#i think with misha there's also the fact he doesn't feel comfortable “speaking for” the queer community but even if that wasn't relevant
blanketforcas · 5 months
Do you ever think about the gay cas essay?
when am i not thinking about the gay cas essay 😭
me looking at those actors from that firefighter show being so awesome and being allowed to speak freely like that: i love that for yall but that should've happened to us too 🥲
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gemstone-roses · 3 years
Hannibal x Female Curvy reader.
Note: this was requested by a lovley nonnie who requested some characteristics and reader description be included, reader is female,curvy, Italian, opera singer, likes leopard print and Princess dresses,corsets, is a medium. Also note I've never seen beauty and the beast so I'm sorry for any inaccuracies. A few Italian pet names (apologies if I got any translations wrong).
Warnings: mentions of past child abuse, murder, drugging, kidnapping, being tied up, alcohol, swearing, dark thoughts, wanting to kill someone, jealousy.
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Hannibal Lecter had an extensive and handpicked guest list for his dinner parties. You were on every single one.
In fact, some of his guests had only promised their prescense if you were to be there too.
You were quite a breathtaking sight. Your leopard print party dress highligting your beautiful curves and breasts. People wouldn't approach you, you would approach them, and only then would they be confident in speaking with you.
You could converse in several languages, Italian being your mother tongue, and people were enamoured with the way you conversed.
Hannibals guests complimented his divine cooking, but he couldn't take all the credit, you were also, a very competent cook, and had assisted him in preparing his menu many times.
You were thankful for the praise, but it didn't cancel out the feeling of anger building inside you.
You heard many comments "where did he find such a woman" "she's cold that one is" "sugar baby" "I bet she wouldn't know where to begin in his library". "he's just her sugar daddy he doesn't even like her I bet"
You came off as cold yes, on purpose, you were afraid of getting hurt. You didn't let anybody in. Ever.
Also, trying to quiet your dark thoughts took quite the effort.
People speculated about your relationship with hannibal, and he would just smile and say "I've known y/n for years"
He'd met you at the opera.
Well actually, he had gone to see you perform at the opera. And he was instantly taken by you.
He stopped by your dressing room after, complementing your stunning performance.
"I'm Dr Hannibal Lecter" he introduced.
"I know, I've read your work, doctor, I'm impressed" you smiled.
"Ah, it's not often I meet a fan of my work, especially when I am a fan of them"
"I said I was impressed by your work doctor lecter, not that I was a fan" you talked back.
Hannibal was taken aback by your retort, but he soon realised that you had quite the personality.
And he just loved you more for it.
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The first time you two went out to dinner, hannibal was struck again by your beauty, wearing a beautiful dress
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The two of you conversed for hours over a delicious meal, however you commented you could make something much better and invited hannibal over to your house for dinner.
Hannibal was impressed by your cooking, which was an achievement in itself to impress a man such as him with your cooking skills.
Hannibal chose his inner circle with great care, and it was someone in that circle that had told him about you.
About how if hannibal had anyone in his life who had passed then you could contact them.
You had made contact with misha for him. Hopefully giving the man some comfort and closure regarding his little sister.
And that is how the two of you became friends. It wasn't easy, breaking down the walls you had built up to protect yourself, so hannibal began thinking of other ways he could get you to warm up to him more.
Hannibal was a clever man, and he did his research on you, he knew you had some demons you buried deep.
It made choosing his next victim much easier
He'd do this for you, he thought.
Killing the man who had hurt you when you were a child was the biggest driving force you had to keep going.
You'd thought about it daily, for so long, and to finally end the horrible disgusting man who had abused you gave you a small slice of satisfaction.
So when you found out someone had beat you to it, you were not at all pleased. In fact you'd sworn that you would track down the person who'd done it and tell them just exactly what they had took from you.
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Hannibal was struggling to contain his jealousy, watching men swoon over you, stare at your body with hungry eyes, only wanting one thing, he'd treat you like a goddess compared to these men. And if you weren't going to notice his efforts on your own then you'd just need a bit of guidance.
After a party, you liked to wind down surrounded by your books, mainly psychological ones, getting lost in the pages, the ins and outs of the mind, fascinating. You were so caught up in your book you didn't hear the front door opening, and by the time you felt the sharp scratch on the back of your neck, you were already dizzy. You felt strong arms catch you as you fell into darkness.
You awoke on a surprisingly soft surface, bound, but not uncomfortable.
Hannibal wasn't a total monster.
When you took in your surroundings your confusion quickly turned to anger when you saw hannibal standing in front of you.
"What the fuck do you think your doing? Did you kidnap me?!!" you fumed. Trying to struggle out of the rope.
"You are going to hurt yourself" he said calmly.
"Untie me right now!" you yelled.
"Are you going to behave?" he bent down to level with your face
"You cannot, just kidnap people, especially me?! I thought me and you were friends" you spat at him.
Hannibal just hummed and stood up and left the room.
You continued to yell curse words in many languages and call him questionable things as you strained against your bonds.
Hannibal was simply, ignoring you.
And after you had calmed down, he came back.
"Have you quiet finished my love" he tilted your chin, softly.
You looked your captor in the eye, a strange sense washing over you, furrowing your brows, your voice was soft.
"You, your him aren't you?, the chesapeake ripper?"
"Indeed" he confirmed, he stood to get up
"Wait!" you called
Hannibal stopped, a mild suprised look on his face.
