#i tried to keep it vague to not spoil anything but i think his views on his lover is similar to how he views robin
fatuifucker · 4 months
sunday seems to me like someone who would be an unintentionally controlling partner. he doesn't mean to. but the family has a duty to uphold. and as the lover of the oak family head, so do you. prim and proper is what you are expected to be. a noble just like him.
but in truth, he sees your strained smile and your tired eyes, your head heavy from the burdens of that metaphorical crown thrusted upon you when you chose to be his. such a sight does not befit you. no, he much prefers those rare instances where you rest your head on his shoulder; a genuine smile on your lips as you intertwine your fingers with him, wholly at ease.
if sunday could be forever... then you too would forever be at ease.
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rogueddie · 9 months
Steve Harrington is six years old when he first speaks to Eddie Munson.
Steve vaguely recognized him from school, sure that he was in the year above Steve, but he thought that Eddie hadn't looked as lonely in school as he had in the public library that day.
So, determined to make a friend, he decided to go over and talk to him.
He only hesitated because Eddie looked immersed in his book- that is, until some other kids went over and bothered him. They don't do much, only seem to jeer and knock his book down as they passed by, but Eddie looked upset.
Steve got up as soon as the boys left through the doors. Eddie was clearly just trying to enjoy his book- and a big book too, Steve had thought that it must be interesting for him to be so far into it.
"Hi," Steve greets. He gave a little wave and his cutest smile- even his mom thought it was cute and she was so busy in those days that she never noticed those smaller things. "What are you- you, um, reading?"
He stared at Steve blankly for a moment, seeming confused. "Lord of the rings. Why?"
"Thought it must be… interesting. It looks so long and you've, just… you've read so much!"
"Oh. Yeah, it's pretty fun. You read a lot of fantasy?"
Steve shifted, glancing away for a moment. Uncomfortable. "I don't really… read a lot. The words get a little, uh, confusing."
"The Hobbit is a little shorter? And it's part of the same world as Lord of The Rings. There's three of these ones."
"What are they about?"
Eddie lit up. He kept the explination short, not wanting to ruin the book. He paused a lot, tongue sticking out as he tried hard to think, constantly noting that 'it will make more sense when you read it' or 'but then a thing happens, but I can't tell you because it will spoil it'.
"And the- the trees talking is, like, normal in this world?"
"Yeah! It's all great!"
Steve didn't quite understand, but he loved how Eddie made it sound.
"You still think you'll read it?"
"Maybe when I'm a- a bit older. I don't think I'll really, uh, get it? It sounds real neat though."
"Do you think it might help if I read it out to you?" Eddie's smile dropped a little when Steve hesitated. He leant close, lowering his voice. "I had to have my uncle read it out the first time."
"Yeah. A lot of words I don't know and because he was reading them out, I could just ask him if I didn't get it. Plus, I kinda still like being read to. It's like having a personal narrator."
"Oh. And... that's ok?
"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be? Uncle Wayne says it is so it must be."
"Is your uncle really smart?"
"Super smart. He knows a lot."
"Ok?" Eddie perked up. "You want me to read to you? Because I've been practicing doing voices and it is really fun."
Eddie flipped the book back to the start.
"I'll only read a little. Don't wanna give anything away."
Steve was fascinated. Despite how much some of the voices wavered, Steve adored them. He had to bite the inside of his cheeks at times to keep from making noise, or commenting. He hadn't wanted to interrupt Eddies flow.
It took him a while to realize that he'd stopped checking the time and, by the time he did, it was almost too late.
"Oh, damn," Steve jumped up, wincing at how it made Eddie flinch. "Sorry! I have to go, my dad- I'm sorry."
"No worries," Eddie shrugged. "Will you be here next week?"
"Yeah, should be."
"I'll wait for you here, same time."
Steve scurried out, running out the door. He ignored the yelling for him to slow down, panting by the time he jumped into the back of his dads car.
"Sorry I'm late."
His dad hummed, raising an eyebrow at him in the rear view mirror. "Good day? Make any new friends?"
"Yeah! I met Eddie and he's really nice and cool. He read me some of this big book and he wants to meet me again, next week!"
Steve hadn't noticed the way his dad winced when he went on to describe Eddie. He was too busy thinking about the next week and how excited he was to spend another afternoon with his new friend.
But, the next week, his dad dropped him off with a babysitting. He made sure to tell her that Steve was to be kept away from the public library.
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veala2 · 11 months
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fluff prompt: “I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
SYNOPSIS - The love cook is diagnosed with a heavy heart and irritable face- redness syndrome. Safe to say: the boy’s in love. Now he just needs to confess to be cured! If only it was that simple…
CW - Cheesy, corny fluff that’s good for the soul, gn!reader, Sanji having chronic nose bleeds, Zoro shows up and spoils the show, and Chopper shows up to save the day!
A/N - Ahhhh I’m so glad I managed to finish this tonight. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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Increased heart rate for periods of time.
Blood heavily rushed to the face for long periods of time.
Blood heavily rushing from nostrils for extreme periods of time.
When Chopper caught Sanji (once again) earning his title as “Mr. Nosebleed'' so affectionately given by Zoro, he first diagnosed him with the classic ‘No more pervertedness!’ and expected it to work. But in a week's time, Sanji was once again lying on Chopper's bed with his face in his hands and ears tipping off his hidden cherry face.
“We need to try something new, Sanji. It seems like Nami and Robin aren’t the causes of this. Tell me what you were doing when the nosebleeds started.”
The chef sighs, thinking carefully about the past few days.
“Well, I was making Lunch one time. Luffy walked in with Y/N, and when I asked them what they wanted to drink, I couldn’t get it out and felt the blood rushing to my face.”
Chopper quickly scribbles this down, scratching his chin at the evidence given.
“Can you give me another example?” He asked.
“Uhm… I was out giving drinks to Nami, Robin and Y/N when I just couldn’t help but feel the blood spill down my nose.”
It was then that Chopper could vaguely put the pieces together. In the stories, Y/N seemed to be a constant in both. Appearing when Sanji’s strange emotions rose. An idea formed in his head.
“Sanji, all of these instances have Y/N in common. Do you have feelings for them?”
The chef's eyes swiftly widened at the thought of his crewmate, making him stutter like a mad man.
“What? No! I don’t- I can’t say… okay, maybe I do. It won’t stop no matter how many times I try. At first I just assumed it was all of Nami, Robin and Y/N. But when it was just the two of us… I understood.”
Chopper almost felt pity for his chef. His defeated slump, his hands covering his face and his undoubtedly- but deniable- feelings for Y/N.
“Don’t worry, Sanji!” Chopper chirped, patting his blonde hair with his hooved paw, “I know your cure! You just have to tell them your feelings and you’ll start feeling better. It’ll get rid of the heavy feeling in your chest and you might stop bleeding!… as much.”
Sanji almost wanted to cry.
“No buts! You're taking up my medicine making time by pining too much. You must do this, Sanji! For the good of humanity and your nose!”
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When the morning sky falls and night comes into view, Sanji expertly makes a fantastical feast. Anything to keep him off the task that Chopper assigned for him. He knew what he needed to do.
The day that he discovered he was crushing hard on you was some random afternoon. He was experimenting with some recipes and decided to ask for your opinion.
The bright smile you had while munching on his food, cheeks a slight red and overall joy made his heart skip a beat. It’s a moment he’s not going to forget any time soon. Like a photographer, he snapped a mental picture of your face and just refuses to let it slide.
So, when Sanji once again asked for your opinion on new recipes, he tried to compose himself through deep breaths and drinking herbal tea.
“Hey, Sanji! I practically drifted in from that smell. Lemme guess: banana chocolate cake with… espresso?” You smiled, leaning on the edge of the kitchen counter with him on the other side. Making him red from the closeness.
“Uh- yeah! y-yeah, I added some in for some extra flavour. Surprised you picked up on it.” He stammered, looking away to keep his composure.
You grabbed a plate of the cake, grabbing a fork and taking a bite. Sanji closes and opens his eyes, spinning towards you and looking determined. Making you look confused.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something!” He starts. You raise an eyebrow.
“What’s up?” You asked, giving him a gentle smile.
“Look, th-there’s been something I’ve been wanting off my chest.. for a while. And it’s not the easiest thing in the world. You see, I-“
Before Sanji could confess, his least favourite man in the entire world bursted through the door, causing the kitchen to shake as a result. That said man places a hand on his three swords, an angered expression on his face.
“Not the kitchen, dining room, library or your locker! Dumb cook, where did you hide all the booze!?”
His abruptive-ness makes you giggle, only adding to Sanji’s frustration.
“Beat it, moss head! I’m busy here!”
Zoro looks over towards you and Sanji, the gears in his head turning as he realises what’s happening between the both of you. Thanks to his closeness with the little doctor, he knew about this exchange. If he did, it would be a safe bet to assume a part of the ship would be wrecked.
“Oh, did you finally grow the balls to confess to Y/N? I’ll head out then.” He bails, pushing through the double doors and effectively sealing Sanji’s fate.
You sharply turn your head towards the love- sick cook. Eyebrows furrowing together and light pink dusting your face. An obviously embarrassed face. He feels like he’s going to explode from how embarrassed he was.
You… had a theory of his feelings for you. But it was never confirmed until now.
Well, watching a man gain a nosebleed by simply handing you a drink did make you wonder. How he would only ask you to try his new recipes, how he always turned a little pink while looking at you, how you could almost see smiles he would try to hide whenever you laughed or did anything. Cute, dumb, smart, it didn’t matter.
“Sanji… you like me? Is this why you’ve been so weird around me for weeks?” You asked, keenly focusing on his sweating form.
“Uh, yes! I like you! No, sorry, I-I love you! Dammit!”
The cook sighed, hiding his face in his hands, running his back against the cold kitchen wall and sliding down. After fumbling his confession, he couldn’t bring himself to bring himself up.
Crouching down, you sigh with a small smile and move his hands away. He tried to move his face away, but moved back towards you with your gentle hands on his face.
He wanted to scream and run away. Grumble and wallow in his own self pity. Wanting to turn back time to when he could be confident and charming, swooping you off your feet like a true prince. But instead he hides and wants to crawl into the ground.
“Hey… look at me…” You whisper, so softly and so kindly he thought it would hurt if he denied you. So he turned, eyes sad.
“I… I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering… but that failed, so…”
Your heartstrings tug a little at his tiny voice. Not to mention his sad face is cute as hell.
“Sanji, it’s ok,” You start, standing him up on his own two feet and looking into his eyes.
“I thought it was perfect, no failures at all. And - for the record- I kind of knew you had feelings for me... And it’s reciprocated.”
It was almost like a light shone down from the heavens with that statement. His once glossy eyes now turn to pure joy. He smiled, an honest ear- to- ear smile.
“Really really.”
In a love- stricken haze, he leans against the wall. Almost floating in the air with how light he feels. No more heavy blushing or profuse bleeding, no. Just pure euphoria with how his confession was received. After a couple seconds, he shoots back up, holding out his arms to hold both of your shoulders. A thought rushing through his mind while you give him a bewildered look.
“Wait, that means you’ll date me! Does that mean I’m your boyfriend now? Oo! Does that mean you’re my girlfriend?”
Oh man, were you gonna have fun messing around with him and loving him.
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duck-in-a-spaceship · 2 years
Please Pick Up The Phone
I come bearing House M.D. fanfiction.
Summary: Season 5 Episode 24 fic where Wilson reflects on his relationship with House and what's led them to this point.
Word Count: 1078
Warnings: Addiction mention
Wilson should… he should say something.
House has been uncharacteristically silent since Cuddy led him into Wilson’s office. Since the door opened without warning, followed not by House asking some insane question while sticking one foot up on the desk, but by Cuddy dressed head to toe in professional concern, by House, looking haggard and empty, hardly able to meet Wilson’s eyes.
Even when Cuddy began to explain, House was silent, only occasionally offering confirmation to some statement or question when it was directly requested of him. For the most part, he looked out the window. Ever so often, Wilson found himself following his gaze, glancing over at the lush trees and blue skies. Whatever House found so compelling, Wilson couldn’t grasp it.
Even the last conversation they had, when they got into the car, had been lackluster. “You got everything?” Wilson asked as he closed the door, starting to yank his seatbelt in place. House just nodded. “You ready?” he tried again, turning his keys for the car to rumble to life. Another nod. “Great.”
He drums his fingers on the wheel. Not to any sort of rhythm or beat; there’s no music in the car, just to release some of the nervous energy he can feel jittering around in his veins. Maybe he should play music, just to break the silence, just to have something to cut through the depressing mist that has cloaked his friend. He’s halfway made up his mind, one hand nearly leaving the wheel, but then he sees House out of the corner of his vision and… nevermind.
House is looking outside the window again, at the drops of rain that have collected on the glass. For a moment, he looks over at Wilson, and there it is. His chance to end the quiet, to say something, anything.
He keeps his eyes on the road.
They sit in silence.
More rain drips down from the sky, and Wilson turns on his windshield wipers, the rubber groaning against the glass with each inelegant swipe. There’s a wedding going on, right about now, and Wilson vaguely wonders if it’s raining there. It’s hard to imagine, the gloomy clouds and damning drops spoiling such a perfect event. He thinks the rain is right where it belongs.
Cuddy had apologized before he left, expressed her sympathies that he had to miss the wedding. Wilson had just stared at her incredulously.
“The wedding?” he’d echoed. “Oh, I don’t care about the wedding. I mean-” He cut himself off with a sigh. “Of course I care, tell them I’m sorry I can’t make it. It’s just…”
She saved him the labor of having to finish his sentence. “You care about House more.”
Wilson nodded.
“I’ll give them your congratulations.”
He can see the building now. It looks… imposing, honestly. The dead trees and grim clouds do little to help the image, but even without them, it’s hard to imagine a pleasant interior to the building's cold brick and intimidating breadth. It begins to swallow up the whole of Wilson’s view, the closer they approach.
You want this. He has to remind himself as he brings the car to a stop. You’ve wanted House to get help for years. Cuddy has wanted House to get help for years. Anyone who has ever known House has wanted him to get help for years. And now he wants it too.
They both get out of the car; House first, and then Wilson right after. He grabs House’s single bag from the backseat, and holds out a hand for the rest of his friend’s belongings. A wallet and the watch Kutner gave him are all Wilson has to take. He holds them carefully as he offers out the bag, and the trade is complete.
House slides his cane off the back of Wilson’s car, leaning his weight against it once it’s in his hand. Their eyes meet, and if Wilson is going to say anything, then now is the time. He wishes he had the words, but he doesn’t. House looks back up at the building, and then he’s walking away.
Wilson turns to watch him go, reminding himself yet again that this is a good thing. That this is better for everyone, better for House most of all. That just because goodbyes are bittersweet doesn’t mean they should never have them.
House turns, right before the doors close, to look back at Wilson. It feels like a last chance, to do something, to say something. He feels like he’s back in college, and the phone on the nightstand is ringing but he just doesn’t have the energy to pick it up. He can’t even summon a smile for his friend.
House looks away before the door swings closed.
Wilson is left standing alone, in the middle of the street.
The wallet and watch feel so heavy in his hands all of the sudden. He tucks them away into his pocket before slowly turning and heading back to his car. He just feels so… drained, as he pulls the door shut and clicks his seatbelt into place. Everything action weighs down on him, impossibly heavy, pinning him in place. Wilson rests his head in his hands, takes a deep, shuddering breath.
This is good.
His friend needs help. His friend is getting that help. His friend… his friend hallucinated his dead girlfriend. His friend delusionally thought he had sex with Cuddy. His friend stuck a knife in a socket and nearly killed himself. His friend cheated last time he was in rehab because he couldn’t handle the pain. House had… Wilson never should’ve let it get this far.
Maybe the phone had been ringing the whole time, and he’d just never picked it up. Or maybe he’d picked it up, but then given up and hung up again. Maybe he’d picked it up and said all the wrong things, and House just hung up anyway.
Wilson wipes away tears that have yet to fall away from his eyes, stifling sobs. This is ridiculous. He needs fucking House here to tell him he’s being ridiculous. To tell him there’s no point in sitting in his car, crying and blaming himself. To tell him to go home.
He twists his keys, and starts the car.
Maybe the phone was never ringing at all. Maybe Wilson was just stuck listening to the ringback tone, waiting for House to pick up.
He’s glad House finally did.
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never-rpg · 1 year
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Welcome to NEVER RPG! Please send in your url within 48 hours. Be sure to look over our checklist, this, & this. We hope you enjoy, or at least survive, your time on the island!
Welcome to the island, LANCE! You’ve been accepted as SAWYER with the faceclaim of Froy Gutierrez.
You had me sold the moment I read that Sawyer tries to see Pan as an eldritch being! And, honestly, that’s a pretty accurate comparison. I love your interpretation of Sawyer and the through-line of apprehension and cautious optimism in them that runs throughout your app! ‘The ocean mimics their voice, reminding them that they were not happy in the Other World- although wrong, here they had a family’. Also, I’m glad to report that your proposed connection with Cecco and the use of he/they pronouns for Sawyer have both been approved!
Welcome to the island, LEO! You’ve been accepted as NIN with the faceclaim of Piploy Kanyarat.
Leo over here bringing us bits of Thai folklore goodness! Having come from a more isolated and sheltered sort of environment, Nin has such a unique view of Neverland. ‘Amongst other mermaid communities, she was only vaguely aware that [legged folks] even existed, so she’s very wary of getting too close to anyone right now. Behaving a bit like a wild animal, she’ll find someone she’s interested by, inch closer, and the second they seem to notice her she’ll scuttle away’. I'm so excited to find out what sort of effect the island’s inhabitants will have on Nin!
Welcome to the island, MARNIE! You’ve been accepted as ECHO with the faceclaim of Madelyn Cline.
You have given Echo such depth and provided some seriously compelling and wonderfully genre-aligned motives behind the edge that makes her the only girl who can truly call herself a Lost Boy! 'the stakes for echo are higher than they are for most people, and she’s determined not to lose her place in peter’s pantheon of immortal lost boys’. I don’t want to spoil anything so I’ll leave it to you to reveal the details, but I am beyond ecstatic about your interpretation of Echo and I can’t wait to see her in action!
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ADMIN NOTE: Okay, okay, okay. So today could have been an incredibly hard decision for me. Two absolutely AMAZING writers put in phenomenal ocs for the one remaining small folk spot! However, I am a rebel, you all know this, and so I’ve decided to accept both because I truly think our island needs the both of them!!
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Welcome to the island, HARPER! You’ve been accepted as OAK with the faceclaim of Kit Harington.
You brought me not only Celtic symbolism but also Shakespeare and for that I thank you! Oak’s devotion to the island and his distinctive perspective of how it all works together is such a joy! ‘After all, there’s no point in keeping the Island going if the core of it, its sense of vivacity and mischief, is lost with it. Oak loves to make people smile. It tickles the part of him buried beneath ash. The fact that a grimace and a scream were so close to a smile and a laugh really just makes Oak’s job easier’. The island quite literally needs this energy!!
Welcome to the island, MADS! You’ve been accepted as TICK-TOCK with the faceclaim of Jenna Ortega.
You have this wonderful way of digging your nails into the classic Neverland mythos and reshaping it into something lovely, gothic, and shades darker than it was first presented and I adore that about you! ‘Tick-tock goes the clock but the clock is a croc, counting down your days one by one. the reaper will come knocking with a leathery hand, claws outstretched & canines gleaming. time is death, & death is hungry’. Tick-tock’s connection with the larger-than-life croc is everything I never knew I needed!!
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* Your trusty admin, Vada Ray, has also decided to take on a third character: a merfolk oc named Anouk who’s bio will be posted shortly along with the other oc bios that were accepted today! 🖤
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mochisdoll · 2 years
hello!!! can i request manager!reader being childhood bffs with miyuki? MUTUAL PINING!!! :D the game between seido and inashiro is still on going in the manga now BUTTT say seido wins against them. and miyuki rushes to the dugout and lifts reader and gives her a kiss on the cheek (or lips whatever u like hehe.) miyuki saying something he'll bring the reader to summer koshien because that's what he promised her after choosing to go to seido instead of inashiro with mei. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!
Just Like I Promised
so, I'm very vague about everything regarding the game, just to avoid spoiling anything for anime onlies. thank you so much for the request! i always enjoy them, hope you’re dreams are fulfilled <3
feat. Miyuki x Manager!reader
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The relief washed over Miyuki all at once. It felt like someone had wound him up completely but finally let go. His teammates were surrounding him and screaming him. Kuramochi and Zono were practically on top of him, jerking him around like a ragdoll as they cheered, and he let them. Relishing in the moment, in the heat of the win.
But then he turns to you who remained in the dugout. You were there, beaming with pride, a closed lipped grin completely splitting your face, eyes a little watery, and you were staring directly at him. Your stare rested singularly on him. When your eyes met his your lips parted and your grin only became bigger.
He instinctively began to walk off the field, towards you. He had done it, fulfilled the promise he made to you, and to himself.
"So, you really turned down Narumiya?" You asked as Miyuki joined your side on a bench that you had slumped into as you waited for his meeting with Narumiya to end.
"I already planned to go to Seidou." He replied nonchalantly.
