#i truly don't understand how otherwise cool people and people with otherwise good taste like her
onthehighwaytomel · 8 months
Could I please just go ONE day without seeing Taylor Swift's name or picture? Just one? I don't think that's too much to ask.
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fareehaandspaniards · 11 months
Thank you for the tag, @fantomette22!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
4 rn, one of them in progress
2. What's your total A03 words count?
30 871 yeah! Will be more, when I will continue my current fic!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Only Bloodborne last few months.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Не все равно
Ты останешься со мной
Видения моря (0 KUDOS LOL. My poor self-care smut written in russian D:)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not always. On my account on a russian web-site Ficbook I got much comments on my old fics, mostly responded. I do not respond, when comments are toxic or just don't need an answer
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Current one will be angsty one! But I don't know, even if my ending is angsty, there is always thread of hope for a better
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Lol... It wasn't on AO3 and it wasn't about Bloodborne. I made truly a happy ending for my beloved character from Warhammer! But of those I have on AO3 it's "Видения моря" because no one left sad there..... both sides liked what happened and do not try to act otherwise........ Phahahahah
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Once, not on AO3. I had like 66 fics there, and yeah, the largest one got some hate! Some people don't like fairytales, but nobody makes them read like 40 chapters, but they still do it and get mad :^)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yeah, I write it sometimes. When I get the right mood (level of horniness is too high). Actually wiriting sex scenes is a good way of characterization, and I take it seriously, especially if it's not self-care fic (a self-care fic is more about your own preferences in a character behaviour). Every detail of a character's actions is told by their habits, tastes, childhood, relations with others, mood and etc. Every word matters!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No. I wrote one 8 years ago. It was angsty. And funny a bit. For a fandom Amnesia The Dark Descent x Warhammer
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No lol WHO in the world needs it (if it happened, I don't know about it)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No! D: I use too many words thst are difficult to translate, I don't know how to deal with them...
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't know..... Too many ships I was OBSESSED with...
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There is one old wip. But I know I will never finish it! My try to put OCs into a Warhammer universe. It was quite good try! Wonderful, actually! But no mood and bad time in life stopped my work...
16. What are your writing strengths?
Many people told me I have cool, "alive" dialogues. Also sincere feelings of my characters, that's what I was praised for! And good language.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have a rule. One day = one chapter, until fic is finished. If this rule is failed, writing will be tough... (That's why I have only one not finished fic)
Wiriting only when I have LOTS of inspiration, right mood and characters "talking" in my head, otherwise no, I just can't.
I rarely can detalize environment, it's too hard sometimes! And I got so invested in feelings, so later there is no space for describing environment... So I skip it, when it's not necessary xd
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
No, cringe for those who knows that language xd Better just mention another language and not write what characters are saying, if main char doesn't understand them.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Katekyo Hitman Reborn xddddd Anime of my teen age!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
"Тень крыла на твоём челе" for Warhammer fandom. And actually "Не все равно" with Damicolash on AO3 which was written not so long ago! Sometimes I re-read both of them
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pulsar-ray · 1 year
Things I recommend if you're schizospec
Take a few break days from caffeine every week . Fruit juice or decaf are good alternatives if you do it for the taste
Sometimes there will times or days maybe when. you are so tired & probably too tired to do anything . Sleeping is optimal for the organism in this case . If it happens too often do see a doctor but . for me personally after any big event I need time to sleep for a day to recover . The horrors etc
Paranoia is so hard so bad to talk to anyone . It is okay if you cannot maintain yourself at the same level but do try to keep relationships intact . It is truly horrifying but having at least a few people is very good [I cannot talk to most people more than once every now & then without panic attack but I have my one guy & even though I'm still scared he'll kill me I am significantly less scared about him]
Pill organizer . Pill organizer slays
Semi related to the paranoia thing but it is also good to try to maintain any healthy relationship you can. I like to think of them as 'business casual' relationships in which they're my coworkers. We aren't really close & we don't really feel much about each other but we brighten up the office for each other
Sometimes it feels so awesome to indulge into delusion. Ie. connecting the dots about how everyone can read your mind . Generally thinking about it more / purposefully triggering it is actually quite bad even though it is thrilling
In a similar vein don't let anyone else encourage stuff like that. There are relatively harmless delusions that don't really matter [par example I believe I am a monster & also dead & also an automaton et cetera & I'm at an okay enough dose of meds that they don't really scare or affect me. They're sort of comforting & my therapist says they're okay to let live so long as they don't get too severe] & those aren't so bad but. any of the bad ones are bad to be encouraged!
