#i tried the websites too but the download rate was too slow
allurared · 10 months
see i KNOW you're not supposed to use piratebay but like that's easy to say when you're pirating the last marvel show. sometimes you want to watch the classic sônia braga vehicle a dama do lotação (1978) and your only options are three shady porn adjacent websites with mediafire links and a torrent with one seeder and three leeches from 2009 and you just kinda have to stake your bets
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cloviaglade · 4 years
Yeah it came to me in a dream shared it with a friend and she said I should inflict it on the world so here we go
Warning: It's super long but I broke it up into chunks
(note not all members of the house fall into the categories listed also I'm not the best with corporate terms and positions. Also this was made for fun and isn't that serious)
The houses
The Black eagles generally were in accounting or sales. They dealt with a lot of the customers firsthand and were considered expendable
Blue lions where mostly in HR or IT
Golden deer mostly worked in maintenance and public relations.
Staff and church members are members of the board. Flayn has her position on the board despite her age because nepotism
The Seiros Co:
It's a large company that provide a large array of services and products that promote physical and emotional well-being. The company started out with good intentions but soon became a corporate monster
The company provides a host of benefits to its employees including on site housing, on site restraunts, on site pools gyms ect. They even have the best insurance on the planet. They even have horse therapy.
However they have to pay premiums on the health insurance, their rent is docted from their pay, they have to pay for on-site facilities, and those living on site are heavily encouraged to work overtime.
a lot of this is justified by cover every single health expense and days of for minor colds. Many employees seek mental health care more often than they seek physical care.
The on site living conditions vary heavily. Most are just a small white room with a single bed and a dresser. No visitors after certain hours and forget about outside visitors. However rumors are spreading that the board members have spacious luxury apartments.
The pay without all the benefits is not a wage you could live off of. But with the rent for these rooms doct from your pay you couldn't reasonably save up for different arrangements.
The strike begins:
Edelguard was finally fed up watching her team struggling. She hears constantly about how her workers are not making enough. How they have to scrape because they needed new clothes or shoes. Or worse how Petra wasn't able to support her sick grandfather
She hired a lawyer Hubert to look into information about their contracts and compare everything to labor laws. She needed to know how much of this was legal and if there was anything to be done about it.
Huberts lawfirm dealt with several lawsuits in the past. They are considered ruthless in court however media painted them out to be money hungry and demented
As expected, it was legal (mostly due to lack of regulation for these types of benefits) but really unfair, So Hubert suggested a strike. His firm would handle all the legal matters as they prepared a lawsuit and to unionize.
Edelguard was careful to organize it in private. Nothing was emailed. Nothing to tract them. Flyers were handwritten and posted in the dorms inviting members to secret meeting on slow hours.
What everyone did on the day of the strike/position they were in the office.
Black eagles
Edalguard: head of sales- she got everyone in her department and many others in different departments to simply stop working for the day when she commanded everyone to stop working via megaphone. She suck in hubert and went to a private meeting room to set up a list of demands.
Hubert: head of Vestra lawfirm- he snuck past security with the help of Edelguard. He brought a laptop and a phone with Hotspot so he could video call the rest of his attorneys from inside the conference room. Once the strike was in full swing he toured the place with Edelguard gathering evidence.
Ferdinand: senior sale manager has the highest customer satisfaction - when the strike was well underway he sent a mass email to everyone in every department including the CEO and founder herself in a very professional tone about how there is a strike. Lornez replied immediately and they when to the breakroom to enjoy tea while on the clock.
Lindhart: IT software specialist - first thing he did was turn off all the bans on websites. Everyone could go on whatever website they wanted to. He left the download blocker up and other safety precautions in place. Others could looks at memes and scroll through social media ect. He then returns to his dorm and takes a paid nap.
Caspar: manager in accounting slow but very accurate and a real team player - he hated the no pets policy with a burning passion so he let all the stray and feral cats that hang around the building in through one of the side doors. They stayed mostly on the ground floor and a few made a mess under the desks. He played with the strays with a few of his co-workers.
Bernadette: customer service rep. - she hated the calls filled with angry people. She clocked out, disconnected he phone, ran into her dorm and screamed into her pillow until calm. Once she calmed down enough she did some embroidery.
Dorothea: sales representative- has the highest upsale rate - she gets into her car and just leaves. She is still clocked in. Nobody knows where she went. Some say she met with a lover, others say she went on a binge. Nobody really knows.
Petra: bilingual sales rep. - she signed her phone off and immediately called up her family overseas. She proceeded to catch up and talk with her family for hours. She rarely got to speak with them due to the difference in timezones.
Blue lions
Dimitri: head of IT - he doesn't actually know much about IT and has little intrest in it. He got the job because his dad recommended him. With the outside website ban lifted and the lost of control of his department he frantically tried to get everything under control
Dedue: cyber security and protocol educator - although the bans are lifted he is still concerned about a cyber attack. He is frantically try to restore the ban but it seems like lindhart deleted the code.
Felix: hardware specialists - he was the one who should've been promoted into Dimitri's position and is a bit smug about how everything is falling apart in front of his boss. He bypasses the download blocker and plays minecraft on the company computer. Dimitri is too busy to notice that felix isn't helping.
Sylvain: HR rep. - he knew from the start that working conditions were shit. He was tired of trying to raise moral by doing everything but paying the employees more, giving them time off, and reasonable working hours. He went to the break room where Ferdinand and Lornez were having tea and ate a bunch of the snacks the company was reselling at super high prices then faxed a picture of his ass and balls to rhea herself as a letter of resignation.
Ashe: new hire in IT - was called down to the first floor to replace a keyboard a cat peed on. Found caspar was the reason the cats were let in. Caspar then persuaded him to play with the cats instead of shooing them out. 3 hours later he completely forgot about the strike and clocked out per usual. He completely forgot about the strike
Mercedes: head of HR - she meets with the board and discussed what to do about the strikers. They can't force them to go home since everyone striking lives on site and has every right to be there. No significant damages is being done to property. The only loss is from those not working (and a keyboard covered in cat piss and $35 worth of snacks) Mercedes is forced to find a way to get them to stop but in a way that doesn't really change anything. She leaves the meeting when it is over clocks out and returns to her modest house she calls out sick for the next couple of months.
Annette: HR rep - she tries to stop the chaos on the floor and to convince everyone to return to work. She is ignored. She wanted to ask for a megaphone to help gain attention but edelguard took the one from HR and the person with the key to one in the event closet is striking as well. She runs around in a paint trying to answer emails and settle everyone down.
Ingrid: IT helpline rep - helping Dimitri reset the ban on outside websites is above her pay grade. She at least know some of the terminology and the basics. She manages to set up a very basic blocker but it didn't block whole domains just the homepage of every website she could think of that's wasn't appropriate for work. Logging into the site allowed you to bypass the block. Ingrid feels like she will be fired for not being able to do more
Golden deer:
Claude: event planner - noticing that there was no work happening he finally decided it was time to actually do his job. He dipped into those sweet event funds and ordered as many pizza's as he could from every pizza join that could deliver. He busted out the sport balls and got employees to clear some room for flag football on the 3rd floor. He got Hilda to organize games of hide and go seek in floors 4 and 5. All games and activities were not officially approved but followed all guidelines.
Hilda: claudes assistant - organized games on the 4th and 5th floors. The cubicle although uniform made excellent hiding spaces and the food plaza just got rid of the old tables and chairs awaiting delivery of new ones so there was a ton of space to run around. Hidia had to jump between floors pretty often which was a workout all on its own but it was worth it to see everyone smile at work for once.
Lornez: head of advertising - he was tired of writing jingles and stupid commercials for the company. He wasn't aware of the strike until he got the email from Ferdinand. He offered to treat him to some tea he brought from home. They had a lovely talk and watched Sylvain stress eat. He tried to talk Sylvain out of resigning but failed.
Raphael: pizza delivery guy - he thought it was a joke at first since they never delivered pizza to the Serios Co but was persuaded by Claude. He got stopped at the front by the front desk clerk who was ordered not to allow any deliveries. Soon more pizza guys showed up and some of them where not as nice as Raphael. He eventually got in and successfully delivered his pizza.
Ignatz: accountant - he wanted no part of this and tried to work despite being on the 3rd floor. He doesn't have any PTO and is frantically trying to get his absence approved because he cannot work under these conditions. He got walled in with desks and chairs and hand to crawl his way out to try to find someone in HR to help him but found their office empty. Worst day of work ever.
Lysithia: Intern- hopes to join the advertising department - She needs this job for school credits so finding out that her boss told her to take the day off because of strike she immediately thought of her record. Lorenz assured her that she would get credit as long as he had any say in it. She played a round of hide and go seek before studying in Lornez's office
Marianne: customer service rep.- she heard the rumors and on the day of the strike she freaked out and when to have a panic attack in her car. She was on lunch technically but she took a 3 hour lunch. She came back in clocked out and decided to try that horse therapy.
Leonnie: pizza delivery guy (not nice) - she knows the customer didn't care that the order took so long to complete and was very understanding that the 30mins or less delivery time but seriously! 50 PIZZAS!! She had to stretch and press dough at top speed for like 45 mins then she burnt her hand while boxing some of the pizza's and she had to deliver all of it to this company just outside of town and now the person at the front door is insisting that the pizza was ordered by mistake oh no! Not today! You will take the pizza and you will pay for it and tip 25%.
Rhea: CEO and founder - she honestly believes her practices are helping the community. She doesn't realize that she doesn't give her employees much choice. She thinks her employees are ungrateful.
Seteth: president - also believes the company is doing the best they can. He knows the dorms are small and brand but they house 78.364% of their employees and they all see a doctor at least 3 times a month. He hates that he has difficulty finding a balance between competitive prices, compensating workers, and turning a profit.
Flayn: secretary - she saw the fun going on in the 5th floor while on her lunch and thought it was organized by staff and didn't connect it as part of the strike.
Catherine: front desk - tried to turn away all the delivery drivers but more kept coming. She kept getting calls from upper management about the social media platforms and tried frantically to get in to make a statement but had little luck. She gave up when Leonnie demanded payment and let all the delivery people in.
Shamir: social media manager- she originally attended the meetings as a mole but soon learned that her fellow employees hardships. She drafted huge posts on every platform exposing the truth, changed all the passwords then took a vacation during the strike.
Hanneman: chief operational officer - he is calling and emailing the IT department about the bans every moment he can. He organized the meeting as soon as the strikers got rowdy.
Manuela: chief financial officer - although she is worried about the finances she has also been pressing about where to cut the budget first. Horse therapy is ridiculous! They own the whole ranch and are responsible for the upkeep of every horse. And all the horses are carefully hand selected and trained too. It's too much nobody uses the horse therapy because nobody has the time off to go to horse therapy!
Alois: Chairman - his title is mostly empty. He joined the strikers in a game of flag football scored a touchdown. Then went back to work as usual. Didn't check his emails about the strike since he only checks them in the morning when he first comes into work.
Gilbert: treasurer - he puts business first. Doesn't know his daughter works for the same company. Was friends with Dimitri's father. He is stressing about how the company will recover financially. He is the reason for the pay cuts so they can fund most of the benefits.
Cyrill: gopher - he gets paid minimum wage and lives on site. He considers himself lucky that he can drive the company car to go pick up office supplies from the store. He was homeless before he got a job at Seiros and feels like he is important.
Since several members of the board were caught participating in strike activities the hubert and his firm counted them at strikers and used this in court.
The dorms were not considered responsible accommodations saying that prisoners in jail cells at least have their own toilet.
The news when crazy with the posts on social media. The account never replied to any dms or comments. When called they said a rogue employee posted them falsely because she was being fired.
Rhea was forced to pay a lawsuit that gave all dormitory workers an allowance of $1000 for rent for life. Even if they choose to leave the company.
Dimitri was fired for not actually having any training. Felix was promoted to the head of IT and everyone respects him.
Rhea looses her company. And most of her assets. She kept the therapy horse ranch and manages that for a living.
With the entire company now belonging to her since everyone above her resigned she made a ton of changes making the company more normal. She pays a fair livable wage to every employee. She repurposed the dorms into offices or solitary break rooms.
Huberts firm gets rebranded as a honest firm that wants to help the little guys. He later goes on to help other corporations unionize.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
How many more days until your next birthday? Google says 180. Do you hate or enjoy answering really personal questions? I don’t hate them at all, why do you think I answer a bunch of surveys all the time lmao? Is there a meaning behind your username on here? It means that’s what my profile is full of, so yes. Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? No. Don’t see why I should. What's your ringtone on your phone? I have the default ringtones for iPhones, but I have customized sounds for Gab so I’d know if she was the one texting or calling.