"Yeah but, you want to go to Koshien, that team will most definitely go to Koshien." You told him. It's not that you thought it was a bad thing to turn down Narumiya, you just wanted to make sure he'd thought it through.
"I'll still be going to Koshien, without the help of any of them. Seidou is where I'm going."
You nodded. "Guess I'm going to Seidou too."
Miyuki's headed whipped around to look at you. "What?"
"What?" You turned your head to the side to avoid his gaze, face becoming hot.
"You know you'd have to live in the dorms."
"So what..." You tried hard to keep your composure. It honestly felt like you were confessing. "It just wouldn't feel right to go where you aren't."
Miyuki did his best to mask his elation at your words. "So I guess that means you'll be my manager again?"
You had to stop yourself from saying some noncommittal response. There was no point, he was your lifelong best friend, you had no reason to act as if you didn't care. "Yeah, of course."
Miyuki smile slightly and looked away. "Well, then. I promise, I'll be taking you to Koshien with me. Summer Koshien, specifically."
He looked back at you, to see you staring at him with a warm gaze and red cheeks. "I'll look forward to it."
Miyuki moved past all the rest of his team as they came out of the dugout to join the players on the field, he had one goal in mind, and that was getting to you.
As he stepped down into the dugout you began to speak. "Kazuya, you-"
Miyuki doesn't wait to hear you out, instead scooping you up in his arms. You squeak as he squeezes you tightly. Having you by his side for his win only made it all the more sweeter. "You did it, Kazuya!"
"Just like you promised me." You added as he set you down.
His heart swelled over the fact that you remembered what he told you years ago, a memory that he held onto, one that motivated him.
Overcome with euphoria, he swept you to the side, blocking you from the view of the team who were still celebrating on the field. You weren't given time to think anything of it before Miyuki was kissing you.
When he pulled away, the weight of his own actions seemed to dawn on him as his expression went blank, but you didn't leave him much time for contemplation since you kissed him again a second later. Pulling him in by the front of his jersey and pressing your lips firmly to his.
Miyuki heard a wolf whistle which he would bet all of his money on was Kuramochi. He barely spared his team a quick flip of the bird as he grinned down at you.
"Just like I promised."
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
“Sentibubbler” summary? “Sentibubbler” salt?
Why not both at the same time?
Something a little experimental, though also somewhat reminiscent of some of my past videos. Calling it “summasalt” for now, based on the word “somersault” because this episode was an exercise of my patience.
It’s basically just me going through the episode with my usual episode summary, but salting along the way instead of making you guys read a wall of text without any images or clips or me making snarky comments.
(By the way, yes, I did in fact have caffeine before recording.)
script below for anyone who wants/needs it:
"Sentibubbler" begins with Marinette having food with the Cesaires and I already know this isn't real because Marinette is actually getting to interact with her best friend's family. That's only happened, like--when, two episodes of Season 2? [”Sapotis” and “Anansi”]
Marinette sees Trixx and points out how they're supposed to be a secret, and Alya asks why while calling Marinette "Ladybug." Marinette plays dumb but is told by Nino that everyone already knows her secret. Chloe is also there, chiding Marinette for her identity rule - it's not Marinette's rule but after "Reflekdoll" I've just gotten used to Marinette being blamed for things she didn't do - and Marinette goes to question Chloe's apperance when there's a knock on the balcony door. Alya invites Shadow Moth in and--[Shadow Moth has to duck to come inside]--huh, I thought Sole Crusher was seven episodes ago.
Anyway, now obviously, Marinette is just being ridiculous and overemotional as usual, because why would Marinette ever think that Alya would reveal any information to--["Feast"]--oh yeah, that's right.
Tikki doesn't transform Marinette and says that Marinette shouldn't have trusted Alya with her secret. Enter Chat Blanc, who says that they can be together now without any secrets. Not really sure what this episode is aiming for with the mixed message of "your identity rule sucks" but also "your fault for trusting someone instead of having a mental breakdown," but a’ight. Trixx also gets another dig in on Marinette for giving Alya the fox miraculous.
Marinette wakes up from her nightmare and panics, but Tikki reassures her that Alya is loyal. [”Chameleon”] Mm. Also, that kind of support might've been nice from Tikki literal seasons ago when Marinette could've used a confidant.
Wayzz - I swear, they've had eyelashes more often than not in this season - points out that Trixx is mischievous and Xuppu talks about Trixx being the cause of the Loch Ness monster rumors, which worries Marinette further. Marinette runs out in her pajamas and I can already predict that neither Tom nor Sabine are going to check on her later or care.
Marinette finds the Cesaires looking for something, their words vague enough for Marinette to think that they're talking about Trixx. Alya brushes Marinette off and tells her to help with looking instead of lecturing her.
Marlena makes a comment that reminds Marinette of her nightmare, only increasing Marinette's stress. A tarantula crawls up a ladle and Marinette freaks out when she sees it, which Marlena has a laugh at because Marinette's anxiety, fear, and panic is hilarious, guys!
This is my laughing face. [not a laughing face]
Nino exits, having been too afraid of the spider to leave the room, so Nora compares Marinette to him. Nino tries to play it cool, then changes the subject to point out Marinette's pajamas. Alya wonders aloud why Marinette showed up and Marinette tries to act casual, but Alya sees through it and states that she doesn't usually lose things when someone lends them to her.
I presume the exception is Marinette's trust. OH-HOOOOHHH, we'll get there.
Nora takes a jab at Alya for losing the spider and Marinette drags Alya away to talk. Nino tries to join but Alya states that it's between her and Marinette, which makes Nino sad.
Nino, does the phrase "guys' time" ring a bell by any chance?
Marinette is explaining her nightmare and is simply told to calm down by Alya, though Marinette is briefly startled by a phone ringing. Marinette puts together what she knows that Shadow Moth knows, including that Alya is Rena Rouge, adding on that Shadow Moth could steal the fox necklace if he figured out that Alya has it permanently. Alya reassures her that no one will ever know and Marinette states that this must include Chat Noir. Alya agrees and brings attention to the fanny pack around her waist, which Trixx has been hiding in, and Marinette has Trixx promise not to show up at the dining table like in her nightmare. Tikki tells Marinette that everything will be fine and Marinette admits that it was silly of her to worry, which it was! ...If you ignore all the anxiety, mental scarring, and constant pressure to be perfect or risk Paris lighting itself on fire, much like I presume they accidentally did with their original script for this episode.
Alya tells Marinette to trust her and also herself - I'll be sure to keep that in mind, Alya, thank you - then Alya loses her temper at the phone continuing to ring. She leaves to find an empty living room, then answers the phone only to hear Shadow Moth on the other line. Alya turns upon hearing Marinette scream to see that Marinette has been trapped in a bubble. Cue the reveal/return of the Bubbler, who is definitely Nino akumatized and not--like--a sentimonster, because the episode didn't spoil it at all with the title of Sentibub--
show, this is freaking embarrassing. Why even bother akumatizing someone when you can mold a sentimonster with the exact power you want?
At least they reveal it quickly, though that also means I have to live with the knowledge that Shadow Moth wINKED AT ALYA, NO.
Anyway, Shadow Moth tells Alya that he wants her to betray Ladybug. Marinette, meanwhile, is panicking over being unable to transform while in public, whereas Tikki remains calm and reassures her that Alya will figure something out and it's why Marinette gave Alya the fox miraculous in the first place.
Weird, I thought it was for the show to continuously validate Alya as a worthy choice for a confidant despite repeatedly covering up her sINS and so the show can push for more anxiety on Marinette's part while simultaneously not having to make a new hero model for Alya, which they would have to do if the realistic decision had been made to give Alya a different miraculous due to Shadow Moth knowing her identity as Rena Rouge.
Marinette texts Alya to inform her that the Bubbler is a sentimonster and so Rena can tell Chat not to use Cataclysm on him or the bubbles will burst due to the sentimonster's lack of control.
Hate to burst the show's bubble but Alya could literally see Nino up in the sky and they could see her; the bubbles are in viewing range. Did this even go through a quality check?
Alya goes to look at Marinette's text, but the phone is bubbled away by Sentibubbler. Marinette sees the phone floating by and panics, only to be reassured again to trust Alya and at this point I vaguely wondered if I was watching this episode on repeat. Tikki also adds that Alya has never let her down - [”Ladybug”] MMMM - and Marinette agrees, also certain that Chat Noir will show up soon.
Oh yeah, he exists. Oh no.
Cut to the Agreste mansion where Adrien is watching the news - dude, how is there never anything better on when you need to be told that there's an akuma? here, look, I'll show you [”Silencer” Lukabug clip] there, much better, see? - and it's pointed out that the bubbles are identical to the ones Bubbler had, yet Nino is in one of the bubbles. Adrien readies himself while Plagg is - for once - okay with leaving since his cheese isn't "edible" yet.
I feel like he should be a little more concerned about Marinette being in a bubble.
Meanwhile, Shadow Moth is explaining to Alya that Ladybug will come to give her the fox miraculous due to the bubbled people in the sky - plenty of other choices that aren't within breathing range of the obvious danger zone, but a'ight - and SentiBubbler will catch Ladybug. Alya brings up Chat Noir saving her but Shadow Moth states that she'll create an illusion of Ladybug and Rena to lure Chat Noir, who won't see Sentibubbler coming, at which point Rena will hand Shadow Moth her miraculous. He adds that her loved ones will only be returned once all three miraculouses are in his possession, though if she tries to warn the heroes then Sentibubbler will send the bubbles into space, too far for any hero to save them.
[clip of space power-ups] Hm.
Also, I would've just let her keep the miraculous as an extra bribe since he doesn't need the fox and she wouldn't have time to recharge anyway - at least to his knowledge - but that's just me.
Marinette is relieved that Alya still hasn't been captured--TIKKI, I KNOW, YOU'VE BEEN PARROTING THIS ALL EPISODE, I KNOW--but Marinette changes her tune when she sees Alya blindly calling out for Ladybug's help, unaware that Alya is buying time. Marinette laments the idea of transforming there and having using the rabbit to go back in time to reverse, as that's never a good thing (seconded), but gets the idea for Tikki to take her miraculous to someone else. Tikki rejects the idea, as the earrings won't go through the bubble, and Marinette realizes that Chat Noir is their only hope.
I mean, it was nice knowing them. Sure is interesting how Marinette has only been getting herself into these situations where she requires saving when the show needed to present Alya as a valid choice for a confidant.
Meanwhile, Chat Noir is leaving a message for Ladybug about the bubbles in the sky, saying that he'll wait for her; I already see where this is going and I don't like it.
Alya mutters to Trixx about how they need a plan to release Marinette. Through Alya Vision, we're shown Sentibubbler, a bowl of fruit, and the bathroom door. Alya tells Sentibubbler that she needs to go to the bathroom and - wow, we're really doing this, aren't we? - which Shadow Moth rejects. Shadow Moth is also on top of a building holding a coffee cup which honestly makes about as much sense as the rest of the episode, so whatever. Alya claims that she can't wait and that it'll be awkward for Ladybug to find her like that, which gets Shadow Moth to relent but also remind her of what's at stake if she tries anything. Alya states that she can't do anything without a miraculous anyway, then purposefully falls onto the table, concealing her long enough for her to transform and allowing an illusion of herself to go to the bathroom while she escapes. She detransforms in the twins' room and feeds Trixx with some grapes that she'd picked up.
Alya explains her plan to trick Shadow Moth and Sentibubbler since they don't know that she has a miraculous, though she also has to make sure that Chat won't ruin things. Rena then proceeds to call Chat Noir and claim that Ladybug wanted her to call him with her plan, but adds that it's a two-person plan and Chat himself isn't needed, so he needs to wait for further instructions. Chat demands that Ladybug call him to tell him herself, but Rena insists that she can't, as Ladybug is very busy. She warns him not to use Cataclysm if he sees the Bubbler, as he's a sentimonster, then promises to talk to him later before hanging up.
She uses Mirage again, making the Alya illusion reappear as well as creating a Ladybug. Chat Noir, infuriated at being left out, destroys part of a building with his baton. He then dismisses the action because Miraculous Ladybug will fix it.
Spoiler alert, it will, which is a very fascinating detail! I mean, I can't imagine another situation where a hero did something while there was an akuma going around and Miraculous Ladybug decided to help 'em out, but it just goes to show what happens when you're the writers' pet. Just look a little pitiful and they'll give you all the sympathy in the world.
By the way, didn't expect them to actually confirm my theory that Chat Noir does Chat Noir things because he knows that Miraculous Ladybug will fix it anyway, essentially allowing him to earn brownie points from Ladybug via sacrificing himself regardless of how it affects her mentally, yet here we are and I don't know whether to be sad, angry, disappointed, or a mixture of all three.
Chat Noir sees the Ladybug illusion jumping off and gives chase, refuses to stay where he is. Marinette, seeing that Rena Rouge's illusions are active, panics at the sight of Chat Noir, as the illusion will vanish if Chat touches it.
I like to imagine the immediate concern is the idea that Chat Noir will try to take Ladybug's hand while trying to flirt.
Anyway, Marinette flails inside the bubble in an attempt to reach Chat Noir, while illusion Alya and SentiBubbler get into position. Chat Noir watches what he perceives as Ladybug heading into the Cesaire house with Alya, but Marinette gets to him in order to tell him not to go anywhere. Chat complains about everyone telling him to stay put, but Marinette explains Rena's plan to him. Chat is skeptical of how she knows that, to which Marinette insists that she saw it from where she was. Chat Noir relents with a sigh and stays where he is.
SentiBubbler watches as the illusion of Alya and Ladybug talk to each other, Rena making it look like Ladybug is piecing together what happened and refusing to give Alya a miraculous ever again due to Shadow Moth knowing her identity. She claims that she'll find another holder and give them an even more powerful miraculous, which interests Shadow Moth and gets him to follow after the Ladybug illusion. Once Sentibubbler leaves as well, Chat sees this as his chance to stop the sentimonster, as the Ladybug illusion will vanish if it's touched. Marinette strokes his ego for the token love square moment of the episode, and Chat Noir fights SentiBubbler while Shadow Moth goes after the Ladybug illusion.
I'm noticing a real lack of tension in this episode. Once Alya has her plan, it's kind of a clean sweep from start to finish with no interference or unexpected roadblocks in the way. Even Shadow Moth following the Ladybug illusion goes fine, with Shadow Moth even punching a building thinking that Ladybug actually got away from him.
Dude, it's fine, Miraculous Ladybug will fix it, just put on your best sad face. Maybe Chat Noir gets it from you actually, is treatment from the writers a hereditary thing?
Sentibubbler and Chat Noir are still fighting. Shadow Moth shows up and Marinette tries to warn Chat, but Chat gets caught in a bubble and Marinette apologizes; she doesn't have anything to apologize for but after "Reflekdoll" I--wait I already did this.
Chat Noir uses Cataclysm to escape, only to get caught in another bubble. I'd just like to throw out there that this guy's a hero three seasons going and the love interest for the main character, yet his role in the episode has amounted to complaining about the authority of a hero Ladybug chose, throwing a property-destroying tantrum over being excluded, and wasting his power without a single thought which just got him captured again.
Chat, does the name "Syren" ring any bells by any chance? I'm just sayin', you could always quit. In fact, wasn't it you literally one episode ago saying that you understood if Ladybug couldn't always come get you? Then, after seeing the jump from "Glaciator" to "Frozer," I'm about as shocked as rubber.
Back with the competent one, Alya notes to Trixx that Rena Rouge can no longer be seen by Shadow Moth or else the jig is up. She transforms and texts Marinette to be ready, creating an illusion of Marinette that simultaneously hides the real version, allowing her to transform into Ladybug.
Chat Noir's bubble gets dragged down and Shadow Moth gets SentiBubbler to mute Chat Noir's bubble.
[clip from “Silencer” where Ladybug takes amusement in Chat being muted]
Ladybug uses Lucky Charm and receives a pot, her Lucky Vision spotting Shadow Moth's coffee cup, then SentiBubbler, then the tarantula trapped in a bubble. Ladybug deduces that the cup is the sentimonster's object, then pulls the horse miraculous out of her yoyo and unifies it with the ladybug--oh.
Oh my.
You know, it's times like this where I'm reminded that the show knows nothing about fashion... or girls... or good writing actually--there's just a lot of stuff they don't know.
Sentibubbler does a countdown, then starts sending the civilian bubbles up into the sky. Chat Noir is about to de-transform while PegaBug notices of Shadow Moth's two miraculous, up for grabbin'. She notes that she won't be able to catch everyone, so she forms a portal behind Shadow Moth and goes for the coffee cup first, thus putting her in control of SentiBubbler, who happily brings the bubbles back down at her command.
Shadow Moth erases SentiBubbler from existence though, causing everyone to fall, but Chat and PegaBug manage to catch them. PegaBug de-transforms and presents the Cesaires with the tarantula, which had been trapped inside the lucky charm. Ladybug and Chat Noir watch Shadow Moth escape and Ladybug laments that it could've been the end of Shadow Moth once and for all because it's not a Miraculous episode without Marinette being at fault or feeling guilty in some way! Chat Noir reassures her [*by “reassure,” I mean he might as well have said, “Well, you saved ME, so you did great!”] - wow, that's two token love square moments for the price of one episode, don't I feel spoiled - and Ladybug leaves to retrieve the tarantula's tank.
Rena Rouge is waiting for her and they hug, with Rena repeating that she doesn't lose something that someone gives her. Ladybug states that she never should've doubted the idea of giving Alya a miraculous and Imma just give you guys a counter real quick. [counter that shows that Tikki has complimented Alya four times, Alya has complimented herself/told Marinette to trust her thrice, and Marinette has said that she was wrong thrice]. Miraculous Ladybug is cast and everything returns to normal, with Alya explaining what she did and Marinette being relieved that Shadow Moth won't be going after her anymore. Alya confidently asks if she was smart and Marinette is happy to praise her, confirming it and stating that Alya is a real superhero and honestly? If the narrative wanted to marry Alya this badly, they should've just used some of the budget to buy a ring instead of projecting onto the other characters.
Then again, the apparent budget can't even afford a new hero model nor new akuma to a very noticeable degree, so I guess they're taking what they can get.
Alya praises Marinette as well for her work as PegaBug and they do a fistbump, thus ending the episode. There's also this ever-so-lovely post-episode scene with Gabriel and Nathalie where Gabriel laments the fact that Ladybug never makes mistakes which--I... has he even watched the series at all? Gabe, babe, Babriel Agreste, it's literally part of the show's formula that Marinette makes a mistake in every episode and she felt guilty like a minute ago over not yoinking your miraculouses when she had the chance, where have you been?
But, yeah, anyway, the episode.
Needless to say, not a fan. Like I said, the show seems so intent on immediately validating the choices they make with Alya in order to make her look like a better character. "Gang of Secrets" basically replaced her with someone different at the end of the episode, and the episode immediately afterwards in chronological order, "Mr. Pigeon 72," did everything it could to push Marinette out of her guardian position long enough for Alya to figure out the grimoire despite having zero onscreen experience with it, the episode even trapping Ladybug in a situation that forced Rena Rouge to come into play to validate that decision as well.
And now we have "SentiBubbler" here following immediately after "Optigami," desperate to reassure its audience that Alya is cool, smart, truthworthy, and that not needing to make a new model--sorry, I mean Alya continuing to have the fox--was a good decision. All the while, they continue pushing Alya's flaws under the rug [Note that it’s not even considered that Alya is even remotely at fault for Shadow Moth going after her specifically after her stunt in “Optigami” when no one else but Ladybug and Chat have ever given out a miraculous], hiding them instead of Alya actually acknowledging them, the only reason she did so in "Optigami" being the same as in "Gang of Secrets"; to make her look good while Marinette makes a big decision in their relationship.
The episode tries so hard to drill in this idea that Alya is a good friend who can be trusted, and I'm just not here for how much they try to hammer it in. Marinette's very real anxiety over Shadow Moth's power and ability to plan things is played off as her being silly instead of something to be concerned about, and instead of giving her a hug and trying to help her calm down - [clip from “Heart Hunter” of Luka hugging Marinette] I miss Luka - she's just told to trust and believe and hAVE fAiTh in Alya.
Shadow Moth is an adult; he has abilities that the teenage heroes don't. I'm not even saying that Marinette isn't overreacting [Basically, her concern about Shadow Moth is valid, especially after “Optigami” where her identity was almost found out], but she has anxiety and some obvious trauma over "Chat Blanc." I was already upset that Alya got a free pass to Marinette's identity, but the constant stressing over how much Marinette should trust her just doesn't affect me when I know Alya and I know the kind of stuff she's done that the show blatantly ignored in favor of pushing for her.
But okay, show, I'll give Alya the benefit of the doubt that she doesn't deserve. Let's say that she's turned a new leaf, and has become the reliable, trustworthy, and loyal partner that Marinette deserves. I'm sure that Alya has Marinette's back, and will never go behind said back in order to do something completely unsurprising and wholly indicative of the character I actually know her to be.
Especially not a mere three episodes later...
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pudimsuki · 3 years
Shoto Todoroki+Mall(fitting rooms?) +NSFW
Fitting rooms | Todoroki x reader
Warnings: NSFW (18+ content), public place.
Hmmm... Spicy? Spicy.
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Your boyfriend was a peculiar man, as many would say.
