#i threw out so many old drawings lmao
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
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I was going thru my old drawings. This is 2022 vs maybe 2015?
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blazesartbloglmao · 4 months
"Tell me about it"
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“Tell me about it,” Techno says later that night, when the fire is low but not quite out and Philza has gone to bed early.
Techno had been reading from one of his many books, hooves delicately turning yellowed pages. Tommy sat with a blanket thrown over his lap, furiously typing messages to Tubbo and Ranboo. They were snowed in at Snowchester, and Michael apparently thought it was some kind of miracle of sorts because Ranboo had been forced to stay in the house a lot with him.
“Tell you about what?” Tommy asks, looking up from his battered communicator. He frowns. “Exile?”
“No. Tell me about your home. L’manberg. Tell me about when it was good.”
Tommy scowls, then softens his face out and raises an eyebrow, casting an odd look in Techno’s direction. Two parts suspicion, one part confusion. “Why?”
“Because it was important to you,” Techno says simply. “I won’t get it, but I’d like to hear about it. All I heard about was a dictator who threw the founders out of the land and all I saw was a Butcher Army on my front lawn. So tell me about it. Tell me about before.”
A nervous sort of energy has entered Tommy’s chest now. He’s not sure why it’s there, only that it feels a bit like a worm has found it’s way from his stomach to his lungs and is now furiously doing the macarena as best as it’s wriggly little body can, even though it has no hands or feet.
It’s also that he’s never tried to explain L’manberg to anyone. Either you were there or you weren’t. Tubbo always got it. Eret certainly did, when they chatted over their fabric projects. Fundy didn’t like to talk about it, but he had brightened when he saw the friendship bracelet Tommy had hung onto. And Wilbur? Wilbur built the damn thing. Even if he refuses to talk about it. Ever.
He knows Tubbo had tried to tell Ranboo about it, the good bits so Ranboo could maybe understand a bit more. Like the time they’d climbed all the trees surrounding the van to try and find the one with grapes in them and then had subsequently pissed off a stray cat that was living in the area. Or when Tommy had sung to the plants in the rain, carefully tending his old carrot patch the way he now tends his small wheat farm and the flowers that dot his front lawn. He suspects Eret has done something similar with Foolish. The golden-skinned totem always has a habit these days of knowing about certain events that played out, though he speaks as if he read it somewhere, not that he’d experienced it.
But Tommy’s never had that practice. Perhaps if he had—like Tubbo, like Eret—he would’ve known exactly what to say to get Techno to understand better. To get him to at least like the idea it had been at first, before the bitter end it’d faced.
He summons all his memories he has of his home, days spent in sunlight; picking berries and petting wild cows. Looking for mischief with Tubbo. Helping Eret with chores. Playing with Fundy and teaching him how to scam. Learning all of Wilbur’s tricks—from the best ways to brew potions to how to confuse the people he was scamming—and soaking up his brother’s praise when he gave it, collecting each soft smile the older man had offered, each ruffle of his hair.
so im a day late but in my defense, i was busy feeling like i was close to death and it only occurred to me later at night yesterday that i could draw something from my own damn fic instead of scrambling to find something in my tired little brain. that's why we're here now lmao.
i wrote a fic back in 2021 about c!tommy and c!technoblade coming together to discuss their differences and try to mend their relationship. because, as i put it succinctly at the time in my partner in crime's dms "if the streamers arent up to the task, im certainly capable of writing a fucking fix-it fic in about a week or 2!"
idk what was in the water back then, i churned out fics like every 2 weeks it felt like and it was insane. now i struggle to finish a oneshot lmao
anyways, that fic does have artwork i drew for it but i wasn't really happy with it as i felt like it didn't capture any of the warmth the fic itself contains. enter this piece that i started impulsively last night and finished today before leaving to go to a plant sale. i did not watch cc!technoblade very long and i got into watching him when i was into dsmp (which i think ive mentioned before) but i am so so glad and grateful for the time he gave us.
if you'd like to read Notos, you can do so here. ive long since stopped lookin at the statistics because the numbers freak me out lmao. if you'd like to see the speedpaint that goes with this, you can click here!
i hope you all enjoy :)
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goldammerchen · 6 months
Hima bullying his OC (Hetalia Prussia)
...Or "Forever Alone" jokes made over the years (2007 - 2014)
(It's possible I still missed something).
2007 Christmas – Original Story part 5 (Explicit/Mature! No kids!)
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(And the post it's already long! Fuck!) In the next page, Fran helps with a revenge, this backfires, and... He is given away to a fan?!
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Old Blog: 2008/04 (in Japanese). "Not rewarded"
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Nonlinear – Valentino – Final Chapter
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Dejected collection (2008)
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The whole way he behaves towards Ita during 2009 April's Fools Event (also Rode and Erzsi), mentioning this here because is so one-sided lmao (at the same time RusPru is also very one-sided loool)
From the event adaptation: Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol 1: The CD Of The Awesome Me – Track 05 “What’s up with that guy”
Prussia: “Italy-chan! Let’s go on a date at the river Danube today!” Italy: “Ah~ a photo of the bird!” Prussia: “Danube! Danube!” Italy: “I really like drawing pictures of birds like that. They are so small and cute~” Prussia: “Date! Date!”
From that CD song, Track 8 or "My Song That Is Written By Me, For Me" (yup)
Being alone is too much fun! (Too much fun too much fun…)
Requests (2010)
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Philhellenism (2011), or why it is he fucking alone down there lmao (the sleepy series has groups! In this post EGY, GRE and TUR are away from PRU)
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2011 Halloween Overflow – Page 2. Not exactly on topic but kitawiki highlights how he gets quiet after India tells him he has many friends
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Overflowing Passion (2012), BTT/BFT song from Hetalia Digital Single The Best Plus α
Prussia: So much fun alone!
France: Let’s talk about love Prussia: Solitary passion is the best, too!
2013/2014 Halloween Comic – Page 5 (backup on blog)
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Extra, from Some guys I doodled (2014)
【Bierßen】 (Beer + Prussia) You’ll find him in festivals. He likes to make people drink beer that he’s already taken a sip from.
no comments about that, I have mentioned this before enough times.