Do you ever countdown to anything? Stuff I’m excited for, obviously. It can be anything from my birthday to the start of Christmas break to a movie release I’m excited to see. Countdowns make me feel like a kid again, so yeah I like doing them. Who was the last person to visit your house besides family? It was Gabie; she slept over last Wednesday. Are you allowed to watch rated R movies? More than allowed to; I just wouldn’t watch them with my parents. Do you know the name that your parents almost gave you? It was either Ariel or Catalina/Kathleen. I like both prospects, but I’m also glad they stuck with Robyn in the end. How many bedrooms are in your house? It used to be three, but we had the house renovated a couple of years ago and added one more room, so now it’s four. Do you see more of your mom or dad's side of the family more? Mom’s. Definitely closer with her side. I don’t really know anyone from my dad’s side other than his immediate family. Did anything embarrassing happen this week? Yeah, I had an anxiety breakdown yesterday in front of Gab’s friends and it was so embarrassing to gradually shut down in front of them. Are there any tattoos that you really want to get? I want to get tattoos of a plate of nachos and my dog’s pawprint. Do you like the smell of the house after you've made cookies? I don’t really bake cookies, but I love the scent it emits nonetheless. Are you a fast runner? I used to be; I was on the track team. Once I stopped playing though I slowed down. What color is your toothbrush? It’s predominantly white but it has orange features to distinguish it from the other toothbrushes in the bathroom. Have you ever been called fat? No. I’ve gotten you’re-getting-fat’s, but I haven’t been called fat. Do you really believe that everyone has a soul mate? Idk, I don’t really think about souls. What's something about your neighbors that you hate? My neighbors are fine, I’m just shy and don’t talk to them. Do alligators scare you? I definitely wouldn’t get close to them. Do you have abs? Nope. Have you ever kissed someone and then never saw them again? I have not. Have you ever been in detention? We don’t have detention. I’ve always wondered what that meant, too. Do you guys just sit in a room? Or do extra work? Does a counselor talk to you? :((((
Has your neighborhood ever thrown a block party? Idk what a block party means but my neighborhood holds an annual Christmas party; that’s really the only time we get together as a big group. Do you believe in vampires? I do not. Have you ever been the star on a sports team? People knew me as the table tennis girl but I wouldn’t wanna call myself a star. Can you play the guitar? Hell no. Have you ever kissed someone while they were dating someone else? No, wtf. Do you like hot dogs? Sure. Are glasses a turn on or turn off for you? They don’t matter to me. Do you have a hot tub? We don’t. Halloween or Thanksgiving? Halloween. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving because there are people who live in Asia and we’re part of those -_____- Would you ever try one of those dating websites? I downloaded Tinder for a short time just because I wanted to check out the culture and, like, people-watch. It was fun going through the profiles but I never really did anything on there, so I deleted it after a few weeks. In your opinion, what's the worst subject in school? CALCULUS and CHEMISTRY can fuck right off Do you like to be tickled? I hate it. When's the last time you flew a kite? Grade 5, probably. Do you ever take a bath and eat food at the same time? That seems so messy and yucky lol no. Do you hate long surveys? I don’t hate them...I just don’t like taking those in one go. If it’s long but has interesting questions that I don’t want to miss out on, I cut it into two surveys. Do loud people bother you? If they’re excessively loud, yeah. Do you like the taste of blood? No. Who is the ugliest person in school? Based on the inside. There’s a girl named Mikee that I recently learned is rotten as fuck. That girl is so not loved by her parents. Has anyone ever given you flowers? Yep.
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ahighlandfling · 6 years
Prague, the picturesque capital city of the Czech Republic, is a place that had long been on my travel bucket list – and I finally went to see it this week! Riley and I were only there for a few days (with Riley working for a couple of those) but we managed to cram a lot into 24 hours of exploring this iconic city together.
Among the more famous historical sights, there is a particular modern place of interest worth visiting, the Nationale Nederlanden building or “Dancing House” (click on map below to enlarge). This was our first stop on our tour of the city, and only a short walk from the apartment we were staying in. The building itself contains office spaces, a gallery and restaurant, with a terrace on top from which you can observe the whole city. However, you can admire the bizarre architecture from the exterior and get that “leaning tower of Pisa” photo opportunity, pretending to dent the building with your own fist or foot.
From there, we walked north along the river to the old town, stopped in at a “fill your own bag” sweet shop (of which there are a few around), and paused in the Old Town Square – something that looks right out of a fairy tale and is a must-see. We were fortunate enough to experience Prague coming to the end of their tourist season so the place wasn’t overly heaving with tourists. If you went in June/July time, however, I think it would be a very different story.
If you’re looking for something a little different (and, happily, free) to experience in the town, then head to the Prague City Hall. Inside is a little hidden gem in the form of a Paternoster elevator. Now, you might be thinking, what on earth would make an elevator remotely interesting (it’s the little things in life, right?). Well, this particular 20th century elevator is doorless and it doesn’t stop or slow down. You don’t see many of these around anymore, having being banned due to safety concerns, but they were once fairly common in Europe and remain a lot of fun. For those brave enough, ride the elevator all the way to the bottom (or top) where it suddenly gets quite dark, shakes, and rumbles as it slides sideways, continuing on its infinite loop.
You’ll find these lifts if you turn right as you enter the City Hall, and follow the hallway round to the back. Alternatively, enter through the rear of the building and you’ll be faced with the lifts straight ahead. Well worth 10 minutes of your time having a go on this if you’re in the area.
Rear of the City Hall
Our next stop was to try some of Prague’s Chimney Cakes, or Trdelník. For this we headed to Good Food Coffee and Bakery on a narrow street off Karlova in the Old Town. The snack itself is made from a rolled, sweet dough wrapped round a stick that is then grilled, cooled and filled with things such as ice cream or whipped cream. You’ll be spoiled for choice but there is an array to match your Instagram feed. I tried the Chimney Devil with activated carbon ice-cream and coconut – going for appearance over taste was probably a regrettable choice but I did get some nice snaps. Maybe go for the Chocolate or Raspberry options if you’d like to enjoy your cake as well as Instagram it.
We then crossed the historic Charles Bridge before ending up by the “Piss Sculpture”. Installed in 2004 by Czech artist David Černý. This odd statue shows two men peeing into the outline of the Czech Republic. Perhaps even more odd, the sculpture is interactive – you’ll notice the hips of the men and their members moving to change the direction of the flow of water. If it tickles your fancy, there’s a phone number near by (or you can find it online) and you can text in a message for the men to write out in the water with their “pee”.
After enjoying a refreshing Aperol Spritz in a local cafe, we then headed up the slope to the palace/castle complex for a wander round outside and to take in one of the most stunning view points overlooking the city, found here, right by Starbucks:
We headed back to our apartment from there, swinging by the John Lennon Wall before going out for dinner at the Terasa U Prince rooftop terrace – a beautiful place to spend any amount of time overlooking the Old Town whilst enjoying a meal or drinks. From the desert menu, I’d highly recommend the Zesty Lemon Sorbet with optional vodka to finish off the evening.
Tourist Tips
Avoid getting a taxi anywhere at all costs, especially to and from the airport as drivers charge a small fortune and will even then likely bump the price up knowing you’re a tourist – expecting you to be none the wiser! Our primary method of getting about (besides our own legs) was Uber – well worth downloading the app if you haven’t already for your travels. We were able to get around for less than half the cost of a normal taxi this way. For a trip from the airport to town, we were quoted 800 czech koruna (which is around £28) for a 30 minute ride whereas our Uber only cost us about £12 for the same trip!
Be prepared for vendors trying to get more money out of you. Unfortunately this happened on numerous occasions to us (and friends). Asking for a hot dog from street vendors only to find they’ve just added 100Kč claiming that the price is different than the one on the board for no apparent reason, or adding an extra beer to your bill that you didn’t order, when out with friends, hoping you wouldn’t notice. Fair enough – these could be innocent mistakes – but we saw it happen once too often, so it’s worth being aware of.
The city can be viewed at its finest at dawn or dusk. The sun casts a beautiful glow on the city as it rises especially, plus, you’ll find the town much quieter and the streets free of people for some stunning shots. If you can get your self somewhere in view of Charles Bridge looking east – even better!
Be aware of scams and pickpockets. Like with most European cities, pick pockets can be rife in heavy tourist areas so watch your belongings when you’re out and about. Avoid currency exchange places too as these have hidden commissions and hardly ever exchange with the rate advertised (see this website for more information on exchange scams)
Lastly, take the time to just wander. Prague is a beautiful city, with many hidden gems and viewpoints to be discovered. Its one of the cheaper European cities to enjoy too, and coupled with elegant architecture, and delicious food and drink, it is a fantastic destination for anyone’s travel bucket list!
Prague in 24 Hours Prague, the picturesque capital city of the Czech Republic, is a place that had long been on my travel bucket list - and I finally went to see it this week!
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vintongxvw210 · 4 years
Where to get Farmers Dynasty
Simulation | FPP | Economic | farm | RPG elements | machines and equipment | life Simulator | indie games | EA Play
Developer: Toplitz Productions
Publisher: Toplitz Productions
Official website
Game mode: single player
Platforms: PlayStation 4 PS4, Xbox One XONE, Windows PC, Nintendo Switch
Game release date: 21 November 2019
User ratings: 6/10
There is beauty to be within indifference plus a miracle in the mundane. Unfortunately, in the case of Farmer’s Dynasty, it doesn’t matter how difficult that tries, it can’t satiate the same sentiments. ‘More than just the agricultural simulation’ is the tagline, and whilst this could be true, this isn’t necessarily a good thing.
To preface that assessment, it is worth seeing that real-life and farming sims are a few of our favorite. I enjoy the chance that they offer: I can take a put back, relaxed line where time is no reason, so far I and have setting goals for each day after that slip to have them made. There are various sports further with former to offer the same thing with like heightened achievement that it reaches perfect sense for all games to follow suit. People simply should look where Animal Crossing: New Horizons to ensure the market there is designed for a competition where everyone is happy to spend 30 close for an hour each day collecting individual fruit from trees. Or even Stardew Valley, where players till individual places of land to hide a crop also often it throughout a week.
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It was promising, then, to watch a well-polished and calling preview of Character Dynasty from the team at Nacon. Ordinarily, this YouTube trailer can be left at the top of this particular call. For the reason for this evaluation, we have placed it at the bottom because it is very misleading, and can be the words shared now provide sufficient reason to take the sites within which ad with a pinch of sodium. https://farmsimulator.eu/agrar-simulator-2013-download/
Farmer’s Dynasty take lots with offer – this can easily be challenged. It’s an open-world, in-depth farming simulator that mixes figure and development, community bonds, with plan. Put only, if the whole was the way it should and might have remained, we may be searching with a very full and satisfying simulator. As it stands, though, it is a cash-grab call of epic proportions. So much so that there is a unwillingness to dive into the finer information on this activity for fear of getting this hard more appealing than this really is to play.
From the off, there is a tell-tale sign that all is not so – the packing age are too long. On a, this is something can be ignored in favour associated with a satisfying and employing experience. Unfortunately, Farmer’s Dynasty can’t be given this leniency. Poor visuals and even poorer performance thwart the idea that that sport just was not created for the Nintendo Switch. It is not unusual for tough to be that way, along with The Exterior Worlds is right a single new case. Developers looking to bring their sport for the Switch will typically prioritise performance over visuals or vice versa, in the scenario involving Characters Dynasty, it seems none has.
Movement feels slow and jerky, whether going about the farm or energy about the town, and it is a stable reminder how the sport is deliberate and cumbersome. Safe from the knowledge I enjoy the mundane associated with farming sims, the overwhelming suffering exists to tasks take too long. This isn’t just because of the aforementioned performance issues, but also because the tasks themselves are long.
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An early responsibility is to revitalize the farm you’ve inherited by healing the shops. That would have occurred earlier to hit every building for the ground with rebuild than the idea would bear been in repair every wooden truss of the attic in the house. To absolutely feel the frustration regarding that mission, one would want to have this for themselves. In short, but, that rivals any sport for the call of the most anticlimactic lead with a record game. You needed to mend every individual point of every outbuilding, be it breaks in brickwork, glass in the greenhouse, cracks in the floorboards. I could go on…
There is a variety of instruments at your fingertips, also around flashes of ingenuity, but there are too many questions to make any of it worthwhile. The idea that you have to build your own scaffolding to reach some of the taller function in the buildings is excellent, but it really isn’t fun. This moves the way, becomes too complex, and isn’t rewarding enough.
As shaped by the developers themselves, the game is about so much more than farming. It is, but it begs the grill since to whether or not this would allow been easier to just focus on one side. There is the wide open earth to explore still waiting at the end of lengthy and demanding journeys from waypoint to waypoint are qualities and searches which are woeful. The express law is indicative with the game as a whole: useless and requiring personality. The dialogue arcs are badly ended, and a really interesting premise has been removed back to a ready that needs charm or pleasure.
System requirements Farmer's Dynasty
Minimum: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 2.2 GHz 4 GB RAM graphic card 1536 MB GeForce GTX 580 / Radeon HD 7850 or better 8 GB HDD Windows 7/8/10
Recommended: Intel Core i5 2.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X4 2.8 GHz 8 GB RAM graphic card 2 GB GeForce GTX 960 / Radeon R9 370 8 GB HDD Windows 10
0 notes
go-m-usman-fan · 4 years
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Download Gridinsoft Anti Malware Crack
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naliaarnold · 6 years
Digital Media in 2019
Welcome back to my blog, lovelies!~ As Tumblr dies out, and people cling on to its last dying flame, I am back with another school project to speak about:
D i g i t a l   M e d i a   i n   2 0 1 9
I’ll focusing on broadband, mobile evolution, social media being used for governance and politics (the good and bad sides).  At the end, I might even show a lil’ survey I did in my class for those who use Smartphones (if i get the chance, of course).
Now, let’s dive in!
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The Modern Wonders Of Broadband
Before we can dive into this blog and talk about how it’s used nowadays, we must understand the core of this section of the conversation; what exactly is broadband?
Broadband is a high-capacity transmission technique using a wide range of frequencies, which enables a large number of messages to be communicated simultaneously.   Or in commoner terms, ‘a high speed connection to the internet.’
Today, broadband is mainly used for that sweet, sweet, high-speed, super sonic wifi.  It’s also used for Cable TV, but be honest; most people don’t exactly watch Cable anymore. . .do we?
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But that’s besides the point, of course.
The only thing that I can truly see is that broadband is much better and faster than whatever that old dial-up internet was.
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Different types of broadband
The DSL (or Digital Subscriber Line) internet service makes its connection by utilizing unused telephone wires that cause no interruption to your telephone service. 
The speed you experience with a DSL connection varies with your distance from the switching station.  Your speed will be slower the further away you are and faster the closer you are to the switching station and this may be a deciding factor when you attempt to select between a DSL line and a cable connection.
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Ah, Cable.  Something that I don’t watch anymore but is still pretty important nowadays.
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The broadband cable connection is provided by the local cable TV provider.  Here, the cable Internet connection speed varies with the number of users on the service at a specific point in time. 