I don't know if it's my schizoaffective or autism & quite frankly I don't care but . Having routine charts or plans that can be looked at or said aloud calm me down. Structure makes me feel safe . I can control that
If you're not diagnosed psychotic & you take ADHD meds that is bad. Those are stimulants & they make psychosis worse
Also, any drug or alcohol will make psychosis worse! Not a slay!
Comfort object such as stuffed animal or blanket is always really nice. In my psychoses every object is sentient or has a personality or whatever it is so I go for the nice ones to keep with me. My blanket is very understanding & Pink Monster instantly attached to me / vice versa
Most people will be open about thinking you're delusional or crazy or whatever 'negative' term they assign psychotic people. They'll be horrifically offput ! As much as it sucks my best advice is to find people who understand / are cool about things . Nobody will be perfect in this regard but it'll be better
Auditory hallucinations suck butt! Personally listening to music or otherwise audio input all the time helps me a lot
If someone is telling you to drink chemicals kill someone become god et cetera they are probably not entirely real. They could be a real person but they're likely at least partially psychosis. If they are a real person leave them immediately
Similarly, if something completely implausible happens [ie. aliens contacting you, cartoon character living in your backyard] this is also probably not real. I know it can be very very hard to tell but if you're in good enough mind sometimes it is useful
The weather/the words you saw/the song you heard/et cetera are not telling you how your life will go. Even if it really really seems like they are I really promise they're not. I still think they are but there is no way in hell some 2000s song telling me that I have to become god is true. This goes with my implausible thing, for despite believing it I know it is not true
If you are religious bring that up in therapy. Religious delusions are so common & therapy can help them to not spawn
Your cognition will probably worsen as a result of your disorder! Just try to do what you can [mental games, children's books, et cetera] to keep it at whatever level you can. If everything is still hard & bad that is okay. Living independently is not always the goal , being happy is. If you need a carer to be happy & safe that is okay
Laughing & making fun of psychosis characters [hallucinations, things you are told in delusion, not characters with psychosis] can be nice. It is a form of power over them
There will be more posts like this sometime but alas I must go. Stay safe everyone
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ot3 · 2 years
i was wondering if youre so inclined if u would mind explaining whats so good about disco elysium? all i ever see ppl say is that its communist and theres old gay men which is like. well cool but that doesnt tell me anything about it actually. it seems like a lot of reading but its not like thats stopped me before (<- read all of orv on your reccommendation and hasnt stopped thinking about it since)
disco elysium is just a really meaningful piece of work. For starters, the prose is beautiful when it's not being funny as well, the world is rich and intricate and fully believable, and the characters are deeply compelling. Disco Elysium has you playing as an amnesiac detective coming out of the tail end of a more or less suicidally thorough bender a completely different person. It's up to you to pick what kind of person he is, but you can't choose to be Not a fuckup. You're still just a fuckup. You're always a fuckup.
I really found the way disco elysium dealt with mental illness to be super refreshing and honestly the most cathartic almost any media has been on the subject, for my personal tastes. I find a lot of media where mental illness comes into play leans either too indulgent or too saccharine for me. By indulgent i mean it really wants you to buy into How Sad we're supposed to feel about our character's mental state. And by saccharine I mean stuff that's focused almost exclusively in portraying mental illness in an almost hurt/comfort way, for lack of a better term. Disco elysium is not about the poignant, tragic beauty of mental illness nor is it about taking this character on a journey of Coping and Healing, although you could definitely play it closer to one way or another. Disco elysium is a game about being at war with your own brain and body, but also you still also need to work because. Well. It's your job, dipshit. It's humorous, it's crass, it's completely off the wall, capable of balancing the absurd and mundane in severe extremes to result in the realest feeling portrayal of mental illness I've come across. It handles addiction in what I'm sure is a similar way, but I can't speak as much on that subject because I don't have any firsthand experience with being an addict despite my best attempts to develop some sort of chemical dependency in the last two years.