Everyone always expected a lot from him, especially with the start of his hero career and the legacy left by his father. Yes, a hero of the people. Talented. Strong. Serious. Stoic, even.
What no one would have expected, of course, was to see him fuck his dear girlfriend inside a fitting room in the middle of a public mall.
It started innocently enough. All you wanted was a little help with a stuck zipper that was out of reach. Todoroki, as the good partner he was, quickly rose from his position on the waiting benches, ready to help you.
"I can't open it", you whispered as he entered the same cabin as you. He looked you up and down, modeled on the dress whose sales tag was still sticking out of the fabric.
“Beautiful.” He said. His intense gaze on you.
You smiled, knowing he never said anything he didn't mean. “Thank you, Sho. Maybe I should buy it then, hum?”
“Do it, I’ll pay. I want to take you out to dinner tonight, you should wear it.”
You wrapped an arm around his neck, fluttering your lashes at his heterochromatic eyes. "Yeah? Anywhere special?"
"You'll see. Now turn around." He commanded.
So you did, smiling at his conduct. He gently brushed your locks off your back, placing them over your bare shoulder and guided himself to the top of your zipper, which he slowly lowered, revealing your immaculate skin.
You were ready to turn around and thank him before you went back to change into your own clothes, but his hands held you in place, long fingers pressing into your hips.
Oh? You raised an eyebrow, even though he couldn’t see it.
You could feel his warm breath on your back at how close you were, but still you remained silent.
Slowly ー way slower than necessary if you ask ー, he traced the line of your spine, the cool fingertips of his right hand creating a contrast to his breathing, making you close your eyes and arch your back slightly at the sensation.
You could vaguely hear the conversation of people in the store and the noise of other people entering and exiting the changing rooms surrounding yours, but that was far from your attention.
He touched the straps of your dress, running them with sensual speed down your arms, until they went through your wrists and hands. You didn't wear a bra.
With eyes still closed, you felt his soft lips touching the back of your neck, kissing the spot gently.
"Sho?" You whisper.
"You're just so pretty, love." He muttered over your skin, making you sigh in glee. Todoroki gripped your shoulders with both hands and began to trace your back with his mouth.
"We're at the mall", you tried to reason, already losing yourself in the sensations he always caused you. "Let's go home."
"Can’t. Need you now."
In mere seconds, your outfit was on the floor, leaving you in nothing but lace panties. You looked to the side, where a full-length mirror graced the wall and could see how Shoto towered over your back, tall, strong, and fully clothed, making you look even more vulnerable almost completely naked, your pert breasts reflected sideways on the glass and your hands resting on the wall for support.
You felt a wet spot forming on your panties at the sight.
“You’re still clothed.”
You swallowed, mumbling. “And it’s not fair.”
Shoto just chuckled behind you, face close to the curve of your neck. His hands traveled through your waist.
“I think I'm spoiling you too much. Don't worry, tonight you can see what you want. For now, this will be just an appetizer.”
“For who?” You grumbled sarcastically.
“For me, of course.” He simply replied, his voice a tone below normal. Suddenly he presses your hips against him, making it clear the tent in his pants. You purred in desire, making him laugh once more. "Although something tells me you'll enjoy it too."
“Sho, please…”
“Shh, I’ll take care of you. Now, be quiet or people will hear you.”
You closed your eyes as you felt him circle your clothed intimacy with his fingertips and just nodded, hearing some laughter from other customers chatting near the dressing room.
"Always so wet for me." He praised, close to your ear.
He released you for a brief moment and you heard the noise of his pants being unzipped. You were about to take off your own underwear, but he was quick to grab your wrists.
"Hands on the wall."
You swallowed, obeying his orders.
He then lowered your panties over your feet, pulling them off completely. Before you could do anything, he was wrapping his arms around your figure, holding you close. The tip of his cock touching your ass.
Your piece of lace was crumpled in one of his hands, which he brought to your face. The smell of your own arousal rose in your nostrils.
"Open your mouth."
"What?" You questioned incredulously.
"Open it." He repeated. You couldn't help but feel your folds even wetter from it. "I don't want anyone listening to you and interrupting us."
You parted your lips, feeling the fabric being shoved through your mouth and touching your wet muscle.
Is this just the appetizer? You thought to yourself, but couldn’t form any other notion before feeling him press your clit, letting a muffled moan escape your mouth.
“Sorry, honey. I can’t wait now.” With that, he pulled your hips up, setting you at a desired angle before slowly thrusting into your unprepared, but still wet, hole. Your cry was muffled by the fabric in your mouth and you arched your back even more to try to accommodate the full length of him inside you.
“So tight.” He breathed. He was going to take all the time in the world with you after dinner. But right now, all he needed was to feel your warm walls tighten around him. “I promise I’ll make it up to you later.”
You just nod your head, eyelids pressed together. Just the feeling of him was making your legs weak.
“Shoto”, you tried to say, even with the panties stuffing your lips, but he understood the message right away, already starting his lunges at a fast pace, a complete contrast to his earlier slow touches.
You moaned, and you knew immediately that the idea of covering your mouth was appropriate, since you were pretty sure someone would have heard your lewd sounds if he hadn't done that.
Shoto just groaned in your ear, making you even more alight.
You ground your teeth into the fabric, your saliva soaking your panties. How would you use that later? You had no idea.
He returned to circling your clit, as fast and hard as his thrusts.
You sought support on the wall in front of you, gluing your forehead to the surface.
"Look at you," Shoto panted, eyes traveling between your bare back and the mirror beside you, unable to decide which view was more pleasing, "so pretty."
Within minutes, you soon felt the knot forming in your stomach. You tried to warn him, but all that came from your clothed mouth was reduced to muffled cries.
“I know, love.” He said, knowing your body language like the palm of his hands.
You gasp, throwing your head back when you feel your knot exploding outward. Todoroki grunts and you tighten around him, but he doesn't slow the pace of his thrusts, seeking his own release.
You feel your legs soften and you moan with the overstimulation. When he finally comes, you have one hand gripped on his arm, which circles your body, keeping you steady.
The two of you are silent for a few seconds, just your breath filling the cubicle. You internally prayed that no one had heard the sex noise coming from your cabin.
Shoto finally turned you to him, pulling the intimate piece out of your mouth right away and delighting in your expression, spittle running down your lips.
He bent down towards them before you could dry them and kissed you fondly, as if to make up for his earlier actions.
"How am I going to get out now?" You questioned with wide eyes, noticing the liquids from both of you trickling down your thighs. Your panties were equally wet. "I can't use this."
"Well, there's nothing to be done." He simply said.
"It's your fault!" You hissed, trying to keep your voice down. "And don't say that when you're still fully dressed."
"Technically," he commented after zipping up his pants, reaching for the dress you had tried on and watching you pull your own clothes off the hanger, "you called me here. So we're even."
Oh, if looks could kill. He thought and couldn't resist the smile playing at the corner of his lips.
"I'll pay for the dress. I'll meet you outside."
"What? No, wait! Don't just leave me he-"
Too late, he was already sneaking out of the cabin.
You just stood there, mouth open in disbelief.
Perhaps the society of heroes would lose one of its rising stars today.
Cause you would kill him.
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That was fun, haha
Hope you like it! Thank you for reading and for the support!
Angie ❤
[any comments will be answered with my main account @angie-1306]
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - 20
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Even if I had a crazy day at work I did manage to do my Monday post as promise... but if you notice typos...I am sorry. I read it and edited but my brain  left with the boat tonight (I work for a ferry company, hence the joke)
This is the first of a few chapters where our bird boy is away and Hamel is causing problems to our gang.
Also, Aelin tries to cook... well... you can imagine how did that go.
After the trip to the base Aelin had taken home a very sad Elide and then got back to her own place and cried herself to sleep while hugging Rowan’s pillow. It was very late in the afternoon and it was her day off and she had no intention of leaving her bed.
Her head was buried under the pillow when she heard her phone buzz so she scrambled to get it and her heart raced when she saw it was Rowan.
“Hi,” she said with a croaked vice.
“Are you okay?” Rowan was already in fussing mode.
“Yes I just woke up.” She heard a lot of background noise “where are you?”
“Vulture’s row.” He activated his camera and showed Aelin the view of a fully functional flight deck. “Uh, wait.” He pointed the camera stern of the ship and showed Aelin a jet landing.
“That was so cool.” He turned the camera to him and she saw him with his sunglasses and his hair messed up by the wind. Then he switched off the camera and they went back to normal.
“Are you there yet?”
“We are skirting around. We still have a few hours before we are fully in enemy territory.”
Then Aelin heard a siren of some sort and Rowan swore “I’ll call you as soon as I can again. I need to scramble. Love you.”
“Be safe.” She managed to add before he closed the phone call.
She collapsed again in bed then decided to call Lysandra and Elide and organise a day out the three of them shopping. Elide needed cheering up as well.
The next day Aelin, Elide and Lysandra had decided to have a girls’ afternoon to cheer up the two ladies who had their boys away. They met at the entrance of the shopping centre and Aelin went to hug Elide first of all “how are you doing?”
“Lorcan gave me a brief call yesterday telling me they were on the ship and on their way, then he had to go.”
Aelin sighed “today we don’t think about our far away boys.”
“And maybe you can buy some very sexy lingerie as a present for when Lorcan comes back.” Commented Lysandra and Elide blushed.
“What’s the point?” Asked Elide “you are taking it off anyway.”
Aelin laughed and took Elide’s hand “remember the dress I had at the navy party?”
Elide nodded “it was stunning.”
“I was not wearing anything underneath. It drove Rowan crazy.”
“I have done it a few times with Aedion and I agree with Aelin. The sex afterward has been amazing.”
“How do I learn all these things?”
“Stick with us and we will teach you.”
“Let’s go for some food,” said Aelin, “I haven’t eaten yet.”
“How will you survive now without your sexy chef in the house?” Asked Lysandra.
“Oh, I’ll just go back to my usual order in and ready meals.” Shrugged Aelin who had no intention of even trying to cook anything.
Lysandra took Aelin’s hand and walked toward a restaurant “come on Elide, let’s get this girl properly fed.”
The three women got into the restaurant and sat down and Aelin started perusing the menu eager for some decent food and not long after they placed their order. Lys was right, without Rowan she would be lost when it came to food. Rowan had properly spoiled her.
“How are the wedding preparations going?” Asked Aelin.
Lysandra and Aedion’s wedding was not far away and she was excited to see her best friend finally having her happy ending.
“We are getting there.”
“Do you have a dress yet?” Asked Elide all excited.
Lysandra took out her phone and showed them her dress.
“That is gorgeous. Aedion will not be able to keep his eyes off you during the ceremony.”
“That is the plan.” Lysandra smiled wickedly “but the biggest question is who is going to be next?”
“My money is on Aelin,” chimed Elide “Lor is not emotionally ready for such a step. You and the captain on the other hand…” her eyebrows flicked in amusement.
“She is right, and the two of you basically live together.”
“Yes and no.”
“What do you mean?” Lysandra was confused by the admission.
“We haven’t covered the subject yet. He still has his flat and some of his stuff there. Even after I recovered he never left and I never pushed because I like having him around.”
“Will you ask him to move in officially?”
Aelin sighed “maybe. When he comes back. I don’t know. Things are going well and I don’t want to mess it up.”
“Do you think he’ll say no?” Asked Lysandra. Brainstorming with her friend was always helpful and recently she hadn’t done it enough.
“I don’t think so. But living together is as far as we can go just now. For many, many reasons.”
“Is it because of Sam?”
“Only partially.” She was not going to tell her friends Rowan’s story. She had no right. So she remained vague hoping the two friends would get the hint and not ask anymore questions.
“Still, my money is on you two.” Added Lys “Elide is right, Lorcan does not seem to have yet the emotional ability to commit.”
“Hey, he kissed her in public. And yesterday at the base he seemed quite nice to her.”
“I don’t know, I was concentrating on Rowan I just cast a brief glance at them.” Replied Aelin.
“He was super kind.” Added Elide taking biting on a breadstick.
Their food finally arrived and Aelin was the first to tuck in.
“Does the captain know about your crazy eating habits?” Asked Lysandra amused.
“Yes,” replied Aelin, enjoying her food “he calls me his bottomless pit. When we had our first date he joked that he might need a mortgage just to feed me.”
Elide laughed “Sam used to joke and say that he needed a second job just for feeding you.”
“I move a lot,” replied Aelin with a grin “I have a big appetite.”
“I think it must be a firefighter thing. Aedion is the same.” Lysandra grinned “and we burn a lot of calories.”
“Eeewwww, I did not need to know that. He is my cousin.”
“Oh come one, as if you and hot captain do not engage in illicit activities. The whole squad guessed that the other night you two had sex in the shower after the call at the club.”
“I was just giving him a special goodbye.” Her hand gently brushed the spot where she could feel his tags. She did a bit of research and she was happy she had a copy. Having the real one meant he was gone and she could not think about that.
“Are you okay?” Asked Lysandra worried at her sudden change of expression.
“Yeah.” She added flatly, then gave them a big smile. It was their day off she should not spoil it.
“So, are we taking Elide lingerie shopping?” Aelin teased trying to raise the spirits of her friend.
“Yes, it’s going to be fun.” Added Lysandra all excited.
“Girls… there is really no need. What I have is okay. Lorcan is not fussed.”
Aelin took a bite of her food “oh but we will make sure he is fussed and also that he knows how sexy you are so he does not decide to…. wander.”
“How do I keep him? I am nowhere near as interesting as the two of you. He might get bored of me very soon.”
Aelin stared at her friend and it broke her heart that her horrible past left her with no confidence at all. Elide was brilliant at her job and she was an intelligent woman and she was positive she would make quite a few heads turn.
“Don’t you say something like that ever again.” Lysandra preceded her. She was even more protective of Elide than her “I work with you everyday and I know how awesome you are and I am positive that if we go to a club you’d have your share of men looking at you.”
Aelin nodded.
They finished their meal and went back wandering around the shopping centre and visited a few shops. In one of them Aelin wandered in the male department and spotted a couple of lovely jumpers. One of them was a deep green and looked very cozy and she realised she had no idea of when it was Rowan’s birthday.
Silly question, you never told me your birthday. She sent the text and knew a reply might take a long time to come. She grabbed the jumper and tried to decide whether it was the right size for him.
“That is a lovely jumper.” Said Lysandra joining her at her side “already thinking about useful presents? You are like an old married couple.”
Aelin laughed.
“But I think this one is really nice and the man seems to look amazing in green.”
“I am just wondering about the size.”
Lysandra grabbed the tag “this one will fit Aedion so you should be fine.”
A moment later Elide rejoined them, her face beetroot red “I feel so silly.” And showed the girls her bag with her lingerie purchase.
“Hey, Ace and I are joking. You didn’t have to buy it if it makes uncomfortable.” But Elide surprised them “I will buy just one pair for now and I’ll see how it goes.”
Lysandra laughed “Aelin is already buying presents married couple style and you are still in the sexy lingerie stage. My girls have grow up so much.”
“And what stage are you and Aedion?” Asked Aelin with a grin.
“The one where I go to the grocery store and I phone him to ask him if he wants beef or chicken for dinner.”
The rest of the afternoon went swimmingly and she loved spending the day with Lys and Elide. They didn’t do that nearly enough.
Now she was back home and in the kitchen trying to accomplish her new mission. She had bought a cooking book for beginners and she had decided she was going to try and cook dinner. Lysandra had told her to start with something as simple as a stir fry. So she had bought a few more kitchen supplies and a pan Lys had told her was called a wok. She had mused why she could not use the pot she already had and Lys had rolled her eyes. Aelin had also bought the ingredients and now they were all lined up in front of her, the book open and a fire blanket and a small fire extinguisher on the counter just to be safe it was her cooking after all. She took a photo and sent it to Rowan then started working. When it got to cut the onions she cursed herself for deciding to cook.
Her phone rang and put it on speaker “hey,” her voice sounded strained and Rowan went in full fussing mode “are you okay?”
“Yeah, cutting those blasted onions.” She sniffled.
Over the line she heard Rowan roar with laughter “what are you making?” He asked as soon as he stopped laughing.
“A chicken stir fry. Lys said it’s easy to do.”
“Why are you putting onions in it?”
“Because I like them, mr I know how to cook.”
“I even bought a wok. Apparently I cannot use my pot.” She added as while throwing the ingredients in the pan.
“Seriously, when I get back we are going to have a massive overhaul of your kitchen.”
And Aelin’s heart raced in joy. It sounded like he had no intention of going back permanently to his flat. Maybe when he got back she should ask him the question after all.
“Aelin, it’s a miracle you have cutlery and two plates.” She could hear the humour in his voice.
“How are things going?”
“I just came off patrol. I am on my way to my quarters to get changed. I don’t have the most appealing scent just now.”
“Shower without me, so what? Two minutes max?”
“That’s about it. The water supply is not endless.”
He finally got to his quarters and collapsed on his bed after removing his boots then lay down and activated the camera.
“Hi sexy,” she did the same and placed the phone against the wall in front of her so he could see her as well.
“I don’t see any smoke. That’s a good start, considering it’s you.”
Aelin gave him the middle finger and then showed him her small fire extinguisher “I am prepared.” She took a bit of her food “for now it tastes edible, but not as good as yours.”
She saw him give her a smug smile and her instinct was to wipe it off his face with a kiss.
“The answer is July 16th, by the way.”
Aelin looked at him not understanding his statement.
“My birthday? You asked me earlier on.”
That she did “That’s two months away.”
“And when it’s yours?”
“May 3rd.”
“Aelin, that’s in two days.” He added sadly “and it sucks I can’t be there.”
“Lys has planned to drag me out with the girls of the firehouse. It’s also her bachelorette party. I have to go.”
“I almost forgot they were getting married. That came around quickly.”
Aelin laughed “not when you have been around them for years.” Aelin placed her food in a plate and moved to the sofa, taking her phone with her.
“When is the wedding?”
“This weekend. The weather is meant to be gorgeous which is a good thing since they are getting married outdoors.”
She heard him sigh “I really, really wish I could be there with you.”
She did not add that she had been thinking the same. So she just took a bite of her food.
“Fuck no,”Aelin spit the morsel back in the plate “I must have done something wrong with the spices. It tastes horrible.” She grabbed her house phone.
“What are you doing?”
“Clearly ordering in. I am not eating this.”
Rowan rolled his eyes “you should practice more.”
“Why bother? I am clearly not cut for cooking. I am hopeless.”
“Do I need to tell you the amount of times my food sucked when I was still learning to cook decently? I got better with trial and error.”
Aelin huffed “fine I’ll try again on my next day off.” Then she put her house phone down after placing the order “I thought you were going for a shower?”
“Eager to get rid of me?”
“No, I just was hoping to have a peek at that nice arse of yours.”
Rowan laughed “If you behave.”
“Do you have the quarters all for yourself?”
Rowan nodded in the screen “the perks of rank. Gav is sharing with Vaughan. The twins are on their own.”
“Is that wise?”
“This carrier has a nice number of female officers. No one wants to go anywhere near that room.”
“Remember I am jealous, Whitethorn.”
“Some of them are middies on their snot cruise, so very young. The others… still not interested.”
“Who is a middie?”
“It’s short for midshipman or woman. They are the lowest ranking officers in the navy, just above the cadets. And a snot cruise is their first time out at sea on a proper mission.”
“Are your students middies as well?” She loved asking all those questions that might have sounded silly to him, but he never made her feel stupid for asking. He was always happy to answer.
“No, my students are called pilot officers. Then they become Flying officers, then flight lieutenants which is what the twins are, then Vaughan is our squadron leader, Gav is the Wing commander and then you have me.”
“Sounds so complicated.” She definitely needed to do more research to understand his job a bit better.
“It’s like you guys. Aedion looks after one rig as a lieutenant, you are the captain and are in charge of the operations of both at the same time and Dorian will be in charge of all the engines in case multiples houses are involved. Am I correct?”
Aelin nodded impressed.
“Same for us. Vaughan looks after our small squadron, Gav two or three squadrons, which is called a wing. I look after a unit composed of different wings and then Lorcan plays god in the CIC.”
“Now it makes more sense. So I could be your wing commander.”
“Having you fly with us would be insane. We would not concentrate on the enemy.”
Aelin laughed, then the buzzer of the door went off “just a sec, buzzard, food is here.” She went to get her food and plopped back on the sofa resuming her call with Rowan.
“Is your ship nice?”
“I served on her before. Not as swanky as the new one, but she is decent enough.” Rowan sat back up “hey, I really need to take that shower and then it’s chow time. If I miss it I don’t eat until tomorrow morning.”
“Go. Sorry for keeping you.”
“You did not such things. I have been looking forward to call you.”
“I love you.” She told him, sending back the tears that had started forming.
“I love you too, Fireheart.”
Aelin waved him goodbye and went back eating while tears had begun flowing down her cheeks. It had only been two days and she hoped it would get easier being so far apart.
The next morning she arrived at the station bright and early, got changed and went straight to Aedion “Are you ready?”
The man nodded “Peter is covering you until we get back from the police and I got Manon in charge of the second rig.”
“Good. Let’s go.”
They arrived at the police headquarters not long after and Chaol met them at the reception area “Hi guys,”
“Here’s my favourite cop.” Aelin went to hug Chaol.
“Just because I keep reporters away from you.”