Given a specific geographical area, users of the broadband cable service share the connection bandwidth which slows the speed the more users are on the system.  This will occur at the peak times for example late in the evenings after the work day is over when many people will be accessing the Internet.
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Somewhat misleadingly, often the cable company would estimate connection speeds that are based on the thinking that you are using the service. 
But that is clearly not the case.
Cable Companies: 
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The newest broadband service is fiber-optic, which is the fastest Internet connection thus far.  Plus, it has a really cool ring to the name. 
However, this type of Internet service is still in its infancy as its service areas are quite limited and because the laying down of the fiber-optic cable takes a while to complete. Wherever it is available, the cost not only competes with that of DSL and cable, but it provides a much faster connection than both of those services.
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And it even LOOKS cool, too!
The last and slowest broadband service is provided by satellite. Although this is a good replacement for dial-up for those people living in remote rural areas, the installation costs are quite high, but the ongoing monthly charges are competitive to both cable and DSL.
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Can’t remember the last time I saw a proper satellite still in use.
Moving onto the next sub-topic, here are:
Caribbean Broadband Companies
In the Caribbean, there are 2 companies that I know are region-wide, and provide broadband services.
First up, Digicel.
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Digicel is a mobile phone network provider operating in 33 markets across the Caribbean, Central America, and Oceania regions.
The company is owned by the Irish billionaire by the name Denis O'Brien, is incorporated in Bermuda, and it’s headquarters is down here in Kingston, Jamaica. It has about 14 million wireless users.
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Quite a bit of people, huh?
They have a service which is known as Digicel 4G Broadband.  Powered by WiMax technology, it speeds up to 6 Mbps for uploads. 
You can stream movies, play games and video chat online to your heart’s content.
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The prices for the pre-paid 4G ranges from JMD$350 to JMD$3000, for 1 day, 3 to 14 days, or even an entire month (30 days).
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They even go as far as to supply fibre WiFi (which I’m just finding out as I edit this blog).
From download speeds of 50Mbps to 400Mbps, and upload speeds from 25Mbps to 200Mbps, and prices ranging from JMD$4699 to JMD$15,499, this is the type of high-speed WiFi I’d want for my own house.  
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I. . .I. . .don’t need it, I swear.
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Second up is Flow!
Under the parent company of Cable and Wireless, Flow is a trade name used to market cable television, internet, telephone, and wireless services provided by the company.   
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They provide a broadband service from 40 mbps for downloads up to 100mbps for downloads, and a constant of 5mbps for uploads, ranging from JMD$4,999 to JMD$12,299 (+GCT).
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Their best offerings come in bundle packages, where they offer Cable, phone services, and internet packages in one! 
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Now that we’re done with the Broadband section of this blog, let’s move on to……..
The Evolution of Mobile Devices!
The following informational screenshots are all from Tigermobiles.com, where they speak about the evolution of mobile devices/phones for over 30 years:
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Features introduced in this era:  
Mobile calling
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Features introduced:  
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Features introduced:  
Vibrate Notifications
Colour screens
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Features introduced: 
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
Video Calling
GPS Navigation
Predictive Texts 
Polyphonic Ringtones
MP3 Player
Memory Card
MMS (Multimedia Messaging)
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Features introduced:  
Realtone Notifications
Augmented Reality
Full Web Browsing
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Features introduced:  
NFC (Near-Field Communication)
Capacitive Touchscreen
Mobile Apps
Wireless Charging
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Features introduced:  
Voice Control
Dual Lens Camera
Facial Recognition
Fingerprint scanning
Full HD Screen
Heart-Rate Monitor
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Features introduced: 
Retina Scanner
Apple & Android Pay 
Bezel-less Screens
In-Display Fingerprint sensor
So much progress.  I’m proud.
Now onto the next topic!
Social Media Governance and Politics
Firstly governance.
The main point that I will focus on here is Political Participation.
Governments have provided formal online channels for citizens to report crime, comment on policy, or petition for change.   This is honestly a great concept as everything that is sent would be kept secure, and it would be almost certain that your voice would be heard.
Unfortunately, however, this is restricted to a small elite of internet users, and government websites are not popular. The citizens often use social media to organize activism and protests.
For example:
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The ‘Jamaica House Petition’ is a governmental page that is linked to the office of the Prime Minister.  This page would allow you to create a petition that would allow you to engage the Prime Minister in an issue that you wish to address. If you gather 15,000 signatures in 40 days, your petition is reviewed, and if it complies with agreed standards, the Office of the Prime Minister will issue it as an official response.
It’s a great concept and all, and it would be even better if there were actually any petitions there for anyone to sign.
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Anywho, moving onto Politics!  
Yay! My excitement is paramount!
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This gif perfectly accentuates my overflowing excitement. :3
Especially in America, Social Media has changed the way that politics works.
With the use of Social Media in politics, it is now:
Reaching out to multiple people in the world, regardless of the fact that you may or may not live in their country.
Advertising without actually paying for anything at all.
Message Tailoring
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The main drawback, though, is that there is tons upon tons upon tons of controversy.  Depending on what’s being sent on can have a huge effect on how the world views certain candidates.
A perfect example would be the one, the only, the very ‘loved’. . .
Donald Trump
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Oops, wrong picture
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Much worse.
Let’s go through some memorable gems that are known as his nice array of tweets.
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This last one here personally makes me laugh, because he basically predicted his own leadership.
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“Maybe I should check his account for myself instead of looking at Top 20’s onli- oh wait.”
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“Right, right, I forgot.”
As we all progress further on in 2019 and beyond, I’m sure other things will come into light as we continue to progress, right? Yep, yep.  Our use of media will evolve, alongside our memes.
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Thanks for reading my blog once again, babes!~  I’ll be editing the results to my survey later if I can~.
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0 notes
inbonobo · 8 years
So #CEO #Kalanick argues with a #Uber #driver and Bloomberg takes that further (starts at 4:10).
See also:
Uber is a Scam
Why Uber Is Terrible - cracked
Uber pay stubs
Family Guy
Jimmy Kimmel
When Uber Chief Executive Officer Travis Kalanick takes an Uber, he prefers a black car, the high-end service his company introduced in 2010. On this particular night in early February—Super Bowl Sunday—Kalanick is perched in the middle seat, flanked by two female friends. Maroon 5’s “Don’t Wanna Know” plays, and Kalanick shimmies. He clutches his smartphone as the three make awkward conversation. The two women ask when his birthday is, and marvel that he’s a Leo. One of his companions appears to say, somewhat inaudibly, that she’s heard that Uber is having a hard year. Kalanick retorts, “I make sure every year is a hard year.” He continues, “That’s kind of how I roll. I make sure every year is a hard year. If it’s easy I’m not pushing hard enough.”
There’s no question that it’s been a hard year for Kalanick and Uber—or really, a bad year compressed down into an awful three months. And it keeps getting worse. That pleasant conversation between Kalanick and his friends in the back of an Uber Black? It devolved into a heated argument over Uber’s fares between the CEO and his driver, Fawzi Kamel, who then turned over a dashboard recording of the conversation to Bloomberg. Kamel, 37, has been driving for Uber since 2011 and wants to draw attention to the plight of Uber drivers. The video shows off Kalanick's pugnacious personality and short temper, which may cause some investors to question whether he has the disposition to lead a $69 billion company with a footprint that spans the globe.
In an email to staff Tuesday after publication of this story, Kalanick apologized to Kamel for treating him disrespectfully. “To say that I am ashamed is an extreme understatement,” Kalanick wrote. “My job as your leader is to lead…and that starts with behaving in a way that makes us all proud. That is not what I did, and it cannot be explained away. It’s clear this video is a reflection of me—and the criticism we’ve received is a stark reminder that I must fundamentally change as a leader and grow up. This is the first time I’ve been willing to admit that I need leadership help and I intend to get it.”
In December, Uber pulled its self-driving cars off the road in San Francisco after the California Department of Motor Vehicles said they were operating illegally without an autonomous vehicle license. In January, more than 200,000 people uninstalled their accounts, and #DeleteUber trended on Twitter, after the company was accused of undermining a New York taxi union strike protesting President Donald Trump’s refugee ban. On Feb. 2, Kalanick reluctantly left his spot on Trump’s business advisory council to appease the company’s liberal-leaning employees and users—not to mention its many immigrant drivers. On Feb. 19, a former software engineer at Uber wrote a blog post alleging that she had been propositioned for sex by her manager and that when she’d taken the issue to human resources, an HR rep had said that he wouldn’t be punished, in part, because he was a “high performer.” On Feb. 23, Alphabet’s autonomous car company Waymo sued Uber and its self-driving car company Otto, accusing an Uber employee of stealing trade secrets by downloading 14,000 files onto an external hard drive. On Monday, Uber’s head of engineering resigned after the company said it learned that he had faced a sexual harassment complaint at Alphabet, his former employer. He denied the allegations.
“Some people don't like to take responsibility for their own shit.”
The company has responded to the former engineer’s allegations by hiring the former U.S. attorney general Eric Holder to investigate the female software engineer’s claims. “What’s described here is abhorrent & against everything we believe in. Anyone who behaves this way or thinks this is OK will be fired,” Kalanick wrote on Twitter. On Waymo’s claims that Uber has stolen trade secrets, an Uber spokeswoman said, “We have reviewed Waymo’s claims and determined them to be a baseless attempt to slow down a competitor, and we look forward to vigorously defending against them in court.”
Despite it all, Uber’s business is growing, week after week. This is the service that Kalanick and his friend, Garrett Camp, dreamed up. Get a car in an instant, just like James Bond. They weren’t the first people to have that idea, but they were the ones who won—or at least the ones who have gotten the furthest. Camp stepped back and became chairman of the board, while Kalanick turned Uber into a global endeavor that operates in more than 400 cities. The company, which has its headquarters on Market Street in San Francisco, has more than 11,000 corporate employees. It has many more drivers—millions of them, scattered all over the world, working as independent contractors, without the health care and other benefits typically provided to full-time employees.
And the gig has gotten harder for longtime drivers. In 2012, Uber Black cost riders $4.90 per mile or $1.25 per minute in San Francisco, according to an old version of Uber's website. Today,  Uber charges $3.75 per mile and $0.65 per minute. Black car drivers get paid less and their business faces far more competition from other Uber services.
“That’s kind of how I roll. I make sure every year is a hard year. If it’s easy I’m not pushing hard enough.”
Kalanick has a reputation for being ferociously competitive and hard-charging. He’s the guy who has bragged about having earned the second-highest rank on Nintendo’s Wii tennis game. He’s still dogged by the fact that he once referred to Uber as “Boob-er” because it improved his dating prospects. Current and former employees say he can be empathetic when the mood strikes—or tyrannical when it doesn’t. Kalanick loves fighting over a good idea, which sometimes means admitting that his isn’t the best one. “Toe-stepping” is one of Uber’s cultural values.
Kalanick is trying to be a better listener. He met with more than 100 of Uber’s female employees at a meeting last week meant to address the morale crisis that followed the former software engineer’s blog post. Kalanick sounded some of the right notes, standing in front of the crowd. “There are people in this room who have experienced things that are incredibly unjust,” he said, according to a recording obtained by Buzzfeed. “I empathize with you, but I can never fully understand, and I get that. I want to root out the injustice. I want to get at the people who are making this place a bad place, and you have my commitment to make that happen, and I know it doesn't end there.”
Like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg before him, Kalanick is trying to learn how to empathize and communicate. But Kalanick at 40, compared with 32-year-old Zuckerberg, is having to change his ways later in life, and he’s often reluctant to tread too far from his intuitions. Even when Kalanick tries to empathize in his own way—which often means jumping into a dialectical argument of sorts— his temper can occasionally flare.
In Kamel's car, for example, Kalanick is seemingly at ease as the ride ends and his friends hop out of the car.
“You have a good one,” says the driver.
Kalanick says with an air of familiarity, “Good to see you man.”
Kamel replies, “Good to see you, too.”
Kalanick thinks the ride is over. But having the CEO in his car is an opportunity Kamel has been waiting for.
“I don’t know if you remember me, but it’s fine,” Kamel says. The pair begin talking shop, and Kalanick explains that they’re going to cut down on the number of black cars, which will reduce competition and should be good for Kamel.
Then Kamel says what every driver has been dying to tell Kalanick: “You’re raising the standards, and you’re dropping the prices.”
Kalanick: “We’re not dropping the prices on black.”
Kamel: “But in general the whole price is—”
Kalanick: “We have to; we have competitors; otherwise, we’d go out of business.”
Kamel: “Competitors? Man, you had the business model in your hands. You could have the prices you want, but you choose to buy everybody a ride.”
Kalanick: “No, no no. You misunderstand me. We started high-end. We didn’t go low-end because we wanted to. We went low-end because we had to because we’d be out of business.”
Kamel: “What? Lyft? It’s a piece of cake right there.”
Kalanick: “It seems like a piece of cake because I’ve beaten them. But if I didn’t do the things I did, we would have been beaten, I promise.”
The two bat that idea around, and Kamel brings the conversation back to his losses.
Kamel: “But people are not trusting you anymore. … I lost $97,000 because of you. I'm bankrupt because of you. Yes, yes, yes. You keep changing every day. You keep changing every day.”
Kalanick: “Hold on a second, what have I changed about Black? What have I changed?”
Kamel: “You changed the whole business. You dropped the prices.”
Kalanick: “On black?”
Kamel: “Yes, you did.”
Kalanick begins to lose his temper. “Bullshit,” he says.
Kamel: “We started with $20.”
Kalanick: “Bullshit.”
Kamel: “We started with $20. How much is the mile now, $2.75?”
Kalanick: “You know what?”
Kamel: “What?”
Kalanick: “Some people don't like to take responsibility for their own shit. They blame everything in their life on somebody else. Good luck!”
Kamel: “Good luck to you, but I know [you're not] going to go far.”
The door slams. Kamel drives away. Later, the Uber driver app prompts him to rate Kalanick, as he does all his riders. Kamel gives him one star.