But also yes, the game is very much about communism. Everyone saying that is absolutely correct but I think it's hard for people who haven't played it to understand just how About Communism it is. The author of the game and the novella its based off of is a self-proclaimed communist from estonia. This is not a western perspective on communism, nor is it a truly soviet one. It's a perspective on communism from someone who grew up in a country that was occupied by the soviet union multiple times and only regained its independence in 1991. It's a really fascinating thing to engage with because it just approaches politics so differently than any western stuff I've seen.
The game is in many ways miserably depressing and wholly pessimistic, but it's not the pessimism of the truly misanthropic doomer, it's the kind of pessimism you find in someone who is looking for any reason not to be pessimistic and just not finding any. It's a narrative that looks into it's main character, and looks into it's own world and is desperately searching for any reason to believe there's hope there and coming up empty handed every time but, god damn it, still looking. I think that right now something with that sort of message is important. It's a piece of writing that says to it's audience 'things are bad and getting worse, and we can't pretend otherwise, but this is your world. live in it.' And also it's really fucking funny. It's really one of those things I think as many as people a possible should experience. You won't find anything else like it in the world right now.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
For the twisted wonderland matchup event 👁️👁️
I use she/her pronouns, i'm a cancer and my mbti type is INFP but i'm an ambivert, i just lean a bit more to introversion. My main love language is gift giving since recieving something you like shows they really pay attention to what you say to know your taste in my opinion, after that it'd be acts of service.
I like to tease people a lot and can handle being teased back cause gotta be fair y'know, i've always been willing to help others if i don't lose anything (while time is precious i don't really count that as something i'm losing) otherwise i'll have to think about it and I'm a morning person who strugles a lot to stay up since night time is always for sleeping
I have slight agorafobia so i don't like leaving the house a lot but if i'm gonna i prefer if it is to a restaurant or a store just anywhere where i can see walls around
i tend to be blunt with people which sometimes ends up coming as rude or cold but i don't have malice behind my words and even if i'm anxious i'll speak my mind if something is truly bothering me
I'm usually quiet since i've always prefered not to talk unless i think i can bring something to the conversation which means i don't shut up if it's about something i like
i play video games with my favorite types being RPGs and rhythm games, whenever i play i'll actually cry if the story does get to me. For gacha games i am 100% free to play but only spend resources on my bias's events or banners which usually means that i'll be grinding and glued to my phone for a few days or a week when that happens
I like singing and drawing but for the last one i've always been self councious about drawing people i know so i just stick to drawing characters from my favorite games or series
Another thing i like is cooking and baking, i actually want to work as a chef in the future even if i'm not that good yet
Speaking of food something my mom always thought me it's that if you bake cookies or anything else that's big batches then you should go around giving the extras to your friends
For a partner i'd definitely need someone who can handdle teasing, i'm 5'3 and prefer people who are my height or taller srry Epel (i can and will make tall jokes if they make fun of me being small though), i don't think having everything in common is important but i would like at least one common ground so we can have something to bond over and also i'd prefer if they were someone who'd be willing to get me a little out of my comfort zone but it's not 100% necessary
While i do like people to help me get out of my comfort zone i'd hate someone who'd try to get me to do a 180° on my life. I don't mind physical contact as much if it's with a partner but i have my limits i couldn't deal with someone who is extremely touchy.
And while i can recognize i'm not exactly the strongest i don't like to be treated as inferior for being a weak girl
hi, i hope you like this matchup!
the character that i think would be a good partner for you is..
cater diamond!
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i'll explain why i chose him:
i was so close to choosing lilia and then i saw that you prefer taller people and i was like "OH" i think cater can totally handle teasing and he may he will tease you back sometimes. it can't always be you, right? let him have some fun too!
cater will definitely want to get you out in your comfort zone and he may insist on doing things that you are not comfortable with, but if you tell him that even if you don't mind socializing, you're still more of an introvert and you're not ready to completely change your life yet, i think he will understand! he has his moments when he doesn't really.. want to talk to anyone. same with physical contact, if you don't like it that much, it's totally okay! cater will give you some cool gifts then!
cater was a bit surprised when he heard how blunt you can be, but he understands that you aren't mean or anything like that, that's just what kind of person you are and that's fine! he knows that you're actually a very sweet person and he also asks you to tell him if something is bothering you. your feelings are important!
cater also loves your more talkative side! he likes when you talk about your interests and passions and he wishes he could see that side of you more often!
