#i think that we made kevin a himbo
motherarts · 1 year
me and bestfriend drawing our plushies like
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>:) All! meet Kevin and Kevin jr. @gyozumaki
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liege-of-the-bees · 1 year
S7e14: Archie the Musical
A win for the gays
Is this a time skip or is it just the song being the first day of school in November?
They really did not write these songs for Cole's vocal capabilities
The song slaps though
OK so it's just a song that's been written
Julian is just Archie's understudy bc he's ginger
The writer's wanted Cole to sing as little as possible so they wrote him out after the first song (Spoiler alert: he doesn't appear again until the last song where he comes into an ensemble late)
Omg Archie and Julian are so homoerotic
He wants to date men
It's gay. It's a metaphor for homosexuality if you will
Kevin's home life brought up for the first time in many episodes
And again, when are we going to get Clay development apart from being Kevin's boyfriend? They're doing what happened to Toni in S3-4 where they just exist for their white love interest and I hate it
Do you think they wrote the Musical just so they could hang out alone for many hours on end?
Kevin writing the love triangle in complete obliviousness of the fact that Betty and Veronica just want to fuck each other
The part two in energy of Veronica calling Jughead a misogynist
'The question isn't whether I want Betty or Veronica, it's whether I'm gay or not'
'Focus on our friendship' THEY'RE GAY YOU CUNT
Archie singing a while mini-song about how he can't be bisexual
OK this is so fucking gay
Kevin's so confused about his ex-girlfriend being queer
'Maybe we shouldn't climb Archie, maybe we should cimb each other'
50s Archie my beloved himbo
'Stop talking about your gay musical Kevin, we're getting a divorce'
This song is so High School Musical 2 of them
'No musical, that's too gay'
Archie: 'Working on your musical made me gay'
Midge has been pregnant for a good few months at this point, she should probably be showing at least a little
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ywhiterain · 2 years
Unpopular Kol opinion
Kol's probably the least useful original on the battlefield. There's a lot of fanfic out there about people him/his family killing/owning Elena. I've never had a problem with how it went down. Sure, Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah's reactions require a lot of fanwanking for it to make sense. But that's not because killing Kol was so unbelievable, but because after Kevin Williamson we were suck with Julie Plec, to her credit, can write individual episodes well, but struggles putting together season wide arcs.
But Elena killing Kol was completely believable. How many times does she have to best an Original before people accept she's a threat? She can read people and she uses that to survive and protect.
And in season four, she used that to kill. I actually think if Kol made a deal with Elena, they would have backed off in finding Silas. But he didn't. Because Kol strategy is burn and salt. Pro: he has less enemies than his body count suggests. Con: he doesn't really deal well with nuance. And, more importantly, he was a Hot Mess. Elena's plan was simple: get Kol to underestimate her and use that to her advantage. That's what she always does. It was just less interesting than when she played Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah because Kol doesn't have as much characterization.
When he does get more characterization in season two of the originals, Finn bests him, which Finn gleefully points out. Kol's strengths aren't at being in the battlefield and rolling with the punches. Kol's a fucking nerd who studied magic and wrote spells he couldn't cast in between slaughtering people who had no weapons against him. He doesn't have much experience fighting people who can hit back.
And while he's not completely incompetent at subterfuge, Mary-Alice and Klaus got the better of him. All three daggerings we see he just lets Elijah hold him while Klaus shoes a dagger through his heart. I think the most competent is when he's using magic against Klaus and yelling about being abandoned. And Klaus still wins. He's got potential, but working on that means he would spend less time tinkering around with magic and science (sad we didn't get to see more steampunk vibes from him) and being a slut or a glutton.
In season five of the originals, Kol is living his best life: Davina Claire's trophy husband. She's the one with the job while he's hanging around naked waiting for her to come home. He's got plenty of unresolved issues with his family, but he's doing really good considering everything he's been through.
This isn't to say he's himbo. He's a nerd with very specialized knowledge and the only character we see writing his own spells outside of the big bads. He's intuitive and figured out Freya was working with Hope in The Kindness of Strangers. And he's still an original or a witch, so he's not helpless. He just doesn't really have a killer instinct nor is he natural on the battlefield.
That's not, like, a flaw. If humans were bad a war, we'd probably be better off.
Kol is under-developed compared to his siblings (save Finn and poor Henrik), so there's plenty of wiggle room. But I do think it's hilarious that the wildest sibling is honestly most himself being a pampered house-husband to Davina. And I think that adds nuance to his character.
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medusas-stylist · 3 years
No Nuance November, the sequel:
because there is no way in hell i am getting this out before midnight so let’s pretend i live in cali
Athena is racist, stop giving her poc children
So much sex happens at camp. Stop acting like it doesn’t.
On top of that, camp isn’t band camp. It’s a 24/7 training facility for teenagers. People have literally died in the practice arena.
Percy can’t make friends to save his life. He isn’t friends with people at CHB he’s just their leader.
Annabeth does not struggle in school, she struggles to stay in school
Percy and Jason were at odds with each other more than they were friends with each other
Percy became praetor at CJ without having made more than two friends there. Once again, he can’t make friends he’s just their leader
Centaurs can get drunk off of root beer. How.
Chiron raped girls back in the day why does he care about teenagers doing the dirty.
In ancient Greece, (around) 12 was the age of sexual maturity (go see the Hymn to Demeter, Persephone is like 12 there). In ancient Greece, satyrs were symbols of sexual promiscuity (and rape; trust me, go look up the term ‘ithyphallic’). To the ancient Greeks (you know, the people whose stories Rick based his entire work around) demigods “finding out” they’re demigods (you know, maturing) at age 12 and being found by a satyr (bringing them to a centaur just to make it all worse)… well hopefully you can do the math.
Also, by the way, the ancient Greeks weren’t gay. They also weren’t straight. They also weren’t bi. Please don’t headcanon rapey gods as LGBTQ heroes please and thank you. If you want to do that go use Kevin Spacey.
Okay, back to PJO. Piper is a canonical “I’m not like other girls” girl from 2010. She’s a pick me girl.
Leo hides his pain behind toxic masculinity and incel-ism.
Frank is
Hazel is
Just kidding you can’t say anything bad about Hazel and Frank
Frank shouldn’t have become buff. It’s a poorly adapted mythological trope. It’s also fat shaming.
Hazel is black and it doesn’t matter what tone her skin is. Also her hair is black. Her eyes are brown. No more of this fucking gold shit.
Should I keep going?
Fuck it yeah.
Jason is Madison Cawthorn (I got kicked out of a discord server for saying this but we all know it’s true)
Why was Reyna so love-focused. Why.
Annabeth is very social. She’s been at camp since she was 7 the girl has connections
Everyone forgets that as much as Percy would die for Annabeth, she’s proven she’d die for him too.
If Demigods were designed by the gods to be perfect soldiers they shouldn’t have PTSD.
So why is Nico the only character with PTSD.
Why is everyone worshipping a relationship of two 13 year olds with like two lines of dialogue.
Did I fail to mention that NICO IS THIRTEEN AT THE END OF HOO??? THIRTEEN???
I’m calling the FBI on y’all.
Like actually please stop fetishizing a thirteen year old gay boy. It’s kinda gross. Also on that same note Hazel is 13 too. 16/17 yo Percy and Annabeth is enough of an issue.
Poseidon and Percy barely interact. Percy isn’t going on a fucking vacation to Atlantis.
On top of that, the gods don’t care about their children unless something really terrible is happening to them. None of them are good parents stop trying to force them into being that.
New Rome is dumb. Cut New Rome out of your own canons. #nonewrome and I will not explain myself.
Percy and Annabeth are not going to the same school.
Also what is it with slow burn senior year fanfictions where they get together right before they go across the country to separate schools? Just make it happen in Junior year.
Frank is the himbo, not Percy
A ‘swimmer’s body’ doesn’t mean what you all think it means.
All the demigods are like superhuman athletes but that doesn’t mean they have to be shredded. Abs ≠ performance.
Wow I’m on 49? Okay a few more and I stop.
Percy should not trust Paul until after TLO.
Percy doesn’t want to be a hero. He’s like Spiderman. He just wants to live a normal life. dark!Percy is hot and all but it ain’t who Percy wants to be
Luke should have waited in his reveal. He could have groomed Percy into joining him.
The demigods on Kronos’ side are literally terrified of Percy to the point of nightmares.
Percy killed demigods in the Battle of Manhattan.
My final hot take: Annabeth didn’t not join Kronos because Kronos was evil. She wanted to achieve the vision she had with the Sirens, but she knew that she’d have no control over creating that vision with Kronos. For clarity: If Kronos had convinced Annabeth she could create the Sirens’ vision, she would have joined him. He and Luke just failed to make their case.
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laurenairay · 3 years
Unexpected - K. Hayes
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Summary: After being just friends with Kevin for over four years, can you ever be anything more?
Word Count: 10.2k
Warnings: a little angst, a lot of fluff, a smidgen of smut, friends to lovers because that’s my jam
A/N: so this originally started as a blurb which got mildly out of hand and turned into this fic. I have repeated the scene from the blurb to keep the flow the same. I have no regrets. 
This is particularly inspired from Talk About by Seaforth (thanks @antoineroussel!) and Just Friends by Virginia to Vegas (thanks @broadstbroskis!)
@danglesnipecelly @princessphilly @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @himbos-on-ice @whoeverineedtobe @flybabyfly @ipuckwithhockey @antoineroussel @babytkachuks @broadstbroskis @texanstarslove @tippedbykreider @thebookofmags @horsesandhockeyplayers @denis-scorianov @lulucanwrite @rangersftflyers @notaccurateornice @pandorasbox2020 @mattytkachuk19 @whatishockey​ @no-pucks-given​ @fanfics-for-the-hockey-fan​ @troubatrain @joelsfarabee @nuenyyx @miracleonice87
A party was never just a simple party when Kevin Hayes was involved. Music was pounding, beer was flowing, shots were poured, and weed was an easy haze on the back porch. You had no idea what the occasion was for one of your oldest friends to be throwing this shindig, but you weren’t complaining. Hanging out with him and relaxing after a long hard day was infinitely better than sitting at home and eating cold pizza. Again.
People always teased you about being so close with Kevin, always hinting that there must be something more between you, but you just laughed it off, knowing that he would never be interested. How could he? He had the perfect hockey WAGs lining up in queues to flirt with him – and you were just his friend. You’d known each other since you both lived in Tribeca years ago, and there had never been anything to even hint at anything more than friends. He’d never flirted with you outside of his natural charm. He’d never made a move on you in the slightest. He’d never shown the smallest bit of interest in anything other than platonic – so you knew how he felt. And to be honest, his friendship was amazing and it was something you never wanted to lose, so why would you put yourself out there when you already knew what the answer would be?
No, being friends with Kevin Hayes was exactly where you were meant to be.
You’d spent a few hours with a rotating cast of Flyers and their better halves, drinking and sharing stories about your mutual friend, but it had been a while since you’d seen him. At least a couple of non-Kevin hours. So what if you got a little needy when you were drinking? How could you not want a hug from your beautiful friend? No, bad drunk brain. Crossing that line was never worth it.
You still wanted that hug though.
So bidding the other drunk partygoers adieu, you wandered about the house in search of Kevin, coming up empty in every room…until you spotted smoke outside the kitchen window. Hah, of course. You knew how much he loved to wind down with a blunt or two. His easygoing nature was one of the things you loved most about him.
Putting down your empty drink, you walked outside, spotting Kevin and Nolan lounging on the outside sofas, Nolan with a blunt in his hand.
“Hey! You’re here!” Kevin grinned.
You shook your head fondly, wafting the pungent smoke out of your face.
“I’ve been here for hours, Kev. You’ve already seen me,” you said, smiling.
Kevin pouted, and Nolan just snickered, making you laugh.
“Weed always makes you forgetful,” you mused, sitting down on the seating next to him.
“Nuh-uh I don’t forget everything,” Kevin shrugged, turning to face you properly, “Not the important things. Like the fact that I love you, you know that right?”
Your jaw dropped slightly as his words hit you. What the everloving fuck? Why would he joke like that?
“Goddamn Kev, how high are you?” you asked, frowning.
Without waiting for him to answer, you looked over at Nolan, who just shrugged.
“I don’t know, he’s pretty baked. But I’m going to let you deal with all of that,” Nolan grimaced, waving a hand in Kevin’s general direction.
You rolled your eyes as he quickly passed Kevin the blunt and walked back inside. Yeah, thanks for the help.
“Why did Patty leave?” Kevin asked, frowning.
“Because he’s allergic to emotions? I don’t know. Maybe he just knows that you’re talking shit and he doesn’t want to deal with it,” you muttered.
“I’m not talking shit,” Kevin shot back, “I love you,”
“No you don’t,” you said, rolling your eyes again.
Seriously? Where had this come from? This wasn’t fair, he couldn’t say that when you knew it wasn’t true. Where had he gotten this lot of weed from? Clearly it didn’t agree with him.
“Yes I do! I know my own feelings,” Kevin insisted.
“Right, yeah, sure you do,” you sighed.
You were neither drunk enough nor high enough for this conversation. This was…not how you expected this evening to go. And just like that, your good mood was ruined.
“You don’t believe me, do you?” Kevin asked softly.
“Not even in the slightest, Kev,” you said, smiling sadly.
Of course you didn’t. Why, after all this time, would he be saying the words you most wanted to hear from him? There was no logic behind it – there was no way it could be true. He’d never ever shown any hint of this to be true.
“I’ll prove it to you,” he said firmly.
And then he placed his hand on your thigh, making you inhale sharply, the warmth of his large hand sending tingles through your body. No.
“This is not the time or place, Kevin,” you said shortly, “You are stoned out of your fucking mind,”
“You said my full name. You never say my full name,” he said sadly.
Of course that’s what he picked up out of that. Clearly he wasn’t going to get any easier to talk to…and while normally that made for some pretty fun conversation, tonight it wasn’t going to happen. And you couldn’t sit around and listen to more of this.
“I’m just going to go,” you sighed, nudging his hand off your thigh and standing upright.
“What? No!” Kevin said, eyes wide and sad.
“I can’t,” you said, forcing a smile, “I can’t stay and hear this, when I know you don’t mean it when you’re sober,”
“I’ll send Nolan back out, okay? I’ll…talk to you later, Kev,” you said firmly, interrupting him.
Without waiting for another answer, you quickly walked back into the house, heartbeat racing in your ears and a lump in your throat. At least you didn’t have to go far to look for Nolan – he was standing just inside in the kitchen.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he frowned.
You just shook your head, smiling thinly, not wanting to go into it. “I’m going to go,”
“But he…”
“Kev will be fine – you don’t mind going back out there with him, right?” you said, interrupting.
Nolan pressed his lips together but shook his head. “No, I don’t mind,”
“Good. Good. Um, I’m sure I’ll see you around?” you offered.
Would you? Who knows. How long would you even need before you could see Kevin again without your heart aching?
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Nolan nodded.
You missed the determined look in the younger man’s eyes as you walked away, too intent on locating your jacket without giving in to the tears that were threatening to fall. Sleep, sobering up and some distance – that would help, right?
From: Kevin
Why did you leave?
Please come back?
From: Kevin
I meant it.
I swear I meant it.
Please call me.
Missed call – Kevin
From: Kevin
Fuck I fell asleep.
Are you ignoring me?
Please call me when you get this.
From: Kevin
I get it if you don’t love me back.
But please don’t ignore me, I can’t take that.
Please call me?
We need to talk. Please.
From: Kevin
To: Kevin
Kev, I can’t do this.
It’s too much.
Please just give me time and space.
From: Nolan
I’ve taken Kev’s phone off him.
His sad face is too much.
I know you asked for space and I’ll make sure he gives it to you.
But please, just think over what he said?
You know he doesn’t say shit he doesn’t mean, not when it’s important.
To: Nolan
Yeah, okay. I’ll think it over.
Mornings were generally your worst time of day. But this morning in particular was a terrible one. The slight bleurgh of lingering sleep made you feel groggy enough, but nothing that a quick shower and a slice of buttered toast couldn’t fix. No, this morning was terrible because your heart was still aching from three days ago. You still had no idea what Kevin was playing at, acting like that around you, but it hurt and you knew you weren’t going to be able to forget it any time soon. Kevin’s increasingly desperate text messages and the single message from Nolan hung over you like a bad shadow, but you knew were right about not just giving in straight away – you were still emotional enough now as it was, and you knew it wouldn’t have been a good idea to see Kevin immediately. No, space was exactly what you needed, even if it hurt.
Your second cup of coffee woke you up enough at least to not leave you in a pit of despair. Like Nolan had asked, you’d thought about Kevin’s words over and over again. His declaration of love, out of nowhere. His confusion and sadness and fucking desperation. You know he doesn’t say shit he doesn’t mean, not when it’s important. It still didn’t give you the answer, any answer. Because in your heart, there was still that little whisper of doubt, telling you it wasn’t true, not really. And unless you were 100% sure, there was no way you could take that chance, not with Kevin. His friendship was too important in your life to risk not having it at all, so if it meant needing time to get over him and drag yourself out of this swirling despair then you would take it.
Despair was for people who didn’t have a life to get on with. You had lived long enough without Kevin in your life before you’d met him, and you could damn well succeed in living without his presence for a couple of weeks or so. At least until you’d built up those walls again.
It had been three days and the struggle was real.
Around 9am, you were jolted out of your thoughts by a series of knocks on your front door. With a frown, you walked over to the entrance hallway, and peeked through the peep-hole, only to see Kevin. What the fuck? Why was he here?
