#i too am not a bit tamed,i too am untranslatable. ∶ ( v. advisor )
straye · 1 year
❝ what do you think? people can change, right?❞
resident evil: 4 remake starters : accepting !
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Makishima has the nerve asking him this.
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Deep down, Kogami thinks people can change, as all living things are capable of evolution to do so, whether it's for the good or bad, but given their past … he wonders if there's a hint of Makishima wanting affirmation of it for himself. They're on the same side now; that being the most obvious change from their previous game of cat and mouse ( and the fact that the Makishima standing before him is very much real ). But how much has he changed?
Of course, Kogami's not in a place to deign him with the answer he's looking for (nor does he think he ever will be, what with how the other man has wrought calamity after calamity in his life), so he stands in silence, mulling over the question, mind going between the truth and some sort of snappy answer that only he'd give.
Surely, he'll have changed if he changed sides. But he'll always be a poisonous weasel to Kogami.
He won't let him read anything off him if he can help it - he keeps his hands in his pockets, away from his lighter and cigarettes, and almost perpetually bored eyes trained on the doors before them.
The elevator announces Kogami's exit. He doesn't move too fast to leave. Best he not read his urgency in it, either. He couldn't be any pettier.
"Doesn't wipe their slate clean." He's glad for how fast the door closes behind him. He'd best be on his way.
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straye · 2 years
@achroanimus ( starter call )
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"I find any manner of us sharing an opinion deeply disconcerting." Though, in an odd way, comforting, since he doesn't feel so crazy. Nonetheless. "... it doesn't take a consultant's eye to see this is going to blow up soon."
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straye · 2 years
@valkyrrhic ( starter call )
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"... I put in a personal recommendation in for you to Hanashiro-san of the MOFA. Let me know when you get mail about it."
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straye · 2 years
@engodly, akane ( starter call )
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"I'm actually a fan of marine wildlife myself. I used to have a cuttlefish holo assistant when I was an Inspector." He gestures to the glass. "I think penguins are neat, too."
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straye · 2 years
❛  please  touch  me .  ❜ from Philo
𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝑶𝑭 𝑴𝒀 𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑬 . ( 18+ ) : accepting !
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Kogami treats Philomene as if he’s delicate, and he worries about his own desires towards the other man. While he’s capable of restraint and very much content with the tender and wholesome forms of physical affection they’ve come to show each other, he’s drawn away a few times when he’s felt any urges to go any further. There’s no way that Philomene doesn’t see it, with Kogami being such a horrible liar ( after all, his body never could ) — but if he has a problem with it, Kogami would rather he say something about it.
Such a thing happens again one evening where Kogami has Philomene over in his home, kissing on his couch. Kogami has his arms wrapped around Philomene’s waist, pulling him into his lap, languishing tongue against tongue, and getting lost in what he could best describe as the smell and taste of pure sunlight itself as he held him so close: warm, inviting, and fresh as a summer breeze. Desire boils his body, and he moans hungrily into Philomene’s mouth; he’s hardening just under him, and the friction Philomene is creating by being so close to him isn’t helping. He wants to buck his hips up, grind into him—
As soon as Kogami realizes it, he eases out of a kiss as smoothly as he can, their lips yet connected by a thin string of saliva and panting.
“I’m — I have to go use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” Kogami says evenly, and he reaches to lift @ethaer off of himself, but the other man keeps him pinned under him, legs around his waist and says,
❛ please touch me . ❜
He freezes where he is, his hands still at Philomene’s sides where he meant to set him back on the couch. Kogami meets his eyes, pushing his lust back to think straight.
“You’re sure?”
When he gets a yes, he feels flustered. Funny, since he’s always imagined having him in all manners that his imagination can think of. Still, he wants to be gentle. Still, he thinks Philomene delicate. He won’t be surprised if this is even his first time.
Kogami swallows, then nods.
“Tell me how you want me to touch you. If you want me inside you, you should at least let me get up to get my lubricant from my room.”