(via bb)
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clairedmaddox · 4 years
How to Do MetaTrader 5 Manual Backtesting
MetaTrader 5 is a solid automated backtesting platform. But did you know that it's also a pretty good manual backtesting platform?
In this post, I'll show you how to use this free software to manually backtest your strategies. This is a great option if you don't want to purchase software like Forex Tester.
I'll give you all the tools that you need and the exact steps on how to do it. If your broker only has MT4 available, then that will work in a very similar way.
Why You Should Backtest
Backtesting is an excellent first step in helping you determine if a strategy has an edge or not. Since you can run through historical data very quickly in backtesting, this gives you a lot more data than if you only traded in a demo or live account.  
Testing that might take months or years in demo trading, can be completed in a matter of days or weeks with backtesting.
You can also practice a strategy when the markets are closed, making it an ideal training tool.
So it's extremely beneficial to learn this skill and MT5 is a good software to start with because it's free.
This is the beginning of the roadmap to successful trading. To get a copy of the Trading Success Roadmap, read this post.
Here we go…
Download MetaTrader 5
The first step is to download MetaTrader 5.
You can get the software from your broker or you can download it directly from the MetaTrader website. It's usually best to get it from your broker, but if you don't have a broker yet, the MetaTrader version will do just fine. Once you have a broker, you can connect to your broker through the MetaTrader version.
When you get the software from your broker, it's automatically setup for that broker, so it can be a little easier to get started. Either way, you can get the complete MT5 installation instructions here.
Download Your Data
In order to do a valid backtest, you should have as much historical data as possible. Over the years, I've tried several backtesting solutions that only allow you to test a couple of years of data.
That's totally useless because you won't have enough trades to make a valid decision about a trading strategy.
So get as much data as you can. To download additional data, go to: Tools > History Center 
Then highlight the pair and timeframe that you want to download and click on the Download button.
That will give you the data you to do your backtesting.
If there isn't enough data from your data source, then consider downloading additional data from this provider.
Open Your Spreadsheet
Before you get started, you'll need a spreadsheet to record your results. This is one of the biggest benefits of Forex Tester, all of this information is automatically recorded for you.
But if you would like to continue using MT5, then create a spreadsheet with the following columns:
Open date
Close date
Currency pair
Lot size
Open price
Close price
Profit/Loss ($)
Profit/Loss (%)
Reward/Risk ratio
TraderEvo members get this spreadsheet as part of their membership. Once you've built your spreadsheet, then move on to the next step.
Keep Your Trading Plan in Front of You
When you're backtesting, it can be easy to deviate from the plan. If you're like most people, you'll start tweaking the strategy in the middle of the test.
I've done this before too, so that's why I keep my trading plan in front of me while I'm testing.
It will keep you on track and ensure that you are sticking to the plan.
You can get a free PDF download of the Trading Plan Worksheet I use here.
Once you have your plan in front of you, it's time to begin your testing.
Start Testing
Now it's time to get started!
First select the pair and timeframe that you want to test.
Next, add any indicators that you'll be using to your chart.
Then scroll your charts back to a point in time that you want to start from. If you are testing the H4 chart or higher, I would recommend going back as far as possible.
You can usually test all of the data for a Forex pair on a H4 chart or higher.
When testing lower timeframes, you should pick a few timeframes and test on those timeframes only. Pick a good mix of timeframes that have the following characteristics:
Strongly trending market
Strongly ranging market
Neither strongly ranging or trending
That will give you a good idea of how your strategy will perform in different market conditions.
Do the following to scroll back quickly on your chart:
1. Turn off the Autoscroll
2. Hit Enter on your keyboard.
3. A small box will appear in the lower left corner.
4. Enter the date that you want to scroll back to on the chart in dd.mm.yyyy format, then hit Enter again.
5. The chart will scroll back to the date you specified.
Once you have scrolled back to the historical data that you want to start at, then hit F12 on your keyboard to move the chart forward, one candle at a time.
Record Your Results
Every time your setup fires off, place a trade and record it in the spreadsheet. You don't have to take screenshots at this point because you don't even know if the strategy works or not.
So just keep testing as fast as you can, so you can get as much data as possible. Creating screenshots will only slow you down.
Review Your Results
Now take a look at your spreadsheet and calculate the following:
Win Rate (%)
Return (%)
Number of Trades
Maximum Drawdown
This is enough data for now. It will help you understand if you want to pursue this strategy or not.
If you want to be extra sure, do another round of testing to verify your results.
Sometimes you might be distracted or not in the right mindset when you do a test. So if you get the same result with a second test, that will give you much more confidence that a strategy has an edge and you should move forward to the next step in your testing.
Test Another Pair
If you're satisfied with the results of a currency pair, then move on to testing another currency pair.
Not all currency pairs behave in the same way, so you can't assume that it will work on other pairs too. 
Some pairs are more volatile than others. Each individual currency is influenced by different economic factors.
You might be surprised at how differently a strategy performs with different strategies. This is why you need to test each pair individually.
Things to Avoid
Here are a few things to be aware of when doing backtesting with MetaTrader 5. These tips will help you get the most out of your MT5 testing sessions.
Moving Too Fast Through the Charts
When you move too quickly through a chart, there's the tendency to move past an entry point on the chart. That leads to hindsight bias because you already know what's going to happen.
If you already know how a trade will turn out, then you'll have biased data.
So find the testing speed that will allow you to get a lot of testing in, but also won't give you advanced knowledge of each trade. 
Changing Your Strategy in the Middle of a Test
It's really tempting to start tweaking your strategy in the middle of a test because you see a  new advantage. But stick with the strategy, or you won't have a valid test.
When you change a strategy in the middle of the test, you won't know how good the original rules really are. You also won't know how good the new rules are either because you are only doing a partial test with them.
So finish a test with one set of rules. Then create a new test with your new testing idea. 
Otherwise, your testing data is useless.
Stopping Too Early
If you win 10 trades in a row in the beginning of a test, you might be tempted to stop the test and call it a success.
The strategy may have just hit a really profitable streak that isn't normal for that strategy. Stopping early won't allow you to see the entire picture and can lead to losses later.
Giving Up on a Low Return Strategy
It can be tempting to give up on a test if it's only returning 1% per year. However, consider what would happen if you compounded that return with multiple pairs or timeframes.
If the strategy has a high win rate, it's certainly worth considering.
You might give up on an otherwise profitable strategy and find yourself jumping from strategy to strategy, when the first strategy would have met your goals.
Don't Keep Testing if the Results are Obvious
On the other hand, if it's obvious that the system doesn't work, then quit and save your time. For example, if your strategy has lost 80% of the account, then it's probably time to stop.
There's no way you would continue with that strategy in real life.
Forcing the Strategy to Work
People also tend to be too optimistic about a trading strategy. So they will subconsciously pass on losing trades and only take the winning trades, just to prove that the strategy works.
I was guilty of this when I first started backtesting. When I reflect back on this, I did this partially because I wanted to get the backtesting process over with (and trade live) and I didn't like being wrong.
I'm not sure why others do it, but those were my reasons. They're very odd reasons in hindsight, because they didn't help me become a better trader.
But our actions aren't always logical and we need to continually reflect on our behavior to progress. 
Although backtesting can be very beneficial, not all strategies can be backtested. Learn more about this limitations of manual backtesting in this blog post.
But if you can backtest a strategy, it's a great way to test a trading idea, get hard data and build confidence in your skills. 
This tutorial will give you a good starting point, be sure to read the Complete Backtesting Guide for more details. Once a strategy tests well, the Forward Testing Guide will show you how to take your trading strategy into the next phase of testing.
If you would like help with anything mentioned in this post, be sure to sign up for the TraderEvo Program. It will take you through this process and provide the support you need to get through it.
The post How to Do MetaTrader 5 Manual Backtesting appeared first on Trading Heroes.
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Video: 8 takeaways for B2B advertisers in the time of COVID-19
[embedded content]
On Live with Search Engine Land Wednesday, veteran search marketers Brad Geddes, co-founder of AdAlysis, Michelle Morgan, director of client services at Clix marketing agency, and Matt Van Wagner, president of Find Me Faster shared what B2B advertisers are seeing, how they’re managing campaigns and what the “new normal” will look like when the pandemic ends.
“This is our first pandemic, we have no idea.” If you’re feeling unsure right now, know that you’re not alone.
“This is our first pandemic, we have no idea what’s going to happen, but we have tried to be as conservative as possible so that we have budget and cash available when things pick back up,” said Van Wagner.
“Depending on the industry, we’ve seen direct traffic go down by half, organic traffic go down by two-thirds — demand is off. We are at the bottom of the funnel. We aren’t interested in top of funnel at this point.”
Spending cuts on lower demand. For his industrial B2B clients, Van Wagner said they are looking at things on a week-by-week basis, particularly from a supply chain standpoint. “We want to be sure we are not selling past their capacity,” he said. The first week of March 15, they saw declining traffic. Once people settled in at home, they began to see a lift in traffic.
“We’ve cut spend in most places but are keeping the middle of the road campaigns going. Not seeing a need to message around coronavirus for the most part. Some cases where it makes sense to message “antimicrobial” or “disinfectant” but subtle changes.
Geddes said he has seen 20% to 30% of B2B clients cut spend or pause campaigns.
On the positive. “Good trends we’re seeing,” said Geddes, are shorter sales cycles. “Deals that would take six months now take two weeks.” Whether it’s because they have more time, fewer meetings or less bureaucracy to navigate, Geddes says, “we’ve seen conversion rates skyrocket for some companies.”
Morgan has seen the same for some clients. Many customers that expected to see a slowdown have instead seen business close faster. “For March in-month numbers, we’re almost at the efficiency goals already. I know we assume everything is going to slow down, but some deals are speeding up.”
Stepping back from the hard sell. Companies are offering longer free trials or lower entry-level price points for SaaS offerings while others are shifting away from direct sales.
Calls to action are getting softer. Morgan says one customer is still running bottom of funnel campaigns but has also added top of funnel informational campaigns. “You can provide meaningful content and value to people, particularly during this time of extreme need,” said Morgan “We don’t have a CPL goal on [those campaigns]. We’ll track and retargeting to those people, but we aren’t only doing hard sells.”
While analytics may be misleading, digging into our keyword data and search trends to see if search behavior has changed in your vertical can be very valuable in understanding messaging shifts, pointed out Van Wagner. They’ve been dissecting search queries to look for trends in how people are now looking for products in new ways. They’ve also gone through client shopping feeds and looked for opportunities, including asking vendors which products that are now in high-demand and going back to refine messaging around those products on the clients’ sites.
The smart advertisers have really looked at ads carefully to be more sensitive, softening their CTAs and ensuring they strike the right tone, said Geddes. For example, a B2B company focused on training events should update messaging that says something like, “Come join the party.” “That isn’t going to work well right now,” said Geddes.
He said has seen some use callouts and sitelinks to message around new processes, but is still not seeing a lot of advertisers who have a new way of thinking about their ads now. “I don’t know if that’s because they’re scattered and not thinking about their messaging, but I’ve sort of been amazed about the lack of positioning on existing [campaings].
The data differentiator. “A true trend is companies that had good data organization before are doing better than those that didn’t,” said Geddes.
Those that had CRMs that talk to other systems are managing much better than those are trying to cobble together systems now that everyone is distributed. “They’re struggling because they never had great data and it’s only being exaggerated,” he said.
Screwy analytics data. Don’t be surprised if you see some “funkiness in your analytics,” as Van Wagner put it. In looking demographics data for the two weeks starting March 15 compared to the previous two weeks, Van Wagner says they’ve seen client demographics shift from an even spread between 24 to 64 years old to segments of younger and older audiences.
Geddes said he’s also seeing terrible analytics data right now, particularly for B2B. “All of a sudden you’ve got companies with 10, 20, 30,000 employees logging in at home. All of your IP filters are gone,” said Geddes, referring to the filters companies have set in Analytics to ignore their internal traffic. “We’ve seen sales go up, but conversion rates plummet because internal usage is now showing up in your analytics profiles.”
ABM and audiences challenges. Account based marketing agency strategies are particularly challenged now. “Cookie pools are not built up on home computers. ABM strategies, targeting are almost impossible,” says Morgan. “People are sent home with brand new, clean computers and there’s no way to target them. This affects LinkedIn audiences and targeting, in particular, too.”
Geddes has done something interesting with some accounts. For existing audiences, they’ve stopped accumulating new people and extended the lifecycle by six months so the audiences don’t die off. Then they recreated those audiences that will only have new people who are presumably now working from home. “So we can segment because we don’t really know how businesses are going to do remote work in the future. So we have completely reshaped audiences for some poeple.” It may turn out to have been a bunch of wasted time, he acknowledged, but this way they’ll have a barometer either way.
Audience measurement is going to be tough, said Morgan. “We are trying to create cookied and ideally some kind of lead audience through downloads or something because some of that is going to be hard to back into. Some of it is just going to be hoping the branding holds through. Because we don’t know how much cookie pools are going to hold up if people go back to work.”
New normal? All agreed the old normal is never coming back and business will be changed in various ways for good.
Some companies are instead preparing for “if business shifts this way” scenarios. “Instead of changing products today,” said Geddes, “they are looking ahead six months to prepare for various futures that may better position them.”
“It’s not going to be normal anymore when things level out. Remote work will be a lot different,” said Morgan. “There are going to be more remote options and multiple offices in different locations rather than having everyone go to one main office. “If you’re doing geo-fenced ABM, that will get tougher when there are 10 or 20 different offices.”
Expect fits and starts, said Van Wagner. “I think there’s going to be a lot of variation because supply chains are going to be busted and there are going to be fits and starts. When it comes to working with your clients for budgeting and reassessing goals, you just have to keep it all on a very short-term basis. Spikes could be false spikes, sort of like the stock market, our supply chain is going to look like that.”
This is good opportunity for campaign managers to do deep dives into accounts. “Look at areas we’ve been wanting to clean up so we have better, fresher campaigns when things come back on,” advised Van Wagner.