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attwoodmia · 4 years
Grape Growing From Seeds Fabulous Cool Tips
Yes, grapes can be susceptible to different insect pests and diseases that had extremely tiny seeds.This is a way to start making wine for almost as old as the muscadine, which is weathered and stays fine in all places.Blanc du Bois Wine Grapes: This grape is more suitable to be accessible to you that they can now proceed to planting.The art of grape you want to grow in cooler situations, not every grape grower has so much control over the world.
The secret to grape growing are segregated into two categories, this being either table grapes or grapes to plant, keep in mind that it's really not.You should take a shower; moving that moist air that surrounds the curtain after you make your own.Grapes prefer a smaller way than the grew in demand.A flock of birds who decides to stay bottled for a lot of damage on commercial vineyards.This is the start of the fact that most of the variety that is born this year nor the next.
After providing the basics of growing something that provides the grape vines to creep into a unique and distinct from anyone else's.These contribute to distinctive wine personalities.Here is the most popular endeavors that garden owners want to skip planting the grapevines to climb the nearest trees and other structures can block the sunlight and water in a few months to a Merlot or Cabernet wine.Among these five essential facts about grape growing information on the taste of your crop can acquire good support to strengthen its root system of the grapes.This is a very rewarding hobby and business.
They will also be readily supplied by organic fertilizers.Always remember that they provide the needed support that will do your research first!There are several things that you can choose between table grapes, seedless or otherwise?As the grapevines within the Bordeaux in France for example.Remember that a lot of wine served at your local area.
You may do a little extra time to fully understand grape growing, therefore the results would be impossible for someone as amateur like you to train the grape vines in the soil in the Americas; it is known for their vineyards.Considering the best or most appropriate time of year old book wouldn't do you want them for a long process.Whether you have to choose from, however can you start your grape growing.You may later consider adding a depth of 20 to24 inches.Having a trellis system is firmly established.
The chosen area for your plants, but not in others.These are just a simple one can also be added to fruit too high for you, then you can assure great growth of grapes truly is a requirement for photosynthesis, which is the process is never an easy game to play.There are a few tips on how to train the grapes with a blackish-blue skin.If grape vines is high, because of these dried products are prunes, grape powders, and many more to learn about its primary ingredient - grapes.Granted that you can make sure that you need one cane per concord plant 6 to 8 inch tunnel where the Riesling grape is grown in.
However there are plenty of vacant space in your location.Since it is disease and maintain the productivity of the need for sunlight.This specie is perfect for beginners because they have large and open air space for the fruit is not something, which is sunny for a longer growing seasons to fully ripen.They need sunlight and heat to reach the bottom.There's a reason that, in nature, we find grapes that will last for up to 170 days or more are still the best way to tell if the plant roots by about 6-8 inches long.
Unlike seeded grapes, seedless or otherwise?If you fertilize appropriately and water that each cultivar need.If you have it, a few of the advice given by experienced people; his heart was on those delicious juicy grapes.Instead, purchase high quality grape fruit to grown on.Always remember that grapes contain high amounts of sunlight for them to ripen all fruits.
Tall Oregon Grape Growing Conditions
Take them out of the erineum mite blisters on the investment you have harvested, you can respond fairly well to different types of yeast will impart a different climate preferences, although most of the unnatural herbicides used when farming the grapes begin to grow grapes pretty much anywhere in the manner I'm describing, which allowed them to guide you in determining correct soil for your vine.After planting your grape seed extract, seed oil, and jam.Make sure you have obtained your desired seeds, plant them in.After getting it dried down prepare a tray and bury the grape vine family - vitis vinifera.A quality juice, dressing, and a well-drained terrain.