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straye · 2 years
❄️❄️❄️ Think fast, Kogami.
holiday inbox memes : ACCEPTING ! : ( @achroanimus )
[ ❄️]    to throw a snowball at my muse 
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Hatred stops for no one — Kogami’s hatred especially, which has burned bright for nearly a decade, coming to a head knowing that the pain it brought meant nothing when he and Makishima were coworkers of sorts now.
Per his and Makishima’s arrangement, Kogami arrives at their rendezvous point on the dot, bundled up in his thick winter clothing (though it's concealed and sheared down by his holo appliqué to closely resemble his everyday wear), with Frederica as his witness.
He doesn’t need a chauffeur with his full citizen rights restored, and he’s certainly never lost a fight against Makishima (except maybe once… just once!), but he’s never considered himself too cautious when dealing with the devilish man; he’s always got dirty tricks up his sleeve.
“Wait here,” Kogami orders his own boss, who shot back with an incredulous frown as he divested himself from the warm vehicle. Several inches of snow had already piled up by the time they parked their vehicle.
It probably seems stupid to other people. They’re both pushing forty with their feud, alive and well, but there’s no denying that they’re simply incompatible, and must remind each other of their places. This was their way of handling it.
After all, they are not two ships passing in the night.
There’s no mistaking Makishima’s silhouette in the night — he glows with the snow under the fluorescent parking lot lights, nearly blending into the oncoming blizzard.
“Makishima Shogo,” Kogami growls, loud enough over the whipping wind. He pops his knuckles as he approaches, slowly, the snow crunching beneath his soles, careful to not slip.
This wasn’t very ideal…
He thinks he hears his own name, then he sees gray—
Once, the frost stings as it slaps into his face, and he’s almost too shocked to react. Twice, it’s insulting. Thrice, he’s pissed, and moving to action.
“You fucker!”
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He ducks, deftly dodging the next snowball, and scrambles to form his own to throw back. It makes contact.
They are nearly forty years old, having a snowball fight in a parking lot, as they were not two ships passing in the night…
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straye · 2 years
leans on his shoulder and falls asleep. zzz
“We’ll be taking a trip for a little bit. Be sure to pack for at least five days.”
It wasn’t hard getting Hisae’s permission for the trip with how reliable he’s been to the family in the past, but he let her in on the itinerary and got some ideas on what Yukako might like best out of it (it was something of a surprise trip across the country, Shinya told Yukako that much until they got their tickets in their hands).
Shinya and Yukako left by train from Morioh one morning for Kanagawa. They’d be resting at Kogami’s childhood home; Tomoyo finally got to meet the daughter figure that reminded Shinya so much of her, and they hit it off much better than he could have hoped. ( He didn’t protest her referring to Yukako as a granddaughter. It was sweet, really. )
Shinya took Yukako to the beach he grew up visiting every summer, and all the places he spent prowling through when he was her age: the shopping centers, basketball courts, street food vendors.
The gesture was his own form of expressing his fatherly affection, and seeing Yukako seem so happy about the entire thing made his heart swell. They shared a disposable camera and film to capture these moments, and they reflected back on them on the train ride home, with Yukako leaning against his shoulder.
As the train flushed gold with the sky’s sunset glow and only a couple of hours left of their ride back, Kogami asked, “Did you have a good time, oujo-san?”
When he didn’t get a response, he peered over to her, and shook as he stifled a laugh.
“—- Ah. Rest easy.”
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straye · 2 years
🎁 -u-
spotify wrapped has arrived. send me a number from 1-100 for a starter based on that song, or a lyric from it, or send a 🎁 for me to shuffle.
Kogami doesn’t know what the MWPSB intended in letting Makishima continue to exist in its society by employing him, but if he’s lived this long under its jurisdiction with no known major incidents that rhymed with his previous crimes (Kogami himself has checked as far as he could to see), he supposes, that there may have been room for him to improve… and the thought alone sickened him, knowing that his own suffering was just that: suffering. 
It’s acid to injury knowing that they’ll be working alongside each other more when Kogami would rather jump ship than have anything to do with him, but since he’s got nowhere to run (and a lot more expectations to meet and amends to make), he’ll comply… or whatever.