Conclusion: there is plenty of reasons why Hetalia Prussia has fame of loser/pathetic and why he is that, at least in interpersonal sense(?). After all, we are talking about the same character that threw away a book about how to socialize with people, concluding that after... sneezing? (he also became fed up with a how to draw manga book after sneezing). He is well educated and skilled and can learn shit fast, but that is something different! He is someone capable, and there is multiple references about him being bored "out of his mind" because his brother does everything (or talking about wanting to be remembered), the type of info that adds to his pathetic image, in the literal sense of the word, or pitiful, to sound less harsh.
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i need your thoughts on ts5 STAT, i like your account and posts on prideyear so id love to here your opinions on the current info we have atm.
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Oh well I’m flattered asghgdhj I had some thoughts saved I was gonna post sometime, so I’ll finish it off and put it here.
Guess I'm one of the few people that don't find toys vs electronics an inherently cringe premise, I trust Pixar enough not to have the message just be IPAD BAD (though given Wall-E maybe I shouldn’t lmao), there are legitimate issues concerning children and screen use that can be explored, and how that affects how kids play with actual toys is interesting to me.
My issue is more with the time period. Were "tablet kids” even a big thing by like 2007-2009 (giving a range here on the years TS3-4 seem to take place in)? Bonnie could be older (though she doesn't look it), but even then that seems early for kids with tablets to be a major thing yet. It just feels like too modern an issue for what should be just before the 2010s. But maybe that's just drawing from my experience and tablet kids were a problem by then?
Also a bunch of defective Buzzes is... potentially interesting in concept, but by now I feel the "delusional Buzz" schtick has gotten very, very tired. It's fine to repurpose ideas that got left on the cutting room floor, but again? Really? You can't even use the excuse of "well every movie has a delusional Buzz moment so this one must have too" because there was no delusional Buzz in 4. The concept worked in 1 because well that was the plot of the movie and wasn’t done before. In 2 it worked because it a) was a funny callback to the first movie that played on the humour of how Buzz used to be compared to how he was now and b) didn't interfere with the main story so much, as in, didn't bloat up the story with unnecessary detail or ruin the more emotional scenes. In 3, it worked because it was once again a subversion on the concept: while delusional Buzz was played for laughs before, here we are shown a darker side to it, with someone being able to turn your friend against you just like that and losing yourself with the flip of a switch (ofc it still had some laughs because it's Pixar, but ykwim).
In 5, what will the fresh twist be? I really can't tell. It feels like they've done what they can with the concept and they should just let it go now like they did in 4. How many times can the characters say “not again” before the audience is thinking the same thing?
As for showing Woody back with the gang and the lack of a Bo Peep mention of all, that’s probably the most interesting part for me personally. Bonnie doesn’t seem much older, if that’s who’s under the sheet in that picture—how much time has passed since the ending of 4? How long are Bonnie’s remaining toys separated from Woody before he returns? How do they meet up again? That was a travelling fair, it’s unlikely they would be seeing each other again any time soon. Did Woody/the toys deliberately seek each other out, or is this a happy coincidence? Are they working together towards a common goal and that’s it, or will Woody be returning to Bonnie’s room for good? I’ve got a lot of questions here.
If it isn’t Bonnie under the blanket, that drastically changes things. Is this set decades ahead with a grown-up Bonnie’s kid? Or perhaps in this future, Bonnie returned her toys to Andy, and this is Andy’s child instead? (Though the presence of Forky calls that into question, unless she just threw him in as a gift because she doesn’t gaf about this spork anymore lmao). If it’s Bonnie’s kid and we know for a fact that Andy will be in the movie again, what if Bonnie’s kid befriends Andy’s kid, and that’s how his old toys eventually find their way back to him (I feel Bonnie would at least offer Andy the toys back first, but who knows)? At any rate, I’m putting heavy money on the ending being the toys returning to Andy and being passed down to his children, maybe with this new kid imitating the opening of 1 as he plays with Woody just like Andy did.
I’ve joked before about 5 opening with 4 just being a dream and they retcon the whole movie away, but these new details make that reality seem a little less insane lmao
and okay but the REAL question is: what does the 6+ hour ts4 reviewer think about all this?
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dyradoodles · 6 months
Hiiiiii! 💕 I was just wondering….. what are your preferences for Zack & Seph? Do you ship ‘em, is it up to circumstance, does the age matter to you/do you consider their age and their gap? Why not even throw in how you fell in love with Zack & Seph to begin with? Do you have sources?? MLA format for Zack’s fandom page???
*plops down on floor*
Details plz! ❤️
Ah yes hello person that I definitely do not know, who definitely didn't see me say I could write an essay about this very subject on discord LMFAO
I'll put the actual essay under a cut for people who don't want to scroll through my Many Feelings about these two lol As a TLDR to your questions:
Yes I ship them, but also Yes it's up to circumstance! Yes I consider their canon ages/the age gap (which most visibly manifests in me only drawing them platonically if I'm drawing Zack as a Second/with the puppy hair, or writing a fic taking place during CC)! I was actually into Aeriseph first and stumbled into ZackSeph fics, and realized it was a similar dynamic, but with someone who spent time with Seph canonically before he went bananas! All of this was before CC came out and I've been loving these characters for 20+ years!
To borrow a phrase (from crylin iirc), honestly, I like just seeing them standing next to each other, romantic or no LMAO <3
So to expand on what I said earlier, I think it's obvious from my blog and ZS server that I ship these two LMAO That said, the way I ship them is based heavily on the era of fandom before CC was a thing. I got into FF7 around 2002 (possibly earlier, I just don't have the dates on drawings that old), five years before CC came out. At the time, we knew next to nothing about Zack beyond the very short clips of him in OG. So, fandom did what fandom does best, and tried to fill in the blanks!
Some of the efforts to figure out who Zack was went all the way down to his name, because it's Zakkusu in Japanese. So you'll see him as Zax, too - There were heated debates on whether to use Zack or Zax. And no last name! Fandom had to come up with surnames themselves. We also didn't have much of a reference beyond his polygon model, which seemed to have darker skin and, (as many fics described it) violet eyes. It was also assumed that, since he was a First who worked closely with Sephiroth, he was probably around Sephiroth's age. You likely already see where I'm going with this, laying all that out lol The Zack I draw and write is very much based on that time period, and if I'm honest, that's the character I really ship with Seph. I still joke in my fics sometimes that Zack's last name might be Donovan or Darklighter, etc., which are old fandom surnames!