About The Author
Ginny Marvin is Third Door Media’s Editor-in-Chief, running the day to day editorial operations across all publications and overseeing paid media coverage. Ginny Marvin writes about paid digital advertising and analytics news and trends for Search Engine Land, marketing agency Land and MarTech Today. With more than 15 years of marketing agency experience, Ginny has held both in-house and agency management positions. She can be found on Twitter as @ginnymarvin.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
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source http://www.scpie.org/video-8-takeaways-for-b2b-advertisers-in-the-time-of-covid-19/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/04/video-8-takeaways-for-b2b-advertisers.html
0 notes
riichardwilson · 4 years
Video: 8 takeaways for B2B advertisers in the time of COVID-19
[embedded content]
On Live with Search Engine Land Wednesday, veteran search marketers Brad Geddes, co-founder of AdAlysis, Michelle Morgan, director of client services at Clix marketing agency, and Matt Van Wagner, president of Find Me Faster shared what B2B advertisers are seeing, how they’re managing campaigns and what the “new normal” will look like when the pandemic ends.
“This is our first pandemic, we have no idea.” If you’re feeling unsure right now, know that you’re not alone.
“This is our first pandemic, we have no idea what’s going to happen, but we have tried to be as conservative as possible so that we have budget and cash available when things pick back up,” said Van Wagner.
“Depending on the industry, we’ve seen direct traffic go down by half, organic traffic go down by two-thirds — demand is off. We are at the bottom of the funnel. We aren’t interested in top of funnel at this point.”
Spending cuts on lower demand. For his industrial B2B clients, Van Wagner said they are looking at things on a week-by-week basis, particularly from a supply chain standpoint. “We want to be sure we are not selling past their capacity,” he said. The first week of March 15, they saw declining traffic. Once people settled in at home, they began to see a lift in traffic.
“We’ve cut spend in most places but are keeping the middle of the road campaigns going. Not seeing a need to message around coronavirus for the most part. Some cases where it makes sense to message “antimicrobial” or “disinfectant” but subtle changes.
Geddes said he has seen 20% to 30% of B2B clients cut spend or pause campaigns.
On the positive. “Good trends we’re seeing,” said Geddes, are shorter sales cycles. “Deals that would take six months now take two weeks.” Whether it’s because they have more time, fewer meetings or less bureaucracy to navigate, Geddes says, “we’ve seen conversion rates skyrocket for some companies.”
Morgan has seen the same for some clients. Many customers that expected to see a slowdown have instead seen business close faster. “For March in-month numbers, we’re almost at the efficiency goals already. I know we assume everything is going to slow down, but some deals are speeding up.”
Stepping back from the hard sell. Companies are offering longer free trials or lower entry-level price points for SaaS offerings while others are shifting away from direct sales.
Calls to action are getting softer. Morgan says one customer is still running bottom of funnel campaigns but has also added top of funnel informational campaigns. “You can provide meaningful content and value to people, particularly during this time of extreme need,” said Morgan “We don’t have a CPL goal on [those campaigns]. We’ll track and retargeting to those people, but we aren’t only doing hard sells.”
While analytics may be misleading, digging into our keyword data and search trends to see if search behavior has changed in your vertical can be very valuable in understanding messaging shifts, pointed out Van Wagner. They’ve been dissecting search queries to look for trends in how people are now looking for products in new ways. They’ve also gone through client shopping feeds and looked for opportunities, including asking vendors which products that are now in high-demand and going back to refine messaging around those products on the clients’ sites.
The smart advertisers have really looked at ads carefully to be more sensitive, softening their CTAs and ensuring they strike the right tone, said Geddes. For example, a B2B company focused on training events should update messaging that says something like, “Come join the party.” “That isn’t going to work well right now,” said Geddes.
He said has seen some use callouts and sitelinks to message around new processes, but is still not seeing a lot of advertisers who have a new way of thinking about their ads now. “I don’t know if that’s because they’re scattered and not thinking about their messaging, but I’ve sort of been amazed about the lack of positioning on existing [campaings].
The data differentiator. “A true trend is companies that had good data organization before are doing better than those that didn’t,” said Geddes.
Those that had CRMs that talk to other systems are managing much better than those are trying to cobble together systems now that everyone is distributed. “They’re struggling because they never had great data and it’s only being exaggerated,” he said.
Screwy analytics data. Don’t be surprised if you see some “funkiness in your analytics,” as Van Wagner put it. In looking demographics data for the two weeks starting March 15 compared to the previous two weeks, Van Wagner says they’ve seen client demographics shift from an even spread between 24 to 64 years old to segments of younger and older audiences.
Geddes said he’s also seeing terrible analytics data right now, particularly for B2B. “All of a sudden you’ve got companies with 10, 20, 30,000 employees logging in at home. All of your IP filters are gone,” said Geddes, referring to the filters companies have set in Analytics to ignore their internal traffic. “We’ve seen sales go up, but conversion rates plummet because internal usage is now showing up in your analytics profiles.”
ABM and audiences challenges. Account based marketing agency strategies are particularly challenged now. “Cookie pools are not built up on home computers. ABM strategies, targeting are almost impossible,” says Morgan. “People are sent home with brand new, clean computers and there’s no way to target them. This affects LinkedIn audiences and targeting, in particular, too.”
Geddes has done something interesting with some accounts. For existing audiences, they’ve stopped accumulating new people and extended the lifecycle by six months so the audiences don’t die off. Then they recreated those audiences that will only have new people who are presumably now working from home. “So we can segment because we don’t really know how businesses are going to do remote work in the future. So we have completely reshaped audiences for some poeple.” It may turn out to have been a bunch of wasted time, he acknowledged, but this way they’ll have a barometer either way.
Audience measurement is going to be tough, said Morgan. “We are trying to create cookied and ideally some kind of lead audience through downloads or something because some of that is going to be hard to back into. Some of it is just going to be hoping the branding holds through. Because we don’t know how much cookie pools are going to hold up if people go back to work.”
New normal? All agreed the old normal is never coming back and business will be changed in various ways for good.
Some companies are instead preparing for “if business shifts this way” scenarios. “Instead of changing products today,” said Geddes, “they are looking ahead six months to prepare for various futures that may better position them.”
“It’s not going to be normal anymore when things level out. Remote work will be a lot different,” said Morgan. “There are going to be more remote options and multiple offices in different locations rather than having everyone go to one main office. “If you’re doing geo-fenced ABM, that will get tougher when there are 10 or 20 different offices.”
Expect fits and starts, said Van Wagner. “I think there’s going to be a lot of variation because supply chains are going to be busted and there are going to be fits and starts. When it comes to working with your clients for budgeting and reassessing goals, you just have to keep it all on a very short-term basis. Spikes could be false spikes, sort of like the stock market, our supply chain is going to look like that.”
This is good opportunity for campaign managers to do deep dives into accounts. “Look at areas we’ve been wanting to clean up so we have better, fresher campaigns when things come back on,” advised Van Wagner.
About The Author
Ginny Marvin is Third Door Media’s Editor-in-Chief, running the day to day editorial operations across all publications and overseeing paid media coverage. Ginny Marvin writes about paid digital advertising and analytics news and trends for Search Engine Land, marketing agency Land and MarTech Today. With more than 15 years of marketing agency experience, Ginny has held both in-house and agency management positions. She can be found on Twitter as @ginnymarvin.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
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source http://www.scpie.org/video-8-takeaways-for-b2b-advertisers-in-the-time-of-covid-19/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/614407521814347776
0 notes
douglassmiith · 4 years
Video: 8 takeaways for B2B advertisers in the time of COVID-19
[embedded content]
On Live with Search Engine Land Wednesday, veteran search marketers Brad Geddes, co-founder of AdAlysis, Michelle Morgan, director of client services at Clix marketing agency, and Matt Van Wagner, president of Find Me Faster shared what B2B advertisers are seeing, how they’re managing campaigns and what the “new normal” will look like when the pandemic ends.
“This is our first pandemic, we have no idea.” If you’re feeling unsure right now, know that you’re not alone.
“This is our first pandemic, we have no idea what’s going to happen, but we have tried to be as conservative as possible so that we have budget and cash available when things pick back up,” said Van Wagner.
“Depending on the industry, we’ve seen direct traffic go down by half, organic traffic go down by two-thirds — demand is off. We are at the bottom of the funnel. We aren’t interested in top of funnel at this point.”
Spending cuts on lower demand. For his industrial B2B clients, Van Wagner said they are looking at things on a week-by-week basis, particularly from a supply chain standpoint. “We want to be sure we are not selling past their capacity,” he said. The first week of March 15, they saw declining traffic. Once people settled in at home, they began to see a lift in traffic.
“We’ve cut spend in most places but are keeping the middle of the road campaigns going. Not seeing a need to message around coronavirus for the most part. Some cases where it makes sense to message “antimicrobial” or “disinfectant” but subtle changes.
Geddes said he has seen 20% to 30% of B2B clients cut spend or pause campaigns.
On the positive. “Good trends we’re seeing,” said Geddes, are shorter sales cycles. “Deals that would take six months now take two weeks.” Whether it’s because they have more time, fewer meetings or less bureaucracy to navigate, Geddes says, “we’ve seen conversion rates skyrocket for some companies.”
Morgan has seen the same for some clients. Many customers that expected to see a slowdown have instead seen business close faster. “For March in-month numbers, we’re almost at the efficiency goals already. I know we assume everything is going to slow down, but some deals are speeding up.”
Stepping back from the hard sell. Companies are offering longer free trials or lower entry-level price points for SaaS offerings while others are shifting away from direct sales.
Calls to action are getting softer. Morgan says one customer is still running bottom of funnel campaigns but has also added top of funnel informational campaigns. “You can provide meaningful content and value to people, particularly during this time of extreme need,” said Morgan “We don’t have a CPL goal on [those campaigns]. We’ll track and retargeting to those people, but we aren’t only doing hard sells.”
While analytics may be misleading, digging into our keyword data and search trends to see if search behavior has changed in your vertical can be very valuable in understanding messaging shifts, pointed out Van Wagner. They’ve been dissecting search queries to look for trends in how people are now looking for products in new ways. They’ve also gone through client shopping feeds and looked for opportunities, including asking vendors which products that are now in high-demand and going back to refine messaging around those products on the clients’ sites.
The smart advertisers have really looked at ads carefully to be more sensitive, softening their CTAs and ensuring they strike the right tone, said Geddes. For example, a B2B company focused on training events should update messaging that says something like, “Come join the party.” “That isn’t going to work well right now,” said Geddes.
He said has seen some use callouts and sitelinks to message around new processes, but is still not seeing a lot of advertisers who have a new way of thinking about their ads now. “I don’t know if that’s because they’re scattered and not thinking about their messaging, but I’ve sort of been amazed about the lack of positioning on existing [campaings].
The data differentiator. “A true trend is companies that had good data organization before are doing better than those that didn’t,” said Geddes.
Those that had CRMs that talk to other systems are managing much better than those are trying to cobble together systems now that everyone is distributed. “They’re struggling because they never had great data and it’s only being exaggerated,” he said.
Screwy analytics data. Don’t be surprised if you see some “funkiness in your analytics,” as Van Wagner put it. In looking demographics data for the two weeks starting March 15 compared to the previous two weeks, Van Wagner says they’ve seen client demographics shift from an even spread between 24 to 64 years old to segments of younger and older audiences.
Geddes said he’s also seeing terrible analytics data right now, particularly for B2B. “All of a sudden you’ve got companies with 10, 20, 30,000 employees logging in at home. All of your IP filters are gone,” said Geddes, referring to the filters companies have set in Analytics to ignore their internal traffic. “We’ve seen sales go up, but conversion rates plummet because internal usage is now showing up in your analytics profiles.”
ABM and audiences challenges. Account based marketing agency strategies are particularly challenged now. “Cookie pools are not built up on home computers. ABM strategies, targeting are almost impossible,” says Morgan. “People are sent home with brand new, clean computers and there’s no way to target them. This affects LinkedIn audiences and targeting, in particular, too.”
Geddes has done something interesting with some accounts. For existing audiences, they’ve stopped accumulating new people and extended the lifecycle by six months so the audiences don’t die off. Then they recreated those audiences that will only have new people who are presumably now working from home. “So we can segment because we don’t really know how businesses are going to do remote work in the future. So we have completely reshaped audiences for some poeple.” It may turn out to have been a bunch of wasted time, he acknowledged, but this way they’ll have a barometer either way.
Audience measurement is going to be tough, said Morgan. “We are trying to create cookied and ideally some kind of lead audience through downloads or something because some of that is going to be hard to back into. Some of it is just going to be hoping the branding holds through. Because we don’t know how much cookie pools are going to hold up if people go back to work.”
New normal? All agreed the old normal is never coming back and business will be changed in various ways for good.
Some companies are instead preparing for “if business shifts this way” scenarios. “Instead of changing products today,” said Geddes, “they are looking ahead six months to prepare for various futures that may better position them.”
“It’s not going to be normal anymore when things level out. Remote work will be a lot different,” said Morgan. “There are going to be more remote options and multiple offices in different locations rather than having everyone go to one main office. “If you’re doing geo-fenced ABM, that will get tougher when there are 10 or 20 different offices.”
Expect fits and starts, said Van Wagner. “I think there’s going to be a lot of variation because supply chains are going to be busted and there are going to be fits and starts. When it comes to working with your clients for budgeting and reassessing goals, you just have to keep it all on a very short-term basis. Spikes could be false spikes, sort of like the stock market, our supply chain is going to look like that.”
This is good opportunity for campaign managers to do deep dives into accounts. “Look at areas we’ve been wanting to clean up so we have better, fresher campaigns when things come back on,” advised Van Wagner.