Frederica notified Kogami of their upcoming, direct cooperation with the MWPB’s consultant that morning, and standing in the office alone with him made his fists itch in a way that he’s not proud of. Leaving them alone feels like a test.. 
Kogami tried ignoring him at first, looking over the briefing file they’d both received in their inboxes, though he knows at some point that they’ll have to actually talk. 
He can feel Makishima’s smile from where he stands leaned against the wall, and he sighs. 
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“They want to pit us against each other.” ( woman - doja cat. i made it work ... )
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straye · 2 years
@engodly, clarice. ( starter call. )
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"There's something so esoteric about American diners that home," Japan, he means, "couldn't ever capture. Do you think the health violations make the food better?"
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straye · 1 year
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𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐈𝐍𝐆 : as continued from here !   ( @lavenderongunpoint )
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     “… well, thanks.” The compliment takes him by surprise, and it’s hard to not show it. But he’s especially not sure who he should send his regards to. Sibyl doesn’t seem like the type to give so frivolous of good words (especially considering his past), and his next thought goes to…  maybe Akane and Ginoza, the former of whom he could always count on being nice, and the latter he expects less so, so the idea itself is super flattering. He can’t imagine that he’d be considered the top dog of anything besides causing trouble, though years in the line of duty probably made him humble himself to his own performance. Flattery doesn’t really get people far with him, though (or so he’d like to say), so he tries to clear out his surprise, and replace it with further intrigue for the woman before him.
     “Jae-Hwa it is. You can address me as you please, too.” A friendly smile briefly finds itself on his lips .
     “But, that’s a Korean name, right? You’re the third non-Japanese Inspector I’ve met so far. I trust you haven’t gotten any trouble for that? You know how it is around here.”
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straye · 2 years
" Have you worked alongside other divisions before ? "
𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒𝐊 : always accepting !
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"You'd know, wouldn't you?"
Realizing how ... snippy that sounds, Kogami goes 'Oh' in his head and sighs, scratching the back of his head as he takes a few mental steps back to form a warmer response. He knows the name of everyone he's met and all the personnel that worked on the Specimen Case, but ... he supposes that a troublemaker like him might go under the radar in the grand scheme of things (false. everyone knows the name of every Inspector that's died or fallen from grace.).
"I used to have your seat, y'know. Guarding 2 in Division 3 -- but I transferred to Division 1 to become Shepherd Two after a case wiped personnel." He'll spare the boring details about the rest. He expects everyone and their mothers to know. "-- working with other divisions isn't uncommon, though I suppose it depends on the goodwill of those in charge. I don't recall hearing much of today's CID personnel from Hanashiro aside from Inspector Tsunemori and that Shimotsuki girl... so, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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straye · 2 years
" goldenrod, " she starts, mien a vision of delicate concentration as eyes are keen 'pon the work at her hands, and lips move with intentional softness. her fingers are steady as they pull at a ribbon, a smooth rasp emitting from the fabric's motion, neatly forming a bursting bouquet of bright, canary yellow flowers. " did you know they represent determination and encouragement? they can thrive in even the harshest of conditions. isn't that admirable?━━━here, " the brunette offers a half-smile, pushing the arrangement towards him. " they suit you. take good care of them for me, won't you? "
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    "You flatter me, Miss Ahri."
    He's offering his patronage more often than not these days, having acquired a taste for greenery in his home ( he thinks it might be his age catching up to his tastes ). If he were not there for her company, then he surely was to watch her work; he trusts that she'll have made it known if it inconvenienced her any. He stood in complete silence, mesmerized by how delicately she treated the flowers, and when he draws the bouquet into his arms, he worries that in his own rough touch, they'll wilt.
    One can't hold a flower the way one holds a sword, after all.
     "I'll try. Plant food, a vase, and sunlight, right? I like to think I'm starting to learn how to do this green thumb thing the more I stick around you. The flowers I got from you last time are still in good condition."
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straye · 2 years
@dynamoprotocol ( starter call. )
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"So, that assistant of yours ... can it do anything cool? Or... different, I guess."
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straye · 2 years
@kudakenai ( starter call )
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"Your friends -" At least, he thinks they're her friends... "- know me, right? They've given me weird stares every time I see them. Surely you haven't given them strange stories."