She gave him a huge smile back.
“Come, detective Ytger is waiting for you.” They followed behind him in silence and stopped in front of a door and knocked.
A female voice told them to go in and once in the office Aelin recognised the same woman at one of the arson cases a few months back.
“Captain, Lieutenant, we meet again.” The three shook hands and the detective sat back down and invited both cousins to do the same.
The detective threw a thick file on the desk “you two have just made a very powerful enemy.”
“The man is a bastard.”
“Believe me, captain, when I tell you that Hamel has been a thorn in my side for a very long time.”
“And why is he still at large? Two people died and the man did not care.”
The woman pinched the bridge of her nose “he has very powerful lawyers and always gets away with murder. We have been working on him for a long time but whatever piece of proof we bring in is never enough to get him behind bars for good.” Aelin could sense the tiredness in her voice.
“Did you close his club as I asked?”
“We did, but he owns almost all the ones in Orynth. And so much more.”
“Can’t you arrest him for murder?” voiced Aedion.
“No, his lawyers showed us the papers of the latest inspections and the place was deemed to code. He blamed the company that did the inspections for lying to him.”
“Detective, I hope you are aware that is a bullshit.” Said Aedion, fury burning under his surface.
“I am well aware.” The woman added almost apologetically “the closure is temporary. It will not stick too long.”
Aelin almost swore “Have the other clubs been checked?”
“We did some undercover recon but we don’t have the full skillset to know what’s up to code.”
Aelin smiled wickedly “well, it’s a good thing that you have a firefighter whose birthday is very soon and was planning to go to a club.”
“You are not dragging Lys and the others in this.”
“Calm down. Hamel does not know them, they are safe. I will wear a disguise.”
“I don’t like the sound of this.” He protested again but he knew Aelin could be stubborn.
“I am coming too.”
“No,” said Aelin “One: Hamel remembers how you lifted him up and he will not forget such act. Two: it’s Lys bachelorette party as well. So, no.” she paused “you can take the guys to another one.”
“What happens if we find both clubs not up to specs?” Asked Aelin worried that it was going to be a lost cause.
“We can start by closing them and gather a bit more time to have more material against him. We have other leads. We just need something significant.”
They discussed with the detective which clubs to hit and they left.
Once in the car Aedion made his displeasure quite clear “I do not like this.”
“Neither do I, but the police has no idea what to look for.” Replied Aelin.
“We are not cops.”
“And they are not firefighters.”
After that they drove in silence all the way back to the station.
Two days had passed and Aelin’s birthday had arrived. She arrived at the station and laughed at the scene. One of the rigs was covered in balloons and a sign saying happy birthday, cap and the second rig was for Aedion and Lysandra and the front of the truck had a long white sheet over it that looked like a bridal veil and two massive papier mache rings attached to the front.
She laughed and joined Ansel and Manon who were doing some checks “did everyone see this?” She pointed at the engine and truck. The two women nodded.
“Then let’s clear it. I do not want to go on a call in that state.”
“Yes, captain.” Said the two women in unison. 
The locker room was empty and she sat down on the bench and looked at her phone again. She was hoping for a text from Rowan or a call but nothing yet. She kept telling herself that he was busy and probably out flying. She removed his dog tags and hung them in the locker and stood and stared at the pictures she had hung up. It was some of the photos they had taken in Doranelle. With her finger she brushed a photo of him. He was standing and looking up to the sky. His eyes closed and a small smile painted on his face and his hair all tousled after she had messed it up. It was one of her favourite photos of him. “Be safe, please.” And she blew him a kiss.
Aelin got dressed and then reached the team who was having breakfast in the communal room.
“She is here.” Shouted Nox happily.
Luca grabbed her arm and pulled to the table where a cake was waiting for her.
“Chocolate hazelnut cake. Your favourite.” He cut a slice and offered it to her.
Aelin grabbed it eagerly “mmmmm”
“Get a room you two,” shouted Ress.
A moment later Manon came through with a man carrying a large box “he says this is for you, captain.”
“Thanks, Manon.”
Aelin grabbed the box from the courier and sat down on the sofa. It came from a shop in Orynth. Strange. She opened the box and when she peeked inside she saw a massive stuffed toy. Once she lifted it she realised it was a bird and she had a feeling she knew who it was from.
“A bird? Why a bird?” Asked Lysandra.
Aelin smiled, grabbed the stuffed toy and walked to her bunk to be alone when she noticed the letter inside.
Once alone she sat down on her bed and placed the bird at her side and read the letter
Happy birthday, fireheart.
I wish I could be there for you but I can’t and it hurts more than I thought possible.
If you are reading this, you have met your new friend. I could not find a buzzard but a toy shop in Orynth had a white-tailed hawk and since I have silver hair I thought it was the closest option. Do we look similar? He will keep you company while I can’t be there with you.
I will try and call you tomorrow if I get a free moment, but the guys and I have pulled alert crew duty for the day so no phone for me.
Have fun with the girls and leave the other guys alone especially if they are navy and army.  Aelin chuckled at the joke
I miss you already.
I love you. Madly. 
To whatever end.
By the time she had finished reading the letter she was in tears. She hugged the soft toy and for a moment she hoped to smell his scent of pine and snow. She went to her locker, grabbed the dog tags and put them around the bird’s neck “you look after them while I am on shift, but then I take them back.” After that she took a photo and sent it to Rowan “I think I will call him Rowan.”
It was later that night and Lysandra and Elide were at Aelin’s place to get ready for their fun night. Aelin though, was not in the mood. Rowan had eventually called her but the phone call was cut short when he had go and scramble. Soft toy Rowan was on her bed, his dog tags back on since she would not be wearing them with her dress.
Lysandra was going through her wardrobe looking for a dress for the night.
“So, the captain does have clothes that are not uniform,” said the woman going through his clothes but Aelin glared at her and Lys went back to Aelin’s side of the dresser.
“Did he phone you?”
“Yeah.” Said Aelin flatly while wearing her dress.
“Lorcan said they were having a couple of shitty days.”
Aelin ignored her friend or she would end up in tears and ruin her make up.
“Did he give you his dog tags?” Asked Lys noting them pending from the bird’s neck.
“No, he can’t. He made a copy. And I don’t want the original ones until he retires.”
“Why?” Asked Elide while she was busy fixing her hair.
“Because it means he is dead. They are used for identification.” Replied Lysandra flatly. She had learned that from Aedion.
“Can we please change subject?” Snapped Aelin.
Lysandra grabbed a green dress “what do you think?”
“It will go perfectly with your eyes.” Said Aelin wearing her blue dress.
“I thought you loved the captain.” Said Elide.
“That dress?” Added Lys pointing at her attire “it makes you look as if you are open to being chased.”
“Too slutty?”
“Ansel will be proud of you.”
Aelin smiled “I do love the captain and I have no plans on taking anyone home. My only companion in bed tonight will be bird Rowan.” Then she wore a wig of red hair.
“Why the wig?”
Aelin and Aedion had decided not to tell anyone about their plan for the night, so she had to lie although it hurt lying to Lysandra “just for some fun.”
They arrived at the club half an hour later and Manon, Asterin and Ansel were already there and apparently already having fun.
“You made it” shouted the red-haired woman. “And who is the hot red-haired friend?”
“It’s me, Ansel.”
“Captain, you look hot.”
Aelin laughed “thank you.”
“We got some drinks already,” said Manon.
“Happy birthday, captain,” said Asterin raising her glass “and congratulation to Lys for bagging the meanest lieutenant in the TFD.”
Their glasses clinked and then Aelin spotted Chaol in the distance. What the heck was he doing at the club? She nodded at him and he gave her a small nod back. Everyone knew Chaol and if the girls spotted him it could raise some questions so she texted him with the pretence of being the overbearing girlfriend checking on her man.
The girls went out dancing and she stood behind saying she was not in the mood when she was actually trying to check out the place. She was about to join Chaol in his hideout when a guy stopped at her side and blocked her way “aren’t you a stunning creature?” He said and Aelin cringed. She really hated clubs and the pigs that came with them.
“Of course I am.”
She felt his arm sneak around her waist and his body move closer to hers and she closed her eyes at the fact that those arms were not Rowan’s.
“What if I buy you a few drink and have some fun you and I?”
“You couldn’t handle me.” She said to him in a whisper.
“I love a good challenge. My flat is not far from here.” And his hand slithered up on her back.
Aelin scoffed “I’d never have sex with you even if we were the last two humans left in the world.”
She made to walk away but he grabbed her arm. She almost punched him but in that instant she felt someone hugging her from behind “it’s me, follow my lead.” He whispered in her ear and she noticed it was Chaol.
“Thank you for finding my girlfriend. I went to the gents and I lost her.”
“Sorry darling,” said Aelin caressing Chaol’s face.
The stranger walked away annoyed.
“Thank you.”
“You were holding your own anyway.” He commented.
“I was about to punch him and cause a scene and mess up the mission.” She whispered then grabbed his hand and pulled him to a quiet booth at the back of the club
“What are you doing here?”
“Detective Ytger sent me here as back up. Hamel’s minions know all of the detectives but not us beat cops.”
“How do you want to proceed?” She asked him.
“You are the firefighter, I am just here to make sure you get out okay.”
“Ok, I need to walk around. Just keep an eye on me.” Chaol nodded and Aelin walked away.
She went back to the bar area and smiled when Elide walked toward her “Ace!! Come on it’s your birthday, you need to come and have fun.” She also had a job to do but felt bad at abandoning her friends. So she joined them again and Lys grabbed her for some dancing.
“How how many hearts did you break?”
“Just the one but he was a pig.”
“Did you tell him you have a super hot captain waiting for you?” 
Aelin shrugged and turned to Elide.
“How many drinks did Ansel give you?”
Elide lifted three fingers in front of her face “two.”
Aelin laughed “no more alcohol for you.”
“Buuut I am sad and I miss Lorcan.” Aelin hugged her friend knowing full well how she felt.
“Still, no more alcohol, you just can’t hold it.”
She walked Elide to Manon “can you keep an eye on her please? And just water please. Elide has reached her alcohol quota for the evening.”
“Of course.”
Aelin smiled at the white-haired woman. She was very introverted and of a very few words but she did not care about that since she was good at her job. She was the complete opposite of Ansel.
Speaking of the woman��”where did Ansel go?”
“Last time I have seen her she was dancing with a brunette.” Aelin dragged a hand on her face “I am going to the ladies. Just behave, okay?”
She used the excuse to slip away and walk around as she was supposed to do. She wanted to try and take some photo as proof but covert operations were not her forte.
“You are back,” whispered Chaol at her back.
“I’ll pretend to be drunk and lost.”
“Be careful, this is making me nervous.”
She nodded and walked away from him. Part of her was glad she had not mentioned this to Rowan, he would have gone in full protective mode.
She kept pretending she was drunk and dumb and ended up in the kitchen “sorry,” she slurred, leaning against the doorframe “are these the loos?”
“No miss,” said one of the staff “they are down there and on your right.” She gave the man a goofy smile and a wet kiss on the cheek “thank you, sweet man.” The hug had given her the time to have a very quick look in the kitchen and note there was no safety equipment. That was enough for her to shut down that club as well. How could they run a kitchen that way? She really had to take down the bastard. She hid in the shadows of the club and and checked the fire doors without activating them and found them of shoddy quality. She was fuming. She had a good look at the club and realised even the numbers of people allowed in was probably over the limit. Those doors were for 60 people, she could only see three on ground level, which meant a limit of 180 people. There were probably over three hundred, all crammed and spread on two levels. It was a firefighter nightmare. She ran back to Chaol “go home. I have seen enough. Tell the detective this place needs to be shut down as well.”
“I’ll phone her as soon as I am out. She was waiting for news anyway.”
“Go, and say hi to Yrene.”
Chaol left and she ran back to her friends nervous that she was placing them in danger. She wanted to go but the idea of leaving all those people behind made her nervous. She texted Aedion and rage surged back when he told her that their club was the same.
The girls took her dancing in the middle of the dance floor and danced away ignoring a couple of guys basically dancing on her. She hated clubs so much and the music was horrible. She bit down her annoyance and went to hug Lysandra “how does it feel to be almost married?”
“Weird.” She looked at Aelin “are you having fun?”
“You know I don’t like clubs but I came for you, it’s your night after all.”
“It’s your birthday too.”
Aelin shook her head “I get one every year, you better marry my cousin and stick to him.”
“And you stick to the captain. I want to come to your wedding.”
Aelin laughed “we’ll see…” then she turned and saw Elide leaning against the counter half asleep “what if we take the party to my place? I am sick of this place.”
“Please,” said Manon in a hopeful tone. She hated clubs as well “we can get alcohol on the way home. If I hear another man asking me why my hair is white I am going to start snapping necks.”
“Hey Manon, no need to snap necks,” then Aelin looked around for Ansel.
“I’ll get her,”said Asterin when she noticed the woman in the distance.
The woman came back with Ansel in tow and moved closer to Aelin “the fire exits are not enough and one is blocked.” She whispered.
“I know, I am going to call Peter and explain the situation to him.” She took her phone out “take the others to the cars. I’ll be there in a moment.”
Aelin watched Asterin walking the group to safety then hid in dark a corner and phoned Peter explaining that they had to pretend they had an anonymous call and come and pay a visit to the place and shut it down. The man agreed after she explained him the situation in terms of safety. She was playing dirty but could not care less. People’s lives were at stake. Hamel could just go and impale himself for all she cared.
Quickly she left the building and she went to her car joining Lys and Elide. The remaining women were in Manon’s car.
They stopped for booze on the way and finally got back home. Aelin took Elide piggyback style as the woman had fallen asleep. Once in the flat she placed Elide in the spare bedroom and covered her with a blanket then went back to the rest of the group camped in her living room. A text from Peter told her that the club had been safely evacuated and closed. Apparently he had found even more infractions that she had not the time to spot. 
“Ok, ladies back to the party.” Aelin grabbed a mixed selection of glasses and mugs for the beer.
Ansel stood and went to use the bathroom and came back a few minutes later “why do you have guy’s stuff on the bathroom shelf? Do you live with the silver fox?”
Aelin sighed “Rowan has been living here since I was discharged from the hospital.”
“That was a while ago.”
“I know.” Aelin sighed.
“Yes!” Shouted Ansel pulling Aelin toward her “our captain is shacking up. I am so proud of you.”
After a few drinks, Ansel would become very friendly with anyone. It was a good thing they had left the club.
In that instant she got a text from Aedion saying that he had activated the fire alarm in their club and evacuated the whole place after he had spotted a shit ton of infractions. Well, that was probably another club down. Definitely not what they had agreed with the detective but they had to do something.
“Ok, since this is a bachelorette party as well, we can have a bit of spiciness.” Said Asterin while drinking her beer “unusual place where you had sex. We need to give Lys some ideas.”
“Do we?” Joked Aelin “Lys would definitely teach us something.” Then everyone looked at Ansel “after her of course.”
“I once hooked up with civilian pilot and we did it in his cockpit before he got to fly the plane”
“Where you flying as well?” Asked Lysandra curious.
Ansel nodded “it’s a long story.”
“Aelin, you are up. I bet the captain is wild.” Lysandra’s eyebrows lifted suggestively.
“He is pretty amazing but the strangest places have been a beach, the sea, behind a waterfall, a pool at the foot of two different waterfalls and almost on a military ship.”
“Almost?” Asked Manon curious.
“I’ll show you the dress.”
Aelin went to get her black dress and got back a moment later “and he knew I had nothing underneath.”
The group of women cheered loudly “that must have driven him insane.” Joked Asterin.
“That’s why the almost. We would have been in a lot of trouble if we got caught.”
“I have nothing left to teach you.”Ansel was sprawled on a chair and lifted her beer in acknowledgment.
The woman blushed savagely “in a car wash. Aedion and I stayed in the car while it was getting washed and… well.. it was quick but fun.”
“Definitely nothing to teach you,” Aelin clinked her bottle with her friend.
“My previous firehouse, with one of my colleagues on top of a rig on a night shift.”
Manon gave a light chuckle “was it when you were at the Regional 2?”
Asterin nodded “he was some hot firefighter. We are still friends. We did it once and then it felt so weird and never happened again.” She explained.
Aelin sighed “The night of the mayor’s party, Thomas and I hooked up. We ended up at my place. We did it, realised it was rebound sex and finished the night with tv and junk food.” Thinking about him still pained her.
“No friggin way. More than the kiss?” Asked Lysandra shocked.
Aelin nodded “after you saw us kissing I left, he found me, we went back to my place.”
Aelin looked around and noticed that no one wanted to make too many comments, his death was still too fresh for everyone and he had been Manon’s and Asterin’s captain.
“Does Rowan know?”
“I told him and he is fine. We were nothing at the time and I was mad at him.”
In that instant Elide joined the group and Aelin stood and went to her “hey, how are you feeling?”
“My head hurts.” Replied the woman leaning against Aelin.
“I should take her home. We are working tomorrow we should all go home.”
“Lys is right,” added Asterin “another 24hrs shift ahead, we need some sleep.”
Manon and Asterin offered to take Ansel home and Aelin remained with Lys and a sleepy Elide.
“I am sorry the evening sucked.”
“Hey,” Lysandra placed her hands on Aelin’s shoulders “it didn’t, and to be honest we were all quite tired. All it matters is to marry that annoying cousin of yours.”
“Take Elide home, she is about to go to sleep again.”
Once Aelin was alone she finally shed the dress and opened one of Rowan’s drawers and grabbed a t-shirt. They were usually far too big for her but she loved them as pyjama. She went to the bathroom, got ready and then finally got in bed with bird Rowan and squeezed close to his pillow to inhale his scent.
She grabbed her phone and found a text from Rowan
I hope you had a nice evening. I wish I had been there with you because it’s bad out here. I hope bird me is keeping you company. Have a nice night, Fireheart. Love you.
Aelin’s heart sank at the anguish in his voice. She tried to call him but had no answer.
I love you, come back to me, was all she managed.
She squeezed bird Rowan and tried very hard to fall asleep.
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vague-and-aloof · 3 years
Well, I promised you guys a sneak peek of the next chapter, and here it is! Hope you’ll like it!
Mistoffelees had never invited another cat home before, not even as a kitten. When he started going to school his father had already started to tell him that magic scared other cats and this had resulted in him not even trying to make friends or get too close to other cats. So asking any of his classmates if they wanted to come with him to play at his house was never an option. So he wasn't quite sure what to do as he led Tugger into his house, unlocking the door to find the house empty.
"Looks like father isn't home yet." He said as he shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the coat hanger and toed off his shoes. "And Victoria was going to be with Plato after school, so we have the house to ourselves."
"Lucky us." Tugger said a little vaguely as he shrugged off his leather jacket and hung it next to Mistoffelees' before taking another good long look at the hallway with wide eyes. "Wow, this place is nice. Like, really, really nice." He turned back to Mistoffelees, kicked off his boots before placing them by the other shoes. "Your dad must be seriously loaded if you can afford living in a damn mansion! I mean, my dad's pretty well-off too, but not like this."
Mistoffelees smirked cheekily and shrugged. "I don't know if I'd call it a mansion, but yeah, I suppose it is a pretty nice house."
Tugger whirled around and stared at him, very much like how Plato had stared at Victoria the first time he had come by their house. "Pretty nice? Understatement of the decade! When you said that your dad makes millions of pounds a year, I thought you were exaggerating."
Laughing softly, Mistoffelees shook his head and started to lead Tugger further into the house. "Well, in a way I suppose I was and wasn't. Father comes from a very wealthy family, so he already had a big sum of money to his name. But he also owns a lot of very popular and upscale clubs in the city, which makes him a lot of money every year. A big sum of that money goes back into his clubs, in order to keep making those big sums of money. But he still gets to keep-" He paused to think for a moment. "Hm, I believe about 50 percent of it. So if he makes 5 million pounds in one year, he still gets to keep 2.5 million."
Tugger's jaw looked like it was close to falling off his face as he stared at Mistoffelees. Then he blinked and started to quietly mumble under his breath and counted on his fingers, then his eyes widened. "Dude, that's still 200 000 pounds a month! What the hell does he even do with that much money? Your bills can't be that much!"
Laughing again, Mistoffelees held up his paw and started counting on his fingers. "Cleaning staff, personal chef, tuition and school related costs, top of the line dancing gear and instructors for me and Victoria, his own personal parties... food." Mistoffelees sighed and shook his head exasperatedly. "Lots and lots of food. It's all very good food, the best he can find, but it's all a bit much. Especially since Victoria and I don't eat anywhere near as much as he does."
He shook his head and rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath. "There are cats starving in Africa and here we are, buying enough food to feed an entire army for months every week. It's sad, really." Then he shook his head again and turned back to Tugger with a small smile.
"And of course he gives me and Tori an allowance every month. But he only gives us a small amount, I don't think he's ever given us more than a hundred pounds each. He says he has no problem paying for school and the things we need or make us happy, but he doesn't want us to rely on him for everything. He values hard work and working for your success and doesn't want to spoil us to the point where we expect him to hand us everything in life."
Tugger nodded and tilted his head to the side. "Hm, that's pretty smart. Don't want to spoil your kids so they end up like Amaryl."
