#i tried to think of favorite scenes for the whumper question and ofc couldnt think of any lol
6, 12, and 18 for the whump ask thing you recently reblogged 👍
6. Do you listen to anything while writing/drawing whump? If it’s music, what genre do you typically listen to? The few times I attempt writing I tend to not listen to anything cause it's distracting, but sometimes I can do with instrumental music, like film scores or game osts. When drawing or making gifs I just listen to whatever I'm into at the moment which varies greatly (80s dance, goth rock, grunge, synthwave, game osts, whatever i'm in the mood for) and sometimes I listen to Podcasts (but what I listen to usually doesn't have anything to do with what I'm creating)
12. Favourite type of whumper? Can I say none at all? lol no I do love environmental/whumperless whump a lot, but I also like me a classic bad guy. i like them to have a reason for doing the hurting (whether its a personal grudge, a need for information or even a hired rando). when it comes to personality i'm cool with a lot, ruthless, quiet and cold, by the book, reluctant, talkative, humorous/sarcastic, all good for me
18. Do you prefer visual whump or written whump? Any reason why? Mostly visual (as in moving picture). the combination of seeing and hearing what happens just does more for me i think. most of my favorite whump is from TV, movies or video games. But there's definitely a lot of art and books and fic i like a lot too
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