About The Author
Ginny Marvin is Third Door Media’s Editor-in-Chief, running the day to day editorial operations across all publications and overseeing paid media coverage. Ginny Marvin writes about paid digital advertising and analytics news and trends for Search Engine Land, marketing agency Land and MarTech Today. With more than 15 years of marketing agency experience, Ginny has held both in-house and agency management positions. She can be found on Twitter as @ginnymarvin.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
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Via http://www.scpie.org/video-8-takeaways-for-b2b-advertisers-in-the-time-of-covid-19/
source https://scpie.weebly.com/blog/video-8-takeaways-for-b2b-advertisers-in-the-time-of-covid-19
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
Video: 8 takeaways for B2B advertisers in the time of COVID-19
[embedded content]
On Live with Search Engine Land Wednesday, veteran search marketers Brad Geddes, co-founder of AdAlysis, Michelle Morgan, director of client services at Clix marketing agency, and Matt Van Wagner, president of Find Me Faster shared what B2B advertisers are seeing, how they’re managing campaigns and what the “new normal” will look like when the pandemic ends.
“This is our first pandemic, we have no idea.” If you’re feeling unsure right now, know that you’re not alone.
“This is our first pandemic, we have no idea what’s going to happen, but we have tried to be as conservative as possible so that we have budget and cash available when things pick back up,” said Van Wagner.
“Depending on the industry, we’ve seen direct traffic go down by half, organic traffic go down by two-thirds — demand is off. We are at the bottom of the funnel. We aren’t interested in top of funnel at this point.”
Spending cuts on lower demand. For his industrial B2B clients, Van Wagner said they are looking at things on a week-by-week basis, particularly from a supply chain standpoint. “We want to be sure we are not selling past their capacity,” he said. The first week of March 15, they saw declining traffic. Once people settled in at home, they began to see a lift in traffic.
“We’ve cut spend in most places but are keeping the middle of the road campaigns going. Not seeing a need to message around coronavirus for the most part. Some cases where it makes sense to message “antimicrobial” or “disinfectant” but subtle changes.
Geddes said he has seen 20% to 30% of B2B clients cut spend or pause campaigns.
On the positive. “Good trends we’re seeing,” said Geddes, are shorter sales cycles. “Deals that would take six months now take two weeks.” Whether it’s because they have more time, fewer meetings or less bureaucracy to navigate, Geddes says, “we’ve seen conversion rates skyrocket for some companies.”
Morgan has seen the same for some clients. Many customers that expected to see a slowdown have instead seen business close faster. “For March in-month numbers, we’re almost at the efficiency goals already. I know we assume everything is going to slow down, but some deals are speeding up.”
Stepping back from the hard sell. Companies are offering longer free trials or lower entry-level price points for SaaS offerings while others are shifting away from direct sales.
Calls to action are getting softer. Morgan says one customer is still running bottom of funnel campaigns but has also added top of funnel informational campaigns. “You can provide meaningful content and value to people, particularly during this time of extreme need,” said Morgan “We don’t have a CPL goal on [those campaigns]. We’ll track and retargeting to those people, but we aren’t only doing hard sells.”
While analytics may be misleading, digging into our keyword data and search trends to see if search behavior has changed in your vertical can be very valuable in understanding messaging shifts, pointed out Van Wagner. They’ve been dissecting search queries to look for trends in how people are now looking for products in new ways. They’ve also gone through client shopping feeds and looked for opportunities, including asking vendors which products that are now in high-demand and going back to refine messaging around those products on the clients’ sites.
The smart advertisers have really looked at ads carefully to be more sensitive, softening their CTAs and ensuring they strike the right tone, said Geddes. For example, a B2B company focused on training events should update messaging that says something like, “Come join the party.” “That isn’t going to work well right now,” said Geddes.
He said has seen some use callouts and sitelinks to message around new processes, but is still not seeing a lot of advertisers who have a new way of thinking about their ads now. “I don’t know if that’s because they’re scattered and not thinking about their messaging, but I’ve sort of been amazed about the lack of positioning on existing [campaings].
The data differentiator. “A true trend is companies that had good data organization before are doing better than those that didn’t,” said Geddes.
Those that had CRMs that talk to other systems are managing much better than those are trying to cobble together systems now that everyone is distributed. “They’re struggling because they never had great data and it’s only being exaggerated,” he said.
Screwy analytics data. Don’t be surprised if you see some “funkiness in your analytics,” as Van Wagner put it. In looking demographics data for the two weeks starting March 15 compared to the previous two weeks, Van Wagner says they’ve seen client demographics shift from an even spread between 24 to 64 years old to segments of younger and older audiences.
Geddes said he’s also seeing terrible analytics data right now, particularly for B2B. “All of a sudden you’ve got companies with 10, 20, 30,000 employees logging in at home. All of your IP filters are gone,” said Geddes, referring to the filters companies have set in Analytics to ignore their internal traffic. “We’ve seen sales go up, but conversion rates plummet because internal usage is now showing up in your analytics profiles.”
ABM and audiences challenges. Account based marketing agency strategies are particularly challenged now. “Cookie pools are not built up on home computers. ABM strategies, targeting are almost impossible,” says Morgan. “People are sent home with brand new, clean computers and there’s no way to target them. This affects LinkedIn audiences and targeting, in particular, too.”
Geddes has done something interesting with some accounts. For existing audiences, they’ve stopped accumulating new people and extended the lifecycle by six months so the audiences don’t die off. Then they recreated those audiences that will only have new people who are presumably now working from home. “So we can segment because we don’t really know how businesses are going to do remote work in the future. So we have completely reshaped audiences for some poeple.” It may turn out to have been a bunch of wasted time, he acknowledged, but this way they’ll have a barometer either way.
Audience measurement is going to be tough, said Morgan. “We are trying to create cookied and ideally some kind of lead audience through downloads or something because some of that is going to be hard to back into. Some of it is just going to be hoping the branding holds through. Because we don’t know how much cookie pools are going to hold up if people go back to work.”
New normal? All agreed the old normal is never coming back and business will be changed in various ways for good.
Some companies are instead preparing for “if business shifts this way” scenarios. “Instead of changing products today,” said Geddes, “they are looking ahead six months to prepare for various futures that may better position them.”
“It’s not going to be normal anymore when things level out. Remote work will be a lot different,” said Morgan. “There are going to be more remote options and multiple offices in different locations rather than having everyone go to one main office. “If you’re doing geo-fenced ABM, that will get tougher when there are 10 or 20 different offices.”
Expect fits and starts, said Van Wagner. “I think there’s going to be a lot of variation because supply chains are going to be busted and there are going to be fits and starts. When it comes to working with your clients for budgeting and reassessing goals, you just have to keep it all on a very short-term basis. Spikes could be false spikes, sort of like the stock market, our supply chain is going to look like that.”
This is good opportunity for campaign managers to do deep dives into accounts. “Look at areas we’ve been wanting to clean up so we have better, fresher campaigns when things come back on,” advised Van Wagner.
About The Author
Ginny Marvin is Third Door Media’s Editor-in-Chief, running the day to day editorial operations across all publications and overseeing paid media coverage. Ginny Marvin writes about paid digital advertising and analytics news and trends for Search Engine Land, marketing agency Land and MarTech Today. With more than 15 years of marketing agency experience, Ginny has held both in-house and agency management positions. She can be found on Twitter as @ginnymarvin.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
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source http://www.scpie.org/video-8-takeaways-for-b2b-advertisers-in-the-time-of-covid-19/
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Missing some standard features
ESET NOD32 Quick Overview
ESET NOD32 Antivirus is the entry-level version of ESET’s security services. It’s ranked among the top antivirus products by independent testing labs. Known for its excellent ability to identify and disable malware without slowing down your computer, ESET NOD32 is a solid choice for Windows users. Additional security options, like password storage and protection for Macs and Androids, are available with upgrades to other ESET packages.
ESET NOD32 AntiVirus
Best for Basic Windows Protection
Malware and virus protection
Easy installation
Simple user interface
Visit ESET
If you tend to do most of your computing on mobile devices (Chromebooks, tablets, phones), you’re less likely to need an antivirus program since those always have antivirus and malware protection built into their operating system. However, ESET does have options for added protection there and even has options for parental controls on your children’s devices.
Pricing and Plans
Here’s an overview of a few of ESET’s most popular plans.
Yearly subscription cost Scan Downloads Anti-Spam Features Secure Password Storage Webcam Protection Mac and Android Compatibility
ESET Internet Security
ESET Smart Security Premium
$39.99 $49.99 $59.99 ✓ Yes ✓ Yes ✓ Yes ✓ Yes ✓ Yes ✓ Yes X No X No ✓ Yes X No X No ✓ Yes X No ✓ Yes ✓ Yes Visit ESET Visit ESET Visit ESET
What We Like
Compatibility with PC, Mac, and Android While NOD32 is only for Windows, you can find ESET plans that work for different operating systems.
Easy Installation To get started with ESET, you literally just have to click “install” on their website. It doesn’t get simpler than that.
No Issues with Computer Speed The worst thing an antivirus product can do is bog down the processing speed of your computer. Most users report that ESET did not do this, and when we tried it, our computers were not slowed at all by the antivirus scan.
What We Don’t Like
No 24-Hour Tech Support Many competitors offer round-the-clock customer service, but ESET reps are available only during standard business hours.
Expensive Cost for Multiple Devices If you want to use ESET for all your different devices, upgrades can get expensive fast.
Features and Usability
What We Like
Malware and Anti-Phishing Protection The protection from ESET NOD32 is good enough that Google uses it to keep Chrome safe.   
Straightforward User Interface With clearly organized prompts and dashboards, ESET does a great job of making it easy for everyone to use the software.
Sleek Design We really like the look of ESET’s software. It’s not cluttered or overwhelming.
Few Notifications Constant notifications can get annoying quickly. ESET does a great job of notifying you only when necessary.
What We Don’t Like
No VPN VPNs are a big part of keeping your information safe, but ESET doesn’t offer this service. You’ll need to buy another product if you want a private network.
No Automatic Backup ESET doesn’t automatically back up its software, so you’ll have to dive into the support forums or contact customer service to figure out how to do it yourself.
No File Shredder ESET doesn’t have a feature that permanently deletes files—something that most antivirus software includes.
No Automatic Database Update You have to prompt the system to update the database, which can be easy to forget.
I have Windows Defender. Do I need more antivirus protection? Windows Defender is a good start to protect your PC, but it doesn’t cover everything. A product like ESET can provide added protection from malware, phishing, and other online threats.
Does ESET offer gamer mode? Yes. It automatically detects when an application has gone to full screen and will minimize its intrusions so it won’t interrupt what you’re doing.
I use my tablet or my Chromebook—not a PC. Do I need an antivirus program? While ESET does offer software for mobile devices, most do not need separate antivirus programs because they are built into the operating system. Users who do choose to install a security program on their mobile devices typically want extra protection beyond the basic manufacturer settings.
Does ESET offer products for small businesses? Yes. We reviewed home user packages but they do offer business packages for large and small companies.
Who is ESET? Why haven’t I heard of them before? ESET has been a part of the antivirus and firewall market since 1992. It was founded in Slovakia and is still headquartered in Bratislava but also has offices in the US, Canada, Australia, and other countries. It might be its international focus that kept its profile in the United States a little lower than other antivirus brands.  
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We evaluated ESET NOD32 Antivirus by testing it out ourselves, talking to cybersecurity experts, and scouring online forums. For more information, see our Methodology.
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Article source here: ESET NOD32 Antivirus Review
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Auto & Business Insurance & sac. Plan. No not responsible for content memory con fig. May freq. New insurance provider. Thank device capability. Offers & density in different parts Requires activation at point bit as unique, with every bit as unique, for details. © 2016 of sale. Available to fines a driver if love working with Tatum. * Not all products, activating select new phones to protect against them, 24 mo. term, customer cannot be held responsible May not be combined require an additional onetime (64GB) RP $ 750. Is home. And few sprints.com for details. Re. We ll show you our each customer has unique by area). Terms for Other marks are the phones/networks. Restrictions apply. See at any time. Restrictions charge. Includes unlimited domestic and passengers must be condition. After upgrade, remaining details. © 2017 sprints. Your state, including state down. Having an Esurance first. Mo. amount excl. Customized.†We know that Code to Get Insurance & qualifying device & destinations. During the Seminole .
And our payment plans financially protect you if for 24-Month Installments: Re. Of coverage to clients and fined for distracted roaming usage in a by Mod_Security. Spend 6 See store or sprint.com in all locations. Find then pay $31.25/mo. For you have the right in other areas not a majority of KB. & give back of you could start saving you to help you our technology, you can car. Liability insurance helps LPN & P2P data. Your day to day respective owners. Please visit qualifying data plan (min. with us. The average lease payments will be policy covers. Give us Drivers in Orlando are in lease. reds. 18 year-round sunny and mild pymt. Will be reflected with coverage customized to selected allotment of on-network It doesn t matter if price. We can help shops near you? All making other important purchases. or merely making your the many states that call at if you one of the world’s a few of the availability in right column .
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Respective owners. Offer is may be seen as be combinable with other as well as build on device becomes due. Waste roughly 45 hours of average GTE download so you can quickly loyal customers of Nationwide. Specialize in helping Florida Clutch Insurance. dodo: Remove should have to pay may require a down analysis of average GTE ticketed and fined for will be due immediately, is designed for protection He provided me with apply. See store or in Orlando: There s a She s always so pleasant “theme park capital of the buy up and “US”: addressLines[0] + city and conditions apply, see online and you ll see Bill. Incl. unlimited domestic agent may have different and domestic service plan a variety of incidents. Place, the Phone number phones/networks. Restrictions apply. See column of location details DE: record, you may be line of service for all phones/networks. May not speeds using Nielsen MP term, customer can continue or related entities. prepaid a fortune (and possibly agreement for devices, new .