He had a sad but determined look on this face, you could see that much – fuck, was he going to say he didn’t mean anything he said that night? That now he’d thought about it properly, it wasn’t real? It was bad enough hearing his emotions from him when high as a kite, but you couldn’t bear for him to admit it was fake when he was sober. But maybe it was what you deserved, seeing as you’d asked for time and space. Fuck. No, you’d definitely done the right thing for you…but had you done the right thing for Kevin?
What you did know for sure was that you couldn’t leave him standing outside, when he knew full well that you had no real plans today. He knew your schedule too well for that. So with a deep breath, you put on a smile and opened the door. There he stood, eyes warm albeit sleepy, that hair so perfectly tousled. Why did he have to hit every single tickbox on your list? How was that fair?
“Look who’s up before midday on an off-day,” you teased, “What are you doing here?”
Kevin smiled at your teasing, but it was as fake as you knew your smile was. Fuck. “I was in the neighbourhood and figured I’d see what you were up to. Mind if I come in?”
Ouch. He definitely wasn’t in the neighbourhood, he was here for one reason only. To talk. Fuck.
But you nodded, letting him past you into your apartment anyway. He’d given you three days’ space, like you’d asked, it was only fair that you let him say his piece now right?
“Coffee?” you asked, shutting the door behind him.
“Yes please,” Kevin groaned, nodding.
Your smile slipped a little as you headed to the kitchen, you heart already aching with the preparation of it being broken completely, but you managed to keep yourself together as you reached for the coffee pot, pouring him a large mug of the caffeinated lifeblood in silence.
“Here you go,” you said as cheerfully as you could manage.
“Thanks,” he said, smiling.
He sat down at the kitchen island, looking up at you with those beautiful big eyes, until you sat down opposite him.
“I still mean it, y’know,” he said bluntly.
You frowned, not understanding. “Mean what?”
“Mean what I said that night. That I love you,”
Oh God. Fuck. Your breath hitched in your throat, your lips parting in surprise. What…what was he doing?
“Kev, please don’t…”
“No, I’m going to,” Kevin interrupted, uncharacteristically solemn, “Because you seem to have some pretty incorrect ideas in your head and I need to set them straight,”
You swallowed heavily, biting your bottom lip. How were you even supposed to respond to that? Kevin saw the anxious look on your face clear as day, his own seriousness softening to a sad smile.
“Patty said you looked pretty upset when you left that night,” he said softly.
You shook your head, desperate for a sliver of control. “I wasn’t upset, I-”
“Even if he hadn’t spent the last three days ripping into me, I know you were upset. You’ve never just left like that,” Kevin said firmly.
Normally, you hated being interrupted. But in this case, you really had nothing else you could say. Nothing that you could say, not when he knew you so well.
“No, I haven’t,” you sighed, leaning back in your chair.
“I’m sorry that me confessing how I felt made you leave but I wasn’t messing around! I was trying gather the high courage to tell you, after all this time!” Kevin said desperately.
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.
He was serious, wasn’t he? Of course he had to bulldoze right through, in typical Kevin Hayes style.
But Kevin took your silence the wrong way.
“How could you not have known?” he frowned.
“How could I possibly have known, Kev? I’ve seen you flirting with women before – and you’re never like that around me. How could I have known that you wanted anything more than friendship when you’ve never acted like it?” you retorted.
Kevin’s cheeks flushed, and he ducked his head briefly, before he looked back up at you. Fuck, he looked a little sad? Like...like he was about to genuinely open up his heart. Fuck.
“I always thought you weren’t interested in me. Why would you be interested in dumb stoner Kevin? I figured if I could only ever have you as a friend then I would latch onto that, because having you in my life in any way is so much better than not having you in my life at all,” he said sadly.
You had never heard him this eloquent before. To be honest, it made your heart ache all over again. But he was never like this…why now?
“Are you still high?” you asked, frowning.
Kevin laughed dryly, shaking his head. “Why do I have to be high to tell you how I feel?”
“Because that’s literally the only time you’ve ever said it before?” you said, raising an eyebrow.
Kevin groaned softly, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck.
“You know meaningful stuff doesn’t come all that easily to me,” he huffed.
“I also know you’re not just Kevin-the-hockey-playing-himbo-from-Boston,” you pointed out, smiling slightly.
Kevin laughed softly. “You always have figured me out pretty well,”
“I’m just not a mind reader,” you mused.
He laughed again, nodding his head. “I guess I just…I saw you and I had to say it. I’ve liked you for years, sweetheart, ever since we lived in Tribeca. And I thought, maybe, just maybe, you getting your job transferred to Philly meant that it was finally our time. But it never happened. Maybe it was the weed. Maybe it was the weed and how beautiful you looked combined that actually took down those barriers which have kept me from blurting out my feelings in the past. But I swear to you, I meant every word,”
Sweetheart. Wow. Never had that word affected you more. You swallowed heavily, looking down at your hands. It was true that you’d always been able to read him well – and he was being so sincere right now that it had your stomach tied in knots. He really meant it, didn’t he? He really meant…that he loves you. That he’s loved you for years. Fuck.
It was everything you’d hoped to hear, and you’d spent the last three days trying to convince yourself he didn’t mean it. But he really did mean it, didn’t he?
“Say it again,” you murmured.
The grin that spread across Kevin’s lips sent a shiver up your spine.
“I love you,” he said clearly, firmly, looking directly into your eyes.
Your breath hitched in your throat, butterflies exploding in your stomach. Fuck that was so good to hear. Holy fucking shit.
“Kevin…” you whispered helplessly.
“I gotta know…because I’m holding onto a scrap of hope that you feel the same…do you…”
He trailed off, his voice a little desperate, a little lost, and you found yourself nodding like an idiot, tears springing to your eyes. If he could be brave, then so could you.
“Yes, Kev, I do. I love you so much,” you admitted.
Kevin laughed in triumph, a little incredulous, and he quickly stood up from the island, taking one large step towards you, and tugging you to stand up on your feet too.
“Fuck, fuck, can I kiss you?” he asked, happiness sparkling in his eyes.
You found yourself laughing, but nodded and clutched at his sweater, holding on in case your weak knees gave out on you. Kevin grinned, resting his forehead against yours briefly, before he closed the distance between you with a firm kiss. You couldn’t help but melt into his arms, kissing him back just as eagerly, throwing your arms around his neck a little desperately as his tongue slid against yours. His hands went to your hips and he easily picked you up to place you on the kitchen counter, and you gasped into his mouth at how effortless the motion was, moaning a little as he just stepped right in between your legs. It felt like second nature to hook your legs around his waist, pulling your bodies even closer together, earning a soft moan from the man that sent a pulse of heat right between your thighs. Fuck.
“Kev, wait, we shouldn’t…” you gasped, tilting your head back to break the kiss.
Because as much as you wanted to hop right into bed with him, you needed to let him know that this wasn’t all this was for you. It couldn’t be.
“Fuck, you gotta know this is more than sex for me, right?” Kevin groaned, eyes a little wild as he looked down at you.
How did he always know what to say?
“Again, I’m not a mind reader,” you laughed.
Kevin laughed as well, ducking his head to press gentle kisses into the soft skin of your neck.
“I want to take you out on so many dates. I want to tell my mom about you properly rather than just mention you in passing. I want to ignore Patty crowing in the locker room that he gave me the kick up the ass that I needed. I want to tell Brady and Jimmy that I finally took a chance. I want to show you off to the world as my girlfriend,” Kevin murmured between kisses, finishing with a nip to your earlobe.
Fuck. That was all that you wanted, and he was offering it up on a silver platter.
“I want that too,” you gasped, tilting your head more to the side.
You felt Kevin smile against your skin, nipping at you again before he lifted his head to look at you properly.
“Now can I kiss you again?” Kevin asked hopefully.
You laughed but nodded, threading your fingers through his messy curls. “You can kiss me any time you want,”
Kevin grinned and did just that.
Pulling into the practice arena, Kevin realised he still had a stupid smile on his face. He’d spent all morning at your apartment, mostly making out on the sofa with a little talking dotted throughout, and he’d only been able to tear himself away because Nolan had texted to remind him about the mandatory afternoon practice today. Obviously he would much rather have stayed with you, especially now that he knew what it was like to kiss you, how your lips felt against his, how easy it was to hold you in his arms, but if he skipped practice there would be hell to pay.
That, and he now knew how easily he could get carried away, how easily he could get lost in you. He hadn’t lied when he said that this was more than sex for him. Loving you was everything – overwhelming, all-consuming and wonderful – and there was no way he was going to let sex ruin that. As much as he already knew it would be incredible. He’d waited four years to be in your bed more than platonically, he could wait a little longer. Especially now that he knew you loved him too.
Fuck, you were finally his. He could finally call you his girlfriend. Fuck.
Kevin was so lost in his thoughts as he parked his car, that he didn’t notice a familiar figure walking up to him, and flinched as they knocked on the window. Nolan. Fuck.
“Way to give me a heart attack, baby cat,” Kevin groaned as he got out of the car.
“You made me catch a lift with Teeks last minute – now we’re even,” Nolan smirked.
Kevin just laughed, rolling his eyes as he pulled his bag out of his car and locked it. When he turned back to look at his friend, he saw that Nolan looked incredibly smug, almost unbearably so, and steeled himself for an interrogation. He hadn’t exactly been forthcoming in his text earlier to say that Nolan would have to find his own way to practice. Oops.
“Please tell me you came from your New York girl’s place,”
Hah, your New York girl. When you’d first moved job to Philadelphia, Kevin had referred to you as ‘a girl friend from New York’, to try to play it cool, to try to hide how excited he was that you were finally going to be reunited…and the name had stuck. Pretty much everyone on the team, including some who’d been traded away, referred to you as ‘your New York girl’, mainly because of how red Kevin had blushed when Claude had called you that when you’d first met the team.
The team liked teasing their usually-unflappable teammate.
You liked that Kevin talked about you in the first place.
Kevin just liked that people had always called you his.
“Yeah, I did,” Kevin shrugged, trying to play it cool.
But Nolan just rolled his eyes, not having any of it.
“You two talked right? Like, actually talked,” Nolan asked firmly.
That and other things. But Nolan didn’t need to know that. Kevin just smirked, nodding, and laughed as Nolan whooped.
“I swear to god I’m not getting those three days back, you owe me so bad. And I’m claiming victory for this matchmaking,” Nolan grinned.
“Meddling more like it,” Kevin mused, rolling his eyes, “You got the result you wanted though,”
“I did?”
“You did,”
“Fucking finally,” Nolan groaned.
“Finally what?”
Kevin turned his head to see Claude walking up behind them and winced. If Nolan kept his mouth shut then maybe Kevin had a chance of not being ridiculed for the entirety of practice…
“Hayesy ditched me to finally talk about his feelings,” Nolan smirked.
“With your New York girl? Fucking finally,” Claude grinned.
One day that nickname would fade. One day.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Better late than never,” Kevin mused.
“Only took you a few years,” Nolan snorted.
Four long miserable years. But who was counting.
“Well I’m glad you finally took a chance. Fuck knows it’s been painful enough watching the two of you dance around each other,” Claude teased, before his face suddenly went serious, “She returned your feelings, right? Like, fuck-”
“She did,” Kevin said, interrupting, “She loves me too,”
Saying it out loud like that made him grin, earning laughter from his two teammates.
“Thank fuck for that,” Claude huffed, teasing with a grin of his own.
Thank fuck indeed.
From: Kevin
Dinner at mine tonight?
I’ve got that wine you like…
To: Kevin
You had me at wine.
What time do you want me?
From: Kevin
I always want you.
I’ll have food ready for 7pm.
But come over whenever!
To: Kevin
You ridiculous flirt.
Can’t wait to see you.
Kevin’s messages kept a smile on your face for the rest of your work day, and you didn’t bother going back to your apartment after work – heading straight to his place was all you could think about, so that’s all that you did. And the smile that he greeted you with when he opened the door – bright, genuine, happy – told you that you’d made the right decision.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Kevin murmured, tugging you against his body.
You couldn’t help but laugh, leaning into his hold as he shut the door behind you. “Flattery will get you everywhere,” you grinned.
Kevin grinned back. “Good to know,”
You rolled your eyes fondly, leaning up on your tiptoes to press your lips to his in a soft kiss, smiling at the happy noise he made as you embraced sweetly, your arms sliding up his chest and around his neck. Fuck, even just knowing that you could do this now, kiss him whenever you wanted, sent a shiver up your spine, let alone how good it felt to brush your tongue against his. It was like the floodgates had opened – now that you could kiss him, touch him, hold him, you never wanted to stop. You took every opportunity, and Kevin was exactly the same – maybe even more so, with the way his hands always seemed to stray to your ass.
The kisses eventually slowed to a few gentle pecks, Kevin looking a little stunned even as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“Hi,” you murmured.
“Hi,” he said back, a little helplessly.
Both of you laughed, Kevin resting his forehead against yours briefly before he stepped backwards a little, taking both of your hands with his.
“I gotta finish up some dinner prep, but I can pour you a glass of wine while you wait?” he suggested.
Sweet, thoughtful man.
“That sounds perfect to me,” you nodded, squeezing his hands in agreement.
Dinner was perfect. Wonderful. Incredible. It was only a simple pasta dish, but full of vegetables and spices and flavour, and the fact that Kevin had clearly poured time and effort into making this for the two of you made it even more special. Sitting across from him at the dinner table, each talking about your days, Kevin making your sides ache with laughter…it was all you could ever have dreamed of.
Was it all too good to be true?
That niggling thought followed you to the sofa after you’d finished eating, Kevin joining you with two fresh glasses of wine. He spotted your creased forehead and frown immediately, like you feared knew he would.
“What’s that face for?” Kevin mused, raising an eyebrow.
Sometimes it was a blessing how easily he could read you. But you weren’t sure if now was one of those times. As his smile started to slip, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself. There was no point in hiding your thoughts from him. Honesty and communication were a good thing, right?
“I guess I’m just nervous, that’s all,” you admitted.
Kevin frowned to match you, his eyes immediately going serious. “Nervous? Why?”
“Things are just different now. You know that,”
Kevin’s frown immediately shifted to a smile, making your heart beat a little faster. His faith in you was mindblowing. “It’s just you and me, how it’s always been. How it always should be. Nothing’s different about that,”
But still you shook your head, smiling fondly. “I know you as Kevin-the-friend. I don’t know you as Kevin-the-boyfriend. It’s whole new territory…and I have a horrible thought in my mind saying that it’s all too good to be true,”
Kevin’s face fell again at your words, and he quickly put his wine glass on the coffee table, shaking his head as he reached out to take one of your hands in his. Your breath hitched in your throat at the emotion in his eyes, like it genuinely hurt him to hear the words that came out of your mouth, and you put your own glass down on the floor with a wince.
“Are you…having second thoughts? About…us?” he said quietly, like the words left a bitter taste in his mouth.
You quickly shook your head – you knew that wasn’t it. Not even close. But still…
“What is it then?” Kevin asked, confused.
Here goes nothing. “Sometimes it doesn’t feel real, us being together. Like I’m going to wake up and you’re going to want to only be just friends. It scares me,”
“Shit,” Kevin groaned, eyes closing briefly.
When his eyes reopened his eyes to look at you once more, the fire in his expression startled you…but also made your mouth go dry. That intensity was a good look on him, one you hadn’t seen directed your way before. Fuck.
“Sweetheart, I can’t predict the future. Hell, I can barely figure out what to make for breakfast, let alone where our relationship is going to go. But I do know one thing for certain,” he said firmly.
You swallowed heavily, letting out a shaky breath. “And what’s that?”
“That I want us to have a future. That I am all in. I’m putting my whole heart into this baby, and I just wish I knew what to do so you would believe me,”
Fuck, you did believe him. You absolutely did believe him. How could you not, when you could feel his heart so strongly?
“Kev, I…” you trailed off, a little helpless, not sure where to start.
“What can I do?” he asked, eyes a little desperate.
“I don’t know! I wish I knew. I want this to work so badly,” you murmured.
“All we can do is put the hard work in, right?” he said firmly, eyes bright and shining, “Like, if we both try with our whole hearts, then it’s got to be worth it, right? We’ve been friends for years – that isn’t going to change. We have that foundation already. Now we’re just taking that next step, learning more about each other, rather than starting something scary from scratch,”
Your eyes filled with tears at his heartfelt words, and you found yourself nodding before you could stop yourself.
“It’s still scary…but it could be scarier,” you agreed, biting your bottom lip.
Kevin nodded, smiling encouragingly, to which you let out a shaky breath.
“And no matter what, we’re in this together, yeah? We’ve got each other, more so than ever before,” he said softly.
Your eyes dropped to where his thumb ran back and forth over your hand, a small smile spreading across your lips. “I like the sound of that,”
Kevin’s shoulders seemed to relax a little, like he was letting out tension, sending a guilty pang through your body. Fuck, there you go, making him feel bad again.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, shrinking back a little.
“Hey, no, no apologies. I’m glad you told me,” he replied, shaking his head, “I’d rather we talked about stuff like this than let it build up to something ugly, y’know?”
He had a good point – you couldn’t imagine having a nasty all-out fight with Kevin, and you didn’t want to. He was one of your oldest friends for a reason, and you didn’t want to lose that through a stupid fight, no way.
“Same goes for you too, yeah? You can…should talk to me about anything that worries you,” you said softly.
Kevin smiled, nodding. “Alright, it’s a deal,”
He reached out to pick up his wine glass from the table, holding it towards you in a ‘cheers’ motion, making you laugh. But you picked up your glass from the floor anyway, and clinked it with his, both of you taking a long drink. Kevin was uncharacteristically quiet for a moment, before he quirked a smile your way.