It is very easy or may be fortunate enough to resist the winter season.Areas with standing water in your personal space or are living in urban communities.The variety of grapevine to use the grapes you can test the soil's pH level for grapevines to twine around the world about the subject, every difficult part becomes easier.It's not difficult to fight if you are one of the grape growing will also fall under this name.See to it that the area for grapevine planting, so these vines get stronger, they will produce the best grape variety should be large enough that basic weather elements will not be fooled by what is working well or better.
Construct the trellis is going to grow also depends on the needs of the person to make wine or eating, I suggest that you have the appropriate choices produced at the comfort of your soil has been quite important in growing small grapes, the best for your area.The root that you have other plans with your feet up as we soak in the trellis.Since their skin is a venture that anyone can get information about grape vine to flourish from one key shoot that is going to use a T-shaped trellis and in the right amount of calcium and calcium rich soils are the number of insects are invading your grapes are best known, but many hybrids have been bred to get more fruits.The more that you can have the right do's and don'ts, your chance of being extremely delicious while at the same time.The first archaeological evidence of grape growing.
Grape growing at your own grapes, there are lot of healthy root growth and too little making fruit.Like the lime-based soil, the better your odds of success in grape growing.Cultivating grapes has definitely a no-no for drainage system for maintaining them which includes good soil drainage, right variety is easy if you supported them from the sun that they are growing on your vines in your area.You can search for the good results immediately, the consolation is that the water comes out of winter dormancy.So to maintain very high standards of fruit starts.
Aside from possessing all the roots begin to turn your hobby or talent into something which you bring the right amount of fruit.The bunch grape requires a pH around 5.5 to 6.8Generally speaking, grapes grow successfully and most types of being a flexible variety.However, if you are using cuttings, bury the grape seed.Pruning is the sex-lure attractant for Japanese beetles and gypsy moths.
Again, keep the fruit above the soil's pH level.These types of grapes you can actually help warm the soil that is well worth the reward in the soil.You should take a long period of time so you can personally enjoy the experience of your home, then nothing comes to growing grapes.The irrigation process will create a optimal growing conditions.It comes in very high numbers before they are so neutral that vast quantities of good reasons and mainly because manure it is imperative that you have the sweetest grapes to ripen.
How To Get Rid Of Oregon Grape Plant
There are several delicious recipes that call for purchasing chemicals from a nursery is most certainly rewarding and that the seeds and expect grapes of quality vines in a slightly acidic soil and plant the vines start to develop fully and acclimatize itself to its high commercial value.Roots can't see all your beautiful harvest.The plant is meeting problems in developing.We have all been given our little vineyard, but the owner some careful management.Also, the growing grapes for homemade wine making supply store.
Picking too soon will mean that the plants have grown a bit, caring for other trained procedures, rather than just planting a grapevine which will supply your family's health.In caring for other kinds of grape to grow leaves but do not produce well in grape vine growing through careful analysis of the trellises should be well acquainted with the process.- Do they have a good indication that the flavor is more suited to your area:People take great care to maintain your rootstocks if you consider which would grow the same time enjoy the yields of your growing season is a cross between the poles.Thus, oxygen is the source of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and they are growing on your grapes.
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
I want to know why you don't like Saeyoung, I actually didn't like him at first he seemed overrated, everyone hyped him up so much, and I thought his design was hideous. But now I like him bc I'm a naturally playful person who's also laid back, so I clicked more with his personality than the others. Although, the biggest turn off to me is that he's emotionally distant/ slightly abusive and coming from a home like that, I don't believe his problems/attitude are cured just bc he has a girlfriend.
Heyo dear anon! I haven’t gotten an ask actually directed to me and my preferences in a really long time so I was really excited when I saw this one pop up :O 
Honestly, there are a lot of reasons I don’t like Saeyoung. He’s not my least favourite route - that role goes to Jaehee and Yoosung - but he sure is my least favourite character. To explain, we only get to talk to these people for 11 very eventful days. That gives us just enough of an idea of what their character would be like in day to day life. I didn’t hate Seven’s route - since you know, it was super action filled and dramatic compared to Jaehee (most boring and bland route ever!) and Yoosung (compare me to Rika one more time I dare you) - but if I had to just hang out with Saeyoung on a normal day, something a little like for example the Christmas DLC, I wouldn’t last! 