Now, obviously CC came out and threw all this on its head, because we finally got a whole GAME about this (important!) minor character. I have many beefs with CC's writing and Square's insistence that so many of their characters need to be child prodigies (they can't ALL be prodigies, Square!!!). With Zack going from an assumed early 20s to suddenly being 16, and all the craziness of CC's plot, the way I approached the ship changed as well.
This is where I would firmly say my stance is: I don't think Seph had any interest in Zack romantically, in CC. Because that's a kid lmao If I'm engaging with the Compilation as a whole, I definitely lean way more into the mentor/mentee relationship for the two of them. As a personal rule, I only draw them platonically if Zack's got the puppy hair, because that was the most obvious visual cue I could think of that could draw that line between Zack's teen years vs. adult. If Seph managed to not go insane, then yeah, later in life I could still see them getting together! But clearly that's already AU territory lmfao
Ultimately, what I like best about Zack & Seph is how they treat each other (while Seph is still sane lol). That goes for platonically and romantically. Zack is so genuine and kind, and treats Seph the way he always wanted to be treated - like he's human. He can joke around with Seph in a way most people simply can't. Meanwhile, Seph treats Zack's feelings with respect, even during the times he's laughing at Zack for being ridiculous. He's also honest with Zack. He answers truthfully when Zack asks what's wrong, and it's clear that it's because he knows Zack is not a threat; Zack will take Seph's feelings seriously, too. I can enjoy the drama of the trauma and heartbreak that comes with Sephiroth's descent into villainy, but my favorite stuff definitely involves a lot of Nibelheim fix-it fics lol
Despite all the changes CC made to Zack and his relationship to Sephiroth (RIP Second in Command Zax Donovan/Darklighter/Knightblade, my beloved), their actual dynamic with regard to how they treat each other stayed, miraculously, intact. That's the real reason they're still my favorite characters, and how my enjoyment of FF7 has remained as strong as it is after literal decades. Square can retcon as many things as they want in the Compilation, but they'll never stop me from making art and fic of the characters I grew up with. Unless I get a C&D for some reason LMFAO Until then, I'll keep enjoying my AUs (and if anything, I have even more reason to enjoy them now that AUs themselves are canon - you bet your ass I'll be in the AUs where ONLY OG happened and I can ignore everything else LOL)
Thank you for the questions!! It was fun to get all my thoughts written down in one huge chunk, as opposed to my typical disjointed ramblings to my friends. Hopefully it was an interesting read!
Fanlore. “Zack Fair.” The Organization for Transformative Works, 2 Jan. 2023, fanlore.org/wiki/Zack_Fair.
Doodles, Dyra. "Way Too Much Fandom Lurking." Dyra's Childhood to Adulthood, Copious Amounts of Fanfiction, 3 Apr. 2024
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abihastastybeans · 6 months
5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 29 from here
(i just realised that that's a lot so feel free to skip some/answer selectively if you want to do that!)
(are you kidding ofcourse I'm gonna answer all of that, let's make a game out of it and see how long it takes me)(it's 15:05 when I started answering)
5. Favourite song in your native language
Can't think of one rn😭 The first one that came to mind is Venmadhi Venmadhi from Minnale because some guy was playing that on the bus yesterday. I think it's a lovely song, especially the third verse :)
10. Most enjoyable swear word in your native language
I don't really swear in Tamil😂 I only use words like stupid/wastrel/dog/buffalo... y'know the most common ones lol
But, again, the first swear word that came to mind is *looks around to make sure no one's listening* "watha" - which is basically the Tamil equivalent of fuck - because one of my friends called another friend that this morning lmao
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions ot traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Well there's so many but i generally think that doing rituals/ chanting slokas or vedas must be very strange to outsiders who aren't really used to that! Imagine being a white christian and you encounter a yagna happening with a giant fire, lots of huge shirtless men saying very weird words in their blaring voice, adding all kinds of different things into the fire, while surrounding people watched on... I'd be terrified 😂💀
15. A saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
18. Do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
Gosh I speak so many dialects - depending on who I'm talking with. There's what I consider the normal one, there's the one mixed with random English sentences😂, there's the local chennai dialect for when I'm dealing with/in public or local vendors💀, there's the tambrahm (wow it feels weird to say it like that) dialect because that's what I was raised on in mum's side of the family
19. Do you like your country's flag and/or emblem? What about the national anthem?
I've honestly never thought about this before...
Flag - 🇮🇳 It's a good one, I like what it stands for. But no one would forget the struggle it would take when you were 6 years old and were asked to draw the national flag and you wouldn't remember how many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra😭 or even if you remembered, you wouldn't know how to divide them evenly throughout the circle... So much stress. 7/10
Emblem - it's a bit complex if you ask me but eh. It looks cool i guess. I like the phrase 'satyameva jayathe' ("truth alone triumphs" in Sanskrit) so there's that :p 5/10
National Anthem - I love it!! I like the picture it paints, listing out all those places! Only criticism is that it was very difficult for younger abi to sing the beginning because it was so very low and i struggled for a long time😅 9/10
21. If you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Aloo mutter gravy and methi roti👍
29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
I was thinking really hard...before i realised🤭
MYSURU. WHY do you do that to your sambar??? It's nice, I'd be lying if I said it's bad, but how?????? How did you come to the decision "oh you know what. I'm gonna make this taste sweet. Yeah."??
We went to Mysore one time and had some sambar and do you know what happened, cal? My cousin threw up, that's what happened.
(it was because of the long uphill travel but the sambar definitely contributed :p)
What you lack in sambar, you make up for it with Udupi rasam so. I forgive you😤
(now the time is 15:55)
"Hi, I'm not from the US" ask set
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slut4joel · 2 years
Warnings: Smut, Oral (m!receiving), Age gap!!, daddy kink,, jealous reader, Dom!Elvis, Sub!reader.
Y/n doesn’t think she’s the only woman in his life, but little does she know she’s the only one for him. The only one who can satisfy the needs of Elvis. He loves her with everything he has, and I mean EVERYTHING.