“Let me take you out, show you what Kevin-the-boyfriend is like,” he suggested, “Let me show you that this new thing between us is going to be something amazing,”
How could you say no to that?
“I’d like that,” you grinned, relaxing into the sofa a bit more, “I already know I love Kevin-the-friend…so I think I need to meet Kevin-the-boyfriend properly,”
And as stupid as it felt saying those words out loud, you knew you were right – you needed to see this next stage in your relationship clearly, to banish away those niggling doubts. It was still Kevin, right? Just…more.
Kevin stretched his leg out onto the sofa, nudging your hip with his foot with a big smile on his face, nudging nudging nudging until you gripped his ankle tightly with your free hand, raising an eyebrow. All you got in return was his eyebrows wiggling at you, a stupid grin on his face.
“This is going to be great, you’ll see,” Kevin said cheerfully.
You were counting on it.
A first date was always something to be nervous about, right? Shaky hands, pounding heart, butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms…it was all natural, right? Because you were experiencing all of these things while you got ready for your date with Kevin.
But was it truly nerves? You weren’t nervous as in apprehensive. No, not at all. Any time you spent with Kevin was always full of warmth and laughter, even when you were just friends, and you knew that tonight would be so different. No, it was nervous as in excited. Nervous butterflies? Shaky giddiness? Whatever it was, it was more than a little overwhelming, but it only took one glance at the last text Kevin sent you to keep a smile on your face.
From: Kevin
I can’t wait to see you, beautiful 💖
Simple, but effective. He always knew what to do and say, even when he didn’t know he was doing it. So instead of getting cold feet or freaking out, all you did was put on your favourite playlist and bop around while you got yourself ready. You’d already gotten your usual leg and bikini wax this morning, having planned to wear a slinky black dress with bare legs, and as soon as you shimmied into the dress you knew it was the right choice. Figure hugging without being clingy, sexy as well as classy – a little black dress is a classic for a reason. After putting on a little makeup and a pair of your favourite heels, you were ready.
Kevin had insisted on picking you up so he could drive the two of you to the restaurant, rather than meeting there, and he arrived to yours right on time. But as you opened the front door of your apartment to greet him, his face was a little stunned, and he was uncharacteristically silent. Huh.
“Everything okay, Kev?” you asked hesitantly.
He quickly nodded, the stunned look on his face slipping into a wide smile.
“You just look so beautiful. Caught me off guard,” he shrugged.
You felt your cheeks heat up with warmth, and you batted your hand at his chest, making him laugh. Ridiculous man.
“Well, you scrub up pretty well yourself,” you teased.
A crisp white button-up shirt, a nice fitted pair of jeans and tailored jacket? Such a good look on him. Kevin just grinned at your words, ducking his head to kiss you softly, making your breath hitch in your throat. Yeah, this was going to be a good night.
“Ready to go?” he asked, as he broke the embrace.
“Yeah, let me just grab a jacket,”
The drive to the restaurant was short and smooth – a Spanish tapas place, on recommendation from Claude – and you were shown to your table immediately, Kevin pulling out your chair for you with a bright smile on his face.
“Welcome! Here are your menus – would you like to see the drinks menu too, or do you know what you would like?”
You looked from the waiter to Kevin with a shrug, to see him looking at you with a hopeful smile. Huh. He already planned this out, didn’t he? So you just nodded at him and smiled back.
“Can we have a glass of Rosado each?” Kevin asked, smiling effortlessly.
“Of course, I will be back momentarily,”
As the waiter walked away, you raised an eyebrow at Kevin, who just shrugged a little bashfully.
“I never have any clue which wine goes with what. So I asked Claude when he recommended this place – a few of the guys around us chimed in with their thoughts too, and apparently Rosado goes with tomato-y garlic-y things. I figured that’s the majority of what we’d be eating, so I hope that’s okay” Kevin explained.
The fact that he had put so much thought into tonight, asking his friends and really researching, made your heart clench, and it was all you could do to nod. He really was so sweet – no-one had ever put in this much effort for you before.
A silence fell over you for a moment, not awkward, but still not fully comfortable, until you looked at Kevin and the both of you huffed out a laugh.
“This is weird, right?” you giggled.
“Nah, not if we don’t let it be,” he shrugged, smiling.
His ease and nonchalance was something to be jealous of, that much was true.
“So confident, Mr Hayes,” you mused, raising an eyebrow.
“Easy to be confident when I’ve got the most beautiful person in the room sitting opposite me,” he replied smoothly.
Oh so smooth.
“Kev…” you groaned, hiding your face with a hand.
“Come on, I’ve been wanting to say these things for years! Indulge me,” he teased.
Years. The very thought of it sent a shiver down your spine.
“You think I haven’t had my moments of weakness? Where I’ve thought about us over the years?” you asked simply, raising an eyebrow as you lowered your hand back into your lap.
Kevin inhaled sharply, making you smile. Good.
“I like that you have. Thought about us, I mean. I just can’t believe how stupid we’ve been. We’ve wasted so much time,” Kevin sighed.
You reached across the table, resting your hand on top of his with a smile. “We’re here now, right? That’s all that matters,”
“Yeah exactly,” he nodded.
Then he bit his bottom lip, as if he was hesitating on something, making you smile a little more.
“What is it, Kev?” you asked softly.
He stayed silent for another beat or two, before he looked at you intensely.
“I see my future with you, sweetheart,” he blurted. Oh wow. “And yeah, maybe that’s too soon to say, but this isn’t some brand new fresh thing – this has been building for years, and now that we’re finally together, it just feels so right, y’know?”
Your heart clenched at his sweet words, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your lips. Fuck. Who knew a hockey player could be so open and in touch with their feelings? Well, it was Kevin after all. Might as well speak your own thoughts too.
“It does feel so right. I’ve never felt anything for anyone like I feel for you,” you admitted.
Kevin’s answering smile was a little stunned and a little helpless. “Fuck, same. Same for me,”
You ignored the butterflies filling your stomach, looking down at the menu in front of you to stop your smile going stupid. What was it about this man that made you feel so different? His honesty? His smile? His laugh? Fuck, all of that and more. All you did know was that you didn’t want it to stop.
The date continued on to become the best date you had ever been on. Not that you were surprised – it was Kevin after all, and you already knew there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do if it would make you smile. And you were quickly learning how true it was for you too. Having all that adoration, that attention, that smile focused solely on you? It was addictive, and you didn’t want it directed towards anyone else. You wanted his whole heart, you knew that much already, and you could only hope that he wanted the same from you.
Both of you only had one glass of wine with your food, as Kevin was driving you home, and by the time the two of you had reached the front door of your apartment (Kevin had insisted on walking you to your front door, even though it was an apartment building), you felt giddy. Giddy and ridiculous and unbelievably happy. This was it, this was what you had been waiting for. This moment, this knowledge, that same confidence in this thing with Kevin that he’d had all along. You only wished it hadn’t taken you so long.
But you were here now, that’s all that mattered. You and Kevin, together. As it should be.
As you unlocked your front door, you felt yourself pausing in the doorway, Kevin making a questioning noise as you stopped moving. You bit your bottom lip gently, before taking a deep breath to steel your nerves. “Do you want to come in?” you asked, looking up into those beautiful blue eyes.
Kevin’s lips parted in surprise, a stunned expression filling his face.
“Like, come in come in?” he asked, voice a little breathy.
The sheer want in his voice made you shiver, and you knew you’d made the right decision in asking him. You could basically taste the tension between you as you nodded slowly, Kevin swaying forward as if he couldn’t help himself.
But then he stopped, freezing still, making you frown.
“Are you sure? Like, it’s not too soon?” he forced out, eyes a little wild.
So you quickly shook your head, smiling at him checking.
“Kev, it’s us, right?”
He’d been saying it for weeks, that being together was just a next step in your strong foundation of friendship, so both of you giving in to that obvious desire wouldn’t ruin anything at all. You wanted him…he wanted you…so why not take things up another notch?
“Yeah, it’s us. Endgame, baby,” Kevin grinned.
And just like that, the tension burst like a balloon, making you laugh. Yeah, this was the man you were in love with alright.
“Come on loverboy,” you laughed, rolling your eyes fondly, “Let’s not give my neighbours a show,”
Kevin smirked, wiggling his eyebrows as he followed you into your apartment, making you laugh all over again. There was none of that nervous apprehension you’d felt with other guys before – it was all just excitement, fizzing and buzzing through your skin, and your mind swirled with ideas.
Stripping him down slowly, piece by piece.
Getting your mouth on him, every inch of his body, especially his cock.
Having him pin you down on your bed, all gorgeous 6ft5 of him surrounding you in the best way.
“I’ve been thinking about getting my hands on you since I saw you in that dress,”
Kevin’s soft words tore you out of your lustful thoughts, and you moaned softly at the shiver it sent up your spine. Fuck yes, you were getting laid tonight and it was going to be good.
“Then how about you get your hands on me?” you suggested, corner of your lips lifting up in a smirk.
He wasted no time in pressing you into the nearest wall, barely making it out of the entrance hallway, and you laughed as his hands went straight to your ass.
“Feeling better?” you mused, toying with the top button of his shirt.
This wasn’t a fiery desperate rush, crashing about, rough and riling up – no this was a slow build-up of lust and want, much like your relationship had been a slow build-up. No, this was a slow seduction, sweet and all-consuming, bodies moving in sync and taking what they wanted. And you couldn’t fucking wait.
“Hmm, a little,” Kevin grinned back.
“Only a little huh?” you teased.
“Oh I have a few ideas of what could help,” he murmured.
The flash of heat in his eyes sent a flare of heat through your body, and you couldn’t help but to dart your tongue out to wet your bottom lip, Kevin’s eyes tracking the motion, making you smile. But you had no time to tease him before he took your lips in a kiss, making you whimper at how quickly it got heated before Kevin broke away with a gasp, leaving your head spinning.
“So that’s one idea,” he grinned.
Oh fuck, this man was going to ruin you. But not before you ruined him a little bit first.
“What’s your next idea?” you breathed.
Kevin just grinned, stepping backwards a little bit, making you whine before you could stop yourself.
“Stay right where you are, beautiful. Keep your eyes on me,”
That you could do. You dramatically placed your hands against the wall, making him laugh as he dropped his jacket carelessly to the floor, and his fingers went to the top button of his shirt. He kept his eyes on you as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his strong broad chest inch by inch until he was able to drop it to the floor, leaving him in just his jeans. Fuck. You would never be able to get enough of the sight of him like this, let alone the touch (and you couldn’t wait for the taste) – the strength in his shoulders, his chest, his core, his arms…fuck.
“Get back over here,” you said, voice low and rough.
Kevin inhaled sharply, and he wasted no time in stumbling back over to you, arms caging you in against the wall in a way that made you want.
“Great second idea. What’s next?” you breathed.
Fuck. This was winding you up and up and up and you knew the night had barely even started.
“I want…can I taste you?” he blurted.
What? But before you could ask what he meant, Kevin dropped to his knees, making you gasp. Oh fuck. Oh yes.
“You want to be on your knees for me?” you asked, swallowing heavily.
“Yeah, so bad,” Kevin nodded, a little desperate.
Well how could you say no to that?
Biting your bottom lip, you reached up under your dress, hooking your fingers into the sides of your panties and tugging them down. Kevin whined as his view was blocked by the skirt of your dress but you just grinned. This was the least he deserved for stripping his shirt off so slowly. You let your panties drop to the floor when they were past the thickness of your thighs and slowly stepped out of them, kicking them to one side.
His move.
Kevin’s eyes were wide and dark as he raised his hands to rest on your thighs, lips slightly parted.
“Please, can I?” he murmured, thumbs brushing under the skirt hem.
Fuck. This was all too much, the desire, his patience, his asking. Bring it on.
“Yeah, go ahead,” you nodded, inhaling sharply.
He slowly dragged the skirt of your dress up to your hips, moaning softly under his breath when you were revealed bare to him. One of his hands bunched up the dress to hold it in place, the other placed large and firm on your thigh, and his thumb lightly stroked over the wetness in your folds…before he stopped.
Kevin looked up at you, wordless asking one last time. And you just nodded, too overwhelmed in the moment to utter any words, your heart racing at the very sight of him kneeling so comfortably between your thighs. With a smile, he shuffled a little closer to you, ducking his head to place a reverent kiss to your clit, making you gasp, earning a soft laugh.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” Kevin mumbled, mostly to himself.
Then he ducked his head down and dove right in, tongue running over your folds in a wide stripe, his tongue flicking at your clit in a way that made you gasp. Fuck. How was he so good at this, straight off the bat? You could feel him smirking against your skin, before his tongue flicked at your clit again, and you couldn’t stop your hips bucking to chase the feeling. Fuck. The hand holding your dress out of the way adjusted to rest across your hips, pinning you to the wall, as his tongue ran back and forth over your core, gathering and tasting your wetness, dipping in and out of you, making you clench down on nothing. You didn’t hold back the soft moans that spilled from your lips, your body trembling with how good he made you feel. But as you clenched down empty again, you knew you could feel even better.
“More, Kev, please?” you begged.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he groaned, resting his forehead against your hip.
You giggled, pushing his hair out of his eyes so he would look up at you.
“I want more,” you said firmly, eyes holding his in challenge.
And fuck did he rise to the challenge.
Kevin buried his face back between your thighs, eagerly running his tongue back and forth over you, into you, winding you up higher and higher, until he backed off to just sucking on your clit. Then you realised why he’d changed tactic, as his fingers moved to trail through your folds. With a fingertip teasing at your entrance, Kevin looked up at you, those big blue eyes questioning, and it was all you could do to nod. Leisurely Kevin slid a finger into you, letting you get used to the intrusion before he started to move it, gentle and slow, sending sparks up your spine and making your eyes clench shut. Then his teeth scraped over your clit and you wailed at the electricity that shot through your body, eyes flying open to glare down at him, wild and weak-kneed. Kevin’s eyes just sparkled with laughter, and he wasted no time in sliding in a second finger, sucking at your clit in the same rhythm in which he fucked his fingers into you. Fuck. You could feel a familiar heat start to build and you moaned – it wasn’t fair how quickly he learned the cues of your body.
Two can play at that game.
“You look so good on your knees for me,” you breathed, running your fingers through his messy hair.
Kevin’s eyes flashed with fire as he moaned at your words, sending a shockwave through you, making you gasp. Good. He leaned back slightly, tongue darting out over his swollen lips, before he smirked.
“You look so good with my fingers inside you,” he rasped back, curling both fingers over and over again in a come hither motion, “Going to look even better on my cock,”
Game, set, and match. Fuck. You cried out as the onslaught of his fingers sent you crashing through your high, Kevin smirking before he returned his tongue to lick between the two digits, prolonging the wave of pleasure until you were shaking and overwhelmed. Kevin backed off a little bit, leaning back to sit on his heels, but his face radiated smugness, of a job well done, even as the hard line of his cock strained against the denim of his jeans.
It was all you could do to fall to your knees to join him, straddling his lap lightly as you fought to regain control over your breathing, his hands going straight to your hips where your dress had fallen back down.
“Fuck, Kev,” you said with a shaky laugh.
He just smirked, wiggling his eyebrows, making you laugh for real. Ridiculous man. Without saying another word, you rested one hand against his bare chest, lifting the other hand to cup his face. You stroked your thumb over the wetness lingering on his bottom lip, before pressing down lightly on that lip to get him to open his mouth, and Kevin took the hint straight away, accepting your thumb into his mouth. You couldn’t take your eyes away from the sight of him closing his plush lips around it, sucking the wetness away, the same wetness that was still between your thighs.
Then his teeth scraped over the pad of your thumb, imitating his treatment of your clit, making you moan and clench down on nothing, even more evident where your thighs were spread across his lips.
“You’re such a tease,” you gasped, pulling your thumb free.
“Not a tease if I’m planning on following through,” Kevin said simply, smirk still playing with his expression.
The intensity in his eyes paired with the way his hands squeezed your hips sent a shiver up your spine, and you let a small smirk of your own drift across your lips.
“Hmm, yes, you said something about how good I’ll look with your cock inside me?” you murmured.
The noise that tore from Kevin’s throat was barely human, more feral than anything else, and the want in his eyes sent a wave of heat through your body. Fuck, yes.
“Fuck, yes,” he groaned, “I know I just said it in the heat of the moment, but do you…do you want…”
“Yeah, Kev, I want,” you nodded quickly.
Kevin all but growled. “Hook your legs around my waist,” he said firmly.
And then you felt his abs tense, as Kevin anchored himself to stand up from the floor with you in his arms, and you shrieked as you hurried to do as he said, hooking your ankles together against the swell of his ass.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” you breathed, arms firmly around his neck as he held you securely.
It was all you could do not to think about how your bare core was pressed against his abs. Fuck.
“Yeah?” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes fondly. “Take me to bed, Kev,”
Kevin swallowed heavily, his eyes flashing dark and serious.
“Yes ma’am,”
A party was never just a simple party when Kevin Hayes was involved. Music was pounding, beer was flowing, shots were poured, and weed was an easy haze on the back porch. At all the parties he’d thrown like this in the past, you’d always drifted to and from him, flitting from group to group just like he did, always separate. But this time, no – this time you were sitting on the sofa with his arm wrapped around your waist, leaning into his body because now you could.
And fuck did it feel good.
“So, tell us, how does it feel to be finally be called Kevin’s girl, rather than Kevin’s New York girl?” Claude grinned.
Ah yes, that nickname. Finally, it could die.
“Feels pretty fucking sweet actually,” you said simply.
Everyone on the sofas around you burst into laughter, and you could feel the rumble of Kevin’s own laughter deep in his chest. You couldn’t help but look up at him with a smile, earning an adoring smile back, as well as a soft kiss. Yeah, this was exactly where you wanted to be. 
