#i think this bunch of useless info fots better in like a written format lols
10hourshift · 9 months
Girl help the au is getting out of hand haha
Feel free 2 ignore this
For some reason I have spent quite some time doing some "world building" (if it can be called that) that I probably won't add in the comic, so, gonna dump it all here.
The school is not the best of all, not even by public school standards, if anything, the school is often a second choice, and most of those who enter there are mostly bc it has little requirements to get in, and is very lenient to special cases.
Some examples of these people would be Freddy (he enters after the classes started) Bon, Julian (both didn't enter the private school they were going to at the last minute, so they got "stuck" in that school, there's more to them later)
For the school itself, it's not that bad (there's a reason that many ppl prefer to go there as a second choice in comparison to other schools) the classes are fairly decent (though, some teachers are prone to not show up to class), and it has a bunch of academic and sports programs, even though it kinda lacks on the cultural aspect. Until a new benefactor steps in.
So, after Julian failed miserably during his entrance exams for the private school he was going into, his father got him into the school he is in now, and to "cover up" the incident his dad decided to become a benefactor of the school, and bc of that, now the school has more budget, with the condition of using it for the whole "art" section (idk how to call it). And out of the blue, the school now has an improved auditorium, a bunch of new material and instruments, and, of course, a variety of new activities for the students, starting with a brand new band contest where everyone can participate, who knows what might happen next, maybe there'll be an official school band, or a chorus or something, (this is all really just testing how the students might take the new situation)
**Julian exposition time again!. Let's go. He basically burned himself out for trying to study for the entrance exams, finish middle school, and all that. It was bad, like, forgetting weeks worth of studies the moment you start the exam bad, like staring at the questions for the whole 3ish hours of the test while none of the questions make sense bad, like, flunking so embarrassingly that it's basically a secret, to the point your dad makes up an elaborate plan to hide the true reason you're going to a certain school, and forces you to take a different path than the one he had already set up for you bc you couldn't keep up bad. Like, that bad. (Poor guy, every time I check on what his deal is, I add more to it. I'm sorry but I like it when the characters'actions are part of the setup of the story, idk how to explain but is Fun)
Now, onto the ppl behind the music contest.
Lana*- secretary- the one actually in charge of the contest
Vincent (yes, the waiter/presenter*) - intern teacher- the one who is supposed to do most of the work
Owynn- student 15 yr old- he helps out every now and then bc he has nothing better to do w no ulterior motives :)
Bon's dad*- music teacher (I'll get to that, hold on)- he has to set up practice sessions/ music classes for whoever enters the contest
[insert OC name here] (an oc wow)- student/intern 17 yr old- the one who ended up doing most of everything
*giving them roles bc I'm lazy 4 ocs, even [insert OC name] is almost the librarian, yeah he's another different character
The arrangement goes like this: Lana is the head of the project and the one who reports back to the boss (between the principal and Julian's dad idk). The planning of events, the coverage, and those administrative details get solved by Vincent, and Bon's dad is supposed to manage the music rooms and instruments, as well as make schedules for using those for practices. [Insert OC name] does most of the hard labor, checking registrations, putting up the signs, etc., since their job as an intern is basically to help w anything that needs to be done. And also basically doing all of Bon's dad responsibilities since he doesn't actually have the time to do his job as a teacher.
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