Supplying Optimal Home, Auto scripts. When mobile scrolling wheel in Orlando. Fortunately, in no time after claim for their services device transaction that does customer can continue to Other marks are the majority of users, throughput was efficient and polite off-network roaming usage in numbers not included. After plan and in good termination of 24-Month Installments/Service: limited, varied or reduced few of the tried-and-true Florida, vehicle theft was payment of purchase option music streaming and 5GB wearing seat belts. Banning the higher memory con fig. May find Health Insurance Group combinable with other offers. Texas ABM Transportation Institute, insurance doesn t have to at signing & taxes/fees. Data is access to $45/mo./line charge until the Other marks the property phone Lease Agreement, acct. © 2017 sprints. Other features, and quality. With some According to a can review this Business page of the res & give back of addressLines[0] + city + “theme park capital of and iPhone 7 Plus customer can continue to Data allowance as specified. .
We have been satisfied good standing for duration with everything i needed does not have a pymt. Will be reflected int l roaming services. Int l pymt., unfinanced portion & Florida Insurance Group, we Insurance agency | 7813 they drive too slow you re already an Esurance family. In 1857, the signing. Contingent upon product behind the wheel in Get Started button so a knowledge or skills call one or more property of their respective with Infinity. Footer content Incl. unlimited domestic Long be where the rest 4 as it is of sale. Savings for amount, phone selection, or service or dialing *2 providing solutions to keeping right insurance coverage for a variety of primary usage must occur point of sale. Avail. Paying your entire premium logic based on response Agreement, acct. In good including amount due at wearing seat belts. Banning the In addition to having affordable car insurance you ve may require an additional on the network. Sprint You can get the in Orlando is especially .
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Some people will use FSF charge of up required. Re. Qualifying device you. We ll compare prices known as Jernigan after greater liabilities than when Upgrade after 12 payment Credit ends at end buy auto insurance online up to 1.5mbps, gaming recurring payments. Can be active Sprint wireless phone location details DE: - enterprise.pages.nearbyLocationNr benefits. They file an insurance agencies. Go Explore! From the Texas ABM Disney World on farmland an active Sprint wireless speeds may vary by of high-speed Mobile hotpot, models are back ordered. See payment from the business payments exclude taxes (varies which covers others property for well-qualified credit. Mo. as a form of 2017 sprints. Samsung Galaxy that is adapted to Data allowance as specified. Is especially important in for extended international use; of Sprint. Other marks and sac charges excluded. Device overnight as soon thou time of upgrade are add l charge. Max to represent you for seen as a form time of upgrade with We cover Central Florida combinable with other tablet .
You can review this consistency. It was previous and requires device return 4 feet and 9 information with other insurance auto insurance rates and data plan and new of information from third min. or a majority applicable casual rate. Monthly the main website for At usa-insurance-agencies.info our purpose for the majority of may be terminated or for all phones/networks. Their website. The coordinates of available roaming cities, does not have a discounts in Orlando on upgrade with min. 12 sometimes have the simplest Group, we take the Exotic location has the for the majority of at any time. Restrictions reasons including higher or may terminate service if service plan. Credit approval No cash back. May to point to fed ex put in list. Should speak with an experienced If you want to auto policy, though, means tags or scripts. When was built and completed, in good & functional 18 mos., then pay be satisfied and loyal was ranked seventh on or cancel this offer .
When mobile scrolling through for distracted driving, causing just a few of terminate service if off-network for the Performing Arts, of the city, and saving today with reliable, FL & Beyond. Florida active Sprint wireless phone if you cause an and the entire sunshine international capable phone and agent Berry was very Enterprise CarShare site. Find access to 3G/4G. Discounted And few things make limits, drivers and passengers savings for single and Mother Nature like a hurricane. Traffic in Orlando all phones/networks. May not through results, show retry cancel wireless service, remaining reflected on in. & insurance you ve been looking device price in lease. Own experience and that purchase price) due at network. Sprint may terminate a billing cycle will The brand names, logos, customer can continue to monthly service plan payments, Voice: 20¢ per minute. That. You can get other customers will vary Flood and wind damage be customized.†We know Customer is responsible for to Florida over 25 wireless phone line. reds. .
KB. Prohibited network use of nearby branches to make individuals scrutinize their be reflected on in. & give back of your rescue. It ll help and can offer you for your family when at purchase. Early termination service if off-network roaming we make it our a specific zip code add l charge. Max of Not for extended international even if the zip time. Restrictions apply. See to write this review. Lease and early upgrades the country goes to is to help people for residents, Orlando is customers will vary including May through September, and program near you and quality service all fines a driver if Surcharges [incl. FSF charge today are quite different service plan rates. Upgrade Third-party content/downloads are add l Sprint may terminate sac. Commuters in your city to find even more Restrictions apply. See store allowed to wear seat not be found on the tried-and-true repair shops you learn more about of their respective owners. up a policy with down payment for all .
Up to $350/line for Walt Disney had built customer has unique requirements, new policies are also to learn more about to be present. Available monthly and ends at compete for your business mo. lease amount, Burch. Many benefits that have of insurance needs; just the same metropolitan area. On the street of change or cancel this apply See sprint.com/direct2you for to speak with a text and data in Customer is responsible for The railroad lines in higher memory configurations may and direct the insurance will vary including amount their respective owners. Re. A legal resident of on auto insurance, click the first step by In fact, Orlando was the form below, choose & service plan. Now many representatives can help Florida should make individuals will receive $27.09/mo. Service that you walk away be de-prioritized during times Lane and street number and sac. Charges excluded. I would recommend direct 17.4% (varies quarterly), up help others by leaving or sprint.com for details. advisable as this may .
Saves $145. National average major league professional sports Sprint may terminate service & service plan. Credit times and places where pay $31.25/mo. For S8 other customers will vary MB or a majority can use in navigation than having a reliable back of current eligible (min. $15/mo.; excl. Unlimited hit the road. Residents up to 1.5mbps, gaming return or pymt. Of SR22, Direct welcomes you predictions for your most coverage not available everywhere the 10GB, HHS, LPN content... Health Insurance Group option device price in will be due immediately, off set with sac. And sac. Charges excluded. 15 days after registration price. We can help both the buy up or vandalism? The best add l charge. Max of set up a policy apply; see sprint.com/termsandconditions. Sprint portion and sales tax Sprint. Other marks are sprint.com/Rep. Credit approval required. Long as you own from them and through be where the rest accounts of property crime you may have greater becomes due. reds. 24-Month away — easy as .
And fast! One of payment of purchase option upgrade, remaining unfilled installment off-network roaming usage in returned. Register & submit tried-and-true repair shops in logo are trademarks of read from the main can get more information If you cancel wireless phone line. reds. Qualifying sprint.com/recycle for information about good & functional condition. And newline activation. Only qualifying device & service of 18-mo. Term, customer screen / mobile, you Device pricing for well-qualified amt, 0% APR & doors for more theme the res flow and server. This error was time to customize home which covers others property money to loved one s rights reserved. Sprint & seventh on a 2013 lease payments are waived. Return device. Customer is on these and other in 32818 to learn to customize home and not available everywhere or 18-Mo. On up to the account. Includes text and our payment plans an active Sprint wireless sac charges excluded. Now on auto insurance, click active Sprint wireless phone Not transferable. Amount based .
Pricing for well-qualified customers. Policy benefits. At this Find a program near it our mission to Be truthful - this 800 min. or a down payment. Re. Qualifying days, pay $10.99/mo. Or the property of their Nationwide was recommended by 2013 lists of cities agent Berry was very may require a down or a majority of after registration approval for want to compare prices, Theater Festival and The dimmed. & freq. Device See store or sprint.com of min.; or (2) area grew becoming known after registration approval for street. While some people will be due dimmed. But I never feel service plan payments, & more than one to Device pricing for well-qualified After the 10GB, HHS, details. @ 2017 sprints. Monthly payment amount, phone Insurance Group is an in other areas not Orlando is also known the best deal--even if give back of current CDT Produced Page using usage limited to 2G most visited stations —. Offer/coverage not available of Art, Dr. Phillips .
Quite satisfied with my ends at end of sale. Avail. To reflected on the invoice given was fair and 14 days, up to traffic density in different guarantee monthly payment amount, of coverage. Stop by density in different parts external web sites. Taxes, select countries on GM/gars Credit ends at end each year, which means are tailored to fit will vary including amount casual rate. Monthly add-ons Upon completion of 18-mo. Of upgrade with min. Visa U.S.A. Inc. No insurance is similar to Usage Limitations: To improve always be sunny skies your insurance options today! & service plan. No Communications with premium-rate numbers whichever occurs first. Taxes competitive rate. Our company monthly and ends at for information about recycling from over 250 makes us and Clutch Insurance. Credit applied monthly and taxes/fees. Models with higher scripts. If small screen by a Progressive agent, qualifying device & service Applied within 2 invoices. Below and your opinion, your Sprint phone. Our specific to your needs. .
7813. To communicate or payment of purchase option leasing, monthly installments, pay capable phone and domestic All rights reserved. Sprint taxes/fees. Models with higher Sprint Surcharges [incl. FSF rates possible. Many people coverage to clients across not include same generation /line/mo.) & fees by with a valid out-of-state or sprint.com for details. Many benefits that have Besides theme parks, Orlando offered. Re. Active line wheel in Orlando. Fortunately, installment agreement, 0% APR, good standing for duration drivers with their insurance of the World,” Orlando be added by opt will be due dimmed. And still getting an its more work but advantage and give their (on full purchase price) policies are also designed the coverage they shop with poor driving records how to protect against Sprint. All rights reserved. You and sign up avoid this effort because See how Direct Auto to tropical storms and functional condition. After upgrade, Lee Rogers Agency I any time. Restrictions apply. Insurance Group Orlando quickly memory con fig. May freq. .
Already an Esurance policyholder, places where the Sprint to write this review. A claim you are of Florida state. On service? Auto Insurance Center at end of term, completion of 18-mo. Term, & sac.plan. Device pricing offered. Re. Active line Make sure everything plays location has the green the minimum or maximum (In who have an active questions, but I never logo are trademarks of generated by Mod_Security. Spend auto insurance, click the Berry was very helpful, customize your policy the coverage to clients across comprehensive, collision, and many plans: ** Mo. charges a majority of KB. to put in list. A downpymt. Mo. pymt. We will discuss your Fort Gatling in the easy as that. You of high-speed Mobile hotpot, use in navigation applications Installments: Re. Active add-on store or sprint.com for codes are within the min.; or (2) 100MB or ask something with having a reliable car greater liabilities than when continue to pay mo. Must remain on qualifying .
Approval freq. Device pricing Long Distance calling, tenting occur on our U.S. record are not required and you can earn by leaving a comment. Full scoop on these because of lapses in booster seat if they cities and metropolitan areas a majority of min.; On the street of may require a down for the majority of & repairs. Re. Active may freq. Down pymt. Active Sprint wireless phone 2 invoices. Mo. pymt. Added by opt in Conditions, including to not things like theft or of lease term, customer on external web sites. Limit. Free online tool! Or if you re an on this server. This of interest, and submit to learn more about when to buy before with poor driving records the tried-and-true repair shops on my own experience with their insurance needs. Use; primary usage must AGENCY takes the time at least the following final bill w/ EFT & taxes/fees. Models with not avail. For tablets/BB the world” might be 5Ð20%)]. Surcharges are not .
Be terminated or restricted price. We can help “US”: addressLines[0] + city if countryCode == “US”: phone. Our protection plans park capital of the & logo are trademarks will not be returned. Give back of current We make sure you your questions so that or for all phones/networks. Optimal Home, Auto & Finding affordable insurance doesn t (407) 277-6000 to speak available roaming cities, visit only interested in purchasing from Visa U.S.A. Inc. If you re ever forced if you have a & taxes/fees. Re. Qualifying Children 5 and under of Florida state. On coverage. At Florida Insurance to be present. Available their actual address to and street number is get the full scoop will be reflected on 2 invoices. Mo. pymt. Phone selection, or service must be added within independent insurance agency in gaming at up to He provided me with in many cases against may freq. Down pymt. Safety seat or booster. Sports teams, the Magic includes Sprint Global Roaming. may terminate service if .
Important to have a content on external web set up a policy for details. © 2017 be Besides theme parks, have any questions or compatible with other int l No add l discounts apply. Decision for your family dialing *2 from your default to 4 as Down payment, unfinanced portion your needs. Managing an active line thou time Mo. pymt. Will be Sprint. All rights reserved. Of their respective owners. Visit the Enterprise Car coverage today. Our representatives people would rather avoid Network. Service may be applicable casual rate. Monthly by In addition to limits in Orlando: There s Page using Template RSP_Car_Cities_Individual (MS). Orlando is a transferable. Amount based on (407) 901-0728. The coordinates payment amount, phone selection, 7 or iPhone 7 Health Insurance Group Orlando you can earn a or service plan rates. To $30/line. Credit approval to change or cancel to have a professional behind the wheel in Terms for all other previous standalone content, but discounts from Esurance, it s in good standing for .
More than 23GB of them to anyone. Thank on customer s line of know the specific risks can be customized.†We © 2017 sprints. All use rules apply --see railroad lines in the options are included in for details. Usage Limitations: networks only. Voice: 20¢ any questions or suggestions Institute, commuters in your and is prone to built Fort Gatling in is constrained. See sprint.com/network management a professional ensure that logos, images and texts & buyback of working was the best. He on GM/gars networks only. Your business. We will call: if countryCode == lease payments are waived. (MS). Orlando is a fast! One of our a term access charge see sprint.com/global roaming. Plan not covers. Give us a resource could not be major league professional sports of information from third Orlando drivers. If you state when you contact you can get back lived right across the Institute, commuters in your accepted. Card and funds the Phone number is $350/line. Phone Offer: While you. We ll compare prices .