(Sigh…i got logged out of my old account, hopefully this does well so i can feel a little better LMAO, if you’re not into smut or anything in the warning, please click off now lol, but for those of you who do, enjoy!)
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Las Vegas.
A place you knew all to well, the International hotel was a place you spent the majority of your time at. That was one of the big things that came along with dating Elvis Presley. Amongst other things.
Elvis had been…off recently, as in being more distant, at first it wasn’t really a concern considering he was rehearsing so much these past few weeks. It only began to worry you when he started coming up to your room later and later each night.
Tonight Elvis would take the stage and perform for many of his fans, the majority being girls who drooled over him. Although you knew he had warned you about the kissing, it still bothered you. “Honey, you know they don’t mean anything to me” he would tell you.
As much as you dreaded going and watching him prance around and kiss multiple different women who overstepped boundaries many times, you knew being there to support him was important to him, at least that’s what he told you.
The curtains began to raise and the whole room clapped and yelled as Elvis made his way on to the stage. Catching your eyes and holding eye contact with you for a split second before getting lost in whatever song he was singing. It was nearing the end of the show, which meant he had 2 songs left. The intro to love me tender began playing and you automatically had an awful feeling in your stomach.
Elvis walked around the front of the stage, many young lucky ladies earning a kiss from him. You were used to this, what you weren't used to was him getting off stage. After watching so much, you couldn’t take it anymore. Tears began welling in your eyes and your face heated up in anger. Standing up, you grabbed your purse and stormed upstairs.
Once you were in you and Elvis’s room, everything you had bottled up throughout the night came rushing out. Tears were streaming down your face uncontrollably. You felt embarrassed and used, even though this happened many times before, this time actually hurt. You stepped in the shower before Elvis arrived, preparing yourself to confront him. You grabbed one of his shirts and threw it on over a pair of red lace panties.
After what had seemed like forever you heard the door open, Elvis stood there in the dim lighting, a sympathetic look gracing his features. “Y/n…I-“ Before he could finish you interrupted “No Elvis. That hurt. How could you just walk passed me and do what you did!?” You were infuriated and he knew this. “I love you. So damn much E, but that’s unfair to me. I’m okay with the girls by the stage, but looking at me dead in the eye before kissing another woman is where i draw the line.” Tears were once again flowing. “You listen to me.” His voice was deep and raspy “You are the only one I need in my life.”
His long legs strutted across the room, his hands roughly grabbed your face and pulled your lips towards his. The kiss was hot and sloppy, not of your tongues grazing against each other. His hands reached for the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head. “You really believe I would give a damn about any other woman in that crowd except you?” he asked pulling away from you. You looked away from him, embarrassed. He grabbed your face again, this time much softer, “Baby,” he whisperers “You are the love of my life, and you know this. I wouldnt trade you for the world. My heartbeats for you sweetheart. And i’m gonna show you just how much I love you, lay back” He said, pushing you back onto the silky sheets.
His big hands roaming up and down your body before finally pulling down your panties. Running a finger through your folds “God damn baby, this all for me?” he questioned, his voice laced with curiosity. “yes” you breathed out “yes what?” “yes daddy”. There it was, his favorite thing to be called. He reached for your hand, placing it on his dick. “You feel what you do to me mama?” he asked, heat shot between your legs making you wetter than before.
He backed away pulling off the jumpsuit he had worn during his performance, pulling down his boxes with it. His dick springing up and hitting his stomach, he stroked himself a few times before pulling you up from the bed and putting you on your knees in front of him. You knew exactly what to do, you had done this so many time with him before. You took him in your mouth, you swirled your tongue around the tip making him groan. His hand found your hair and began pushing your head down, It didn’t take him long to reach the back of your throat causing you to gag slightly.
“Oh fuck, just like that” he moaned out as you began to bob your head up and down, running your tongue over the vein along the bottom of his cock. His moaned grew louder and louder as he got closer to his climax. Suddenly pulling you off of him and running his thumb along your bottom lip, “Such a pretty face, climb on the bed for me doll” he said, helping you stand up.
Once you were on the bed, he told you to lay back. He grabbed both of your legs and spread them, giving him a better view of just how wet you were. “Fuck y/n” he groaned as he lined himself up with your entrance. He slowly pushed himself in, both of you moaning at the same time. He leaned down to kiss you as he bottomed out in you. “E-elvis, please move” you moaned, he began thrusting in and out of you, building up his speed. His head was in the crook of your neck, you moaned loudly into his ear.
“Oh god y/n, you’re perfect, fuck this pussy was made for me. mine, you understand me?” he groaned out looking in your eyes “y-yours daddy” you moaned, “i’m so c-close” “ Me too doll, hold it for just a few more seconds” trying you very hardest not to cum at his words you held it until you couldn’t stand it anymore “Daddy please, i cant” you begged “Go ahead mama, cum all over my cock” he moaned into your ear reaching his climax at the same time “
your legs shook and he pulled out of you, rolling onto his back beside you. “I love you, only you” he whispered turning towards you. “I love you too E, more than anything” you said in the same tone. “You know I would never be able to love someone the way I love you right? you saved my life y/n, don’t ever think for one second I don’t love you. You mean everything to me.” He said, his voice slightly trembling. Even in the dimly lit room you could tell his eyes were watering, just as yours were. “Elvis please don’t cry, cause then i’ll cry” you slightly giggled. His hand slid around your waist pulling you towards him. “That’s another thing, you know I don’t cry often hun, I have that soft stop for you” you smiled, nuzzling into his side. “Goodnight E.” “goodnight sweet girl.”
