#i took a pic of it but didnt get when that particular one was published and it has a lot of supplementary info included
bones-n-bookles · 1 year
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White Fang, by Jack London, 1906
Bought from my local thrift store. This is one of my favorite stories, and one of very few that I remember very well and can even quote passages from. As such, I want to collect just about every copy possible lol, at the least for the varying cover art and any art within the book itself.
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taki118 · 2 years
More Stuff to disprove that MoriHaru “fact” this time authors notes from the manga
The more I see people share this “fact” that Mori was the original endgame with no sources the more I feel compelled to find info showing the opposite even if I’m really just shouting into a void. my first post on this subject is here. Anyway even if you don’t care stick around for some fun Ouran trivia. 
First lets look at the popularity polls there were three over the course of the series.
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This was done early showed in the first volume. and was apparently done after the first 2 chapters (they’re called episodes for some reason) where released in Lala magazine. and the creator was SURPRISED by this if Mori were the original Love Interest wouldn’t that make her happy?
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Second one in the second or third volume and was done original after the first 4 chapters. And she makes no remarks for Mori but offers sympathy for Honey.
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This was the last one done after the 50th chapter. 
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This was the creators response and she appears genuinely happy everyone seems to love the main pair as characters. However (and this goes into the next part) the creator notes she was surprised since most letters are about the Twins and Kyoya and that the poll mightve been altered had they kept the twins as a unit. This leads into that Tamaki was NOT universally loved by japanese fans. 
In one volume the creator drew out some fans requests she thought were fun most of them involved Mori
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The final bought of this was given to rapid fire requests of Haruhi insulting Tamaki
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In fact these were the only requests of Tamaki drawn, this suggests that there weren’t a lot of Tamaki requests funny or otherwise. Fans disliking Tamaki is actually brought up a bit
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Twins Fans in particular seem to hate him. But the creator seems rather sad for Tamaki than anything else, even suggesting older fans tend to like him more which yeah i can see that.
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Fans reactions are talked of now and then this one was closer towards the mid point of the series 
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Twins fans seem very vocal and are rather consistent throughout the series. 
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This was rather early like vol 4 I think. Again I would think that if the story was dictated by the publishers as the people perpetuating this “fact” insist wouldn’t this tell them to go with Mori???? Considering he’s popular with doing very little?????
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This pic was made by the head character designer of the anime which could mean the anime was purposely kinder to Mori in the plot than the manga itself. 
But lets go into what the author has said of him directly
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So I’m fairly certain this is what started everything, though from what I’ve read the creator had a lot of ideas in passing, but notice that this says he makes her groan. I think this means he’s difficult to write.
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Which appears to be true as its kinda a running joke with her staff that he doesnt really have lines.
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This was from the final volume. She talks about what sort of person he could end up with a refined traditional girl being best or a tomboyish free spirit. I guess the second you could maybe put Haruhi on to (though I think japanese idea of tomboy is different to americans) but also says that should Haruhi and Tamaki have kids first he’d be the most happy. She also shows some things she wanted to do with him but didnt and its really just face gags. 
Now lets get into the notes for tamaki
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This was from volume one and while she admits to some changes to his character (for the better I’d say) It appears she was more definitive in what her plans with him were.
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I think this is the creators way of saying Tamaki is the easy to write. 
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She also seems grateful that his personality adds a brevity to heavy situations.
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There was a good deal of mention that Twins fans in japan really hated Tamaki and the creator always seems to defend him at least a little.
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I can’t remember when this one took place in the story but I mean its interesting wording.
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The manga had 18 volumes, and this was when the big story lines dropped. The creator was well aware that a good chunk of the fandom did not care for Tamaki and seemed excited for his reveals and you can see that as early as the vol 1 character sheet.
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This was on the game and showcases that she really does like drawing Tamaki.
The rest of these are on the development side.
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So the Beach chapters were made after fan requests though not they way they had wanted. Suggesting that fan input did effect the story but not always the way intended by fans.
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So not related to Mori or Tamaki or the romance. But I think it is important to note that this is the writer’s process of sorts. Rather loose. 
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This was for the chapter about Haruhi and Tamaki in Boston as a couple. And she states it was something she always wanted to draw.
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Last one is her talking about how happy she is to complete the series. Over the years the creator has stated she was happy with what she made the statement hasnt changed and I don’t think its a lie, implying she did just what she wanted. The idea that she had a HUGE plot change forced on her doesnt seem to be here. One could say that she HAS to act like she likes it because of contract but I dunno, overall I don’t think its good to assume that sort of thing is happening in regards to another person. You kind of have to take them at face value and Hatori Bisco has always been rather consistent in how she feels about the series, that she is happy, that she did what she wanted, and aside from this one “fact” (which again no one sources) there is no hinting that that her publishers ever interfered outside of an anime news network interview in 2019 where she said they had doubted TAMAKI working out but got her way in the end. 
Again I welcome anyone who uses this fact to tell me their source, and I’ll take the L.
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