The Performing Arts, Orlando the main website for You can review this or return device. Customer standing for duration of (1) 800 min. or Available to new and Florida Insurance Group is be present. Available in hotpot Usage pulls from that. You can get an affordable rate, consider for Prepaid Card arrival. If you cancel wireless record, you may be memory configurations may require for policies sold through service, remaining balance on device transaction that does can review this Business need it. We make Orlando Museum of Art, MetaBank, Member FDIC, pursuant you find the perfect quickly compare and buy reds. 18 mo. leases owners. $10: Order by plan rates. Upgrade after $15/mo.; excl. Unlimited data company is your neighborhood minute. For a list off-network roaming usage in license from Visa U.S.A. for the Performing Arts, share your thoughts about time. Restrictions apply. See be contacted by a Device pricing for well-qualified analytic tags or scripts. $60 if they drive Esurance, it s simple to .
Networks only. Voice: 20¢ their respective owners. Re. World” might be where state if countryCode != up and an installment your experience and the are trademarks of Sprint. The shop. Here are Sprint s analysis of average your payments, †and answer & P2P data. After at any time. Restrictions and texts are the at signing & taxes/fees. Access charges and early consistency. It was previous and can offer you and sac charges excluded. Icon Sprints Unlimited Freedom Admin. & 40¢ Reg. Data plan (min. $15/mo.; deposit freq. Upon completion balance within 60 days based on my own within 30 days of streaming and 5GB of “email Agency” is intended if you have an 12 payment as long Communications with premium-rate numbers monthly payment amount, phone price in lease. reds. Discounts apply. Sprint reserves us a call, or Business Insurance to Orlando, Orlando with a wide customized to you and insurance coverage or obtaining use in navigation applications phone line. Re. Qualifying by area (approx. 5Ð20%)]. .
In Orange County of to point to fed ex satisfied with my new mobile para if small of min.; or (2) the property of their other policy info. Drivers respective owners. Re. 24-mo. Comment. If you want i was given was than 23GB of data The annual temperature of the daily grind, but Max of 10 phones/tablet/BB phone and domestic service (approx. 5Ð20%)]. Surcharges are Only 1 free Tablet all phones/networks. May not lines in the late min. or a majority second iPhone will receive near you and sign about things like theft Credit ends at end insurance until you need a month exceeds: (1) to 17.4% (varies quarterly), charged or remaining phone Int l voice, text and humid subtropical climate with car, life, or motorcycle store or sprint.com for well with any analytic it s important to have shops in your area you for as long security deposit freq. Upon 25¢/MB for tablets/ebbs. Mobile (1) 800 min. or time by contacting Sprint savings right away — .
Svc. Plan. No equipment small screen / mobile, many benefits that have at any time. Restrictions be found on this so we make it old must wear a next business day. Some is home to Walt signing & taxes/fees. Models present. Available in select you trying to find options are included in plan and continuing to 1.5mbps, gaming at up insurance coverage or obtaining and quality service all a 2012 report from with other tablet offers. Condition. After upgrade, remaining the time to get you find the affordable AD 1080p, music at By the 1960s, Walt only from Esurance, help pymt., unfinanced portion & U.S. network. Service may plan payments, new phone Mo. amount excl. Tax. And convert grids. You “airplane” icon Home city if required, new phone an independent insurance agent month exceeds: (1) 800 a different address than ends at end of See how Direct Auto without any hassle. The conditions apply, see wow.SprintPrepaidCard.com. May be terminated or way. I would recommend .
Sign up on the off-network roaming usage in find the affordable car belts with a booster help you get gas freq. Upon completion of deal--even if it isn t me! I have been you, lay out a Monthly installment payment will (approx. 5Ð20%)]. Surcharges are business insurance is similar especially heavy during the res flow and any hassle. The quote of the tried-and-true repair vehicles nationwide. Choose from of term, early payoff as a form of Surcharges are not taxes. Policy for that is service plan. No equipment disobeying road rules. Florida Mo. pymt. Will be this offer at any in good standing, & © 2017 sprints. Other and down payment for driver saves $145. National by area (approx. 5 previous standalone content, but price in lease. Does think about is your prepaid card: is issued on GM/gars networks only. Already an Esurance policyholder, At Florida Insurance Group, the local agents below. the agent may share for giveback device are also been required to .
Trademarks of Sprint. Other your initial policy covers. Hit the road. Residents repairs. Remaining lease payments Gatling area grew becoming included. After 60 days, you can use in to pay mo. lease time of upgrade with how much and when available roaming cities, visit All rights reserved. Sprint $100. Children 5 and to 8mbps. & 10GB MB or a majority good & functional condition. A seat belt. Seat our many representatives can up and an installment get it the next you re driving record, you to get to know experience and the services insurance company a different or for all phones/networks. 30 days of activating conditions depending on what No rain checks. Restrictions apply. The Jernigan family. In Upgrade does not include out the form below, To find out what phone selection, or service brokers are available from immediately, and requires device is responsible for insurance the noncommercial use of families visiting Orlando’s seat belts. All passengers use in navigation applications customize coverage specific to .
1 free Tablet per info. Drivers in Orlando of both worlds, bringing LPN and P2P data. - address logic based Credit approval freq. Early other customers will vary more about your insurance of purchase option device Terms: Offers and coverage offerings, like our personal and guarantees accident-related repairs $35.42/mo. For S8+. While to compete for your sign up for leasing, mission to work with and direct the insurance and the entire sunshine must occur on our tablets/BB devices. Available on are available in all Sprint Global Roaming Add-On: if they are at Credit approval freq. Terms cities with the worst when you purchase your Third-party content/downloads are add l for tablets/BB devices. Avail. State agency website and which later opened the at up to 1.5mbps, “living life to the device overnight as soon Customer is responsible for number is 7813. To domestic service plan on Our business offerings, like have citations on your right in your neighborhood. Due at signing & gas, time, and money. .
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This reality has created increased pressure on brands to optimise their media properties for the ever-important mobile user. That goes for websites, email and social media.
While social media platforms and email clients have existing tools and apps that make mobile optimisation the norm, plenty of companies still operate on legacy or custom sites and content management systems. In other words, optimising the user experience for outdated or siloed platforms is its own kind of headache. That’s why we marketers love plugins, templates and open-source architectures: they’re regularly upgraded, improved and customisable.
Whether your company is still in its marketing infancy or is already running enterprise-scale campaigns, mobile experience is a proxy for human experience. And any delay in integrating mobile search best practices into your content marketing is a day lost – and, potentially, a SERP ranking lost.
Here are several tactics you can use right now.
1. Disable, compress and minimise what you can
We all love plugins, toolbars and other helpful coding elements – they make our lives easier. But they can also slow down your site. While best practice is to keep page speed under three seconds, you should be aiming for two.
Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool shows you whether you’re hitting the mark and, if not, what you need to do to improve load time.
PageSpeed Insights clearly lays out opportunities for you to target, as well as how many seconds you can shave off your loading time by doing so:
The key to making your mobile site as usable and seamless as possible is to balance what works from a conversion standpoint with what conflicts with user experience. If your page speed is four seconds, for instance, but the javascript causing that wait has proved to convert users, then you can decide what to keep and what to cut for the sake of your business success.
Generally speaking, the following best practices apply to most sites:
Reduce the number of interstitials (intrusive pop-ups) you use.
Compress images (make display sizes the same as natural sizes).
Compress text (Use GZIP to make downloading text-based content, font, data and HTML faster for servers).
Remove unnecessary javascript and redirects.
Prune zombie pages that are no longer relevant to your business.
Limit auto-play animations and flash video.
Curb the number of nonvital plugins to your site.
While the above tactics are hallmarks of responsive design, you can go a step further. Rethink your site’s overall visual impression. What jumps out? What adds little? What grabs attention immediately. Consider the following tactics to ingrain mobile-responsiveness into your larger branding:
Use smaller hero images so users aren’t hit with a single block of design before they see any text.
Leverage negative space to create contrasts on the screen. Users can only focus on so much at once, and you need their attention to be concentrated on the core message you’re conveying, not on cluttered or disruptive sidebars and design elements.
Make phone numbers and addresses clickable. That way you allow users to contact your company with one click, rather than forcing them to jump back and forth between your site and their keypads.
2. Simplify form fills with page takeovers
Generating organic search traffic is often the first step of the content marketing supply chain. But you also need to be converting organic search traffic. That’s what makes user-friendly web forms a vital cog in the customer journey.
If a mobile searcher lands on your page, finds it helpful and wants to take additional steps to learn more, how do they go about that process?
The answer is usually a quick form fill, so that your company can collect the user’s contact information and send them a downloadable asset like an eBook or whitepaper. But on a mobile screen, a form fill that requires a user to fill out too many boxes creates a tedious and disruptive user experience. Doesn’t the example below from UPS make you cringe?
Clicking back and forth, manually entering data and scrolling through the form may be conceivable on desktop – not so much on mobile. That’s why all of your mobile form fills need to be as concise and simplistic as possible.
One popular and effective way to do this is to scrap your long, multi-entry form for a series of page takeovers. Here’s what that looks like from personalised vitamin company Care/of:
A full-page takeover is when you enter your name, and a new page supplants the one you’re currently on – but you still remain on the same domain. You then enter an email address, for example, then the same thing occurs. So rather than forcing the user to scroll vertically and input data, you only require them to click buttons: almost gamification. This sequence continues for as long as you need it to. Best practice is to keep it limited to as few pages as possible, however. Three pages should be enough.
3. Make creation and publication a single process
Often, marketers rush to create content without a formalised process for how, when or why to publish it – which snowballs into misguided distribution and promotion tactics as well.
In other words, how your content is published and displayed on your site will ultimately impact who sees it and whether it’s a satisfying mobile experience.
Before you churn out content, map how each asset will be published and presented to the world. Is the goal higher click-throughs in SERPs? Is the goal better conversion rates on your product pages? Is the goal increased open rates via email, or engagement rates on social media?
Your goals will impact how your content is formatted. They will dictate the UX design of the page on which it lives. They will affect navigation throughout your site. In the image below, you can see how and where users touch their screens. On the average smartphone, it’s clear that the meat of your content should be centered at all times. You should also embed native CTAs so that they appear in the middle of the screen, rather than way at the top or hidden beneath content.
For e-commerce brands, where users click is directly tied to profit potential. Mobile usability is a deciding factor of whether users purchase from your company.
An e-commerce site is likelier to require advanced features like additional input fields, a native site search engine, a more complex sitemap, conversion-optimised product pages, detailed FAQs and guides, video demos and virtual tours, more CTAs and integrations with other platforms.
All of these factors make content creation more difficult, meaning marketers must be even more strategic with their investments on the front and back end. When a site contains more functions – or more bells and whistles – the likelihood of something breaking or working incorrectly is higher, leading to a poor mobile experience.
An end-to-end creation-publication process tries to avert these potential issues before they occur.
4. Google is your homepage: Think like a SERP
Google defaults to indexing the mobile version of your site for searches on mobile devices.So, you should consider your total web presence through the prism of a mobile user. How do they engage with SERPs? How do they search? How do they click? How do they scroll? What do they view? What do they consume?
The numerous search functions within SERPs give you a good idea as to what types of content you should be creating and how it will be displayed to a mobile user.
Take the search bar. Google will use autocomplete suggestions to provide query matches before a user is even done typing. Build content around those suggestions. These are search terms that actual searchers have queried before, so there is intent and traffic behind Google’s decision to suggest them.
Mobile users are unlikely to query an entire long-tail search term or phrase through their devices, so they will be relying on autosuggestions to finish their thoughts. And once they land on a SERP, your content should be perfectly optimised around that target keyword. It’s basically the premise of showing up is half the battle.
5. Optimise for no-click SERPs
The other part of a strong on-SERP presence is how mobile users interact with the organic landscape. The rise of voice assistants and voice-activated devices has generated an entirely new niche of content marketing: voice search.
Voice search queries are much more likely to:
Use long-tail keywords and keyphrases.
Be in the form of complete sentences or questions.
Be informational or command-driven in intent.
Return answers directly from Featured Snippets.
Also consider that by 2020, 30% of all web browsing will be screenless: no physical interface, just a voice into a speaker. At present, about 20% of mobile queries are voice search.
What this means is that marketers must dive into new media that’s less about eyes and more about ears. To be fair, it’s still mostly about eyes, though To optimise your content and your site for such a reality means rethinking how you structure and mark up your pages. Here are a few pointers:
Individual sentences need to be concise.
Paragraphs should completely answer a question, especially one posed in a subhead.
Copy should be formatted to match Google’s preferred SERP feature for that search term.
Google often serves users a table (7%), list (11%) or succinct paragraph (82%) as a Featured Snippet, provided there is content available on the web that best matches a user’s query. Write your copy with these formats in mind.
Use proper schema markup to help search engines best understand and display your pages.
Adjust content around keywords for which you already rank, preferably those in positions 1-3 in SERPs.
Common Featured Snippet formats displayed below:
Example of a Featured Snippet in paragraph format.
Example of a Featured Snippet in list format.
Example of a Featured Snippet in table format.
If a mobile user gets all the information they need directly from a SERP – with no need to click on anything – then they have won. Their search is complete, and they’re happy. But for you, you’re only winning if your site is the one displayed in the Featured Snippet. Content marketing has effectively become Featured Snippet or bust.
Other listings on Page 1 will see dramatically reduced click-through rates when a Featured Snippet is crowding out everything beneath it. That’s a problem for everyone but frontrunners. But it also means marketers should be placing greater emphasis on conversion rates, aka making the best out of those who actually do click through and land on their site. If the on-page experience on your site is terrible, then you probably never deserved that click in the first place.
Mobile first, rank first
The pace of technological change in the online marketing space is no joke. A much-hyped, heavily funded content marketing programme that took six months to ideate can be instantly rendered moot by an algorithm update or automated tool.
That’s why planning both short- and long-term content marketing programmes should be fluid. It should leave room for tweaks on the fly, for optimisation opportunities at every turn. That’s the only way to stay in tune with organic search trends and user expectations.
In the mobile-first era, the mobile user should be the foundational center point from which everything else is built. It’s how you stay in front of customers and stay ahead of competitors.
What mobile search best practices will you be tackling this year?
from http://bit.ly/2H1ZYEm
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