This made Mistoffelees laugh and he covered his mouth with his paw. "No, you really don't." He took a deep breath and licked his lips. "My father and I have different views on a lot of things, but I respect that he has always wanted to teach us the value of hard work and encouraged us to find our own success rather than lean on his wealth."
They entered the dining room and Mistoffelees placed his bag in one of the chairs, prompting Tugger to do the same. "Let's sit in here. It's the most comfortable place to do homework in."
Mistoffelees, still very unsure of what to do, remembered how his father usually treated his guests when he invited his friends over and made his way towards the kitchen. "Can I get you anything, by the way? Water, tea, coffee?"
Tugger grinned widely. "Yeah, can I have some fur dye in my coffee?" Both of them started laughing for a good long minute before calming down.
"Well, I don't think we have any fur dye in the house at the moment, unfortunately, but I can go and get some of my father's fur tonic if that's alright." This got them laughing again before Mistoffelees waved at him to come with him into the kitchen.
"It's probably best that you make your own coffee, so you can pick what you want for yourself."
Their coffee machine was very nice, made out of metal and black plastic with a touch display showing several different kinds of coffee you could have. From regular coffee, espresso, cappuccino, latte and much more. The Deuteronomys' had a similar one back at home, but the one they had could only make coffee, espresso and cappuccino. Tugger tended to make two cappuccinos at once in a big cup, which was fairly similar to a latte but not quite the same. This was a bit more luxurious, that was for sure.
He looked up at Mistoffelees, who was rummaging around in a cupboard for tea bags. "I thought you said you weren't a big coffee person."
Mistoffelees paused in his rummaging to turn and look at Tugger, one eyebrow raised and his mouth a straight line. "Oh, yeah you're right, I'm not. I suppose we really should just get rid of it then, since there's no one else in this house who likes to drink coffee." He turned back to the cupboard and took out a box with tea with a long, exaggerated sigh. "Oh, what a waste of two thousand pounds."
At first Tugger smirked and turned back to the display, but then his words registered in his brain and he whirled around to stare at Mistoffelees. "Your dad bought a coffee machine for two thousand pounds?!"
Groaning loudly, Mistoffelees turned around to Tugger with a large tea mug in his paw which he placed on the counter before filling it with hot water. "Yes, that was my reaction too. I couldn't believe that he'd spent that much money on a coffee machine when there are so many others out there at a much more reasonable price. But he and Victoria both really love coffee so they wanted the best they could find." He poured a little milk into his tea and then turned back to Tugger. "Me, I'm fine with just sticking with tea and the occasional cup of coffee. Never saw the appeal in it and I still don't."
Tugger kept staring at him for a good long minute before he finally blinked and turned back to the coffee machine, shaking his head and grumbling under his breath. "The life of the one percent." Which prompted a small chuckle from Mistoffelees.
His own family was far from poor, they were limited to one income since it was only their dad working to support them all. Munkustrap had a part-time job at a bookstore and was able to pay for some of his things himself and though Tugger had tried to find a job too, he'd had no luck yet. So while they did have money, they did not have this much money that they could throw on a coffee machine.
"The day I become rich," He said, accepting a mug from Mistoffelees and pressed on the screen to make himself a latte. "I am going to buy myself a house like this and fill it with all of the expensive stuff, just because I can. And I'll commission huge paintings of myself that'll hang all over the damn house! Screw all of that typical rich-cat facade, I'll have five rooms with instruments, video games, an actual movie theatre in the living room and a damn bowling alley in the basement."
Mistoffelees snorted and shook his head. "You act as though there aren't rich cats out there in the world who have all those things."
@uppastthejelliclemoon @soh-da-meatball @storyweaverofgondor @whitmerule @demandra @i-overanalyze-musicals @rainbowratsstuff @rainbow-donkey @tigerstripes-and-leopardspots @tigertail94 @roxycake @roselessart
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Hi :) Dialogue prompt 44, Eskel + Geralt?
Dialogue prompt 44 - “I still remember the way you taste”
Wow anon. You get me. You really get me.
Firstly, what a perfect prompt. Secondly, sorry it took me 2+ months to actually write it! And thirdly...I added Jaskier. I’m sorry, I know you didn’t ask for that, I can’t keep him away. Geralt/Eskel is still the primary focus here, but in the context of established Geraskier and with Jaskier still very much involved. This accidentally turned into something like 7.5K of Jaskier and Eskel soft-domming the hell out of Geralt. So, uh...enjoy?
CW: rough sex/soft feelings, undernegotiated kink, nonexplicit references to teenage sexuality, brief discussions of internalized homophobia
“Really should be playing for coin.” Geralt grins as he clears his cards after his second victory of the night and shuffles his Nilfgaardian deck.
Eskel curses under his breath.
The witchers sit in a pair of ancient wingback chairs with worn, faded upholstery that might have been crimson in a former life, drawn close to the hearth, a small end table between them holding their Gwent cards and pints of mead. Jaskier sits perched on the arm of Geralt’s chair, his legs draped casually across his lover’s lap as he brushes soft white hair through his long fingers, humming softly to himself.
“Wiping the floor with me like that is its own reward.” It’s a grumble, but a good-natured one. Most everything Eskel does is good-natured, from what Jaskier’s seen. He appreciates that about the witcher.
It’s a fairly usual night at Kaer Morhen.
Well, as usual as a night at Kaer Morhen can be. After years of only vague, grunted acknowledgements of wintering in the mountains, Jaskier had been shocked and delighted at Geralt’s unexpected invitation when beset by an early first frost traveling through Kaedwen. “Winter’ll come before you reach Oxenfurt,” he’d justified brusquely, mindlessly tracing circles into the warm skin of Jaskier’s back as they huddled together on the inn’s musty straw pallet, but when the bard kissed him softly and told him he’d be delighted to see his home, the deep wrinkles on his forehead relaxed into something open, peaceful. They arrived a few weeks later, just before the snow drifts made the mountain pass nigh unbreachable.
Just being in these cold halls, rich with history and joy and pain, feels akin to the unsettling mystery of watching someone observe a religious sacrament, something Jaskier can only view from the outside, can never truly understand. But after upwards of a month sequestered in the remote keep, they’ve established something of a routine. Vesemir retires to the library after dinner most evenings. Every four or five days, Lambert gets restless and disappears into the surrounding mountains to hunt for a few nights.
(The first time Jaskier had been mortified, sure that he’d driven him away. “It’s just Lambert,” Geralt reassured him. “Bastard’s not well socialized.”
“And you know it’s bad, coming from Geralt,” Eskel added, but there’s nothing but fondness in his genial smirk.)
So most nights it’s the three of them whiling away the hours before retiring to their chambers. Jaskier finds he doesn’t mind; while Geralt clearly cares a great deal for Vesemir and Lambert, it’s only when they’re alone with Eskel that Geralt’s guard seems to vanish entirely. They catch up on jobs they worked throughout the year, drink together, occasionally reference shared history, although always briefly. In his years of friendship with Geralt and the years of something more, Jaskier has always been the one to keep the conversation going, an unending prattle that Geralt rarely interrupts, but here, Jaskier finds himself listening more often than not, observing the quiet, unassuming intimacy between the two witchers. Here within the walls of Kaer Morhen, here in Eskel’s warmth, Geralt is loose and comfortable and safe in a way Jaskier has rarely seen him in over a decade spent together on the Path.
Jaskier smiles at Eskel, a little too brightly, perhaps, but he doesn’t mind. He’s far from drunk, but between Geralt’s arm wrapped around his waist, the easy comfort of Eskel’s presence, the roaring fire before them and the honey-sweet mead, he feels pleasantly warm all over. “Eskel,” he starts as the witchers draw for another round, “you’ve known Geralt longer than anyone else in the world. Well, Vesemir excepted, of course.”
He hums in affirmation. “S’pose so. What about it?”
“That being the case, I think it only fair that you indulge me in some dirt.”
Eskel looks at him blankly.
“Come on, dirt! You must have plenty, you’ve known each other for, what, at least five hundred years now?”
“At least.” Geralt snorts at Jaskier’s obnoxious shit-eating grin at the exaggeration and plays a third spy card in a row, easily blocking the punch Eskel aims at his arm.
“Come now, Eskel, please? I’m sure you must have loads of dirt you’ve just been dying to, well, to unload! Let’s unlock those memories, boys, and tell me the greatest Kaer Morhen scoop of the past century.”
Eskel’s smiling, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Not sure you really want those memories unlocked, bard,” he says gently.
Jaskier’s breath catches. The last thing he wants is to spoil the relaxed evening with whatever cruelties spark the haunted looks he’s caught a few times during his stay. “No, no, of course not those kinds of memories,” he amends. “None of the witchery sort. The fun things, silly things! Come on, it can be anything. Embarrassing stories, charming anecdotes, stupid pranks you pulled on each other, youthful indiscretions—wait, no, what did I say?”
Both witchers suddenly seem preternaturally focused on their Gwent cards.
A delighted grin slowly creeps onto Jaskier’s face. “Youthful indiscretions?” he repeats, noting how Geralt looks almost sheepish. “I was joking about that one but by all means, I love a good scandal! I simply must have all the details, the tawdrier the better.”
“No scandal,” Eskel answers easily. “There’s nothing…”
“Oh ho ho no, my friend, I’m afraid I’m a bit too well acquainted with Geralt’s non-expressions to let this pass quite so easily.” He’s practically bouncing with excitement in Geralt’s lap, which earns him a glare, but not a very heartfelt one. The most delicate shade of pink has taken up residence in the tips of Geralt’s ears, the apples of his cheeks. Jaskier kisses him lightly on the nose. “What youthful indiscretions, Geralt?”
Geralt rolls his eyes, but his lips quirk upward. “Nothing as obscene as you’re dreaming up,” he mutters drily. “Dumb kid stuff.”
“Just a little healthy competition in the training yard.” Eskel’s smiling, but he’s watching Geralt carefully. “Everybody loves an incentive.”
Jaskier leans in conspiratorially. “Incentive?”
Eskel shrugs, placing a commander’s horn to double his ranged combat cards. “You know, loser jerks the winner off, that sort of thing. ‘Course, you dose up a bunch of horny teenagers with a couple times the regular helping of hormones, and, well, things tend to...escalate?”
“Of course.” Jaskier shifts and inadvertently rubs against the line of Geralt’s cock, which seems to have taken a distinct interest in the conversation, no matter how disinterested its owner tries to look behind his cards. “So, to the victor goes the handjob, eh? A noble endeavor.” He squirms again, very advertently rolling his hips in just the right place this time. The heavy arm around Jaskier’s waist slips down to stroke casually at his thigh. He stops himself from preening at the unexpected rift in Geralt’s composure, but only barely. “Was this all the young men in your—class? Cohort? Uh, battalion? What do you call it?”
“Hands caught on with some of them,” Eskel acknowledges. His eyes, all blown-wide black pupils rimmed with thin rings of gold, track every minute movement of Geralt’s hand on the bard’s thick thigh, straining beneath deep indigo satin. “But a few of us progressed to mouths. Thighs.”
“I’m sure that was delightful,” Jaskier breathes. He threads his fingers into Geralt’s hair, tugging gently on a lock. “So you partook in these escapades, did you, darling?”
Eskel snorts. “Partook,” he parrots, eyes flickering teasingly to Geralt. “Like he wasn’t the one casually suggesting it every time we hit the training yard.”
“Oh please, do tell.” The fire crackles in the hearth before them. By all the gods, there’s nowhere Jaskier would rather be than here, caught in this sparking current between the two witchers.
“Geralt’s the best fighter.” There’s a hint of a growl in Eskel’s gentle voice Jaskier’s never noticed before, low and hot and dangerous. “Always been the best with a sword since the first time he held one. But once we started messing around, didn’t take long to notice I was winning more than usual. After a few weeks I was beating him just about every time we fought.”
“Gods,” Jaskier breathes.
Eskel licks his lips. “Don’t act surprised, bard,” he says softly. There’s a new, intoxicating heat in his gaze. “The whole castle’s heard you two. You seem pretty familiar with Geralt’s taste for cock.”
Geralt’s arm slips tight around Jaskier’s waist, pulling him harder into the ever-more insistent press against the bard’s arse. He palms brazenly at Jaskier’s cock, but his eyes don’t leave Eskel, his face collected, calm. “Still remember the way you taste.”
“Fuck, Geralt.” Eskel’s hand drifts to mirror Geralt’s, grinding roughly against his codpiece.
Jaskier plants a hand on the chair’s back, twisting around enough to pull Geralt into a heated, messy kiss. “Gods, you’re stunning, you know that?” he moans against his lips, tangling a demanding hand into that long white hair. “Gorgeous, shameless thing, throwing fights you were perfectly capable of winning just to get a good dicking, was that the way of it, love?”
Geralt’s eyes flicker closed, accompanied by an aborted, keening noise in his throat.
“Which was all fine, until Vesemir called him out for holding back in the middle of the training yard.” Some of the teasing quality drains from Eskel’s voice. “You know Geralt. Being berated in front of the whole school by your mentor for your piss poor performance is devastating anyway, but for Geralt?”
“I’d forgotten about that,” he admits quietly. “That was a shit day. Halfway through his lecture I swore off sex forever. Nothing kills the mood quite like Vesemir’s disappointed face.”
Jaskier kisses his temple. “Glad that didn’t last, love.”
“Didn’t last long at all,” Eskel chuckles. “Pretty sure you had my dick down your throat in the back of the stables twenty minutes later.”
Geralt’s wry grin serves as confirmation. “It’d been a rough day. Sometimes you need a little consolation.”
Jaskier looks between the two, looks at the soft smiles on both of their faces. The sheer eroticism that was all-consuming a moment ago lingers, shifting into a background pulse as this gentle, familiar openness emerges.
They love each other.
Jaskier feels an overwhelming rush of relief, suddenly, of gratitude, to know that even with all the cruelties Geralt has faced over the past century, he’s had this easy warmth to come home to nearly every winter.
But love isn’t something readily acknowledged, let alone expressed, for Geralt—if anyone knows that, it’s Jaskier. So he smiles disarmingly and goes to work.
“How right you are, Geralt!” he says brightly. “Everyone needs a consoling touch now and then. What about after you left training? Any consolation during chance encounters on the Path? Or when you returned for the winter, perhaps?”
Jaskier doesn’t miss the way Geralt stares at the floor, nor the hunger that flashes in Eskel’s eyes before he looks away, too. When he speaks, it’s measured again. “It didn’t continue past training.”
“What a shame. Well, during training, then, what about fucking?” he asks blithely.
Geralt’s the first to find his voice, a defensive grunt. “Wasn’t like that.”
Eskel leans back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. “Well, it was, of course,” he says slowly. “A hand or a mouth in the dark you can write off as just getting your rocks off. You start talk about fucking…” He shrugs stiffly. “It starts to mean something. Starts to say something about you.” He’s quiet for a moment, staring into the fire. “You get told a lot of things when you’re a kid. Think we all understood pretty clearly how it’d be if anybody found out. So you start coming up with reasons why it’s not like that, why you’re not like that. To make it easier.”
Geralt hasn’t spoken, but he clings a little closer, leaning his head on Jaskier’s shoulder.
“Takes time to sort through it all,” Eskel muses. “I think most of the stuff they taught us, Vesemir and the others...most of it came from a good place. They wanted us to survive, and part of that means not making yourself any more of a target than you already are. Doesn’t mean it didn’t fuck us up even more, though.” He leans forward in his chair, elbows on his knees and eyes fixed on Geralt. “I’m proud of you, Wolf,” he murmurs, a little sad smile on his lips. “Never thought either of us’d get to have this.” He gestures briefly at Geralt and Jaskier entwined in the chair, a twinge of something that might be yearning flashing through his eyes before he looks away, taking a drink.
Geralt plants a small kiss on Jaskier’s shoulder, holds him a little tighter. He wants to comfort Eskel, the bard understands suddenly, showering Jaskier with all the tender physical assurances he doesn’t feel he can give Eskel. And Eskel, with his sweet, melancholy smiles, his gentle percipience, his quiet understanding...he deserves everything Geralt wants to give him and more.
“It seems to me,” Jaskier begins in a delicate singsong, “that we have some unfinished business here.”
“How do you figure?”
“I feel this competition has not been followed to its logical conclusion. Not reached its full potential. You’ve played for hands, mouths, thighs. It seems that the natural progression should be playing for arse next. Winner takes the loser, as it were.”
Jaskier wonders, briefly, if he’s made a mistake; but, he reasons, nothing ventured, nothing gained. He barrels on. “I think that the two of you want each other, quite a lot. Now, now, we’re being honest, Eskel just made that lovely speech, so save your protests, both of you. I think you want each other but you don’t know how to have that without the competition.” Jaskier gesticulates widely to emphasize his conclusion. “So compete.”
Eskel’s quiet for a moment, taking a deep breath as he meets Jaskier’s gaze. “Wouldn’t ask that of you,” he says finally. “The pair of you’s got a good thing here. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of that.”
“Oh, darling.” A surge of affection rushes through him as he takes in the Witcher’s concerned eyes, the hesitant posture, the look of astonishment at the endearment directed towards him. “I don’t think Geralt will love me any less for having loved you,” he says softly, leaning forward and placing a steady hand on Eskel’s forearm.
“We fuck other people,” Geralt adds helpfully.
Jaskier squawks in indignation, and Geralt’s mouth twitches in silent laughter. “Yes, Geralt, thank you for that ever so romantic assessment. So there you have it, Eskel! We fuck other people, no conflict there.”
Eskel’s looking back and forth between them, a small, slow smile breaking through. “It’s a little late for a sparring match,” he says. It’s not much of a protest.
Geralt shrugs casually. “Up for another game of Gwent?”
Golden eyes lock, a challenge. Eskel wets his lip and reaches for his cards.
Geralt gently steers Jaskier back onto the arm of the chair with a quick kiss to his shoulder, reaching to pull the forgotten box of his various decks into his lap. He packs his Nilfgaardians away carefully, muses over the cards, then reaches for the forest green deck.
And Jaskier may be no expert when it comes to the intricacies of Gwent strategy, but he’s watched Geralt play enough to know that Scoia’tael is his most neglected deck, the one he’s least likely to use in tournaments, the one he’s spent the least time building up.
From the way that Eskel’s gaze trains on Geralt’s big hands shuffling the sparse deck, a hungry, wrecked gleam reflecting in his golden eyes, he’s noticed, too.
It doesn’t take long, this Gwent game.
Geralt isn’t playing poorly, not really, he isn’t blatantly throwing the match, but the low-powered deck can’t compete with Eskel’s Northern Kingdoms and its unstoppable siege cards, its seemingly endless supply of spies. Even after Eskel passes the second round in a show of sportsmanship, there’s no real suspense.
Anticipation, on the other hand…
Jaskier drapes himself over Geralt languidly, tucking his chin over his lover’s shoulder to watch the game. “Geralt,” he coos, “it’s looking as though you may lose this one.”
“What a shame, I know you must be dreadfully disappointed by the prospect of taking his cock.” He’s staring shamelessly now, eyes running over Eskel’s sinewy arms, wide shoulders, broad chest, muscular thighs. “Gods, I bet he’s proportional, isn’t he. Big all over.” His breath is a warm tickle on Geralt’s ear before he begins lightly kissing the sensitive skin of his neck. “I bet he’s bigger than you, isn’t he, love?”
Geralt looks up from his cards, considering. “Girthier,” he concedes lightly.
“I can only imagine.” He sighs, musing with the tiniest of pouts. “You know, if you’d told me when we arrived at Kaer Morhen that one of us would wind up in bed with the gorgeous Eskel before winter’s end, I never would have dreamed you would be the one with that honor. Actually, I’d have put good coin on it being me.”
Eskel drops a scorch card in surprise that knocks out his own 24-point ballista.
“That counts.” Geralt shoves the card towards Eskel’s discard pile. “And you’d’ve lost your coin, bard. He never would have fucked you.” He shrugs off Jaskier’s offended whine. “Would’ve seen it as betraying me, even if you’d explained.” He’s studying Eskel carefully. “He felt guilty enough already, and all he’s done is look.”
Jaskier follows Geralt’s gaze, taking in the deep flush, the heavy breathing, the slightly abashed expression. “Have you been looking, dear Eskel?”
Eskel wets his scarred lip. “Looking respectfully,” he clarifies with the smallest of grins.
Jaskier laughs, delighted. He’s been uncharacteristically modest in his dress since arriving at Kaer Morhen, adjusting the biting chill of the drafty halls, but between the fire, the inferno of Geralt beneath him, and the strong rush of arousal, he’s plenty warm now. He slips his doublet off casually, dove gray shirt open halfway to his navel. “Look to your heart’s content, darling. Respectfully or otherwise.”
Eskel obeys, eyes raking over the bard’s flushed neck, the dark curls on his chest, the taut trousers doing little to disguise his erection. When he speaks, his voice is husky, grating. “If I win, will you be joining us?”
The breath catches in Jaskier’s throat.
He glances down at Geralt. They’ve always been welcome to take other lovers; it’s only practical, since they sometimes travel apart for months at a time and both have a few long-standing arrangements they’re loath to renounce. But they’ve never welcomed someone else into their bed, explored another lover together. Shared.
Geralt’s staring up at him, eyes questioning, hopeful.
