.
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kibblbread · 5 months
This is completely aimless and scattered, like more than usual but whatever. Either way it’s just relationship dynamic stuff~ btw pls read the fucking pizza gorl fic —>>> 🍕✨
Random thought but i think exposure therapy might be the best option in aiding Jason to recovery, well, that and gentle coaxing! Jason is very responsive to praise because he’s definitely a people pleaser. I know it might be hard to tell looking at him from a glance; but let’s not be shallow, he gives chance after chance to his loved ones no matter how much they screw him over. He’s simply a lover boy. So I conclude that Jason is a huge people pleaser, and he’s privy to it but ignores himself. He hates digging into his psyche.. it just hurts, poor guy has too many painful memories.
But it’s necessary for healing unfortunately 😔
AK!Jason is extremely.. emotionally.. wrecked. He doesn’t act outside his redhood persona often unless it’s completely necessary— like getting food and supplies, or even to possibly get intel.
At least for a while.
Meeting PG turns his entire world on its head! He’s pretty out of his element as it is while trying to define his persona, the redhood. But PG! Hoo boy— he did not anticipate a partner in crime. A sidekick if you will lol. So essentially his healing process is expedited(just a tad bit); since Jason interacts with his family at a much faster pace than otherwise on his own terms. Dick is very eager to give his younger brother the much needed affection and support that JT deserves but doesn’t want to scare Jason away. So early in the rekindling process, Dick takes a backseat and lets Barbara lead— she’s the voice for not only herself, but Dick & Tim even Alfred for a bit too. Babs knows just what to say and how to say it more often than not! Jason is more relaxed around her than any of his family for a time.
JT’s attitude is still pretty rotten though, he’s suffering so there’s still so much happening within him that slows them down in regaining his trust.
He’ll still snap & even become aggressive toward Barbara if she isn’t cautious and calculated in her approach, which she is, but she’s not a mind reader and can trigger the worst in Jason. However, on the other side of the spectrum, we have pizza. PG seems to never catch any lip, and if she does it doesn’t seem intentional most times— genuine underestimation is the biggest culprit. PG can be reckless, it’s the largest pain point in the fic between these two imo! But you’re not from gotham, you’re truly ignorant, you’re like a second chance to him almost. You don’t know of his sins, not really anyway… A slate as clean as yourself, he’s gotta prove to you he’s not a useless, unworthy, sorry excuse for a person right? He’s gotta prove it to you.
To his family.
To gotham.
No, he doesn’t. But if we are gonna play this game he proved it when he put on his life on the line once as robin, and a second time the moment he decided to become redhood. He’s no less worthy than anyone in reality. Hopefully he’ll see it in this lifetime, but even if he doesn’t, it doesn’t change how you see him and continue to see him. It most definitely doesn’t change how you make him feel either. 🥰 PG is a protective person at heart. She’ll do what she can to help just about any decent human being but especially her loved ones.
Jason sees it. He can feel it too, subconsciously he wants what she wants for him. So he’ll allow her to poke and prod him where he needs to be directed. JT allows a lot from PG actually, from her quick gentle touches to her quips and questioning. He doesn’t take it the same from any of the other bats, when it’s from family it’s nothing short of condescending. Humiliation and anger rises bubbles from his gut straight into his heart. But from you? It’s not something he can quite name.. sometimes it’s annoying, yes, but with you he doesn’t mind feeling insecure as much. You don’t know what insecurity looks like on him just yet so naturally he allows you to suggest things he wouldn’t otherwise acknowledge. The dialogue between you two is allowed to flow freely. To not know Jason’s trigger’s is to not know his anger; which is arguably both a pro and a con.
The closer PG gets to JT the more she sees what he’s capable of.. and how. The why is what she’ll inevitably get to, but how she gets to his truth is much more important. I think PG not being afraid of how Jason will react is her biggest advantage in being so close to him. On the reverse side of things, Jason is more calm because to him, she not antagonistic in his mind. She doesn’t know his past or the extent of JT’s capabilities so why would she, and even if she did, could she? Again I feel JT genuinely underestimates PG as she is a civilian and not held to his impossible self imposed standards. It’s not malicious, he just wants to protect her, his guard is lower than usual which isn’t saying a lot because it’s still extremely high. JT is still distrustful don’t get me wrong, but it’s not personal like it is with his family.
When you tell J he did good, that he’s accomplished something, he’s on the moon. PG’s acknowledgment goes such a long way in the never ending void that is his insecurity and self loathing!
On a less abstract level, when it comes to doing, Jason unintentionally gives PG the go ahead to start pushing his buttons when he inevitably begins clinging to her presence for comfort. For better or for worse, you push many buttons. lol.
“Stay here a bit longer?” Fine, what’s a bit longer?
“Call for back up! We need help!” Im good enough for the job, but maybe some help would be better than none in this instance…
*looks around Jason’s safe house* “Damn bitch you live like this??? Sleepover at my place😝” *complies but serves the most bombastic of side eyes*
The batfam get to see parts of him they haven’t seen before, or at least in a very long time when you two interact in front of them. Jason is still largely argumentative, but thats how it stays surprisingly, he doesn’t boil over and actually backs down or bites his tongue. Which is.. shocking to say the least. Dick & Babs take note of the more true extent of his patience and how willingly he’ll hear your suggestions. They’ll take note of how freely you grab his hand and drag him along. They even notice him suspiciously looking in your direction for prolonged periods while your back is turned. Hmmm very note worthy indeed. Jason is all too aware but doesn’t know what he can do about without you noticing his clear change in demeanor. But quite a few of his new habits fly under his own radar when it comes to being around PG!
He’s less jumpy for one.
Jason isn’t at all more confident in his abilities since he’s still crippled with anxiety and a lot of self doubt but, he’s really focusing on monitoring and guiding you. JT is teaching you to work smarter, teaching you how the streets of gotham work. And above all else making sure PG can keep herself safe! He’s firm and direct, sometimes even sounding like the commander of a militia 🤭 I like to think sometimes he reverts accidentally. Jason also tends to stay close to PG. Most times it’s unintentional but others he’s just watching out for you. You give him a lot of good vibes and reassurance and JT just naturally finds himself hovering over to where you are. Like him and D are side by side on a rooftop, then all the sudden he’s breathing down your neck because you decided sitting on the ledge of a building was cool like a dumbass. But the most notable of all these habits is how much he allows your touch; JT doesn’t squirm away from you either, he stays put. PG will touch his shoulder in gentle support or give his hand a quick tap to pull his attention.
Barbara finds this behavior interesting, Dick thinks it’s adorable but is lowkey in his feelings about it.
I think thats it for now…
thank u for reading my post bestie 🍕🤪
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luffyvace · 8 months
Luffy x male reader hcs ☆
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Cuz yeaaaaa I never see this?? I’m sure there’s some male luffy simps out there somewhere !!
come get your food I know you exist!! <3
Now luffy’s not gentle with anyone
but if your a guy he assumes you can handle yourself, weak or not
Why? Because your a man! And men have to do what a man has to do
Luffy has mentioned multiple times to protect nami
because she’s a young girl! (Not a grown woman—she’s eight-TEEN)
robin is strong and has a devil fruit so she’s different!
nami has average feats besides some decent durability
but yeah so he’s not gentle at all
you may get treated like zoro and usopp
you two probably seem more like best friends than a couple
luffy drags you EVERYWHERE on your adventures!
like literally you don’t remember a time where you two are separated
which leads me to believe one of his love languages are quality time
playing together, fishing together, fighting side by side, exploring together
did you notice how many times I said together??
yes!! Because your never apart!!!
so, what’s the other love language??
why physical touch of course!
luffy has no concept of personal space
as we know
so he’s always slingshotting onto you, hopping on you back (even if your smaller), dragging you around, whatever!
he does this subconsciously of course
The crew gets this as well but with as touchy as he is with you, you can tell you two are the couple of the group
don’t bother with dates unless you want to have a eating competition
that’s a date he’ll gladly take on without RUINING
In fact he wins!
every time-
no matter what type of competition it is luffy will never hold back
not even to make you feel better 🤷‍♀️
if you’re just as hyper as him you two are the chaotic duo
nami is always scolding and punching you both
not that you learn your lesson or anything
you guys are always doing stupid stuff like challenges and pranks
and bothering your fellow straw hats when you get bored
With a more rational boyfriend
luffy doesn’t calm down at all
nor does he listen to you any better than nami
he drags you around on his silly adventures whether you want to or not
in fact that may be how you joined in the first place!
(you remind me of law—platonically)
Luffy always laughs and says “come on m/n it’ll be fun!” Whenever you express you don’t wanna do something
yeah he’s not a great listener
but he is good at picking up on feelings!
so if your genuinely sad he can tell straight away you aren’t your normal self, even if your the world’s best actor
m/n being more sentimental/emotional actually kinda goes hand in hand with luffy since he can pick up on those if nothing else
although you’ll be going through a roller coaster of said emotions-
at least he listens to your demands a little more
Unlike zoro for example as to where he doesn’t get to finish his sentences 🤦‍♀️😬
if luffy ever gifts you something it’ll either be so perfectly accurate (you probably think someone helped him but he did it by himself and didn’t think much of it)
or 😬😬😟
“gee..thanks luffy..”
”no problem m/n!” 😊👍
if your weak luffy won’t train with you-
you either train with zoro or get stronger with time
it’s not that he doesn’t want to
it just doesn’t cross his mind
he spent 10 years training, he thinks he’s pretty good
All he needs now is experience and adventure!
but if you ask him? Sure!
(im warning you this is training and he doesn’t hold back, especially since your a guy)
idk why luffy thinks guys can handle everything??
like dang you could be a lil gentle..?
anyway yeah
if your strong? Great!
now you can fight along side him :)
luffy tells you about everything and anything
Even stuff you don’t wanna know..
YUP I’m ending it there 😜
Hopefully my male readers enjoyed this!~ more op content coming soon💗
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Part 1 | Part 2
[TW: internalized homophobia | compulsory heterosexuality | homophobic slurs | domestic abuse | child abuse]
Change doesn’t happen overnight. The day after his talk with Chrissy, he had woken up with a hangover and the instinct to pack his bags and run away.
He hadn’t.
He stayed home and slowly dealt with the consequences of what Chrissy had made him realize.
He would’ve never asked her to stay friends after everything but she did anyways. Eddie tried to rely on her the least possible.
Eddie wasn’t ready to talk about his issues when he reached out to Steve. He had just missed him too much and, sensing that figuring his shit out would’ve taken a long time, he didn’t want to wait as long to have Steve in his life again.
Eddie didn’t mention seeing him in the parking lot, his talk with Chrissy, or the million questions that bombarded his head daily. He had apologized sincerely, and that had been enough for Steve.
A few weeks after their fight, Eddie is hanging out with his group of friends again. His friends and Mark, the guy he had seen Steve with.
It’s awkward, to say the least, Robin needs the whole evening to warm up to him again, and by Mark’s snarky comments he’s pretty sure that the guy hates him. It’s okay since Eddie kinda hates him too.
«He's an asshole,» Jonathan tells him as soon as they have a moment alone, giving him a knowing look «but Steve likes him for some reason, so we're all enduring his presence.»
It’s not easy, being around Steve while he’s aware of his feelings, trying to overcome the idea of being disgusting and wrong, and digging into his past to find out that, like almost every issue in his life, the rotten root comes from his dad.
But time is kind to him, and after repeating to himself again and again that there’s nothing wrong with him, he starts to believe it. He relives his homophobic conversations with his father until he becomes numb to them. He watches Steve being with Mark until there’s no rage left, just sadness.
Everything fades away with time, except his feelings for Steve.