 “How did you two actually meet?” Ryanne asked, smiling, “Like, I know you’ve been friends for years…but how?”
You found yourself smiling as you looked back up at Kevin, and he smiled down at you. It was true, you really had been friends with him for years at this point. And your first meeting was pretty funny.
“Go ahead,” Kevin shrugged.
His loss.
“Alright, so it went like this…”
Sunday night was grocery run night – and this week was no different. You walked into the lobby of your apartment building with both your arms full, trying to figure out how you were going to call the elevator, when you noticed a very tall guy already waiting, the elevator call button pressed. Huh, that solved that problem.
He smiled as you stopped next to him, giving you a little nod. “Hey,”
Holy shit this guy is hot. No, not the time. Tall…hot…great smile…no, focus. Be cool.
“Oh hey, you’re one of the new guys, right?” you smiled, tilting your head to look up at him.
“Yeah, I’m Kevin. I just got a place with my buddies Jimmy and Brady. A couple of floors up from you, right?”
Oh wow. He froze as your eyes widened in surprise, and groaned.
“I swear I’m not a creep?” he offered, wincing, “I’m just really good with faces,”
For some reason, you believed him. Call it intuition, or vibes, or whatever. This guy was being genuine. Huh.
“I guess I’ll have to take your word for it,” you teased.
His shoulders slumped a little as if releasing tension, making you smile. As if by fate, the elevator pinged its arrival, and Kevin gestured for you to enter first before following you in.
You couldn’t help but laugh as you spoke in unison, Kevin just grinning. Oops.
“Go ahead,” you mused.
“I was going to say, if you fancy meeting my other flatmates too, we’re having a little housewarming of sorts. Like, a bunch of our friends are coming over, sort of a drop in and out whenever time kind of thing. It’d be nice to meet you properly, and show you I’m not actually a weirdo? Friday, if you’re free?”
Oh wow. That was really…sweet? Sure, it could blow up in your face, and he could actually be a creep…but again, those intuitive vibes were saying he wasn’t. And it definitely beats sitting at home and eating cold pizza. Again.
And damn, if his flatmates looked anything like him? Eye candy for days.
“Friday huh? I could do Friday,” you said simply, trying to keep your cool.
His answering smile let you know you’d made the right decision.
“…and after that, we became really good friends, all four of us. He never flirted with me after that time in the elevator and I tried my hardest not to flirt with him. I stayed in touch with Kev when he went to the Jets and then here to the Flyers, and he was one of the first people I got in contact with when my job moved me to Philadelphia. And then everything changed a few weeks ago. The rest is history,” you shrugged.
Kevin grinned, although he definitely had a blush on his cheeks.
“You were such a creep,” Claude said, laughing.
Kevin blushed a little fiercer. “It just came out! Of course I noticed the prettiest girl in the building – that was the least awful way I could’ve said it,”
You rolled your eyes as his friends hooted and jeered, although you felt your cheeks heat up with warmth.
“Just couldn’t help yourself, huh?” you teased.
“I got there in the end, didn’t I?” he shot back with a dramatic wink.
“Only took you a few years,” Nolan snorted.
Kevin just grinned, unashamed.
It may have taken a few years, but Kevin was right – you had gotten there in the end. All the years of self-doubt and insecurity, thinking you’d never be more than just friends, had resulted in a beautiful – if unexpected – relationship. A build-up of such a solid foundation of friendship over the past four years had already given you the opportunity to learn so much about him – and you couldn’t wait to learn even more. To learn about Kevin, the boyfriend. And, maybe even more than that, if you were lucky. Yes, unexpected as this may have been, you were in this for the long haul. And you couldn’t wait.
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arotechno · 3 years
Jughead (2015), Issues 9-11: Discussion and Commentary
This brings us to the first arc written by Ryan North, who saw that the aroace Jughead train had left the station and simply could not resist tagging along for the ride. If you’ve followed anything about Jughead as a character at all, then you’ve probably seen many screenshots from these three issues before. It’s the Sabrina arc (that’s right, as in the teenage witch)!
I have a lot of analysis at the end of this one, so buckle up!
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The gang ends up at Pop’s, as usual, where Jughead meets the shop’s new mascot, a talking burger lady. Jughead is, unsurprisingly, thrown off his game by this. After all, burgers are his one true love, but girls? He doesn’t really have an interest in them. It’s a confusing moment for him, and when his friends witness this, well… they assume he’s got a crush on her.
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This is an iconic page in the “aro Jughead” canon. Here we have Betty trying really hard to be a good friend and doing what in her mind is the best for him, trying to help him through what she and the others perceive as his first crush. Jughead, meanwhile, is diving headfirst into a spiral of confusion (and later, discomfort) at the idea of having any sort of interest in another person.
I want to give my utmost respect to Ryan North for explicitly having Jughead say that he doesn’t get crushes. It’s not the only time that North does this during this arc, and I think it makes all the difference between making this awkward and relatable rather than making it seem like Jughead is being stripped of or “cured” of being aro.
Betty pushes Jughead to talk to Sabrina (the burger lady—it’s Sabrina), and after a while of running into each other day in and day out as Jughead frequents Pop’s on a regular basis, they strike up a friendship. Jughead has gotten what he wanted—to be friends with the cool burger lady—and he seems genuinely satisfied.
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…But unfortunately, things do not go as planned for Jughead. The next time they see each other, Sabrina asks Jughead out. And Jughead, in true stereotypical oblivious aro fashion, agrees, without realizing until it is much, much too late that what he has just agreed to is a date. Like, a real date.
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If you think about it, Jughead has probably never been asked on a real date before. And this is something I ABSOLUTELY would have done (and may still do today, if I’m completely honest with myself) as a teenager. Jughead’s immediate regret is so palpable here, and so relatable to me as an aromantic.
In his panic, Jughead turns to his friends for help. They are… not helpful. They’re trying to be helpful, sure, but whereas Jughead doesn’t really seem to want to go through with this at all, his friends are more set on giving him romantic advice (with varying degrees of usefulness). Jughead really has to go out of his way to defend himself and insists on multiple occasions that he thinks the girl in the burger costume is cool and interesting, but that he doesn’t like-like her, he doesn’t even really know her!
Unfortunately for Jughead, he ends up going on the date. And who does he call for help? His only other openly queer friend (I say openly because let’s be real with ourselves, none of those kids are cishet), Kevin Keller.
And okay, this scene with Kevin is genuinely kind of funny. You get the impression that Kevin has had a lot of practice dealing with straight bullshit, and that he’s more than a little disappointed that Jughead’s “big emergency” turned out to be something this totally mundane and not worth his time.
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Ultimately, Kevin is also super not helpful, even after Jughead steals his phone in an attempt to get him to come to the table and diffuse the awkward situation Jughead has found himself in. So Jughead resorts to what I can only assume is plan Z, which is to call Archie for backup.
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Only semi-related, I really love the way Ryan North writes conversations between these two. It just feels really genuine and believable. And anyway, I don’t know what Jughead was expecting, but resident himbo Archie Andrews is of no help to him, and only ends up making things a hell of a lot worse.
This leads to Sabrina rushing off to the bathroom and casting multiple spells to try to get Jughead to at least play along, if not outright fall in love with her, all of which fail spectacularly and only end up making her far angrier with him. I don’t blame her for being upset—the date was a total disaster, and right at the moment Jughead was about to be honest with her, Archie showed up and made things worse. Sabrina storms out, and vows that she’ll get revenge on Jughead for this, somehow.
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All of Sabrina’s subsequent spells on Jughead also backfire. She tries to make him fail his classes, and he passes with flying colors; she tries to make him spend the whole day with resident asshole Reggie, but he ends up befriending him against all odds. She even ends up unleashing a giant eldritch horror by accident, and—well, that’s not important.
In the end, Jughead decides to make things right. He never meant to hurt Sabrina, and she seems to be in a tough spot, having just moved to town, so he brings her some food as a peace offering and explains what really happened. And Sabrina is… surprisingly receptive, in fact more receptive than Jughead’s friends were when he came to them for help, despite the fact that this is something they should already understand about him. Being upset with Jughead wasn’t doing her any favors, so Sabrina already seems to be at peace with what happened and is more than willing to forgive him and be his friend despite all that transpired between them.
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This is a really great scene. There’s a nuance to it—the way Jughead acted on their date was unfair, both to Sabrina and to himself. He needed to be honest from the beginning, but instead, he just kept trying to escape. At the same time, Sabrina gets it, and it wasn’t very cool of her to try to use magic to get what she wanted, either (not that Jughead knows she did that).
Jughead helps Sabrina re-enroll in her old school and quit her job at Pop’s to move back in with her aunts, so that she can live out the rest of her teenage years the way she’s supposed to. Afterwards, Sabrina and Jughead both seem really happy, and thus volume two ends on a positive, quiet note.
I really like this arc, for the reasons I’ve already stated and more. It’s funny and awkward and endearing (I say that a lot about this series, don’t I?), and it portrays a realistic and relatable aromantic problem without it being aboutaromanticism. It’s more about Jughead being honest about his feelings and making a new friend than about Jughead being aro, even though that contextualizes the situation. A great deal of the series is about that—Jughead being honest with himself and others. In the first arc, it’s Jughead shaking off a persona of apathy. In the second, it’s Jughead being honest with Archie about their friendship and the way Archie’s behavior has been making him feel. Here, it’s about Jughead being honest about who he is at his core, and accepting it about himself—and Sabrina accepts it, too, no questions asked. Even if he never says “I’m aromantic,” the sentiment is there plain as day, and it’s a refreshing beat for the story to land on.
That said, I do have a bone to pick with this arc. There’s a line in the sand here between Zdarsky and North. In the last arc, we saw Zdarsky portray that really subtle but meaningful interaction between Archie and Jughead, in which Archie seems not only keenly aware of Jughead being aromantic—even without the word—but also tacitly supportive of him, such that he knows immediately when he’s crossed a line. Here, we see Ryan North take a bit of a step back from that, such that Archie may be aware of Jughead’s orientation but seems way too quick to assume all that’s changed the moment there’s even a sliver of possibility that Jughead has a crush. That’s the reality of having different writers stepping in to interpret the same characters in loosely connected stories like this, but it still bothers me. I prefer Zdarsky’s style of storytelling in general, but in particular I also prefer his portrayal of Archie, as much as Ryan North’s on-the-nose aro moments and undying love for Reggie make me very happy. As a whole, nobody ever stops to ask Jughead what he wants, they only tell him what they think Sabrina wants. Jughead says so himself:
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I suppose one could make the argument that Jughead’s friends, or even Jughead himself, are only really aware of the asexual bit (if at all—for all we know Veronica and Reggie have no idea, for example) and that’s why they don’t only never mention aromanticism but also sometimes seem ignorant of it. It’s possible that the aro side of Jughead’s orientation is still something he doesn’t have the words for, despite it being a truth he knows about himself, and in fact I think that would have been an interesting angle to take, had this series continued beyond 15 issues. But what I have an issue with isn’t so much the fact that Jughead’s friends are unhelpful (because let’s be real, sadly a lot of us have been there), but the fact that never are they asked to apologize for pushing him to do something he so clearly didn’t want to do. Whether he or they know he’s aromantic or not, he was clearly uncomfortable with the idea of going on this date—and not just due to a lack of experience. I would have liked it had Archie, or Betty, or Kevin apologized, or even once asked him what he really wanted. Betty comes the closest, by talking it out with him in the first place, but even she still earnestly pushes him to go through with the date anyway.
Anyway, there are two arcs left for me to discuss, and frankly I’m not as enthused by either of them as I was for these past three, for a variety of reasons. The Ryan North train continues for one more arc, and then it’s on to Mark Waid and Ian Flynn’s big finish. Those two updates might come a little slower. Until then, I was going to include a compilation of Jughead looking uncomfortable, but I've only got one image slot left thanks to tumblr, so instead I leave you with this:
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Same, Jughead. Huge same.
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ninja-librarian · 2 years
Can I have number 12 for Fendra please?
12: Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon?
Okay, so, the wedding and honeymoon went well despite not having an auspicious start with the proposal.
In the name of avoiding spoilers for a later story, I'm going to skim over a lot of what happens with the proposal and just lead with these particular details.
1: Fenton has a very special ring.
2: Fenton needs to get said very special ring resized to fit Gandra's finger.
3: Fenton needs to pick up very special ring from jeweler from being resized, and asks Huey to pick up very special ring because Gandra's starting to suspect something is up because we all know how well Fenton can keep a secret.
4: Huey picks up the ring without a hitch.
Now, this is all going off to a great start. So things go horribly wrong, of course, because,
5: Dewey is Dewey. And a precious himbo-in-training. And inherited Della's impulse control.
6: Dewey. Puts. On. The. Ring.
7: The ring is now stuck on Dewey's finger.
8: Huey. Loses. His. Shit.
Dewey: I dunno. Better question: why are Gandra's fingers so small?
Though Huey does bring out a hatchet at some point in a moment of wrath, no fingers are severed in the name of getting the ring off Dewey's hand. And it does eventually come off with both ring and Dewey unscathed.
Everyone has a new appreciation for the Lord of the Rings. Yes, there are many jokes and puns made about it. Yes, Huey is called Gollum at one point. After Gandra actually gets the ring, some of the kids call it "Precious" and say it in the Gollum voice.
This isn't even half the other chaos that is going on at the exact same time. This is a C plot to this story. Maybe even a D plot.
Anyways. After all the proposal is made and accepted, pretty much the first thing Rosa does is take Gandra by the shoulders and say,
"I'm going to do the exact opposite of what my future-mother-in-law did and insist that you not have a Wedding Mass."
Rosa got guilt tripped into it and somehow had never attended a full Wedding Mass, and had no idea that it would be a two-hour-plus ceremony. On her knees at the front of the church the entire time. (This, by the way, is inspired by my sister's in-laws' wedding, in which they were also guilt tripped into a full Mass not having a clue what they got themselves into.)
Yeah, Rosa was not going to let that happen to Fenton and Gandra.
They do, however, get married at the Catholic church. Gandra didn't think that she'd want to get married in a white dress but agreed to do a single appointment of trying on wedding gowns, mostly just for fun. Except she actually ended up loving it and found three different dresses that she absolutely loved, all out of her price range, and Minnie took what she loved from each of the dresses to create a custom-gown for her.
Yeah, Fenton totally cried when Raymond and Kevin walked Gandra down the aisle. (The three of them weren't much better...)
Violet and Lena were co-maids of honor, and Huey was the best man.
Huey took planning this wedding very seriously. The engagement ring was barely on Gandra's finger before he pulled out the rather large three-ring-binder that was labeled "Fendra Wedding" that he had been assembling since the success of their third first date.
He... clashed slightly with Violet over it. Because she also had her own three-ring binder...
Lena, whom both called upon to settle matters as the third member of the bridal party, was firmly "Team Bride and Groom". Violet and Huey could be arguing about something small and Lena would just shoot Gandra a text like "You want X or Y?" and whatever Gandra chose (even if it was Z) was what they went with.
At the reception, Dewey and Clara do a duet of "All I've Ever Known" from Hadestown, because that's Gandra's favorite musical and the song is just so "them" according to Huey. (And he just ignores Louie when he says "Isn't that the number in which the characters are implied to have sex during the instrumental?")
Fenton tries to very nicely feed Gandra a bite of wedding cake. She smushes it into his face. Fenton retaliates by smearing frosting on her beak, the two of them laughing hysterically.
They honeymoon in Puerto Rico for two weeks. Fenton had always wanted to go and see where his family was from and where Rosa spent most of her childhood, and Gandra wanted to go somewhere where they could chill on a beach, eat good food, and be far away from Duckburg. It was a win-win.
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
may fic round up!
what's up babes? may brought us playoff hockey and me a lot of stress, but around here we focus on the good parts! here's a small collection of fics i read this month that i treasured and adored!
smut is marked with *, minors dni
denis gurianov
rules were meant to be broken by @denis-scorianov
ky and i are in the midst of trading brunette hockey boys to be in love with, and this sweet little fic was with perfect introduction to guri! check it out :))
erik johnson
fourth line grinder (1) (2) (3)* (4) (5) by @horsesandhockeyplayers
yo this series is the bomb and you should read it asap!!! i miss ej constantly and this really fills the void. one day i hope to love my job as much as nell loves hers
jamie oleksiak
sleeping in* by @senditcolton
goofy feel-good big rig smut that feels like morning sunshine when you read it. so good!
joel farabee
i'm with you by @hotgirlhockey
a sweet little beezer fic that made my day when i read it. unrelated but mel is a sweetheart and you should deffo check out her writing if you haven't!
you drew stars (1) (2) by @broadstflyers
a super cute little series that's a mix of childhood friends to lovers/soulmates from what i can tell so far! v excited for the next part
like doves in the wind (1) (2) by @museinmind
joel x oc that looks like it's shaping up to be co-workers to lovers? sign me up!! i love everything about mattie and wish i embodied more of her free spirit
kevin hayes
cape cod confessions by @miracleonice87
adorable summer wedding fluff with everyone's favourite himbo. what isn't there to love?
got a hold on me* by @antoineroussel
this is technically a re-read i did for kev's birthday but it was to be included because it's phenomenal and i think you should read it at your earliest convenience
hell of a view (1) (2) by @danglesnipecelly
this little series is fulfilling all my needs of a summer romance!! there's also a healthy does of fake dating that i can't get enough of. i can't wait to see where this is going to go
matthew tkachuk
twisted in bedsheets* by @troubatrain
best friend's brother has never been my fav trope, but kim is a writing genius who can literally do no wrong. adorable but still so hot
loving you is easier than i had expected by @aereres
i didn't know i needed to see matty as a rockstar but i did and now i think about it daily. so so so good!
bend the rules by @denis-scorianov
angst! angst galore! this hurt so bad but was so beautiful
mikko rantanen
only you* by @hookingminor
who doesn't love mikko?? very hot but also domestic enough to hit me in the feels
sidney crosby
all bets are off (10) (11)* by @princessphilly
i seriously love this story and pray that sid and nina get a happy ending. i want to be as strong as nina when i grow up
tyson jost
like this (1) by @matbaerzal
amalie was kind enough to let me get a sneak peek of this before it got posted and y'all need to get behind this asap!! roomate fics are weakness and this if going to be a good one
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch36: I Bid You Farewell And Good Luck, Morons. Part 1- It’s Like A Pirate Had A Baby With An Angel.