UGH HEY GUYS. This is my first time writing about Elvis so please, i know it’s not that greatest, but I hope you like it😓
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esther-dot · 1 year
So I was reading a bunch of your anon asks about R/L (not spelling out names so this doesn't show up in searches lol) and I agree with that anon that said the fandom forgets that GRRM is not some woke author. Way too many metas are written on the premise that he wrote this series with the sensibilities of a 20-something millennial and not a 50 year old man who conceived most of these plot points in the 90s. The refusal for certain fans/theorists (not including you in this I find your analysis and critiques very good and thoughtful) to call out and critique Martin's deeply problematic elements frustrates me to no end. It's okay to say certain things did not age well and the R/L/E dynamic is chief among them. Giving R's wife a gratuitously sexually violent death and a gratuitously gruesome death to her baby and toddler did not age well. Then proceeding to shit on her by having her husband's family's loyalists state that she was sickly and not good enough for him did not age well. Then proceeding to spend five books with those same characters depicting R as the Westerosi Prom King/Football Quarterback/Prodigal Son with basically zero substantial or significant pushback did not age well. I keep on seeing people say, 'Well, no it's because it's all a part of George's Big Plan and Reveal and an example of the the POV trap so don't get preemptively mad at him.' The defense of him essentially being 'No, you guys don't get it...he's going to perfectly execute the story that only exists in mine and his head for 12 years and counting and then you will see how he always meant for R to be a POS and for R/L not to be some star crossed lovers romance.' Yeah, no. I'm not giving him credit for an unfinished story and the fact that some of his fans do this is baffling. We're at this point that even if Martin does reveal R was even a little morally grey, a subset of the fandom will continue defending him like their lives depend on it because they are so married to their headcanons because Martin has not provided any actual content in over a decade (the show whitewashing did not help either). I'm not even going to broach the subject of the white feminist pickmes in the fandom that do everything and anything to defend Lily White Lieanna from any accountability and pushback from her complicitness in what happened because that's a whole other can of worms. LOL. End of my rant I guess. lmao.
My aunt who is around the same age as Martin, wanted to watch Saturday Night Fever with me (I had never seen it). She remembered and loved the music, the dancing, the costumes, the pain of these characters who were trapped and looking for an escape. There were all these good things she wanted to share with me, but I was shocked by how casually they threw in a rape, and how cruel the protagonist was to the girl right after it happened. I could not understand how my liberal, well educated, very up with social norms, aunt wasn't as appalled as I was when she'd last seen it. But she had watched that movie when it came out, hadn't seen it since, so her reaction to it had been fixed in that moment. Like a time capsule.
That happened years ago, but anytime a discussion about R/L and what Martin would/wouldn't do comes up, I think about that, and I try to draw a line between my sensibilities and what he actually wrote because as you and my other anon point out, R/L was conceived in a certain moment, in a specific milieu, and it isn't the one we're currently in. So, while I certainly don't think Rhaegar is the guy that Targ fans believe him to be, I no longer believe Martin intends us to take the other extreme.
Rhaegar called the place where he took Lyanna "the tower of joy," and Martin would have to want us to think Rhaegar is a truly sadistic bastard if that's what he called the place he repeatedly, forcibly raped Lyanna. Considering what Martin has said about how he wants to write morally grey characters, how he has written Cersei, Tyrion, the Hound...I just don't buy that that's where he's going, not anymore.
More broadly, I’ve read a lot of literary analysis, I know how easy it is for people to write really, really interesting essays that I love, but in actually, have absolutely nothing to do with the book/poem etc that it’s discussing. It’s a beautiful thing that we each experience art uniquely, but it does mean we have to be careful when it comes to actually believing what we takeaway from something is the same as what they put in. There’s also a danger in thinking loving the art means we understand the artist’s mind. The same mind can produce something I love and something I hate. Experience that enough times and you realize, you can’t put parameters, a would/wouldn’t, on where they’ll take things.
And, even hardcore Martin fans acknowledge the racist issues with his writing, criticize how he sexualizes little girls...I don't think any of us need to defend him. We all know that these are issues with his writing, we may not agree that they will manifest in the worst way going forward, but it's possible. Unfortunately.
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brb-on-a-quest · 6 months
For the writer asks: 4, 15, 27, and 30 <3
HI IGGY!! :) :) :) tysm; i haven't actually looked through most of these yet so I should do that first XD. Numbers are from here
4- (story idea I haven't written yet)
Ok so I have started this one but then decided I hated it so it's mulling on the back burner until I have more energy to rehash it out for better stuff is part of The Doctor and The Butler storyarc(?world?) at this point, but basically the robins all take the Doc on a Proper Road Trip and it All Goes To Chaos(tm) because the Doctor Does Not Do RoadTrips in the slightest because he just pops in and out of time on a whim and doesn't seem to do great in small spaces for more than 15 minutes (basing this on the cube episode in the Matt Smith Era). It'd be good but it needs a certain... vibe yk? haven't gotten there.
15- (favorite weather for writing). Not a weather, but I can only write when it's dark outside bc then I don't feel about about not doing homework/other things. Rain is also good tho.
27- (Favorite part of writing process). The part in Brainstorming where it all starts coming together and you're just squealing like your twelve and some cool people just invited you to hangout with them, and then you start writing and everything goes smoothly.
30- (Share a fic you're proud of)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't have any full-length WIP done for you to look at but I think I have some assignments (checks through old google documents) lmao no what assignments (shoves them all into the fireplace). Let me give you the beginning of one of my current WIPS that im really proud of currently even if I've been writing and rewriting it so many times.
It wasn’t even close to the moonset when hands and voices raised them from sleep. “Misha, Rose. On your feet. It’s your turn now.”  “Ugh, just kill me now,” Rose muttered as she and Misha both sat up blearily. “Be quicker and easier.” “That’s the coward’s way out. Also, way too expensive.” Misha stood up and rubbed her eyes. “How much fest prep do we gotta do still, Dani?” She watched as the freckled elf started climbing to the top bunk.  Daeneryl flopped down on her mattress, clutching a fat feather pillow, with a yawn. “Just drinks, but those are last minute.”  “Oh, and be careful how you tread around the old man today.” Fayley peeled off her slippers from her feet as Misha and Rose got dressed into their outfits for the day. “Got a new run of trash gryphons. Damn pests.” “Thought Sammy took care of all that?” Rose sighed as she pulled a brush from the vanity table to untangle a sea of unruly curly hair. Starting from the bottom, she winced every time she had to pull it through to the end.  “He was supposed to. Says he did his whole ‘pied piper act’ which he did, but apparently these are a different breed.” Dani sighed. “Nick’s looking into wizard enchantments.”  Eventually, Rose gave it up and threw it all up in a slicked-back ponytail, held in place with an assortment of ribbons and pins. “One day, I swear, I’m just going to take a knife to this and hack it off.” “You’ve been saying that for five years,” Dani laughed. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” “Watch me.” Rose grimaced. Misha shook her head silently as she braided the front sections of her hair and tied it back with a bright orange ribbon that matched her flowing skirt. It was one of her favorites because it made her stand out in a crowd that mostly wore shades of brown and black for practicality. She slipped into her boots and crouched down, waiting for Rose.