One day, Eddie is finally ready to come out to Steve.
It’s not planned. He had been fantasizing about that moment in the last months but never had the courage to do it. Then, as he was going home after work, he changed routes and ended up in front of Steve’s apartment building.
They’re smoking on Steve’s small balcony. It’s a cold night but Steve hates to have the smell inside.
Steve has sensed he is there to tell him something, so Eddie just cuts to the chase.
«I’m gay.»
«Oh- uhm, what? I mean that’s great! Uh- no like, cool! I’m totally cool with it, well obviously… but I’m also, confused? What about Chrissy? And you know, the other stuff that-»
«Don’t hurt your head too much, pretty boy» he says, smirking. He knows he shouldn’t call him that nor enjoy his blush when he has a boyfriend, but he can’t help it. Months of pining and repressed feelings really do some damage to your brain.
He tells him about everything (minus being in love with him, for obvious reasons): the talk with Chrissy, the realization that he had never liked any of the girls he had been with, the jealousy he had for Steve because he had seen him being so happy with something that Eddie subconsciously thought he could never have.
«And there’s my dad. You know, among the fucked up things he did, I didn’t think about this one as much as I have in the past months. I guess I was repelling it. But uh-» Eddie stops for a second. This wasn't part of the plan, he had decided to come out, give Steve the explanation he deserved months ago and just mention that his dad was an asshole. He had never told this to anyone either, not even Chrissy. The hand holding his cigarette starts to tremble.
One look at Steve is enough for him to calm down. He's staring back at him, he looks ready to change the subject if he can't talk, hold him if he falls, hug him if he cries. Eddie feels safe.
It's almost impossible, how much I love him, Eddie thinks for a second, before taking a big breath.
«One night he came home drunk and called for me. He was completely out of it, barely walking straight, but wanted to tell me about the two fairies he had found that night and beaten the shit out of. He was so proud of himself. I remember his knuckles were red and scraped and he had me locked under his arm as soon as I was close enough. He was telling me how disgusting those two fags were and how they deserved every single punch and kick. I couldn’t breathe. He was so strong and big compared to me, I was just a fucking kid. I guess I zoned out, maybe I was trying to get away- don't remember - and next thing I knew, he was pining me against the wall, his forearm on my neck. He kept asking me if I was a fag too but I could barely breathe, let alone answer his stupid fucking question. He asked again and again and again but I couldn't talk. I stayed there, barely breathing, until he was basically screaming in my face that if I ever turned out queer, he would’ve killed me.»
Only after he finishes talking he realizes how close Steve had gotten, completely pressed on his side, his arm rubbing Eddie's back, knowing how physical contact calms him down.
«His screams had woken up my uncle. He pushed my father off of me and took me away. I've been living with Wayne since then.»
Steve squeezes him as close as he can in a half-hug «Eddie I’m sorry, that piece of shit- you didn’t deserve any of it, I’m so sorry you had a shitty father like him.»
«Don’t be, please. Having a homophobic dad isn’t an excuse for being an ass. And this happened a long time ago, I shouldn’t let him have this much power over me. And yet I couldn't accept who I am because of him, or accept you.»
Steve is conflicted between getting mad at Eddie's father for everything he has put him through and hugging him impossibly tight until all his worries and bad memories are squeezed out of him. But he also knows Eddie well enough to know that, most of all, he feels bad about what happened between them. He wants to fix that first.
«I called Jonathan “queer” once, before we became friends» he admits, without looking at Eddie «I was an ass, I wanted to hurt him and I thought nothing could've been worse than calling him that. Knowing who I am now doesn't excuse how I acted but I've learned to accept it. A part of me will never forgive myself for it but I know I am better now.»
Eddie wants to protest and say that it's not the same thing, that what he did to Steve was worse since they've been best friends for a long time. But the idea of not being alone, of Steve having gone through a similar path, makes him feel a little better. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, wondering if he will ever be able to overcome the guilt and prevent the memory of his father from making him mess up his life even more.
They stay outside, Eddie still squeezed into Steve's embrace, enjoying the quiet between them.
Eddie feels uncomfortable only when he remembers that technically Steve is cuddling with him when he has a boyfriend, so he has to ask «so, how’s your boy? Honestly, I was afraid to crush one of your dates tonight.»
«I broke up with him.»
Eddie turns to look at him, finding Steve's face already in his direction, very close because of their position.
«Holy shit, really? Why?» Eddie tries not to smile but fails.
«He was kind of an ass. Constantly talking about college and he making me feel bad just because I’m not as smart as him. Guess you were wrong, nerds are not my type» he jokes.
«Oh for fuck's sake! You, not smart? he must be the dumbest idiot on this planet for thinking any less of you just because you didn't go to college. And did you hear him talk to Henderson? He could barely keep up with the kid, something you excel at. And as far as I know, that brat is smart as fuck.»
Steve smiles back at him «I know that he was talking bullshit but it's nice to hear that. Thank you.»
Maybe it's the way Steve's looking at him, maybe he doesn't want to waste the chance now that they're both single and in a better place, but Eddie dares to be hopeful.
«That asshole wasn’t a nerd, by the way. He was book-smart at best. You need an actual nerd, like Nancy, Robin or… me» Eddie's voice trembles by the end.
He watches Steve's reaction carefully.
«Oh, really?» Steve's trying to maintain some composure but there's something extremely fond in the way he's looking at Eddie. He dares to hope a little more.
«Yeah» his mouth goes dry, he coughs «a nerd who doesn't make you feel bad because you didn't go to college. Honestly, nerds who are into fantasy games are the coolest ones.»
Steve leans even closer to him «since I need someone who doesn't care about academic achievements, I should go for someone who has failed senior year, let's say... at least twice, don't you think? And the only fantasy game I tolerate is D&D, that is not negotiable. Do you think I'll be able to find someone who fits the job description?»
Their faces are only a few inches away from each other. They're both trying to keep their cool but Eddie feels so happy, so full of love for the man next to him that he can't help but chuckle a little, Steve joining him immediately after.
They kiss with a smile still on their lips, and they break the kiss because they can't stop smiling and giggling. After all the hardships they went through in the past months, they had no idea they could feel as happy and complete as they feel on that tiny balcony on a cold November night.
AN: aaand that's a wrap! I cannot thank you enough for reading and giving me feedback for this little thing. I went a little out of my comfort zone and I hope I did not disappoint anyone! Please let me know what you think. Also sorry again for the emotional damage of thinking Eddie could've actually been straight LMAO Also also, 1 like = 1 fuck you Mark | 1 reblog = 1 fuck you Eddie's dad
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shebeafancyflapjack · 9 months
Always get a bit frustrated whenever I see a comment on a kitty-edit that's like "Oh Kitty had such a sad childhood, but at least she has the Captain now."
Don't get me wrong, I love their relationship, it's adorable, he is definitely her dad as evident by how she views him as such in flashbacks the same way Alison is her sister.
But I feel like people forget that their relationship is actually fairly new? She outright says in the first series that she does not like him and that he's only got worse since Alison arrived. It's not until S3 they start to warm to each other and what makes it work so beautifully is how it coincides with Cap becoming more true to his (fabulous) self, rather than trying to be the bossy soldier. Basically he fits the mould of her real father, both good and bad, but the more he subconsciously reminds her of how cold and strict her father could be, rather than his sweeter moments, the less she wants to be around him. When he starts to let his real self show and become more the man she wishes her dad had been is when that bond starts to form. That's what I find interesting about them.
However the suggestion that Cap is the only one to care for her or even the one who cares the most I feel does a real disservice to the other ghosts. They all absolutely adore her in their own way.
Her friendship with Mary was adorable and I love how protective Mary was of her even before Kitty died, insulting her father for ruining her fun, then standing up for her when she stood up for Cap, them gushing over things together like the rice krispies and the snow globe, making up their inventory song, Mary comforting Kitty at the party and putting her to bed. How heartbroken Kitty was at losing her and desperate to believe she would come back.
Every scene she and Pat have together, him being her dance partner but also him being the one to take on trying to explain death to her and doing as a parent would, how he probably did the first time Daley had to deal with death, it's just so relatable how he didn't want to be harsh but needing to be honest.
Julian calling her a "dear, sweet thing", him being the only one to attempt to explain to her how baby's are made (graphic and disturbing as it was), how he's ready to tell her the truth about Santa but as soon as he's sees the look on her face it's enough to melt his Tory heart is the peak Christmassy scene of that episode for me.
Thomas hugging her at the panto (one of only two hugs we get in this show!) and being so grateful for having her as his manager, how gentle he is when he asks to inspect her hands for the spider bite.
Robin knowing her pregnancy shtick is nonsense but going along with it like a brother being roped into his kid sister's make believe, rubbing her feet for her and sitting with her most of the day, him leaving a party that he loves to take moment to encourage her to cry her feelings out and then helping Mary put her to bed, how she only has to call his name and he's jumping in to scare off the plaguers.
Everything with her and Humphey! How she's the one who is the most concerned about where he is and making sure he's in one piece so he's not left behind, these two have the most adorable Uncle and Niece vibes.
Fanny is the only one I feel the show let slide on having her bond with, I think the most progression they have is Fanny praising Kitty's speaking in S4. Kinda miffed about this one because without Mary and with Alison gone, they're the only girls left and it would have been nice if they'd developed a mother-daughter bond.
Last but not least her and Alison! Their relationship is so important to S3 and how it contrasts to Alison's storyline with Lucy. Even though Lucy turns out to be a fake, it's still a good show of the importance of found family as much as blood family, how Kitty is jealous at first but then becomes the catalyst for figuring out who Lucy really is and protecting Alison from being scammed. It's such an important arc for her character that gets sadly forgotten, how she's not smug with joy that Lucy is gone at the end but just expresses sympathy for Alison losing the sister she never had. "You're the sister I never had" was the line that I first choked up at in this show. Also props to Kitty for literally annoying someone into being a true. best friend, she gives the rest of us losers hope!
Overall just how lucky Kitty is at the end of the day, that yes she had this privileged but ultimately toxic upbringing and died very young - but now she's surrounded by these people who absolutely adore her and might not always cope with it the right way but they just want to protect her because she is so sweet and endearing. If I could add any scene to the finale I feel like Alison should have got to have one talk with Kitty where she assures her that yeah they'll be apart but she's always at the end of the phone and will visit often, but also assuring her that she still has SEVEN people who love her to bits which is more than a lot of us get.
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findafight · 1 year
With the whole "Munson doctrine" bs. Eddie wasn't just against the jocks and the bullies (and there's no proof that he was seriously bullied? Just a bit of an outcast?). He was against anyone that was a part of what he called conformity. In that stupid speech on the table he called out people in band and those who like science for forced conformity. Other outcasts, other people that would have been bullied. Because they liked something he didn't.
It wasn't about self defense, it was an I'm right, you're wrong mentality, that his interests were the only valid interests.
Also, this is why I *hate* the idea of Eddie and Robin being friends or having some sort of alliance pre-s4 (or even pre-s3) because she's in band and likes band and he canonically criticized being in band as forced conformity. Why would she be friends with someone who is so vocally against something she enjoyed?
Oh yes I think Eddie has a bee in his bonnet about people who don't......conform.....to his brand of nonconformity. But I do think part of it is self preservation, or at least started out that way but grew into something else? Eddie is an outcast, has a non-nuclear family, and is poor, and all that shapes his view, but it also doesn't stop him from ostracizing people who he thinks aren't outcast enough or in the correct way (Subconsciously, at least.) Eddie thinks the only way to be a weirdo and a freak is to be loud about it, to be purposely obnoxious, to not even consider the normie hobbies or interests as something worth your time.