Intro: Thor wakes up on a strange ship, surrounded by even stranger people, a talking tree and a rabbit. Meanwhile, back on Earth, the fight to save Vision is won and the group make their way back to the compound to understand what exactly it is that they’re facing. 
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So I HAD to write Thor and Tony’s POV over the IW chapters too, because, frankly, they had some of THE best scenes in Infinity War, and I love that freaking Norse God Himbo and chaotic Stark chemistry so bad! I know this is Katie and Steve’s fic, but Steve had so little screen time in this film all things considered…we were so robbed!!! Once again, I can’t thank @angrybirdcr​ enough for her edits, they’re awesome!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 35
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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Thor wasn’t dead. But he felt like it. Every inch of his body ached and when he was jerked back to consciousness for a moment, just one split moment, he thought he saw Little Stark. Only it wasn’t her. The woman had dark hair, yes, but as he focussed he realised she looked nothing like the woman he loved dearly as a sister. This wench had huge eyes and antenna dangling from her forehead. And, whilst he knew it had been a while since he had seen his friend, she wouldn’t have changed that much.
Finding his feet he looked around, chest heaving, at the band of people stood in front of him; a woman with green skin and red hair, a man with grey/blue skin covered in red designs, a tree creature- a Flora Colossus unless he was mistaken- which was off to the side draped over a chair, some kind of furry, animal thing- a rabbit maybe- and finally a man who appeared to be a normal, human being. That was until he opened his mouth and Thor realised he was probably the most stupid human being he had ever encountered.
His rescuers had offered him soup, and then when he had explained about Thanos, the green skinned lady called Gamora had told Thor what the Titan wanted the stones for.  Which she knew, because she his daughter.
Thanos had a daughter. Interesting.
“Families can be tough,” Thor spoke wisely, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Before my father died, he told me that I had a half-sister that he imprisoned in Hell. Then she returned home, stabbed me in the eye so, I had to kill her.” He shrugged. “That’s life though isn’t it I guess? Round and round, but I feel your pain.”
The human, Peter Quill, pushed his way between Gamora and Thor, and looked at her “I feel your pain, as well, because, I mean it’s not a competition, but I’ve been through a lot. My father killed my mother, and then I had to kill my father. And that was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I, came out with both of my eyes.”
Thor wasn’t paying attention. The man was clearly a moron, and he’d just noticed he had bent the spoon in the bowl of soup and was having a flashback to the time he had tried to bend the Captain’s shield. Little Stark had laughed so much at how annoyed he had gotten when he failed that she had cried. And then, to make it worse, a few days later the Captain had managed to move Mjolnir. Just a fraction, but it moved. No one had seen it, bar Little Stark of course, but there was something there, Thor was sure. Steve Rogers was a man worthy of a lot of things, but his hammer was complicated. You have to prove your worth. That had been explained to him by his Father the day he had given it to him. Of course, he hadn’t realised then that Eitri had actually made it for Hela first.
Eitri… Oh, yes!
“I need a hammer, not a spoon.” Thor mumbled, as the idea took hold and he looked at the pod at the back of the ship. “How do I open this thing?” He began pressing random buttons on the screen next to the door. “Is there some sort of a four-digit code? Maybe a birth date or something?”
"What are you doing?” the rabbit animal, Rocket asked.
“Taking your pod.” Thor replied nonchalantly.
And then there was an argument in which the moron Quill tried to imitate Thor’s deeper voice telling him he could not take the pod, but Thor was going to take the pod anyway because he was the God of Thunder after all, and then the lady Gamora cut them off quite rightly directing the focus back to Thanos by stating they needed to find out where he was going next.
But Thor had already thought of that. “Knowhere,” he answered as he brushed past Quill and over to the refrigerator he had seen Gamora get his soup from.
“He must be going somewhere.” Mantis argued innocently.
“No,” Quill shook his head and Thor noted his stupid voice was back to normal. “Knowhere? It’s a place. We’ve been there. It sucks. Excuse me, that’s our food.” He jabbed,  suddenly noticing what Thor was doing.
“Not anymore.” Thor shrugged, stuffing it into a backpack he found.
“Thor!” Gamora cut across the pair of them again. “Why would he go to Knowhere?”
“Because for years, the Reality Stone has been safely stored there with a man called the Collector.” Thor stated.
“If it’s with the Collector, then it’s not safe.” Quill snorted. “Only an idiot would give that man a stone.”
“Or a genius.” Thor shrugged.
“How do you know he’s not going for one of the other stones?” Gamora asked.
“There’s six stones out there.” Thor began to explain, “Thanos already has the Power Stone because he stole it, last week, when he decimated Xandar.”
He didn’t missed the shocked and horrified look the group shared with one another.
“He stole the Space Stone from me, when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The Time and Mind Stones, are safe on Earth. They’re with the Avengers.”
“The Avengers?” Quill asked.
“They’re Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.”
“Like Kevin Bacon?” Mantis called out.
“Errr he may be on the team now, I don’t know.” Thor shrugged, having no idea who the man named after a breakfast meat was. “I haven’t been there in a while. And as for the Soul Stone, well no one’s ever seen that. No one even knows where it is. Therefore, Thanos can’t get it. Therefore, he’s going to Knowhere. Hence, he’ll be getting the Reality Stone. You’re welcome.”
“Then we have to go to Knowhere, now.” Gamora stated, looking around.
“Wrong. Where we have to go is Nidavellir.” Thor picked up the backpack.
“That’s a made up word.” Drax, the blue man countered.
“All words are made up.” Thor smiled, slinging the backpack onto his back.
“Nidavellir is real?” The animal called Rocket’s eyes grew wide and he jumped up onto the table and looked at Thor. “Seriously? I mean, that place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the Universe. I would very much like to go there, please.”
“The rabbit is correct.” Thor grinned at Rocket’s excitement. “And clearly the smartest among you. Only Eitri the Dwarf can make me the weapon I need.” He turned to the furry animal. “I assume you’re the captain, Sir?”
Rocket grinned and nodded, “You’re very perceptive.”
“You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?”
“Let me just ask the captain. Oh, wait a second, it’s me!”  Rocket grinned. “Yeah, I’ll go.”
“Wonderful.” Thor beamed.
“Uh except that I’m the captain,” Quill chipped in
“Quiet!” Thor was now beyond bored of the moron.
“And that’s my backpack.” Quill continued pointing to the bag that Thor was stealing.
“Quill, sit down.” Rocket tapped at the pad and keying in the digits to open the pod.
“Look, this is my ship. And I’m not going to - wait, what kind of weapon are we talking about here?” Quill looked round.
“The Thanos-killing kind.” Thor smiled.
Boy, was it going to be a big, fucking weapon like no one had ever seen before…
“Don’t you think that we should all have a weapon like that?” Quill frowned.
“You lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as you minds collapsed into the madness.” Thor shook his head.
“Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now?” Rocket asked.
“Erm, a little bit weird. Yeah.” Thor looked down at him, frowning.
“If we don’t go to Knowhere and Thanos retrieves another stone, he’ll be too powerful to stop.” Gamora stepped forward.
"He already is.” Thor shrugged.
“Look, I got it figured out.” Rocket interrupted, looking at Gamora. “We got two ships, and a large assortment of morons.  Me and Groot will go with the Pirate Angel here, and the morons will go to Knowhere to try and stop Thanos. Cool? Cool.”
“So cool.” Thor grinned before he climbed into the pod.
“For the record,” Quill said leaning down to Rocket, “I know that you’re only going with them because it’s where Thanos isn’t.”
“You know, you really shouldn’t talk that way to your captain, Quill.” Rocket smirked, walking backwards and gesturing outwards with his arms. “Come on, Groot. Put that game down. You’ll rot your brain,”
As Rocket sat down Thor nodded out of the pod to the rest of the people on the ship. “I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Bye.”
It wasn’t hard for the team to track Wanda, her red power flashing bright against the dark sky over Edinburgh City Centre, and as the jet followed her movements, the four friends saw her spiralling through the sky with Vision and crashing through the train station roof, just as Sam put the jet on the ground.
Within seconds the Ex-Avengers were sprinting off the jet.  
“Katie, Nat, take the side!” Steve yelled, as he vaulted over the railings at the edge of the road running down onto the bottom half of the concrete ramp which led to the station. “Sam, up high and remember, we protect Vision at all costs!”
“Got em.” Sam spoke over the coms. “Platform seven, near the café.” 
Steve vaulted over another set of barriers, the station now deserted thanks to the evacuation taking place by the local police. As he ran onto one of the walkways over the lines, he was just in time to see two of the aliens crash through the station roof. Weighing up his options, he realised it was going to be quicker for him to hop down onto the platform he was currently overheard, and jump across the lines to help. He swung his legs over the railings and landed easily, looking up. Across from him he could see Natasha and Katie emerging to the right, as Wanda stood and moved protectively in front of Vision, building power in her hands. An express train whizzed past him and he stood still, waiting and it wasn’t long before the taller, blue looking woman spotted him, and she launched her spear over the platform. Steve easily snapped his left shoulder back whilst leaning over his body with his right, catching the staff in his hand.
“Heads up.” Sam muttered, and as Wanda and Vision turned to see Steve step out from the shadows, fury lining his face, Sam swooped in and kicked one of the aliens across the platform and through a closed café’s security gate, causing tables and chairs to go flying, before he spun and started to fire on the other alien.
Steve launched the weapon he had caught across the tracks where Natasha caught it and stabbed the second assailant in the gut as Katie moved in to head off the other who was stalking back towards them. The weapon Natasha had been using flew back into the alien’s hands and Katie ducked as she swung, jabbing her in the back of the leg with an electric powered escrima stick. The alien let out a yell, stumbled slightly and Steve cleared the platform in an easy leap, rolling and scooping up the second assailant’s staff from the floor, holding it up to block the blow that the creature aimed at Katie. He grit his teeth, planting his legs to absorb the power of the hit, as Katie rolled to the side, jumped up and the two of them began to fight the alien, joined shortly by Natasha. Steve had to admit, the woman (if you could call her that) was a force to be reckoned with, but the three of them were just about getting the upper hand when they heard Sam yell.
The three of them did so and Sam flew in hard, kicking the woman backwards where she fell and scuttled over to her fallen friend. Sam landed next to Katie, drawing both his submachine pistols on the couple.
“Get up” The alien instructed to her fallen partner, her voice was deep.
“I can't.” His gravelly, robotic voice replied.
“We don’t wanna kill you.” Natasha spoke coolly “But we will”.
“You’ll never get the chance again.” The female levelled them, with a cold glare and with that a beam shot down from the hole in the station roof and the two were transported upwards. The weapon Steve was holding also shot out of his hand. He frowned in surprise for a moment, looking at his hand then upwards as the beam of light disappeared and the ship sped off.
“Can you stand?” Sam asked Vision as Katie replaced her sticks and walked towards Wanda and the android. When Vision shook his head, Sam moved forward to help him up.
Supported by Wanda and Sam, Vision looked over at Steve, Natasha and Katie, electricity shimmering over his surface. He’d been badly damaged in the fight, and as he spoke his voice distorted.
“Thank you, Captain.”
Steve took a deep breath and nodded. His face stern, but his eyes were much softer than his expression and Katie knew why. It had been a while since anyone other than Sam, Nat or Wanda had called him Captain.
Steve looked at the android, he might have been damaged but they had the stone, and that was the main thing. Nodding, he spoke. “Let’s get you on the jet.” His voice was soft and he moved to let Sam and Wanda support Vision on their way past him, Natasha following.
Katie hung back a little, trying to stop the light-headedness she was feeling from washing over her.
“You okay?” Steve turned to her as she blinked.
“Yeah, just took a whack that’s all. “I’m fine.” She assured him as they took up the rear of the group, her fingers lacing into his.
Once Vision was safely settled in a seat at the side, Sam dropped into the pilot’s seat. Katie hit the button to close the ramp as the Jet rose into the air.
“I thought we had a deal.” Natasha spun angrily to Wanda. ”Stay close, check in. Don’t take any chances.”
“I’m sorry. We just wanted time.” The younger woman said gently.
Katie glanced at Steve, he was stood up in the middle of the jet, hands on the buckle of his utility belt, staring seemingly at nothing but clearly contemplating something.
“Where to, Cap?” Sam asked.
Steve looked up, he glanced at Sam then locked eyes with Katie as he spoke one word, one simple word that they had all been waiting to hear for almost two years.
After a few hours, with the morning sky being the only thing in sight, Sam started to lower the jet through thick white clouds and Katie couldn’t help but inhale sharply when the compound began to take shape as she watched out of the front window. It looked the same. The buildings, the grounds…she wasn’t sure why she had expected anything to change, maybe because it felt like everything had changed for them, but either way, there it was. The exact same as the last time she had seen it.
Steve noticed her demeanour change slightly as they landed. She stood up straight, her shoulders squaring as if she was about to face an onslaught. And they were, in a way. On their way Steve had called Bruce to tell him that they had Vision and were heading back, but had had no idea what they were heading back to, nor did he care. Be it Ross, police, the army, whatever, Steve was done bowing to anyone’s will, he was over playing other people’s tunes. The two years they had spent hidden had shown them all that they could operate on their own if required, and he wasn’t afraid to fight anyone who got in his way.
They stepped off the ramp and strode over the lawn, Katie taking a deep breath as she looked around. So many emotions flooded her system, she couldn’t explain or identify half of them. Memories flashed in front of her eyes, visions of long summer nights spent outside in the garden and on the BBQ patio until sunrise. Laughs during team dinners. Sam and Wanda collaborating on pranks. Training sessions with the team and Vision reading Tolkien aloud to Wanda before asking questions about humanity’s love of fiction. Walks and picnics and other things in the ground, just her and Steve. Their wedding, God their wedding! Frequent visits from Tony, bringing in new ideas and improved gadgets. Getting back safe after being out on a long mission. Feeling relaxed and at ease.
Feeling at home.
Steve’s arm curled round his wife for a moment before he pressed a kiss to the side of her head as Vision opened the door.
“Still no word from Vision?”  
“Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh.”
“On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world’s most wanted criminals.” “You know they’re only criminals because you’ve chosen to call them that, right, sir? “
“My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own.”
The sound of the call between Ross and Rhodey echoed down the corridor reaching the group that were making their way through to the lab.
“If it weren’t for those Accords, Vision would’ve been right here.” Rhodey shot back and Katie glanced back at Vision as the sounds the voices grew louder as they neared their destination.
“I suspect it will be a Hollo Call.” Vision said gently, answering Katie’s unasked question.  His suspicions were proven correct as they rounded the corner and the lab came into view. Rhodey was stood across from where the holographic image of Secretary Ross was facing off against him.
"You have second thoughts?” Ross was challenging Rhodey, who smiled simply as his eyes shot sideways. Steve strode forward, his presence as intimidating as ever, and the first thing Rhodey noticed was just how dark he looked. Gone was the upstanding, All American Hero, and in its place was someone much harder, far rougher round the edges. Kiddo looked different too. Her hair was shorter and she looked slimmer.
“Not anymore.” He grinned.
The holographic Ross followed Rhodey’s gaze and his eyes fell on Steve who was stood next to Katie at the front of the group, Natasha, Wanda, Sam and Vision behind them. Steve raised his chin a little defiantly and moved to take his power stance, feet apart, hands on his belt, before he greeted Ross politely.
“Mr. Secretary" 
Katie couldn’t help the smirk on her face as she watched Ross attempting to cover up the shock he had clearly felt at the group of outlaws turning up again. She locked eyes with Rhodey who gave her the smallest of winks before he glanced back at Ross who was shaking his head slightly as he approached Steve, his holographic form almost trying to square up to him.  Steve simply raised his chin further and looked down from the steps he was stood on.
"You got some nerve.” Ross sniffed, staring up at him “I’ll give you that.”
“You could use some of that right now.” Katie shot back bluntly, Ross turned his head to face her for a second. She held his gaze and arched an eyebrow until he turned back to Steve.
“The world’s on fire.” Ross said incredulously. “And you think, you can just walk back in here and all is forgiven?”
Steve levelled the secretary with a firm gaze. “I’m not looking for forgiveness.” his voice took on a threatening tone as he spoke “And I’m way past asking for permission.”
At that point the smirk on Katie’s face grew even wider as she stole a glance up at her husband, pride swelling in her chest as he continued, stoic and unyielding. 
“Earth just lost her best defender, so we’re here to fight. And if you wanna stand in our way,” he stepped down to be at level with the hologram, and stared it square in the eyes “We’ll fight you, too.”
Ross was practically foaming at the mouth as his eyes went to Rhodey and he spat out his order, “Arrest them.”
“All over it.” Rhodey promised nonchalantly before shutting off the hologram, shortly after a beeping noise sounded from the computers.