Jaskier flits out of his embrace to situate himself easily in Eskel’s lap. “I thought you’d never ask.” He brushes a dark lock of hair out of the witcher’s eyes, tilts that strong, square jaw toward him with a single clever finger. “May I?” he asks, and when Eskel nods wordlessly he draws him into a soft kiss.
Eskel’s lips are slow and gentle, his kiss courteous, restrained in a way that threatens to break Jaskier’s heart. “Relax,” Jaskier whispers against him, “you’re not the first big scary witcher I’ve encountered.” He plants a teasing peck on the corner of his mouth before pulling away and shifting to take stock of the cards in Eskel’s hand. “So how is it looking? Oh.” He giggles helplessly, glancing across the table at his lover’s somewhat dazed expression. “Oh, Geralt, you are fucked.”
Their matching groans at his word choice are nothing short of intoxicating.
“Finish him off, darling,” Jaskier purrs, a hand drifting down Eskel’s sturdy chest. “Then we can play.”
Jaskier drags Eskel unabashedly into the bedroom, kicking off his boots as he goes in a practiced maneuver that might have otherwise proven disastrous. He tugs off Eskel’s padded jerkin, leaving him in a thin cream-colored shirt that Jaskier balls his fist in, pulling the witcher towards him in a breathless, giggling kiss.
Geralt trails slightly behind them, taking off his boots in silence. Jaskier can feel his eyes on the two of them as they part, not jealous, not upset, but unsure. Never one to shy away from tension in the bedroom, Jaskier reaches a hand toward his lover, beckoning him close, close enough to touch, and then he steps back to watch the moment unfold.
As if by instinct, Eskel moves to the side in an evasion of Geralt’s approach, where a sword would glance off him, had one been swung. Golden eyes lock as they circle automatically. It’s a dance. A witcher’s dance, dangerous and calculated, each move precise, graceful, deadly. It’s the most arousing thing Jaskier’s ever seen in his life.
And then Geralt shoves Eskel.
It’s just a light push to one shoulder, no real weight behind it, but the effect is instantaneous. Eskel pins him to the cold stone wall, the full weight of his body pressed into him, his hands trapping Geralt’s wrists tight. They’re both panting, hard, and when Eskel shoves his leg roughly between Geralt’s thighs, he’s met with Geralt rocking savagely against him.
“Like a bitch in heat, huh, Wolf?” Somehow, the words aren’t demeaning in the warm gravel of Eskel’s voice; instead, they’re fond, appreciative. Reverent.
Geralt bucks against him again, a cut-off, desperate growl from the back of his throat, and Eskel buries his face at the juncture of the neck and shoulder and bites the scarred flesh.
Geralt immediately goes limp and compliant against him, capitulation written into every line of his body. He stays that way as Eskel releases his bite, nipping lightly then nuzzling into the skin.
Jaskier lets out a shuddering breath at the sight of his lover so docile, so malleable. They’ve certainly explored such games before, power dynamics and what have you, and he’s known Geralt to drift into a gentle haze of submission on a handful of occasions when he felt particularly safe, but he’s never seen this immediate, intentional surrender. It’s breathtaking.
Eskel releases Geralt’s wrists, still kissing at his neck as he slides his hands down his sides. “Good,” he murmurs against skin, “being so good for me, Wolf. Don’t worry, gonna take care of you.” He tugs the black shirt from Geralt’s trousers, slips a big hand to stroke the bare skin at the small of his back. “Gonna fuck you so good. That what you want, sweetheart?”
“Fuck, Eskel.”
“Tell me.”
“Fuck.” His eyes flutter shut as Eskel’s hand moves to pull him forward by the curve of his arse, grinding their hips together roughly. “Want you to fuck me.”
“Mmm.” Eskel pulls the shirt over Geralt’s head and tosses it aside. “What about your boyfriend? What do you want from him?”
Geralt’s eyes shoot open, casting about frantically for a moment as though disoriented. “Jaskier?”
“I’m here, love,” he says, rushing to his side and pulling him into a soothing kiss. Geralt relaxes again in Eskel’s arms.
“You’re beautiful like this,” Jaskier continues, running his thumb reassuringly against Geralt’s cheekbone. “Do you want us to take you to bed, love? Let us work you over between the two of us, wring out every drop of pleasure we can?”
Eskel still supports Geralt’s weight, but he’s shifting, opening towards Jaskier, creating a space for him. Geralt pulls the bard in, kissing him desperately and tugging off his shirt, and Jaskier clings to them both.
He drinks in the sight of Eskel in the firelight, lips red and parted, eyes hooded beneath dark lashes. He cradles his smooth cheek with a gentle hand. “My, but you are just unreasonably handsome, aren’t you?”
Eskel freezes for a split second before flinching away from the touch, turning his scarred face to the safety of the shadows.
Before Jaskier can react, Geralt places a hand on the back of Eskel’s neck, drawing him in and massaging the flesh lightly. “He’s not mocking you.” His voice is soft and steady. “Or lying.”
After a moment, Eskel meets Geralt’s gaze, holds it silently for a moment before his shoulders relax, a rueful smile twitching on his lips. “Just got shit taste, huh.”
Geralt returns the grin. “He is with me.”
Jaskier splutters with indignation that’s only partially feigned. “Well, excuse you both, I happen to have exquisite taste, thank you very much!” He reaches out, his hand hovering over the scarred skin, a question in his eyes. Eskel takes a breath and turns his face into Jaskier’s touch.
He runs his fingers lightly over the hardened scar tissue, mapping the uneven terrain in caresses. Eskel’s eyes flutter shut. “I can’t speak for the rest of the world,” Jaskier murmurs. “I can’t imagine how cruelly men have treated you. But I do think you’re beautiful, Eskel, truly.” He pauses, glancing at Geralt. His gaze is fixed on the pale fingers and scarred flesh, concern writ large in his golden eyes. Jaskier wonders, not for the first time, how he ever thought his witcher inexpressive. “And I do believe Geralt thinks so, too.”
Geralt startles at the mention, but he leans in, resting his forehead against Eskel’s.
The intimacy of the position strikes Jaskier. Wasn’t like that, Geralt had immediately defended at the slightest implication that there was anything more than the occasional illicit orgasm between them. It’s not the first time he’s seen his dear witcher deny himself affection, connection, especially when it comes from another man, so he can’t help wondering how deep that denial may have run. “Geralt,” he asks softly, “have you and Eskel ever kissed?”
Geralt shakes his head, his eyes shut.
“I think you should.” It’s barely more than a whisper.
A moment of stillness stretches between them all, the two witchers looking at each other wordlessly. Eskel is the first to move. He carefully cradles Geralt’s face, eyes searching before he leans in, capturing his lips gently. It’s slow, hesitant, a meticulous exploration before Geralt moans against him, big hands threading through dark hair and pulling him in harder.
Jaskier moves deftly, slipping behind Eskel and threading his arms around the witcher as he plants reverent kisses down his neck, hands roaming luxuriantly across the hard body. Nimble fingers find the laces of Eskel’s trousers, untying them but making no immediate move to remove them, drawing the roughspun cotton of his shirt from the loosened pants so he can slip beneath to bare skin. He worships every inch of that broad torso with callused fingertips. Eskel is every bit as muscular as Geralt but built differently, thicker and wider and more pliable beneath Jaskier’s curious hands. An appealing layer of fat cushions his hard abdominals like a gambeson; strong, flexing pectorals have the give of flesh beneath his grasp. It’s an altogether delightful body, Jaskier thinks in warm contentment, belonging to an even more delightful man who Jaskier would be delighted to be absolutely railed by.
But that isn’t tonight’s objective; no, not with Geralt panting so beautifully, head thrown back against the stone wall as Eskel sucks a blood red mark on his collarbone. The finesse between them has vanished, replaced by the desperation of a century’s delay. Eskel paws at Geralt’s waist, nearly ripping the buttons from the fabric in his haste to get a hand down the front of the tight black pants, his other hand bracing him on the wall beside Geralt’s head.
Geralt is quick to return the favor, freeing Eskel’s cock from the codpiece, shoving the trousers roughly down his thighs, sinking to his knees.
Jaskier tries in vain to enjoy the sight from over Eskel’s shoulder, but the cream-colored shirt billows loosely enough around his body to veil Geralt. Yanking the offending garment off, Jaskier tucks his chin over the witcher’s shoulder and watches as his lover pumps Eskel’s cock in a pale hand, leaning in to lap greedily at the head before stretching his lips obscenely around the ruddy flesh.
When he speaks, Eskel’s voice is a hoarse wreck. “Isn’t that a sight for sore eyes.” Geralt growls in the back of his throat and takes him further down. “Fuck, Wolf.”
Jaskier snakes a hand down Eskel’s hip to his groin. He circles the base of his cock in a sure grip, grasping the thick shaft and moving in concert with Geralt’s shallow bobbing. Eskel inhales shakily, reaching the hand not buried in white hair back to anchor himself onto Jaskier by the back of the neck, arching into the bard’s embrace.
Jaskier pulls him into a messy kiss. The careful restraint has evaporated into something rough, strong, unleashed. Jaskier loses himself in the kiss, the racing tattoo of his rushing blood making the groan from Eskel something he feels more than hears.
Geralt bats away the bard’s hand jacking Eskel, and when Jaskier glances down he sees Geralt sinking down the thick shaft until his nose is buried in the dark hair at the base.
Eskel rips away from Jaskier’s kiss, breath ragged. “So good at that, shit.” His head falls back on Jaskier’s shoulder, eyes closed. “Used to choke on me when you tried,” he grunts. “Remember? Almost got us caught with your coughing a couple times. But you weren’t ever satisfied unless you tried.”
Jaskier massages at his chest, relishing the little gasp as he rubs a nipple. “He’s had plenty of practice since then. Haven’t you, love? Love swallowing cock, don’t you?” Geralt’s hands grasp Eskel’s hips roughly. “He wants you to fuck his face,” Jaskier says, planting a kiss on Eskel’s temple. “You wouldn’t deny him, would you?”
“Fuck.” Eskel complies, releasing Jaskier to anchor both hands in Geralt’s hair. He pistons forward experimentally, shallow. Geralt tugs at his hips until he’s set a brutal pace, the muscles in his thick body straining as he fucks him with abandon until there’s nothing else, nothing but slapping flesh, labored breathing, and pleased, desperate, muffled moans.
Eskel pulls abruptly back, holding Geralt off him by the hair.  “Fuck, Geralt, enough. Don’t wanna come yet.”
“Want you to.” Geralt’s voice is a raw rasp, his eyes red-rimmed. He nuzzles at the juncture of his thigh and groin, sucking at the sensitive flesh between words. “Want you to come fucking my throat. Come again later.”
Eskel pushes him away firmly, discipling his voice into something deep, reproachful, but with a surprising touch of tenderness cutting the sting of his words. “Listen, little cockslut, I said not yet.”
Geralt whimpers, but he withdraws, sitting back on his heels and awaiting further instruction, eyes fixed on the other witcher.
Eskel steps back from both of them, shoving his trousers the rest of the way down and stepping out of them before he looks at Geralt. “Up, Wolf.”
Geralt scrambles to obey.
Eskel pulls him into a kiss, praises spilling out against his lips. “So good,” he says. “Pants off.”
Once Geralt’s naked Eskel pulls him close, hoisting him easily into his arms as strong thighs wrap around Eskel’s waist. Eskel kisses him, holding him effortlessly. It’s a rare thing, Geralt not being far and way the strongest in a room at any given time, and to see him so evenly matched, see him carried about and manhandled as though he weighs nothing at all, is quite an alarming, appealing experience.
“Wanna take you to bed.” Eskel nuzzles against Geralt’s neck, his words barely audible. “Wanna be inside you, Wolf.”
“You did win the game,” Geralt grunts.
Eskel’s brow is furrowed when he pulls back. “Fuck the game, Geralt, wanted this as long as I can remember. It’s not just a game.” He carefully smoothes the messy white locks away from his face. “Wasn’t ever just a game.”
Geralt nods slowly. He holds Eskel’s gaze as he tilts his head, closing the space between them to brush his lips again Eskel’s. “So take me to bed.”
And he does.
Eskel lays Geralt out with an expression of sheer reverence. He crawls between his legs, slotting their bodies together, taking them both in a firm grasp before he leans down to capture Geralt in a sensuous kiss.
Jaskier observes the writhing pair silently as he makes necessary preparations. He rids himself of his trousers and smallclothes. Folds the discarded clothes and sets them neatly on a chair. Retrieves the oil from the chest at the foot of the bed. Stalls.
Because they are beautiful together, their touches familiar yet entirely new. There’s an unmistakable sense of scale between them, a history that Jaskier is loath to disrupt, a tale spanning a century in which Jaskier is barely a footnote.
They’re still entwined, all muscled, scarred limbs curving around each other like one flesh, but they’re both looking at him. Eskel’s face crinkles into a crooked smile. “It’s a big bed, bard. Plenty of room.”
And there is. So much room in Geralt’s outstretched arm, curling immediately around his lover as he slips in bed beside them. In Eskel’s astute gaze as he runs a hand down Jaskier’s back and squeezes his hip reassuringly, pulling him into a nigh unbearably sweet kiss. In the way the three of them move together, exploring, discovering, building a gentle rhythm all their own.
“Have you ever fingered him?” Jaskier asks, his words nearly lost in the velvet-soft skin he’s thoroughly lavishing.
Geralt’s breath catches, though whether it’s at the question or the warm mouth on his balls is anyone’s guess.
“No,” Eskel says, his hand carding through the bard’s hair. “Show me what he likes?”
Jaskier reemerges to kiss them lightly, first Geralt then Eskel. “I’d be delighted.” He sits up on his heels, pulling Geralt with him. “Up, love.” He turns to Eskel as Geralt turns over to settle wordlessly into place. “Hands and knees is best for opening him up. He tends to get overwhelmed otherwise, don’t you, darling?” He kisses Geralt’s scarred shoulder, petting his arms, his back, his sides, nodding with a bright grin when Eskel’s hands join his in their caresses. “You can open him up when he’s lying on his back, but only when he’s absolutely relaxed and he’s already gotten off once. Otherwise he’s self-conscious, can’t lose himself in the sensation.” Geralt is already—perhaps unconsciously—rocking his hips ever so gently back towards him. A wave of warmth spreads through Jaskier as he rubs at the small of his lover’s back. “Eager for us, aren’t you, Geralt?”
A breathless grunt is the only answer.
“It’s all right, love, we’re going to take care of you.” He uncorks the oil, leaning down to nip lightly at the swell of Geralt’s cheek as he pours some into his palm. Cold. He warms it in his hand, rubbing vigorously. Eskel’s eyes track each movement. Silent, the bard holds out his lubricated hand. Eskel hesitates for a second then swipes his fingers through the mess until they’re dripping, coated thoroughly.
“Touch him before you touch him there.” It’s a rush, hearing the professorial tone of his own voice, seeing the witcher scramble to follow his instructions. Using his dry hand, Eskel pets the expanse of skin, running his fingers indulgently through the pale hair on his thighs, his arse. “Good.” Jaskier’s voice resonates deep in his chest, a low, soothing murmur. “Acquaint him with your touch. Let him know where you’re headed. Then when you’re both ready…” He takes Eskel’s wet hand by the wrist and guides it. “Just a finger. Start up here, down, down and past, and then up again. Again. Circle his rim, give him some lovely pressure, get him nice and wet but not in, not yet, not until…” He laughs as Geralt cants his hips back toward them with a desperate moan. “There we are. Now you can press in, just a little—oh, you’re being so good for us, love, taking his finger so well. Thicker than mine, isn’t it? What a treat.”
It’s too much, too arousing and too heady and too intoxicating, seeing hefty sword-callused fingers prodding carefully at the flesh Jaskier had seen stretched around his cock only this morning. He reaches out, an oiled finger lightly stroking the taut rim before slipping in effortlessly alongside Eskel’s.
A keening sound almost like a sob is muffled as Geralt rests his forehead on the bed, a full-body shiver running through him.
Eskel pats at his thigh. “Your boyfriend’s back here trying to kill me, Wolf.” He shoots a look of wonder at Jaskier before he leans forward, kissing the slight dimple at the small of Geralt’s back. “Hadn’t even thought about how good you’d look speared on us both ‘til right now.”
Geralt shoves back against them hard, pants as he fucks himself back on their fingers until Eskel adds another. “Not tonight, though,” he growls. “Tonight that hole is mine.”
“Gods, Eskel.” Jaskier pulls him into a breathless kiss. “He’s perfect, isn’t he?” he murmurs against scarred lips. “The way he can’t help seeking out more. Fuck, but he’s going to look so stunning on your cock. How do you plan to take him? Like this, let him whine and cry and shove himself back on your prick as hard as he can? Or have him ride you, watch him desperately take his pleasure as he stuffs himself full of you? Or…”
“Fuck, Geralt, does he always talk this much?” Eskel’s other hand shoots to the base of his own cock, giving himself a few rough strokes.
“Always,” a muffled rumble confirms. “It’s hot.”
Jaskier beams.
He slips his finger nimbly from Geralt’s stretched hole, drizzling a little more oil where Eskel begins to tease a third before Jaskier reclines on the bed, lying his head on the pillow where Geralt’s buried his face. Gently, he tilts the witcher’s chin toward him, taking in the wrecked breaths, the serene, softened gaze. He runs a warm thumb over Geralt’s lips before following it with a tender kiss.
He runs a hand over the muscled abdomen, down the sharp angles of the juncture of his hips, the pale coarse hair at his groin. Geralt’s softened some in the excitement of penetration, as he’s wont to do. Jaskier cups that lovely, familiar cock, rubs against him with just the pressure he knows his lover needs to coax him gently back towards hardness.
A breathy, high-pitched whimper that barely sounds like it could come from the same throat as Geralt’s usual guttural utterances breaks through the hazy atmosphere. “He’s ready for you,” Jaskier murmurs softly, reaching to squeeze Eskel’s unoccupied hand.
Eskel drapes his body over Geralt’s, covering his back and shoulders with fiery kisses as he rocks against him soothingly, fingers still buried deep as they rut together. He turns his face toward Jaskier, a heady desperation in his eyes. “Can I take him on his back?” he begs. “Don’t want to...to overwhelm him. But…”
Jaskier plants a reassuring kiss on Eskel’s cheek.
Geralt whines piteously as fingers slip from him, but he follows the gentle hands guiding him onto his back.
“Love,” Jaskier whispers, soothing fingers massaging his scalp, “are you with us?”
Geralt takes a breath, as though opening his eyes to meet Jaskier’s takes tremendous energy. He nods.
“You’re doing so well, darling.”
Geralt leans into his hand at the praise, eyes fluttering shut again.
“Stay with me, Geralt. Do you need a break?”
“Need Eskel.”
Eskel, kneeling between his legs, surges forward to capture Geralt in a careful kiss, gripping his shaft as he lines himself up. “Oil?” he pants, and Jaskier slips a wet hand between the two bodies to coat the thick, twitching cock liberally. “I’ve got you, Wolf,” Eskel whispers, sinking slowly into the pulsing tight heat, Jaskier’s oiled fingers lingering, anointing the site of their union.
The electric energy swells, inundating them, sweeping them into its current. The rough, slow grind as the witchers find a rhythm. Meandering callused fingertips dancing across scarred skin. Oil and precome and sweat mingling as they slide together. The earthy, sharp smell of the fireplace meeting musk and heat and desperation. Goosebumps covering warm flesh against luxuriant soft furs.
Geralt comes with a harsh cry from nothing but the movement within him and the insistent rub of Eskel’s abdomen against his cock.
Eskel fucks him through the aftershocks gently, bringing himself to a stuttering halt as Geralt trembles beneath him. He pants against Geralt’s neck. “Fuck,” he swears, kisses messily at the sensitive skin, “so beautiful, Wolf, feel so good under me.”
Geralt lets out a long breath.
“Had enough?” Eskel whispers against him.
Blissed out, relaxed, all loose limbs and satisfaction written in every line of his body, Geralt grins, his eyes suddenly clear, kissing Eskel as he rolls his hips pointedly back onto his cock.
And with this second wind it’s different, Geralt’s haze melting into something far more vocal, more demanding. “More,” and “fuck, Eskel,” and “hard,” and “won’t break me, Eskel, fuck,” and movement and manhandling and Geralt back on his hands and knees, Eskel burying himself hard and fast and too much, it’s got to be too much, Jaskier’s sure of it until “don’t hold back, please, please I can take it.”
A hand reaches out to grab roughly at Jaskier’s hip, dragging him in place before Geralt, his back against the headboard. “Please,” Geralt moans, mouthing frantically at the base of his cock, his drawn-tight balls, “need you too.”
He threads his fingers through sweat-damp white locks as Geralt hungrily sucks him down. The harsh, accelerating thrusts from Eskel rip through Geralt, slamming him further onto Jaskier’s cock and it’s so much, the delicate arch of Geralt’s back, the loud slapping of skin against skin, the strange unifying sensation of the three of them melding into one, the tight fluttering of Geralt’s throat milking the head of his cock, the way Eskel’s whole body seems to convulse, the choked-off howl as he chases his climax, the way he shakes as he collapses forward onto Geralt...
The adoring light in those stunning amber eyes as Geralt looks up at Jaskier through thick lashes, the way his hand sneaks up to hold onto his lover’s as Jaskier’s breath hitches, coming with a cry as Geralt swallows around him.