But as you've said band geeks and science nerds would also be in the crossfire. Heck, the party are all science nerds! I guess that didn't actually interfere with Eddie's interests though. Until inevitably a big county/state science fair or something would be on Hellfire night, and then it might have (except the Duffers would not have done that because they want to continue the nerd v jock thing happening that's just so stupid). He left Lucas out to dry, what's to say he wouldn't do the same to the other boys?
Part of what makes Eddie a fun and interesting character is that we get a glimpse of him starting to realize the strict us vs them, jocks vs nerds, conformity vs nonconformity binaries he's built around himself are not so clear-cut when he talks to Steve in the upside down. But it took him seeing Steve being a chill and kind guy, as opposed to Lucas who was in Hellfire since the beginning of the year to make him see that. Maybe he viewed Lucas as betraying them by joining basketball, but Steve, moving in the """opposite direction""" away from ""jockdom"" was what made it click for him. Eddie has a lot of issues to work through regarding expectations and nonconformity.
Oh. Yes I don't think, in canon, Eddie and Robin would be friends pre S4. Like I think aus that show us how he works through things (or at least tells us he did) can be fun. But when there's just the assumption that they'd be friends pre S4 or even pre S3 without either of them changing from how we were introduced to them? Uhg. Robin thinks Eddie is an annoying weirdo who stepped on her lunch one time :( and said the band uniforms were stupid and she took offense to that because he acted like it was their fault and not the school's. Eddie thinks Robin is some boring band dweeb and never thinks about her unless it's a vauge sort of "oh she's talking to Dustin" way.
It's also frustrating because Steve is often left behind in these AUs, and Eddie replaces him as Robin's best friend [at least at the start] One of the reasons stobin is so powerful is because they were both lonely losers who happened to find their forever friend in scoops ahoy. Robin having a close friend she's out to before that doesn't make sense, especially since it's heavily implied Steve is the first person she's told, which is why that scene means so much!
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eddiemunsonw · 1 year
Paint me red.
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part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're one of Vickie's best friends. Her girlfriend, Robin, is in need of a distraction for her best friend, Steve Harrington, who you vaguely remember from school. Which is where you come in.
CW / Disclaimer: A bunch of cute stuff, just a nice feel good fic about our dear boy Steve.
Author’s note: It was time to write about Steve Harrington, so here it is. Four parts, can find them both on here and on my ao3: eddiemunsons. Enjoy!
Words: (of current chapter) 3261 / (complete fic) 13059
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Vickie stood on your doorstep a bit after dinner on Saturday, complimenting you on your outfit immediately. You honestly didn’t think the plain white tee and jeans combo was anything to write home about, but appreciated her kind words. Vickie herself had gone for a blue and purple patterned flower dress along with a baby pink turtleneck. She looked absolutely adorable and straight out of a fairytale.
“I like your boots, by the way. They look a bit like mine don’t you think?” Vickie mentioned as she drove off. While you tried to remember if she was right, you just nodded. Knowing Vickie, it was true.
“Yeah, I think they do. So… are you any good at mini golf?”
“A little. Used to do it a lot as a kid so I know my way around it but some obstacles are very tricky.” She glanced at you from the corner of her eye. “What about you, ready for today?”
“Uh… yeah? It’s just mini golf, right?”
“Mhm, mhm, yes,” Vickie quipped. “That and saying hi to Steve.”
“You make it sound like it’s such a big deal,” you remarked, giving her a raised brow. Vickie shrugged and took a moment to reply as she had to avoid a man on a bike who seemed to have no sense of direction.
“Asshole. Uhm, no it’s not a big deal, I guess. I just feel kind of weird for even asking it, you know? Just wanted to check in with you if you didn’t feel uncomfortable or anything. It’s kind of an odd request to make.”
“Don’t worry about it and anyway, wasn’t it Robin’s idea?”
Vickie nodded. She sighed to herself, her shoulders sagging from relief. It was obvious that she had been overthinking everything, which was something she tended to do a lot. You knew she just needed some extra reassurance sometimes.
“I’ll just say hi, shrug out some hole in ones and earn myself a lasting memory on his retina or something,” you smirked, even though it couldn’t be further from the truth. Apart from the saying hi part.
“Robin would kiss you if you did that. Platonically,” Vickie said, holding up a quick finger and you snorted.
The place was bustling with people. You were quick to notice Robin behind the counter near the mini golf course and you both made your way there. When you reached the counter, you realized you had subconsciously been looking for Steve who seemed to be nowhere in sight. Vickie greeted her with a hug as soon as the customers in front of you had gone.
“Hi,” Robin said to you, a reserved smile on her face.
“Hi!” you greeted her back, your eyes briefly falling on her fidgeting hands. While Robin and Vickie fall into easy conversation, you look around the place. You hadn’t been there before, though you’d always been curious what it would be like. The whole place seemed to be in a sort of purple-bluish hue. The barriers separating the course from the path were decorated in bright neon pink, yellow and green. The paths were a mix of blue and purple as well, muted but kind of sparkly. The seating was more of a lavender shade, at least in this light. Suddenly, your eyes fell on a similar shade of lavender T-shirt that disappeared into a pair of black jeans followed by white sneakers. Glancing upwards again, you spotted his name tag, which got closer and closer until he was close enough for you to be able to read his name off of it. You turned your head again to listen to Robin who was talking about a weird customer from that afternoon. While smiling politely to convey that you were listening, your glance drifted to the nearest couple playing mini golf. It wasn’t until you felt a little nudge against your upper arm that you lifted your head to look up at him, as the angle made it obvious it was Steve doing it. He looked down at you and gave you the subtlest wave with his hand.
“Hey, I’m—”
“Steve,” you finished for him, giving him an easy smile. “I’m—”
“Y/N,” Steve interrupted you with a soft smile. “Nice to see you again. It’s been a while.” For a moment, you could only stare up at him with a blank expression. The last thing you expected was for him to remember you. The most words you had ever exchanged was when he asked for a pen one day. How in the world did he remember you? You weren’t exactly known for your popularity, hair or the amount of women you had given a good time in your high school years.
“Uhm, yeah, sure has,” you said awkwardly, feeling your mouth subdue into a thin lipped smile. Steve combed his fingers through his hair once and nodded.
“Yeah. I should uh— get back to the— over there.” He was gone even quicker than he had arrived. You watched him walk back towards the course and quickly turned to the girls.
“Well that was…”
“Painful,” Robin finished Vickie’s words, a dead panned expression on her face. You scrunched up your nose and sighed.
“What else did you expect?” you asked. Robin shrugged, though a tiny smile was tugging at her lips as she glanced over at Steve. You followed her gaze curiously, only to find Steve staring at you and quickly averting his eyes as he stumbled over an obstacle in the course.
“Nothing. Although, on the other hand, exactly that,” Robin said as she gestured towards Steve dismissively. “He’s got a weak spot for sex on legs.”
“I am anything but sex on legs,” you retorted with a frown.
“You have boobies. That’s all he needs,” Robin sighed. “Don’t tell him I said that.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” you shrugged. Vickie giggled and nudged Robin’s arm and pointed at the wall behind her.
“Could you give us your finest putters? I want to impress someone.”
Robin smiled and shook her head.
“You picked the wrong girl if you think you can impress me with sports, Vic,” she remarked dryly although her expression was quite fond when she handed her a putter and a ball before handing you a putter as well.
“Who says it was about sports?” Vickie teased, leaving her with a wink. “Just have to make sure I look my best.”
“Oh— r-right,” Robin stammered, a flush creeping on her cheeks at the winking. “Have fun!” Vickie blew her a kiss and then hooked her arm through yours to guide you to the first hole. The first five were manageable. You got them in two or three tries at the most. The sixth was already trickier, but it started to feel impossible around number ten, where you basically had to make the ball fly into a net for it to land in the hole. Even after all ten tries, neither you or Vickie had managed to get it in, so you just went to the next. A few obstacles later Robin came over to see how you were doing (and to flirt with her girlfriend), which was the perfect opportunity for you to take a quick bathroom break.
“Where’s the bathroom?” you asked them, already looking around.
“Oh, it’s a bit of a maze here, but Steve’s going as well so if you just follow him, you’ll find it,” Robin said as she pointed her finger towards a retreating lavender shirt. You nodded, handed your putter to Vickie and quickly paced your steps to catch up. The DGMG was bigger than you expected it to be from the outside. You passed an arcade, a bowling hall and a paintball arena by the time Steve finally opened a door to the— What? 
Light nearly blinded you after walking in the dark hallway and you watched the door close before you reached it, as you had kept some distance between the two of you to not seem weird. However, when you followed him, you realized the blinding light hadn’t just been a couple of intense tl lights but in fact, the sun going down in the distance. Steve was fiddling to wiggle something out of his inner pocket and didn’t hear the door open and close again. Feeling a little stupid, you couldn’t help but state the obvious.
“This is not the bathroom.”
“Jesus Christ!”
Startled, Steve turned around to face you, the cigarette he had just stuck between his lips threatening to fall. His quick reflexes prevented that. Once your eyes had adjusted to the bright light coming from the low sun, you realized you were in the private parking lot for the employees, from the looks of it. Steve rested against a low wall that followed the length of the building behind you apart from a gap where employees could walk through to get to their cars.
“Sorry— Robin said I’d find the bathroom if I followed you because… you were going to the bathroom?” you said awkwardly. Steve pressed his lips together, looking caught.
“Which… you weren’t. Okay. Uh, I’ll just walk back to where I came from,” you added awkwardly when he didn’t say a word. 
“Do you want one?” he asked, holding his pack out to you. You shook your head with a polite smile. The last time you tried smoking had been at a party a couple years ago and you weren’t about to start a whole coughing fit in front of him.
“I’m good, thank you.”
Steve nodded and lit his own cigarette, making sure he didn’t blow the smoke in your face as he exhaled. You crossed your arms as you let your eyes adjust to the light while you watched him.
“Rob doesn’t know I still smoke. I told her I’d quit. So I uh… didn’t tell her when I didn’t. Can we…?” he pleaded, not even finishing the sentence.
“It’s our little secret,” you offered and he smiled gratefully.
“She thinks it’s disgusting, which it is, to be fair… But that clearly didn’t stop me,” he adds with a shrug.
“I’m not a huge fan of it either,” you admitted. “I don’t care either way though, people should do whatever. Sometimes it looks hot.” The statement was followed by a shrug of your shoulders and when Steve’s eyebrows raised up to his hairline long before his smirk appeared, you realized what you said.
“I mean—”
“Only sometimes?” Steve interrupted you with a curious smirk. You watched as he wrapped his lips around his cigarette again, inhaling, holding, exhaling, all while looking at you and awaiting your answer.
“Well, yeah. It looks weirdly attractive sometimes,” you admit reluctantly, “don’t know how they do it.”
“Hmm. So…? How do I do?” he asked, his head slightly tilted to the left.
“Are you asking me if you’re an attractive smoker?” you asked, raising your brow. You wondered briefly how words tumbled out of your mouth so easily in front of him. You felt relaxed around him, somehow.
“That’s… exactly what I’m asking, yes.” A dry chuckle escaped him and he shook his head, as if he couldn’t really believe himself. “Forget about it, I was joking.”
“Hmm.” You smiled at him and uncrossed your arms while you moved a few steps to the left so that you could stop squinting against the sun. It was mostly behind the trees by now but some persistent sun beams managed to shine through.
“How’s mini golf going?”
“I suck. No idea about the score though. Ever since ten it went downhill. Though that one was harder than the three after that for sure.”
“Ten is a mean one. I could show you how it’s done sometime, if you like. Once you get it, you’ll never miss again.”