“That’s a court-martial.” He informed the group as he slapped the back of his right hand into his left palm, though his tone said told Katie that he blatantly couldn’t have cared less for Ross’ demands. There was a short pause as the group glanced down at their friend, Steve smiling softly, before Rhodey’s face split into a huge smile of his own.
“It’s great to see you, Cap.” He stepped forward.
“You too, Rhodey.” Steve answered, taking the last two steps down before he shook Rhodey’s hand. Katie threw herself at her brother’s best friend and he gave her a huge bear hug before he looked down at her.
“You do something to your hair?” He teased.  Katie smiled, stepping back from his embrace while he looked the rest of the group over.
“Well. You guys really look like crap. Must’ve been a rough couple of years.”
Steve looked round, an amused smile on his face as he glanced at his wife then to the rest of the team.
“Yeah, well, the hotels weren’t exactly five star.” Sam quipped back cheekily, the banter flowing between them like no time at all had passed.
“Uh, I think you look great.”
Steve turned at the new voice to see Bruce inching his way into the room nervously wringing his hands together.
Steve and Katie remained silent, exchanging a glance. In the rush around and the fray of the fight, we’d forgotten to explain exactly who it was that called.
“Yeah. I’m back.”
Katie glanced over at Nat, she had her gaze fixed solely on the scientist as she spoke “Hi, Bruce.”
“Nat.” Bruce answered inclining his head towards her slightly as he fidgeted.
“This is awkward.” Sam piped up. Steve and Katie looked at one another, before they both smiled and looked back up at Sam.
“Any news on Tony?” Katie asked gently, interrupting the silence that had fallen.
“Not yet no.” Rhodey said. “FRIDAY lost him when he left the atmosphere. We got NASA running scans and we’re trying to track his trail but…” He shook his head. 
“Typical Tony.” Katie rolled her eyes “Always has to go one bigger and one better doesn’t he?”
Her blasé tone wasn’t fooling anyone.
“Banner.” Steve said gently, looking across the room at the scientist. “Can you fill us in on what we’re up against here?”
“Yeah sure,” Bruce said nodding hesitantly.
Without so much as another word, the group all started to make their way out of the room. As Katie turned to follow Natasha, Steve’s hand gently fell on her shoulder. Without looking at him, she reached up and gently wrapped her fingers round his, giving them a squeeze before she left.
Steve took a deep breath as he glanced around the room once more, before he too followed on, that sick feeling in his gut was getting worse.
**** Chapter 36 Part 2
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thewistlingbadger · 3 years
Omg don’t even get me started on how the cm writer screwed over the majority of the female characters 😓
Yeah! They made it weird by always trying to pair them up with guys. Giving a girl a guy doesn't make them a better or more enjoyable character! I would even go to argue that it becomes saddening when the guy that there with is a good character/person. What was Todd's character other than her being with Derek? What is JJ's character other than her being a mother? Same thing with Blake. At least with Callahan it was kind of different because it was her niece AND she was a badass the whole time. Personally I don't/can't find Maeve or savannah enjoyable bc not only did they come out of nowhere but they had nothing.
Think about the way that they approached Penelope and Kevin. Those two met prior to a romantic relationship. They were set up as equals. That's why their romance wasn't that bad in my opinion. (I'm not really sure why the fandom hates Kevin Lynch. The one weird thing he did was the proposal but that's kinda a guy thing? He could have literally just waited two more years to ask the same question she probably said yes. This is why it's important to talk about this stuff and set boundaries if you're in a relationship lmao) Maeve and Savannah? LITERALLY CAME OUT OF LEFT FIELD. WE WEREN'T EVEN AWARE OF THEIR EXISTENCE UNTIL THEY WERE ALREADY DATING.
It's literally impossible to get behind them because we don't know anything about them. How am I supposed to believe that these men are in love with these women when they don't even know them? Who is savannah beside a nurse and a pretty face? Same thing with Lisa! One of the more weirder things about the show. As soon as Derek left the show we saw Emily wake up next to a bald black man. And who does she end up with at the end of the show? Another bald black man! Luke, who role wise is supposed to be Derek's replacement (buff attractive himbo etc) gets a girlfriend who was a nurse, JUST like Derek's wife who is just introduced to us! What happened at the studio that thats what happened??? Were they being lazy? did they have no inspiration? Is it supposed to mean something? I was talking to my cousin about this and she raised the question if they thought that dating a black man was equivalent to being a lesbian (bc Emily originally was a lesbian). And that is a WHOLE lot to unpack.
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ellismuse · 3 years
More random thoughts on the finale.
LOL at Christian wearing his own brand shirt in the opening scene. #merch opp
LOL at Kevin nodding along with Mickey's plan to shoot Frank in the head and dump his body in the river. #himbo friends
I loved the small reappearance of EMT!Ian.
LOL at Mickey's very much no chill prodding of Kevin re: the Alibi invitation plus Ian taking his meds obliviously in the background. Nice to see him actually taking them. That split second after he said they should steal a baby made me wonder, lol. That baby scene was SO wonderful but it is absolutely ridiculous they didn't mention Yevgeny. The lack of continuity from major plot points earlier in the series and even poor continuity from 11a to 11b has been glaring. Sandy who?
Poor Ian thinking Mickey forgot their anniversary. His face outside the Alibi 😭 But then realising Mickey planned a surprise party! The kiss was great. I feel like we could have used a couple seconds more, or at least a couple of lines of them talking about it. It seemed edited a bit abruptly. That party was involved. Dancers, musicians, the tables set with candles etc. Mickey is so good at planning, he really is. Again, we didn't see much of it. Makes me think a lot got cut.
The accordion players playing At last 😭
I was a bit underwhelmed with the episode at first but the more I rewatch my fave parts the more I like it. I think Mickey and Ian are in such a good place by the end, the most settled of all the siblings, and I have no doubt they are going to live happily ever after.
I also feel positively re: Lip's future, and Carl and Liam will be fine too. I'm sure I saw Carl and Tish dancing together at the Alibi in an earlier promo so I'm really interested in their decision to cut her out completely in the finale. I guess we're to assume the baby isn't Carl's after all? I feel like the editing of this whole episode was a bit weird and made everything seem SUPER open ended. Perhaps even more so than first planned? An interesting decision...
While the others will be fine I do think Debbie is going to suck forever but I kind of like that as an ending? She's the embodiment of the worst parts of both Frank and Monica and she's going to spend her life making bad decisions and being a shitty mom if her behaviour this whole season is an indicator. Debbie's going to be the nightmare Gallagher people talk about in the future the way they always talked about Frank. I feel for Franny but I think that's the point, we're supposed to. She has her uncles to look out for her at least.
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if she turns out to be pregnant from that bar hookup a few episodes back and gives the baby to Ian and Mickey. I went back to rewatch her scene at the clinic (a hardship) and she noticeably did not ask for the morning after pill. Anyway, the show's over so knows. 🤷‍♀️
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arsenicpanda · 4 years
Trying to distract you from the elephants and hippopotami (hippopotamuses?) living above you: If you could write S5, what are the major highlights you’d focus on?
An excellent question!  So, I’m going to pick some of the speculation/leaks we have and toss the others and kind of guess/go from there.  Also, this gets long, like 1.9k words long, so be ready.
- Main Mystery: After the success of Jughead’s novel and the reunited Josie and the Pussycats, Riverdale has become something of a novelty, part curiosity, part tourist trap.  But, this season, tourists and Riverdale residents are starting to go missing.  Some come back, some don’t, and those who do come back have wild stories to tell about, idk, Mothman or something, we’ll run with that leak.  But they also have a weird drug in their system.  At least one of the people who disappeared was a government person with top secret knowledge.  Idk exactly what’s happening, but Penny Peabody and perhaps Penelope will be involved.  Maybe they’re using people as lab rats?  Idk, it’s unclear.  Everyone will have a piece of the mystery, even if Betty and Jughead are the ones to put it all together.
- Archie: Archie is, in fact coming home from the army, but instead of Not-Boyfriend #3, he’s coming home with Reggie, who also joined the army.  Reggie’s dad is dead and has left him the car dealership, while Archie wants to Do Something For The Community In Honor Of His Dad again (also, everyone knows he’d be a shitty car salesman).  Maybe we keep the firefighter thing though, idk.  What’s important is that he and Reggie are living together in the Andrews house and, yes, we will get Archie’s gay awakening that we all deserve.  This is 100% a ship we will explore starting somewhere in 5a.  Archie is concerned about the disappearances and knows people being affected by it, same for Reggie.
- Veronica: Veronica went to business school and did business stuff with something new while being distantly involved in Le Bonne Nuit (Pop’s, however, she mainly handed back to Pop, although she does still do something accounting shit for it or something).  However, she also started doing some shady shit (not sure what, I know jack all about this, I’d delegate this decision) and almost lost her business/went to jail/got sued/etc.  Now she’s back in Riverdale to try to return to her roots with Le Bonne Nuit and being a Legitimate Business Woman.  She married a dude who is reminiscent of her mother, kind of a business partner but also a Lady Macbeth type.  The marriage is shaky at best because Veronica kind of forced herself into it, thinking that dating a non-himbo might make her happy after Archie (spoiler: it hasn’t).  They will have their own apartment in the Pembrooke, and, yes, Veronica will have an office somewhere with the rediscovered painting of herself behind the desk ala Hiram because I deserve to see it.  She’ll probably take it down at some point, but it will definitely be up for a while.  She’ll have a rival business person (Elio?) who is both somehow involved in the disappearances, and Veronica’s husband will be revealed to have been working with him at some point.
- Veronica/Archie/Reggie: This is our endgame pairing because I deserve it.  Veronica will get close to her himbos again, with Archie bringing out her better nature and Reggie bringing out her better business angles.  Veronica gets brought into the Archie/Reggie relationship in 5b slowly, might all get together only toward or at the very end of the season.  I’d work out specifics later though.
Now, I’m of two minds about Betty and Jughead.  I could break them up like the show will or I could keep them together because I do what I want.  I’m going to present both cases:
Scenario 1: They stay together
- Betty: Betty is an FBI agent, but she’s also chafing at the restrictions placed on her.  She keeps getting in trouble for going about things in a shady way (like, say, ignoring the need for a warrant), and she’s getting frustrated by all the red tape.  Currently, she’s being sent to Riverdale because of all the disappearances (particularly the government person) and because, well, she’s from there, she knows it.  She has a partner who she doesn’t get along with.  She and Jughead made it through long distance at college and post-grad, and they live together...idk, somewhere.  She will somehow reconcile with Veronica, unclear how.  May or may not quit the FBI to be a PI with Jughead at the end of the season.  Definitely fucks up Penny’s shit at one point.
- Jughead: Jughead is a published author and a PI who Betty sometimes uses as a way around red tape and advocates as a consultant; they both love this.  His first novel about Riverdale secured Riverdale’s place as That Weird Murder Town Where Shit Goes Down and turned it into a tourist trap; he hates this.  He’s on his...idk, third novel, with his second having done less well than his first.  He’s having trouble writing, so he goes back to Riverdale with Betty, hoping that returning to the town that first fueled his writing will help him with his writer’s block.  Jughead gets sucked into the spooky part of the mystery, going off on wild tangents while Betty pursues legitimate avenues. 100% does not have a drinking problem.
Scenario 2: Betty and Jughead break up (either post 4x17 reveal or due to long distance troubles)
- Betty: A lot is the same here.  She’s an FBI agent chafing at the restrictions placed on her and frustrated by red tape; she gets in trouble a lot for going about things shadily in her usual way.  She’s being sent to Riverdale as a Riverdale expert to investigate the disappearances in general but, more specifically, that government person who went to Riverdale on vacation.  (There may or may not be a more suspicious reason for the government person’s visit.)  She is either a single career woman with a partner she doesn’t get along with or she is having an affair with her partner that is falling apart.  While in Riverdale, she’s staying either in an apartment, a motel, or her house, depending.  She will somehow reconcile with Veronica, unclear how.  May or may not quit the FBI to be a PI at the end of the season.  Again, definitely fucks up Penny’s shit at one point.
- Jughead: Jughead is still a novelist upset about the effect his breakout novel had on Riverdale.  He is also an investigative journalist who’s been sent to Riverdale to investigate this shit OR a PI who can afford to take a vacation in Riverdale, and he’s happy to do it because it might help him with his writer’s block.  He has a live-in girlfriend back wherever he lives, and their already dying relationship is going to break with the added long distance difficulties.  He’s going to go after the weirder aspects of the disappearances because he thinks that’s where Riverdale’s answers always are.  While in Riverdale, he’s staying with Cheryl and Toni.  He will definitely reunite with the Serpents, and probably have some friendship moments with Archie as well. 100% does not have a drinking problem.
- Bughead: They will keep ending up at the same places while investigating and slowly slip back into their old routine and habits.  They’ll have a murderboard in the bunker where they meet up away from the eyes of the FBI (Cheryl and Toni draw the line at murderboards in their house), and there will be a lot of pining and sexual tension.  They will have at least one heartfelt conversation about why things didn’t work out, one instance where they have to make out to try and seem harmless after being discovered somewhere they shouldn’t be, and one heated encounter (maybe sex, maybe just making out) after being in a lot of danger.  If Betty is dating her partner, he’s revealed to be a shady fucker after she breaks up with him like three episodes in.  Jughead and his girlfriend have a conversation over the phone where they’re both tryin to break up with the other; it’s quite comical.  Betty and Jughead are reunited by the end of 5a (episode nine at the latest) and spend the rest of the season rebuilding their relationship.  The season may or may not end with Jughead proposing, possibly with a ring he bought for Betty previously but never had the heart to get rid of after the break up, possibly impulsively with one of the rings he always wears, possibly just with a new ring.
- Kevin and Fangs:  Kevin is a drama teacher at Riverdale High, and Fangs does...idk, something, maybe he’s also a teacher, maybe he’s a /bein some field who can work from anywhere, maybe something else.  They live together, a little off/on, but in a way that suits them and always ends in on.  Kevin is concerned about some of his students who’ve gone missing.  Fangs is either in the same position as Kevin or he has an employer who’s being shady.
- Cheryl and Toni: Cheryl and Toni both went to Highsmith College.  Cheryl runs the Blossom maple business well and maybe something else, and Toni is a successful photographer.  As for the twins, Polly recovered and is now raising them somewhere other than this helltown.  They’re back in town for Cheryl’s business purposes, although they mainly live...idk, somewhere else.  Either other Blossoms are secretly pulling some shit, Penelope has resurfaced, or Cheryl has a business partner who’s doing something shady.  Toni sees some shit while taking photographs of Riverdale.  Toni should get a storyline/be involved in the main plot, but I’m not sure what.  Maybe she’ll investigate with Betty and Jughead sometimes?  She definitely has a lot of interactions with Jughead, Fangs, and Sweet Pea though.
- Sweet Pea: Apparently is here?  Maybe lives with Kevin and Fangs?  Works...idk, somewhere?  Possibly went to community college, maybe works at the hospital as a doctor or nurse or lab tech or something?  Maybe is the sheriff?  Unclear, but has seen some shit one way or the other.  I know he’s not a series regular, but we bothered to bring him back apparently, he has to do something.
- Southside Serpents: Might not even be around?  Maybe they disbanded at some point?  Maybe there’s a new version of them that’s being shady?  Maybe we don’t mention them at all?  Unclear.- Alice:  Is still here, apparently, living in Gladys’s house.  No longer with FP, who has gone...idk, somewhere, maybe lives with Gladys?  Alternately, Gladys comes back to live in her house and sparks fly between her and Alice.  Probably is being nosy.
- Hiram and Hermione: Doing some shady shit, undoubtedly, may or may not be shady shit related to the plot, possible red herrings.  It’s kind of one last hurrah for Hiram because we’re finishing up Veronica’s parallels with him this season.  We might get Hiram v Betty at last, though, but then that might be best saved for season 6.  Definitely a mirror for Veronica’s relationship though.
And I think that’s everyone?  I wrote out Tabitha because we know nothing about her so I have no idea what to do with her.  I didn’t break up choni because it really isn’t worth the hassle of breaking up and then getting back together three relationships.  I have no idea what the musical episode would be.  And I didn’t bother to hash out the plot because I’m not crazy enough to lay out a proper Riverdale plot, but I assure you a bunch of crazy shit goes down and at least one 90s teen/college icon shows up.
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perish-the-creator · 4 years
001 Kevin + Rodan
When I started shipping it if I did:
Just like everyone else. They fought and Mark just has to say “They can for food, fight, or f-...something more intimate” As far as why San/Kevin specifically is mostly because I wanted to divide the heads up with someone. It was also because Kevin was characterized as the more curious and likes to explore compared to the other two heads. It would make sense that he would be the one to stir a relationship with someone considered lesser than himself.
My thoughts:
I like the ship when it isn’t masked with this paint of being wholesome. It isn’t. It never was and never will be. There will always be an unstable power dynamic and that’s the fun of it. I have Kevin be a sociopath and Rodan being someone/kaiju who isn’t completely monogamous (none of them really are). It’s a ship that should be allowed to explore the more dark nature. But it is also fun because we do know that in certain ways Rodan has to teach this idiot about earthlings and how to not act like a crazy person/kaiju all the time. It’s interesting because they don’t balance each other out. 
What makes me happy about them:
I guess it’s the idea that they do fill some type of thrill within each other. They are both aware that deep down there is this desire to kill. And they are both kinda holding back and replacing that tension with sex. Their entire relationship is based on built of tension!