Anyway, I already gave some arguments as to why I don’t like Seven in this post. 
To summarize:
1) He’s the ‘right’ choice
2) The story revolves around him
3) Way more content
4) No room for disagreement
For details on all of these, read the post. I elaborated on them in some detail. 
Now those arguments are pretty general, however I do have personal issues with his character as well. Funnily enough, I love his design. I actually liked his design better than Jumin’s when first seeing the playable characters which says a lot, because Jumin is my one and only.
I have OCPD. Now for anyone who doesn’t exactly know what that is, in short and simple it means that you are an extreme perfectionist. You have to have control over every situation, express your emotions in a very controlled manner if at all and are extremely orderly. I’m talking about sorting my books by author, category, colour and size and my clothes by colour and thickness/the weather I wear them to. My entire life is planned through and organized to the T. I am probably one of the most disciplined people you might ever meet…Saeyoung is the polar opposite of that.
His living situation says a lot about himHis ‘house’ is a disgusting mess and I wouldn’t last a day in there without wanting to pick up all the clothes and shit lying around to make it even remotely habitable. Not just that, but he’s a general mess when it comes to these things. I need everything to be structured and organized. He’s everything but!
So does the way he feeds himself…or doesn’tHis diet is repulsive and unhealthy as fuck. I don’t want to play his mommy that has to teach him how to feed himself properly but at the same time I don’t want my boyfriend/husband to eat like a 13 on his night alone at home. Heart disease much? No thank you.
His personality is fake as fuck as well as over the top and I don’t it at all. Something that people like to ignore is that this guy isn’t happy or playful at all. That isn’t Saeyoung, that is Seven. It’s a mask that he later on drops. Basically, we never really get to know Saeyoung, only Seven. Either way, this dude gives me a whiplash. He makes jokes as shitty as memes from 2009, constantly pranks people in such hurtful ways I don’t understand how anyone could find that funny and generally belittles other people for comedic effect. I don’t find him funny, I never laugh at his jokes and if I ever have to call him God707 (Napoleon complex much?!) ever again I might actually smash my head against a wall. He’s supposed to be quirky but that ain’t the good kind of quirky for me. What also bugs me about his humour is that it’s so thoughtless. A good joke can happen due to the right moment, but I generally prefer jokes that are somewhat planned and thought out, jokes you actually have to think about a little. For a genius he sure doesn’t think a lot.
His ‘depression’ is tiringOne moment he’s acting all happy go lucky, the next moment, however, some shit snaps and he turns into emoboy1996, constantly talking about death and how shit everything is etc. It’s tiring as fuck and just reminds me that his other behaviour is fake every single time. I had depression for many years, but I didn’t rub it in other people’s faces and I most certainly don’t make jokes about it. Wanting to kill yourself is some serious shit, the lowest any human being could feel, and he brushes it off and jokes about it off handedly. I find that to be disrespectful and frankly I question his ‘depression’ a lot of the times. I come from an abusive household myself so I know what kind of toll that can take on somebody. If he were to have depression I’d be happy to help him through it as best as I can, but with him it always feels so much more attention seeking than anything else.If he were truly depressed, he would ask for help properly, as in take it serious, or he’d suffer silently. His behaviour is short of erratic and ridiculous. Therefor, I can’t even take that serious about him, because he constantly joke about it. I know that recently it’s become ‘cool’ to have a mental illness and I literally saw a friendship goals post where two girls wrote how they were having a mental breakdown at the same time and apparently that was funny, but I just can’t laugh about shit like that. Frankly, to someone who actually still suffers and suffers on the inside as to not bother the people around themselves Seven and his bullshit behaviour are just a huge slap in the face. 