“Last time I heard you’re not allowed to pick up the ball and put it in the hole,” you remarked jokingly, causing him to grin at you.
“I am hurt you think I’d cheat,” he feigned. “No, there's a way. An actual, honest to god, putter smashing the ball kinda way.”
“Alright then. I think you should show me sometime. Before that, though. Could you maybe show me to the bathroom? Whenever you’re done with paving the road towards your lungs, that is.”
Steve smirked and gave you a nod. “Yeah, gotta pass by there anyway to freshen up. Add some deodorant to mask all this.”
“You’re really going out of your way, huh? Don’t you think she’ll smell it regardless?” you asked, one eyebrow raised. Steve shrugged and took a last drag of his cigarette before dropping it and crushing it under his shoe.
“She’s never mentioned it. Let’s go back in.” He pushed himself off the wall and held the door open for you with a gentlemanly gesture before following you inside. You had no clue how you got from outside to the bathroom as it was, in fact, a maze, but Steve promised he’d wait and lead you back. You were just relieved you only needed to pee. His face lit up when you emerged again and he definitely smelled like some strong deodorant to the point that it caught in your throat a little. Smelled nice, but deadly.
“I think the only reason why she might not have smelt it is because she doesn’t dare to approach you any closer than this in fear of suffocation,” you remarked as you took a slow, deep breath. Steve knit his brows together in a frown only for a moment before he grinned. You wondered why words tumbled out of your mouth so easily with him. Normally you wouldn’t dare say anything that could be taken the wrong way with a relatively ‘new’ person. You still considered him new since you had never really talked.
“That… is possible,” he laughed. “If it works, it works, I guess. Can you smell anything, though? Might as well find out once and for all.” He stared at you expectantly and you inhaled through your nose, really making a show of it. A giggle escaped his lips but it died in his throat quickly when you stepped closer and inhaled again, your chest nearly bumping into his. You took a small step back so you could look up at him.
“Exhale?” you murmured, wondering where the sudden confidence came from. Steve’s lips parted in surprise but he did as you said and exhaled, eyes fixated on yours.
“Hmm… gum is advised,” you opted casually and you revealed a pack of gum from your pocket. “Can definitely smell some smoke.”
Hesitantly, Steve held open his hand and popped the gum into his mouth after you dropped one into his hand.
“Thanks. For the gum, and your surprising honesty,” he mumbled, a soft smile on his lips. His smile was reciprocated by one of your own as you stepped back and took a piece of gum as well.
“My pleasure. Honesty goes a long way.” 
Before you could get back to Robin and Vickie, Steve was interrupted by a customer and he smiled at you apologetically as he walked away. The girls were already in sight and you could admire his pretty backside while he walked away so in that sense it didn’t matter, but you still wished you could have talked for a little longer. 
He was nice, apparently.
“There you are! I thought the bathrooms had changed into a black hole or something, sucking you away from us,” Vickie pouted, though you didn’t miss her quick glance towards Steve’s retreating figure. “What took you so long?” 
Robin eyed you curiously as well and you just shrugged.
“Oh, we just got distracted talking. He waited for me so I could find my way back,” you explained. Robin narrowed her eyes at you suspiciously and Vickie quickly chimed in.
“What did you guys talk about?” she asked in her usual, chipper voice.
“Oh, uhh… everything and nothing, I guess?” you replied while you clawed at your brain trying to remember what you actually did talk about apart from smoking.
“Golf!” you suddenly exclaimed loudly, happy to remember it. “We talked about mini golf. About the one with the net.”
“Steve’s good at that one,” Robin nodded and then glanced over to the counter. “I have to get back, work,” she mumbled before she spared a sweet smile for Vickie which she then granted you as well. “Have fun.”
Together with Vickie you finished the other obstacles and in the end, Vickie won with three points. In all fairness, both of you sucked at it and it wasn’t exactly a score to be proud of for either of you. You’d had fun though, and that was what mattered. Both Robin and Steve were at the counter, cleaning off the balls and putter handles.
“... away for a while,” you heard Robin say as you approached. Robin glanced at you for a moment before focusing on the putter in her hand again. Steve hadn’t heard you approach as he was very stubbornly rubbing the ball in his hand.
“Yeah, I picked up trash on the way to throw it outside and that’s when we ran into each other, so we just chatted.”
“Oh, you met outside?” Robin asked, a smile playing on her lips as she looked up at you again. You had a feeling she was trying to catch you both on something so you quickly cleared your throat and put both you and Vickie’s putter onto the counter, along with the ball.
“Hi, here to return these.”
Steve looked up immediately, lips parted in surprise. Vickie suppressed a giggle as Robin gave her a look. His expression relaxed into a smile and he took the putters from the counter.
“Thanks. Hope you had fun?” Steve asked, glancing at both you and Vickie. The redhead nodded brightly and nudged you with her elbow.
“Maybe we can convince her to join us for paintball sometime? We’ve talked about needing a fourth person before, so…”
“And your kids are way too aggressive,” Robin said with a quick glance to Steve.
“Your kids?” you asked curiously.
“Long story,” Steve shrugged. “Just a bunch of kids a couple years younger than us that I unironically seem to babysit without the actual babysitting part. Although—”
“That does not make sense to anyone Steve,” Robin sighed. “Point is, they’re too passionate about winning. Last time we did that I had bruises everywhere.”
“Are you up for it?” Vickie asked you as she used her pleading puppy eyes. “It’ll be so much fun! Me and Rob against you and Steve—”
“Hold on, we already decided on teams now?” Steve asked quickly, glancing from you, to Robin and lastly to Vickie. You put your hands on your waist.
“What, you don’t want me on your team?” you teased. Steve rolled his eyes, huffing out a quick laugh as he shook his head.
“That’s not it, I was just surprised, alright. Anyw—”
“Alright, that’s settled then!” Vickie interjected, too excited to hold back. “How about next weekend?”
“We both have shifts all weekend. Thursday evening could work, though?” Robin proposed, looking at Steve for confirmation. He shrugged.
“You know my schedule better than I do, so I guess I’m available, sure,” he smirked.
“Thursday evening it is,” you nodded, smiling softly as your eyes met with his.
After you said your goodbyes, Vickie and you left the DGMG and she only managed to not mention it until the second you were back in her car.
“So! You and Steve…”
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Next part
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junonureyev · 4 months
Season 1 thoughts, initially: (partially/a lot of anaylsis and partially just... rambling. I talk a lot.)
When I started this relisten I listened to the murderous mask and then thought "this'll be easy, I remember how the murderous mask functions I was 16 and I was amazing at understanding this podcast, evidenced by how well I rped at Juno at the time" and I did rp Juno well. I have no evidence of this but... take my word for it.
I think where I personally struggle the most is the individual plot story lines, because it's true. I do understand the characters boarder functions more than I do individual plotlines. I think (especially because of how Juno is written) it's incredibly well conveyed how Juno as a character (and also Nureyev) functions, in season one our protagonist is more of a mystery in the sense we don't know why he functions the way he does whereas with Nureyev we eventually do find out. The character writing is so stellar, and unique, and colourful, and immediately vibrant that it makes sense the thing that drives the story is obviously the character. The plot takes a minor backseat to that.
I fucking love Nureyev as much as I did when I was 16 and it was 2019 and he's completely earned the title of "my favourite fictional character of all time" when he got it without a doubt and remains at that level even now. I love the angel of brahma as an arc, I think it's my favourite season one pair of episodes. It's the perfect cocktail of Juno and Nureyev getting tortured, Nureyev comforting Juno (holy shitt) and character development for the both of them. I feel it's a arc fully-hellbent on conveying their romance to the audience and it makes me feel like what I imagine people who really love romance in stories feel like all the damn time. I also love the conclusion, that the people of brahma rely on Nureyev as a robin hood boogeyman because being a comfort to people who need it and scaring people who suck, it makes me think that Peter Nureyev would really love the role he's played in real peoples lives outside of his fiction. (And the role he's played in my life.) And that weird parallel brings me a lot of joy.
Peter Nureyev is an incredibly good person regardless of whether he likes to acknowledge it or not. He has a very interesting relationship to the concept of being a saviour, because Juno fully has a saviour complex, but Nureyev doesn't seem to realize that he does default to being a good person with an incredible amount of patience and a saviour figure. (Which is something he at least subconsciously wants to be) He just doesn't let people in, and so maybe his lack of self awareness in regards to his not-saviour-complex-in-the-way-juno-has-it, comes from his lack of experience with intimacy. He wants to be with Juno and has decided that Juno is a good person and will do anything to compensate for that, but Juno is way more complicated than both he and Nureyev would like him to be at the moment, and so it fucks up and Juno takes advantage of his kindness. Peter Nureyev deliberately presents himself as the guy of your dreams to take advantage of people, yeah, but for Juno it's all genuine. So inexperience. (He doesn't even realize what he's doing when Juno points it out. He is not self aware about it at this period of time)
I think this is what makes the ending interesting is that Juno is absolutely being selfish and terrible to Peter, (taking advantage of him and ghosting him) because Juno anticipates that someday this will all go wrong and is too afraid of that so cuts it off before it happens (BPD behaviour. Do not get me started) but narratively it makes sense because Juno absolutely is not ready for a relationship at that point and had been genuinely way too mean and non-communicative towards Nureyev to ever even remotely start a healthy relationship. Nureyev couldn't compensate for Juno's behaviour forever so, it was a good decision to cut it off. Not for those reasons or in that way, it was a total fuck up indicative of Junos most intense neuroses, but still. Juno at that point did not deserve that man. In my opinion. Although I can see an argument for otherwise, I think Juno leans too heavily on the explaination that they're on other sides of the law for his distrust even though it's mildly unclear how much he actually cares about being on the right side of the law. Considering. I personally don't think he cares that much and this is a case of him justifying his distrust by going for a more surface level explanation than what is truthful (deep seeded mental health issues and trust issues)
I personally find this last scene truthful to the core of their characters and the relationship they've built, and I think it does a wonderful job portraying the types of mental health issues Juno has.
I think he's insane for leaving Peter Nureyev in a hotel room after he just said "I'm in love with you" but I get it. (If I was in that situation I don't even know what I'd do, but the likelihood that'd it'd be something similar is... a lot, I'll admit) The writing is so good and that scene goes so smoothly it doesn't feel unjustified at all and I think we can attribute that to how well written Juno is. Nureyev also presumably had some inkling that Juno was going to pull this, since he can read Juno and also confirmed twice in-ear that Juno was okay with this. But he believed, because Juno was communicating otherwise, which is what makes it such a bad decision on Junos part? and why I specify specifically that Juno took advantage of him. It's not like he didn't have an out to communicate like a normal-ass person. He was given at least 1 onscreen and we all know how comforting and needy Nureyev is.
It's why I'm so compelled by them, and why they're my favourite fictional romance, is the entire latter half of season 1. I stopped in 2019 (so the beginning of season 3) and I hope they resolve what happened late season 1 well, as I never got to that.
My urge now to listen near constantly is going to be at an all time high even though season 1 took so little time because you think "oh I have so much podcast left" when in reality you have like 5 days of podcast left and I'm not going to survive the next 5 days because stopping feels like letting Juno rot in that grave he dug on purpose 'cause he's a fucking idiot. I love him and I can't leave him in there for long. I need to get him out.