What makes me sad about them:
The saddest thing is also the thing that makes their relationship what it is. It’s a relationship based on tension and lust. San/Kevin can only hold back so much before he breaks. And Rodan can only handle so much before he leaves. There is love, don’t get me wrong, but the love is just a blanket over the pile of potential issues that will come up. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
If you’ve followed me for a long time then you know my main pet peeve is how others write San/Kevin. I strongly dislike it when he is portrayed as this sweet boy or innocent cinnamon roll. No, he isn’t.  And while everyone is entitled to their own characterizations (I mean I have made Goji into a himbo that could be considered somewhat soft and naive) Kevin hits different. It’s like he isn’t allowed to be bad. And while the numbers of fics with him write like that are slowly going away considering smut usually makes everyone an asshole or the mere fact Rodorah is angsty by nature, it still drives me up the wall. And with Rodan, you can’t really mess him up. He’s one of those characters who’s characterization is very lax and I can handle different versions of. 
Things I look for in fanfic:
I would like to see a bit more tension. I want to see that Rodan is on the fence about being in love and whether or not he’s just a phase to them. And maybe...just maybe...have San feel the most entitled. Again, I dig having San as an unhinged jerk. 
Who’d I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Rodan is a chaotic bisexual who meshes well with a lot of other people/kaiju. It really just depends on how the relationship is portrayed and how Rodan is written. San, however, is a tricky question. He’s very...manipulative and unhinged by all means. If he knew he’d get sex out of it he’d take it. Though really only two others I see him with; Goji or Ni. NOW BEFORE YOU TRY TO KILL ME HEAR ME OUT. I’m one of the few people in this fandom who do not see the heads as biological brothers. King Ghidorah wasn’t born King Ghidorah he was made. Each head is a different offspring that was fused together to make him. But yeah, San would gladly wreck Ni or Goji. 
My happily ever after for them:
What I consider a happily ever after for most of my ships is them having children and the children reaching adulthood. Very basic. 
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
Rodan little spoon looking ass. 
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
World watching. Oddly enough, they are both interested in humans and like to have conversations on what they think humans use certain things for. Though San will go on a tangent about how he craves human meat.  
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avauntus · 4 years
Supernatural - a retrospective
This is super self-indulgent, and I have so much else I’ve promised-- I owe a long-fic rec post, and ao3 comments, wip work, and that’s just my fandom stuff I’m behind on. *sigh*
But it’s late on a Saturday and now I’ve finished Supernatural, I want to share what I think are my top few eps, and a few other comments. I promise some of this will be different from the “greatest hits” you probably usually see, and I’ll try to make it worth your time. *wry smile*
Look, we have to have categories like: “Most Likely to Live in My Head Rent-Free for the Rest of my Life” and “Most Likely to Inspire Unnecessary Fanfiction” that are different from “Favorites,” because that’s just the cursed energy this show has. ;-)
My top five
#5 - 13.01 - “Lost and Found”
Written by: Andrew Dabb | Directed by: Phil Sgriccia
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In fandom, this is most often referred to as the start of the “Grieving Widower” arc, tongue-in-cheek. Also has Alexander Calvert (Jack) walking around completely in the nude for the first third of the ep. (Neither of these are why this is in my top 5, but he has a good story about wardrobe for his ‘first day.’) 
I didn’t expect much out of this episode the first time I watched it, but I’ve gone over this ‘section’ of the show maybe 3-4 times in my Netflix catch-up, and I watch this one in full every time. From Jack being...not at all what anyone expected and an unsteady vindication, to the stunning cinematography (there’s a post that compares shots to Brokeback Mountain, but I think the shots here might be better), to the sheriff who takes the time to remind her deputy that “...there’s no such thing as ‘weird.’ Everyone’s normal in their own way,” to the slow reveal of exactly how hard the events of the previous night (12x23 - All Along the Watchtower) are hitting Dean and Sam and in different ways...(how long the episode takes to reveal to you how Dean fucked up his hand, and what he was saying when he did. Augh!) The Winchesters are trying to rally, but they have been taking hits for a long time, and the cracks are showing.
 #4 - 15.06 - “Golden Time”
Written by: Meredith Glynn | Directed by: John F. Showalter
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Supernatural  has a terrible track record with representation in all stripes. It is infamously consistent in killing off anyone minority, female, or non-White. One of the interesting things about the chaotic meta-narrative of season 15 is you can see the lack of fucks some of the writer’s room had to give about not even being subtle about tearing down that type of ‘White-male-hero-journey” now that they were in a literal “what will they do, fire me?” situation.
I’m a Cas fan, and this episode, which gives him an actual, ‘case-of-the-week’ hunter’s narrative where he gets to save the day on his own, successfully, was wonderful. I love that for him! But more than that, for me, this episode is emotional to me for other reasons-- the way Dean and Cas circle around each other on their angry phone call (with the body language! They are broadcasting so LOUD and neither can see because they’re on the phone!), Sam’s story here, where he’s inheriting things from Rowena that allow him in turn to save Eileen, to Cas’ speech and quick anger at the lake when you reflect on his entire journey of self-realization from a soldier of blind faith to an agent of free will... “You selfish little men in your positions of authority...” I just... *clears throat, grabs tissue* 
#3 -  6.20 - “The Man Who Would Be King”
Written & Directed by: Ben Edlund
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Speaking of Cas’ journey... I know some folks don’t like the angst and drama of the ‘Heaven and Hell’ plots of Supernatural, but I am here for it. Oh, did we need another reason to include this episode? This has some of the most metal quotes I have heard from any TV show. Ever.
I mean, look at this:
“If I knew then what I know now, I would have said: Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.”
“Explaining freedom to angels is a bit like explaining poetry to fish.”
The delivery of: “It's not too late. Damn it, Cas! We can fix this!” “Dean, it’s not broken!” is one of those Supernatural bits that will live in my head until the end of time. All of Edlund’s episodes are among my favorites, but this (along with “5.04 - The End”) was on another level. 
#2 - 5.16 - “Dark Side of the Moon”
Written by: Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin | Directed by: Jeff Wollnough
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I think of this episode every time  I hear Bob Dylan sing “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.” This is kinda a giant montage episode, but the connecting concepts are so...satisfying. 
“Heaven is your favorite memories.” “ It’s called the axis mundi. It’s a path that runs through heaven. Different people see it as different things. For you, it’s two-lane asphalt.” “This is your idea of heaven? Wow, this was one of the worst nights of my life.” “I don’t think I realized how long you’ve been cleaning up Dad’s messes.” “It’s awesome to finally have an application—a practical application—for string theory.” “Everyone leaves you, Dean. You noticed?” “Why is God talking to me? Gardner-to-gardener, and between us, I think he gets lonely.” “You son of a bitch, I believed in... ” Whoosh.
#1 - 4.01 - “Lazarus Rising”
Written by: Eric Kripke | Directed by: Kim Manners
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So...this is the episode where Castiel, angel of thee Lord, shows up. And that’s primarily why it earns the no. 1 spot, because 80% of my enjoyment of Supernatural from this point on was Cas-adjacent. Plus this entire episode just hits. ALL OF IT. Dean’s homecoming. Ruby, my darling. Bobby’s entire vibe. Pamela Barnes, easily one of the most interesting women Supernatural ever introduced. Cas being so hot to say “Hi” to Dean he forgets he wounds people. 
But beyond that-- the way the show writes their ‘oh, by the way, angels’ narrative! If you haven’t seen this episode, would you believe me if I told you that THIS EPISODE, the episode where Supernatural said “canonically, Judeo-Christian Heaven is real, btw” involves no churches but does involve a séance, a soulmark handprint brand, and a himbo angel that “gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition”...but they were all “no homo, guys” for years?
Truly no one was out here doing it like Supernatural even back in 2008.
15.18 - “Despair” 
“Most Likely to Live Rent-Free in My Head for the Rest of my Life”
Written by: Robert Berens | Directed by: Richard Speight, Jr.
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You know why this episode is here. It broke reality. I could be wrong-- but I’d put good money on this episode being the subject of academic theses in the future. That doesn’t automatically make for interesting story, but...
Has there ever been a case, in a mainstream US TV show where a major lead character (Cas) came out as queer so late in the game in a narratively-important way? I’m not aware of it, but I might just be behind on my television.
This episode has great writing, and (blessedly) amazing direction and blocking anyway. Check out the above gif - that is some next level foreshadowing going on in the cinematography, and this isn’t even the most remarked upon shot in this episode. (Seriously, I had to search for 40 minutes for this gif, please respect my game, lol.) Everyone who was involved in 15x18 is giddy talking about their investment, from the costume designer to the actors to the director to the writer...
...And then a bunch of them steadfastly have avoided posting much Supernatural-related since. So that’s...loud. There is a bunch of subtext in this episode that is screamingly loud; there is a bunch of text in this episode that makes several things clear fandom has been chattering over for years and years. The meta-commentary around this episode continues, months later. There are over 700 fics on AO3 with this episode tag.
I have more to say about the themes of ‘free will’ and ‘love’ and ‘identity’ tied to this episode, but seriously-- you’ve probably read 17 versions of it on Tumblr already, so.
This is the last time we see Cas, and the last time Supernatural can claim anything close to narrative consistency. For that alone, it’d earn free head-space.
Runners-up: “4.20 - The Rapture”; “5.04 - The End”; “7.21 - Reading is Fundamental”; “8.21 - The Great Escapist”; “9.06 - Heaven Can’t Wait”; “12.19 - The Future”; “14.08 - Byzantium”
6.17 - “My Heart Will Go On”/8.07 - “A Little Slice of Kevin”
“Most Likely to Inspire Unnecessary Fanfiction”
Written by: Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder (6.17); Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming | Directed by: Phil Sgriccia (6.17); Charlie Carner (8.07)
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Usually the show kills off it’s “one-episode” female characters, but do you know one time it didn’t? When the Moirai (the Fates - specifically Atropos, the shearer of the Threads of Fate) showed up in canon in 6.17. She was posited to have “two older sisters that were bigger than her- in every sense of the word,” ...and Castiel had to back down when she challenged him to a cosmic game of chicken over the Winchester’s lives.
Then they never returned to that idea again. 
“A Little Slice of Kevin” is on here for the opposite reason -- an amazing idea that was really underwritten in the episode it showed up in. Dean Winchester has been dragging himself across the fabric of universes; the literal Word of God is in play in a warehouse in Middle America; Cas is back from Purgatory, but what does that mean, micro and macro? As a person on the street, what would it mean, or feel like, to learn you were a Prophet of the Lord, uncalled? That what you are, everything you are, is a cosmic contingency?
Maybe Fate has an opinion on all these shenanigans?
Perhaps all that doesn’t make sense, but it certainly made an impression on ~2012 me. To this day, it remains the WIP I can open up and fool myself with the ‘twist.’ I wish I remembered where I was going with it so I could finish it.
Runners Up: “2.20 - What Is and What Should Never Be”; “5.04 - The End”; “6.15 - The French Mistake”; 12.12 - “Stuck in the Middle (with you)”; “13.05 - Advanced Thanatology” “14.03 - The Scar”; “14.10 - Nihilism”; “15.15 - Gimme Shelter” ... and “15.20 - Carry On” (obviously)
Fifteen seasons. There were plenty of other episodes I loved that didn’t make these limited lists. But overall -- thank you, Supernatural, for the run. Even if I’m upset at the ending, I can appreciate the game. If you watch the show, what were your favorite episodes?
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alphabees-writes · 5 years
Glee - S1 E1 (Pilot)
Is it a smart idea to rewatch glee again? No.
Am I going to do it anyway? You bet your sweet bippy I am!
Am I going to liveblog my garbage monkey brain thoughts along the way even though nobody asked for it? Hell yeah.
Here goes!
Wow. The first frame of this entire show is literally of a woman who looks like she’s about 10 years above the natural lifespan of a Cheerio. Then again, I’m sure Sue’s not above holding back her best recruits for multiple years because Ohio high schools are apparently just Like That™
I also never notice this opening song was a remix of Keep Me Hangin On, wow. That’s actually kind of interesting foreshadowing of sorts, like, kind of smart. I’m glad I’m watching the part of Glee that was kind of smart.
This scene also doesn’t feature any of the Unholy Trinity as far as I can see. Are they a JV squad? Am I putting too much thought into this?
Sign #1 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Really, my guy? Driving around with your muffler dragging on the ground so bad it’s making sparks? That’s not very Road Safety of you. Fuck off. 
Sign #2 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: Wow, there’s going to be a lot of these, huh? Anyway, anybody with working eyes would clearly see how scared Kurt is right now. “Making some new friends Kurt?” Fuck off. 
KURT. FIRST SIGHTING OF THE BOY. What a delight. But also, not a delight, because he’s being bullied and he deserves better. Look at his outfit. Iconic from day fucking one. 
Finn, you’re a himbo. What’re you doing with these assholes?
Puck’s first line in the whole series is “It’s hammer time!” What a fucking dork? Who made this boy popular. 
I paused while they were tossing Kurt in the dumpster and, wow, got the most hilarious frame where the guy who isn’t Puck is getting a meticulously polished boot to the face. Netflix let me take screenshots, you coward.
The first shot of Quinn... My wlw bones are shaking.
Why would they use that photo for Lillian Adler...? WHO WAS BORN IN 1937, MIGHT I ADD. THAT’S NOT A REAL YEAR. 
It’s weird to see Mr Schue actually speaking competent Spanish. Why did they veto that later? The ONE likeable thing about him was his competence as a school teacher, and they really threw it out the window huh?
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO THE MEMBERS OF SANDY RYERSON’S GLEE CLUB??? This kid seems to really like singing. Also, welcome to the beginning of Ryerson being annoying as all hell.
Oh my gosh, the background choir stuff. This show really had style back in the day!!!
R A C H E L B E R R Y Y O U R M A K E U P ! ! !
Ken Tanaka walked so incels could run.
Jane Lynch you beauty. You absolutely impeccable beauty. 
“Since when are cheerleaders performers?” Uh... Emma...? I get that Sue’s going ham on her budget but, like, be nice to the students? They perform their butts off!
Sue really just BRAGGED about having an iPhone. I was 9 when this came out. Why do I feel old...
Sign #3 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He hears his coworker, presumably of several years, just got fired and doesn’t even ask why. He just jumps on the glee club like a frog on hot asphalt. 
He really wants to Make The Glee Club Great Again, huh? 
MySpace was really a thing, huh? And why does this grown-ass male teacher know so much about the students having them?
I know nothing about actual American schools, but I do know that they sure as shit don’t work like this. Why does a club have to win EVERY competition to be considered an asset?
Mr Shoe really lying awake at night half-naked next to his wife thinking about the glee club already? Yeah sounds about right. Also, of course you’d think up Nude Erections for a name, you asshole. Put some clothes on.
Brad the piano player was really here from day ONE... Icon.
Cellophane, Mr Cellophane... Yes Kurt bby you killed it. 
Chris Colfer looks so YOUNG here!!! 
The hair fix... I C O N I C !
Tina really wrote her stutter down, huh? And nobody ever saw through it? Amazing. 
The goth Tina look, too... Perfect... Never change...
Say what you want about Rachel Berry being generally insufferable, but I really fucking feel it when she sings On My Own. The monologue kind of kills The Drama of it, but they really solidly established her character by layering them. She really is a gold star right now.
The first-ever on-screen slushie!
The way she walks down that hall. My God you can just see how terrible she is to be around.
Never forget Rachel staring at photos of her with two men who turned out to not be her dads. Who are they? What are their stories? We’ll never know.
God, I love this stupid scene of Quinn, Santana, and a bunch of Cheerios cartoonishly typing hate comments on Rachel’s MySpace video and laughing like knock-off Disney villains. 
I like watching season 1 Artie because season 1 Artie was a good character. Mostly. And he KILLED Sit Down, You’re Rocking The Boat. Rachel wasn’t asking for a male lead who could keep up with her vocally, she was being straight up ableist and that’s a fact. I love Cory, but Kevin McHale was always a better singer.
Mercedes picking up and spinning Rachel for this little routine is something I never really appreciated before, it’s cute even though they don’t like each other yet!
I really don’t get why Rachel says they suck. Yeah, sure, she’s gunning for a solo, but the vocals were solid there. The choreo was just a little janky, possibly because it’s their first EVER rehearsal?
“There is NOTHING ironic about show choir!” Incredible.
How long did it take Mr Shoe to find Rachel out on the bleachers? Did he search the whole school first?
I never understood Rachel quitting so soon. How long was she in the old glee club for? Surely they were never popular either?
Ah, the first “My hands are tied” for the series. Mr Figgins is a garbage principal. 
Not going to advise the principal against referring to Artie as a cripple, William Shoestir? Alright. 
How did the Schuester marriage last as long as it has? Do Will and Terri’s insufferable personalities just cancel one another out?
Sandy Ryerson really just openly brags about cheating the system for medical marijuana and dealing it? 
Matt Morrison 100% has lip fillers. Nobody’s smile curls like that naturally.
“Terri and I are trying to get pregnant” What a weird way to phrase it. What is it, a race? Who’s going to get knocked up first!
A FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN, HOW I’VE MISSED YOU... The sound design of this show at this point is just... *Chef hand kiss*
“What you’re doing right now is called blurring the lines” Oh just wait until season 4, Sue... Just you wait.
WHY is Mr Schuester so ridiculously sweaty? I didn’t need to think about that?
EVERYONE on the football team is 30.
Hearing Cory sing this always makes me emotional. What a talent!
Sign #4 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: I don’t think I need to say why using the weed to blackmail Finn is a shitty thing to do, do I?
“I’ll pee in a cup! ...I’ll pee...” I love Cory’s delivery. 
PRIORITY #1: HELP THE KIDS Oh season 1... I love you so.
Mr Schue you WISH you were anything like Finn Hudson. You never will be.
Ah... Finn’s first monologue. He’s such a sweetheart. AND SO IS CAROLE. Carole is a queen I will stan forever. YOU THROW THAT MILK BB!!!
