#i thought he was gonna eat the 5yr old
sidetongue · 1 year
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punicagranatumvel · 1 year
I never thought by the age of 30. I would be dealing with this.
He admitted finally that he isn't sexually attracted to me. Something I knew to be true but I needed to hear it from him. Ever since he's try to rephrase his statement to make it sound less than what it is. But IT IS WHAT IT IS. That's my saying for the year now. I won't force anyone to love me or want me. But I wish he would listen to his heart.
His biggest fear is being alone. That's why he's been the victim in all his failed relationships. There is one girl I know for a fact that if she would comeback it'd be over between us, Ayesha. He loved her the most I think, out of everyone including me.
I never thought I'd have to beg to be loved. He cooks for me because he likes the praise, not because he loves me. You don't change your entire bday menu because the guest doesn't eat certain food. You just make a different dish for them.
The red flags are on fire and fluttering in the wind 120mph. 30yrs old is my marker. 190 days left to lose 150lbs. Everyone else had found the solution to weight lose. I'm ready to find mine. To make that change, to prove him wrong. To prove to him that it didn't matter what I did, he would never want me and he would never stop wanting to be with other women. I'm not gonna waste another 5yrs with someone who doesn't look at me as worth the risk. Worth marriage, worth love, worth kindness.
In 190 days, I'm gonna lose the man I fell in love with. Because let's be honest, he'll never change, he'll never forgive, he'll never want me... for me.
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theladypirate · 7 years
2-30 even for Tu'an and 1-29 odd for Ida please :D
Tu'an. Oh Tu'an. My disaster daughter. My awful child. I love her so much she’s a BLAST to play, barbarian for life, yo
2. How good are they at tongue twisters?Awful. But she commits to the awful, like she’ll mess up and then make it worse on purpose. If she can somehow wrangle it into a dick joke she will.
4. Are they formally trained or have they gone through a more organic learning experience for their skillset?
Uhhh…. well… organic is… one way of putting it. She’s a barbarian bc of Vrig, who took a long look at the traumatized child she had saved and another at the long and dangerous road back to Grevenia and made the decision to teach Tu'an how to protect herself. Except Vrig didn’t know how to half-ass anything so Tu'an got the full barbarian training.
6. What’s their theme song?
Good Girls by Elle King
8. Paper or plastic?
Tu'an stares the clerk dead in the eye as she shoves an entire loaf of bread into her pocket and dumps 50ft of rope, 12 caltrops, and 2 entire hams into her pack. The party looks on in resigned dismay.
10. What’s their best stat?
Strength and Constitution are tied at 20. She can (and will) do pushups for days.
12. What’s their favorite beverage?
Alcohol. But only interesting alcohol. Beer is overdone and wine is just rotten grapes. Hard liquor mixed with fun flavors.
14. Most heroic thing they have ever done?
Well she and the party stopped a crazy orc demigod from summoning a dracolich and trying to destroy civilization so that was pretty good.
16. Are they a hero or a supporting protagonist
Tu'an has hero tendencies, she’s not the kind of person who can see something bad happen and just let it go, but also she’s got some weird hang ups about Getting Involved, which tends to manifest with her getting beligerent and forcing a confrontation, bc then the other party was the one who attacked first and she can tell herself she didn’t really do anything.
18. Would they rather fight a hundred duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?
Tu'an wants to fight all of those things.
20. Are they religious? If so, what god or gods do they serve?
She doesn’t care about religious exclamations that happen outside the bedroom.
22. Most amazing monster they have ever killed or helped kill?
A half- risen dracolich, and the sort-of god who was trying to raise it. Personally she thought he was less amazing and more… squishy, than anything. Made a nice satisfying wet crunch when she smashed them.
24. Do they have any interesting skills?
Tu'an: *flexes, sleeveless* Everyone around her: *impressed and mildly terrified*
26. Expansion of civilization or the preservation of nature?
Nature makes the stuff that civilization turns into food/alcohol so… ummm… yes?
28. What do they do between quests?
Go looking for trouble, usually finds it.
30. Would they smooch a ghost?
Is the ghost hot? Then yes. Yes she would.
Ira (lol I just realized I mispelled that in the tags cool) is a 10-12 year old half-elven boy whom the party rescued (along with Edna, a very tiny halfling girl he was protecting) from Penny Pincher, the gnomeish ringleader of a band of slavers who specifically targeted children.
1. How many dead parents do they have?
He grew up on the street as far as he knows he’s got no parents at all. Did they die? Did they abandon him? Was he stolen? He doesn’t know.
3. Biggest regret?
At this point in his life he regrets believing Penny when she told him she had a nice warm place for him and Edna to sleep. That’s not really his fault tho, she has a staff that basically let’s her cast charm person at will. He was under magical influence when he followed her into her hideout.
5. If they could hang out with one famous person in 18th century American History, who would they want to hang out with?
Ira would absolutely not want to hang out with famous people from any century, he’s super not interested in history. You can’t eat history.
7. What fictional character are they most like? Was this an intentional or accidental influence?
As far as I know he’s not really like any specific character he’s an npc the party adopted. Like… he’s got tons of empathy but it’s all tempered by anger and a desperate helplessness that feeds that anger so maybe young Anakin Skywalker?
9. What’s their dump stat?
He’s a baby his dump stat is all of them. J/k, he’s actually a pretty good pickpocket, if nothing changes he’s probably gonna end up a rogue when he’s older. His dump stat is wisdom.
11. What is their favorite anime?
If Ira knew what anime was it’d probably be like… Naruto bc ninjas are cool, or Sailor Moon bc it’s very pretty.
13. If they can use magic, what’s their favorite spell?
Fun fact: he ~could~ use magic if properly trained, but he’s got something of an… understandable aversion to it, thanks to a certain gnome sorceress.
15. Most despicable thing they have ever done?
In his opinion he got Edna caught up in all this misery with him bc he stupidly believed Penny.
17. What’s their favorite food?
Spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. There was a restaurant in his hometown that would feed the street kids once a week, and they did a lot of noodle dishes.
19. They have to go live on a deserted island. They can take one thing and one person. What do they take?
His knee-jerk reaction is to take Edna bc how can he keep her safe if they’re seperated? But then he’d feel guilty bc she’d be LESS safe on a deserted island (but also she’s like barely 5yrs old if he left her behind she’d have no one to look after her). He’d take a knife. They’re mulit-purpose and useful.
21. How did they become an adventurer?
Teeeeeeeechnically he’s not an adventurer he’s an orphan (but not for much longer if Pi has his say). If he and Edna stay with the party (bc he won’t stay if Edna doesn’t, she’s his sister as far as he is concerned) then he might actually end up as one, bc Hazel will def see his potential and teach him all kinds of neat (read: illegal) tricks and tips.
23. Thoughts on death?
Avoid it at all costs.
25. Favorite animal?
He’s partial to birds and kind of wants to meet a dragon, bc he’s read about them and they just seem neat.
27. They’re at a tavern. They bump into a big burly angry drunk with a combative attitude. What happens?
He kicks them in the shin and runs, at which point the party would swoop in and whisk him off bc what are you even doing in a tavern, Ira, it’s not a good place for kids, are you okay, how did you even get here it’s like, miles from the house, Cathy worried herself into a tizzy when she saw you were gone!
29. Biggest positive and negative influences on their life and development?
Negative: orphaned homeless child captured by slavers and forced to work for them under horrific conditions while slowly developing a healthy dose of survivors guilt.
Positive: has been more or less adopted along with Edna by a group of eccentric well-off adventurers who will absolutely murder someone to keep them both safe.
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