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damianbugs · 2 years
hi <3 since ive already obsessively reread your works i dont know how many times i think it's time for me to branch out and find some other batfam stuff too (im still a loyal reader tho dw bestie) i was wondering if you had any batfam authors you personally love and / or are inspired by! or maybe your top 5 batfam fics? if you don't mind sharing it ofc! thank u have a swag day and thank u for putting out such amazing amazing work into the world that offers me (personally) so much comfort :)
hello !! thank you so much for reading my works and i hope you will continue to enjoy them <3 i am so glad they bring you as much comfort reading as they do for me when writing !! and YES OF COURSE there is simply nothing i love more than recommending batfam fics that have me going absolutely crazy insane.
i previously did a top 5 batfam fic recs, and so here are my, uh, other top 5 batfam fics? everything is at the top of my list at this point.
+ these are in no particular order !!
Cold Hard Want by AudreyCritter
“Are you happy?”
“I...I’m getting there.”
A follow-up to DC Rebirth Batman #35, in which Bruce recovers from being stabbed in the back and Damian considers the elusive nature of happiness.
MY NOTES: i might have read this fic a dozen times and everytime i do i am always so amazed by it. i have a soft spot for fics that move alongside actual comic canon, and so this was a lovely follow up to that original story (though you do not need to be familiar with it to enjoy this fic). damian is such a complicated character but at the end of the day, he is a child — and i think this handled his tumultuous relationship with bruce, dick and selina(!!) really well.
White Christmas by LemonadeGarden
Jason's been in the manor for a few months now. Bruce is a pretty cool guy, sure, but he's not exactly sure what to expect from him.
And then they go to Siberia in the winter on a case. It goes horribly wrong, and then pretty well.
MY NOTES: personally i think it is always the perfect time of year for a christmas fic that isn't actually about christmas. now, not only do all the best tropes meet in this fic (cuddling for warmth, sick fic, comfort after nightmares - to name a few) BUT this is also about robin jason todd. the little boy of all time. wonderful fic.
all the other rooms are a party tonight (and you never got an invitation) by irnan
(You will need an ao3 account to access this fic)!
The major difference between Gotham before Bruce left to set up Batman, Inc and Gotham after he comes back is that his children are grown-ups. Well, except for Damian.
Still, four out of five's an overwhelming majority.
MY NOTES: there is something so healing about this fic. bruce is rather pathetic (said fondly) in the way troubled middle aged men become when they finally realise their life is only in consequence of the people who exist around them. the dynamic between cass and bruce and dick and bruce in this is one of my favourites. the latter is very carefully weaved into the entire story, even when pertaining the other characters. a great take on bruce!
Have I Told You About Minnie? by Hinn_Raven
After you’ve known Matches Malone long enough, you get used to him telling you about his kids. Not that his kids know about it.
MY NOTES: oh this is such a fun one!! stephanie and bruce is such a wonderful dynamic and something about bruce creating an entirely new persona as a subconscious excuse to gloat about his children is just too funny. really sweet!
i want you to remember me by zxrysky
Bruce really needs to get rid of his saviour complex. Not all of them are the same as that poor boy who had to watch his parents get murdered in a dark alleyway; not all of them need to be saved.
Jason is perfectly fine where he is. Some capital would be great, but otherwise, he’s fine. He’s fine.
He doesn’t need to be saved again.
“No thanks,” Jason mutters, and pushes the papers away.
MY NOTES: this one hits you when you least expect it. it is so funny, so sweet and it hurts. jason todd you are so ridiculously complicated and tragic. also my favourite kind of time travel, kind-of-time-travel! little jason receives all of older jason's memories and his meeting with bruce and journey to robin is different, but some things are just destiny i suppose. so lovely.
as for inspirations or favourite authors, i have to say it might just be everyone i have ever read a fic from so i can not pick out anyone right now. the writers featured on this list are also phenomenal and some have written other amazing and loved batfam fics you should definitely check out!
hope you enjoy these anon and thank you again <3
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sbzbrainrot · 1 year
NSFW! I wrote this one as a yin to my last NSFW writings yang - the last one had Robin leading the way and now our beloved Al-an is the one overcome with need as he’s forced to desire this at this stage of their relationship. Alien hormones!
Al-an clicked in a slow and calculated fashion, a deep growl emanating from his chest as he pushed Robin up against a wall, claws greedily exploring her body over her shirt - but they both suspected that wouldn’t last long. Robin trembled, but very clearly not with fear - rather, anticipation. An anticipation so raw and apprehensive, heartbeat quickened with not just the situation, but the implications it had. Her mind was blank and her heart did most of her thinking for her… along with her nether regions, of course.
“I see,” the mighty Architect purred, still an undertone of a growl present, “that you may not understand the intricacies of Architect sexuality. Forgive me for neglecting to inform you, Robin…” and he drew her name out in a suggestive and aggressive way that made her knees feel weak, something that wasn’t causing issues in her current predicament.
“Y-Yeah?” Robin managed through a thick swallow, staring into Al-an’s eyes (or at least where she assumed they were…) with lust and feigned fear. It wasn’t a conscious decision to include the look of fright, but it seemed to be what her subconscious decided would feed into his predatory gaze best - and it was correct.
“Let me,” Al-an lifted her shirt, draping it over her shoulders before disposing of it at his feet, allowing it to fall with little regard to its landing site, “inform you, Robin. Would you like to know more?” and he asked his question with a sort of sinister arousal, something primal that indicated he already knew her answer.
Robin could only nod gently, wide-eyed and cheeks heavily flushed. She was a lovely sight, Al-an thought with a passionate trill, topless but still sporting her leggings. Something about the way her hips were outlined by the elastic of her pants while her breasts hung freely… it made him want to explore.
Al-an wasted no time in delving his face into her neck and allowing his purrs to vibrate against it. Through simple haptics, he was able to isolate quick vibrations where roughly he assumed he would have a mouth - something that he knew delighted Robin, and he understood why. Kissing was something very important in romantic relationships according to his knowledge on human culture, and as she melted underneath him and felt her pulse beneath her skin, he could not have understood the fascination more. He traced kisses down the side of her neck as he felt her breasts with one of his free pincers, using the other to hold her by the hair, close to the scalp, in order to keep her facing him.
“We do not experience a desire to copulate for the sake of reproduction,” Al-an purred as he nuzzled his forehead against hers, an action that kept Robin’s face hot and eyes wide. “As you understand, we Architects do everything with a purpose. And our purpose for copulation is pleasure, of course, but also to nourish our connection, one more personal than the network brings.” The way he had idly been playing with her nipples was killing her, but the way he now stopped, claws hovering over her as he gently stroked her hair? Drove her crazy.
“Robin, I must inquire, do you desire to nourish this connection with me?” A deep series of clicks rumbled from within his chest as he spoke now, voice thicker. “I would not be asking if I did not feel I needed the bond, yes, but also the physicality of the ordeal.”
Wow. Robin’s mind, which was one second ago completely stagnant, now raced as she considered the implications of what he was telling her, what he was asking of her. He was… inexplicably pent up. He saw their relationship and cherished it in such a way that he desired this pleasure, this connection. Her sensitive zone seemed to throb a response before she could even articulate it, but finally she managed to choke out a “Yes.”
“Very.” Al-an pulled her closer to him as he lowered his face to her breasts, curiously exploring them along with those same haptic kisses he practiced on her neck earlier. “Well.” His voice dripped with both lust and affection as he drew out the phrase of affirmation.
And then it seemed like he could bear this teasing no longer (and neither could Robin, but she had a feeling he would’ve kept going if he could) as he finally slipped her pants off in one quick motion.
With one of his mechanical hands, he rubbed idle circles in the center of her underwear where he knew the most nerve endings sat close to the skin. He was delighted at the way her breath hitched and eyes fluttered, but he was unsatisfied with how she still seemed to be holding back. He slid her panties down and took them off as well, leaving her naked beneath him. He observed it, glowing a careful green before returning to his lustful magenta. Naked, he noted, but not yet trembling. Such is essential for this situation. This will not do.
With that thought, Al-an returned his face to her neck in a flash to trace it once more with pseudo-kisses as he allowed his erection to emerge from its usual hiding spot. He separated from her for just a moment, to allow her wide eyes to view it, before connecting with her again in a flash, this time stimulating her warmth with his own as he ground against her - focusing on the raw nerves at her clitoris and her entrance, relishing the slippery wetness that covered his tip. A direct result of her eagerness, that he was causing.
Robin was aware of the heat emanating off of him, like a flame just close enough to warm but not to burn. She couldn’t help but bite her lip, swollen with desire and her repeated lickings, as she struggled to keep her vocalized pleasure stifled. Why she was attempting to hold it back she did not know, it just felt right. But to Al-an it was very, extremely, marvelously frustrating. And a challenge.
Al-an’s purr continued rumbling throughout his core, clicks and chitters sprinkled over it as he positioned himself at her entrance. “Brace yourself,” he said playfully.
“D-Don’t oversell yours-“ Robin gasped as he entered her, his member filling her in all the right places. She felt full, but somehow empty as she craved for him to start moving. She couldn’t hold back her moan as he slid all the way in, passing her internal bundle of nerves (which Al-an noted with delight) and meeting the wall which was her cervix.
He allowed her a moment to adjust, but selfishly it was more to create a tension - he wanted to see how she would react if he simply did not give into her desires. She whined slightly with need, and although Al-an would’ve otherwise kept this research going to see how far he could take her (perhaps he could even get her begging), he was admittedly very needy himself. He groaned with pleasure as he took his first quick thrust out - then back in.
A scientist, he regarded himself with pride, who analyzes data in even the most extraneous of circumstances. And he purposefully ignored how it became harder for him to think as well as Robin’s scattered moans fell over him with his more erratic thrusts.
But quickly, as he began learning her inner mechanisms - mostly through all that moaning of hers which was short-circuiting his brain - he settled into a rhythm they were both deeply enjoying. He withdrew his cock slower than he pumped it in, and he noted how he felt her pulse and clench around him with an increased frequency so long as he maintained this style. He tried to keep from making any groans and grunts of his own, but it was more than a little hard to catch them before they happened.
For Al-an, everything seemed, for once, so loud and so quiet at the same time - like a perfect balance that reminded him dearly of the network he was once a part of, a melody in the background as his mind featured in the foreground. But it felt different. Very different, and very unique. This felt like a careful bonding between himself and his mate, but one that he did not have to worry about keeping together. It felt like no matter how hard he thrusted into her or how hard he held her, there was no risk of their mental adhesion faltering. He had not felt romance or passion in this intimate capacity before meeting Robin, and perhaps that’s why he was all the more eager to begin experiencing it.
He felt so utterly sated but also hungry, hungry for more of Robin’s moans to grace his ears (moans which were becoming more and more frantic as she approached climax), for Robin’s warm and wet depths to continue squeezing him in all the right ways, for more pleasure of his own. And although he was not often selfish in the face of his human, he felt it justified for himself to so desperately desire what she clearly also did.
He maintained his pace with an instinctual guidance, pumping in and out and in and out as Robin moaned his name. “Al-an,” her voice was shaky and wavering, pleading. And well, if that wasn’t encouragement, what was?
Al-an lost himself in the pleasurable motions, clenching his pincers around her hair and squeezing her where he had his arm wrapped around her.
He couldn’t help now but groan as his coloration took on a white hue and he reached his peak - falling over the edge perhaps less gracefully than he would’ve liked. His cum, which was perhaps vestigial considering the circumstances but very welcomed by Robin, filled her sloppily as she was pushed over her own edge. Through moans of Al-an’s names and pleading for more, she was enveloped by her own powerful orgasm.
As they both came down from their climax they panted, Al-an once again pressing his forehead affectionately against hers. He truly did not need to pant, he literally did not have a respiratory system, but he felt it appropriate for the circumstance, and honestly he somehow did feel winded after such an experience. He removed himself from inside her and felt a strange pleasure feeling how sticky her inside felt coated in his cum.