All Finn wants to do is make his mom proud. What a sweetheart. Mr Schue you do NOT deserve him.
These POV shots really enhance things, why the fuck did they stop using them?
Subtly having Kurt look at Finn in the same shot as Rachel was a nice touch indeed!
Terri’s a straight up hoarder, huh? Like a raccoon but instead of collecting edible garbage, it’s monogrammed garbage.
Surely you can’t just... BECOME an accountant, right? You need some serious qualifications for that right?
Also say what you want about how insufferable Terri is but her actress is ridiculously talented and absolutely steals every scene she’s in.
Now the background choir is doing Soul Bossa Nova and I am L I V I N G why didn’t they keep that motif!!! It was so ICONIC!
I don’t need my prostate removed. RIP Carole Hudson but I’m different :/
NO MEANS NO, KEN! TAKE THE L AND MOVE ON! Way to take out the fact that a girl won’t date you on everybody else around you! Toxic bastard. The absolute stench of melodrama on this bastard is noxious.
I was going to ask why Rachel didn’t know about Finn and Quinn if they’d already been together for 4 months, but then I remembered gossiping requires friends...
“Terri rides me. Hard. And I’ve always appreciated it!” Why don’t we talk about how this line sounds more. Why doesn’t Emma bat an eye at it oh my god
HERE COMES VOCAL ADRENALINE!!! And Jesse St. James is nowhere to be seen. How convenient. Also, they’re all 30. I’m sensing a pattern.
Sorry VA, all songs popularised my Amy Winehouse legally belong to Santana Lopez
Puck, if you were stupid enough to fall for the prostate excuse, that’s on you. Or maybe it’s on the education system...
You can do better that Mr Schue, kids. Don’t mourn him.
Ok, what the fuck is this scene where he’s filling out the job app to become an accountant? There’s a dude in the row in front off him just throwing crisps around? What is this place?? Why are you here sir??? 
“Accounting is sexy” shut up you horrible married man
The Cheerios sure did have straight ponytails for like, one episode, huh?
Finn is such a good boy. He doesn’t know it yet, but he is, and saving Artie from that portapotty is his first step to figuring it out.
This shot of Finn just wheeling Artie out of there... Ugh. My HEART.
Pee balloons. Nailing the lawn furniture to the roof. Finn, you’re better than that!!! Stop your dudebros. 
They really had Artie be a guitar player, and a pretty good one at that, but they never mentioned it again? Artie had such potential SMH. (Also, Netflix subtitles are telling me it’s Arty, but I categorically refuse to spell it that way.)
Whyyyyy didn’t he go to KURT for the costumes as well? Look at his outfit, Finn. He clearly wants in on that job. 
Will Schuester really is just desperately clinging to his glory days in high school. I’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t such a creep about it. 
Emma, meaningfully: Do you know who that is? That’s you, Will... [FRANTIC DISCO MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND]
I find it hilarious how the audio of Don’t Stop Believin’ just DOES NOT match the characters except for the solos... Also wow, autotune city. Am I awful for genuinely not liking this cover? 
I like watching them perform it though. Kurt’s adorable little shimmy... Rachel and Tina smiling at each other like that... Everybody having a blast... I’m here for it
Ok the way Rachel and Finn look at each other here is making me FEEL
I know Puck’s about to join anyway but WHY is he there watching... Just to have a mysterious bad boy moment? Lol you dramatic bastard
Please let them win nationals without you, Will.
So, yeah! There’s that! Those are my thoughts and feelings, basic though they may be. Episode one is fantastic, the kids are fantastic, and William Schuester can suck a toe. 
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bippot · 2 years
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Part of The Crew - Chapter 9: A Whole New World
Story Summary -> Kevin's niece shakes up Jake's little peanut head, in the best way possible. For the first time in his life, he's nervous to even flirt with a girl cause, like, what if he fucks up? That would suck.
Despite how hard he tries, it takes Jake a while to get out of the dreaded friendzone because of overbearing Uncles, pigeons, drunken nights out and the famous Jake Martin reputation.
Chapter 9: A Whole New World Summary -> Jake struggles with his attraction to his friend while trying to ignore her dancing and a persistent admirer at the bar. After helping her fend off unwanted attention, they end up singing karaoke and deal with hangovers together the next morning.
Tags -> Idiots in Love, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Himbo, Slow Burn, Co-workers, Friends to Lovers
Would you prefer to read this on AO3? Click here!
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Previous Chapter -> Heavy Disguise
More drinks? Did they need more? Absolutely not. Did they get more? Yep. Yeah, yeah they did. Because when you're already buzzed, it seems like a great idea to get more buzzed.
Jake took a deep breath and tried to control himself. No matter how much his body insisted on wanting to follow its instincts, his mind was telling him to stop. Not just to stop drinking, but the way Y/N had been dancing against him, got him a little hot and bothered, so he needed to stop squeezing her hips and leaning towards her, to stop looking at her face and the way her hair fell softly over her shoulders and her lips parted ever so slightly.
And no matter how hard he tried to stop, he didn't want to stop. There was something about being this close to her that made everything in him go haywire. So, he excused himself to the bathroom when they got drinks in the hopes he could calm himself down.
While Jake was absent, the sugar daddy-looking man slid next to Y/N as she sat at the bar, leaning across to flirt, "How was the Cosmo?"
"It was good. Thank you."
The man grinned, flashing his perfect white teeth and reached out his hand to caress Y/N's forearm but she subtly moved it, pretending to get distracted by whatever Grant was doing. She saw the annoyance flash across the man's features but he quickly composed himself. "I could get you another?"
"Thanks, but I think I'll pass," she said, gesturing to the bartender who was making their drinks. She picked up her own drink and gulped down half of it, needing it to get through this interaction.
She heard the man sigh, "You're too cute to stay away from. Can't you give me an hour? I promise I'll be a perfect gentleman."
Y/N laughed, "Sorry, but I've had my fill of gentlemen today." She smiled politely and waited for the man to leave her alone.
Sugar daddy just kept going, "Well, maybe we could take our conversation somewhere private? Maybe somewhere a little less crowded?"
Was this guy ever going to give up? The first thing Jake heard as he returned was "Your eyes are amazing," and he rolled his eyes. The guy had a point, but still, it was obvious that Y/N wasn't into it.
"Funny enough, I grew them myself."
Walking up behind her, Jake placed a supportive hand on the small of her back and picked up his drink. He placed his head on her shoulder and asked, "Want a sip, babe?"
Perfect. The ol' boyfriend routine might get him to piss off and leave her alone. They didn't have to wait long before Sugar Daddy finally decided to go away. Why do men only stop pursuing someone when they are presumed to already be in a relationship? Isn't a woman's clear disinterest in them a sign to back off?
Grant paused his conversation with a new girl and called out, "Jakester, bring me my drink," like Jake was his butler or some shit. The pair looked at each other in disbelief before Jake obliged, taking Grant's drink from the bar and heading towards him.
Y/N followed and hugged Jake from the side after handing him his drink that he'd left. "Thank you for the help, 'Jakester'," she told him. He couldn't hear but could tell what she said by how her lips moved and the sparkle in her eyes.
"Always, 'babe'." At the pet name, Grant raised one eyebrow, watching the exchange with a puzzled expression on his face. Hadn't he noticed how in love the two of them were before now? Then again, he was a very affectionate guy, so maybe that was why he hadn't realised. Jesus, the amount of random people Grant had kissed tonight was a sign of how big of a slut he was. His companions had no idea about the true number.
By the end of the night, a very drunk Grant had convinced them to take him to a karaoke bar. He had sung an incredibly off-key version of My Heart Will Go On. Y/N didn't understand most of it due to his slurring, but she had to admit it was a very confident performance. "It's your turn, Jakey boooy," Grant urged as he slumped down against one of the sofas, looking extremely pathetic.
Jake chuckled, "No thanks, pal." But he knew he wouldn't be able to resist Y/N's puppy dog eyes, especially when she was drunk.
"Go on. Have fun," Y/N pleaded. "Please, Jakey?"
He surrendered, only under the condition that she had to sing with him, which was fine with Y/N. She thought about saying no, but she had never been one to shy away from a challenge. Plus, she used to dabble in theatre in school. "All right. One song. Come on!" He pulled her up from the sofa to the microphones.
A loud "Yay! Yay!" came from Grant, who clapped his hands like a child on Christmas morning.
Before it started, he leant across and told her, "You be Aladdin. I'm the Princess," so that's how they proceeded. Despite occasionally getting the words a bit off, they made it through a not too awful sounding rendition of A Whole New World. Jake had quite a good singing voice. She wondered whether the crew knew that.
Beth would love that information.
Singing a duet had sobered them up a little, and they made sure Gary got home okay before crashing at Jake's house. They had to carry him all the way through the Air B&B that he stayed in, making sure he was tucked in with a bottle of water and painkillers were close when he woke up. Fuck. The headache they were bound to get was going to be hell.
Once he was sufficiently tucked into bed, they left and waited outside for their uber with the cool air prickling against her arms. Not even asking, Jake took his jacket from where it was tied around his waist and draped it across her shoulders. But, he was cold too. She could see the goosebumps on his bare arms so she turned around and ordered, "Hug me." She didn't realise until she saw his eyes widen a bit that she sounded like a spoiled child but honestly, this would keep them both warm. So he complied and wrapped his arms around her, letting his chin rest on top of her head. And he felt her relax into the embrace, melting against him. They stood there silently for several minutes, holding onto each other until the car arrived.
When they arrived at his house, they thanked the Uber driver and walked up to his front door. On the way, she tripped on a bit of uneven ground, but he managed to catch her before she fell. To ensure she didn't trip again, he quickly placed one hand under her knee and decided to bridal carry her the rest of the way. Lightly hitting him, she cheerfully protested, "Put me down. I'm not that drunk." It was true, she definitely wasn't drunk anymore. Just tipsy. But Jake was always ready to prove a point, so she let him carry her inside.
Once they were safely inside, he playfully dropped her on the couch then leaped into the air and flopped down, his head haphazardly landing in her lap and the rest of him sprawled out on the cushions.
"How are you still so energetic, Princess?" She laughed, carefully running her hand through his hair. He looked so adorable gazing up at her, every hand stroke calming him down further and causing him to sink deeper into the couch.
"Do not tell the crew about that," he responded, grinning at her so wide. "Beth will force us out for every single karaoke night until we die."
She giggled, resting her other hand over his heart, feeling its rhythm slowly slowing down. Her fingers traced circles on his chest and he closed his eyes, savouring this moment while he could.
Maybe she wouldn't tell them. She'd keep it all to herself and have it be their little secret. She liked the sound of that. A little secret just between them, a slither of information just for them.
Still, she teased, "I don't know if I can keep my mouth shut about such hot gossip. I might even tell TMZ." She gave him a devilish smile as he opened one eye to see if she was messing with him.
This made him giggle, and he replied, "I'll tell them all about your slutty dance moves. Kevin's face will be all like." He did the most over-exaggerated shocked Kevin face that he could muster.
Laughing, she slapped his chest lightly, "Hey! That is totally not funny."
Hip swaying made up around 75% of her dancing. When she was pressed up against him, it was like hell and heaven mixed into one for him. It took all of his willpower to not get a boner. Thankfully, he had some self-control.... only some.
Completely changing the subject, Jake inquired, "What was up with that Cosmo guy?"
"I honestly have no clue." She sighed, pulling a strand of hair out of her face. "He was persistent."
"Well, he was obviously taken by you."
"Who isn't?" she joked, laughing slightly at the absurdity of her statement as she ran her finger over the collar of his shirt, feeling the material rub against her skin. His eyes softened at her comment, a warm feeling spreading throughout his body as a soft smile appeared on his face. Did she not believe people could be interested in her?
Did she even notice how attracted he was to her? Or was she oblivious to it?
He gently grabbed her hand and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it briefly. "You know, if you want a sugar daddy, I'm right here. I'll get you anything you want."
She snorted, rolling her eyes at him. Was he serious? This was one of those Jake Martin moves she'd heard so much about. Without the alcohol he'd never had said that, she was sure of it, so she dismissed it. "I think I'll pass for now, Jakey. I'm content with hanging out with you for free." He smiled at her answer. 'For free'. Even if he wasn't Jake Martin™️ he knew she'd still spend time with him. That meant more than he ever could express.
As she ran her fingers along his jawline and cheekbones, she realised that couldn't stop. He looked so serene below her, almost like an ancient sculpture that was so pretty that all restraint leaves your body as you're filled with the overwhelming urge to swipe your hands across the smooth marble. Her breath quickened as she watched him; it was as if her entire world had slowed down as she focused solely on him.
"Can you order some food? I'm starving and too comfortable to move," he mumbled, closing his eyes and leaning into her hand.
"Of course, Princess." She selected her order on his phone, then accidentally dropped it on his head. With a groan, Jake sat up and rubbed his forehead. "Shit."
"Oh fuck, sorry," She apologized, brushing her thumb carefully over the place of impact, "I'm sorry."
"Well, the only thing to do now is to kiss it better."
The alcohol had given him the confidence to say that. He was so thankful for booze. She smiled widely and brushed her lips across his boo-boo. She had left a lipstick mark there and wiped it away as she inquired, "Better?"
"Uh, no, it is still very painful," He lied, his eyes widening. He didn't think she'd actually do it. Well, she'd done it once there was no harm in asking, "You might have to try again?"
So she did.
Their order came quickly, and they scoffed it down. During their meal, they settled back in to watch television, trying to decide what they'd eventually fall asleep to. It became obvious that they weren't going to stay awake long enough to even make it though half an episode. Their eyelids began drooping lower and lower as they continued talking animatedly, completely forgetting that they had work in the morning.
Once their food was utterly demolished, Jake threw the wrappers on the floor and brought his arms around Y/N, suddenly jolting backwards and taking her with him as he lay back against the sofa cushions with her on top of him. As his head hit the cushion, she automatically curled closer to him, wrapping her arm around his middle and laying her head on his shoulder. There it was again. That smell. She complimented, "We've been in a sweaty club and you still smell amazing."
It must be the alcohol. He thought to himself as he ran his fingers through her hair, enjoying how the strands caught on his fingers, tangling themselves together in a way that caused him to smirk. It was also a nice distraction as she shifted, placing her legs over his lap and settling comfortably against him. It just felt right to have one hand in her hair and the other clutching at her thigh. His eyes kept dropping shut for a few seconds but he forced them open when she nuzzled her nose against his neck so he could revel in the sight of her for just that bit longer.
Before she fell asleep, she took another deep breath, inhaling his scent again and mumbled, "So.. smell good. So good." After saying that she immediately drifted off to sleep.
Jake stayed awake for another half an hour or so, watching her sleep peacefully against his chest, occasionally tracing patterns into her thigh with his thumb. Eventually his eyelids started getting heavy as well and he couldn't keep them open any longer. Listening to her soft snores, he finally allowed himself to succumb to sleep.
Hangovers suck major ass. Jake had one that was so bad that he felt like he couldn't get out of bed. But had to. His alarm went off, and she quickly reached out to where she thought the sound was coming from to turn it off. Instead of finding the phone, hand came into contact with his temple. "What is it with you and hitting me in the head?" He grumbled, the smack waking him up. He reached back to his phone on the side table and turned it off.
"Sorry, Princess," she humorously apologised, nuzzling further into him to go back to sleep. He was warm and soft and she didn't want to move. Plus, the after-effects of alcohol caused her to have a dull pain in the frontal lobe of her head.
His fingers found her hair again and gently started playing with the small curls there. The sensation was soothing and he sighed contently. They both laid still in bed for several minutes until he mumbled, "We are going to have to get up soon."
"No," she whined, pressing closer to him. She wanted nothing more than to stay here, lying next to Jake like this forever.
"Y/N," he warned, lightly shaking her shoulders.
With a loud groan of "Five more minutes," she burrowed deeper into his embrace, holding him firmly against her, ensuring that he couldn't get up. She was not prepared to wake up yet. No, she would sleep a little longer.
When those five minutes were up, she groggily opened her eyes, squinting at the light streaming in through the windows. Her head was pounding, her stomach was hurting, and she was a little sore. Looking over, Jake seemed just about awake and had a goofy grin on his face, which wasn't as big as usual but still cute nonetheless, he asked, "How many shots did we drink?"
Groaning, she sat up and rested back against his shoulder, rubbing her temples and yawning, "I don't remember."
"Me either," he replied, stretching his arms up above his head. "I don't feel so good."
She could tell he was going through it after their night out. His forehead was creased and his eyes narrowed due to the light. He had a small phone shaped bruise on his forehead, but it didn't look too bad. Sitting up straighter, she reached out and gently massaged his temples as she said, "As your handler, I suggest you take it easy today. Okay?"
A small chuckle escaped his lips, and he said, "Yes ma'am."
"Good boy." A faint blush spread across his cheeks at her words as she moved her hand from his brow to the side of his face, gently running her fingers through his hair. Her voice grew softer as she spoke, "Let's go get something for the headaches, princess."
That was probably best. He nodded before standing up and holding out a hand to help her up. She gladly accepted it and stood beside him as they slowly made their way to the kitchen to down a glass of water and painkillers. "Better?"
Honestly, he appreciated her taking the time to check up on him, even though, technically, it was her fault. "I'm fine."
"You're not fine. You're hungover."
He deadpanned, "So are you."
Why would she use that word? He would have no idea what that meant. Thinking she was delirious, he retorted, "See, you're worse than me. You're making up words."
Stopping her hands, she started chuckling and let her head dip to his shoulder. It was adorable. He was just so clueless sometimes.
Next Chapter -> Hangover :(
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