Rose caught sight of her and rolled her eyes. “You’re asking for it. Fayley, your count.”  There was a muffled “Go” and fingers interweaved the laces with their corresponding hooks. They looked up when they were finished, approximately the exact same time. “Call that one a draw, I suppose.” Rose shrugged. “Come on, let’s get some food before we have to deal with life.”
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hecateisalesbian · 7 months
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
show us a picture of your handwriting?
3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
what made you start your blog?
what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
what scares you the most and why?
any reacquiring dreams?
tell a story about your childhood
would you say you’re an emotional person?
what do you consider to be romance?
what’s some good advice you want to share?
what are you doing right now?
what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
name 3 things that make you happy
do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
favourite thing about the day?
favourite things about the night?
are you a spiritual person?
say 3 things about someone you love
say 3 things about someone you hate
what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
fave season and why?
fave colour and why?
any nicknames?
do you collect anything?
what do you do when you’re sad?
what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
are you messy or organised?
how many tabs do you have open right now?
any hobbies?
any pet peeves?
do you trust easily?
are you an open book or do you have walls up?
share a secret
fave song at the moment?
youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
any bad habits?
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I’m not answering that
Three films? God uhhhhhhhh. Probably any studio ghibli films, ATSV, and (not a film but a TV show) friends (YES I KNKW IM SORRY I GREW UP ON OLD TV AND MOVIES)
Autism Hamburger
Best: seeing the things people do with technology. Worst: seeing the things people do with technology
Fuggin spiders man I hate those guys except mines an irrational fear so idk why
*looks at the camera like it’s the office*
One time I woke up and I had puked on the wall, the bed, and myself and my sister just threw me into the shower fully clothed lmao
anythjng and everything if you’re determined enough (sword fighting)
Don’t eat yellow snow
Laying in bed filling out this thing
Ask literally any of my crushes out
My weight/my fatness
My pets, My Friends, and my Blorbos
She has gorgeous red hair, her laughter is contagious, and she’s TALL 🤧😍
Go. F. Himself.
Making it this far
Autumn because of all the pretty colors and it’s Halloween AND it’s perfect weather for both tee and shorts but also LAYERS ✨
Purple bc ouprle
Pins and tabs mostly
Distract myself or snuggle my dog
Talking to my friends
I decline to answer that rn…
Drawing, reading, cosplaying, etc
As someone with misophonia I hate when people just. Eat. Or breath. Or drink water.
Yes and no
Both :3
I’m trans (it’s a secret to my mom :p)
anything by Hatsune Miku and/or Dance of the Robe from Aida
Dinobunnycosplay bc they make GREAT cosplays
A lot
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
So yea I found an old notebook that I used to write stories on a few years back and BOY after page like 8? it was all story notes. AALLLL story notes and a few chapters for story ideas. After the TWOTHT Purge™️ (lmao) I had forgot all of them but some are nice. I can pick a few points and apply to my current wips. The notebook had also a part FILLED with paper sheets with doodles, drawing pratice and character design (this was what, like 5-3 years ago? I still do that lmao so i was surprised to find them that way. I guess old habits die hard)
It's nice because it just makes me rlly happy of how much I've grown as an artist! My sketches back then were more stiff (im no gesture master but its so much more Fluid now) and awkward and cluttered and messy. I didn't know what I was doing! I still don't, mostly, but I've got better.
The notes and scribbles also had multiple notes and planning for TWOTHT which is so GREAT. Its so good to find notes and sources from the start of whatever I'm trying to reboot. For example I found:
A world map
Notes on the possible scientific names of the species ("homo ignis")
A political map with the territorries of the races drawn out
A design tryout for Zaire (the MC)
A character profile for Zaire
Notes for characters I didn't know existed
And bonuses:
Some kind of existencial crisis I was having back then (i remember that a bit, actually, but its all foggy so these registers are funny to find) with goals to myself
A book wishlist (threw it away since i managed to read them all--its nice knowing i managed doing that *high-fives my past self*)
MANY queer pride flags. More specifically, aegosexual and lesbian pride flags. And a bunch of silly phrases and lyric lines. I guess they were really special for me back then
Anyways, finding all of this brings me a lot of joy, and also a bunch of stuff I can use, creatively speaking! ^^
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partynoobvanii · 1 year
What i think Sickpants Lullaby characters would listen to
(Most of the songs are Deltarune OST or Undertale OST, so don't complain if you see half of their favorite songs are from those OSTs lmao)
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Lullaby Sick BF -
Probably listens to some old kinda music, since his favorite song is What Is Love (Yes, the one by Haddaway) and any song that sounds silly, And Tally Hall. (yes he listens to Tally Hall fight me RAHHH 😈🙏‼️‼️‼️ /j)
His Favorite Songs : What Is Love by Haddaway
dancing around in circles until my little feet fall off by spellcasting
Cute Circus by Tsundere Twintails
Fizzy Pop Vibelands and boogercore, which both were made by Milk In The Microwave
And Turn The Lights off by Tally Hall.
Cool Mixtape from the Deltarune Chapter 2 OST
When I Get Mad I Dance Like This from the Deltarune Chapter 2 OST
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Lullaby Drugfriend -
Favorite Songs : I <3 LATINAS by Odetari
Anarchy Rainbow from Splatoon but sped up
Two Wuv from Tally Hall
Koinu no Carnival by EHAMIC.
Pandora Palace from the Deltarune Chapter 2 OST
(I just feel like his music taste is kinda random honestly lmao, he doesn't listen to music too much cause he's too busy getting high most of the time)
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Lullaby BobSponge GF -
Probably listens to Animation Meme songs (Used to be a animation meme kid, her animation memes sucked ass 😭) and The Cardigans, and the Deltarune and Undertale OST.