Al-an released her finally from his anti-gravitational beam, but he did not let her fall. He had his arms wrapped around her waist and continued to purr and click affectionately as he nuzzled and kissed her lovingly. He smothered her with this wordless affection, but she loved it.
After some silence in which they remained in their right embrace, Robin spoke.
“So,” she cleared her throat and tried again, “so what was all that about?” Perhaps it wasn’t the most romantic thing she could’ve said but she really was curious, it was not like her Architect to be so dominant and forthcoming - let alone have sex with her! She just had sex with an alien!!!
“Robin, did you not listen to my explanation of Architect sexuality?” He seemed to be gently and playfully scolding her, recognizing that she was likely not listening very well during his prior explanation.
“Not really… I was kind of preoccupied…” Robin leaned her head onto his shoulder and pressed her cheek into it, sighing happily.
“Let me summarize. We are overwhelmed with a desire for this important experience when we feel we are ready to consummate our bond.” Al-an trilled thoughtfully for a moment and Robin thought he would leave it there, but he did continue.
Pressing his forehead very gently into hers, he hummed affectionately. “To put it into more human terms, I was simply expressing my feelings physically - and I feel that I love you.”
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The Ghost King (of Miscommunication) Ch. 21
Part 1-12,Part 13,Part 14,Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20
Part 21!
So this kinda got long. I wouldn't be able to fit the explanation part without posting off of my ao3 schedule. Also the chapter would be, like, way longer than the ~2K I've been aiming for.
So! Here's this, and I'm gonna try to post the explanation-scene as a separate chapter on Thursday or Friday. (It'll probably be big on its own anyway).
Info: Self-concept upon death hugely impacts ghost form, and Sam & Tucker expected white hair bc of Danny. So by the time Jazz became a ghost (read: Died) it was just an expectation that white hair and green eyes would be a part of that.
(Danny's own palette swap is an effect of his beliefs about what happens when things burn [white to black] and bleach in heat [black to white - like the flag on the moon]. White hair being associated with stress/death, green eyes because green was all he could see, etc. Just a lot of jumbled, morbid, last-minute thoughts while he was dying combined with pre-existing, subconscious beliefs about life and death.)
Jason's form is his exact form from when he died - minus all the injuries and plus the full-white eyes (not just normal eyes behind a domino mask - I know that varies by version for some robins. This is full-whites. They do still turn green when he's angry tho)
Jason only realized he’d been tricked after they finally called it a draw.
For all a snowball fight barely counted as a fight, he certainly felt calmer after getting some of his energy out.
He’d been so distracted enjoying himself he hadn’t even thought of using the chaos to bolt - not that he would have anyway, given he still didn’t know where to find a portal home.
The girl flits in front of him just in time for him to catch his breath.
“Nice to meet you,” She holds out a hand, grin as exuberant as it had been throughout the game - minus the feral tinge of competitiveness.
“I’m Danielle,” she offered as he shook the proffered hand. “But call me Elle - or Dani with an i if you want to mess with someone.”
The mischief on her face at the suggestion made him think she’d done so before.
She almost certainly already knew his name, but not telling her himself would be rude - a death sentence if they really were fae. Still, that she hadn’t prompted him should make it safer. Maybe.
(If the initial kidnapping was permitted by Danny hearing his name then he certainly didn’t hear a prompt from him, but who knows if inaudible whispers count. At least he can see that Danielle’s mouth hasn’t moved)
(Not like he isn’t already kidnapped anyway. What’ll they do, double kidnap him?)
“Jason,” he says as he disengages from the handshake, smiling genuinely despite himself.
(And he meant to smile, he did - he’d read enough stories to know how important being polite to the fae is; one wrong word and you’re 15 ribs shy of a full skeleton. Or a brother shy of a full family. It was half the reason he’d spoken as little as he had - but he hadn’t meant for it to be real)
“I’m sure Danny told you aaaaaall about me already, and yes, I really am that cool.”
Danielle - Elle - breaks Jason out his mental spiral. He just manages to smother his laugh with a cough.
“Ah, the tour actually got kind of off track, so I hadn’t had a chance to mention you yet.”
Elle gasps dramatically, putting both hands over her heart and flopping to the ground at Danny’s proclamation.
“Oh, I am wounded! I am shattered! I am abandoned and unloved!-” Danny laughs “-I am filing a formal complaint! I am requisitioning forms to have my darling emotional support Panther, Palu, moved to the Palace-”
“You- Emotio-WHAT!?” Danny reels back, expression horrified.
Elle floats up to sit a foot off the ground, arms and legs both crossed. She glares at him for about 5 seconds before sticking out her tongue and grinning.
“I’m kidding, you big chicken.”
“She ate my cape made with Actual Stars, Elle.”
Elle laughs at Danny’s clear relief and the following pout. Jason himself fails to suppress a snort.
“Well,” Danny huffs, turning to Wulf. “While these two are busy laughing at my expense, I wanted your opinion on something.”
He gestures to a more distant tree with his eyes, and Wulf follows as he floats away - probably aiming for out of earshot.
Elle abandons her laughter to float upright just in front of him - the floating equivalent of standing, he supposes.
“Anyway, like I said, I’m Elle. Long story short Danny’s ex-arch-nemesis who shall not be named wanted to adopt Danny and handled the ‘no’ really poorly and tried to clone him. I was the only surviving clone, and after trying to kill Danny on said manipulative ex-nemesis’ orders he managed to change my mind about said nemesis, helped stabilize me, and eventually ended up adopting me.” She said, in the most nonchalant manner possible, which, wow, the story really did not call for.
Jason desperately wants to know the long version.
“Sooo…” she drawls, smile gaining a teasing edge, “I guess you can actually just call me big sis.”
She laughs at his suddenly blank expression.
“No? How about ‘best big sister ever?’ Oh! Oh! Or ‘Coolest big sister in the Realms?’ Get it? Cuz ice powers.”
She flits around him as she speaks, wiggling her fingers and loosing a few flakes of snow at the last bit for emphasis, giggling.
Jason isn’t sure how to respond without insulting her somehow.
To any of that, really.
“Never expected to have a baby brother,” she muses, “but then with how readily he adopted me despite my origins I guess it isn’t all that surprising. Especially with you being a halfa and all. We’re really rare, I’m sure you’ve noticed. Or maybe not - you are only like a week old, technically.”
“I’m 22,” he corrects, unbelievingly.
She snorts.
“In human years, maybe.”
And hey. Wow. Jason is not a fan of that.
(Yes, he’s glowing. Yes, he’s visibly de-aged 7 years. No, he has not accepted any of the potential implications that has regarding his human-ness.)
Jason has roughly 100 more questions after her little info-dump than he did before.
Before he can debate risking those rib bones, what can only be one of the infamous ‘eyeballs’ shows up.
It sure is an eyeball, just one giant eye takes up most of its head, but for the thin green outline that connects to the rest of its body - only seen by the matching green of its hands, which themselves bear off-puttingly long claws.
It is also wearing quite possibly the most pretentious robes he has ever laid eyes on.
This coming from someone who grew up watching Brucie Wayne play air headed, carefree rich boy like it was his true calling - the man had a designer collection of dramatic robes to greet unexpected late-evening guests with.
“That is not my name.”
By the terse greetings and short follow-up, this was a common exchange.
The eyeball - Greg, why not - turned its eye on Jason just then.
For all its size, the eye moved just as fast as a normal one. The motion was wrong in some indefinable way; grotesque to see. He did his best not to react, cautious of setting the being off; this one seemed more volatile than those he’d met thus far.
Despite the lack of a facial expression, Jason couldn’t help but feel like he was being sneered at.
Thankfully its attention on him was brief, turning back to address Elle after only a beat.
“If you are quite finished shirking your duties to play in the snow, the Valhallan representative is waiting to speak with you.”
“What??? He isn’t supposed to be here for another hour,” Elle questioned, brown pinched.
“It has been an hour, Phantom.”
He floats to her side to point towards the palace.
“If you would be so kind, I would like to get this over with.”
“Uuuuuuugh,” Elle groans, drifting slowly in that direction despite the apparent distaste, “Can’t you just watch from your lair like Clocky always does?”
“You know very well that matters of exceptional import and tumultuous path selection require personal observation in order to maintain timeline coherency. All royal meetings for-”
“‘-at least the next three weeks fit the criteria.’” Elle makes air quotes as she speaks, turning to face Greg while still floating towards the palace, backwards.
“I know, I know. Blah blah regulation, blah blah timelines, blah blah paperwork. Heard it. Got it. Thanks.” She concludes with an eyeroll, before looking back at him.
“Have fun with the rest of the tour!” she yells, smiling and waving as if she was already a mile away. “Make sure Danny shows you the map rooms!”
And then she turns and zooms away.
He can sense the faintest bit of rage coming from Greg, and he barely hears the muttered ‘Insufferable abomination’ before the…guy?...eye… follows suit.
He watches until the eye disappears into the building.
At which point he hears a small sigh from beside him.
He nearly jumps out of his skin in startlement, whipping his head around to find Danny floating placidly by his side, saluting into the distance.
“Good luck, Elle,” he says mournfully, “Rip to your good mood.”
“That bad?” Jason asks, resettling his nerves.
Danny snorts.
“The Observants always make everything either as boring as they can or as difficult as they can. It could be worse though; the Valhallans are a party people so it should balance out. Best case scenario they’ll spend the end of the meeting annoying ‘Greg’-” he adds air quotes at this, grinning, “-together.”
‘The Observants must be the eyeballs then,’ Jason thinks. ‘The name is a bit on the nose…or eye.’
“Anyway!” Danny twists and drifts to float in front of him. “We’ve got another hour or so before dinner; ready to get back to the tour?”
Jason opens his mouth, then pauses.
He takes a glance around and asks “Where is Wulf?”
“Oh, he’s off picking up a preorder - Volume 15 of, uh…something? I don’t remember the name. But don’t worry, he’ll be back in a few hours.”
And wow, the promise that Wulf isn’t just hovering unseen in the background does a lot to untense muscles he hadn’t realized were tensed.
“Right. Sure, tour away.”
He held in his questions, for all that he was bursting at the seams for answers.
Because really: Clone? Archnemesis??? Was this a hero-villain thing or a fae politics thing? Cloning generally wasn’t a thing heroes did, but kidnapping wasn’t either.
What did Elle mean by ‘Halfa?’ Or technically a week old???
Also: brother? Adopted? There’s no way, right?
Being yanked off of the streets of Crime Alley by some dude living in a veritable castle to be adopted with little to no explanation was not something that happened to people twice.
Let alone when he is, in fact, a grown-ass man.
The next section they visit is Elle’s, located close to the final tower on the same side as the Specters’ had been.
The first room is filled with complex ice sculptures - a panther the size of a horse, a normal-sized cat, a few of the yetis, a kid in a pirate garb with a parrot, a girl covered in…Lunch Boxes? Danny, Jazz, and Spike were scattered among more unfamiliar statues.
They take their time in this room, Danny pointing to a lot of the people depicted and giving him names to go with faces - he even recognizes a few of them from earlier parts of the tour, and makes sure to commit them all to memory.
Then came the rooms that looked like a cosmopolitan’s dream collection.
A room dedicated to world maps through the ages - little groups of similarly-aged maps slowly orbited each other in globe-like patterns while newer versions and even a few of alien worlds lined the walls.
At least 3 rooms are dedicated to photos from all around the world - he spotted the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids, the Congo from above, the Great Wall of China, Niagara Falls - plenty of well-known tourist locations, as well as a wide variety of nature shots. The nature shots took up an entire floor-width room, and were arranged to transition from one biome to the next.