They topple gracelessly into a breathless tangle of limbs. Geralt groans piteously as Eskel unsheathes himself, leaving the bed swiftly, and Geralt hates feeling empty while he’s still coming down so Jaskier finds himself trailing long fingers to his messy hole, pushing the escaping come back into him, massaging and plugging him gently and running a soothing thumb over the stretched rim as they trade languid, exhausted kisses.
Eskel watches them from the beside with a look that might be wonder. “You two are a handful,” he chuckles softly. He climbs back onto the bed, wiping away drying spend from Geralt’s stomach with a warm, wet cloth that drags down, down between his legs, down to where Jaskier extracts himself one finger at a time, cleaning him with attentive care.
Geralt smiles up at Eskel lazily before pulling him down into a quick, filthy kiss, nipping at his lower lip. “You like us, though.”
“Hmm.” Eskel pulls away enough to grab a cup of water, tilting it to Geralt’s lips, careful not to spill. Then he offers it to the bard, reaching over to pet his hair with unexpected tenderness. “Thank you, Jaskier,” he says. “For sharing him with me tonight.”
“Should be me you’re thanking,” Geralt yawns, shifting around until he’s nestled comfortably on Jaskier’s chest, ear pressed soothingly above his heart. His eyes flutter shut as Jaskier traces aimless patterns on his warm skin. “Arse you were fucking happens to belong to me.”
Eskel snorts. “You sure about that?” He blocks the sleepy, playful swat aimed at him, taking the cup back from Jaskier and setting it carefully on the bedside table. He looks down at Geralt, already halfway to sleep on the bard’s chest, and rolls his eyes fondly. “That didn’t take long.”
“Well, in his defense, you did work him over pretty thoroughly,” Jaskier murmurs. He reaches out, tracing the muscles in Eskel’s scarred upper arm gently.
He leans into the touch, looking down for a moment. When he meets Jaskier’s gaze, his eyes are unspeakably bright. “Thank you. For tonight.” There’s a reverent rasp in his voice. “And for being good to him.”
Geralt’s breathing has evened out as Eskel slips out of bed, rifling through the discarded clothes.
“Bloody witchers, gods save me,” Jaskier sighs, flopping a dramatic hand to his forehead. “Geralt always used to try to slink off into the night after sex, too.” He catches Eskel’s gaze and extends a long hand towards him. “It’s a big bed, darling.”
They stare at each other in silence for a moment, something like awe blooming on Eskel’s exquisite, kind face as he nods, climbing back into the bed and molding his body carefully against Geralt’s back, a square hand finding Jaskier’s and squeezing.
And though it’s the dead of winter, Jaskier doubts Kaer Morhen’s ever felt quite so warm. He drifts into a peaceful sleep.
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honeyed-beans · 3 years
hey I’ve never listened to TAZ, but lately I’ve gotten an insane urge to do so... is it ok if I start with this new one? Do I need the context of all others?
Is Travis a really bad DM???
(I’m so sorry this answer came out very long because I went on a Graduation analysis so if it’s too much than scroll to the bottom!)
To start with the first q. You can absolutely start on Ethersea first if you want! The fun part about TAZ is that it’s a anthology series. And the McElroy don’t tend to spoil or make large connections to other campaigns. At most they might reference a character name as a joke, but they don’t tend to dwell on it. It’s only vague references at best. So I would always suggest picking up whichever season speaks the most to you aesthetics wise, and/or whichever one is currently running, cause tbh it’s always nice to see real-time reactions from fans if you want to be in fandom spaces. AHS rules essentially.
For example, I’ve really gotten into Taz this past year, but I have never finished TAZ Amnesty so it’s definitely dealers choice.
Taz Ethersea is kind of a unique scenario because they’re doing a new game system. So the first couple of episodes are just world building and explaining the new system. It gives you time to decide if you want to listen to it now or not, because despite the first ep coming out today, the real game doesn’t start for another 3 weeks or so. Dw you’re not missing much right now.
The brief, no spoilers, descriptions of each campaign:
- Balance = A comedic globetrotting adventure story, with modern elements on a fantasy world. Techno music, very tongue in cheek. It’s the longest one, so storywise it’s a bit of a slow burn as the McElroys find their style. But because of its length it gives more time for the characters to breathe and thus it’s sorta the iconic golden child of TAZ. Most people would rec this one but I know the commitment can be kinda big if your not feeling it. So if another season takes your fancy more than go for that one instead.
- Amnesty = small-town americana, cryptids, sorta scooby doo / monster of the week vibe. Very eerie southern music.
- Commitment (superheroes) / Dust (what if Halloween town had cowboys in it) = these I wouldn’t suggest for a first time listen because they were experimental short stories. With 4 episodes each. None are DMed by Griffin. But very fun in their own right.
- Graduation = Comedic, intrigue, fantasy, takes place in one location (a university), plays on the themes of growing up. Very soft, lighthearted, calming soundtrack with a lot of slow notes. This one is Travis as the DM.
- Ethersea = we don’t know anything about it yet. Post-apocalypse underwater season. Very dreamy water inspired music?
Ok so q2: Is Graduation Bad and is Travis a Bad DM?
Short answer? This campaign was polarising. There are some real critiques to be made on Travis’s style. But I think some aspects of critique have been blown out of proportion. In essence he wasn’t fully prepared to helm a show with a really demanding fan base that had high expectations. But I think Grad was good actually!
Longer answer:
Some people bring up stuff about his disabilities or how he acted outside of the show. I’m just viewing it from a objective stance of someone who listened to the episodes as they came out.
Trav has a tendency to have a lot of ideas he wants to show off and unfortunately tended to jump around a lot. So plot points that I personally may have wanted more time to explore got introduced and dropped a lot. Made worst by the fact that it’s a short season. If there’s not a lot of time to explore everything than weaker pacing becomes more evident. Moreover he wasn’t Griffin, and some people think Griffin can do no wrong and there is certainly favouritism for some fans.
BUT I loved it!! Definitely my favourite! It had a really engaging setting I was all over. And it had the strongest main cast out of all of them. Each main character had a good plot, with good progression, and most importantly they spent time developing a bind with eachother. Something that some of the campaigns don’t spend much time doing. They were a trio for a reason, not because events forced them to be. And it sucks that people are dismissing Grad so much because of it!
People got so upset it wasn’t living up to their expectations of Balance that they got hostile which made Grad likers hostile in return. On Twitter every post from the official page had comments begging them to end Grad immediately because it was shit and we deserved better?? So they tried to end it quickly to please these yelling fans and that only made a ending with more plot holes, and thus more complaining. There was a episode where Trav made a joke that a character handed them a chalice full of liquidised drugs at a party, and than the main cast decided to drink it. And the tag was just filled with people saying that Travis was encouraging drug taking to kids?????
At the end of the day Grad was still a fun comedy dnd podcast with lovable characters 🥰 I would suggest listening to it if it’s your cup of tea. As long as your aware that Trav is clumsier with pacing than Griff than you’re in for a pretty wild and very very ‘fun with little consequence’ campaign! Ironically most of these problems would be fixed if Graduation had more episodes lmao.
Tldr: Pick whichever one you like! TAZ is a anthology that doesn’t run into eachother so follow your heart! Technically Ethersea hasn’t started yet. I love Graduation a lot but Travis struggles to keep all his balls in the air so if that will annoy you a lot than I would understand leaving it for now. But I don’t think it’s as bad as some people make it out to be.
This was probably a lot of info to drop on you but if you want to clarify anything, or just chat don’t hesitate to send me a dm! TAZ is super fun and a nice way to occupy your time while your doing other tasks. I hope you enjoy it! ❤️
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More headcannons since I have nothing better to do and I'm hyperfixating on nexo knights this evening
-Post season 4, Jestro tried to escape the kingdom before his sentence was over, wanting to start life anew with the company of Roberto maybe since they're the only one who were still okay with him
-He almost managed. When I mentioned all the electrical charge he still had in him, he used it to cut out the power in the place he was held in and ended up knocking out all the dependent power in the capital. After that he barely had any charge left in him, which is good since it's not supposed to be there in the first place
-Only after the knights caught him was when they were willing to listen to his side of the story
-After that, he stayed with the knights in the fortrex and was able to roam around towns freely if there was someone keeping watch on him. Forests and other places were okay though
-Jestro has some minor sourness towards Merlok because of multiple small reasons and refuses to see him as a hero to all of Knightonia
-He criticizes (in his mind) his lack of thinking when protecting the kingdom, his lack of ability to keep Monstrox as a book away, the fact they never got rid of him, how he hid the fact he's Clay's uncle, how quick he is to give up and how much he found out the Wizard council is corrupt which Merlok is a part of. Also the fact he probably keeps even more secrets, said straight to his face "Can't wait for you to reveal another major secret when it's too late." and to be truthful, Jestro is right for not fully trusting Merlok, they have many secrets that shouldn't be left hidden.
TW: MENTIONS OF SCARS (safe to read after the " - - - - - "line)
- Jestro has a large lightning shaped scar that goes down the left side of his back and reach till his calfs
- He also has scars from being zapped in the head, but his hair is puffy and long enough to cover them fully since they're not at the top of his head
-A few burn scars are just scattered around his body from his first possession. Living in a castle of lava was dangerous even though he had a minor immunity to it
-He never dared to let go of the staffs he had and managed to keep excellent guard on them, his grip on them always vicious. It resulted in calloused palms.
-Since it always annoyingly stung, he had bandages wrapped around his palms to let them heal a bit
-During his second possession, Jestro was very detached from most of his senses and emotions. All he knew is that he was alive and served the purpose of bringing chaos and destruction.
-That caused him to be less receptive to things he should avoid, like anything that could lightly harm him, jumping off of high places, falling, bruising himself on accident. His body wasn't in a state that a human could bare so he never even noticed if he was cold or not, it wasn't natural blood that was flowing through his veins after all.
-unfortunately there definitely are lives that were lost to his hands
-Looking at him in seasons 3-4 just made me cold. Man barely had any of his outfit left
-He's a runner, he's a trackstar. This young man can run further than any of the knights. He's ran away from dangers and problems his whole life. He's short, but his legs are relatively long and he doesn't find it hard to run since he's trained to be light on his feet.
-His flexibility is frightening. You will see him casually relaxing in an unnatural position for sure. He would often use his flexibility as a sort of intimidation thing in seasons 3-4, looking like some type of spider with his body movement. If he were to start approaching you, his ragdoll body would seem a lot more terrifying than you first may think
-He offers to help the Knights do some flexibility exercises since their lack of ability to even do a decent split pains him
-Since he stays with the knights post season 4, that's when he starts to help them exercise and spends more time with them casually as well as joins them for morning runs
-With a little help, he decided to make himself useful and with enough knowledge, became a sort of aid to the knights, helping them with any injuries after battles or training.
-The best weapon he can work with is a spear or daggers (anything light), though he still refuses to train with any weapon.
-This poor man now avoids any sort of magic like it's a plague, afraid to get involved with it as his body is too receptive to it.
-He still encourages Clay to carefully train his magic though.
-This man surprisingly has some knowledge of programming (inspired by the season 5 episode 1 script)
-Due to that, he sort of found something he could talk about with Robin and Ava. And even if he doesn't know much, he knows enough to keep the conversation going
-He got along with Ava and Robin pretty quickly and enjoys the fact they don't try and expect something from him
-Since he's usually in the fortrex while the Knights are on missions, he ended up spending enough time with these two children to become a sort of big brother, caretaker figure. Not a big one, but he still tries to help them
-He understands Ava and Robin a lot and doesn't enjoy the pressure that is always placed on the two of them since they're still young so if there's any way for him to deny any non priority requests the knights have for the two of them, he doesn't hesitate to do so unless it's something Ava and Robin want to work on
-After a nightmare, Jestro gets very bad, but thankfully temporary paranoia and there's no reasoning with him, best to try and comfort him and wait it out.
-He once tried to visit the lava village since he doesn't remember the negative view the lava monsters have on him
-He considered himself to not be too harsh on them since he sometimes encouraged breaks and would spoil them with tasty treats, just like he later did with the stone monsters, even when he was a lot more detached around that time.
-Turns out, the Lava monsters were n o t glad to see him, but thankfully had no intentions to hurt him
-They did tell him some hurtful words and tried to violently kick him out
-Jestro was in such shock from that, but nevertheless, did his best to quickly apologize and show how genuine it was since the lava monsters were the closest thing he ever had to a family. They were always there and were capable to be genuine and had amazing dreams. Their warmth gave him comfort and that's what he confessed in his apology
-Reluctant, the Lava monsters forgave him, but Jestro still felt a bit detested from what they had said about him earlier. Which left him in shock for quite a bit since nothing hurt him more than words, everyone knows that by now.
-Good thing though, he fixed his relationship with them quickly though! And now is an awaited guest at the village all the time. Often times participating in the activities of each lava monster. Especially Magmar's cookie baking and the bakery's work
-Another thing he avoids like a plague is any student or teacher he sees from the Academy he went to. He could not handle any confrontation with them and is most detested by those people.
-while after season 2, people saw Jestro more as an annoyance and as trouble to still be allowed to do as he please. After the events of season 4, Jestro actually managed to strike fear in many of these people since the kingdom was severely damaged after these two, you could say, monster wars.
-He has a mild liking for animals like reptiles or those most people dislike, like rats or Hyenas so when he was once at the zoo with the other knights, he admired the serpent exhibit and at the same time had to stop Clay from losing his mind since Clay has a fear of snakes.
-After he managed to ease his attachment to his Jester attire, he once exited the bathroom after a shower without his hat and with some random sweater and sweatpants and was almost beaten up because the knights thought he was an intruder.
-Clay was the only one that ever actually saw or touched Jestro's hair
-Jestro's first hat was actually made by his mother and since he didn't want to let go of it when he became a Jester, he altered it to be a Jester had, but kept the same material
-He has vague memories of his mother, the nicknames she gave him, the toys he used to have, but has absolutely zero information about his father.
Lmao I'll make part 3 right after this since I have a lot more ideas, but just don't want to stuff them into one post
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bartistic · 4 years
@redrobinperiodt requested Tim Drake Angst so here we go
- - - - -
CW: Panic Attack, blood, injury, head injury, Joker, self-loathing
Tim felt sick to his stomach as the night rolled and tossed around him. He was breathing very hard— possibly, no, probably on the verge of a panic attack. He clenched his fists, which seemed stuck to his sides. Okay, five things you can see—
He opened his eyes. He couldn’t see anything. Not just pitch black, but darker. True, deep, nothingness black. With his mask on, though, he couldn’t tell whether he was blinded, blindfolded, or simply in a very dark room.
He could vaguely feel his limbs, which could be a good or bad sign. He couldn’t remember whether it ought to be a good or bad sign. With a numb hand he attempted to reach up to his face to check for a blindfold, but doubled over in pain as his arms met ropes instead. The movement stretched a wound he didn’t know he had, slick wet fluid making his clothes tacky.
Or maybe the fluid was something else entirely? Now that he was more tuned in, he noticed the smell. It was hard to believe he hadn’t noticed it before— the invasive and sluggish stench of Gotham’s sewers. He shifted his feet, hearing a soft and wet shlop echo through the wide chambers. He could hear the dripping of the condensation now, and the bustle of the city outside. Was it daytime? Tim couldn’t recall. He couldn’t hear anything out of the usual for the sewers... Killer Croc was still in Arkham, last time he checked, and without him the sewers were a relatively quiet, if definitely toxic, affair.
So the question remained: why was he in the sewers? He couldn’t recall how he got there— wracking his brain, the last memory he could think of was leaving to patrol. He couldn’t remember the last time he actually saw any of his family outside of uniform... He had his own apartment now. Where he could be a slob in peace, and not have to worry about sharing the coffee pot.
Shifting his arms served a dual purpose— it helped him to attempt to shimmy out of his bonds, gasping in pain all the while, and to feel the rope itself. The knot was surprisingly easy to loosen... suspiciously easy, in fact. With his arms free, Tim reached for his face, careful to mind the wound on his side.
He was relieved to find a blindfold tied securely over his mask. It was giving him a bit of a headache, actually, so it was a relief to pull it down. He carefully brushed past a tender bump that was sticky with blood.
Tim blinked, his eyes adjusting to the light— dim light, for sure, but enough to confirm his surroundings. He looked down at his feet. They were padlocked together, with a literal ball and chain attached and sitting in the muck a few feet away. He leaned back against the wall, which was moist (as expected. Ew.), and slid down the grungy bricks into a squat. Taking the lock picks out of his mask, he began to work at picking the padlock. With a finger, he absentmindedly brushed his hair out of the way behind his ear.
His ear, which ought to have a comms unit in it. Why didn’t it?
Breaking free of the lock he lifted a foot to step forward, but was stopped by a cackle. A familiar cackle.
A laugh familiar to any Gothamite, and more than familiar to any Bat.
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that if I were you, little birdie. A ha ha. Hee hee. OOH HOO HOO HOO we— we wouldn’t want to spoil the main event before we even got ready now would we? No, ha, we want to wait for the rest of the little birdies to come along and play before we can BLOW YOU ALL SKY HIGH AH ha HEE HEE,”
Sure enough, as Tim looked beneath the grime under his feet, he could see a pressurized plate. A mine, that would go off if he even shifted his balance too much to the side. There was a countdown on it as well, set to 18 mins and 20 seconds. 19 seconds. 18 seconds.
Tim was suddenly very glad he had only shifted his feet a little bit earlier, and while picking the lock.
“That is... if they even come for you. I don’t see, ha, why they’d care about such a miserable little bird! Look,” the Joker attempted to pout as he came prancing into view, “his poor wings are all soggy. Naughty naughty oil slicks, gooping up the birdies wings so they can’t fly! HAHAHA!” He leaned in close to Tim, using his hands to lift the sides of his cape, drenched in raw sewage, and flapping them. Tim stiffened slightly, preparing to attack, but the Joker stepped back, holding a small remote in his hand. “Ooh, good one boy blunder! You switch places with me, and I’ll press this lil button here! It does just the HA the funniest thing, y’see... it’ll set off a nice little chain reaction that will make the whole sewer go BOOM! HA HA HEE HA!” Joker pranced around, kicking sewage everywhere, splattering onto the walls, onto Tim, even onto his own purple suit. “Now let’s see. How shall we pass the time while we wait for dear old Daddy Bats to realize you’re missing? I think we ought to have a few days or so... HA! I ought to have a few days. You, ha, don’t have that much time, babybird.” Tim wasn’t sure where the clown had heard that nickname, but it made him sick to his stomach. Or maybe that was just the almost certain concussion. “Now how about a game of Go Fish?” Joker pulled a deck of cards out of his suit pocket. He shuffled them haphazardly, most of them falling into the lazy brown river below. They were all Jokers.
Tim’s attention was brought back to the man himself as the clown roughly grasped his hand, forced it open, and placed in it a hand of cards. Then with the same about of force, he shut the hand. Tim let out a stuttered inhale at the pain in his side. “Now, do you know how to play Go Fish?” Tim glared, but didn’t say anything. “So what you’re HA gonna do is, you’re gonna say a card. Like this:” he did a nasally, whiny imitation of Tim’s voice, “Do you have any sevens, Mr. Joker sir? And then *I* get to say NO!” He cackled and shoved Tim’s head all the way into the ground, through the sewage. Hard. Tim sputtered and flailed and desperately tried to keep balance as a spindly yet strong hand held his head in place. It was like a more tortuous version of the swirlies he’d never had to endure, but had heard about on the internet. “Go fish! A HA HA HEE HOO HEH. You’re no fun.” Tim’s head lolled on his neck, feeling too heavy to hold up. “I’m going to go hunt down some more friends for us to play with, alrighty? Have fun while I’m gone! Or don’t. HEE HEE HA HOO HOO!” The Joker kicked tim’s head from where he was kneeling on the ground. Then he left.
Tim’s thoughts were swirling, much like the muck they were surrounded by. It had to be daytime by now, surely Bruce and the others would have noticed he was missing. But would they? Asked another part of his brain. You’re the forgotten Robin, the unimportant one, you’re not even a real part of the family. Dick created the role, Jason died for it, Damian was born for it, what were you? Were you even needed? You just shoved yourself into their lives and everything became all the worse because of it. When’s the last time you’ve spoken to them, any of them? They don’t want to even be near you. They all hate you. They’ve noticed you’re gone alright, but whatever would make them want to come find you?
Tim settled onto the plate. 10 minutes, 57 seconds. He closed his eyes and tried to not think.
He didn’t know how long it was until he heard voices again.
“Hey assholes, I found him! He’s over here! He’s... oh fuck Timmy, that’s a lot of blood. You’re okay. Batman apprehended the bastard. I’ll kill him for you later though, okay babybird?” Tim shuddered at the nickname, letting out what could be called a whimper. “We got you, we’re taking you home.” Home. What was home. The manor? He looked up, head swaying. Red Hood was crouched in front of him, hands out in a placating gesture. He was flickering at the edges. Great, a caffeine-withdrawal-induced hallucination.
“No... y’ can’t...” He mumbled under his breath, his voice scratchy and dry-feeling. “Y’r not real. Y’r not coffee.” Jason— the hallucination— looked concerned. Tim felt a pressure on his head. He yelped. “G’t away... Y’ll set off th’ bomb...” The hallucination-possible-not-a-hallucination-jason cussed. Tim let out a soft huff of laughter. Who knew his imagination was so colorful.
