#i thought they were just for mechanicus and quests!!!!
ronqueesha · 9 months
For any/all OCs: which Chaos God would they be most susceptible to?
Interesting question!
Iona seems like the perfect victim for Slaanesh's corruption, but she's rather safe from that god. Slaanesh is famous for being the chaos god of sex and debauchery, but what they're really after is EXCESS. Seeking impossible perfection, the ultimate pleasure, or other unattainable goals and quests for excellence that lead to monstrous results.
Iona would ACTUALLY fall to Nurgle. Deep down, Iona's lewd, hypersexual and outgoing personality is a defense mechanism against the existential despair of knowing she is going to be alive for a thousand years or more. She was forcibly imbued with all of the "positive" traits of a dhampir, such as the alluring beauty, fangs, and long life. But Iona would trade all of it for a normal lifespan and a normal life. This crushing, all consuming, yet hidden pit of melancholy would be the gateway for Grandfather Nurgle to ooze into her thoughts and lead her into darkness.
(I can't picture a nurgle corrupted Iona being a massive, bloated, ooze-rotten corpse, though. She'd probably spread grandfather's gifts with some old fashioned STDs while retaining her otherworldly dhampir looks.)
The OCs who are mostly vulnerable to Slaanesh would be Zoe Iwasaki and possibly Dairon Garrick. As I said above, sex and lust are only minor parts of the dark prince's domain. Both Zoe and Dairon push themselves to their limits, chasing goals that seem impossible, and constantly moving their own goal posts when they inevitably resort to self-sabotage. Zoe wants money, a legacy, and to go down in history as a legend. Dairon is constantly pushing herself physically, trying to always be ready for the next crisis and be on call to help anyone who needs it. She is still deeply traumatized from events long ago when she could not help people like she wanted to, so Dairon is always pushing he boundaries of what she can do. Both hers and Zoe's impossible quests would be easy pickings for Slaaanesh to corrupt.
I don't talk about Sarah Hawke much, but her status as a mage with an incredibly sharp wit and a ruthless mind make her an inevitable target for Tzeentch. Sarah's fall would be the kind where she doesn't even know she's been manipulated by the changer of ways, she would always think she is in control, always one step ahead. But clever and silly Sarah would just end up in a spiral of ever-complex schemes and plots she thinks she is the mastermind of. But would only be a puppet.
Sarit Ramesh would likely be another pawn for Tzeentch. Sarit's entire life has revolved around her grand designs, her mad science and her goal of blurring the line between man and machine. But honestly, Sarit in 40k is almost certainly safe from chaos corruption solely because she would find true happiness among the Cult Mechanicus, and would spend her life serving the Omnissiah.
I don't have OCs who are proud warriors who might find themselves on Khorne's radar. But I do have Kallian Tabris, whose rage issues would be magnified a thousandfold if she were ever under the blood god's gaze.
Nathan Bhatia also has problems with anger stemming from the brain injuries he sustained fighting in the resource wars. His would be one of the saddest stories of chaos corruption. A good man struggling against his inner darkness, a trained soldier who has taken more lives than he ever wants to admit, would be perfect fodder for Khorne to push into a pit of violence and bloodshed. All of those honed soldier instincts and uncontrollable urges from a broken mind would coalesce into one of Khorne's greatest killers.
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eviclair · 4 years
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techpriest77 · 2 years
Wrote this little ficlet about my Explorator character ‘Techpriest 77′ from a Rogue Trader game I was in around 2012-2013ish. Just uncovered the draft in a pile of notes after getting bit by the Warhammer bug again and thought I’d post it here.
"Is he alive?"
Lord-Captain Roxton stood in the ruins of the auxiliary enginarium, surrounded by the detritus of the failed mutiny.
Hours ago, some scabrous bilge-rat by the name of Krooker had gotten it into his head that he could take on the scion of a Rogue Trader House and come out clean. He'd been preaching rebellion amongst the plasma conduit crews for days, and finally escalated when he murdered a chief petty officer and took one of the ship's enginseers hostage. Krooker'd demanded the Equinox return to Footfall station, claiming the laws of the void had been broken in the vessel venturing into the edges of the Koronus Expanse.
Roxton's grandfather had shown him how to deal with mutineers. The Lord-Captain had been fully prepared to vent the engineering compartments and give Krooker and his conspirators to the void, but his Explorator had objections.
The Rogue Trader watched that same Explorator now. The hunchbacked techpriest shuffled forward to kneel over the fallen enginseer that had been hit by lasgun fire when they took back the compartment. His red robes shifted as a mechadendrite snaked forward and connected to a node on the enginseer's temple. A string of binary blatted from underneath the low hanging red hood.