The next room is full of souvenirs; postcards, foods from around the world frozen in more of that crystal-clear ice, weapons, clothing, jewelry - a little bit of everything.
Another swift pass-through - and by, since one of them was occupied - of the meeting, sitting, and nap rooms has them finally arrive at the room that was probably the reason Elle said ‘map rooms’ and not just ‘room.’
It was domed like an observatory, but instead of the night sky it showed that infinite green.
Different sections zoomed in and out, just slowly enough to take in. The room is scattered with cushions and telescopes aimed up. At the very center stands some kind of machine, spitting out paper which, when he floats over to look at it, reveals a single, ever-growing map.
“Elle is obsessed with travel,” Danny says fondly. “She was away more often than not at first, but then she got the idea to map the Realms - a map that can be referenced rather than a single ‘take me where I ask you to’ artifact.”
He floats up towards the dome as he speaks.
“It might seem pointless with how much paper an infinite amount of realms will take to map, but the mechanism feeds the map data into a computer that sends everything to be incorporated into Tucker and Technus’ Zone Map App. It updates constantly, what with the fluctuations in the Zone, but it’s always improving.”
“Fluctuations?” Jason asks, processing the ‘infinite amount of realms’ remark.
“Think of it like space; there’s gravity against the constant growth of the universe. The zone expands and contracts, like the flow of a tide. Except it’s moving in all directions instead of just the two.
But it expands more than it contracts, and just like on the sea or in space things can drift closer together or farther apart. Following specific streams can help, but only so much. Reliable navigation was pretty hard to come by before Elle, Tuck, and Technus started working on this.”
“Impressive,” Jason says softly.
And it is. The thought of mapping a veritable ocean with important bits that never stayed in the same place…it seemed nigh-impossible.
Opposite the third tower - “We can tour my tower after dinner,” Danny had said - lay the section belonging to Jazz and Spike.
The first thing they come to is familiar - the library.
“Anyone can use the library, but Jazz is the one in charge.”
Jason stops cold.
“Jazz.” He echoes.
Jazz, who had so calmly and proficiently wielded a gun.
Who had gifted him a gun.
Who had expressed her own love for literature.
They’d even briefly discussed some of the classics and yet-
“Jazz made that impossible excuse for a sorting system!?”
He couldn’t bring himself to worry about upsetting him, he’d just have to risk the ribs. That ‘sorting’ system was a travesty that could not stand unchallenged.
Luckily, Danny only chuckles a bit.
“Come on, it’s not that bad,” he snorts, shaking his head.
“Not that- how are you supposed to find anything!” he shouts, throwing his hands into the air.
“You ask,” Danny answers, brow raised.
“WHO!? THERE’S NO RECEPTIONIST!” Jason scrubs his hands against his hair in frustration.
Understanding dawns on Danny’s face at that.
“Here, let me show you,” he says, nodding to the doors before zooming through.
Jason follows, anger simmering under his skin - fully his own, for the first time in years.
“Library,” Danny says as Jason comes to float beside him, “May I please see The Guide to Phantom Palace?”
A book soars from a wall shelf to float, wiggling in front of him like an eager puppy.
“Thank you!” Danny says brightly, before turning to hand the book to Jason.
“The library is sentient,” he explains. “Good manners are key, by the way - Jazz is in charge, but the library can and will kick people out if they're rude or incautious with food and drinks.”
Jason stares at the book in his hand a moment, frustrated at the simplicity of it and the hour he spent looking aimlessly, but at least a bit soothed at the presence of a way to actually find things - even if the organization still makes no sense.
“Why the emotional organization system, then?” He finally asks.
“That’s for Jazz,” Danny answers. “This library is a part of some psychology project she’s doing - the return system, at least. Ask the library for the book you want - or you can ask for suggestions based on certain criteria. It’s sentient, it can help you find things - and when you’re done with it you put it back where you think it should be based on your own emotions.
Or if you don’t want to participate you can just put your books back on the shelf by the desk and Jazz will rearrange them however she sees fit.”
“Psychology project?” Jason asks after pause.
“Ah, you’d have to ask her. She told me all about it when it was first getting set up, but as much as I tried to understand it, it was all Greek to me.”
“Anyway!” he claps, “Now for the rest!”
The rest of Jazz’s section seems to follow the psychology theme.
A rage room that looks well-loved - battered, glowing clubs and a variety of damaged items from tech to glass to dummies that appeared to be slowly healing themselves.
A soothing room full of soft things and calming music and candles and even a few flowers.
A sound-proof room for quiet, a therapy room for meeting with ‘patients.’ Then of course there were the business meeting, paperwork, sitting, and nap rooms. And a combat room.
The nap, combat, and sitting rooms seemed to be shared, with the second part of the section - Spike’s - branching off from the sitting room.
Spike, of course, had his own cursed paperwork and meeting rooms.
Then came the ‘this is the home of an artist’ rooms.
An enormous circular room was dedicated to acting as a color wheel, the walls slowly shifting from deepest reds to darkest indigos, with every shade and color in between. In the center of the floor was the darkest shade of black, radiating out to a blinding white where it met the walls - the ceiling was the opposite, a bright white dot radiating darker until it met the walls as a void-like black.
A room filled with sketches and paintings, a room full of blank or half-made canvases with pencils and paints and brushes floating all around - seemingly where they’d been abandoned, a room full of miniature landscapes matching both locations he’d seen on earth and the strange landmasses he’d seen on the journey to the castle. And then what Danny called an archive room, where Spike stored older projects that he no longer wished to display.
Skalfred found them just as Danny finished explaining the room.
“Perfect timing!” Danny grins, turning to Jason. “Race you there?"
They’re near the library. Jason knows the way.
He zips around Skalfred and out the door in lieu of an answer.
He can just faintly hear Danny sputtering, ‘You cheater!’ coming out around the echoing laughter behind him.
@mayoota-blog1 @kyrianclawraith, @do3y, @someonebored0100 @omegasmileyface @a-star-with-a-human-name @akikoyuii @newgraywolf @tytythehistoryguy
Fun Facts!
Elle’s name - she initially chose Dani because she didn’t want to change herself just to differentiate herself from Danny - lots of people have the same name, and she has just as much right to it as Danny.
But it also made her feel too much like a copy and less like a person - especially with the confusion when she started living with the Fentons.
Then Jazz suggested Elle would be a nice name - it’s part of her name already and it’s like Elle Woods, known badass. They then watched legally blonde, and Dani decided it was a really cool name and started going by Elle. She’s a lot happier with it - no more discomfort when being spoken too, and they can still call her Dani when she and Danny are both in the room and they want to annoy the Observants or other people by doing The Bit(™) [both pointing to themselves ‘who me’ - other person, also in on the bit, facepalming and saying ‘Danny’ - them ‘which Danny.’ Of course no one told the observants Dani also goes by Elle. One time one got tired of it and went ‘Obviously the Danny with the crown of fire.’ And Danny makes the Crown of Fire appear (separate little mini-rings-transformation) at the same time Elle pulls a Burger King Crown actively on fire from her Halfa Pocket Space and they both go ‘which crown of fire’ and it is by the blessing of not having organs alone that the observant in question did not immediately have an aneurysm from sheer, apoplectic rage.]
Palu - Danny is a dog person, Elle is a cat person. Palu is named for Cath Palug - the closest thing I could find to a cat-equivalent of Cujo’s namesake. Same neon-green fur as Cujo, but all-purple eyes. Palu can be the size of a cat (around twice Cujo’s puppy-size), but can get up to the size of a horse (just slightly smaller than Cujo’s max). Unfortunately, Palu is very fond of Being Enormous And Also Hunting Everything That Moves That Isn’t Dani, so they put her in one of Sam’s conservation areas where she’d be happy. She liked it enough to move her lair - an incredibly large pet-bed in a small forest of cat trees - and Dani visits whenever she wants to see her.
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unhelpfulfemme · 9 months
Thoughts on the kids in Pawn in Frankincense (cut for spoilers)
I'm on my third reread and I still have no clue lol. And I've read everything that everyone on the internet ever said on the matter, pretty much.
But what I wanted to talk about is why it feels so... obscene to suggest that Kuzum might be the one who's Francis's, to the point that it seems (at least to me) to subconsciously guide plenty of the conversations on the topic.
It's because Francis is quite literally the only nice thing Khaireddin has ever experienced, no matter whose son he is. Kuzum had plenty of people being kind to him, Khaireddin didn't. Francis was his only glimpse of happiness, and because Francis chose to give that to him he had made himself responsible for Khaireddin in the same way he did with, say, Robin Stewart (and he probably well knows it). And the betrayal of that feels as large if not larger than the act of sacrificing one's own blood - especially if you take Khaireddin's POV into consideration and make the effort of imagining how he feels - and yet there's nothing to... Make it substantial? Make it real? Make it count?
So I think it's natural to double down and insist that Khaireddin is Francis's because it's the only way of making that connection... tangible, and to express the horror of its betrayal. And not only are the readers prone to this, Francis seems to adopt this way of thinking himself. Because if Khaireddin isn't his it's almost as if Francis had cast off that responsibility and that connection, given hope only to callously snatch it away. It's almost as if it wasn't real or important.
But, you know, in a series that underlines the importance of choices and upbringing and personal responsibility over genetics and bloodlines, I think the narrative really wants to tell you it doesn't matter whose blood he is, Francis was the closest thing he had to a parent or loved one in any case.
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dc-sideblog · 5 months
I'm starting WIP Saturdays because that's more manageable for me than WIP Wednesdays. Send an ask and I'll post a snippet
Cryptid Bats
“Stop,” Wonder Woman said. She unhooked her lasso from the clip at her waist. Set it on the conference table. “There is a simple enough answer to this.” “I wouldn’t lie to you.” “Bruce.” Diana took his hands in her own. “I am concerned that you are lying to yourself. You are a rational man. I think you know, perhaps just subconsciously, what is really the truth.” Bruce stared at her. Diana didn’t blink. He unlatched his gauntlet. “This will prove only that I know my own mind.” He wound the rope around his fist. “I am… not human. Anymore.” Oliver wasn’t the only one who swore, then.
Cass and Jason are Twins
“You look just like my brother,” what a fucking prick. No Jason the fuck did not. It’s been four years since Dick last saw him, and during that time, Jason went through puberty, injected a shitton of testosterone into his veins, got dunked in a Lazarus Pit, and started killing people. He grew over a foot taller, put on more than a hundred pounds of mostly muscle, and has war in his eyes now. Even his hair and eyes are different. Dick deserved for Jason to have said worse, honestly. At least he had the good sense not to say that Cass looked just like his dead little brother, true though it may be. “So how do you two know each other, anyway?” Jason asked, just to force Dick to come up with a cover story on the spot. Fuck that guy.
Deaged Batkids
“Wait, no,” Dick said. “We can continue the meeting. I don’t want to delay anything important.” “Robin, that’s kind of you, but this is serious,” Vixen said. “I can handle peace negotiations! I’ve been a vigilante for four years.” “Your people employ child soldiers?” another well-dressed alien asked. “No! No, of course not. Robin here is a… child hero,” the Flash said. “it’s different.” “Very different,” a man with a scruff and scaled armor said. He looked… a bit like Garth. But Garth was twelve. Not… twenty-five? He was also, um. Pretty. Handsome? Garth grew up well and Dick thought his face might be hot.
Blood Drinking Dead on Main
Her interview was conducted with Superman, Batman, and an HR rep.