“B, there’s a bomb here. We need immediate extraction and medical for Red Robin, I’ll do what I can to defuse it.”
“Pr’ssure Plate...” Tim murmured before he was under once more. And then there was shouting, and slapping of his face, which made his neck hurt and his face sting.
“No, you are not falling asleep on me! Dammit B, get here now!” Tim had never been the best at following orders. And he was running on no caffeine. He was going to take a nap now, and nobody could stop him.
Strong arms holding him, carrying him through the sewers.
Shouting from someone who sounded a lot like Dick, but that was impossible, because Dick wasn’t there.
Strong arms holding him, loading him into a car, careful of his head.
A squeeze from a small hand. “You are not going to die by the hand of that clown, Drake, I will not allow it.”
Pressure on his stomach, overwhelming pressure and pain and he was jackknifing and fighting whoever was pressing on his wound and there was more screaming but this screaming was him.
Finally, a steady beeping. He opened his eyes, then immediately shut them again. Too bright. He wished he had his Robin shades. He snuffled his nose and heard a noise in return. Someone at his bedside, then. He grunted. There was a gasp.
“Too bright. H’rts.” He watched from behind his eyelids as the flourescent lights were turned off with a click. Then he hazarded opening his eyes again. Bruce was sitting, asleep in a chair by the side of the bed, clearly in a very uncomfortable position. Tim had no doubts he’d had worse. At the door were Dick, Duke, and Stephanie. They looked as if they wanted to talk to him but didn’t want to risk waking a sleeping batman. Damian was at the light switch. Tim was officially confused. Fuck the sleeping Batman, he wanted answers. “J’ker?”
Dick scowled. “Arkham. Although he definitely won’t be out again for a while after Hood’s through with him.”
Cass spoke up from the other side of the room, “Wheelchair.”
Tim nodded. “Bomb?”
“It was a dud.” Tim frowned. That made no sense. Also, they were definitely hiding something.
“How long w’s i out?”
“4 days. You flatlined two times. Between the wound in your side getting infected by fucking sewage water and your memory-hazy brain injury, it’s a miracle you survived.” Steph looked angry. Then she began to cry. “You asshole! You almost died!” She looked as if she wanted to either hug him or punch him, but neither were a feasible option for the moment, so she settled on sniffing angrily at her tears and then purposely walking out. “I’m going to go make coffee. For myself.”
whoo boy that’s all i got in me tonight. thanks for the request lol!
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mc-critical · 3 years
On Hatice’s character, I feel like she more or less was cheated of a better character arc which could’ve made her more likeable or easier to understand (almost everyone I’ve encountered who is into the series has extreme distaste for her character.) Though I don’t necessarily feel any particular form of intensity towards her character I do wish she could have been explored a bit more? I can see why she wasn’t likely due to time constraints/needing to stay consistent with plot lines but it would have been nice to see. I feel like everytime Hatice was on screen, mentioned, or involved in the plot line it was in conjunction to or in relation to Ibrahim. Even after Ibrahim was dead, Hatice’s whole storyline was just..Ibrahim. It was clear that she was emotionally unstable and dealt with attachment issues from the start of the series, likely resulting trauma from her father’s bloody reign. We’re told she was “her parent’s favorite/the spoiled one” according to her siblings, we’re hinted at some sort of past fued between her and Sah but no real context. We rarely got to see her interact with her children. It’s like we only were given tiny bits and pieces of Hatice as her own person and everything else about her just existed to string Ibrahim along. It’s quite sad..what do you think?
Eh, I absolutely adore Hatice as a character and I feel she got a very solid, well-written character arc. I'm pleased with what we got with her in the show and I think that her nuance tends to be massively overlooked.
The center of her character is not really Ibrahim, but rather the line between family and dynasty. And while that seems to be attributed with Ibrahim in the strongest way, it also channels in who Hatice is as a person and her interactions with other characters like her mother, Süleiman and Hürrem.
Hatice has always been the sultana of blood that is closest to the dynasty, but also the one that wants to detach the most from it. As you said, she had lingering trauma from her father's reign /which indeed is only hinted, to be honest, but that's the whole backstory of Selim Yavuz, what we got from his cruelty in the show was basically hints two flashbacks. We were told by Süleiman of his defining deed, we were told by Valide and Hatice that they saw his father in him, but the rest remained pretty much vague, which isn't a problem with Hatice's character. However, it may come off as a problem with SS's character, since more backstory would better explain his paranoia outside of actions of the "suspects" taken out of context, would render Mustafa's death a little more understandable and would highlight even more his character arc, for Selim Yavuz was his "Azraeel", according to him, but that is a post for another day./, but on a more personal note, she has witnessed the death her former husband, which puts her panic and fear over death in another light. Her backstory isn't that focused on, because it's not all that important for her character arc: because while Mahidevran has to get over her past and Şah Sultan tries to consistently set herself for the future, Hatice has to face the events of the present. She's an effective deconstruction of the Princess Classic trope she started up as: an innocent, fragile, kind hearted princess, no sign of trauma whatsoever who strives to create a family of her own, as a bonus. After she meets Ibrahim, she feels like she wants to be in that adventure with him, she not only falls in love with him, but he fills her with hopes and dreams for a better life. Look how when she marries him she wanted to get out of Topkapi as soon as possible and always repeated that she wanted for them to be a family, that she wanted to have piece. Even her love for Ibrahim is much more deep seated than some plain obsession that is only used as a plot device or to prop him up. She's grown with beliefs that have been a part of her life and sometimes she lets them out out of sheer ignorance, no matter how much independence she wants in her personal life. Her whole relationship with Ibrahim is a back and forth conflict between dynasty and family that is only a vector for her arc, not the entirety of it.
It's often ignored how pivotal is Hatice's relationship with Valide. The closeness she has with her, especially compared to her other sisters, shaped up all of Hatice's life long beliefs. Namely Valide is the root of Hatice's love and respect for the dynasty, being next to its female representative her entire life (see also Valide's flashbacks in E58) and witnessing the way she dealt with things, the way she ruled the harem, the way she made decisions. Even Hatice herself considered her as her role model and wanted to be like her. (she told her this in E61) It was as if Valide was a preserver of all the virtues Hatice deemed as worth having. She has a tremendous respect for her and her opinions and this is what brought her to hide her love for Ibrahim more than anything. The respect she has for the ottoman laws and the ottoman dynasty and the ways she got used to them made her to do anything but admitting SS and Valide her true feelings.
Valide is an indirect reason of Hatice's supposedly "inpartial" point of view in the harem that let her judge things more fairly. It's not that Hatice was completely unbiased in her relationships with Mahidevran and Hürrem early on, because oh no, she wasn't, Hatice always was on the dynasty's side in this war, but for her dynasty always advocated fairness and preserving piece and order. She wasn't afraid to call out whoever she thought was wrong at any time and even when her bias had completely (and honestly, rightly in many aspects) impacted her in terms of Hürrem, she wasn't afraid to admit that she was right about Firuze after all. Hatice also has a very reactive personality: she doesn't let anyone provoke her and quickly responds when she's provoked. She's not provoked only about Ibrahim, she's also provoked when it comes to both family and dynasty, overall, seeing Hürrem and Mahidevran quarrel in E11, Fatma and the concubines challenging Hürrem in E47, Mahidevran attempting to kill Hürrem's children in E55, Mihrimah defending Hürrem in E84 etc. Whenever something she cares about is opposed or attacked by someone, she would always spring into action, which is a very consistent trend of her character as a whole.
{There are many reasons why I personally find Hatice sympathetic: she's one of the most ethical characters of the show, acting as a peacekeeper wanting to keep everyone out of their struggle, she's always ready to help, she cherishes love (her wanting to marry Sadıka to Matrakcı), there are so many people she cares about outside of just Ibrahim - Mahidevran, Mustafa, Valide, her sisters and their problems impact her as well, despite of how "self-centered" she may seem at first glance. She, just like MCK Gevherhan, is so humane to everyone she interacts with, trying her very best to empathize with them. (to the point Mahidevran told her in E05 that if she keeps up worrying only about them, she will wither in this palace) Her trauma and circumstance also bring in a lot of empathy for me, because significantly little of it is her own doing, compared to other characters. We see a character that deteoriates both internally and externally often as a consequence of her simply fearing she would lose everyone she loves and that her life would be once again, filled with illnesses and death.}
[Truth be told, I don't get the Hatice hate, like AT. ALL. I don't know about you, but people I've encountered on the Internet couldn't give me a valid reason as to why they hate Hatice so much. They either reduce her to a "whiny", "crying", "spoiled" or "evil" bitch, either say they hate her because she breaks down a lot or because stood up against Hürrem for no reason, which is totally untrue, in my opinion. I genuinely haven't seen one (1) good argument as to why she deserves such ire. They mostly look at a more dimensional version of S03 Hatice and forget everything that set up S03 Hatice, or they hate Hatice exclusively because of S03, which.... eh? I would dare say that there are more reasons to hate Mahidevran than there ever were to hate Hatice (even though the hate directed at Mahidevran is, once again, for all the wrong reasons) and if someone gave me an actually good reason to hate Mahidevran, I would understand, but Hatice? Even her more questionable actions were ultimately provoked by something or someone.]
Her first traumatic experiences in the present is also connected to the kids she's lost. Yeah, giving her more time with her living children and seeing her more as a mother is the one thing I would definetly change in her writing. We didn't get enough of that and it would be a breath of fresh air. But then again, losing so many could've demotivated her and the last time she was pregnant we also had this prevailing, but understandable fear. It also just doesn't play such a big part in her deconstrustion-to-become-flanderization-in-character-development arc.
We gain a gradual, broader perspective into her a bit later in the narrative, and perhaps that eventually broken first impression would cause disappointment - Hatice could be prideful and while she wants to detach from the dynasty for her family, she values her own position and the rights that are offered with it. She could be easily offended by remarks made to startle her. She could be demanding sometimes. But that existed along with her good traits. Hatice was the most reasonable and morally unproblematic character of the main cast overall and by S01/2, that truly showed.
If we refer only to S03 Hatice, it would make a tiny bit more sense for people to not find her that sympathetic. Because while she underwent a good flanderization arc, it's still flanderization and some traits of hers seem to be more present than others in that season, especially knowing the trajectory of said arc. It may look like there isn't a sympathetic reason to do what she does, as if she's like this all of the sudden. But here's the rub: season 3 wasn't supposed to give this much context to Hatice's actions, it's the pay-off of a build-up, the peak of her arc that leads to a resolution. Season 3 wasn't supposed to repeat stuff that has already been established, all Hatice is doing there, has been set up for an entire season, if not more. We already know what's driving her, we already have the sympathetic reasons. That's why all the attention is given to her actions that bring her to tragedy, not to introspective scenes.
Back to Ibrahim's relation to Hatice's character: A common affirmation I hear is that Hatice's rift with Hürrem was caused thanks to Ibrahim and Ibrahim alone. There's so much more to it than that! While we had the scene that started the build-up and the one that ended it be about a possible/already a fact infidelity of Ibrahim's as a parallel, these are only a part of it, not it in its entirety. Keep in mind that the one thing that fully set the upcoming enmity in motion during S03 is Hürrem taking Valide's chambers. And at first Hatice wasn't about to blame Hürrem for it all when she went to tell it to his majesty (her saying to Gülfem that it doesn't matter who told her about the affair) with her claiming that Hü ruined her life only after their confrontation for Valide's chambers. And here we return to the center of Hatice's character: thing is, whether we liked it or not, Hürrem always was a threat to the dynasty in Hatice's eyes. Şah asked her the infamous question: "The dynasty or Ibrahim?" when she was asked why is Hürrem a threat in E81, but I think both are in conjunction, yet independent of each other here. Hatice values tradition just like her mother and Hürrem breaking them all would cause some kind of disturbance. She got distraught right after she was freed and married, claiming that it had to be stopped before it happened, look also how she told Afife Hatun that Hürrem had to be gotten rid of because she caused unrest in the harem! Not only Ibrahim's death, but Valide's death impacted her so much, she thought someone had to supposedly protect the dynasty for what is to come before everything goes haywire and that's what she attempted to do the entire time. In S03A personal motives clearly ran together with the apparent protection of the dynasty (I sometimes like to parallel Hatice's dynasty with Kösem's state in my head, despite that Kösem's urge to protect the state comes more with her role as a ruler and regent and measures out of necessity, while Hatice's comes from willingness to preserve balance and harmony in a more personal level.) and she considered Hürrem as a threat to everything Hatice believes in. She seems to also take on her mother's footsteps in that regard, in a way, using common for Valide methods like sending a concubine to SS etc. She considers Hürrem a threat for her own stability and well-being and that isn't limited to just Ibrahim.
Her relationship with SS is the one that is probably the most connected to Ibrahim, judging by their first more "nuanced" scene for me (him deciding to marry Ibro and Hati) and fallout (the confrontation for Ibrahim's death), but that could be also connected to what Hatice has previously experienced and genuine respect for him as a brother before all the rocky stuff happened. And interestingly, her deep resentment and then despise of him is targeted at him bringing Hürrem to their lives, not simply just killing Ibrahim, though that was also an intensely strong motivator of hers.
Hatice's bond with Mustafa is also strong even before she fell in love with Ibrahim. She also considered him "the future of the dynasty", played with him in the gardens, comforted him in tough times when she could. They didn't have as many scenes together, but the relationship added a good amount of flavor to her character.
A reason why I think Hatice's relationship with Mahidevran is so precious and criminally underrated, is that this is the relationship least centered on Ibrahim, second only to Hatice's with Valide. Their scenes early on is mostly them being there for each other and being happy with each other's moments of good time. They're very bound to each other and are very good friends that still have a dynamic relationship. The temporary S02B fallout between them has everything to do with Hatice's disappointment and disbelief of Mahidevran's own failings. She also threatened something Hatice cared about and did something she didn't expect of her. And that isn't barely noticeable, Hürrem even remarked that Mahidevran is becoming alone in E58. (oh my, I hate this scene with passion, but anyway.) After that their dynamic then remained basically intact for S03, expect that they could act more like allies than friends. But that's a given, due to the more intense events in the palace and the tonal shift of the show.
I find her dynamic with Şah fascinating due to their contrasting personalities and strained, yet loving relationship. The feud between them had enough context given to us through Beyhan's words to Şah in E83: that Hatice not only was Valide's favorite, but she apparently had the life Şah wanted to have, which explains Şah's ambition and supposed distance and secrecy well enough. More backstory would mean destroying the interesting duality in the relationship and wouldn't make Şah's motivation half as interesting and uniquely presented as it was, to be honest. Which is why I find her dynamic with Hatice way more interesting than her dynamic with Hürrem (which is good, too, but pretty generic), but that's also a post for another day. But Hatice is actually the more open person in this dynamic and the one more revealing her feelings. Şah wanted her to move on from her losses, but Hatice objects so strongly because it all has gotten to a completely personal level, with Şah trying to redecorate her castle, it would look like she's trying to change her from the outset, her as a person, which is something Hatice would never agree with. But then again, it's clearly shown that deep down Şah cares about what Hatice wants and is trying to do the best for her in her own way. And the emphasis is again put on family: they still get along and reconcile, setting their differences aside.
Many of Hatice's introspective scenes were with Gülfem and while they talked about Ibrahim many times, we could still see the amount of powerful support between them. Hatice shared everything with Gülfem, it was as if they knew everything about each other. They were each other's comfort.
She showed moral support to Beyhan, as well. That is another familial relationship that shows both casual and profound interactions. It's not there as much, but that's more because of Beyhan's limited screentime, not because of something to do with Hatice.
Even her arc with Ibrahim isn't all about him, but is also tied to the core of her character. The line between dynasty and family drives their whole fallout and if it wasn't there, the conflict between them wouldn't ever take place. Hatice ultimately forgiving Ibrahim is more about her getting out of her own dynastic outlook, which is a relevant character development of hers that happens along with her flanderization. And that plot-line is as important as the flanderization, even more so, and it pushes it forward. It was a resolution of the conflict with family and dynasty in Hatice, not exactly forgiving Ibrahim just for Ibrahim. (that is also a factor, no doubt, because she loves him and he is a part of her character, but not all her character.)
Overall, for me Hatice is a multi-faceted, amazing character that is actually very fleshed out in the span of three seasons. I don't find much issue with her writing: everything that happened with her is logical and well-explained if you look closely enough and I don't want more for her arc. It was original and outstanding for what it was, both as a character concept and a dynastic sultana of the franchise.
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ficmylife4 · 4 years
First Reading BNHA 1-11
I confess, I wasn’t a fan of Boku No Hero Academia. An author I liked mentioned it a few times on tumblr and recommended fics and eventually I read a few, then got swept up in Hawks undercover/being swayed by the LoV, which inevitably focused on the corruption and problems with hero society, so the heroes’ and Izuku’s story wasn’t so important to me. I watched some clips of the anime and looked up a little background, but mostly knew anything about BNHA through fic, and I started reading the manga chapters from the War Arc. Opinions and debates about characters have claimed wildly different points and I decided I had to read the manga from the beginning to fairly form my own opinions. 
I’ve only read chapters 1-11 right now. I’ve already been surprised by things I expected from canon not being there. For some highlights:
Yaoyorozu Momo is a confident and cool competitor with her mind set on her goal. She’s unafraid to speak her mind. I had the impression from outside sources she was much less confident and was even self-conscious about her wealthy background and her own strength, with a tendency to downplay her accomplishments. I do remember an anime clip of her showing her dorm room, slightly embarrassed she was unaware her huge bed was unusual and wouldn’t fit. So is it an anime/manga difference or does her character get some blow to her confidence soon?
The sludge/mudman villain’s incident. The heroes were as blind to their own incompetence as expected as they tossed at Bakugou to ‘hold on’ while they dealt with the side effects and stupidly thought a more suitable quirk would probably show up to deal with the actual villain and his ACTIVELY SUFFOCATING hostage. But I wasn’t expecting the crowd watching the villain attack to be shown to have so many smiles and relaxed enough to comfortably complain about the disaster so close to them, like it was vaguely interesting entertainment that wasn’t being directed as well as it could have been, and not a murder in progress. That desensitization to violence and victims was sickening, and it’s clear the idea only heroes should be involved completely saturated everyone’s minds. No one watching was upset or afraid or desperate for someone to help even if it couldn’t be them; it was a shock Izuku helped because it wasn’t even a barest hope or possibility in anyone else’s minds.
All Might’s telling Izuku he couldn’t be a hero. I was surprisingly okay with this. As a role model, All Might should have considered the impact of his words more, but the whole thing read to me a lot less like All Might was giving his opinion on Izuku, and more like All Might was at a low point and talking to himself. All Might was already angry at himself for his own weakness and blaming himself for being a ‘failure’ by not being as perfect as he thinks the Symbol of Peace should be. He heard Izuku talking about how strong and fearless and smiling he was, and I feel like the hypocrisy hit All Might hard at that moment. Skeletal and coughing blood, All Might slumped to the ground and showed Izuku the vicious scar and talked about how damaged he is. He stopped being a role model and pillar for a moment and told the truth he hides: that he was always feeling fear and pressure and the smile is a lie to stave it off. AM says a hero has to always be willing to risk his life, and immediately after that he doesn’t think someone can be a hero without power. I honestly think in this mood AM would have told that to any kid looking at him with optimism at that moment, no matter their quirk. AM himself wasn’t powerful enough, no matter what quirk he was asked about then I think AM would have said it wasn’t enough. He was only looking at the lethal end every hero could face, even the Symbol of Peace. If Izuku was willing to risk his life or how effective he could be with tools or strategy or a quirk wasn’t a consideration. 
Recovery Girl tells All Might to “stop indulging [Izuku]” after he injures himself in the battle trial. I’ve read enough fics where Recovery Girl scolds Izuku unnecessarily and tells him she won’t heal him anymore that I don’t think this is a translation issue. It’s sounds like she views Izuku crippling himself as a spoiled teenager carelessly doing whatever he wants. Like pain is so fun? Izuku does need a lesson on priorities and cost/benefit. Aizawa tried, that it isn’t about what Izuku is willing to do to show off on one grand gesture, if he’s a hero he has a duty to keep himself functional and not become a liability. He won’t be able to save anyone if he lets himself get killed. But Izuku needs a followup that his health and body should be a concern, it’s a resource and tool for his hero work if his own pain doesn’t deter him. A no-stakes (besides self-respect?) battle trial in a class on the second day of school, the benefit of winning wasn’t worth the cost of the injuries. He either should have used his brain to plan around needing to use his quirk, like he started to, or tried his best and accepted the loss because they are in school to LEARN and there wouldn’t be any penalty for it. Every trial has one pair fail, it’s all for practice and learning. I’m concerned that telling Izuku his health is important doesn’t seem to be what Recovery Girl or AM are thinking here, just some scolding about this bad habit. Which apparently doesn’t take because I know Izuku damages himself permanently at the Sports Festival, when no lives are on the line. 
Why was I constantly hearing how unique and interesting Izuku is for crying and being emotional; even ignoring all the shounen manga I’ve read that have teen boys crying, Bakugou has tears in his eyes already!
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