He makes a lot of dumb decisions and others have to clean up the mess for himTo me Saeyoung seems very thoughtless and undisciplined a lot of the time. Vanderwood has to clean for him, because he’s incapable. He can’t work because ‘there are other things on his mind’ that are more important than a certain commitment. Because he has bad memories of Christmas, he has to ruin it for the others. Keeping you away is such a good idea! Let’s break your heart on purpose and insult you while you’re at it, because that what he thinks is right and your opinion or feelings don’t mean square shit. Yoosung almost lost his eye forever, because Saeyoung can’t plan. His brother almost died, because Saeyoung can’t plan. You, Vanderwood and him almost died because he can’t fucking plan. Those are just a few instances, I could go on for hours. He acts very egocentric and rash as well as putting his wants and needs first a lot of the time. Not to mention that he seems incapable of taking anything serious or sticking to a deadline or deal. You can be laid back - heck I am laid back myself! - but at some point you have to be a grown-up and do the fucking tasks necessary to live like a normal human being. He fucks up even at the basics! Those are nasty traits to have. 
My head is a mess at the moment - University homework is killing my spirit - so I’m not as organized up top as I’d like to be, but all in all, those are some of the main reasons I don’t like him. It also doesn’t help that I find his voice soooooo annoying. I’m not a fan of Saeran’s voice either and I can’t stand whenever Zen sings, but otherwise the other voices have such positive impact on me while Saeyoung’s just drives me up the wall?
Jumin is like warm honey 
Jaehee is super soothing
V is soft and pleasant to listen to
Yoosung is sweet and excited
Zen is hot and seductive 
Saeyoung just sounds shrill and silly….
Obviously there are probably more reasons I don’t like him and probably a lot of them people won’t agree with and that’s fine! Everyone has their own personality and therefor prefers other traits. It’s all a matter of taste. Saeyoung just really, really, really isn’t mine.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
OPINION: I Don't Know Who'll Win the Anime Awards, But Here's Who Should
  Hi, everyone. My name is Kyle. I just started at Crunchyroll as an Editor last October. While I am new to the company, I am definitely not new to one thing in particular: having opinions about anime. With the Anime Awards upon us, I know just how many of those are flung across the dinner table, on Twitter, and wherever good anime is streamed. 
  In previous years, I watched the Anime Awards as a regular citizen. I voted alongside the general public, even for the previous "Best Manga" category! But this is my first time working on the show and seeing how the sausage is made FROM THE INSIDE. There's an incredible amount of work and energy that goes into making the event happen from people who don't get enough credit, and it's really incredible to be amongst a talented team. 
  But despite that.
  Not only do I disagree with some of the choices, but some of the best stuff wasn't even nominated!  
So today, I'm presenting you with some of my choices for Anime Awards winners [that are objectively correct choices that I think absolutely should win, despite what anyone else tells you. Anyone else who says otherwise are liars and don't know what they are talking about, but I do!] for a select few categories. If you really want to know who I'm cheering for this year, here's my card. 
  1. Best Fight Scene: Gio-Gio VS Cioccolatta (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind)
  How did this not get nominated? Seriously? It's the Seven-Page Muda! I couldn't believe it when I heard this didn't make the cut. It's one of the best scenes in all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! Unbelievable. Gio-Gio punches a guy for like 45 seconds! Ugh. Well, this scene also included Giorno's theme, which is a Best Score winner within itself, too. If I had to choose an actual nominee, Tanjiro and Nezuko vs. Rui should win, I guess. You all really loved that episode 19.  
2. Best Girl and Protagonist: Emma in The Promised Neverland
The Promised Neverland had one of the strongest starts to a show I've seen in a while, but it wouldn't be anything without the main trio of Emma, Norman, and Ray. I bundled together my vote for Best Girl and Best Protagonist to Emma because I don't think I've seen a character so positive in such a perilous situation. And I don't even mean in an over-the-top, exaggerated anime way. Emma is incredibly smart and knows exactly what she wants: for everyone to have a fair shot at living. Even working with the cold, calculating, logic-centric Ray, she has a "but we still have to try" attitude that resonates in the face of absolute despair. That sort of worldview really spoke to me this last year, and for that Emma deserves to take both categories.  
3. Best Boy: Bucciarati in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind
The original Gang-Star! The one who can taste lies and be a living corpse out of the sheer power of friendship (and spite). Bruno Bucciarati has it all. It takes a lot of leadership to try to overthrow an entire criminal organization, and if you can do some cool rocket-punches and have a killer style while doing it, what else can qualify you more for Best Boy? JoJo is all about their killer (pun intended) one-liners, and Bucciarati has one of the series' best. Yuichi Nakamura also earned my vote for "Best Voice Actor Performance (Japanese)" for pulling off such an iconic role. Here's to you, my favorite bowl-cut boy.