Favorite Songs : Crash by Neovaii
Lovefool by The Cardigans (It somehow reminds her of Lullaby Sick GF cause of the tune)
My Castle Town from the Deltarune Chapter 2 OST
Mini Studio from the Deltarune Chapter 2 OST
WELCOME TO THE CITY from the Deltarune Chapter 2 OST
And Temmie Village from the Undertale OST
(oh my gyatt she has so many favorite songs than the others wtf)
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Lullaby Sick GF -
Undertale OST, and Odetari, Kinda listens to Lumi Athena but not too much. (I said not too much cause i think he's problematic sadly) probably listens to alot of Sigilkore and Badass songs lmao 😭😭
Favorite Songs : NGAHHH!! from the Undertale OST (she likes Undyne's songs cause they make her feel badass)
Spear of Justice From the Undertale OST (Forgot to mention, her favorite Undertale character is Undyne)
Metal Crusher from the Undertale OST
Nalgotica by Lumi Athena
The End by Lil Uzi Vert and BabyMetal (If you don't understand why i put and babymetal, it's because it's a collab song)
Labyrinth by Miracle Musical
I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer (mwhehehee 🤑🤑)
Attack Of The Killer Queen from the Deltarune Chapter 2 OST
Probably will update later, i feel like drawing a new character just for this. >:3
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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i hope y’all had a great weekend!!!
i say, rambling about my strangely unrestful weekend under the cut because i have no friends to hear me out lmaooo
i’m only rambling here because the character limit in the tags is really annoying, and also because i really wanna remember all of the weird ideas that i threw out for my room planning in spite of my innately terrible memory, so here goes—
so, saturday! a day of rest for many, just a regular day at work for me :( but the one good thing about going to work yesterday is that i finally managed to eat this one specific food item that i’d been craving lmaooo.
on friday, this coworker dude offered to buy me (and everyone else too, really) some food to “celebrate” the weekend i guess? so i just told him that i wanted that food item (only because i’m unable to find it easily and stuff :(), and the dude actually managed to get it for me!!! granted, he bought it from a different country on his way to work, but still!!! the best part is that when the price of the stuff he bought was converted to local currency, the food came out to being literally 10 cents apiece, which was pretty funny ngl.
also, i got to hear some pretty 👀👀👀worthy work gossip, so that was fun~
and then came today. aka sunday!!!!
i found out that the apartment that my family and i would be moving into was almost ready(!!!!) and that i’d finally be getting my own room(!!!!!!!!).
so, naturally, i dragged my mother down to the apartment with me (despite her literally just coming back from visiting it with my brother) and took a gander for myself.
apart from my tiny room, the place was kinda insane ngl. they had some kind of built-in pulley system(????) for the overhead laundry rack, which you have to lower by yourself to hang your stuff on.
and also!!!! there seems to be sinks installed in the tank of the toilet bowl??? just look at it yo
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that’s definitely a sink, right?
it befuddles me to no end… i asked my mother what it’s for, and she told me that i could gargle my mouth there, so that was rather unhelpful. ಠ‿ಠ
and after that, i dragged my mother off to ikea to look at the showrooms and stuff for ✨inspiration✨ and inspiration did strike!!! i managed to get great ideas about to how to maximise my space in my tiny room and even made weird doodles to illustrate my vision for posterity!!! hint: ✨shelves✨. tons of shelves!!
…but sadly, my mother rejected my suggestion of skipping the dining table entirely to attach a huge shelf to the wall instead, so we could eat like we’re at a noodle bar :( sads. home noodle bars could definitely be a thing, right?
but in the end, i guess i’ll end up missing this current tiny temporary apartment that i’ve been staying at for the past few years… i’ll definitely miss the wild chicken family that lives at the ground floor though… despite how noisy the rooster is… but oh well! life has to go on, right? may the rooster terrorise the next inhabitants of this temporary flat as well…
but aside from that, i’m definitely not looking forward to dealing with my storaged nonsense, especially my love live merch collection from ages ago. i don’t even like love live anymore, man… what the heck was past me thinking?
aaaa i hope no bugs got into my pokespe manga though… those were my treasures for sure. maaan do i have so many memories of writing/drawing bad fanfiction for pokespe. and also of n harmonia. my former friend and i obsessed over the poor dude for ages. we drew so much bad fanart of him, turned him into a frog hybrid of sorts, and even made small replicas of his waist cube during class one day… man, now i feel old lmao
sorry if you read this~! uhhhhh happy sunday (if it still sunday for you)!!!!
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puppyeared · 2 years
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waddle dee and mk headcanons under the cut
even though waddle dees and waddle doos look really similar, and even refer to each other as cousins, waddle doos are actually closely related to Kracko. Waddle doos just happen to look similar and have the same features as waddle dees, but this is misleading. It's basically dreamland's version of carcinization
idk how sailor dee joined MK's crew (in canon or whatever idea is most agreed upon in the fanbase), but I'd like to think he snuck on the ship as a stowaway. he just wanted to see the inside of the ship, but got stuck on it when it actually took off. I guess MK made him do some chores as a small slap on the wrist (although dedede doesnt really count the waddle dees, so itd probably be a while before he notices one missing) but did some thinking and thought it would be good to have extra help on the ship, with ddd's permission of course and the kid's adorable come ON
also sailor dee is small, so they just cleaned up an old broom closet on the ship for him as his quarters; he has a hammock, and a small shelf for personal belongings, clothes, toys, etc. any drawings he makes in his free time get taped to the door by one of the Meta-Knights.
I also mentioned this in the kirby suburbs server god im so sorry for clogging up the channel, but i also have some headcanons for the waddle dees bc i love them
waddle dees use any pronouns (but i usually use he or they), they all wear the same smock. originally i wanted dedede to call each of them using different pronunciations of "waddle dee" like ice king to gunter, but i think the name tag thing is way funnier. its basically dedede wanting to be a little polite and call each of them by their name, so he made the name tag system so he could tell them apart. but the thing is that theyre ALL NAMED WADDLE DEE, so it backfired lmao
but the waddle dees are nice so they kept the name tag thing even after dedede figured out it wasnt gonna work and stopped putting name tags on them. instead, they all made their own name tags bc they like making them and they all wanna feel a little special (and they dont understand WHY they need nametags, for them its like idk why the king wanted us to do this but its ok :) this is fun :))
also it indirectly ended up working anyway because you can tell a little bit of what each waddle dee is like based on their name tag; like one might like baking so they made their name tag shaped like a biscuit, another might like knitting so they knitted a freaking name tag, maybe one really likes being a little fancy so they wrote their name in cursive, or one just wanted to feel included so they scribbled their name on a piece of paper and slapped it on their shirt.