"It was you, you killed him didn't you?" even surprising yourself, you weren't angry.
"Did you do that, for me?" you whispered.
"I couldn't stand the thought of a man who had hurt such a divine being such as you so much walking around freely, I made sure he suffered y/n, for you."
Your heart soared at the information, hannibal had killed, for you.
"Hannibal, I -
"Darling you do not need to say anything, I would do anything to protect you"
You smiled at the man, a genuine smile.
"I will untie you now, and we will have dinner" he stated
His hands were soft as he undid the ropes, rubbing your wrists for you as they fell to the floor.
He excused himself for a moment, returning with a hanger covered in a black sheet.
"For you tesero mio" he handed it to you.
Unzipping it you found the most divine princess dress you'd ever seen.
You gasped at his thoughtfulness.
"You may change up in the bathroom, and then, we shall eat" he smiled.
The dress highlighted your curves and chest perfectly, you honestly, felt like belle.
You sat down at the table, hannibal pulled out your chair for you, he raised his wine glass towards you.
"Are you content, amore mio?" you found yourself flustered at the name.
"I am" you sighed.
"Tomorrow, you can explore my library, and I'm sure you will find many books to satisfy you" he smiled.
You were excited to finally get chance to be in there, and also, excited at your relationship with hannibal. You raised your wine glass.
"To us"
"To us" he agreed.
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theyarebothgunshot · 4 years
Damn, Gunshots, you got me.
More hints:
1. The first poem ever posted on Alma's account mentions not only Alma and their partner grow older but also their love (the way I interpret it) so to me it means maturity but also long-term relationship that actually changed over time.
2. In the same poetry we have a mention of scientific funfact and it is a Misha thing to do.
3. Second poem, here I'm on the fence but here's what we find out: Alma visits their partner' place but it could be associated with something else, a partner and this relationship is something more that's happening there.
4. I'm not going to elaborate on "a drawn bow without the arrow" since it could mean so many things, I do the same things a lot, some images happening in my head. But it is interesting.
5. Mentions of distance, and they seem to be far away from each other a lot, around Christmas etc.? Why aren't they together then? Or at least closer?
6. Poem posted on December 30 2018 gives ME a feeling of a change coming and they were to announce their last season soon. Some things will change but they'll still be around.
7. "Just as you'll forget me for another woman" Alma, why are you so sure? Who is she?
8. Poem posted on January 11, 2019 - don't get me started on freckles but also some of the way Alma mentions science?? Gets me.
9. January 13 - something will end
10. January 17 - it just sounds like Misha speaking to us (yeah, I know it's not very valid)
11. January 31 - that one makes me think. Because if we remember the break-up theory and how Misha was doing back then it seems like he was broken but then they came back to each other and now Jenmish would be stronger than ever. It seems the same relationship on the Alma account BUT ìt doesn't have to be tho, I'm switching topics too, sometimes I just remember people.
12. February 3 - we know what's up with the last season.
13. February 18 - nothing valid but it just... I see Jensen Ackles in this. I see.
14. February 20 - what makes Alma so sure the love is ill-fated?
15. April 15 - Gunshots, do you think it could be related to the break-up theory?? Also, again, long-term, changing-over-time relationship.
16. July 27 - "apple tree" *GUNSHOTS* "sunrise" *GUNSHOTS* "your smile" *GUNSHOTS*
17. September 4 - throwback to point 1 - they can't make their relationship public anywhere and it must be extremely hard for a long-term relationship. And there has to be a reason.
18. October 27 - this whole poem SCREAMS Jensen and Misha filming season 15. And their culture.
19. January 3 - something's supposed to end for them but Alma believes it will give THEM the beginning. Also it's extremely comforting.
20. March 26 - goddamn parrot.
22. June 24 - is it true the Alma theory started spreading around that time? Because something recently made me believe Mish is still lurking around here (hi Mish, I'm sorry)
23. June 29 - falling and flying, huh?
24. The last one - I'm on the fence with that date but I feel like it's written about one's memory, it's a throwback. "The darkest of my rooms" somebody's been changing them. Also Alma has never been this colourful before so it gives me a hope. Somebody mentioned a stranger's drawing shown on Misha's instagram around New Year's Eve showing similar technique and colours - maybe he got inspired.
25. I feel like Misha followed Alma pretty fast, possibly too fast for Alma to blow up. He's been there since the beginning.
26. Handwriting differences? I feel like handwriting could change sometimes in a small ways; or maybe it's just me my handwriting is really unstable and the way it changes made me think of Misha and Alma. That's how it happens usually.
This could mean many many things and is a very very big tinhatting but for me putting all the things together... seems to make sense. Also Alma sounds like they've been through a lot and I want to hug Alma whoever they are.
Why it makes me nervous? Because Alma has been through a lot and if it's Jenmish... I can imagine it's a hard situation to manage.
Also Alma come back some of us need to know your relationship status
thank you so much for this analysis, anon. i don’t have anything to say to it all, really, except for the fact that you make some valid points. i did notice something through this journey on alma’s ig page, but i am gonna post it seperately because otherwise this post will get too long. 
i personally don’t know when the “alma is misha” theories started, because i’m fairly new. if it was around that time.... then that’s very loud. 
also, im sorry to ask something of you yet again, but im curious as to why you believe misha is still lurking on here? did something happen?
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