"Techpriest? Is the enginseer alive?"
The hood shifted in Roxton's direction, two amber points visible in the shadows. More machine language echoed from the aging vocoder bolted onto the techpriest's clavicle, before stuttering out as he reconfigured his voicebox to standard Imperial.
"Does it live, Lord-Captain Roxton?" Techpriest Seventy-seven asked.
* * *
It was the first word he said, and at the same time he tried to open his eyes, but his flesh eyes were no longer there.
"Beginning acti~bzzzt~vation and diagnost~bzzt~ sequence," he continued, but the words didn't come from a mouth anymore. Instead they were issuing from an ancient vocodor a servitor was affixing to his neck. He couldn't see the automaton in the traditional sense, but a visual sensor had winked on at the end of a questing mechadendtrite that uncoiled from his machine harness. That data streamed in and took a moment to process.
A voice echoed from somewhere behind him, filtered through its own machine voicebox.
"Damage to organic components is consistent with containment failure of Mark XXXV Magnacore Pattern Plasma Gun issued to 512th Cadian Orbital Defense Regiment. Enginseer Adept, was the weapon recovered?"
The darkness behind him was too deep to see the asker of the question. The pict-capture sensor on the mechadendrite was a newer model and the picture was a green-tinged haze in his vision.
"Wh-wh-wh~bzzt~. Where am I? Who am I?"
"Your moniker record was not recovered from the orbital defense station. However the inception code of your cyber-mantle is Seventy-seven-dash-three-eight-seven-seven," a soft squeal of ones and zeros accompanied the statement, and the voice continued. "Query repeats: Was the weapon recovered?"
Half-remembered images swirled around his head. Seventy-seven? Weapon?
"I...I was assisting Guardsman Zev. The plasma gun, it ~bzzt~it..."
"As Engineseer attached to the Cadian 512th, the keeping of the Omnisiah's holy technology was your responsibility. Was the weapon recovered after fusion containment failed?"
The swirling images in his mind were moving faster now, coalescing into the edge of panic.
"Containment failure?"
Behind him, the voice blatted out a dissatisfied string of code, "Cognitive abilities have degraded due to damage to organic components. Preparing calculus logi upgrade. Bring forth the cortex implants."
Panic rose fully now. Sharp and urgent.
"Wait! I ~bzzt~ I can still...~bzzt~"
"The Rite of Pure Thought will commence soon, Brother Seventy-seven. The sacred cranial circuitry will replace the weakness of the flesh, and you will rejoice in your newfound freedom."
His hastily installed vocodor trilled static now, too overwhelmed by his jumbled thoughts to translate words.
"Peace, Brother Seventy-seven. Your inception code will be re-entered in the Liber Adeptus Mechanicus, and you will serve the Omnissiah."
Servo-skulls drifted forward and began the work. Seventy-seven's vocodor continued to hiss and buzz as the magos behind him directed their progress.
Later. Much later by the record of his internal chronometer, Seventy-seven became aware of more as his systems were brought fully online. The panic was gone. The fear was gone. There was barely any emotion at all now. Just the filtered calculations of his implants as they took in data and processed it.
Newly-installed visual sensors replaced the eyes the exploding plasma gun had burned away, and his auditory pickups rebooted to hear the magos reporting on him to his superiors.
"Systems have been activated and engaged," the magos relayed. "All operations are now within normal parameters, high one. Cortex implants have been installed, Mars-pattern. Tertius Standard Template Construct."
The higher ranking mechanicus techpriests gathered around to examine Seventy-seven, "Does it live?."
The magos sent a stream of code hissing through his voicebox.
"It functions."
Electronic voices rose around Seventy-seven in exultation.
"Cog and Gear! Praise the Omnissiah!"
* * *
"Does it live, Lord-Captain?" Techpriest Seventy-seven asked again.
Roxton huffed impatiently, "That's what I asked. The whole reason we came down to these decks is to rescue your enginseer. Is he alive?"
Seventy-seven dropped his hooded gaze down to the fallen mechanicus adept. After a moment he decoupled his data ports from the still body and rose stiffly to his feet.
"Organic processes have ceased to function. The flesh was weak. I will order the remains sent to the crew reclamation facility to salvage the Omnissiah's holy tech from the corpse."
"Emperor's bones! What a waste!" Roxton snarled as he turned on his heel and stalked off.
Seventy-seven dropped his gaze again to the dead Enginseer as he sent his servo-skull familiar to begin preparations.
"It does not function."
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