#i think this is literally the first time i've 2kposted on main
giratina-plushie · 2 years
27,28, and 10!
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
victor. victor exists because i listened to in threes by as it is featuring set it off and jordy purp for like a week straight. she's changed a SIGNIFICANT amount since then to the point where she doesn't really match the song personality wise anymore but the candle remains. also that song fucking rocks my music taste has moved on from that kind of music but in threes specifically is so goddamn good and you will NEVER change my mind.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
hmm. tough one. on a base Power Level, probably dolly. she's a fucked up anomaly in a doll shell and she can and will just devour anything near if she's let out of the doll shell but she's also never out of the doll shell on purpose because she prefers doing science to murderous rampages
as it stands, the most dangerous oc in a way of "most likely to cause you an injury" is victor again. she's better at killing than she wants to be and she has a weapon on her all of the time. her prosthetic leg has a knife in it, she usually carries a gun or her beloved homemade flamethrower, and she has metal teeth made specifically for biting people efficiency. she could badly injure or kill most anyone by accident but she'd feel real bad about it afterwards
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
get 2k'd
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pros of decora fashion: super cute and fun to look at
cons of decora fashion: takes eight thousand years to draw
(i am incredibly proud of his design though. strawberry lemonade catboy screenhead <3)
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