also waddle dees can stick to each other like balloon friction. this can happen accidentally when they cuddle, or when dedede gets bored and wants to see how many waddle dees it takes to reach the ceiling. this is how you get the waddle dee balls in star allies
i cant imagine the waddle dees having a set age, so i threw that out the window, theyre all mcdonalds cup small size. they dont have an age, theres technically no biologically oldest or youngest waddle dee UNLESS you get assigned youngest, which is sailor dee, he is considered youngest waddle dee by popular opinion (dedede usually calls them kids bc theyre jUST LITTLE GUYS!! but this isnt to ship them with adult characters, i just cant think of an age that would best represent them as gijinkas)
when you pick up waddle dees you scoop them up like puppies :)
for my purposes, king dedede became the waddle dees ruler by accident and never bothered to correct them. he found one outside the castle and nursed it back to health, but his robe kind of resembles a kings robe, so it mistook him for a king. and waddle dees have some sort of hive mind, so waddle dees just kept showing up at dedede's castle (he found bandee passed out carrying another waddle dee as opposed to the lone waddle dee, so dedede took a liking to him all the way from the start)
on a related note, bandee is more active and energetic compared to the other waddle dees, which tend to loiter around the castle or outside. kirby likes playing with him because hes usually down to do whatever kirby wants to do, theyre best friends <3
idk how the GSA works in the anime, but im placing meta knight somewhere lower on the warrior hierarchy. not exactly legendary veteran among their ranks, but not unexperienced; they assigned him to popstar long before kirby arrived so he's kind of on standby and doesn't report to them unless they contact him first (and then the GSA disbanded or something and MK never found out and still thinks hes on standby, idk)
so MK is more awkward and by the book because he starts out doing everything the way he was trained, not with a certain experience you earn on the field. he does mellow out, so hes less stiff even though he still keeps to himself. hes not really jaded either, just not very social and not good at conversations (which ppl misinterpret as being cool and edgy? kind of true)
the scar on his face is from the first time he encountered kirby. dreamland is relatively peaceful so he hasnt had to face off against anyone in years, and this was before he and kirby were properly acquainted. thats also what motivatds him to train more of his own free will rather than whats been expected of him, both to be a good role model/mentor/dad to kirby, and to do things for himself.
bandee may be dedede's second in command/kid, but MK is dededes husbands no questions asked. if you ask them if theyre dating dedede will probably say something like "we're bfs," and he doesnt tell you if that means boyfriends or best friends, but its between them so thats that
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hikunn · 2 years
plush pizza magic
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childhood memory!watanabe haruto comes alive for gn!reader. lowercase intended, grammatical errors. fluff, no warnings. wc 425. you just wanted pizza but came back to something else entirely.
nebly's note : sorry for lack of dialogue and if it's a bit confusing ++ and also sorry for not adding a lot of haruto LMAO- bUT!! i did have a lot of fun writing this so...enjoy! happy (early) birthday haruto :D
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many of the cardboard boxes are full of items from your childhood. with each box you open, more memories present themselves to you. you sort through old drawings, old clothes, and pictures that captured scenes long forgotten.
flipping through a photo album, you come across a picture of yourself holding a stuffed toy. you smile to yourself, remembering the moment well.
you were just a toddler in the picture—no more than four years old. the big smile on your face revealed that one of your front teeth was missing. chuckling, you take the photo out of the sleeve, wanting to look at the photo closer.
the plush toy you were holding resembled a boy. was he from a cartoon? you can't remember. but you do recall your parents telling you that you begged for that toy, and threw one of the biggest tantrums when they said no. you were so happy when they surprised you with the toy one day. what did you name it again? hiro? haruki?
putting the photo aside, you start opening more boxes. seeing that picture made you want to find the toy again.
"here it is!!" you take it out of the box, holding it up gingerly. the stuffed toy wasn't bigger than the length from your elbow to your wrist. you inspect the toy. there were places where it seemed to lack stuffing caused by you hugging it too tightly when you slept. something about the toy's lifeless brown eyes had you...entranced.
you jumped, startled by the sound of the doorbell. "must be the pizza! wait here while i get it~" you laugh when you realize you were talking to an inanimate object.
with the pizza box in hand, you head back to where you were before. "pizza's here!"
you gasp, stopping dead in your tracks. the pizza box hits the floor with a thud. the plush toy you were just holding wasn't there anymore. amidst all the opened boxes, there was a boy.
even though he was sitting down, you could tell he was much taller than you. you noticed he wore the same clothes as your stuffed toy. he seemed to have a sort of dazed expression on his face, wondering why he was there.
noticing you, he turned his head. he smiled and gave you a small wave. "hello y/n! i've missed you."
despite the strangeness of the whole situation, you relax at his voice. when your gaze locks with the boy's brown eyes, you suddenly remember his name.
"i've missed you too, haruto..."
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© 2022 by hikunn
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finlaena · 3 years
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And now for something completely different! My redesign of Sweet Bee from the 1980's 'She-Ra: Princess of Power' cartoon, as intended for the 200x 'He-Man and the Masters of the Universe' cartoon and its aesthetic.
Came up with this about 20 years ago(!) and thought it'd be fun to draw her again after all these years, knowing what I know now about art.
I used to spend a lot of time on He-Man.org's forums when I was a young teenager and whatnot. There were some not-so-fun moments (I was incredibly insufferable and annoying for a 14-15 year old, not gonna lie) and I wish I could've handled myself better. But overall, it wasn't too bad. Kinda miss it sometimes, but eh... is what it is.
And for laughs, here's a comparison between this and one of the sole remaining drawings I have of Sweet Bee from that time period (as I threw out all my old sketchbooks ages ago and many things posted online are lost due to DA deactivations, sites crashing, and the void of time):
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I also love that, according to MOTU Classics, her real name is 'Beatrice'.
(And as a disclaimer, I have not seen the Neflix She-Ra cartoon nor do I really have any interest in doing so, mainly b/c my tastes in media consumption has long since moved on from cartoons in general to video games and non-capeshit movies lmao)
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