“So, Dr. Fenton, Arsenal tells me you have experience with ethics in heroism?” Ms. Hofbauer asked dubiously. “Yes, that’s correct. I provided psychological support and mentoring to the young heroes of Amity Park for two years.” “Which young heroes?” Ms. Hofbauer asked. “Phantom and Red Huntress.” She nodded. “How exactly did you support them?” “I offered counseling and advice on problem solving and stress management. I was a sounding board for the issues that came up in their heroic and personal lives. I also subbed in as a supportive fighter on occasion.” “How do you know Phantom?” Batman asked. “I’m sorry, I’m afraid that’s confidential. I will be respecting Phantom and Red Huntress’s privacy as much as possible here. I’m sure you understand; having a secret identity yourself.”
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Hey I’m the anon from earlier talking about Cygnet Scholar. I don’t really use tumblr mainly a lurker sorry but I will definitely be coming here to drop a bucket load of head canons and talk about the ship. This can be my emoji so you know it’s me: 🦢📚
Also I will definitely keep my eye out for that fic 👀
Gideon is scared to use his magic. Having three evil magic users in your direct family tree can mess you up a bit so he has always been hesitant to use it. Hope is the one to help him learn to control and become comfortable. Magic has always come easy to her and she uses it readily to prank her friends and family.
I have a vivid scene of Gideon trying to light a candle and no matter what it’s not working so Hope takes him to a room filled with unlit candles and a piano in the center (Gideon is amazing player and a good singer but insecure about the later) She has him play a song for her which she sings too (she has a really good singing voice but most don’t know that) and as they are finishing up they almost kiss (but don’t because slow burn) he looks up realizes he lit all of them up
Hope is much more outgoing then him. I imagine there friendship started because one day she just sat next to him and started talking and didn’t stop and they’ve been friends ever since.
I like to think they have a big friend group but are closest with each other. Friend group includes: Neal (goes by Leo because it is weird to be named after your sisters baby daddy I’m sorry okay it just is) Charlotte or Cassandra (second daughter of Snow and Charming) Philip jr, Melody (Ariel’s daughter), and a daughter of Red and Dorothy gale (don’t know the name yet). It’s a weird group but they all low each other and we’re brought together by Hope.
I think everyone around them realizes they like each other before them. I think it’s a case of he feel first but she fell harder.
For Gideon he always noticed the little things and feel in love slowly but firmly. The way she always bring him lunch when he forgets. And anytime she visits him at the library she’ll bring something for his mom usually a Rose because she finds it hilarious. She gives advice to her girl friends about guys and always has their back. She is but Leo’s side when he wants to come out. And if she ever hears someone talk bad about her friend well let’s just say that right hook is powerful.
For Hope it just hit her one day. Subconsciously I think she fell in love with him as they grew up but she realizes it really quickly. One day she didn’t know and the next she did. Hope has her heart on her sleeve so it’s obvious when she realizes but she plays it cool or tries to, she doesn’t really succeed but luckily Gideon is oblivious.
I think they both confess during a life or death situation but it’s not until all the fight is done do they get to talk about it. They have a spot in the woods that is just theirs and that’s where they have their first official kiss.
Anyway I can go on forever but my hand is starting to cramp and I have stuff I need to do lol. But please tell me about some of your headcanons!!!!
— 🦢📚
{from this message}
Hello, friend! Totally get that; I love all my lurkers on here! Nice to meet you, 🦢📚!!!
I love all your headcanons so much!!! Do you write fic at all??? I'd love to read them! The piano/candles story is so cute!!!
I love your headcanons about the friend group! My group for them consists of Neal Nolan (who goes by CJ [Charming Jr,]) Robin Mills, and Charlotte Nolan (the Charming's third kid.) They're all in a D&D group that Henry DMs, and eventually they go on this big adventure in an au I'll someday write.
In my mind, Hope and Gideon didn't quite get along at first, but eventually Killian is just like "look, I know you don't like him, but I need you to at least try to get along" and so she does and eventually realizes "eh, this nerd's not so lame after all" and soon they become friends.
Charlotte and Hope are absolutely best friends (Charlotte is only a month older than Hope, and because Gideon took a year off from school to travel the world with his parents, he's in the same grade as them,) and Hope has told her about her crush on Gideon. (Robin figured it out on her own.) CJ also figured out that Gideon likes Hope, and Henry's known for years- probably for longer than Hope and Gideon have even actually liked each other (author's intuition there.)
I think a lot of the group has friendship bracelets. Charlotte makes them with beads, Robin always picks out a charm that goes well with the recipient, and Hope makes some with embroidery floss. Gideon has never taken off the bracelet Hope gave him, and has a few other trinkets he's collected from her over the years.
I also headcanon Gideon as autistic. I'm not sure when that started, but I don't think that one's going away.
Thank you for the awesome ask, anon!
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musicarenagh · 2 months
Exploring Change and Growth with Robin Mukherjee's New Album" Hey, have you heard about Robin Mukherjee's new album? It's called "Further Ahead" and it's pretty awesome. This guy from Manchester has been making waves in the folk scene, and this is his third album already. The thing I find fascinating about Robin’s work is that he tries to combine traditional folk with indie music. His guitar is very, very good – lots of interesting single note picking, really. They are really thought-provoking. He covers all sorts of topics, ranging from politics to personal issues and even how the seasons influence us. For this album, Robin collaborated with Will Falkiner and John Ellis at Limefield Studio for production work. He’s not restricted to the guitar only, he plays the piano, mandolin and even percussion sometimes. A couple other musicians to add some interesting parts are lap steel, electric guitar, and cello. As a matter of fact, I had a recent discussion with Robin with regards to “Further Ahead”. I then engaged him in a discussion about his song production method as well as the characteristics of his music and the interpretations of specific songs. If you have never heard him before, I believe that you would enjoy his music, or at least the songs he is performing. I especially like that his attitude is really authentic, there is something really memorable about it. Want to check out the interview and learn more about Robin Mukherjee? I think you'll be impressed by what he's doing with his music. Listen to Further Ahead https://open.spotify.com/album/1RsbFbPGqW28Ik5BTgPz9E Follow Robin Mukherjee on Facebook Spotify Soundcloud Bandcamp Robin, can you share the inspiration behind 'Further Ahead'? What themes and messages are you exploring in this album? Well hi there! I didn't have any message in mind when wrote the songs or put this album together. Having said that, I have since noticed that quite a lot of the lyrical themes are about a personal growth or a desire for change. Oddly enough, I'm at a point of quite major change in my own life so I suppose I was subconsciously reflecting that in some way, making the whole thing a lot more self indulgent than I'd planned! Perhaps I should rename the album 'Self Indulgence Volume 3'?! What was your creative process like for 'Further Ahead'? How did you approach the songwriting and production phases? I'd written the bulk of the songs and already knew what arrangements I wanted prior to recording. 'Management's Mantra' is the only exception, which I'd only just written that day and made up as I went along. That one was a lot of fun to do - those silly little harmonies and out of time handclaps were intentional to highlight the flawed and contradictory behaviour of the person the song's about! With everything else, I'd already arranged harmonies, additional guitar/mandolin and cello in my own head so it was just a case of trying to convey that onto an actual recording, which was harder than it might sound! In terms of production, I recorded it at Limefield Studio in Manchester and had a lot of help from Will Falkiner who mixed and mastered everything and was generally a good chap. I don't think it shows but I get quite self conscious when recording and can't stand hearing my own voice - Will's humorous manner was enough to enable me to forget all that and crack on. And I must say he did a wonderful job of the whole thing! How does 'Further Ahead' differ from your previous works? In what ways do you feel you’ve evolved as an artist with this album? I think it's more accomplished and sure of itself than previous albums. It has more variety despite the shorter length. The sincerity of 'Next Time' and 'Butterflies' is completely at odds with the silliness of 'Manager's Mantra'. Putting an instrumental piece on an album is something I would never have done when I was younger either. I took a lot of influence from Bibio's 'Sleep On The Wing' with that piece. And I got the title
from a good mate who offered that turn of phrase during a rubbish gig we were at a few years ago! Are there any collaborations or featured artists on 'Further Ahead'? How did these partnerships come about, and what was it like working with them? The cello parts were played by a chap called Ben Cashell. I saw him playing on one of those live feeds somewhere and liked what he was doing so asked him to get involved. I also had Vincent O'Brien playing slide and electric guitar. I've known him for several years and have played with him in a variety of outfits as well as on each others albums in the past. He did an exceptional job on this album. In fact, I almost discarded 'Next Time' until he started flatpicking the pentatonic major in the second verse, bringing the whole song to life! The album would be mere shadow of what it is now without Ben and Vincent's contributions. [caption id="attachment_56435" align="alignnone" width="1080"] I saw him playing on one of those live feeds somewhere and liked what he was doing so asked him to get involved.[/caption] Do you have a favorite track on the album? If so, which one and why does it stand out to you? That changes frequently, but at the moment I like Further Ahead the most. I like the feel of the song and the way it gradually builds. And I'm happy with how I arranged the harmonies and mandolin parts. I could only hear all the parts together in my own head before actually recording it and was really glad it worked. The title 'Further Ahead' suggests a journey or progress. Can you elaborate on the significance of the album’s title and how it reflects your personal or artistic journey? I'm glad you think that because that's what it's about for the most part. As I briefly mentioned before, I think that many of the songs address change in some way - Polling day is obviously about wanting political change but I feel that the album also addresses seasonal change, overcoming bereavement and sticking two metaphorical fingers up at belligerent managers. I didn't plan for change to be an overarching motif but that does seem to have become the case. Will 'Further Ahead' feature any specific visual elements or music videos? How do you plan to visually represent the themes of the album? I'm not planning any videos as of yet. I'm not massively fond of being on film or those cringeworthy videos where the singer pretends to play/sing, so it would have to have a purpose if I did one. And I did briefly toy with the idea of making a video for 'Polling Day', but decided against it in the end. I had a grand idea of making a dance video and contacted a Morris dancing troupe near me to star in it. They were quite keen but nothing came of it, which is probably for the best! What do you hope your fans take away from 'Further Ahead'? Is there a particular reaction or feeling you wish to evoke? That's a very good question! Firstly, I wouldn't say I have 'fans', not at this level - I can barely sell out a phone box! Nonetheless, if anyone does hear this, it would be nice if they could listen to it as an album in full. https://open.spotify.com/artist/0kVuzDThpKrgdO4i1DLZ8f?si=9EveUr2tRpKo67Qab7-mgQ In terms of reaction or feeling, well, I suppose I try to create sounds that can transcend the listeners thoughts and feelings. The instrumental section on 'Next Time' and multiple guitar parts on 'Assurance' are probably the most obvious attempts at doing this. The latter was my attempt at channeling my inner Kings of Convenience! There isn't anything quite as gritty lyrically on this record in comparison to my previous one but I hope some people will enjoy the odd song or find some of it relatable to their own experience. Now that 'Further Ahead' is set for release, what’s next for you? Are there any upcoming tours, projects, or plans you can share with us? I have a one off show in Manchester on July 13th to celebrate the album. It will also be something of a farewell Manchester show as I'm moving away very soon.
I'll be doing material from this album as well as from my previous smash flops, and will be joined by some rather lovely special guests. After that, I'll be studying a Masters in Music Therapy so might not be performing for the foreseeable future. If I'm honest, I'm not sure if I'm going to record any more music after this album either. I know the phrase "Never say never", but something feels pretty final about this one. Time will tell, at the very least this is the end of a chapter but my instincts for now are telling me that this is it. I felt that way throughout the whole process of making this album, and the final song ends with a reference to one of my favourite songs from my first album. I'm probably the only one who's likely to notice it but it's there. And by being there, it adds a nice full stop to everything and it all goes full circle, back to the very start.
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