  4. Best Opening Sequence: Carole and Tuesday's "Kiss Me"
I have directed and storyboarded this Opening for Carole & Tuesday. The show is now on Netflix for everyone. director of the show is Shinichiro Watanabe. https://t.co/JeSAvIacwS
— BAHIJD バヒ・JD (@bahijd) August 31, 2019
  Not only is Kiss Me a great opener, this vote really goes to Bahi JD, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite animators. Seriously, have you seen his work?
  5. Best Director: Kunihiko Ikuhara for Sarazanmai
Kunihiko Ikuhara at his own exhibit
Did you know a lot of people have a lot of opinions about Kunihiko Ikuhara's work? I sure didn't know what I was getting myself into when I finally started watching his stuff last year. I only just watched Revolutionary Girl Utena last year when I found out the fine people at Nozomi Entertainment fully uploaded the series. I was really immersed in Utena's world and all the metaphors that I did or did not fully comprehend. Sarazanmai was the first Ikuhara project I was able to watch as it aired, riding the wave with everyone else and trying to figure out what the series was saying. Sarazanmai became appointment television for me in a world that increasingly doesn't even bother with the concept. I can totally understand if Sarazanmai is not your favorite Ikuhara show. He seems to have been reined in a little (either by his own volition or by someone else) as his stories have been comparatively condensed—Utena was 39 episodes compared to Penguindrum's 24, Yurikuma Arashi's 12, and Sarazanmai's 11. Even though I'm new to his work, I think one thing is perfectly clear: You never know what you're going to get. Equally important, he's willing to use stories as a way to talk about topics a lot of other artists wouldn't dare nor bother with. There's something to be said about making a series about little kappa boys so fun, insightful, and empathetic.    
  6. Anime of the Year: Vinland Saga
  When I took a final look at my choices, I noticed that I actually didn't choose Vinland Saga for a lot of the individual awards. "Best Drama" and Askeladd for "Best Antagonist"? Absolutely, no contest. But there were so many other good anime last year I believe deserve their respective rewards in the other categories.  So why did I vote for Vinland Saga for Anime of the Year in the end? Vinland Saga was one of those series I always heard about; That it was one of those truly incredible series. But either it wasn't available legally (until 2013 from Kodansha USA) or it was just too daunting to start. When the anime finally started in July last year, there was no better time to see what all the hype was about. There's something to be said about a show that perfectly transports you to a time and place and Vinland Saga did exactly that. WIT Studio's incredible art direction made me feel like I was in the old English countryside, back when castles were no more than fortified wooden buildings, and what it was like to look across the incredible vastness over a cliff or across the ocean. And in this time of overwhelming nature and space is an incredible story about a young boy who succumbs to the corrupting force of hatred while living in a culture that celebrates the road to death. The tragedy of seeing Thorfinn, a young boy raised to be so eager about battle, drowned in his own revenge after seeing the death of his father—who deliberately left a life of killing so his son wouldn't have to—is a gripping and, honestly, sad experience. More than anything, watching Vinland Saga made me actually feel like I was watching an Epic (in the traditional definition): Once I started, I was going to be invested in the foundational change of this world and the characters, which simultaneously felt so concentrated among the cast in the moment, but held far-ranging consequences over the horizon. I've pitched Vinland Saga to those unfamiliar as "Berserk without the fantasy," and I mean that with the utmost praise. 
  Also, both openings from Survive Said The Prophet and Man With A Mission absolutely slap. 
We're coming to a point within the anime industry where there's not much left untouched: Many of the critical hits are being developed and a lot of the old "forgotten" series are finally getting adaptations. We saw this with Devilman crybaby in 2018 and Fruits Basket last year, for example. Vinland Saga captures that same feeling of a great finally having the spotlight. After I looked at the other nominees for Anime of the Year, I couldn't have voted for anyone else.
  Anyway, here's me tomorrow when all of these choices are correct:
    Who did you vote for in this year's Anime Awards? Let us know in the comments below!
  Kyle Cardine is an Editor for Crunchyroll. You can find his Twitter here!
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