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straye · 2 years
"you... you kept that stupid earring this whole time?" ignore the tears forming--they just have an eyelash in their eyes. both of them. stubbornly rubbing their eyes with their sleeve isn't helping.
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"Of course I did. It's important to us, so I didn't have any reason to throw it away, much less lose it." He gingerly touches the dangling earring in question -- it's the matching half to the very one that Thana themself is wearing. When he sees it on them, a smile grows on his face, but as he averts his eyes to their teary ones, his smile eases to sheepishness. "I could ask the same of you. I wouldn't call it stupid, but… you've still got yours."
Though years have passed since the Makishima case, he held on to every bit of sentimentality that came from Japan, this earring included. He remained under the impression that he'd never see any of Division 1 again, with half the heart of it dead by the time he completed his task, but he couldn't bear the thought of forgetting them completely. So, some of the gifts he got from everyone remained ever in his inventory -- and some, on his body. He could deal with them forgetting him, but he couldn't live acting like he could do the same, despite himself.
"Thana… I don't know how much you think you mean to me, but… a lot doesn't cover it. I've kept everything we shared -- everything you've given me. You're free to raid my place to see for yourself. Geez… don't cry. You're going to make me cry, too."
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straye · 2 years
holiday inbox memes : ACCEPTING ! : ( @vtriol )
[ 🥛🍪 ]    to catch my muse eating / drinking the goodies left for “santa”
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Kogami usually isn’t one to adhere to Christmas traditions, having always been far too busy with work to think about settling down and doing anything special with the holidays except show up to his parents’ and the occasional office party. He can count how many times he’s worn one of those Santa hats on one hand, and it stopped completely by the time he went overseas.
Tenzing coming along changed everything, and when he realized how much of these Christmas traditions she might have never seen for herself, he made it his mission to make up for it — Christmas, then, became a very big deal, and he’s glad it didn’t take much convincing for Thana to go along with it since they’re fond of the little girl themself.
Kogami went the full nine yards: the tree (which he sacrificed one of his bookshelves to place), the stockings, the makeshift fireplace, the mistletoe at every doorway, and, lastly, the cookies he planned to leave out for Santa.
Tenzing is old enough to know that Santa is just some dead old guy kept alive in spirit, but she’s kind enough to let the gesture count and entertain the idea of him arriving in the night.
“You should go to bed now, Tenzing.” Kogami said, nudging Tenzing’s shoulder to rouse her from the light doze she fell into as she leaned against him. They spent the better half of the evening cozying up in front of a space heater; Kogami read, and Tenzing did so secondhand, just over his shoulder until she got drowsy. “Santa’ll stop by for sure.”
“Are you sure it won’t really be Thana eating the cookies?” She wiped her eyes.
“I’ll guard it myself.”
“Then Santa won’t come because he’ll be scared of you.”
“I promise Santa and I are fine with each other. Just get to bed.”
“Alright… Good night, Kogami.”
She gave Kogami a hug, then disappeared down the corridor to her room.
Kogami spent more time reading in the living room, then dozed off himself.
He woke up to the pitch black living room, with the tiny space heater turned off. He imagines Thana or Tenzing might’ve been responsible for that, and he smiles fondly at their thoughtfulness (though his age must be catching up to him because he’d normally remember to make sure that was accounted for … ah, whatever).
What alarmed him, though, is the crunching and clattering coming from this kitchen.
He sprang to his feet, dropping his book to the floor with a muted thud, and stalked towards it to investigate. He saw the white haired head, even in this dark, and smacked the light switch on. They swiveled to meet his gaze, and their eyes looked went wide like a cornered animal’s.
“You!” He said in whisper-shout, mindful, he hoped, of their sleeping child. “She told me you’d be the culprit, and yet— drop it!”
He reached over to take the plate from Thana, but they, with their mouthful of cookies, turned so he missed it.
“I’m not fighting you on this. Put it down.”
Their narrowed red eyes said, No.
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“I’m not going to fight you on this..! Put. It. DOWN.”
They proceeded to fight on this.
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